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THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
And the Initiatic Visionary Experience
William John Meegan
What does the BIRTH OF CHRIST symbolize? It is extraordinarily difficult to explain the inexplicable to the
infidel and the profane. Those that believe that Jesus Christ lived and breathe as a human being two thousand
years ago is better off not reading this paper; for the reason that, Christ symbolizes the soul when it is in the state
of what is designated as spirituality: i.e. Christ consciousness, which is not recognized by anybody other than the
one that has received the Initiatic Visionary Experience1. This vision is extremely personal and few people will
ever tell another he or she has had such an experience for societal mores tends to frown upon what is perceived
as mental illness.
It can be said that Christ (returned) walks upon the earth if it is recognized that every member of the Roman
Catholic Church’s laity is a Christ and if an individual out of the laity has had an Initiatic Visionary Experience
then that individual is CHRIST as portrayed by the mythoi of the New Testament. The New Testament is an
iconographic document, meaning that it is totally symbolic. Mary symbolizes the unconscious mind and Joseph
symbolizes ego-consciousness and Christ symbolizes the spiritual synthesis of the two-part psyche. Mary, the
unconscious mind is considered virginal; for the reason that, the unconscious mind prior to the vision never had
a spiritual impregnation. Those that experience the Initiatic Vision are conceived by a virgin mother; because,
the person is psychically no longer the person he or she was before the vision: i.e. he or she has materialistically
died. Ego-consciousness (Sun) dies and the CHRIST lives: the old Adam is dead and the new Adam is alive.
There literally has to be millions of people around the earth, every generation, that have this vision; however,
many unwittingly had it and summarily dismissed it to their detriment and ended up in insane asylums; for the
reason that, they do not deal with it spiritually. Others put every part of their lives into their vocation; thus,
creating a following or a worldwide movement: i.e. Mary Baker Eddy: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Carl G. Jung:
Christian era has put their search for understanding of their vision and knowledge of God into the canonized
Judaeo Christian Scriptures and the Roman Catholic Church has lamented this phenomenon for centuries.
The mythoi of the Old and New Testaments were created to document generically and iconographically the
Initiatic Visionary Experience. The BIRTH OF CHRIST is a primary Christian designate for the Initiatic
Visionary Experience, which is renamed and re-mythologized throughout the Judaeo Christian Scriptures..
1 I am presently writing a commentary on thefirstfour chapters ofGenesis,whichoutlines this Initiatic Visionary Experience and I should be
posting it online by the end ofthe year.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
After thirteen years I am republishing this paper2; for the reason that, I want to demonstrate to my readers
the foundational concepts that my present day researches were developed from. This is an important paper;
because, it demonstrates the exact date mythologically that the mythoi of the Christian era was symbolically
inaugurated. I also needed to edit and rework some of the textual materials and images.
The majority of Christians, without thought or consideration for what they read and/or are being taught,
believe the pompous and hubris of academia and/or the flawed researches of inept theologians and/or would-be
scholars. Then there are of course the theories of the Protestants ministers and the modern stargazing
astronomers/astrologers and the fanaticism of the infidel and the profane. All these theological and materialistic
venues areflawed simply becausethey collectively research thebibleindependently as if the sacred scriptures are
historical documents. The Judeao Christian Scriptures have nothing whatsoever to do with the space/time
continuum; furthermore, the sacred scriptures neither has anything spiritually to do with the historicity of the
Hebraic people nor the dawn of the Christian era; though, the Zodiac/Calendar year is used esoterically, as a
mythological tool, to imprint upon the psyche of the neophyte the pseudo-mythoi of these mythological and
manufactured storylines. The neophyte through the science of Astrology learns the techniques of the Esoteric
Science, the concept of the great chasm that exists between the material and spiritual realms of thought while
existing in the real world. Hopefully, that concept will be conveyed to the reader in this paper.
Those that arefamiliar with my researches know that I obtain my research data directly from the bible along
with the sophisticated scientificdata imbued into the esoteric sciencecodified to the scriptures’ textual storylines.
My approach to analyzingthe Judeao Christian Scriptures isto allow the sacred scriptures to esoterically interpret
themselves; rather, than inserting my two-cents into the fray; thus, the crux of the problem that exists between
the materialist’s approach to analyzing the scriptural texts and mine spans an abyss that cannot be bridged. I
demand ORDER parallel to providingdemonstrableevidence the religious topics researched and discuss; whereas,
incalculablematerialistic-minded theologians, academics, would be scholars, infidels and the profane insert their
erroneous ideas and/or fanaticism creating CHAOS without any desire whatsoever of proving what they are saying
and the twain shall never meet.
This paper introduces the dawn of Christianity, which literally began, from an esoteric and mythological
perspective, on January 1st 46BC3. According to those mythoi Christ was conceived on April 1st 7BC, born on
December 25th 7BC, circumcised on January 1st 6BC and died during Passover in 27AD; thus, the reader has been
given a sneak preview regarding the inauguration of the Christian mythoi.
Both Judaismand Christianity per se, as narrated by the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, are not religions; rather,
they both in unanimity narrate esoterically how the initiate pulls him or herself out of the wasteland of
materialism into the Garden of Eden. Religions are the psychic invention and manufactured opium of the masses
simply becausethey arethe phantasmagoria of psychicwishful thinking eternally desiring for ‘a’ Messiah to come
and save them from their agony in the world so that they don’t have to psychically or physically change their
morals,ethics or materialistic desires. The masses go to church services doingall kinds of antics: dancing, singing,
prayer (begging falsegods {?} for all kinds of materialistic wants and sickening desires) and all kinds of rituals and
pageantries are employed to boaster their religiosities, what Bishop Robert E. Barron calls ‘dancing around the
altars of false gods’ that have absolutely nothingwhatsoever to do with what the spiritual forces in creation wants
from the initiate. What the spiritual forces (God) in creation want from the initiate is for him or her to ‘want to
know about his or her soul and what life is all about’. Simply coming into the materialistic realm and gorging
oneself on its pleasures is what inebriates the soul into forgetting its true spiritual heritage and in every sense
coming into the material realm in that manner is very much like the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32).
2 http://innerouterministries.tripod.com/theinnerouterministries/index.html (2002) a shorter version ofthis paper was published in a chapter
in my published work: THE SECRETS & THE MYSTERIES OF GENESIS: Antiquity’s Hall ofRecords (2003) http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-
3 The Judaeo Christianscriptures hadto beinvented and manufactured somewherein the AD (anno Domini) era and that will become all too
apparent as this papercontinues; however, the fact that Judaism and Christianity are invented and manufactured religions has nothing
whatsoever todo with the spirituality ofJudaism and/or Christianity.Judaism starting with the book ofGenesis has everything to do with this
mythological perspective andhow Christianity created Judaism as a backdrop to its sudden spiritual appearance in the life of the initiate.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
What is designated as the WORD OF GOD is actually a LIFE’S MANUAL inherently imprinted upon the soul
as to how to live life in the Garden of Eden: i.e. the real world and this is not generally known in the annals of
modernity. The soul is the MONAD: i.e. Christ (God/Man) and out of this knowledge the initiate can
contemplatively cull out the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which I discuss extensively throughout my researches. It is
this MATRIX OF WISDOM that writes the Judaeo Christian Scriptures and by extension the world’s sacred
scriptures esoterically. The surface texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures are written by those that know the
WORD OF GOD as it makes known itself out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, the initiate endowed with Christ
consciousness writes two parallel documents symbiotically simultaneously in the writing the sacred scriptures.
The WORD OF GOD out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM is codified symbolically and alphanumerically to each
and every letter of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, which are premeditative
designs to exude an entirely different missive than the surface storyline. The symbolic and alphanumeric
structure of every letter of the sacred scriptures (forming words), is designed to emanate via the Seven Liberal
Arts sacred geometry, which is based solely upon the MATRIX OF WISDOM. CONTRARILY, the surface texts of
the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, and by extension the world’s sacred scriptures, is a premeditative design to
exclusively mirror-image the psychological mentality of the societal mores of its existing culture; thus, the
average person reading the sacred scriptures has no idea that he or she is being served up the pabulum for the
masses; for the reason that, that is precisely what he or she wants out of life. Generally people really do not
want to know God and only research the bible via the trauma of life. There is no problem with that for I am such
a convert that turned to the bible when life got out of hand; however, the WORD OF GOD is only ascertained
with eternal vigilance in studying the sacred scriptures with the spiritual forces of creation as your only guide.
True religion is studying the teachings of the Mystery Schools. In Western Civilization Freemasonry4 and the
Roman Catholic Church are analogous to the true teachings of Judaism and Christianity. Freemasonry’s temple is
basically Solomon’s Temple (rectangular) that morphs into the Christian Temple (octagonal shape). Both Judaism
and Christianity as narrated in the sacred scriptures are mythological and because of this phenomenon CHAOS is
incessantly around theinitiate. Freemasonry is notabout manmade laws;though, they likeJudaismaremost likely
instrumental in creating them; rather, this organization is trying to make “a good man a better man”, which is to
say that those that want a good life,obeying the societal mores and are actively and self-motivated into searching
for knowledge of God are more or less coaxed into a higher state of spiritual consciousness; whereas, the Roman
Catholic Church maintains thatspiritual consciousness. Initially, Catholicism ‘seemingly’ took on both these roles;
for the reason that, Catholicism traditionally was communally Church and State, and still is on a spiritual level,
simply becausethis is whatChristconsciousness isall about: i.e. in other words those in the Garden of Eden (in the
state of Christ consciousness) do not need a secular government to tell him or her what to do in life. According to
the mythoi of history when the Reformation Period: i.e. Protestantism began and the Church’s power ‘seemingly’
began to wane Freemasonry enters onto the stage of history.
Catholicism (as a Mystery School), not as it ‘psychotically appears’ in modern time, was never meant for the
iconoclastic masses: i.e. Fundamentalism and Literalism (Protestantism). In fact it would be extremely difficult to
have a conversation with a so-called Catholic, in modernity, that knows Catholicism has anything to do with
iconography;yet, the very foundations of Catholicismis iconography. Both Freemasonry and Catholicism read the
WORD OF GOD via iconography;whereas,Catholicism deals solely with iconography. Freemasonry tries, not that it
is always successful and fails more times than not, to take the iconoclastic individual and introduce him to
iconography and in every sensepushes himtowards Catholicismor another iconographic Mystery School (Taoism,
Confucian, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, etc.) more suited to his character. Iconography cannot be conveyed from one
individual to another and that is a spiritually that is a cosmic phenomenon. Iconography can only be pointed to
and it is the tenacity of the individual in researching the alphanumeric structure of the Hebrew and Greek letters
and words of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures that will ignite Christ consciousness in the psyche of the initiate.
Let me end this introduction by agreeing that Freemasonry’s goal is to create a ‘One World Order’; however,
this is not the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (Chaos) that the masses conjure up in the phantasmagoria of their
psyches. Christ consciousness is the ‘One World Order’ that is envisioned by Freemasonry and maintained by
Catholicism(Taoism,Confucian,Hindu,Buddhism,Islam,etc.), which means each individual within societal mores,
rules his or her own domain: i.e. Garden of Eden walking with God while living in this materialistic realm.
4 I am not a memberof any Mystery School other thanmy birthright as a Roman Catholic.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
To know definitively the exact moment of Christ's birth on earth mythologically is to know the deepest and
the most mysterious secrets and mysteries of Christianity. Many have, over the millennia, tried to answer this
question to no avail. In fact they have confused the issue to the point of creating their own Gordian's Knot on this
subject matter. Most noted of these are Raymond E. Brown's THE BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH5, and THE BIRTH OF
CHRIST6, by Liddon & Orr.There are literally hundreds of volumes and papers dealing with just this subject matter,
as their thesis, that has come out before and after these above named references. None of them in anyway
clarifies the issue to anyone's satisfaction. Below I will offer just one more argument as to the exact moment of
Christ's birth. In fact I believe the birth of Christ to be the central issue in Christianity because unless it is
understood nothing else can be truly grasp concerning the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. I must warn
the reader that there are facts and evidence below that will seemingly have nothing to do with Christianity that
will be called to bear witness on this issue. I will not take up pass arguments and disparage their authors. This
argument below will shine a new light on the errors of previous efforts without referring to anyone in particular.
I have included a number of diagrams with this paper that will illustrate the many points presented. It is best
to go over each and every one carefully to obtain a sense of what each is saying in relationship to the overall
theme. I found them to be invaluable for me personally; though, I created them; for the reason that, they focus my
thoughts and attention on the present issue at hand and each, in its own way, prevented my mind from wandering
into extraneous matters. I tend to learn more by diagrams of concepts thought out; though, I can hold a
conceptual train of thought I found that a diagram tend to convey more than the initial intent of its design. This is
one of the beautiful and most mystical nuances about the spiritual realm of ideas.
1) The Birth of John the Baptist
No one has ever disputed the birth of John the Baptist that is known to have taken place mythologically on
June 24th. In fact Freemasonry has taken this date as their
anniversary date: i.e. June 24th 1717. I will not overly discuss
Freemasonry in this paper. It is extremely interesting to see the
evidence of what Freemasonry has done in the past and is still
doing in modern times in their efforts to spread this esoteric
scienceinto the world.I'll hold off on that aspect of our discussion.I
hold off on it not to keep it secret but because one would have to
suspend his or her disbelief on other aspects of “history” in order to
grasp what I am trying to convey. Also much of what I am going to
say below encompasses a great deal of that information anyway.
Let me first say here at the outset that history is merely a
mythology to garment the WORD OF GOD. Recent events in just the
past hundred years demonstrate even in our own scientific era how difficult it is to get the facts straight. In my
quest for knowledge of history I am less concern with theories and hypotheticals then I am in concrete evidence
that cannot be twisted to mean half a dozen different things. I happen to believe that the ancient scribes codified
their understandingof the WORD OF GOD in the sacred scriptures esoterically and theimportant aspects of history
they left stable are insignificant to those that can destroy them if their importance was known. The date of John
the Baptist's birth is a case in point on this issue. Every time the bi rth of Christ is discussed John the Baptist’s part
in the Nativity account gets little or no attention; therefore, his birth date is never mentioned. If Johns part is
mentioned at all it is merely as an afterthought or a footnote to the discussion.
5 BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH, by Raymond E. Brown
6 BIRTH OF CHRISTby Liddon and Orr
http://www.amazon.com/Birth-Christ-H-P-Liddon/dp/0865240582/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8 &qid=1441441075&sr=1-1&keywords=liddon+and+orr
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
I will discuss theyear of the birth of John the Baptistlater in this paper. The annual date June 24th is precisely
six months from the date of December 25th, which is the date of Christ's birth. Many dispute this date, of Christ’s
birth, and we'll deal with that as we continue. In this first point I have simply brought out and confirmed the New
Testament's declaration concerning it. The angel speaking to Mary pointing out that her cousin Elisabeth is with
child six months.
Many will lament that there are no dates in the Judeao Christian Scriptures nor is the BC or AD eras
mentioned in the scriptural documents. I beg to differ. People that don’t see these dates or the mythological BC
and AD eras mentioned in the texts are not properly analyzing and contemplating what they are studying.
The old joke that if you find a coin that has BC on it you’ll know immediately it is a counterfeit. Well,
putting that joke aside, you’re about to be introduced to a valid BC coin in seeing the sacred scriptures discussing
the BC era as if it is a valid venue of mythology.
2) John the Baptist's Circumcision Rite
The fact that John the Baptist was born on June 24th brings to the fore Judaism 'Circumcision Rite' which
records the birth of every newborn male child. Eight days after the birth of the male child he is to be brought to
the temple to have this Rite of Circumcision performed on him. Eight days from June 24th is July 1st.This sameritual
was performed on Jesus Christ as the New Testament recorded. If, therefore, Jesus Christ is circumcised according
to the laws of Judaism his circumcision date had to be on January 1st. There can be no disputing the fact that July
1st and January 1st are six months apart.
It would be thought that most people would accept the birth of the Christian Messiah based upon this data
alone; however, some people point to ambiguous questions brought into play by the text of the New Testament,
via the theologian’s, academic’s, would be scholars, infidels and the profane flawed research and/or flawed
reasoning,which invokes the doubts of those seeking to be spiritually spoon fed: i.e. ne’er-do-wells. They also raise
doubt in religious minds when they do so. It is natural to raise questions when one does not know the answers ;
however, students of the sacred scriptures are obligated, by spiritual mandate, to search out the answers and not
just to raise havoc by trying to get others (Messianic individuals: i.e. saviors) to do the work for them.
3) The Magi and the Shepherds
The subject of the Magi (wise men) is an extremely important one that aids in defining this issue on the Birth
of Christ. This is; for the reason that, upon their evidence alone do
we have a more definitive understanding concerning this issue.
Most people believe that the Magi saw a star in the evening sky and
they followed it. What a long (2-year) night that would have been.
The New Testament does not say that. In fact the New Testament
goes out of its way to point out that the Magi went to Jerusalem to
speak to King Herod concerning the issue as to where the new born
king was to be born. If the Magi were following a star in the night
sky why would they stop, at Jerusalem, some six miles away from
Bethlehem of Judea where the child laid in a manger? This is a
confusing point in the New Testament for those that have not
searched for the answer. In fact they should not know the answer
because unlikethe Magi they are not astrologers.The word Magi in Greek means 'astrologer'.And I will say,as was
said in ancienttimes,unless you areyourself a Magi you will notknow of the Birth of Christ.In other words at least
try to understand the rudiments of Astrology before you try to understand the secrets of the New Testament.
Modern Christianity goes out of its way to trash Astrology. I agree with disregarding the fraudulent fortune telling
aspect of Astrology but not the numerical, symbolic and mythological aspects of it.
Most Christians believe that the most confusing issue, in the New Testament, is the angel speaking to the
shepherds guardingtheir flock,in the springtime, in contrast to the Christ child being born in the wintertime where
the sheep would not be able to withstand the climate in the hills of Judea. Where, actually, unless the issue
concerningthe Magi is answered, where there is doubt whether the Magi actually sawa physical star in the sky or
not, the issue of Christ's birth cannot be answered. Can all of these seemingly contradictory points come together
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
and be explained away? Yes, they can. Whatexactly is it that the Magi saw? If we are to accept the academic point
of view which gives us numerous theories and at least a half dozen astronomical wonders taking place between 2
BC and 8 BC we would never understand the Birth of Christ or what day he was mythologically born on. There
would always be uncertainty in the mind of the Christian believers. Academia cannot survive as an institution
without this kind of conflict to stoke its fires of confusion.
I warn the reader to be careful of taking on what others, including myself, are saying. The bible has nothing
to do with the duration of time or the distances of space between two points. The bible is speaking of spiritual
concepts and it is difficultin real timeto separatesecular thought from the spiritual meditation. A good analogy of
this is beingin a Christian Cathedral for a period of time and then walking back out into the material world. These
are entirely two different mindsets.
Bishop Robert E. Barron7 speaks of the Magi as if they had no scientific or political leanings; yet, the New
Testament mythoi have them going directly to King Herod for answers. It is obvious that if you have direct access
to the king anytime you want then you know your way in and around the political system. The Magi of course are
mythological figures; however, the New Testament having them visit King Herod (ego) for answers as to where the
Christ child was to be born is not a great leap in intellectual prowess. Another point that Bishop Barron doesn’t
point out is that the Magi could only have visited mythologically the Christ child on January 1st after the
Circumcision Rite was performed. The visit of the Magi could not have taken place on December 25th eight days
before; for the reason that, the two year period had not been completed. Jesus, Mary and Joseph would not have
been in the cavern hovel for most of January 1st if they were traveling to and from the temple. It had to be January
1st because that would have been the precise date from the two year period that the STAR OF DAVID was first sited
in the newly ordained calendar year by Augustus Caesar on January 1st 8BC and that date coincides precisely with
the two year period that the Magi informed King Herod about.
