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The Conversation - An Introduction to Social Media

“No profession stands to influence social media
  more than public relations.”
  Paul Gillin, The New Influencers, A Marketers Guide to the New
  Social Media

o Social media defined              20:00

o 10 keys to social media success   30:00

o Social media tools                20:00

o 3 take away messages               2:00

o Q&A                                3:00

Social media is a
  conversation online.

   Look who’s talking:
   o your customers
   o your donors
   o your volunteers
   o your employees
   o your investors
   o your critics
   o your fans
   o your competition....
   o anyone who has internet
     access and an opinion.

The conversation is not:
   o controlled
   o organized
   o “on message”

The conversation is:
   o organic
   o complex
   o speaks in a human voice

Social media is not a
  strategy or a tactic –
  it‟s simply a channel.

o   Social Networks
o   News & Bookmarking
o   Blogs
o   Microblogging
o   Video Sharing
o   Photo Sharing
o   Message boards
o   Wikis
o   Virtual Reality
o   Social Gaming
o   Related:
    o Podcasts
    o Real Simple Syndication (RSS)

The power to define and control a brand
  is shifting from corporations and institutions
  to individuals and communities.

“It is about putting the „public‟ back in Public Relations
    and realizing that focusing on important markets and
    influencers will have a far greater impact than trying
    to reach the masses with any one message or tool.”

  Brian Solis, The Social Media Manifesto

Word of Mouth is the Future of
    Marketers can effectively use social media by
          influencing the conversation.

         One way to do this is by delivering
       great customer service experiences.

o Zappos, an online shoe retailer,
  makes customer service central
  with a focus on “making personal
  and emotional connections.”

o Divert marketing budget to
  customer service (they outsource
   marketing to their customers; they
   don‟t outsource their call centre)

o Use Twitter to promote their
    o   Website displays any public tweets
        mentioning of their brand
    o   CEO has over 400,000 followers
    o   430 employees on Twitter

o $1billion in sales last year and
  their expanding into new product

o 91% say consumer reviews are the #1 aid to buying
  decisions - JC Williams Group

o 87% trust a friend’s recommendation over critic‟s
  review - Marketing Sherpa

o 3 times more likely to trust peer opinions over
  advertising for purchasing decisions - Jupiter Research

o 1 word-of-mouth conversation has impact of
  200 TV ads - BuzzAgent

  * Slide courtesy of Digital Influence Group

Social media sites are the fastest-growing category on the
  web, doubling their traffic over the last year.

   o   73% of active online users have read a blog
   o   45% have started their own blog
   o   57% have joined a social network
   o   55% have uploaded photos
   o   83% have watched video clips

        Universal McCann’s Comparative Study on Social Media Trends,
          April 2008. 17,000 respondents from 29 countries, *using internet
          at least every other day

o 40% of Canadian internet users have visited a
  community or social networking site

o 22% of Canadians over 60

o 50% of Internet users under 30

o 25% of users 25-29 do so daily

o 43% English speaking Canadians and
  24% of French speaking Canadians visit these sites

   Canada Online, The Internet, Media and Emerging Technologoes

• Younger users (under
  45) and women use
  these sites for

• Older users use these
  sites to obtain and share

• Youth (12-17) use these
  sites for entertainment

Social media can help you
  in all stages of
  marketing, self-
  promotion, public
  relations, and customer

   o   research
   o   strategic planning
   o   implementation
   o   evaluation

o   Learn what people are saying about you
o   Create buzz for events & campaigns
o   Increase brand exposure
o   Identify and recruit influencers to spread your message
o   Find new opportunities and customers
o   Support your products and services
o   Improve your search engine visibility
o   Gain competitive intelligence
o   Get your message out fast
o   Retain clients by establishing a personal relationship
    Be an industry leader – not a follower

quot;What's the ROI for putting on your
  pants every morning? But it's still
  important to your business.quot;

 Scott Monty, Digital Communications Manager at Ford

Reach                                       Engagement & Influence
    o Website visits / views                     o Sentiment of reviews
                                                   and comments
    o volume of reviews
                                                 o Brand affinity
      and comments
    o Incoming links                             o Commenter
                                                 o Time spent
Action & Insight
                                                 o Favourites / Friends / Fans
    o Sales inquiries
                                                 o Viral forwards
    o New business
                                                 o Number of downloads
    o Customer satisfaction
      and loyalty
    o Marketing efficiency

Source: The Digital Influence Group, Measuring the Influence of Social Media

Resources required for
  social media may include:

   o   Strategic consultation
   o   Training
   o   Creating content
   o   Integrating tools
   o   Distributing content
   o   Relationship management
   o   Measuring value



o Experiment personally
  before professionally

o Try a variety of social
  media tools

o Be yourself, make some
  friends, and share

1. Discovery                          2. Strategy
    (people, competition,                 (opportunities,
    and search engines)                   objectives)

3. Skills                             4. Execution
    (identify internal                    (tools, integration,
    resources and gaps)                   policies, and process)

5. Maintenance
   (monitor and adapt)

Source: 5 Phases of Social Media Marketing

o YouTube
o MySpace
o Facebook
o Twitter
o EHarmony
  “Digits” (their own online
o Virtual communities –
  Second Life


Leveraged core goals
 across all networks:

  1.Reinforce their brand as
    tax experts

  2.Deliver on advocacy
    positioning of the brand

  3.Present the brand as being

o Through “unexpected and
  meaningful interactions
  with consumers”

o Be community
  and relevant
  (interacting on Second
  Life is different than

o It’s not free -
  Human capital increased
  as media buys decreased
  – Ask yourself if this is
  successful how do you
  scale it?

