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The Future of
Higher Education & Skills Training
‘MOOCs & Digitisation’

Onsite Guide
Agenda & Speaker Profiles
This conference is the next in a series of thought
leading discussions presented by Integrating
Australia with Asia initiative.
Integrating Australia with Asia is an initiative of GLOBAL
MINDSET and Virtual & Global Services hub. It is a hub of
academics, consulting and industry from Australia, India,
and other Asian countries. It aims to strengthen Australia’s
relationship with Asian economies and to position Australia
strategically in the Asian services marketplace.

                                                               Platinum Sponsor

Wednesday 10th April,
Four Points by Sheraton, Sydney

08.30 - 09.00   Registration
09.00 - 09.10   Introduction & Welcome Address

09.10 - 10.00   Keynote Address (Virtual)
                Prof. Anant Agrawal, President, eDX (online Joint Venture between Harvard & MIT)

10.00 - 10.20   Tea Break
10.20 - 12.00   Interactive Panel AND Q&A
                Session moderator: Pradeep Khanna, Executive Director, Integrating Australia with Asia -
                Globalisaion, Digitisation and Services Intensification
                Prof. Arun Sharma, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Queensland University of Technology
                Andrew Thomson, Executive Director AsiaPac, Cisco
                Prof. Uday Desai, Director Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology
                Prof. Pip Pattison, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) , University of Melbourne
                Prof. Iain Martin, Vice President and Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic) , University of NSW

12.00 - 12.45   Lunch
12.45 - 14.30
                Higher Education                    Skills Training                   Technology
                Session moderator:                  Session moderator:                Session moderator:
                Tim Dodd, Education Editor,         Pradeep Khanna, Executive         Brad Howarth, Commentator
                Australian Financial Review         Director, Integrating Australia   and Author on Digital
                •	Andrew Norton, Higher             with Asia - Globalisaion,         Transformation
                  Education Program                 Digitisation and Services         •	Dr Nick Tate, President,
                  Director , Grattan Institute      Intensification                     Australian Computer
                •	Peter Rohan, Partner,             •	Shantanu Prakash,                 Society (ACS)
                  Ernst & Young                       Chairman and Managing           •	Suan Yeo, Head of
                •	Prof. Eric Y.H. Tsui, Associate     Director , Educomp, India         Education (APAC), Google
                  Director, KMIRC, The Hong         •	Christopher Campbell,           •	Prof. Simon Kaplan,
                  Kong Polytechnic University         Group MD, Academies               Director, Skills and Industry
                •	Dr Loretta O’Donnell,               Australasia                       Transformation, NICTA
                  Associate Dean, Education,        •	Mark J Laurie, Partner,         •	Raju Varanasi, Chief
                  Australian School of                PricewaterhouseCoopers            Operating Officer,
                  Business, UNSW & member             Australia                         Education Services
                  of MOOC panel                     •	Peter Acheson, CEO,               Australia
                •	Prof. John Simons,                  Peoplebank Australia Ltd        •	Colin Griffith, Director
                  Executive Dean,                   •	Dilip Chenoy, CEO and             Australian Centre for
                  Macquarie University                Managing Director,                Broadband Innovation
                                                      National Skill Development
                                                      Corporation - India

14.30 - 15.00   Afternoon Tea Break
15.00 - 17.00
                Workshop:                           Workshop:                         Workshop:
                Beyond MOOCs                        Passage to India                  Immersive Technology
                •	Dr Dror Ben-Naim, Founder         •	Jonathan Marshall, CEO,         •	Christian Richter, Research
                  and CEO, Smart Sparrow              Bondi Labs                        Stream Leader, CSIRO
                •	A/Prof Gangadhara Prusty,         •	Aditya Bhatnagar, Director,     •	Prof Farzad Safaei, Smart
                  School of Mechanical and            Drona Edutronics                  Services CRC/University of
                  Manufacturing Engineering,                                            Wollongong

I am delighted to welcome you to the next conference in the series presented by Integrating Australia with Asia initiative*.
Today’s (10th April 2013) international conference  looks at the Future of Higher Education & Skills Training in the Australasian
Region  - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) & Digitisation.
There are clear headwinds for the higher education and skills training industry, in Australia as well as globally. Digital
disruption & MOOCs are certainly one of them. So, is a tsumani coming our way or is it just another passing wave ?
Education services are Australia’s third largest exports, after iron ore & coal – estimated at $15 billion last year. The Asian
Century Whitepaper lists India as one of our six focus countries. India is also an important market for our education exports,
and therefore India is a focus country at this conference.
So, fasten your seat belt, sit tight and enjoy yourself, listening to and getting your questions answered on higher education,
vocational education & training and corporate training. 
* Integrating Australia with Asia is an initiative of GLOBAL MINDSET and Virtual & Global Services hub. It is a hub of academics,
consulting and industry from Australia, India, and other Asian countries. It aims to strengthen Australia’s relationship with Asian
economies and to position Australia strategically in the Asian services marketplace.

