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Right to Food
and Nutrition

Alternatives and
Resistance to Policies
that Generate Hunger
Published by

Members of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch
Consortium 2013

Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World)
Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1, 10115 Berlin, Germany
FIAN International
Willy-Brandt-Platz 5, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany
ICCO Cooperation
Joseph Haydnlaan 2a, 3533 AE Utrecht,
The Netherlands

African Network on the Right to Food (ANoRF)
C/487 Jéricho, Von de la Station Dovonou, Cotonou, Benin
Centro Internazionale Crocevia
Via Tuscolana n. 1111, 00173 Rome, Italy
DanChurchAid (DCA)
Nørregade 15, DK-1165 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA)
150 route de Ferney, PO Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2,
Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN)
11 Tiba Street, 2nd Floor, Muhandisin, Cairo, Egypt
International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
The Redstone Building, 2940 16th Street, Suite 305
San Francisco, CA 94103-3664, USA
Observatory DESC—Economic, Social and Cultural
Carrer Casp, 43 Baixos 08010 Barcelona, Spain
People’s Health Movement (PHM)
Global Secretariat, PO Box 13698
St Peter’s Square, Mowbray 7705, Cape Town,
South Africa
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos,
Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD)
La Niña E4-438 y Av. Amazonas, Edif. Pradera, Piso 3,
Of. 302-B, Quito-Ecuador
Quinta do Bispo, Bencanta, 3040-316 Coimbra, Portugal
Terra Nuova
Viale Liegi, 10-00198, Rome, Italy
US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA)
c/o WhyHunger
505 8th Avenue, Suite 2100, New York, NY 10018, USA
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA)
PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
International Secretariat
PO Box 21, 8, rue du Vieux-Billard, CH-1211 Geneva 8,

Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



Editorial Board:
Anne Bellows, University of Syracuse
Carolin Callenius, Brot für die Welt
Christine Campeau, EAA
Marcos Arana Cedeño, WABA
Maarten Immink, Consultant
Kathy McNeely, US Alliance for Food Sovereignty
Stineke Oenema, ICCO
Antonio Onorati, Crocevia
Biraj Patnaik, Indian Right to Food Campaign
Pablo de la Vega, PIDHDD
Saúl Vicente, IITC
Martin Wolpold-Bosien, FIAN International
Project Coordination:
Léa Winter, FIAN International
Copy editors:
Elisabeth Black, Alison Graham, Alana Mann, Léa Winter
Pamela Stewart
Elisabeth Black
KontextKommunikation, Germany, Heidelberg/Berlin
Wilma Strothenke, FIAN International
LokayDRUCK, Germany, on FSC-certified paper
Financed by:
Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World)
European Commission (EC)
FIAN International
ICCO Cooperation
International Food Security Network (IFSN)—
IFSN is co-funded by EC
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole
responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the other publishers.
Contents of this publication may be quoted or reproduced, provided that the source of information is acknowledged. The publishers would
like to receive a copy of the document in which this report is used or quoted.
All internet links provided in this publication were last accessed in August 2013.


More information on the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch website:

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

Table of contents






Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger	


Human Rights Accountability, Inclusive Governance in Food and Nutrition, and the Post-2015 Framework	13
Martin Wolpold-Bosien
Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development	


A Strategic Focus Short of Strategic Players
Kathy McNeely
Box African Peasants Have Their Own Ideas on How to Meet the Growing Demand for Food
Nora McKeon
02b	 True Beneficiaries of AGRA’s “Soil Health Program”
African Centre for Biosafety
02c	Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative
Claudio Schuftan and Ted Greiner

Resistance and Alternative Visions	


Perspectives of Social Movements
Nadine García and Angel Strapazzón
Agroecology—An Alternative Way to Ensure Food Security
Christine Campeau
03c	Urban-Rural Network URGENCI: Generating New Forms of Exchange Between Citizens
Judith Hitchman
A Human Rights-Based Global Framework for Food Security and Nutrition
Martin Wolpold-Bosien

Confronting Structural Violence, Changing Policy: Women’s Organizational Strategies for Overcoming
Discrimination and Hunger	
Anne C. Bellows and Carsta Neuenroth


04a	 Work for Rural Women Workers—Essential for Ensuring their Right to Food
Sue Longley
04b	 Brazilian Women and the Food Acquisition Program
Emma Siliprandi
04c	 from the Field: Food Sovereignty Empowers Women Farmers
Interview with Fatimatou Hima
04d	 Challenge of Being a Pastoral Woman in Gujarat
Monika Agarwal

Seeds and Peasant Autonomy	
Guy Kastler, Antonio Onorati, and Bob Brac


Peasant Initiative in Senegal
Lamine Biaye
European Advocacy for Peasants’ Seeds
Bob Brac

Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


Table of contents

Securing Sustainable Livelihoods from Small-Scale Fisheries	
The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) Working Group on Fisheries


Western Sahara: Exploitation through Morocco-EU Fisheries Agreement
Housing and Land Rights Network

National and Regional Reports:	
Monitoring the Human Right to Food and Nutrition



07a	 Plantations and Land Grabbing in Niassa, Mozambique
Philip Seufert
07b	 Grabbing in Togo: The State must Assume its Responsibilities
07c	 Investment in South Sudan: A Dangerous Game for the World’s Newest Country
Emily Mattheisen




08a	 National Food Security Bill: Hope or Hype?
Biraj Patnaik
08b	 than 50 Years of Food Aid in Nepal and the Food Crisis Continues
FIAN Nepal
Collective Action Strategy Towards the Development of a National Food Framework Law in the Philippines
Aurea Miclat-Teves




Genetically Modified Organisms and Resistance in the Mayan Region of Mexico
Marcos Arana Cedeño
Biotechnology Transnationals: The Primary Beneficiaries of the Democratic Breakdown in Paraguay
Jorge González
BOX Land Concentration in Paraguay: The Case of Marina Kue
Nadine García




10a	Defense of Human Rights and the Criminalization of Protest in the Spanish State
Laia Fargas Fursa
10b	 Concentration, Land Grabbing and People’s Struggles in Europe
European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) and HOTL Alliance
Privatising the Right to Food: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Food Banks in Germany
Ute Hausmann
Working Toward the Right to Food in the USA
Molly D. Anderson

Summary and Conclusion	92
List of main sources available at www.rtfn-watch.org	96


Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa


EU Common Agricultural Policy


Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


Committee on World Food Security


Civil Society Organization


Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


Extraterritorial Obligation


European Union


UN Food and Agriculture Organization


Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition


Gross Domestic Product


Global Hunger Index


Genetically Modified Organism

International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


International Labour Organization


Intellectual Property Rights


International Monetary Fund


Millennium Development Goal


Non-Governmental Organization


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


Plant Breeders’ Rights


Public-Private Partnership


Right to Adequate Food


UN Standing Committee on Nutrition


Social Determinants of Nutrition


Scaling Up Nutrition


Transnational Corporation


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants


United Nations


World Food Programme


World Health Assembly


UN World Health Organization


World Intellectual Property Organization


World Trade Organization

Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

“All human beings, without discrimination, are entitled to enjoy the full realization
of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. This right guarantees people’s
informed participation in the decision-making and elaboration of public policies
assuring an economically, politically, socially and ecologically sustainable supply
of adequate and nutritious food within the frameworks of food and of people’s
sovereignty; […]”1
This quote appears in the “Call for Joint Action” of the newly launched Global Network
for the Right to Food and Nutrition, which brings together human rights activists from
social movements, NGOs and academia. By joining forces, the members of the Global
Network will be fighting together for the realization of one of the most violated
human rights.
The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch is closely linked to the new Global
Network, with the majority of Watch Consortium members participating in both
endeavors. This synergy ensures that the Watch is the most prominent monitoring
tool of the Global Network.
The Global Network is an initiative of civil society organizations and international
social movements, including peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous peoples,
and food and agricultural workers. It was publicly launched on the 24th of June 2013
in Austria, as part of the Vienna+20 Action Week, commemorating the 20th anni­
versary of the 1993 UN World Conference on Human Rights. On this occasion,
founding members of the Global Network from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas
explained the need for and potential of the new initiative, its nature, priorities and
what value it would add—based on their experiences in local, national and inter­
national struggles to fight violations of the right to food and nutrition.2 Civil society
organizations and social movements are invited to join the Global Network if they
fully endorse the principles outlined in the Charter.3 To date, 21 organizations and
networks have confirmed their membership.4
The Global Network is intended to be a space for dialogue and a place for mobilization; common ground where members can strengthen their efforts to hold states
accountable for their obligation to realize the right to adequate food and nutrition.
The Global Network supports the struggles of members of social movements and
groups who, as a result of challenging violations of these rights, may suffer repression,
violence and criminalization. Additionally, the Global Network will work towards
ending the impunity of state-condoned human rights violations and those carried
out by non-state actors.
At its Vienna launch, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier
De Schutter, declared that the “Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition
is vital to move beyond the existing achievements, and in the course of doing so, to
build capacity and expertise to have the right to food become transformational and
effective in the international agenda. The convergence of the Network sends a very
strong message that is empowering for all the institutional actors that seek to improve
accountability and democracy in the food systems. Courts, parliamentarians and
national human rights institutions will not move unless you move first. They will only
make progress if they feel that they benefit from this support. I do not know whether
you need them, but I certainly know that they need you as a source of inspiration, of
knowledge and support.”5
Members share the Special Rapporteur’s enthusiasm about how the Global
Network can contribute to their independent and joint efforts. Christine Campeau
of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance stated that the Global Network will help to
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



Global Network for the Right to Food and
Nutrition, A Call for Joint Action, June 2013.


