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There is so many living things came and just left
the evidence that they existed. Like wise the basic of
surviving is kill or be killed that is the principle in the
Forest with full of carnivores .
in that our ancestor(chimps) got targeted by the all the
carnivores so they all started to move from tree to tree by
hand at one point they don’t have tree to climb so they
have to cross the land by running that is the first step
to human evolution. They all started to follow the strong
apes for safety.
The path Of Destruction to Peace
So the first step helped us to create a modern humans. The
bunch of our ancestor(Apes) started moving day time and
night they sheltered in safe places like tree ,mountain,
caves, etc. they started to communicate via signs , drawings
they had their own language. Due to ice age there is no
green things so they started to eat the dead animals which
are frozen they started to fit in the food chain.
They are last in the food chain they cant beat the carnivores
almost they lost many battles to them. They scared the
predators by unity with making noise . so They targeted
herbivores For hunting the herbivores they started to use
weapons made by stone. It leads to the stone age.
Stone age they find fire which is lead to give-up on the running
and started to live in a community culture .they started to build
the walls and agricultural farms. And the inventions of wheel lead
us to moving things easily without more effort .at some point the
strong one who always want to like a adventurous life(yin) they
went out of this community with their followers. The pure
hearted one (Yang) who become the leader of the village. This is
where the conflict starts between the humans for a first time.
Before they all got separated by the chase of the food chain
this is the first time they got separated by the different opinions.
And because of fire and wheel we came to use the metals which
leads to the age of metals.
The path Of Destruction to Peace
The civilized men started to live in a village style structure with a
leader the leader mostly the yang who want to live the life
peacefully. The strong ones(yin) who went out become the king by
teaching the things he know like agriculture , closed gate
community ,fire to the new peoples and the people made him king
and started to follow him.
This lead to the slavery and all the abuses that done by king
• greedy
• sexual abuse
• feeling superior
• calling himself a god etc..
We are all copycats so almost all the peoples started to follow
the kingdom and king structure. Human heart . That breed
conflicts. so the conflict between every kings lead to the war
for resources and to show the strength so they forgot the
promises and they
Crossed the lines. The peoples who made him a king they want
a peaceful life and security all vanished.
they canceled the barter system and made coins this is the
first time they started to use money (COINS)…
The peoples always want a peaceful life and they need security
from the animals and a happy life that’s the main thing of the
village. But it all erased by the kings and he used the people for
his wishes.
That’s how all the problem started when some one don’t like the
king will help the other king to kill this one and taking over the
kingdom started to happen all peoples got separated the
peoples started to suffer a lot.
Commonly it took place for
Dispute ,to show the power ,for love, for wealth, for knowledge,
revenge etc..
The war is important part that helped the people to
understand who is the true leader. War showed us if we
don’t follow a right people will lead to the destruction of
their own kind.
if you take any battle we just followed a people who don’t
care about the people just his fulfilling his dreams is
important . So the world started to turn into use or be
the time become the start of our destruction
When the king died his bishop will become a king and continued the
war. War started to consume the world. Because of the greediness
of the king the good peoples are died in many wars. Still now this
is happening.
When the era of kings came to end all fortune where taken care by
the accountant. He become the banker and he started
To circulate the money with low interest. And it lead to the era of
business man.
When the banker circulating the money disputes happened. There
comes a man land lord he said give me the money i will take the
money I will give it to them based on their work compensation .
He started to use the people and he become rich and that’s how
the landlord started to conquer the world.
Then people got civilized and started to do business under the
frame work of government.
There goes our civil wars and expedition of business through water
ways started then we all know finding America ,and conquering of
India and world wars .
Business man are the men of evolution they started to realize the
problem and they bring the solution to the peoples by inventing
something new.
They changed the world pretty quick if you take any business that
all changed the worlds are create to change the world.
Levis for the worker he invented the jeans .
The world got altered by the individual inventions .and it lead us
to the modern world as well as in present it is tearing the world
The system we created to keep all the peoples safe and sound
turned into accomplishing the needs of individual.
The vow that still broken when it comes to king , leader,
government the promise made after stone age to people of
We already Destroyed almost everything like animals, forest and
Resources etc.
