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When your world is in danger, you’ve got to speak up. When everyone else is quiet and too many
leaders are silent on the truth right outside the window, you’ve got to be the voice of reality.
What does it mean to be the voice of reality? It means speaking up about the urgency of the
climate crisis and how we solve it. It means sharing the truth that not only must we change,
we can change, as clean energy and other solutions become more accessible, affordable, and
widespread by the day.
It means taking practical steps in the world to drive change in every aspect of our lives and at
every level of society, showing the planet with everything you say and do that we will change.
Being the voice of reality is about the simple fact that our climate is changing and it’s up to us
to solve it.
There are many ways to make a difference, from talking to our friends and family about the
climate crisis and its solutions, to voting with our wallets so businesses embrace clean energy
solutions, to using our vote so policymakers take action.
This guide offers 12 ways to start. Many of these actions focus on using your voice to
communicate and advocate on behalf of our planet…but don’t stop there. Get out into the
world, connect with other activists in Climate Reality campaigns and other programs, and
join on-the-ground efforts and take action.
Remember: no one else is going to do it for us. No one else will solve this crisis if we stay
silent. If we want a sustainable future for our families and our planet, we’ve got to be the
voice of reality.
“It’s time to fight like our world depends on it.”
ONE: Talk About Climate Change with Friends and Family		 	 4
TWO: Be an Activist Online	 							 6
THREE: Share this Guide with a Friend	 					 9
FOUR: Organize or Attend a Climate Reality Leader Presentation		 9	
FIVE:Green Your Workplace	 							10
SIX:Give a Climate Presentation	 						11
SEVEN:Speak Truth to Power with Elected Officials	 			11
EIGHT:Vote with Your Wallet	 							15
NINE: See or Read An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power			16
TEN: Become a Climate Reality Leader						16
ELEVEN: Help Your Community Go 100% Committed			 17
TWELVE: Help Climate Reality Raise Awareness Worldwide		18
Talking to your friends and family members about climate change isn’t always easy. But
you have the power to inspire them in a way no one else can. Your friends and family
members know you. They trust you. They respect you. They might not listen to a politician or
organization telling them to act. But chances are they’ll listen to you.
When they see you care enough to speak up and act, it can encourage them to act too. That’s
how awareness grows. That’s how real change begins. That’s how climate becomes the issue
no politician can ignore.
But, how we talk about climate change matters. Especially with people who know climate
change is real and haven’t acted or – worse – deny its reality to begin with.
The good news is that the overwhelming majority of people everywhere know the crisis is real
and want action. For example, a recent Gallup poll showed that over 70 percent of Americans
want their government to prioritize clean energy over dirty fossil fuels. Outside the US, that
majority is even greater, with global median support for action through initiatives like the
Paris Agreement at 78 percent, according to another recent survey.
What’s holding us back, in part, is the fact that too few of us are talking about the climate
crisis with the same urgency that we talk about other issues like the economy. Which means
politicians and decision makers don’t feel they have to listen.
Our challenge as activists is to energize our friends and family members who are already with
us to get off the sidelines and into the fight. They may not understand that most people feel
just as concerned as they do. They may not know how they can make a difference. Hearing
you speak up, knowing they’re not alone, feeling the urgency of action, and seeing what they
can do can help overcome their hesitation.
We recommend former Vice President Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power as an
in-depth guide to action, but if you’re ready to get started, here are two principles in
particular to keep in mind.
Social science research consistently shows the importance of connecting climate to the values
an audience holds, or to put it more plainly, the people and things they care about.
In 2015, a research team organized by the Frameworks Institute went one step further, based
on a study of 7,000 US voters. The team studied what messages inspired people to support
policy steps to protect oceans from the effects of climate change. They found the greatest
change in support for policy action when the message focused on protecting people from
climate impacts to our health and livelihoods. The second most effective message focused on
our responsibility to take care of the planet.
The takeaway: if you’re going to talk about climate, talk about what it means not only for our
own health and livelihoods, but also those of our families, whether it’s the dramatic threat
of extreme events like ever-more dangerous storms or long-term threats like rising rates of
childhood asthma or spreading disease vectors like mosquitoes. After all, when it comes to
what we care about, the health and well-being of the people we love tops the list.
For people to act, they have to have hope that their actions matter.
Recognizing the importance of hope, Ohio University researchers in the US wanted to know
what makes people feel hopeful on climate and how this affects their willingness to act. They
tested a range of different messages on 245 participants. What they found was that what
inspired the greatest hope was a message about a better future without climate change. No
surprise, they also found that greater levels of hopefulness led to greater interest in action.
When speaking to your friends and family, emphasize the sustainable future we’re all
working for, a future where we all can live without increasingly devastating hurricanes or
rising seas transforming our world and threatening our families.
You can give your friends and family reason for hope. Share the incredible progress in clean
energy and other solutions all around the world. Point to the millions of people who are just like
them and know we have to act. Ensure they know the tools to solve the crisis are already in our
hands and it’s up to us – and now them – to spread the word and make policymakers act.
Show your neighbors and colleagues where you stand and what you believe on climate.
Download and display our Be the Voice of Reality poster at home or work.
•	 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, by Al Gore
•	 How to Talk to Your Friends About the Climate Crisis
December 4th & 5th at 6PM ET
December 4th & 5th at 6PM ET
Just as with your friends and family
in person, you have a unique power
to influence the beliefs and behaviors
of your community online. And with
social networks like Facebook and
Twitter increasingly where people
turn to get the news that shapes their
opinions – and fossil fuel interests
and climate deniers spreading all
kinds of myths and misleading stories
– it’s more important than ever that
activists speak up and be the voice of reality online. Let your community know that we must,
we can, and we will solve the crisis.
While there are many ways to use your voice online, we’d advise you to be strategic and post,
share, or comment to achieve one of four goals that help build the movement:
•	 Call out denial. You don’t stand for racist remarks online. You don’t sit quietly when
you see misogynistic comments. Don’t let climate deniers spread myths and fake news
about the climate crisis threatening our world.
