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Big Data @ Microsoft
Raghu Ramakrishnan
CTO for Data, Technical Fellow
Data and Analytics – 3 Pillars
SQL 2016
Azure SQL DB
Azure SQL DW
SQL Server R services
On-prem and cloud
(Windows, Linux)
Hadoop, Data Lake, Machine
learning, PowerBI, Data
Factory, Streaming,
Perceptual Intelligence
On-prem connectivity
R server
On-prem and cloud
(Windows, Linux)
SQL Server 2016: Everything Built-In
The above graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Microsoft. Gartner does not endorse any
vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research
organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Consistent experience from on-premises to cloud
Microsoft Tableau Oracle
Self-service BI per user
In-memory across all workloads
TPC-H non-clustered 10TB
is #4#2
SQL Server
SQL Server
SQL Server
built-inbuilt-in built-in built-in built-in
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
SQL Server Oracle MySQL2 SAP HANA
TPC-H non-clustered results as of 04/06/15, 5/04/15, 4/15/14 and 11/25/13, respectively. http://www.tpc.org/tpch/results/tpch_perf_results.asp?resulttype=noncluster
at massive scale
National Institute of Standards and Technology Comprehensive Vulnerability Database update 5/4/2015
In-Database Advanced Analytics
No need to move the data
Open source R with in-
memory & massive
scale – multi-threading &
massive parallel processing
Data Scientist
Interact directly with data
R built-in to SQL Server
Data Developer/DBA
Manage data and
analytics together
Example Solutions
• Sales forecasting
• Warehouse efficiency
• Predictive maintenance
R Integration
Relational data
Analytic Library
T-SQL interface
New R scripts
• Credit risk protection
Microsoft Azure Marketplace
operational analytics
without moving the data
End-to-end mobile BI Advanced AnalyticsMission critical OLTP
High-performance open source R plus:
 Enterprise Scale & Performance
– Scales from workstations to large clusters
– Scales to large data sizes
– Growing portfolio of Parallelized algorithms
 Secure, Scalable R Deployment/Operationalization
 Write Once Deploy Anywhere for multiple platforms
 IDE for data scientists and developers
 Enterprise Class Support
DeployR DevelopR
Cloud – SQL Server/SQL Azure
Shifting how you purchase and manage machines
Increased focus on Total Cost of Ownership and continuous improvements
Built from the same code base
We increased surface area compatibility with V12 Azure SQL Database
We’re learning how to run our own code – the good and the bad
We’re using that to improve both product and service
Microsoft is the only provider both on-premises and in the cloud
Order history
Name SSN Date
Jane Doe cm61ba906fd 2/28/2005
Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005
John Smith i2y36cg776rg 4/10/2005
Bill Brown nx290pldo90l 4/27/2005
Order history
Name SSN Date
Jane Doe cm61ba906fd 2/28/2005
Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005
John Smith i2y36cg776rg 4/10/2005
Bill Brown nx290pldo90l 4/27/2005
Customer data
Product data
Order History
Stretch to cloud
Stretch SQL Server into Azure
Stretch warm and cold tables to Azure with remote query processing
Microsoft Azure
Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005
SQL Server 2016
Azure SQL DW
Fully managed relational data warehouse-as-a-service
First elastic cloud data warehouse with proven SQL Server capabilities
Support your smallest to your largest data storage needs
Scales to petabytes of data
Massively Parallel Processing
Instant-on compute scales in seconds
Query Relational / Non-Relational
Office 365Office 365
Get started in minutes
Integrated with Azure ML, PowerBI & ADF
Simple billing compute & storage
Pay for what you need, when you need
it with dynamic pause
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft
Store any data
Do any analysis
SQL queries
At any speed
At any scale … elastic!