                         Pradeep Khanna
                         Title: Executive Director
                         Company: Integrating Australia with Asia - Globalisaion, Digitisation and Services Intensification
                        Pradeep is developing Virtual & Global Services Hub of academia, consulting & industry from
                        Australia, India & other Asian countries. He is Managing Director of GLOBAL MINDSET, thought
                        leading research and consulting company heavily involved in all aspects of virtual & global services,
                        & global sourcing. With over 25 years of executive & management experience across number of
industries, Pradeep has been Leader for IBM GBS Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) leveraging India, China, Philippines,
Vietnam, Egypt, Romania, Brazil & Argentina for A/NZ . He has worked on assignments involving IBM, Australian Trade
Commission, Optus, Westpac, Qantas, ING, Crompton Greaves etc
He is also Chairperson, Branding & Treasurer of IITian Association of Australia (IITAA), Chairman of Royal Star, Global Executive
Member at IIT Delhi AA, & Director (Consulting) at Mindfields Consulting. He is mentor at UNSW, AIBC & other places. Pradeep
did his MBA from AGSM (UNSW), M.Sc, Computer Science from UTS, & B Tech from IIT Delhi.

Speakers                   Please note: Speakers are in order of when they appear on the agenda

                      Prof. Anant Agrawal
                      Title: President Company: eDX (online Joint Venture between Harvard & MIT)
                      Anant Agarwal is the President of edX, an online learning venture of Harvard and MIT. Agarwal taught the
                      first course of edX on circuits and electronics from MIT, which drew 155,000 students from 162 countries. He
                      has served as the director of CSAIL, MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and is a
                      professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He is also a founder of Tilera Corporation
                      which created the Tile multicore processor. He led the development of Raw, an early tiled multicore
                      processor, Sparcle, an early multi-threaded microprocessor, and Alewife, a scalable multiprocessor.

                      Prof. Arun Sharma
                      Title: Deputy Vice Chancellor Company: Queensland University of Technology
                      Arun Sharma is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Commercialisation) at QUT. He was a co-
                      founder of NICTA. He has served as a member of the ARC Advisory Council, Queensland Premier’s Smart
                      State Council and Business Roundtable, and currently chairs the Queensland India Council. He has also
                      served as the National Chair of the Australia India Business Council.

                      Andrew Thomson
                      Title: Executive Director AsiaPac Company: Cisco
                      As Director of Public Sector Strategy for Cisco, Andrew works with government agencies to improve
                      efficiency and citizen engagement. His deep understanding of education and government results from his
                      experience a senior provincial-government minister in Canada where he served as Saskatchewan’s minister
                      of finance, education, public safety, and energy.

Prof. Uday Desai
                      Title: Director Indian Institute of Technology Company: Indian Institute of Technology
                      Uday B. Desai received the B. Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1974, the
                      M.S. degree from the State University of New York, Buffalo, in 1976, and the Ph.D. degree from The Johns
                      Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A., in 1979, all in Electrical Engineering. Since June 2009 he is the Director of IIT

                      Prof. Pip Pattison
                      Title: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Company: University of Melbourne
                      Professor Pip Pattison is currently the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the University of Melbourne.
                      Her research involves the development and application of mathematical and statistical models for social
                      networks and network-based social processes. Pip was elected a Fellow of the Academy of the Social
                      Sciences in Australia in 1995.

                      Prof. Iain Martin
                      Title: Vice President and Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic) Company: University of New South Wales
                      Professor Iain Martin is Vice President and DVC (Academic) at the University of New South Wales. Having trained
                      as a medical doctor at the University of Leeds, UK, we worked for the University of Leeds for 13 years before
                      moving to the University of Auckland as Professor of Surgery in 2000. In 2005 he was appointed as Dean of the
                      Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences a post he held until mid 2011 when he was appointed as Deputy Vice
                      Chancellor(Strategic Engagement) at the University. In October 2012 he took up his current role at UNSW.

                      Tim Dodd
                      Title: Education Editor Company: Australian Financial Review - Event Breakout Session Moderator
                      Tim Dodd leads the education coverage in the Financial Review, editing the weekly Monday education
                      section and co-ordinating the daily coverage of education issues. He writes a weekly column, Education
                      Observed, published on Mondays. He has over 20 experience as a journalist covering public policy, economic
                      and political issues.

                      Andrew Norton
                      Title: Higher Education Program Director Company: Grattan Institute
                      Andrew Norton is the Higher Education Program Director at the Grattan Institute. His most recent reports are
                      Mapping Australian higher education, 2013 and Graduate Winners: Assessing the public and private benefits
                      of higher education. He has a regular higher education column for The Age newspaper, and is a frequent
                      media commentator on higher education issues.

                      Peter Rohan
                      Title: Partner Company: Ernst & Young
                      Peter is a Senior Memberof Ernst & Young’s Education Industry Group. He has extensive experience both
                      locally and internationally. Peter’s key expertise is in public policy reform, operational strategy & improvement
                      and organisational change. He has over 25 years experience in leading and managing important projects
                      across a variety of organisations and a diverse range of stakeholder groups.

                      Prof. Eric Y.H. Tsui
                      Title: Associate Director, KMIRC Company: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
                     Eric was appointed Professor of Knowledge Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the
                     President’s Distinguished Professionals Scheme in September 2002, he joined as a full time staff in March 2005.
                     Since then, he has designed and delivered numerous public and custom-designed knowledge management
                     and technologies workshops. He has consulted for many government departments and private organisations
                     in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei. Eric is Vice President of the Hong Kong Knowledge
Management Society, an honorary advisor on KM to the Hong Kong Police College, and a member on IT Technical Advisory Sub-
Committee in the Hospital Authority. He has held various positions at various organisations these include but are not limited to; CSC,
AMP and Maybank. He was also a gratis visitor to Microsoft Research in February, 2000.

