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Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 Vol 28 - No.16
Raadhika Dosa D'Cruz
26 Jan 2018
There is no time like the Present, there is no greater gift than the Time we
have on this planet. How we choose to use ourTime is up to us. God gifts us
withTimeintheWorldandhow weuse thisTimeisour gifttoGod.
Let us not waste our Time, mere grains of sand in the hourglass of our life.
Time once spent can never return. How many of us are steeped in Regret,
that miserable companion who reminds us of everything we never did and
now it's far too late to even try? Regret is grief for what can never be. I want
On some level, all of us have said or done, or worse- not said and never done
things we now regret. And then it is too late to change or re-write the Past,
the moment, the hurt.We lose the moment and theTime is never right again.
Which is not to say we cannot say we are sorry and try to undo the wrongs of
Let us consider this new year as a challenge: to live a year without regret.To
step out of the old and familiar and walk new paths, learn new things for the
sheer joy of knowing them, meet new people, make new friends, let go of
For LifeistooshortforRegret
Life is delicate, and fragile and infinitely precious. And unexpected and
sudden and far too brief. So make the most of every moment, don't live to
Regret,butlivewithJoy andPassion andPrayer.
Breathe and live in each moment to it's fullest and live each day as if it were
Thatismyprayerforallofus. Happy NewYear!


Dear Ms Raadhika,
I happened to receive your Mustard
Seed through mail and I want to thank
you for the same. Very inspiring and
motivating material. I am attaching a
write-up which I would like to share.
If you feel it would be apt to be
inserted in your next issue you can go
ahead. Do you have any criteria
concerning the matter required to be
printed in your issues? Kindly get
-Quentin Fernandez
Thank you for writing to us
We would like our readers
to know that you can send articles
that can inspire, connect and convey
a message to everyone.
- Editor
Dear Raadhika,
Thank you so much for publishing
the article on our Foundress,
MotherTeresaof St.Rose of Lima.
- Sr.Victorine CSST
Note: We sincerely apologize for the
having missed the author’s name We
thank Sr. Victorine Attavelil, CSST, for
enriching our lives with her article on
Mother Teresa of St.Rose of Lima, in our
lastissue (Oct2017).
"Drama is very important in life: You
have to come on with a bang. You
never want to go out with a whimper.
Everything can have drama if it's
done right. Even a pancake"
- Julia Child
Editor’s Note: We appreciate your kindness and generosity that has helped us put out
this edition of The Mustard Seed. We thrive on the support of our readers, we would
also love to hear from you. And if you are a writer and you want us to publish an
article, please feel free to contact us.
Dear Raadhika,
Thank you very much for the digital
edition of the "Mustard Seed" which
I would also like to thank you for
sending the same to my postal
address regularly...it is deeply
With love, gratitude & abundant
blessings in this enterprising


I was introduced
many years ago to
an Englishwoman
who was around 70
years of age. I
was asked by my
friends if I would
give her a ride to a
“snake village” in
the precincts of New Delhi and was
told she was a “real lady”. The only
members of the English peerage I had
encountered earlier were characters in
P.G. Wodehouse's novels, like the
aging Clarence, Lord Emsworth of
Blandings Castle and his sisters, all
daughters of “a hundred earls”. So I
was interested to meet this “real lady”
who had a double right to the
appellation. Not only was her husband
knighted for his contribution to
English poetry, but her father was
Lord Someone or Other who had
served on the Viceroy's Council in the
days when Britannia was beginning to
lose her grip on the waves she ruled.
We were introduced and she stuck out
her hand and said “CallmePenny”.
She had grown up in India as a girl and
loved the country passionately. She
visited the India of her childhood
frequently and often brought her
friends along, serving as their guide. I
hadn't heard of any 'snake village'
around Delhi and anyway I'm afraid of
snakes, but she told me she would
guide me. We got there, under her
directions and she was gladly
welcomed like a daughter of the
village. There were real live snakes,
which she fondled and then put one
around her neck. I was horrified. This
real lady then took one of the monsters
in her hands and garlanded me with it.
Strangely, I didn't scream with fright,
but I began to feel a certain link with
the snake, with the lady and with the
villagers. I haven't handled a snake
since then, but I haven't forgotten
A couple of years later, after I had
applied for dispensation from my vow
of celibacy, and had moved to a small,
barely furnished, two-room apartment
in Ghatla Village, in downtown
Mumbai, I had a message from Penny
to say she was visiting India again
with two friends and asking if she
could visit me. I was happy to see her
drive to my place in a car with two
young under-graduates from a
prestigious British University. We sat
around, after a hasty meal, and she
regaled us with her scary experiences
of driving overland through uncharted
roads. On one occasion she was
alone with a young woman when a
man approached menacingly. Penny
told the young woman to run away
while she grappled with the man,
saving her companion from a fate
worse than death! She was that kind of
We retired for the night, she and I
taking one bedroom each and leaving
the young men to fend for themselves
on the floor of the third room.The next
morning she asked me what was the
“strange toothpaste” that I used.
Apparently, she had woken up before
the rest of us and had used my tube of
shaving cream from the bathroom
sink! She hadn't wanted to disturb our
sleep. That's what I mean by A Real
-Patrick DeSouza
(Lady, by Sue Halstenberg,
via fineartamerica.com)


The behaviour of others should
not be allowed to rob us of our
peace of mind. It is difficult for
anyone to remain mentally clam
and hold his tongue when he is
irritated by others, but no human
being can successfully go through
life telling everyone who annoys
him how to behave. Unsolicited
counsel creates some tremendous
resentment. One should not try to
impose his will or ideas upon those
around him unless they have asked
One mistake often made by novices
on the spiritual path is that the
moment they feel enthusiasm for
seeking God, they want to change
the whole world. They start a
spiritual revolution in the home,
with an all-out effort to convert the
husband or wife and the children. It
is wonderful to have that kind of
eagerness, but it almost always
Paramahansaji used to say to such
enthusiasts, “Change yourself first;
reform yourself and you will
reform thousands.” Unless one is
seeking guidance, he doesn't want
to be told what to do. No one likes
to have advice forced upon him.
When he is ready for counsel he
will ask for it, and he will want it
from one with whom he lives, or
whom he loves or admires, if he
sees a beneficial change his taken
place in that person's life. But as
long as change is shown only in the
form of platitudes or lip service, the
Be an example of what you want
others to be. If you are inclined to
lose your temper and fight back and
speak harshly; if you scold the
children unreasonably; if you are
nervous and easily upset, shouting
and speaking unkindly—change
yourself! That is the best way to
change those around you. It is hard
(Source: Sri Sri Daya Mata, How
toChange Others)
There will always be a reason why you meet
people. Either you need them to change your
life or you're the one that will change theirs.
Love. Connected. One


