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The Real Scoop on Migrating from
Oracle Databases

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Providing enterprises with the cost-performance benefits of
Postgres by offering the products, resources, support and
dependability required for high-level commercial applications.!
• 140+ employees
• 2,500+ customers across all market segments
• Global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Asia
• Fast growing: 60%+ YOY sales growth in 2012, 80%+ YOY 2013
• Strong financial banking:

© 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved.
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

New Gartner ODBMS Magic Quadrant
Gartner Comments:
•  Community leadership — EnterpriseDB
is the primary contributor to the
PostgreSQL community and is responsible
for many new features of PostgreSQL,
including JSON.
•  Functionality — The functionality of
EnterpriseDB's Postgres Plus has
increased greatly, and with the Oracle
Compatibility Feature is now more than
sufficient to run both mission-critical and
non-mission-critical applications.
•  Stability and compatibility —
References specifically call out
compatibility with Oracle, the stability of the
DBMS and product support as strengths.

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Postgres Plus: A Super-Set of Features
Synchronized with and contributing to the PostgreSQL community

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

What Is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?


© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.


Superset of community
10th generation of Oracle
compatibility, since 2005
World-class security add-ons
Performance that rivals any other
proprietary RDBMS
Enterprise-class developer and
DBA tools
Installation, performance tuning,
and maintenance services
Software indemnification
•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Compatibility - Goals
•  Run applications written for Oracle virtually unchanged
•  No need to re-train Oracle DBAs and developers
•  Support for SQL, PL/SQL, OCI and Pro*C
•  Replication for easy sharing of data
•  Dramatic Cost Savings
•  No Vendor Lock-in

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Compatibility means:
•  SQL extension support
−  Decode, NVL, Substr, NVL2
−  Date/time functions: add_months, extract, next_day

•  PL/SQL support

REF Cursors, Implicit and explicit cursors
Looping, variable declarations, conditional statements
Collections: Associative Arrays, Varrays, Nested tables
Bulk binding
Named parameters
User Defined Exceptions
Explicit Transaction Control
−  within a stored procedure
−  (not supported by PostgreSQL)

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Compatibility means: (cont.)
•  Features

Stored procedures
Database Links
Hierarchical Queries
Materialized view (foundation) (*1)
Synonyms – Public and Private
Object types
−  Create type … as object, … as table, …as varray
−  Constructor and collection methods

−  Users/Roles
−  Dynamic SQL

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

*1 – PPAS 9.3

Compatibility means: (cont.)
•  Data Types
Integer, number, char, double precision,
float, varchar2, blob, clob, xmltype, rowid

•  Built-in Packages

HTTP, URL (*1)


•  Oracle-like Data Dictionary
−  ALL_, DBA_, USER_ views
−  Most commonly accessed views
*1 – PPAS 9.3

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Compatibility means: (cont.)
•  Diagnostics - DRITA
−  System and session waits
−  Not exposed in PostgreSQL
−  Part of Advanced Server

−  Statspack like reporting

•  Tools
−  EDB*Plus
−  EDB*Loader
−  EDB*Wrap

(SQL*Plus look-a-like)
(SQL*Loader equivalent)
(similar to the PL/SQL wrapper)

*1 – PPAS 9.3

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Partitioning in PPAS v9.3
Partitioning Performance: PPAS 9.3 v. PostgreSQL 9.3 v. PPAS 9.2
PPAS 9.2


PostgreSQL 9.3

Improvement Factor


PPAS 9.3


76 times Faster!




Number of Table Partitions

•  Oracle syntax for partitioning (create, add, exchange, split, …)
•  Postgres Plus Advanced Server is up to 76 times faster for data
retrieval than PostgreSQL 9.3 or PPAS 9.2 (Partition pruning, and inserts)
•  The greater the number partitions, the greater the performance benefits

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Migration Example

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Database Migration Toolkit
•  Online Migration Toolkit enables point and click migration from
•  Automatically Migrates:

Stored Procedures

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.