Data to
Web Logs,
Omniture logs
SQL Server
(customer and product data)
In-Store Activity
Kinect sensors
Social Data
Event hubs
Stream Analytics
Azure DataLake
Data Factory: Move Data, Orchestrate, Schedule, and Monitor
HDInsight HDInsight Machine
Azure SQL
Data Warehouse
Power BI
Stream Analytics
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft
The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft
Azure Data Analytics Stack
REEF library
Cache Clusters
(Local ENs + CSM)
WAS-based Remote Storage
Cosmos Store API
YARN + Federation
YARN + Rayon (Capacity reservation)
Shared micro-
services for all
(extent map,
logical name
space, secure
store) based on
Per-job RM
and runtimeM/R
Spark HiveU-SQL Azure ML Azure SA
SQL-DW HDInsight
Windows Phone
Xbox Live
STB Malware Protection
Microsoft Stores
data managed: EBs
cluster sizes: 10s of Ks
# machines: 100s of Ks
daily I/O: >100 PBs
# internal developers: 1000s
# daily jobs: 100s of Ks
What will
How can we
make it happen?
Why did
it happen?
Implement Data Warehouse
Physical Design
Reporting &
Install and Tune
Reporting &
Analytics Design
Dimension Modelling
ETL Design
Setup Infrastructure
Data sources
BI and analytic
Data warehouse
Ingest all data
regardless of requirements
Store all data
in native format without
schema definition
Do analysis
Using analytic engines
like Hadoop
Interactive queries
Batch queries
Machine Learning
Data warehouse
Real-time analytics
What happened?
What is happening?
Why did it happen?
What are key
What will happen?
What if?
How risky is it?
What should happen?
What is the best option?
How can I optimize?
Data sources
Handling failures
Sharing data, resources
Data-aware Optimization
Security, Compliance, Governance
Forrester Wave
Big Data Hadoop
Cloud Solutions
Q2 2016
• Interactive and Real-Time Analytics requires i
• Massive data volumes require scale-out stores
using commodity servers, even archival storage
Tiered Storage
Seamlessly move data across tiers, mirroring life-cycle and usage patterns
Schedule compute near low-latency copies of data
How can we manage this trade-off without moving data across
different storage systems (and governance boundaries)?
• Many different analytic engines (OSS and
vendors; SQL, ML; batch, interactive, streaming)
• Many users’ jobs (across these job types) run
on the same machines (where the data lives)
Resource Management with Multitenancy and SLAs
Policy-driven management of vast compute pools co-located with data
Schedule computation “near” data
How can we manage this multi-tenanted heterogeneous job mix
across tens of thousands of machines?
Azure Data Lake Store
Fully managed cloud data store designed for analytics
Supports HDFS compliant analytics applications and tools
Petabyte files, unlimited account size
High throughput for analytics performance
Low latency ingestion with read as you write
AAD-based authentication, access auditing
File and folder-level ACLs, Encryption at rest
ADLS Security: Encryption-at-Rest
Transparently encrypts data flowing
to and from public networks as well
as at rest
Transparent server-side encryption
User can manage their own
encryption keys or let Azure Data
Lake Store manage the key using
Azure Key Vault
ADLS Security: Role-Based Access Control
Each file and directory is associated
with an owner and a group
Files or directories have separate
permissions (read(r), write(w),
execute(x)) for owners, members of
the group, and for all other users
Fine-grained access control lists
(ACLs) can be specified for specific
named users or named groups
ADL Store: Ingress
Data can be ingested into Azure Data Lake Store from a variety of sources
Server logs
Azure Event Hub
Azure Storage Blobs
Custom programs
JavaScript CLI
Azure Portal
Azure PowerShell
Azure Data Factory
Apache Sqoop
Azure SQL DB
Azure SQL DW
Azure tables
Table Storage
On-premises databases
ADL Store
copy service
ADL Store: Egress
Data can be exported from Azure Data Lake Store into numerous targets/sinks
Azure SQL DB
Azure SQL DW
Table Storage
On-premises databases
Azure Data Factory
Apache Sqoop
Azure Storage Blobs
Custom programs
JavaScript CLI
Azure Portal
Azure PowerShell
copy service
ADL Store
Data Data Data…
Remote Storage
Secret Store
1) Filename Translation
3) Find Extents
4) Data
Remote storage tier
builds securely on
Works with
Secure Store Service
Intelligent ingest
Massively parallel
2) Azure Access Keys
• Interactive and Real-Time Analytics requires i
• Massive data volumes require scale-out stores
using commodity servers, even archival storage
Tiered Storage
Scale storage independently of compute
Seamlessly move data across tiers, mirroring life-cycle and usage patterns
Schedule compute near low-latency copies of data
Data Lifecycle Management
How can we manage this trade-off without moving data across
different storage systems (and governance boundaries)?