“Christmas is usually a noisy
party: we could use a bit of silence,
to hear the voice of Love. Christmas
is you, when you decide to be born
again each day and let God into
your soul. The Christmas pine is
you, when you resist vigorous
winds and difficulties of life. The
Christmas decorations are you,
when your virtues are colors that
adorn your life. The Christmas bell
is you, when you call, gather and
seek to unite. You are also a
Christmas light, when you
illuminate with your life the path of
others with kindness, patience, joy
and generosity. The Christmas
angels are you, when you sing to the
world a message of peace, justice
and love. The Christmas star is you,
when you lead someone to meet the
Lord. You are also the wise men,
when you give the best you have no
matter who. Christmas music is you
when you conquer the harmony
within you. The Christmas gift is
you, when you are truly friend and
brother of every human being. The
Christmas card is you, when
kindness is written in your hands.
The Christmas greeting is you,
when you forgive and reestablish
peace, even when you suffer. The
Christmas dinner is you, when you
sated bread and hope to the poor
man who is by your side. You are,
yes, Christmas night, when humble
and conscious, you receive in the
silence of the night the Savior of the
world without noise or great
celebrations; you are a smile of trust
and tenderness, in the inner peace of
a perennial Christmas that
establishes the Kingdom within
you.Avery Merry Christmas for all
thosewho looklikeChristmas.
(Sourced from the internet)


What is a miracle? Read this real-life
incident and decide for yourself: A
friend of mine had built up his
business single-handedly over the
years. He had some properties that
had run into legal tangles and matters
became so bad that he was facing
court cases which, if the judgment
went against him, would not only
mean bankruptcy but even possible
His lawyer urgently called him back
to his home town where the court
case was on, cautioning him that the
judgment could go against him. My
friend caught an overnight train and
was travelling alone. He could not
sleep though he had a berth. He
tossed and turned for hours, then got
up in the dark silence of the
compartment and sauntered to the
exit. Opening the compartment door,
he stood holding the railings and
staring out into nothing. Outside, it
was a moonless night, and the train
was going through barren land, with
no inhabitants or lights anywhere for
Looking out into the darkness, he
wryly thought that his life had
become like the pitch darkness he
was looking blankly at. The train
was not even going through a tunnel
for him to hope for light at the end.
He started reflecting on his current
situation – and it appeared very bleak.
At that moment he lost all hope. He
did not want to face the morrow with
the court, litigation and possibility of
failure. Athought flashed in his mind
that if he just let go of the railings, he
would easily fall into the black night
and die – ending all his pain and
The thought of suicide gave him
vicious pleasure. He would be
beyond the law, beyond society and
the cruel world, he thought. So he
just stood there, numb and bereft of
all emotions, ready to lean forward
and fall. He says he does not
remember how long he stood there
with just the impulse that he was
ready to let go. The moment seemed
Suddenly he peered hard into the
darkness and was puzzled with a thin
red curved line far away but clearly
visible. He could not imagine what it
could be. He kept staring at it
mesmerized, and miraculously the
red lined became wider, brighter and
longer. And then he saw it…. the
reddening of the horizon, and the sun
peeping from beyond the plains. The
landscape jumped into view, the
trees, the paddy fields shimmering in
the early sunlight, the hills far
beyond. And that moment gave him
the answer – that however dark the
night, no one can stop the dawn. The
worst was over. He says that if the
dawn had delayed by a few minutes
hewould havebeendead.
He went back to his berth, relaxed for
an hour and the train reached its
destination. Hehadashower and


breakfast and went to Court. By
lunchtime he had stepped out with his
lawyer to go and celebrate over lunch
– he had won the case! He got back
his huge property and his wealth! He
was given another chance to make a
fresh beginninginhis lifeandcareer.
-Dr.Ali Khwaja, counselor
Deep in the
heart of every
m a n , i s a
longing for God
Himself. As the
psalmist puts it
so poetically,
“As the hind
longs for the running waters, So my
soul longs for you, O God. Athirst is
my soul for God, the living God.
When shall I go and behold the face
-Psalm 42:2,3
The psalmist recognizes that the
emptiness, the thirst that he
experiences, cannot be satisfied by
any worldly thing – no pleasure,
wealth or position could take the
place of the One who truly satisfies.
St. Augustine affirms this in his
“You have made us for your
yourself, O Lord, And our hearts are
So prayer is the place where we can
“rest in Him,” where we “behold the
face of God” – without words, in
silence and in stillness. It is there that
our emptinesswillbefilled.
But there is another thirst that is
quenched through prayer. In the
gospel of John, we read that Jesus
Christ, hanging in agony on the cross,
cried out, “I thirst.” This gospel
mentions only four short sentences
spoken by Jesus on the cross, and
each one is loaded with meaning.
Jesus was not talking about his
physical thirst, but of his thirst, his
passion foreveryhumansoul.
On September 10, 1946, when she
was just 36 years old, Mother Teresa
had a special revelation – the
experience of Jesus' thirst for love
and for souls. Forty-six years later,
she felt moved to share this
experience in a letter to her sisters in
theMissionariesof Charity:
“The time has come for me
….. to explain as fully as I can, what
the thirst of Jesus means for me.
Jesus is really wanting, waiting to tell
you – not only that He loves you, but
even more – He longs for you. He
misses you when you don't come
close. Hethirsts for you….”
“How can we last even one
day without hearing Jesus say, 'I love
you” – impossible! Our soul needs
that as much as the body needs to
breatheair. Ifnot,prayeris dead.”
Is it possible? That the King of the
Universe, the Maker of the Galaxies,
the Author of Life – thirsts for me?
Incredible, but true. I can satiate His
thirst through my loving presence in
His Loving Presence – face to face.
A n d p r a y e r c a n b e c o m e
“communion” – the quenching of
two thirsts.
-Tricia Lobo


Humans are proud creatures. And
what makes them so? Maybe it is
because many of them think they
can achieve almost everything that
Human beings are intelligent
creatures. They've explored the
moon and some other entities in
space and some scientists know
about things that are located fairly
deep below the surface of the earth.
All of these accomplishments have
been possible because of human
intelligence. But is our God-given
intelligence always used in the
Once, a group of people travelling
together in a train were having a
discussion on what human beings
had become through what they
regarded as their leaving all the
beings of the animal kingdom
behind. Among them there was a
religious teacher who was doing
more talking than the others.
Toward the end of the discussion he
narrated a story to make his point
clear. The story was about a father
lion and his son. The father
instructed his son about how to
live. He said, “Son, you are the
future king of this forest. Do not be
afraid of any animals around you.
Be a good friend to them. But
please remember one thing: Do not
The young lion did not understand
why his father had forbidden him
Time passed, and the young lion
was happy with his various animal
friends in the forest, but he still
couldn't understand why he should
be away from humans. So, he
decided that he must find out about
this on his own. One day, he set out
around searching for human
beings. On his way, he spotted a
deer and asked him if he was
human. The deer, surprised and
scared, replied: “No! Be careful
with that! You better not search for
humans, or even talk about them!”
The disappointed lion cub
continued his quest. Next, he met a
hippo, and thought to himself,
“This being is big and seems very
authoritative. He must be a
human!” He approached the hippo
and asked him, “My friend, are you
a human being”? But this time,
too, the cub had to face
The cub didn't give up, though.
Moving further, he came across a
giraffe, and, then, an elephant, and
asked them the same question, and
o n b o t h o c c a s i o n s w a s
disappointed. But he was very
determined, and so he kept moving
ahead. When he was trotting along,
he heard a noise coming from
ahead. In a while he saw what the
matter was: There was a boy who
was cutting a branch off a tree. The
young lion didn't expect this sweet-
looking creature to be the human he
was searching for—because he