Database Links
Oracle Compatibility & Migration Strategies


New LOB Applications

§ Significant cost savings for non mission critical
§ Leverages all existing Oracle skills
§ Very low risk

Deploy Postgres Plus
as Oracle
Replication Server

§ Significant cost savings
§ Leverages Postgres Plus Replication Server
§ Leverages all existing Oracle skills
§ Improves transaction and query performance

Migrate non Mission
Critical Oracle Apps to
Postgres Plus

§ Significant cost savings
§ Leverages all existing Oracle skills
§ Very low risk

Migrate Mission Critical
Oracle Apps to
Postgres Plus

§ Biggest cost savings
§ Leverages all existing Oracle skills
§ Greatest deployment flexibility

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Multi-phase Migration Process

Phase I – Planning

Determine what application to migrate"


Home grown applications!
Java, C!
Packaged applications that support multiple databases!
Support JDBC, ODBC"

Once candidate applications are chosen, sign up for OMA"
Oracle Migration Assessment (OMA) Identifies:"
–  Possible migration issues!
–  Gives time estimate to migrate system"


Establish migration team:"
–  Need source system knowledgeable resource!
–  Need target system knowledgeable resource"


Establish project plan with milestones

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Multi-phase Migration Process
•  Phase II – Prepare Environment
−  Obtain and install necessary software
−  Establish connectivity between systems
−  Copy the Oracle JDBC jar file to jre/lib/ext directory in Postgres Plus Advanced
Server Installation

•  Phase III – Migrate Schema
−  Use Migration Toolkit in schema only mode
−  Resolve issues here before going to next phase

•  Phase IV – Migrate Data
−  Use command line MTK
−  Use –copyViaDBLinkOra

Uses OCI to connect to Oracle

−  Use parallel threads

−  Use dblink_ora_copy function directly to bypass logging
−  Export Oracle data to flat files, load using EDB*Loader

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Multi-phase Migration Process
•  Phase V – Port Application
−  Change connection information
−  Recompile /Link application (OCI or Pro*C)

•  Phase VI – Test

Verify application functionality
Address issues
Test performance

•  Phase VII Integration
−  Establish co-existence strategy
−  Setup database links to other databases
−  Setup replication between Oracle or SQL Server and Postgres
Plus Advanced Server

•  Phase VIII – Rollout
−  System becomes production
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase I Oracle Migration Assessment
Work Products
•  Detailed OMA Analysis Report

•  List of known workarounds
•  Technology risks
•  Compatibility Score
•  Proposed migration approach including skills requirements,
training, architecture support, developer subscription, and
development resources
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase I Setup MTK Environment
•  Establish connectivity
−  Copy Oracle JDBC jar file to Postgres Plus Advanced Server install
cp /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar /opt/
−  Edit the toolkit.properties file to contain Oracle and Postgres Plus Advanced
Server connection information:

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase II Oracle Migration Toolkit

*** Checking for Migration Issues ***
Object Type
Syntax - Exception
Syntax - Object
Syntax - Other
Syntax - Hints
Syntax - Exp Trans Ctl
Total Count
Possible Migration Issues

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase III Migrate Schema
Use MTK in schema only mode:
[enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ ./runMTK.sh -schemaOnly hr
Source database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
user =system
Target database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5999/demo
user =demo
Connecting with source Oracle database server...
Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server...
Importing redwood schema hr...
Creating Schema...hr
Creating Object Type: NUMLIST
Creating Sequence: EMPLOYEES_SEQ
Creating Tables...
Creating Table: EMPLOYEES

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase III Migrate Schema con’t
******************** Migration Summary ********************
Object Types: 9 out of 9
Sequences: 3 out of 3
Tables: 49 out of 53
Constraints: 39 out of 40
Procedures: 7 out of 7
Functions: 3 out of 3
Packages: 3 out of 3
Total objects: 139
Successful count: 134
Failure count: 5
List of failed objects
-------------------1. HR.BFTEST

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase III Migrate Schema con’t
•  Migration logs stored in user’s home directory :

•  Resolve issues:
Error Creating Table TESTCNTXT:ERROR: function sys_context(unknown,
unknown) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to
add explicit type casts.

RESOLUTION: use CURRENT_USER function instead

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase III Migrate Schema con’t
•  Migration logs stored in user’s home directory :
•  Resolve issues:
There is a similar function in Postgres with the same name but the syntax is slightly
SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes(current_date as bar), 'cont', 'ent');
------------------------------------<foo bar="2007-01-26">content</foo>

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase IV Migrate Data
•  Use MTK in data only mode:

[enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ ./runMTK.sh -dataOnly hr
Source database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
user =system
Target database connectivity info...
conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5999/demo
user =demo
Connecting with source Oracle database server...
Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server...
Importing redwood schema hr...
Loading Table Data in 8 MB batches...
Loading Table: AGES ...
[AGES] Migrated 1 rows.
[AGES] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.467 Total Rows: 1
Loading Table: DEPARTMENTS ...

