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This project was part of Initiative’s Consumer
Connections global research program which now
spans in excess of 50 countries. Our study’s sample
was designed to identify those actively engaged in
social media. As a result we conducted 8014 online
interviews with consumers aged 18-54. Interlocking
age/gender and regional quotas were set to reflect the
national population in each country, the only exceptions
being China where the focus was on Tier 1, Tier 2 and
Tier 3 cities and Canada where the Nunavut, NWT,
Yukon regions were excluded. We used complex
factor analysis to identify drivers of social behavior. This
enabled us to quantify consumers’ social influence and
identify those who are leveraging their superior social
connections to influence purchase decisions.
the age of social influence

The importance of social media has been discussed at length
for several years now. We know that in many markets time spent
online has surpassed that of TV and that daily social media usage is
continuing to increase.

We know that the once linear and transaction-centric purchase funnel
is now multi-directional, random and heavily influenced by opinion and
information gathered by consumers. And we know that because of
social media and technology, consumers can now enter the purchase
cycle at various points, and spontaneously influence others as they
travel along the path the purchase.

But do we really understand how marketers can unlock the real value
of all this? Do we know how social media works with other more
established media? And do we know how to harness the power of
social media for real commercial gain?

In order to find answers to some of these crucial questions, Initiative
set out to explore the individual and combined strength of TV, social
and mobile, and how consumer interaction with each has altered the
path to purchase. Specifically, we wanted to investigate:

•	 How do we produce greater synergy between our siloed
   media, social and mobile budgets and tactics that result in a
   greater return on investment?

•	 What are the impact of social, TV and mobile on shopper

•	 What role does consumer influence play along the path to

To do so, we conducted a global online study among 8014 web users
aged 16-54 across eight countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada,
China, Germany, the Netherlands, the US and the UK. We also spoke
one-on-one with a group of super influencers in the US and the UK to
gain a better understanding of social behavior.
Media synergy accelerates
    the purchase process

    For many years, forward-thinking marketers have called for greater
    integration between their online and offline touchpoints in the hope of
    creating a multiplier effect that drives greater reach and scale. However,
    our study found that while the integration of social, TV and mobile
    has indeed altered the way consumers make decisions about brands,
    it is not because of their ability to simply multiply brand messages.
    Increasingly, consumers are becoming the driving force powering what,
    when and where brand interactions occur. Based upon our findings,
    Initiative believes that by leveraging the consumer’s natural inclination
    to engage with media across multiple screens and social media, we
    can create a consumer-powered media synergy effect that is both
    non-linear and emotional - driving deeper engagement and trust. The
    result is an acceleration of the purchase process unobtainable by any
    of the three media independently.

    We have identified three strategies for marketers that use the combined
    power of social, mobile and TV to navigate through the complexity:

    Three strategies for marketers



       THE SOCIAL                                 OPTIMIZING
       INFLUENCER                                 TO PRODUCE

                         TRANSFORMING A
                         ‘POINT OF
                         INTO A
                         CALL TO
1         Tapping into the power source
          – the social influencer

First, marketers must seed messages with consumer influencers who
have the ability to quickly and effortlessly amplify brand messages
across their large social circles. While this is not a new idea, social media
has changed the size of influencers in the population and the speed
with which messages can spread. Back in 1962, sociologist Everett
Rogers popularized the Diffusion of Innovation theory estimating that
only 2.5% of a given population are innovators, being the first to adopt
new innovations and influence others to try them. We identified that
10% of online users have a disproportionate share of influence - we
focused on this group and called them the “Top 10%”. These super
influencers are defined by several key attributes and behaviors: having
higher levels of media consumption, a social predisposition and wide
category shopping; being more likely to research products online and
make recommendations to others.

These social extroverts have significantly larger social circles than
those with lower influence and a higher proportion of their regular
social contacts (every 1-2 weeks) are communicated with online.

Focus your marketing on the most influential

                          21                                                      TOP
                                                                                10% 10%
       BUT NONE ONLINE    10                                                    INFLUENCERS                INFLUENCERS

            PLUS ONLINE   7
 BUT NONE FACE TO FACE    9                                                     Average number of people in my social circle
                                                                                  Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
TOP                                                                   BOTTOM
  10% 10%
     INFLUENCERS                                                                   INFLUENCERS


              SMARTPHONE                                     LAPTOP                      TABLET                   OTHER MOBILE
              86% 30%                                        98% 97%                     53% 5%                   25% 46%

    88%                                              25%                     Talk on a smartphone
      84%                                                        64%         Send or receive email
      84%                                            26%                     Text on a smartphone/mobile
        77%                                                47%               Access a social networking site/microsite
        77%                                9%                                Chat using instant messaging services
               60%                             14%                           Read an online forum/discussion
                58%                       2%                                 Send an MMS/picture message on a mobile
                58%                                  27%                     Socialise with others at home
                    52%                    7%                                Contribute to an online forum/discussion
                    52%                        12%                           Socialise with others outside the home
                     48%                   9%                                Participate in online gaming
                          38%             2%                                 Video conference                               69%

                                30%                  31%

                                                                       2%                               2%                1%
               1%               1%                   1%                               1%

            More than           Once            More than          Every            Every            Less often          Never
            once a day          a day          once a week       1-2 weeks        3-4 weeks

Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
The Top 10% are “Media Mavens” who skillfully navigate between
the offline and online media, from reading both printed and digital
magazines and newspapers to accessing the mobile internet – which
72% of them do once a day or more, compared to only 18% of the
Bottom 10%. When it comes to technology, the Top 10% are also
more likely to own smartphones and tablet computers, as well as
use technology as a social tool. The frequency with which the Top
10% use technology such as Skype, instant messenger (IM), mobile
and social networking to supplement face to face conversations is
also higher across the board. Their influence comes from their above
average use of social media, with 79% using it more than once a day
(vs. 29% of the Bottom 10%) and spending on average three hours a
week engaged with it.

