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The Implementation of Facilities Management for Disable...
1.0 INTRODUCTION Disable persons are special individuals who are considered missing a
functional ability compared with a normal society. The movement of people with disabilities is
limited and hard to do things without help and proper facilities. The term refers also to the
individual such as mental health problems, physical weakness, sensory, cognitive, and intellectual.
Individuals with this weakness usually occurs from birth and is also called the privileged. They also
called for the handicapped or retarded. Physical weakness, including weakness in the inability to
walk, talk, hear, and so the physical limit. Welfare of disable person have never underestimated by
the government. And the implementation of efforts undertaken by the government to help the
disabled person to move. In addition, that today we can see our facilities at specially prepared for
people with disabilities include indoor facility and route or access to somewhere. The study will be
carried out at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). This university is an educational institution of
high standards and provide learning for indigenous students in Malaysia. In addition, the various
fields of study available to students and faculty, and the college has the right infrastructure and
effective. With the increase of disable person in our country, the need for access for the disable
person is still insufficient and unsatisfactory,
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Practical Report
Universiti Teknologi Mara requires their students to attend training sessions related to their courses
to give a preliminary exposure regarding the real working environment in an organization. This
program has been offered by the Faculty of Accountancy, UiTM and needed to be completed in 6
months before completing their study.
By undergoing practical training, student will be placed in government or private sector, where they
will be given opportunity to learn and adapt the real working environment. Besides, the practical
training will increase and develop students' communication skills, management skills and other
skills which will benefit their daily life and future career.
2.0 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND AND ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This job was specially requested by the clients to reconcile their unreconciled items. I also get to
apply my knowledge in AIS when doing a detailed flowchart for IWK's Treasury Policies.
Audit work also involves outdoor work such as asset sighting, cash count and stock take. I did asset
sighting and cash count for Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd where my senior and I went to
see their Sewerage Treatment Plant and Refurbished Assets to ensure the asset's existence, count the
cash collections and compared both sightings with their listings or report. For stock taking, I was in
charge of counting stocks for Farmasi UKM Kesihatan, Pine 38 Restaurant under Bagong Dagang
Sdn Bhd and I–Shoppe Technology Park Malaysia to prepare for their closing stocks.
3.2 Accounting Work Done
Apart from doing audit work, I was also assigned to do an accounting job for construction
companies, Ramstar (M) Sdn Bhd and Rahajaya Sdn Bhd in which both are related companies for
their 2011 and 2012 accounts. In this job, I was able to experience the life of an accountant for 2
months keying in all their invoices, suppliers invoices, payment vouchers, bank transactions, and
general journals for depreciation, accruals, interests and others. Since the companies are
construction companies, I also learnt about Wang Jaminan Pertahanan (WJP), MOF Advance
Recoupment, Sub–contractors, Claims, work in progress and their computations. Other than that, I
also did
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
A Framework Based Mobile Library Usage And Success Factor
Tengku Adil Tengku Izhar
Faculty of Information Management
Universiti Teknologi MARA, UiTM
UiTM Selangor,
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Nur Natasya Irlyana Mohd Khajazi
Faculty of Information Management
Universiti Teknologi MARA, UiTM
UiTM Selangor,
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
The aim of this paper is to propose a framework based mobile library usage. The aim is to identify
the factors toward the success usage of mobile library. This is because the usage of mobile
application is very popular especially among student. Therefore, it is important to apply this
tecjnology in the library in order to improve the usage of library services. At the same time, the
framework identify the factors toward the successfully implementation of the library services.
1. Introduction
Mobile technology or known as handheld computers originates as a one of the trend nowadays,
which people use in their daily life. Examples of mobile device are smartphones, and tablet. Mobile
technology has been more widely and quickly adopted than any other innovation ever (Pope et al.,
2010). As we know, in this new digital era, everyone has their own phone and they use it every day
in order to communicate with others and get information. Jacobs (2009) stated that mobile access
has become a universal form of communication. It means that everyone uses mobile technology
everywhere and anywhere they wish. The
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Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Micro Enterprise in...
MICRO ENTERPRISE (RME) IN MALAYSIA Musdiana Mohamad Salleh Faculty of Business
Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA ( UiTM) Kedah Branch. P.O Box 187 08400, Merbok
Kedah, Malaysia e–mail: diana001@kedah.uitm.edu.my Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek Faculty of
Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) P.O Box 187, 08400, Merbok, Kedah,
Malaysia e–mail: zahira@kedah.uitm.edu.my RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGES
Entrepreneurship has been a topical issue in business administration literature and mostly the wave
on interest is on the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth literature. This paper ... Show
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Definitional issues: entrepreneurship, micro enterprise and rurality Numerous definition of
entrepreneurship can also be found in the literature. Hisrich and Peters (1998) define
entrepreneurship as "the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary
time effort assuming the accompanying financial, physic and social risks and receiving the resulting
rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and independence" while Zacharis et al (2000) define
entrepreneurship as " any attempt to create a new business enterprise or to expand existing business
by an individual, ateam individuals or an established business". Micro enterprises are typically
defined as very small, informally run businesses, involved in activities other than crop production.
In the United States, Canada and Britain, small scale business is defined according to the number of
paid employees and total annual turnover. In Britain for example, businesses with an annual sales of
£2 million or less and have less than 200 paid employees will be classified as small scale business.
In Malaysia, small enterprise covers all enterprises employing between 5–49 workers; medium scale
enterprise employs between 50–199 workers and large enterprise has more than 200 employees.
Micro enterprise employs less than 5 workers and is normally treated as an informal sector under the
Ministry of States and Regional Development. There are still
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Literature Review On Facilities Management
2.1 Introduction
This chapter will explain about facilities management, body of knowledge in facilities management,
and facilities management in academic level. It starts with basic concept of facilities management
and its body of knowledge. It will also include the roles of each built environment practitioners in
facilities management. Then this chapter will further discussed on the awareness on facilities
management, facilities management in academic level as well as possible remedies to increase
awareness on facilities management.
2.2 Concept of Facilities Management
2.2.1 Definition
Facilities comprise of property, buildings, utility equipment, interior fit–outs office furniture,
communication devices and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Maintenance, janitorial, and other vendors especially specialty suppliers
Service Provider (Rondeau, Brown, & Lapides, 2006)
Hence, architects, engineers, interior designer, quantity surveyors/valuers/estimators, planners,
furniture installers property/maintenance/asset manager are among the frequent service provider
chosen, in which depends on the nature of business organisations itself.
Thus, the involvement of professionals from various disciplines and background highlight the fact
that FM necessitates multiple skills, hence Tay & Ooi, 2001 underline Payne (2000) findings on four
areas where these professionals regularly involved in facilities management. These include:
1. Property and built environment required the professional skills of architects, legal services, space
planners and quantity surveyors;
2. The way that people interact with the built environment has required the input of human resources
professionals, building services and environmental engineers;
3. The technical expertise of maintenance staff; and
4. The processes that take place within the buildings such as catering, cleaning, security, mail room,
reprographics has required input and practical operational management from a range of specialist
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Resistance to Change
Leadership & Organization Development Journal Emerald Article: Resistance to organizational
change: the role of cognitive and affective processes Wayne H. Bovey, Andy Hede Article
information: To cite this document: Wayne H. Bovey, Andy Hede, (2001),"Resistance to
organizational change: the role of cognitive and affective processes", Leadership & Organization
Development Journal, Vol. 22 Iss: 8 pp. 372 – 382 Permanent link to this document:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01437730110410099 Downloaded on: 12–04–2012 References: This
document contains references to 45 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 7
other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been
downloaded 7525 times. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This paper investigates the relationship between irrational ideas, emotion and resistance to change.
Nine organizations implementing major change were surveyed providing data from 615
respondents. The analysis showed that irrational ideas are positively correlated with behavioural
intentions to resist change. Irrational ideas and emotion together explain 44 percent of the variance
in intentions to resist. Also outlines an intervention strategy to guide management in developing a
method for approaching resistance when implementing major change. (Levine, 1997; Huston, 1992;
Steier, 1989; Arendt et al., 1995; Tessler, 1989; New and Singer, 1983). As Nord and Jermier (1994)
express it, resistance is resisted rather than being purposively managed. Therefore, in order to
successfully lead an organization through major change it is important for management to balance
both human and organization needs (Spiker and Lesser, 1995; Ackerman, 1986). Organizational
change is driven by personal change (Band, 1995; Steinburg, 1992; Dunphy and Dick, 1989).
Individual change is needed in order for organizational change to succeed (Evans, 1994). This paper
reports on a study that aimed to identify, measure and evaluate how human elements including
cognitive and affective processes are associated with an individual 's level of resistance to
organizational change. Conceptual framework The conceptual model developed for this paper
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Naric List Malaysia
Malaysia L i st o f R e co g n i s e d H i gh er E d u c a t i o n I n s t i t u t i o n s A01. Public
Universities 1. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 2. Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun
Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) (to 2007) 3. Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDM) 4. Universiti Islam
Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) 5. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) (National University of
Malaysia, Bangi) 6. Universiti Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur 7. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan 8.
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) (previously Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi
Malaysia – KUKTEM) 9. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (previously Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan
Utara Malaysia till 2007) 10. Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Kota Kinablu 11. ... Show more
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Kolej Komuniti Grik 10. Kolej Komuniti Hulu Langat 11. Kolej Komuniti Hulu Selangor 12. Kolej
Komuniti Jasin 13. Kolej Komuniti Jelebu 14. Kolej Komuniti Jempol 15. Kolej Komuniti Kepala
Batas 16. Kolej Komuniti Kota Tinggi 17. Kolej Komuniti Kuala Langat 18. Kolej Komuniti Kuala
Terengganu 19. Kolej Komuniti Kuantan 20. Kolej Komuniti Kuching 21. Kolej Komuniti Kulim
22. Kolej Komuniti Ledang 23. Kolej Komuniti Mas Gading 24. Kolej Komuniti Mentakab 25.
Kolej Komuniti Pasir Gudang 26. Kolej Komuniti Pasir Mas 27. Kolej Komuniti Pasir Salak 28.
Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar 29. Kolej Komuniti Rompin 30. Kolej Komuniti Sabak Bernam 31.
Kolej Komuniti Segamat 32. Kolej Komuniti Segamat 2 33. Kolej Komuniti Selandar 34. Kolej
Komuniti Selayang 35. Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani 36. Kolej Komuniti Sungai Siput 37. Kolej
Komuniti Tanjung Karang 38. Kolej Komuniti Tawau 39. Kolej Komuniti Teluk Intan D. Other
Private Tertiary Institutions Blue = Institution that offer degree programmes subject to
accreditation by Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN). 1. Action Learning Centre 2. Akademi Bahasa
MARA 3. Akademi IMH 4. Akademi Kewartawanan & Komunikasi Hanxing 5. Akademi Laut
Malaysia (Alam) 6. Akademi Perbankan Malaysia 7. Akademi Saito 8. Akademi Seni & Muzik
Yamaha 9. Akademi Seni Kebangsaan (ASK) 10. Akademi Senilukis Dasein 11. Akademi Teknologi
Park Malaysia (TPM Academy) 12. AMC The School of Business 13. Asia Pacific Institute of
Information Technology
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Issues and Trends in Expatriate Management
2011 International Conference on Information Communication and Management IPCSIT vol.16
(2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Issues and Trends in Expatriation Management Dayang
Nailul Munna Abang Abdullah 1 and Cheam Sheue Jin2 1 Faculty of Business Management,
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Cognitive
Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak,
Malaysia Abstract. As organisations become globalised, there is an increasing need to employ
expatriates for global assignments. Investigate the issues in the expatriation process from different
perspectives are of utmost important to enhance understanding and improve performance of the ...
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It is to enable the informants to talk about their experience, feelings, and opinions of a subject.
Different interview techniques such as probing questions, responding to the informants, showing
interest, reconfirming the response, taking notes, follow up and remind the informants to stay in line
with the topic when deviation occurs, and keep the informants to talk and express their view were
used during the interview. Then the interview data were documented and decoded. Data collected
was kept as confidential and private, only used by researcher and related supervisor for academic
purposes. The informants of this research were drawn from human resource managers or human
resource representatives of corporations. Four companies, which are locating in Kuala Lumpur and
Kuching, had been selected due to the accessibility of the researcher and because Kuala Lumpur is
one of the most developed areas in Malaysia, therefore it is easier to identify the suitable companies
for study. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used to identify the informants, thus the
sample sizes may not be predetermined prior to data collection, and it depends on the resources and
time available, as well as the study's objectives [9]. As a result, there were four informants involved
in this study. To enhance the reliability of the data, sound recorder was utilised to record the
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Advantages Of Facilities Management
In this chapter, the researcher had chosen two hostels building that are under different management
of service provider.
The two hostels building involved in this study are:
i. Kolej Melati ii. Kolej Mawar
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is Malaysia's largest institution of higher learning in terms of
size and population. It has experienced phenomenal growth since its inception in 1956 and it is still
growing. Beside the main campus in Shah Alam, the university has expanded nationwide with 12
state campuses, 6 satellite campuses in Shah Alam, 11 state satellite campuses and 21 affiliated
colleges. With this vast network and a workforce of 17,770, the university offers more than 500
academic programmes in a conducive and vibrant environment. It is ... Show more content on
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defines Facilities Management as 'a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure
functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology'.
