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Lesson Plans: Simple Machines, Odd Machine
The Lever as a Machine
Submitted by Nancy Owens-Dunbar Math/Science Academy, Lubbock, TX
Grades 6-8
Time required: 60 minutes
Materials required:
Part A: various objects that could be used as a lever such as a ruler,
plastic serving spoons, meter sticks, swimming noodles, CD case, paint
sticks, plastic knives or forks, etc. Choose fun objects that are not too
heavy and will not injure students if dropped. You will also need a small
bucket or box to catch marshmallows.
Part B: low-temp mini-glue guns, mini-glue sticks, rubber bands of various
sizes, popsicle or craft sticks, coffee stirrers, straws, large paper clips,
plastic spoons, string, 3 x 5 index cards, scissors, rulers, Ziploc baggies-
gallon size, small post-it notes (approximately 1 cm width), sharpie marker
and jumbo marshmallows. Timer
Teacher Preparation: (Prep-time approximately 1 hour)
Part A: Pre-Machine Launch
Gather a variety of lever type objects such as paint sticks, plastic serving spoons,
etc so that each student will have one to use. Purchase 1-2 bags of jumbo
marshmallows for launching. Have sharpie pens available for students to mark
their marshmallow before launch.
Part B: Catapult Construction
All materials can be purchased at a grocery store or discount store such as Wal-
Mart or K-Mart, etc. When purchasing items, try to incorporate as much color as
possible so students can create fun products (Fluorescent color index cards and
color rubber bands and straws). Students will work in groups for the activity
(preferably 3-4) and each group will need a bag of materials. Set-up each bag as
2 3 x 5 index cards
3 large paper clips
2 mini glue sticks
10 craft or popsicle sticks
10 rubber bands of various size
5 coffee stirrers
2 straws
1 plastic spoon
1 12 inch piece of string
1 pair of scissors
1 metric ruler
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1 gallon size zip-loc bag (all materials will go in here to give to
student groups)
Have small post-it notes available for student use after catapults are built.
Learning Objectives and Educational Goals:
• Students will use an everyday object as a simple machine, the lever.
• Students will define first, second, and third class levers.
• Students will design a machine that uses a lever as a central component.
• Students will test various machine designs and evaluate their performance
as it relates to the task.
• Students will identify the fulcrum, the resistance force, and the effort force
on a student designed machine.
• Students will identify the class of lever used in a student designed
• Students will evaluate the effectiveness of the different classes of levers in
various machines.
• Students will discuss possible improvements to their designs and evaluate
their machines effectiveness.
• Students will describe how forces act on their machines and determine its
Part A: Opener-
1. Students will be given a jumbo marshmallow at the
beginning of class and instructed not to eat it! Under teacher
supervision, students will need to use a sharpie marker to
label their marshmallow with their name or some identifying
2. Teacher will give each student an object such as a large
plastic serving spoon, ruler or meter stick, swimming noodle,
etc that could be used as a lever. Say to students: “Today is
the day you get to have fun getting back at your teacher for
all that homework I have given you in science this year! In a
moment, when I say go, you will use the object I gave you as
a tool to launch a marshmallow at me. There are two rules
you have to follow though. Number 1: The marshmallow
may only be touching the object before it goes into the air (in
other words, you may not launch it with your hand). Number
2: The object must be touching the desk or chair as you
launch the marshmallow ( in other words, you may not use
your object like a bat to hit the marshmallow at me!) Are
there any questions?”
3. Instruct students to set up their tools to launch the
marshmallow. Accept any way they choose as long as it
follows the rules. Most students will choose to use their tool
like a lever. Do not use the word lever when talking about it
to the students until after launch discussion. Remind
Copyright 2005
students to use safety precautions when launching their
marshmallows by being careful not to hit another student
with their tool. Students will all launch at the same time at
the count of three.
4. Put on your goggles and move about 3 yards away from the
students into “launch zone.” Use a bucket or box to try to
catch the marshmallows as they are launched. When you
are ready, count to three and allow students to launch
marshmallows. Here is where I really ham it up with
students…”ahhhhhhhhhh, help me! and watch out!”