Dr Loretta O’Donnell
                      Title: Associate Dean, Education, Australian School of Business Company: UNSW & member of MOOC panel
                      Dr Loretta O’Donnell is Associate Dean, Education at the Australian School of Business, University of New South
                      Wales. Loretta’s research interests are in human capital analysis issues within financial markets, and how to
                      improve dialogue between Boards and markets on human capital and intangible value creation.

                      Prof. John Simons
                      Title: Executive Dean Company: Macquarie University
                      Professor John Simons is Executive Dean of Arts at Macquarie University. He previously worked at the universities
                      of Wales, Exeter, Winchester, Edge Hill and Lincoln in the UK and has held several visiting Professorships in the
                      USA. In the 1990s he worked extensively in eastern Europe on various projects to build universities after the fall
                      of communism. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the Higher Education Academy, the Zoological
                      Society of London and the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.

                      Shantanu Prakash
                      Title: Chairman and Managing Director Company: Educomp, India
                        Shantanu Prakash founded Educomp Solutions Limited in 1994, a few years after acquiring an MBA degree
                        from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. His vision has been to transform the teaching-learning
                        process through the use of technology and best practices. The company employs over 16000 people across
                        27 offices worldwide including India, USA Canada, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Educomp is the
                        leader in education content, professional development, online learning and the first company to set up high
quality schools across the country Educomp works with over 32,000 schools and 20 million students across the globe and has joint
ventures with Pearson PLC and Raffles Education Corporation for vocational and higher education respectively.

                      Christopher Campbell
                      Title: Group MD Company: Academies Australasia
                      Group Managing Director, Academies Australasia (‘AKG’), since 1996. AKG’s 10 separately licensed colleges
                      in Australia and Singapore have taught tens of thousands of students from 116 countries. Director, Asia Society
                      Australia and Member, Council on Australia Latin America Relations Education Action Group. AKG has been
                      operating for more than 100 years and listed on ASX for 35 years.

                      Mark J Laurie
                      Title: Partner Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers
                        Mark is a Senior Partner at PwC, the Client Lead Partner on a number of multi-national clients and is the PwC
                        Australia - India Practice Leader. He also leads both a Partner and a Client Executive Development program
                        and was a Member of PwC Australia’s Leadership Council and the Industry Leader’s Committee. Mark has
                        a background in both corporate and advisory roles, across a broad range of industries and geographies,
                        including Australia, China, South East Asia, India and New Zealand. His has had many assignments across
financial and management reporting, mergers and acquisitions, market entry strategies, the development of operating models,
capital raisings, corporate restructures, risk management and litigation support. Mark was a Lieutenant in the Australian Army Reserve
(Infantry) and awarded the Australian Defence Medal.

                      Peter Acheson
                      Title: CEO Company: Peoplebank Australia Ltd
                      Peoplebank is Australia’s largest IT&T recruitment company. Founded in 1990, we specialise in the permanent
                      and contract placement of IT&T professionals across all vertical markets. We have a national network of offices
                      in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney; with 3,000 contractors on-site and place 6,000
                      candidates every year. Our vision is to be the best recruitment company in Asia Pacific, the No. 1 Choice for
                      our Employees, Clients and Candidates. Peoplebank... Passionate about People.

                      Dilip Chenoy
                      Title: MD & CEO Company: National Skill Development Corporation
                      Dilip is currently Managing Director & CEO of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). The NSDC
                      is a Public Private Partnership whose objective is to skill 150 million people in India by 2022 by fostering
                      private sector investment and initiatives in training and skill development in 20 high growth sectors and the
                      unorganized segment.

Brad Howarth
                       Title: Commentator and Author on Digital Transformation
                     Brad has built his career around investigating the impact technology has on business, society and
                     individuals. As a professional journalist, author and speaker, Brad has spent the last two decades analysing
                     the challenges and opportunities that arise from new technologies, and has become much sought after as
                     a catalyst for discussions around the evolution of industry and business models. Brad co-authored A Faster
                     Future (February 2011). In the mid to late 1990s Brad reported on the rapid growth of Australia’s IT industry as
it rode the dotcom bubble. In 1999, he joined the editorial team at BRW as Information Technology Editor and then into the role of
Marketing Editor.

                       Dr Nick Tate
                       Title: President Company: Australian Computer Society (ACS)
                        Dr Nick Tate is President of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and Director of the Australian Government’s
                        Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) project which is based at the University of Queensland (UQ).
                        This initiative aims to transform the storage of research data throughout Australian Universities and Research
                        Institutions. He was Associate Director of the Australian Research Collaboration Service (ARCS) which
                        developed and deployed cloud computing and cloud storage services for researchers across Australia. He
has been an Adjunct Professor in IT and Electrical Engineering at UQ since 2008. He has over 38 years IT experience with 16 years at
CIO level in a University and two banks.

                       Suan Yeo
                       Title: Head of Education (APAC) Company: Google
                       Suan heads up Google’s Enterprise Education efforts in Asia-Pacific. He is responsible for promoting the
                       adoption of Google technology at the institution level for schools and universities. Suan is passionate about
                       Educational Technology, and is constantly advocating for collaborative learning, open access and innovative
                       experimentation. He is a lifelong learner, and firmly believes that no child should be left behind in education.