what his father had indicated
human beings were. But thinking
that there was nothing wrong in
asking him, he stood before him
and said: “Do you know where I
The boy was surprised, and afraid
as well, but quickly calmed down.
After thinking for a moment, he
replied, “Yes! I know where they
live, but you have to help me before
I takeyouthere.”
“What a relief!” the young lion
thought to himself and cheerfully
agreed to help the boy. All he
needed to do was to stand below the
branch. The young lion did as he
was told while the boy continued
with sawing off the branch. In a
short while, the branch came
crashing down on the little lion!
The cub cried out in pain. He asked
the boy for help, but the boy
laughed. “You want to see humans?
I am one of them!” Saying this, the
boy ranoff.
The cub now realized why his
father had forbidden him from
This story was intended to support
the discussion on the subject of
human intelligence, which it very
much did. But the story gives rise to
yet another very important
question, that has to do with the
consequences of this intelligence.
What is the purpose of our
intelligence? How should we use
it? If we humans discover the
answer to this question and if we
use our God-given intelligence for
the good of others (including non -
human species and the natural
environment), many of our
problems in our society will be
(K.G. Pousonglung is presently
s t u d y i n g a t t h e H e n r y
Martyn Institute, Hyderabad,
a c e n t r e f o r i n t e r f a i t h
dialogue, understanding and
-By K.G. Pousonglung
Let us always meet each other
with a smile, for the smile is
the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa


It never fails to astound me that a
person I met 2 days ago or
sometimes a week ago is no more
on this planet. It is really hard for
me to come to terms with this. Of
course, this is part of my spiritual
journey to perhaps learn that
nothing is permanent. Also, to
remind me that life is so short and it
is really all those tiny moments
which truly count. This was
demonstrated to me in December,
I got reacquainted with Sharon
after several years, maybe a decade
at the least, but we took off from
where we left as if there was no
break at all. She was doing a
lot of interesting stuff in the
metaphysical space which is of
great interest to me. People may
call it NewAge but I call it trying to
understand things which may have
no rational explanation. So,
anyway, after one such meeting we
decided to have dinner together the
D-day dawned and as always I
suddenly had a couple of
unscheduled meetings and was
tempted to cancel my dinner
a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h h e r. I
really thought she would be
inconvenienced as I would be
Sure enough, by early evening my
day seemed to be stretching longer
and longer when I received a
message from Sharon saying we
could postpone if it was not
convenient. Under normal
circumstances, I would have
grabbed the opportunity but,
somehow, I wanted this particular
meeting to happen. Although it
looked very difficult that I might
make it to dinner, I managed to tell
her let's postpone by 45 minutes,
As it happened I was delayed by
another 15 minutes and fortunately
so was she, due to the evening
traffic. We spent a delightful 2
hours or so together chatting,
laughing a lot and talking about life
and all those things which you can
speak to very few people. Food,
chocolate, spiritual and personal
Little did I know then that it was the
last time I would be seeing her. I
even dropped her home and we
promised to meet each other in Jan.
Iwas goingabroadforavacation.
Exactly 2 weeks after my dinner
date with her, I got a message
from one of her friends that
'Sharon isno more'.
I was shell shocked. How could
this happen so suddenly? From a
mere mortal stand point do we
really understand His mysterious
ways, Iwondered.
But let me tell you a little about the
evening. She helped me with a
rather difficult personal challenge I
was goingthoughatthatpointof


time. She helped me come to terms
with a couple of issues. She
followed it up with a WhatsApp
message as we were driving back,
so I have her last couple of
messages to me on my phone. I am
That day when I got the news of her
rather untimely demise I decided I
will let her go in peace, celebrate
her instead of mourning her. I know
she is in a better place and helping
humanity from wherever she is.
I am just in deep gratitude to Him
that I managed to spend those
couple of hours with her joyfully.
Just imagine if I had cancelled? I
had legitimate reasons to do so that
Life is fleeting, being present in the
moment is what really counts in the
long run. Don't postpone meeting
loved ones just because we are
caught up with our busy schedules.
-Kiran Bhat
In 1993, Torn Curtains, our
theatre group in Hyderabad, was
celebrating it’s Silver Jubilee. One
of our patrons was Jennifer Kapoor
and we had good fortune to have
Shashi Kapoor join us for breakfast
“So many memories of him and
Jennifer in the area we lived in back
in the day, my biggest and only
crush on a film star. He literally
gave up the will to live when
Jennifer passed on. A great body of
work with the Ismail Merchant -
James Ivory duo, films like The
Householder, Junoon, Kalyug, his
beloved Prithvi Theatre and the
talent he nurtured.... so much will
be written about him in the days to
come. I will always remember the
twinkle in his eye and his crooked
smile when he asked for bread,
butter and jam after demolishing a
superb traditional hyderabadi
Breakfast. I burst out laughing. He
said “I’m a creature of habit”. Was
there ever a charmer like him?
Likhe jo khat tujhe, Woh teri yaad
mein, Hazaron rang ke nazaare ban
gaye, Savera jab hua, toh phool ban
gaye, Jo raat ayee toh sitare ban
R.I.P, you beautiful, wonderful star
who will always shine brightly for
Niloufer Ebrahim


Another way to say that you are
grieving is that a part of you is stuck
Sometimes the cause of the
stuckness isn't the grief itself, but
the fact that you don't even
recognize that you've lost
something and that you need to
G r i e f i s a w o r d t h a t i s
used interchangeably with
bereavement, but grief is not
exclusively about the physical
Grief doesn't fit in a box, either.
Some forms of grief take years to
work through, other types take a
few solid months, some take
a single moment of deep
Everyone grieves differently and
for different reasons, but one thing
remains constant in the process. It's
the one thing no one has ever said
“Ididitrighton time.”
Grieving is marked by a lag, a
delay, a freezing, “Wait. What just
Grieving is also not a linear
One moment you feel you've fully
moved past something, the next
moment it's right back in front of
That's because grief is insidious,
imposing and demands to be felt.
Even if you're able to somehow
avoid it all day long, grief comes
back to you in your sleep. It's laying
righton your heartasyou wakeup.
Grief doesn't say, “I've been here
long enough, I think it's time for me
No. Grief crowds the heart, eats up
all your energy and chronically
imposes upon your peace. But
grief isn't some evil force that's
only there to cause pain, grief is
escorting up an even deeper
feeling, a truth about your life, what
you value and what you need.
Perhaps how much you wanted
something, how deeply you care
about someone, how far you've
come from where you were. As
Mark Nepo so beautifully puts it,
"The pain was necessary to know
the truth, but we don't have to keep
the pain alive to keep the truth
alive." Still, grief isn't necessarily
a depression. People can be
grieving and heartbroken about
somethingandnotevenknow it.
Understand, Recognize, Touch & Move