But, most importantly to marketers, 99% of these influencers say that
their friends ask their opinion before making an important purchase,
compared to just 13% of the Bottom 10%. They are also extremely
active during the zero moment of truth - more likely to research or
talk about their forthcoming purchase online using social media and
                                                                           Case study: Stimorol
mobile before making their purchase decision. Compare this to the
                                                                           Stimorol in Denmark was planning to
“Bottom 10%”– as many as 29% failed to research any products/
                                                                           launch a new “senses” flavor gum: the
services online before purchasing versus just 1% of the Top 10%.           “Mega Mystery Gum”, targeted at 18 –
The Top 10% are more likely to discuss certain types of high               25 year olds. In order to target “social
engagement product categories such as mobile, travel, fashion, music       influencers”, IUM Denmark decided to use
                                                                           Stimorol’s Facebook page as the platform
and even beauty and personal care. Marketers should monitor these
                                                                           for the campaign. Leveraging Stimorol’s
discussions and create platforms for positive sentiment to be used to      association with music, IUM engaged
influence other consumers in the consideration stage.                      the brand’s Facebook community with a
                                                                           contest where six Danish cities battled
                                                                           for the chance to win one of three Mega
By leveraging their influence, marketers can inject a trusted voice into
                                                                           Mystery club parties, featuring famous
the path to purchase with the ability to influence in real-time.           club DJs. This would see social influencers
                                                                           on Facebook and other social platforms
                                                                           leading the activity to drive support for their
  Implications for marketers                                               city’s bid to win a party. Supported with TV,
                                                                           radio and PR the campaign saw the Mega
                                                                           Mystery Gum become the best selling of all
  •	 Don’t ignore social influencers. They can become your                 Stimorol’s senses flavours and entered the
     biggest brand advocates, standing behind your brand                   top five gums across COOP supermarket
     with conviction. Show respect to influencers and they                 chain.
     will respect your brand.

  •	 Engage with social influencers early and often. They
     have the power to make or break campaigns. Test brand
     messages with them pre-launch and carefully monitor
     their feedback during the duration of the campaign.

  •	 	nvest in social influence programs – earned media
     comes at a cost.
Optimizing touchpoints
                                       to create synergy                                                          2
                                               Media synergy also demands that marketers re-evaluate how they
                                               perceive media and its role in the purchase process. Too often,
                                               media is relegated to driving awareness, consideration and buzz, but
                                               if planned properly media can make a much bigger impact. When
                                               selectively combined, TV, social and mobile create a dynamic path to
                                               purchase that speeds up the overall decision-making and purchase
                                               process, while making shoppers feel good about their choice.

                                               We discovered that each medium examined in our study was found to
                                               have core strengths (see right). We also found that certain countries
                                               had a greater affinity for social and mobile as a marketing vehicle. For
                                               instance, in Argentina, online users are more likely than other countries
                                               in our study to think social media “helps you share important info
                                               about a brand with others,” (70%), “find out more about a brand that
                                               you are interested in,” (57%) and “provides you with an unbiased and
Case study: Carling                            trusted recommendation about a product/service or a brand,” (51%).
Carling Black Label wanted to get              On the other end of the spectrum, online users in the Netherlands had
consumers to reappraise the brand. The
                                               the least favorable perceptions about social media’s role in marketing.
beer brand signed a five-year sponsorship
deal with South African soccer giants Kaizer   Only 24% believe that social media provides unbiased and trusted
Chiefs and Orlando Pirates to leverage the     brand recommendations and a little over a third (36%) think it is helpful
fanaticism around football and engage with     for sharing brand information.
nearly 90% of its target audience. With the
critical insight that “everybody wants to be
a coach” Carling Black Label organised a       When it comes to internet-enabled mobile, Chinese online users
match between the two Soweto giants            have a greater affinity for mobile with 77% having personal use of a
and let the fans choose the teams. Driving     smartphone compared to 58% of total online users in our study. Their
both awareness and participation would be
                                               mobile usage is also more varied as they use their smartphones in the
critical for the success of the campaign.
Initiative Media used a combination of TV      following ways more than once a week: 63% - wifi access, 61% - mp3
and print to call for the “couch coaches”      player, 57% - video camera, 41% - instant messaging, 40% - video
to choose players. Social media was then       player.
used to encourage interaction between
the fans, and mobile and online advertising
was used to drive people to the brand’s        It is no surprise that they also rate mobile more favorably as a vehicle for
Facebook page. Over 10.5 million team          interacting with brands. For them, mobile provides basic information
votes were recorded and over 11 million        about brands (41%), is a way to find out more about a brand that you
bottle tops were redeemed. Carling Black
                                               are interested in (40%) and share important information about a brand
Label had the highest awareness of
promotions advertising in the beer market      with others (38%).
during the campaign.
                                               Media planners and buyers are well versed in the role of media as
                                               a communication vehicle, but now must expand their expertise to
                                               include how different combinations of online and offline media perform
                                               as a point of influence.
Media synergy: How touchpoints work together