                       Prof. Simon Kaplan
                       Title: Director, Skills and Industry Transformation Company: NICTA
                       Simon Kaplan is NICTA Director, Skills and Industry Transformation. Prior to working at NICTA, Simon was Professor of
                       Computer Science and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Queensland University of
                       Technology. And before that he was Head of the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at
                       the University of Queensland, He holds B.Sc (Hons) (first class) and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, both from
                       the University of Cape Town. He has over 30 years of industry and research experience in information technology.

                       Raju Varanasi
                       Title: Chief Operating Officer Company: Education Services Australia
                      Raju Varanasi is the Chief Operating Officer of the NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre (NSW
                      CLIC) at the NSW Dept. of Education and Communities. The Centre develops high quality teaching and
                      learning resources in all areas of school curriculum, professional learning courses, tools, portals and support
                      materials to support delivery in classrooms. His key responsibilities include the promotion of a culture of
                      innovation through the development and implementation of major teaching and learning initiatives using ICT.
Raju was a speaker at the National Broadband Network Summit at UNSW in 2009 and a panelist for OpenGov forum in 2012. He is
member of the national education groups for Digital Architecture and E-learning, managed by the federal education department
(DEEWR). He is an Australian Fulbright Scholar and was a Director in TAFE NSW for several years prior to joining the Centre for Learning
Innovation. He has an excellent understanding of and broad experience in the development and delivery of digitally based services
for both school and vocational education within NSW and Australia.

                       Colin Griffith
                       Title: Director Company: Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation
                       Colin Griffith is the Director of the Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation (ACBI), a collaborative research
                       initiative led by CSIRO in partnership with NICTA, Colin has been a leading exponent of innovative internet and
                       electronic services over the last twenty years working in a variety of media, internet, consulting and government
                       positions. He established the popular and awarding winning ABC Online and managing the ABC’s new media
                       service during the 1990s. He was also a senior executive with the NSW Government Chief Information Office,
responsible for promoting broadband and new forms of service delivery for health, education and other government services. Key
achievements included the construction of state-wide fibre optic network for major hospitals, schools and other government facilities
and the development of open government policies and initiatives to improve access to public sector data.

Dr Dror Ben-Naim
                      Title: Founder and CEO Company: Smart Sparrow
                      Dr Dror Ben-Naim is the founder and CEO of Smart Sparrow, an ed-tech start-up pioneering adaptive and
                      personalized learning technology. Prior to founding Smart Sparrow, Ben-Naim led a research group in the
                      field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Data Mining at UNSW, resulting in the development of the
                      Adaptive eLearning Platform. The tools and content that the group developed were successfully adopted by
                      UNSW and other top Australian universities.
In 2011, as demand for Adaptive eLearning grew beyond the capacity of the research team, Ben-Naim and his fellow researchers
founded Smart Sparrow with a mission to take Adaptive Learning to the next level and with backing from venture capital investors.
Smart Sparrow has since grown and is now involved in several multi-university projects (involving UMelb, UTas, UTS, ACU, Monash, UWS,
JCU and more), aiming to make the world a smarter place.
Dr. Ben-Naim holds a B.Sc. in Physics and Computer Science and a PhD in A.I. and Education from UNSW.

                      A/Prof Gangadhara Prusty
                      Title: A/Prof, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Company: UNSW
                      Gangadhara Prusty is an Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at
                      UNSW and have received multiple teaching excellence awards, including Australian Awards for Teaching and
                      Australian Council of Engineering Deans Award for Engineering Education Excellence in 2012. He pioneered
                      the Adaptive eLearning technologies with traditional teaching in novel ways to help net-gen students in
                      large engineering classes. His teaching development has been taken up by students and academics at the
                      national and international universities.

                      Jonathan Marshall
                      Title: CEO Company: Bondi Labs
                      Jonathan Marshall founded Bondi Labs in 2012 to develop serious games for the plant biosecurity space
                      in collaboration with the CSIRO, QUT, SBIT and the Crawford Fund. The objective is to develop effective
                      and scalable skills development solutions that address global food security challenges in the 21st Century.
                      Jonathan also runs Plataris an OEM eLearning content developer for professionals in the early childhood
                      education sector. Jonathan has a Bachelor in Economics (Hons) and an MBA and was previously a strategy
                      leader for GE in the US, UK, Europe and Australia.

                      Aditya Bhatnagar
                      Title: Director Company: Drona Edutronics
                      Aditya Ranjan Bhatnagar is a keen observer of educational trends around the world and their application
                      to Engineering Education. Training and skilling of technical manpower for core engineering Industry. Content
                      development and e learning and Vocational Training are key areas. Designing Labs and Experiments for
                      hands on approach. Worked on skilling proposals with the National Skills Development Council and the
                      Electronics Skills Sector Council.

                      Christian Richter
                      Title: Research Stream Leader Company: CSIRO
                      Since joining the CSIRO in 2009, Christian led a series of multidisciplinary research projects and initiatives
                      ranging from sensor network technology to information management. He currently leads a series of projects
                      within the Digital Productivity and Services Flagship, a major initiative to deliver more efficient and innovative
                      services for Australia.

                      Prof. Farzad Safaei
                      Title: Director, ICT Research Institute Company: Smart Services CRC/University of Wollongong
                      Farzad Safaei graduated from the University of Western Australia with the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
                      (Electronics) and obtained his PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from Monash University, Australia.
                      Currently, he is the Professor of Telecommunications Engineering and Managing Director of ICT Research
                      Institute at the University of Wollongong. Before joining the University of Wollongong, he was the Manager of
                      Internetworking Architecture and Services Section in Telstra Research Laboratories.