Here are some examples of events
Ÿ Abreakup
Ÿ The selling of your childhood
Ÿ What you always wanted but
Ÿ Aperson who died
Ÿ A person who is still alive but is
Ÿ Theloss ofadream
Ÿ Divorce
Ÿ Infertility
Ÿ Loving someone who is self-
Ÿ Theloss ofapet
Ÿ Theendofafriendship
Ÿ Job loss ortheendofacareer
The typical route for grieving
begins with denial, and that's
actuallyagood thing.
Ultimately, your defence
mechanisms are there to protect
you. Denial kicks in when it would
otherwise be too overwhelming to
feel it all at once. Ideally, denial
slowly fades away and the grief is
felt. (Ideally.) More typically, you
It comes up in small spurts when
you're not paying attention, then
you numb yourself to it somehow,
then it jumps up more forcefully,
then you numb yourself more
That is the path of staying stuck in
grief. The path loops. People lose
themselveson thatpath.
Is thereabetterpath?
The answer is yes. But you don't
have to walk it unless you choose
Some losses are so exquisitely
painful, in a way that no one else
could ever fully understand, that no
one would fault you for staying in
If you do choose to get out of the
disorienting, dizzying loop of grief,
hereare4 ways tobegin:
1. UNDERSTAND - That your
heart is broken, even if it's not
Keep in mind that there's no 'right
way' to grieve and that grieving is
Just because its been 6 months, 4
years, 15 years, whatever – none of
that means anything to your grief.
The clock starts when you begin to
recognize your grief. In other
words, when you genuinely begin
to address what happened (or
2. RECOGNIZE - Before you can
grieve, you have to recognize that
you needtogrieve.
Something happened, or didn't
Ironically, when you're burdened,
something is given to you and taken
away from you at the same time.
What do you feel was taken from
you? What do you feel you are
burdened with? The answers to
those questions help you recognize
3. TOUCH - You have to touch the
loss (as well as all the anger,
sadness, bitterness, resilience,
compassion and any other feelings
you encounteredduringyourloss).
You're in touch with your grief
when you make space for the
feelingsyourloss broughtintoyour


Most people take it for granted
that when they get up every morning
the sun will be shining, while they
robotically go for their phones, then
its breakfast, and finally get ready to
go about their daily chores. This is a
habit cultivated by many. I am not
There have been instances when
people went to bed at night and never
lived to see the new dawn. They
wouldn't have had a clue that death
was lurking round the corner. I pray
this doesn't happen to anyone. Death
is not on everyone's mind, but it is
definitelyon thecards.Butwhen?
life. It may feel counter-intuitive to
go back to the feelings that you want
so desperately to let go of, but there's
simply no way to move through grief
without making contact with it,
without fully touching it, without
You have to pick it up, hold it, feel
the weight of it in your hands, on
your heart and within your life. You
have to feel the whole loss. Grief
demands to be felt with an insistence
that needs no sleep. You either allow
yourself to encounter the feelings or
you remain encased in a shell of
yourself under a misguided sense of
4. MOVE - The feeling of grief can
linger for so long that you almost
The grief becomes oddly soothing in
its familiarity and its predictability.
Dealing with the grief means letting
go of this familiarity and moving
towards something less predictable
Still, if you want to genuinely
address the grief, you have to
continue to move through the
peripheral, familiar parts of your
grief and go right into the epicenter
of your grief. As the classic hero's
journey goes, you have to get inside
the belly of the whale.There (and
only there) you will find the door to
the unpredictable pieces of life that
are patiently waiting for you on the
othersideofyour pain.
Understandyourheartis broken.
Recognizewhy it'sbroken.
Move towards the epicenter of your
grief, as it's the only path to other
Please remember, the grief you're
experiencing is yours, and you can
carry it with you for as long as you
like. Let go of it only when you feel
ready-enough, and if you never feel
ready, that's okay. If you do feel
ready to move through it, recruit
professional support here, or here, or
here. Navigating through grief is
unpredictable, dangerous terrain.
You don'thavetodoitalone.
-Katherine Schafler, NYC-based
psychotherapist, writer and


That is only known by The Man
above. People are too busy and
caught up with their worldly
activities. Its only when one reaches
a certain age, do they start thinking
and are wary about death, and that's
when many wish they had done
things differently. I am not referring
What if I had to tell you that today is
the last day of your life on earth, and
tomorrow you will be at the pearly
gates awaiting your judgement.
There you will be handed the keys to
heaven or to hades depending on the
quality of the life you lived. What
would then be running through your
mind? Would your mind still be
flooded with the thoughts of your
favorite food, the house you plan to
build, the money in the bank, the
latest fashions, the exotic holiday, or
the world cruise that you hadbeen
All this will suddenly seem
worthless and useless to you.
Nothing will get your adrenalin
flowing as this would not be exciting
anymore. Such assets would never
give you satisfaction any longer.
Instead you would begin to think,
how do I right all the wrongs
committed by me. If you had lived a
life of secrecy and many wrong
doings, you are sure to be exposed
and would want to destroy any such
evidence. Yes, you would not want
the world to find out and remember
you as such a person. Regrets are
bound to surface and you would
wish that you were given a second
Its never too late for those who are
reading this. Remember the case of
The great Alfred Nobel, how a
premature obituary transformed his
life. You too can take this as an
opportunity and try and change.
Find out what you can do best to be a
different person and how to be an
asset to society. Your transformation
will help you to bea blessing to your
family, society and local
Start today. Get up every morning
with a purpose in life. Reprogram
your life. It is all in your hands. Start
living the life you envision and
begin to think, live and act in a
productive and positive manner. In
this way you are setting out positive
vibrations and will attract positives
to you. Nature has a unique way to
bring about such a transformation.
The universe has its own way of
giving back what one gives to it. So
do not hold back. Recreate your life,
then go out and live it without any
regrets. Wake up every morning
with a resolution that you are
special, and you are here to make a
difference in your life, and the lives
of others. Remember once you are
gone you are just a memory, so better
- Quentin Fernandez


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Apowerful truth I wish I had learned a
“Regardless of how anyone treats you,
you stand to benefit. While some people
teach you who you do want to be, others
teach you who you don’t want to be.And
it’s the people who teach you who you
don’t want to be that provide some of the
most lasting and memorable lessons on
social graces, human dignity, and the
-Kari Kampakis
It means to trust your self to integrate
The more you practice listening to that
calm inner voice, intuition or gut
feeling, the more accurate and clear the
-Priti chawla
Compassion is not a virtue, it is a
commitment. It’s not something we have
or don’t have, it’s something we choose
-Old proverb

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The Mustard Seed January 2018