                             TV AD
                             Convincing consumers
                             of their wants and desires

                                                              PROMPTING YOU
                                                               TO TRY OR BUY
                                                                  A BRAND
                                                                                                   GIVING YOU
                                                                                               BASIC INFORMATION
                                                                                                ABOUT A BRAND

                                        MAKING YOU
                                         AWARE OF
                                        NEW BRANDS
                                                                                 HELPING YOU SHARE
                                                                               IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                                                   ABOUT A BRAND
                                                                                    WITH OTHERS

                             46% 37%
                            THE APPEAL                       HELPING YOU
                                                            FIND OUT MORE
                           OF THE BRAND                     ABOUT A BRAND
                                                                                      PROVIDING YOU
                                                                                      WITH A TRUSTED
                                                                                      ABOUT A BRAND

                                            HELPING YOU            33%
                                           FIND OUT MORE           INCREASING YOUR
                                           ABOUT A BRAND             LOYALTY TO A
                                                                    FAVORITE BRAND

                           Instantly connects
                           consumers to in-depth
                           product information                                                    Influences by
                                                                                                  leveraging peer
                                                                                                  and expert advice

Q: Thinking about the range of different resources - social media, internet enabled mobiles/
smartphones, TV shows and TV ads - which of the tasks shown here are these things good at?
Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
Social media’s sphere of influence

             40%             OR TALKED
                             ABOUT ONLINE
                             BEFORE BUYING

Web users*


                             USING SOCIAL

                             THROUGH A
                             SOCIAL MEDIA

                    Mobile phones     PC, laptops      Travel, flight    Household         Home           Fashion,          Beauty or
                     & services        or tablet         or hotel       appliances      entertaining    clothing &       personal care
                                      computers                                         equipment      accessories         products

Q: Which of these products/services have you ever...
* Percentage of web users who have shopped for the listed categories in the last two years and used social touchpoints
Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
3          Transforming a ‘point of
           influence’ into a call to action

Consumers are organically having conversations about brands prior
to purchase, but marketers are not always using these conversations
as a distinct point of influence on the path to purchase. We also found
that these points of influence occur across categories.

Once marketers can establish where their points of influence are for
their category and brands, we think there is an opportunity to create
social environments that transform organic community conversations
into product information portals. Once inside the portal, consumers
seeking brand information should be given the option to obtain more
information, participate in a brand experience that underscores brand
benefits, request a sample or more personalized information or link to
make a purchase.
                                                                          Case study: Kia
By converting influence into action, marketers can use media more         Optima, one of Kia’s core sales vehicles
effectively, and improve the consumer and shopper experience by           was relaunching with an upgraded product
providing relevant information and expediting the shopping process. In    offering. Optima now had innovative and
                                                                          futuristic brand attributes, but was more
return, consumers are more likely to share positive experiences about
                                                                          positioned among mature drivers. We
brands with their communities and hopefully become brand loyal.           needed to attract a younger audience and
                                                                          get people talking about Optima in a new
                                                                          way. The NBA, with its All-Star game, would
                                                                          be an ideal platform to engage our social
  Implications for marketers                                              influencers. Kia came up with an idea that
                                                                          would get these key influencers talking
  •	 Build branded platforms and tools that help amplify the              and drive the social conversation all the
     social curator’s voice.                                              way to Kia’s website. We collaborated with
                                                                          basketball star Blake Griffin, who agreed to
  •	 Go far beyond the 30-second spot and create additional               jump over a Kia Optima during the All Star
                                                                          game. The conversation on social platforms
     content, such as behind the scenes footage, historical
                                                                          caught fire, driven by our partnership
     timelines and cultural associations. These will drive                athletes and celebrities who were all
     discussions and provide a link to brand discovery.                   tweeting about the jump. Search and social
                                                                          worked in tandem and there were overlays
  •	 	 nlist a team of brand and category relevant social
     E                                                                    on YouTube with a clear “call to action”
     influencers to preview new products and campaigns,                   driving people to the Optima Explore page.
                                                                          And Kia’s audience certainly heeded the call
     stimulate dialogue and disseminate content along the
                                                                          – Kia saw a 24% increase in sales following
     path to purchase.                                                    the All-Star weekend.
How to create a media synergy
      effect for your brands

        Find your brand’s Top 10%
        In addition to the robust consumer segmentation studies conducted
        by many marketers to create clusters of consumers based upon
        purchasing behavior, we suggest completing a comprehensive analysis
        of social influence. This would be achieved by determining which
        consumers have the potential to influence the purchase decisions of
        others. Our Influencer Multiplier is a proprietary scoring method that
        quantifies the relationship between sociability, purchase behaviour,
        and media consumption.

