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The Joy of
Functional Programming
   Jason Dew                Mark Gunnels                 John Long
jason@catamorphiclabs.com   mark@catamorphiclabs.com   john@catamorphiclabs.com
About Us

Catamorphic Labs strives to create more
value than it takes by applying open source
software, emerging technology, and data analysis
to complex issues confronting organizations.

Theory: why are we interested in
functional programming languages?
Praxis: demonstration of interesting
characteristics of functional languages

There is an impedance mismatch
between hardware and software
Current software paradigms are too
complex to be reasoned about easily
Brooks’ Thesis

No technology in the near future will
yield an order-of-magnitude
improvement in software productivity
“accidental complexity” eliminated
Only “essential complexity” remained
Brooks was right

Twenty years later and no order-of-
 magnitude step has occurred in
      mainstream software.

Thesis was correct, assumptions were not
Several studies indicate that functional
programming may provide this increase
Case Study

Ericsson’s “Four-fold Increase in
Productivity and Quality” paper
A ten-fold reduction in lines of code
when C++ code was rewritten in Erlang
Defect count fell in proportion to the
lines of code
The Cause?

Suggests Erlang was removing
“accidental complexity” by reducing
the presence of:
 Shared state
Characteristics of
Functional Programming

 Side-effects are the exception, not the rule
 Shared state is avoided
 Variables are immutable


A lazy, purely functional language
Difficult to master but very rewarding
to learn
One of the few good things designed by
a committee

The type system
Non-strict evaluation
Pure functions
Basic Types

All of the regular types, Int, Double,
Char, String, etc.
Type synonyms
Makes your code more expressive
Algebraic Data Types

similar to an enumeration
define several values
instantiated with a “type constructor”
Integer Tree ADT
      Integer Tree


Integer Tree ADT



    Leaf 2           Node

             Empty          Leaf 4
Algebraic Data Types

More concise way to define data
Automatically type check your data
types at compile time
Non-strict Evaluation

Also known as “lazy” evaluation
Function arguments are not computed
until required
Infinite data structures possible
Infinite Lists
Pure Functions

Functions with no side effects
The default in Haskell
Impure functions encapsulated inside
of the IO monad
Pure functions look normal

 Impure functions have type annotations

Designed for scalability and reliability
Ericsson achieved 99.9999999% uptime
over the course of a year on a core router
Processes are very cheap in the Erlang VM

Pattern matching
Actor-based concurrency

“To understand recursion, you must
understand recursion”
A function that calls itself
Tail call optimization

Increases the call stack
May overflow
Tail call optimization
Call stack remains constant in size
Pattern Matching

Simpler functions (less errors)
Abstract away logical branching (if,
switch, etc)
Simple Example
No Logic Branches
Complex Pattern Matching

  Match complex patterns or types
Complex Pattern Matching

Able to take advantage of multiple
processors across multiple machines
Actor based concurrency
Shared State Is Evil

Race conditions
Solution? No Shared State

   No locking needed, you don’t access the
   same memory
   Processes keep their own memory
   (copies of what they need)
   Changed something? Send a message.
Actor based Concurrency

  In Erlang, processes are the actors
  Each process has a mailbox
  Processes communicate via message
Actor based Concurrency

  Send a process a message with the !
  Processes run on any processor or
  Able to run millions of processes inside
  one virtual machine

Scales almost linearly with number of cores
Still being improved upon
{message, today}

Lisp on the JVM
Embraces its Java roots

Higher order functions
Pattern matching via multimethods
Concurrency and STM
Higher-order Functions

 Can take other functions as arguments
 Able to return functions as results
Higher-order Functions

     Take a function as an argument

 Applies a given function to a sequence of
elements and returns a sequence of results
Higher-order Functions
      Return a function
Currying, sortof
Pattern Matching

“Switch statements are a code smell.”

Clojure supports multimethods
Dispatching on types, values, attributes
and metadata of, and relationships
between, one or more arguments
Problem Statement
Define an “area” function for the shapes
Rectangle and Circle
Defining Multimethods

 Dispatching method must be supplied
 Will be applied to the arguments and
 produce a dispatch value
Defining Multimethods

Must create a new method of multimethod
    associated with a dispatch value
Defining Multimethods

        Voila... le multimethod

 Use of if, switch, etc. is eliminated by
          dispatching on type

Clojure has several concurrency mechanisms
The most interesting is...
Shared Transactional Memory (STM)

Analogous to database transactions for
controlling access to shared memory
Works with refs, a mutable type for
synchronous, coordinated changes to
one or more values
Atomic. Consistent. Isolated.

    Updates are atomic
    If you update more than one ref in a
    transaction, the update appears as a
    simultaneous event to everything
    outside of the transaction
Atomic. Consistent. Isolated.

    Updates are consistent
    A new value can be checked with a
    validator function before allowing the
    transaction to commit
Atomic. Consistent. Isolated.

    Updates are isolated
    No transaction sees the effects of any
    other transaction while it is running
The Joy Of Functional Programming

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The Joy Of Functional Programming