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Phase V Port the Application
§  Change Application Connection method
§  Java application =
§  Old connection syntax:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:

§  New connection syntax:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:edb://localhost:5444/edb",

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Handling Issues
•  Not all migrations are error free
−  Migration log will contain all errors

•  Some common issues:
−  Column delimiter chosen is in column data
−  Causes ‘Extra data found’ error
−  Resolve by using different delimiter

•  Oracle built-in package does not exist
−  DBMS_AQ – we use solutions like ActiveMQ, MQSeries or Tibco
−  Or own code. Enqueue and dequeue procedures are fairly easy to code
−  xDB Replication Server can also be used since based on pub/sub architecture
−  DBMS_LOCK.sleep – use pg_sleep function instead

•  Oracle feature not supported
−  MERGE command not supported
−  Can be rewritten to use INSERT and UPDATE with checks

−  Index Organized Tables
−  Cluster a table using CLUSTER command for same read performance gain

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Handling Issues (continued)
•  Database Links
−  Migrated over by tool but password is invalid
−  This is because Oracle hides the password
−  Resolve by dropping and recreating
−  Or by specifying a password to use when running the MTK
−  runMTK -allDBLinks LINK_NAME1=abc,LINK_NAME2=xyz HR

•  Data Movement – performance
−  Migration toolkit connects via jdbc
−  Large datasets are slow to move
−  Use database link functionality instead
−  Dblink_ora_copy – EnterpriseDB method to copy data from Oracle over OCI
−  Much faster

−  OR extract data from Oracle to csv files, load using edbldr

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Tuning Recommendations
•  Use DynaTune
−  Dynamically adjusts database configuration based on available resources
−  Set via edb_dynatune parameter
−  Values 0 – 100 corresponding to % of machines to use

•  Remember to analyze database
−  Use Analyze command

•  Oracle Hints supported
−  No need to remove from embedded SQL

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

How EnterpriseDB Can Help

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Migration Assessment
•  Paid for service from EnterpriseDB
•  What is it?
−  Pre-analysis interview
−  Analysis of Oracle schemas to be migrated
−  Finds possible migration issues
−  Unsupported Features
−  Unsupported Syntax
−  Implementation Differences

−  Findings documented in final report
−  Post analysis discussions to review findings

•  Migration feasibility score assigned (1 – 10)

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Professional services for your migration
Assist after the OMA
•  Plan rollout
•  Migration the Schema and Stored procedures (OMF next)
•  Migrate the data (once, 2x,… minimal down time)
•  Training
•  Port and test application(s) (typically customer)
•  DBA and application coaching/support
•  Support contract
•  Remote DBA

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Migration Factory Core Services
•  Customer provides data-less Oracle export of database
•  Migrate the database(s) to Postgres Plus Advanced Server
−  Resolve any issues
−  Implement workarounds for missing or different functionality
−  Perform sanity checking of unit functionality
−  Requires input/output from customer on same units in Oracle

•  Document the changes/workarounds
•  Educate Customer on changes/workarounds
−  Advise on application level changes needed

•  Return migrated databases to Customer
−  Via pg_dump

•  Customer can customize with add on options

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Migration Factory Add-ons
•  Setup and Migrate test system
−  Installation of Postgres Plus Advanced Server on Customer server
−  Import of migrated database to Postgres Plus Advanced Server
−  Migration of test data from a test Oracle system

•  Application Functional Testing
−  Provide assistance in connecting application to database
−  Provide assistance in functional testing of application
−  Resolve functional testing issues

•  Performance Tuning of Migrated System
•  Production Migration Setup
−  Install Postgres Plus Advanced Server on target production server
−  Import migrated database from testing server
−  Setup of xDB Replication Server
−  Snapshot process will migrate production Oracle data
−  Deltas are captured by xDB triggers
−  Once snapshot is done, synchronization is performed

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

•  Migrations are no longer impossible
•  Compatibility provides
−  Lower cost of migrations
−  Shorter migration timelines
−  Lower risk (you can always go back)

•  EnterpriseDB provides
−  Oracle compatibility
−  Automated tools to migrate from Oracle
−  And others: MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server (data & schema)

•  Migration Expertise for:

Performing migration


© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

EDB Serves ALL Your Postgres Needs


© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Postgres Plus
Advanced Server


Postgres Plus
•  Company Overview
•  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server?
•  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’?
•  What does this mean to you?
•  Migration Methodology
•  How to Migrate
•  Handling migration issues
•  How EnterpriseDB can help
•  Summary
•  Some common questions answered
•  Q&A
© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

Some Common

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

How can I replace RAC for HA?

