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The ABC's of Christian Giving

    Biblical Principles for Giving to God

               By Kevin G. Smith

1. Excuses                      • Why don't we give?
2. Defence                      • Why should we give?
3. Called                       • Who is called to give?
4. Beneficiaries                • To whom should we give?
5. Amount                       • How much should we give?

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Key Questions
Primary Question                       Secondary Questions
• What is the will of                  • What then shall we
  God regarding this                     do?
                                       • How then shall we
• We ask this question                   live?
  because we want to live in a
  way that is faithful to God?

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why don't we give?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why we do not give generously
Objection                       Statistics
• Many Christians do give       • There is research to suggest
  generously to the Lord and      that on average Christians
  his work.                       give 2-3 per cent of their
                                  income to the Lord.
• On Friday I heard about a
  church gives 80 per cent of   • The 80-20 principle applies
  its income away, and a          to church giving: 80 per cent
  pastor who gives away 30        of the giving comes from 20
  per cent of his income.         per cent of the people.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Typical Church Giving
80 per cent                           20 per cent
10 families contribute 80             40 families contribute 20
per cent of the church's              per cent of the church's
income.                               income.
Average giving of R3000               Average giving of R187.50
per family                            per family
This is a fairly typical scenario in a church. Amongst the 40 families that
contribute 20 per cent are some poor families who give generously out of
their limited means. However, there are also a number of families that have
the means to give, but do not give in proportion to their means.
5 reasons believers             1. They think they are too poor to
do not give                        give.

Many believers have             2. They wait for God to move their
the means to give                  hearts.
generously to God's
                                3. They do not understand God's
work, but they do
not do so because …
                                4. They are unfaithful and unwise
                                   stewards of God's provision.

                                5. They are greedy, rather than
                                   content with a simple lifestyle.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why do some not give?

1. They think they are          Consider:
   too poor to give.             • The women who gave
                                   her last two coins ().
                                 • The Macedonian
                                   Christians in 2 Cor. 8:1-

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why do some not give?

2. They wait for God            • Giving really is a matter
   to move their                  of the heart, but for
                                  many people God never
                                  touches their heart.
                                • One of the ways to
                                  know if Christ is Lord of
                                  your life is to see if he is
                                  Lord of your wallet.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why do some not give?

3. They do not                  There are two opposite
                                extremes here. There are
   understand God's             churches that manipulate
   will.                        giving every week, but there
                                are many that do not teach
                                their people God's will about
                                giving at all. Jesus Christ did
                                not hesitate to teach and
                                challenge people to be good
                                stewards of God's gifts.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

4. They are unfaithful             • They get themselves into
                                     debt through poor financial
   and unwise                        planning.
   stewards of God's

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

5. They are greedy,                Rich Mullins
   rather than content             "Everybody I know says
   with a simple                    they need just one thing,
   lifestyle.                       but what they really
                                    mean is they want just
                                    one thing more."

The ABC's of Christian Giving
1 Timothy 6:6-10
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we
brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing
out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be
content with that. People who want to get rich fall into
temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful
desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the
love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people,
eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced
themselves with many griefs.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from             Quotable
the love of money and be
content with what you                 "For a happy
have, because God has
said, "Never will I leave              life, want what
you; never will I forsake              you have."

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
5 reasons believers             1. We should give because we are
should give                        grateful to God.

There are many                  2. We should give because we
reasons to give. Let               have idolatrous hearts.
us note five of the
                                3. We should give because we
biblical reasons to
                                   value God’s workers.
                                4. We should give because God
                                   loves the poor.