We are humans we think we are in charge for everything and we
control everything but the truth is the untamed brain is controlling
We are all forgot the main objective and we started to fight for
the first place and we left the people who we want to serve.
The system also become a business and full of corruption.
The government main objective is the primary need of the human
being Food, shelter, safety etc.
Instead we took
• Stable prices (low inflation)
• Steady and sustained economic growth
• Low unemployment or full employment
• A balanced balance of payments so it is a Deviation this lead to
people can do whatever they want to survive.
Our mind always take the shortcut based on psychology when it
comes to making money Also it is doing the same.
The strong ones started to make money by violence.
The brainy started to make money by combining a group of people
called business.
And the strategist started to help the business by becoming a
marketing and sales person.
In the end heart of the business customers who is going to pay
more and fooled.
Business started to fulfill the need of customer but now it turned
into money making machine.
Education system fully become money oriented service
Life style(We lost Happiness in the search of money)
No empathy at all
We convinced our self to make money we can do anything.(deforestation,
creating mess in sea, global warming)
We know using cars and oil are the problem even though no one taking
proper care.
We are all become selfish.
Already collapsed the food chain
We are all feel inside something wrong but no one want to talk about it.
70% of the time we are thinking about our self it is because of an
untrained mind. The mind take shortcut to blind our self
In the search of money every one want to be a Engineer, Doctor, MBA
So it will create a unbalanced side and later they all will want to do
something else to satisfy their souls .it will create chaos like fall of
a country. We all know if a country falls it will affect all the
(Greece, china devaluation)
The education system testing the memory and didn’t teach any
thing to keep the morale.so there goes our creativity and innovation
In future we can see many Educated puppets
We lost our self's in the young age and we want find a purpose in the
end of our life time.
Everyone came here for a purpose if we don’t fulfill then our heart
will be always empty.
We all become selfish, no empathy we never see the issues in our
action.(Organ trade, selling babies etc.)
It all happened because we all ways follow a wrong person.
In psychology we always attracted to the psychotic person .
Training the mind is important we must awaken soul.
Agriculture & Making Food items also become a business it leads to
adding chemicals for good yield and genetically modified breeds
that create health issues.
The new born baby having heart disease and diabetics its all because
of us.
We are all living for the sake of our parents and our child and our
family as well as for our self so the system convinced we can do
whatever we want for surviving .we should make other persons life
better or we are wasting the time
Already the ground water level is used and it will take 500 years to
refill so there is food shortage because of the drought. Because of
that tree and plants also will die so there goes bees and other
animal with the social animal. If it happened total continent will
Collapse which will increase the global warming and calamites
which will lead the others to face many problem.
Like war for the essential organism.
And the people in the remaining countries will make farm land to
grow more food for that forest will be destroyed that causes human
race end.
We can stop that happening if we act now. All we have to do is
uniting the world. Gather all the scientist and escape to the other
By now most people can agree that our planet's climate is beginning
to change. Whether this is due to a normal cycle or helped along by
humans is still somewhat up for debate though it is pretty likely
that our steady stream of fossil fuels and other gasses into the air
can't be helping anything. However you look at it, increasing
temperatures can cause any number of horrible scenarios to play
out, including erratic weather patterns, drought, flooding of low
lying areas, and even economic and political collapse. The long
term future of this climate change could actually mean another ice
About 30,000 species are lost every year due to human activity.
Basically, at that rate, we are causing the next mass
extinction and if we don't leave enough plant and animal species
on the Earth to sustain ourselves.
After the natural disaster the chance of surviving with nature is
low due to the low tolerance of immune system with virus and
bacteria Without medicine.
Brand wars:
Too many brands going to fight and the price will become low.
Business wars:
Everyone is going to start a business without a purpose so the business will
fail and the bank is going to corrupt and there goes our system and
governments. unemployment and food shortage then end of our modern
Data wars:
Information is everything. today we are having all the data in the internet
We all surf in surface web which is less. Deep web contains data more than
the surface web. So who owns data they become the leader.in future.
Hacking :
All information now days stored in digital format in hard drives and
data servers, cloud, data warehouse.
