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The Real World
December update



What just happened


How’s out-of-home


Out-of-home Showing growth
300   +3%   +10%   +25%   +1%


                                OOH Revenue
150                               2010
100                               2012


       Q1   Q2      Q3     Q4


Media Revenue Growth
Indexed against 2002 Expenditure


 100                                                             Magazines
  60                                                             OOH

       1   2   3   4      5        6        7       8   9   10

                       Source: Aegis Media & WARC


Here to stay


36% increase in live concert goers
since 2004

 Free time activities nowadays

                                 Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)



             Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


       Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


             Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


+37%         Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


             Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


Source: DCMS, Taking Part Survey, 2012 (2011/12 v 2006/7)


Rail +58%
                 Tube +23%
           London bus +90%
Source: National Travel Survey 2010 comparing
Average distance travelled 1995/97 and 2010


More variety

      c.36,847     <200 gyms
    new pubs &    in the UK in        First UK    2011 cinema
    restaurants     late 80s.        Starbucks    Admissions
   have opened    Today there       launched in    were over
    in UK since     are over           1998          171m
        1963          6000.

                       91% of the
                       own/use a


The future is bright

           2010                        2011      2012
          +12.5%                    +1%          +7%

           2010                        2011      2012    Cost per
           5%                         0%         0%

             Source: OMC/Posterscope estimates


 The Audience


Deeper understanding
                                      Mon-Fri   Sat-Sun

% of total universe







                           Daily internet activity
                                                          Base: All Adults (49,264,000)
                                                          Source: IPA Touch Points 4 (2012)


Deeper understanding
                                 New insights/additions include.....

Mobile internet use   Shopping behaviours    Mood state
(notably iPads)

                                                              Digital screens

             Social networking         TV viewing platforms


Deeper understanding
         heavy mobile web users are 65% more             65%
         likely to visit a price comparison site after
         seeing an OOH advertisement

         of all adults have searched online after        20%
         seeing an advertisement

         Men regularly purchasing products with          201
         their smart phone indexes at...


OOH and the Consumer Journey
McKinsey Journey                                  OOH drives search              OOH = Right Time, Location, Mindset
                                                OCS Generating Search              OCS Moods / Channel Selection
                                                  Posterscope Oohgle              OCS Rational / Emotional Insight
OOH generates “Fame” to get                        Mindshare/OMC                   Media Owner Site Specific, Touchpoints
   on consideration list
OCS “Being Known & Liked”
 1000s – Pre & Post Awareness
   Mindshare/OMC Research

                                                 Screen Culture/Interactivity

        OOH prompts                                                                          Outdoor Drives Action
Conversations/Content Sharing                                                                       at POS
OCS – Generating Earned Media                                                                OCS Notice/Respond to
  “Passionate Social Networkers”                                                              OOH when shopping
          Sociable Media                                                                           EPOS Research
Case studies: e.g. Atheist Bus”/”Time
       to Consider” (CBSO)                             OOH Impacts Post Purchase
                                                      Real Lack of existing Research
                                                             Look into Choice
                                                    Reassurance, Rewards, and generate
                    McKinsey Consumer Journey                 Brand Loyalty


How happy?


The real-time city is real



New Postar
 London bus
 London Underground
 National Bus
 Taxis                              New Travel Survey
 Leisure                            23,000 respondents
                                    9 days 2 w/e + 5 weekdays
 Roadside: 120,000 panels               - know who respondents are
 All environments: 450,000 frames       – demographics
                                        - know where they go
                                        - know when they go
                                        - know how often


New Postar – the benefits
Greater Accountability – Coverage & frequency on combined OOH campaigns

Bespoke delivery system through Telmar

Moves from Reporting to Planning tool

Potential to move OOH from solus panel rate trading to audience trading

Constructed to be future proof for new environments


Who’s selling


Consolidated market place


Source : Posterscope Estimates


Increased investment in sites



Who’s buying


Top 10 categories

-2.76%   4.38%       22.33%                              6.95%

-5.36%   18.20%      -3.29%                               -1.27%

24.58%   14.35%   Top 10 advertiser categories, Jan – Oct 2012


Who’s spending?

  £33.5m   £13.6m                 £13.3m

  £11.6m   £11.3m                 £10.8m

   £9.8m    £9.6m                    £9.1m               £8.5m

                    Top 10 advertisers, Jan – Oct 2012


Increases for 6 Sheets

    £185m         £55m                                  £74m
   31% share   9.2% share                            12.6% share

                    Spend by format, Jan- Oct 2012
                    Source: Ebiquity


How’s digital


UK leads global digital market
               c. 8% share of digital screens Worldwide

                            86 media owners

                                126 networks

               49 environments (20% unique to digital)

                           +200,000 screens
                         (excludes Piccadilly Circus & SkyPub/Setanta)

    Delivers, on average, 342 Million net impacts per typical 2 week


 co-op stores              bp petrol stations                   spar stores
 bars, pubs & clubs         shopping malls                              taxis
 petrol station shops      concerts & events                           tesco
 london underground                                              hair salons
 city centres                                                football stadia
 doctors surgeries                                             bus interiors
 offices                                                   media agencies
 universities                                               student unions
 pharmacies                                                     rail stations
 theme parks                                                     bus termini
 wearable screens                                              golf courses
 train interiors                                            bus supersides
 digital advans & trucks         cinemas                leisure complexes
 thomson travel agents       exhibition centres   hospital ante-natal units
 post offices                                                        schools
 airports                                                            dentists
                                                        university libraries


                                                                             17.5% of OOH
                                          3.8% of OOH
120                                          spend
      2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015

                            Source: Hyperspace estimates


75% revenue from transport, city
centre and roadside formats

                    Est. revenue by category
                                roadside & city centre
                                health, beauty and fitness

       of all UK


Changing landscape

of impacts are delivered
outside of London



Dynamic use of digital


Great campaigns.....


Stuff we liked
























Jan-Nov 2012


The Real World December 2012
















The Real World December 2012




The Real World December 2012
























The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012




































The Real World December 2012




The Real World December 2012


18/12/2012   Author






The Real World December 2012








The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012






The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


















The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012










The Real World December 2012


12/18/2012   www.pioneeringooh.com


12/18/2012   www.pioneeringooh.com




What are we thinking


We live in a real world where...

New technologies are   Data is the new raw     Media is not only      Businesses and
continually emerging         material         bought but earned      markets converge or
                                                 and owned                fragment

   Competition is       People are on the    The pace of change is      OOH must be
  fierce, choice is    move and expect to      faster than ever       chameleon-like to
       infinite                do                   before              thrive in that
                       anything, anywhere                              environment…


We’re re-defining Out-of-Home
as a new ecosystem; inter-connected and inter-dependent


                                            spaces                    Networked
                                                                    Video Screens

                                  Mobile etc          People
                                                                     Owned OOH             Technology
                                                     & Places          (e.g.. delivery
                                                                    vehicles, buildings)

                        & Coupons                       Retail media &
                                                Tablets    assets             Physical

                                     Apps &
              Apple                  Games


71%                                      55%
                                          of Twitter traffic is
 of 16-24 year old UK internet users      on mobile devices
 access it while out and about            Source: KPCB internet trends

 Source: ONS/BBC

 Over 1 in 3                                  85%
                                              of new handsets will
 of smartphone users have performed a
                                              be able to access the
 mobile search after seeing a billboard
 Source: Google Mobile Movement               mobile web

500 million
people globally access Facebook via mobile
Source: Facebook


OOH and the internet


CONTENT                                 MOBILITY
The content they consume             What they do and how they
 and how they consume it              do it in different places


    SOCIAL                            COMMERCE
How they connect interact                 What they buy and how
       and share                                they buy it


Poster      Cinema
         Gaming console


Interactive, con
Exhibition    nected, digitall
  stand          y social


Phone   Gaming console
          Debit card
          Travel card


.....watch something



.....watch something


....be the star

  12/18/2012      www.Pioneeringooh.com



   Clients Name   Accreditations   www.Pioneeringooh.com


.....search visually



..... or by voice



....get recommendations



.....try it



…..buy it



….. get a discount
 12/18/2012          www.Pioneeringooh.com


…..check in



…..check out

12/18/2012     www.Pioneeringooh.com



12/18/2012     www.Pioneeringooh.com


..... across the country

12/18/2012             www.Pioneeringooh.com


.... the continent



.....or across the world

 ‘...a girl in New York waved at me...amazin



.....join in


.....play it
 12/18/2012    www.pioneeringooh.com


.....pay it

12/18/2012    www.Pioneeringooh.com


.....control it


.....control it



.....grow it

12/18/2012     www.Pioneeringooh.com


..share it

  12/18/2012   www.Pioneeringooh.com


.....tweet it

12/18/2012      www.Pioneeringooh.com


.....bring it to life


NFC mobile
  payments to
exceed $180bn
 Worldwide by

   Source: Juniperresearch



  Click here


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012




Other reports


Geography of Time


What’s just happened
and what's coming up
















The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012






The Real World December 2012














The Real World December 2012


The Real World December 2012


Where can I find out


The latest innovations,
the best campaigns and
essential industry news

    All in one place.



The Real World
December update


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The Real World December 2012