4) Conception Dates, Birth Dates, & Circumcision Dates
King Herod having all the children killed from 2-years and under in Bethlehem of Judea8 is an extraordinary
piece of evidence; for the reason that, without it Christianity could never know the precise moment mythologically
of Christ's birth. It was the Magi, as recorded in Matthew's gospel, which gave that piece of information, about the
star's two-year duration, to King Herod.
Now consider, what piece of information could the Magi have been privy to over a 2-year period that no one
else could possibly know; but, obviously was data that was
part of the overall grand plan of God bringing his son to
physical manifestation? In other words the Magi were
mythologically following the star for at least two years.
How we know this is because the conception, birth &
circumcision dates of both John the Baptist and Jesus
Christ account for most of this 2-year period of time. If we
were to reverse the calendar, without even knowing the BC
years involved, on both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ
birth dates and went back nine months, in each case, to
their conception dates we would find, at the very least, the
divine plan would have span a 15-months duration. This means that six months before the angel spoke to Mary in
the Annunciation, to the circumcision rite performed on Jesus Christ, 15-month passed. Based upon the storyline
in the text we can obtain a sense of what took place during that 15-month period.
All six events: the two conception dates, two birth dates, and the two circumcision dates, that had to have
taken place concerning John the Baptist and Jesus Christ’s nativities are recorded in the New Testament as having
taken place.
7 I am only mentioning Bishop Robert E. Barronbecausehe is presently the leading theologian in America and the impetus for the WORD ON
FIRE program with all its books, DVDs and cds created Bishop Barron. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Barron_%28bishop%29
8 This is a verymystical nuance that has everything to dowith the neophyte’s understanding ofthemysticalnature ofthe firstletter ofGenesis:
BETH (2). In addition the neophyte needs to understand how and why the first word ofGenesis: BERESHITH was developed.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
1. The Annunciation to Zacharias (Luke 1:5-25): John's conception date
2. The Annunciation to Mary (Luke 1:26-38): Jesus conception date
a. The Annunciation to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25): after Jesus conception date
3. Mary tends to Elisabeth (Luke 1:39-58): John's birth date
4. Zacharias and John at the temple (Luke 1: 59-80): John's circumcision date
5. Mary gives birth and the Shepherd’s story (Luke 2:1-20): Jesus Christ's birth date
a. Mary gives birth and the Magi story (Matthew 2:1-18): Jesus Christ's birth date
6. Jesus, Mary, & Joseph at the temple (Luke 2:21-39): Jesus' circumcision date
A quick study of the above scriptural references illustrates thatLuke's gospel by far is the most informativeon
all six of these events. What is most interesting is that five of these references demonstrate that one of these two
gospel writers had to follow the format of the other. Notice how both gospels have the birth of Jesus in their
second chapter and talks of either the Shepherds or the Magi in that chapter. What is most striking about Luke's
gospel is the economy of space he uses after his prologue. Even Luke’s salutation gives a world of information to
those that meditate on it properly. Luke goes from one point to the next without any frivolous information. Luke's
agenda is obviously to bring out these six events in sequence. It is as if he is demanding that the initiate give due
attention to these six points concerning the nativities of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. There are some details
at the tail end of these different segments; but, details, which germinate nuances that are needed to be known by
the reader in his or her meditations on these points.
5) The significance of the words "House” and “Inn"
Another striking fact is that Matthew does not actually give us an account of the Birth of Christ but just
mentions the birth took place. His most important message about the nativity seems to be the story of the Magi.
He mentions nothing about the other five events mentioned in Luke's gospel. Another interesting and very
important point is that Matthew uses the word "HOUSE" rather than "INN" in referring to where Jesus was born;
though Jesus was not born in the INN (according to Luke) the stable was part of the Inn (as the imagination would
have it) and therefore could be incorporated in the wording. I am not apologizing for the wording here. I believe
that Matthew says Christ was born in a "HOUSE" because he is more an airy type of person with his mathematics:
his beinga publican (tax collector),whereas, Luke is more intellectually materialistic being a doctor and knows the
importance of detail documented information. This is not saying Matthew’s gospel is not detail oriented
esoterically on a mathematical level it is just the manner in which his mythos presents itself.
Another nuance that no doubt influenced Matthew to use the word "HOUSE" is; for the reason that, the city
of David: Bethlehem is translated as “house of bread”. That nuance about the “house of bread” is what the
ministry of Christ is all about. Dough rises when yeast permeates it. Christ is analogous to the yeast in the psyche
of the initiate. Every thought, word and deed is analogous to a loaf of bread (a cathedral rising).
The fact that the words "House” and “Inn" are both used separately and independently indicates a concerted
effort on the part of both Matthew and Luke to bring this information out esoterically. Both these words have
mysterious mystical meanings in the first letter of Genesis: BETH, which I deal with below. This cannot be a
coincidence that this works out this way. Did Matthew and Luke agree amongst themselves to take one of the
words and different concepts and incorporate them separately into their gospel? This is most likely, especially,
when you realize that John's gospel deals with the Nativity account also. And John’s gospel also harmonizes with
what Matthew and Luke does with the words: House and Inn.
6) BETH: The First Letter of the Bible
It should be known that the first letter of the Bible, in the book of Genesis, is called BETH, which in Hebrew is
the number two (2) and means "in" when written/attached to another word (as in b'reshith = "in [the] beginning"),
which I believe Luke used analogously as "INN"; for the reason that, the word BETH also symbolically means
"HOUSE". Beth represents, in Judaism, the concept of a container. I will get into that later when I talk about the
third gospel (John's) that deals with the Nativity account. So neither Matthew nor Luke is contradicting each other
here though it may initially appear that way to the uninitiated. One also must look at what Luke has written in
contrast to what Matthew has written in the use of the wording of "inn" as oppose to "house".
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
It is Luke that gives us the graphic scene of Christ being born in a stable of animals. Now Matthew says the
same thing by introducing the Magi and pointing out the two-year period between seeing the star and the birth of
Christ.Once the Star of David is revealed through the study of the Zodiac/Calendarthe similarity of Matthew's and
Luke's gospels become clear. Luke introduces the stable of animals and the shepherds, which are per se
astrologers (Magi) watching over their flock. Now a priest is called a pastor of his flock. In Judaism Gentiles are
considered animals. This is expressly stated in the Talmud. This well may be because in Judaism the individual is
taught to think for himself like a Protestant Christian instead of being herded like an animal to Church services
where the laity is on the same page so-to-speak using standardize and canonized texts. These two modes of
thought are analogous to CHAOS versus ORDER. So the Talmud's text may well be expressing the symbolism
behind the Gentile religions of the world. When Luke. a Greek doctor (Gentile/animal) wrote his gospel he may
well have been writing to convert the Jew to Christianity by explaining to them that it was their Messiah that was
rejected by Judaism and left solely to the Gentiles/animals to be born in a manger (animal's crib). Matthew on the
other hand is a converted Jew and not wanting to be offensive to the Gentile religion uses the word "house" rather
than "inn". He talks of the Magi entering a "house" as if they the Gentiles themselves were actually human. This is
something that a Jew would not openly admit or say in the hearing of another Jew, whereas, Ma tthew is admitting
it now that he is a Gentile. Hearing a previously known Jew admit that Gentiles are human would have convinced
Matthew audience that he was truly converted to the new Christian sect. These are interesting nuances that are
embedded into the mythoi of the gospels. It is one of my firm beliefs that in order to understand Judaism one must
study Christianity,and to understand Christianity one must study Judaism. This last will become even more clearly
understood when we discuss John's Nativity account. It must be understood that in no way am I saying that Jews
believe this way today in modern times. I really do not know if this is a conceptual reality for Judaism in modernity.
Christ born in a manger is a beautiful analogy of what Christ consciousness symbolizes. The animals are
obviously a play on the twelve zodiacal signs of the mythological science of Astrology. The manger is a feeding
trough for animals to eat out of. It is the synthesizing of these twelve zodiacal signs (those things that enamor the
psyche) that allow all the animals to collectively feed out of same trough. Bethlehem is interpreted as the “house
of bread” and Christ is called the “bread of life (Eucharist)”. What is the difference between the “house of bread”
and the manger that Christwas born in? There is absolutely no difference whatsoever. In fact the Birth of Christ in
the house or inn will be spectacularly displayed when I discuss John’s gospel in relationship to the Nativity of
Christ. There the reader will envisage how Matthew, Luke and John’s gospels in concert with the first letter of
Genesis: Beth produces three of the four mirror-imaging tales of the same spiritual concept.
Understand when I speak of the gospel writers livingin the world I speak of them as envisaged via the mythoi
of the surface storyline and I am culling out the teachings of esotericism. Matthew and Luke’s uses of the words
‘house’ and ‘inn’ respectively were esoteric choices to breakdown the Hebrew letter/word BETH covertly in the
mythological textual storyline.
When contemplating the sacred scriptures not as being written in a number of different mundane languages,
which they were of course, but rather as havingbeen written in a symbolic and alphanumeric language then a new
sense is given to the text. No matter what mundane language the ancient use to scribe the texts the same esoteric
scienceis employed to cloak the WORD OF GOD that is of course if the indigenous language is not later translated
into a profane language where esotericism: WORD OF GOD is thrown out with the bath waters of translating the
indigenous textual materials.In antiquity people that read and understood this genre of esoteric symbolism would
have respected each other’s religious beliefs. So the chatter that went back and forth between the Jews and the
Gentiles would have been considered polite society. The danger in all of this is when time passes and the people
forget through subsequent generations what the symbolism originally meant. When reading the sacred scriptures
literally Jews are considered evil religious genocidal tyrannical maniacs and Gentiles are led around by the
proverbial nose by nothing more than war mongering bullies. Even Gentiles today that believe they are born under
a certain zodiacal sign says in effect that that animal influences them: hence being, in the eyes of Judaism, an
animal.The American Indian called such an animal their spiritguideand often they would dress up likethat animal.
For Judaism to classify Gentiles as animals is not far off the mark symbolically.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
This “(Israelites) Jews” and “Gentile” naming is another mystical nuance from out of
the Judeao Christian Scriptures; esoterically and mystically, the word ‘Jew’ refers to the
materialistic psyche; however, from a literal standpoint the word ‘Israelite (Jew)’ refers to
the peoples that populate the religion called Judaism, which symbolically represent
‘materialism (religiously worshipping iconoclastically: i.e. literalism, fundamentalism, etc.);
whereas, the word ‘Gentile’ (religiously worships via iconography) refers to the psyche in
the world that represent Christ (Tao, Krishna, Buddha, etc.) consciousness. The bible speaks
from absolutes: i.e. there are no extenuating circumstances: there are no gray areas.
From a mathematical perspective the Israelite community in the real world as a clan is
only 1% of 1% of the world’s population. It should also be pointed out that being Jewish is a
‘religious distinction’ not an ‘ethnic distinction’; though, there are those in modernity trying
to change the rules on the definitions concerning religious and ethnic distinctions.
Whereas, in the real world 1% of 1% of the world’s population would symbolize the
spiritual or the true spiritual initiate that worships via iconography and the rest of the world
is flooded with Jewish or the fundamentalist’s literal ideas (iconoclastic). Most of the
Roman Catholic Church’s laity is realistically iconoclastic or Protestant Jews. Protestants
basically Judaized Christianity when they took iconography out of Christianity.
When this is extrapolated out throughout the whole world taking into account all
religions; though, there is symbolism (iconography) in all religious literature, artworks and
monuments, their laities are fundamentally psychically literalists and fundamentalists; for
the reason that, they are literally iconoclastic and very few worship via iconography; thus,
the percentages remain the same: 1% of 1% of the world population are spiritual.
To understand the Old and New Testaments in the Judeao Christian Scriptures, which
is basically the foundations of both Judaism and Christianity the initiate has to know that
the Old Testament symbolizes Solomon’s temple and the New Testament symbolizes the
Christian temple. This is a baffling mystical nuance to the person worshipping
iconoclastically. Solomon’s temple is built in a rectangular shape as was Emperor
Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Basilica; whereas, the Christian temple is built in the round
(cross or octagonal shape) as was Pope Julius’ Saint Peter’s Basilica. What this
demonstrates is that the initiate must go psychically from secular teachings to the spiritual.
What is seen in the real world as Judaism synagogues and Christian temples for all intent
and purpose are secular Jewish teaching schools. Judaism’s true synagogue is the surface
texts of both the Old and New Testaments; whereas, the true Christian temple is the
esoteric science (symbolically and alphanumerically) codified to every single letter of the
Hebrew and Greek scriptures. Solomon’s temple is recognized as rectangular like the
interior of the Sistine Chapel; for the reason that, it represents linear thought; whereas, the
Christian temple is in the round (cross or octagonal shape) because iconographic thought
transmogrifies linear thought into the true WORD OF GOD. Those that study the Sistine
Chapel’s symbolism will envisage how it morphs that rectangular chapel (thrice squared)
into an octagonal shape chapel on a spiritually psychic level.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
The examples I gave above is my way of explaining the true interrelationship between
religious and spiritual thought. Judaism per se is not evil; though, some of modernity’s Christians
would beg to argue that statement. Judaism representing the surface texts of the sacred scriptures
is analogous to societal mores where the populace has to live under the rubric of both secular and
religious laws; whereas, Christianity true iconographic way of thought allows the initiate to live via
Christ consciousness, which is void of materialistic desires and a need for secular government.
Judaism awaits their Messiah, which is actually linear-thought: i.e. straight line; whereas,
Christianity waits the Second Coming of Christ, which is circular thought nanosecond by
nanosecond just as linear-thought it nanosecond by nanosecond. The examples given above show
how psychically twisted Christian iconographic thought is from the worldwide popular secular
religious iconoclastic perspective.
The average person does not realize; for the reason that, he or she doesn’t put any thought
into it, that every single word spoken or written is iconography: i.e. symbolism; yet, each human
being lives his or her life linearly from birth to death unwittingly hypocritically. It actually takes a
concerted effort on the part of the initiate to seek out knowledge of God via iconography. Every
thought, word and deed is symbolic; yet, humans walk the earth ignorant of that fact and are so
familiar with living life iconoclastically that life per se becomes boring and tedious.
Understanding that ego-consciousness (conscious part of the psyche) discriminates out of
‘nothing: via that which has gone before’ every thought, word and deed goes a long way in
conceptualizing and understanding how the sacred scriptures were written. Everything done in the
world via thought, word and deed is done linearly; for the reason that, ego-consciousness is subject
to the laws of the space/time continuum, which makes everything that it does finite. Every
thought conceived, written and/or verbalized is brought down to single words and every deed is
via the auspices of the duration of linear time. Culling through the dictionary of any language
giving one word definitions to each thought when realistically any of a dozen words may be used
to express the same idea. This is the problem with the translations of the bible; thus, even writing
the bible in its indigenous language each word had to be written linearly; though, each word has
one-word definition the ancient scribes gave each letter in every word a symbolic designate and an
alphanumeric structure, which allowed the initiate to study and switch out words definitions,
according to his or her own spiritually psychic disposition, that clarified what the scripture is
conveying spiritually.
In everyday parlance humans have the same problem of linearly talking or writing; thus,
misinterpretations are time-honored and conventional in the dog-eat-dog world especially in spur
of the moment everyday conversations.
The Hebraic texts are written not only with letters that have symbolic designates and an
alphanumeric structure; but, in creating words the verbs are left out of their structure. This means
that the word is a dead word without action (verbs generation action in a word): i.e. what Christ
called, “whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are within
full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness (Matthew 23:27)”. This Esoteric
(hidden) Science codified to the lettering of the text can only realistically be studied by studying the
whole word, and/or whole verse and/or whole chapter symbolically and alphanumerically
searching for the sacred geometry placed there to be found.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
7) Fixed Quadruplicities of Astrology
It must be known that according to the Roman Catholic Church’s tradition each of the gospel writers took on
the persona of one of the four beasts of the chariot that Ezekiel and St. John saw in their visions. Matthew
represent the angelic man (Aquarius = air), Luke the Bull (Taurus = earth), Mark
the Lion (Leo = fire) and John the Eagle (Scorpio = water). Of course these are the
FIXED zodiacal signs of the Astrology. What I am getting at here is that each of
the four gospel writers was writing from their own particular mindset or
astrological lenses on the world. There are only four basic elements (Triplicities:
i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water) in Astrology and therefore four gospels in the
canonized version. Any gospels written before or after these would still have to
conform to the basic mystical tenets, connotations, and nuances of one of the
four; however, any other gospel written before or after the New Testament four
were canonized would be considered a Gnostic version. Gnostic documents are
non-standardized biblical texts, which are not necessarily esoterically flawed as
are heretical texts. The difference that I envisage between the Gnostic gospels
and heretic writings is that the Gnostic gospels are authentic esoteric writing;
however, by not being canonized into the standardized Christian literature they
are earmarked as Gnostic. There is a valid reason scientifically and esoterically
for not allowing so much as one more book into the Old and New Testaments
libraries. Heretical texts are of course invalid; therefore banned; for the reason that their heretical authors are
erroneously writing about Christian theology from erroneous points of view.
8) John the Baptist and Jesus Christ's Conception Dates
Based upon our knowledge that John the Baptist was born on June 24th and Jesus was born on December 25th
we can therefore calculate backwards to the conception dates and forward to the circumcision dates. The 15 -
month period needed to accommodate these events actually gives us the conception dates of both John the
Baptistand Jesus Christ. For John the Baptist October 1st would have been his conception date and for Jesus Christ
it would have been April 1st.April 1st,by the way, is traditionally, according to Judaism, the day creation came into
being BE-RESH-ITH ‫בּ-ראש-ית‬ “in (the) first sign”: i.e. BERESHITH “In (the) beginning”. This last would conform to
Christian beliefs thatChristexisted before time, and therefore, if he were to come into physical manifestation April
1st would be the most appropriate date in the calendar cycle for that to have taken place.
It is my contention that Astrology is the spiritual language of the sacred scriptures. The fact that Christ was
conceived on April 1st the beginning of the sign Aries, which I believe begins at the beginning of the month rather
than two thirds into of the previous month demonstrates that Christ was born on a spiritua l note, whereas, his
Circumcision Rite where the procedure is not only painful it is perform at the beginning of Capricorn the month of
Darkness (materialism). January 1st is also the beginning of the Calendar Year.
It is also interesting that the first word of Genesis: BE-RESH-ITH is interpreted and translated in a number of
ways. One of those interpretations is “in (the) first sign [‫,”]בּ-ראש-ית‬ which would infer Aries/April. We’ll return to
this when discussing Saint John’s gospel.
9) The Nine Month Conception Period for John and Jesus
We know that most human births do not take nine months exactly; though, that is generally the number used
in referring to the birth of an individual.Itvaries according to the individual but it does range within the a rea of 9-
months or 270-days give or take a few days. Most people think of 9-months as being 270-days. In John's case nine
months would have been 275-days (October 1st to June 30th) and with Jesus Christ it was 276-days (April 1st to
December 31st). This of course is calculating to the day before the circumcision dates and not the actual birth
dates. The actual birth dates would have Saint John born after 268-days, which includes the extra day for the leap
year and Jesus Christ after 269-days.
