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The Rails Engine That Could - In Motion
 Difficulty reusing functionality cutting across:
   Assets (JS, CSS, Images)
 Duplication across all web application layers.
Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
 Break common behavior into Rails Engines

 Customize models/controllers/helpers in each
 project where needed by reopening classes

 Customize Rails views in each project as needed
 by overriding templates

 Link to Rails Engines in Gemfile via Git repo
                       Rails Engine

          Search Map
             Rails Engine

  High School         Public           Athlete
   Recruiting        Profiles         Recruiting
      Rails App         Rails App        Rails App
Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
 Engines let applications reuse:
   Models / Views / Controllers / Helpers
   Assets (JS, CSS, Images)
   Rake tasks
   RSpec / Cucumber
   More (migrations, seeds, libraries)
Engine Definition
 An engine structure is similar to a Rails app
 having app, config, lib, spec, features, etc…
 lib/engine_name.rb (read online instructions)
 lib/engine_name/engine.rb (read online
 To reuse engine, use “jeweler” gem to generate
 gemspec (read online instructions)
Engine Consumption
    Reference engine via Gemfile as a Ruby gem or
    Git repo hosted gemified project:

Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
Load Order
 Typically Rails app files load first before Engine

 Strongly recommended to reverse (by patching
 “active_support/dependencies.rb”) so that
 engine’s Ruby code is overrideable in app (see
 next slide)

 ERB files can be overridden in Rails app
The Rails Engine That Could - In Motion
Ruby Code Customization
 Model/Helper/Controller behavior can be
 customized be redefining .rb files in Rails app:
   Add new methods/behavior
   Replace existing methods
   Extend existing methods via alias_method_chain
View Customization
 View files (erb, haml, etc…) and Asset files (js,
 css, and images) can be redefined in Rails app to
 override completely for customization purposes
Code Examples
Typical Development
1. Make changes in engine, rake, and commit
   obtaining a new git ref
2. Update Gemfile in app with new git ref, run
   “bundle install” (getting ride of symlink)
3. Rake and commit changes in app.
4. If more changes in engine are needed go back
   to step 1
Improved Productivity via
 Multiple engine dependencies can hamper
 productivity when frequently going back and
 forth between engines and app
 Engines gems installed via bundler can be
 symlinked to allow continuous development until
 done with both app and
Improved Development
1. Open Rails app and symlink all engines “rake
2. Work in app and engine until done WITHOUT running
   “bundle install”
3. Rake and commit changes in engine obtaining a new git
4. Update Gemfile in app with git ref, run “bundle install”
   (getting ride of symlink)
5. Rake and commit changes in app
Engines Reuse Engines
 Rails engines can reuse other Rails engines

 When multiple levels of depth are involved (e.g.
 App => Engine 1 => Engine 2), commit repos and
 update Gemfile from the bottom up (e.g. Engine
 2 => Engine 1 => App)
Engine Configuration
 Engines can be configured to customize rack
 middleware, load paths, generators, and Rails
 component paths. More details at:
Isolated Engines
 To avoid Ruby namespace clash with
 Models/Helpers/Controllers, you can define an
 isolated namespaced engine:
Rails Engine Patterns
  Keep engine code agnostic of app customizations
  Prevent bi-directional coupling to simplify
  reasoning about code
  Avoid app dependent conditionals to improve code
Pattern - Common Domain
 Problem: Multiple applications need to share a
 basic domain model but want to customize
 behavior without mixing concerns across apps
  In engine, please basic domain model definitions
  and common associations only
  In each app, define specialized behavior and extra
  associations for domain models
Pattern - Expose Helper
 Problem: need to customize presentation logic
 for a view in one app only, but keep the same
 logic in others
  In engine, extract helper logic that needs
  customization into its own helper.
  In app, redefine that new helper with
Pattern - Expose Partial
 Problem: need to customize a part of the view in
 one app only, but keep it the same in others

  In engine, extract view part that needs
  customization as a partial.
  In app, redefine that partial with customizations.
Pattern - Extension Partial
 Problem: One app needs to add content to a
 view that is not needed in other apps
  In engine, introduce a new partial with empty
  contents in area that needs extension for the one
  In app, define that partial with the required
Pattern - Extension Partial


     Courtesy of © 2011 Groupon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Pattern - Extension Point
 Problem: different apps need to contribute data to a
 view in different places (e.g. contribute
 columns/rows in different spots)
   In engine, add logic that looks up partials in a specific
   ext directory, and based on file name (e.g.
   row_7.html.erb), determine index on where to insert it in
   the view.
   In app, define these partials with the right file names
   and locations.
Pattern - Extension Point





Pattern - Configurable
 Problem: different apps need different features from
 an engine in different combinations
   In engine, add logic that looks up configuration options
   from a constant hash (e.g. ENGINE_XYZ_CONFIG =
   {:header => “visible”, :footer => “visible”, …}).
   In app, configure engine by overriding configuration
   options (e.g. ENGINE_XYZ_CONFIG[:header] =
Rails Engine Benefits
 Code reuse across all application layers

 Better maintainability due to:
   Independent project codebases
   Cleanly defined boundaries between projects and
   reusable components (engines)
 Project tests get smaller and run faster
Rails Engine Costs
 Overhead in establishing a new Rails Engine
 gem project

 Continuous switching between projects and
 engines to get work done

 Upgrade of ref numbers in Gemfile on every
 commit (minimized with symlinking)
More Info


 Andy Maleh
  Code Painter Blog http://andymaleh.blogspot.com
  Twitter: @AndyMaleh