An effective Facilities Management, with a combination of resources and activities, is important to
the success of any organization. At the top management level, it contributes to the delivery of
strategic and operational objectives. On a everyday basis, effective facilities management provides a
safe and efficient working environment, which is essential to the performance of any business
whatever its size and scope (British Institute of Facilities Management, n.d)
Facilities in UiTM Shah Alam are managed by the Department of Facilities Management (BPF), and
BPF is responsible in managing asset and facilities of the University. In UiTM Shah Alam, BPF
plays an important role to make sure that all the facilities are well managed and controlled so that
development of the process of teaching and learning can be performed
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Communication System in Malaysia
INTRODUCTION Every day, in our work and in our leisure time, we come in contact with and use
a variety of modern communication systems and communication media, the most common being the
telephone, radio, television, and the Internet. Through these media we are able to communicate
(nearly) instantaneously with people on different continents, transact our daily business, and receive
information about various developments and events of note that occur all around the world.
Electronic mail and facsimile transmission have made it possible to rapidly communicate written
messages across great distances. ELEMENT OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Information signal
is given to the transmitter which then transmits the message over the medium to the ... Show more
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* In 2008, Packet One Networks Malaysia Sdn Bhd became the first provider to introduce Wireless
Wimax Service on 802.16e spectrum technology. Early Stage (1946–2000) In 1 April 1946, RTM
was established as Radio Malaya operating out of Singapore, with a Malayan section created in
Kuala Lumpur in 1950. The first English language radio station (now Traxx FM) began operations
the same year as The Blue Network under Radio Malaya. With the independence of Malaya in 31
August 1957 Radio Malaya was split into two; the original studios in Singapore was taken over by a
new station called Radio Singapura and Radio Malaya moved to Kuala Lumpur going on air from
the new location on 1 January 1959. It would be later renamed Radio Malaysia on 16 September
1963 with the transmissions beginning with its trademark words Inilah Radio Malaysia (This is
Radio Malaysia) on the day the Malaysia of today was born. Television services under the name
Malaysia Televisyen (Malaysia TV) or Malaysia Television (Malaysia TV) started on 28 December
1963 in time for the national New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur and regional telecasts in the
Klang Valley in Selangor state. The then 10–month old Television Singapura (launched on 16
February 1963) became part of Malaysia
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National Unity
CPPS Policy Factsheet: National Unity CPPS is pleased to bring to you its "CPPS Policy Fact
Sheet" on national unity. In this factsheet, we will look at government policies which affect national
unity and explore their effects on social cohesion and integrity in Malaysia. BACKGROUND
Malaysia is one of the most plural and heterogeneous countries in the world, with three major ethnic
groups – Malay, Chinese, and Indian – plus several other indigenous tribes. It has a checkered
history, having been under four different colonial powers at one time or another since the 16th
century. This ethnic and cultural diversity is reflected in the wide variety of languages spoken and
religions practiced in Malaysia; even within the same ethnic ... Show more content on
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For religious discrimination, the same figures stand at 82% for the Malays and 53% for others.
(CPPS Minda Muda study) Recent polls suggest that ethnic inequality is the 2nd–most pressing
issues faced by Malaysians, at 17%, with only price hikes and inflation considered more pressing,
coming in at 20%. 63% are somewhat or very dissatisfied with government efforts to address ethnic
inequality. (Merdeka Centre Voter Opinion Poll 4 th Quarter 2007) Article 153 of the Federal
Constitution states: "It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di–Pertuan Agong to safeguard the
special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the
legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article." Article
153 has been used to permit quotas in the provision of public scholarships, civil service positions,
and business licences. EDUCATION POLICIES Young Chinese Malaysians are considerably
dissatisfied with the state of the education system when it comes to promoting national unity. (CPPS
Minda Muda study) 64% of Chinese parents feel the education system is preparing students to be
tolerant towards those of other races and religions, as opposed to 78% of Malay parents and 83% of
Indian parents. (Merdeka Research Centre Education System Perceptions Survey) 86% of
Malaysians believe that the time has come for a national education convention involving all races to
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Instruction In Higher...
Nowadays, the role of technology in instruction is undeniable. We live in a digital world. No one
should go back to 19th century's teaching method. Instruction using technology to deliver
coursework in higher education has seen an unquestionable explosion (Scott, 1999). Although the
use of technology in higher education is more prevalent, it also shows it's significant in early
learning environment and primary school. Technological tools such as internet, digital camera, i–pad
and interactive whiteboard are used to upgrade the learning outcomes (X. Christine Wang, 2008).
Technology–based Instruction or more commonly known as e–learning, constitutes instruction via
electronic technology, such as Internet, webcast, audio and video conferencing. ... Show more
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Richard E. Clark stated in his research (Clark, 1994):
"First, there was no significant difference in test scores between the two groups despite the
experimental groups not attending even a single on–campus lecture. This was amazing to those
associated with the study, all of whom half–hoped to validate the significance of the class lecturer to
the learning process. This is not to say that Internet–based instruction was not heavily impacted by
the instructor. It only suggests that role of the instructor changed for the Internet–based instruction."
Therefore, distance education might not necessary prevails the learning in authentic classroom.
There are some downsides for distance learning too. For instance, the virtual and non face to face
learning space might makes some students feel lonely and isolated. They could not experience the
conviviality of a campus life. Although this problem can be solved by frequent online contact with
instructors and taking part in virtual help groups, virtual forums or virtual campus (Fominykh,
Prasolova–Førland, Morozov, & Gerasimov, 2011), there is no credible collaboration among the
students. In this point, the theory of Vygotsky which advocated that learning occurs throughout the
process of social interaction, is not implemented (Vygotsky,
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What Is Electromyography Is A Method For Evaluate Levels...
Abstract: Electromyography is a method to evaluate levels of muscular activity. When a muscle
fiber contracts, an action potential is generated and this circulates along the muscular fibers. In
electromyography, electrodes are connected to the skin and the electrical activity of muscles is
measured and graph is plotted. The surface electromyography signals selected during the muscular
activity are interfaced with a system. The EMG signals from individual suffering from Neuropathy
and healthy individual, so obtained, are processed and analyzed using signal processing techniques.
This project includes the investigation and interpretation of EMG signals of healthy and
Neuropathic individuals using MATLAB. The prospective utilization of this study is in developing
the prosthetic device for the people with Neuropathic disability.
Keywords: EMG, action potential, MATLAB, Neuropathy.
Human gait is a periodic activity and a well incorporated effort of brain, nerves and muscles. It is
based on the harmonized action of 28 main muscles to manage the trunk and limbs. This action
generates the energy required to oppose gravity and thrust the body frontward. All the individuals
have different gait [1].
With a large population of disabled people worldwide, assistive technologies and techniques are in
demand notably. Globally, more than 1 billion people are disabled, which is approximately 15% of
the total world population. To bring improvement to the life quality of
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Research Paper On Mass Communication
1.1 Introduction
According to FIREHOUSE (2003), communication comes in many forms such as; body language,
written word, oral communication, and touch are all examples that we use every day to get our
messages across. How we use these techniques, and how others view their meaning, can greatly
influence our workplace relationships with others. Perhaps the most important form of
communication is that which establishes our credibility and trust with others, interpersonal
According to Hartley (2002), he define interpersonal communication involves face–to–face
meetings between two participants, varying roles and relationship to one another, always two–way,
involves the creation and exchange of meaning, partly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among
semester five Mass Communication students?
3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–
face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students?
1.3.2 Research Objectives
The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between learning environment and
interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students in
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam. Therefore, the specific objectives of this study are:
1.How the learning environment effect the semester five Mass Communication students?
2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among
semester five Mass Communication students?
3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to–
face interaction among semester five Mass Communication
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Past Semester Ais 280
HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts :
PART A (20 Questions) PART B (3 Questions) PART C (3 Questions) PART D (2 Questions) 2.
Answer ALL questions from all four (4) parts : i) Answer PART A in the Objective Answer Sheet. ii)
Answer PART B, C and D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3. Do not bring
any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. Please check
to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper ii) an ... Show more
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c. Report –> Accounts –> Select Transaction Journal from Index to Reports –> Customize » Enter
the date range 01/01/2011 to 31/01/2011 –> Click Display. d. Click the Accounts icon at the main
Command centre, and click Transaction Journal. 15. button is used to generate report in various
format such as PDF , Email and Fax. a. Print b. Send To c. Customize d. Close 16. Which option
cannot be found in Banking Command Centre? a. Spend Money b. Receive Money c. Reconcile
Accounts d. Bank Statement 17. Which of the following statements are CORRECT? i. If the
company's financial year starts on 1 September 2011 and ends on 31 August, 2012, its current
financial year is 2012. ii. The report that enables you to view stock movements for each item is Item
List (Summary), iii. The Banking Command Centre cannot be used to record money received for
invoices created via Sales Command Centre, iv. An invoice can be changed to a quote or an order. a.
i and iii. b. ii and iv. c. i, ii and iii. d. i, ii and iv. 18. In the event that a refund to customer is required
in relation to the Credit Note issued, click the Pay Refund button at the . a. Bank Register. b. Sales
Register's Returns and Debits Tab window. c. Sales Register's Returns and Credits Tab window. d.
Settle Returns and Credits Tab window. © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 19. Which of the following
account has the correct prefix number in
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Why should our elementary school children study history?
There is no doubt that the primary purpose of schooling is to prepare students to function effectively
in the world, and thereby to assist society to function effectively as well. We study the past in school
not because students need to know a collection of old facts, but because history helps them
understand how the world works and how human beings behave. Knowledge of the past is required
for understanding present realities. When people share some common knowledge of history, they
can discuss their understandings with one another.
What does history give?Human self–awareness is the very essence of history. Arnold Toynbee said,
"History is a search for light on the nature and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Malaysian History Colloquium saw the gathering of national historians, and war and police
veterans from the colonial period to affirm the country's history to 500 students from institutions of
higher learning, youth groups, NGOs and the youth wings of Barisan Nasional.
The colloquium was also meant to correct the misconception of the Malayan Communist Party
being freedom fighters.
"Those who are confused were invited to listen for themselves about the experiences of those who
risked their lives to defend the nation from colonisation and communist threats during the
Emergency, so that the future generation could enjoy a better life," said the Colloquium's Secretariat
Committeemember, Profesor Dr Nordin Hussin.
The colloquium was also held in appreciation of the past generation's suffering and the physical and
mental torture they had to undergo due to economic and social oppression from communist
ideologies, hesaid.
Prof Nordin, who is head of the Centre for History, Political and Strategy Research of Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, said the colloquium was divided into two sessions –– "The Challenges to the
Struggle for Independence" and "The Importance of History in the Development of aNation."
Prof Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam, a history expert and lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara, said the
colloquium was important in explaining to the younger generation the communist threat, which was
one of the main struggles the country had to overcome in achieving its
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New Policy And Procedures For Students At Applying College...
I–KOLEJ has been developed by Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) Kelantan Campus in 2015
after UiTM decided to use new policy and procedures for students in applying college residents for
their next semester. UiTM was one and only university that are stated in constitution because UiTM
only can be entered by Bumiputera. In year 2015, UiTM Kelantan has decided to used new system
for college residents which is called as merit system. This system generate coupons for special
activities, imarah, position in club or society, and also transportation owned by students. 2.2
Department Managers Department that are responsible for this I–KOLEJ system is College
Management Unit and Non–Residents Department of UiTM Kelantan. Head of department is Encik
Azmi Bin Mohamed and he is responsible to ensure all customer charter are done by their
department. 2.3 Business Rules i) Each student has one academic record, each academic record is
owned by a student. ii) Each student is related to a set of parent information, each parent
information can be owned by more than 1 student. iii) Each student is referred to one merit record,
each merit record are referred to one student. iv) Each merit is obtained by many student
involvement, each student involvement stage obtained a merit. v) Each merit is gained by a student
achievement, each student achievement gain a merit. vi) Each merit is received by many student
activities, each activities received a merit. vii) Each merit is gained by many
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Using Compact And High Performance Wireless Communication...
Chapter 1
The patch antenna plays a very important role in today's world of wireless communication systems
.There is always a large demand for high performance ,small size and low cost wireless
communication systems .in order to get these requirements ,planar patch antenna is preferred
because of their various advantages such as light weight ,low volume ,low cost and ease for
fabrication .although the microstrip patch antenna has various advantages it has various
disadvantages which are low gain ,narrow bandwidth and low efficiency .These disadvantages can
be overcome by constructing many patch antennas in array configuration. Recently there has been
increasing demand in the use of DGSs for performance enhancement of microstrip patch antennas
and planar array antennas .there are basically two types of structures which are used for the design
of compact and high performance wireless communication systems named as defected ground
structures (DGS) and electromagnetic band–gap structures (EBG) which is also known as photonic
band–gap structure(PBG). These structures have been used to obtain the functions such as unwanted
frequency rejection and circuit size reduction. Recently defected ground structures have been
introduced; DGSs are realized by simply etching off simple shape (called as defect) from the ground
plane .Depending upon the shape and the dimensions of the defects ,the current distribution in the
ground plane is disturbed and resulting in a controlled
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Mic Final Exams...