        The Influence Multiplier can be used to optimize media plans by
        ensuring that the Top 10% are adequately represented within the
        consumer audience. Since they are an influential source of category
        and brand information, their inclusion allows brand messages to reach
        more people in less time. On a global basis, marketers can use the
        Influence Multiplier to help prioritize media budgets between markets
        based upon the strength of national scores. We have found that
        individual market scores vary due to the different media landscapes,
        stage of technological development and cultural drivers. Our analysis
        suggests that a marketing message is more likely to spread quickly in
        markets with a higher Influencer Multiplier score.
Create immersive multi-screen
Marketers can design personal brand experiences by creating
media synergy across multiple screens that provide a meaningful
and actionable brand experience. This can be achieved by carefully
studying the consumer’s media multitasking behavior, their path to
purchase, and understanding their motivations and preferences (eg,
unique content, access and experiences). By leveraging these insights,
a message broadcast to the masses on television can directly create
a personal, customizable, consumer-powered experience in search,
mobile, and social media.

These immersive brand stories are already being told by brands such      Case study: F&N
as H&M, Century 21 and GE who are using TV to direct viewers to          Soft drink brand F&N in Malaysia had been
a richer online or mobile brand experience, as seen in campaigns         synonymous with fun for many years, but
executed during this year’s US Super Bowl. For example, brands that      was under attack from Fanta which was
                                                                         encroaching on its space and growing
made the most of their Super Bowl advertising investment ($3.5m for
                                                                         market share. In order to regain its territory,
a 30-second TV spot) led with TV with visible calls to action, such      Initiative Malaysia tapped into the ‘dance
as a URL or Twitter hashtags. Successful brands intuitively navigated    reality’ phenomenon and created a massive
their consumers to other paid media, such as search and mobile,          ‘dance mob’ that saw TV and social
                                                                         working in combination across a full multi-
complementary owned media and earned media touch points. Social
                                                                         screen experience. The F&N Custom Song
was then used to extend the experience and brand engagement with         & Dance was introduced via Malaysia’s first
relevant social response. (IPG Mediabrands Digital Marketing Report      outdoor augmented reality screen (utilizing
2012 Super Bowl™)                                                        the largest LED screen in the country).
                                                                         People learned the dance moves and saw
                                                                         themselves live with the virtual dancers. The
                                                                         experience then extended across TV – with
  Implications for marketers                                             celebrity hosts picking up the dance moves
                                                                         – online through F&N’s Facebook page
                                                                         and then amplified with online coverage
  •	 Anticipate online/offline interactions across multiple
                                                                         by the leading online newspapers. With
     screens. Be ready for 24/7 connectivity, immediate                  86% of the youth target engaged via
     search-and-find, and on-demand delivery.                            the campaign, F&N saw a massive 18%
                                                                         increase in spontaneous brand awareness
  •	 Set aside an emerging technology exploration budget                 and maintained its market-leading position.
     to become comfortable with the unknown.  Keeping
     your finger on the pulse is the only way to stay ahead of
     social influencers.

  •	 Forget waiting to discuss must-see TV around the
     water cooler, activate Social + TV to give viewers
     the opportunity to join in real time discussion and
Integrate everything
Media synergy is not business as usual, it requires new beliefs,
practices and organizational structure. While many have adopted
integrated marketing in theory, nearly 20 years after its conception,
most organizations function in separate silos. To create a media
synergy effect, marketing departments such as brand management,
advertising, media and digital, as well as their accompanying budgets
will need to be integrated. If physical integration of a company’s
marketing departments is not feasible, then an integrated planning
approach with frequent communication among cross-disciplinary
teams is a must.

Integration is also required outside of an advertiser’s marketing
department. Marketing will need to work more closely with other
departments such as customer service or retail/trade to activate,
monitor and respond to conversations occurring at the points of
influence. Additionally, marketers will need to seek new methods
of collaboration among groups of agency, media and technology
partners that may have once seemed unimaginable. Those who are
nimble enough to adapt to new work styles or have the capability to
deploy technology solutions that facilitate integration will win.

  Implications for marketers

  •	 Train team members to become “T-shaped” – being
     specialized has its limitations. Marketing organizations
     need talent with broader communications expertise and
     that ability to creatively solve problems.

  •	 Bring the team together to create team respect that
     drives collaboration. Encourage an agency exchange
     program across partners. Designate time for specialists
     in media, advertising, design, digital and public relations
     to gain respect for aspects of building connections.
     Learn how ideas are originated, cultivated, executed
     and optimized.

1		   Target the power source. Target the top 10%
      of influencers in order to accelerate marketing

2		   Engage with social influencers early and often. They
      have the power to make or break campaigns. Test
      brand messages with them pre-launch and carefully
      monitor their feedback during the duration of the

3		   Go far beyond the 30-second spot and create
      additional content, such as behind the scenes
      footage, historical timelines and cultural associations
      to drive discussion and provide a link to brand

4		   Enlist a team of brand and category relevant
      social influencers to preview new products and
      campaigns, stimulate dialogue and disseminate
      content along the path to purchase.

5		   Integrate everything. Encourage an agency
      exchange program across partners. Designate time
      for specialists in all agencies to gain respect for
      aspects of building connections.
About Initiative

Initiative is a performance-led media communications company.