1. Brand Perception
  o   Evaluated brand metrics
      through a brand tracking

2. Engagement
  o   600,000 YouTube views
  o   1 million unique visits to
      their community site

3. Word of Mouth
  o   Increased online mentions
      in blogs, forums, and other
      social media

o Find where your
  audience is participating
  and indentify the

o Read industry blogs
  (including comments)

o Google your company
  name & your competition

o Find tools that can help
  you listen

o Tap into the wisdom of the
  crowd to access a wider
  talent pool and gain customer

o Companies that use crowd
  sourcing include:
   o   Starbucks (MyStarbucks)
   o   Dell (Ideastorm)
   o   DuPont
   o   Netflix
   o   Wikipedia
   o   iStockphoto.com
   o   Threadless.com
   o   Mechanical Turk (Amazon)

Amelia   Arlington

56 unanimous responses in under 4 minutes from YouBeMom.com

o Chevy contest asks
  people to create a
  winning commercial for
  the Tahoe SUV

o Website gives people
  online tools to make their
  own commercials
  including the ability to
  customize text

o Users subvert contest
  with ads slamming the
  Tahoe brand

o Chevy eventually removes
  the website displaying
  videos critical of their

o Many parodies still exist
  online (number one search
  result for “Chevy Tahoe”
  on Youtube)

Lessons learned:

o Be careful when you ask
  for …. user generated
  content can‟t be controlled

o If you‟re going to ask
  people their opinions be
  prepared to have a

o Avoid puffery
  (people will ignore it)

o Avoid evasion and lying
  (people won’t ignore it)

o Companies have watched
  their biggest screw-up's
  rise to the top 10 of a
  Google search

o Admit your mistakes
  right away

o Belkin employee busted
  offering payment for fake
  positive product

o Belkin president claims
  it‟s an isolated incident

o Influential tech blogs
  expose a larger cover up
  and name more
  employees involved

o Don’t be afraid to share.
  Corporations, like people,
  need to share information
  to get the value out of
  social media

o Make your content easy
  to share

o Incorporate tools that
  promote sharing:
   o Share This, RSS feeds,
     Email a friend

o Don't shout. Don't
  broadcast. Don‟t brag.

o Speak like yourself – not
  a corporate marketing
  shill or press secretary

o Personify your brand –
  give people something
  they can relate to.

o Think like a contributor,
  not a marketer

o Consider what is relevant
  to the community before

o Don’t promote your
  product on every post

o Win friends by promoting
  other people’s content if
  it interests you

o Don’t try to delete or
  remove criticism (it will
  just make it worse)

o Listen to your detractors

o Admit your shortcomings

o Work openly towards an
  explanation and
  legitimate solution

o Don’t wait until you
  have a campaign to
  launch - start planning
  and listening now

o Build relationships so
  they‟re ready when you
  need them

o You need buy in from
  everyone in the

o Convince your CEO that
  social media is relevant to
  your organization

o Get your communications
  team together, discuss
  the options, then divide
  and conquer

1.    Experiment with social media
2.    Make a plan
3.    Listen
4.    Be transparent & honest
5.    Share your content
6.    Be personal and act like a
7.    Contribute in a meaningful
8.    See criticism as an
9.    Be proactive
      Accept you can‟t do it all



o   Social Networks
o   News & Bookmarking
o   Blogs
o   Microblogging
o   Video Sharing
o   Photo Sharing
o   Message boards
o   Wikis
o   Virtual Reality
o   Social Gaming
o   Related:
    o Podcasts
    o Real Simple Syndication (RSS)
    o Social Media Press Release

o People and organizations
  connect and interact
  with friends, colleagues
  and fans.

o Popular social networks
  include Facebook and
  MySpace, Linkedin,
  bebo, and Ning.

o There are niche social
  networks for just about

o create online profiles

o share photos, video, and
  audio, links

o send private message and
  instant message

o learn more about people and

o Follow brands, celebrities, and
  gain your own fans

o Contains profiles of Fortune
  500 executives and leading
   o average individual salary
      on LinkedIn is $109,000

o On LinkedIn your can:
   o Post a profile and resume
   o Connect with colleagues
   o Share professional
   o Find jobs
   o Forums to demonstrate
     expertise and find answers

o Fastest growing social
  network in Canada and
  the world
  (200 million members)

o Powerful tools to engage
  and understand your
   o   Brand pages
   o   Custom applications
   o   Targeted advertising
   o   Audience insights/metrics
   o   Opinion polls

o Your brand‟s homepage
  on Facebook.
o Allow you to post photos,
  videos, events and other
o Users interact with you by
   o   Becoming fans
   o   Commenting on your posts
   o   Participating in discussions
   o   Post photos to your page
o Fans see your page
  updates in their

o Facebook ads give you
  the ability to advertise
  directly to specific
  demographic groups

o This is unlike paid search,
  the most popular form of
  online advertising, which
  only lets you to bid on
  keywords the user is
  searching for right now

o   Location
o   Age
o   Sex
o   Keywords (appear in your
    users profile)
o   Education
o   Workplace
o   Relationship status
o   Relationship interests
o   Languages

What you need:
o Ad message
  (title and body)

o Image
  (make it compelling)

o Destination URL
  (where you want the ad to
  take people)

o Social actions (optional)

o Social actions show
  related stories about a
  user‟s friends alongside
  your ad.

o People can vote whether
  they like or dislike your

o Very affordable and easy
  to control your budget

o You can specify a daily

o Schedule specific dates
  for your ad to run

o Pay for clicks (CPC) or
  impressions (CPM)

o Facebook Insights
  provides information
  about your ad campaign:
   o Track ad performance
     with real-time reporting
   o Gain demographic and
     psychographic insights
     about people that view or
     take action on your ad

o Use this information to
  identify how you can
  improve your campaign
  to maximize your results

o Identify clear goals for
  your ad
o Know who you‟re trying
  to reach
o Ensure ad headline, copy
  and image is relevant
o Experiment to get it right
o Monitor your campaign
  and adjust
o Know when to quit

o Applications are
  entertainment and
  productivity tools that run
  within facebook
   o Give users a unique ways
     to interact with your brand
     by developing your own
     applications, or add
     existing applications, to
     your page
   o When fans use your
     applications social stories
     are created that appear in
     their friends news feed and
     link back to your page