See pictures and videos of the launch event
at: www.fian.org/en/what-we-do/issues/


Global Network for the Right to Food and
Nutrition, Charter, June 2013. www.fian.org/


The 21 founding members of the Network
are: World Organization against Torture
(OMCT); World Forum of Fish Workers and
Fish Harvesters (WFF); World Forum of
Fisher People (WFFP); World Alliance of
Mobile and Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP);
Terra Nuova; Right to Food Campaign India;
Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM);
Observatori DESC; ICCO; Habitat
International Coalition (HIC); InterAmerican Platform for Human Rights,
Democracy and Development (PIDHDD);
International Baby Food Action Network
(IBFAN); International Indian Treaty
Council (IITC); International Union of
Food Workers (IUF); FIAN International;
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA); Dan
Church Aid (DCA); Centro Internazionale
Crocevia; CIDSE international alliance of
Catholic development agencies; Brot für die
Welt; African Network on the Right to Food


Op. cit. at 2.


strengthen the capacities of all Alliance members, increasing the effectiveness of
their struggles and helping to raise awareness of the right to food and nutrition
worldwide. Biraj Patnaik of India’s Right to Food Campaign said that it creates a new
space that shall be occupied mainly by those whose rights have been denied. Speakers
from the social movements, including Mani Jorge Stanley of the Inter­national Indian
Treaty Council and Svetlana Boincean of the International Union of Food workers,
stressed their expectations that the Global Network will strengthen peoples’ struggles
on the ground through joint international action and shared global strategies.
In all respects the Global Network and the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch
share a common goal, but the theme of this year’s Watch—Alternatives and Resistance to
Policies that Generate Hunger—is especially relevant. This theme is aligned seamlessly
with the aim of the Global Network to mobilize positive power to generate policies
that fight hunger while simultaneously denouncing policies that generate hunger.
Therefore, the publication of the Watch 2013 is a timely and apt celebration of the
birth of the Global Network.
The Watch Consortium would like to thank all who contributed to this issue.
We deeply appreciate the insights of the authors who made this publication a success.
A special thanks goes to the Watch coordinator, Léa Winter, for her intense and excellent work, and to the editorial board composed of Anne C. Bellows, Stineke Oenema,
Kathy McNeely, Christine Campeau, Carolin Callenius, Saúl Vicente, Antonio
Onorati, Marcos Arana Cedeño, Maarten Immink, Biraj Patnaik, Pablo de la Vega
and Martin Wolpold-Bosien. We would also like to highlight the support of Elisabeth
Black, Alison Graham and Alana Mann, who served as copy editors, and the great
work of the translators. We are likewise grateful to the other members of the Watch
Consortium for their valuable contributions to the design and content of the publi­
Yours sincerely,
Carolin Callenius, Brot für die Welt
Stineke Oenema, ICCO
Flavio Valente, FIAN International

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

Several schemes related to food, agriculture and nutrition, lead by the most powerful
countries in the world in close cooperation with corporations, have gained un­
precedented influence in recent years. As international solidarity between states as
well as UN resources have significantly decreased since the financial crisis in 2008,
the new precept in international affairs appears to be that no major development
project can be carried out without the active participation of major corporations and
their front foundations/agencies, often in the form of Public-Private Partnerships
(PPP). There is an urgent need to question this trend as it should be clear to everyone
that the interests of corporations do not always align with public interests.
Civil society groups and social movements worldwide offer sustainable alternatives
founded on the participation of all people concerned and adapted to fit their needs.
These self-organized actors are mobilizing against the plundering of their resources,
land and livelihoods with the aim of having their rights recognized and enforced by
responsible authorities.
As in previous editions, this Watch is divided into two sections. The first
comprises of six articles, each addressing major thematic concerns related to policies
that generate hunger. The latter section, with articles divided according to region,
assesses developments in twelve countries with respect to the realization of the right
to adequate food and nutrition.
Article 1 revisits and provides updates on the issues presented in previous
editions of the Watch. This discussion focuses specifically on developments related
to the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) debate and the importance of
framing any future global objectives within a human rights framework with a strong
accountability focus.
Article 2 tackles pressing concerns related to the conflict of interest posed by
the increasing trend toward Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in agricultural development, specifically the G8 New Alliance, Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) and Alliance
for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
Article 3 focuses on experiences and perspectives of social movements in
building resistance and alternatives to harmful trends in food and agriculture policies.
The concept of ‘agroecology’ as an approach to sustainable production is highlighted in
addition to the mobilization of certain urban civil society organizations in support of
‘community supported agriculture’ and local food sovereignty. The recently adopted
Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is also presented.
Article 4 addresses gender issues related to the realization of the right to food
in various regional and cultural contexts. These concerns are demonstrated through
cases in which women face obstacles in achieving equality and independence in
agriculture and other food-related employment.
Article 5 provides insight into the crucial role seeds and farmers’ seed rights
play in achieving sustainable food and agricultural systems around the globe, and the
extent to which monocultures and widespread genetic modification threaten ecological diversity and the future of farming.
The final article of the first section, Article 6, highlights the importance of
small-scale fisheries in the world food system. It explores the challenges this sector
faces and also presents measures taken to promote the interests of this marginalized
group. In addition, a brief introduction to the case of fishing resource spoilation in
Western Sahara is provided.
The introductory article of the second section, Article 7, focuses on three
African countries: Togo, where a civil society coalition was formed to present an
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



alternative report to the UN on the state of economic, social and cultural rights
(ESCR) in the country; Mozambique, where peasant communities are confronted
with large-scale land grabbing by corporations; and South Sudan, the world’s newest
country and newest destination for foreign investors. Although the individual
contexts and cases vary, a disturbing trend is identifiable—traditional methods of
African agriculture and the livelihoods of local peasants are increasingly threatened
by corporate expansion across the continent.
Article 8 brings us to Asia. A detailed analysis of the recent debates on the
Indian National Food Security Bill and its shortcomings is followed by reports
on Nepal and the Philippines, where struggles for the realization of the right to
food and nutrition are ongoing. Nepal has become dependent on foreign food aid
as a consequence of UN mandated programs which fail to address the underlying
structural causes of hunger and contribute little to local food sovereignty. Civil
society organizations in the Philippines, on the other hand, have organized in favor of
the realization of the right to adequate food through the mobilization of the National
Food Coalition with some positive results.
The Latin American section, contained in Article 9, highlights an agribusiness
offensive driven by corporations, including Monsanto, in the form of the imposition
of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops pose grave risks to cultural and
biological diversity in the region as well as to the health and livelihoods of peasants
entrapped within a system of dependency. In the Mayan region of Mexico, civil society
groups, in particular women and indigenous groups, have applied for constitutional
protection to halt GM Soya bean plantations. In Paraguay, the coup leading to the
ousting of President Lugo was followed by the large-scale introduction of GM crops
coupled with a marked reduction in social policies. Some studies have suggested a
link between this sudden policy reversal and corporate interests.
Article 10 tackles a broad range of issues surrounding the realization of the
right to adequate food and nutrition in countries in the Global North including the
United States of America and Europe. This area tends to be overlooked in analyses
of hunger and malnutrition in favor of the developing regions of the world. However,
issues such as land grabbing and food insecurity are just as pressing in the US and
Europe. In Spain, the economic crisis has reached dramatic levels, leading many of
those deprived of their homes and crippled by debts to commit suicide. This article
also denounces the increased criminalization of civil society groups defending the
victims’ interests. In the US, the lack of accessibility to and availability of adequate
food in urban areas is problematic for many low income families. This section
illustrates the measures civil society movements are undertaking in order to alleviate
this problem, while the government still refuses to recognize the right to food as a
justiciable right. In Germany, the increasing use of privately run food banks demonstrates the government’s inability or unwillingness to secure the right to food of its
population. Furthermore, this article introduces the findings of a study conducted by
the European Coordination Via Campesina and the Hands off the Land Network regarding
the increasing threat of land concentration and land grabbing across Europe.
The members of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium hope
that all of the initiatives presented in this 2013 edition of the Watch will enrich our
readers’ understandings of these complex issues and foster many similar initiatives
of resistance to challenge the current balance of power. Inspired by our shared
experiences, exchanges of ideas and strategies, we will build together sustainable
alternatives for an improved system where all people will enjoy all human rights—
including the right to adequate food and nutrition.
The Watch 2013 editorial board