Data Data Data…
Remote Storage
Secret Store
1) Filename Translation
3) Find Extents
4) Data
Remote storage tier
builds securely on
Works with
Data Data Data
Secure Store Service
Local Storage
Intelligent ingest
Massively parallel
2) Azure Access Keys
Azure HDInsight—Linux and Windows
Managed, Monitored, Supported
• Cluster customization – Install your favorite project
• Harness existing .Net & Java skills to write
customer extensions
• Supports broad ecosystem of ISVs
(Hadoop and Traditional)
Full Apache Hadoop
• Batch – MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Spark
• Stream Processing and Analytics – Storm,
• Interactive SQL – Hive (Tez), and SparkSQL
• Table Serving – Hbase
• Machine Learning – SparkML, Mahout
MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Spark
Interactive SQL
Hive (Tez), SparkSQL
Stream Analytics
Storm, SparkStreaming
Machine Learning
SparkML, Mahout
Table Serving
Exploratory Visualization
Jupyter, Zeppelin
Interactive SQL
Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics
Machine Learning
Azure ML
Table Serving
Azure SQL DB
Exploratory Visualization
Power BI
• > 14 million field hours
Tree Swallow
Data Lake
Analytics Service
A new distributed
analytics service
Built on Apache YARN
Scales dynamically with a dial
Pay by the query
Supports Azure AD for access control,
roles, and integration with on-prem
identity systems
U-SQL language unifies the benefits of
SQL with the power of C#
Hive etc. will be added over time
Processes data across Azure
Get started
Log in to Azure Create an ADLA
Write and
submit an ADLA
job with U-SQL
(or Hive/Pig)
The job reads
and writes data
from storage
1 2 3 4
30 seconds
Azure Blobs
Azure DB
ADLA Complements HDInsight
Dedicated managed clusters for
developers familiar with the Open
Source: Java, Eclipse, Hive, etc.
Clusters offer customization, control,
and flexibility in a managed Hadoop
Enables customers to leverage
existing experience with C#, SQL &
Offers convenience, efficiency, and
automatic scale in a “job service”
form factor over a system-managed
shared resource pool
U-SQL A hyper-scalable, highly extensible
language for preparing, transforming
and analyzing all data
Allows users to focus on the what—
not the how—of business problems
Built on familiar languages (SQL and
C#) and supported by a fully integrated
development environment
Built for data developers & scientists
U-SQL Language Philosophy
Declarative query and transformation language:
• Uses SQL’s SELECT FROM WHERE with GROUP BY/aggregation, joins,
SQL Analytics functions
• Optimizable, scalable
Operates on unstructured & structured data
• Schema on read over files
• Relational metadata objects (e.g. database, table)
Extensible from ground up:
• Type system is based on C#
• Expression language is C#
User-defined functions (U-SQL and C#)
User-defined types (U-SQL/C#) (future)
User-defined aggregators (C#)
User-defined operators (UDO) (C#)
U-SQL provides the parallelization and scale-out framework for
Expression-flow programming style:
• Easy to use functional lambda composition
• Composable, globally optimizable
Federated query across distributed data sources (soon)
CREATE TABLE T( cid int, first_order DateTime
, last_order DateTime, order_count int
, order_amount float );
@o = EXTRACT oid int, cid int, odate DateTime, amount float
FROM "/input/orders.txt“
USING Extractors.Csv();
@c = EXTRACT cid int, name string, city string
FROM "/input/customers.txt“
USING Extractors.Csv();
@j = SELECT c.cid, MIN(o.odate) AS firstorder
, MAX(o.date) AS lastorder, COUNT(o.oid) AS ordercnt
, SUM(c.amount) AS totalamount
FROM @c AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @o AS o ON c.cid == o.cid
WHERE c.city.StartsWith("New")
&& MyNamespace.MyFunction(o.odate) > 10
GROUP BY c.cid;
OUTPUT @j TO "/output/result.txt"
USING new MyData.Write();
Federated Queries: Query Data Where It Lives
Easily query data in multiple Azure data stores without moving it to a single store