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. 2. This paper consists of ten (10) questions. Answer ALL
questions in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. Do not bring any material into
the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that
this examination pack consists of: i) ii) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet – provided by the
This examination paper consists of 5 printed pages
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
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(4 marks) What is the use of negative staining? (2 marks) c) Most genera of bacteria will lose the red
carbolfuchsin stain when decolourized using acid alcohol but those that are "acid–fast" retain the
bright red colour in ZiehlNielsen Acid–Fast stain. What could be the explanation for this colour
differences. (3 marks) You are given a bacterial sample and your task is to find out whether the
bacteria are motile or not. Suggest three (3) lab procedures that enable you to test on the bacterial
sample. (3 marks)
QUESTION 8 a) List down three (3) advantages of transformation. (3 marks) b) Describe the
mechanism of conjugation with the aid of a labeled diagram. (6 marks) c) What is the main
difference between conjugation and transformation? (2 marks)
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
AS/OCT 2010/MIC455
QUESTION 9 Discuss in detail the importance of fungi in different fields : agriculture, industrial
and medicine. (10 marks)
QUESTION 10 Figure 1 demonstrates the patterns of oxygen used by different organisms incubated
for 24 hours in tubes of a nutrient broth.
m m
B a)
Identify the possible group of organism that accumulate in tubes A to E as
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6 drivers of change in relationship selling and sales...
International Journal of Business and Management
August, 2009
Salesperson Professional Selling and the Effect on Buyer and Salesperson Relationship
Maznah Wan Omar
Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Kedah, Malaysia
Tel: 60–4–4562–550
E–mail: maznah199@kedah.uitm.edu.my
Kamaruzaman Jusoff (Corresponding author)
Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 60–3–8946–7176
E–mail: kjusoff@yahoo.com
Mohd Noor Mohd Ali
Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Tel: 60–4–4243–069
E–mail: mohdnoorma@ppinang.uitm.edu.my
Regardless of the growing importance and emphasis on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Marshall et al., (1999), interviewed a diversity of professional salespeople to give evidence for 49
new sales activities that were not pointed out in Moncrief's (1986) original list. These latest
activities fall into the following main categories: communication technology, selling technology,
activities related to adaptive and consultative selling, and team–oriented activities. Many of the
specific activities within these categories involve skills and content knowledge dissimilar from those
traditionally observed in the past as key salesperson success factors.
This study therefore investigates the salesperson professional selling (salesperson knowledge and
adaptive selling) and the effect on buyer and salesperson relationship through customer loyalty, in
the Malaysian retail sector. Oliver's (1997) model which follows the cognition–affect–conation
pattern is use in the development of this study.
2. Methods
2.1 Sampling design
To have a representative finding, the sampling technique used must be objective. This is an
important effort adopted by most researchers in order to furnish a finding pertinent to the general. To
choose the sample for this study, probability random sampling was used. A probability sample is
necessary if the sample is to be representative of the population
(Reeves, 1992). Therefore, a two–stage systematic sampling technique is employed in this study.
2.2 Population and sample size
The unit of analysis for
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Training and Job Performance
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the study Training is an event of planning a
learning process in order to improve the person's knowledge, ability and skills. According to
Raymond (2010) "Planned effort by a company to facilitate to employees' learning of job
competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for
successful job performance". This means that any organizations or institutions which want to
improve job performance must provide trainings to their employees. Globalizations have forced
organizations to own competitive advantages which will enhance their level of competition with
other global competitors. "By continuously providing training and development opportunity to ...
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Therefore, in this study, the relationship between training and job performance among academicians
will be testable to investigate the relationship between variables. Statement of The Problem The
implementation of training will result to the changes of job performance. Typically, in profits
organization, performance can be measure in many ways for example in term of financial can be
refer to the number of sales made by effective employees, and in term of operational is referred to
the employees effectiveness of solving problem or management effectives. (Safdar, Rehman,
Waheed & Rafiq, as cited in Curtis, et al. 1995). Training is also crucial to the employees as
without an adequate training, poorly trained employees may do not perform well in their job task
and lead to poor job performance (Robert & John 2004). Especially in education field, the
institution is a non–profits organization. Springer, M., & Gardner, C., (2010) stated that, the
performance measurement on lecturer is different and more complex than the business profits
worker for example, the number of sale is can be calculate by how much the product have been sold
to the customer. This is obviously different because from the profession of teaching as they are
providing services that is teaching and mentoring their students, which also happens to be their
clients. The academicians will give a contribution to the
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Campus Area Wireless Network Proposal
recommends the implementation of Project CAWN (Campus Area Wireless Network) at the
University Teknologi Mara, Kelantan branch. The following information and recommendations are
necessary for the university to stay on the cutting–edge of today's campus technology 1.0
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Information Technology Department, UiTM Kelantan has indicated
that wireless access improvements are important to students. Specifically, both the 2008/2009 &
2009/2010 surveys reports show the expansion of the wireless service requiring attention. This trend
is expected to continue as the proliferation of students with mobile devices increases. Currently, the
internet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additional VLANs configured on these access points will require encryption (keys delivered
through the authentication process) and will not be advertised via beacon broadcasts. In this model,
when users activate their wireless network interface, the general use VLAN will be automatically
listed as an available connection. Connections to other available networks (such as department
VLANs) will have to be explicitly requested by the user in order to gain access. It should be noted
that in order to provide a cost–effective centrally managed service it is likely that wireless access
points from a single vendor will be required. 3.3 Coverage Area The buildings highlighted in red
represent where some level of wireless coverage will be available at the end of the project. Not all
buildings will have the same level of coverage. Outdoor areas and main thoroughfares will be
deployed depending on wireless access available in surrounding buildings Figure 3.1: UiTM
Kelantan Campus Map [pic] 3.4 Buildings and Classrooms The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access
Point will be used for this project. These access points will be placed on the ceilings of hallways,
classrooms, and study lounges in order, to maximize connection rates. There are ten buildings on
campus will be able to be part of CAWN project. Our focus is classrooms, study lounges, and
outside areas with high density student and faculty
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Recommendation For Secret Recipe
Company's background Secret Recipe was founded in 1997 and renowned for its extensive range of
fine quality foodie cakes. "It has transformed to become one of the fastest growing lifestyle cakes
and cafe chain in the region with over 300 cafe outlets" (Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd,
2015). They have won various awards across the region for its genuine food recipes and high quality
cakes such as Best Cheese Cake Award, Most Original Chocolate Award, Best Lamb Stew Award
and Malaysia's Best Local Restaurant Chain (Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd, 2015).
Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe's concept can be found in major urban locations and shopping malls in
the main cities within many Asian countries for example Singapore, Kuala ... Show more content on
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It therefore demonstrates that SWOT analysis model do assist business in making appropriate
strategies by deeply examine both its internal and external factors. Only after a scientific
investigation of a business's current position can people makes effective decisions and strategic
corporate planning. More importantly, this paper puts forward an applicable and understandable
SWOT development strategy model of Secret Recipe which combines the previous SWOT model
with the corresponding
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paper consists of two (2) parts: Answer ALL questions from all two (2) parts: i) ii) 3. Answer PART
A in the Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART B in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a
new page. PART A (10 Questions) PART B (4 Questions) Do not bring any material into the
examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this
examination pack consists of: i) ii) iii) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet – provided by the
Faculty an Objective ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The owner brought in his car valued at RM30,000 into the business. A debtor, Sufian returned goods
worth RM500 due to wrong specifications. 17 Sept. The business bought goods for RM5,000 by
cheque from S&L Enterprise. 18 Sept. Received a discount RM250 from Seng Heng Sdn Bhd for
early settlement. The owner took a microwave oven worth RM200 for his personal use. Paid
electricity bill RM225 by cheque to Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Purchased a motor van worth
RM50,000 on credit from HSL Finance. Paid RM550 by cheque for repairing machine. Received
commissions amounting to RM3,000 by cheque. The owner 's wife took cash RM1 000 for paying
her credit card. Banked in all cash in hand amounting to RM8,800. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 25
Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept. © Hak Cipta tiniversiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL
CONFIDENTIAL Required: a) 5 AC/JAN 20121ACC418 State the account to be debited and the
account to be credited for the above transactions. State the book of prime entry used for each
transaction above using the format given below: Book of prime entry Credit Debit Date 1 Sept Cash
RM100,000 Capital RM100,000 Cash receipt journal (Total: 23 marks) b) QUESTION 2 The
following is the trial balance extracted from the books of Perniagaan Kembangan as at 31 December
2011. Debit (RM) 660 2,500 4,400 2,300 1,720 1,500 1,480 1,160 11,000 1,200 3,180 1,600 23,000
28,000 30,000 8,250 59,000 124,260 65,000
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Red Bull
1.1.1 BRAND
Brand is a term that enables the pubic to easily identify a certain company, their offerings in term of
goods and product. It is the image that a certain company produces to the public. Brand is a set of
expectations, memories, stories and relationship that engaged together, for a consumer's choice to
choose a product or service.
According to Kapferer (2004), brands penetrate almost every aspect of life: social, economic,
sporting, cultural and even religion. Brands are direct strategy of market segmentation and product
differentiation and it means more than just giving names and signalling to the world. Branding
consist of transforming the product category and requires a corporate long–term involvement and a
high level of resource and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Red Bull has its own energy building ingredients and revitalizing qualities and focusses their brand
around the theme "Red Bull gives you wings".
Red Bull does not take advantage of the traditional media, instead they do events sponsors in
extreme sporting events and gives out free samples of Red Bull energy drink during the events and
let the media cover their stories (Morris, 2015).
Red Bull is known for its Marketing Strategy for its fresh and unique ideas of advertising their
products to their international consumer. Red Bull has their own Marketing Mix Implementation
Tools, which consist of Public Relation promotions, non–traditional advertising and sponsorships of
extreme sports athletes and events. This Marketing Mix is a way for Red Bull to advertise their
brand by attracting the traditional media to cover their brand or products in events without creating
traditional ads themselves. WINGS
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Knowledge Management Systems (Kms) in Organization: a...
Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in Organization:
A Collaborative Model for Decision Makers
Ruzaif Adli Bin Md. Daud
Principal Consultant
Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd
Abstract With expansion and growth in computing technology, systems for supporting decision–
makers in planning can be crucial, either to expedite and enhance the work environment or to gain
efficient and effective forecasting results, as to compete with other rivals in business war–gaming.
In this paper, we will explore the state–of–art in developing a Collaborative Model of Knowledge
Management System (KMS) which may support managers in decision making process. Selected
technologies that contribute to knowledge management solutions are reviewed using ... Show more
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KM is the name given to the set of systematic actions that an organization can take to obtain the
greatest value from the knowledge available to it (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). Systematic means
that KM projects are intentional actions in an organizational context. Value means that KM projects
are measured according to how KM projects contribute to increased organizational ability (Prieto
and Gutierrez 2001; Goldkuhl and Braf 2002). KM as an intentional and value–adding action is not
easy to accomplish in practice (Scarbrough and Swan 1999). Scarbrough and Swan present several
case studies in KM, successful and unsuccessful in their respective KM project. A major point and
lessons from the case studies is that prevalent approaches in KM overstate technology and
understate how technology is implemented and applied. The scope of KM encompasses individual
competence and organization memory, knowledge creation from tacit to explicit knowledge,
including the role of organizations in facilitating the creation of knowledge.
Knowledge Management Systems
Knowledge management systems (KMS) refer to a class of Information systems applied to
managing organizational knowledge. That is, they are IT–based systems developed to support and
enhance the organizational processes of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and
application. While not all KM
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Case Study on Dr Snapple Group Inc.
PREPARED BY: RAMSIS ANAK WILLIAM AGIM 2012402536 Strategic Issues and Problems
Being the consultant of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPSG), I am charged to assess whether or
not a profitable market opportunity existed for a new energy beverage brand to be produced,
marketed, and distributed by the company. The decision to explore a new energy beverage was made
by senior company management of DPSG as part of a corporate business strategy to focus on
opportunities in (1) High Growth and (2) High Margin beverage businesses. My tasks involve a
number of important factors. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
| Dependent on a small number of large retailers for a significant portion of their sales | Attractive
positioning with large, growing and profitable market | Total indebtedness could affect our
operations and profitability | Volatility in raw material costs | Financial results may be negatively
impacted by some economicconditions | Broad geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage
| They may not comply with applicable government laws | New distribution channels | Substantial
disruption to production at the manufacturing could occur | Experienced Executive Management
team | Products may not meet health and safety standards | | Costs for raw materials may increase
substantially | Strong operating margins and significant, stable Cash – flows | They could lose key
personnel or may be unable to recruit qualified personnel | | Weather and climate changes could
adversely affect the business | Porters Five Forces Analysis The bargaining power of customers In
the energy beverage industry customers have the bargaining power. Energy drinks are an elastic
product, and are not necessity for daily life. Customers however do not usually want to buy in bulk,
and prefer soft
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Disadvantages Of 5s
1.1 Introduction
In recent years, the practice of 5S is basically used among the Japanese firms in order to enhance
human capability and productivity of the outputs. 5S is one of the TQM (Total Quality
Management) tools and was firstly introduced at companies in Japan in the early 1980s by Takashi
Osada, it is believed that applying the 5S techniques could considerably raise the environmental
performance in production line including housekeeping, health, safety and so on. The 5S is the
acronym of five Japanese words which stands for seiri (organization), seiton (neatness), seiso
(cleanliness), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke (discipline) (Sui–Pheng and Khoo, 2001).