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

and Resistance
to Policies
that Generate

Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


Human Rights Accountability,
Inclusive Governance in Food
and Nutrition, and the Post-2015
Martin Wolpold-Bosien1
Between 2013 and 2014, a worldwide discussion process will take place to define
the post-2015 development framework. This article aims to contribute to the critical
analysis of this process based on key findings of the previous editions of the Right to
Food and Nutrition Watch.
The consultations on the post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework
began in 2012 and have covered a large number of countries and constituencies,
along with a specific thematic consultation process on hunger, food and nutrition,
which concluded with a synthesis report in Madrid in April of 2013.2 Within this
process, social movements and civil society organizations (CSOs) have expressed
their positions regarding the process and content of the consultation on the postMDG framework on food and nutrition. They have particularly stressed three
First, the need for serious reflection on positive and negative effects of the
MDGs, especially in food and nutrition, its achievements and limitations, and on
possible steps forward. One of the major shortcomings of the MDGs is the lack of
accountability, particularly in the area of human rights.
Second, CSOs recommended that the Committee on World Food Security
(CFS) serve as the forum for this reflection, as its standards of inclusive governance
allow for meaningful participation by civil society and social movements, and
particularly the constituencies most affected by hunger and malnutrition.
Third, CSOs highlighted that discussions at the CFS have contributed to a
participatory and transparent process. Over a period of more than two years, the
Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) has become the
primary reference for global governance on food security and nutrition, which aims
at ensuring human rights-based accountability and coherence among all actors.4
Since September 2012, diverse contributions have been made by CSOs on the overall
post-MDG process and on the topic of hunger, food and nutrition.5
This article aims to make a specific contribution based on two key perspectives
that have been developed throughout the five editions of the Watch, namely the
perspective of human rights and inclusive governance.
Human rights perspective and inclusive governance
As identified in the 2012 Watch, there are three key human rights challenges when
debating the post-MDG agenda, especially in relation to the post-MDG 1 agenda:
Primacy of human rights: Although the inclusion of human rights terminology
and references has increased significantly in international frameworks dealing with
food security and nutrition, it is still not fully understood and accepted that human
rights are the primary responsibility of states and have primacy over any other
Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


Martin Wolpold-Bosien is the Coordinator of
the Right to Adequate Food Accountability
Program at the FIAN International


High Level Consultation on Hunger, Food
Security and Nutrition, held on the 4th of
April 2013, Synthesis report of Joint Chairs
and Co-Leads of the Post-2015 Global
Thematic Consultation on Hunger, Food, and
Nutrition, April 2013. For further information
on the thematic consultation process, visit:


“Informal Thematic Consultation on Hunger,
Food and Nutrition Post-2015 with CFS
Actors.” International Planning Committee
on Food Sovereignty (IPC), Feb. 2013.


See FAO Factsheet (in process of approval)
on the Right to Adequate Food in the GSF,
authored by Natalia Landívar and Martin
Wolpold-Bosien, forthcoming.


“Strengthening the Human Rights Movement
Globally.” Vienna +20 Action Week. Vienna +20.
www.viennaplus20.org. You will find the
Vienna+20 CSO Declaration, adopted in
Vienna on June 26th, 2013 at:

policy area as stated in Article 1 of the Vienna Declaration adopted by consensus at
the UN World Conference on Human Rights in 1993. From this perspective, it was
an important achievement that the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security
and Nutrition, approved in October 2012 by the CFS, ended up having a strong focus
on human rights.
Qualifying the concept of policy coherence: This concept must be understood
in terms of “human rights coherence”. This qualification is needed to avoid any
confusion resulting from conflicting policy objectives. Policy coherence is not a
means to an end in itself, but must be human rights-based, which essentially means
that all policies with negative impact on human rights must be revised or stopped
and made consistent with human rights requirements.6
Human rights-based monitoring and accountability:7 These terms have gained
increasing acceptance among most actors in the food security and nutrition field,
and were recognized in the first version of the GSF. Although we know that states,
intergovernmental institutions and private actors are hesitant to accept monitoring
mechanisms that assume legal accountability for human rights impacts, we also
know that without such accountability, no substantial change in national and inter­
national policies can be expected.
Regarding inclusive governance,8 progress made in the area of global food
and nutrition governance could be taken as a model for comprehensive governance
reform within the United Nations (UN), which would allow for a stronger relationship
between the UN system and civil society.
Small-scale food producers’ movements, including peasants’ organizations,
landless, food and agricultural workers, fisherfolks, pastoralists, indigenous peoples,
women and youth, together with many public interest CSOs, have worked hard for
several years to achieve reform of the system of global governance in food security
and nutrition. Their dedication is to ensure adequate and meaningful participation
of their respective sectors in the development and definition of global policies that
affect communities and nations.
Since the World Food Summit in 1996, the International Planning Committee
for Food Sovereignty (IPC) has facilitated and strengthened the political space for
social movements in relation to the Rome based UN agencies on food and agriculture.
Since then, food sovereignty has become the most prominent alternative paradigm
to the dominant agricultural and economic model, including a strong link to human
rights and the fundamental change towards inclusive governance.9
CSOs appreciated the 2009 reform of the Committee on World Food Security,
which is now the broadest and most inclusive worldwide platform that brings
together all the relevant actors, and has opened a space for reasonable participation of
social movements and other civil society groups. Since then, CSOs have collaborated
with many efforts on the development and negotiation of key policy instruments
which were subsequently approved by the CFS.10
What can be expected in the post-2015 era?
Human rights (HR) and inclusive governance must remain central elements of any
substantial post-2015 agenda. The recognition of HR primacy and its practical
implementation, together with the principles of accountability and coherence, must
be seen as indispensable and non-negotiable cornerstones, as they are key concepts
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Without their full and operational
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



See specifically the coherence debate in
the 2010 Right to Food and Nutrition Watch,
which places special attention on land
grabbing and nutrition.


The 2011 edition of the Right to Food and
Nutrition Watch puts special attention to
human rights accountability and coherence.


The 2008 and 2009 editions of the Right
to Food and Nutrition Watch called strongly
for substantial progress towards inclusive
governance for the global food and nutrition


“Food sovereignty is the right of peoples
to healthy and culturally appropriate food
produced through ecologically sound
and sustainable methods, and their right
to define their own food and agriculture
systems.” “Declaration of the Forum for Food
Sovereignty, Nyéléni 2007.” Nyéléní.
Feb. 2007. www.nyeleni.org/spip.

10	 “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible
Governance of Tenure.” Natural Resources
and Environment: About the Voluntary
Guidelines on Tenure. FAO, May 2012.
“The Global Strategic Framework for
Food Security and Nutrition.” FAO: Global
Strategic Framework, Oct. 2012.

Human Rights Accountability, Inclusive Governance in Food and Nutrition, and the
Post-2015 Framework

inclusion, any post 2015 agenda will repeat the fundamental shortcomings of the
Inclusive governance is the logical consequence of a human rights approach: it
is the rights holders who must be heard, whose voices, critiques, proposals, expertise
are the most important for policy debates and decisions. The new governance model
established at the CFS can serve as an example of how the governance model of the
United Nations system, including the human rights system, should be reformed.
If such categorical changes are accepted for the whole upcoming agenda,
the objective and main implications for post 2015 food and nutrition policy must
consequently be formulated from a human rights perspective. Such an objective can
and should be based on the following elements of the Charter of the Global Network for
the Right to Food and Nutrition:
Its main objective could be:
The full realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition. All human beings,
without discrimination, are entitled to enjoy the full realization of the human right to
adequate food and nutrition. This right guarantees people’s informed participation
in the decision making and elaboration of public policies assuring an economically,
politically, socially, and ecologically sustainable supply of adequate and nutritious
food within the frameworks of food and of people’s sovereignty; it also guarantees the
enjoyment of regular access to food for all while respecting both cultural traditions
and the principle of non-discrimination.11
The main implication of this will thus be:
Ending impunity of human rights violations through enforcing compliance of
obligations, accountability and coherence, ensuring that states, as duty bearers, are
held accountable for their general and specific obligations under international human
rights law, including the Maastricht Principles on extraterritorial obligations. As
a general obligation, states must abide by the principles of non-discrimination,
equality, non-retrogression, transparency, participation, accountability and rule of
law. Specific obligations call on states to respect, protect, and fulfill (facilitate, promote
and provide), in this case, the right to adequate food and nutrition. This implies
that governments must make all of their policies, such as agricultural, food, trade,
economic, environment, social, energy and others, coherent with the realization of
human rights.12

11	 Global Network for the Right to Food and
Nutrition, Charter, June 2013, Para. 1.
12	 Ibid., Para. 2.

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

Private Sector Investments in
Agricultural Development
Millions of dollars are currently being invested in neglected agricultural development
schemes with a strategic focus on Africa—but the majority of African small-scale
producers wonder if any of it is really about them. Frameworks and reports outlined
by the world’s top food and agricultural development organizations and researchers,
including the Food and Agricultural Organization’s State of Food and Agriculture,1
the Global Strategic Framework adopted by the Committee on World Food Security
in 2012,2 and the International Agricultural Assessment of Science and Technology
for Development (IAASTD),3 all highlight small-producer-driven models as the
best strategy for agricultural development. Programs focused on improving smallproducer capacity offer both economic and ecological sustainability and the greatest
capability for increasing agricultural productivity, addressing hunger and lifting
small-scale producers out of poverty. However, a recent trend of global agricultural
investor-driven programs, which not only lack transparency but also democratic
participation, threaten to generate more hunger and deepen poverty for the strategic
populations they purport to help.