Avoid moving large amounts of data across the
network between stores
Single view of data irrespective of physical location
Minimize data proliferation issues caused by
maintaining multiple copies
Single query language for all data
Each data store maintains its own sovereignty
Design choices based on the need
Storage Blobs
Azure SQL
in VMs
Azure Data
Lake Analytics
Join Local (ADLS) and External Data
1. Create two tables.
• An external table ‘PurchaseOrders’ that refers to the
PurchaseOrders table in the external SQL Azure DB.
• A ‘local’ table ‘UserIdsTable’ created by ‘extracting’ User
Ids and region fields from the WebLogRecords.txt file
stored in Azure Data Lake.
2. Join the PurchaseOrders table with UserIds table on the
common UserId column.
Purchase orders table
Azure SQL DB
purchase orders
user IDs
(on User IDs)
Azure Data Lake
Find sum of all purchases by users in the ‘en-us’ region
Query 9
Concepts: Jobs, Stages and Vertexes
Each job is broken into a number
of vertexes
Each vertex is some work that
needs to be done
6 Stages
8 Vertexes
Vertexes are organized into stages
– Vertexes in each stage do the same
work on the same data
– Vertex in one stage may depend on a
vertex in a earlier stage
Stages themselves are organized into
an acyclic graph
• Many different analytic engines (OSS and
vendors; SQL, ML; batch, interactive, streaming)
• Many users’ jobs (across these job types) run
on the same machines (where the data lives)
Resource Management with Multitenancy and SLAs
Policy-driven management of vast compute pools co-located with data
Schedule computation “near” data
How can we manage this multi-tenanted heterogeneous job mix
across tens of thousands of machines?
Resource Managers for Big Data
Allocate compute containers to competing jobs
Multiple job engines shared pool
YARN: Resource manager for Hadoop2.x
Corona, Mesos, Omega
Shared Data and Compute
Tiered Storage
Query Engine
Compute Fabric (Resource Management)
Multiple analytic
engines sharing same
resource pool
Compute and
store/cache on
same machines
What’s Behind a U-SQL Query
. . .
. . .
resource allocation SLOs
scalability limitations
• High allocation latency
• Support for specialized execution frameworks
• Interactive environments, long-running services
• Amoeba Rayon
• Status: shipping in Apache Hadoop 2.6
• Mercury and Yaq
• Status: Now in Apache Hadoop trunk!
• Federation
• Status: prototype and JIRA
• Framework-level Pooling
• Enable frameworks that want to take over resource allocation to support millisecond-
level response and adaptation times
• Status: spec
Microsoft Contributions to OSS Apache YARN
http://ww.reef-project.org http://reef.incubator.apache.org
http://ww.reef-project.org and

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The Hive Think Tank - The Microsoft Big Data Stack by Raghu Ramakrishnan, CTO for Data, Microsoft

  • 1. Big Data @ Microsoft Raghu Ramakrishnan CTO for Data, Technical Fellow Microsoft
  • 2. Data and Analytics – 3 Pillars SQL 2016 Azure SQL DB Azure SQL DW SQL Server R services On-prem and cloud (Windows, Linux) Cortana Intelligence Suite Hadoop, Data Lake, Machine learning, PowerBI, Data Factory, Streaming, Perceptual Intelligence On-prem connectivity Microsoft R server Hadoop Teradata On-prem and cloud (Windows, Linux)
  • 3. SQL Server 2016: Everything Built-In The above graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Microsoft. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Consistent experience from on-premises to cloud Microsoft Tableau Oracle $120 $480 $2,230 Self-service BI per user In-memory across all workloads TPC-H non-clustered 10TB Oracle is #4#2 SQL Server #1 SQL Server #3 SQL Server built-inbuilt-in built-in built-in built-in 0 1 4 0 0 3 34 29 22 15 5 22 6 43 20 69 18 49 3 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SQL Server Oracle MySQL2 SAP HANA TPC-H non-clustered results as of 04/06/15, 5/04/15, 4/15/14 and 11/25/13, respectively. http://www.tpc.org/tpch/results/tpch_perf_results.asp?resulttype=noncluster at massive scale National Institute of Standards and Technology Comprehensive Vulnerability Database update 5/4/2015