Add social capabilities to
  your website by
  integrating with
   o Users log in to your
     website with their facebook
   o You can access their
     profile information to
     learn more about them and
     deliver targeted content
   o Publish information back to
     their friends‟ streams on
     Facebook to bring their
     friend to your website

o establish a presence on the     o create a page and fail to
  social networks your              maintain it
  customers and colleagues use
                                  o try a hard sell approach
o create a page to promote your
  brand                           o censor comments

o point your fans to your         o spam your fans/friends with
  company blog or contest           frequent private messages –
                                    you‟ll drive them away
o encourage a discussion and
  participate frequently          o post false information

o explore targeted advertising

o A blog is a website with
  regular entries of
  commentary or news

o Blogs serve to establish
  your company as
  transparent, relevant,
  active, and expert.

o engage in dialogue with your

o improve your search engine

o promote product launches
  and events

o gain expert status by
  providing useful tips

                                 o write press releases – be real
o post on a regular schedule
                                   about why something is
o encourage conversation by
  asking questions
                                 o let complaints go unanswered
o respond to people that
                                 o make users register to
  comment on your posts
                                   comment – they won‟t bother
o use a few bloggers from your
                                 o delete fair but critical
  company for more viewpoints

o Microblogs are blogs
  limited to a sentence or
  two (about 140 characters)

   o People use microblogging
     to promote themselves,
     share content and follow
     friends, celebrities and

   o Companies use it for
     marketing, public relations
     and customer service by
     giving their brand a voice
     within the community

Twitter can help you:

o share timely information
o promote useful content
  including resources, contests,
  deals, etc.
  (not just your own)
o personify your brand
o connect with your customers
  and develop leads
o build credibility and influence
o listen to consumer buzz
o research competitors
o network and learn from
  experts in your field

o Churches useTwitter to:
   o Ask questions
   o Share insights
   o Highlight content
   o Hype events

o Trinity Church uses Twitter
  to tell Passion of Christ

o Westwinds Church
  experiments with Twitter
  during services

o Distracting or Enriching?

o September 08: Twitter founder
  Biz Stone tweets about
  Charity: Water, which builds
  wells in Ethiopia.

o Charity: Water asks people
  with September birthdays to
  accept online donations in lieu
  of gifts and raised $4500,
  enough to build a well

o The quot;social media birthdayquot;
  was born; asking for donations
  from online friends to celebrate
  your birthday

o January 09: Tweets begin
  promoting the First Annual
  Twestival (a Twitter Festival) in
  support of Charity: Water:

    o 202 real-life meetups
      across the globe, hosted by

    o $250,000 USD raised at
      these events

    o 55 wells are planned
      across Africa & India

o April 09: The first quot;well that
  Twitter builtquot; is dug

o April 09: Actor Hugh
  quot;Wolverinequot; Jackman
  challenges Twitter to tell him, in
  140 characters or less, what
  charity he should support

o Convinced by Twitter, Jackman
  announces his $50,000 gift to
  Charity: Water on Ryan
  Seacrest's radio show,
  providing huge exposure for
  the charity

o Social media campaign

   o Staff post Twitter updates delivering
     the results of donations

   o Website hosts videos of drilling
     progress made in Africa

   o A driller tweets live from Central
     African Republic

   o Hundreds of videos uploaded to
     YouTube by charity and supporters

   o Facebook Causes page with over
     $61,000 donated

                                      o sound like a press release –
o find and share useful content
                                        you‟re in a social space
o pose questions and reply to
                                      o spam with constant links to
                                        your company website, either
                                        in tweets or private messages
o keep it fun - put a friendly face
  on your brand
                                      o post useless information –
                                        do people really care what you
o promote sales, deals, news,
                                        had for lunch?
  updates, and build buzz for
  big releases or events

o know what people are saying
  about your brand

o Video sharing sites let
  you upload videos and
  share them with people.

o They‟re a perfect
  repository for video
  blogs, taped seminars,
  witty Power Points,
  commercials, how-to’s
  and a behind-the-scene
  look at your organization.

o helps you gain exposure and
  direct traffic back to your

o sparks interest without a

o videos can be low-fi and
  cheap to produce -
  immediacy and content is more
  important than quality.

o videos can be a place to
  showcase your leadership in
  a field, and spread customer

o Blendtec was a faceless
  B2B/B2C blender
  manufacturer that couldn’t
  afford a traditional
  marketing campaign

o Published low-cost videos of
  CEO blending everything
  from iPhones, hockey pucks
  to the financial bailout

o Launched the website
  WillitBlend.com and a
  YouTube channel


o Videos went viral generating
  “millions of dollars in brand
   o Channel Views: 3,469,098
   o Subscribers: 183,949

o Online Blendtec blender
  sales increased 500%

o The videos have made over
  $50,000 in ad revenue
  turning the marketing
  department into a profit

Lessons learned:

o Be entertaining and keep it
  relevant to your brand (the
  videos promote the durability
  of their blenders without an
  overt sales pitch)

o Experiment – the idea might
  not have worked, but what
  could they lose?

o be informative, useful, or        o just upload infomercials
                                    o be afraid to experiment until
o create a summary and                you find a formula that works.
  detailed description
                                    o pull down other people’s
o post video replies to others        videos showcasing your
                                      product for copyright
o allow commenting and
  participate in the conversation
                                    o make your video longer than it
                                      needs to be – keep it concise
o save bandwidth costs on your
                                      and entertaining
  website by hosting videos on

o Social bookmarking sites
  allow users to save,
  share, organize,
  comment on and search
  webpage bookmarks.

o Community votes on
  your submissions so they
  either rise to the top or
  drop to the bottom.

o link to relevant articles about       o spam by consistently
  news in your field                      bookmarking your own
  (not just your own content)             material

o make friends with other               o cheat by tagging your
  bookmarkers in a legitimate             bookmarks with irrelevant
  way.                                    popular keywords

o respect the terms of service          o open multiple accounts and
                                          vote for yourself – you‟ll be
     o (reddit allows self-promotion,
       digg does not)

o Photo sharing sites give
  you a place to upload
  and organize your

o You can invite friends to
  check out your photos
  and people can find your
  photos by searching for
  the keywords (tags) you
  apply to your photos.