  • 1. Nov 2017 - Jan 2018 Vol 28 - No.16 Raadhika Dosa D'Cruz 26 Jan 2018 THE PRESENT IS A GIFT There is no time like the Present, there is no greater gift than the Time we have on this planet. How we choose to use ourTime is up to us. God gifts us withTimeintheWorldandhow weuse thisTimeisour gifttoGod. Let us not waste our Time, mere grains of sand in the hourglass of our life. Time once spent can never return. How many of us are steeped in Regret, that miserable companion who reminds us of everything we never did and now it's far too late to even try? Regret is grief for what can never be. I want tolivemylifewithoutregrets. Impossibletoachieve. On some level, all of us have said or done, or worse- not said and never done things we now regret. And then it is too late to change or re-write the Past, the moment, the hurt.We lose the moment and theTime is never right again. Which is not to say we cannot say we are sorry and try to undo the wrongs of thePast. Let us consider this new year as a challenge: to live a year without regret.To step out of the old and familiar and walk new paths, learn new things for the sheer joy of knowing them, meet new people, make new friends, let go of thepast. For LifeistooshortforRegret . Life is delicate, and fragile and infinitely precious. And unexpected and sudden and far too brief. So make the most of every moment, don't live to Regret,butlivewithJoy andPassion andPrayer. Breathe and live in each moment to it's fullest and live each day as if it were yourlast. Thatismyprayerforallofus. Happy NewYear!
  • 2. Dear Ms Raadhika, I happened to receive your Mustard Seed through mail and I want to thank you for the same. Very inspiring and motivating material. I am attaching a write-up which I would like to share. If you feel it would be apt to be inserted in your next issue you can go ahead. Do you have any criteria concerning the matter required to be printed in your issues? Kindly get back. Thankingyou. -Quentin Fernandez Thank you for writing to us Quentin. We would like our readers to know that you can send articles that can inspire, connect and convey a message to everyone. - Editor Dear Raadhika, Thank you so much for publishing the article on our Foundress, MotherTeresaof St.Rose of Lima. - Sr.Victorine CSST Note: We sincerely apologize for the having missed the author’s name We thank Sr. Victorine Attavelil, CSST, for enriching our lives with her article on Mother Teresa of St.Rose of Lima, in our lastissue (Oct2017). "Drama is very important in life: You have to come on with a bang. You never want to go out with a whimper. Everything can have drama if it's done right. Even a pancake" - Julia Child Editor’s Note: We appreciate your kindness and generosity that has helped us put out this edition of The Mustard Seed. We thrive on the support of our readers, we would also love to hear from you. And if you are a writer and you want us to publish an article, please feel free to contact us. Dear Raadhika, Thank you very much for the digital edition of the "Mustard Seed" which continuestobeinspiring&beautiful! I would also like to thank you for sending the same to my postal address regularly...it is deeply appreciated! With love, gratitude & abundant blessings in this enterprising endeavour! -Sr.Puriel
  • 3. I was introduced many years ago to an Englishwoman who was around 70 years of age. I was asked by my friends if I would give her a ride to a “snake village” in the precincts of New Delhi and was told she was a “real lady”. The only members of the English peerage I had encountered earlier were characters in P.G. Wodehouse's novels, like the aging Clarence, Lord Emsworth of Blandings Castle and his sisters, all daughters of “a hundred earls”. So I was interested to meet this “real lady” who had a double right to the appellation. Not only was her husband knighted for his contribution to English poetry, but her father was Lord Someone or Other who had served on the Viceroy's Council in the days when Britannia was beginning to lose her grip on the waves she ruled. We were introduced and she stuck out her hand and said “CallmePenny”. She had grown up in India as a girl and loved the country passionately. She visited the India of her childhood frequently and often brought her friends along, serving as their guide. I hadn't heard of any 'snake village' around Delhi and anyway I'm afraid of snakes, but she told me she would guide me. We got there, under her directions and she was gladly welcomed like a daughter of the village. There were real live snakes, which she fondled and then put one around her neck. I was horrified. This real lady then took one of the monsters in her hands and garlanded me with it. Strangely, I didn't scream with fright, but I began to feel a certain link with the snake, with the lady and with the villagers. I haven't handled a snake since then, but I haven't forgotten Penny. A couple of years later, after I had applied for dispensation from my vow of celibacy, and had moved to a small, barely furnished, two-room apartment in Ghatla Village, in downtown Mumbai, I had a message from Penny to say she was visiting India again with two friends and asking if she could visit me. I was happy to see her drive to my place in a car with two young under-graduates from a prestigious British University. We sat around, after a hasty meal, and she regaled us with her scary experiences of driving overland through uncharted roads. On one occasion she was alone with a young woman when a man approached menacingly. Penny told the young woman to run away while she grappled with the man, saving her companion from a fate worse than death! She was that kind of person. We retired for the night, she and I taking one bedroom each and leaving the young men to fend for themselves on the floor of the third room.The next morning she asked me what was the “strange toothpaste” that I used. Apparently, she had woken up before the rest of us and had used my tube of shaving cream from the bathroom sink! She hadn't wanted to disturb our sleep. That's what I mean by A Real Lady. -Patrick DeSouza A REAL LADY (Lady, by Sue Halstenberg, via fineartamerica.com) 3
  • 4. HOW TO CHANGE OTHERS The behaviour of others should not be allowed to rob us of our peace of mind. It is difficult for anyone to remain mentally clam and hold his tongue when he is irritated by others, but no human being can successfully go through life telling everyone who annoys him how to behave. Unsolicited counsel creates some tremendous resentment. One should not try to impose his will or ideas upon those around him unless they have asked forsuchguidance. One mistake often made by novices on the spiritual path is that the moment they feel enthusiasm for seeking God, they want to change the whole world. They start a spiritual revolution in the home, with an all-out effort to convert the husband or wife and the children. It is wonderful to have that kind of eagerness, but it almost always arousesantagonism. Paramahansaji used to say to such enthusiasts, “Change yourself first; reform yourself and you will reform thousands.” Unless one is seeking guidance, he doesn't want to be told what to do. No one likes to have advice forced upon him. When he is ready for counsel he will ask for it, and he will want it from one with whom he lives, or whom he loves or admires, if he sees a beneficial change his taken place in that person's life. But as long as change is shown only in the form of platitudes or lip service, the doubterwillresist. Be an example of what you want others to be. If you are inclined to lose your temper and fight back and speak harshly; if you scold the children unreasonably; if you are nervous and easily upset, shouting and speaking unkindly—change yourself! That is the best way to change those around you. It is hard todo,butitcanbedone.” (Source: Sri Sri Daya Mata, How toChange Others) 4 There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs. Love. Connected. One