  • 4. In-Database Advanced Analytics No need to move the data Open source R with in- memory & massive scale – multi-threading & massive parallel processing Data Scientist Interact directly with data R built-in to SQL Server Data Developer/DBA Manage data and analytics together Example Solutions • Sales forecasting • Warehouse efficiency • Predictive maintenance Extensibility ? R R Integration Relational data Analytic Library T-SQL interface 010010 100100 010101 New R scripts 010010 100100 010101 010010 100100 010101 010010 100100 010101 • Credit risk protection 010010 100100 010101 Microsoft Azure Marketplace Real-time operational analytics without moving the data NEW NEW End-to-end mobile BI Advanced AnalyticsMission critical OLTP
  • 5. High-performance open source R plus:  Enterprise Scale & Performance – Scales from workstations to large clusters – Scales to large data sizes – Growing portfolio of Parallelized algorithms  Secure, Scalable R Deployment/Operationalization  Write Once Deploy Anywhere for multiple platforms  IDE for data scientists and developers  Enterprise Class Support DistributedR DeployR DevelopR ScaleR ConnectR
  • 6. Cloud – SQL Server/SQL Azure Shifting how you purchase and manage machines Increased focus on Total Cost of Ownership and continuous improvements Built from the same code base We increased surface area compatibility with V12 Azure SQL Database We’re learning how to run our own code – the good and the bad We’re using that to improve both product and service Microsoft is the only provider both on-premises and in the cloud
  • 7. Order history Name SSN Date Jane Doe cm61ba906fd 2/28/2005 Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005 John Smith i2y36cg776rg 4/10/2005 Bill Brown nx290pldo90l 4/27/2005 Order history Name SSN Date Jane Doe cm61ba906fd 2/28/2005 Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005 John Smith i2y36cg776rg 4/10/2005 Bill Brown nx290pldo90l 4/27/2005 Customer data Product data Order History Stretch to cloud Stretch SQL Server into Azure Stretch warm and cold tables to Azure with remote query processing App Query Microsoft Azure  Jim Gray ox7ff654ae6d 3/18/2005 SQL Server 2016
  • 8. Azure SQL DW Fully managed relational data warehouse-as-a-service First elastic cloud data warehouse with proven SQL Server capabilities Support your smallest to your largest data storage needs Scales to petabytes of data Massively Parallel Processing Instant-on compute scales in seconds Query Relational / Non-Relational Saas Azure Public Cloud Office 365Office 365 Get started in minutes Integrated with Azure ML, PowerBI & ADF Simple billing compute & storage Pay for what you need, when you need it with dynamic pause AzureAzure
  • 11. Store any data relations Do any analysis SQL queries Hive, At any speed Batch Hive At any scale … elastic! Anywhere Data to Intelligent Action
  • 12. Web Logs, Omniture logs On-Premise SQL Server (customer and product data) In-Store Activity with Kinect sensors Social Data Diagnostic streaming Event hubs Machine Learning Stream Analytics Azure DataLake Data Factory: Move Data, Orchestrate, Schedule, and Monitor HDInsight HDInsight Machine Learning Azure SQL Data Warehouse Power BI INGEST PREPARE ANALYZE PUBLISH Stream Analytics CONSUMEDATA SOURCES Cortana Web/LOB Dashboards
  • 16. Azure Data Analytics Stack REEF library STORAGE YARN HDFS/WebHDFS API Compute-tier Cache Clusters (Local ENs + CSM) RAM / SSD / HDD WAS-based Remote Storage Cosmos Store API CLUSTER-WIDE RM (YARN++) YARN + Federation YARN + Rayon (Capacity reservation) YARN + Mercury Shared micro- services for all metadata (extent map, logical name space, secure store) based on Hekaton/RSL rings YARN + Mercury YARN + Mercury Application Engines Per-job RM and runtimeM/R U-SQL Batch Spark Tez Spark Runtime Spark HiveU-SQL Azure ML Azure SA COMPUTE TIER SQL-DW HDInsight IaaS Services
  • 17. Windows SMSG Live Ads CRM/Dynamics Windows Phone Xbox Live Office365 STB Malware Protection Microsoft Stores STBCommerceRisk Messenger LCA Exchange Yammer Skype Bing data managed: EBs cluster sizes: 10s of Ks # machines: 100s of Ks daily I/O: >100 PBs # internal developers: 1000s # daily jobs: 100s of Ks
  • 18. Observation Pattern Theory Hypothesis What will happen? How can we make it happen? Predictive Analytics Prescriptive Analytics What happened? Why did it happen? Descriptive Analytics Diagnostic Analytics Confirmation Theory Hypothesis Observation