o detail the launch of a new
  product, from initial sketches
  to the launch party

o promote special events,
  charitable campaigns, and
  awards ceremonies

o provide an inside look at your
  organization, making it appear
  glamorous, busy, fun, or

o tag your photos with relevant     o stuff linked keywords into
  keywords                            your photo descriptions or
o use your web site address or
                                    o plaster your URL all over the
  brand name as your Flickr
  screen name                         photos you upload

o upload quality photos of your     o discourage people from
  products/services, and things       using your photos (as long
  related to your business            as they provide attribution such
                                      as a link back to your website)
o link prominently from your web
  site to your Flickr photostream

o An Internet forum, or
  message board, is a
  bulletin board system in
  the form of a discussion

o conversation takes place
  between registered
  members who post
  topics (threads) and
  make public comments
  (posts) on those threads

o keep the message board active     o build it and expect people to
  by regularly participating in       start participating without
  the conversation                    encouragement and seeding

o collect minimal information       o forget to moderate -
  during registration                 spammers and trolls will drive
                                      users away
o keep focus and attract users by
                                    o censor or allow militant
  clearly identifying your
  community purpose and               moderators to take too much
  target audience                     control over the conversation.
                                      You want to encourage open
                                      discussion, not stifle it.
o promote popular discussions
  throughout your website

o A wiki is a website that
  allows visitors to easily
  add, remove, and edit
  content – this makes
  them great collaboration

o Wikipedia, for example, is
  an encyclopedia is written
  collaboratively by
  volunteers from all around
  the world; anyone can
  edit it

o find references to your         o rely on social reference
  organization and have             websites to be accurate
  inaccuracies updated
                                  o spam or overtly advertising –
o read the terms of use to          it could get you banned
  ensure you are allowed to
  edit an entry about you         o use it for Search Engine
                                    Optimization (Wikipedia
o research competition              prevents search engines from
                                    following links)
o use wikis to collaborate with
                                  o Don‟t sabotage competitor‟s
  your team
                                    entries about competitors
                                    (You could get caught)

o Internet-based 3D virtual
  worlds like Second Life
  reimagine our world with all its
  potential for commerce and

o people interact through
  characters called avatars

o residents explore, meet other
  residents, socialize,
  participate in individual and
  group activities, and create
  and trade items and services
  with one another

o hold media conferences in
  Second Life to generate buzz
  (World Bank reports in world)

o create and sell branded
  products accompanied by
  coupons and advertising for
  real-world stores

o purchase land, build stores,
  and open for business

o publish streams of audio or
  video on people‟s properties

o Use it to generate publicity      o just try to recreate your real-
                                      world brand experience –
  publicity for real world
  activities                          leverage the possibilities of the
                                      virtual world since fantasy is
o find experts to imagine and
                                      what brought people are there.
  manage your brand presence
  in this virtual world, or do
  thorough research – it‟s          o be afraid to site this one out.
                                      If your audience isn‟t there and
                                      you don‟t have a vision to
o be inventive – for example,
                                      create a meaningful
  when someone drinks your
                                      experience don‟t bother.
  product, you may create a
  script that makes people
  dance, turn into a cute animal,
  or speak only in song for 30

o A podcast is a series of audio
  or video files which is
  distributed by syndicated
  download to your computer, for
  use on an MP3 player or

o Podcasts can be simple
  recordings of conversations,
  presentations, or interviews

o They‟re a chance to provide
  build an audience around
  your brand or message.

Do’s                                Dont’s

o come up with a format (form,      o worry about length
  topic, and duration)
                                    o invest in a lot of equipment –
o prepare don’t script (or you‟ll     simple tools and software are
  sound stiff)                        all you need to get going

o use a good microphone (but        o leave too much time
                                      between podcasts – it could
  no need to over produce)
                                      prevent you from building an
o promote your podcast on
  your website and podcast

o RSS is a way for content
  publishers to make blog
  entries, news headlines,
  events, podcasts and
  other content available to

o an effective way to
  distribute your content
  and lead users back to
  your website

Don’t                                  Don’t
o offer RSS feeds for your             o spam your subscribers by
  website‟s blog, news, events,          including excessive advertising
  and podcasts                           in your RSS feed

                                       o go overboard – limit RSS feeds
o subscribe to RSS feeds
  relevant to your industry or           to content frequently updated
                                       o freak out when a splogger
                                         hijacks your content – this
o include a title and description
  only so subscribers need to            could actually help your search
  visit your site for the full story     engine rank

o track your subscribers


1. Word of Mouth peer-to-
   peer discussions are
   more influential than
   the mass media

2. Participate by enabling
   and feeding the
   (follow the 10 keys to

3. Be transparent &
The Conversation - An Introduction to Social Media

o PR 2.0                     o Groundswell Blog
  BrianSolis.com               blogs.forrester.com/groundswell

                             o Chris Brogan
o Social Media Today

                             o Micropersuasion
o Social Media Trader

                             o Six Pixels of Separation
o Web Strategy by Jeremiah

                             o PR Squared
o Online Marketing Blog

o Social media Is....              o Groundswell Blog
  slideshare.net/leewhite/social     blogs.forrester.com/groundsw
  -media-is                          ell/2007/12/the-post-
o What the F**K is social
                                   o Shannon Paul's Blog
  slideshare.net/mzkagan/what        veryofficialblog.com
                                   o Measuring the influence of
o The Social Media Manifesto         social media
  briansolis.com/2007/06/future      slideshare.net/DigitalInfluenc
  -of-communications-                e/business-impact-of-social-
  manifesto-for.html                 media



“Social media is just a     fad
      – it will go away.”

“Social media is

“If we put our content online
   we‟re just giving our
expertise away for free!”

“We can’t measure
 social media results.”

     “Social media might work for
certain industries and business models
   but it won’t work for us.”

 “Tell the programmers to setup that
social media thing….and get them to
 make it viral while they‟re at it!”