Organizing the 5S team is very important approach ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2) What are the criteria to implement 5S on effectiveness at Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan.
3) What are the relationship between implementation 5S and effectiveness at Hospital Tuanku
Ja'afar Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
1.4 Research Objectives
Research objectives are to provide specific focus direction to the research. It must be well thought
out and the objectives must be related to the problem that has already been defined (Hazman, 2012).
There are many practices in the world to improve the quality of products or services and
performance of organizations, but generally organizations looking for the best practice to implement
and utilize for achieving their organizational goals and objectives easier, sooner and use with less
expenses. Available techniques are different from each other in terms of their specific
characteristics, factors and ways that consider for reaching their purpose at their own organization.
So, the objectives of the study will be
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Bioethical Issues on Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmos)...
2011 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science IPCBEE vol.7 (2011) ©
(2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore
Bioethical Issues on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) In Malaysia: Biting Into the Legal
Protection under the Biosafety Act 2007
Assoc Prof. Dr. Zaiton Hamin & Siti Hafsyah Idris
Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
Email: zaiton303@salam.uitm.edu.my, yasmin_yazid99@yahoo.com
Abstract– Of late, a growing number of ongoing researches on Genetically Modified Organisms
(GMOs) in Malaysia were the consequences of the rapid advancement in the biotechnology industry.
One such example is the genetically modified (GM) male mosquitoes and its field testing in two
different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Currently, the part of bioethics that is most developed in Malaysia is that which relates to biosafety
which is governed by the Biosafety Act 2007 (hereinafter 'the 2007 Act'). This Act is under the
auspice of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). However, strangely the
biotechnology industry is under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and
Innovation (MOSTI). As for the agriculture industry, the relevant ministry is the Ministry of
Agriculture, while the Ministry of Health is responsible for medical practices and food products.
The fact that different ministries are involved in governing issues in biotechnology has led to not
only the lack of coordination between them but also possible overlapping functions in implementing
the 2007 Act and its regulation. Apart from this, however, the provisions of the 2007 Act is rather
vague on other bioethical issues. The 2007 Act which was gazetted in 2007, generally provides for
biosafety and addresses all Living Modified Organisms (LMOs). It is interesting to note that
Malaysia uses the term LMOs rather than GMOs and Malaysia has made a declaration in the
Convention of Biodiversity 1994 that the former term gives meaning to the latter. The 2007 Act is
envisaged to strike a rather difficult balance between the creation of a sustainable biosafety on the
one hand and the protection of
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The Impact of Information Communication Technology on...
Saiful Nujaimi Abdul Rahman, M.Sc.
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Abdul Rashid Md. Ali, PhD
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Siti Zobidah Omar, PhD
Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
This is an unedited version of this paper provided for your convenience
Over 20 years ago, Malaysia was an agricultural based country. Then came the foreign direct
investments initiative that gave many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The system worked wonderfully when the British first introduced it. Somehow, it became obsolete
in 1960s. Unfortunately, there was no initiative from the respective Government to reform the
system. Perhaps, the Government then was still young to comprehend that every system will become
obsolete and have to be reform from time to time. Thus, the repercussion was the May 13, 1969
racial conflict. Nevertheless, the riot had been the turning point of both political and economic
reformation to the country. It was like "a blessing in disguise" – but of course, the cost that the
country had to pay was colossal.
Since the May 13, 1969 tragedy, the country has embarked on an affirmative development plan –
The New Economic Policy (1970–1990). The main objectives were to bring the economic disparity
gaps closer and to eradicate poverty with precise reference to the major races. In achieving those,
the principles of justice, tolerance, and equity were put into practice by all Malaysians, precisely by
the major political parties. These major political parties are led by a coalition of 14 political parties
that formed the National Front (NF). The dominant component of the coalition is the United Malays
National Organization (UMNO) representing the Malays, the Malaysian Chinese Association
(MCA), – the Chinese, and the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) – the Indians. National unity and
racial harmony become a national agenda and
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Past Year Paper
BM/SEP 2011/ENT300/ETR300
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts : PART A (20
Questions) PART B (20 Questions) PART C (5 Questions) PART D (2 Questions)
Answer ALL questions from PART A, B, four (4) questions from PART C, and one (1) question
from PART D. i) ii) iii) Answer PART A in the True/False Answer Sheet, Answer PART B in the
Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART C and PART D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on
a new page.
Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the ... Show
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A. B. C. D. E. Creation of something new of value Creation of wealth Production of products and
services Expansion of business entities All of the above
2. Who described an entrepreneur as a knowledgeable individual and is instrumental in the
development of a city–state where enterprise will emerge? B. C. D. E. F. Joseph Schumpeter Adam
Smith David McClelland Carl Menger Ibnu Khaldun
3. Which of the following statements best describes an entrepreneur who has internal locus of
control? A. B. C. D. E. He believes that success or failure is determined by his own effort. He
believes in himself. He does not belief that success or failure of his venture is determined by fate or
luck. He desires to take personal responsibilities. He examines the situation and determine how to
increase the chance of winning a business situation
4. The statement, "a successful entrepreneur places the highest priority on getting a job completed",
is associated with: A. B. C. D. E. Commitment to work contract Concern for high quality of work
Efficiency orientation Systematic planning Problem solving
5. Which of the following phases of creativity process involves discovery of the idea or solutions to
the problems? A. B. C. D. E. Background or knowledge accumulation Incubation process Idea
experience Evaluation and implementation None of the above
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA
BM/SEP 2011/ENT300/ETR300
6. Which of
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Research on Time Management
INC 271
Interpersonal conflict is a fact of life. Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out
of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements and ... Show
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A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods.
Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project
completion time and scope.
In business, time management has morphed into everything from methodologies such as Enterprise
Resource Planning through consultant services such as Professional Organizers. When we think of
time management, however, we tend to think of personal time management, loosely defined as
managing our time to waste less time on doing the things we have to do so we have more time to do
the things we want to do. Therefore, time management is often thought of or presented as a set of
time management skills; the theory is that once we master the time management skills, we'll be more
organized, efficient, and happier. There are an abundance of books, classes, workshops, day–
planners, and seminars on time management, which teach individuals and corporations how to be
more organized and more productive. Time management has become crucial in recent years thanks
to the 24/7, busy world in which we live.
Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars often
place their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is also crucial for students,
teachers, factory workers, professionals, and home makers. Time management is perhaps most
essential for the person who owns his or her own business or who runs a
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Organic Food
Vol. 6, No. 1, 2010, pp. 70–79
ISSN: 1712–8056 www.cscanada.net
Purchase Intention of Organic Food; Perceived Value Overview
Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin1 Jacqueline Junika Pani2 Suhardi Wan Mansor3 Shamsul Jamel Elias4
Abstract: Organic food consumption among consumers is becoming popular nowadays. The attitude
has emerged in today's modern world due to the increased in awareness of the importance to
maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming foods without unsafe additives, preservatives, flavor and
coloring. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with
synthetic ingredients or sewage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Par exemple, la hausse des prix, la satisfaction de la nourriture classique existante, des doutes sur la
garantie du produit et la déclaration peu claire du statut biologique. La recherche vise à identifier les
facteurs de la valeur perçue et leurs effets sur l'intention d'achat des consommateurs en Malaisie. Les
conclusions de l'étude indiquent que parmi les quatre facteurs, seulement la valeur perçue et la
conscience de la santé ont une l'influence sur l'intention d'achat des consommateurs. Toutefois, la
préoccupation de sécurité alimentaire et des facteurs religieux ont été découvert d'avoir moins
d'impact sur les intentions d'achat des consommateurs. Le résultat a montré quelques similitudes
avec les documents précédents, où la valeur perçue a été trouvée d'avoir un impact significatif sur la
volonté d'achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs. Par conséquent, cette
étude devrait fournir aux acteurs de l'industrie ainsi qu'aux académiciens une compréhension sur les
facteurs qui influecent l'intention d'achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs
en Malaisie, car ces phénomènes pourraient être différentes d'un pays à l'autre. Les recherches
futures devraient se concentrer sur une étude similaire avec un champ d'application étendu à tous les
États de la Malaisie, et donc les résultats pouvaient être comparés et généralisés à
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Long Tail Theory & Niche Tourism
PRODUCTS Alan A. Lew ABSTRACT. The Long Tail concept refers to the Internet–based
economy that has enabled company success through a focus on highly specialized services and
products that are not in high volume demand, but maybe in high–value demand. The concept of the
post–tourist, for example, is a Long Tail phenomenon. Long Tail marketing approaches are proving
success due to advances in communication technology and social networking that have given more
people access to a broader range of goods and services and information. The Long Tail is not
without its challenges, including increased global competition, and it has not abandoned geographic
considerations. Geography, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The books section of Amazon.com rates each book based on how many copies have been sold. More
than 30% of Amazon book sales are for those that are below its 130,000 top sellers (Anderson,
2004; "Profiting from Obscurity," 2005). Amazon leverages the Long Tail by providing access to
warehouses that contain a much larger selection of books that are not available at any single brick
and mortar bookstore. In 2004, eBay.com had close to 105 million registered users worldwide who
posted almost one billion items for sale, resulting in over US$32 billion in total sales ("EBay Profit,"
2004). They accomplished this by enabling its users, including both individuals and small
companies, to sell a myriad of products within the infrastructure provided by the eBay website.
Many of the items posted for sale on eBay are not immediately sold and are not even bid upon
because their demand is so low. However, there is a demand. These low amplitude products
comprise the Long Tail, and eBay may be the most successful Long Tail aggregator yet. At the same
time, however, the near monopoly position of eBay.com itself, among online auction websites,
points to some of the challenges of marketing in the Long Tail. THE LONG TAIL MARKET
APPROACH The Long Tail market has huge potential. However, it is highly distributed and highly
individualized. The lesson ofthe Long Tail is that low demand or low sales volume Alan
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Effects of Stress on Academic Performance
David Galyean
Journal Article Critique
April 12, 2011
A. Purposes of the studies 1. What were the purposes of the studies?
The purpose of the primary study was to determine whether student anxiety and depression
increases after college entry, the extent to which adverse life experiences contribute to any increases,
and the impact of adversity, anxiety and depression on exam performance (Andrews, &
Wilding, 2004). The purpose of the secondary study was to investigate the relationship between
stress factors, perceived stress and academic performance among students in a public institution of
higher learning (Rafidah, et al, 2009).
B. Research questions 1. What were the research questions? The research questions of the primary
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The study used t tests for group comparisons of continuous variables, and chi–squared tests (with
Yates' correction) for dichotomous variables. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the
relative contribution of significant variables to the prediction of depressive and anxiety conditions
mid–course. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relative contribution of
significant variables to 2nd year exam averages. In all the multivariate analyses, gender, age (over
21 or not) and ethnicity (white or not) were entered as control variables (Andrews, & Wilding,
2004). In the secondary study a structured, self–administered questionnaire was developed as a
mode of data collection. The questionnaire comprised of three sections, students' profile; Perceived
Stress Scale (PSS); and Stress Factors Survey (Rafidah, et al, 2009). 2. How were the participants
protected? In the primary study ethical permission was obtained from the University and students
were fully briefed about the research with assurance of anonymity and confidentiality (Andrews,
& Wilding, 2004). There is no evidence in the secondary study that the participants were
protected in any way. The study does not reference permissions or consent of any kind (Rafidah, et
al, 2009).
E. What did the researchers find? Participants in the primary study indicated a significant increase in
both HADS anxiety and
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Weaknesses Of Wharton University
Wharton University have strength their brand name, expert leaders and achievement in program
award. This can be proved when Wharton's MBA program is ranked number 1 in the world
according to Business Insider. It is also number 1 in the United States, when it is tied with Harvard
Business School , according to U.S. News & World Report. Wharton proudly produces the most
CEOs of the 100 top companies on the Fortune 500 list. In general, Wharton has over 95,000 alumni
in 153 countries. All this fact makes Wharton ahead from the other university and gives them
competitive advantages. The university also lead others university because they have expert leaders
as well as lecturers in their fields.
For weaknesses, Wharton University has high costs in fees. For example, their MBA program fee in
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It is strategic because it is located 7 km from the city of Kuala Lumpur, and easily accessible
through various public transports. For the staff, most of the librarians hold a Master Degree in
Library Information Science. With higher academic qualifications and experiences, they are able to
serve all the users well. Moreover, the UM has a strength as the university holds rank number 114 in
Qs world university ranking, and number 27 in Asia country.