The Future of
Higher Education & Skills Training
‘MOOCs & Digitisation’

  Global Mindset is a thought leading consulting company focused on
  increasing services trade between Australia, India and other Asian countries.
  •	 provides strategic, market entry and project management services
  •	 promotes joint academic, research, consulting and corporate training between
     Australian and Asian entities
  •	 presents thought leading panel discussions through its initiative Integrating Australia
     with Asia

  For any queries, please contact Pradeep Khanna, CEO & Managing Director by
  Email:        mindsetglobal@gmail.com
  Phone:       +61 401144553
  Twitter:       http://twitter.com/mindglobal
  Linkedin:    http://au.linkedin.com/pub/pradeep-khanna/3/574/b44

Conference Sponsors, Exhibitors and Supporters
We would like to thank the following organisations for supporting The Future of
Higher Education & Skills Training.

Platinum Sponsor                                Exhibitor

Conference Sponsors

Conference Supporters


More Related Content

The future of higher education & skills training

  • 1. The Future of Higher Education & Skills Training ‘MOOCs & Digitisation’ Onsite Guide Agenda & Speaker Profiles This conference is the next in a series of thought leading discussions presented by Integrating Australia with Asia initiative. Integrating Australia with Asia is an initiative of GLOBAL MINDSET and Virtual & Global Services hub. It is a hub of academics, consulting and industry from Australia, India, and other Asian countries. It aims to strengthen Australia’s relationship with Asian economies and to position Australia strategically in the Asian services marketplace. Platinum Sponsor Wednesday 10th April, Four Points by Sheraton, Sydney www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 2. Agenda 08.30 - 09.00 Registration 09.00 - 09.10 Introduction & Welcome Address 09.10 - 10.00 Keynote Address (Virtual) Prof. Anant Agrawal, President, eDX (online Joint Venture between Harvard & MIT) 10.00 - 10.20 Tea Break 10.20 - 12.00 Interactive Panel AND Q&A Session moderator: Pradeep Khanna, Executive Director, Integrating Australia with Asia - Globalisaion, Digitisation and Services Intensification Prof. Arun Sharma, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Queensland University of Technology Andrew Thomson, Executive Director AsiaPac, Cisco Prof. Uday Desai, Director Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Prof. Pip Pattison, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) , University of Melbourne Prof. Iain Martin, Vice President and Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic) , University of NSW 12.00 - 12.45 Lunch 12.45 - 14.30 Higher Education Skills Training Technology Session moderator: Session moderator: Session moderator: Tim Dodd, Education Editor, Pradeep Khanna, Executive Brad Howarth, Commentator Australian Financial Review Director, Integrating Australia and Author on Digital • Andrew Norton, Higher with Asia - Globalisaion, Transformation Education Program Digitisation and Services • Dr Nick Tate, President, Director , Grattan Institute Intensification Australian Computer • Peter Rohan, Partner, • Shantanu Prakash, Society (ACS) Ernst & Young Chairman and Managing • Suan Yeo, Head of • Prof. Eric Y.H. Tsui, Associate Director , Educomp, India Education (APAC), Google Director, KMIRC, The Hong • Christopher Campbell, • Prof. Simon Kaplan, Kong Polytechnic University Group MD, Academies Director, Skills and Industry • Dr Loretta O’Donnell, Australasia Transformation, NICTA Associate Dean, Education, • Mark J Laurie, Partner, • Raju Varanasi, Chief Australian School of PricewaterhouseCoopers Operating Officer, Business, UNSW & member Australia Education Services of MOOC panel • Peter Acheson, CEO, Australia • Prof. John Simons, Peoplebank Australia Ltd • Colin Griffith, Director Executive Dean, • Dilip Chenoy, CEO and Australian Centre for Macquarie University Managing Director, Broadband Innovation National Skill Development Corporation - India 14.30 - 15.00 Afternoon Tea Break 15.00 - 17.00 Workshop: Workshop: Workshop: Beyond MOOCs Passage to India Immersive Technology • Dr Dror Ben-Naim, Founder • Jonathan Marshall, CEO, • Christian Richter, Research and CEO, Smart Sparrow Bondi Labs Stream Leader, CSIRO • A/Prof Gangadhara Prusty, • Aditya Bhatnagar, Director, • Prof Farzad Safaei, Smart School of Mechanical and Drona Edutronics Services CRC/University of Manufacturing Engineering, Wollongong UNSW www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 3. Welcome I am delighted to welcome you to the next conference in the series presented by Integrating Australia with Asia initiative*. Today’s (10th April 2013) international conference  looks at the Future of Higher Education & Skills Training in the Australasian Region  - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) & Digitisation. There are clear headwinds for the higher education and skills training industry, in Australia as well as globally. Digital disruption & MOOCs are certainly one of them. So, is a tsumani coming our way or is it just another passing wave ? Education services are Australia’s third largest exports, after iron ore & coal – estimated at $15 billion last year. The Asian Century Whitepaper lists India as one of our six focus countries. India is also an important market for our education exports, and therefore India is a focus country at this conference. So, fasten your seat belt, sit tight and enjoy yourself, listening to and getting your questions answered on higher education, vocational education & training and corporate training.  * Integrating Australia with Asia is an initiative of GLOBAL MINDSET and Virtual & Global Services hub. It is a hub of academics, consulting and industry from Australia, India, and other Asian countries. It aims to strengthen Australia’s relationship with Asian economies and to position Australia strategically in the Asian services marketplace. Pradeep Khanna Title: Executive Director Company: Integrating Australia with Asia - Globalisaion, Digitisation and Services Intensification Pradeep is developing Virtual & Global Services Hub of academia, consulting & industry from Australia, India & other Asian countries. He is Managing Director of GLOBAL MINDSET, thought leading research and consulting company heavily involved in all aspects of virtual & global services, & global sourcing. With over 25 years of executive & management experience across number of industries, Pradeep has been Leader for IBM GBS Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) leveraging India, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Egypt, Romania, Brazil & Argentina for A/NZ . He has worked