“YouTube is that site for funny
cat videos – you‟ll cheapen
   our brand by putting
      our video on there!”

“I‟ve started a Facebook page so I‟ve
got social media covered!”

“If we just delete all negative comments
     no one will see them.”

 “No seriously, I
             don’t think
  anyone will notice if we
delete those negative comments.”

“If we build it they   will come.”

“Social media is for kids.”

“We have to figure this all out before
    we start using social media.”

“Social Media is hard.”

“Social Media is easy.”

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The Conversation - An Introduction to Social Media

  • 2. INTRODUCTION “No profession stands to influence social media more than public relations.” Paul Gillin, The New Influencers, A Marketers Guide to the New Social Media
  • 3. INTRODUCTION o Social media defined 20:00 o 10 keys to social media success 30:00 o Social media tools 20:00 o 3 take away messages 2:00 o Q&A 3:00
  • 4. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Social media is a conversation online. Look who’s talking: o your customers o your donors o your volunteers o your employees o your investors o your critics o your fans o your competition.... o anyone who has internet access and an opinion.
  • 5. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED The conversation is not: o controlled o organized o “on message” The conversation is: o organic o complex o speaks in a human voice Social media is not a strategy or a tactic – it‟s simply a channel.
  • 6. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED o Social Networks o News & Bookmarking o Blogs o Microblogging o Video Sharing o Photo Sharing o Message boards o Wikis o Virtual Reality o Social Gaming o Related: o Podcasts o Real Simple Syndication (RSS)
  • 7. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED The power to define and control a brand is shifting from corporations and institutions to individuals and communities.
  • 8. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED “It is about putting the „public‟ back in Public Relations and realizing that focusing on important markets and influencers will have a far greater impact than trying to reach the masses with any one message or tool.” Brian Solis, The Social Media Manifesto
  • 9. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Word of Mouth is the Future of Marketing Marketers can effectively use social media by influencing the conversation. One way to do this is by delivering great customer service experiences.
  • 10. CASE STUDY o Zappos, an online shoe retailer, makes customer service central with a focus on “making personal and emotional connections.” o Divert marketing budget to customer service (they outsource marketing to their customers; they don‟t outsource their call centre) o Use Twitter to promote their brand o Website displays any public tweets mentioning of their brand o CEO has over 400,000 followers o 430 employees on Twitter o $1billion in sales last year and their expanding into new product categories
  • 11. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED o 91% say consumer reviews are the #1 aid to buying decisions - JC Williams Group o 87% trust a friend’s recommendation over critic‟s review - Marketing Sherpa o 3 times more likely to trust peer opinions over advertising for purchasing decisions - Jupiter Research o 1 word-of-mouth conversation has impact of 200 TV ads - BuzzAgent * Slide courtesy of Digital Influence Group
  • 12. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Social media sites are the fastest-growing category on the web, doubling their traffic over the last year. o 73% of active online users have read a blog o 45% have started their own blog o 57% have joined a social network o 55% have uploaded photos o 83% have watched video clips Universal McCann’s Comparative Study on Social Media Trends, April 2008. 17,000 respondents from 29 countries, *using internet at least every other day
  • 13. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED o 40% of Canadian internet users have visited a community or social networking site o 22% of Canadians over 60 o 50% of Internet users under 30 o 25% of users 25-29 do so daily o 43% English speaking Canadians and 24% of French speaking Canadians visit these sites Canada Online, The Internet, Media and Emerging Technologoes
  • 14. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED • Younger users (under 45) and women use these sites for socializing • Older users use these sites to obtain and share information • Youth (12-17) use these sites for entertainment
  • 17. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Social media can help you in all stages of marketing, self- promotion, public relations, and customer service: o research o strategic planning o implementation o evaluation
  • 18. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED o Learn what people are saying about you o Create buzz for events & campaigns o Increase brand exposure o Identify and recruit influencers to spread your message o Find new opportunities and customers o Support your products and services o Improve your search engine visibility o Gain competitive intelligence o Get your message out fast o Retain clients by establishing a personal relationship Be an industry leader – not a follower o
  • 19. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED quot;What's the ROI for putting on your pants every morning? But it's still important to your business.quot; Scott Monty, Digital Communications Manager at Ford
  • 20. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Reach Engagement & Influence o Website visits / views o Sentiment of reviews and comments o volume of reviews o Brand affinity and comments o Incoming links o Commenter authority/influence o Time spent Action & Insight o Favourites / Friends / Fans o Sales inquiries o Viral forwards o New business o Number of downloads o Customer satisfaction and loyalty o Marketing efficiency Source: The Digital Influence Group, Measuring the Influence of Social Media
  • 21. SOCIAL MEDIA DEFINED Resources required for social media may include: o Strategic consultation o Training o Creating content o Integrating tools o Distributing content o Relationship management o Measuring value
  • 23. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Experiment personally before professionally o Try a variety of social media tools o Be yourself, make some friends, and share
  • 24. KEYS TO SUCCESS 1. Discovery 2. Strategy (people, competition, (opportunities, and search engines) objectives) 3. Skills 4. Execution (identify internal (tools, integration, resources and gaps) policies, and process) 5. Maintenance (monitor and adapt) Source: 5 Phases of Social Media Marketing http://socialcomputingjournal.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=789
  • 25. CASE STUDY o YouTube o MySpace o Facebook o Twitter o EHarmony “Digits” (their own online o community) o Virtual communities – Second Life Source: http://www.podtech.net/home/5209/h- block-social-media-programs-success
  • 26. CASE STUDY Leveraged core goals across all networks: 1.Reinforce their brand as tax experts 2.Deliver on advocacy positioning of the brand 3.Present the brand as being innovative o Through “unexpected and meaningful interactions with consumers”