Now days hacking come handy and a little crash will make a
government collapse.
War for food and water:
Soon the water level will go down so the trees and plants going to
die. Because of the selfishness of our deep hole water pumping
method (may be some countries not allowing this method even
though this climate change is for every one).this prove a proverb
live let live. We cant live by destroying others .already we killed
bees .in the next two years because of global warming all the bees
going to die and the same goes for the rest of the world.
Because of the radiation increase in daily life the 1 out 8 couples
having a problem.(2010 survey so we are already in extinction)
The path Of Destruction to Peace
We are all having a weird feeling that is this world is going to end it
is an intuition.
Its an intuition that is After earth collapsed the survivors have to
eat the other survivors.
No Time machine:
If time machine was invented we already in war with our own kind.
That is fight between the present and future. And we cant change
Before this disaster we all should work together and reduce the
impact by freezing the co2 and keep that under the seabed and
sending co2 through the rockets and hit the mars atmosphere so
the too much co2 will create a unbalanced planet into a survivable
planet at the time we will leave this planet and we will settle
there. For this we need everyone cooperation.
If we act together we can create a history or still you don’t
believe and live in this illusion of wars there is no one will be
here to remember anything and thanks to you Because of our own
conviction we destroyed the planet and the all the living things by
just 200 years.
We need everyone to survive if we still cling to the past nothings
goanna happen we must act soon and save this planet and the living
things. We cant let you destroy it anymore .
We are all children of the evolution. We all came from one thing if you
still think the differences between others. Its all because of the
different places, environment, beliefs, climate and the following of
different peoples.
We are all same and we are all family if we still fight with in our self
the family will be gone and the so called home. We must stop the
fighting and start to fight together for surviving.
Are go ahead and be a part of everything and bring end to the life on
Still we are not seeing the people who are all suffering in this world
without proper food, water ,cloths. so lift others we will rise at the
same time. Or we all will be remembered by this image
We must understand spiritual and science are a same magnet rod
with two magnetic pole this two will be need to create a
complete magnet.
If we prove it then it is science if we cant then it is spiritual

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The path Of Destruction to Peace

  • 1. *
  • 2. AFRICA: There is so many living things came and just left the evidence that they existed. Like wise the basic of surviving is kill or be killed that is the principle in the Forest with full of carnivores . in that our ancestor(chimps) got targeted by the all the carnivores so they all started to move from tree to tree by hand at one point they don’t have tree to climb so they have to cross the land by running that is the first step to human evolution. They all started to follow the strong apes for safety. *
  • 4. So the first step helped us to create a modern humans. The bunch of our ancestor(Apes) started moving day time and night they sheltered in safe places like tree ,mountain, caves, etc. they started to communicate via signs , drawings they had their own language. Due to ice age there is no green things so they started to eat the dead animals which are frozen they started to fit in the food chain. They are last in the food chain they cant beat the carnivores almost they lost many battles to them. They scared the predators by unity with making noise . so They targeted herbivores For hunting the herbivores they started to use weapons made by stone. It leads to the stone age. *
  • 5. Stone age they find fire which is lead to give-up on the running and started to live in a community culture .they started to build the walls and agricultural farms. And the inventions of wheel lead us to moving things easily without more effort .at some point the strong one who always want to like a adventurous life(yin) they went out of this community with their followers. The pure hearted one (Yang) who become the leader of the village. This is where the conflict starts between the humans for a first time. Before they all got separated by the chase of the food chain this is the first time they got separated by the different opinions. And because of fire and wheel we came to use the metals which leads to the age of metals. *
  • 7. The civilized men started to live in a village style structure with a leader the leader mostly the yang who want to live the life peacefully. The strong ones(yin) who went out become the king by teaching the things he know like agriculture , closed gate community ,fire to the new peoples and the people made him king and started to follow him. This lead to the slavery and all the abuses that done by king • greedy • sexual abuse • feeling superior • calling himself a god etc.. *
  • 8. We are all copycats so almost all the peoples started to follow the kingdom and king structure. Human heart . That breed conflicts. so the conflict between every kings lead to the war for resources and to show the strength so they forgot the promises and they Crossed the lines. The peoples who made him a king they want a peaceful life and security all vanished. they canceled the barter system and made coins this is the first time they started to use money (COINS)… *
  • 9. The peoples always want a peaceful life and they need security from the animals and a happy life that’s the main thing of the village. But it all erased by the kings and he used the people for his wishes. That’s how all the problem started when some one don’t like the king will help the other king to kill this one and taking over the kingdom started to happen all peoples got separated the peoples started to suffer a lot. WAR: Commonly it took place for Dispute ,to show the power ,for love, for wealth, for knowledge, revenge etc.. *
  • 10. The war is important part that helped the people to understand who is the true leader. War showed us if we don’t follow a right people will lead to the destruction of their own kind. if you take any battle we just followed a people who don’t care about the people just his fulfilling his dreams is important . So the world started to turn into use or be used. the time become the start of our destruction began.
