PowerPoint presentation from CitizenShift's workshop entitled: The Power of Social Media given at the Canadian Social Forum in Calgary, May 19-22, 2009.
A basic overview of Social Media philosophy and tools.
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The Power of Social Media
1. The Power of Social Media Canadian Social Forum - Calgary, May 2009
2. Overview: Social Media What is ‘Social Media’ A new way of communicating The sharing of media; films, photos, music & ideas ‘ Social’ refers to ‘people to people’ activities It’s all about conversations
3. Social media are also sometimes referred to as Web 2.0. They’re social and interactive, allowing people to share ideas, opinions, and insights rather than just communicating one-way. Social media include things such as blogs, wikis, discussion boards, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and the newest addition: Twitter.
4. More than ever before people have the tools to create/record, share and manipulate media We’re using social media sites at a rate of : 77% Internet users read blogs 100,000,000 users log onto Facebook at least once a day 100,000,000 - number of YouTube videos viewed per day Aprox 10 million tweets per day on Twitter, 20 million accounts as of February 2009 People want to be social…we have always drawn strength from each other. New technologies and near ubiquitous Internet access now make it easier than ever to connect.
5. Web 2.0 A second generation of the web where interactivity is key An easy and accessible means of communicating with one another A whole world of social-networking sites, services, and tools that make sharing easy Social Media emerged from and thrives in the Web 2.0 environment
6. Creative Commons On CitizenShift, Creative C ommons is a way people can post their material, and keep as much or as little control around their work as they like. This offers a huge advantage over sites like YouTube and Facebook, who’s end user agreements take ownership over all the content that is posted. A short film about using Creative Commons http://citizen. nfb .ca/building-past
7. Some Tools of Social Media The embed link - a fundamental aspect to social media RSS feeds; the oil that lubricates the Web 2.0 experience. Mash-ups - recreating culture, democratizing the web Tweets; follow the trends, get information live, as it happens
8. Context and Examples Why social media is important for community projects and social action initiatives Social Media helps organizations to… communicate more effectively and efficiently let people know about you or your cause and to actively participate. help people (which is probably why you exist as an organization)
9. Some examples of successful campaigns on CitizenShift CitizenShift encourages and supports community based initiatives and makes people more aware of the issues. Benefits to posting your media on CitizenShift: Visibility, access and interaction with people interested in your work Contextualized with other, related multimedia content Free outreach on your behalf Feedback on who is accessing your work You control the content and terms of use
10. Picture This: A photovoice project Mothers of Children with FASD 1 video, over 18,000 reads, global network using this piece as their showcase to raise awareness of the issue and offer a community of support for people touched by FASD. http://citizen. nfb .ca/picture-this
11. Burundi Film Centre dossier http://citizen.nfb.ca/burundi-film-center Started as a blog, then became a dossier with films, photos & articles Then became a screening, CitizenShift hosted two screenings, in Toronto & Montreal Then became a success; BFC project invited to festivals; embeds and links back to the dossier used as an example for the project.
12. Focus and Turning Points: Giving a Voice to Youth http://citizen.nfb.ca/focus-and-turning-points-giving-voice-youth http://citizen. nfb .ca/bounce-back
13. Outreach Communications, support and cross channel promotion The importance of Outreach - it’s all about making connections Doesn’t just ‘happen’ by itself You have to be your communities’ first and most active contributor Have a dedicated person(s) working exclusively on social media outreach & marketing
14. Outreach & Social Marketing Some popular platforms Enable photo sharing (and spread your message) by creating a Flickr account. Build stronger communities and engage your champions through a Facebook group Start using twitter , it’s not quantity but quality that counts; make the posts interesting and pertinent Follow Technorati and Google Alerts to see who is talking about your group or cause, and then, jump into the conversation
15. Before you jump into social media activity, set out a plan with clear points of measurement along the way… Ask yourself: what do we need to achieve? Which audiences are important for this? where are those audiences online; which platforms are they using? do those platforms & tools fit with the kind of content we have or can create? can we sustain what we start?
16. Most Importantly… Outreach with social media is not like traditional marketing; it requires a new way of thinking. A more opened approach must be adopted. Listen, be accessible, be self-aware, reach out It is about building relationships, the fundamental difference between broadcasting and conversing. T raditional one-way marketing is shouting, social media is about conversations.
17. Credits… For a full list of reference URL’s used in this presentation, please see: http://delicious.com/reisa101/csf_socialmedia Join us on CitizenShift, and jump into the conversation. http://citizen.nfb.ca For more info: [email_address] Reisa Levine CitizenShift Producer [email_address]
Editor's Notes
Stat source: http://thefuturebuzz.com/2009/01/12/social-media-web-20-internet-numbers-stats/ http://mashable.com/2009/01/29/stats-old-media-decline/ - for some interesting stats on old media decline and new media growth. While old media is still on top, the rate of decline in the face of new media growth is noteworthy. http: //popacular . com/gigatweet/ - to see number of tweets, live aprox 10million tweets per day
Gotoweb2.0 - an index of Web 2.0 tools http://www.go2web20.net/
Check out this blog post for some of the most basic incentives to dip into social media http://communicationsconversations.blogspot.com/2009/02/social-media-and-not-for-profits_16.html The tools are cheap or relatively inexpensive--key for not-for-profits with little to no communications budget. They're usually easy to set up. Also important for organizations who usually have one do-it-all communicator on staff. And finally--and most importantly--most social media tools can help build stronger communities. Isn't that what not-for-profit organizations are all about?
http://www. netsquared .org/blog/britt-bravo/net2thinktank-what-needed-facilitate-more-nonprofits-adoption-social-web A major barrier to usage has been the lack of understanding of social media within organizations. Jude made the point that it needs to be cross-department to be effective and to get the right amount of buy-in.