  • 27. CASE STUDY o Be community appropriate and relevant (interacting on Second Life is different than YouTube) o It’s not free - Human capital increased as media buys decreased – Ask yourself if this is successful how do you scale it?
  • 28. CASE STUDY 1. Brand Perception o Evaluated brand metrics through a brand tracking study 2. Engagement o 600,000 YouTube views o 1 million unique visits to their community site 3. Word of Mouth o Increased online mentions in blogs, forums, and other social media
  • 29. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Find where your audience is participating and indentify the influencers o Read industry blogs (including comments) o Google your company name & your competition o Find tools that can help you listen
  • 30. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Tap into the wisdom of the crowd to access a wider talent pool and gain customer insight o Companies that use crowd sourcing include: o Starbucks (MyStarbucks) o Dell (Ideastorm) o DuPont o Netflix o Wikipedia o iStockphoto.com o Threadless.com o Mechanical Turk (Amazon)
  • 32. KEYS TO SUCCESS 56 unanimous responses in under 4 minutes from YouBeMom.com
  • 33. CASE STUDY o Chevy contest asks people to create a winning commercial for the Tahoe SUV o Website gives people online tools to make their own commercials including the ability to customize text
  • 34. CASE STUDY o Users subvert contest with ads slamming the Tahoe brand o Chevy eventually removes the website displaying videos critical of their product o Many parodies still exist online (number one search result for “Chevy Tahoe” on Youtube)
  • 35. CASE STUDY Lessons learned: o Be careful when you ask for …. user generated content can‟t be controlled o If you‟re going to ask people their opinions be prepared to have a conversation
  • 36. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Avoid puffery (people will ignore it) o Avoid evasion and lying (people won’t ignore it) o Companies have watched their biggest screw-up's rise to the top 10 of a Google search o Admit your mistakes right away
  • 37. CASE STUDY o Belkin employee busted offering payment for fake positive product reviews o Belkin president claims it‟s an isolated incident o Influential tech blogs expose a larger cover up and name more employees involved
  • 38. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Don’t be afraid to share. Corporations, like people, need to share information to get the value out of social media o Make your content easy to share o Incorporate tools that promote sharing: o Share This, RSS feeds, Email a friend
  • 39. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Don't shout. Don't broadcast. Don‟t brag. o Speak like yourself – not a corporate marketing shill or press secretary o Personify your brand – give people something they can relate to.
  • 41. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Think like a contributor, not a marketer o Consider what is relevant to the community before contributing o Don’t promote your product on every post o Win friends by promoting other people’s content if it interests you
  • 42. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Don’t try to delete or remove criticism (it will just make it worse) o Listen to your detractors o Admit your shortcomings o Work openly towards an explanation and legitimate solution
  • 43. KEYS TO SUCCESS o Don’t wait until you have a campaign to launch - start planning and listening now o Build relationships so they‟re ready when you need them
  • 44. KEYS TO SUCCESS o You need buy in from everyone in the organization o Convince your CEO that social media is relevant to your organization o Get your communications team together, discuss the options, then divide and conquer
  • 45. KEYS TO SUCCESS 1. Experiment with social media 2. Make a plan 3. Listen 4. Be transparent & honest 5. Share your content 6. Be personal and act like a person 7. Contribute in a meaningful way 8. See criticism as an opportunity 9. Be proactive Accept you can‟t do it all 10. yourself
  • 47. THE TOOLS o Social Networks o News & Bookmarking o Blogs o Microblogging o Video Sharing o Photo Sharing o Message boards o Wikis o Virtual Reality o Social Gaming o Related: o Podcasts o Real Simple Syndication (RSS) o Social Media Press Release
  • 48. THE TOOLS o People and organizations connect and interact with friends, colleagues and fans. o Popular social networks include Facebook and MySpace, Linkedin, bebo, and Ning. o There are niche social networks for just about everything.
  • 49. THE TOOLS o create online profiles o share photos, video, and audio, links o send private message and instant message o learn more about people and organizations o Follow brands, celebrities, and gain your own fans
  • 50. THE TOOLS o Contains profiles of Fortune 500 executives and leading entrepreneurs o average individual salary on LinkedIn is $109,000 o On LinkedIn your can: o Post a profile and resume o Connect with colleagues o Share professional recommendations o Find jobs o Forums to demonstrate expertise and find answers
  • 51. THE TOOLS o Fastest growing social network in Canada and the world (200 million members) o Powerful tools to engage and understand your audience: o Brand pages o Custom applications o Targeted advertising o Audience insights/metrics o Opinion polls
  • 52. THE TOOLS o Your brand‟s homepage on Facebook. o Allow you to post photos, videos, events and other messages. o Users interact with you by o Becoming fans o Commenting on your posts o Participating in discussions o Post photos to your page o Fans see your page updates in their newsfeed
  • 53. THE TOOLS o Facebook ads give you the ability to advertise directly to specific demographic groups o This is unlike paid search, the most popular form of online advertising, which only lets you to bid on keywords the user is searching for right now
  • 54. THE TOOLS o Location o Age o Sex o Keywords (appear in your users profile) o Education o Workplace o Relationship status o Relationship interests o Languages
  • 56. THE TOOLS What you need: o Ad message (title and body) o Image (make it compelling) o Destination URL (where you want the ad to take people) o Social actions (optional)
  • 57. THE TOOLS o Social actions show related stories about a user‟s friends alongside your ad. o People can vote whether they like or dislike your ad.
  • 58. THE TOOLS o Very affordable and easy to control your budget o You can specify a daily budget o Schedule specific dates for your ad to run o Pay for clicks (CPC) or impressions (CPM)
  • 59. THE TOOLS o Facebook Insights provides information about your ad campaign: o Track ad performance with real-time reporting o Gain demographic and psychographic insights about people that view or take action on your ad o Use this information to identify how you can improve your campaign to maximize your results
  • 60. THE TOOLS o Identify clear goals for your ad o Know who you‟re trying to reach o Ensure ad headline, copy and image is relevant o Experiment to get it right o Monitor your campaign and adjust o Know when to quit
  • 61. THE TOOLS o Applications are entertainment and productivity tools that run within facebook o Give users a unique ways to interact with your brand by developing your own applications, or add existing applications, to your page o When fans use your applications social stories are created that appear in their friends news feed and link back to your page