In my other writings I speak of the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which shows that the number nine as in nine
months would symbolize the empyrean and the 270-days would symbolize the LIGHT that comes out of the
DARKNESS; thus, there is a spiritual reason for this numerical data in the birth of a child.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
10) "Born this day in the city of David"
Now consider the statement made by the angel to the shepherds tending their flock in the fields. "For unto
you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord", this declaration by the angel to the
shepherds refers to a new zodiacal-year period. In fact the psalms say that “a day is as a thousand years with the
lord”. The fourth day of creation says that the two great luminaries and the stars will be for signs, seasons, days
and years. There is the equinoctial year, which is 25,920 years and the zodiacal year would be 2,160 years. It is
known that the Christian era began with the Piscean age. In fact the entire Old and New Testaments are
constructed esoterically and hermetically to represent the Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscean ages.
I actually believe that the shepherds were a separate theological aspect on the theme of the Magi: two
different authors, Matthew and Luke, describing the same people using two different words. They used the words
'house and Inn' to describe where Jesus was born. Since the angel mentioned the 'city of David' to the Shepherds;
whereas, the Magi recognized the Star of David in the calendar, which inform them of the birth of a newborn king;
however, the Magi had to go to King Herod to find out what city the new born child would be born in.
Since we already have evidence that Matthew and Luke has the tendency to use different words to describe
the same event there is no reason to believe the Shepherds are not a different theological aspect on the concept
of what the Magi represent.
I am thinking here of the legend of the Doubting Thomas where Thomas needed proof positive or tactile
contact evidence that Christ rose from the dead. The shepherds (spiritualized-unconscious mind: i.e. Christ
consciousness) guarding their flocks represent the priest giving instructions to the laity; whereby, they believe
through faith; whereas, the Magi (spiritualized-ego: i.e. Christ consciousness) are the hierarchy of the Mystery
Schools, which scientifically map out the spiritual dynamics of the psyche; thus, those that research the Hermetic
Sciences are, for all intent and purpose, Doubting Thomases, which I am a member of both groups seeing I have
experienced the Initiatic Vision.
The Magi representing the hierarchy of the Mystery Schools could very well be investigators into the initiate’s
claimto havingexperience the Initiatic Vision. The Gold, Frankincenseand Myrrh (science, theology and medicine)
were probably and most likely the THREE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST revamped and re-mythologized.
11) CADUCEUS: Messenger of the Gods
Magi (Dreams) and Shepherds (Angels)
One of the most interesting nuances that comes out of the Nativity story told in Matthew and Luke’s gospels
is that those symbolic characters that represent ego-consciousness such as epitomized in the roles of Joseph and
the Magi (Wisemen) are depicted as being divinely inspired via dreams; whereas, those symbolic characters
analogous to the personal unconsciousego (Shadow) such as characterized in the roles of Mary and the Shepherds
are depicted as having been visited by angels.
I recognized that this variation on the same theme is esoterically codified into the texts throughout the
sacred scriptures. I recognized these nuances in the Genesis creation account between the roles of Yahweh (ego-
consciousness - Sun) and Elohym (personal unconscious ego (Shadow) - Moon): i.e. the Gods of the Old Testament.
On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which I wrote a book on, I could see in panels numbered 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 and
8 that this variation on the theme of communication between God and man is laid out magnificently.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
In the above array of the nine central panels in the fresco painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel I have
each of the panels numbered according to the Genesis Creation
Account. When placing the nine panels in a circle of eight slots
with the center as the ninth position and then drawing a straight
line from one through eight and back to one it forms a 3 x 3
square called the Kamea of Saturn (Lo Shu in China). This same
pattern is found in the mosaics of the floor of the SistineChapel in
front of and flankingthe altar in circular patterns. This pattern is
further found in the panel depicting Noah and his family
surrounding the altar (panel #7). I illustrate this pattern because
it represents the LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS. Noah’s
drunkenness is the DARKNESS in which his new LIGHT has to be
culled. In this respects Noah languishing and lounging on the
couch drunk symbolizes the average congregant coming into the
Church or startinghis or her spiritual studies and it is from out of
each individual’s essence that the LIGHT is to be culled. One can
ask how spiritual LIGHT is culled out of such a despicable state of
mind and all I can say is that that is between God and the
individual. Notice how the red numbers mate with the blue
numbers. These are four sets of opposites: elements culled out of the nine: i.e. DARKNESS: 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and
6 and 4 and 5. Collectively, these four sets of opposites: Fire, Earth, Air and Water represent the LIGHT. Unless
these patterns of opposites arerecognized throughout the sacred scriptures littlewill be revealed. The initiatehas
to be very careful how the opposites are classified in the realm of ego-consciousness (odd numbers) and the
unconscious mind (even numbers). Males and females do not necessarily represent wholly odd numbers or even
numbers. In the case of Noah and his family around the altar the males and females are evenly displaced.
12) The Gifts of the Magi
The Magi were aware of the immanent birth of the newborn king: for the reason that, the Magi are of the
Gentile persuasion we can hypothesize that they understood the symbolism of what was going on. Therefore, they
were ready with the Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: the trapping of the material world: Science, Theology, and
Medicine. We see these same three temptations when Christ confronts Satan in the wilderness (of the mind) after
his Baptism: food = medicine = myrrh, the pinnacle of the temple = theology = frankincense, bowing down to
obtain the world = science (understanding the world) = Gold.
For those that understand these three, are one: the Sacred Scripture. The text is food for thought: Myrrh. It is
a religious text: Frankincense and it esoterically gives us knowledge of the world: Gold. How did the Magi know
exactly when to come to the Nativity Scene? Remember it is a 2-year period. Why were the Magi there on the
precise day of Christ’s Circumcision Rite? They had to know of the mandate of Judaism to go into the number two
(2): Beth, before any soul could enter the material world as ordained by the first letter of Genesis. Therefore, the
Magi must have equated the number two (2) to two years and waited and arrived at the precise moment of the
birth (Realistically though in Judaism every newborn male child has the potential ity of being the long expected
Messiah. Judaism still waits for the coming of their Messiah. What actually is taking place is that the mother and
father of the newborn child will offer their child everything the world has to offer (Gifts of the Magi : science,
theology and medicine); yet, the Astrological influences (Magi) will also be present as the keys to the sacred
scriptures. The ancient maxim, "the stars impel they do not compel" is most appropriate here. For the child will
either accept or reject the world. If he rejects the world then the influences of the sun, moon, and stars as
ordained by the 4th Day of Creation will kick in bringing the LIGHT of the First Day of Creation to him. Therefore, he
would become the Son of God: the Messiah. Saint John the evangelist refers to this in one of his letters when he
says, "Now that we are the sons of God".
The number two (2) symbolizes the Jew (materialist) not the Gentile (1 - spiritual). This is why Herod had to
try and kill all children under two simply; for the reason that, the first born of Israel is murdered insofar as it is
offered up to God and only the second male child born inherits the father’s estate. In Genesis a first born child in
Israel never receives the inheritance: this is why BETH (2nd Hebrew alphabetic letter) is the first letter of Genesis.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
13) Shepherds Watching their Flock
Matthew's gospel tells us of the Magi and Luke's gospel tells us of the Shepherds. I see no contradiction here
if one equates Magi as being shepherds of their flock. Can you imagine any shepherd
leaving his flock unattended? Shepherds were known to be excellent stargazer. So
there is no discrepancy between the Shepherds and the Magi stories.
There is a major difference between the Magi and the Shepherds for the
Wisemen (Magi) are analogous to ego-consciousness; whereas, the Shepherds are
analogous to the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). They both symbolized together
the two part psyche similar to the Ying Yang Tai Chi symbol; yet, the two are one.
Anyone that has ever had the opportunity to be out at night for any duration of
time and has looked up at the night sky cannot help seeing the stars traverse the dome of
the heavens. I recommend this exercise to anyone that is interested. So it is not surprising that Shepherds were
considered astrologers in ancient times.
14) The “Cardinal” and “Mutable” Quadruplicities of Astrology
Now consider how October 1st (conception of John the Baptist), April 1st (conception of Jesus of Christ), July
1st (circumcision of John the Baptist) and January 1s (circumcision of Christ) are all months/signs of the Zodiac
known as the Cardinal Signs of Astrology. Again we touch on the profession of the Magi. There are only four
Cardinal Signs of Astrology. Here each of them plays a prominent role in the birth of Christ. Each of these Cardinal
signs has a different element of creation: April/Aries = Fire, July/Cancer = Water, October/Libra = Air and
January/Capricorn = Earth.
This is now the second time I mentioned the Quadruplicities of Astrology. The Fixed Sign of Astrology I
introduced to you via the four gospel writers where they were orientated to the Angel, Bull, Lion, and Eagle. This
simply means that the gospels were written once and for all times. Meaning that they were not to be changed for
they were placed in the Fixed Quadruplicities.They are stationary and permanent: i.e. canonized (this is the divine
plan for each individual discussed in PART 2 below). Here in our discussion of the conception and circumcision
dates of John the Baptistand Jesus Christ we see the four signs of the Cardinal Quadruplicities. Cardinal means to
initiate or to start something. In both the conception dates and circumcision dates we see that occurring. Both
John and Jesus are born in signs of Mutable Quadruplicities, which are Gemini and Sagittarius and along with
Pisces and Virgo: those four signs recorded the Summer and Winter Solstices and the Vernal and Autumn
Equinoxes. The here in this paragraph is that Astrology seems to dominate the Christian mythological storyline.
The 12-disciples were thought of as the 12-signs of the Zodiac. I will not belabor that issue of Astrology in this
paper but it is a factor in reasoning out our primary concern relating to the Birth of Christ.
The four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Fixed Quadruplicities) and John the Baptist and Jesus
Christ’s Conception and Circumcision dates (Cardinal Quadruplicities) and their birth dates (2-Mutable
Quadruplicities) clock off ten features; whereas, the Vernal and Autumn equinoxes (Mutable Quadruplicities) are
added similar to how the Genesis Formula is formatted to finish off the sacred geometry associated with the
twelve part Zodiac/Calendar year culled out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. Each of these Fixed, Cardinal
and Mutable Quadruplicities have their own Triplicities: i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
15) The Need to know precise dates
Where in the BC era do these 15-months relating to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ belong? Too many
questions come up in the discussion on the birth of Christ concerning the calendar. For example: when Jesus was
conceived it took 269 days to reach December 25th, whereas we cannot be sure of John the Baptist unless we
know whether he was born in a leap year or not. When we talk of the calendar in Jesus' times we tend to equate
the calendar as beingequal to our own times. Is this justified? We must look at the calendar's origins for a moment
to determine if we are on equal grounds here.
If we don't answer our own questions we are merely batting our heads against the wall. Yes, we have to
research the calendar year or we would never know if what the Bibleis sayingcoincides with our understanding. If
the Bible does not coincide with our understanding at least we will know what it is saying if we take the time to
research it.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
16) Julius Caesar, the Equinoxes and the Solstices
On January 1st 46 BC Julius Caesar introduced the known world to a new calendar which he borrowed
aspects of it from the both the Greek and Egyptian calendars. After conquering the Greeks the Romans
amalgamated the two cultures or at leastthis is the mythological storyline.The Greeks originally absorbed much of
the Egyptian culture long before the Rome conquered them. When Julius Caesar created his calendar it had to be
in conformity to the Solstices and the Equinoxes. It is interesting that the conception and birth dates of John the
Baptist and Jesus Christ conform to these astronomical wonders. For example: when we take both John's and
Jesus' birth dates and count the days between them it is the same as the days between the Summer and Winter
Solstices. When we take the dates between the Equinoxes and compare them to the days between the conception
dates of John and Jesus we find the days are the same: coincidence, hardly? I doubt it seriously.
If it was not for the Jewish tradition of the Circumcision Rite eight days after the birth of every male child we
may well have seen the conception and birth dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ on the Equinoxes and the
Solstices, which is not too difficult to envisage seeing it is the Circumcision Rite that separates the Mithras
mysteries from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Mithras mysteries are naturally spiritual and
Catholicismis structured spiritually via the Hermetic Science: like the disparities between the Shepherds and Magi.
17) Caesar and the Leap Year
Another consideration that Julius Caesar would have had to take into account, in positioning his calendar
according to the astronomical data, is the Leap Year. We know that it comes once every four years because of the
extra day. This is an accumulative of but a few minutes per day over a four year period. Every day during this
period contribute a little bit to this one extra day every four years. Caesar would have had to clock his calendar in
such a way that it would accomplish his goals.
18) "Go into all the world and teach the Gospel"
We do not tend to think of the Roman Empire as having anything to do with the origins of Christianity. But
the birth of the calendar on January 1st 46 BC is too precise a date to deny the guiding hand of the Roman Empire.
Remember the Romans were Gentiles. Also remember what Christ said, "Go into the whole world and teach the
gospel," and another time he said, "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves". How does one teach a
stubborn people (Jews9) that do not want to know what true spirituality is all about? This is certainly not
accomplished as theConquistadors did itin South America or the Zealot missionaries’ religious abuses throughout
North and South Americas and the South Sea Islands and the Asian Pacific. Nor is it accomplished as we read it
through the lenses of ancient historicity. What the Romans did was the old magician's trick; they dazzled their
audience (future generations) with the scenery (spectacular history) so they could pull a rabbit out of their hat,
without the uninitiated knowing who did it or how it was done or that it was done at all.
19) Julius Caesar's primary concerns in creating the calendar
What could have been Julius Caesar'sgoals if hewas the individual thatinitiated the Dawn of Christianity? In
no way am I sayingthat a man named Julius Caesar created Christianity.Christianity, name and all, was a foregone
conclusion before the penning of the first letter of Genesis. He who wrote the first letter of Genesis knew the
entire content of the New Testament before it was written. We will see this more clearly when we get into John's
gospel. History has been so contrived as to make it look like Julius Caesar had nothing to do with Christianity. Now
the real Julius Caesar may not have anything to do with it. But as far as we are concern Julius Caesar is a fictional
character in a mythological storyline and not even mentioned in the New Testament and is only infer through the
mythoi of Augustus Caesar.We have to suspend our disbelief justto consider Julius Caesar’s mythoi as a candidate
for initiating the dawn of Christianity. We have to follow the clues that the biblical mythoi gives us to follow. If we
are unable to suspend our disbelief to follow those clues we can never learn what they are suggesting. Even if
9 Let me qualify my remarks aboutJews, beforeI ammisunderstood. Esoterically, Jews symbolize, in theparlanceofthe sacredscriptures, the
materialisticwayoflife,whichis not wrong per se for as humans we allhaveto live in theworld; whereas, Christians represent, in scriptural
parlance, those thathavemoveon tohigherspiritualthought and nolonger liveinmain stream society. In modernity these concept do not
apply simply; for thereason that, thosethat call themselves Christianare biblical Jews andsomeof thosethat call themselves Jews are biblical
Christians;therefore, whenI speak ofJews and Christian I am referring to them as they are esoterically portrayed in the biblical parlance.
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
Julius Caesar was an actual person aware of what he was doing he could do nothing of his own. He had to obey the
mandates of the firstletter, the firstword of Genesis: Bereshith, and the firstchapter of Genesis as a whole. This is
the awe-inspiring part of his role in the historical mythoi. The fact that he conformed to the first letter of the
Genesis' mandate demonstrates that he did have a rolein what was accomplished in 46 BC. Now I also realize that
in order for these historical mythoi to be religiously true then someone else would have had to historically
manipulate the historical data long after the events allegedly took place. The reason for this is because the BC era
did not exist conceptually until long after Christ was dead. Therefore, the so-called BC coin is discovered. There is
no such thing as a BC coin because if you find a coin with the letters ‘BC’ on it you know it is a fraud. Yet, what I
have suggested above about Julius Caesar is the BC Coin; hence, the reader can see my reasoning in suggesting
that Julius Caesar is just a fictional character playing out a role in the historical mythoi of the sacred scripture;
though, his name is never mentioned in the Old or New Testaments?
What the historical biblical mythoi suggest is that Julius Caesar had to find a way of amalga mating the
Roman10 (10-months) and the Greek11 (12-months) calendars. It is absolutely amazing that this idea itself comes
directly out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which produces the Genesis Formula. In fact this concept has
everything to do with the closing of the mystic circle;
therefore, whoever created the Julian calendar knew of
the religious theology emanating from out of the first
word of Genesis: Bereshith. We’ll talk about this later. All
Julius Caesar12 did on a symbolic level is precisely what
Pope Julius II13, the warrior pope, did on a symbolic level
and that may well be why they share the same name not
only because they were both warriors. Pope Julius II
amalgamated Emperor Constantine’s SaintPeter’s Basilica
(rectangle) with the Christian idea of Saint Peter’s Basilica
(octagonal shape)14, which is actually transforming the
Jewish Solomon’s Temple (rectangle) into a Christian
Temple (octagon). This is exactly what Pope Julius II had
Michelangelo do in frescoing the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling
and Altar Wall to mirror image the previous artwork in the
chapel. Those that study the symbolism displayed in the
Sistine Chapel15 will see the rectangular design of the
building symbolically morphing into an octagonal shape
and both SaintPeter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel were
being constructed and frescoed at the same time; thus,
Pope Julius II had two mirror imaging projects going on at
the same time. I will not go into it here; but, if you look at Emperor Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Ba silica omitting
the Narthex it looks very much like one of the Gallo Roman Church 500AD before the building of Chartres
Cathedral in 1020AD. This is most likely becauseitwas the basic design of the period; however, all Roman Catholic
Churches are constructed in the design of the Cross, which exudes the octagonal shape. This latter is mystical in
amalgamating the male (rectangle) and the female (circle): i.e. in every sense squaring the circle.
The ‘Calendar Mechanics’ had to collaborate in constructing the Julius and Augustus Caesar’s calendars
simultaneously. Julius Caesar would have had a number of considerations to ponder.
1) The first consideration would of course have been positioning the calendar at the proper moment for the
Solstices and the Equinoxes. This would have enabled him to know when the month of January wa s to start.
Though December was initially given 30-days and February was given 29/30-days and the Solstices and
10 Romulus’ Calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_calendar#Calendar_of_Romulus
11 Attic Calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_calendar#Local_focus_of_the_system
12 Julius Caesar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar
13 Pope Julius IIhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Julius_II
14 Saint Peter’s Basilica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Peter's_Basilica
15 THE SISTINECHAPEL: AStudy in CelestialCartography http://www.amazon.com/Sistine-Chapel-Celestial-Cartography-
Mysteries/dp/1479749486/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1441456870&sr=8-1&keywords=sistine+chapel+a+study+in+celestial+cartography and
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
Equinoxes did not have the same dates before the change as after the changes in Augustine calendar on
January 1st 8 BC, it all works itself out because the grand Lunar Cycle of 38-years brought the calendar back to
its initial startingpointto where the proper dates of the calendar could beinstituted. This is a complex idea to
get a mental grasp of but if one is willing to sit back and think it out it is a worthwhile endeavor.
2) The mythoi of Julius Caesar would have had to wait for a year that allowed for the Christ to be born in the
Leap Year.
3) Julius Caesar had to allow for his calculations to include not only the Solar Year but the Lunar Year as well in
order to conform to the mandates of the first chapter of Genesis. We will see this last when we discuss John's
Nativity account.
4) He had to allowfor the calendar to be changed in 38-years (this incorporates theSolar and Lunar equations as
mandated by Genesis chapter one) so that the Star of David would appear geometrically within the new
design at that time.