  • 19. Implement Data Warehouse Physical Design ETL Development Reporting & Analytics Development Install and Tune Reporting & Analytics Design Dimension Modelling ETL Design Setup Infrastructure Understand Corporate Strategy Data sources ETL BI and analytic Data warehouse Gather Requirements Business Requirements Technical Requirements
  • 20. Ingest all data regardless of requirements Store all data in native format without schema definition Do analysis Using analytic engines like Hadoop Interactive queries Batch queries Machine Learning Data warehouse Real-time analytics Devices
  • 21. What happened? What is happening? Why did it happen? What are key relationships? What will happen? What if? How risky is it? What should happen? What is the best option? How can I optimize? Data sources
  • 22. Handling failures Sharing data, resources Parallelism Data-aware Optimization Security, Compliance, Governance Enterprise
  • 23. Forrester Wave Big Data Hadoop Cloud Solutions Q2 2016
  • 24. • Interactive and Real-Time Analytics requires i • Massive data volumes require scale-out stores using commodity servers, even archival storage Tiered Storage Seamlessly move data across tiers, mirroring life-cycle and usage patterns Schedule compute near low-latency copies of data How can we manage this trade-off without moving data across different storage systems (and governance boundaries)?
  • 25. • Many different analytic engines (OSS and vendors; SQL, ML; batch, interactive, streaming) • Many users’ jobs (across these job types) run on the same machines (where the data lives) Resource Management with Multitenancy and SLAs Policy-driven management of vast compute pools co-located with data Schedule computation “near” data How can we manage this multi-tenanted heterogeneous job mix across tens of thousands of machines?
  • 26. Azure Data Lake Store Fully managed cloud data store designed for analytics Supports HDFS compliant analytics applications and tools Petabyte files, unlimited account size High throughput for analytics performance Low latency ingestion with read as you write AAD-based authentication, access auditing File and folder-level ACLs, Encryption at rest
  • 27. ADLS Security: Encryption-at-Rest Transparently encrypts data flowing to and from public networks as well as at rest Transparent server-side encryption User can manage their own encryption keys or let Azure Data Lake Store manage the key using Azure Key Vault 28
  • 28. ADLS Security: Role-Based Access Control Each file and directory is associated with an owner and a group Files or directories have separate permissions (read(r), write(w), execute(x)) for owners, members of the group, and for all other users Fine-grained access control lists (ACLs) can be specified for specific named users or named groups 29
  • 29. ADL Store: Ingress Data can be ingested into Azure Data Lake Store from a variety of sources Server logs Azure Event Hub Apache Flume Azure Storage Blobs Custom programs .NET SDK JavaScript CLI Azure Portal Azure PowerShell Azure Data Factory Apache Sqoop Azure SQL DB Azure SQL DW Azure tables Table Storage On-premises databases SQL 30 ADL Store Built-in copy service
  • 30. ADL Store: Egress Data can be exported from Azure Data Lake Store into numerous targets/sinks Azure SQL DB SQL Azure SQL DW Azure Tables Table Storage On-premises databases Azure Data Factory Apache Sqoop Azure Storage Blobs Custom programs .NET SDK JavaScript CLI Azure Portal Azure PowerShell 31 Built-in copy service ADL Store
  • 31. Extent Metadata Data Data Data… Remote Storage Naming Service Secret Store 1) Filename Translation 3) Find Extents 4) Data access Remote storage tier builds securely on WAS Secure Works with YARN! COMPUTE TIER Secure Store Service Intelligent ingest Massively parallel 2) Azure Access Keys
  • 32. • Interactive and Real-Time Analytics requires i • Massive data volumes require scale-out stores using commodity servers, even archival storage Tiered Storage Scale storage independently of compute Seamlessly move data across tiers, mirroring life-cycle and usage patterns Schedule compute near low-latency copies of data Data Lifecycle Management How can we manage this trade-off without moving data across different storage systems (and governance boundaries)?