  • 5. “Christmas is usually a noisy party: we could use a bit of silence, to hear the voice of Love. Christmas is you, when you decide to be born again each day and let God into your soul. The Christmas pine is you, when you resist vigorous winds and difficulties of life. The Christmas decorations are you, when your virtues are colors that adorn your life. The Christmas bell is you, when you call, gather and seek to unite. You are also a Christmas light, when you illuminate with your life the path of others with kindness, patience, joy and generosity. The Christmas angels are you, when you sing to the world a message of peace, justice and love. The Christmas star is you, when you lead someone to meet the Lord. You are also the wise men, when you give the best you have no matter who. Christmas music is you when you conquer the harmony within you. The Christmas gift is you, when you are truly friend and brother of every human being. The Christmas card is you, when kindness is written in your hands. The Christmas greeting is you, when you forgive and reestablish peace, even when you suffer. The Christmas dinner is you, when you sated bread and hope to the poor man who is by your side. You are, yes, Christmas night, when humble and conscious, you receive in the silence of the night the Savior of the world without noise or great celebrations; you are a smile of trust and tenderness, in the inner peace of a perennial Christmas that establishes the Kingdom within you.Avery Merry Christmas for all thosewho looklikeChristmas. (Sourced from the internet) POPE FRANCIS ON CHRISTMAS 5
  • 6. What is a miracle? Read this real-life incident and decide for yourself: A friend of mine had built up his business single-handedly over the years. He had some properties that had run into legal tangles and matters became so bad that he was facing court cases which, if the judgment went against him, would not only mean bankruptcy but even possible imprisonment. His lawyer urgently called him back to his home town where the court case was on, cautioning him that the judgment could go against him. My friend caught an overnight train and was travelling alone. He could not sleep though he had a berth. He tossed and turned for hours, then got up in the dark silence of the compartment and sauntered to the exit. Opening the compartment door, he stood holding the railings and staring out into nothing. Outside, it was a moonless night, and the train was going through barren land, with no inhabitants or lights anywhere for miles. Looking out into the darkness, he wryly thought that his life had become like the pitch darkness he was looking blankly at. The train was not even going through a tunnel for him to hope for light at the end. He started reflecting on his current situation – and it appeared very bleak. At that moment he lost all hope. He did not want to face the morrow with the court, litigation and possibility of failure. Athought flashed in his mind that if he just let go of the railings, he would easily fall into the black night and die – ending all his pain and misery. The thought of suicide gave him vicious pleasure. He would be beyond the law, beyond society and the cruel world, he thought. So he just stood there, numb and bereft of all emotions, ready to lean forward and fall. He says he does not remember how long he stood there with just the impulse that he was ready to let go. The moment seemed tostretchintoeternity. Suddenly he peered hard into the darkness and was puzzled with a thin red curved line far away but clearly visible. He could not imagine what it could be. He kept staring at it mesmerized, and miraculously the red lined became wider, brighter and longer. And then he saw it…. the reddening of the horizon, and the sun peeping from beyond the plains. The landscape jumped into view, the trees, the paddy fields shimmering in the early sunlight, the hills far beyond. And that moment gave him the answer – that however dark the night, no one can stop the dawn. The worst was over. He says that if the dawn had delayed by a few minutes hewould havebeendead. He went back to his berth, relaxed for an hour and the train reached its destination. Hehadashower and WHO PAINTED THE RED LINE? 6
  • 7. breakfast and went to Court. By lunchtime he had stepped out with his lawyer to go and celebrate over lunch – he had won the case! He got back his huge property and his wealth! He was given another chance to make a fresh beginninginhis lifeandcareer. -Dr.Ali Khwaja, counselor Deep in the heart of every m a n , i s a longing for God Himself. As the psalmist puts it so poetically, “As the hind longs for the running waters, So my soul longs for you, O God. Athirst is my soul for God, the living God. When shall I go and behold the face ofGod? -Psalm 42:2,3 The psalmist recognizes that the emptiness, the thirst that he experiences, cannot be satisfied by any worldly thing – no pleasure, wealth or position could take the place of the One who truly satisfies. St. Augustine affirms this in his famousprayer: “You have made us for your yourself, O Lord, And our hearts are restlessuntiltheyrestinyou.” So prayer is the place where we can “rest in Him,” where we “behold the face of God” – without words, in silence and in stillness. It is there that our emptinesswillbefilled. But there is another thirst that is quenched through prayer. In the gospel of John, we read that Jesus Christ, hanging in agony on the cross, cried out, “I thirst.” This gospel mentions only four short sentences spoken by Jesus on the cross, and each one is loaded with meaning. Jesus was not talking about his physical thirst, but of his thirst, his passion foreveryhumansoul. On September 10, 1946, when she was just 36 years old, Mother Teresa had a special revelation – the experience of Jesus' thirst for love and for souls. Forty-six years later, she felt moved to share this experience in a letter to her sisters in theMissionariesof Charity: “The time has come for me ….. to explain as fully as I can, what the thirst of Jesus means for me. Jesus is really wanting, waiting to tell you – not only that He loves you, but even more – He longs for you. He misses you when you don't come close. Hethirsts for you….” “How can we last even one day without hearing Jesus say, 'I love you” – impossible! Our soul needs that as much as the body needs to breatheair. Ifnot,prayeris dead.” Is it possible? That the King of the Universe, the Maker of the Galaxies, the Author of Life – thirsts for me? Incredible, but true. I can satiate His thirst through my loving presence in His Loving Presence – face to face. A n d p r a y e r c a n b e c o m e “communion” – the quenching of two thirsts. -Tricia Lobo PRAYER – A QUENCHING OF THIRSTS 7
  • 8. Humans are proud creatures. And what makes them so? Maybe it is because many of them think they can achieve almost everything that theydesire. Human beings are intelligent creatures. They've explored the moon and some other entities in space and some scientists know about things that are located fairly deep below the surface of the earth. All of these accomplishments have been possible because of human intelligence. But is our God-given intelligence always used in the rightway? Once, a group of people travelling together in a train were having a discussion on what human beings had become through what they regarded as their leaving all the beings of the animal kingdom behind. Among them there was a religious teacher who was doing more talking than the others. Toward the end of the discussion he narrated a story to make his point clear. The story was about a father lion and his son. The father instructed his son about how to live. He said, “Son, you are the future king of this forest. Do not be afraid of any animals around you. Be a good friend to them. But please remember one thing: Do not trytomeetwithhumanbeings.” The young lion did not understand why his father had forbidden him frominteractingwithhumans. Time passed, and the young lion was happy with his various animal friends in the forest, but he still couldn't understand why he should be away from humans. So, he decided that he must find out about this on his own. One day, he set out around searching for human beings. On his way, he spotted a deer and asked him if he was human. The deer, surprised and scared, replied: “No! Be careful with that! You better not search for humans, or even talk about them!” Sayingthisthedeerleft. The disappointed lion cub continued his quest. Next, he met a hippo, and thought to himself, “This being is big and seems very authoritative. He must be a human!” He approached the hippo and asked him, “My friend, are you a human being”? But this time, too, the cub had to face disappointment. The cub didn't give up, though. Moving further, he came across a giraffe, and, then, an elephant, and asked them the same question, and o n b o t h o c c a s i o n s w a s disappointed. But he was very determined, and so he kept moving ahead. When he was trotting along, he heard a noise coming from ahead. In a while he saw what the matter was: There was a boy who was cutting a branch off a tree. The young lion didn't expect this sweet- looking creature to be the human he was searching for—because he didn'tatalllookscary,quiteunlike POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE 8