                                5. We should give because God
                                   loves the lost.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

1. We should give                  Romans 12:1-2
   because we are                  Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in
                                   view of God’s mercy, to offer your
   grateful to God.                bodies as living sacrifices, holy and
                                   pleasing to God—this is your
                                   spiritual act of worship. Do not
                                   conform any longer to the pattern of
                                   this world, but be transformed by
                                   the renewing of your mind. Then you
                                   will be able to test and approve what
                                   God’s will is—his good, pleasing and
                                   perfect will.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

2. We should give                  Matthew 6:24
   because we have                 No one can serve two
   idolatrous hearts.              masters. Either he will hate
                                   the one and love the other,
                                   or he will be devoted to the
                                   one and despise the other.
                                   You cannot serve both God
                                   and Money.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

2. We should give                  Matthew 6:19-21
   because we have                 Do not store up for yourselves
   idolatrous hearts.              treasures on earth, where moth
                                   and rust destroy, and where thieves
                                   break in and steal. But store up for
                                   yourselves treasures in
                                   heaven, where moth and rust do
                                   not destroy, and where thieves do
                                   not break in and steal. For where
                                   your treasure is, there your heart
                                   will be also.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

3. We should give                  Luke 10:7
   because we value                Jesus speaking: "the
   God's workers.                  worker deserves his

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

4. We should give
   because God loves
   the poor.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Why should we give?

5. We should give
   because God loves
   the lost.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give generously?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who does God tell               1. The leaders should set an
to give?                           example of generous giving.
                                2. The people who benefit from
                                   a ministry should give to
                                   support that ministry.
                                3. The rich are especially called
                                   to give generously.
                                4. The poor are challenged to
                                   give in faith.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
1. The leaders should set               • David:
   an example of generous                 1 Chr. 29:1-14
                                        • Family leaders:
                                          Neh. 7:70-72
                                        • Barnabas:
                                          Acts 4:36-37

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
2. The people who                       Galatians 6:6
   benefit from a ministry
                                        Anyone who receives
   should give to support
                                        instruction in the word
   that ministry.
                                        must share all good things
                                        with his instructor.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
3. The rich are especially              1 Timothy 6:17-19
   called to give                       Command those who are rich in this
   generously.                          present world not to be arrogant nor to
                                        put their hope in wealth, which is so
                                        uncertain, but to put their hope in God,
                                        who richly provides us with everything
                                        for our enjoyment. Command them to
                                        do good, to be rich in good deeds, and
                                        to be generous and willing to share. In
                                        this way they will lay up treasure for
                                        themselves as a firm foundation for the
                                        coming age, so that they may take hold
                                        of the life that is truly life.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
3. The rich are especially              Mark 10:21-22
   called to give                       Jesus looked at him and loved
   generously.                          him. "One thing you lack," he said.
                                        "Go, sell everything you have and
                                        give to the poor, and you will have
                                        treasure in heaven. Then come,
                                        follow me."

                                        At this the man’s face fell. He went
                                        away sad, because he had great

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
3. The rich are especially              Interview with Rockefeller
   called to give
                                        Q How much is enough?
                                        A Just a little more.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
4. The poor are                         2 Corinthians 8:1-3a
   challenged to give in                And now, brothers, we want you
   faith.                               to know about the grace that God
                                        has given the Macedonian
                                        churches. Out of the most severe
                                        trial, their overflowing joy and
                                        their extreme poverty welled up
                                        in rich generosity. For I testify
                                        that they gave as much as they
                                        were able, and even beyond their

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Who should give?
4. The poor are                         2 Corinthians 8:3b-5
   challenged to give in
                                        Entirely on their own, they
   faith.                               urgently pleaded with us for
                                        the privilege of sharing in this
                                        service to the saints. And they
                                        did not do as we expected, but
                                        they gave themselves first to
                                        the Lord and then to us in
                                        keeping with God’s will.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?

1. We should give to the        1 Timothy 5:17-18
   local church.                The elders who direct the affairs
                                of the church well are worthy of
                                double honour, especially those
                                whose work is preaching and
                                teaching. For the Scripture says,
                                ‘Do not muzzle the ox while it is
                                treading out the grain,’ and ‘The
                                worker deserves his wages.’