  • 33. Extent Metadata Data Data Data… Remote Storage Naming Service Secret Store 1) Filename Translation 3) Find Extents 4) Data access Remote storage tier builds securely on WAS Secure Works with YARN! COMPUTE TIER Data Data Data … Secure Store Service Local Storage Intelligent ingest Massively parallel 2) Azure Access Keys
  • 34. Azure HDInsight—Linux and Windows Managed, Monitored, Supported • Cluster customization – Install your favorite project • Harness existing .Net & Java skills to write customer extensions • Supports broad ecosystem of ISVs (Hadoop and Traditional) Full Apache Hadoop • Batch – MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Spark • Stream Processing and Analytics – Storm, SparkStreaming • Interactive SQL – Hive (Tez), and SparkSQL • Table Serving – Hbase • Machine Learning – SparkML, Mahout
  • 35. Batch MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Spark Interactive SQL Hive (Tez), SparkSQL Stream Analytics Storm, SparkStreaming Machine Learning SparkML, Mahout Table Serving Hbase Exploratory Visualization Jupyter, Zeppelin Interactive SQL SQL DW Stream Analytics Azure Stream Analytics Machine Learning Azure ML Table Serving Azure SQL DB Exploratory Visualization Power BI
  • 36. • > 14 million field hours http://www.ebird.org
  • 38. Azure Data Lake Analytics Service A new distributed analytics service Built on Apache YARN Scales dynamically with a dial Pay by the query Supports Azure AD for access control, roles, and integration with on-prem identity systems U-SQL language unifies the benefits of SQL with the power of C# Hive etc. will be added over time Processes data across Azure 41
  • 39. Get started Log in to Azure Create an ADLA account Write and submit an ADLA job with U-SQL (or Hive/Pig) The job reads and writes data from storage 1 2 3 4 30 seconds ADLS Azure Blobs Azure DB …
  • 40. ADLA Complements HDInsight HDInsight Dedicated managed clusters for developers familiar with the Open Source: Java, Eclipse, Hive, etc. Clusters offer customization, control, and flexibility in a managed Hadoop cluster ADLA Enables customers to leverage existing experience with C#, SQL & PowerShell Offers convenience, efficiency, and automatic scale in a “job service” form factor over a system-managed shared resource pool
  • 41. U-SQL A hyper-scalable, highly extensible language for preparing, transforming and analyzing all data Allows users to focus on the what— not the how—of business problems Built on familiar languages (SQL and C#) and supported by a fully integrated development environment Built for data developers & scientists 44
  • 42. U-SQL Language Philosophy Declarative query and transformation language: • Uses SQL’s SELECT FROM WHERE with GROUP BY/aggregation, joins, SQL Analytics functions • Optimizable, scalable Operates on unstructured & structured data • Schema on read over files • Relational metadata objects (e.g. database, table) Extensible from ground up: • Type system is based on C# • Expression language is C# 21 User-defined functions (U-SQL and C#) User-defined types (U-SQL/C#) (future) User-defined aggregators (C#) User-defined operators (UDO) (C#) U-SQL provides the parallelization and scale-out framework for usercode • EXTRACTOR, OUTPUTTER, PROCESSOR, REDUCER, COMBINERS Expression-flow programming style: • Easy to use functional lambda composition • Composable, globally optimizable Federated query across distributed data sources (soon) REFERENCE MyDB.MyAssembly; CREATE TABLE T( cid int, first_order DateTime , last_order DateTime, order_count int , order_amount float ); @o = EXTRACT oid