•	 Create community. Chances are the majority of your social network is just as concerned
as you are about the crisis. When you post about climate online, you’re showing them
that they’re not alone and others like them feel just like they do. When people see their
beliefs shared out in the world, they’re much more likely to act on those beliefs.
•	 Inspire hope. Hope is the lifeblood of activism. Many people understand the urgency of
the crisis, but how many know that solutions like solar are getting more affordable and
widespread every year? Or that clean energy and efficiency put over 3 million Americans
to work? Share stories that point to the real success the movement is seeing and inspire
hope in your community that a sustainable future is in our hands.
•	 Inspire action. When you share the ways you’re taking action for the planet, you’re
showing people in your community that someone like them is brave enough to act on
the courage of their convictions, encouraging them to follow your lead and act too.
To get started, just click to share one of the graphics included in this kit. Or create and share
your own.
•	 Tag or mention specific friends that you know are interested in climate solutions.

•	 Post more than once. Share posts on different days of the week and different times of
day to be sure your social networks see your message.

•	 Write your own! Use your own voice and facts from reliable sources across the internet
to spread the word about the urgency of the climate crisis.

•	 Want more? Follow Climate Reality on Twitter and Facebook so you can share the
latest updates!

Looking for climate change influencers to follow on social media? Check out these
individuals and organizations:
•	 Climate Reality - @ClimateReality on Twitter and fb.com/climatereality
•	 Former Vice President Al Gore – @AlGore on Twitter and fb.com/algore
•	 Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist – @KHayhoe on Twitter
•	 Dr. Michael E. Mann, climate scientist – @MichaelEMann on Twitter
•	 The Climate Desk - fb.com/theclimatedesk
•	 Climate Central, independent climate change research organization – @ClimateCentral
on Twitter
•	 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - @NASA on Twitter and
•	 The Union of Concerned Scientists, nonprofit science advocacy organization –
•	 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – @UNFCCC
on Twitter and fb.com/UNclimatechange
Show the world that you stand for action on climate. Add our profile frame
to your Facebook profile and start a conversation. (Just search for “Climate
Reality” if you don’t see it right away.)
•	 The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media
•	 HubSpot Academy
If you’ve read this far, you understand the powerful influence you can have with friends and
family, both online and in person. Chances are they’re just as concerned as you, and could use
some tips in being the voice of reality on the climate crisis. Start by sharing this guide with a
friend (or 10) and online and challenge them to take action for the planet.
Climate Reality Leaders are activists trained by
former Vice President Al Gore and field leaders
in climate science, communications, and other
areas to share the truth about what’s happening
to our planet and how we can solve it with
communities around the world.
Today, there are nearly 14,000 Climate Reality
Leaders in more than 140 countries giving
presentations on the latest in climate science
and solutions. If you want to know more about
the climate crisis and what you personally
can do, there’s no better place to start than
by attending or hosting a Climate Reality
Leader presentation.
Climate Reality Leaders know how to make climate science engaging and speak to audiences
of all sizes, interests, and demographics. You’ll learn more about the crisis than you thought
possible and you’ll leave energized and ready to act.
1. Visit realityhub.climaterealityproject.org. 

2. Click the green tile that says, “Attend a Presentation.” 

3. Use the map or search tool to find existing upcoming presentations in your area. If
you find one you’d like to attend, you can login or register to RSVP and no further
action is needed.
A Climate Reality Leader presentation by Rasmiah Malixi.
Hosting a presentation is easy and all you have to do is provide the audience (groups have
ranged from a few people to a few hundred), a venue, and a screen.
1. Visit realityhub.climaterealityproject.org. 

2. Click the green tile that says, “Request a Presentation.” 

3. Fill out the required form fields and submit. A Climate Reality Leader will follow up with
you directly to coordinate.
Encourage your own business or workplace to do their part by speaking up and recommending
changes to make sustainability part of business as usual. The good news is that making
sustainable choices can not only help your business cut emissions, but save money too. Here
are some easy ways to start:
•	 Reduce commutes and meetings if possible. Turn to telecommuting and
videoconferencing when possible to reduce staff commutes.
•	 Phase out unsustainable vendors. Choose web-hosting providers powered by clean
energy as well as shipping, catering, and marketing firms that prioritize sustainability.
•	 Go digital. Limit paper usage and printing and instead focus on cloud computing and
scanned files.
•	 Minimize hardware. Trade in servers for cloud storage and turn to digital fax and phone
services when possible.
•	 Embrace smart energy strips. Plug appropriate electronics into power strips that shut
down each night and cut your energy bills.
•	 Optimize lighting. Switch from inefficient overhead lights to compact fluorescent or
LED bulbs when possible – you’ll save money on both lighting and air conditioning bills.
•	 Minimize waste. Replace disposable paper plates and plastic tableware with
compostable options.
Created by Vice President Gore, the Truth in 10 slideshow is a
10-minute version of his iconic presentation that will help you spread
a simple message to your community: the climate crisis is urgent, but
the solutions are at hand.
Download the presentation, personalize it, practice it at home, and
then go out and deliver it. Start with your friends, your family, your
school, your house of worship, your business or community center.
By downloading and presenting this slideshow you’re joining climate leaders around the
world who have stepped-up to fight for the future of our planet. With this simple action, you
can join the tens of thousands of people around the world who are speaking truth to power.
Be inconvenient – our world depends on it.
Our elected officials represent us. So it’s up to us to ensure they represent our interests –
instead of powerful fossil fuel corporations. When we speak up together, we can make our
leaders listen and pressure them to support clean energy solutions at every level.
“It’s so critical that people make sure their voices are heard. We’ve seen how important that
is,” world-renowned climatologist Dr. Michael E. Mann told Climate Reality this fall. “We
saw it in the case of the [US] health care debate – that the voice of the people still matters.
Even in a system that’s been gamed by special interests, the voice and the will of the people
still matters.”
In countries with representative governments, contacting your elected leaders is an effective
way to communicate your opinions on the climate crisis, especially when an action (such
as a vote) is pending. Every elected official from a city council member to a senator has an
obligation to listen to their constituents. Make your voice heard.
In all communications with your governmental officials be sure to:
•	 Let them know that you are a constituent. Elected officials are most interested in your
opinions if you are their constituent, so be sure to say where you are from.