5. After launch, have students help to gather all marshmallows
and place in bucket for use later. Ask students to describe
to you how they used their tool to launch the marshmallow.
After several students answer, have students identify the
simple machine they used to launch the marshmallow.
Students should begin to see they are using tools as levers;
you may introduce vocabulary at this time.
6. Briefly review or describe the main parts of a lever to all
students. The fulcrum, the resistance force, and the effort
force. You may also include illustrations of the three classes
of levers.
Three classes of levers:
class lever
Class Lever
Class Lever
7. Ask students to identify which lever most used to launch the
marshmallow in the opening activity. Most will probably
realize they used their object as a first class lever. (Ex.
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Placing marshmallow on one end and applying force to the
other end to get it in the air with the desk or table serving as
a fulcrum.)
8. Prepare students to move to lab or activity tables for Part
Part Two: Catapult Design and Construction:
1. Divide students into groups of two or three students. Students should be
instructed to prepare to design and build a catapult to launch their
marshmallow at the teacher. Each group will be given a baggie of
materials (see teacher preparation section) to use to construct their
catapults. A brief description of catapults may be given as well. (I
generally DO NOT show pictures, because I want them to free design and
figure out what type of lever works the best without seeing successful
designs first.)
2. Instruct students they may use the scissors, ruler, and glue gun to help
build their catapults, but they may not be parts of the actual catapult. All
other materials may be used as part of the catapult.
3. Students are first instructed they may take all the materials out of the bag
and examine them. Give the students 3 minutes for brainstorming.
Students may NOT start building yet, but instead they should talk with
their partners about the possible designs and share ideas with each other
as a team. Start timer set for three minutes. Remind students to think
about the classes of levers, forces, and materials as they create their
ideas for the catapult.
4. When time is up, reset timer for 25 minutes. Instruct students they now
have 25 minutes to design and build their catapults. At the end of the 25
minute time period, construction will stop and students will test their
designs. Begin timer and instruct students to begin working.
5. As students are building their catapult, move around the room to each
students group and ask questions about design choices and how they
think forces and levers play into their design. Also talk to students about
good structures (shapes such as triangles, and using bracing) but don’t
just give these ideas out…try to encourage students to figure them out as
they go and evaluate their choices.
6. After about 15 minutes, tell students they may have one and only one
additional item by request, but they must talk about it with their group and
be sure about what they want because they will only get one. This will
allow students some flexibility beyond what the kit contains yet also help
them assign a value to their choice.
7. When the timer reaches 25 minutes, instruct students to stop working. (If
students appear to be struggling and need a few additional minutes, I will
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generally allow them some time. Most students come up with a working
product in the 25 minute time period.
8. Assemble students together with their catapults. Hand out the
marshmallows from Part A and allow students to shoot their catapults at
the instructor as they did earlier. Students may not see marshmallow fly
as far, but they should be more controlled and more likely to hit the
bucket. Allow students two or three tries at shooting their catapults.
9. After testing begins, hand out three small post-it notes to each group. Tell
students to label the notes as follows: resistance, effort and fulcrum (each
on a different note).
10.After students label their machines, have students sit in a circle and check
their answers with other students by leading a class discussion. Did they
label the effort and resistance correctly? Did they identify the correct
fulcrum? Ask other students to agree of disagree and make sure that all
machines are labeled correctly.
11.As the student discussion takes place, ask students to identify which class
of lever they built based on the location of the fulcrum, resistance and
effort forces applied. (Most students will build a second class lever and
some will build 1st
class levers.)
12.As the discussion continues, bring in additional examples to compare to
their machines and also examples of the types of levers found in the
human body (Head/Skull- First class, Foot-Second class, and arm-third
13.Set up a catapult hall of fame for all students to display their catapults at
the end of the discussion. Small prizes may be awarded as well for
longest shot, most sturdy construction, etc.
Every group that participated in this activity in my classes was able to build a
successful catapult. Second class lever catapult generally do the best. I only had
one catapult that did not work after its first test. Have fun and good luck! The
kids love doing this and come up with some pretty creative designs!!!