§  Active/Passive Clustering is
proven technology
§  Provides fast detection and
§  No extra database cost

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

How can I replace DataGuard(Physical)?

Postgres Plus
Advanced Server

Postgres Plus
Advanced Server




© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

(in recovery mode)




How can I replace DataGuard(Logical)?
» Uses WAL for speed and
» Highly cost effective, uses
commodity servers
» Excellent HA solution when
clustering is not an option

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.

© 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved.


More Related Content

The Real Scoop on Migrating from Oracle Databases

  • 1. The Real Scoop on Migrating from Oracle Databases Kevin.Martyn@EnterpriseDB.com 2013-10-30 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 1
  • 2. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Providing enterprises with the cost-performance benefits of Postgres by offering the products, resources, support and dependability required for high-level commercial applications.! • 140+ employees • 2,500+ customers across all market segments • Global presence with offices in North America, Europe, Asia • Fast growing: 60%+ YOY sales growth in 2012, 80%+ YOY 2013 • Strong financial banking: © 2013 EnterpriseDB. All rights reserved. © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. New Gartner ODBMS Magic Quadrant Gartner Comments: •  Community leadership — EnterpriseDB is the primary contributor to the PostgreSQL community and is responsible for many new features of PostgreSQL, including JSON. •  Functionality — The functionality of EnterpriseDB's Postgres Plus has increased greatly, and with the Oracle Compatibility Feature is now more than sufficient to run both mission-critical and non-mission-critical applications. •  Stability and compatibility — References specifically call out compatibility with Oracle, the stability of the DBMS and product support as strengths. © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. Postgres Plus: A Super-Set of Features Synchronized with and contributing to the PostgreSQL community © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 6
  • 7. What Is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? u  u  u  u  u  u  u  © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 7 Superset of community PostgreSQL 10th generation of Oracle compatibility, since 2005 World-class security add-ons Performance that rivals any other proprietary RDBMS Enterprise-class developer and DBA tools Installation, performance tuning, and maintenance services Software indemnification
  • 8. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. Oracle Compatibility - Goals •  Run applications written for Oracle virtually unchanged •  No need to re-train Oracle DBAs and developers •  Support for SQL, PL/SQL, OCI and Pro*C •  Replication for easy sharing of data •  Dramatic Cost Savings •  No Vendor Lock-in © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. Compatibility means: •  SQL extension support −  Decode, NVL, Substr, NVL2 −  Date/time functions: add_months, extract, next_day •  PL/SQL support −  −  −  −  −  −  −  REF Cursors, Implicit and explicit cursors Looping, variable declarations, conditional statements Collections: Associative Arrays, Varrays, Nested tables Bulk binding Named parameters User Defined Exceptions Explicit Transaction Control −  within a stored procedure −  (not supported by PostgreSQL) © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. Compatibility means: (cont.) •  Features −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  Packages Stored procedures Functions Triggers Hints Database Links Hierarchical Queries Materialized view (foundation) (*1) Synonyms – Public and Private Sequences Rownum Object types −  Create type … as object, … as table, …as varray −  Constructor and collection methods −  Users/Roles −  Dynamic SQL © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. *1 – PPAS 9.3 11
  • 12. Compatibility means: (cont.) •  Data Types Integer, number, char, double precision, float, varchar2, blob, clob, xmltype, rowid •  Built-in Packages DBMS_: SQL, RLS, LOB, JOB, PIPE, ALERT, OUTPUT, UTILITY, PROFILER RANDOM, LOCK, CRYPTO, SCHEDULER, MVIEW (*1) UTL_: FILE, MAIL, SMTP, ENCODE, TCP HTTP, URL (*1) REGEXP_: INSTR, SUBSTR, COUNT (*1) •  Oracle-like Data Dictionary −  ALL_, DBA_, USER_ views −  Most commonly accessed views *1 – PPAS 9.3 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. Compatibility means: (cont.) •  Diagnostics - DRITA −  System and session waits −  Not exposed in PostgreSQL −  Part of Advanced Server −  Statspack like reporting •  Tools −  EDB*Plus −  EDB*Loader −  EDB*Wrap (SQL*Plus look-a-like) (SQL*Loader equivalent) (similar to the PL/SQL wrapper) *1 – PPAS 9.3 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. Partitioning in PPAS v9.3 Partitioning Performance: PPAS 9.3 v. PostgreSQL 9.3 v. PPAS 9.2 PPAS 9.2 80 PostgreSQL 9.3 Improvement Factor 70 PPAS 9.3 60 50 40 76 times Faster! 