•	 Know your facts. You should be able to describe the topic about which you are calling
and state your opinion on what your elected leader should do.
•	 Note your expertise. If you have professional experience on the issue, be sure to
mention it. It will establish your credibility.
•	 Be brief. Officials receive a high volume of letters, phone calls, and social media
messages every day, so try to keep your contact short-but-impactful.
•	 Contact all of your leaders. Don’t forget that you likely have multiple elected leaders
representing you on the local, state, and federal levels. You should contact each one.
You can make a major difference by sharing the truth and shaping your leaders’ opinion right
when your planet needs you most. Below are three ways to get started.
Writing a letter tells elected officials that their constituents care enough about an issue to
spend the time writing and mailing a message the old-fashioned way. It’s a way for
officials and their staff to take the temperature of an issue in the community. When they
receive enough letters pushing for action on climate, they’ll know the people who elect them
care deeply and they better respond – or potentially face the consequences on election day.
Be sure to keep it short and sweet, and make it personal, explaining why taking climate action
is important to you.
Calling an elected official’s office to urge them to support smart climate policies is a critical
way to build pressure on legislators to act.
Although it’s unlikely you’ll speak directly to the official, their staff tracks the number of
calls they receive on various topics, and most legislators do pay attention to communications
from their constituents. Ask to speak to the aide who handles the issue you’re calling about, if
possible, to ensure your message has the greatest impact.
Every country will have its own directory and way to reach national legislators. In the US, you
can be connected to your representatives by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121.
Australia, India, Canada, the UK, and many other countries have easily findable directories of
members of parliament and other representatives online.
Make sure to also visit your state and local government websites for contact information for
your state senators and representatives, who may be more receptive to your concerns.
Click here to see a sample script of a call with an elected official from our I Am Still In action kit.
Social media can be a powerful tool to raise your voice and create change in tandem with on-
the-ground activism. Many elected officials are very active on social media – it often serves
as their most direct line of communication to their constituents. By engaging them on social
media, it publicly shows both officials and others in the community what their constituents
care about, empowering your digital neighbors to speak up too.
Like all audiences, elected officials generally respond positively to bold, courteous
statements. So try to keep everything short, sweet, and to-the-point. Be sure to tag or
mention specific allies that you know are interested in climate solutions and draw on the best
practices outlined in Action Two above.
Just as important as speaking directly to your legislator or their office, is engaging others in
your community through forums like the local or national newspaper and working together to
pressure policymakers to support climate solutions. Below are two ways to create indirect –
but powerful – pressure on officials.
By writing, articles, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor, your reasonable, science-
based arguments and personal stories can reach a massive audience and help counter
misinformation about climate change – especially if your writing goes viral online. Influence
and impact is within the reach of anyone who can write persuasively and passionately.
Lawmakers, CEOs, and other leaders pay careful attention to the opinion pages of local and
national papers, making them an important venue for persuading people and affecting public
Even though special interests have more influence in our democracy than ever before, the
opinions of voters can still carry the day – if enough people speak out passionately. You don’t
need any special qualifications or even a lot of experience to get published. Here are some
best practices that will dramatically increase your chances.
1) Be timely: The first question any opinion editor will ask when you submit a piece is, “Why
is this relevant now?” With few exceptions, most pieces that are accepted are tied to a
breaking news story or hot-button issue that is generating discussion locally or globally.
2) Be concise: Research guidelines for letters to the editor and other pieces before
submitting one. For an op-ed, 600 to 800 words is standard, while letters to the editor are
generally 100 to 300 words.
3) Support your argument: Back up your points with concrete examples and evidence. Avoid
hyperbole and exaggeration. It’s also a good idea to refer to your personal experience
and story.
4) Know your audience: Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about the
arguments, sources, and tone that would be most convincing to them.
5) Pick the best outlet: Choose your publication well. Which outlet will be most credible to
your audience?
6) Get feedback: Always try to get a second opinion before submitting your piece. If you’re
trying to reach a specific audience, get feedback from a member of that group.
Nowadays, it has become common practice for people to unite in an expression of support
or reproach for a government official or organization. Petitions can directly affect policies or
signal to leaders how strongly constituents feel about a particular issue. Every signature adds
weight to the concern. If you’re a budding climate activist, petitions are also a great way to
build a community of like-minded people. Below are some best practices.
1)	 Identify your target: Direct your petition to whoever has the most direct influence on
the issue.
2) Craft a compelling and concise message: State the problem and desired outcome clearly,
so everyone understands the “so what.” Use short sentences and don’t go over 200 words.
3)	 Circulate widely: Your petition’s success lies in getting it out there. Use social media
networks to post and share the link. Share around your school or office as well.
4) Deliver: If your petition is online, it is easy to bring your message to its recipient: hit
send. Make sure your petitioners use their social media to follow up with the person
or organization you are petitioning. If you have paper to deliver, mailing is an option.
Or consider delivering it at an important event, like a shareholders meeting or press
In places where everyday citizens hold the power to decide the direction that government
takes, it’s imperative to exercise that power by reinforcing the initiatives of representatives
and officials who support cutting emissions and expanding clean energy choices.
Democracy works when the people speak louder than fossil fuel companies and other special
interests. We need policymakers on all levels – from city councils and mayors to governors all
the way up to members of Congress, Parliament, and other national assemblies – who will act
on climate. You can help make that happen. Every voice counts, so make yours heard.
The first step is getting registered, and the requirements will vary from country to country (and
in the US, from state to state). If you’re in the US, visit USA.gov to learn more how to vote in
your state. Outside the US, search out your government website to learn how to register.
* Excerpted and reproduced from An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore, courtesy of Rodale Books.
•	 An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore
•	 The Indivisible Guide to Climate
The industries that profit from the destruction
of our planet rely on your hard-earned money to
justify their fossil fuel habits. One of the most basic
and potent forms of power we have is our ability
to decide where and how we spend our money.
Regardless of your financial situation, there are
some simple ways to make sure you’re supporting
businesses that are part of the solution rather than
the problem.