More Related Content

The Rails Engine That Could - In Motion

  • 2. Problem Difficulty reusing functionality cutting across: Models Views Controllers Assets (JS, CSS, Images) Duplication across all web application layers.
  • 3. Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Solution Break common behavior into Rails Engines Customize models/controllers/helpers in each project where needed by reopening classes Customize Rails views in each project as needed by overriding templates Link to Rails Engines in Gemfile via Git repo
  • 5. Example Common Domain Rails Engine Search Map Rails Engine High School Public Athlete Recruiting Profiles Recruiting Rails App Rails App Rails App
  • 6. Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Overview Engines let applications reuse: Models / Views / Controllers / Helpers Assets (JS, CSS, Images) Routes Rake tasks Initializers RSpec / Cucumber More (migrations, seeds, libraries)
  • 9. Engine Definition An engine structure is similar to a Rails app having app, config, lib, spec, features, etc… lib/engine_name.rb (read online instructions) lib/engine_name/engine.rb (read online instructions) To reuse engine, use “jeweler” gem to generate gemspec (read online instructions)
  • 12. Engine Consumption Reference engine via Gemfile as a Ruby gem or Git repo hosted gemified project: Courtesy of © 2002-2011 National Collegiate Scouting Association - All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Load Order Typically Rails app files load first before Engine files. Strongly recommended to reverse (by patching “active_support/dependencies.rb”) so that engine’s Ruby code is overrideable in app (see next slide) ERB files can be overridden in Rails app
  • 15. Ruby Code Customization Model/Helper/Controller behavior can be customized be redefining .rb files in Rails app: Add new methods/behavior Replace existing methods Extend existing methods via alias_method_chain
  • 16. View Customization View files (erb, haml, etc…) and Asset files (js, css, and images) can be redefined in Rails app to override completely for customization purposes
  • 18. Typical Development Process 1. Make changes in engine, rake, and commit obtaining a new git ref 2. Update Gemfile in app with new git ref, run “bundle install” (getting ride of symlink) 3. Rake and commit changes in app. 4. If more changes in engine are needed go back to step 1
  • 19. Improved Productivity via Symlinking Multiple engine dependencies can hamper productivity when frequently going back and forth between engines and app Engines gems installed via bundler can be symlinked to allow continuous development until done with both app and engine:http://andymaleh.blogspot.com/2011/09/ more-productive-rails-engine.html
  • 20. Improved Development Process 1. Open Rails app and symlink all engines “rake engine:symlink[engine_name]” 2. Work in app and engine until done WITHOUT running “bundle install” 3. Rake and commit changes in engine obtaining a new git ref 4. Update Gemfile in app with git ref, run “bundle install” (getting ride of symlink) 5. Rake and commit changes in app
  • 21. Engines Reuse Engines Rails engines can reuse other Rails engines When multiple levels of depth are involved (e.g. App => Engine 1 => Engine 2), commit repos and update Gemfile from the bottom up (e.g. Engine 2 => Engine 1 => App)
  • 22. Engine Configuration Engines can be configured to customize rack middleware, load paths, generators, and Rails component paths. More details at: http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Engi ne.html
  • 23. Isolated Engines To avoid Ruby namespace clash with Models/Helpers/Controllers, you can define an isolated namespaced engine:
  • 24. Rails Engine Patterns Goals: Keep engine code agnostic of app customizations Prevent bi-directional coupling to simplify reasoning about code Avoid app dependent conditionals to improve code maintainability
  • 25. Pattern - Common Domain Problem: Multiple applications need to share a basic domain model but want to customize behavior without mixing concerns across apps Solution: In engine, please basic domain model definitions and common associations only In each app, define specialized behavior and extra associations for domain models
  • 26. Pattern - Expose Helper Problem: need to customize presentation logic for a view in one app only, but keep the same logic in others Solution: In engine, extract helper logic that needs customization into its own helper. In app, redefine that new helper with customizations.
  • 27. Pattern - Expose Partial Problem: need to customize a part of the view in one app only, but keep it the same in others Solution: In engine, extract view part that needs customization as a partial. In app, redefine that partial with customizations.
  • 28. Pattern - Extension Partial Problem: One app needs to add content to a view that is not needed in other apps Solution: In engine, introduce a new partial with empty contents in area that needs extension for the one app. In app, define that partial with the required content.
  • 29. Pattern - Extension Partial SIDEBAR Extension Partial Courtesy of © 2011 Groupon, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 30. Pattern - Extension Point Problem: different apps need to contribute data to a view in different places (e.g. contribute columns/rows in different spots) Solution: In engine, add logic that looks up partials in a specific ext directory, and based on file name (e.g. row_7.html.erb), determine index on where to insert it in the view. In app, define these partials with the right file names and locations.
  • 31. Pattern - Extension Point 1 2 3 4 5
  • 32. Pattern - Configurable Features Problem: different apps need different features from an engine in different combinations Solution: In engine, add logic that looks up configuration options from a constant hash (e.g. ENGINE_XYZ_CONFIG = {:header => “visible”, :footer => “visible”, …}). In app, configure engine by overriding configuration options (e.g. ENGINE_XYZ_CONFIG[:header] = “hidden”)
  • 33. Rails Engine Benefits Code reuse across all application layers Better maintainability due to: Independent project codebases Cleanly defined boundaries between projects and reusable components (engines) Project tests get smaller and run faster
  • 34. Rails Engine Costs Overhead in establishing a new Rails Engine gem project Continuous switching between projects and engines to get work done Upgrade of ref numbers in Gemfile on every commit (minimized with symlinking)
  • 35. More Info http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Engi ne.html http://andymaleh.blogspot.com/2011/09/more- productive-rails-engine.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2964050/rail s-engines-extending- functionality/2990539#2990539
  • 36. Contact Andy Maleh Code Painter Blog http://andymaleh.blogspot.com Twitter: @AndyMaleh