  • 9. what his father had indicated human beings were. But thinking that there was nothing wrong in asking him, he stood before him and said: “Do you know where I couldfindhumanbeings?” The boy was surprised, and afraid as well, but quickly calmed down. After thinking for a moment, he replied, “Yes! I know where they live, but you have to help me before I takeyouthere.” “What a relief!” the young lion thought to himself and cheerfully agreed to help the boy. All he needed to do was to stand below the branch. The young lion did as he was told while the boy continued with sawing off the branch. In a short while, the branch came crashing down on the little lion! The cub cried out in pain. He asked the boy for help, but the boy laughed. “You want to see humans? I am one of them!” Saying this, the boy ranoff. The cub now realized why his father had forbidden him from comingincontactwithhumans. This story was intended to support the discussion on the subject of human intelligence, which it very much did. But the story gives rise to yet another very important question, that has to do with the consequences of this intelligence. What is the purpose of our intelligence? How should we use it? If we humans discover the answer to this question and if we use our God-given intelligence for the good of others (including non - human species and the natural environment), many of our problems in our society will be solved. (K.G. Pousonglung is presently s t u d y i n g a t t h e H e n r y Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, a c e n t r e f o r i n t e r f a i t h dialogue, understanding and reconciliation). -By K.G. Pousonglung 9 Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. Mother Teresa
  • 10. It never fails to astound me that a person I met 2 days ago or sometimes a week ago is no more on this planet. It is really hard for me to come to terms with this. Of course, this is part of my spiritual journey to perhaps learn that nothing is permanent. Also, to remind me that life is so short and it is really all those tiny moments which truly count. This was demonstrated to me in December, justamonthago. I got reacquainted with Sharon after several years, maybe a decade at the least, but we took off from where we left as if there was no break at all. She was doing a lot of interesting stuff in the metaphysical space which is of great interest to me. People may call it NewAge but I call it trying to understand things which may have no rational explanation. So, anyway, after one such meeting we decided to have dinner together the followingweek. D-day dawned and as always I suddenly had a couple of unscheduled meetings and was tempted to cancel my dinner a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h h e r. I really thought she would be inconvenienced as I would be delayed. Sure enough, by early evening my day seemed to be stretching longer and longer when I received a message from Sharon saying we could postpone if it was not convenient. Under normal circumstances, I would have grabbed the opportunity but, somehow, I wanted this particular meeting to happen. Although it looked very difficult that I might make it to dinner, I managed to tell her let's postpone by 45 minutes, butIwouldbethereforsure. As it happened I was delayed by another 15 minutes and fortunately so was she, due to the evening traffic. We spent a delightful 2 hours or so together chatting, laughing a lot and talking about life and all those things which you can speak to very few people. Food, chocolate, spiritual and personal developmentamongstotherthings. Little did I know then that it was the last time I would be seeing her. I even dropped her home and we promised to meet each other in Jan. Iwas goingabroadforavacation. Exactly 2 weeks after my dinner date with her, I got a message from one of her friends that 'Sharon isno more'. I was shell shocked. How could this happen so suddenly? From a mere mortal stand point do we really understand His mysterious ways, Iwondered. But let me tell you a little about the evening. She helped me with a rather difficult personal challenge I was goingthoughatthatpointof LIFE 'S FLEETING MOMENTS 10
  • 11. time. She helped me come to terms with a couple of issues. She followed it up with a WhatsApp message as we were driving back, so I have her last couple of messages to me on my phone. I am trulygratefultoher. That day when I got the news of her rather untimely demise I decided I will let her go in peace, celebrate her instead of mourning her. I know she is in a better place and helping humanity from wherever she is. I am just in deep gratitude to Him that I managed to spend those couple of hours with her joyfully. Just imagine if I had cancelled? I had legitimate reasons to do so that day,butHewantedmetomeether. Life is fleeting, being present in the moment is what really counts in the long run. Don't postpone meeting loved ones just because we are caught up with our busy schedules. Iamindeepgratitude. -Kiran Bhat 11 A MEMORABLE BREAKFAST WITH SHASHI KAPOOR In 1993, Torn Curtains, our theatre group in Hyderabad, was celebrating it’s Silver Jubilee. One of our patrons was Jennifer Kapoor and we had good fortune to have Shashi Kapoor join us for breakfast onemorning. “So many memories of him and Jennifer in the area we lived in back in the day, my biggest and only crush on a film star. He literally gave up the will to live when Jennifer passed on. A great body of work with the Ismail Merchant - James Ivory duo, films like The Householder, Junoon, Kalyug, his beloved Prithvi Theatre and the talent he nurtured.... so much will be written about him in the days to come. I will always remember the twinkle in his eye and his crooked smile when he asked for bread, butter and jam after demolishing a superb traditional hyderabadi Breakfast. I burst out laughing. He said “I’m a creature of habit”. Was there ever a charmer like him? Likhe jo khat tujhe, Woh teri yaad mein, Hazaron rang ke nazaare ban gaye, Savera jab hua, toh phool ban gaye, Jo raat ayee toh sitare ban gaye. R.I.P, you beautiful, wonderful star who will always shine brightly for me’ Niloufer Ebrahim
  • 12. Another way to say that you are grieving is that a part of you is stuck inamomentintime. Sometimes the cause of the stuckness isn't the grief itself, but the fact that you don't even recognize that you've lost something and that you need to grieve. G r i e f i s a w o r d t h a t i s used interchangeably with bereavement, but grief is not exclusively about the physical deathofaperson. Grief doesn't fit in a box, either. Some forms of grief take years to work through, other types take a few solid months, some take a single moment of deep acknowledgement. Everyone grieves differently and for different reasons, but one thing remains constant in the process. It's the one thing no one has ever said aboutgrieving: “Ididitrighton time.” Grieving is marked by a lag, a delay, a freezing, “Wait. What just happened?” Grieving is also not a linear process. One moment you feel you've fully moved past something, the next moment it's right back in front of yourface. That's because grief is insidious, imposing and demands to be felt. Even if you're able to somehow avoid it all day long, grief comes back to you in your sleep. It's laying righton your heartasyou wakeup. Grief doesn't say, “I've been here long enough, I think it's time for me toleave.” No. Grief crowds the heart, eats up all your energy and chronically imposes upon your peace. But grief isn't some evil force that's only there to cause pain, grief is escorting up an even deeper feeling, a truth about your life, what you value and what you need. Perhaps how much you wanted something, how deeply you care about someone, how far you've come from where you were. As Mark Nepo so beautifully puts it, "The pain was necessary to know the truth, but we don't have to keep the pain alive to keep the truth alive." Still, grief isn't necessarily a depression. People can be grieving and heartbroken about somethingandnotevenknow it. 12 THE ONE THING NO ONE EVER SAYS ABOUT GRIEVING Understand, Recognize, Touch & Move