5) There had to be a 2-year period between the changing of the calendar and the Birth of Christ (This 2-year
period has little to do with anything other than conforming to the mandates of the first letter of Genesis. The
first letter of Genesis: Beth represents the number two (2), and therefore, Christ could come only after the
number two (2) was accomplished. The number two (2) represents the Adamic personality in flight from God
who represents symbolically the number one (1); therefore, the reason that Christ came into the world to save
all mankind. We'll see this more clearly when we get into John's gospel concerning his Nativity account.
20) Caesar's constructing the Calendar
Julius Caesar would have been very careful as to when the calendar started and the Solstices, the Equinoxes
and the leap year were not just anything to flaunt. What Caesar done was merely to begin with March (beginning
of the old 10-month Roman Calendar), which he gave 31-days, and he gave April 30-days, and he then alternated
the two number '31 and 30' around the calendar until he came to February, which he gave 29-days on the
common year and 30-days on the leap year. He also added two months to the Roman calendar making January the
beginningof the New Year rather than March. This addingtwo months to the calendar:i.e. January and February is
in every respect mirror-imaging what was discussed above concerning the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable
Quadruplicities,in the conception, birth and circumcision rites of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, going from ten
features to twelve. This adding two months to the calendar is also mirror-imaging the Genesis Formula that is
culled out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which formulates and inundates BERESHITH with the sacred
geometry of the Zodiac/Calendar year. Julius Caesar would die on the Ides of March in 44 BC (2-years?).
Since Genesis chapter one is inundated with calendar mathematics it is obvious that it is an important issue
to be looking into. This is the reason that the calendar is so much a part of the Dawn of Christianity and is
intertwine with the Birth of Christ. One other thing that should be said concerning the construction of this
calendar: it is my belief based upon the historical data available that Julius Caesar knew of the error that woul d
creep into the calendar as time went on and which was corrected in 1582 AD with the Gregorian calendar. The
reason that I believe he left this error unattended to was because he wanted mankind to take another look at the
calendar when the problem became too overbearing to deal with: possibly in the hopes that humanity would
regain their spirituality.
The reader may be inquiring as to why the ancient scribes bother at all about the calendar year? The answer
is in knowing who and what Jesus of Nazareth represents in the mythoi of the New Testament, which of course is
that He is the God/Man Christ. Everything that comes into the world via the psyche has to have that dual nature:
i.e. spirituality and materiality:i.e.Christ. Materiality; for the reason that, ego-consciousness discriminates out of
the spirituality that emanates into the world. There is nothing wrong with the manner in which ego-consciousness
discriminate for that is its raison d’être (reason for existence). I will not discuss all the nuances that sentence
implies; however, when the soul via the phantasmagoria of the psyche comes into the world it is stepping into the
portal of the space/time continuum; whereas, symbolically astrology represents the spiritual calendar,which is out
of the graspingclaws of ego-consciousness’ manipulation. Both the earthly (solar) and celestial (Zodiac) calendars
can never actually be tampered with; however, they can be misinterpreted and abused in many ways as they have
been since the dawn of time.
The scribes that wrote the scriptures did so from the perspective of perfection; because, that is how they
obtained that knowledge from their source material: i.e. the MONAD: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, when we
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
read the story of the Prodigal Son we see that the son born on his father’s estate knows not what the outer
materialistic realmisaboutand so he obtain his inheritanceand goes off to what he imagines is utopia into the far
country. Analogously, when the Prodigal Son left his father’s estate he l eft the Garden of Eden.
The problem that modernity’s bible students have with the sacred scriptures is that they don’t know that in
order to understand the bible all questions have to be answered before they are asked otherwise it is an eternal
uphill battleagainstthe spit coming from the backlash of the wind: i.e. fighting against the intellectual gymnastics
of one’s own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. Such an Armageddon battle that each initiate engages
him or herself in is against the most intellectual geniuses that have ever existed in creation – geniuses coming out
of the phantasmagoria of the bible student’s own mind that he or she unwittingly created. How does anyone
challenge such a titanium wall of self-knowledge?
21) The Moon Calendar and the changing of the calendar month’s days
In continuing: 38-years after the inception of the calendar, to the date, on January 1st 8 BC the Roman Senate
wanting to please Augustus Caesar changed the days of six of the 12-months (our present Zodiac/Calendar's
configuration). This is another nuance right out of the first word of Genesis: Bereshith. The Zohar16 tells us that
Bereshith is two word combined: "Bara shith = created six". The word "bara means, "choose, select, separated,
created"; thus Bereshith can be interpreted: "Bara shith = separated six". It is interesting that the Dogon tribe of
Mali in Africa used the same terminology as the first verse of Genesis when it said "God helps". The word help is
translated from the word "bara". It is said that the Dogon Tribe derived their knowledge from the Egyptians. Why
would the Egyptians be using Hebrew words?
What the Roman Senate did was to rename the month Sextile to August according to the mythoi of the
period; because. July (named for Julius Caesar) had 31-days and August having only 30-days at the time the Roman
Senate did not want to insult Augustus so they took a day out of February and gave it to August, a day was taken
out of September and given to October, and a day was taken out of November and given to December. February
then had 28-days on the common year and 29-days on the leap year. This reference to Julius month having31-days
and August having only 30-days and the Roman Senate not wanting to insult Augustus is quite a fanciful story. I
only mention it because I wanted to show what nonsense can be thrown into the fray to confuse an issue. We will
see that this is fanciful when we see the significance of the changing of the days of the six months; but, of course
the numbering of the calendar did change this way even though the mythology may be wrong as to what literally
happened in the real world.
Studying the creation of the calendar is a study in biblical principles; for the reason that, the ancient scribes
created the mythoi of history to reflect the teachings of the original source material: i.e. the MONAD, which they
called WISDOM.
The biggest problem that most students of the bible, in modernity, are going to have is associating Augustus
and Julius Caesar to Yahweh and Elohym: i.e. gods of the Old Testament and then equating both these set of
symbols symbolically to the Sun and Moon respectively. Biblical students that know of these three sets of symbols
have read about them in Roman history (Augustus and Julius Caesar), the Old Testament scriptures (Yahweh and
Elohym) and in Kabbalistic and Alchemical works (sun and moon). It may well unnerve some people to learn that
all three sets of symbols are conveying the same spiritual message.
Can the reader truly believe that Augustus and Julius Caesar had the two months August and July named after
them or were the mythoi of the calendar year being synched with the Zodiac calendar? August is mystically
married to the sign of Leo (lion), which is governed by the Sun and July is mystically married to the sign of Cancer,
which is governed by the Moon. This is Augustus Caesar mystically synthesizing his ideasto the Julian calendar. Is
it possible that anybody that knows symbolism believe that is coincidental?
The raison d’être (reason for the existence) for all this symbolism in the mythoi of Western Civilization’s
mythological history is to convey the spiritual concept representing the mystical marriage of the two part psyche:
i.e. ego-consciousness (Sun) with the personal unconscious ego (Shadow - Moon), which births the new messiah:
Christ consciousness. The Judeao Christian Scriptures from beginning to end assumes the reader has CHRIST
consciousness and needs no instructions; however, Christ consciousness cannot be had until the initiate has had
an Initiatic Visionary Experience.
16 ZOHAR http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1571892397/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
22) The Star of David synthesized out of the Zodiac/Calendar Year
On January 1st 8BC the Magi saw the Star of David geometrically formed in the new calendar from an
astrological perspective. The four months with 30-days: April/Aries = 1, June/Gemini = 3, September/Virgo = 6,
November/Scorpio = 8, gives off a butterfly pattern. When this pattern is reproduce twice more by the other 8-
month/signs, and there is only one way for that to be done (2, 4, 9, 11 and 5, 7, 10, 12) and no other way, the Star
of David will appear dead center to the Zodiac. It should be mentioned here that these numbers 1, 3, 6, and 8 and
the other two sets are not arbitrary. They follow a strict law of Astrology and hence the reason that the four
months with 30-days are configured to these signs. These numbers also are found in the precise same pattern in
the first word of Genesis. We'll see this when the Genesis Formula is analyzed. (See above diagram of the Star of
David within the Zodiac/Calendar Year)
23) The Magi and the Angels
The Zodiac is a stable of animals and in the center of a stable is an animal's crib called a manger (feeding
trough). The Magi would have recognized the Star of David as being a Jewish star. Is the Star of David a manger for
the Zodiac Animals to feed upon Christ consciousness: i.e. the Eucharist? The Magi would have seen their insights
as angelic voices. Therefore, they had all the information they needed being politically minded to travel to
Jerusalem to speak to Herod. Note that the angel actually spoke the words "city of David".
In ancient times when a new star was seen it was an omen to the birth of a newborn king. This is probably
why the Magi travel to the birth scene. But consider also that Julius Caesar did not set up the calendar himself. He
had people working for him that were Magi that incorporated the culture's customs and traditions into the
calendar.Who else was better qualified to incorporate (recognize) the Star of David in the calendar? Who is better
qualified to have shown up on the precise date the Messiah was expected to be circumcised? It is not a theory or
hypothetical that the Magi set up this calendar. I am not saying that the same Magi that set up the calendar were
the same ones that visited the newborn Christ child. I would not bet the farm on them not having been consulted
on its formation.
Because of the way the New Testament is written we are suppose to reason according to certain ideas laid
out in the text. Once you realize that the Magi may have been totally or semi-responsible for the Dawn of
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
Christianity that reasoning process becomes somewhat ambiguous. For example: considering what was just
written above, though the Magi would have incorporated the Star of David; for the reason that, it was Jewish, and
therefore, was ableto inferred the birth of a newborn king, they would also haverecognized it as havingto do with
Bethlehem of Judea; but, to put these nuances into the text of the New Testament it was necessary to say they
spoke to Herod’s court. It is this Star of David that is incredulous. If it was any other design would the Magi have
been able to say they had gone to Jerusalem to speak to King Herod? What else could have convinced the reader
(convert) that it was a Jewish King about to be born? The Star of David has everything to do with the tetrahedral
forces in creation: i.e. the psyche of the individual. This dynamic psychic interplay concerning the tetrahedral
forces in the new calendar year (the initiate’s new spiritual life cycle) is what informed the Magi that there was
going to be born a new Messianic King. This is why the Magi went to ego-consciousness (King Herod) first. Being
sent to Bethlehem of Judea was probing the unconscious after having tested the conscious aspects of the psyche.
Yes, you can say that the New Testament text speaks of angels speaking to the Magi and I ask how angels
speak to man. Angels are pure thoughts from God. This dilemma lies in the Star of David being physically
manifested into the calendar atthe exact time of the Magi followinga so-called star.When all the other pieces fall
into place what are we to think? When the text records the angels warning the Magi not to return to King Herod it
is obvious from the child's world's surroundings that he did not want the world or any part of it. That alone was
enough information (angelic voices) for the Magi to know not to return to King Herod. What initiate would speak
to an ignorant uninitiated who does not want to learn, unless of course he speak to him to learn the depth of the
novice’s ignorance.A materialistic king(individual persona) would kill anythingspiritual in order to survive. This is
the killing of all spiritual ideas (children) under two years of age.
It is difficult to speak of the Magi and Shepherds as mythological characters that really did not exist; yet, in
speakingabout their mythoi one tends unwittingly and inadvertently to speaks of them as if they actually did exist
as human beings. This is a major problem in speaking and writing about the sacred scriptures without speaking in
the pure sense of esotericism. Then of course there is the problem of the one word definition that is inherent in
the verbal and written vernaculars that are not coded esoterically alphanumerically. Esoterically when the
storyline of the mythoi of the sacred scriptures are written it provides an abundance of evidence to follow: i.e.
clues to the mystical natureof the textual materials;however, that evidence is so spread out chaotically that it has
to be put together piecemeal as if it is a jig-saw puzzle.
There are many layers to the texts of the sacred scriptures and to separate them is a Herculean task: equal to
untying the Gordian’s Knot. As each layer is peeled away an understanding of the esoteric text becomes clearer.
24) The numerous Astronomical sightings
Note that this Star of David is a conceptual design and did not existphysically in the heavens to the point that
the Magi were physically able to see it or follow it. If that were the case, according to modernity’s researchers,
there would have had different groups of Magi wandering the desert of Arabia surrounding the dozen years of
Christ's birth. It is as if every couple of years allegedly a spectacular event was taking place in the heavens. There
were not enough oases in the deserts of Arabia to support the multitude of caravans needed to keep track of such
heavenly events. There would have been dozens of caravans crisscrossing the deserts of Arabia at any given time.
These caravans’ treks would have been the financial industry of the day (I could not help making light ofthis nuance).
25) The Magi's diagram of the Star of David
The Magi had a diagram on a piece of parchment or Zodiac chart. Was this Star of David serendipitously
placed into the calendar? No, it was not. It had to be a deliberate act by the Roman Senate. Note the numbers of
the four months with 30-days: 1, 3, 6, and 8 this is another reason why February had to have a day removed from
it. If it were allowed to retain the 30-days in leap year it would have thrown doubt on the geometrical
configuration of the Star of David that appeared in the calendar.
26) Bethlehem of Judea
Bethlehem of Judea sits at 31.68 North Latitude: a coincidence, hardly. Is it a coincidence that this town that
gave birth to the Messiah sits on a location where its numbers are transposed from the calendar astrological
months with those same four numbers initiating a Star of David: i.e. 1, 3, 6 and 8?
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
27) Lord Jesus Christ
Bonnie Gaunt's works17 demonstrates what this number 3168 means mathematically and this author knew
nothing of my discovery on the calendar. She was working independently. She takes the phase Lord Jesus Christ
and breaks it down numerically (Gematria) to 3168. She also takes this number to mean other things in relations to
the measurements of the earth and the distance from the sun. The point is that I don't understand everything she
writes about the solar system; but, those things that she has hard evidence concerning the numerical coding of
Bible words and totaling them up is something that I cannot dismissed. Neither can the location of Bethlehem of
Judea geodetically at 31.68 North Latitude be so easily dismissed which she also deals with.
28) 2-Year Period
Now that we have the evidence of the calendar year to back up exactly what the Magi saw we can see that 2-
year (Herod's killing the children) from January 1st 8 BC is January 1st 6 BC. Therefore, the circumcision date for
Christ had to be January 1st, 6 BC and the birth date of Christ had to be December 25th 7 BC.
29) The Motif of 38-Years
Remember I mentioned above about not knowing whether John was born in a leap year or not. Well, 38 -
years happen to be one complete Lunar Cycle. The Augustus Caesar calendar is a Solar and Lunar calendar
interface. The #38 is quite prominent in the Bible. The man that went down into the pool of Bethesda after 38-
years is one such example for he obtained Christ consciousness after 38-years. Isaac was born and his mother
Sarah dies 38-years later and Abraham dies 38-years after his wife. Notice that at the end of the 38-years of the
calendar the four months with 30-days were interfaced into the four zodiacal signs: 1, 3, 6 and 8: Now look at
Abraham's families. It may well be that this 38-year period was meant to point back to Abraham families. This is
because when you total numerically Abraham's two families the same results numerology is achieved:
243 = Abram before it was changed to Abraham
208 = Hagar
451 = Ishmael
902 = Total
248 = Abraham
505 = Sarah (princess) after she discards her old name Sarai (contention)
208 = Isaac
961 = Total
Grand Total = 1863, which is a transposition of the numbers 1, 3, 6, 8.
Another reason to mention Abraham is becauseLuke begins his gospel by writing a salutation to Theophilus,
which is interpreted as "friend of God". In the Old Testament Abraham is known as a "friend of God". Isn't it
interesting that Luke begins his gospel to Theophilus and his first two chapters are on the six points of the
conceptions, births, and circumcisions of both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ and the grand finale of these
stories is learningof the Star of David that gives off the same four digits as his two families.It is too much to expect
anyone to believe that this is merely coincidental. There are just too many coincidences.
30) John the Baptist's Leaps in the Womb and the Leap Year
Now John the Baptist could not have been born in June of the 39th year from the inception of the Julian
calendar. Since the Star of David first appears, January 1st 8 BC (the beginning of the 39th year), there was no time
for John to be conceived mythologically and nor was there time for all the new changes in the calendar to take
place. So John the Baptist being conceived on October 1st 8 BC was timely. In fact it is the earliest possible date
after the Star of David appeared, in the calendar, for John to have been conceived. The people that set this system
up economized everything to the point that error was not possible if you think about the events correctly.
17 http://www.amazon.com/Bonnie-Gaunt/e/B001HCS62Y/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1448642910&sr=1-1
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
Notice that when John was conceived on October 1st 8 BC, one year before that same date would have been
September 31st. So the day taken out of September and given to October on that year was the last change that
had to take place that would have influenced the outcome of the New Testament’s calculations. The next changes
are merely incidental to completing all the changes of the calendar that year. November gives up its 31's day to
December. Nothing important takes place in those last two months and therefore the outcome of the last 61 days
of the year had no effect on what date John the Baptist would be conceived.
It is the 39th-year of the Julian and Augustus Caesars calendar John is carried in the womb of his mother and
she goes through the New Year from October 1st round to February, March, to April 1st when the child Jesus of
Nazareth is conceived: John leaps in his mother’s (Elizabeth) womb. Now consider how advantageous this all is:itis
now the 40th year of the new calendar making it a leap year. The authors seem to make puns out of the points they
are trying to make. It may well be that the reason that these puns are incorporated into the text is to force us to
suspend our disbelief that the gospel writers would not do it.
31) Malachi 4:5; Prophesying Elijah
This is not the only evidence of John being born in the 39th year because one has to consider the prophecy
concerning Elijah in the 39th Book of the Old Testament: Malachi 4:5; "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord". Jesus Christ tells us that John the Baptist is Elijah.
Are we to believe that Elijah is mentioned in the 39th book of the Old Testament and John is conceived in the 39th
year of the new calendar and it is all a coincidence?
32) Jesus Christ is born on time
Then you must consider thatsinceJesus is conceived and born in the 40th-year of the calendar isn'tittoo much
of a coincidence that he is first mentioned in the 40th Book of the Bible: Matthew's first chapter? It is the little
nuances like this that adds flavor to the mystical manner in which the Christian story was set up. This in no way
negates the spirituality of the sacred scriptures. In fact these nuances should enhance the validity of what the
sacred scriptures are saying.
33) Mathematics, John's Conception, Jesus Christ's birth and death
Another beautiful consideration for this paper concerningthe Julian and Augustus Caesars calendars,another
BC Coin if you’ll have it, and by no means is this all the evidence on this point concerning the Birth of Christ,
concerns the structure of the Roman Catholic Church’s bible in relationship to the conception of John the Baptist,
and the birth and death of Christ.
39 Books in the Old Testament
07 Books in the Apocrypha
27 Books in the New Testament
73-books in the Catholic Bible: Catholicism’s signature
39th year of the calendar (Oct. 1st 8 BC) John the Baptist is conceived (end of Old Testament)
07 BC Jesus Christ is conceived on April 1st 7 BC and born on December 25th 7 BC in the 40th year.
27 AD Jesus Christ is crucified at the age of 33 years of age.
73-years total
Do you really think that it all maps out like this, so perfectly, coincidentally?