A Strategic Focus Short of
Strategic Players
Kathy McNeely4
The following article describes the investment initiatives formulated by the Alliance
for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) launched in 2006, the G8 New Alliance
for Food Security and Nutrition (New Alliance) launched in 2012 and Scaling up
Nutrition (SUN) launched in 2009, and evaluates their capacity to respond to the
pressing needs faced by small-scale producers. In addition, it explores the reactions
from small-scale producer groups and outlines some ways forward for agricultural
development investments that truly promote the right to food and food sovereignty.
The G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
(New Alliance)

The L’Aquila pledge to mobilize $22 billion in donor funding to support national
agricultural plans in developing countries was the G8’s initial response to the global
food crisis and the New Alliance, spearheaded by the United States and launched
at the G8 Summit at Camp David in 2012, is the second phase of that response,5
involving an influx of private sector investments in African agriculture over a 10 year
period. Currently the New Alliance has over 80 letters of intent from companies
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


“Investing in Agriculture for a Better
Future.” FAO: The State of Food and Agriculture
2012. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations. www.fao.org/


“The Global Strategic Framework for Food
Security and Nutrition.” FAO: Global Strategic
Framework. Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations. www.fao.org/cfs/

Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development


totalling $5 billion of investment in six African pilot countries: Ghana, Ethiopia,
Tanzania, Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Mozambique.6
In Africa, G8 programs and funds were supposed to be aligned with the country
agriculture plans developed through the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa
Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). However, while the “national
plans are extensive documents covering a wide range of issues, the frameworks concentrate on only a small number of measures almost exclusively aimed at increasing
corporate investment in agricultural lands and input markets.”7 According to GRAIN,
“[t]he [Cooperation] Frameworks involve a set of approximately 15 different policy
measures that each African government commits to implement with clearly defined
deadlines. But few of these policy commitments are found in the CAADP plans that
these countries developed through national consultations.”8
Because it lacks transparency and has the potential to harm small-scale
producers in Africa, several civil society groups have joined forces to register their
opposition to the New Alliance, including the International Planning Committee for
Food Sovereignty (IPC) working group on land,9 a declaration by the African Centre
for Biosafety,10 one drafted by CONCORD (the European NGO confederation for
relief and development)11 and one drafted by the working group Food and Agriculture
of the forum on Environment  Development.12 The latter urged the German
government to withdraw from the New Alliance because of the “risk that strategies
for combating poverty and hunger are oriented towards the political interests of
corporations.” They go on to claim that “[g]overnments help them by mitigating
investment risks, by providing investment-related information and a positive
investment climate in agricultural input markets (seeds, fertilizer, pesticides) and
the land sector.” As a result, the “concentration of power in the seed market, loss
of agro-biodiversity, marginalization of rural communities and especially women,
concentration of land, land grabbing and the substantial conflict of aims between
the claim of combating hunger and the original business interests of corporations are
systematically disregarded by the G8 New Alliance.”13
African Peasants Have Their Own Ideas on How to Meet the Growing Demand
for Food
Nora McKeon14
Africa is a particularly appetizing target for corporate capital investments and
financial speculation, and for good reason. As the World Bank announced in a new
report, Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness: “Africa represents the
‘last frontier’ in global food and agricultural markets. It has more than half of the
world’s uncultivated but agriculturally suitable land and has scarcely utilized its
extensive water resources. As Africa’s population, incomes, and cities grow and spur
the development of domestic markets, the prospects for agriculture and agribusiness
will be better than ever.”15
Initiatives like the New Alliance and AGRA (see below) seek to pry open
this major agri-food market on the world scene which has not yet been brought
under the control of multinationals, thanks in good part to the resistance of the
millions of small-scale family farmers who produce up to 80% of the food consumed
in the continent.

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

IAASTD was initiated by the World Bank in
open partnership with a multi-stakeholder
group of UN organizations, representatives
of governments, civil society, private sector
and scientific institutions from around
the world. The team of experts doing the
research and reporting included more than
400 international experts from various
disciplines. In April 2008, in the midst of
economic and food crisis, IAASTD issued its
report concluding that “the way the world
grows its food will have to change radically
to better serve the poor and hungry if the
world is to cope with a growing population
and climate change while avoiding social
breakdown and environmental collapse.”
See: “International Assessment of
Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development.” United
Nations Environment Programme. Division
of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA).


Kathy McNeely is a program and policy
coordinator at the Maryknoll Office for
Global Concerns and a representative of the
US Food Sovereignty Alliance.


“The G8 and Land Grabs in Africa.” GRAIN,
11 March 2013. www.grain.org/article/


“New Fund to Spur Investment in African
Agriculture Infrastructure.” USAID, 9 May
2013. www.feedthefuture.gov/article/


Ibid., see annex.


Op. cit. at 5.


IPC Working Group on Land, “G8 should
implement the CFS Tenure Guidelines
rather than launch a new initiative aimed at
increased transparency in land transactions,”
International Statement, 15 May 2013.

10	 “Modernising African Agriculture: Who
Benefits?” Statement by Civil Society
in Africa www.acbio.org.za/activist/index.
11	 CONCORD statement on G8 and New
Alliance, 23 May 2013. www.concordeurope.org/248-statement-on-g8-andnew-alliances-for-food-and-nutritionsecurity?highlight=WyJnOCJd.
12	 “Structural Adjustment 2.0: G8 Initiative
‘New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa’ Paves the Way for Radical
Opening of Markets for International Seed
and Agrarian Corporations in African
Countries.” Working Group Food and
Agriculture of the Forum on Environment 
Development, January 2013. www.forumue.
13	 Ibid.
14	 Nora McKeon is the Coordinator of the
Europe Africa programme at Terra Nuova, a
member organization of the Watch Consortium
and a lecturer at Rome 3 University.
15	 “Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of
Agribusiness”. World Bank, 2013, p. 2. http://

African small-scale producers are calling on their governments to defend their
interests rather than those of corporations. A letter addressed to the President of
the African Union on the event of the G8 Summit in 2012, drafted by peasant leader,
Mamadou Cissokho, and signed by numerous African civil society organizations,
stated the issue in no uncertain terms: “There is an African consensus regarding
the need to increase investments in agriculture but a lack of clarity concerning the
destination of these investments: which products, which markets, for whose benefit?
[…] African policies should accord the major advantages to the principle investors
in agriculture, those who take the risks within the family enterprises, that is the
peasants, and not to urban or foreign sources of capital […] The G8 and the G20 can
in no way be considered the appropriate forum for decisions of this nature.”16
Across the continent small-scale producer organizations and local communities
are mobilizing against the land grabs that often accompany large-scale investments
in agriculture, in which national governments and capital usually act in complicity
with foreign investors. The Stop Land-Grabbing Now! Conference, hosted by the
Malian peasant movement in November 2011, gave peasants, pastoralists and
indigenous peoples from around the world a chance to share their experiences and
their struggles. The final declaration made it clear that land grabbing is only the most
visible and odious aspect of a broader project.17
Five months later, the African Civil Society Consultation, held in Brazzaville
in parallel to the FAO Regional Conference for Africa, denounced the tendency of
governments to “look to external resources to fund African agriculture” and stated
that “[African] agriculture can only develop if it receives adequate national resources
as a priority. Resources are targeted towards industrial agriculture adopting the
Public/Private Partnerships (PPP) approach, which is not an appropriate instrument
for supporting the family farms that are the foundation of African food security and
sovereignty”. The consultation called for the following measures regarding agri­
cultural investments:
•• “The existence of agricultural policies formulated with a participatory
approach should be the pre-condition for the formulation of national
investment plans.
•• States should be accountable for ensuring that agricultural investments
are useful and relevant, and that they are coherent with the visions of the
agricultural policies.
•• Agricultural investments should be directed towards family farms, and
particularly towards women and young people and other marginalized
Global, continental and regional advocacy are important, but the key is the national
level, where policies and legislative frameworks are put into place and enforced … or
ignored. In countries throughout the continent small-scale producer organizations are
advocating for national agricultural policies, investment programs and land tenure
laws that defend the rights and livelihoods of rural producers and communities.
In Tanzania, MVIWATA (National Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania) is
mobilizing its membership against national agricultural policies that see no future
for small-scale farmers outside of private sector-led, export-oriented, out-grower
schemes like the SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania)
supported by Grow Africa and the New Alliance. The Constitutional Review, now in
progress, is an opportunity to get the national rules right, as was urged at a national
workshop organized by MVIWATA: “There is fear that Tanzania would enter into
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