Nancy A. Owens
Dunbar Math/Science Academy
Copyright 2005

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The lever as a machine

  • 1. www.Edheads.org Lesson Plans: Simple Machines, Odd Machine The Lever as a Machine Submitted by Nancy Owens-Dunbar Math/Science Academy, Lubbock, TX Grades 6-8 Time required: 60 minutes Materials required: Part A: various objects that could be used as a lever such as a ruler, plastic serving spoons, meter sticks, swimming noodles, CD case, paint sticks, plastic knives or forks, etc. Choose fun objects that are not too heavy and will not injure students if dropped. You will also need a small bucket or box to catch marshmallows. Part B: low-temp mini-glue guns, mini-glue sticks, rubber bands of various sizes, popsicle or craft sticks, coffee stirrers, straws, large paper clips, plastic spoons, string, 3 x 5 index cards, scissors, rulers, Ziploc baggies- gallon size, small post-it notes (approximately 1 cm width), sharpie marker and jumbo marshmallows. Timer Teacher Preparation: (Prep-time approximately 1 hour) Part A: Pre-Machine Launch Gather a variety of lever type objects such as paint sticks, plastic serving spoons, etc so that each student will have one to use. Purchase 1-2 bags of jumbo marshmallows for launching. Have sharpie pens available for students to mark their marshmallow before launch. Part B: Catapult Construction All materials can be purchased at a grocery store or discount store such as Wal- Mart or K-Mart, etc. When purchasing items, try to incorporate as much color as possible so students can create fun products (Fluorescent color index cards and color rubber bands and straws). Students will work in groups for the activity (preferably 3-4) and each group will need a bag of materials. Set-up each bag as follows: 2 3 x 5 index cards 3 large paper clips 2 mini glue sticks 10 craft or popsicle sticks 10 rubber bands of various size 5 coffee stirrers 2 straws 1 plastic spoon 1 12 inch piece of string 1 pair of scissors 1 metric ruler Copyright 2005
  • 2. 1 gallon size zip-loc bag (all materials will go in here to give to student groups) Have small post-it notes available for student use after catapults are built. Learning Objectives and Educational Goals: • Students will use an everyday object as a simple machine, the lever. • Students will define first, second, and third class levers. • Students will design a machine that uses a lever as a central component. • Students will test various machine designs and evaluate their performance as it relates to the task. • Students will identify the fulcrum, the resistance force, and the effort force on a student designed machine. • Students will identify the class of lever used in a student designed machine. • Students will evaluate the effectiveness of the different classes of levers in various machines. • Students will discuss possible improvements to their designs and evaluate their machines effectiveness. • Students will describe how forces act on their machines and determine its effectiveness. Procedure: Part A: Opener- 1. Students will be given a jumbo marshmallow at the beginning of class and instructed not to eat it! Under teacher supervision, students will need to use a sharpie marker to label their marshmallow with their name or some identifying mark. 2. Teacher will give each student an object such as a large plastic serving spoon, ruler or meter stick, swimming noodle, etc that could be used as a lever. Say to students: “Today is the day you get to have fun getting back at your teacher for all that homework I have given you in science this year! In a moment, when I say go, you will use the object I gave you as a tool to launch a marshmallow at me. There are two rules you have to follow though. Number 1: The marshmallow may only be touching the object before it goes into the air (in other words, you may not launch it with your hand). Number 2: The object must be touching the desk or chair as you launch the marshmallow ( in other words, you may not use your object like a bat to hit the marshmallow at me!) Are there any questions?” 3. Instruct students to set up their tools to launch the marshmallow. Accept any way they choose as long as it follows the rules. Most students will choose to use their tool like a lever. Do not use the word lever when talking about it to the students until after launch discussion. Remind Copyright 2005
  • 3. students to use safety precautions when launching their marshmallows by being careful not to hit another student with their tool. Students will all launch at the same time at the count of three. 4. Put on your goggles and move about 3 yards away from the students into “launch zone.” Use a bucket or box to try to catch the marshmallows as they are launched. When you are ready, count to three and allow students to launch marshmallows. Here is where I really ham it up with students…”ahhhhhhhhhh, help me! and watch out!” 5. After launch, have students help to gather all marshmallows and place in bucket for use later. Ask students to describe to you how they used their tool to launch the marshmallow. After several students answer, have students identify the simple machine they used to launch the marshmallow. Students should begin to see they are using tools as levers; you may introduce vocabulary at this time. 6. Briefly review or describe the main parts of a lever to all students. The fulcrum, the resistance force, and the effort force. You may also include illustrations of the three classes of levers. Three classes of levers: 1st class lever R E R R E E F F F 2nd Class Lever 3rd Class Lever 7. Ask students to identify which lever most used to launch the marshmallow in the opening activity. Most will probably realize they used their object as a first class lever. (Ex. Copyright 2005