34) The proximity of the birth of Christ to the change of the calendar
This is an extremely tight knit argument concerning the Birth of Christ. As you can see it all hinges upon the
change of the calendar on January 1st 8 BC, which produced the Star of David. When I initially came across this
piece of information concerning the Star of David I knew I had to validate many questions that came to mind. The
closeness of the proximity of the changes oin the Augustus Caesar calendar (and those changes producing the Star
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THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
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THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience
THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience

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THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience

  • 1. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 1 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST And the Initiatic Visionary Experience William John Meegan BIRTH OF CHRIST = CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS What does the BIRTH OF CHRIST symbolize? It is extraordinarily difficult to explain the inexplicable to the infidel and the profane. Those that believe that Jesus Christ lived and breathe as a human being two thousand years ago is better off not reading this paper; for the reason that, Christ symbolizes the soul when it is in the state of what is designated as spirituality: i.e. Christ consciousness, which is not recognized by anybody other than the one that has received the Initiatic Visionary Experience1. This vision is extremely personal and few people will ever tell another he or she has had such an experience for societal mores tends to frown upon what is perceived as mental illness. It can be said that Christ (returned) walks upon the earth if it is recognized that every member of the Roman Catholic Church’s laity is a Christ and if an individual out of the laity has had an Initiatic Visionary Experience then that individual is CHRIST as portrayed by the mythoi of the New Testament. The New Testament is an iconographic document, meaning that it is totally symbolic. Mary symbolizes the unconscious mind and Joseph symbolizes ego-consciousness and Christ symbolizes the spiritual synthesis of the two-part psyche. Mary, the unconscious mind is considered virginal; for the reason that, the unconscious mind prior to the vision never had a spiritual impregnation. Those that experience the Initiatic Vision are conceived by a virgin mother; because, the person is psychically no longer the person he or she was before the vision: i.e. he or she has materialistically died. Ego-consciousness (Sun) dies and the CHRIST lives: the old Adam is dead and the new Adam is alive. There literally has to be millions of people around the earth, every generation, that have this vision; however, many unwittingly had it and summarily dismissed it to their detriment and ended up in insane asylums; for the reason that, they do not deal with it spiritually. Others put every part of their lives into their vocation; thus, creating a following or a worldwide movement: i.e. Mary Baker Eddy: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Carl G. Jung: ANALYLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY and William (Bill) Wilson: ALCOHOLICS ANYNONYMOUS. Few in the Christian era has put their search for understanding of their vision and knowledge of God into the canonized Judaeo Christian Scriptures and the Roman Catholic Church has lamented this phenomenon for centuries. The mythoi of the Old and New Testaments were created to document generically and iconographically the Initiatic Visionary Experience. The BIRTH OF CHRIST is a primary Christian designate for the Initiatic Visionary Experience, which is renamed and re-mythologized throughout the Judaeo Christian Scriptures.. 1 I am presently writing a commentary on thefirstfour chapters ofGenesis,whichoutlines this Initiatic Visionary Experience and I should be posting it online by the end ofthe year.
  • 2. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 2 INTRODUCTION After thirteen years I am republishing this paper2; for the reason that, I want to demonstrate to my readers the foundational concepts that my present day researches were developed from. This is an important paper; because, it demonstrates the exact date mythologically that the mythoi of the Christian era was symbolically inaugurated. I also needed to edit and rework some of the textual materials and images. The majority of Christians, without thought or consideration for what they read and/or are being taught, believe the pompous and hubris of academia and/or the flawed researches of inept theologians and/or would-be scholars. Then there are of course the theories of the Protestants ministers and the modern stargazing astronomers/astrologers and the fanaticism of the infidel and the profane. All these theological and materialistic venues areflawed simply becausethey collectively research thebibleindependently as if the sacred scriptures are historical documents. The Judeao Christian Scriptures have nothing whatsoever to do with the space/time continuum; furthermore, the sacred scriptures neither has anything spiritually to do with the historicity of the Hebraic people nor the dawn of the Christian era; though, the Zodiac/Calendar year is used esoterically, as a mythological tool, to imprint upon the psyche of the neophyte the pseudo-mythoi of these mythological and manufactured storylines. The neophyte through the science of Astrology learns the techniques of the Esoteric Science, the concept of the great chasm that exists between the material and spiritual realms of thought while existing in the real world. Hopefully, that concept will be conveyed to the reader in this paper. Those that arefamiliar with my researches know that I obtain my research data directly from the bible along with the sophisticated scientificdata imbued into the esoteric sciencecodified to the scriptures’ textual storylines. My approach to analyzingthe Judeao Christian Scriptures isto allow the sacred scriptures to esoterically interpret themselves; rather, than inserting my two-cents into the fray; thus, the crux of the problem that exists between the materialist’s approach to analyzing the scriptural texts and mine spans an abyss that cannot be bridged. I demand ORDER parallel to providingdemonstrableevidence the religious topics researched and discuss; whereas, incalculablematerialistic-minded theologians, academics, would be scholars, infidels and the profane insert their erroneous ideas and/or fanaticism creating CHAOS without any desire whatsoever of proving what they are saying and the twain shall never meet. This paper introduces the dawn of Christianity, which literally began, from an esoteric and mythological perspective, on January 1st 46BC3. According to those mythoi Christ was conceived on April 1st 7BC, born on December 25th 7BC, circumcised on January 1st 6BC and died during Passover in 27AD; thus, the reader has been given a sneak preview regarding the inauguration of the Christian mythoi. Both Judaismand Christianity per se, as narrated by the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, are not religions; rather, they both in unanimity narrate esoterically how the initiate pulls him or herself out of the wasteland of materialism into the Garden of Eden. Religions are the psychic invention and manufactured opium of the masses simply becausethey arethe phantasmagoria of psychicwishful thinking eternally desiring for ‘a’ Messiah to come and save them from their agony in the world so that they don’t have to psychically or physically change their morals,ethics or materialistic desires. The masses go to church services doingall kinds of antics: dancing, singing, prayer (begging falsegods {?} for all kinds of materialistic wants and sickening desires) and all kinds of rituals and pageantries are employed to boaster their religiosities, what Bishop Robert E. Barron calls ‘dancing around the altars of false gods’ that have absolutely nothingwhatsoever to do with what the spiritual forces in creation wants from the initiate. What the spiritual forces (God) in creation want from the initiate is for him or her to ‘want to know about his or her soul and what life is all about’. Simply coming into the materialistic realm and gorging oneself on its pleasures is what inebriates the soul into forgetting its true spiritual heritage and in every sense coming into the material realm in that manner is very much like the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). 2 http://innerouterministries.tripod.com/theinnerouterministries/index.html (2002) a shorter version ofthis paper was published in a chapter in my published work: THE SECRETS & THE MYSTERIES OF GENESIS: Antiquity’s Hall ofRecords (2003) http://www.amazon.com/Secrets- Mysteries-Genesis-Antiquitys-Records/dp/1412010128/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1441441556&sr=1- 2&keywords=the+secrets+%26+the+mysteries+of+genesis 3 The Judaeo Christianscriptures hadto beinvented and manufactured somewherein the AD (anno Domini) era and that will become all too apparent as this papercontinues; however, the fact that Judaism and Christianity are invented and manufactured religions has nothing whatsoever todo with the spirituality ofJudaism and/or Christianity.Judaism starting with the book ofGenesis has everything to do with this mythological perspective andhow Christianity created Judaism as a backdrop to its sudden spiritual appearance in the life of the initiate.
  • 3. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 3 What is designated as the WORD OF GOD is actually a LIFE’S MANUAL inherently imprinted upon the soul as to how to live life in the Garden of Eden: i.e. the real world and this is not generally known in the annals of modernity. The soul is the MONAD: i.e. Christ (God/Man) and out of this knowledge the initiate can contemplatively cull out the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which I discuss extensively throughout my researches. It is this MATRIX OF WISDOM that writes the Judaeo Christian Scriptures and by extension the world’s sacred scriptures esoterically. The surface texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures are written by those that know the WORD OF GOD as it makes known itself out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, the initiate endowed with Christ consciousness writes two parallel documents symbiotically simultaneously in the writing the sacred scriptures. The WORD OF GOD out of the MATRIX OF WISDOM is codified symbolically and alphanumerically to each and every letter of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, which are premeditative designs to exude an entirely different missive than the surface storyline. The symbolic and alphanumeric structure of every letter of the sacred scriptures (forming words), is designed to emanate via the Seven Liberal Arts sacred geometry, which is based solely upon the MATRIX OF WISDOM. CONTRARILY, the surface texts of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures, and by extension the world’s sacred scriptures, is a premeditative design to exclusively mirror-image the psychological mentality of the societal mores of its existing culture; thus, the average person reading the sacred scriptures has no idea that he or she is being served up the pabulum for the masses; for the reason that, that is precisely what he or she wants out of life. Generally people really do not want to know God and only research the bible via the trauma of life. There is no problem with that for I am such a convert that turned to the bible when life got out of hand; however, the WORD OF GOD is only ascertained with eternal vigilance in studying the sacred scriptures with the spiritual forces of creation as your only guide. True religion is studying the teachings of the Mystery Schools. In Western Civilization Freemasonry4 and the Roman Catholic Church are analogous to the true teachings of Judaism and Christianity. Freemasonry’s temple is basically Solomon’s Temple (rectangular) that morphs into the Christian Temple (octagonal shape). Both Judaism and Christianity as narrated in the sacred scriptures are mythological and because of this phenomenon CHAOS is incessantly around theinitiate. Freemasonry is notabout manmade laws;though, they likeJudaismaremost likely instrumental in creating them; rather, this organization is trying to make “a good man a better man”, which is to say that those that want a good life,obeying the societal mores and are actively and self-motivated into searching for knowledge of God are more or less coaxed into a higher state of spiritual consciousness; whereas, the Roman Catholic Church maintains thatspiritual consciousness. Initially, Catholicism ‘seemingly’ took on both these roles; for the reason that, Catholicism traditionally was communally Church and State, and still is on a spiritual level, simply becausethis is whatChristconsciousness isall about: i.e. in other words those in the Garden of Eden (in the state of Christ consciousness) do not need a secular government to tell him or her what to do in life. According to the mythoi of history when the Reformation Period: i.e. Protestantism began and the Church’s power ‘seemingly’ began to wane Freemasonry enters onto the stage of history. Catholicism (as a Mystery School), not as it ‘psychotically appears’ in modern time, was never meant for the iconoclastic masses: i.e. Fundamentalism and Literalism (Protestantism). In fact it would be extremely difficult to have a conversation with a so-called Catholic, in modernity, that knows Catholicism has anything to do with iconography;yet, the very foundations of Catholicismis iconography. Both Freemasonry and Catholicism read the WORD OF GOD via iconography;whereas,Catholicism deals solely with iconography. Freemasonry tries, not that it is always successful and fails more times than not, to take the iconoclastic individual and introduce him to iconography and in every sensepushes himtowards Catholicismor another iconographic Mystery School (Taoism, Confucian, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam, etc.) more suited to his character. Iconography cannot be conveyed from one individual to another and that is a spiritually that is a cosmic phenomenon. Iconography can only be pointed to and it is the tenacity of the individual in researching the alphanumeric structure of the Hebrew and Greek letters and words of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures that will ignite Christ consciousness in the psyche of the initiate. Let me end this introduction by agreeing that Freemasonry’s goal is to create a ‘One World Order’; however, this is not the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (Chaos) that the masses conjure up in the phantasmagoria of their psyches. Christ consciousness is the ‘One World Order’ that is envisioned by Freemasonry and maintained by Catholicism(Taoism,Confucian,Hindu,Buddhism,Islam,etc.), which means each individual within societal mores, rules his or her own domain: i.e. Garden of Eden walking with God while living in this materialistic realm. 4 I am not a memberof any Mystery School other thanmy birthright as a Roman Catholic.
  • 4. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 4 PART #1 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST Prologue To know definitively the exact moment of Christ's birth on earth mythologically is to know the deepest and the most mysterious secrets and mysteries of Christianity. Many have, over the millennia, tried to answer this question to no avail. In fact they have confused the issue to the point of creating their own Gordian's Knot on this subject matter. Most noted of these are Raymond E. Brown's THE BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH5, and THE BIRTH OF CHRIST6, by Liddon & Orr.There are literally hundreds of volumes and papers dealing with just this subject matter, as their thesis, that has come out before and after these above named references. None of them in anyway clarifies the issue to anyone's satisfaction. Below I will offer just one more argument as to the exact moment of Christ's birth. In fact I believe the birth of Christ to be the central issue in Christianity because unless it is understood nothing else can be truly grasp concerning the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. I must warn the reader that there are facts and evidence below that will seemingly have nothing to do with Christianity that will be called to bear witness on this issue. I will not take up pass arguments and disparage their authors. This argument below will shine a new light on the errors of previous efforts without referring to anyone in particular. I have included a number of diagrams with this paper that will illustrate the many points presented. It is best to go over each and every one carefully to obtain a sense of what each is saying in relationship to the overall theme. I found them to be invaluable for me personally; though, I created them; for the reason that, they focus my thoughts and attention on the present issue at hand and each, in its own way, prevented my mind from wandering into extraneous matters. I tend to learn more by diagrams of concepts thought out; though, I can hold a conceptual train of thought I found that a diagram tend to convey more than the initial intent of its design. This is one of the beautiful and most mystical nuances about the spiritual realm of ideas. 1) The Birth of John the Baptist No one has ever disputed the birth of John the Baptist that is known to have taken place mythologically on June 24th. In fact Freemasonry has taken this date as their anniversary date: i.e. June 24th 1717. I will not overly discuss Freemasonry in this paper. It is extremely interesting to see the evidence of what Freemasonry has done in the past and is still doing in modern times in their efforts to spread this esoteric scienceinto the world.I'll hold off on that aspect of our discussion.I hold off on it not to keep it secret but because one would have to suspend his or her disbelief on other aspects of “history” in order to grasp what I am trying to convey. Also much of what I am going to say below encompasses a great deal of that information anyway. Let me first say here at the outset that history is merely a mythology to garment the WORD OF GOD. Recent events in just the past hundred years demonstrate even in our own scientific era how difficult it is to get the facts straight. In my quest for knowledge of history I am less concern with theories and hypotheticals then I am in concrete evidence that cannot be twisted to mean half a dozen different things. I happen to believe that the ancient scribes codified their understandingof the WORD OF GOD in the sacred scriptures esoterically and theimportant aspects of history they left stable are insignificant to those that can destroy them if their importance was known. The date of John the Baptist's birth is a case in point on this issue. Every time the bi rth of Christ is discussed John the Baptist’s part in the Nativity account gets little or no attention; therefore, his birth date is never mentioned. If Johns part is mentioned at all it is merely as an afterthought or a footnote to the discussion. 5 BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH, by Raymond E. Brown http://www.amazon.com/Birth-Messiah-Anchor-Reference-Library/dp/0385472021/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= 6 BIRTH OF CHRISTby Liddon and Orr http://www.amazon.com/Birth-Christ-H-P-Liddon/dp/0865240582/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8 &qid=1441441075&sr=1-1&keywords=liddon+and+orr
  • 5. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 5 I will discuss theyear of the birth of John the Baptistlater in this paper. The annual date June 24th is precisely six months from the date of December 25th, which is the date of Christ's birth. Many dispute this date, of Christ’s birth, and we'll deal with that as we continue. In this first point I have simply brought out and confirmed the New Testament's declaration concerning it. The angel speaking to Mary pointing out that her cousin Elisabeth is with child six months. Many will lament that there are no dates in the Judeao Christian Scriptures nor is the BC or AD eras mentioned in the scriptural documents. I beg to differ. People that don’t see these dates or the mythological BC and AD eras mentioned in the texts are not properly analyzing and contemplating what they are studying. The old joke that if you find a coin that has BC on it you’ll know immediately it is a counterfeit. Well, putting that joke aside, you’re about to be introduced to a valid BC coin in seeing the sacred scriptures discussing the BC era as if it is a valid venue of mythology. 2) John the Baptist's Circumcision Rite The fact that John the Baptist was born on June 24th brings to the fore Judaism 'Circumcision Rite' which records the birth of every newborn male child. Eight days after the birth of the male child he is to be brought to the temple to have this Rite of Circumcision performed on him. Eight days from June 24th is July 1st.This sameritual was performed on Jesus Christ as the New Testament recorded. If, therefore, Jesus Christ is circumcised according to the laws of Judaism his circumcision date had to be on January 1st. There can be no disputing the fact that July 1st and January 1st are six months apart. It would be thought that most people would accept the birth of the Christian Messiah based upon this data alone; however, some people point to ambiguous questions brought into play by the text of the New Testament, via the theologian’s, academic’s, would be scholars, infidels and the profane flawed research and/or flawed reasoning,which invokes the doubts of those seeking to be spiritually spoon fed: i.e. ne’er-do-wells. They also raise doubt in religious minds when they do so. It is natural to raise questions when one does not know the answers ; however, students of the sacred scriptures are obligated, by spiritual mandate, to search out the answers and not just to raise havoc by trying to get others (Messianic individuals: i.e. saviors) to do the work for them. 3) The Magi and the Shepherds The subject of the Magi (wise men) is an extremely important one that aids in defining this issue on the Birth of Christ. This is; for the reason that, upon their evidence alone do we have a more definitive understanding concerning this issue. Most people believe that the Magi saw a star in the evening sky and they followed it. What a long (2-year) night that would have been. The New Testament does not say that. In fact the New Testament goes out of its way to point out that the Magi went to Jerusalem to speak to King Herod concerning the issue as to where the new born king was to be born. If the Magi were following a star in the night sky why would they stop, at Jerusalem, some six miles away from Bethlehem of Judea where the child laid in a manger? This is a confusing point in the New Testament for those that have not searched for the answer. In fact they should not know the answer because unlikethe Magi they are not astrologers.The word Magi in Greek means 'astrologer'.And I will say,as was said in ancienttimes,unless you areyourself a Magi you will notknow of the Birth of Christ.In other words at least try to understand the rudiments of Astrology before you try to understand the secrets of the New Testament. Modern Christianity goes out of its way to trash Astrology. I agree with disregarding the fraudulent fortune telling aspect of Astrology but not the numerical, symbolic and mythological aspects of it. Most Christians believe that the most confusing issue, in the New Testament, is the angel speaking to the shepherds guardingtheir flock,in the springtime, in contrast to the Christ child being born in the wintertime where the sheep would not be able to withstand the climate in the hills of Judea. Where, actually, unless the issue concerningthe Magi is answered, where there is doubt whether the Magi actually sawa physical star in the sky or not, the issue of Christ's birth cannot be answered. Can all of these seemingly contradictory points come together
  • 6. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 6 and be explained away? Yes, they can. Whatexactly is it that the Magi saw? If we are to accept the academic point of view which gives us numerous theories and at least a half dozen astronomical wonders taking place between 2 BC and 8 BC we would never understand the Birth of Christ or what day he was mythologically born on. There would always be uncertainty in the mind of the Christian believers. Academia cannot survive as an institution without this kind of conflict to stoke its fires of confusion. I warn the reader to be careful of taking on what others, including myself, are saying. The bible has nothing to do with the duration of time or the distances of space between two points. The bible is speaking of spiritual concepts and it is difficultin real timeto separatesecular thought from the spiritual meditation. A good analogy of this is beingin a Christian Cathedral for a period of time and then walking back out into the material world. These are entirely two different mindsets. Bishop Robert E. Barron7 speaks of the Magi as if they had no scientific or political leanings; yet, the New Testament mythoi have them going directly to King Herod for answers. It is obvious that if you have direct access to the king anytime you want then you know your way in and around the political system. The Magi of course are mythological figures; however, the New Testament having them visit King Herod (ego) for answers as to where the Christ child was to be born is not a great leap in intellectual prowess. Another point that Bishop Barron doesn’t point out is that the Magi could only have visited mythologically the Christ child on January 1st after the Circumcision Rite was performed. The visit of the Magi could not have taken place on December 25th eight days before; for the reason that, the two year period had not been completed. Jesus, Mary and Joseph would not have been in the cavern hovel for most of January 1st if they were traveling to and from the temple. It had to be January 1st because that would have been the precise date from the two year period that the STAR OF DAVID was first sited in the newly ordained calendar year by Augustus Caesar on January 1st 8BC and that date coincides precisely with the two year period that the Magi informed King Herod about. 4) Conception Dates, Birth Dates, & Circumcision Dates King Herod having all the children killed from 2-years and under in Bethlehem of Judea8 is an extraordinary piece of evidence; for the reason that, without it Christianity could never know the precise moment mythologically of Christ's birth. It was the Magi, as recorded in Matthew's gospel, which gave that piece of information, about the star's two-year duration, to King Herod. Now consider, what piece of information could the Magi have been privy to over a 2-year period that no one else could possibly know; but, obviously was data that was part of the overall grand plan of God bringing his son to physical manifestation? In other words the Magi were mythologically following the star for at least two years. How we know this is because the conception, birth & circumcision dates of both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ account for most of this 2-year period of time. If we were to reverse the calendar, without even knowing the BC years involved, on both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ birth dates and went back nine months, in each case, to their conception dates we would find, at the very least, the divine plan would have span a 15-months duration. This means that six months before the angel spoke to Mary in the Annunciation, to the circumcision rite performed on Jesus Christ, 15-month passed. Based upon the storyline in the text we can obtain a sense of what took place during that 15-month period. All six events: the two conception dates, two birth dates, and the two circumcision dates, that had to have taken place concerning John the Baptist and Jesus Christ’s nativities are recorded in the New Testament as having taken place. 7 I am only mentioning Bishop Robert E. Barronbecausehe is presently the leading theologian in America and the impetus for the WORD ON FIRE program with all its books, DVDs and cds created Bishop Barron. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Barron_%28bishop%29 8 This is a verymystical nuance that has everything to dowith the neophyte’s understanding ofthemysticalnature ofthe firstletter ofGenesis: BETH (2). In addition the neophyte needs to understand how and why the first word ofGenesis: BERESHITH was developed.