Initiative believes that all marketing should be performance-driven. Data, analytics, insight and innovation are
central to all our services, and we hold ourselves fully accountable to client business goals. This commitment to
performance is at the heart of Initiative’s unique process and culture.

Owned by the Interpublic Group, Initiative is part of media management group Mediabrands and a partner of Magna,
IPG’s centralized media negotiation entity. Initiative employs more than 2500 talented professionals, working in 89
offices across 71 markets, worldwide.

Initiative’s comprehensive range of performance-led communications services include: research and insight, media
planning and buying, digital communications solutions, content creation, and evaluation and accountability services.

Consumer Connections

Through our Consumer Connections program of research, we are connected to 230,000+ consumers across more
than 50 markets. We interact with these consumers to understand purchase patterns and media behaviors across
continents to bring fresh insight into their lives and the role of the brands they use. The powerful single source data
we gather as part of this programme also informs planning decisions delivering enhanced ROI for our clients.


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The Age of Social Influencer

  • 2. Methodology This project was part of Initiative’s Consumer Connections global research program which now spans in excess of 50 countries. Our study’s sample was designed to identify those actively engaged in social media. As a result we conducted 8014 online interviews with consumers aged 18-54. Interlocking age/gender and regional quotas were set to reflect the national population in each country, the only exceptions being China where the focus was on Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and Canada where the Nunavut, NWT, Yukon regions were excluded. We used complex factor analysis to identify drivers of social behavior. This enabled us to quantify consumers’ social influence and identify those who are leveraging their superior social connections to influence purchase decisions.
  • 3. the age of social influence The importance of social media has been discussed at length for several years now. We know that in many markets time spent online has surpassed that of TV and that daily social media usage is continuing to increase. We know that the once linear and transaction-centric purchase funnel is now multi-directional, random and heavily influenced by opinion and information gathered by consumers. And we know that because of social media and technology, consumers can now enter the purchase cycle at various points, and spontaneously influence others as they travel along the path the purchase. But do we really understand how marketers can unlock the real value of all this? Do we know how social media works with other more established media? And do we know how to harness the power of social media for real commercial gain? In order to find answers to some of these crucial questions, Initiative set out to explore the individual and combined strength of TV, social and mobile, and how consumer interaction with each has altered the path to purchase. Specifically, we wanted to investigate: • How do we produce greater synergy between our siloed media, social and mobile budgets and tactics that result in a greater return on investment? • What are the impact of social, TV and mobile on shopper decision-making? • What role does consumer influence play along the path to purchase? To do so, we conducted a global online study among 8014 web users aged 16-54 across eight countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, the Netherlands, the US and the UK. We also spoke one-on-one with a group of super influencers in the US and the UK to gain a better understanding of social behavior.
  • 4. Media synergy accelerates the purchase process For many years, forward-thinking marketers have called for greater integration between their online and offline touchpoints in the hope of creating a multiplier effect that drives greater reach and scale. However, our study found that while the integration of social, TV and mobile has indeed altered the way consumers make decisions about brands, it is not because of their ability to simply multiply brand messages. Increasingly, consumers are becoming the driving force powering what, when and where brand interactions occur. Based upon our findings, Initiative believes that by leveraging the consumer’s natural inclination to engage with media across multiple screens and social media, we can create a consumer-powered media synergy effect that is both non-linear and emotional - driving deeper engagement and trust. The result is an acceleration of the purchase process unobtainable by any of the three media independently. We have identified three strategies for marketers that use the combined power of social, mobile and TV to navigate through the complexity: Three strategies for marketers 1 TAPPING INTO 2 THE POWER SOURCE THE SOCIAL OPTIMIZING TOUCHPOINTS INFLUENCER TO PRODUCE SYNERGY 3 TRANSFORMING A ‘POINT OF INFLUENCE’ INTO A CALL TO ACTION
  • 5. 1 Tapping into the power source – the social influencer First, marketers must seed messages with consumer influencers who have the ability to quickly and effortlessly amplify brand messages across their large social circles. While this is not a new idea, social media has changed the size of influencers in the population and the speed with which messages can spread. Back in 1962, sociologist Everett Rogers popularized the Diffusion of Innovation theory estimating that only 2.5% of a given population are innovators, being the first to adopt new innovations and influence others to try them. We identified that 10% of online users have a disproportionate share of influence - we focused on this group and called them the “Top 10%”. These super influencers are defined by several key attributes and behaviors: having higher levels of media consumption, a social predisposition and wide category shopping; being more likely to research products online and make recommendations to others. These social extroverts have significantly larger social circles than those with lower influence and a higher proportion of their regular social contacts (every 1-2 weeks) are communicated with online. Focus your marketing on the most influential 21 TOP 10% 10% BOTTOM REGULAR FACE TO FACE CONTACT BUT NONE ONLINE 10 INFLUENCERS INFLUENCERS 38 REGULAR FACE TO FACE CONTACT PLUS ONLINE 7 46 REGULAR ONLINE CONTACT BUT NONE FACE TO FACE 9 Average number of people in my social circle Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