on assignments involving IBM, Australian Trade Commission, Optus, Westpac, Qantas, ING, Crompton Greaves etc He is also Chairperson, Branding & Treasurer of IITian Association of Australia (IITAA), Chairman of Royal Star, Global Executive Member at IIT Delhi AA, & Director (Consulting) at Mindfields Consulting. He is mentor at UNSW, AIBC & other places. Pradeep did his MBA from AGSM (UNSW), M.Sc, Computer Science from UTS, & B Tech from IIT Delhi. Speakers Please note: Speakers are in order of when they appear on the agenda Prof. Anant Agrawal Title: President Company: eDX (online Joint Venture between Harvard & MIT) Anant Agarwal is the President of edX, an online learning venture of Harvard and MIT. Agarwal taught the first course of edX on circuits and electronics from MIT, which drew 155,000 students from 162 countries. He has served as the director of CSAIL, MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He is also a founder of Tilera Corporation which created the Tile multicore processor. He led the development of Raw, an early tiled multicore processor, Sparcle, an early multi-threaded microprocessor, and Alewife, a scalable multiprocessor. Prof. Arun Sharma Title: Deputy Vice Chancellor Company: Queensland University of Technology Arun Sharma is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Commercialisation) at QUT. He was a co- founder of NICTA. He has served as a member of the ARC Advisory Council, Queensland Premier’s Smart State Council and Business Roundtable, and currently chairs the Queensland India Council. He has also served as the National Chair of the Australia India Business Council. Andrew Thomson Title: Executive Director AsiaPac Company: Cisco As Director of Public Sector Strategy for Cisco, Andrew works with government agencies to improve efficiency and citizen engagement. His deep understanding of education and government results from his experience a senior provincial-government minister in Canada where he served as Saskatchewan’s minister of finance, education, public safety, and energy. www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 4. Prof. Uday Desai Title: Director Indian Institute of Technology Company: Indian Institute of Technology Uday B. Desai received the B. Tech. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1974, the M.S. degree from the State University of New York, Buffalo, in 1976, and the Ph.D. degree from The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A., in 1979, all in Electrical Engineering. Since June 2009 he is the Director of IIT Hyderabad. Prof. Pip Pattison Title: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Company: University of Melbourne Professor Pip Pattison is currently the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the University of Melbourne. Her research involves the development and application of mathematical and statistical models for social networks and network-based social processes. Pip was elected a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia in 1995. Prof. Iain Martin Title: Vice President and Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic) Company: University of New South Wales Professor Iain Martin is Vice President and DVC (Academic) at the University of New South Wales. Having trained as a medical doctor at the University of Leeds, UK, we worked for the University of Leeds for 13 years before moving to the University of Auckland as Professor of Surgery in 2000. In 2005 he was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences a post he held until mid 2011 when he was appointed as Deputy Vice Chancellor(Strategic Engagement) at the University. In October 2012 he took up his current role at UNSW. Tim Dodd Title: Education Editor Company: Australian Financial Review - Event Breakout Session Moderator Tim Dodd leads the education coverage in the Financial Review, editing the weekly Monday education section and co-ordinating the daily coverage of education issues. He writes a weekly column, Education Observed, published on Mondays. He has over 20 experience as a journalist covering public policy, economic and political issues. Andrew Norton Title: Higher Education Program Director Company: Grattan Institute Andrew Norton is the Higher Education Program Director at the Grattan Institute. His most recent reports are Mapping Australian higher education, 2013 and Graduate Winners: Assessing the public and private benefits of higher education. He has a regular higher education column for The Age newspaper, and is a frequent media commentator on higher education issues. Peter Rohan Title: Partner Company: Ernst & Young Peter is a Senior Memberof Ernst & Young’s Education Industry Group. He has extensive experience both locally and internationally. Peter’s key expertise is in public policy reform, operational strategy & improvement and organisational change. He has over 25 years experience in leading and managing important projects across a variety of organisations and a diverse range of stakeholder groups. Prof. Eric Y.H. Tsui Title: Associate Director, KMIRC Company: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Eric was appointed Professor of Knowledge Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University under the President’s Distinguished Professionals Scheme in September 2002, he joined as a full time staff in March 2005. Since then, he has designed and delivered numerous public and custom-designed knowledge management and technologies workshops. He has consulted for many government departments and private organisations in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei. Eric is Vice President of the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society, an honorary advisor on KM to the Hong Kong Police College, and a member on IT Technical Advisory Sub- Committee in the Hospital Authority. He has held various positions at various organisations these include but are not limited to; CSC, AMP and Maybank. He was also a gratis visitor to Microsoft Research in February, 2000. www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 5. Dr Loretta O’Donnell Title: Associate Dean, Education, Australian School of Business Company: UNSW & member of MOOC panel Dr Loretta O’Donnell is Associate Dean, Education at the Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales. Loretta’s research interests are in human capital analysis issues within financial markets, and how to improve dialogue between Boards and markets on human capital and intangible value creation. Prof. John Simons Title: Executive Dean Company: Macquarie University Professor John Simons is Executive Dean of Arts at Macquarie University. He previously worked at the universities of Wales, Exeter, Winchester, Edge Hill and Lincoln in the UK and has held several visiting Professorships in the USA. In the 1990s he worked extensively in eastern Europe on various projects to build universities after the fall of communism. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, the Higher Education Academy, the Zoological Society of London and the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. Shantanu Prakash Title: Chairman and Managing Director Company: Educomp, India Shantanu Prakash founded Educomp Solutions Limited in 1994, a few years after acquiring an MBA degree from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. His vision has been to transform the teaching-learning process through the use of technology and best practices. The company employs over 16000 people across 27 offices worldwide including India, USA Canada, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Educomp is the leader in education content, professional development, online learning and the first company to set up high quality schools across the country Educomp works with over 32,000 schools and 20 million students across the globe and has joint ventures with Pearson PLC and Raffles Education Corporation for vocational and higher education respectively. Christopher Campbell Title: Group MD Company: Academies Australasia Group Managing Director, Academies Australasia (‘AKG’), since 1996. AKG’s 10 separately licensed colleges in Australia and Singapore have taught tens of thousands of students from 116 countries. Director, Asia Society Australia and Member, Council on Australia Latin America Relations Education Action Group. AKG has been operating for more than 100 years and listed on ASX for 35 years. Mark J Laurie Title: Partner Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers Mark is a Senior Partner at PwC, the Client Lead Partner on a number of multi-national clients and is the PwC Australia - India Practice Leader. He also leads both a Partner and a Client Executive Development program and was a Member of PwC Australia’s Leadership Council and the Industry Leader’s Committee. Mark has a background in both corporate and advisory roles, across a broad range of industries and geographies, including Australia, China, South East Asia, India and New Zealand. His has had many assignments across financial and management reporting, mergers and acquisitions, market entry strategies, the development of operating models, capital raisings, corporate restructures, risk management and litigation support. Mark was a Lieutenant in the Australian Army Reserve (Infantry) and awarded the Australian Defence Medal. Peter Acheson Title: CEO Company: Peoplebank Australia Ltd Peoplebank is Australia’s largest IT&T recruitment company. Founded in 1990, we specialise in the permanent and contract placement of IT&T professionals across all vertical markets. We have a national network of offices in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney; with 3,000 contractors on-site and place 6,000 candidates every year. Our vision is to be the best recruitment company in Asia Pacific, the No. 1 Choice for our Employees, Clients and Candidates. Peoplebank... Passionate about People. Dilip Chenoy Title: MD & CEO Company: National Skill Development Corporation Dilip is currently Managing Director & CEO of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). The NSDC is a Public Private Partnership whose objective is to skill 150 million people in India by 2022 by fostering private sector investment and initiatives in training and skill development in 20 high growth sectors and the unorganized segment. www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 6. Brad Howarth Title: Commentator and Author on Digital Transformation Brad has built his career around investigating the impact technology has on business, society and individuals. As a professional journalist, author and speaker, Brad has spent the last two decades analysing the challenges and opportunities that arise from new technologies, and has become much sought after as a catalyst for discussions around the evolution of industry and business models. Brad co-authored A Faster Future (February 2011). In the mid to late 1990s Brad reported on the rapid growth of Australia’s IT industry as it rode the dotcom bubble. In 1999, he joined the editorial team at BRW as Information Technology Editor and then into the role of Marketing Editor. Dr Nick Tate Title: President Company: Australian Computer Society (ACS) Dr Nick Tate is President of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and Director of the Australian Government’s Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) project which is based at the University of Queensland (UQ). This initiative aims to transform the storage of research data throughout Australian Universities and Research Institutions. He was Associate Director of the Australian Research Collaboration Service (ARCS) which developed and deployed cloud computing and cloud storage services for researchers across Australia. He has been an Adjunct Professor in IT and Electrical Engineering at UQ since 2008. He has over 38 years IT experience with 16 years at CIO level in a University and two banks. Suan Yeo Title: Head of Education (APAC) Company: Google Suan heads up Google’s Enterprise Education efforts in Asia-Pacific. He is responsible for promoting the adoption of Google technology at the institution level for schools and universities. Suan is passionate about Educational Technology, and is constantly advocating for collaborative learning, open access and innovative experimentation. He is a lifelong learner, and firmly believes that no child should be left behind in education. Prof. Simon Kaplan Title: Director, Skills and Industry Transformation Company: NICTA Simon Kaplan is NICTA Director, Skills and Industry Transformation. Prior to working at NICTA, Simon was Professor of Computer Science and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Queensland University of Technology. And before that he was Head of the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland, He holds B.Sc (Hons) (first class) and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, both from the University of Cape Town. He has over 30 years of industry and research experience in information technology. Raju Varanasi Title: Chief Operating Officer Company: Education Services Australia Raju Varanasi is the Chief Operating Officer of the NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre (NSW CLIC) at the NSW Dept. of Education and Communities. The Centre develops high quality teaching and learning resources in all areas of school curriculum, professional learning courses, tools, portals and support materials to support delivery in classrooms. His