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?
1. We should give to the        Galatians 6:6
   local church.
                                Anyone who receives
                                instruction in the word
                                must share all good things
                                with his instructor.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?
1. We should give to the
   local church.
2. We should give to
   advance the gospel.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?
1. We should give to the        Proverbs 19:17
   local church.
                                He who is kind to the poor
2. We should give to            lends to the Lord, and he
   advance the gospel.          will reward him for what
                                he has done.
3. We should give to
   brothers in need.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?
1. We should give to the        Galatians 6:10
   local church.
                                Therefore, as we have
2. We should give to            opportunity, let us do
   advance the gospel.          good to all people,
                                especially to those who
3. We should give to
                                belong to the family of
   brothers in need.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
To whom should we give?
1. We should give to the        1 Timothy 5:4
   local church.
                                But if a widow has children or
2. We should give to            grandchildren, these should
                                learn first of all to put their
   advance the gospel.
                                religion into practice by caring
3. We should give to            for their own family and so
   brothers in need.            repaying their parents and
                                grandparents, for this is
                                pleasing to God.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should we give?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should we give?
• Many churches have a fixed answer to this question:
  give 10 per cent (a tithe).
• In the Old Testament, God's people were told to give
  three tithes; these added up to just over 20 per cent
  of their income (21.7 to be exact).
• In the New Testament, God's people are told to give
  generously, but no percentage is specified. We need
  to discern what will please the Lord.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should                 1. We should give
we give?
Here are some
                                " On the first day of every week,
biblical principles
                                  each one of you should set aside
for deciding how
                                  a sum of money in keeping with
much God expects
                                  his income, saving it up, so that
us to give?
                                  when I come no collections will
                                  have to be made" (1 Cor. 16:2).

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should                 2. We should give
we give?
Here are some
                                " Remember this: Whoever sows
biblical principles
                                  sparingly will also reap sparingly,
for deciding how
                                  and whoever sows generously
much God expects
                                  will also reap generously." (2
us to give?
                                  Cor. 9:6).

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should                 3. We should give
we give?
Here are some
                                " Each man should give what he
biblical principles
                                  has decided in his heart to
for deciding how
                                  give, not reluctantly or under
much God expects
                                  compulsion, for God loves a
us to give?
                                  cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7).

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should                 4. We should give
we give?
Here are some
                                " Each man should give what he
biblical principles
                                  has decided in his heart to give,
for deciding how
                                  not reluctantly or under
much God expects
                                  compulsion, for God loves a
us to give?
                                  cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7).

The ABC's of Christian Giving
How much should we give?
• Instead of teaching us to obey the law of tithing, the
  New Testament teaches us to excel in the grace of
  giving (2 Cor. 8:7).
• You will need to decide how much that is in
  proportion to your income. I think 10 per cent is a
  good guideline for most people.
• If you give significantly less, I challenge you to work
  towards 10 per cent—gradually but deliberately.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
"Am I tipping God?"
• Do you spend more on DSTV than you give to the
  Lord's work?
• Do you spend more on alcohol or cigarettes than you
  give to the Lord's work?
• Do you spend more on cell phones than you give to
  the Lord's work?
• Do your children go to a private school, yet you give
  God a few hundred rand a month?
The ABC's of Christian Giving
What then shall we do?
   How then shall we live?


The ABC's of Christian Giving
Typical Church Giving
80 per cent                          20 per cent
10 families contribute 80            40 families contribute 20
per cent of the church's             per cent of the church's
income.                              income.
Average giving of R3000              Average giving of R187.50
per family                           per family
                                If you are in this group, I am not
                                speaking to you. God may
                                be, but I am not.

