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The Core Pattern
                 for Changing Minds™
                                     Friday, 29 March 2013

                                                   David Straker

Changing Works
                  The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 1
The journey to the core pattern


                    Sales &

    Storytelling                                                          Core                  Negotiation
                   Business                                                          Teaching


Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                       DS 310329   Page 2
From practice to theory (and back again)



Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd          DS 310329   Page 3
The Core Pattern for Changing Minds™

   Information                        Trust                            Tension   Closure Commitment

Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                   DS 310329   Page 4

                                 I want                                       I have not

                          I fear                                                What may be

                               I am                                           I want to be

                      What is                                                    What should be

                                             Etc.                             Etc.

                 Tension = Total Gap
Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                       DS 310329   Page 5
Yerkes-Dodson curve

                                     Boredom                          Performance     Overload

                                      Tension-                                Flow      Relief-
                                      seeking                                          seeking


Changing Works
                         The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd               DS 310329   Page 6
Some gap variables

        • Time: Past – Present – Future
        • Ownership: Actual – Desired
        • Perception: Reality – Experience

        • Needs: Health, Belonging, Esteem, etc.
        • Values: What is good, right, important
        • Emotions: Love, anger, fear, etc.

Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 7
Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence

         Reciprocity                                            and

           Authority                                                    Liking   Scarcity

Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                 DS 310329   Page 8
Traditional selling

        Small talk

                                      Features &



Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                         DS 310329   Page 9
SPIN selling





Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                      DS 310329   Page 10
Principled Negotiation

     Go to the balcony

                 Step to their side

                                   Make it easy to say yes

                                                        Make it hard to say no

                                                                              Deploy your BATNA

Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd                       DS 310329   Page 11
Tension at work

                                                      Workplace gaps include:




Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd             DS 310329   Page 12
Gaps in understanding

        • Sender: Unclear message
             Things missing, elaborations, distortions
             Assuming other think like me

        • Listener: Different cognitive structures
             Beliefs: Assumed truths, rights and wrongs
             Mental models: What works, how and why

   So:       Don’t just ‘communicate, communicate’
             Speak their language
             Check their understanding
Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 13
Gaps in motivation

        • Formal drivers
             Personal and organisational objectives
             Consequences of compliance or not

        • Personal motivations
             Ambitions and fears
             Pressures of external life

   So:       Don’t just tell or ‘vanilla sell’
             Ensure the whole organisation is aligned
             Speak to individual human concerns
Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 14
Gaps in ability

        • Personal ability
             Skills and knowledge
             Technical and human

        • Organisational support
             Tools for the job
             Attention and escalation

   So: Don’t just allocate responsibility
             Ensure they are personally able
             Provide real operational support
Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 15
Major tension-closure pattern

                     Hurt                                           and

Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd            DS 310329   Page 16
Thank You
                                                             For more, see…


Changing Works
                 The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd   DS 310329   Page 17

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The Core Pattern of Changing Minds with David Straker

  • 1. The Core Pattern for Changing Minds™ @ Friday, 29 March 2013 David Straker Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 1
  • 2. The journey to the core pattern Leadership Sales & Psychology Marketing The Storytelling Core Negotiation Pattern Business Teaching Change Counselling Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 2
  • 3. From practice to theory (and back again) Disciplines What Techniques How Explanations Theories Why Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 3
  • 4. The Core Pattern for Changing Minds™ Information Trust Tension Closure Commitment Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 4
  • 5. Tension I want I have not Gaps I fear What may be I am I want to be What is What should be Etc. Etc. Tension = Total Gap Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 5
  • 6. Yerkes-Dodson curve Boredom Performance Overload Tension- Flow Relief- seeking seeking Performance Collapse Tension Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 6
  • 7. Some gap variables • Time: Past – Present – Future • Ownership: Actual – Desired • Perception: Reality – Experience • Needs: Health, Belonging, Esteem, etc. • Values: What is good, right, important • Emotions: Love, anger, fear, etc. Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 7
  • 8. Cialdini’s Six Principles of Influence Commitment Social Reciprocity and Proof Consistency Authority Liking Scarcity Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 8
  • 9. Traditional selling Small talk Features & Benefits Closing Techniques Objection- Handling Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 9
  • 10. SPIN selling Situation Questions Problem Questions Implication Questions Need-Payoff Questions Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 10
  • 11. Principled Negotiation Go to the balcony Step to their side Make it easy to say yes Make it hard to say no Deploy your BATNA Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 11
  • 12. Tension at work Workplace gaps include: Understanding Motivation Ability Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 12
  • 13. Gaps in understanding • Sender: Unclear message Things missing, elaborations, distortions Assuming other think like me • Listener: Different cognitive structures Beliefs: Assumed truths, rights and wrongs Mental models: What works, how and why So: Don’t just ‘communicate, communicate’ Speak their language Check their understanding Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 13
  • 14. Gaps in motivation • Formal drivers Personal and organisational objectives Consequences of compliance or not • Personal motivations Ambitions and fears Pressures of external life So: Don’t just tell or ‘vanilla sell’ Ensure the whole organisation is aligned Speak to individual human concerns Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 14
  • 15. Gaps in ability • Personal ability Skills and knowledge Technical and human • Organisational support Tools for the job Attention and escalation So: Don’t just allocate responsibility Ensure they are personally able Provide real operational support Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 15
  • 16. Major tension-closure pattern Hurt and Rescue Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 16
  • 17. Thank You For more, see… http://changingminds.org Changing Works The Core Pattern for Changing Minds (c) Changing Works Ltd DS 310329 Page 17