  • 7. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 7 1. The Annunciation to Zacharias (Luke 1:5-25): John's conception date 2. The Annunciation to Mary (Luke 1:26-38): Jesus conception date a. The Annunciation to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25): after Jesus conception date 3. Mary tends to Elisabeth (Luke 1:39-58): John's birth date 4. Zacharias and John at the temple (Luke 1: 59-80): John's circumcision date 5. Mary gives birth and the Shepherd’s story (Luke 2:1-20): Jesus Christ's birth date a. Mary gives birth and the Magi story (Matthew 2:1-18): Jesus Christ's birth date 6. Jesus, Mary, & Joseph at the temple (Luke 2:21-39): Jesus' circumcision date A quick study of the above scriptural references illustrates thatLuke's gospel by far is the most informativeon all six of these events. What is most interesting is that five of these references demonstrate that one of these two gospel writers had to follow the format of the other. Notice how both gospels have the birth of Jesus in their second chapter and talks of either the Shepherds or the Magi in that chapter. What is most striking about Luke's gospel is the economy of space he uses after his prologue. Even Luke’s salutation gives a world of information to those that meditate on it properly. Luke goes from one point to the next without any frivolous information. Luke's agenda is obviously to bring out these six events in sequence. It is as if he is demanding that the initiate give due attention to these six points concerning the nativities of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. There are some details at the tail end of these different segments; but, details, which germinate nuances that are needed to be known by the reader in his or her meditations on these points. 5) The significance of the words "House” and “Inn" Another striking fact is that Matthew does not actually give us an account of the Birth of Christ but just mentions the birth took place. His most important message about the nativity seems to be the story of the Magi. He mentions nothing about the other five events mentioned in Luke's gospel. Another interesting and very important point is that Matthew uses the word "HOUSE" rather than "INN" in referring to where Jesus was born; though Jesus was not born in the INN (according to Luke) the stable was part of the Inn (as the imagination would have it) and therefore could be incorporated in the wording. I am not apologizing for the wording here. I believe that Matthew says Christ was born in a "HOUSE" because he is more an airy type of person with his mathematics: his beinga publican (tax collector),whereas, Luke is more intellectually materialistic being a doctor and knows the importance of detail documented information. This is not saying Matthew’s gospel is not detail oriented esoterically on a mathematical level it is just the manner in which his mythos presents itself. Another nuance that no doubt influenced Matthew to use the word "HOUSE" is; for the reason that, the city of David: Bethlehem is translated as “house of bread”. That nuance about the “house of bread” is what the ministry of Christ is all about. Dough rises when yeast permeates it. Christ is analogous to the yeast in the psyche of the initiate. Every thought, word and deed is analogous to a loaf of bread (a cathedral rising). The fact that the words "House” and “Inn" are both used separately and independently indicates a concerted effort on the part of both Matthew and Luke to bring this information out esoterically. Both these words have mysterious mystical meanings in the first letter of Genesis: BETH, which I deal with below. This cannot be a coincidence that this works out this way. Did Matthew and Luke agree amongst themselves to take one of the words and different concepts and incorporate them separately into their gospel? This is most likely, especially, when you realize that John's gospel deals with the Nativity account also. And John’s gospel also harmonizes with what Matthew and Luke does with the words: House and Inn. 6) BETH: The First Letter of the Bible It should be known that the first letter of the Bible, in the book of Genesis, is called BETH, which in Hebrew is the number two (2) and means "in" when written/attached to another word (as in b'reshith = "in [the] beginning"), which I believe Luke used analogously as "INN"; for the reason that, the word BETH also symbolically means "HOUSE". Beth represents, in Judaism, the concept of a container. I will get into that later when I talk about the third gospel (John's) that deals with the Nativity account. So neither Matthew nor Luke is contradicting each other here though it may initially appear that way to the uninitiated. One also must look at what Luke has written in contrast to what Matthew has written in the use of the wording of "inn" as oppose to "house".
  • 8. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 8 It is Luke that gives us the graphic scene of Christ being born in a stable of animals. Now Matthew says the same thing by introducing the Magi and pointing out the two-year period between seeing the star and the birth of Christ.Once the Star of David is revealed through the study of the Zodiac/Calendarthe similarity of Matthew's and Luke's gospels become clear. Luke introduces the stable of animals and the shepherds, which are per se astrologers (Magi) watching over their flock. Now a priest is called a pastor of his flock. In Judaism Gentiles are considered animals. This is expressly stated in the Talmud. This well may be because in Judaism the individual is taught to think for himself like a Protestant Christian instead of being herded like an animal to Church services where the laity is on the same page so-to-speak using standardize and canonized texts. These two modes of thought are analogous to CHAOS versus ORDER. So the Talmud's text may well be expressing the symbolism behind the Gentile religions of the world. When Luke. a Greek doctor (Gentile/animal) wrote his gospel he may well have been writing to convert the Jew to Christianity by explaining to them that it was their Messiah that was rejected by Judaism and left solely to the Gentiles/animals to be born in a manger (animal's crib). Matthew on the other hand is a converted Jew and not wanting to be offensive to the Gentile religion uses the word "house" rather than "inn". He talks of the Magi entering a "house" as if they the Gentiles themselves were actually human. This is something that a Jew would not openly admit or say in the hearing of another Jew, whereas, Ma tthew is admitting it now that he is a Gentile. Hearing a previously known Jew admit that Gentiles are human would have convinced Matthew audience that he was truly converted to the new Christian sect. These are interesting nuances that are embedded into the mythoi of the gospels. It is one of my firm beliefs that in order to understand Judaism one must study Christianity,and to understand Christianity one must study Judaism. This last will become even more clearly understood when we discuss John's Nativity account. It must be understood that in no way am I saying that Jews believe this way today in modern times. I really do not know if this is a conceptual reality for Judaism in modernity. Christ born in a manger is a beautiful analogy of what Christ consciousness symbolizes. The animals are obviously a play on the twelve zodiacal signs of the mythological science of Astrology. The manger is a feeding trough for animals to eat out of. It is the synthesizing of these twelve zodiacal signs (those things that enamor the psyche) that allow all the animals to collectively feed out of same trough. Bethlehem is interpreted as the “house of bread” and Christ is called the “bread of life (Eucharist)”. What is the difference between the “house of bread” and the manger that Christwas born in? There is absolutely no difference whatsoever. In fact the Birth of Christ in the house or inn will be spectacularly displayed when I discuss John’s gospel in relationship to the Nativity of Christ. There the reader will envisage how Matthew, Luke and John’s gospels in concert with the first letter of Genesis: Beth produces three of the four mirror-imaging tales of the same spiritual concept. Understand when I speak of the gospel writers livingin the world I speak of them as envisaged via the mythoi of the surface storyline and I am culling out the teachings of esotericism. Matthew and Luke’s uses of the words ‘house’ and ‘inn’ respectively were esoteric choices to breakdown the Hebrew letter/word BETH covertly in the mythological textual storyline. When contemplating the sacred scriptures not as being written in a number of different mundane languages, which they were of course, but rather as havingbeen written in a symbolic and alphanumeric language then a new sense is given to the text. No matter what mundane language the ancient use to scribe the texts the same esoteric scienceis employed to cloak the WORD OF GOD that is of course if the indigenous language is not later translated into a profane language where esotericism: WORD OF GOD is thrown out with the bath waters of translating the indigenous textual materials.In antiquity people that read and understood this genre of esoteric symbolism would have respected each other’s religious beliefs. So the chatter that went back and forth between the Jews and the Gentiles would have been considered polite society. The danger in all of this is when time passes and the people forget through subsequent generations what the symbolism originally meant. When reading the sacred scriptures literally Jews are considered evil religious genocidal tyrannical maniacs and Gentiles are led around by the proverbial nose by nothing more than war mongering bullies. Even Gentiles today that believe they are born under a certain zodiacal sign says in effect that that animal influences them: hence being, in the eyes of Judaism, an animal.The American Indian called such an animal their spiritguideand often they would dress up likethat animal. For Judaism to classify Gentiles as animals is not far off the mark symbolically.
  • 9. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 9 FROM THE JUDEAO CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES PERSPECTIVE This “(Israelites) Jews” and “Gentile” naming is another mystical nuance from out of the Judeao Christian Scriptures; esoterically and mystically, the word ‘Jew’ refers to the materialistic psyche; however, from a literal standpoint the word ‘Israelite (Jew)’ refers to the peoples that populate the religion called Judaism, which symbolically represent ‘materialism (religiously worshipping iconoclastically: i.e. literalism, fundamentalism, etc.); whereas, the word ‘Gentile’ (religiously worships via iconography) refers to the psyche in the world that represent Christ (Tao, Krishna, Buddha, etc.) consciousness. The bible speaks from absolutes: i.e. there are no extenuating circumstances: there are no gray areas. EARTH BOUND DIEHARD FACTS From a mathematical perspective the Israelite community in the real world as a clan is only 1% of 1% of the world’s population. It should also be pointed out that being Jewish is a ‘religious distinction’ not an ‘ethnic distinction’; though, there are those in modernity trying to change the rules on the definitions concerning religious and ethnic distinctions. FROM MODERNITY PERSPECTIVE LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD Whereas, in the real world 1% of 1% of the world’s population would symbolize the spiritual or the true spiritual initiate that worships via iconography and the rest of the world is flooded with Jewish or the fundamentalist’s literal ideas (iconoclastic). Most of the Roman Catholic Church’s laity is realistically iconoclastic or Protestant Jews. Protestants basically Judaized Christianity when they took iconography out of Christianity. When this is extrapolated out throughout the whole world taking into account all religions; though, there is symbolism (iconography) in all religious literature, artworks and monuments, their laities are fundamentally psychically literalists and fundamentalists; for the reason that, they are literally iconoclastic and very few worship via iconography; thus, the percentages remain the same: 1% of 1% of the world population are spiritual. JUDAISM’S AND CHRISTIANITY’S TEMPLES To understand the Old and New Testaments in the Judeao Christian Scriptures, which is basically the foundations of both Judaism and Christianity the initiate has to know that the Old Testament symbolizes Solomon’s temple and the New Testament symbolizes the Christian temple. This is a baffling mystical nuance to the person worshipping iconoclastically. Solomon’s temple is built in a rectangular shape as was Emperor Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Basilica; whereas, the Christian temple is built in the round (cross or octagonal shape) as was Pope Julius’ Saint Peter’s Basilica. What this demonstrates is that the initiate must go psychically from secular teachings to the spiritual. What is seen in the real world as Judaism synagogues and Christian temples for all intent and purpose are secular Jewish teaching schools. Judaism’s true synagogue is the surface texts of both the Old and New Testaments; whereas, the true Christian temple is the esoteric science (symbolically and alphanumerically) codified to every single letter of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures. Solomon’s temple is recognized as rectangular like the interior of the Sistine Chapel; for the reason that, it represents linear thought; whereas, the Christian temple is in the round (cross or octagonal shape) because iconographic thought transmogrifies linear thought into the true WORD OF GOD. Those that study the Sistine Chapel’s symbolism will envisage how it morphs that rectangular chapel (thrice squared) into an octagonal shape chapel on a spiritually psychic level.
  • 10. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 10 THE TRANSMORGRIFICATION OF JUDAISM’S ICONOCLASTIC THOUGHT INTO CHRISTIANITY’S ICONOGRAPHIC THOUGHT: THE WORD OF GOD The examples I gave above is my way of explaining the true interrelationship between religious and spiritual thought. Judaism per se is not evil; though, some of modernity’s Christians would beg to argue that statement. Judaism representing the surface texts of the sacred scriptures is analogous to societal mores where the populace has to live under the rubric of both secular and religious laws; whereas, Christianity true iconographic way of thought allows the initiate to live via Christ consciousness, which is void of materialistic desires and a need for secular government. Judaism awaits their Messiah, which is actually linear-thought: i.e. straight line; whereas, Christianity waits the Second Coming of Christ, which is circular thought nanosecond by nanosecond just as linear-thought it nanosecond by nanosecond. The examples given above show how psychically twisted Christian iconographic thought is from the worldwide popular secular religious iconoclastic perspective. The average person does not realize; for the reason that, he or she doesn’t put any thought into it, that every single word spoken or written is iconography: i.e. symbolism; yet, each human being lives his or her life linearly from birth to death unwittingly hypocritically. It actually takes a concerted effort on the part of the initiate to seek out knowledge of God via iconography. Every thought, word and deed is symbolic; yet, humans walk the earth ignorant of that fact and are so familiar with living life iconoclastically that life per se becomes boring and tedious. SPIRITUALLY CONCEPTUALIZING THE SACRED SCRIPTURES VIA THE AUSPICES OF COMPREHENDING ONE’S OWN PSYCHE Understanding that ego-consciousness (conscious part of the psyche) discriminates out of ‘nothing: via that which has gone before’ every thought, word and deed goes a long way in conceptualizing and understanding how the sacred scriptures were written. Everything done in the world via thought, word and deed is done linearly; for the reason that, ego-consciousness is subject to the laws of the space/time continuum, which makes everything that it does finite. Every thought conceived, written and/or verbalized is brought down to single words and every deed is via the auspices of the duration of linear time. Culling through the dictionary of any language giving one word definitions to each thought when realistically any of a dozen words may be used to express the same idea. This is the problem with the translations of the bible; thus, even writing the bible in its indigenous language each word had to be written linearly; though, each word has one-word definition the ancient scribes gave each letter in every word a symbolic designate and an alphanumeric structure, which allowed the initiate to study and switch out words definitions, according to his or her own spiritually psychic disposition, that clarified what the scripture is conveying spiritually. In everyday parlance humans have the same problem of linearly talking or writing; thus, misinterpretations are time-honored and conventional in the dog-eat-dog world especially in spur of the moment everyday conversations. The Hebraic texts are written not only with letters that have symbolic designates and an alphanumeric structure; but, in creating words the verbs are left out of their structure. This means that the word is a dead word without action (verbs generation action in a word): i.e. what Christ called, “whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness (Matthew 23:27)”. This Esoteric (hidden) Science codified to the lettering of the text can only realistically be studied by studying the whole word, and/or whole verse and/or whole chapter symbolically and alphanumerically searching for the sacred geometry placed there to be found.
  • 11. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 11 7) Fixed Quadruplicities of Astrology It must be known that according to the Roman Catholic Church’s tradition each of the gospel writers took on the persona of one of the four beasts of the chariot that Ezekiel and St. John saw in their visions. Matthew represent the angelic man (Aquarius = air), Luke the Bull (Taurus = earth), Mark the Lion (Leo = fire) and John the Eagle (Scorpio = water). Of course these are the FIXED zodiacal signs of the Astrology. What I am getting at here is that each of the four gospel writers was writing from their own particular mindset or astrological lenses on the world. There are only four basic elements (Triplicities: i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water) in Astrology and therefore four gospels in the canonized version. Any gospels written before or after these would still have to conform to the basic mystical tenets, connotations, and nuances of one of the four; however, any other gospel written before or after the New Testament four were canonized would be considered a Gnostic version. Gnostic documents are non-standardized biblical texts, which are not necessarily esoterically flawed as are heretical texts. The difference that I envisage between the Gnostic gospels and heretic writings is that the Gnostic gospels are authentic esoteric writing; however, by not being canonized into the standardized Christian literature they are earmarked as Gnostic. There is a valid reason scientifically and esoterically for not allowing so much as one more book into the Old and New Testaments libraries. Heretical texts are of course invalid; therefore banned; for the reason that their heretical authors are erroneously writing about Christian theology from erroneous points of view. 8) John the Baptist and Jesus Christ's Conception Dates Based upon our knowledge that John the Baptist was born on June 24th and Jesus was born on December 25th we can therefore calculate backwards to the conception dates and forward to the circumcision dates. The 15 - month period needed to accommodate these events actually gives us the conception dates of both John the Baptistand Jesus Christ. For John the Baptist October 1st would have been his conception date and for Jesus Christ it would have been April 1st.April 1st,by the way, is traditionally, according to Judaism, the day creation came into being BE-RESH-ITH ‫בּ-ראש-ית‬ “in (the) first sign”: i.e. BERESHITH “In (the) beginning”. This last would conform to Christian beliefs thatChristexisted before time, and therefore, if he were to come into physical manifestation April 1st would be the most appropriate date in the calendar cycle for that to have taken place. It is my contention that Astrology is the spiritual language of the sacred scriptures. The fact that Christ was conceived on April 1st the beginning of the sign Aries, which I believe begins at the beginning of the month rather than two thirds into of the previous month demonstrates that Christ was born on a spiritua l note, whereas, his Circumcision Rite where the procedure is not only painful it is perform at the beginning of Capricorn the month of Darkness (materialism). January 1st is also the beginning of the Calendar Year. It is also interesting that the first word of Genesis: BE-RESH-ITH is interpreted and translated in a number of ways. One of those interpretations is “in (the) first sign [‫,”]בּ-ראש-ית‬ which would infer Aries/April. We’ll return to this when discussing Saint John’s gospel. 9) The Nine Month Conception Period for John and Jesus We know that most human births do not take nine months exactly; though, that is generally the number used in referring to the birth of an individual.Itvaries according to the individual but it does range within the a rea of 9- months or 270-days give or take a few days. Most people think of 9-months as being 270-days. In John's case nine months would have been 275-days (October 1st to June 30th) and with Jesus Christ it was 276-days (April 1st to December 31st). This of course is calculating to the day before the circumcision dates and not the actual birth dates. The actual birth dates would have Saint John born after 268-days, which includes the extra day for the leap year and Jesus Christ after 269-days. In my other writings I speak of the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which shows that the number nine as in nine months would symbolize the empyrean and the 270-days would symbolize the LIGHT that comes out of the DARKNESS; thus, there is a spiritual reason for this numerical data in the birth of a child.