  • 11. When the king died his bishop will become a king and continued the war. War started to consume the world. Because of the greediness of the king the good peoples are died in many wars. Still now this is happening. BANKER: When the era of kings came to end all fortune where taken care by the accountant. He become the banker and he started To circulate the money with low interest. And it lead to the era of business man. *
  • 12. When the banker circulating the money disputes happened. There comes a man land lord he said give me the money i will take the money I will give it to them based on their work compensation . He started to use the people and he become rich and that’s how the landlord started to conquer the world. Then people got civilized and started to do business under the frame work of government. There goes our civil wars and expedition of business through water ways started then we all know finding America ,and conquering of India and world wars . *
  • 13. Business man are the men of evolution they started to realize the problem and they bring the solution to the peoples by inventing something new. They changed the world pretty quick if you take any business that all changed the worlds are create to change the world. Levis for the worker he invented the jeans . The world got altered by the individual inventions .and it lead us to the modern world as well as in present it is tearing the world apart. *
  • 14. *
  • 15. The system we created to keep all the peoples safe and sound turned into accomplishing the needs of individual. The vow that still broken when it comes to king , leader, government the promise made after stone age to people of village. We already Destroyed almost everything like animals, forest and Resources etc. We are humans we think we are in charge for everything and we control everything but the truth is the untamed brain is controlling us. *
  • 16. We are all forgot the main objective and we started to fight for the first place and we left the people who we want to serve. The system also become a business and full of corruption. The government main objective is the primary need of the human being Food, shelter, safety etc. Instead we took • Stable prices (low inflation) • Steady and sustained economic growth • Low unemployment or full employment • A balanced balance of payments so it is a Deviation this lead to people can do whatever they want to survive. *
  • 17. Our mind always take the shortcut based on psychology when it comes to making money Also it is doing the same. BUSINESS: The strong ones started to make money by violence. The brainy started to make money by combining a group of people called business. And the strategist started to help the business by becoming a marketing and sales person. In the end heart of the business customers who is going to pay more and fooled. Business started to fulfill the need of customer but now it turned into money making machine. *
  • 18. Education system fully become money oriented service Life style(We lost Happiness in the search of money) No empathy at all We convinced our self to make money we can do anything.(deforestation, creating mess in sea, global warming) We know using cars and oil are the problem even though no one taking proper care. We are all become selfish. Already collapsed the food chain We are all feel inside something wrong but no one want to talk about it. 70% of the time we are thinking about our self it is because of an untrained mind. The mind take shortcut to blind our self *
  • 19. * In the search of money every one want to be a Engineer, Doctor, MBA .Etc.. So it will create a unbalanced side and later they all will want to do something else to satisfy their souls .it will create chaos like fall of a country. We all know if a country falls it will affect all the country's (Greece, china devaluation) The education system testing the memory and didn’t teach any thing to keep the morale.so there goes our creativity and innovation In future we can see many Educated puppets
  • 20. We lost our self's in the young age and we want find a purpose in the end of our life time. Everyone came here for a purpose if we don’t fulfill then our heart will be always empty. We all become selfish, no empathy we never see the issues in our action.(Organ trade, selling babies etc.) It all happened because we all ways follow a wrong person. In psychology we always attracted to the psychotic person . Training the mind is important we must awaken soul. *
  • 21. Agriculture & Making Food items also become a business it leads to adding chemicals for good yield and genetically modified breeds that create health issues. The new born baby having heart disease and diabetics its all because of us. We are all living for the sake of our parents and our child and our family as well as for our self so the system convinced we can do whatever we want for surviving .we should make other persons life better or we are wasting the time *
  • 22. *