There are two weaknesses for UM which are, the structures are out–dated, and limited parking area.
Out–dated structure means that the library structure is less attractive for the students and users of a
library. The collection can be arranged in a more attractive and accessible way, new book collections
or free books should be placed ten feet from the entrance to create an atmosphere for the book as
soon as the user enters the Library. Plus, the university has limited parking area. Thus, there is a
need to build a multi–level parking space for the lecturers and students to overcome the
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Thesis Statement For Space Exploration
School Students Exposure on Space Exploration and Science By: AHMAD HAZMAN ALIF BIN
SUMMARY Name : Ahmad Hazman Alif Bin Che Ahmad Tazri Matrix ID : 2013509663
Programme : Master of Architecture HP NO : +6017 921 9562 E–Mail :
ahmadhazmanalif@gmail.com Thesis Title : Malaysia School ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
There are a few examples of female who have succeed in this industry. According to her to be
considered as an astronaut, every candidate need to spend a year in training and should competent
both in classroom subjects and in the field before moving to advanced training. The candidates need
must not only be familiar with his/her task, he/she must know how everythingon the shuttle works.
This is to avoid abd things from happening if one crew becomes ill. Facts on staying in space is also
provided in this book. Crucial part in this book for this research is how the book depict the idea of to
get into astronauts program. What is required either physically or mentally is recorded in the book.
Then, the book walk through to the training program. The facts and knowledge is been relate to real
experience by the astronauts. Pilot's qualification are stated in the book. This will come handy to the
research. The book finally wrapped by achievements of all the female astronauts mentioned
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
Research Study on Relationships Between Life Satisfaction...
Chapter 1: Introduction
Our research topic is stress and life satisfaction and academic performance. With this research topic,
our group hopes to find out certain pressing matters that affect the daily livelihood of University
students. In general, our research findings will try to answer these questions through the use of
descriptive statistics. To make this finding valid, we are using quota sampling and convenience
sampling methods to collect the data from the samples. The samples we choose is the undergraduate
psychology students.
We will review and rehearse certain journals that correspond with our topic at hand. From our lateral
understanding of these topics, we intend to draw inspiration and formalities of academic from the ...
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The study used a 5–item Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) developed by Diener et al. (1985) to
measure undergraduate student's life satisfaction and were measured using a 5–point Likert scale,
ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree with a high overall reliability of 0.78 in this
study. Students were asked to state their degree of satisfaction with several aspects of life including
educational experience, academic performance, friendships, health and living environment. Results
show that there was a significant negative correlation between the two variables with higher levels
of perceived stress associated with lower levels of satisfaction with life (Alleyne & Greenidge,
Next, the study conducted by Kamarudin Rafidah, Aris Azizah, Mohd Daud Norzaidi, Siong Choy
Chong, Mohamed Intan Salwani and Ibrahim Noraini from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
and Putra International College, Melaka, Malaysia was to examine the relationship between stress
factors (health, social and academic) and the level of perceived stress at three different periods of a
semester (beginning, middle and end) and their impact on the academic performance of Pre–
Diploma Science students at the University of Technology MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. The
population of the Pre–Diploma Science students for the June–November 2005 intake in the campus
was 242 and all of the students were chosen as subjects for the survey. 154 complete responses were
returned out of the
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The Implementation Of Facilities Management For Disable...
What Factors Drive Change in
MALAYSIAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW Volume 7 No. 1 July 2008 Sponsored by: Accounting
Research Institute & Faculty of Accountancy Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia & Malaysian
Accountancy Research and Education Foundation (A Trust Body Sponsored by the Malaysian
Research Institute & Faculty of Accountancy Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia Falconer
Mitchell University of Edinburgh, UK Abstract Without knowledge of how the management
accounting (MA) discipline changes, its development cannot be properly understood. Prior research
indicates that MA has been changing and that many factors are ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The third is to describe and substantiate the tripartite composition of MA used in the research i.e.
MA techniques, skills and roles. Change in Management Accounting Technical innovation has been
a marked feature of MA over the past two decades. New methods such as activity based costing,
quality costing, life cycle costing, target and kaizen costing, throughput accounting, the balanced
scorecard and 'beyond budgeting' have been prominent developments extending the management
accountant's tool kit. Empirical research confirms that the new techniques are being used by
organizations to varying degrees. Although in most instances adoption has taken place in a minority
of companies favouring those of a larger size, the evidence shows that these techniques are now
used in at least three continents. Consequently, these developments have resulted in significant
levels of real world MA change. Empirical evidence of management accounting change takes the
form of both case studies (e.g. Clark, 1985, Innes and Mitchell, 1990, Shields and Young, 1991,
Darlington et al., 1992, Kaplan and Norton, 1992, Dutton and Ferguson, 1996, Burns et al., 1999,
Anderson and Young, 2001) and surveys undertaken in several different countries [e.g. Bright et al.,
1992 (UK), Green and Amenkhienan, 1992 62 WHAT FACTORS DRIVE CHANGE IN
Drury, 2007 (UK), Armitage and Nicolson, 1992 (Canada), Drury and Tayles,
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  • 15. Issues and Trends in Expatriate Management 2011 International Conference on Information Communication and Management IPCSIT vol.16 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Issues and Trends in Expatriation Management Dayang Nailul Munna Abang Abdullah 1 and Cheam Sheue Jin2 1 Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia Abstract. As organisations become globalised, there is an increasing need to employ expatriates for global assignments. Investigate the issues in the expatriation process from different perspectives are of utmost important to enhance understanding and improve performance of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is to enable the informants to talk about their experience, feelings, and opinions of a subject. Different interview techniques such as probing questions, responding to the informants, showing interest, reconfirming the response, taking notes, follow up and remind the informants to stay in line with the topic when deviation occurs, and keep the informants to talk and express their view were used during the interview. Then the interview data were documented and decoded. Data collected was kept as confidential and private, only used by researcher and related supervisor for academic purposes. The informants of this research were drawn from human resource managers or human resource representatives of corporations. Four companies, which are locating in Kuala Lumpur and Kuching, had been selected due to the accessibility of the researcher and because Kuala Lumpur is one of the most developed areas in Malaysia, therefore it is easier to identify the suitable companies for study. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used to identify the informants, thus the sample sizes may not be predetermined prior to data collection, and it depends on the resources and time available, as well as the study's objectives [9]. As a result, there were four informants involved in this study. To enhance the reliability of the data, sound recorder was utilised to record the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Advantages Of Facilities Management CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDY 4.0 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher had chosen two hostels building that are under different management of service provider. The two hostels building involved in this study are: i. Kolej Melati ii. Kolej Mawar 4.1 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, SHAH ALAM 4.1.1 BACKGROUND Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is Malaysia's largest institution of higher learning in terms of size and population. It has experienced phenomenal growth since its inception in 1956 and it is still growing. Beside the main campus in Shah Alam, the university has expanded nationwide with 12 state campuses, 6 satellite campuses in Shah Alam, 11 state satellite campuses and 21 affiliated colleges. With this vast network and a workforce of 17,770, the university offers more than 500 academic programmes in a conducive and vibrant environment. It is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... defines Facilities Management as 'a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology'. An effective Facilities Management, with a combination of resources and activities, is important to the success of any organization. At the top management level, it contributes to the delivery of strategic and operational objectives. On a everyday basis, effective facilities management provides a safe and efficient working environment, which is essential to the performance of any business whatever its size and scope (British Institute of Facilities Management, n.d) Facilities in UiTM Shah Alam are managed by the Department of Facilities Management (BPF), and BPF is responsible in managing asset and facilities of the University. In UiTM Shah Alam, BPF plays an important role to make sure that all the facilities are well managed and controlled so that development of the process of teaching and learning can be performed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Communication System in Malaysia INTRODUCTION Every day, in our work and in our leisure time, we come in contact with and use a variety of modern communication systems and communication media, the most common being the telephone, radio, television, and the Internet. Through these media we are able to communicate (nearly) instantaneously with people on different continents, transact our daily business, and receive information about various developments and events of note that occur all around the world. Electronic mail and facsimile transmission have made it possible to rapidly communicate written messages across great distances. ELEMENT OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Information signal is given to the transmitter which then transmits the message over the medium to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * In 2008, Packet One Networks Malaysia Sdn Bhd became the first provider to introduce Wireless Wimax Service on 802.16e spectrum technology. Early Stage (1946–2000) In 1 April 1946, RTM was established as Radio Malaya operating out of Singapore, with a Malayan section created in Kuala Lumpur in 1950. The first English language radio station (now Traxx FM) began operations the same year as The Blue Network under Radio Malaya. With the independence of Malaya in 31 August 1957 Radio Malaya was split into two; the original studios in Singapore was taken over by a new station called Radio Singapura and Radio Malaya moved to Kuala Lumpur going on air from the new location on 1 January 1959. It would be later renamed Radio Malaysia on 16 September 1963 with the transmissions beginning with its trademark words Inilah Radio Malaysia (This is Radio Malaysia) on the day the Malaysia of today was born. Television services under the name Malaysia Televisyen (Malaysia TV) or Malaysia Television (Malaysia TV) started on 28 December 1963 in time for the national New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur and regional telecasts in the Klang Valley in Selangor state. The then 10–month old Television Singapura (launched on 16 February 1963) became part of Malaysia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. National Unity CPPS Policy Factsheet: National Unity CPPS is pleased to bring to you its "CPPS Policy Fact Sheet" on national unity. In this factsheet, we will look at government policies which affect national unity and explore their effects on social cohesion and integrity in Malaysia. BACKGROUND Malaysia is one of the most plural and heterogeneous countries in the world, with three major ethnic groups – Malay, Chinese, and Indian – plus several other indigenous tribes. It has a checkered history, having been under four different colonial powers at one time or another since the 16th century. This ethnic and cultural diversity is reflected in the wide variety of languages spoken and religions practiced in Malaysia; even within the same ethnic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For religious discrimination, the same figures stand at 82% for the Malays and 53% for others. (CPPS Minda Muda study) Recent polls suggest that ethnic inequality is the 2nd–most pressing issues faced by Malaysians, at 17%, with only price hikes and inflation considered more pressing, coming in at 20%. 63% are somewhat or very dissatisfied with government efforts to address ethnic inequality. (Merdeka Centre Voter Opinion Poll 4 th Quarter 2007) Article 153 of the Federal Constitution states: "It shall be the responsibility of the Yang di–Pertuan Agong to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities in accordance with the provisions of this Article." Article 153 has been used to permit quotas in the provision of public scholarships, civil service positions, and business licences. EDUCATION POLICIES Young Chinese Malaysians are considerably dissatisfied with the state of the education system when it comes to promoting national unity. (CPPS Minda Muda study) 64% of Chinese parents feel the education system is preparing students to be tolerant towards those of other races and religions, as opposed to 78% of Malay parents and 83% of Indian parents. (Merdeka Research Centre Education System Perceptions Survey) 86% of Malaysians believe that the time has come for a national education convention involving all races to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Instruction In Higher... Nowadays, the role of technology in instruction is undeniable. We live in a digital world. No one should go back to 19th century's teaching method. Instruction using technology to deliver coursework in higher education has seen an unquestionable explosion (Scott, 1999). Although the use of technology in higher education is more prevalent, it also shows it's significant in early learning environment and primary school. Technological tools such as internet, digital camera, i–pad and interactive whiteboard are used to upgrade the learning outcomes (X. Christine Wang, 2008). Technology–based Instruction or more commonly known as e–learning, constitutes instruction via electronic technology, such as Internet, webcast, audio and video conferencing. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Richard E. Clark stated in his research (Clark, 1994): "First, there was no significant difference in test scores between the two groups despite the experimental groups not attending even a single on–campus lecture. This was amazing to those associated with the study, all of whom half–hoped to validate the significance of the class lecturer to the learning process. This is not to say that Internet–based instruction was not heavily impacted by the instructor. It only suggests that role of the instructor changed for the Internet–based instruction." Therefore, distance education might not necessary prevails the learning in authentic classroom. There are some downsides for distance learning too. For instance, the virtual and non face to face learning space might makes some students feel lonely and isolated. They could not experience the conviviality of a campus life. Although this problem can be solved by frequent online contact with instructors and taking part in virtual help groups, virtual forums or virtual campus (Fominykh, Prasolova–Førland, Morozov, & Gerasimov, 2011), there is no credible collaboration among the students. In this point, the theory of Vygotsky which advocated that learning occurs throughout the process of social interaction, is not implemented (Vygotsky, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Is Electromyography Is A Method For Evaluate Levels... Abstract: Electromyography is a method to evaluate levels of muscular activity. When a muscle fiber contracts, an action potential is generated and this circulates along the muscular fibers. In electromyography, electrodes are connected to the skin and the electrical activity of muscles is measured and graph is plotted. The surface electromyography signals selected during the muscular activity are interfaced with a system. The EMG signals from individual suffering from Neuropathy and healthy individual, so obtained, are processed and analyzed using signal processing techniques. This project includes the investigation and interpretation of EMG signals of healthy and Neuropathic individuals using MATLAB. The prospective utilization of this study is in developing the prosthetic device for the people with Neuropathic disability. Keywords: EMG, action potential, MATLAB, Neuropathy. I. INTRODUCTION Human gait is a periodic activity and a well incorporated effort of brain, nerves and muscles. It is based on the harmonized action of 28 main muscles to manage the trunk and limbs. This action generates the energy required to oppose gravity and thrust the body frontward. All the individuals have different gait [1]. With a large population of disabled people worldwide, assistive technologies and techniques are in demand notably. Globally, more than 1 billion people are disabled, which is approximately 15% of the total world population. To bring improvement to the life quality of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Research Paper On Mass Communication CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction According to FIREHOUSE (2003), communication comes in many forms such as; body language, written word, oral communication, and touch are all examples that we use every day to get our messages across. How we use these techniques, and how others view their meaning, can greatly influence our workplace relationships with others. Perhaps the most important form of communication is that which establishes our credibility and trust with others, interpersonal communication. According to Hartley (2002), he define interpersonal communication involves face–to–face meetings between two participants, varying roles and relationship to one another, always two–way, involves the creation and exchange of meaning, partly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students? 