  • 12. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 12 10) "Born this day in the city of David" Now consider the statement made by the angel to the shepherds tending their flock in the fields. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord", this declaration by the angel to the shepherds refers to a new zodiacal-year period. In fact the psalms say that “a day is as a thousand years with the lord”. The fourth day of creation says that the two great luminaries and the stars will be for signs, seasons, days and years. There is the equinoctial year, which is 25,920 years and the zodiacal year would be 2,160 years. It is known that the Christian era began with the Piscean age. In fact the entire Old and New Testaments are constructed esoterically and hermetically to represent the Gemini, Taurus, Aries and Piscean ages. I actually believe that the shepherds were a separate theological aspect on the theme of the Magi: two different authors, Matthew and Luke, describing the same people using two different words. They used the words 'house and Inn' to describe where Jesus was born. Since the angel mentioned the 'city of David' to the Shepherds; whereas, the Magi recognized the Star of David in the calendar, which inform them of the birth of a newborn king; however, the Magi had to go to King Herod to find out what city the new born child would be born in. Since we already have evidence that Matthew and Luke has the tendency to use different words to describe the same event there is no reason to believe the Shepherds are not a different theological aspect on the concept of what the Magi represent. I am thinking here of the legend of the Doubting Thomas where Thomas needed proof positive or tactile contact evidence that Christ rose from the dead. The shepherds (spiritualized-unconscious mind: i.e. Christ consciousness) guarding their flocks represent the priest giving instructions to the laity; whereby, they believe through faith; whereas, the Magi (spiritualized-ego: i.e. Christ consciousness) are the hierarchy of the Mystery Schools, which scientifically map out the spiritual dynamics of the psyche; thus, those that research the Hermetic Sciences are, for all intent and purpose, Doubting Thomases, which I am a member of both groups seeing I have experienced the Initiatic Vision. The Magi representing the hierarchy of the Mystery Schools could very well be investigators into the initiate’s claimto havingexperience the Initiatic Vision. The Gold, Frankincenseand Myrrh (science, theology and medicine) were probably and most likely the THREE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST revamped and re-mythologized. 11) CADUCEUS: Messenger of the Gods Magi (Dreams) and Shepherds (Angels) One of the most interesting nuances that comes out of the Nativity story told in Matthew and Luke’s gospels is that those symbolic characters that represent ego-consciousness such as epitomized in the roles of Joseph and the Magi (Wisemen) are depicted as being divinely inspired via dreams; whereas, those symbolic characters analogous to the personal unconsciousego (Shadow) such as characterized in the roles of Mary and the Shepherds are depicted as having been visited by angels. I recognized that this variation on the same theme is esoterically codified into the texts throughout the sacred scriptures. I recognized these nuances in the Genesis creation account between the roles of Yahweh (ego- consciousness - Sun) and Elohym (personal unconscious ego (Shadow) - Moon): i.e. the Gods of the Old Testament. On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which I wrote a book on, I could see in panels numbered 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 and 8 that this variation on the theme of communication between God and man is laid out magnificently.
  • 13. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 13 In the above array of the nine central panels in the fresco painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel I have each of the panels numbered according to the Genesis Creation Account. When placing the nine panels in a circle of eight slots with the center as the ninth position and then drawing a straight line from one through eight and back to one it forms a 3 x 3 square called the Kamea of Saturn (Lo Shu in China). This same pattern is found in the mosaics of the floor of the SistineChapel in front of and flankingthe altar in circular patterns. This pattern is further found in the panel depicting Noah and his family surrounding the altar (panel #7). I illustrate this pattern because it represents the LIGHT culled out of the DARKNESS. Noah’s drunkenness is the DARKNESS in which his new LIGHT has to be culled. In this respects Noah languishing and lounging on the couch drunk symbolizes the average congregant coming into the Church or startinghis or her spiritual studies and it is from out of each individual’s essence that the LIGHT is to be culled. One can ask how spiritual LIGHT is culled out of such a despicable state of mind and all I can say is that that is between God and the individual. Notice how the red numbers mate with the blue numbers. These are four sets of opposites: elements culled out of the nine: i.e. DARKNESS: 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 3 and 6 and 4 and 5. Collectively, these four sets of opposites: Fire, Earth, Air and Water represent the LIGHT. Unless these patterns of opposites arerecognized throughout the sacred scriptures littlewill be revealed. The initiatehas to be very careful how the opposites are classified in the realm of ego-consciousness (odd numbers) and the unconscious mind (even numbers). Males and females do not necessarily represent wholly odd numbers or even numbers. In the case of Noah and his family around the altar the males and females are evenly displaced. 12) The Gifts of the Magi The Magi were aware of the immanent birth of the newborn king: for the reason that, the Magi are of the Gentile persuasion we can hypothesize that they understood the symbolism of what was going on. Therefore, they were ready with the Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: the trapping of the material world: Science, Theology, and Medicine. We see these same three temptations when Christ confronts Satan in the wilderness (of the mind) after his Baptism: food = medicine = myrrh, the pinnacle of the temple = theology = frankincense, bowing down to obtain the world = science (understanding the world) = Gold. For those that understand these three, are one: the Sacred Scripture. The text is food for thought: Myrrh. It is a religious text: Frankincense and it esoterically gives us knowledge of the world: Gold. How did the Magi know exactly when to come to the Nativity Scene? Remember it is a 2-year period. Why were the Magi there on the precise day of Christ’s Circumcision Rite? They had to know of the mandate of Judaism to go into the number two (2): Beth, before any soul could enter the material world as ordained by the first letter of Genesis. Therefore, the Magi must have equated the number two (2) to two years and waited and arrived at the precise moment of the birth (Realistically though in Judaism every newborn male child has the potential ity of being the long expected Messiah. Judaism still waits for the coming of their Messiah. What actually is taking place is that the mother and father of the newborn child will offer their child everything the world has to offer (Gifts of the Magi : science, theology and medicine); yet, the Astrological influences (Magi) will also be present as the keys to the sacred scriptures. The ancient maxim, "the stars impel they do not compel" is most appropriate here. For the child will either accept or reject the world. If he rejects the world then the influences of the sun, moon, and stars as ordained by the 4th Day of Creation will kick in bringing the LIGHT of the First Day of Creation to him. Therefore, he would become the Son of God: the Messiah. Saint John the evangelist refers to this in one of his letters when he says, "Now that we are the sons of God". The number two (2) symbolizes the Jew (materialist) not the Gentile (1 - spiritual). This is why Herod had to try and kill all children under two simply; for the reason that, the first born of Israel is murdered insofar as it is offered up to God and only the second male child born inherits the father’s estate. In Genesis a first born child in Israel never receives the inheritance: this is why BETH (2nd Hebrew alphabetic letter) is the first letter of Genesis.
  • 14. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 14 13) Shepherds Watching their Flock Matthew's gospel tells us of the Magi and Luke's gospel tells us of the Shepherds. I see no contradiction here if one equates Magi as being shepherds of their flock. Can you imagine any shepherd leaving his flock unattended? Shepherds were known to be excellent stargazer. So there is no discrepancy between the Shepherds and the Magi stories. There is a major difference between the Magi and the Shepherds for the Wisemen (Magi) are analogous to ego-consciousness; whereas, the Shepherds are analogous to the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). They both symbolized together the two part psyche similar to the Ying Yang Tai Chi symbol; yet, the two are one. Anyone that has ever had the opportunity to be out at night for any duration of time and has looked up at the night sky cannot help seeing the stars traverse the dome of the heavens. I recommend this exercise to anyone that is interested. So it is not surprising that Shepherds were considered astrologers in ancient times. 14) The “Cardinal” and “Mutable” Quadruplicities of Astrology Now consider how October 1st (conception of John the Baptist), April 1st (conception of Jesus of Christ), July 1st (circumcision of John the Baptist) and January 1s (circumcision of Christ) are all months/signs of the Zodiac known as the Cardinal Signs of Astrology. Again we touch on the profession of the Magi. There are only four Cardinal Signs of Astrology. Here each of them plays a prominent role in the birth of Christ. Each of these Cardinal signs has a different element of creation: April/Aries = Fire, July/Cancer = Water, October/Libra = Air and January/Capricorn = Earth. This is now the second time I mentioned the Quadruplicities of Astrology. The Fixed Sign of Astrology I introduced to you via the four gospel writers where they were orientated to the Angel, Bull, Lion, and Eagle. This simply means that the gospels were written once and for all times. Meaning that they were not to be changed for they were placed in the Fixed Quadruplicities.They are stationary and permanent: i.e. canonized (this is the divine plan for each individual discussed in PART 2 below). Here in our discussion of the conception and circumcision dates of John the Baptistand Jesus Christ we see the four signs of the Cardinal Quadruplicities. Cardinal means to initiate or to start something. In both the conception dates and circumcision dates we see that occurring. Both John and Jesus are born in signs of Mutable Quadruplicities, which are Gemini and Sagittarius and along with Pisces and Virgo: those four signs recorded the Summer and Winter Solstices and the Vernal and Autumn Equinoxes. The here in this paragraph is that Astrology seems to dominate the Christian mythological storyline. The 12-disciples were thought of as the 12-signs of the Zodiac. I will not belabor that issue of Astrology in this paper but it is a factor in reasoning out our primary concern relating to the Birth of Christ. The four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Fixed Quadruplicities) and John the Baptist and Jesus Christ’s Conception and Circumcision dates (Cardinal Quadruplicities) and their birth dates (2-Mutable Quadruplicities) clock off ten features; whereas, the Vernal and Autumn equinoxes (Mutable Quadruplicities) are added similar to how the Genesis Formula is formatted to finish off the sacred geometry associated with the twelve part Zodiac/Calendar year culled out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. Each of these Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable Quadruplicities have their own Triplicities: i.e. Fire, Earth, Air and Water. 15) The Need to know precise dates Where in the BC era do these 15-months relating to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ belong? Too many questions come up in the discussion on the birth of Christ concerning the calendar. For example: when Jesus was conceived it took 269 days to reach December 25th, whereas we cannot be sure of John the Baptist unless we know whether he was born in a leap year or not. When we talk of the calendar in Jesus' times we tend to equate the calendar as beingequal to our own times. Is this justified? We must look at the calendar's origins for a moment to determine if we are on equal grounds here. If we don't answer our own questions we are merely batting our heads against the wall. Yes, we have to research the calendar year or we would never know if what the Bibleis sayingcoincides with our understanding. If the Bible does not coincide with our understanding at least we will know what it is saying if we take the time to research it.
  • 15. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 15 16) Julius Caesar, the Equinoxes and the Solstices On January 1st 46 BC Julius Caesar introduced the known world to a new calendar which he borrowed aspects of it from the both the Greek and Egyptian calendars. After conquering the Greeks the Romans amalgamated the two cultures or at leastthis is the mythological storyline.The Greeks originally absorbed much of the Egyptian culture long before the Rome conquered them. When Julius Caesar created his calendar it had to be in conformity to the Solstices and the Equinoxes. It is interesting that the conception and birth dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ conform to these astronomical wonders. For example: when we take both John's and Jesus' birth dates and count the days between them it is the same as the days between the Summer and Winter Solstices. When we take the dates between the Equinoxes and compare them to the days between the conception dates of John and Jesus we find the days are the same: coincidence, hardly? I doubt it seriously. If it was not for the Jewish tradition of the Circumcision Rite eight days after the birth of every male child we may well have seen the conception and birth dates of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ on the Equinoxes and the Solstices, which is not too difficult to envisage seeing it is the Circumcision Rite that separates the Mithras mysteries from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The Mithras mysteries are naturally spiritual and Catholicismis structured spiritually via the Hermetic Science: like the disparities between the Shepherds and Magi. 17) Caesar and the Leap Year Another consideration that Julius Caesar would have had to take into account, in positioning his calendar according to the astronomical data, is the Leap Year. We know that it comes once every four years because of the extra day. This is an accumulative of but a few minutes per day over a four year period. Every day during this period contribute a little bit to this one extra day every four years. Caesar would have had to clock his calendar in such a way that it would accomplish his goals. 18) "Go into all the world and teach the Gospel" We do not tend to think of the Roman Empire as having anything to do with the origins of Christianity. But the birth of the calendar on January 1st 46 BC is too precise a date to deny the guiding hand of the Roman Empire. Remember the Romans were Gentiles. Also remember what Christ said, "Go into the whole world and teach the gospel," and another time he said, "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves". How does one teach a stubborn people (Jews9) that do not want to know what true spirituality is all about? This is certainly not accomplished as theConquistadors did itin South America or the Zealot missionaries’ religious abuses throughout North and South Americas and the South Sea Islands and the Asian Pacific. Nor is it accomplished as we read it through the lenses of ancient historicity. What the Romans did was the old magician's trick; they dazzled their audience (future generations) with the scenery (spectacular history) so they could pull a rabbit out of their hat, without the uninitiated knowing who did it or how it was done or that it was done at all. 19) Julius Caesar's primary concerns in creating the calendar What could have been Julius Caesar'sgoals if hewas the individual thatinitiated the Dawn of Christianity? In no way am I sayingthat a man named Julius Caesar created Christianity.Christianity, name and all, was a foregone conclusion before the penning of the first letter of Genesis. He who wrote the first letter of Genesis knew the entire content of the New Testament before it was written. We will see this more clearly when we get into John's gospel. History has been so contrived as to make it look like Julius Caesar had nothing to do with Christianity. Now the real Julius Caesar may not have anything to do with it. But as far as we are concern Julius Caesar is a fictional character in a mythological storyline and not even mentioned in the New Testament and is only infer through the mythoi of Augustus Caesar.We have to suspend our disbelief justto consider Julius Caesar’s mythoi as a candidate for initiating the dawn of Christianity. We have to follow the clues that the biblical mythoi gives us to follow. If we are unable to suspend our disbelief to follow those clues we can never learn what they are suggesting. Even if 9 Let me qualify my remarks aboutJews, beforeI ammisunderstood. Esoterically, Jews symbolize, in theparlanceofthe sacredscriptures, the materialisticwayoflife,whichis not wrong per se for as humans we allhaveto live in theworld; whereas, Christians represent, in scriptural parlance, those thathavemoveon tohigherspiritualthought and nolonger liveinmain stream society. In modernity these concept do not apply simply; for thereason that, thosethat call themselves Christianare biblical Jews andsomeof thosethat call themselves Jews are biblical Christians;therefore, whenI speak ofJews and Christian I am referring to them as they are esoterically portrayed in the biblical parlance.