  • 63. THE TOOLS Add social capabilities to your website by integrating with Facebook: o Users log in to your website with their facebook identity o You can access their profile information to learn more about them and deliver targeted content o Publish information back to their friends‟ streams on Facebook to bring their friend to your website
  • 64. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o establish a presence on the o create a page and fail to social networks your maintain it customers and colleagues use o try a hard sell approach o create a page to promote your brand o censor comments o point your fans to your o spam your fans/friends with company blog or contest frequent private messages – you‟ll drive them away o encourage a discussion and participate frequently o post false information o explore targeted advertising opportunities
  • 65. THE TOOLS o A blog is a website with regular entries of commentary or news o Blogs serve to establish your company as transparent, relevant, active, and expert.
  • 66. THE TOOLS o engage in dialogue with your customers o improve your search engine visibility o promote product launches and events o gain expert status by providing useful tips
  • 67. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o write press releases – be real o post on a regular schedule about why something is exciting o encourage conversation by asking questions o let complaints go unanswered o respond to people that o make users register to comment on your posts comment – they won‟t bother o use a few bloggers from your o delete fair but critical company for more viewpoints comments
  • 68. THE TOOLS o Microblogs are blogs limited to a sentence or two (about 140 characters) o People use microblogging to promote themselves, share content and follow friends, celebrities and brands o Companies use it for marketing, public relations and customer service by giving their brand a voice within the community
  • 69. THE TOOLS Twitter can help you: o share timely information o promote useful content including resources, contests, deals, etc. (not just your own) o personify your brand o connect with your customers and develop leads o build credibility and influence o listen to consumer buzz o research competitors o network and learn from experts in your field
  • 70. CASE STUDY o Churches useTwitter to: o Ask questions o Share insights o Highlight content o Hype events o Trinity Church uses Twitter to tell Passion of Christ o Westwinds Church experiments with Twitter during services o Distracting or Enriching?
  • 71. CASE STUDY o September 08: Twitter founder Biz Stone tweets about Charity: Water, which builds wells in Ethiopia. o Charity: Water asks people with September birthdays to accept online donations in lieu of gifts and raised $4500, enough to build a well o The quot;social media birthdayquot; was born; asking for donations from online friends to celebrate your birthday
  • 72. CASE STUDY o January 09: Tweets begin promoting the First Annual Twestival (a Twitter Festival) in support of Charity: Water: o 202 real-life meetups across the globe, hosted by volunteers o $250,000 USD raised at these events o 55 wells are planned across Africa & India
  • 73. CASE STUDY o April 09: The first quot;well that Twitter builtquot; is dug o April 09: Actor Hugh quot;Wolverinequot; Jackman challenges Twitter to tell him, in 140 characters or less, what charity he should support o Convinced by Twitter, Jackman announces his $50,000 gift to Charity: Water on Ryan Seacrest's radio show, providing huge exposure for the charity
  • 74. CASE STUDY o Social media campaign expands: o Staff post Twitter updates delivering the results of donations o Website hosts videos of drilling progress made in Africa o A driller tweets live from Central African Republic o Hundreds of videos uploaded to YouTube by charity and supporters http://www.youtube.com/user/charity water o Facebook Causes page with over $61,000 donated
  • 75. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o sound like a press release – o find and share useful content you‟re in a social space o pose questions and reply to o spam with constant links to others your company website, either in tweets or private messages o keep it fun - put a friendly face on your brand o post useless information – do people really care what you o promote sales, deals, news, had for lunch? updates, and build buzz for big releases or events o know what people are saying about your brand
  • 76. THE TOOLS o Video sharing sites let you upload videos and share them with people. o They‟re a perfect repository for video blogs, taped seminars, witty Power Points, commercials, how-to’s and a behind-the-scene look at your organization.
  • 77. THE TOOLS o helps you gain exposure and direct traffic back to your website o sparks interest without a hard-sell o videos can be low-fi and cheap to produce - immediacy and content is more important than quality. o videos can be a place to showcase your leadership in a field, and spread customer testimonials
  • 78. CASE STUDY o Blendtec was a faceless B2B/B2C blender manufacturer that couldn’t afford a traditional marketing campaign o Published low-cost videos of CEO blending everything from iPhones, hockey pucks to the financial bailout o Launched the website WillitBlend.com and a YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/blendtec
  • 79. CASE STUDY o Videos went viral generating “millions of dollars in brand recognition” o Channel Views: 3,469,098 o Subscribers: 183,949 o Online Blendtec blender sales increased 500% o The videos have made over $50,000 in ad revenue turning the marketing department into a profit centre
  • 80. CASE STUDY Lessons learned: o Be entertaining and keep it relevant to your brand (the videos promote the durability of their blenders without an overt sales pitch) o Experiment – the idea might not have worked, but what could they lose?
  • 81. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o be informative, useful, or o just upload infomercials entertaining o be afraid to experiment until o create a summary and you find a formula that works. detailed description o pull down other people’s o post video replies to others videos showcasing your product for copyright infringement o allow commenting and participate in the conversation o make your video longer than it needs to be – keep it concise o save bandwidth costs on your and entertaining website by hosting videos on YouTube
  • 82. THE TOOLS o Social bookmarking sites allow users to save, share, organize, comment on and search webpage bookmarks. o Community votes on your submissions so they either rise to the top or drop to the bottom.
  • 83. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o link to relevant articles about o spam by consistently news in your field bookmarking your own (not just your own content) material o make friends with other o cheat by tagging your bookmarkers in a legitimate bookmarks with irrelevant way. popular keywords o respect the terms of service o open multiple accounts and vote for yourself – you‟ll be o (reddit allows self-promotion, exposed digg does not)
  • 84. THE TOOLS o Photo sharing sites give you a place to upload and organize your photos o You can invite friends to check out your photos and people can find your photos by searching for the keywords (tags) you apply to your photos.