key responsibilities include the promotion of a culture of innovation through the development and implementation of major teaching and learning initiatives using ICT. Raju was a speaker at the National Broadband Network Summit at UNSW in 2009 and a panelist for OpenGov forum in 2012. He is member of the national education groups for Digital Architecture and E-learning, managed by the federal education department (DEEWR). He is an Australian Fulbright Scholar and was a Director in TAFE NSW for several years prior to joining the Centre for Learning Innovation. He has an excellent understanding of and broad experience in the development and delivery of digitally based services for both school and vocational education within NSW and Australia. Colin Griffith Title: Director Company: Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation Colin Griffith is the Director of the Australian Centre for Broadband Innovation (ACBI), a collaborative research initiative led by CSIRO in partnership with NICTA, Colin has been a leading exponent of innovative internet and electronic services over the last twenty years working in a variety of media, internet, consulting and government positions. He established the popular and awarding winning ABC Online and managing the ABC’s new media service during the 1990s. He was also a senior executive with the NSW Government Chief Information Office, responsible for promoting broadband and new forms of service delivery for health, education and other government services. Key achievements included the construction of state-wide fibre optic network for major hospitals, schools and other government facilities and the development of open government policies and initiatives to improve access to public sector data. www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 7. Dr Dror Ben-Naim Title: Founder and CEO Company: Smart Sparrow Dr Dror Ben-Naim is the founder and CEO of Smart Sparrow, an ed-tech start-up pioneering adaptive and personalized learning technology. Prior to founding Smart Sparrow, Ben-Naim led a research group in the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Data Mining at UNSW, resulting in the development of the Adaptive eLearning Platform. The tools and content that the group developed were successfully adopted by UNSW and other top Australian universities. In 2011, as demand for Adaptive eLearning grew beyond the capacity of the research team, Ben-Naim and his fellow researchers founded Smart Sparrow with a mission to take Adaptive Learning to the next level and with backing from venture capital investors. Smart Sparrow has since grown and is now involved in several multi-university projects (involving UMelb, UTas, UTS, ACU, Monash, UWS, JCU and more), aiming to make the world a smarter place. Dr. Ben-Naim holds a B.Sc. in Physics and Computer Science and a PhD in A.I. and Education from UNSW. A/Prof Gangadhara Prusty Title: A/Prof, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Company: UNSW Gangadhara Prusty is an Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at UNSW and have received multiple teaching excellence awards, including Australian Awards for Teaching and Australian Council of Engineering Deans Award for Engineering Education Excellence in 2012. He pioneered the Adaptive eLearning technologies with traditional teaching in novel ways to help net-gen students in large engineering classes. His teaching development has been taken up by students and academics at the national and international universities. Jonathan Marshall Title: CEO Company: Bondi Labs Jonathan Marshall founded Bondi Labs in 2012 to develop serious games for the plant biosecurity space in collaboration with the CSIRO, QUT, SBIT and the Crawford Fund. The objective is to develop effective and scalable skills development solutions that address global food security challenges in the 21st Century. Jonathan also runs Plataris an OEM eLearning content developer for professionals in the early childhood education sector. Jonathan has a Bachelor in Economics (Hons) and an MBA and was previously a strategy leader for GE in the US, UK, Europe and Australia. Aditya Bhatnagar Title: Director Company: Drona Edutronics Aditya Ranjan Bhatnagar is a keen observer of educational trends around the world and their application to Engineering Education. Training and skilling of technical manpower for core engineering Industry. Content development and e learning and Vocational Training are key areas. Designing Labs and Experiments for hands on approach. Worked on skilling proposals with the National Skills Development Council and the Electronics Skills Sector Council. Christian Richter Title: Research Stream Leader Company: CSIRO Since joining the CSIRO in 2009, Christian led a series of multidisciplinary research projects and initiatives ranging from sensor network technology to information management. He currently leads a series of projects within the Digital Productivity and Services Flagship, a major initiative to deliver more efficient and innovative services for Australia. Prof. Farzad Safaei Title: Director, ICT Research Institute Company: Smart Services CRC/University of Wollongong Farzad Safaei graduated from the University of Western Australia with the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics) and obtained his PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from Monash University, Australia. Currently, he is the Professor of Telecommunications Engineering and Managing Director of ICT Research Institute at the University of Wollongong. Before joining the University of Wollongong, he was the Manager of Internetworking Architecture and Services Section in Telstra Research Laboratories. www.futureofhighereducation.com.au
  • 8. The Future of Higher Education & Skills Training ‘MOOCs & Digitisation’ Global Mindset is a thought leading consulting company focused on increasing services trade between Australia, India and other Asian countries. • provides strategic, market entry and project management services • promotes joint academic, research, consulting and corporate training between Australian and Asian entities • presents thought leading panel discussions through its initiative Integrating Australia with Asia For any queries, please contact Pradeep Khanna, CEO & Managing Director by Email:        mindsetglobal@gmail.com Phone:       +61 401144553 Twitter:       http://twitter.com/mindglobal Linkedin:    http://au.linkedin.com/pub/pradeep-khanna/3/574/b44 Conference Sponsors, Exhibitors and Supporters We would like to thank the following organisations for supporting The Future of Higher Education & Skills Training. Platinum Sponsor Exhibitor Conference Sponsors Conference Supporters www.futureofhighereducation.com.au