1) Study before you buy: You already research the products and brands you buy for price.
You can also examine their business practices. Look for companies that have made an
explicit and authentic commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
2) Invest with climate in mind: Investment is a powerful tool to support eco-friendly
companies. And if you have investments in polluting companies, divesting can be a
strong form of protest, as well as a wise move. Look closely at your investment portfolio
to make sure all the companies you invest in follow meaningful “Environmental, Social,
Governance” (ESG) criteria.
3) Make more efficient travel plans: Travel is an area where almost every family can easily
reduce its carbon footprint. Look for hotels that have green business practices, such as
those who participate in the Green Hotels Association. Some airlines are better than
others, or offer carbon offset options. Try to fly less overall.
4) Green your banking: Keep your money with institutions that support climate advocacy
work. Some organizations, including CREDO Action, the Sierra Club, and the League of
Conservation Voters, offer their own credit cards, so your interest payments go to support
environmental activism instead of Wall Street. Smaller banks and credit unions are more
likely to fund clean energy and local advocacy work.
* Excerpted and reproduced from An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore, courtesy of Rodale Books.
Former Vice President Al Gore’s 2017 film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, sounded the
alarm on the climate crisis at a critical moment. As the rest of the world moves forward in
cutting greenhouse gas emissions and choosing clean energy alternatives, the White House is
stuck in reverse, prioritizing the interests of fossil fuel corporations over the health of
our planet.
The good news is that millions of people, from all corners and all walks of life, are fighting
back. An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power tells this inspiring story of a global movement
growing by the day through the story of Vice President Gore’s own personal fight, reminding
us what can happen when regular citizens take a stand and calling on all of us to fight like our
world depends on it.
Witness this story and see the movement in action by streaming or picking up your copy of An
Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power today.
When you’re ready to take the next step in your own activist journey,
pick up Vice President Gore’s companion book, An Inconvenient
Sequel: Truth to Power, an in-depth citizen’s guide to driving change
and inspiring communities to act in the twenty-first century.
If you’re ready to go from citizen activist to world-changer, you’re
ready to become a Climate Reality Leader.
The Climate Reality Leadership Corps is a global network of nearly
14,000 activists committed to raising awareness of the climate
crisis and fighting for solutions in more than 140 countries.
Climate Reality Leaders join the program by attending an
intensive, multi-day training with former Vice President Al Gore
and an all-star team of communicators, scientists, organizers,
elected officials, and more. Through the training, they gain the
knowledge and skills to shape the conversation on climate and drive change everywhere
from family dinners to international summits and lead a twenty-first century movement
for solutions.
To learn about the next Climate Reality Leader training, visit: climaterealityproject.org/
Businesses, cities, colleges and universities, and even states and provinces around the
world are moving forward with real, practical steps to cut emissions and shift to 100 percent
renewable electricity.
What’s driving this shift? Increasingly, citizen activists like you.
Today, 100 percent renewable is 100 percent doable. You can help
accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy wherever you
live by joining Climate Reality’s 100% Committed campaign and
helping your community, university, or local business transition
to 100 percent renewable electricity. With the cost of clean energy
plummeting every year, it’s never been easier or more affordable.
Already, people in Salt Lake City, Utah, Park City, Utah, Boulder, Colorado, and an ever-
growing list of towns and cities across the US have helped their hometowns commit to shifting
to 100 percent renewable electricity. Students at Colorado State University, Plymouth State
University, and Hampshire College, among others, have pushed their schools to make the
commitment. In Switzerland, celebrated resorts like St. Moritz, LAAX, and Arosa Lenzerheide
have also pledged to make the shift. Your town, school, or company could be next.
Get started on a 100% Committed campaign in your community by checking out our
full toolkit.
Our work to solve the climate crisis has never been easy. National actions like the White
House announcing that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement have global
consequences, threatening the safety and health of our environment and our planet. Which
means we’ve got to raise awareness and fight for practical solutions worldwide.
Your support and commitment to solutions is more important than ever to solve the climate
crisis. That’s why we hope you’ll take the next step and support our work today.
Your support will help us mobilize climate activists in communities around the world and
train thousands of new Climate Reality Leaders to push for solutions in over 140 countries.
We’ll work closely with cities, states, businesses, universities, and other private and civic
organizations that continue to be committed to the Paris Agreement. And we’ll continue
educating and activating frontline communities about the climate crisis and clean energy
solutions through our Climate Speakers Network.
With you on our side, we’ll keep fighting like our world depends on it. Because it does.
Founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore, The
Climate Reality Project is dedicated to catalyzing a global solution to the climate
crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.
We must change. We can change. We will change.
With glaciers melting, seas rising, and 16 of the Earth’s 17 hottest years on record
coming this century, we know humanity must change and act boldly to solve the
climate crisis.
The good news is that we know we can. Solar, wind, and other renewable solutions are
becoming more affordable every year. And all around the world, countries from China
to Chile are seizing the moment, working to cut emissions under the Paris Agreement
and create a safe, sustainable, and prosperous future powered by clean energy.
At Climate Reality, our job is to ensure we will. Led by Vice President Gore and CEO
Ken Berlin, we use twenty-first century digital tools and activist trainings to share
the truth about the crisis and empower citizens worldwide to become powerful forces
for change.
For more information, visit www.ClimateRealityProject.org or follow us on
Twitter at @ClimateReality.