Editor's Notes

  1. The Real World is Posterscope’s out-of-home media landscape document that captures the highlights of the year, focuses on current areas of interest, and offers a perspective on what’s coming up.The presentation is updated every month although not all the content will change, for example, OOH revenue figures are released on a quarterly basis. The main areas updated monthly are ‘who’s buying’, ‘stuff we like’ and ‘what’s coming up’. For ‘stuff we like’ and what’s coming up’ new content will be added to the existing content for anyone not visiting on a monthly basis. The remainder of the document will be updated as and when relevant.
  2. ‘What just happened’ takes a retrospective look at the out-of-home market across 2011 and 2012 to date as well as
  3. ‘How’s Out-of-home’ focuses on the broad trends within the Out-of-home industry.
  4. The Outdoor Media Centre announced that outdoor revenues grew 25.4% year on year in Quarter 3 to £268.9m (£214.4m in 2011). This makes Q3, 2012 the largest quarter in UK history, beating the previous high of Q4, 2006 by some £12m. The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games were the biggest contributor to that growth, with London-based media owners benefitting in particular. All major environments (transport, roadside, retail and leisure) were significantly up year on year. Revenues in the digital sector grew 69.9% to £52m as advertisers found new ways to use digital advertising, and media owners continued to invest, transforming sites in the best locations to digital. Digital made up 19% of the total revenue this quarter, another record. All the Olympic sponsors enjoyed a strong presence at the Games. McDonalds, Visa, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Panasonic, UPS, EDF Energy, Heineken, BP, BT, BA, Cadbury, Adidas, Lloyds, Procter &amp; Gamble, BMW, GE, Atos, Deloitte, Dow, Glaxosmithkline and Holiday Inn all went with powerful outdoor creative executions during the Games, as did Nike and other sports-related clients. Research from YouGov showed that the advertising during the Games was highly visible. 62% of Games visitors remembered seeing outdoor ads, 56% said that outdoor was a good medium for advertisers to link to large events, and 52% agreed that the outdoor advertisements added colour and vibrancy to London. Voxpops undertaken on the street by the Outdoor Media Centre showed a high level of brand recall and recognition. “It’s been a quite exceptional quarter” says OMC’s chief exec Mike Baker. “Outdoor is the best medium for visual branding and advertisers have embraced that idea in spades. The industry has never seen so many dominations, wraps and spectaculars. Because all advertisers linked their creative to the Games, it made a continuous colourful canvas which really unified London and brought the city to life. The Olympics was the greatest show on earth and outdoor did it proud. Now the hard work begins as we look to sustain the growth.” Around a fifth of London outdoor sites were related to the Games.
  5. Over the last decade we have seen the medium transformed by a surge in digital OOH, innovation and creativity alongside the consolidation of media owners and a continuous stream of investment. This rapid evolution has kept the OOH landscape fresh, new and exciting thus resulting in growth that surpasses all other media with the exception of digital.
  6. OOH is also one of the only media that continues to see audiences grow year after year as we spend more time out of our homes and do different things with our time. The Taking Part survey has run since 2005 and is the key evidence source for DCMS (The Department for Culture, Media and Sport). It is a continuous face to face household survey of adults aged 16 and over in England and children aged 5-15 years old. This latest releases presents rolling estimates incorporating data from the fourth quarter of year seven of the survey.The figures detail increase in 2011/12 versus 2006/2007
  7. Days out or visits to places (68.3% in 2011/12 versus 58.4% in 2006/2007)
  8. Visits to theatre (46.0% in 2011/12 versus 37.5% in 2006/2007)
  9. Eat out at restaurants (73.5% in 2011/12 versus 61.8% in 2006/2007)
  10. Visit museums/galleries (37.2% in 2011/12 versus 27.2% in 2006/2007)
  11. Play sport/exercise(55.4% in 2011/12 versus 50.1% in 2006/2007)
  12. Go to a cinema (53.8% in 2011/12 versus 42.3% in 2006)
  13. Between 1995/97 and 2010, the average distance travelled by bus in London has nearly doubled (+90%) to 81 miles per person per year, while the average distance travelled by other local buses is now similar to its 1995/97 level at 226 miles per person per year. Rail travel (surface rail and London underground) accounted for 9% of all distance travelled in 2010. The average number of trips and distance travelled by surface rail has increased overall between 1995/97 and 2010, by 61% and 58% respectively. The latest year shows a rise in surface rail travel, reversing the downward trend of recent years. Trips by London underground increased by 12% between 1995/97 and 2010, while the average distance travelled has increased by 23%.
  14. And the environment is changing to meet our demands.......more pubs, more gyms, coffee shops etc....Overlay this with the fact that the world is now surrounded with technology and emerging new medias, it is plain to see that the last 50 years has seen an incredible amount of change. As a result OOH has had to evolve and adapt to stay alive and it is the sheer fact that OOH is stitched into the very fabric of our world that has allowed the medium to quickly embrace this transition in offering increased opportunities and ways to talk to these audiences.....Today OOH is reacting to the surge in technologies by providing a perfect partnership to leverage multimedia conversations.
  15. The future for OOH is bright….. With 2012 predicted to show revenue increase of around 7% with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games the biggest contributor to that growth, with London-based media owners benefitting in particular. All major environments (transport, roadside, retail and leisure) were significantly up year on year. 
  16. Now in its 4th generation....which includes the following additions...The e.diary- Active purchasing each half hour. They also ask the respondent to tell themhow much they have spent if they have bought something. This allows them to find out more about purchasing behaviour in general. Where people are when they are buying – how much of it happens online or when they are out and about. Whether major purchases at the point of sale are made when people are with others or when they are alone. And of course to enable them to understand respondent’s media consumption just prior to actual purchase. -At the end of the half hour e.diary questions a screen of 12 emoticons have been added which respondents are asked to click on to reflect their mood state.  The Self Completion Questionnaire: - More questions have been added on social networking and use of social media. - The technology section has been revised to reflect the ever changing technology market and questions about use of tablets and e books have been introduced.-In the television section respondents are asked about the platforms they use to watch content including ipads, internet connected televisions and 3D TV sets. -There are also new questions relating to product placement on television for the first time. And the VOD questions have been completely revised and expanded. - For radio respondents are now asked about radio listening via an app with frequency levels. -For newspapers and magazines respondents are now asked about readership via electronic devices for the first time, by title. - The outdoor section has been revised to include more questions about digital screens. - The gaming section has more questions relating to games played on the internet rather than just hand held devices. - The internet section has been radically revised and now includes many more frequency questions in terms of both sites used, activities on the internet and location of use.
  17. Through to Posterscope’s proprietary consumer survey OCS is the UK’s only OOH consumer survey, based on a representative sample size of 11,000 adults, it focuses on their OOH activities, their attitudes towards and opinions of advertising in different environments, and most importantly their typical moods and mindsets in different environments. Available audiences include all the standard demographic groups plus detailed audience segmentation (matching client specific audiences), category enthusiasts, WOM influentials and social and mobile audiences. Typical areas of analysis include weight of media consumption, travel behaviour, thoughts when travelling, OOH environmental effectiveness, OOH formats noticed, intention to purchase, actions taken in response to OOH advertising, etc.
  18. Focussing on the McKinsey Journey which demonstrates how the consumer decision making process works and how OCS fits into the processUsing the Insight from OCS in conjunction with other research sources we can see the role that OOH can play at each stage ... Awareness &amp; getting on the consideration list – Demonstratehow OOH drives awareness ... (“OOH being Known &amp; Liked” )Active Evaluation – Consumers gather information to help make decisions – Demonstrate how “OOH is Generating Search”Active Evaluation – Key to reach consumers at right time/place/location – OCS has so much insight on Moods/OOH Channel Selection as well as Insight into how decisions are made both rationally/emotionallyMoment of Purchase – OCS has questions regarding formats noticed when shopping and Media owners often provide EPOS case studiesPost Purchase Experience - Vitally important for brand loyalty, reassuring consumer they have made the right choice etc. There is not a surplus of results available in this area however we do have lots of research from OCS on how OOH can generate earned media as well as lots of other Information.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii2xy9VaDA4To even being able to measure real-time sentiment.As part of the Olympic celebrations, EDF created a spectacular nightly lightshow on the London Eye, based on the mood of the nation.  An algorithm tracked all positive and negative Olympic tweets from the 10 million UK users to give a positivity percentage, which is translated into illumination on the London icon.  Visitors could participate in this interactive campaign through digital and social media activity.
  20. And the real-time city is now real! The digital revolution has layered a vast system of cameras, communication devices, microcontrollers and sensors over our environment, enabling entirely new ways to imagine, monitor, and understand our cities. These systems have a value that goes beyond their original purpose: the digital exhaust of cellular networks reveals social and economic patterns, tracking systems highlight global material flows, and digitally managed transportation fleets address a city&apos;s mobility. Taken together, the impact of digital networks on cities will be as significant as any past human undertaking.LIVE Singapore!, an ongoing initiative by the SENSEable City Lab at MIT, closes the feedback loop between people moving in the city and the digital data generated by their actions. The project&apos;s platform allows for the collection and combination of multiple data streams and provides access to data through dynamic visualizations that offer new insights into Singapore&apos;s urban dynamics.LIVE Singapore! provides people with access to a range of useful real-time information about their city by developing an open platform for the collection, elaboration and distribution of real-time data that reflect urban activity. Giving people visual and tangible access to real-time information about their city enables them to take their decisions more in sync with their environment, with what is actually happening around them.Check out the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aEPkyOBtRo
  21. The new highly anticipated out-of-home audience data will be launched by POSTAR on the 26th February 2013. The research will cover all outdoor environments and has been developed from scratch, with an investment of 19 million over six years by the industry.To prepare the OOH industry a beta version of the data has been made available to the subscribers to familiarise themselves with the data, train staff and update systems.The final data covering road, tube bus and rail will be available from 26th February at which point the industry can trade using the data. POSTAR will continue to launch iterations in regular quarterly intervals. Data for retail and airport environments will also follow as part of the planned expansion of the service.The new POSTAR study will provide an entirely new currency based on a detailed gauge of the population’s movement, which uses cutting edge technology. A sample of 23,000 people provide the bedrock of travel data, which is then mapped onto a bespoke network of the country’s pathways.The study has been designed to include all possible outdoor environments, the effect of illumination, on audience figures, and the effect of an advert being digital. This is a huge step forward from the existing currency, though historical eye tracking research from Birkbeck College, University of London is retained and expanded. The change sees a rise of inventory from 120,000 sites (in POSTAR99) to 360,000, with more to be added.James Whitmore, POSTAR’s MD, said “The study brings together several sets of data. Combined it is one of the biggest datasets of its kind with over 160 million records – providing an enormous enlargements of the current understanding of OOH audiences. As such, it has been a time-consuming, very detailed undertaking. We are in a position to launch this rich data in February next year and now need to prepare the industry in an ordered and measured way”.Annie Rickard, CEO, Posterscope, said “it is difficult not be impressed by the scale of the new Postar both on coverage of OOH environments and formats but also what this means to advertisers – real inclusivity in the measurement of their campaigns. From the specialists perspective the new data sets allow us to look at the medium in terms of planning and buying by audience delivery which will lead to greater accountability with other communication channels”.
  22. ‘Who’s Selling’ briefly talks about the OOH media owners and their plant.
  23. There was a major shake up amongst the media owners in 2009 when Titan Outdoor fell into administration and their plant was taken over by JCDecaux (rail and POS) and Primesight (large format roadside) altering the sales dynamics of the medium. Since then SOV has remained relatively static.
  24. With change came a renewed sense of focus and media owners are continuing to enhance the overall OOH proposition by reviewing their sales portfolio. Previously, when one media owner would relinquish a site/piece of land, another would quickly buy it up and erect a panel. Today this is not the case as media owners are collectively working to improve the quality of their plant with massive investment into existing sites and also into the development of high quality digital investments.
  25. ‘Who’s buying’ provides an overview of who is spending what, where, when and why.