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Typical Church Giving
80 per cent                       20 per cent
10 families contribute 80         40 families contribute 20
per cent of the church's          per cent of the church's
income.                           income.
Average giving of R3000           Average giving of R187.50
per family                        per family
If you are in this group, and you
are poor, I am not speaking to

The ABC's of Christian Giving
Typical Church Giving
80 per cent                   20 per cent
10 families contribute 80 40 families contribute 20
per cent of the church's      per cent of the church's
income.                       income.
Average giving of R3000       Average giving of R187.50
per family                    per family
If you are in this group, and you
are not extremely poor, I am
trying to speak to you, and I
hope God is too.
The ABC's of Christian Giving
What then shall we do?
1. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ what he expects from you
   with respect to loving him with your income.
2. Repent for misusing your finances to serve your
   own greed, for the love of money [or things].
3. Set a goal for your giving, and milestones to get
4. Make sacrifices in your lifestyle so that you can
   begin giving to the Lord (and conquering greed).

The ABC's of Christian Giving

"Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and
see if I will not throw open the floodgates of
heaven and pour out so much blessing that you
will not have room enough for it."

The ABC's of Christian Giving

The ABC's of Christian Giving

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The ABCs of Christian Giving

  • 1. The ABC's of Christian Giving Biblical Principles for Giving to God By Kevin G. Smith
  • 2. Outline 1. Excuses • Why don't we give? 2. Defence • Why should we give? 3. Called • Who is called to give? 4. Beneficiaries • To whom should we give? 5. Amount • How much should we give? The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 3. Key Questions Primary Question Secondary Questions • What is the will of • What then shall we God regarding this do? matter? • How then shall we • We ask this question live? because we want to live in a way that is faithful to God? The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 4. Why don't we give? EXCUSES The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 5. Why we do not give generously Objection Statistics • Many Christians do give • There is research to suggest generously to the Lord and that on average Christians his work. give 2-3 per cent of their income to the Lord. • On Friday I heard about a church gives 80 per cent of • The 80-20 principle applies its income away, and a to church giving: 80 per cent pastor who gives away 30 of the giving comes from 20 per cent of his income. per cent of the people. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 6. Typical Church Giving 80 per cent 20 per cent 10 families contribute 80 40 families contribute 20 per cent of the church's per cent of the church's income. income. Average giving of R3000 Average giving of R187.50 per family per family This is a fairly typical scenario in a church. Amongst the 40 families that contribute 20 per cent are some poor families who give generously out of their limited means. However, there are also a number of families that have the means to give, but do not give in proportion to their means.
  • 7. 5 reasons believers 1. They think they are too poor to do not give give. Many believers have 2. They wait for God to move their the means to give hearts. generously to God's 3. They do not understand God's work, but they do will. not do so because … 4. They are unfaithful and unwise stewards of God's provision. 5. They are greedy, rather than content with a simple lifestyle. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 8. Why do some not give? 1. They think they are Consider: too poor to give. • The women who gave her last two coins (). • The Macedonian Christians in 2 Cor. 8:1- 5. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 9. Why do some not give? 2. They wait for God • Giving really is a matter to move their of the heart, but for many people God never hearts. touches their heart. • One of the ways to know if Christ is Lord of your life is to see if he is Lord of your wallet. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 10. Why do some not give? 3. They do not There are two opposite extremes here. There are understand God's churches that manipulate will. giving every week, but there are many that do not teach their people God's will about giving at all. Jesus Christ did not hesitate to teach and challenge people to be good stewards of God's gifts. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 11. Why should we give? 4. They are unfaithful • They get themselves into debt through poor financial and unwise planning. stewards of God's provision The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 12. Why should we give? 5. They are greedy, Rich Mullins rather than content "Everybody I know says with a simple they need just one thing, lifestyle. but what they really mean is they want just one thing more." The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 13. 1 Timothy 6:6-10 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 14. Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from Quotable the love of money and be content with what you "For a happy have, because God has said, "Never will I leave life, want what you; never will I forsake you have." you." The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 15. Why should we give? DEFENCE The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 16. 5 reasons believers 1. We should give because we are should give grateful to God. There are many 2. We should give because we reasons to give. Let have idolatrous hearts. us note five of the 3. We should give because we biblical reasons to value God’s workers. give. 4. We should give because God loves the poor. 5. We should give because God loves the lost. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 17. Why should we give? 1. We should give Romans 12:1-2 because we are Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your grateful to God. bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 18. Why should we give? 2. We should give Matthew 6:24 because we have No one can serve two idolatrous hearts. masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 19. Why should we give? 2. We should give Matthew 6:19-21 because we have Do not store up for yourselves idolatrous hearts. treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 20. Why should we give? 3. We should give Luke 10:7 because we value Jesus speaking: "the God's workers. worker deserves his wages." The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 21. Why should we give? 4. We should give because God loves the poor. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 22. Why should we give? 5. We should give because God loves the lost. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 23. Who should give generously? CALLED The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 24. Who does God tell 1. The leaders should set an to give? example of generous giving. 2. The people who benefit from a ministry should give to support that ministry. 3. The rich are especially called to give generously. 4. The poor are challenged to give in faith. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 25. Who should give? 1. The leaders should set • David: an example of generous 1 Chr. 29:1-14 giving • Family leaders: Neh. 7:70-72 • Barnabas: Acts 4:36-37 The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 26. Who should give? 2. The people who Galatians 6:6 benefit from a ministry Anyone who receives should give to support instruction in the word that ministry. must share all good things with his instructor. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 27. Who should give? 3. The rich are especially 1 Timothy 6:17-19 called to give Command those who are rich in this generously. present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 28. Who should give? 3. The rich are especially Mark 10:21-22 called to give Jesus looked at him and loved generously. him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 29. Who should give? 3. The rich are especially Interview with Rockefeller called to give Q How much is enough? generously. A Just a little more. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 30. Who should give? 4. The poor are 2 Corinthians 8:1-3a challenged to give in And now, brothers, we want you faith. to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 31. Who should give? 4. The poor are 2 Corinthians 8:3b-5 challenged to give in Entirely on their own, they faith. urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 32. To whom should we give? BENEFICIARIES The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 33. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the 1 Timothy 5:17-18 local church. The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.’ The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 34. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the Galatians 6:6 local church. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 35. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the local church. 2. We should give to advance the gospel. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 36. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the Proverbs 19:17 local church. He who is kind to the poor 2. We should give to lends to the Lord, and he advance the gospel. will reward him for what he has done. 3. We should give to brothers in need. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 37. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the Galatians 6:10 local church. Therefore, as we have 2. We should give to opportunity, let us do advance the gospel. good to all people, especially to those who 3. We should give to belong to the family of brothers in need. believers. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 38. To whom should we give? 1. We should give to the 1 Timothy 5:4 local church. But if a widow has children or 2. We should give to grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their advance the gospel. religion into practice by caring 3. We should give to for their own family and so brothers in need. repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 39. How much should we give? AMOUNT The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 40. How much should we give? • Many churches have a fixed answer to this question: give 10 per cent (a tithe). • In the Old Testament, God's people were told to give three tithes; these added up to just over 20 per cent of their income (21.7 to be exact). • In the New Testament, God's people are told to give generously, but no percentage is specified. We need to discern what will please the Lord. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 41. How much should 1. We should give we give? proportionately. Here are some " On the first day of every week, biblical principles each one of you should set aside for deciding how a sum of money in keeping with much God expects his income, saving it up, so that us to give? when I come no collections will have to be made" (1 Cor. 16:2). The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 42. How much should 2. We should give we give? generously. Here are some " Remember this: Whoever sows biblical principles sparingly will also reap sparingly, for deciding how and whoever sows generously much God expects will also reap generously." (2 us to give? Cor. 9:6). The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 43. How much should 3. We should give we give? cheerfully. Here are some " Each man should give what he biblical principles has decided in his heart to for deciding how give, not reluctantly or under much God expects compulsion, for God loves a us to give? cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7). The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 44. How much should 4. We should give we give? deliberately. Here are some " Each man should give what he biblical principles has decided in his heart to give, for deciding how not reluctantly or under much God expects compulsion, for God loves a us to give? cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7). The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 45. How much should we give? • Instead of teaching us to obey the law of tithing, the New Testament teaches us to excel in the grace of giving (2 Cor. 8:7). • You will need to decide how much that is in proportion to your income. I think 10 per cent is a good guideline for most people. • If you give significantly less, I challenge you to work towards 10 per cent—gradually but deliberately. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 46. "Am I tipping God?" • Do you spend more on DSTV than you give to the Lord's work? • Do you spend more on alcohol or cigarettes than you give to the Lord's work? • Do you spend more on cell phones than you give to the Lord's work? • Do your children go to a private school, yet you give God a few hundred rand a month? The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 47. What then shall we do? How then shall we live? APPLICATIONS The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 48. Typical Church Giving 80 per cent 20 per cent 10 families contribute 80 40 families contribute 20 per cent of the church's per cent of the church's income. income. Average giving of R3000 Average giving of R187.50 per family per family If you are in this group, I am not speaking to you. God may be, but I am not. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 49. Typical Church Giving 80 per cent 20 per cent 10 families contribute 80 40 families contribute 20 per cent of the church's per cent of the church's income. income. Average giving of R3000 Average giving of R187.50 per family per family If you are in this group, and you are poor, I am not speaking to you. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 50. Typical Church Giving 80 per cent 20 per cent 10 families contribute 80 40 families contribute 20 per cent of the church's per cent of the church's income. income. Average giving of R3000 Average giving of R187.50 per family per family If you are in this group, and you are not extremely poor, I am trying to speak to you, and I hope God is too. The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 51. What then shall we do? 1. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ what he expects from you with respect to loving him with your income. 2. Repent for misusing your finances to serve your own greed, for the love of money [or things]. 3. Set a goal for your giving, and milestones to get there. 4. Make sacrifices in your lifestyle so that you can begin giving to the Lord (and conquering greed). The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 52. Malachi "Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." The ABC's of Christian Giving
  • 53. THE END The ABC's of Christian Giving