30 20 10 0 250 500 1000 Number of Table Partitions •  Oracle syntax for partitioning (create, add, exchange, split, …) •  Postgres Plus Advanced Server is up to 76 times faster for data retrieval than PostgreSQL 9.3 or PPAS 9.2 (Partition pruning, and inserts) •  The greater the number partitions, the greater the performance benefits © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. Migration Example © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. Database Migration Toolkit •  Online Migration Toolkit enables point and click migration from Oracle •  Automatically Migrates: u  u  u  u  u  Data Schemas Stored Procedures Triggers Functions © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. u  u  u  u  u  17 Sequences Packages Views Database Links Synonyms
  • 18. Oracle Compatibility & Migration Strategies Strategy Benefits Develop/Deploy New LOB Applications § Significant cost savings for non mission critical systems § Leverages all existing Oracle skills § Very low risk Deploy Postgres Plus as Oracle Replication Server § Significant cost savings § Leverages Postgres Plus Replication Server § Leverages all existing Oracle skills § Improves transaction and query performance Migrate non Mission Critical Oracle Apps to Postgres Plus § Significant cost savings § Leverages all existing Oracle skills § Very low risk Migrate Mission Critical Oracle Apps to Postgres Plus § Biggest cost savings § Leverages all existing Oracle skills § Greatest deployment flexibility © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 18
  • 19. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 19
  • 20. Multi-phase Migration Process u  Phase I – Planning •  Determine what application to migrate" –  –  –  –  •  •  Home grown applications! Java, C! Packaged applications that support multiple databases! Support JDBC, ODBC" Once candidate applications are chosen, sign up for OMA" Oracle Migration Assessment (OMA) Identifies:" –  Possible migration issues! –  Gives time estimate to migrate system" •  Establish migration team:" –  Need source system knowledgeable resource! –  Need target system knowledgeable resource" •  Establish project plan with milestones © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 20
  • 21. Multi-phase Migration Process •  Phase II – Prepare Environment −  Obtain and install necessary software −  Establish connectivity between systems −  Copy the Oracle JDBC jar file to jre/lib/ext directory in Postgres Plus Advanced Server Installation •  Phase III – Migrate Schema −  Use Migration Toolkit in schema only mode −  Resolve issues here before going to next phase •  Phase IV – Migrate Data −  Use command line MTK −  Use –copyViaDBLinkOra −  Uses OCI to connect to Oracle −  Use parallel threads −  Use dblink_ora_copy function directly to bypass logging −  Export Oracle data to flat files, load using EDB*Loader © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 21
  • 22. Multi-phase Migration Process •  Phase V – Port Application −  Change connection information −  Recompile /Link application (OCI or Pro*C) •  Phase VI – Test −  −  −  −  Verify application functionality Address issues Test performance Tune •  Phase VII Integration −  Establish co-existence strategy −  Setup database links to other databases −  Setup replication between Oracle or SQL Server and Postgres Plus Advanced Server •  Phase VIII – Rollout −  System becomes production 22 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 22
  • 23. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 23
  • 24. Phase I Oracle Migration Assessment Work Products •  Detailed OMA Analysis Report •  List of known workarounds •  Technology risks •  Compatibility Score •  Proposed migration approach including skills requirements, training, architecture support, developer subscription, and development resources © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 24
  • 25. Phase I Setup MTK Environment •  Establish connectivity −  Copy Oracle JDBC jar file to Postgres Plus Advanced Server install cp /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar /opt/ PostgresPlus/9.2AS/jre/lib/ext −  Edit the toolkit.properties file to contain Oracle and Postgres Plus Advanced Server connection information: SRC_DB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe SRC_DB_USER=system SRC_DB_PASSWORD=manager TARGET_DB_URL=jdbc:edb://localhost:5999/demo TARGET_DB_USER=demo TARGET_DB_PASSWORD=manager © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 25
  • 26. Phase II Oracle Migration Toolkit •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  *** Checking for Migration Issues *** Object Type Type Count ------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRIGGER Count 0 SOURCE Package 0 SOURCE Syntax - Exception 0 SOURCE Function 789 SOURCE Syntax - Object 0 SOURCE Syntax - Other 792 SOURCE Syntax - Hints 282 SOURCE Syntax - Exp Trans Ctl 730 SOURCE Total Count 2623 COLLECTION Count 1 VARRAY Count 0 DIMENSION Count 0 JOB Count 0 MATERIALIZED VIEW Count 0 RESOURCE MGR Count 0 POLICY Count 9 PROFILE Count 6 SUMMARY Possible Migration Issues 2775 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 26
