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The Respiratory system: Breathing and,  Gas exchange  By. Ga Eul Jung


INTRODUCTION   Definition  The role of system  The anatomy of  system. The conductive zone  and the respiratory zone.  Gas Exchange  (Transport)  External, internal, cellular respirations. Diaphragm Injury  Diseases  Help to System  Weaken to System


Definition:  It helps you breath in and out, so oxygen can be pumped through your body and carbon dioxide can be moved from the blood stream.




The Conductive Zone Includes : Mouth, Nose, Pharynx, Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles.  Role:Keep our body temperature  The transport of  air to the lungs.


The nose or nasal cavity  -  Filters  the air by  the hairs  and mucous in the nose - Moistens  the air - Warms the air


Mouth & Oral Cavity  Air can also get into your body through your mouth/oral cavity  but air is not filtered as much when it enters in through your  mouth


The Pharynx and Treachea  Pharynx (throat)  gathers air after it passes  through  nose  and then the air is passed down to your  trachea (windpipe) .  Trachea  is held open by “incomplete rings of cartilage.” Without these rings your  trachea  might close off and air would not be able to get to and from your  lungs .


The Bronchi Tubes and Bronchiole. Trachea divide into two bronchi tubes. (Branched into bronchi  and then into smaller bronchioles)  Like tree branches and get smaller and smaller inside lungs. The air flows past  bronchi tubes  and into  bronchiole .  These tubes keep getting smaller and smaller until they finally end with small air sacs (called  alveoli ).


Respiratory Bronchiole Alveolar Duct Alveolar Sac Capillaries The respiratory zone Role: The exchange of gases between inspired air and the blood. (The diffusion of gas.)


The Alveoli and Capillary Network Tiny air sacs that fill up with air/oxygen when you breath in. Surrounded by many tiny blood vessels called Capillaries. (a network of delicate elastic fibres.)  The walls of  alveoli  and  capillaries  are thin that the  oxygen  or  carbon dioxide  can pass through them, traveling right into, or out of your blood stream.


Gas Exchange  External Respiration  Occurs within the lung involving the exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Internal Respiration The exchange of gases at the tissue level, where Oxygen is delivered and Carbon Dioxide removed. Cellular Respiration The cells uses Oxygen to generated energy through the different metabolic pathways found in the mitochondria.










INJURY  Spinal Cord Injury  Impair due to paralysis of the chest or diaphragm.  Hard to breath  ( The intracostal muscles, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.)  Hard to cough


Diseases  It can harm and even destroy the respiratory system. Asthma : causes coughing and makes it hard to breath. Lung Cancer : causes smoking and drives to death.  Tuberculosisthe : caused by bacteria  that can destroy lungs.


Things that can help respiratory system  Play baseball, or dance, or swim or just keep active. (Make a lot of oxygen) Do Aerobic  exercise everyday  (With your muscle using oxygen)


Things that can weaken respiratory system  Airline Pilots and flight attendants  Smokers Air Pollution


Respiratory System The group of organs in your body that are responsible for taking in Oxygen and breathing out the Carbon Dioxide which is the waste product of cellular respiration. Oxygen The gas that your body needs to work and function. Carbon Dioxide The waste product (gas) that is produced through respiration of people and animals. Nose/Nasal Cavity Where Oxygen first enters your body. Tiny hairs help filter the air and air is moistened and heated by your nose. Your Nose leads into your Nasal Cavity. Mouth/Oral Cavity Oxygen/air can also enter through your Mouth but it is not filtered. Your Mouth opens up into your Oral Cavity. Pharynx/Throat Gathers air from your Nasal and Oral Cavities and passes it to your Trachea. Trachea/Windpipe A tube like pathway that connects your throat to your Bronchi Tubes and lungs. Air passes through it when it travels from the Pharynx to the Bronchi Tubes.


Bronchi Tubes Each tube (one per lung) splits up into many smaller tubes called Bronchiole, like branches on a tree. Bronchiole Keep splitting up until they reach your Alveoli. Respiratory Bronchiole The air tubes that are actually connected to the Alveoli. Alveolar Duct The final tube, which is part of the Alveoli, that leads to the air-sacs. Alveolar Sac Where the chemical change takes place and where blood  cells pick up oxygen and drop off carbon dioxide. Alveoli Tiny air-sacs at the end of your Alveolar Duct. They fill up with Oxygen and are surrounded by Capillaries. Capillaries Tiny blood streams (around one cell wide) that surround your Alveoli. They take Oxygen out of our Lungs and replace it with Carbon Dioxide, which you later breath out. Diaphragm The muscle membrane that helps you breath in and out by changing the pressure in your chest cavity.