Editor's Notes

  1. identity
  2. There is a right and a wrong way to ask the question, "What is God's will?"The way of faithfulness. The right way is with a heart desiring to be faithful to him. We should be saying, "Lord Jesus, I really want to do your will; please show what it will take for me to give in a way that will please you."The way of legalism. The wrong way is with a heart desiring to get away with the minimum. We should not be looking for ways to cut corners in our favour. I have met people who say, We give 10 per cent. But what they mean is, I earn R50000 but after I have paid all my expenses, I only have R1000 left, so I give God R100.
  3. 1. Under too poor to give, comment on the woman with the two coins and the Macedonian Christians in 2 Cor. 8:1-5.2. 3. There are two opposite extremes here. There are churches that manipulate giving, but there are many who do not teach their people God's will about giving at all. Many Christians tip God. They think God is satisfied with their scraps. He is not! (e.g. Malachi 1).4-5. These last two are the primary reasons I want to focus our attention on.
  4. Please note that the list does not include, "You should give because the church needs your money." There are two truths: (1) The church does need money to minister. (2) You are not the church's source. In other words, if you are unfaithful to God, God remains faithful to his church. He will supply its needs, with or without your contribution.
  5. Set the record straight: If you don't trust the church with your money, either get your heart right or find a church you trust, but don't use that as an excuse for not giving to the church.
  6. Explain that I do not give to charities, etc.I give to the family of believers.
  7. Explain that I do not give to charities, etc.I give to the family of believers.
  8. We should not give haphazardly; giving is an act of worship, and we should worship God intentionally.We could add sacrificially, cheerfully, etc.We should give enough to glorify God. (2 Cor. 9:11)We should give in response to a faith commitment to give. (Giving is a matter of the heart and a matter of faith.)