  • 27. Phase III Migrate Schema Use MTK in schema only mode: [enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ ./runMTK.sh -schemaOnly hr Source database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe user =system password=****** Target database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5999/demo user =demo password=****** Connecting with source Oracle database server... Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server... Importing redwood schema hr... Creating Schema...hr Creating Object Type: NUMLIST Creating Sequence: EMPLOYEES_SEQ Creating Tables... Creating Table: EMPLOYEES © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 27
  • 28. Phase III Migrate Schema con’t ******************** Migration Summary ******************** Object Types: 9 out of 9 Sequences: 3 out of 3 Tables: 49 out of 53 Constraints: 39 out of 40 Procedures: 7 out of 7 Functions: 3 out of 3 Packages: 3 out of 3 Total objects: 139 Successful count: 134 Failure count: 5 List of failed objects ====================== Tables -------------------1. HR.BFTEST 2. HR.TESTBD 3. HR.TESTBF 4. HR.TESTCNTXT © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 28
  • 29. Phase III Migrate Schema con’t •  Migration logs stored in user’s home directory : /home/enterprisedb/.enterprisedb/migration-toolkit/logs •  Resolve issues: Error Creating Table TESTCNTXT:ERROR: function sys_context(unknown, unknown) does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. CAUSE: this table used SYS_CONTEXT(‘USERENV’,’CURRENT_USER’) as a DEFAULT value RESOLUTION: use CURRENT_USER function instead © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 29
  • 30. Phase III Migrate Schema con’t •  Migration logs stored in user’s home directory : •  Resolve issues: XMLELEMENT : 35 There is a similar function in Postgres with the same name but the syntax is slightly different. SELECT xmlelement(name foo, xmlattributes(current_date as bar), 'cont', 'ent'); xmlelement ------------------------------------<foo bar="2007-01-26">content</foo> © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 30
  • 31. Phase IV Migrate Data •  Use MTK in data only mode: •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  [enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ ./runMTK.sh -dataOnly hr Source database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe user =system password=****** Target database connectivity info... conn =jdbc:edb://localhost:5999/demo user =demo password=****** Connecting with source Oracle database server... Connecting with target EnterpriseDB database server... Importing redwood schema hr... Loading Table Data in 8 MB batches... Loading Table: AGES ... [AGES] Migrated 1 rows. [AGES] Table Data Load Summary: Total Time(s): 0.467 Total Rows: 1 Loading Table: DEPARTMENTS ... © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 31
  • 32. Phase V Port the Application §  Change Application Connection method §  Java application = §  Old connection syntax: Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost: 1521:xe”,”hrapp”,”manager”); §  New connection syntax: Class.forName("com.edb.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:edb://localhost:5444/edb", “hrapp",“manager"); © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 32
  • 33. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 33
  • 34. Handling Issues •  Not all migrations are error free −  Migration log will contain all errors •  Some common issues: −  Column delimiter chosen is in column data −  Causes ‘Extra data found’ error −  Resolve by using different delimiter •  Oracle built-in package does not exist −  DBMS_AQ – we use solutions like ActiveMQ, MQSeries or Tibco −  Or own code. Enqueue and dequeue procedures are fairly easy to code −  xDB Replication Server can also be used since based on pub/sub architecture −  DBMS_LOCK.sleep – use pg_sleep function instead •  Oracle feature not supported −  MERGE command not supported −  Can be rewritten to use INSERT and UPDATE with checks −  Index Organized Tables −  Cluster a table using CLUSTER command for same read performance gain © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 34
  • 35. Handling Issues (continued) •  Database Links −  Migrated over by tool but password is invalid −  This is because Oracle hides the password −  Resolve by dropping and recreating −  Or by specifying a password to use when running the MTK −  runMTK -allDBLinks LINK_NAME1=abc,LINK_NAME2=xyz HR •  Data Movement – performance −  Migration toolkit connects via jdbc −  Large datasets are slow to move −  Use database link functionality instead −  Dblink_ora_copy – EnterpriseDB method to copy data from Oracle over OCI −  Much faster −  OR extract data from Oracle to csv files, load using edbldr © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 35