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The Climate Reality Project - 2017 - Be The Voice Of Reality (Action Kit)

  • 3. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 2 When your world is in danger, you’ve got to speak up. When everyone else is quiet and too many leaders are silent on the truth right outside the window, you’ve got to be the voice of reality. What does it mean to be the voice of reality? It means speaking up about the urgency of the climate crisis and how we solve it. It means sharing the truth that not only must we change, we can change, as clean energy and other solutions become more accessible, affordable, and widespread by the day. It means taking practical steps in the world to drive change in every aspect of our lives and at every level of society, showing the planet with everything you say and do that we will change. Being the voice of reality is about the simple fact that our climate is changing and it’s up to us to solve it. There are many ways to make a difference, from talking to our friends and family about the climate crisis and its solutions, to voting with our wallets so businesses embrace clean energy solutions, to using our vote so policymakers take action. This guide offers 12 ways to start. Many of these actions focus on using your voice to communicate and advocate on behalf of our planet…but don’t stop there. Get out into the world, connect with other activists in Climate Reality campaigns and other programs, and join on-the-ground efforts and take action. Remember: no one else is going to do it for us. No one else will solve this crisis if we stay silent. If we want a sustainable future for our families and our planet, we’ve got to be the voice of reality. “It’s time to fight like our world depends on it.” — FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE
  • 4. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 3 ONE: Talk About Climate Change with Friends and Family 4 TWO: Be an Activist Online 6 THREE: Share this Guide with a Friend 9 FOUR: Organize or Attend a Climate Reality Leader Presentation 9 FIVE:Green Your Workplace 10 SIX:Give a Climate Presentation 11 SEVEN:Speak Truth to Power with Elected Officials 11 EIGHT:Vote with Your Wallet 15 NINE: See or Read An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 16 TEN: Become a Climate Reality Leader 16 ELEVEN: Help Your Community Go 100% Committed 17 TWELVE: Help Climate Reality Raise Awareness Worldwide 18 TWELVE WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE ACTION CHECKLIST:
  • 5. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 4 ACTION ONE TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY Talking to your friends and family members about climate change isn’t always easy. But you have the power to inspire them in a way no one else can. Your friends and family members know you. They trust you. They respect you. They might not listen to a politician or organization telling them to act. But chances are they’ll listen to you. When they see you care enough to speak up and act, it can encourage them to act too. That’s how awareness grows. That’s how real change begins. That’s how climate becomes the issue no politician can ignore. But, how we talk about climate change matters. Especially with people who know climate change is real and haven’t acted or – worse – deny its reality to begin with. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: INACTIVE BELIEVERS The good news is that the overwhelming majority of people everywhere know the crisis is real and want action. For example, a recent Gallup poll showed that over 70 percent of Americans want their government to prioritize clean energy over dirty fossil fuels. Outside the US, that majority is even greater, with global median support for action through initiatives like the Paris Agreement at 78 percent, according to another recent survey. What’s holding us back, in part, is the fact that too few of us are talking about the climate crisis with the same urgency that we talk about other issues like the economy. Which means politicians and decision makers don’t feel they have to listen. Our challenge as activists is to energize our friends and family members who are already with us to get off the sidelines and into the fight. They may not understand that most people feel just as concerned as they do. They may not know how they can make a difference. Hearing you speak up, knowing they’re not alone, feeling the urgency of action, and seeing what they can do can help overcome their hesitation. We recommend former Vice President Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power as an in-depth guide to action, but if you’re ready to get started, here are two principles in particular to keep in mind. 1. MAKE IT PERSONAL Social science research consistently shows the importance of connecting climate to the values an audience holds, or to put it more plainly, the people and things they care about. In 2015, a research team organized by the Frameworks Institute went one step further, based on a study of 7,000 US voters. The team studied what messages inspired people to support policy steps to protect oceans from the effects of climate change. They found the greatest change in support for policy action when the message focused on protecting people from
  • 6. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 5 climate impacts to our health and livelihoods. The second most effective message focused on our responsibility to take care of the planet. The takeaway: if you’re going to talk about climate, talk about what it means not only for our own health and livelihoods, but also those of our families, whether it’s the dramatic threat of extreme events like ever-more dangerous storms or long-term threats like rising rates of childhood asthma or spreading disease vectors like mosquitoes. After all, when it comes to what we care about, the health and well-being of the people we love tops the list. 2. CHOOSE HOPE For people to act, they have to have hope that their actions matter. Recognizing the importance of hope, Ohio University researchers in the US wanted to know what makes people feel hopeful on climate and how this affects their willingness to act. They tested a range of different messages on 245 participants. What they found was that what inspired the greatest hope was a message about a better future without climate change. No surprise, they also found that greater levels of hopefulness led to greater interest in action. When speaking to your friends and family, emphasize the sustainable future we’re all working for, a future where we all can live without increasingly devastating hurricanes or rising seas transforming our world and threatening our families. You can give your friends and family reason for hope. Share the incredible progress in clean energy and other solutions all around the world. Point to the millions of people who are just like them and know we have to act. Ensure they know the tools to solve the crisis are already in our hands and it’s up to us – and now them – to spread the word and make policymakers act. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE SOLUTIONS Show your neighbors and colleagues where you stand and what you believe on climate. Download and display our Be the Voice of Reality poster at home or work. READ MORE: • An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, by Al Gore • How to Talk to Your Friends About the Climate Crisis BE THE VOICE OF REALITY WHEN YOUR WORLD IS IN DANGER, YOU’VE GOT TO SPEAK UP. www.24hoursofreality.org present & VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE LIVE December 4th & 5th at 6PM ET BE THE VOICE OF REALITY WHEN YOUR WORLD IS IN DANGER, YOU’VE GOT TO SPEAK UP. www.24hoursofreality.org present & VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE LIVE December 4th & 5th at 6PM ET 8.5x11 11x17
  • 7. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 6 Just as with your friends and family in person, you have a unique power to influence the beliefs and behaviors of your community online. And with social networks like Facebook and Twitter increasingly where people turn to get the news that shapes their opinions – and fossil fuel interests and climate deniers spreading all kinds of myths and misleading stories – it’s more important than ever that activists speak up and be the voice of reality online. Let your community know that we must, we can, and we will solve the crisis. While there are many ways to use your voice online, we’d advise you to be strategic and post, share, or comment to achieve one of four goals that help build the movement: • Call out denial. You don’t stand for racist remarks online. You don’t sit quietly when you see misogynistic comments. Don’t let climate deniers spread myths and fake news about the climate crisis threatening our world. • Create community. Chances are the majority of your social network is just as concerned as you are about the crisis. When you post about climate online, you’re showing them that they’re not alone and others like them feel just like they do. When people see their beliefs shared out in the world, they’re much more likely to act on those beliefs. • Inspire hope. Hope is the lifeblood of activism. Many people understand the urgency of the crisis, but how many know that solutions like solar are getting more affordable and widespread every year? Or that clean energy and efficiency put over 3 million Americans to work? Share stories that point to the real success the movement is seeing and inspire hope in your community that a sustainable future is in our hands. • Inspire action. When you share the ways you’re taking action for the planet, you’re showing people in your community that someone like them is brave enough to act on the courage of their convictions, encouraging them to follow your lead and act too. ACTION TWO BE AN ACTIVIST ONLINE
  • 8. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 7 SHARABLE GRAPHICS To get started, just click to share one of the graphics included in this kit. Or create and share your own.