  26. January – October 2012 Sector 2012 2011 %difference Entertainment and media £136.4m £140.3m -2.76%FMCG £97.8m £93.7m 4.38%Technology £97.4m £79.7m 22.33%Retail £69.9m £65.3m 6.95%Finance £41.5m £43.8m -5.36%Travel £35.8m £30.3m 18.20%Automotive £35.2m £36.4m -3.29%Toiletries/Cosmetics £28.4m £28.8m -1.27%Government &amp; Utilities £20.2m £16.2m 24.58%Pharmaceutical £13.8m £12.1m 14.35%Other £16.2m £16.8m -47.32%Overall market £592.6m £563.3m 5.21%Overall the market is up 5.21%... Entertainment and Media: This is the largest spending category with over £136.4m (and represents 23.02% of total OOH spend). The category is down 2.76% YOY. Universal Pictures are the number 1 spender within this category, with a spend of £10.78m, with a SOV of 7.90%. They have increased YOY spend by 24.73%. Vodafone come in at 2nd place with a spend of £8.61m and 6.31% SOV. British Telecommunications was in 3rd place with 6.29% SOV and spend of £8.58m (up 1721.40% YOY). Sony Pictures were in 4th place, with SOV of 6.24% but a YOY increase of 104.36%. Twentieth Century Fox were in 5th place with a spend of £7.20m, down 15.45% YOY and with a SOV of 5.28%. FMCG: This sector was up YOY by 4.38%. Coca Cola took the top spot with £11.32m spend, which was down 0.08% from last year and with a SOV of 11.57%. Nestlé were in 2nd place with £6.86m ( a SOV of 7.01%), up 36.75% YOY. Inbev came in 3rd with a spend of £6.68m, 6.83% SOV and a YOY decrease of 4.45%. Heineken UK took 4th place with a spend of £6.63m, up 191.59% from 2011 (6.77% SOV), and Cadbury Trebor Bassett had 6.31% SOV which represented spend of £6.18m, and were up 35.77% YOY.Technology: The overall category spend was £97.4m, representing an increase of 22.33% from 2011. The top company was BSkyB, spending £30.16m, increasing spend YOY by 86.98%, and giving them 30.96% SOV. Samsung were in 2nd place, with a spend of £13.56m, increasing YOY spend by 132.10% (and 13.91% SOV). Virgin Media were in 3rd place with 7.82% SOV and spend of £7.62m. Hutchison 3GUK took 4th place, with a spend of £7.22m, a YOY increase of 56.36% and 7.41% SOV. Talk Talk was in 5th place, spending £4.60m, which represented a YOY increase of 30.80% and 4.72% SOV. Retail: The 4th biggest spending category, retail, had an overall spend of £69.9m, which represented a YOY increase of 6.95%. McDonalds took the top spot, the coming in 1st place with a spend of £11.62m and SOV of 16.63% (down 2.68% YOY). KFC came in 2nd place with £9.05m and SOV 12.95% (down 6.69% YOY). Asda were in 3rd place with a spend of £6.10m and SOV 8.73%, which represented a huge 55.98% increase YOY. Marks and Spencer came 4th spending £4.51m (SOV 6.45%, YOY decrease of 36.37%) and Tesco was in 5th spending £4.15m (SOV 5.95% and a YOY decrease of 14.57%). Finance was the 5th biggest spending categorybut spend decreased from 2011 by 5.36%. Halifax was the largest spender in this category with £5.31m and a SOV of 12.81%, reflecting a 337.15% spend increase from 2011. Lloyds TSB came in 2nd place, spending £4.90m (SOV of 11.82%). Santander UK came in 3rd with 9.49% SOV equating to spend of £3.93m. This represents a massive increase of 81.00% from 2011. Liverpool Victoria took 4th place with £1.93m equating to a 4.66% SOV. Visa were in 5th place, spending £1.84m (SOV 4.45%), increasing 155.81% YOY. Travel was the 6th biggest spending category, up by 18.20%. British Airways was the top spender with a 18.19% SOV, spending £6.51m, up 140.67% YOY. Emirates were in 2nd place with £2.25m spend (6.298% SOV), up 31.53%, whilst BAA took 3rd place, spending £1.08m (up 2.48%, with 3.03% SOV). Lastminute.com were in 4th position with a spend of £982k, with a 2.75% SOV (up 55.34% on 2011). Cathay Pacific Airways came in 5th with a spend of £903k representing a 2.52% SOV.Motors: The motors category decreased YOY overall by 3.29%, spending £35.2m, and coming in 7th overall. Fiat took 1st place in this category; spending £3.88m and gaining 11.03% SOV (representing an increased spend of 182.31% YOY). Ford took 2nd place, spending £3.56m (up 49.82% YOY) and taking 10.13% SOV. Volswagen were in 3rd place with a spend of £2.91m, down 0.91% YOY and taking 8.27% SOV. Audi was in 4thplace with £2.89m- an increase of 209.23% YOY and SOV of 8.21%. In 5th position was Vauxhall (SOV 6.48%), with a spend of £2.28m reflecting an increase of 4.01% YOY. Toiletries/Cosmetics: The category decreased spend by 1.27% to £28.4m, taking a 4.79% SOV. GlaxoSmithKline was the largest spender with £4.27m (50.83% YOY increase, 15.01% SOV). Unilever Home &amp; Personal Care were in 2nd place (up 27.43% YOY) with the majority of their £3.13m spend used to promote their Impulse, Dove and Lynx brands. Beiersdorf UK came in 3rd place with 8.10% SOV and £2.30m spend (down 43.76% YOY). Nike were in 4th place with a 7.52% SOV. Estee Lauder was in 5th place (SOV 6.60%, and up 46.32% in terms of YOY spend) investing £1.88m. Govt and utilities: This category was up 24.58% YOY, spending £20.2m and gaining a 3.42% SOV overall. COI achieved 22.62% SOV with £4.58m spend, down 28.28% YOY. EDF Energy were 2nd with £2.33m spend, which represents a huge uplift of 275.4% on last year. General Electric took 10.17% of the category, with a spend total of £2.06m. Scottish and Southern Energy took 4th place with 9.86% SOV, and a spend of £2.00m (up a massive 46657.73% YOY). British Gas came in 5th place spending £1.90m and achieving 9.41% SOV, an increase of 52.14% on their 2011 activity.Pharmaceuticals: This category is up 14.35%, with £13.8m spend representing a 2.33% share of voice. GlaxoSmithKline is the biggest spender in the category, representing 34.00% SOV with a spend of £4.69m (up 175.73% YOY). Specsavers was the second largest spender with £3.78m (27.42% SOV, down YOY by 3.85%), and Virgin Active was in 3rd place, spending £616k, increasing 1.71% YOY with a 4.48% SOV. Vitabiotics Ltd. spent £609k, coming in 4th place, with 4.42% SOV and down 71.13% YOY. Pfizer spent £599k, having not spent at all up to this point in 2011.
  27. NB: data is based on individual company as opposed to overall holding company which would show a different ranking. Overall the top 10 spenders increased spend by 38.09% YOY.  Sky – remains the largest spender as per the whole of 2011 with the majority of monies (78.77%) invested behind Sky. Sky Broadband accounted for 10.26% with the remainder of budget allocated to the different channels. All formats were used with 48s being the most utilised (33.47%), then 6s (29.75%), 96s (26.11%), tube (4.76%), specials (2.36%), bus (2.01%), and rail (1.53%), and a minimal amount on other formats. Overall Sky spend is up 36.81% YOY. Samsung were in 2nd place with £13.56m spend and an increase of 132.10% YOY. Most of their budget was invested in promoting the Samsung range (78.38%) and Samsung Tablets (12.53%). The main format used was 96s (53.79%), followed by airport (19.32%), 6s (14.28%), specials (4.47%) and bus (3.14%). GlaxoSmithKline, ranked 3rd, increased spend by 46.91% YOY supporting several brands: Sensodyne (19.46%), GlaxoSmithKline (16.6%), Lucozade (14.16%), Corsodyl (9.07%), Lucozade Revive (8.81%), Lucozade Energy (7.04%), NiQuitin CQ (5.74%), Ribena Sparkling (5.51%), Ribena (5.10%), and Ribena Plus (4.41%). Almost half of their spend was on 6s but they also used 48s (28.31%), 96s (19.24%), rail (3.92%) and tube (3.12%). McDonald’s were the 4th largest spender on OOH. They decreased spend YOY by 2.68% and used all of their £11.62m spend to support their food range. Three-quarters of spend (75%) was on 6 sheets, although 48s (10.13%), tube (4.66%), specials (4.64%) and airport (3.03%) were also used. Coca Cola were in 5th place with £11.32m spend, down 0.08% YOY. The majority of their spend went on Coca Cola, with a very small amount on Powerade and Schweppes. Over half of spend was on 96s (58.60%), but 6s (14.33%), rail (11.33%), bus (5.58%), 48s (4.76%), tube (2.56%), airport (1.53%) and specials (1.32%) were also used.Universal Pictures were in 6th with the budget (£10.78m) spent supporting 23 films, the top 10 films being: The Bourne Legacy (9.93%), The Lorax (9.29%), TED (8.74%), Battleship (8.43%), Paranorman (7.67%), American Pie (6.73%), Snow White and the Huntsman (6.45%), Contraband (5.35%), Wanderlust (5.28%) and Savages (5.05%). Half the budget was spent on bus (53.62%), with 6s (23.56%), 96s (8.43%), tube (5.46%) and specials (4.36%) also used. BT were in 7th place with £9.77m spend and a huge increase of 469.46% YOY. The majority of their spend went behind the BT Vision range (87.81%). The budget was split mainly between phone kiosks (34.63%) and bus (34.50%), but 48s (12.72%), tube (8.06%), rail (6.33%) and 96s (3.54%) were also used. Vodafone were in 8th place spending £9.59m which represents a YOY increase of 19.95%. They put all of their budget behind the Vodafone range (89.80%) and Prepay Tariffs (10.20%). Almost a third of the money was spent on 6s (26.91%), followed by bus (15.92%), 96s (15.51%), airport (14.27%), 48s (14.14%), tube (8.84%) and specials (3.80%). KFC were in 9th place spending £9.05m which represents a YOY decrease of 6.69%. They invested all of their budget behind their food range. They were heavy users of 6 sheets (57.79%) and phone kiosks (44.19%). Sony Pictures came in 10th place with a YOY increase of 104.36%. Their spend of £8.5m was divided between 11 films, the top 10 being: Skyfall (19.68%), The Amazing Spider Man (18.63%), The Pirates! (15.31%), Men In Black 3 (13.85%), Looper (11.04%), Total Recall (8.45%), Hotel Transylvania (6.98%), Jack and Jill (3.54%), That’s My Boy (1.22%) and 21 Jump Street (1.15%). The spend was mainly split between bus (36.37%), 6s (20.40%) and 96s (17.66%), with specials (12.79%), tube (6.48%) and rail (3.38%) also used.
  28. Overall spend is up 5.21%    2012 2011 YOY6 sheets £185.12m £177.61m 4.23%48 sheets £88.61m £90.74m -2.34%96 sheets £79.50m £71.20m 11.65%Tube £74.35m £82.63m -10.01%Bus £54.72m £64.82m -15.59%Specials £40.51m £19.22m 110.77%Airport £32.34m £24.47 32.12%Rail £22.22m £19.75m 12.49%Miscellaneous sizes £15.26m £12.85m 18.78%48 special £2.69k £0.00 -Taxi £0.00 £0.00 -Total £592.62m £563.29m 5.21%
  29. ‘How&apos;s digital’ provides a broad overview of the digital market.
  30. You may find it quite surprising that it is the UK and not Asia that is the global leader of the digital OOH market. They do in fact have 35% of all worldwide screens but their government has limited their ability to be networked so it is difficult to plan, buy and facilitate a campaign on anything other than a site by site basis. This is not the case in the UK as the majority of screens are networked, making this market one of the most sophisticated in the world and allowing clients the opportunity to capitalise on the benefit of digital Out-of-home – planning by day part, location, audience, environment and mindset to mention a few. This means that, for example, it is now possible for a client to advertise ice creams in city centres on days when the temperatures reach over 25c!Number of mainstream OOH advertising screens Worldwide : c.2,500,000% of located in Asia : c.35%% located in USA &amp; Canada : over 50%% located in UK : c.8%
  31. Digital still remains the success story in OOH and as new technologies continue to be developed we predict that the market will continue to increase. Not only because digital quickens the pace of the message, offers added dynamism and relevance for the advertiser but also because media owners are able transform their plants and reduce overheads.
  32. By its very nature, the major revenue streams remain in the roadside, rail and the London underground arenas as they appeal to broadcast audiences. Their counterparts offer unique, targeted solutions so will of course have a degree of capped income.
  33. London is the commercial centre of digital media as the majority of roadside, rail and London undergroundformats are situated in thecapital. However, it is testament to the changing landscape that well over a 1/3of impacts are now delivered outside of London and we urge you to consider them when being briefed.
  34. There is no industry data that measures digital spend by advertiser. However these are the top spending Posterscope digital advertisers (Jan-Nov)1. Channel 42.Camelot3.British Telecommunications4.Sony Ericsson5.MMO26.BMW7.InBev8.20th Century Fox9.Columbia Tristar10.Panasonic UK
  35. The role of digital OOH is many fold as demonstrated by some of the campaigns above Extending TV activity Flexible campaign durations Daypart use Short lead times Multiple creative executions Gender specific copy Production values
  36. ‘Stuff we liked’ is a showcase of the best stuff that has come out of Posterscope and the industry over the last few months. This is updated every months with the latest campaigns however a record of previous
  37. This campaign is based on the yearly ritual of turning on the Christmas tree lights. Sainsbury’s brought to life this great Christmas moment with 6-sheet and 48-sheet posters that light up, and interactive 6-sheets that invite passers-by to flick the switch and see if the fairy lights twinkle.The special build outdoor was part of the ‘Christmas Days at Sainsbury’s’ campaign and was a creative and media first for the retailer. The posters ran in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham.
  38. Fashion etailer, Very.co.uk, has unveiled a digital ‘window shop’ for the Christmas party season in Liverpool which incorporates both NFC and QR functionalities. Passersby with smartphones or tablets can scan and shop the collections on the Very.co.uk website and benefit from next day delivery. The ‘window shop’ promotes three key festive trends which were specially created to appeal to the tastes of Liverpool’s shoppers based on their typical browsing and purchasing habits with the etailer.
  39. ASOS ran a one week burst of activity planned to coincide with the last payday before Christmas and Cyber Monday on the 26th of November. A mixture of digital rail panels including rail D6s and Transvision showcased the key fashion lines and trends for the party season. Passersby could claim a 20% discount on their purchases via an SMS short code. The code was only available via the digital sites meaning that any sales using this unique discount code were directly attributable to people having seen the OOH advertisements.
  40. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift is the official sponsor of the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland ice rink; the rink will carry the name ‘Ice Age 4 Ice Rink’ this Christmas. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, chose the popular family attraction as the perfect location to highlight the fourth instalment of the hugely successful Ice Age franchise, given Hyde Park Winter Wonderland’s association with Christmas and family time.
  41. To build excitement around the new model Nissan Juke and to amplify the rebellious urban attitude of the vehicle, a viral campaign dubbed ‘Wheels of Fire’ was developed which would be shared around Guy Fawkes Night 2012. Taking to a disused yard in South East London, Catherine Wheels were mounted to the wheels of the Juke and placed on a specially created 48 sheet poster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCym5kDOTA4
  42. Consumers could interact with a Becks VierBeermat or A3 Washroom panel via NFC, QR Codes or search. They were then directed to the Becks Viermicrosite where they could choose 1 of 3 tracks from upcoming artists to download. The campaign ran in numerous cities and consisted of A3 Washroom panels with NFC, QR Code and Unique Search Term and 400,000 beer mats.
  43. Allen Solly: Twitter Powered Billboard Sampling A twitter powered billboard was created to launch a new clothing collection at Allen Solly in India. The billboard housed about 60 shirts, each rigged with a solenoid and the new collection graphic behind it. With every tweet, a random solenoid would inch forward, helping to punch the shirts from the billboard, revealing the new collection whilst rewarding the tweeter who knocked it off the wall with a sample.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=8eHt6CVUlLI
  44. eBay Social Shopping in Covent Garden Over what was the UK&apos;s busiest online shopping weekend ever, eBay Social Shopping -- the UK&apos;s first interactive, socially powered shopping experience -- landed in London&apos;s Covent Garden.Harnessing the influencing power of social media, eBay Social Shopping brought together product recommendations from social networks including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with eBay&apos;s own unrivalled search data, to provide a live pulse of what the nations really wanted this Christmas.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMdEk4AbX4g&amp;feature=g-high-blg