  • 4. Placing marshmallow on one end and applying force to the other end to get it in the air with the desk or table serving as a fulcrum.) 8. Prepare students to move to lab or activity tables for Part two. Part Two: Catapult Design and Construction: 1. Divide students into groups of two or three students. Students should be instructed to prepare to design and build a catapult to launch their marshmallow at the teacher. Each group will be given a baggie of materials (see teacher preparation section) to use to construct their catapults. A brief description of catapults may be given as well. (I generally DO NOT show pictures, because I want them to free design and figure out what type of lever works the best without seeing successful designs first.) 2. Instruct students they may use the scissors, ruler, and glue gun to help build their catapults, but they may not be parts of the actual catapult. All other materials may be used as part of the catapult. 3. Students are first instructed they may take all the materials out of the bag and examine them. Give the students 3 minutes for brainstorming. Students may NOT start building yet, but instead they should talk with their partners about the possible designs and share ideas with each other as a team. Start timer set for three minutes. Remind students to think about the classes of levers, forces, and materials as they create their ideas for the catapult. 4. When time is up, reset timer for 25 minutes. Instruct students they now have 25 minutes to design and build their catapults. At the end of the 25 minute time period, construction will stop and students will test their designs. Begin timer and instruct students to begin working. 5. As students are building their catapult, move around the room to each students group and ask questions about design choices and how they think forces and levers play into their design. Also talk to students about good structures (shapes such as triangles, and using bracing) but don’t just give these ideas out…try to encourage students to figure them out as they go and evaluate their choices. 6. After about 15 minutes, tell students they may have one and only one additional item by request, but they must talk about it with their group and be sure about what they want because they will only get one. This will allow students some flexibility beyond what the kit contains yet also help them assign a value to their choice. 7. When the timer reaches 25 minutes, instruct students to stop working. (If students appear to be struggling and need a few additional minutes, I will Copyright 2005
  • 5. generally allow them some time. Most students come up with a working product in the 25 minute time period. 8. Assemble students together with their catapults. Hand out the marshmallows from Part A and allow students to shoot their catapults at the instructor as they did earlier. Students may not see marshmallow fly as far, but they should be more controlled and more likely to hit the bucket. Allow students two or three tries at shooting their catapults. 9. After testing begins, hand out three small post-it notes to each group. Tell students to label the notes as follows: resistance, effort and fulcrum (each on a different note). 10.After students label their machines, have students sit in a circle and check their answers with other students by leading a class discussion. Did they label the effort and resistance correctly? Did they identify the correct fulcrum? Ask other students to agree of disagree and make sure that all machines are labeled correctly. 11.As the student discussion takes place, ask students to identify which class of lever they built based on the location of the fulcrum, resistance and effort forces applied. (Most students will build a second class lever and some will build 1st class levers.) 12.As the discussion continues, bring in additional examples to compare to their machines and also examples of the types of levers found in the human body (Head/Skull- First class, Foot-Second class, and arm-third class). 13.Set up a catapult hall of fame for all students to display their catapults at the end of the discussion. Small prizes may be awarded as well for longest shot, most sturdy construction, etc. Every group that participated in this activity in my classes was able to build a successful catapult. Second class lever catapult generally do the best. I only had one catapult that did not work after its first test. Have fun and good luck! The kids love doing this and come up with some pretty creative designs!!! Nancy A. Owens Dunbar Math/Science Academy Copyright 2005