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The Green Revolution in India
    Changing Agricultural Traditions

             Laura Mulvey
What was the green revolution?
• A movement starting post
  WWII to address food
  shortages in developing
• International relief
  organizations invested in
  research to breed more
  productive rice and wheat
• New agricultural
  technologies were brought
  to India- fertilizer,
  agrochemicals, new types of
Major issues
• Conflict between western and traditional
  indigenous views
      •   Development
      •   Science
      •   Agriculture
      •   Environment
• An effort to break ecological limits that resulted
  in new types of insecurity and vulnerability
• Political, cultural and economic issues inherent
  in green revolution exacerbated political, ethnic
  and religious tensions
Why was a revolution needed?
• Famine had ripped though
  parts of India in the past,
  and many economists and
  agricultural scientists
  predicted worse famine in
  the future is a new plan was
  not put in place
• Overpopulation was
  stretching India’s food
• Government inability to
  ensure proper movement of
  good to areas that were in
What were the political
                                              • Growing Fears in US
                                                about spread of
                                              • Food insecurity
                                                created political
                                                insecurity which could
                                                lead to communist
                                              • Part of the US strategy
                                                to combat
                                                communism was to
                                                ensure food security in
President Truman visiting the International
                                                developing countries
Rice Research Institute in the Philippines
Green revolution vs. traditional
• Green revolution introduced High
  Yielding Crop Varieties (HYCVs) to
• HYCVs required constant input of
  agrochemicals (pesticides etc.)
  and fertilizers
• New irrigation techniques were
• HYCV seeds and agrochemicals
  needed to be obtained from
  NGOs or from large distributors
• Created difficult environment for
  small farmers
• Seed had traditionally been
  harvested yearly from the field,
  now farming required lots of
High yield crop varieties (HYCVs)
• International Rice Research
  Institute, IRRI
• IR8 “miracle seed”
   – Cooking quality issues
   – Pest resistance issues
• With proper inputs
  (fertilizer, chemicals) could
  produce up to 5x more grain
  per hectare
• Semi dwarf varieties developed   Distribution plant for IR8 in Africa
   – More plant mass found in
   – Resistant to high winds
 •Fertilizers had not been used
 on traditional crop varieties,
 promoted vegetation growth
 without increasing yield
 •Pesticide use necessary,
 many HYCV had poor pest
• Issues from improper use of agrochemicals
      • Farmers wee not always taught proper application techniques
      • Toxic issues from pesticides
      • Over fertilization
• Most fertilizers imported from US
      • Created large market for fertilizer manufacturing
      • Many war time explosive manufacturing plants converted to fertilizer
The Green Revolution In India
How did India benefit?
            • Increased Crop Yield seen in
              majority of HYCV areas
            • Large expansion of HYCV use
              continued well though the
            • Farms with proper use of
              agrochemicals/fertilizers saw
              dramatic increase
            • Benefit not seen as much in
              small farms
            • Eventually in most areas crop
              yield plateaued and
              subsequently fell
What were the ecological
• Problems with soil fertility
       • Micronutrient issues
• Increased dependence of
  external applications of fertilizer
• Water quality issues
• Ecological degradation caused
  returns to decrease at the years
  went on
• Loss of diversity
                                        Activist poster from the 1980s
• Improper application of               calling for an end to pesticide
  pesticides caused poisoning           use
What were the social and political
           • Changed the nature of agriculture,
             from internal to external inputs
             (buying seed, fertilizer etc)
           • The commercialization of relationships
             and subsequent cultural erosion
           • The rapid increase in grain in the first
             several years drove down the price of
             food, harder for small farmers to make
             a profit
           • It increased competition for smaller
             resources, rural inequality
What were the social and political
• Seed and chemical distribution was controlled by
  the Indian government, the top-down approach
  created tensions in the state
• Decreasing return on investments caused many
  farmers to blame government
• Increased ethnic and religious tensions
• Feelings of resentment among farmers
• Farm riots
Crisis in Punjab
• Punjab region once known as
  India's “bread basket”
• Inhabited by Sikh minority
• Tensions between state and
  central Indian government
  over control of agricultural
• Increased ethnic/religious
• Call for formation of
  independent Sikh state
Crisis in Punjab
                       Cultural issues:
Nature of green
                                               Economic &
                         of relationships
                                            Political tensions:
                        -cultural erosion
  -conflict over
                                             - sharing of power
                                             between state and
                        ethnic identities
  -class conflict                           central government
 -pauperization                                  -top down
  -declines of
  profitability                                - Feelings of
                                            weakness from local
                           Crisis in
                                                 and state
   degridation             Punjab
How does this relate to environmental
• Changed how farmers
  interacted with the
   – Movement to high tech
     centralized agriculture
   – Commercialization of
     major grain seed
• Illustrates relationships
  between environmental
  degradation and
  political/social issues