  45. #GEmineflight Fun For Passengers At Toronto’s Pearson AirportThousands of passengers travelling through Canada’s Toronto Pearson Airport this autumn experienced flight in a different way: in a mine, like a bird.Mine Flight created by GE Canada, is an interactive, gesture-controlled board that creates a fully interactive 3D ‘flight’ experience. Players fly through a virtual mine, using their arms and bodies to control the game.The Mine Flight display is the first of its kind for GE in North America, and only the third world wide.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=J8ieNdF3vIk
  46. USA: H&amp;M’s Interactive Digital Campaign on Clear Channel’s Bus Stop Touch Screens in San FranciscoClear Channel’s bus stop touch-screens in San Francisco were used recently to lend support to H&amp;M’s interactive digital campaign.The devices displayed a virtual catalogue of the brand’s autumn collection. Some forty items were featured, along with photos of the brand’s new face – Lana Del Rey – as well as backstage videos of the shooting of her Blue Velvet video.Users could share the various elements presented and/or leave their email address to receive more information.http://en.ooh-tv.com/2012/11/16/usa-hm%E2%80%99s-interactive-digital-campaign-on-clear-channel%E2%80%99s-bus-stop-touch-screens-in-san-francisco/
  47. Halo 4 &apos;Capture the Poster&apos; outdoor campaign Microsoft Australia activated an Australian first in outdoor advertising for the launch of the blockbuster video game Halo 4 via JCDecaux.The interactive campaign, Capture the Poster, encouraged the Xbox online community and Halo fan base to participate in a real-world scavenger hunt to claim a rare, signed Halo 4 artwork that is used within the outdoor advertising campaign. Using Tapit technology, the first person to find each poster in one of 400 outdoor JCDecaux billboard locations in Sydney and Melbourne, Tapit or scan the QR code claims that poster as their prize, which will be delivered to them once the campaign finishes.http://www.campaignbrief.com/2012/11/microsoft-australia-launches-i.html
  48. ‘Stuff we liked’ is a showcase of the best stuff that has come out of Posterscope (and the industry) in recent months
  49. The Great Gambit Art Heist To celebrate the release of Gambit on the 21st of November, JJP, Momentum Pictures and the Evening Standard teamed up to create ‘The Great Gambit Art Heist’ which gives the public the chance to ‘con’ their way into the world premiere of the movie. In the days leading up to the premiere, clues will be published as to where readers can find a reproduction Monet Haystack painting the following day. In all, six paintings will be hidden around high profile locations across London, and those who find one can exchange it for two tickets to attend the premiere. Each location will be video recorded and footage of the public interacting with the hidden paintings will be played on the night of the Premiere itself whilst people are taking their seats.
  50. Cadillac ATS 3D ExperienceGM is promoting the new Cadillac ATS model through AR installations in key markets by transforming street murals into driving experiences on smartphones and tablets. Cadillac is bringing the ‘ATS vs. The World’ mobile experience directly to consumers through out of home installations and using as many social elements as possible to get people photographing and sharing their experience. Created by Fallon and Carat USA.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=aKBkUqGPp2ohttp://www.luxurydaily.com/cadillac-hits-30000-activations-for-mobile-ooh-program/
  51. SNCFCreates a Digital Link Between Lyons and Brussels To promote its new high-speed service linking Lyons with Brussels, SNCF and TBWA Paris created an innovative experience. A cube was installed at the Place de la République in Lyons, which contained a hole and the instruction &quot;Stick Your Head into Brussels&quot;. Anyone who did found themselves in the middle of the Mont des Arts in Brussels, where the Burgermeister, an official fanfare and a crowd of curious onlookers were on hand to greet them. This was made possible by a system of several screens linked by satellite connecting the two cities.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=550bVUzX__AVia: http://en.ooh-tv.com/2012/10/17/tbwaparis-creates-a-digital-link-between-lyons-and-brussels-for-the-sncf/
  52. EE goes 4D to launch 4GEEBattersea Power Station hosted a 4D projection to celebrate EE&apos;s launch of its 4G mobile and Fibre Broadband network after a screen was fitted between the iconic chimneys.http://www.youtube.com/user/EEUK/featured?v=y6Dvu5NGWKEVia: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/technology-video/9650808/EE-launches-4G-with-light-show-at-Battersea-Power-Station.htmlBut perhaps even more impressive is this water projection entitled ‘Beginning’ created by GrzegorzNowiński.http://vimeo.com/52235669
  53. &apos;Halo 4&apos; takes to the London skiesA 50ft diameter illuminated Halo &apos;Glyph&apos; logo was flown over London to celebrate the launch of blockbuster video game Halo 4.The 3.2 ton structure was suspended from a helicopter on the eve of the release of the latest instalment of the £1.9 billion grossing series.More than 500 people turned up to watch the Glyph fly over the Thames from Greenwich Peninsula to Tower Bridge in a light show visible for miles across the city.Chris Lewis, Vice President of Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft EMEA, said: “Halo launches are renowned for being entertainment game-changers and we are back with our most ambitious projects to date.“Last week we created a replica of the Halo universe within the heart of Europe. This week we have one of the world&apos;s largest and brightest performance art objects being flown over London.”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/9658008/Halo-4-takes-to-the-London-skies.html
  54. 70 seconds to unlock the 007 in youCoke Zero challenged unsuspecting train passengers to unlock the 007 in them in less than 70 seconds for their chance to win exclusive tickets for the new James Bond movie SKYFALL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&amp;v=RDiZOnzajNUvia: http://www.digitalbuzzblog.com/coke-zero-70secs-to-unlock-the-007-in-you/?utm_source=feedburner&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DigitalBuzzBlog+%28Digital+Buzz+Blog%29
  55. Beard growing billboard for BronxCreative Marketing Agency, Bletchley Park, created this interactive, beard-growing billboard for their client Bronx Men’s Shoes. The “Man Enough” brand’s six meter high billboard features the portrait of a man’s face covered in stubble. People then ‘like’ the brand page on Facebook to trigger the beard to grow.Via: http://10and5.com/2012/04/03/beard-growing-billboard-for-bronx/
  56. Jamie Oliver 15 Minute Meals Posterscope, MPG, Penguin and Jamie’s team worked together to promote Jamie Oliver’s new book “15 Minute Meals” (15MM) by targeting a ‘time poor’ audience- those who are short on time but are aware that they should cook more for health/financial reasons. The campaign used instagram photos on DOOH displays to showcase the range of menus and Rail D6 and Underground LCD’s to focus on the evening commuter daypart. MPG handled the photo content from facebook, and Posterscope were responsible for the integration of design templates and scheduling. The campaign worked in conjunction with the Jamie Oliver Facebook page, with Jamie himself promoting it via Facebook and Twitter. In excess of 200 images had been submitted for potential use, with some receiving as many as 3800 likes. This was Penguin’s first foray into DOOH and it was extremely well received by them.
  57. On May 15th 2012, ADay.org asked people around the world to pick up their camera and photograph daily life. The response was phenomenal with over 100,000 photos from 165 countries submitted in this unique project which reflects how we lead our everyday lives in 2012. The project is supported by many of the world’s leading public figures including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sir Richard Branson and Jan Eliasson (Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations). On October 8th, the second stage of the project begins when forty-five of the best photographs taken will be shown around the world in the largest photography exhibition ever staged - reaching an estimated worldwide audience of 46 million over a period of 48 hours. The massive and unprecedented operation, executed by the Posterscope network, will involve 284 digital networks and 73 media partners transmitting the remarkable images to over 85,000 screens across all the major continents. This global synchronised exhibition will kick off on the farthest easterly screen in Sydney, Australia and travel across the world until it reaches the most westerly screen in the USA. Digital Inventory includes the iconic ABC Screen in New York’s Times Square, the Media Wall in Liverpool- Europe’s largest commercial screen, as well as the Harmon Corner digital screen in Las Vegas - the world’s largest full motion LED screen. In all over 2,700 individual pieces of copy will be used.
  58. Exclusive remixes from NFC-enabled postersSony Mobile is deploying a nationwide NFC-enabled OOH campaign in shopping malls and on roadside, as part of the launch marketing activity for the Sony Xperia T phone. Consumers are able to download a specially-mixed music track from music producer Benga from the sites via their smartphone. The campaign was planned and booked by Posterscope and PHD with JCDecaux. The mall sites also feature directional sound speakers which give a personal preview of the Benga track to the individual in front of the advertising site.
  59. Kit Kat’s ‘We Will Find You’ promotion sees the distribution of six chocolate bars fitted with a GPS tracker. On discovery of a winning bar, the consumer will be instructed to activate the GPS tracker upon which a GPS device will be activated and a team will be sent out to deliver a £10,000 prize directly to the winner.  3,000 x OOH 6 sheets have been fitted with NFC/QR Touchpoints that will direct users to live competition updates and the opportunity to enter a secondary competition with an on-pack code via Facebook. Smartphone interactions drive to a mobile landing page which hosts updates on the number of GPS bars left, allowing consumers to interact with the promotion via their entire OOH campaign.Posterscope, working in conjunction with Mindshare, JWT and Pragmatica, have delivered this campaign with JCDecaux, Clear Channel and Primesight.
  60. Channel 4 Hotel ‘peepshows’To promote the launch of their new reality TV show, Hotel GB, Channel 4 wanted to give the public a literal view behind the scenes of the running of the celebrity hotel. Installing peep hole screens at 4 sites across London, allowed viewers to peer through a hotel keyhole and see the celebrities perform comical skits on a digital screen. Each site was fully branded with a hotel door, a welcome mat and hotel wallpaper to give the impression of actually stepping into the hotel. The campaign was planned and created by OMD and Posterscope.
  61. Hi Five if you’re having chips tonight…CAN WE MAKE THIS MORE CONCISE ?McCains OOH campaign involves strategically targeted sites so the creative message is bespoke to the surrounding e.g. a site near the zoo reads ‘Roar! If you’re having chips tonight’. There are also a number of special build interactive bus shelters and 6’s. The JCDecaux bus shelter which says ‘Hi Five, if you’re having chips tonight,’ and dispense coupons with cheers and whoops after users hi five a giant hand. The special build 6s read ‘Hop, Skip and Jump. If you’re having chips tonight’ with a hopscotch chalked up on the pavement below to encourage passersby to get involved and celebrate having chips for tea. Planned and booked by Posterscope and PHD.
  62. Seattle-based artist and science illustrator, Marlin Peterson, was commissioned to paint a mural in his city. Rather than paint a standard wall mural, he chose a roof of a building right underneath the Seattle Space Needle. Using an optical illusion technique called tromped’oeil, Peterson painted two giant daddy long-legs on the roof of a building. The monstrous bugs look as if they’re taking over the building when viewed from above, and the Space Needle makes a great location for viewing Peterson’s terrifying mural
  63. To promote the new Ultrabook and to support their slogan ‘Suddenly Everything Else Seems Old Fashioned’, Intel have invested in twelve wrapped bus shelters containing customised screens with Augmented Reality capability. The specials allow consumers to interact on touchscreen and pick from Medieval, Western and Kung Fu ‘worlds’.  Standing in front of the 6 sheet a themed hat is placed onto the users head whilst looking into the screen like a mirror.  The user can then choose to take and upload their picture to the Intel Facebook page and are then encouraged to tag themselves in the images. The site also allows the user to enter a competition to win an Ultrabook laptop via a QR code. The campaign was planned and booked through Posterscope and OMD.
  64. Meanwhile in Covent Garden, Intel’s Project Monument drew crowds with its giant vending machine; dispensing free consoles, laptops and toys from yesteryear. The event also included games and sports from our childhood. Via londonist: londonist.com/...g-machine-in-covent-garden.php
  65. Rose’s Cabin - The world’s greatest love story just got even greater! On 11th September a replica of Rose’s cabin was launched in Westfield Shepherd’s Bush to celebrate the release of Titanic on Blu-ray / Blu-ray 3D. Featuring iconic props from the award-winning film including Jack’s art portfolio and pencil case, Rose’s hairbrush, mirror and art collection and the dress she wore during the heart rending final scenes of the film. The interactive display allowed Titanic fans to literally step into Rose’s shoes and experience having their portrait ‘drawn’ (fully clothed!), as well as providing the opportunity to recreate the famous ‘I’m the king of the world’ pose on a replica bow of the ship for social media amplification.The campaign was executed by JJP.
  66. A bottle can do many things if it’s a Strongbow Gold Cider &quot;StartCap.&quot; A bar in central Budapest was rigged with RFID readers, antennas and wires which triggered some fantastic surprises whenever a bottle of Strongbow Gold was opened. The cider cap is a RFID bottle-top that connects to a &quot;reader&quot; to trigger something, whether to check you in on Foursquare, turn on the juke box or even fire a cannon.Embed video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp6JJKbOSeY&amp;feature=youtu.be
  67. In one of our 2002 newsletters we featured the world’s first dynamic mechanical advertising wall – the Hyposurface. Over the years this has been refined and Seoul-based collective Jonpasang have now unveiled the Hyper-Matrix, a movie theatre where the walls themselves come to life. Three faces of a Korean theatre were covered with thousands of motorized cubes, all of which pulse into glorious, larger than life patterns.
  68. The Popinator is a fully automated , voice activated popcorn throwing machine that can pinpoint whereabouts a voice originated from, before shooting a piece of popcorn at it for the user to catch. This type of technology could be applied to OOH sites but be careful what you throw!
  69. Nissan used flat screens and Microsoft&apos;s Kinect for Windows technology to allow its customers to explore the new 2013 Pathfinder before it hit showrooms in the US. Customers could explore the virtual vehicle using motion and natural human gestures.