16	 “Food security: A letter to the President of
the African Union.” Presented 15 May 2012
by Mamadou Cissokho (on behalf of
15 African civil society networks and
coalitions). www.europafrica.info/en/news/
17	 “The fight against land-grabbing is a fight
against capitalism, neoliberalism and a
destructive economic model […]. Land
grabbing threatens small-scale, family
based farming, nature, the environment and
food sovereignty. Land grabbing displaces
and dislocates communities, destroys local
economies and the social-cultural fabric, and
jeopardizes the identities of communities,
be they farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk,
workers, dalits or indigenous peoples.”
La Via Campesina, Stop Land-Grabbing
Now!, Conference Declaration, Nyeleni,
Nov. 2011. http://viacampesina.org/en/index.
18	 “Regional Civil Society Consultation for
Africa—The Final Declaration.” Brazzaville,
22 April 2012. www.europafrica.info/en/cfs/

Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development

land conflicts if the current trend of land allocation to foreigners is not reviewed. […]
There is fear that if the situation is left unchecked, there will be a repeat of feudalism
with the farmers turning into serfs and serve for cheap labour on the acquired huge land.
Hence there is dire need for African governments, when it comes to land acquisition,
to give first priority to its citizens.”19
African small-scale producer organizations go far beyond the denunciation of
abuses to state clearly their own proposals and strategies. The recently-published
synthesis report of research on models of food production, consumption, and markets
conducted by three regional producer networks—EAFF, PROPAC and ROPPA—
documents the well-known, but conveniently ignored, fact that most of the food
consumed in Africa is produced by family farms and reaches those that consume
it without getting anywhere near the kind of “value chain” that the New Alliance
is promoting. The summary of the synthesis report states the case in these terms:
“Family farming is the basis for modern food provision in Africa, today and tomorrow.
Its multi-functionality and sustainable productive potential is supported by extensive
research evidence. Family farming and small-scale food production generates food
and well-being for the majority of the population and the wealth of the region, and
conserves its natural resources. It can ensure employment for young people within
their territories, thus promoting social peace and attenuating migration. Innovative
family farming, backed by appropriate research, supportive investments and adequate
protection, can out-perform industrial commodity production. It provides the basis
for the food sovereignty of communities, countries and sub-regions of Africa.”20

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Launched in 2006 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in cooperation with
multinational seed and biotechnology companies, AGRA was first initiative to promote African agricultural development through private investment. The majority of
its funding comes from the Gates and Rockefeller foundations, United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), International Development Research
Center (IDRC), UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government of Kenya. Its focus is to promote soil
health and productivity through synthetic fertilizers, to build efficient agricultural
markets through the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern
Africa (ACTESA), and to lobby national governments to implement responsible
policies. AGRA will be taking the lead in the G8 Alliance’s next phase of their shared
commitment through the Scaling Seeds and Other Technologies Partnership, which
focuses on increasing agricultural food production through strengthening Africa’s
seed sector.
Gathuru Mburu21 argues that these interventions are happening without
consultation with the end beneficiaries (farmers) and despite warning by experts that
the Green Revolution in Asia resulted in “a complete failure for the farmers but a huge
profit for the industry.”22 AGRA has failed to consider that the world has changed
substantially since the Asian Green Revolution. The world is faced with many other
challenging situations including depletion of natural resources, a rapidly changing
climate, globalization and a financial crisis that is adamantly persisting. While AGRA
acknowledges some of those recorded failures, and therefore attempts to modify the

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

19	 “Mtandao Wa Vikundi Vya Wakulima
Tanzania.” MVIWATA.
20	 EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, Family farmers for
sustainable food systems. A synthesis of
reports by African farmers’ regional networks
on models of production, consumption and
markets. A EuropAfrica report, June 2013.
21	 Gathuru Mburu is the General Coordinator
of the African Biodiversity Network. He has
gained valuable experience in working with
local communities, especially revitalizing
indigenous knowledge and its application in
solving current ecological problems.
22	 Hira Jhamtani, The Green Revolution in Asia:
Lessons for Africa, TWN, ISD, FAO, 2010.
Thompson, Carol B. “How Healthy for
Africans is the Alliance for a Green
Revolution for Africa (AGRA)?”
uploads/how-healthy-for-africans-is-thealliance-for-a-green-revolution-for-africaagra1.pdf. See also: Africa Centre for
Biosafety (ACB), Alliance for a Green
Revolution in Africa (AGRA): Laying the
groundwork for the commercialisation
of African Agriculture, Johannesburg,
Sept. 2012. www.acbio.org.za/index.php/
and read AGRA’s annual reports at:

strategy in Africa to suit local circumstances, the manifestation on the ground shows
that the end result might even be worse for Africa than it was for Asia.23
AGRA is pushing for hybrid seeds, biotechnology (including genetic modification), synthetic fertilizers, irrigation, credit provision and general commercialization
of agricultural production in Africa, where most farmers are small-scale. This
technological path to commercialization of African farming will lead to hefty profits
for companies while further impoverishing African small-scale farmers. More
seriously, the plant breeding program targeting indigenous crops is the newest form
of bio-piracy that must be challenged to the end. Plant breeding by companies ends
with patents, thereby taking away such bred plant materials from the public domain.
When harmonization of agriculture-related laws happens across the continent, this
will transform the continent into one huge “free trade area,” and lay the foundation
for re-colonization of Africa, again, led by companies.

23	 Op. cit. at 22 (a).

The True Beneficiaries of AGRA’s
“Soil Health Program”
African Centre for Biosafety1
According to AGRA, agricultural production throughout Sub-Saharan Africa is
hampered by poor quality soils. It contends that food sovereignty in the region could
be realized if a combination of local organic and imported mineral fertilizers are
offered as part of a larger sustainable development initiative.2 In contrast, Gathuru
Mburu, of the African Biodiversity Network Secretariat, is concerned that AGRA’s
policies instead have severe negative consequences for local farmers including
“hybrid imposter seeds, poor yields, loans, debts and chemical based agriculture.”3
Although AGRA’s mandate is to promote food security for a more prosperous
Africa through the sustainable agricultural growth of small-scale farming operations,4
their methodology of incorporating inorganic fertilizer imports exacerbates reliance
on foreign exports while financially backing exploitative industries.
Currently, Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for less than 1% of the world’s total fertilizer
consumption. AGRA attributes this low-consumption trend to small-scale farmers’
lack of both access to adequate financial means and the knowledge to efficiently
combine mineral and organic fertilizers to produce greater and sustainable yields.
Accordingly, AGRA’s “Soil Health Programme” (SHP) has adopted an Integrated
Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) initiative, which seeks to involve 15 million
small-scale farmers in the program by 2019. In order to achieve this milestone,
AGRA plans to boost the annual consumption of mineral fertilizers in the countries
it operates to approximately 1.5 million tons over the course of its operation. This
amounts to a staggering 85% increase in inorganic fertilizer usage in Africa over the
next six years.
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB)
is a non-profit organization, based in
Johannesburg South Africa. The ACB carries
out research, analysis, advocacy and
information sharing with key organizations
in our network to foster and promote
informed engagement with policies and
decision-making that control production,
distribution and access to food and


The 2006 Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer
for an African Green Revolution, issued by
prominent African officials, echoes these
sentiments.: www.nepad.org/foodsecurity/

Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development

The sheer scale of this task is reflected by the bewildering array of “implementation partners” AGRA lists in its SHP documents, including the African
Development Bank, the International Fertilizer Development Centre among other
various agricultural research centres. While AGRA initially promised $198 million
in funding towards the SHP, it expects private sector contributors to pledge the
majority of the $2–3 billion investment required for the successful implementation
of the program.5
The global fertilizer industry is well represented in AGRA’s Soil Health
Programme, presenting a concerning conflict of interest within the initiative.
Specifically, AGRA has pledged $25 million to establish the African Fertilizer and
Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), which has the stated goal to “at least double”
total fertilizer use in the countries it will work in6 through establishing “Agribusiness
Contract Partnerships” to facilitate market access for agribusiness firms.
While welcoming a renewed interest in reviving African agriculture, beneath
AGRA’s facade appears to be another highly prescriptive, top-down approach which
will further marginalize Africa.7 The overt emphasis placed on mineral fertilizers,
the majority of which will have to be imported, risks locking African farmers into
the inconsistencies of international markets, and has the potential to plunge rural
farmers into continual debt, dispossession and dependency. Furthermore, it ignores
a myriad of agroecological conditions throughout the continent, and the need for a
correspondingly diverse range of strategies and technologies to complement these.
Millions of small-scale farmers in Africa do not have access to information
about the various initiatives to improve agricultural production on the continent.
Given the overwhelming resource imbalance in favor of ‘Green Revolution’ initiatives,
small-scale farmers are not being offered a range of choices or opportunities to
investigate different possibilities in practice. Information on the benefits of ‘Green
Revolution’ technologies and techniques, and on the alleged necessity of shifting from
agriculture as a way of life to agriculture as a business,8 far outweighs information on
the possible downsides to the introduction of these technologies. Farmers ultimately
need to make their own choices about what works best for them. But if the information they receive is biased, those with the most resources effectively make this
choice for them.
The African Centre for Biosafety is committed to supporting and strengthening
the ability of small-scale farmers to make informed choices about the types of
production they seek to engage in. In this regard, we are committed to building the
knowledge base on seed and soil fertility in practice by enabling small-scale farmers
and their organizations in the region to understand the options available as well as
the limits and possibilities of these different options in their specific contexts. It is
therefore imperative to consult farmers and their organizations regarding the limits
and possibilities of various alternative agricultural techniques and technologies for
small-scale production.
We call upon AGRA to demonstrate its true commitment to African agri­
culture, and divert more of its resources to this end. There is no doubt that AGRA has
the resources to do this; whether it has the political will is another matter entirely.