  • 36. Tuning Recommendations •  Use DynaTune −  Dynamically adjusts database configuration based on available resources −  Set via edb_dynatune parameter −  Values 0 – 100 corresponding to % of machines to use •  Remember to analyze database −  Use Analyze command •  Oracle Hints supported −  No need to remove from embedded SQL © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 36
  • 37. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 37
  • 38. How EnterpriseDB Can Help 38 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 38
  • 39. Oracle Migration Assessment •  Paid for service from EnterpriseDB •  What is it? −  Pre-analysis interview −  Analysis of Oracle schemas to be migrated −  Finds possible migration issues −  Unsupported Features −  Unsupported Syntax −  Implementation Differences −  Findings documented in final report −  Post analysis discussions to review findings •  Migration feasibility score assigned (1 – 10) http://www.enterprisedb.com/solutions/oracle-migration-assessment © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 39
  • 40. Professional services for your migration Assist after the OMA •  Plan rollout •  Migration the Schema and Stored procedures (OMF next) •  Migrate the data (once, 2x,… minimal down time) •  Training •  Port and test application(s) (typically customer) •  DBA and application coaching/support •  Support contract •  Remote DBA © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 40
  • 41. Oracle Migration Factory Core Services •  Customer provides data-less Oracle export of database •  Migrate the database(s) to Postgres Plus Advanced Server −  Resolve any issues −  Implement workarounds for missing or different functionality −  Perform sanity checking of unit functionality −  Requires input/output from customer on same units in Oracle •  Document the changes/workarounds •  Educate Customer on changes/workarounds −  Advise on application level changes needed •  Return migrated databases to Customer −  Via pg_dump •  Customer can customize with add on options © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 41
  • 42. Oracle Migration Factory Add-ons •  Setup and Migrate test system −  Installation of Postgres Plus Advanced Server on Customer server −  Import of migrated database to Postgres Plus Advanced Server −  Migration of test data from a test Oracle system •  Application Functional Testing −  Provide assistance in connecting application to database −  Provide assistance in functional testing of application −  Resolve functional testing issues •  Performance Tuning of Migrated System •  Production Migration Setup −  Install Postgres Plus Advanced Server on target production server −  Import migrated database from testing server −  Setup of xDB Replication Server −  Snapshot process will migrate production Oracle data −  Deltas are captured by xDB triggers −  Once snapshot is done, synchronization is performed © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 42
  • 43. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 43
  • 44. Summary •  Migrations are no longer impossible •  Compatibility provides −  Lower cost of migrations −  Shorter migration timelines −  Lower risk (you can always go back) •  EnterpriseDB provides −  Oracle compatibility −  Automated tools to migrate from Oracle −  And others: MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server (data & schema) •  Migration Expertise for: −  −  −  −  Planning Performing migration Testing Rollout http://www.enterprisedb.com/solutions/oracle-compatibility © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 44
  • 45. EDB Serves ALL Your Postgres Needs PostgreSQL © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. Postgres Plus Advanced Server 45 Postgres Plus Cloud
  • 46. Agenda •  Company Overview •  What is Postgres Plus Advanced Server? •  What do we mean by ‘Oracle Compatibility’? •  What does this mean to you? •  Migration Methodology •  How to Migrate •  Handling migration issues •  How EnterpriseDB can help •  Summary •  Some common questions answered •  Q&A © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 46
  • 47. Some Common Questions Answered 47 © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 47
  • 48. How can I replace RAC for HA? §  Active/Passive Clustering is proven technology §  Provides fast detection and failover §  No extra database cost © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 48
  • 49. How can I replace DataGuard(Physical)? Postgres Plus Advanced Server Postgres Plus Advanced Server Live Server Instance pg_standby   WAL Disk Storage © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. Standby Server (in recovery mode) WAL Archiver 49 Disk Storage
  • 50. How can I replace DataGuard(Logical)? » Uses WAL for speed and reliability » Highly cost effective, uses commodity servers » Excellent HA solution when clustering is not an option © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 50
  • 51. © 2013 EnterpriseDB Corporation. All rights reserved. 51