  70. Light based Graffiti installationTo spread the world about the Little Sun Solar-powered lamp, artist and creator Eliasson created a Sunlight installation at the Tate modern which allows the public to use the lamp to make their own digital compositions. Software then digitally captures each piece of graffiti, and incorporates it into an online spinning globe which participants can access on the internet.
  71. In January 2010, Channel 4 was awarded the television rights to show the London 2012 Summer Paralympics in the United Kingdom. In order to celebrate this, and to raise awareness of the coverage, OMD and Posterscope planned a 2 phase Out of Home campaign to run during the 2012 games.The first phase of the campaign launched on the 6th of August amidst the Olympic euphoria and enthusiasm that was sweeping the Country, and consisted of 4 weeks of National 48 sheets, 96 sheets and Underground XTPs. The creative for the first 2 weeks carried the strap line “Thanks for the warm up”The second phase of the campaign started on the 29th of August, just as the Paralympics events were starting. This phase again included roadside and rail static formats, but also utilised digital formats for 11 days on Rail and the London Underground.The unprecedented success of Team GB meant that the interest in the Paralympics and British Paralympics team were extremely high. To keep commuters up to date with the events of the games, Posterscope and The Cloud and Compass worked in conjunction with CBS and JCDecaux, to develop a platform that would deliver live news, updateable games results and medal tables to XTP screens on the London Underground and Transvision screens on Rail Concourses across the Country.The campaign gained worldwide fame when the posters were referenced by both David Cameron and Boris Johnson in their Opening Ceremony speeches to sum up what the Paralympic games meant to them.
  72. As part of Daniel Disselkoen’s “Re-make Reality” graduation project for the Royal Academy of Art in the Netherlands, he decided to make his daily commute a lot more interesting by using an incredibly simple, low-tech approach to turn the scenery into a game, proving that sometimes the simple ideas really are the best.
  73. An innovative money-raising billboard from charity Noah, who help protect young seals. The idea of throwing coins at the magnetic billboard to hide the seal-killer generated huge levels of media attention by interacting and engaging with the audience. 
  74. Camelot recently took to the floor of the Manchester Trafford Centre to promote the latest National Lottery scratchcard. An innovative experiential event that encouraged shoppers to buy a scratchcard for an ‘instant win’ was combined with reactive ads broadcast around the shopping centre.Working in partnership with event organisers JJP and media partners, photos of real winners were taken and integrated with bespoke videos within moments of the shoppers taking part. These videos were then broadcast throughout the shopping centre throughout the duration of the event.
  75. Great placement of Arizona Science Centre’s ‘Never stop wondering’ OOH campaign.
  76. Audi’s new City Digital showroom can fit inside a typical high-street store or shopping mall and allows a greater number of people to experience the brand and car, in virtual form. Multiple interactive digital walls, controlled by pressure sensor floor plates and tablet-style devices allow customers to create and customise a car and display it on the digital walls in front of them.
  77. Cheerios launched a DOOH interactive vending experience to invite consumers to reconnect with the brand. Using a vending/photo taking unit, consumers could share what they love about Cheerios, receive a sample box and snap a photo which they received via email to share with family and friends. Simultaneously, on an adjacent LCD Wall, other users could join in on the fun by dragging letters to complete words describing reasons to celebrate Cheerios.
  78. John Lewis Wraps its StoresJohn Lewis, the official department store of London 2012, has wrapped its Oxford Street and Westfield Stratford City stores in a spectacular fashion, with branded banners as part of its support for the Games. The Oxford Street store has been wrapped with an asymmetric British flag, while a banner displaying medals made out of items shoppers can buy in John Lewis has gone up at Stratford. The campaign, devised by MGMOMD was executed by Posterscope and media owner Blow-Up and forms part of a wider campaign aimed at targeting both domestic and international tourists while they are around the Olympic venues and travelling across the capital.
  79. BMW launch OOH on the ultimate siteBMW,Official Automotive Partner of the Games, has launched their Olympic Out-of-Home campaign, which comprises of a number of high-profile, high-production spectacular sites, 2D special builds and digital panels, all strategically selected and located to bring to life BMW’s ‘The Ultimate Performance’ positioning. The campaign includes wrapping Morgan House, a vacant 14-floor office block on top of the Stratford Centre, which measures over 5, 500 sq feet and will be viewed by millions of Olympic spectators. The campaign was planned and bought by Vizeum and Posterscope
  80. McDonalds ‘We all make the Games’McDonald’s have launched their digital OOH campaign which forms part of their overall £10million ‘We all Make the Games’ Olympic and Paralympic campaign. The OOH activity consists of digital screens located across the country, as well as the iconic screen at Piccadilly Circus. All the screens are enabled to allow copies to be uploaded dynamically with a number of copy changes planned for each day which will document and celebrate people, moments and emotions of the games. Content will be supplied by creative agency Leo Burnett’s as well as from consumers with their own images which fit under the heading ‘what kind of supporter are you’? The Piccadilly Circus screen, in addition to featuring live moderated content, will also have a return path which involves notifying the user to inform them their image has been used as well as sending them a video via Facebook. The campaign was planned and bought by OMD and Posterscope.
  81. Coca Cola dominates underground stationsAs part of its Olympic campaign, Coca Cola has taken over Hyde Park and Marble Arch with its station dominations. The stations are the nearest underground stops for spectators going to events at Hyde Park, which include swimming and triathlon events in the Serpentine and the BT London Live Opening Ceremony celebration concert. Coke’s other OOH activity includes a strong presence at both Heathrow and Gatwick airports - welcoming visitors and athletes to London - a special build on Cromwell Road, the iconic Piccadilly Circus site, the Westfield bridge at Stratford, as well as a variety of other roadside, rail, underground, bus and mall formats.Digital formats will be used to showcase Coca Cola’s range of products at relevant times. The campaign was booked and planned by Vizeum and Posterscope.
  82. EDF creates largest domination ever seen at Westminster stationEDF’s ‘Helping London 2012 shine brighter’ OOH campaign is concentrated in the key transport hubs for the games.This includes the largest domination ever seen at Westminster station, close to the beach volleyball events at Horse guards Parade, brand takeover at Waterloo Station, with ads appearing above and below the ground on multiple formats, as well as activity at City airport and King’s Cross St. Pancras International station. The campaign which features 15 Olympic and Paralympic Champions, was planned and booked by MPG and Posterscope.
  83. Panasonic OOH ads feature Getty ImagesAs part of Panasonic’s Olympic campaign,Panasonic is using Ocean Outdoor’s landmark Two Towers East to broadcast exclusive content from the London 2012 Games to showcase its status as an Official Olympic Partner in the Audio Video Category. Panasonic will use dynamic copy change to feature iconic action images from the sports spectacular which will be provided by official Olympic Photographer, Getty Images, using Panasonic’s LUMIX G cameras.In between, Panasonic will feature portraits from its Flag Tags Facebook and mobile app campaign which invites people to show support for their country by virtually painting their faces in their national team colours. The campaign was created by Vizeum and Posterscope.
  84. As part of the Olympic celebrations, EDF has created a spectacular nightly lightshow on the London Eye, based on the mood of the nation.  An algorithm tracks all positive and negative Olympic tweets from the 10 million UK users to give a positivity percentage, which is translated into illumination on the London icon.  Visitors can participate in this interactive campaign through digital and social media activity.
  85. This fascinating project involved Google partnering with Coca-Cola and Art Director Harvey Gabor, to re-imagine his iconic 70’s “Hilltop” commercial for today’s digital age. The ‘I’d like to buy the world a Coke’ was turned into a reality using Google’s display advertising platform and specially-developed vending machines. In the spirit of the original work, users, via a website or mobile site, could record a message and send it with a Coca-Cola to someone on the other side of the world where it is dispensed from a vending machine along with the message. The lucky recipient can then respond with a text or video message completing the connection. The experiment was used to push the boundaries of how creative ideas and technology can work hand-in-hand, and is proof that great ideas really do come first.
  86. Bleacher Report is posting its real-time Team Stream content on digital billboards allowing sports fans to interact with the content and to choose updates on any team they want by tweeting @bleacherreport.  The ground-breaking technology leverages localised twitter handles to provide a custom feed. Prepare for the battle of the fans!
  87. This campaign (created by Posterscope Germany, Carat and partners) is a brilliant example of creating excitement and audience engagement around a major, and local, sporting event. For the UEFA 2012 Final, adidas, sponsors of both finalists FC Bayern München and Chelsea FC, turned Munich into a giant polling booth. Fans in Munich (and globally via avatars) selected their teams through a series of ‘choices’ within a designated competition zone, such as pressing a button on a storefront, taking a certain set of subway stairs and even which ice cream sprinkles or coffee cup they choose. Votes were tallied and updated in real-time to a dedicated micro-site, whilst a vast 3D animated projection on a shopping centre facade showed the teams’ popularity ranking. More than 300,000 football fans participated in choosing their team….and you can bet it wasn’t Chelsea.
  88. What better way to promote the new Acer Ultrabook and demonstrate its many features, than bring it to life using real experiences?  The Acer U-Experience tour was an integrated experiential campaign created by the Posterscope network, which took place in the UK, France, Italy and Germany.  It involved employing roving reporters who undertook a series of life-changing challenges and documented their experiences on a daily basis across various social media channels, to selected media partner platforms and into a central Facebook app, all connected to the main Acer Facebook page. The campaign was executed by JJP and the Posterscope network.
  89. New York Subway Comes to Life with Interactive Digital Signage WallFor the dog lovers amongst us, dog food brand Beneful turned a New York subway into an interactive dog park using a 64-foot interactive motion-tracking digital billboard.  The animated dogs followed commuters as they passed, enticing them to stop for a game of virtual fetch.  The campaign then went one step further allowing, via the use of social media, participants to customise the dog of their choosing and to share on Facebook.
  90. Thegocompare campaign demonstrates the power of OOH and smart creative have on driving social media
  91. Canon has become the first client to plan a campaign across Eye&apos;s Amplify sites, which transmit information from mobile phone interactions directly to out-of-home owner&apos;s clients.Canon: uses Eye Amplify for mobile campaignAmplify allows passengers to interact with more than 8,000 Eye sites in malls and airports worldwide through embedded near field communication (NFC) technology, QR codes and SMS functionality.The first activity will take place at Gatwick and Stansted airports and will gather passengers&apos; mobile data from a digital out-of-home (OOH) unit, in a promotion for the company&apos;s EOS 650D camera model.The campaign was planned and bought by PHD International and outdoor agency PSI (Posterscope International) and enables Canon to track response rates and interactivity levels, which Eye claims delivers a fully accountable campaign.There are 206 panels carrying the amplifying platform in the UK. The campaign will include 114 Amplify panels split between both airports.
  92. Google voice search campaign won the Media Lions Grand PrixBelow is an extract from the award entry (submitted by MGOMD) for the Google Voice search campaign planned and bought by Posterscope and MGOMD.By taking a key strength of digital – hyper relevant context - and marrying it with the scale and ubiquity of outdoor we did something that had never been done before: a broadcast outdoor campaign where every creative execution was relevant to the poster site that it ran on. We zoomed in on every available individual poster site in London, and using Google maps plotted the interesting institutions in the immediate environs. The resultant database became the creative brief. As such, the precise media context explicitly informed the creative execution. Posters in the Square Mile ran “foot-see wun-hun-dred”. Sites outside stadia carried “ley-tistskohrz”. Sites at Baker Street carried “Shur-lokHoemz” Difficult to pronounce stations carried the phonetic spelling as the copy …in total 150 pieces of bespoke pieces of copy across ten different poster formats, amounting to the most complex outdoor campaign ever in the UK.
  93. A great example of digital flexibility. Within hours of the award win news breaking, Posterscope had produced an ad and had it showing at Bond Street MGOMD’s local tube station...
  94. PHD/Posterscope campaign for McCain’s took the silver in theOutdoor media lions category...McCain wanted to recreate the in-home experience of their new product direct to the consumers on the streets by bringing them to life through their special outdoor campaign.3D jacket potatoes appeared at bus shelters across the UK, and are set to heat up the nation and set taste buds tingling during the cold snap. When consumers press a button on the poster, a hidden heating element gently warms the potato and releases the mouth-watering aroma of a slow oven-baked jacket potato throughout the bus shelter. The aroma was developed over three months in collaboration with a specialist scent lab to accurately match the warming scent of McCain Ready Baked Jackets. In a media first, the bus shelters will also dispense money off coupons, redeemable across multiple and independent retailers, to make it easier for consumers to trial McCain’s latest product.
  95. lastminute.com’s ‘For Everyone’ campaign brings to life the firm’s brand promise of making the unattainable attainable for everyone.A bespoke product was built for CBS XTPs to create a dynamic digital Out-of-Home campaign that features the latest lastminute.com branded and social content as well as the most recent top trending lastminute.com offers and location-based marketing.The DOOH campaign, which launched in June 2012, involves taking over 15 CBS Cross-track projection screens on for the entire Friday night duration (18 hours) across a 20-week period (excluding the Olympic period) with the aim of promoting lastminute.com’s ‘last-minuteness’ and creating ‘talkability’.The campaign was planned and bought by Posterscope and MGOMD.