  • 6. TOP BOTTOM 10% 10% INFLUENCERS INFLUENCERS DEVICES OWNED SMARTPHONE LAPTOP TABLET OTHER MOBILE 86% 30% 98% 97% 53% 5% 25% 46% SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ON AND OFFLINE 88% 25% Talk on a smartphone 84% 64% Send or receive email 84% 26% Text on a smartphone/mobile 77% 47% Access a social networking site/microsite 77% 9% Chat using instant messaging services 60% 14% Read an online forum/discussion 58% 2% Send an MMS/picture message on a mobile 58% 27% Socialise with others at home 52% 7% Contribute to an online forum/discussion 52% 12% Socialise with others outside the home 48% 9% Participate in online gaming 38% 2% Video conference 69% FREQUENCY OF RECOMMENDING A PRODUCT OR SERVICE ONLINE 30% 31% 25% 22% 9% 5% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% More than Once More than Every Every Less often Never once a day a day once a week 1-2 weeks 3-4 weeks Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
  • 7. The Top 10% are “Media Mavens” who skillfully navigate between the offline and online media, from reading both printed and digital magazines and newspapers to accessing the mobile internet – which 72% of them do once a day or more, compared to only 18% of the Bottom 10%. When it comes to technology, the Top 10% are also more likely to own smartphones and tablet computers, as well as use technology as a social tool. The frequency with which the Top 10% use technology such as Skype, instant messenger (IM), mobile and social networking to supplement face to face conversations is also higher across the board. Their influence comes from their above average use of social media, with 79% using it more than once a day (vs. 29% of the Bottom 10%) and spending on average three hours a week engaged with it. But, most importantly to marketers, 99% of these influencers say that their friends ask their opinion before making an important purchase, compared to just 13% of the Bottom 10%. They are also extremely active during the zero moment of truth - more likely to research or talk about their forthcoming purchase online using social media and Case study: Stimorol mobile before making their purchase decision. Compare this to the Stimorol in Denmark was planning to “Bottom 10%”– as many as 29% failed to research any products/ launch a new “senses” flavor gum: the services online before purchasing versus just 1% of the Top 10%. “Mega Mystery Gum”, targeted at 18 – The Top 10% are more likely to discuss certain types of high 25 year olds. In order to target “social engagement product categories such as mobile, travel, fashion, music influencers”, IUM Denmark decided to use Stimorol’s Facebook page as the platform and even beauty and personal care. Marketers should monitor these for the campaign. Leveraging Stimorol’s discussions and create platforms for positive sentiment to be used to association with music, IUM engaged influence other consumers in the consideration stage. the brand’s Facebook community with a contest where six Danish cities battled for the chance to win one of three Mega By leveraging their influence, marketers can inject a trusted voice into Mystery club parties, featuring famous the path to purchase with the ability to influence in real-time. club DJs. This would see social influencers on Facebook and other social platforms leading the activity to drive support for their Implications for marketers city’s bid to win a party. Supported with TV, radio and PR the campaign saw the Mega Mystery Gum become the best selling of all • Don’t ignore social influencers. They can become your Stimorol’s senses flavours and entered the biggest brand advocates, standing behind your brand top five gums across COOP supermarket with conviction. Show respect to influencers and they chain. will respect your brand. • Engage with social influencers early and often. They have the power to make or break campaigns. Test brand messages with them pre-launch and carefully monitor their feedback during the duration of the campaign. • nvest in social influence programs – earned media I comes at a cost.
  • 8. Optimizing touchpoints to create synergy 2 Media synergy also demands that marketers re-evaluate how they perceive media and its role in the purchase process. Too often, media is relegated to driving awareness, consideration and buzz, but if planned properly media can make a much bigger impact. When selectively combined, TV, social and mobile create a dynamic path to purchase that speeds up the overall decision-making and purchase process, while making shoppers feel good about their choice. We discovered that each medium examined in our study was found to have core strengths (see right). We also found that certain countries had a greater affinity for social and mobile as a marketing vehicle. For instance, in Argentina, online users are more likely than other countries in our study to think social media “helps you share important info about a brand with others,” (70%), “find out more about a brand that you are interested in,” (57%) and “provides you with an unbiased and Case study: Carling trusted recommendation about a product/service or a brand,” (51%). Carling Black Label wanted to get On the other end of the spectrum, online users in the Netherlands had consumers to reappraise the brand. The the least favorable perceptions about social media’s role in marketing. beer brand signed a five-year sponsorship deal with South African soccer giants Kaizer Only 24% believe that social media provides unbiased and trusted Chiefs and Orlando Pirates to leverage the brand recommendations and a little over a third (36%) think it is helpful fanaticism around football and engage with for sharing brand information. nearly 90% of its target audience. With the critical insight that “everybody wants to be a coach” Carling Black Label organised a When it comes to internet-enabled mobile, Chinese online users match between the two Soweto giants have a greater affinity for mobile with 77% having personal use of a and let the fans choose the teams. Driving smartphone compared to 58% of total online users in our study. Their both awareness and participation would be mobile usage is also more varied as they use their smartphones in the critical for the success of the campaign. Initiative Media used a combination of TV following ways more than once a week: 63% - wifi access, 61% - mp3 and print to call for the “couch coaches” player, 57% - video camera, 41% - instant messaging, 40% - video to choose players. Social media was then player. used to encourage interaction between the fans, and mobile and online advertising was used to drive people to the brand’s It is no surprise that they also rate mobile more favorably as a vehicle for Facebook page. Over 10.5 million team interacting with brands. For them, mobile provides basic information votes were recorded and over 11 million about brands (41%), is a way to find out more about a brand that you bottle tops were redeemed. Carling Black are interested in (40%) and share important information about a brand Label had the highest awareness of promotions advertising in the beer market with others (38%). during the campaign. Media planners and buyers are well versed in the role of media as a communication vehicle, but now must expand their expertise to include how different combinations of online and offline media perform as a point of influence.