  • 13. Here are some examples of events thatcausegrieving: Ÿ Abreakup Ÿ The selling of your childhood home Ÿ What you always wanted but nevergot Ÿ Aperson who died Ÿ A person who is still alive but is electivelyabsentinyourlife Ÿ Theloss ofadream Ÿ Divorce Ÿ Infertility Ÿ Loving someone who is self- destructive Ÿ Theloss ofapet Ÿ Theendofafriendship Ÿ Job loss ortheendofacareer The typical route for grieving begins with denial, and that's actuallyagood thing. Ultimately, your defence mechanisms are there to protect you. Denial kicks in when it would otherwise be too overwhelming to feel it all at once. Ideally, denial slowly fades away and the grief is felt. (Ideally.) More typically, you swallowyourgrief. It comes up in small spurts when you're not paying attention, then you numb yourself to it somehow, then it jumps up more forcefully, then you numb yourself more heavily. That is the path of staying stuck in grief. The path loops. People lose themselveson thatpath. Is thereabetterpath? The answer is yes. But you don't have to walk it unless you choose to. Some losses are so exquisitely painful, in a way that no one else could ever fully understand, that no one would fault you for staying in theloop. If you do choose to get out of the disorienting, dizzying loop of grief, hereare4 ways tobegin: 1. UNDERSTAND - That your heart is broken, even if it's not visibletoothers. Keep in mind that there's no 'right way' to grieve and that grieving is notalinearprocess. Just because its been 6 months, 4 years, 15 years, whatever – none of that means anything to your grief. The clock starts when you begin to recognize your grief. In other words, when you genuinely begin to address what happened (or perhapswhatneverhappened). 2. RECOGNIZE - Before you can grieve, you have to recognize that you needtogrieve. Something happened, or didn't happen,thatburdenedyou. Ironically, when you're burdened, something is given to you and taken away from you at the same time. What do you feel was taken from you? What do you feel you are burdened with? The answers to those questions help you recognize whatyouneedtogrieve. 3. TOUCH - You have to touch the loss (as well as all the anger, sadness, bitterness, resilience, compassion and any other feelings you encounteredduringyourloss). You're in touch with your grief when you make space for the feelingsyourloss broughtintoyour 13
  • 14. 14 Most people take it for granted that when they get up every morning the sun will be shining, while they robotically go for their phones, then its breakfast, and finally get ready to go about their daily chores. This is a habit cultivated by many. I am not sayingeverybody. There have been instances when people went to bed at night and never lived to see the new dawn. They wouldn't have had a clue that death was lurking round the corner. I pray this doesn't happen to anyone. Death is not on everyone's mind, but it is definitelyon thecards.Butwhen? TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE TODAY life. It may feel counter-intuitive to go back to the feelings that you want so desperately to let go of, but there's simply no way to move through grief without making contact with it, without fully touching it, without fullyfeelingit. You have to pick it up, hold it, feel the weight of it in your hands, on your heart and within your life. You have to feel the whole loss. Grief demands to be felt with an insistence that needs no sleep. You either allow yourself to encounter the feelings or you remain encased in a shell of yourself under a misguided sense of self-protection. 4. MOVE - The feeling of grief can linger for so long that you almost befriendthegrief. The grief becomes oddly soothing in its familiarity and its predictability. Dealing with the grief means letting go of this familiarity and moving towards something less predictable andlessfamiliar,whichisscary. Still, if you want to genuinely address the grief, you have to continue to move through the peripheral, familiar parts of your grief and go right into the epicenter of your grief. As the classic hero's journey goes, you have to get inside the belly of the whale.There (and only there) you will find the door to the unpredictable pieces of life that are patiently waiting for you on the othersideofyour pain. So.... Understandyourheartis broken. Recognizewhy it'sbroken. Touchthegrief. Move towards the epicenter of your grief, as it's the only path to other sideofyourpain. Please remember, the grief you're experiencing is yours, and you can carry it with you for as long as you like. Let go of it only when you feel ready-enough, and if you never feel ready, that's okay. If you do feel ready to move through it, recruit professional support here, or here, or here. Navigating through grief is unpredictable, dangerous terrain. You don'thavetodoitalone. -Katherine Schafler, NYC-based psychotherapist, writer and speaker.
  • 15. 15 That is only known by The Man above. People are too busy and caught up with their worldly activities. Its only when one reaches a certain age, do they start thinking and are wary about death, and that's when many wish they had done things differently. I am not referring tothethosewithhealthissues. What if I had to tell you that today is the last day of your life on earth, and tomorrow you will be at the pearly gates awaiting your judgement. There you will be handed the keys to heaven or to hades depending on the quality of the life you lived. What would then be running through your mind? Would your mind still be flooded with the thoughts of your favorite food, the house you plan to build, the money in the bank, the latest fashions, the exotic holiday, or the world cruise that you hadbeen planning? All this will suddenly seem worthless and useless to you. Nothing will get your adrenalin flowing as this would not be exciting anymore. Such assets would never give you satisfaction any longer. Instead you would begin to think, how do I right all the wrongs committed by me. If you had lived a life of secrecy and many wrong doings, you are sure to be exposed and would want to destroy any such evidence. Yes, you would not want the world to find out and remember you as such a person. Regrets are bound to surface and you would wish that you were given a second chance. Its never too late for those who are reading this. Remember the case of The great Alfred Nobel, how a premature obituary transformed his life. You too can take this as an opportunity and try and change. Find out what you can do best to be a different person and how to be an asset to society. Your transformation will help you to bea blessing to your family, society and local community. Start today. Get up every morning with a purpose in life. Reprogram your life. It is all in your hands. Start living the life you envision and begin to think, live and act in a productive and positive manner. In this way you are setting out positive vibrations and will attract positives to you. Nature has a unique way to bring about such a transformation. The universe has its own way of giving back what one gives to it. So do not hold back. Recreate your life, then go out and live it without any regrets. Wake up every morning with a resolution that you are special, and you are here to make a difference in your life, and the lives of others. Remember once you are gone you are just a memory, so better letitbesweet. - Quentin Fernandez
  • 16. Designed and Printed by Dot Line Crew, dotlinecrew@gmail.com The Mustard Seed as usual comes to you free of charge. However, your generosity keeps us going. Our print run is 2000 copies distributed across India and abroad. Cheques/MO/DDto be drawn in the name of ‘Radhika Dossa’ only. If you have a friend who would like to receive The Mustard Seed regularly, free of cost, please send in his/her name and address. If you would like to help SAVE PAPER by accepting online issues of TMS, kindly let us know your email address. Email us at themustardseed.11@gmail.com Blog: tmsthemustardseed.wordpress.com Postal address: Raadhika Dosa D’cruz, #33 St. Patrick’s Town, Solapur Road, Hadapsar, Pune 411013 Apowerful truth I wish I had learned a coupleofyearsago. “Regardless of how anyone treats you, you stand to benefit. While some people teach you who you do want to be, others teach you who you don’t want to be.And it’s the people who teach you who you don’t want to be that provide some of the most lasting and memorable lessons on social graces, human dignity, and the importanceofactingwithintegrity.” -Kari Kampakis Whenindoubt,choosetheheart It means to trust your self to integrate intuitionandexperience. The more you practice listening to that calm inner voice, intuition or gut feeling, the more accurate and clear the voicewillbecome -Priti chawla 16 Compassion is not a virtue, it is a commitment. It’s not something we have or don’t have, it’s something we choose topractice -Old proverb