  • 16. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 16 Julius Caesar was an actual person aware of what he was doing he could do nothing of his own. He had to obey the mandates of the firstletter, the firstword of Genesis: Bereshith, and the firstchapter of Genesis as a whole. This is the awe-inspiring part of his role in the historical mythoi. The fact that he conformed to the first letter of the Genesis' mandate demonstrates that he did have a rolein what was accomplished in 46 BC. Now I also realize that in order for these historical mythoi to be religiously true then someone else would have had to historically manipulate the historical data long after the events allegedly took place. The reason for this is because the BC era did not exist conceptually until long after Christ was dead. Therefore, the so-called BC coin is discovered. There is no such thing as a BC coin because if you find a coin with the letters ‘BC’ on it you know it is a fraud. Yet, what I have suggested above about Julius Caesar is the BC Coin; hence, the reader can see my reasoning in suggesting that Julius Caesar is just a fictional character playing out a role in the historical mythoi of the sacred scripture; though, his name is never mentioned in the Old or New Testaments? What the historical biblical mythoi suggest is that Julius Caesar had to find a way of amalga mating the Roman10 (10-months) and the Greek11 (12-months) calendars. It is absolutely amazing that this idea itself comes directly out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which produces the Genesis Formula. In fact this concept has everything to do with the closing of the mystic circle; therefore, whoever created the Julian calendar knew of the religious theology emanating from out of the first word of Genesis: Bereshith. We’ll talk about this later. All Julius Caesar12 did on a symbolic level is precisely what Pope Julius II13, the warrior pope, did on a symbolic level and that may well be why they share the same name not only because they were both warriors. Pope Julius II amalgamated Emperor Constantine’s SaintPeter’s Basilica (rectangle) with the Christian idea of Saint Peter’s Basilica (octagonal shape)14, which is actually transforming the Jewish Solomon’s Temple (rectangle) into a Christian Temple (octagon). This is exactly what Pope Julius II had Michelangelo do in frescoing the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling and Altar Wall to mirror image the previous artwork in the chapel. Those that study the symbolism displayed in the Sistine Chapel15 will see the rectangular design of the building symbolically morphing into an octagonal shape and both SaintPeter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel were being constructed and frescoed at the same time; thus, Pope Julius II had two mirror imaging projects going on at the same time. I will not go into it here; but, if you look at Emperor Constantine’s Saint Peter’s Ba silica omitting the Narthex it looks very much like one of the Gallo Roman Church 500AD before the building of Chartres Cathedral in 1020AD. This is most likely becauseitwas the basic design of the period; however, all Roman Catholic Churches are constructed in the design of the Cross, which exudes the octagonal shape. This latter is mystical in amalgamating the male (rectangle) and the female (circle): i.e. in every sense squaring the circle. The ‘Calendar Mechanics’ had to collaborate in constructing the Julius and Augustus Caesar’s calendars simultaneously. Julius Caesar would have had a number of considerations to ponder. 1) The first consideration would of course have been positioning the calendar at the proper moment for the Solstices and the Equinoxes. This would have enabled him to know when the month of January wa s to start. Though December was initially given 30-days and February was given 29/30-days and the Solstices and 10 Romulus’ Calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_calendar#Calendar_of_Romulus 11 Attic Calendar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attic_calendar#Local_focus_of_the_system 12 Julius Caesar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar 13 Pope Julius IIhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Julius_II 14 Saint Peter’s Basilica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Peter's_Basilica 15 THE SISTINECHAPEL: AStudy in CelestialCartography http://www.amazon.com/Sistine-Chapel-Celestial-Cartography- Mysteries/dp/1479749486/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1441456870&sr=8-1&keywords=sistine+chapel+a+study+in+celestial+cartography and www.williamjohnmeegan.com
  • 17. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 17 Equinoxes did not have the same dates before the change as after the changes in Augustine calendar on January 1st 8 BC, it all works itself out because the grand Lunar Cycle of 38-years brought the calendar back to its initial startingpointto where the proper dates of the calendar could beinstituted. This is a complex idea to get a mental grasp of but if one is willing to sit back and think it out it is a worthwhile endeavor. 2) The mythoi of Julius Caesar would have had to wait for a year that allowed for the Christ to be born in the Leap Year. 3) Julius Caesar had to allow for his calculations to include not only the Solar Year but the Lunar Year as well in order to conform to the mandates of the first chapter of Genesis. We will see this last when we discuss John's Nativity account. 4) He had to allowfor the calendar to be changed in 38-years (this incorporates theSolar and Lunar equations as mandated by Genesis chapter one) so that the Star of David would appear geometrically within the new design at that time. 5) There had to be a 2-year period between the changing of the calendar and the Birth of Christ (This 2-year period has little to do with anything other than conforming to the mandates of the first letter of Genesis. The first letter of Genesis: Beth represents the number two (2), and therefore, Christ could come only after the number two (2) was accomplished. The number two (2) represents the Adamic personality in flight from God who represents symbolically the number one (1); therefore, the reason that Christ came into the world to save all mankind. We'll see this more clearly when we get into John's gospel concerning his Nativity account. 20) Caesar's constructing the Calendar Julius Caesar would have been very careful as to when the calendar started and the Solstices, the Equinoxes and the leap year were not just anything to flaunt. What Caesar done was merely to begin with March (beginning of the old 10-month Roman Calendar), which he gave 31-days, and he gave April 30-days, and he then alternated the two number '31 and 30' around the calendar until he came to February, which he gave 29-days on the common year and 30-days on the leap year. He also added two months to the Roman calendar making January the beginningof the New Year rather than March. This addingtwo months to the calendar:i.e. January and February is in every respect mirror-imaging what was discussed above concerning the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable Quadruplicities,in the conception, birth and circumcision rites of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, going from ten features to twelve. This adding two months to the calendar is also mirror-imaging the Genesis Formula that is culled out of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH, which formulates and inundates BERESHITH with the sacred geometry of the Zodiac/Calendar year. Julius Caesar would die on the Ides of March in 44 BC (2-years?). Since Genesis chapter one is inundated with calendar mathematics it is obvious that it is an important issue to be looking into. This is the reason that the calendar is so much a part of the Dawn of Christianity and is intertwine with the Birth of Christ. One other thing that should be said concerning the construction of this calendar: it is my belief based upon the historical data available that Julius Caesar knew of the error that woul d creep into the calendar as time went on and which was corrected in 1582 AD with the Gregorian calendar. The reason that I believe he left this error unattended to was because he wanted mankind to take another look at the calendar when the problem became too overbearing to deal with: possibly in the hopes that humanity would regain their spirituality. The reader may be inquiring as to why the ancient scribes bother at all about the calendar year? The answer is in knowing who and what Jesus of Nazareth represents in the mythoi of the New Testament, which of course is that He is the God/Man Christ. Everything that comes into the world via the psyche has to have that dual nature: i.e. spirituality and materiality:i.e.Christ. Materiality; for the reason that, ego-consciousness discriminates out of the spirituality that emanates into the world. There is nothing wrong with the manner in which ego-consciousness discriminate for that is its raison d’être (reason for existence). I will not discuss all the nuances that sentence implies; however, when the soul via the phantasmagoria of the psyche comes into the world it is stepping into the portal of the space/time continuum; whereas, symbolically astrology represents the spiritual calendar,which is out of the graspingclaws of ego-consciousness’ manipulation. Both the earthly (solar) and celestial (Zodiac) calendars can never actually be tampered with; however, they can be misinterpreted and abused in many ways as they have been since the dawn of time. The scribes that wrote the scriptures did so from the perspective of perfection; because, that is how they obtained that knowledge from their source material: i.e. the MONAD: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, when we
  • 18. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 18 read the story of the Prodigal Son we see that the son born on his father’s estate knows not what the outer materialistic realmisaboutand so he obtain his inheritanceand goes off to what he imagines is utopia into the far country. Analogously, when the Prodigal Son left his father’s estate he l eft the Garden of Eden. The problem that modernity’s bible students have with the sacred scriptures is that they don’t know that in order to understand the bible all questions have to be answered before they are asked otherwise it is an eternal uphill battleagainstthe spit coming from the backlash of the wind: i.e. fighting against the intellectual gymnastics of one’s own biases, prejudices and preconceived notions. Such an Armageddon battle that each initiate engages him or herself in is against the most intellectual geniuses that have ever existed in creation – geniuses coming out of the phantasmagoria of the bible student’s own mind that he or she unwittingly created. How does anyone challenge such a titanium wall of self-knowledge? 21) The Moon Calendar and the changing of the calendar month’s days In continuing: 38-years after the inception of the calendar, to the date, on January 1st 8 BC the Roman Senate wanting to please Augustus Caesar changed the days of six of the 12-months (our present Zodiac/Calendar's configuration). This is another nuance right out of the first word of Genesis: Bereshith. The Zohar16 tells us that Bereshith is two word combined: "Bara shith = created six". The word "bara means, "choose, select, separated, created"; thus Bereshith can be interpreted: "Bara shith = separated six". It is interesting that the Dogon tribe of Mali in Africa used the same terminology as the first verse of Genesis when it said "God helps". The word help is translated from the word "bara". It is said that the Dogon Tribe derived their knowledge from the Egyptians. Why would the Egyptians be using Hebrew words? What the Roman Senate did was to rename the month Sextile to August according to the mythoi of the period; because. July (named for Julius Caesar) had 31-days and August having only 30-days at the time the Roman Senate did not want to insult Augustus so they took a day out of February and gave it to August, a day was taken out of September and given to October, and a day was taken out of November and given to December. February then had 28-days on the common year and 29-days on the leap year. This reference to Julius month having31-days and August having only 30-days and the Roman Senate not wanting to insult Augustus is quite a fanciful story. I only mention it because I wanted to show what nonsense can be thrown into the fray to confuse an issue. We will see that this is fanciful when we see the significance of the changing of the days of the six months; but, of course the numbering of the calendar did change this way even though the mythology may be wrong as to what literally happened in the real world. Studying the creation of the calendar is a study in biblical principles; for the reason that, the ancient scribes created the mythoi of history to reflect the teachings of the original source material: i.e. the MONAD, which they called WISDOM. The biggest problem that most students of the bible, in modernity, are going to have is associating Augustus and Julius Caesar to Yahweh and Elohym: i.e. gods of the Old Testament and then equating both these set of symbols symbolically to the Sun and Moon respectively. Biblical students that know of these three sets of symbols have read about them in Roman history (Augustus and Julius Caesar), the Old Testament scriptures (Yahweh and Elohym) and in Kabbalistic and Alchemical works (sun and moon). It may well unnerve some people to learn that all three sets of symbols are conveying the same spiritual message. Can the reader truly believe that Augustus and Julius Caesar had the two months August and July named after them or were the mythoi of the calendar year being synched with the Zodiac calendar? August is mystically married to the sign of Leo (lion), which is governed by the Sun and July is mystically married to the sign of Cancer, which is governed by the Moon. This is Augustus Caesar mystically synthesizing his ideasto the Julian calendar. Is it possible that anybody that knows symbolism believe that is coincidental? The raison d’être (reason for the existence) for all this symbolism in the mythoi of Western Civilization’s mythological history is to convey the spiritual concept representing the mystical marriage of the two part psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness (Sun) with the personal unconscious ego (Shadow - Moon), which births the new messiah: Christ consciousness. The Judeao Christian Scriptures from beginning to end assumes the reader has CHRIST consciousness and needs no instructions; however, Christ consciousness cannot be had until the initiate has had an Initiatic Visionary Experience. 16 ZOHAR http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1571892397/ref=s9_simh_gw_p14_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop- 1&pf_rd_r=07C456XK9A0ZJY88HTC3&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop
  • 19. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 19 22) The Star of David synthesized out of the Zodiac/Calendar Year On January 1st 8BC the Magi saw the Star of David geometrically formed in the new calendar from an astrological perspective. The four months with 30-days: April/Aries = 1, June/Gemini = 3, September/Virgo = 6, November/Scorpio = 8, gives off a butterfly pattern. When this pattern is reproduce twice more by the other 8- month/signs, and there is only one way for that to be done (2, 4, 9, 11 and 5, 7, 10, 12) and no other way, the Star of David will appear dead center to the Zodiac. It should be mentioned here that these numbers 1, 3, 6, and 8 and the other two sets are not arbitrary. They follow a strict law of Astrology and hence the reason that the four months with 30-days are configured to these signs. These numbers also are found in the precise same pattern in the first word of Genesis. We'll see this when the Genesis Formula is analyzed. (See above diagram of the Star of David within the Zodiac/Calendar Year) 23) The Magi and the Angels The Zodiac is a stable of animals and in the center of a stable is an animal's crib called a manger (feeding trough). The Magi would have recognized the Star of David as being a Jewish star. Is the Star of David a manger for the Zodiac Animals to feed upon Christ consciousness: i.e. the Eucharist? The Magi would have seen their insights as angelic voices. Therefore, they had all the information they needed being politically minded to travel to Jerusalem to speak to Herod. Note that the angel actually spoke the words "city of David". In ancient times when a new star was seen it was an omen to the birth of a newborn king. This is probably why the Magi travel to the birth scene. But consider also that Julius Caesar did not set up the calendar himself. He had people working for him that were Magi that incorporated the culture's customs and traditions into the calendar.Who else was better qualified to incorporate (recognize) the Star of David in the calendar? Who is better qualified to have shown up on the precise date the Messiah was expected to be circumcised? It is not a theory or hypothetical that the Magi set up this calendar. I am not saying that the same Magi that set up the calendar were the same ones that visited the newborn Christ child. I would not bet the farm on them not having been consulted on its formation. Because of the way the New Testament is written we are suppose to reason according to certain ideas laid out in the text. Once you realize that the Magi may have been totally or semi-responsible for the Dawn of
  • 20. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 20 Christianity that reasoning process becomes somewhat ambiguous. For example: considering what was just written above, though the Magi would have incorporated the Star of David; for the reason that, it was Jewish, and therefore, was ableto inferred the birth of a newborn king, they would also haverecognized it as havingto do with Bethlehem of Judea; but, to put these nuances into the text of the New Testament it was necessary to say they spoke to Herod’s court. It is this Star of David that is incredulous. If it was any other design would the Magi have been able to say they had gone to Jerusalem to speak to King Herod? What else could have convinced the reader (convert) that it was a Jewish King about to be born? The Star of David has everything to do with the tetrahedral forces in creation: i.e. the psyche of the individual. This dynamic psychic interplay concerning the tetrahedral forces in the new calendar year (the initiate’s new spiritual life cycle) is what informed the Magi that there was going to be born a new Messianic King. This is why the Magi went to ego-consciousness (King Herod) first. Being sent to Bethlehem of Judea was probing the unconscious after having tested the conscious aspects of the psyche. Yes, you can say that the New Testament text speaks of angels speaking to the Magi and I ask how angels speak to man. Angels are pure thoughts from God. This dilemma lies in the Star of David being physically manifested into the calendar atthe exact time of the Magi followinga so-called star.When all the other pieces fall into place what are we to think? When the text records the angels warning the Magi not to return to King Herod it is obvious from the child's world's surroundings that he did not want the world or any part of it. That alone was enough information (angelic voices) for the Magi to know not to return to King Herod. What initiate would speak to an ignorant uninitiated who does not want to learn, unless of course he speak to him to learn the depth of the novice’s ignorance.A materialistic king(individual persona) would kill anythingspiritual in order to survive. This is the killing of all spiritual ideas (children) under two years of age. It is difficult to speak of the Magi and Shepherds as mythological characters that really did not exist; yet, in speakingabout their mythoi one tends unwittingly and inadvertently to speaks of them as if they actually did exist as human beings. This is a major problem in speaking and writing about the sacred scriptures without speaking in the pure sense of esotericism. Then of course there is the problem of the one word definition that is inherent in the verbal and written vernaculars that are not coded esoterically alphanumerically. Esoterically when the storyline of the mythoi of the sacred scriptures are written it provides an abundance of evidence to follow: i.e. clues to the mystical natureof the textual materials;however, that evidence is so spread out chaotically that it has to be put together piecemeal as if it is a jig-saw puzzle. There are many layers to the texts of the sacred scriptures and to separate them is a Herculean task: equal to untying the Gordian’s Knot. As each layer is peeled away an understanding of the esoteric text becomes clearer. 24) The numerous Astronomical sightings Note that this Star of David is a conceptual design and did not existphysically in the heavens to the point that the Magi were physically able to see it or follow it. If that were the case, according to modernity’s researchers, there would have had different groups of Magi wandering the desert of Arabia surrounding the dozen years of Christ's birth. It is as if every couple of years allegedly a spectacular event was taking place in the heavens. There were not enough oases in the deserts of Arabia to support the multitude of caravans needed to keep track of such heavenly events. There would have been dozens of caravans crisscrossing the deserts of Arabia at any given time. These caravans’ treks would have been the financial industry of the day (I could not help making light ofthis nuance). 25) The Magi's diagram of the Star of David The Magi had a diagram on a piece of parchment or Zodiac chart. Was this Star of David serendipitously placed into the calendar? No, it was not. It had to be a deliberate act by the Roman Senate. Note the numbers of the four months with 30-days: 1, 3, 6, and 8 this is another reason why February had to have a day removed from it. If it were allowed to retain the 30-days in leap year it would have thrown doubt on the geometrical configuration of the Star of David that appeared in the calendar. 26) Bethlehem of Judea Bethlehem of Judea sits at 31.68 North Latitude: a coincidence, hardly. Is it a coincidence that this town that gave birth to the Messiah sits on a location where its numbers are transposed from the calendar astrological months with those same four numbers initiating a Star of David: i.e. 1, 3, 6 and 8?
  • 21. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 21 27) Lord Jesus Christ Bonnie Gaunt's works17 demonstrates what this number 3168 means mathematically and this author knew nothing of my discovery on the calendar. She was working independently. She takes the phase Lord Jesus Christ and breaks it down numerically (Gematria) to 3168. She also takes this number to mean other things in relations to the measurements of the earth and the distance from the sun. The point is that I don't understand everything she writes about the solar system; but, those things that she has hard evidence concerning the numerical coding of Bible words and totaling them up is something that I cannot dismissed. Neither can the location of Bethlehem of Judea geodetically at 31.68 North Latitude be so easily dismissed which she also deals with. 28) 2-Year Period Now that we have the evidence of the calendar year to back up exactly what the Magi saw we can see that 2- year (Herod's killing the children) from January 1st 8 BC is January 1st 6 BC. Therefore, the circumcision date for Christ had to be January 1st, 6 BC and the birth date of Christ had to be December 25th 7 BC. 29) The Motif of 38-Years Remember I mentioned above about not knowing whether John was born in a leap year or not. Well, 38 - years happen to be one complete Lunar Cycle. The Augustus Caesar calendar is a Solar and Lunar calendar interface. The #38 is quite prominent in the Bible. The man that went down into the pool of Bethesda after 38- years is one such example for he obtained Christ consciousness after 38-years. Isaac was born and his mother Sarah dies 38-years later and Abraham dies 38-years after his wife. Notice that at the end of the 38-years of the calendar the four months with 30-days were interfaced into the four zodiacal signs: 1, 3, 6 and 8: Now look at Abraham's families. It may well be that this 38-year period was meant to point back to Abraham families. This is because when you total numerically Abraham's two families the same results numerology is achieved: 243 = Abram before it was changed to Abraham 208 = Hagar 451 = Ishmael 902 = Total 248 = Abraham 505 = Sarah (princess) after she discards her old name Sarai (contention) 208 = Isaac 961 = Total Grand Total = 1863, which is a transposition of the numbers 1, 3, 6, 8. Another reason to mention Abraham is becauseLuke begins his gospel by writing a salutation to Theophilus, which is interpreted as "friend of God". In the Old Testament Abraham is known as a "friend of God". Isn't it interesting that Luke begins his gospel to Theophilus and his first two chapters are on the six points of the conceptions, births, and circumcisions of both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ and the grand finale of these stories is learningof the Star of David that gives off the same four digits as his two families.It is too much to expect anyone to believe that this is merely coincidental. There are just too many coincidences. 30) John the Baptist's Leaps in the Womb and the Leap Year Now John the Baptist could not have been born in June of the 39th year from the inception of the Julian calendar. Since the Star of David first appears, January 1st 8 BC (the beginning of the 39th year), there was no time for John to be conceived mythologically and nor was there time for all the new changes in the calendar to take place. So John the Baptist being conceived on October 1st 8 BC was timely. In fact it is the earliest possible date after the Star of David appeared, in the calendar, for John to have been conceived. The people that set this system up economized everything to the point that error was not possible if you think about the events correctly. 17 http://www.amazon.com/Bonnie-Gaunt/e/B001HCS62Y/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1448642910&sr=1-1
  • 22. THE BIRTH OF CHRIST and the Initiatic Visionary Experience 22 Notice that when John was conceived on October 1st 8 BC, one year before that same date would have been September 31st. So the day taken out of September and given to October on that year was the last change that had to take place that would have influenced the outcome of the New Testament’s calculations. The next changes are merely incidental to completing all the changes of the calendar that year. November gives up its 31's day to December. Nothing important takes place in those last two months and therefore the outcome of the last 61 days of the year had no effect on what date John the Baptist would be conceived. It is the 39th-year of the Julian and Augustus Caesars calendar John is carried in the womb of his mother and she goes through the New Year from October 1st round to February, March, to April 1st when the child Jesus of Nazareth is conceived: John leaps in his mother’s (Elizabeth) womb. Now consider how advantageous this all is:itis now the 40th year of the new calendar making it a leap year. The authors seem to make puns out of the points they are trying to make. It may well be that the reason that these puns are incorporated into the text is to force us to suspend our disbelief that the gospel writers would not do it. 31) Malachi 4:5; Prophesying Elijah This is not the only evidence of John being born in the 39th year because one has to consider the prophecy concerning Elijah in the 39th Book of the Old Testament: Malachi 4:5; "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord". Jesus Christ tells us that John the Baptist is Elijah. Are we to believe that Elijah is mentioned in the 39th book of the Old Testament and John is conceived in the 39th year of the new calendar and it is all a coincidence? 32) Jesus Christ is born on time Then you must consider thatsinceJesus is conceived and born in the 40th-year of the calendar isn'tittoo much of a coincidence that he is first mentioned in the 40th Book of the Bible: Matthew's first chapter? It is the little nuances like this that adds flavor to the mystical manner in which the Christian story was set up. This in no way negates the spirituality of the sacred scriptures. In fact these nuances should enhance the validity of what the sacred scriptures are saying. 33) Mathematics, John's Conception, Jesus Christ's birth and death Another beautiful consideration for this paper concerningthe Julian and Augustus Caesars calendars,another BC Coin if you’ll have it, and by no means is this all the evidence on this point concerning the Birth of Christ, concerns the structure of the Roman Catholic Church’s bible in relationship to the conception of John the Baptist, and the birth and death of Christ. 39 Books in the Old Testament 07 Books in the Apocrypha 27 Books in the New Testament 73-books in the Catholic Bible: Catholicism’s signature COMPARE 39th year of the calendar (Oct. 1st 8 BC) John the Baptist is conceived (end of Old Testament) 07 BC Jesus Christ is conceived on April 1st 7 BC and born on December 25th 7 BC in the 40th year. 27 AD Jesus Christ is crucified at the age of 33 years of age. 73-years total Do you really think that it all maps out like this, so perfectly, coincidentally? 34) The proximity of the birth of Christ to the change of the calendar This is an extremely tight knit argument concerning the Birth of Christ. As you can see it all hinges upon the change of the calendar on January 1st 8 BC, which produced the Star of David. When I initially came across this piece of information concerning the Star of David I knew I had to validate many questions that came to mind. The closeness of the proximity of the changes oin the Augustus Caesar calendar (and those changes producing the Star