  • 9. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 8 TIPS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR IMPACT ON SOCIAL MEDIA • Tag or mention specific friends that you know are interested in climate solutions.
 • Post more than once. Share posts on different days of the week and different times of day to be sure your social networks see your message.
 • Write your own! Use your own voice and facts from reliable sources across the internet to spread the word about the urgency of the climate crisis.
 • Want more? Follow Climate Reality on Twitter and Facebook so you can share the latest updates!
 CONNECT WITH THE COMMUNITY Looking for climate change influencers to follow on social media? Check out these individuals and organizations: • Climate Reality - @ClimateReality on Twitter and fb.com/climatereality • Former Vice President Al Gore – @AlGore on Twitter and fb.com/algore • Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist – @KHayhoe on Twitter • Dr. Michael E. Mann, climate scientist – @MichaelEMann on Twitter • The Climate Desk - fb.com/theclimatedesk • Climate Central, independent climate change research organization – @ClimateCentral on Twitter • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - @NASA on Twitter and fb.com/NASAClimateChange/ • The Union of Concerned Scientists, nonprofit science advocacy organization – @UCSUSA • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – @UNFCCC on Twitter and fb.com/UNclimatechange SHOWING SUPPORT ONLINE Show the world that you stand for action on climate. Add our profile frame to your Facebook profile and start a conversation. (Just search for “Climate Reality” if you don’t see it right away.) READ MORE: • The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media • HubSpot Academy
  • 10. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 9 If you’ve read this far, you understand the powerful influence you can have with friends and family, both online and in person. Chances are they’re just as concerned as you, and could use some tips in being the voice of reality on the climate crisis. Start by sharing this guide with a friend (or 10) and online and challenge them to take action for the planet. ACTION THREE SHARE THIS GUIDE WITH A FRIEND ACTION FOUR ORGANIZE OR ATTEND A CLIMATE REALITY LEADER PRESENTATION Climate Reality Leaders are activists trained by former Vice President Al Gore and field leaders in climate science, communications, and other areas to share the truth about what’s happening to our planet and how we can solve it with communities around the world. Today, there are nearly 14,000 Climate Reality Leaders in more than 140 countries giving presentations on the latest in climate science and solutions. If you want to know more about the climate crisis and what you personally can do, there’s no better place to start than by attending or hosting a Climate Reality Leader presentation. Climate Reality Leaders know how to make climate science engaging and speak to audiences of all sizes, interests, and demographics. You’ll learn more about the crisis than you thought possible and you’ll leave energized and ready to act. HOW TO ATTEND A CLIMATE REALITY LEADER PRESENTATION 1. Visit realityhub.climaterealityproject.org. 
 2. Click the green tile that says, “Attend a Presentation.” 
 3. Use the map or search tool to find existing upcoming presentations in your area. If you find one you’d like to attend, you can login or register to RSVP and no further action is needed. A Climate Reality Leader presentation by Rasmiah Malixi.
  • 11. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 10 HOW TO HOST A CLIMATE REALITY LEADER PRESENTATION Hosting a presentation is easy and all you have to do is provide the audience (groups have ranged from a few people to a few hundred), a venue, and a screen. 1. Visit realityhub.climaterealityproject.org. 
 2. Click the green tile that says, “Request a Presentation.” 
 3. Fill out the required form fields and submit. A Climate Reality Leader will follow up with you directly to coordinate. ACTION FIVE GREEN YOUR WORKPLACE Encourage your own business or workplace to do their part by speaking up and recommending changes to make sustainability part of business as usual. The good news is that making sustainable choices can not only help your business cut emissions, but save money too. Here are some easy ways to start: • Reduce commutes and meetings if possible. Turn to telecommuting and videoconferencing when possible to reduce staff commutes. • Phase out unsustainable vendors. Choose web-hosting providers powered by clean energy as well as shipping, catering, and marketing firms that prioritize sustainability. • Go digital. Limit paper usage and printing and instead focus on cloud computing and scanned files. • Minimize hardware. Trade in servers for cloud storage and turn to digital fax and phone services when possible. • Embrace smart energy strips. Plug appropriate electronics into power strips that shut down each night and cut your energy bills. • Optimize lighting. Switch from inefficient overhead lights to compact fluorescent or LED bulbs when possible – you’ll save money on both lighting and air conditioning bills. • Minimize waste. Replace disposable paper plates and plastic tableware with compostable options.