  • 9. Media synergy: How touchpoints work together TV AD Convincing consumers of their wants and desires 48% PROMPTING YOU TO TRY OR BUY A BRAND 43% GIVING YOU BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT A BRAND 56% MAKING YOU AWARE OF NEW BRANDS 50% HELPING YOU SHARE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT A BRAND WITH OTHERS 46% 37% 36% INCREASING THE APPEAL HELPING YOU FIND OUT MORE OF THE BRAND ABOUT A BRAND PROVIDING YOU WITH A TRUSTED RECOMMENDATION ABOUT A BRAND 32% HELPING YOU 33% FIND OUT MORE INCREASING YOUR ABOUT A BRAND LOYALTY TO A FAVORITE BRAND MOBILE Instantly connects consumers to in-depth SOCIAL product information Influences by leveraging peer and expert advice Q: Thinking about the range of different resources - social media, internet enabled mobiles/ smartphones, TV shows and TV ads - which of the tasks shown here are these things good at? Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
  • 10. Social media’s sphere of influence RESEARCHED 40% OR TALKED ABOUT ONLINE BEFORE BUYING 30% Web users* 20% RESEARCHED USING SOCIAL MEDIA PURCHASED 10% THROUGH A SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE Mobile phones PC, laptops Travel, flight Household Home Fashion, Beauty or & services or tablet or hotel appliances entertaining clothing & personal care computers equipment accessories products Q: Which of these products/services have you ever... * Percentage of web users who have shopped for the listed categories in the last two years and used social touchpoints Base: Web users aged 16-54 years of age
  • 11. 3 Transforming a ‘point of influence’ into a call to action Consumers are organically having conversations about brands prior to purchase, but marketers are not always using these conversations as a distinct point of influence on the path to purchase. We also found that these points of influence occur across categories. Once marketers can establish where their points of influence are for their category and brands, we think there is an opportunity to create social environments that transform organic community conversations into product information portals. Once inside the portal, consumers seeking brand information should be given the option to obtain more information, participate in a brand experience that underscores brand benefits, request a sample or more personalized information or link to make a purchase. Case study: Kia By converting influence into action, marketers can use media more Optima, one of Kia’s core sales vehicles effectively, and improve the consumer and shopper experience by was relaunching with an upgraded product providing relevant information and expediting the shopping process. In offering. Optima now had innovative and futuristic brand attributes, but was more return, consumers are more likely to share positive experiences about positioned among mature drivers. We brands with their communities and hopefully become brand loyal. needed to attract a younger audience and get people talking about Optima in a new way. The NBA, with its All-Star game, would be an ideal platform to engage our social Implications for marketers influencers. Kia came up with an idea that would get these key influencers talking • Build branded platforms and tools that help amplify the and drive the social conversation all the social curator’s voice. way to Kia’s website. We collaborated with basketball star Blake Griffin, who agreed to • Go far beyond the 30-second spot and create additional jump over a Kia Optima during the All Star game. The conversation on social platforms content, such as behind the scenes footage, historical caught fire, driven by our partnership timelines and cultural associations. These will drive athletes and celebrities who were all discussions and provide a link to brand discovery. tweeting about the jump. Search and social worked in tandem and there were overlays • nlist a team of brand and category relevant social E on YouTube with a clear “call to action” influencers to preview new products and campaigns, driving people to the Optima Explore page. And Kia’s audience certainly heeded the call stimulate dialogue and disseminate content along the – Kia saw a 24% increase in sales following path to purchase. the All-Star weekend.
  • 12. How to create a media synergy effect for your brands Find your brand’s Top 10% In addition to the robust consumer segmentation studies conducted by many marketers to create clusters of consumers based upon purchasing behavior, we suggest completing a comprehensive analysis of social influence. This would be achieved by determining which consumers have the potential to influence the purchase decisions of others. Our Influencer Multiplier is a proprietary scoring method that quantifies the relationship between sociability, purchase behaviour, and media consumption. The Influence Multiplier can be used to optimize media plans by ensuring that the Top 10% are adequately represented within the consumer audience. Since they are an influential source of category and brand information, their inclusion allows brand messages to reach more people in less time. On a global basis, marketers can use the Influence Multiplier to help prioritize media budgets between markets based upon the strength of national scores. We have found that individual market scores vary due to the different media landscapes, stage of technological development and cultural drivers. Our analysis suggests that a marketing message is more likely to spread quickly in markets with a higher Influencer Multiplier score.