3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to– face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students? 1.3.2 Research Objectives The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between learning environment and interpersonal face–to–face interaction among semester five Mass Communication students in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam. Therefore, the specific objectives of this study are: 1.How the learning environment effect the semester five Mass Communication students? 2.Is there any significant different in interpersonal face–to–face interaction between genders among semester five Mass Communication students? 3.Is there any significant relationship between the learning environment and interpersonal face–to– face interaction among semester five Mass Communication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Past Semester Ais 280 CONFIDENTIAL AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING/ COMPUTERISED ACCOUNTING AIS280/CAC230 SEPTEMBER 2011 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts : PART A (20 Questions) PART B (3 Questions) PART C (3 Questions) PART D (2 Questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from all four (4) parts : i) Answer PART A in the Objective Answer Sheet. ii) Answer PART B, C and D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper ii) an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... c. Report –> Accounts –> Select Transaction Journal from Index to Reports –> Customize » Enter the date range 01/01/2011 to 31/01/2011 –> Click Display. d. Click the Accounts icon at the main Command centre, and click Transaction Journal. 15. button is used to generate report in various format such as PDF , Email and Fax. a. Print b. Send To c. Customize d. Close 16. Which option cannot be found in Banking Command Centre? a. Spend Money b. Receive Money c. Reconcile Accounts d. Bank Statement 17. Which of the following statements are CORRECT? i. If the company's financial year starts on 1 September 2011 and ends on 31 August, 2012, its current financial year is 2012. ii. The report that enables you to view stock movements for each item is Item List (Summary), iii. The Banking Command Centre cannot be used to record money received for invoices created via Sales Command Centre, iv. An invoice can be changed to a quote or an order. a. i and iii. b. ii and iv. c. i, ii and iii. d. i, ii and iv. 18. In the event that a refund to customer is required in relation to the Credit Note issued, click the Pay Refund button at the . a. Bank Register. b. Sales Register's Returns and Debits Tab window. c. Sales Register's Returns and Credits Tab window. d. Settle Returns and Credits Tab window. © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 AC/SEP 2011/AIS280/CAC230 19. Which of the following account has the correct prefix number in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. History Why should our elementary school children study history? There is no doubt that the primary purpose of schooling is to prepare students to function effectively in the world, and thereby to assist society to function effectively as well. We study the past in school not because students need to know a collection of old facts, but because history helps them understand how the world works and how human beings behave. Knowledge of the past is required for understanding present realities. When people share some common knowledge of history, they can discuss their understandings with one another. What does history give?Human self–awareness is the very essence of history. Arnold Toynbee said, "History is a search for light on the nature and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Malaysian History Colloquium saw the gathering of national historians, and war and police veterans from the colonial period to affirm the country's history to 500 students from institutions of higher learning, youth groups, NGOs and the youth wings of Barisan Nasional. The colloquium was also meant to correct the misconception of the Malayan Communist Party being freedom fighters. "Those who are confused were invited to listen for themselves about the experiences of those who risked their lives to defend the nation from colonisation and communist threats during the Emergency, so that the future generation could enjoy a better life," said the Colloquium's Secretariat Committeemember, Profesor Dr Nordin Hussin. The colloquium was also held in appreciation of the past generation's suffering and the physical and mental torture they had to undergo due to economic and social oppression from communist ideologies, hesaid. Prof Nordin, who is head of the Centre for History, Political and Strategy Research of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, said the colloquium was divided into two sessions –– "The Challenges to the Struggle for Independence" and "The Importance of History in the Development of aNation." Prof Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam, a history expert and lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara, said the colloquium was important in explaining to the younger generation the communist threat, which was one of the main struggles the country had to overcome in achieving its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. New Policy And Procedures For Students At Applying College... I–KOLEJ has been developed by Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) Kelantan Campus in 2015 after UiTM decided to use new policy and procedures for students in applying college residents for their next semester. UiTM was one and only university that are stated in constitution because UiTM only can be entered by Bumiputera. In year 2015, UiTM Kelantan has decided to used new system for college residents which is called as merit system. This system generate coupons for special activities, imarah, position in club or society, and also transportation owned by students. 2.2 Department Managers Department that are responsible for this I–KOLEJ system is College Management Unit and Non–Residents Department of UiTM Kelantan. Head of department is Encik Azmi Bin Mohamed and he is responsible to ensure all customer charter are done by their department. 2.3 Business Rules i) Each student has one academic record, each academic record is owned by a student. ii) Each student is related to a set of parent information, each parent information can be owned by more than 1 student. iii) Each student is referred to one merit record, each merit record are referred to one student. iv) Each merit is obtained by many student involvement, each student involvement stage obtained a merit. v) Each merit is gained by a student achievement, each student achievement gain a merit. vi) Each merit is received by many student activities, each activities received a merit. vii) Each merit is gained by many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Using Compact And High Performance Wireless Communication... Chapter 1 Introduction The patch antenna plays a very important role in today's world of wireless communication systems .There is always a large demand for high performance ,small size and low cost wireless communication systems .in order to get these requirements ,planar patch antenna is preferred because of their various advantages such as light weight ,low volume ,low cost and ease for fabrication .although the microstrip patch antenna has various advantages it has various disadvantages which are low gain ,narrow bandwidth and low efficiency .These disadvantages can be overcome by constructing many patch antennas in array configuration. Recently there has been increasing demand in the use of DGSs for performance enhancement of microstrip patch antennas and planar array antennas .there are basically two types of structures which are used for the design of compact and high performance wireless communication systems named as defected ground structures (DGS) and electromagnetic band–gap structures (EBG) which is also known as photonic band–gap structure(PBG). These structures have been used to obtain the functions such as unwanted frequency rejection and circuit size reduction. Recently defected ground structures have been introduced; DGSs are realized by simply etching off simple shape (called as defect) from the ground plane .Depending upon the shape and the dimensions of the defects ,the current distribution in the ground plane is disturbed and resulting in a controlled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Mic Final Exams... CONFIDENTIAL AS/OCT2010/MIC455 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY MIC455 OCTOBER 2010 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. 2. This paper consists of ten (10) questions. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) ii) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet – provided by the Faculty DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 5 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (4 marks) What is the use of negative staining? (2 marks) c) Most genera of bacteria will lose the red carbolfuchsin stain when decolourized using acid alcohol but those that are "acid–fast" retain the bright red colour in ZiehlNielsen Acid–Fast stain. What could be the explanation for this colour differences. (3 marks) You are given a bacterial sample and your task is to find out whether the bacteria are motile or not. Suggest three (3) lab procedures that enable you to test on the bacterial sample. (3 marks) b) d)
  • 38. QUESTION 8 a) List down three (3) advantages of transformation. (3 marks) b) Describe the mechanism of conjugation with the aid of a labeled diagram. (6 marks) c) What is the main difference between conjugation and transformation? (2 marks) © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 AS/OCT 2010/MIC455 QUESTION 9 Discuss in detail the importance of fungi in different fields : agriculture, industrial and medicine. (10 marks) QUESTION 10 Figure 1 demonstrates the patterns of oxygen used by different organisms incubated for 24 hours in tubes of a nutrient broth. m m E AJ B a) £y ^*WSP«t Identify the possible group of organism that accumulate in tubes A to E as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. 6 drivers of change in relationship selling and sales... International Journal of Business and Management August, 2009 Salesperson Professional Selling and the Effect on Buyer and Salesperson Relationship Maznah Wan Omar Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, Malaysia Tel: 60–4–4562–550 E–mail: maznah199@kedah.uitm.edu.my Kamaruzaman Jusoff (Corresponding author) Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 60–3–8946–7176 E–mail: kjusoff@yahoo.com Mohd Noor Mohd Ali Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Tel: 60–4–4243–069 E–mail: mohdnoorma@ppinang.uitm.edu.my Abstract Regardless of the growing importance and emphasis on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marshall et al., (1999), interviewed a diversity of professional salespeople to give evidence for 49 new sales activities that were not pointed out in Moncrief's (1986) original list. These latest activities fall into the following main categories: communication technology, selling technology, activities related to adaptive and consultative selling, and team–oriented activities. Many of the specific activities within these categories involve skills and content knowledge dissimilar from those traditionally observed in the past as key salesperson success factors. This study therefore investigates the salesperson professional selling (salesperson knowledge and
  • 41. adaptive selling) and the effect on buyer and salesperson relationship through customer loyalty, in the Malaysian retail sector. Oliver's (1997) model which follows the cognition–affect–conation pattern is use in the development of this study. 2. Methods 2.1 Sampling design To have a representative finding, the sampling technique used must be objective. This is an important effort adopted by most researchers in order to furnish a finding pertinent to the general. To choose the sample for this study, probability random sampling was used. A probability sample is necessary if the sample is to be representative of the population (Reeves, 1992). Therefore, a two–stage systematic sampling technique is employed in this study. 2.2 Population and sample size The unit of analysis for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Training and Job Performance CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the study Training is an event of planning a learning process in order to improve the person's knowledge, ability and skills. According to Raymond (2010) "Planned effort by a company to facilitate to employees' learning of job competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or behaviors that are critical for successful job performance". This means that any organizations or institutions which want to improve job performance must provide trainings to their employees. Globalizations have forced organizations to own competitive advantages which will enhance their level of competition with other global competitors. "By continuously providing training and development opportunity to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, in this study, the relationship between training and job performance among academicians will be testable to investigate the relationship between variables. Statement of The Problem The implementation of training will result to the changes of job performance. Typically, in profits organization, performance can be measure in many ways for example in term of financial can be refer to the number of sales made by effective employees, and in term of operational is referred to the employees effectiveness of solving problem or management effectives. (Safdar, Rehman, Waheed & Rafiq, as cited in Curtis, et al. 1995). Training is also crucial to the employees as without an adequate training, poorly trained employees may do not perform well in their job task and lead to poor job performance (Robert & John 2004). Especially in education field, the institution is a non–profits organization. Springer, M., & Gardner, C., (2010) stated that, the performance measurement on lecturer is different and more complex than the business profits worker for example, the number of sale is can be calculate by how much the product have been sold to the customer. This is obviously different because from the profession of teaching as they are providing services that is teaching and mentoring their students, which also happens to be their clients. The academicians will give a contribution to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Campus Area Wireless Network Proposal CAMPUS AREA WIRELESS NETWORK PROPOSAL ( UITM MACHANG ) This proposal recommends the implementation of Project CAWN (Campus Area Wireless Network) at the University Teknologi Mara, Kelantan branch. The following information and recommendations are necessary for the university to stay on the cutting–edge of today's campus technology 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Information Technology Department, UiTM Kelantan has indicated that wireless access improvements are important to students. Specifically, both the 2008/2009 & 2009/2010 surveys reports show the expansion of the wireless service requiring attention. This trend is expected to continue as the proliferation of students with mobile devices increases. Currently, the internet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additional VLANs configured on these access points will require encryption (keys delivered through the authentication process) and will not be advertised via beacon broadcasts. In this model, when users activate their wireless network interface, the general use VLAN will be automatically listed as an available connection. Connections to other available networks (such as department VLANs) will have to be explicitly requested by the user in order to gain access. It should be noted that in order to provide a cost–effective centrally managed service it is likely that wireless access points from a single vendor will be required. 