  • 23. WAR FOR LIVING: Already the ground water level is used and it will take 500 years to refill so there is food shortage because of the drought. Because of that tree and plants also will die so there goes bees and other animal with the social animal. If it happened total continent will Collapse which will increase the global warming and calamites which will lead the others to face many problem. Like war for the essential organism. And the people in the remaining countries will make farm land to grow more food for that forest will be destroyed that causes human race end. We can stop that happening if we act now. All we have to do is uniting the world. Gather all the scientist and escape to the other planet. *
  • 24. By now most people can agree that our planet's climate is beginning to change. Whether this is due to a normal cycle or helped along by humans is still somewhat up for debate though it is pretty likely that our steady stream of fossil fuels and other gasses into the air can't be helping anything. However you look at it, increasing temperatures can cause any number of horrible scenarios to play out, including erratic weather patterns, drought, flooding of low lying areas, and even economic and political collapse. The long term future of this climate change could actually mean another ice age. *
  • 25. About 30,000 species are lost every year due to human activity. Basically, at that rate, we are causing the next mass extinction and if we don't leave enough plant and animal species on the Earth to sustain ourselves. After the natural disaster the chance of surviving with nature is low due to the low tolerance of immune system with virus and bacteria Without medicine. *
  • 26. Brand wars: Too many brands going to fight and the price will become low. Business wars: Everyone is going to start a business without a purpose so the business will fail and the bank is going to corrupt and there goes our system and governments. unemployment and food shortage then end of our modern world. Data wars: Information is everything. today we are having all the data in the internet We all surf in surface web which is less. Deep web contains data more than the surface web. So who owns data they become the leader.in future. *
  • 27. Hacking : All information now days stored in digital format in hard drives and data servers, cloud, data warehouse. Now days hacking come handy and a little crash will make a government collapse. War for food and water: Soon the water level will go down so the trees and plants going to die. Because of the selfishness of our deep hole water pumping method (may be some countries not allowing this method even though this climate change is for every one).this prove a proverb live let live. We cant live by destroying others .already we killed bees .in the next two years because of global warming all the bees going to die and the same goes for the rest of the world. infertility: Because of the radiation increase in daily life the 1 out 8 couples having a problem.(2010 survey so we are already in extinction) *
  • 29. We are all having a weird feeling that is this world is going to end it is an intuition. Zombie: Its an intuition that is After earth collapsed the survivors have to eat the other survivors. No Time machine: If time machine was invented we already in war with our own kind. That is fight between the present and future. And we cant change time. *
  • 30. Before this disaster we all should work together and reduce the impact by freezing the co2 and keep that under the seabed and sending co2 through the rockets and hit the mars atmosphere so the too much co2 will create a unbalanced planet into a survivable planet at the time we will leave this planet and we will settle there. For this we need everyone cooperation. If we act together we can create a history or still you don’t believe and live in this illusion of wars there is no one will be here to remember anything and thanks to you Because of our own conviction we destroyed the planet and the all the living things by just 200 years. *
  • 31. We need everyone to survive if we still cling to the past nothings goanna happen we must act soon and save this planet and the living things. We cant let you destroy it anymore . We are all children of the evolution. We all came from one thing if you still think the differences between others. Its all because of the different places, environment, beliefs, climate and the following of different peoples. We are all same and we are all family if we still fight with in our self the family will be gone and the so called home. We must stop the fighting and start to fight together for surviving. Are go ahead and be a part of everything and bring end to the life on earth. -AKB *
  • 32. Still we are not seeing the people who are all suffering in this world without proper food, water ,cloths. so lift others we will rise at the same time. Or we all will be remembered by this image
  • 33. We must understand spiritual and science are a same magnet rod with two magnetic pole this two will be need to create a complete magnet. If we prove it then it is science if we cant then it is spiritual *