  96. BBDO launched Asia’s first mechanical air-cleaning hoarding that filters certain harmful content from surrounding air, purifies it and releases the purified air back to the environment.
  97. Fashion retailer C&amp;A, allowed people to ‘like’ certain items of clothing on the company’s Facebook page and the resulting numbers were then displayed on the relevant clothes rack in real-time enabling customers to view the item’s online popularity in the real world.
  98. At basketball events across Germany, ING-DiBa created interactive billboards that let members of the public use their smartphones to try and dunk a basketball into a net.  Users logged on to a mobile website and pretended to throw the ball with their phone in hand. Facebook friends got a notification, so they could follow the games through live screens and cheer for their friends which was then acoustically transmitted to the billboard.
  99. ‘Listen Here’ gives people a chance to hear audio from all over town through an interactive map. Using microphones at different locations, which transmit data to a central map, they simply point at a location on the installation to hear live ambient sound from around the city. Plenty of scope for OOH campaigns using this technology.
  100. Visitors encouraged to Tweet a gift cloudA mall in Brazil highlights its open air facilities by offering Gift Clouds. Visitors to the shopping centre were encouraged to tweet their choice of gift cloud, see it created and then released into the sky above the mall. A Facebook app ensured those not present could also get involved. 40,000 website hits were received and more than 10,000 tweeted clouds created.
  101. Digital Downloads create Physical Action To promote their new streaming radio station, Coca Cola Columbia hosted a live concert where a band was suspended 50 metres above ground. Downloading songs onto mobile devices triggered the gradual lowering of the band onto the stage.  The event achieved around 50,000 downloads in an hour and reached over 16 million people through earned media.
  102. Lynx Creates The World’s First Invisible AdFor the launch of Lynx’s Anarchy for him and her deodorant brands, LED screens were placed in the windows of an abandoned terraced house in Sydney, showing videos that included couples in steamy embraces, swimming dogs, etc.  However, the videos could only be viewed when wearing the special polarized sunglasses which were distributed to the passersby.
  103. Goertz: Outdoor Virtual Shoe storeUsing Microsoft Kinect sensors, German shoe retailer Goertz turned OOH into a retail space enabling people to ‘virtually’ try on any shoe from the Goertz catalogue. Social sharing was built into the experience via Facebook and a QR code, connecting users to the mobile commerce site with the shoe, size and colour ready for purchase and next day home delivery.
  104. Punch a PosterTo showcase the durability of its backpacks, EVOC created the ‘indestructible billboard’’ which consisted of an EVOC backpack attached to the centre of a poster on a bus shelter in Berlin. Shoppers and commuters were then invited to test the bag’s shock-absorbing qualities by punching, kicking or slamming themselves into the poster.  The bag was fitted with a device that measured the amount of force used and sent photos and scores of the participants to Facebook for sharing with friends.
  105. The Guinness QR Code GlassQR codes on these pint glasses can only be activated when filled with Guinness.  Scanning the code with a smartphone creates tweets about the pint, status updates, Foursquare check-in’s, downloads coupons and promotions, and can invite your friends to join you.
  106. A nice experiential campaign from Scotch-Brite To engage a younger target audience, Scotch-Brite teamed up with several popular restaurants in São Paulo. When people got their bill they received the opportunity to either pay or wash the dishes with Scotch-Brite sponges.
  107. To celebrate the launch of the new Avengers Assemble movie, Disney created a live art experience in London’s trendy Old Street. Over the course of four days, artists painted the eight iconic Marvel characters on to a 96s poster site. The order in which the characters were painted depended upon a public vote which was facilitated by twitter. Fans could tweet who they wanted to see created on the billboard by tweeting a unique # tag, one of which was created for each character. The entire project was broadcast live online where fans watching from home or work could feel immersed within the experience. The activity which ran for two weeks  clocked upwards of 1 million viewing minutes on the online live broadcast site.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzYiCR9iNuA&amp;feature=relmfu
  108. As part of the ‘Make with Red Stripe’ art project, they worked with street artist, Filthy Luker, to create a 17m Space Invaders installation on Manchester’s town Hall. The public can play the interactive game by pressing giant buttons to activate LED lights, bringing the invaders and laser cannons to life.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQpOl6PObs0
  109. Hug a vending machine for a free cokeCoca cola introduces gesture based marketing in Singapore where a Coke vending machine dispenses free cans of coke when hugged. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Wn-tMeqUs&amp;feature=player_embedded
  110. Train timetable shows time in hamburgersA Timetable at Warsaw Central Station shows waiting time in McDonald&apos;s hamburgers, cokes and fries you have time to eat before your train leaves. It estimates delays and gives McDonald&apos;s opening hours.
  111. To launch the FCell, Mercedes Benz&apos; Hydrogen cell fuel engine they created an Invisible Car for all to not see. By connecting a camera on the one side which  transmitted images to the opposite side which was covered LEDs they were able to make the car blend in with the environment.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIGzpi9lCck&amp;feature=player_embedded
  112. To launch the TV channel TNT in Belgium a big red push button was placed on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text &quot;Push to add drama&quot; invited people to use the button and then the fun began. Ambulances, shoot-outs, baseball players, etc. they were all there! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=316AzLYfAzw&amp;feature=youtube_gdata
  113. A Mini campaign for LegoTo promote Legoland’s Windsor Resort Mini breaks, the company created a miniature billboard campaign made of Lego. A good example of bringing the proposition to life.
  114. World’s first virtual supermarket opens in SeoulTesco and Samsung took the subway platform supermarket concept to the next level with their virtual HomePlus grocery store which offers around 500 products that customers can order and have delivered to their home by scanning QR codes with their smartphones.
  115. Tommy Hilfiger Denim introduce interactive window shop…Tommy Hilfiger Denim wanted to generate awareness of a sponsored concert, and drive ticket sales through their retail outlets, whilst also promoting the brand. Posterscope Spain designed and developed an interactive shop window display which was installed in the main Tommy Hilfiger Denim store, in one of Madrid’s main pedestrian shopping areas. As well as obtaining information about the concert and the brand, consumers could take a photo of themselves via the integrated camera, which they could immediately upload to Facebook.
  116. Mercedes ‘Key to Viano’ CampaignThe ‘Key to Viano’ campaign allowed passersby to control digital billboard content in the Berlin underground Friedrichstrasse station, by pressing the button on their remote car keys. If anyone captured the film clip on the OOH screen while it showed a Viano with a chauffeur they won a chauffeur-driven ride to their destination.
  117. Orange have unveiled ‘Quick Tap Treats’, the UK’s first mobile contactless retail reward scheme in partnership with the EAT restaurant chain which allows around 200,000 customers with NFC enabled handsets to tap their phones on NFC enabled posters  to play a game and receive a free treat each day.
  118. At theHeineken Open’er festival, festival goers could create customised QR code stickers that attendees could wear and scan to spark up a conversation.  The codes became ice breakers to make the concert going experience more social and fun.  5,000 codes were created by attendees.
  119. To raise awareness of 10 years of Guantanamo Bay, Amnesty International used a large digital screen in Stockholm and an ipad.  Sliding the ipad caused the red LED strip lighting on the screen and building behind (representing prison bars and the American flag) to disappear ‘unlocking’ the prisoner. The signatures then appeared on the screen with the word thanks.
  120. Plan UK and Clear Channel used a bus shelter equipped with touchscreens, sound and facial recognition technology to highlight the plight of the world’s poorest girls.  The ad determined whether the person in front of the screen was male or female and served relevant content based on gender. Viewers could feedback at #choicesforgirls.
  121. Eurostar launching a “live” advertising platform in a move to integrate social media and consumers’ conversations into its mainstream advertising.The Eurostar Live platform launched on the 23 February with a campaign promoting the international train service’s connection from London to Amsterdam, via Brussels.Eurostar has developed the campaign to help customers travelling around Europe to share experiences and advice with each other, and make sure the brand is part of the conversation. The technology will integrate real time comments about the brand, its services and destinations, into its outdoor ad campaigns running on digital outdoor screens in London.The campaign was planned and bought by Arena and Posterscope with technology provided by Cloud and Compass.
  122. To promote M&amp;S’ Valentine’s Day products they ran a single Augmented Reality billboard in Waterloo.  Using Aurasma’s AR technology, the AR experience allowed viewers to view M&amp;S products available on Valentine’s Day and Katya – the model on the billboard – came to life to offer a little extra Valentine’s Day inspiration. Staff on the ground encouraged participation. Planned and bought by Walker Media and Posterscope.
  123. Fox chose Clear Channel’s iconic Cromwell Road site to launch the latest release from Lucas Films. Star Wars 3D took full advantage of the impact and creative flexibility provided by the run of 6 x 96s to boldly showcase assets from the film. Planned and bought by Vizeum and Posterscope.
  124. ESPN had a requirement for live Twitter feeds to run during the 3rd round of the FA Cup.  ESPN viewers were invited to comment live and their tweets were immediately shown on screen in the heart of Manchester city centre on Forrest&apos;s fully animated digital screen. Planned and bought through Arena and Posterscope.
  125. Order Pizza from a poster........Domino&apos;s Pizza has launched a six-sheet poster campaign using Augmented Reality (AR) technology from Blippar, to bring its latest 555 pizza deal to life. The campaign, created by Arena Media and Posterscope UK, consisted of over 6,000 sites across the country and allowed users to download deals for their nearest Domino’s store, get the Domino’s mobile ordering app, become a Facebook fan and view their local menu, just by viewing the poster through a smartphone using the Blippar app. The different features of the six sheets ‘jump’ off the page when viewed through the app. Non-Blippar users simply see Domino’s current 555 deal .
  126. The pretty Polly OOH campaign includedstrong online elements including promoted videos and behind the scenes content on YouTube, a partnership with the Halftone iPhone app and targeted Facebook advertising.All House of Holland for Pretty Polly tights featured in the campaign are available to buy from the new f-Store at www.facebook.com/prettypolly or at the new Pretty Polly Pop Up Shop in Covent Garden Market open from 17th October 2011 until 31st January 2012. Planned and bought by Posterscope and MGOMD.
  127. A MINI Countryman was placed on a 15% slope at the Brussels Motorshow, hanging only by a thick rope. A Bunsen burner was placed under the rope and each person Liking the Facebook page initiated a short burst of flame. The person who brokethe rope wonthe car. Bought by Posterscope Belgium.
  128. All macro trends but all are prevalent and pertinent to OOHWhether they apply to consumer behaviour or brands or mediaAll prompt us to re-consider the way we plan and the way we position OOH within the broader landscape...
  129. The world is being transformed by technology, changing how people behave, especially when out-of-home…This is evidenced by the way we are having to re-define OOHTraditionally positioned as posters and screens that you can put ads on. Maybe a bit of experiential too.Today’s OOH media infrastructure looks very different...It’s all kinds of bespoke placements, exhibition spaces, client owned inventory and BTL retail comms.Plus the technology that consumers use when they are out and about - in principle, a laptop can be just as OOH as a posterThere’s a whole range of things that can be layered on top of straight advertising;Services (search, public utility content on screens)Experiential conceptsPlatforms (Facebook, twitter)Content (YouTube, DOOH ‘programming’)Commerce (virtual store posters, downloadable vouchers)Games (on mobile, DOOH or both together)So what we have here is very much a bought, owned and earned OOH ecosystem of media, technology, content and experience, with lots of interconnected and interdependent partsWhat’s interesting about the OOH ecosystem is that it overlaps with other major globalecosystems e.g.;Google (video – YouTube, search, mobile display, Gmail, Google+)Facebook (website, mobile app/site, f-commerce)apple (i-phone, i-Pad, i-tunes, i-ads)Amazon (app, website, affiliate)But unlike them, the OOH ecosystem isn’t dominated by any large multi-disciplinary multi-nationalsPosterscope aims to help bring a lot of this together.
  130. In fact by 2014, in a study by VC firm Kleiner Perkins, analyst Mary Meeker predicted that mobile browsing will exceed desktop browsing by 2014. Known as the “Queen of the Internet”, Meeker is acknowledged as the industry’s leading and most respected analyst.  In the report, Meeker predicts smartphone and tablet shipments will surpass PC shipments for the first time in 2011. Additionally, Kleiner Perkins points to a convergence occurring where social, local and mobile come together through mobile devices and mobile apps. In the palm of one’s hand, these magical devices have GPS capabilities to make them local and a plethora of apps to make them social.  As new social and location based apps come to the market, this will only fuel greater mobile internet usage
  131. This changes how people behave when OOH, and also how they interact with OOH.
  132. These days a poster is not just a poster....it can also be used as a....-TV /website e.g. five live example on the underground which had a live link to the streets of New York-Cinema e.g. cinema Peroni-Gaming console e.g.Cadbury’s Stars and Strips)
  133. Exhibition stands these days can be interactive, connective, digitally social experiences etc. Such as the MINI Countryman example.
  134. And a phone for example can be used as a computer, radio or TV or even as a means of purchasing...
  135. Watch Something....Headlines from Channel 4 News broadcast....combined with tweets and blogs from C4 News presenters
  136. Milky Bar created a mobile app to allow people to turn themselves into the Milky Bar Kid and upload the images to Facebook. Participants were then featured within video ads across TV, online and digital out-of-home
  137. 100% of budget – Cannes Lion WinnerWi-fi launched on underground – reduces the gap between exposure and the action for underground campaigns