3.3 Coverage Area The buildings highlighted in red represent where some level of wireless coverage will be available at the end of the project. Not all buildings will have the same level of coverage. Outdoor areas and main thoroughfares will be deployed depending on wireless access available in surrounding buildings Figure 3.1: UiTM Kelantan Campus Map [pic] 3.4 Buildings and Classrooms The Cisco Aironet 1200 Series Access Point will be used for this project. These access points will be placed on the ceilings of hallways, classrooms, and study lounges in order, to maximize connection rates. There are ten buildings on campus will be able to be part of CAWN project. Our focus is classrooms, study lounges, and outside areas with high density student and faculty ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Recommendation For Secret Recipe INTRODUCTION Company's background Secret Recipe was founded in 1997 and renowned for its extensive range of fine quality foodie cakes. "It has transformed to become one of the fastest growing lifestyle cakes and cafe chain in the region with over 300 cafe outlets" (Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd, 2015). They have won various awards across the region for its genuine food recipes and high quality cakes such as Best Cheese Cake Award, Most Original Chocolate Award, Best Lamb Stew Award and Malaysia's Best Local Restaurant Chain (Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd, 2015). Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe's concept can be found in major urban locations and shopping malls in the main cities within many Asian countries for example Singapore, Kuala ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It therefore demonstrates that SWOT analysis model do assist business in making appropriate strategies by deeply examine both its internal and external factors. Only after a scientific investigation of a business's current position can people makes effective decisions and strategic corporate planning. More importantly, this paper puts forward an applicable and understandable SWOT development strategy model of Secret Recipe which combines the previous SWOT model with the corresponding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Acc418 CONFIDENTIAL AC/JAN 20121ACC418 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ACC4I8 JANUARY 2012 3 HOURS COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two (2) parts: Answer ALL questions from all two (2) parts: i) ii) 3. Answer PART A in the Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART B in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. PART A (10 Questions) PART B (4 Questions) Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) ii) iii) the Question Paper an Answer Booklet – provided by the Faculty an Objective ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The owner brought in his car valued at RM30,000 into the business. A debtor, Sufian returned goods worth RM500 due to wrong specifications. 17 Sept. The business bought goods for RM5,000 by cheque from S&L Enterprise. 18 Sept. Received a discount RM250 from Seng Heng Sdn Bhd for early settlement. The owner took a microwave oven worth RM200 for his personal use. Paid electricity bill RM225 by cheque to Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Purchased a motor van worth RM50,000 on credit from HSL Finance. Paid RM550 by cheque for repairing machine. Received commissions amounting to RM3,000 by cheque. The owner 's wife took cash RM1 000 for paying her credit card. Banked in all cash in hand amounting to RM8,800. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 22 Sept. 25 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Sept. © Hak Cipta tiniversiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Required: a) 5 AC/JAN 20121ACC418 State the account to be debited and the account to be credited for the above transactions. State the book of prime entry used for each transaction above using the format given below: Book of prime entry Credit Debit Date 1 Sept Cash RM100,000 Capital RM100,000 Cash receipt journal (Total: 23 marks) b) QUESTION 2 The following is the trial balance extracted from the books of Perniagaan Kembangan as at 31 December 2011. Debit (RM) 660 2,500 4,400 2,300 1,720 1,500 1,480 1,160 11,000 1,200 3,180 1,600 23,000 28,000 30,000 8,250 59,000 124,260 65,000 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Red Bull 1.0 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1.1 BRAND Brand is a term that enables the pubic to easily identify a certain company, their offerings in term of goods and product. It is the image that a certain company produces to the public. Brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationship that engaged together, for a consumer's choice to choose a product or service. According to Kapferer (2004), brands penetrate almost every aspect of life: social, economic, sporting, cultural and even religion. Brands are direct strategy of market segmentation and product differentiation and it means more than just giving names and signalling to the world. Branding consist of transforming the product category and requires a corporate long–term involvement and a high level of resource and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Red Bull has its own energy building ingredients and revitalizing qualities and focusses their brand around the theme "Red Bull gives you wings". 1.1.4 RED BULL MARKETING STRATEGY Red Bull does not take advantage of the traditional media, instead they do events sponsors in extreme sporting events and gives out free samples of Red Bull energy drink during the events and let the media cover their stories (Morris, 2015). Red Bull is known for its Marketing Strategy for its fresh and unique ideas of advertising their products to their international consumer. Red Bull has their own Marketing Mix Implementation Tools, which consist of Public Relation promotions, non–traditional advertising and sponsorships of extreme sports athletes and events. This Marketing Mix is a way for Red Bull to advertise their brand by attracting the traditional media to cover their brand or products in events without creating traditional ads themselves. WINGS ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Knowledge Management Systems (Kms) in Organization: a... Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in Organization: A Collaborative Model for Decision Makers Ruzaif Adli Bin Md. Daud Principal Consultant Sigma Rectrix Systems (M) Sdn Bhd Abstract With expansion and growth in computing technology, systems for supporting decision– makers in planning can be crucial, either to expedite and enhance the work environment or to gain efficient and effective forecasting results, as to compete with other rivals in business war–gaming. In this paper, we will explore the state–of–art in developing a Collaborative Model of Knowledge Management System (KMS) which may support managers in decision making process. Selected technologies that contribute to knowledge management solutions are reviewed using ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... KM is the name given to the set of systematic actions that an organization can take to obtain the greatest value from the knowledge available to it (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). Systematic means that KM projects are intentional actions in an organizational context. Value means that KM projects are measured according to how KM projects contribute to increased organizational ability (Prieto and Gutierrez 2001; Goldkuhl and Braf 2002). KM as an intentional and value–adding action is not easy to accomplish in practice (Scarbrough and Swan 1999). Scarbrough and Swan present several case studies in KM, successful and unsuccessful in their respective KM project. A major point and lessons from the case studies is that prevalent approaches in KM overstate technology and understate how technology is implemented and applied. The scope of KM encompasses individual competence and organization memory, knowledge creation from tacit to explicit knowledge, including the role of organizations in facilitating the creation of knowledge. Knowledge Management Systems Knowledge management systems (KMS) refer to a class of Information systems applied to managing organizational knowledge. That is, they are IT–based systems developed to support and enhance the organizational processes of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and application. While not all KM ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Case Study on Dr Snapple Group Inc. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA KOTA SAMARAHAN CAMPUS MKT750 MARKETING MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP, INC. ENERGY BEVERAGE PREPARED BY: RAMSIS ANAK WILLIAM AGIM 2012402536 Strategic Issues and Problems Being the consultant of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPSG), I am charged to assess whether or not a profitable market opportunity existed for a new energy beverage brand to be produced, marketed, and distributed by the company. The decision to explore a new energy beverage was made by senior company management of DPSG as part of a corporate business strategy to focus on opportunities in (1) High Growth and (2) High Margin beverage businesses. My tasks involve a number of important factors. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | Dependent on a small number of large retailers for a significant portion of their sales | Attractive positioning with large, growing and profitable market | Total indebtedness could affect our operations and profitability | Volatility in raw material costs | Financial results may be negatively impacted by some economicconditions | Broad geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage | They may not comply with applicable government laws | New distribution channels | Substantial disruption to production at the manufacturing could occur | Experienced Executive Management team | Products may not meet health and safety standards | | Costs for raw materials may increase substantially | Strong operating margins and significant, stable Cash – flows | They could lose key personnel or may be unable to recruit qualified personnel | | Weather and climate changes could adversely affect the business | Porters Five Forces Analysis The bargaining power of customers In the energy beverage industry customers have the bargaining power. Energy drinks are an elastic product, and are not necessity for daily life. Customers however do not usually want to buy in bulk, and prefer soft ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Disadvantages Of 5s CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction In recent years, the practice of 5S is basically used among the Japanese firms in order to enhance human capability and productivity of the outputs. 5S is one of the TQM (Total Quality Management) tools and was firstly introduced at companies in Japan in the early 1980s by Takashi Osada, it is believed that applying the 5S techniques could considerably raise the environmental performance in production line including housekeeping, health, safety and so on. The 5S is the acronym of five Japanese words which stands for seiri (organization), seiton (neatness), seiso (cleanliness), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke (discipline) (Sui–Pheng and Khoo, 2001). Organizing the 5S team is very important approach ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2) What are the criteria to implement 5S on effectiveness at Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. 3) What are the relationship between implementation 5S and effectiveness at Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. 1.4 Research Objectives Research objectives are to provide specific focus direction to the research. It must be well thought out and the objectives must be related to the problem that has already been defined (Hazman, 2012). There are many practices in the world to improve the quality of products or services and performance of organizations, but generally organizations looking for the best practice to implement and utilize for achieving their organizational goals and objectives easier, sooner and use with less expenses. Available techniques are different from each other in terms of their specific characteristics, factors and ways that consider for reaching their purpose at their own organization. So, the objectives of the study will be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Bioethical Issues on Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmos)... 2011 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology and Food Science IPCBEE vol.7 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore Bioethical Issues on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) In Malaysia: Biting Into the Legal Protection under the Biosafety Act 2007 Assoc Prof. Dr. Zaiton Hamin & Siti Hafsyah Idris Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 40450, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Email: zaiton303@salam.uitm.edu.my, yasmin_yazid99@yahoo.com Abstract– Of late, a growing number of ongoing researches on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Malaysia were the consequences of the rapid advancement in the biotechnology industry. One such example is the genetically modified (GM) male mosquitoes and its field testing in two different ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Currently, the part of bioethics that is most developed in Malaysia is that which relates to biosafety which is governed by the Biosafety Act 2007 (hereinafter 'the 2007 Act'). This Act is under the auspice of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). However, strangely the biotechnology industry is under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). As for the agriculture industry, the relevant ministry is the Ministry of Agriculture, while the Ministry of Health is responsible for medical practices and food products. The fact that different ministries are involved in governing issues in biotechnology has led to not only the lack of coordination between them but also possible overlapping functions in implementing the 2007 Act and its regulation. Apart from this, however, the provisions of the 2007 Act is rather vague on other bioethical issues. The 2007 Act which was gazetted in 2007, generally provides for biosafety and addresses all Living Modified Organisms (LMOs). It is interesting to note that Malaysia uses the term LMOs rather than GMOs and Malaysia has made a declaration in the Convention of Biodiversity 1994 that the former term gives meaning to the latter. The 2007 Act is envisaged to strike a rather difficult balance between the creation of a sustainable biosafety on the one hand and the protection of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. The Impact of Information Communication Technology on... THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ON MALAYSIA COMMUNICATION CULTURE IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Saiful Nujaimi Abdul Rahman, M.Sc. Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Abdul Rashid Md. Ali, PhD Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Siti Zobidah Omar, PhD Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages & Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia This is an unedited version of this paper provided for your convenience Abstract Over 20 years ago, Malaysia was an agricultural based country. Then came the foreign direct investments initiative that gave many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The system worked wonderfully when the British first introduced it. Somehow, it became obsolete in 1960s. Unfortunately, there was no initiative from the respective Government to reform the system. Perhaps, the Government then was still young to comprehend that every system will become obsolete and have to be reform from time to time. Thus, the repercussion was the May 13, 1969 racial conflict. Nevertheless, the riot had been the turning point of both political and economic reformation to the country. It was like "a blessing in disguise" – but of course, the cost that the country had to pay was colossal. MALAYSIA SHAPING THE COMMUNICATION CULTURE Since the May 13, 1969 tragedy, the country has embarked on an affirmative development plan – The New Economic Policy (1970–1990). The main objectives were to bring the economic disparity
  • 62. gaps closer and to eradicate poverty with precise reference to the major races. In achieving those, the principles of justice, tolerance, and equity were put into practice by all Malaysians, precisely by the major political parties. These major political parties are led by a coalition of 14 political parties that formed the National Front (NF). The dominant component of the coalition is the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) representing the Malays, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), – the Chinese, and the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) – the Indians. National unity and racial harmony become a national agenda and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Past Year Paper CONFIDENTIAL BM/SEP 2011/ENT300/ETR300 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME FUNDAMENTALS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENT300/ETR300 SEPTEMBER 2011 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of four (4) parts : PART A (20 Questions) PART B (20 Questions) PART C (5 Questions) PART D (2 Questions) 2. Answer ALL questions from PART A, B, four (4) questions from PART C, and one (1) question from PART D. i) ii) iii) Answer PART A in the True/False Answer Sheet, Answer PART B in the Objective Answer Sheet. Answer PART C and PART D in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A. B. C. D. E. Creation of something new of value Creation of wealth Production of products and services Expansion of business entities All of the above 2. Who described an entrepreneur as a knowledgeable individual and is instrumental in the development of a city–state where enterprise will emerge? B. C. D. E. F. Joseph Schumpeter Adam Smith David McClelland Carl Menger Ibnu Khaldun 3. Which of the following statements best describes an entrepreneur who has internal locus of control? A. B. C. D. E. He believes that success or failure is determined by his own effort. He believes in himself. He does not belief that success or failure of his venture is determined by fate or luck. He desires to take personal responsibilities. He examines the situation and determine how to