An Interview with Gathuru Mburu from
African Biodiversity Network Secretariat:


AGRA: Vision and Mission. www.agra.org/


AGRA, A Proposal for a Soil Health
Programme of the Alliance for a Green
Revolution in Africa, 2007.


Currently Ghana, Mozambique, and


Op. cit. at 3.


Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


The words of former Nigerian President,
Olusegun Obasanjo, quoted approvingly at
the start of AGRA’s 2010 annual report—
AGRA 2010 “AGRA 2010:
Driving real change”. www.agra-alliance.org/

The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)
Claudio Schuftan and Ted Greiner1
The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative emerged from a World Bank initiative
in 2009, and calls itself a global “movement” that unites governments, civil society,
businesses and citizens in a worldwide effort to end under-nutrition. While SUN
now says it promotes government-led initiatives, its fundamental approach is
entrenched in the frequent donor-driven emphasis on market-led “product” and
high-tech solutions to malnutrition, rather than on community-based solutions
rooted in human rights and equity. It thus threatens to further bias development
assistance by involving the private sector at all levels, e.g., by encouraging lowincome governments to enter into “partnerships” and to set up “platforms” with
businesses (and their not-for profit front groups). In doing so, it leaves the issue of
conflict of interest wide open. This approach conflicts with World Health Assembly
resolutions which call for safeguards against conflicts of interest in policy development and implementation of nutrition programs, thus leaving policy and direction
to those who have a duty to protect public health. While businesses can play a role
in development, their fiduciary duty lies first with shareholders, not with public
health. SUN’s promotion of partnerships with businesses thus provides corporations with unprecedented opportunities to influence national, regional and global
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), discussed in the Watch 2012, is
a member of SUN’s Lead Group. It claims to address malnutrition, but also strives to
facilitate the opening up of markets for its 600 partner companies (among others,
Danone, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Brittania).3 Together with its baby food company members, GAIN has been pushing for WHO/FAO global food standards to be weakened
so as to allow marketing of a whole new range of fortified products for infants and
young children. GAIN’s application for official NGO relations status with WHO was
not approved by the WHO Executive Board in January of 2013, pending answers
to questions about its relations with global corporations, and allegations about its
lobbying against World Health Assembly resolutions on baby foods.4
The Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, has warned
SUN that it must not dismiss explicitly aligning its initiatives with human rights, including the right to food, i.e., not “overlook the entitlements that have been established
under international law for women, children, minorities, refugees and internally
displaced persons, and other groups that may be subjected to marginalization and
But there is more to be concerned about the SUN initiative: Serious conflicts
of interest exist on SUN’s lead policy setting board; SUN has created the opportunity
for commercial food companies to have an influential role in the UN system’s food
and nutrition governance and policy decision-making; the SUN initiative does not
explicitly acknowledge the structural causes of all forms of malnutrition; and SUN
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



Claudio Schuftan is one of the founding
members of the People’s Health Movement
(PHM). He is widely recognized for his work
as a free lance health consultant and his
numerous publications.
Ted Greiner is currently a professor of
nutrition in a Korean university and has
decades of experience and a publication
record in international nutrition. He is the
Chair of the NGO/Civil Society Constituency
of the United Nations System Standing
Committee on Nutrition.


SUN Movement status and claims at a
Glance (March 2013): 34 countries;
32 focal points nominated; 30 countries with
established multi-stakeholder platforms;
21 countries reported to have cost nutrition
plans already endorsed or being finalized;
13 countries already reducing stunting at
an annual rate of 2% and above; 50 million
of stunted children under 5 reached by the


“Business Alliance Members.” GAIN.

Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development

risks increasing low-income countries’ dependence on inappropriate import products
and foreign expertise.
A disproportionate percentage of SUN’s initial budget is allocated to curative
interventions in part based on commercial ready-to-use therapeutic foods. Despite the
involvement of civil society organisations, SUN is still a top-down UN-and businessled initiative; and it is a misnomer to call it a “movement” because the involvement
of international public- and business-interest NGOs does not make it bottom-up.
Participating food corporations can use SUN to whitewash their activities, giving
them invaluable public relations benefits.
For all of the above reasons, movements that are critical of the SUN approach
have good reason to be reluctant to seek participation in the initiative. While the
authors do support SUN’s call for multi-sectoral action on nutrition, and do recognize
that many non-private organizations are working hard under the SUN umbrella to
tackle malnutrition, they cannot support a strategy that allows commercial private
entities (or their front bodies such as GAIN) to be on SUN’s lead group or on country
Not surprisingly, SUN does not comment on the possible harmful impact of the
marketing of member companies’ ultra-processed foods on local food cultures and
their contribution to obesity and non-communicable diseases. Despite its insistence
that it supports breastfeeding, we see no way in which SUN can prevent companies
from using their public relations and their access to policy-making to damage the
funding, support and protection of sustainable food cultures and optimal infant and
young child feeding. It is only a matter of time before companies begin using the
entry point SUN allows them to gain improper access to parents while pretending
they are only interested in “promoting breastfeeding.” This is, of course, forbidden
by the International Code and WHA resolutions. We believe that the risks of what is
said here need to be independently researched, acknowledged and addressed.


The WHO’s Executive Board (EB) decided
to: “[…] postpone consideration of the
application for admission into official
relations from The Global Alliance for
Improved Nutrition to the Executive Board’s
134th session, and requested that the
following information be provided to the
Board through its Standing Committee on
Nongovernmental Organizations:
information concerning the nature and
extent of the Alliance’s links with the global
food industry, and the position of the
Alliance with regard to its support and
advocacy of WHO’s nutrition policies,
including infant feeding and marketing of
complementary foods.” WHO’s Executive
Board (EB), “Relations with Non-governmental
Organizations.” 28 January 2013.
EB132/B132_R9-en.pdf; see also IBFAN,
“GAIN—industry’s Trojan Horse fails to
enter WHO’s policy setting process,”
press release, 29 January 2013.


“Compilation Prepared by the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights, in Accordance with
Paragraph 10 of Human Rights Council
Resolution 16/22.” United Nations General
Assembly, 26 Dec. 2011. www2.ohchr.org/

Ways forward
As Nora McKeon1 aptly points out, African peasants have their own ideas on how to
meet the growing demand for food. Moving forward, they identify some key points
about how to promote methods of agricultural development which fulfil their fundamental needs. First and foremost, investment in family farming and small-scale food
production will improve food provision, social and environmental sustainability
and safeguard livelihoods for the majority. Participatory research in support of, and
determined by, family farmers and small-scale food producers is required to enhance
the adaptive capacity and resilience of food provision. Sustainable sources of credit,
social protection measures, grain reserves, and livestock resources are needed to
strengthen the resilience of family farming and local food systems. Guaranteeing
rights of access to and control over productive resources—land, water, agricultural
biodiversity—is also essential to support family farming and small-scale food
production and resilient food systems.

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger

To build a sustainable food system for the future, research and data collection
need to prioritize the means by which the majority of people access food; thus, it is
critically important to actively seek information on the informal and mostly “invisible”
production, processing and trade within the food system.
Most of the investment schemes described above have almost a single-minded
focus on markets, with an approach that often usurps any control that family farmers
have over the marketing of their products. Going forward it will be essential to
strengthen and build agricultural and food markets which are within the control of
family farmers and small-scale food producers, support of socially and environmentally
sustainable production, and provide accessible quality food for consumers. In this
regard, the public sector has an essential role to play by tailoring national investment frameworks, policies and programs to support the needs of family farmers.
With effective and decisive engagement in policy processes and practical implementation, family farmers and small-scale food producers will become architects of their
own futures and that of society at large.


Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


These key steps forward are proposed in
the synthesis report by EAFF, PROPAC
and ROPPA (2013). Cited by Nora McKeon
in box 1.

Resistance and Alternative Visions
This article focuses on the perspectives of social movements concerning resistance
and alternative visions to the policies that generate hunger and poverty. It offers
three examples of initiatives that illustrate alternative perspectives: agroecology,
urban-rural community support networks for farming, and the process towards new
human rights-based framework policies.