  • 13. Create immersive multi-screen experiences Marketers can design personal brand experiences by creating media synergy across multiple screens that provide a meaningful and actionable brand experience. This can be achieved by carefully studying the consumer’s media multitasking behavior, their path to purchase, and understanding their motivations and preferences (eg, unique content, access and experiences). By leveraging these insights, a message broadcast to the masses on television can directly create a personal, customizable, consumer-powered experience in search, mobile, and social media. These immersive brand stories are already being told by brands such Case study: F&N as H&M, Century 21 and GE who are using TV to direct viewers to Soft drink brand F&N in Malaysia had been a richer online or mobile brand experience, as seen in campaigns synonymous with fun for many years, but executed during this year’s US Super Bowl. For example, brands that was under attack from Fanta which was encroaching on its space and growing made the most of their Super Bowl advertising investment ($3.5m for market share. In order to regain its territory, a 30-second TV spot) led with TV with visible calls to action, such Initiative Malaysia tapped into the ‘dance as a URL or Twitter hashtags. Successful brands intuitively navigated reality’ phenomenon and created a massive their consumers to other paid media, such as search and mobile, ‘dance mob’ that saw TV and social working in combination across a full multi- complementary owned media and earned media touch points. Social screen experience. The F&N Custom Song was then used to extend the experience and brand engagement with & Dance was introduced via Malaysia’s first relevant social response. (IPG Mediabrands Digital Marketing Report outdoor augmented reality screen (utilizing 2012 Super Bowl™) the largest LED screen in the country). People learned the dance moves and saw themselves live with the virtual dancers. The experience then extended across TV – with Implications for marketers celebrity hosts picking up the dance moves – online through F&N’s Facebook page and then amplified with online coverage • Anticipate online/offline interactions across multiple by the leading online newspapers. With screens. Be ready for 24/7 connectivity, immediate 86% of the youth target engaged via search-and-find, and on-demand delivery. the campaign, F&N saw a massive 18% increase in spontaneous brand awareness • Set aside an emerging technology exploration budget and maintained its market-leading position. to become comfortable with the unknown. Keeping your finger on the pulse is the only way to stay ahead of social influencers. • Forget waiting to discuss must-see TV around the water cooler, activate Social + TV to give viewers the opportunity to join in real time discussion and connections.
  • 14. Integrate everything Media synergy is not business as usual, it requires new beliefs, practices and organizational structure. While many have adopted integrated marketing in theory, nearly 20 years after its conception, most organizations function in separate silos. To create a media synergy effect, marketing departments such as brand management, advertising, media and digital, as well as their accompanying budgets will need to be integrated. If physical integration of a company’s marketing departments is not feasible, then an integrated planning approach with frequent communication among cross-disciplinary teams is a must. Integration is also required outside of an advertiser’s marketing department. Marketing will need to work more closely with other departments such as customer service or retail/trade to activate, monitor and respond to conversations occurring at the points of influence. Additionally, marketers will need to seek new methods of collaboration among groups of agency, media and technology partners that may have once seemed unimaginable. Those who are nimble enough to adapt to new work styles or have the capability to deploy technology solutions that facilitate integration will win. Implications for marketers • Train team members to become “T-shaped” – being specialized has its limitations. Marketing organizations need talent with broader communications expertise and that ability to creatively solve problems. • Bring the team together to create team respect that drives collaboration. Encourage an agency exchange program across partners. Designate time for specialists in media, advertising, design, digital and public relations to gain respect for aspects of building connections. Learn how ideas are originated, cultivated, executed and optimized.
  • 15. FIVE ESSENTIAL TAKEOUTS FOR MARKETERS 1 Target the power source. Target the top 10% of influencers in order to accelerate marketing effectiveness. 2 Engage with social influencers early and often. They have the power to make or break campaigns. Test brand messages with them pre-launch and carefully monitor their feedback during the duration of the campaign. 3 Go far beyond the 30-second spot and create additional content, such as behind the scenes footage, historical timelines and cultural associations to drive discussion and provide a link to brand discovery. 4 Enlist a team of brand and category relevant social influencers to preview new products and campaigns, stimulate dialogue and disseminate content along the path to purchase. 5 Integrate everything. Encourage an agency exchange program across partners. Designate time for specialists in all agencies to gain respect for aspects of building connections.
  • 16. About Initiative Initiative is a performance-led media communications company. Initiative believes that all marketing should be performance-driven. Data, analytics, insight and innovation are central to all our services, and we hold ourselves fully accountable to client business goals. This commitment to performance is at the heart of Initiative’s unique process and culture. Owned by the Interpublic Group, Initiative is part of media management group Mediabrands and a partner of Magna, IPG’s centralized media negotiation entity. Initiative employs more than 2500 talented professionals, working in 89 offices across 71 markets, worldwide. Initiative’s comprehensive range of performance-led communications services include: research and insight, media planning and buying, digital communications solutions, content creation, and evaluation and accountability services. Consumer Connections Through our Consumer Connections program of research, we are connected to 230,000+ consumers across more than 50 markets. We interact with these consumers to understand purchase patterns and media behaviors across continents to bring fresh insight into their lives and the role of the brands they use. The powerful single source data we gather as part of this programme also informs planning decisions delivering enhanced ROI for our clients. www.initiative.com