  • 65. increase the chance of winning a business situation 4. The statement, "a successful entrepreneur places the highest priority on getting a job completed", is associated with: A. B. C. D. E. Commitment to work contract Concern for high quality of work Efficiency orientation Systematic planning Problem solving 5. Which of the following phases of creativity process involves discovery of the idea or solutions to the problems? A. B. C. D. E. Background or knowledge accumulation Incubation process Idea experience Evaluation and implementation None of the above © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 BM/SEP 2011/ENT300/ETR300 6. Which of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Research on Time Management UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UITM) MALACCA FACULTY of COMMUNICATION & MEDIA STUDIES DIPLOMA in COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA INC 271 INTRODUCTION TO INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENT TITLE: CONFLICT TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS PREPARED BY: FARAADILLA BT OMAR TARMIZI 2010199797 NUR ASHIKIN BT SEMAN 2010554727 NUR AMIRA HANIM BT HAMDAN 2010781071 NAZARUL EMRAN B NORIN 2010370807 AMIRULHASMIDI B MOHAMAD 2010387741 GROUP: DMC 2C PREPARED FOR: MISS SITI NUR FARRAH FAADIAH SUBMISSION DATE: 16 AUGUST 2011 INTRODUCTION Interpersonal conflict is a fact of life. Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope. In business, time management has morphed into everything from methodologies such as Enterprise Resource Planning through consultant services such as Professional Organizers. When we think of time management, however, we tend to think of personal time management, loosely defined as
  • 68. managing our time to waste less time on doing the things we have to do so we have more time to do the things we want to do. Therefore, time management is often thought of or presented as a set of time management skills; the theory is that once we master the time management skills, we'll be more organized, efficient, and happier. There are an abundance of books, classes, workshops, day– planners, and seminars on time management, which teach individuals and corporations how to be more organized and more productive. Time management has become crucial in recent years thanks to the 24/7, busy world in which we live. Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars often place their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is also crucial for students, teachers, factory workers, professionals, and home makers. Time management is perhaps most essential for the person who owns his or her own business or who runs a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. Organic Food CANADIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE Vol. 6, No. 1, 2010, pp. 70–79 ISSN: 1712–8056 www.cscanada.net Purchase Intention of Organic Food; Perceived Value Overview INTENTION D'ACHATS DES ALIMENTS BIOLOGIQUES; VUE D'ENSEMBLE DE VALEUR PERÇUE Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin1 Jacqueline Junika Pani2 Suhardi Wan Mansor3 Shamsul Jamel Elias4 Abstract: Organic food consumption among consumers is becoming popular nowadays. The attitude has emerged in today's modern world due to the increased in awareness of the importance to maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming foods without unsafe additives, preservatives, flavor and coloring. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Par exemple, la hausse des prix, la satisfaction de la nourriture classique existante, des doutes sur la garantie du produit et la déclaration peu claire du statut biologique. La recherche vise à identifier les facteurs de la valeur perçue et leurs effets sur l'intention d'achat des consommateurs en Malaisie. Les conclusions de l'étude indiquent que parmi les quatre facteurs, seulement la valeur perçue et la conscience de la santé ont une l'influence sur l'intention d'achat des consommateurs. Toutefois, la préoccupation de sécurité alimentaire et des facteurs religieux ont été découvert d'avoir moins d'impact sur les intentions d'achat des consommateurs. Le résultat a montré quelques similitudes avec les documents précédents, où la valeur perçue a été trouvée d'avoir un impact significatif sur la volonté d'achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs. Par conséquent, cette étude devrait fournir aux acteurs de l'industrie ainsi qu'aux académiciens une compréhension sur les facteurs qui influecent l'intention d'achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs en Malaisie, car ces phénomènes pourraient être différentes d'un pays à l'autre. Les recherches futures devraient se concentrer sur une étude similaire avec un champ d'application étendu à tous les États de la Malaisie, et donc les résultats pouvaient être comparés et généralisés à ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Long Tail Theory & Niche Tourism LONG TAIL TOURISM: NEW GEOGRAPHIES FOR MARKETING NICHE TOURISM PRODUCTS Alan A. Lew ABSTRACT. The Long Tail concept refers to the Internet–based economy that has enabled company success through a focus on highly specialized services and products that are not in high volume demand, but maybe in high–value demand. The concept of the post–tourist, for example, is a Long Tail phenomenon. Long Tail marketing approaches are proving success due to advances in communication technology and social networking that have given more people access to a broader range of goods and services and information. The Long Tail is not without its challenges, including increased global competition, and it has not abandoned geographic considerations. Geography, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The books section of Amazon.com rates each book based on how many copies have been sold. More than 30% of Amazon book sales are for those that are below its 130,000 top sellers (Anderson, 2004; "Profiting from Obscurity," 2005). Amazon leverages the Long Tail by providing access to warehouses that contain a much larger selection of books that are not available at any single brick and mortar bookstore. In 2004, eBay.com had close to 105 million registered users worldwide who posted almost one billion items for sale, resulting in over US$32 billion in total sales ("EBay Profit," 2004). They accomplished this by enabling its users, including both individuals and small companies, to sell a myriad of products within the infrastructure provided by the eBay website. Many of the items posted for sale on eBay are not immediately sold and are not even bid upon because their demand is so low. However, there is a demand. These low amplitude products comprise the Long Tail, and eBay may be the most successful Long Tail aggregator yet. At the same time, however, the near monopoly position of eBay.com itself, among online auction websites, points to some of the challenges of marketing in the Long Tail. THE LONG TAIL MARKET APPROACH The Long Tail market has huge potential. However, it is highly distributed and highly individualized. The lesson ofthe Long Tail is that low demand or low sales volume Alan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Effects of Stress on Academic Performance David Galyean Journal Article Critique April 12, 2011 A. Purposes of the studies 1. What were the purposes of the studies? The purpose of the primary study was to determine whether student anxiety and depression increases after college entry, the extent to which adverse life experiences contribute to any increases, and the impact of adversity, anxiety and depression on exam performance (Andrews, & Wilding, 2004). The purpose of the secondary study was to investigate the relationship between stress factors, perceived stress and academic performance among students in a public institution of higher learning (Rafidah, et al, 2009). B. Research questions 1. What were the research questions? The research questions of the primary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The study used t tests for group comparisons of continuous variables, and chi–squared tests (with Yates' correction) for dichotomous variables. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine the relative contribution of significant variables to the prediction of depressive and anxiety conditions mid–course. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relative contribution of significant variables to 2nd year exam averages. In all the multivariate analyses, gender, age (over 21 or not) and ethnicity (white or not) were entered as control variables (Andrews, & Wilding, 2004). In the secondary study a structured, self–administered questionnaire was developed as a mode of data collection. The questionnaire comprised of three sections, students' profile; Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); and Stress Factors Survey (Rafidah, et al, 2009). 2. How were the participants protected? In the primary study ethical permission was obtained from the University and students were fully briefed about the research with assurance of anonymity and confidentiality (Andrews, & Wilding, 2004). There is no evidence in the secondary study that the participants were protected in any way. The study does not reference permissions or consent of any kind (Rafidah, et al, 2009). E. What did the researchers find? Participants in the primary study indicated a significant increase in both HADS anxiety and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Weaknesses Of Wharton University WHARTON UNIVERSITY Wharton University have strength their brand name, expert leaders and achievement in program award. This can be proved when Wharton's MBA program is ranked number 1 in the world according to Business Insider. It is also number 1 in the United States, when it is tied with Harvard Business School , according to U.S. News & World Report. Wharton proudly produces the most CEOs of the 100 top companies on the Fortune 500 list. In general, Wharton has over 95,000 alumni in 153 countries. All this fact makes Wharton ahead from the other university and gives them competitive advantages. The university also lead others university because they have expert leaders as well as lecturers in their fields. For weaknesses, Wharton University has high costs in fees. For example, their MBA program fee in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is strategic because it is located 7 km from the city of Kuala Lumpur, and easily accessible through various public transports. For the staff, most of the librarians hold a Master Degree in Library Information Science. With higher academic qualifications and experiences, they are able to serve all the users well. Moreover, the UM has a strength as the university holds rank number 114 in Qs world university ranking, and number 27 in Asia country. There are two weaknesses for UM which are, the structures are out–dated, and limited parking area. Out–dated structure means that the library structure is less attractive for the students and users of a library. The collection can be arranged in a more attractive and accessible way, new book collections or free books should be placed ten feet from the entrance to create an atmosphere for the book as soon as the user enters the Library. Plus, the university has limited parking area. Thus, there is a need to build a multi–level parking space for the lecturers and students to overcome the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Thesis Statement For Space Exploration A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING AND SURVEYING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR Malaysian School Students Exposure on Space Exploration and Science By: AHMAD HAZMAN ALIF BIN CHE AHMAD TAZRI 2013509663 MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE 02 DECEMBER 2014 Content 1.0 THESIS SUMMARY 2 2.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3 3.0 THESIS ABSTRACT 4 4.0 THESIS STATEMENT 5 4.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT 5 4.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 6 4.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 6 4.4 SCOPE OF RESEARCH 7 5.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 6.0 BACKGROUND STUDY 14 7.0 CONCLUSION 15 8.0 REFERENCES 16 1.0 THESIS SUMMARY Name : Ahmad Hazman Alif Bin Che Ahmad Tazri Matrix ID : 2013509663 Programme : Master of Architecture HP NO : +6017 921 9562 E–Mail : ahmadhazmanalif@gmail.com Thesis Title : Malaysia School ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a few examples of female who have succeed in this industry. According to her to be considered as an astronaut, every candidate need to spend a year in training and should competent both in classroom subjects and in the field before moving to advanced training. The candidates need must not only be familiar with his/her task, he/she must know how everythingon the shuttle works. This is to avoid abd things from happening if one crew becomes ill. Facts on staying in space is also provided in this book. Crucial part in this book for this research is how the book depict the idea of to get into astronauts program. What is required either physically or mentally is recorded in the book. Then, the book walk through to the training program. The facts and knowledge is been relate to real experience by the astronauts. Pilot's qualification are stated in the book. This will come handy to the research. The book finally wrapped by achievements of all the female astronauts mentioned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Research Study on Relationships Between Life Satisfaction... Chapter 1: Introduction Our research topic is stress and life satisfaction and academic performance. With this research topic, our group hopes to find out certain pressing matters that affect the daily livelihood of University students. In general, our research findings will try to answer these questions through the use of descriptive statistics. To make this finding valid, we are using quota sampling and convenience sampling methods to collect the data from the samples. The samples we choose is the undergraduate psychology students. We will review and rehearse certain journals that correspond with our topic at hand. From our lateral understanding of these topics, we intend to draw inspiration and formalities of academic from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The study used a 5–item Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) developed by Diener et al. (1985) to measure undergraduate student's life satisfaction and were measured using a 5–point Likert scale, ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree with a high overall reliability of 0.78 in this study. Students were asked to state their degree of satisfaction with several aspects of life including educational experience, academic performance, friendships, health and living environment. Results show that there was a significant negative correlation between the two variables with higher levels of perceived stress associated with lower levels of satisfaction with life (Alleyne & Greenidge, 2010) Next, the study conducted by Kamarudin Rafidah, Aris Azizah, Mohd Daud Norzaidi, Siong Choy Chong, Mohamed Intan Salwani and Ibrahim Noraini from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia and Putra International College, Melaka, Malaysia was to examine the relationship between stress factors (health, social and academic) and the level of perceived stress at three different periods of a semester (beginning, middle and end) and their impact on the academic performance of Pre– Diploma Science students at the University of Technology MARA (UiTM), Malaysia. The population of the Pre–Diploma Science students for the June–November 2005 intake in the campus was 242 and all of the students were chosen as subjects for the survey. 154 complete responses were returned out of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 82. What Factors Drive Change in MALAYSIAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW Volume 7 No. 1 July 2008 Sponsored by: Accounting Research Institute & Faculty of Accountancy Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia & Malaysian Accountancy Research and Education Foundation (A Trust Body Sponsored by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants) WHAT FACTORS DRIVE CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN MALAYSIAN ORGANISATIONS? Suzana Sulaiman Aliza Ramli Accounting Research Institute & Faculty of Accountancy Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia Falconer Mitchell University of Edinburgh, UK Abstract Without knowledge of how the management accounting (MA) discipline changes, its development cannot be properly understood. Prior research indicates that MA has been changing and that many factors are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third is to describe and substantiate the tripartite composition of MA used in the research i.e. MA techniques, skills and roles. Change in Management Accounting Technical innovation has been a marked feature of MA over the past two decades. New methods such as activity based costing, quality costing, life cycle costing, target and kaizen costing, throughput accounting, the balanced scorecard and 'beyond budgeting' have been prominent developments extending the management accountant's tool kit. Empirical research confirms that the new techniques are being used by organizations to varying degrees. Although in most instances adoption has taken place in a minority of companies favouring those of a larger size, the evidence shows that these techniques are now used in at least three continents. Consequently, these developments have resulted in significant levels of real world MA change. Empirical evidence of management accounting change takes the form of both case studies (e.g. Clark, 1985, Innes and Mitchell, 1990, Shields and Young, 1991, Darlington et al., 1992, Kaplan and Norton, 1992, Dutton and Ferguson, 1996, Burns et al., 1999, Anderson and Young, 2001) and surveys undertaken in several different countries [e.g. Bright et al., 1992 (UK), Green and Amenkhienan, 1992 62 WHAT FACTORS DRIVE CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN MALAYSIAN ORGANISATIONS? (USA), Omiri and Drury, 2007 (UK), Armitage and Nicolson, 1992 (Canada), Drury and Tayles, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...