Perspectives of Social Movements
Nadine García and Angel Strapazzón1
Poverty reduction and food security are almost unattainable goals for at least one
billion people on the planet. High levels of hunger, inequality in income, land, water,
seeds and other resources as well as ecological degradation are persistent and in­
creasingly intense global problems. Despite billions of dollars spent on “aid”, “develop­
ment” and “technological advances”, the situation has not improved. In fact, it is
becoming worse. There is no doubt that the increased cost of energy, ecological degrada­
tion and the deterioration of the climate are key factors which undermine mankind’s
ability to feed itself. It must be considered that the current agro-industrial model is
highly dependent on fossil fuels. Its limits and vulnerabilities are largely due to its
low diversity and narrow genetic base.2
These current agricultural, consumer and trade models have caused substantial
damage to productive resources for the majority of farmers in poor countries. Further­
more, they have reduced the productive capacity by deteriorating resources like
soil, water and air. Consequently, peasant farming has become much more vulnerable
and dependant on external production supplies and techniques. On the other hand,
land grabbing is causing the expulsion of millions of farmers and indigenous communi­
ties from their territory, leaving them culturally uprooted and unprotected in an
industrial society in which they are invisible. Industrial production and consumption
of food are increasingly contributing to global warming and the destruction of thousands of rural communities.
Today, more than ever, we are called upon to reflect and to pay more attention to
the discourse, wearily repeated over decades by political and economic powers, claiming that growth/development are good for reducing unemployment, guaranteeing
pensions, reducing inequalities and protecting the environment. But what if growth
is not the solution, but the problem? Is it not currently a factor contributing to the
global crisis, a threat to the planet and an obstacle to welfare? What types of growth
or development are we talking about, or are we informed about? What alternatives
do we have?

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


Nadine García, Nicaragua, and Angel
Strappazón, Argentina, work with the Latin
American Coordination of Rural
Organizations—La Vía Campesina


Altieri, M.  V.M. Toledo. “The Agro-Ecological
Revolution of Latin America: Rescuing
Nature, Securing Food Sovereignty and
Empowering Peasants.” The Journal of
Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, July 2011,
pp. 587–612.

History shows that all major crises comprise aggregated, specific, localized
crises where workers, men and women, and the masses in general have paid the
price with enormous effort and sacrifices. Yet in the 20th century and particularly
its last decades, not only were the exploited people aggressively pushed to deliver
more rewards to the markets, but also nature was vigorously exploited as all our biodiversity was turned into merchandise with the objective of creating new consumer
waves in the global market. Market forces will not stop or listen to the cries and
complaints of humans. Their metabolism needs more and more goods as sustenance
and will therefore seek out more common natural resources to meet their needs.
Some 19th century philosophers have observed that the bourgeoisie not only
needs to be established around the globe, but in order to survive, it also needs to
constantly modernize the means of production. This results in the modification of
production relations as well as, through consumption, in a decline in social relations,
behavior, ethics and values.
In the dynamic behavior of contemporary societies, capital is a force used in
forming the consciousness of people, reducing it to a common belief using mass media,
which in reality “pumps disinformation.”3 The media has managed to make what is
perverse and destructive to nature or to local communities seem beneficial and justifi­
able to the public in a universal manner.
Neo-liberalism elevated the superiority of the bourgeoisie, which increased
its power of exploitation and domination, and effectively demobilized social forces.
While the bourgeoisie manage the crisis of capital while maintaining their profits,
the workers and popular masses wander amidst their own destruction, unable to find
a place where they can reposition their forces in another manner and resume the
The current offensive of capitalist forces trying to dominate nature’s resources
from which they need to extract more raw materials, is not only their last stronghold to produce new goods, but also a means to attack human beings and the political being who is led to accept the principle of being represented and abandons any
interest in meaningful political participation.
Considering that it is the same capitalist interests and, in many cases, the same
companies that plunder populations all over the world, disputes must be dealt with
at an international level. Struggles for political, economic, ideological, cultural and
food sovereignty, etc., cannot ignore the solidarity between people who live in rural
communities and those in large cities. These people can be emancipated only by inter­
national unity.
“We are here, the peasants and rural peoples of the world, and we refuse to
disappear.”—Declaration of Maputo, La Via Campesina5
The Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC) and the Via
Campesina learn daily of the importance of alliances and cooperation when confront­
ed with the same capitalist companies all over the world. These companies use the
political and military forces of the host state for their own interests, to the detriment
of human and social rights of the local people. The transformation of assets into
goods is a goal that is at the core of capitalist expansion. Only a clearly articulated
international struggle can bring this to a halt and preserve the planet and its bio­
In this joint struggle, the peasant organizations counter the concept of food
security with that of food sovereignty. The notion of food sovereignty suggests that
“[…] food is not a matter of the market; food is a matter of sovereignty”; thus the right
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



Ramonet, Ignacio, and De Imperial, Lluís
Miralles. Irak: Historia De un Desastre.
Madrid: Debate, 2005. p. 160.


Bogo, Ademar, “El otro mundo necesario”,
El Libro abierto de la Vía Campesina: celebrando
20 años de luchas y esperanza, Mayo de 2013.
openbooks/ES-02.pdf. Several articles from
La Vía Campensina’s Open Book are
available in English at the following address:


“Declaration of Maputo: V International
Conference of La Via Campesina.” La Via
Campesina: International Peasant’s
Movement, Maputo, Mozambique,
19–22 Oct. 2008. http://viacampesina.org/en/

Resistance and Alternative Visions

to food and sovereignty in the production of foods is not negotiable.6 This transformative concept constitutes a breach in relation to the organization of agricultural
markets imposed by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
In April of 2010, at the People’s Conference on Climate Change in Cochabamba,
it was agreed that food sovereignty refers to “the right of peoples to control their own
seeds, lands, water, and food production, thereby guaranteeing, through forms of
production that are in harmony with Mother Earth and appropriate to local cultural
contexts, access to sufficient, varied and nutritious foods in complementarity with
Mother Earth and deepening the autonomous (participatory, communal and shared)
production of every nation and people.”7
In this proposal, new visions and concepts reflect the philosophy of the Sumak
Kawsay, meaning “Good Life” or “Good Living,” a concept originating from the Andean
ancestral inheritance as an alternative emanating from the people. This concept
promotes more sustainable and less consumer-based relationships with nature, as a
clear alternative choice in the face of the developmentalist model of “better living.”8
This is an approach that is in harmony with the principles of feminist economics, which also places the well-being of people at the center of the system and
seeks a new vision of human sustainability through the recognition of the diversity
of people and their integration.9
For the movement, opting for food sovereignty has influential consequences at
various levels; it involves a radical change in current commercial production-oriented
policies; moving from export-oriented industrial production to small peasant produc­
tion, thereby encouraging lifestyles consistent with sustainability, redistribution,
justice and fairness.
It is important today because it poses an alternative to a model that has genera­
ted serious problems in global food and agriculture. It serves as a proposal for a future
based on principles such as the autonomy and self-determination of the peoples.10
Throughout the existence of the Via Campesina, women have been present and
have actively participated on all topics and in all struggles, hand-in-hand, and in solidarity with the men, offering political analysis, experience and energy to the shared
objective of creating a future that is more just, equal, peaceful, ecological and lifegiving.11
The proposal for food sovereignty is aligned with gender equality. It aims to
reclaim the value of the social and historical role of peasant women in the creative
process of food production. It is assumed that this will contribute to the recognition of
their quality as subjects and citizens, and make amends in gender social relations, in
relation to the invalidation of women’s participation based on the historic patriarchal
division of labor.12
Beyond the constant struggle for the right to food, are the rights of men and
women peasants who suffered devastating effects from the global crises. As small
food producers, they have rights which are fundamental to their futures. The Via
Campesina movement agrees and advocates the need for an International Convention
on Peasant’s Rights—Women and Men, because it recognizes that international
mechanisms and conventions are limited, especially for the protection of small farmers
from the consequences of neo-liberal policies.13 A decade ago, the Via Campesina
launched the campaign to create an international instrument that respects, protects,
completes and promotes the rights of peasants, women and men. This includes the
advancement of legally binding mechanisms at local and national levels to guarantee
the implementation of rights.
Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


Inspired by Pamela Caro, “Soberanía
alimentaria: aproximaciones a un debate
sobre alternativas de desarrollo y derechos
de las mujeres”, El Libro abierto de la Vía
Campesina: celebrando 20 años de luchas y
esperanza, Mayo de 2013. This text is
available in English at the following address
(see p. 5): www.awid.org/content/download/
ENG.pdf. In addition, several articles from
La Via Campensina’s Open Book are available
in English at the following address:


“Peoples Agreement: Final Declaration of
the World People’s Conference on Climate
Change and the Rights of Mother Earth.”
Environmental Justice. Transnational Institute
(TNI), Cochabamba, 19–22 Apr. 2010.


Acosta, Alberto y Esperanza Martínez; comp.
El buen vivir. Una vía para el desarrollo.
Abya Yala: Quito. 2009.


Op. cit. at 6.