  138. Poster takes on interactive characteristics &amp; demonstrates mobile experience20 sites nationallyPromoting Yell’s mobile appConsumer generated reviews from Yell website &amp; local business infoCovers restaurants, cafes, bars, hotel, taxis, shopsConstantly updated with latest reviewsTouch a location for full review
  139. HMV and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment are using outdoor ads carrying QR codes to entice mobile users to buy DVDs online on the spot. HMV: rolls out QR codes in Christmas outdoor ads The QR codes will allow customers to buy Twentieth Century Fox Blu-ray discs and DVDs, such as &apos;Rise of the Planet of the Apes&apos; via the HMV mobile app. Consumers will be able to scan the code for a title that appeals to them on posters at bus shelters. This will automatically launch hmv.com on the appropriate product page and the purchase can be made through the app. Creative was handled by The Entertainment Agency and Posterscope handled the media planning and buying.
  141. Tesco Homeplus wanted to become the number one store in South Korea without increasing the number of stores. As time-poor Korean tend to shop near their home, Homeplus decided to ‘let the store come to the people’ by creating virtual stores within subways. The displays and merchandise were exactly the same as instore however consumers used QR codes and smart phones to shop. When the online purchase is done it is delivered direct to your home.
  142. To kick off the UK football season, ESPN , the American global cable television network focussing on sports-related programming, worked with Arena Media, Posterscope UK and LocaModa to create an innovation OOH campaign to actively engage fans and continue the dialogue with them from TV screen, online and mobile device. The campaign is the first UK campaign to integrate live, real time content and debate, featuring comments from ESPN ‘s well-known football presenters while they are on-air. The digital screens, across the weekend, show the presenters questions or raise subjects for debate, such as &quot;Which new signing will have the biggest impact?“. Some of these topics will be discussed on air and passers-by will be encouraged to respond on Twitter, using the hashtag #espnuk.Live scores from football news site ESPNsoccernet.com were also included in the digital outdoor feeds, alongside information about ESPN’s live football matches and Twitter responses from the public.The campaign, the biggest social campaign to run across digital Out-of-Home, involved over 300 screens across the UK, including screens on London Underground and British Rail’s Transvision screens.
  143. Two way digital OOH Video call on wallResidents of rival cities Toronto and Montreal are being encouraged to virtually visit each other’s cities through a live interactive portal known as The Cheating Wall. The wall, consisting of separate HD video panels, each with their own camera, microphone, sensor and speaker, allows people to see, talk and interact with one another in real time. Participants are also encouraged to tweet about the wall and access the Facebook page to win flights to the respective cities courtesy of Air Canada.
  144. And we can offer engagement. Vital in the new world.
  145. Play it....Green Giant ran a campaign that linked digital screens and experiential with the use of augmented reality. Running in the Trafford Centre for a weekend, children were given the chance to Hi-Five the giant on the large digital screen to see if they were eating their 5 a day. Colin Jackson also had a go!
  146. Using online to control the physical world
  147. Bronx men’s shoes have come up with the worlds first interactive billboard that grows a beard as people like their facebook page. The billboard is controlled live via a facebook app, every time someone like the Bronx Shoe page the beard grows a little more! People can watch it grow live via a web cam feed to the facebook page! Visit Facebook.com/BronxMensShoes and hit the “like” button to witness the beard growth.Incredible idea and execution from local SA agency Bletchley Park.
  148. A new report from Juniper Research has found that the NFC retail payments market will exceed $180 billion globally by 2017, more than a seven-fold increase over 2012. The leading regions of North America, Western Europe and Far East &amp; China will contribute 90% of this market value as smartphones with NFC payment technology become standard. Technology &amp; Ecosystem DevelopmentsThe report found that 2011 was a watershed year for NFC payments. Major technology infrastructure standards were finalised, many mobile network operators committed to the market and NFC payment pilots from both mobile operators and financial institutions transitioned to commercial service. Above all, NFC-enabled smartphone models were announced by almost all handset manufacturers and Google ignited the market by launching its wallet in the US.NFC enabled devices allows the user to open an app, go to a website to view content, download vouchers, make a purchase, register facebook likes or check in at a location, simply by holding an NFC-enabled mobile to a poster site or payment point. Your phone effectively replaces your wallet so if you see something you like on a poster you can click and buy it there and then.
  149. To understand the potential of NFC, a new piece of research from Posterscope and Clear Channel reveals the applications, content and environments that consumers claim to be most valuable and relevant for NFC enabled poster interactions. It also looks at brand and advertiser product categories for which NFC-OOH experiences would  be most appealing and current levels of consumer awareness and understanding. A video demonstrating the future potential formed part of the research project.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORkuWJcJpXo
  150. The study, conducted in Feb 2012 in the UK and USA, consisted of almost 1,000 online interviews with smartphone owners who had used at least one of the following seven technologies on their devices: Quick Reader (QR) codes, Mobile Bluetooth, Barcode Scanner, Augmented Reality, Visual Search, NFC and Mobile payments. In addition, half of the respondents had used at least one of the technologies to interact directly with advertising.The infographic is available on Pioneering OOH (Don’t Believe the Hype)
  151. The convergent world presents an enormous range of opportunities for brands to derive even more value from the OOH medium.The Guide to Convergent OOH, located on slideshare, outlines some of the opportunities available and associated case studies.It’s well worth a look...
  152. Other reports from Posterscope include:The rise of social media, especially on mobile devices has the potential to act as a key competitor for OOH budgets in the future but it also presents us with a massive opportunity.  We need to therefore better understand the role for OOH in a world where consumers are finding it easier to connect to content, information, brands and each other. Smartphones, social and screens OOH six future defining themes - Posterscope presentation from International Advertising Association - Future of Media seminar.NFC News and Views.OOH and TV 
  153. Geography of Time (GoT) is a two part research project. A (quantative) survey of 3,500 respondents from 5 major GB conurbations to gain insight into city life. Secondly, a PDA diary which recorded 1,200 diary days of consumers’ activities. The PDA diary is similar to Touchpoints and analysing the two data sources creates some interesting insight. Also the data from both surveys support each other, adding confidence in the results. The time element of the survey (the PDA diary) was launched at the recent trojectory conference hosted by the IPA.
  154. JCDecaux, the UK’s leading Outdoor advertising company and No. 1 in malls is launching a network of large-format full-motion digital screens called M-Vision in premium malls nationwide. John Lewis, Three and DKNY are among the first advertisers to deploy the new screens from 26 November.This new digital format M-Vision will be positioned in atrium areas in proximity to anchor stores in premium malls – giving brands unprecedented access to audiences on this full-motion, large-scale digital canvas.JCDecaux has installed two M-Vision screens in Bluewater (Greenhithe) and 1 MVision in Bullring (Birmingham).M-Vision will be extended to Lakeside (Thurrock), Harlequin (Watford) and Victoria Centre (Nottingham), followed by Trinity Leeds malls in 2013, offering brands large-format impact with the scaled-up glossy magazine display of a digital 6-sheet.Spencer Berwin, Managing Director – Sales at JCDecaux said, “This investment into digital outdoor will give our customers even better access to the aspirational and image-conscious audience delivered by our premium malls. From fashion and beauty to telecoms brands, digital offers enormous flexibility with the ability to run time-sensitive and multiple messaging, reaching millions of shoppers in our malls.M-Vision will add massive impact and cut-through and has been designed to make it easy for brands to transfer their D6 copy to this huge, new, portrait digital canvas. Digital has already played a key part in the transformation of our rail business, with the roll-out of D6s and Transvision nationwide. As the market leader with 12 out of the top 20 malls, we believe that digital Outdoor will play an increasingly important role for brands in this key part of our business.”The full-motion M-Vision screens have a 6mm pitch, the same high-quality as the successful Transvision screen network.
  155. Clear Channel, has partnered with Edinburgh City Council to bring state-of the-art digital screens to two prominent locations on Edinburgh’s premier shopping street.The ‘ED6’ screens are situated at either end of Princes Street, directly outside the city’s most popular retailers, including Jenners department store. Princes Street attracts a footfall in excess of 1 million in peak months.The HD super-bright, daylight visible screens deliver outstanding visuals and can also offer location and time-specific messages, meaning both Edinburgh Council and advertisers can tailor their communication to their audiences, whether they are on their way out on a Friday evening, shopping on a Saturday afternoon or commuting on a Monday morning.The networked screens offer unparalleled flexibility when it comes to campaign start and end dates and overall duration and can provide reactive messaging as well as emergency messaging from the Council if required. The screens can also interact with mobile devices; offering new and innovative ways to engage with Princes Street’s affluent audience – both Edinburgh residents and visitors. 
  156. Two New Outdoor Plus Digital Billboards, South LondonOutdoor Plus is poised to launch a new premium digital advertising site for advertisers looking to attract an urban and affluent business and regular commuting audience in and around the up and coming Vauxhall area of South London.Two new high definition digital screens will be located on Vauxhall Cross Island, one of Central London’s major traffic hubs and will be launched next week with first advertiser client as Sky.The screens, which will deliver nearly 2 million vehicular impacts every 2 week period are no doubt, an impressive addition to the company’s growing portfolio of premium digital sites in and around the capital.Vauxhall Cross Island is one of London’s primary outdoor advertising locations, its heritage and prestige are second only to the Cromwell Road in terms of the planning and buying of stand-out campaigns. The area which is just south of Vauxhall Bridge has recently undergone a GBP 400 million regeneration programme and this impressive digital site has been integrated into an architectural surround on the island, making the screens impossible to miss. 
  157. VeriFone Media UK Readies Its Taxis for NFCVeriFone Media is ready to launch integrated NFC campaigns throughout its 5500 taxis, enabling brands to maximize their Out-of-Home spend by delivering vouchers, offers, bar codes, apps or personalized messages through both its traditional and digital products.NFC technology can be incorporated into traditional liveries, from external door stickers to wraps and supersides, and inside the cabs on tip seats. Digital options use VeriFone Media’s 15” screens, or via the payment terminals installed in all 5500 cabs, which can also accept payment using NFC.*Mark Roberts, vice-president and general manager, VeriFone Taxi and Media Solutions, says, “VeriFone Media is the only OOH media owner that can help brands use NFC to maximize their advertising. We see NFC replacing QR codes within six months and so we’re continually developing our system to make sure we can provide what advertisers want. This technology can deliver more targeted, measurable and personalized campaigns; we are anticipating huge interest, particularly in the run up to Christmas.”Orange customers with a Samsung Galaxy SIII and the Barclaycard Visa payWave app are the first in the UK to be able to use an NFC phone to pay for their journeys, by tapping their phone against the card reader installed in the cab, in the same way as a contactless debit card, for amounts under £20.
  158. UK partnership with AirvertiseJCDecaux has signed an exclusive UK partnership with Airvertise, a company that has patented a unique product (known as PosterProps™) for 3D Outdoor advertising campaigns. The new product will transform the cost of spectacular advertising, enabling clients to book 50 x 3D billboards for the cost of 10 traditional 3D specials.The partnership will enable JCDecaux to provide brands with a new product to create ‘larger than life’ advertising campaigns on billboards and wallwraps. With huge flexibility for brands, the product can form complex shapes including: food, drink, confectionery and electronic goods.Sam Bird, Director of Productions and Creative Solutions said, “This is about creating, big, bold Outdoor spectacular campaigns that are simply unmissable. This high-impact 3D product will enable clients to bring their brands spectacularly to life on the streets, amplifying their wider Outdoor campaigns. Airvertise are our official OOH UK partner and we are delighted to be working with them to facilitate national specials campaigns and to open up the specials market to even more clients.”The new product was unveiled to clients at the JCDecaux Innovate Open Day on 24 and 25 October at JCDecaux’s Inspiration Centre at 991 Great West Road.
  159. A new chapter in Outdoor begins as Cromwell Road goes digital17 October 2012Twenty-nine years after Araldite* stunned audiences in London’s Cromwell Road, the most sought-after stretch of Outdoor estate in the UK is going digital. In the biggest shake up of prime London media space, JCDecaux will digitise every Outdoor location, creating a new single proposition for clients: ‘The Cromwell Road Digital Gateway.’‘The Cromwell Road Digital Gateway’ will enable clients to dominate this key gateway to London across all 300m² of digital outdoor space in Europe’s busiest road. It launch before the end of 2012.‘The Cromwell Road Gateway’ will comprise the giant Première 1000 billboard, 2 x Première 400 billboards, 4 x Première 200 billboards in addition to the existing digital locations: The Cromwell Road i and The Cromwell Road Digital.The new Gateway will reach an affluent, upmarket audience of 2.3 million every two weeks, travelling between central London and West London/Heathrow Airport.