  • 12. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 11 Created by Vice President Gore, the Truth in 10 slideshow is a 10-minute version of his iconic presentation that will help you spread a simple message to your community: the climate crisis is urgent, but the solutions are at hand. Download the presentation, personalize it, practice it at home, and then go out and deliver it. Start with your friends, your family, your school, your house of worship, your business or community center. By downloading and presenting this slideshow you’re joining climate leaders around the world who have stepped-up to fight for the future of our planet. With this simple action, you can join the tens of thousands of people around the world who are speaking truth to power. Be inconvenient – our world depends on it. Our elected officials represent us. So it’s up to us to ensure they represent our interests – instead of powerful fossil fuel corporations. When we speak up together, we can make our leaders listen and pressure them to support clean energy solutions at every level. CONTACTING YOUR OFFICIALS “It’s so critical that people make sure their voices are heard. We’ve seen how important that is,” world-renowned climatologist Dr. Michael E. Mann told Climate Reality this fall. “We saw it in the case of the [US] health care debate – that the voice of the people still matters. Even in a system that’s been gamed by special interests, the voice and the will of the people still matters.” In countries with representative governments, contacting your elected leaders is an effective way to communicate your opinions on the climate crisis, especially when an action (such as a vote) is pending. Every elected official from a city council member to a senator has an obligation to listen to their constituents. Make your voice heard. ACTION SIX GIVE A CLIMATE PRESENTATION ACTION SEVEN SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER WITH ELECTED OFFICIALS
  • 13. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 12 In all communications with your governmental officials be sure to: • Let them know that you are a constituent. Elected officials are most interested in your opinions if you are their constituent, so be sure to say where you are from. • Know your facts. You should be able to describe the topic about which you are calling and state your opinion on what your elected leader should do. • Note your expertise. If you have professional experience on the issue, be sure to mention it. It will establish your credibility. • Be brief. Officials receive a high volume of letters, phone calls, and social media messages every day, so try to keep your contact short-but-impactful. • Contact all of your leaders. Don’t forget that you likely have multiple elected leaders representing you on the local, state, and federal levels. You should contact each one. You can make a major difference by sharing the truth and shaping your leaders’ opinion right when your planet needs you most. Below are three ways to get started. 1. WRITING A LETTER Writing a letter tells elected officials that their constituents care enough about an issue to spend the time writing and mailing a message the old-fashioned way. It’s a way for officials and their staff to take the temperature of an issue in the community. When they receive enough letters pushing for action on climate, they’ll know the people who elect them care deeply and they better respond – or potentially face the consequences on election day. Be sure to keep it short and sweet, and make it personal, explaining why taking climate action is important to you. 2. MAKING A CALL Calling an elected official’s office to urge them to support smart climate policies is a critical way to build pressure on legislators to act. Although it’s unlikely you’ll speak directly to the official, their staff tracks the number of calls they receive on various topics, and most legislators do pay attention to communications from their constituents. Ask to speak to the aide who handles the issue you’re calling about, if possible, to ensure your message has the greatest impact. Every country will have its own directory and way to reach national legislators. In the US, you can be connected to your representatives by calling the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121. Australia, India, Canada, the UK, and many other countries have easily findable directories of members of parliament and other representatives online. Make sure to also visit your state and local government websites for contact information for your state senators and representatives, who may be more receptive to your concerns. Click here to see a sample script of a call with an elected official from our I Am Still In action kit.
  • 14. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 13 3. USING SOCIAL MEDIA Social media can be a powerful tool to raise your voice and create change in tandem with on- the-ground activism. Many elected officials are very active on social media – it often serves as their most direct line of communication to their constituents. By engaging them on social media, it publicly shows both officials and others in the community what their constituents care about, empowering your digital neighbors to speak up too. Like all audiences, elected officials generally respond positively to bold, courteous statements. So try to keep everything short, sweet, and to-the-point. Be sure to tag or mention specific allies that you know are interested in climate solutions and draw on the best practices outlined in Action Two above. BUILDING COMMUNITY PRESSURE ON OFFICIALS Just as important as speaking directly to your legislator or their office, is engaging others in your community through forums like the local or national newspaper and working together to pressure policymakers to support climate solutions. Below are two ways to create indirect – but powerful – pressure on officials. 1. WRITING A LETTER TO THE EDITOR* By writing, articles, opinion pieces, and letters to the editor, your reasonable, science- based arguments and personal stories can reach a massive audience and help counter misinformation about climate change – especially if your writing goes viral online. Influence and impact is within the reach of anyone who can write persuasively and passionately. Lawmakers, CEOs, and other leaders pay careful attention to the opinion pages of local and national papers, making them an important venue for persuading people and affecting public discourse. Even though special interests have more influence in our democracy than ever before, the opinions of voters can still carry the day – if enough people speak out passionately. You don’t need any special qualifications or even a lot of experience to get published. Here are some best practices that will dramatically increase your chances. 1) Be timely: The first question any opinion editor will ask when you submit a piece is, “Why is this relevant now?” With few exceptions, most pieces that are accepted are tied to a breaking news story or hot-button issue that is generating discussion locally or globally. 2) Be concise: Research guidelines for letters to the editor and other pieces before submitting one. For an op-ed, 600 to 800 words is standard, while letters to the editor are generally 100 to 300 words. 3) Support your argument: Back up your points with concrete examples and evidence. Avoid hyperbole and exaggeration. It’s also a good idea to refer to your personal experience and story. 4) Know your audience: Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about the arguments, sources, and tone that would be most convincing to them.
  • 15. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 14 5) Pick the best outlet: Choose your publication well. Which outlet will be most credible to your audience? 6) Get feedback: Always try to get a second opinion before submitting your piece. If you’re trying to reach a specific audience, get feedback from a member of that group. 2. START A PETITION* Nowadays, it has become common practice for people to unite in an expression of support or reproach for a government official or organization. Petitions can directly affect policies or signal to leaders how strongly constituents feel about a particular issue. Every signature adds weight to the concern. If you’re a budding climate activist, petitions are also a great way to build a community of like-minded people. Below are some best practices. 1) Identify your target: Direct your petition to whoever has the most direct influence on the issue. 2) Craft a compelling and concise message: State the problem and desired outcome clearly, so everyone understands the “so what.” Use short sentences and don’t go over 200 words. 3) Circulate widely: Your petition’s success lies in getting it out there. Use social media networks to post and share the link. Share around your school or office as well. 4) Deliver: If your petition is online, it is easy to bring your message to its recipient: hit send. Make sure your petitioners use their social media to follow up with the person or organization you are petitioning. If you have paper to deliver, mailing is an option. Or consider delivering it at an important event, like a shareholders meeting or press conference. YOUR VOTE IS YOUR VOICE In places where everyday citizens hold the power to decide the direction that government takes, it’s imperative to exercise that power by reinforcing the initiatives of representatives and officials who support cutting emissions and expanding clean energy choices. Democracy works when the people speak louder than fossil fuel companies and other special interests. We need policymakers on all levels – from city councils and mayors to governors all the way up to members of Congress, Parliament, and other national assemblies – who will act on climate. You can help make that happen. Every voice counts, so make yours heard. The first step is getting registered, and the requirements will vary from country to country (and in the US, from state to state). If you’re in the US, visit USA.gov to learn more how to vote in your state. Outside the US, search out your government website to learn how to register. * Excerpted and reproduced from An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore, courtesy of Rodale Books. READ MORE: • An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore • The Indivisible Guide to Climate
  • 16. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 15 The industries that profit from the destruction of our planet rely on your hard-earned money to justify their fossil fuel habits. One of the most basic and potent forms of power we have is our ability to decide where and how we spend our money. Regardless of your financial situation, there are some simple ways to make sure you’re supporting businesses that are part of the solution rather than the problem. 1) Study before you buy: You already research the products and brands you buy for price. You can also examine their business practices. Look for companies that have made an explicit and authentic commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. 2) Invest with climate in mind: Investment is a powerful tool to support eco-friendly companies. And if you have investments in polluting companies, divesting can be a strong form of protest, as well as a wise move. Look closely at your investment portfolio to make sure all the companies you invest in follow meaningful “Environmental, Social, Governance” (ESG) criteria. 3) Make more efficient travel plans: Travel is an area where almost every family can easily reduce its carbon footprint. Look for hotels that have green business practices, such as those who participate in the Green Hotels Association. Some airlines are better than others, or offer carbon offset options. Try to fly less overall. 4) Green your banking: Keep your money with institutions that support climate advocacy work. Some organizations, including CREDO Action, the Sierra Club, and the League of Conservation Voters, offer their own credit cards, so your interest payments go to support environmental activism instead of Wall Street. Smaller banks and credit unions are more likely to fund clean energy and local advocacy work. ACTION EIGHT VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET * Excerpted and reproduced from An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power by Al Gore, courtesy of Rodale Books.