int, cid int, odate DateTime, amount float FROM "/input/orders.txt“ USING Extractors.Csv(); @c = EXTRACT cid int, name string, city string FROM "/input/customers.txt“ USING Extractors.Csv(); @j = SELECT c.cid, MIN(o.odate) AS firstorder , MAX(o.date) AS lastorder, COUNT(o.oid) AS ordercnt , SUM(c.amount) AS totalamount FROM @c AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN @o AS o ON c.cid == o.cid WHERE c.city.StartsWith("New") && MyNamespace.MyFunction(o.odate) > 10 GROUP BY c.cid; OUTPUT @j TO "/output/result.txt" USING new MyData.Write(); INSERT INTO T SELECT * FROM @j;
  • 43. Federated Queries: Query Data Where It Lives Easily query data in multiple Azure data stores without moving it to a single store Benefits Avoid moving large amounts of data across the network between stores Single view of data irrespective of physical location Minimize data proliferation issues caused by maintaining multiple copies Single query language for all data Each data store maintains its own sovereignty Design choices based on the need U-SQL Query Result Query 46 Azure Storage Blobs Azure SQL in VMs Azure SQL DB Azure Data Lake Analytics
  • 44. Join Local (ADLS) and External Data 1. Create two tables. • An external table ‘PurchaseOrders’ that refers to the PurchaseOrders table in the external SQL Azure DB. • A ‘local’ table ‘UserIdsTable’ created by ‘extracting’ User Ids and region fields from the WebLogRecords.txt file stored in Azure Data Lake. 2. Join the PurchaseOrders table with UserIds table on the common UserId column. Purchase orders table Azure SQL DB External purchase orders table Local user IDs table JOIN (on User IDs) Azure Data Lake Analytics Find sum of all purchases by users in the ‘en-us’ region Query 9 47 WebLogRecords.txt
  • 45. Concepts: Jobs, Stages and Vertexes Each job is broken into a number of vertexes Each vertex is some work that needs to be done Input Output Output 6 Stages 8 Vertexes Vertexes are organized into stages – Vertexes in each stage do the same work on the same data – Vertex in one stage may depend on a vertex in a earlier stage Stages themselves are organized into an acyclic graph 49
  • 46. • Many different analytic engines (OSS and vendors; SQL, ML; batch, interactive, streaming) • Many users’ jobs (across these job types) run on the same machines (where the data lives) Resource Management with Multitenancy and SLAs Policy-driven management of vast compute pools co-located with data Schedule computation “near” data How can we manage this multi-tenanted heterogeneous job mix across tens of thousands of machines?
  • 47. Resource Managers for Big Data Allocate compute containers to competing jobs Multiple job engines shared pool Containers YARN: Resource manager for Hadoop2.x Corona, Mesos, Omega
  • 48. Shared Data and Compute Tiered Storage Relational Query Engine Machine Learning Compute Fabric (Resource Management) Multiple analytic engines sharing same resource pool Compute and store/cache on same machines
  • 49. What’s Behind a U-SQL Query . . . . . . … … …
  • 50. YARN Gaps resource allocation SLOs scalability limitations • High allocation latency • Support for specialized execution frameworks • Interactive environments, long-running services
  • 51. • Amoeba Rayon • Status: shipping in Apache Hadoop 2.6 • Mercury and Yaq • Status: Now in Apache Hadoop trunk! • Federation • Status: prototype and JIRA • Framework-level Pooling • Enable frameworks that want to take over resource allocation to support millisecond- level response and adaptation times • Status: spec Microsoft Contributions to OSS Apache YARN