  160. Landmark trial predicts bright future for interactive out-of-home advertisingConsumers who took part in a landmark UK interactive out-of-home (OOH) advertising trial, devised by Clear Channel and Kinetic, demonstrated high levels of engagement, long dwell times and an appetite for further interaction.The trial, which ran for two weeks, analysed consumer interaction with a state-of-the-art interactive advertising panel on a busy London high street. The panel featured a range of innovative technologies including touchscreen, gesture control, gender recognition, facial recognition and smartphone interaction.The trial attracted over 2,000 interactions from a wide range of consumers. The findings provide unique insights into how the public want to interact with OOH advertising, thus enabling brands and creative agencies to develop and implement effective and compelling campaigns. The study investigated what makes consumers engage with interactive OOH, how it deepens the conversation with advertisers, how the overall experience becomes more rewarding for consumers and their preference for sharing information with advertisers.Key findings were:Consumers found interacting with an OOH advert positive and fun with 92% of participants agreeing interaction makes an advert stand out more. 82% also say interactivity makes an advert more engaging8 in 10 participants believe interactive OOH advertising is a good way for brands to talk to people.90% agree interactivity and consumer involvement makes an advert more effective in capturing people’s attentionTouchscreen was the most appealing method to initially interact with 78% more likely to choose touchscreenOver half of consumers prefer to use their mobile phone to leave details or as an option to continue the conversation with brands93% of participants said they are likely to notice an interactive OOH advert in the future with 3 in 4 likely to interact again.Neil Chapman, Head of Create at Clear Channel, said: “We work in partnership with our clients to deliver engaging, innovative campaigns which deliver tangible media benefits as well as fame and standout. With a growing demand for interactive OOH advertising, it is important for us to be able to help brands create content appropriately and harness this powerful medium to maximise their return.”
  161. CBS Outdoor UK revealed a challenge across the commuter hubs of London this month– asking Londoners to ‘Look for Longer’. Through a poster with a selection of cryptic, visual clues revealing a total of 75 tube stations across the network, ‘Look for Longer’ will challenge commuters’ lateral thinking as well as testing their knowledge of the city’s tube network. The campaign used traditional outdoor advertising and Virgin Media Wi-Fi on the London Underground to engage with consumers whilst they are waiting on platforms. Over four weeks, large posters featuring the game appeared at over 30 tube stations across London including key hubs such as Canary Wharf, Euston and Oxford Circus. Commuters were directed to a micro-site where they were able to submit answers for the chance to win a selection of prizes. They were also able to ask for help using the Twitter hashtag  #lookforlonger.Simon Harrington, Marketing Director at CBS Outdoor UK comments: &quot;We wanted to create a campaign that would generate curiosity, intrigue, and interaction. The three minute dwell time on platforms, coupled with Wi-Fi connectivity not only provides the perfect environment for advertisers to reach a highly responsive audience, but it also offers extended engagement – that is to say the audience do something as a result of seeing it, be that playing the game, or sharing it with friends through social media. All our research shows that meaningful interaction leads to positive brand affinity&quot;   CBS and BlipparThe second phase of the campaign saw the creative brought to life using augmented reality on digital screens at Westfield.  CBS Outdoor UK joined forces with Blippar, the mobile visual discovery platform, to bring the campaign to life on the iconic 6m x1.7m ‘North Star’ digital LED screen at Westfield Stratford City through innovative image recognition and augmented reality technology.The campaign is now set to feature an interactive mobile element in which visitors to Europe’s largest mall, Westfield Stratford City, can download the free Blippar app and hold their smartphones up to ‘blipp’ the poster, which will then appear to come to life through their device. The technology will let Westfield Stratford’s 3.3 million monthly visitors interact with and navigate their way around the poster and find 10 further bonus clues to help them correctly identify all 75 stations. Blippar then directs people to the ‘Look for Longer’ website to enter their answers and allows them to connect with the substantial online social community that has formed since the campaign launched. Nearly 5,000 tweets have used the hashtag #lookforlonger since it launched, with participants sharing clues to help each other win prizes.Simon Harrington, Marketing Director at CBS Outdoor UK comments: “The high footfall and dwell time at Westfield provide the perfect opportunity to bring the campaign to life using augmented reality. Working with Blippar, we can take the campaign to the next level, generating increased participation and social conversation, thereby offering extended engagement with tech savvy urban shoppers. This campaign demonstrates how advertisers can use technology to enhance a high impact creative to generate a deeper level of interaction - that is to say the audience do something as a result of seeing it, be that playing the game, or sharing it with friends through social media. All our research shows that meaningful interaction leads to positive brand affinity”.Westfield Stratford City is the first venue to feature the blippable poster, with roll-out planned for Westfield London before the end of October. Participants have until 11 November to enter their answers via the micro-site at http://www.lookforlonger.com.
  162. Ocean Outdoor has announced the winners of its annual The Art of Outdoor Digital competition which celebrates pioneering agencies and brands that are pushing the creative boundaries of digital out of home advertising, showcasing their content on Ocean’s extensive digital network.Car brand Toyota is named overall winner for a campaign to promote the superb efficiency of its new Yaris Hybrid, using full motion technology and floor tiles in an interactive installation to demonstrate the power of renewable energy. The campaign was created by Glue Isobar.Second place is awarded to the charity Compassion in World Farming for The World’s First Real Live Feed, which invites people to show their support by feeding Patsy and other free range farm pigs and make a donation to the cause via text interactivity. The campaign was created by Elvis and was showcased at the Eat Street @ Westfield site.Third place goes to Heineken for a campaign inviting football fans to become part of the world’s largest ever team photo in the run up to the 2013 UEFA Champions League Final, and to receive their very own digital Panini sticker uploaded across a network of digital screens. The campaign was created by MediaVest.Highly commended is awarded to Warner Brothers for a campaign marking the DVD and Blu-Ray release of the Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises. The campaign was created by Grand Visual and showcased an exceptional use of many digital formats within a campaign.The winners were announced by Ocean Outdoor CEO Tim Bleakley at an awards ceremony at London’s IMAX, location of the largest iconic outdoor banner opportunity in the UK.Competition entrants were judged by a panel of industry experts for their visually stimulating and innovative approaches, using digital techniques including full motion, layering, subtle motion, time sensitivity, augmented reality and data streaming.Tim Bleakley said: “Each year, this competition produces Cannes Lion finalists and winners. The quality of this year’s entrants is no exception and reflects the seriousness that the creative community now attaches to the potential of digital out of home. This year also saw the first entries from media agencies, once again signalling a convergence of disciplines.“Our top four winners are all game changing campaigns which demonstrate the immediacy and relevance of knock-out installations which are simple, strong, highly scalable and likely to catch fire through their amplification well beyond their chosen sites.”Rich Sutcliffe, Digital Development Director at Brand Republic which partners Ocean Outdoor in the competition, said: “The depth and spread of this year’s entries is matched by the quality and strength of the big creative ideas coming through. Getting into the final set of winning entries this year was a tough call, but the scale of the winning ideas tick all the necessary boxes and exploit the unique nature of digital outdoor.”
  163. Welcome Back Mr Bond, We’ve Been Expecting YouOctober 18, 2012Skyfall prepared for its London Premiere by dominating Europe’s biggest advertising opportunity – The IMAX.This is Daniel Craig’s third appearance on the 17282 metreiconic advertising banner, making him the new record holder. (Both Tom Hanks and Christian Bale have appeared twice).
  164. New Banner launched in Brighton Outdoor media owner, Outdoor Plus, announced the launch of another media offer for advertisers - the Queens Road, Brighton Station banner - which is located in a centralised position on in the heart of Brighton. This large format front-lit banner, sized 9.9m high by 7.35m wide, advertiser clients to date include Skyn Condoms and Strongbow Pear Cider and is a good option for other advertisers looking to reach Brighton to London commuters as well as a young, cool, urbanite audience on a regular basis.This newsite is the third site in an expanding sub-network owned by Outdoor Plus which is aimed at targeting this young, urbanite consumer – other banners within this include Midtown in Clerkenwell and Bank of England, Newcastle. The Brighton Banner provides advertisers with a dominant advertising position in the heart of what is commonly referred to as London-by-the-sea. Considered to be one of the premier night-life spots in the UK, Brighton has the most restaurants per head than anywhere else in the country outside of London. This new site provides a high footfall of pedestrians  leaving the train station heading to the main retail area of Brighton including ‘The Lanes’ and on to the Sea Front.
  165.  atmAd launches new planning tool atmAd, the UK’s largest national digital media opportunity of over 7,000 screens providing intimate engagements with over 50 million people every month, is pleased to announce the launch of its new website which includes new tools to help media planners.With so many different opportunities and the recent high growth of digital out of home media, it is getting increasingly difficult to understand what media will help to deliver every unique campaign’s objectives. Recognising this, atmAd has re-built its website from scratch to include several tools which make it simple, easy and quick to understand how atmAd can assist in achieving a campaign’s objectives. The new ‘Planning Tool’ guides you through four simple steps from location to which customer journey you wish to engage with. The end result provides an easy to digest overview of how many forty second, intimate engagements you can achieve based on your campaign’s criteria. As a fully accountable media, atmAd provides these figures based on actual performance as opposed to complicated audience models
  166. DCM and Primesight roll out interactive cinema six-sheetsDigital Cinema Media (DCM) has partnered with outdoor media owner Primesight, to install 100 interactive six-sheet panels across DCM’s cinema estate in Cineworld, Odeon and Vue.The art units are hoped to bring brands closer to their consumers by providing more creative opportunities for advertisers to deliver more effective, targeted campaigns. Allowing for two-way communication with the cinema-goer, brands will be able to tailor messages to the user with touch, Wi-Fi, NFC (Near Field Communication) and QR code embedding.The network of interactive panels will be located in high traffic cinema foyer areas attracting a predicted monthly footfall of 2.5 million.Birdseye are the first advertiser to use the panels with several other already lined up to take advantage of the new technology.
  167. Two new ‘moving media’ channels at HeathrowJCDecaux Airport has added two new examples of ‘moving media’ to its Heathrow portfolio.  The first is the dramatic Terminal 5 Digital Towers, the largest format digital screens in the airport, visible throughout check-in and from the retail heart of the terminal. The second is the opportunity to wrap the new Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) pods which transport business passengers from the business carpark to Terminal 5.  Carrying some of Heathrow’s most influential audience, the pods are visible from one of the airport’s busiest roads as well as carparks and the terminal itself.
  168. Premium outdoor media owner Ocean Outdoor launched four new large format sites in Manchester city centre as part of its own ‘top ten UK cities’ growth plan.Ocean unveiled the Portland Tower in Portland Street, a state-of-the-art double sided digital 3.1 x 5.8 metre tower and the Media Wall@Printworks, a 15 x7 metre full motion digital screen at the Printworks.Both screens have been developed to dominate key audience pinch points – the Media Wall@Printworks is located in the heart of Manchester’s retail district and The Portland Tower dominates one of the main arterials in the city centre.
  169. Outdoor Plus are launching a new digital site in Brighton opposite the main train station exit and also the bus terminus which benefits from a high footfall of pedestrians leaving the station heading to the main retail area of Brighton including ‘The lanes’ and on to the Sea Front. It’s also seen head on by traffic heading into Queens Rd or dropping people off at the station, and as it’s on the traffic lights it has a high dwell time.
  170. Boomerang Media is launching a national health club digital 6 Sheet network - called HC-D6 - through 100 private health &amp; fitness clubs from September 2012 The launch comes hot on the heels of Boomerang winning a media contract with one of the UK’s fastest growing health club chains, Pure Gym. The new HC-D6 network will include Pure and other notable high footfall health clubs situated in key towns and cities with at least 50 clubs in central London.With 50” HD LED screens positioned in high profile positions, Boomerang will be able to offer bright creative dynamic content with great contextual capabilities and interactivity/connection to online/mobile campaigns through image recognition applications and QR codes.
  171. CBS Outdoor are investing in 32 digital assets at 20 of their key National Rail stations – with a view to have this completed by September – ready for Q4. This will strengthen their digital portfolio, enabling them to offer digital campaigns on a national level.Stations included are as follows:• Glasgow (Central, Queen St &amp; Charing Cross)• Edinburgh (Haymarket) (Spring 2013) (the 32nd unit!)• Paisley (Gilmour St)• Newcastle (Central)• Liverpool (Central)• Manchester (Victoria &amp; Oxford Rd)• Luton• Bedford• London (Blackfriars)• Reading• Slough• Oxford• Maidenhead• Bristol (Parkway)• Cardiff• Newport• Swansea
  172. Conducted in eight countries and canvassing the views of 1600 respondents, JCDecaux Airport’s global research project, Airport Stories, provides compelling new evidence that UK travellers are switched on to the brand benefits of digital media. UK respondents were 45% more likely than the average to believe that digital screens help a brand stand out from competitors.  46% of them agreed that digital created a modern brand image and 42% stated that brands using airport digital cement their position as international operators. As this HEX Motion+ campaign for BP demonstrates, digital comes into its own for big, national events enabling topical, eye-catching copy and interactive messaging.
  173. JCDecaux Airport has created full time Broadcast Networks and time-sensitive Business Networks (Monday to 5pm Friday) and Weekender Networks (5pm Friday to Sunday) in the Departure lounge, and Impact digital sites in Arrivals.Over 8.8 million passengers travelled on Eurostar last year, with a third of passengers travelling for business.