  • 17. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 16 Former Vice President Al Gore’s 2017 film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, sounded the alarm on the climate crisis at a critical moment. As the rest of the world moves forward in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and choosing clean energy alternatives, the White House is stuck in reverse, prioritizing the interests of fossil fuel corporations over the health of our planet. The good news is that millions of people, from all corners and all walks of life, are fighting back. An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power tells this inspiring story of a global movement growing by the day through the story of Vice President Gore’s own personal fight, reminding us what can happen when regular citizens take a stand and calling on all of us to fight like our world depends on it. Witness this story and see the movement in action by streaming or picking up your copy of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power today. When you’re ready to take the next step in your own activist journey, pick up Vice President Gore’s companion book, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, an in-depth citizen’s guide to driving change and inspiring communities to act in the twenty-first century. If you’re ready to go from citizen activist to world-changer, you’re ready to become a Climate Reality Leader. ACTION NINE SEE OR READ AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL: TRUTH TO POWER ACTION TEN BECOME A CLIMATE REALITY LEADER The Climate Reality Leadership Corps is a global network of nearly 14,000 activists committed to raising awareness of the climate crisis and fighting for solutions in more than 140 countries. Climate Reality Leaders join the program by attending an intensive, multi-day training with former Vice President Al Gore and an all-star team of communicators, scientists, organizers, elected officials, and more. Through the training, they gain the
  • 18. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 17 knowledge and skills to shape the conversation on climate and drive change everywhere from family dinners to international summits and lead a twenty-first century movement for solutions. To learn about the next Climate Reality Leader training, visit: climaterealityproject.org/ training. ACTION ELEVEN HELP YOUR COMMUNITY GO 100% COMMITTED Businesses, cities, colleges and universities, and even states and provinces around the world are moving forward with real, practical steps to cut emissions and shift to 100 percent renewable electricity. What’s driving this shift? Increasingly, citizen activists like you. Today, 100 percent renewable is 100 percent doable. You can help accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy wherever you live by joining Climate Reality’s 100% Committed campaign and helping your community, university, or local business transition to 100 percent renewable electricity. With the cost of clean energy plummeting every year, it’s never been easier or more affordable. Already, people in Salt Lake City, Utah, Park City, Utah, Boulder, Colorado, and an ever- growing list of towns and cities across the US have helped their hometowns commit to shifting to 100 percent renewable electricity. Students at Colorado State University, Plymouth State University, and Hampshire College, among others, have pushed their schools to make the commitment. In Switzerland, celebrated resorts like St. Moritz, LAAX, and Arosa Lenzerheide have also pledged to make the shift. Your town, school, or company could be next. Get started on a 100% Committed campaign in your community by checking out our full toolkit.
  • 19. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 18 ACTION TWELVE HELP CLIMATE REALITY RAISE AWARENESS WORLDWIDE Our work to solve the climate crisis has never been easy. National actions like the White House announcing that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement have global consequences, threatening the safety and health of our environment and our planet. Which means we’ve got to raise awareness and fight for practical solutions worldwide. Your support and commitment to solutions is more important than ever to solve the climate crisis. That’s why we hope you’ll take the next step and support our work today. Your support will help us mobilize climate activists in communities around the world and train thousands of new Climate Reality Leaders to push for solutions in over 140 countries. We’ll work closely with cities, states, businesses, universities, and other private and civic organizations that continue to be committed to the Paris Agreement. And we’ll continue educating and activating frontline communities about the climate crisis and clean energy solutions through our Climate Speakers Network. With you on our side, we’ll keep fighting like our world depends on it. Because it does. GIVE TODAY
  • 20. BE THE VOICE OF REALITY | 19 ABOUT THE CLIMATE REALITY PROJECT Founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former Vice President Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project is dedicated to catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society. We must change. We can change. We will change. With glaciers melting, seas rising, and 16 of the Earth’s 17 hottest years on record coming this century, we know humanity must change and act boldly to solve the climate crisis. The good news is that we know we can. Solar, wind, and other renewable solutions are becoming more affordable every year. And all around the world, countries from China to Chile are seizing the moment, working to cut emissions under the Paris Agreement and create a safe, sustainable, and prosperous future powered by clean energy. At Climate Reality, our job is to ensure we will. Led by Vice President Gore and CEO Ken Berlin, we use twenty-first century digital tools and activist trainings to share the truth about the crisis and empower citizens worldwide to become powerful forces for change. For more information, visit www.ClimateRealityProject.org or follow us on Twitter at @ClimateReality.