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The Green Revolution In India

  • 1. The Green Revolution in India Changing Agricultural Traditions Laura Mulvey
  • 2. What was the green revolution? • A movement starting post WWII to address food shortages in developing countries • International relief organizations invested in research to breed more productive rice and wheat crops • New agricultural technologies were brought to India- fertilizer, agrochemicals, new types of irrigation
  • 3. Major issues • Conflict between western and traditional indigenous views • Development • Science • Agriculture • Environment • An effort to break ecological limits that resulted in new types of insecurity and vulnerability • Political, cultural and economic issues inherent in green revolution exacerbated political, ethnic and religious tensions
  • 4. Why was a revolution needed? • Famine had ripped though parts of India in the past, and many economists and agricultural scientists predicted worse famine in the future is a new plan was not put in place • Overpopulation was stretching India’s food resources • Government inability to ensure proper movement of good to areas that were in need
  • 5. What were the political consequences? • Growing Fears in US about spread of communism • Food insecurity created political insecurity which could lead to communist uprisings • Part of the US strategy to combat communism was to ensure food security in President Truman visiting the International developing countries Rice Research Institute in the Philippines
  • 6. Green revolution vs. traditional agriculture • Green revolution introduced High Yielding Crop Varieties (HYCVs) to India • HYCVs required constant input of agrochemicals (pesticides etc.) and fertilizers • New irrigation techniques were implemented • HYCV seeds and agrochemicals needed to be obtained from NGOs or from large distributors • Created difficult environment for small farmers • Seed had traditionally been harvested yearly from the field, now farming required lots of inputs
  • 7. High yield crop varieties (HYCVs) • International Rice Research Institute, IRRI • IR8 “miracle seed” – Cooking quality issues – Pest resistance issues • With proper inputs (fertilizer, chemicals) could produce up to 5x more grain per hectare • Semi dwarf varieties developed Distribution plant for IR8 in Africa – More plant mass found in grain – Resistant to high winds
  • 8. Agrochemicals •Fertilizers had not been used on traditional crop varieties, promoted vegetation growth without increasing yield •Pesticide use necessary, many HYCV had poor pest resistance • Issues from improper use of agrochemicals • Farmers wee not always taught proper application techniques • Toxic issues from pesticides • Over fertilization • Most fertilizers imported from US • Created large market for fertilizer manufacturing • Many war time explosive manufacturing plants converted to fertilizer manufacturing
  • 10. How did India benefit? • Increased Crop Yield seen in majority of HYCV areas • Large expansion of HYCV use continued well though the 80’s • Farms with proper use of agrochemicals/fertilizers saw dramatic increase • Benefit not seen as much in small farms • Eventually in most areas crop yield plateaued and subsequently fell
  • 11. What were the ecological consequences? • Problems with soil fertility • Micronutrient issues • Increased dependence of external applications of fertilizer • Water quality issues • Ecological degradation caused returns to decrease at the years went on • Loss of diversity Activist poster from the 1980s • Improper application of calling for an end to pesticide pesticides caused poisoning use
  • 12. What were the social and political consequences • Changed the nature of agriculture, from internal to external inputs (buying seed, fertilizer etc) • The commercialization of relationships and subsequent cultural erosion • The rapid increase in grain in the first several years drove down the price of food, harder for small farmers to make a profit • It increased competition for smaller resources, rural inequality
  • 13. What were the social and political consequences • Seed and chemical distribution was controlled by the Indian government, the top-down approach created tensions in the state • Decreasing return on investments caused many farmers to blame government • Increased ethnic and religious tensions • Feelings of resentment among farmers • Farm riots
  • 14. Crisis in Punjab • Punjab region once known as India's “bread basket” • Inhabited by Sikh minority • Tensions between state and central Indian government over control of agricultural economics • Increased ethnic/religious tensions • Call for formation of independent Sikh state
  • 15. Crisis in Punjab Cultural issues: -commercialization Nature of green Economic & of relationships revolution: Political tensions: -cultural erosion -conflict over - sharing of power -homogenized resources between state and ethnic identities -class conflict central government -pauperization -top down regulations -declines of profitability - Feelings of weakness from local Crisis in -environmental and state degridation Punjab government -violence -resentment
  • 16. How does this relate to environmental history? • Changed how farmers interacted with the environment – Movement to high tech centralized agriculture – Commercialization of major grain seed • Illustrates relationships between environmental degradation and political/social issues