  • 85. THE TOOLS o detail the launch of a new product, from initial sketches to the launch party o promote special events, charitable campaigns, and awards ceremonies o provide an inside look at your organization, making it appear glamorous, busy, fun, or innovative
  • 86. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o tag your photos with relevant o stuff linked keywords into keywords your photo descriptions or comments o use your web site address or o plaster your URL all over the brand name as your Flickr screen name photos you upload o upload quality photos of your o discourage people from products/services, and things using your photos (as long related to your business as they provide attribution such as a link back to your website) o link prominently from your web site to your Flickr photostream
  • 87. THE TOOLS o An Internet forum, or message board, is a bulletin board system in the form of a discussion site o conversation takes place between registered members who post topics (threads) and make public comments (posts) on those threads
  • 88. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o keep the message board active o build it and expect people to by regularly participating in start participating without the conversation encouragement and seeding o collect minimal information o forget to moderate - during registration spammers and trolls will drive users away o keep focus and attract users by o censor or allow militant clearly identifying your community purpose and moderators to take too much target audience control over the conversation. You want to encourage open discussion, not stifle it. o promote popular discussions throughout your website
  • 89. THE TOOLS o A wiki is a website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and edit content – this makes them great collaboration tools o Wikipedia, for example, is an encyclopedia is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around the world; anyone can edit it
  • 90. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o find references to your o rely on social reference organization and have websites to be accurate inaccuracies updated o spam or overtly advertising – o read the terms of use to it could get you banned ensure you are allowed to edit an entry about you o use it for Search Engine Optimization (Wikipedia o research competition prevents search engines from following links) o use wikis to collaborate with o Don‟t sabotage competitor‟s your team entries about competitors (You could get caught)
  • 91. THE TOOLS o Internet-based 3D virtual worlds like Second Life reimagine our world with all its potential for commerce and branding o people interact through characters called avatars o residents explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade items and services with one another
  • 92. THE TOOLS o hold media conferences in Second Life to generate buzz (World Bank reports in world) o create and sell branded products accompanied by coupons and advertising for real-world stores o purchase land, build stores, and open for business o publish streams of audio or video on people‟s properties
  • 93. THE TOOLS Don’t Do o Use it to generate publicity o just try to recreate your real- world brand experience – publicity for real world activities leverage the possibilities of the virtual world since fantasy is o find experts to imagine and what brought people are there. manage your brand presence in this virtual world, or do thorough research – it‟s o be afraid to site this one out. If your audience isn‟t there and complicated! you don‟t have a vision to o be inventive – for example, create a meaningful when someone drinks your experience don‟t bother. product, you may create a script that makes people dance, turn into a cute animal, or speak only in song for 30 seconds.
  • 94. THE TOOLS o A podcast is a series of audio or video files which is distributed by syndicated download to your computer, for use on an MP3 player or computer. o Podcasts can be simple recordings of conversations, presentations, or interviews o They‟re a chance to provide build an audience around your brand or message.
  • 95. THE TOOLS Do’s Dont’s o come up with a format (form, o worry about length topic, and duration) o invest in a lot of equipment – o prepare don’t script (or you‟ll simple tools and software are sound stiff) all you need to get going o use a good microphone (but o leave too much time between podcasts – it could no need to over produce) prevent you from building an audience o promote your podcast on your website and podcast directories
  • 96. THE TOOLS o RSS is a way for content publishers to make blog entries, news headlines, events, podcasts and other content available to subscribers. o an effective way to distribute your content and lead users back to your website
  • 98. THE TOOLS Don’t Don’t o offer RSS feeds for your o spam your subscribers by website‟s blog, news, events, including excessive advertising and podcasts in your RSS feed o go overboard – limit RSS feeds o subscribe to RSS feeds relevant to your industry or to content frequently updated interests o freak out when a splogger hijacks your content – this o include a title and description only so subscribers need to could actually help your search visit your site for the full story engine rank o track your subscribers
  • 101. 3 TAKE AWAY MESSAGES 1. Word of Mouth peer-to- peer discussions are more influential than the mass media 2. Participate by enabling and feeding the conversation (follow the 10 keys to success) 3. Be transparent & honest
  • 103. REFERENCES o PR 2.0 o Groundswell Blog BrianSolis.com blogs.forrester.com/groundswell o Chris Brogan o Social Media Today chrisbrogan.com socialmediatoday.com o Micropersuasion o Social Media Trader micropersuasion.com socialmediatrader.com o Six Pixels of Separation o Web Strategy by Jeremiah twistimage.com/blog web-strategist.com/blog o PR Squared o Online Marketing Blog pr-squared.com toprankblog.com
  • 104. INSPIRATION & CREDITS o Social media Is.... o Groundswell Blog slideshare.net/leewhite/social blogs.forrester.com/groundsw -media-is ell/2007/12/the-post- method.html o What the F**K is social o Shannon Paul's Blog media slideshare.net/mzkagan/what veryofficialblog.com -the-fk-social-media o Measuring the influence of o The Social Media Manifesto social media briansolis.com/2007/06/future slideshare.net/DigitalInfluenc -of-communications- e/business-impact-of-social- manifesto-for.html media
  • 106. THE MYTHS “Social media is just a fad – it will go away.”
  • 107. THE MYTHS “Social media is inexpensive.”
  • 108. THE MYTHS “If we put our content online we‟re just giving our expertise away for free!”
  • 109. THE MYTHS “We can’t measure social media results.”
  • 110. THE MYTHS “Social media might work for certain industries and business models but it won’t work for us.”
  • 111. THE MYTHS “Tell the programmers to setup that social media thing….and get them to make it viral while they‟re at it!”
  • 112. THE MYTHS “YouTube is that site for funny cat videos – you‟ll cheapen our brand by putting our video on there!”
  • 113. THE MYTHS “I‟ve started a Facebook page so I‟ve got social media covered!”
  • 114. THE MYTHS “If we just delete all negative comments no one will see them.”
  • 115. THE MYTHS “No seriously, I don’t think anyone will notice if we delete those negative comments.”
  • 116. THE MYTHS “If we build it they will come.”
  • 117. THE MYTHS “Social media is for kids.”
  • 118. THE MYTHS “We have to figure this all out before we start using social media.”