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The Respiratory System

  • 1. The Respiratory system: Breathing and, Gas exchange By. Ga Eul Jung
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Definition The role of system The anatomy of system. The conductive zone and the respiratory zone. Gas Exchange (Transport) External, internal, cellular respirations. Diaphragm Injury Diseases Help to System Weaken to System
  • 3. Definition: It helps you breath in and out, so oxygen can be pumped through your body and carbon dioxide can be moved from the blood stream.
  • 4.  
  • 5. The Conductive Zone Includes : Mouth, Nose, Pharynx, Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. Role:Keep our body temperature The transport of air to the lungs.
  • 6. The nose or nasal cavity - Filters the air by the hairs and mucous in the nose - Moistens the air - Warms the air
  • 7. Mouth & Oral Cavity Air can also get into your body through your mouth/oral cavity but air is not filtered as much when it enters in through your mouth
  • 8. The Pharynx and Treachea Pharynx (throat) gathers air after it passes through nose and then the air is passed down to your trachea (windpipe) . Trachea is held open by “incomplete rings of cartilage.” Without these rings your trachea might close off and air would not be able to get to and from your lungs .
  • 9. The Bronchi Tubes and Bronchiole. Trachea divide into two bronchi tubes. (Branched into bronchi and then into smaller bronchioles) Like tree branches and get smaller and smaller inside lungs. The air flows past bronchi tubes and into bronchiole . These tubes keep getting smaller and smaller until they finally end with small air sacs (called alveoli ).
  • 10. Respiratory Bronchiole Alveolar Duct Alveolar Sac Capillaries The respiratory zone Role: The exchange of gases between inspired air and the blood. (The diffusion of gas.)
  • 11. The Alveoli and Capillary Network Tiny air sacs that fill up with air/oxygen when you breath in. Surrounded by many tiny blood vessels called Capillaries. (a network of delicate elastic fibres.) The walls of alveoli and capillaries are thin that the oxygen or carbon dioxide can pass through them, traveling right into, or out of your blood stream.
  • 12. Gas Exchange External Respiration Occurs within the lung involving the exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Internal Respiration The exchange of gases at the tissue level, where Oxygen is delivered and Carbon Dioxide removed. Cellular Respiration The cells uses Oxygen to generated energy through the different metabolic pathways found in the mitochondria.
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  • 17. INJURY Spinal Cord Injury Impair due to paralysis of the chest or diaphragm. Hard to breath ( The intracostal muscles, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.) Hard to cough
  • 18. Diseases It can harm and even destroy the respiratory system. Asthma : causes coughing and makes it hard to breath. Lung Cancer : causes smoking and drives to death. Tuberculosisthe : caused by bacteria that can destroy lungs.
  • 19. Things that can help respiratory system Play baseball, or dance, or swim or just keep active. (Make a lot of oxygen) Do Aerobic exercise everyday (With your muscle using oxygen)
  • 20. Things that can weaken respiratory system Airline Pilots and flight attendants Smokers Air Pollution
  • 21. Respiratory System The group of organs in your body that are responsible for taking in Oxygen and breathing out the Carbon Dioxide which is the waste product of cellular respiration. Oxygen The gas that your body needs to work and function. Carbon Dioxide The waste product (gas) that is produced through respiration of people and animals. Nose/Nasal Cavity Where Oxygen first enters your body. Tiny hairs help filter the air and air is moistened and heated by your nose. Your Nose leads into your Nasal Cavity. Mouth/Oral Cavity Oxygen/air can also enter through your Mouth but it is not filtered. Your Mouth opens up into your Oral Cavity. Pharynx/Throat Gathers air from your Nasal and Oral Cavities and passes it to your Trachea. Trachea/Windpipe A tube like pathway that connects your throat to your Bronchi Tubes and lungs. Air passes through it when it travels from the Pharynx to the Bronchi Tubes.
  • 22. Bronchi Tubes Each tube (one per lung) splits up into many smaller tubes called Bronchiole, like branches on a tree. Bronchiole Keep splitting up until they reach your Alveoli. Respiratory Bronchiole The air tubes that are actually connected to the Alveoli. Alveolar Duct The final tube, which is part of the Alveoli, that leads to the air-sacs. Alveolar Sac Where the chemical change takes place and where blood cells pick up oxygen and drop off carbon dioxide. Alveoli Tiny air-sacs at the end of your Alveolar Duct. They fill up with Oxygen and are surrounded by Capillaries. Capillaries Tiny blood streams (around one cell wide) that surround your Alveoli. They take Oxygen out of our Lungs and replace it with Carbon Dioxide, which you later breath out. Diaphragm The muscle membrane that helps you breath in and out by changing the pressure in your chest cavity.