10	 León Irene: “Gestoras de Soberanía
Alimentaria”. Febrero de 2008.
11	 Wiebe, Nettie. Women of the Vía Campesina:
Creating and Occupying our Rightful Spaces,
The Via Campesina’s Open Book: Celebrating
20 Years of Struggle and Hope. May 2013.
12	 Op. cit. at 10.
13	 “Declaration of Rights of Peasants—Women
and Men.” La Via Campesina: International
Peasant Movement, March 2009.

Thus we do not only believe that another world “is possible”, but that it is
necessary. We will continue resisting and fighting for a world based on food sovereignty,
where agriculture is managed by peasants as an alternative to neo-liberal globalization;
a world which favors the rights of peoples and nature and against corporations; a world
in which food production is rooted in peasant sustainable production in harmony
with Mother Earth (Via Campesina, 2011).14
“We envision a world where those who produce, distribute and need food are at the
heart of food, agricultural, livestock, forestry and fisheries systems and policies: a
world where food production is rooted in environmentally sustainable production,
under local control and honoring ancestral knowledge, whilst guaranteeing the possi­
bility of a diversified and healthy diet and nutritional well-being; a world where trade
policies and practices will serve the rights of peoples to safe, healthy and ecologically
sustainable production and consumption; a world where the interests of the next
generation will be included, and a world where new social relations are free from
oppression and from the inequalities of class, ethnicity, caste, gender, religion.
We envision a world where the role of the state is reaffirmed and where states
uphold their responsibility to protect and promote democracy, as well as respect
and strengthen food and peoples’ sovereignty as well as peoples’ self-determination,
especially that of indigenous peoples.
Land, oceans, rivers, forests and all of nature are much more than a means of
production; they are the very basis of life, culture and identity, and fulfill crucial social,
cultural, spiritual and environmental functions. We envision genuine agrarian, fisheries,
pastoralist and forest reforms that guarantee access to, and the sharing of, productive
territories and other resources, free from the threat of large scale land and other natural
resources privatization, loss and eviction.
Our vision is deeply rooted in the human rights framework and seeks to seamlessly integrate the concepts of food sovereignty, the right to food and food and nutrition security. The indivisibility of rights is a core principle that is fundamental to
the human rights approach. Accountability is another core principle that must be
respected and protected by all actors (state and non-state); impunity of violations
against these rights must be overcome.”15

14	 “Agricultura Campesina Sostenible.”
La Via Campesina, Abril de 2012.
15	 Inspired by the Civil Society Working
Document on the Global Strategic
Framework for Food Security and Nutrition,
December 2011. www.csm4cfs.org/files/

Agroecology—An Alternative
Way to Ensure Food Security
Christine Campeau1
In a world challenged by climate change and a rising population, there is a pressing
need for smarter, more efficient and fairer ways to produce food. A 2008 report by
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch


Resistance and Alternative Visions

the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology
for Development (IAASTD) stressed that in order to feed the more than 9 billion
people that will inhabit the Earth by 2050, we urgently need to adopt the most
effective farming systems, and support a shift towards agroecology as a means of
sustainably increasing food production and improving the welfare of the people and
communities living in poverty.
Agroecology combines the sciences and practices of agronomy and ecology, while
adapting to the circumstances of each farm or region. Its methods aim to increase
productivity through enhancing natural and sustainable processes, using local
knowledge and experimentation.2
This promotes a circular system of production—enhancing the recycling of
biomass to optimize organic decomposition and increase nutrients over time. Modern
industrial agriculture, in contrast, is a linear system of production which relies on
expensive external inputs, such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
There are a numerous benefits of using an agroecological approach. Healthier
soil means improved water and nutrient retention, while a greater variety of genetic
resources leads to a better growing environment for plants. Water is not contaminated
by synthetic inputs. Habitats for mutually beneficial wildlife are created through
the minimization of carbon emissions. This means that farmers can reduce their
dependency on purchasing patented seeds, chemical fertilizers and herbicides, and
equipment dependent on fossil fuels. Diversifying crops also avoids the vulnerabilities
in production and marketing which farmers would otherwise face if they relied
on only one crop. Most importantly, it increases the ability of communities to feed
themselves with nutritious foods and provides new income and livelihood options.
Researchers studying the adoption and diffusion of agricultural technologies
have identified a number of constraints ranging from technical issues (such as lack of
information by farmers and extension agents) to policy distortions, market failures,
lack of land tenure and infrastructural problems. In order to further spread agroecology
among farmers, it is essential to overcome these challenges.
It is imperative that small-scale farmers have access to and control over their
land, their traditional seed varieties, and water. Farmer-to-farmer networks should
be supported to further promote a horizontal process of exchange of expertise
among farmers.
In order to achieve this, major reforms must be made in policies, institutions, and research and development agendas. Governments should provide funds
to small-scale farmers so that they can develop appropriate technologies, as well as
access credit and insurance against weather-related risks.
Small-scale farmers also need to be able to access local and regional markets
that return fair prices for their produce, and governments should implement systems
to absorb produce into their public procurement schemes.
Agroecology produces more food, improves income for farmers and provides
food security for the local communities they feed. It entails very low transaction
costs and delivers huge returns on the investment, both socio-economic and for the
environment, and should therefore be further strengthened.

Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


Christine Campeau is the Food for Life
Campaign Coordinator of the Ecumenical
Advocacy Alliance (EAA).


See EAA, Nourishing the World Sustainably,
Scaling up Agroecology, 2012.

The Urban-Rural Network
URGENCI: Generating New Forms
of exchange between citizens
Judith Hitchman1
URGENCI2 is the global network of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
initiatives, networks and associations. It boasts large numbers of members in
Europe (27 countries), most regions of Asia, North America and to a lesser extent,
Latin America and Africa. By promoting a direct circuit between farmers and
consumers, “farm-to-fork” initiatives, URGENCI helps an increasing number
of small-scale family farmers and consumers build an alternative to corporatecontrolled industrial food distribution, and supports local food sovereignty.
A CSA is an association or network of individuals who have pledged to support one
or more local farms. While this can take many forms, they all are based on a solidarity
partnership between producers and consumers and committed to sharing both risks
and rewards of the harvest. CSAs essentially help decommodify food and allow
producers to be paid a fair price for their produce. In exchange, the consumers receive
fresh, organic local produce. In many cases CSAs also include “solidarity boxes”
for members who are facing financial difficulties. They are also commonly active in
many Community Land Trusts which help new producers secure land, and preserve
it for urban and peri-urban agriculture. Incubator CSA projects, such as in the Paris
region, in the Hyogo province of Japan or near Monterey, California, where newly
established young farmers can learn and test their ideas, are another interesting part
of the evolving concept. The degree of involvement of consumers in the farm varies
from country to country, and indeed from one CSA to another. These aspects, when
combined with genuine farmers’ markets and public procurement policies, enable
groups of small-scale local farmers to jointly provide for schools and other local public
canteens and are an essential part of securing local food sovereignty.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” model: culture and country-specific habits all
vary. In Mali, there are dedicated market stalls where people pick up the CSA boxes
which include fruit, vegetables, chickens and eggs. Payment is made on a weekly
basis, but commitment is for the full year. In Cloughjordan, Ireland’s famous ecovillage, members of the CSA farm come and help themselves to what they need on
a trust-basis. Payment is annual and on a sliding scale, depending on the size of the
family and the status of individuals (the retired or unemployed pay less per capita).
URGENCI brings together various associations and networks, and through
them, small-scale family farmers, consumers and activists promote this concept,
raise awareness and explain how CSAs can contribute to food sovereignty. Promoting
Community Land Trusts and carrying out advocacy at national and international
levels is another key role played by URGENCI in securing local food sovereignty.
It has advocated against genetically modified organisms, industrial agriculture and
dumping, and promoted agroecologogy and other organic solutions. At the continen­­
tal level it has worked towards improving the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP),
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch



Judith Hitchman represents the URGENCI
network as a consumer constituency
member in the Civil Society Mechanism of
the Committee for World Food Security.
She is also responsible for advocacy on
behalf of the network.


For more information on the Urban-Rural
Network, URGENCI, please visit:

Resistance and Alternative Visions

and ensuring fair laws on immigration in the USA. At the local level, the network has
worked with authorities in their land and procurement policies and has promoted
community managed resources (ex. collective kitchens), the empowerment of civil
society’s right to decide on local food policies, the relocalization of agricultural
employment, rights- and equality-based jobs for all, free access to farmers’ seeds as
well as local community-managed resources, such as land and water.

A Human Rights-based GLOBAL
Framework for Food Security
and Nutrition
Martin Wolpold-Bosien1
The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is the first
global framework in this area that was adopted by a consensus of governments and
that systematically mainstreams the right to adequate food and the human rights
approach into policies relevant to food security and nutrition at the global, regional
and national levels. Compared to similar global frameworks on food security and
nutrition, such as the Declarations of the World Food Summits of 1996 and 2009 or
United Nations’ Updated Comprehensive Framework of Action, the GSF is without any doubt the most advanced in incorporating and mainstreaming the right to
adequate food.
After two years of consultations, the First Version of the GSF was adopted by
consensus during the 39th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)
in October of 2012.2 According to the decision made by the CFS, “the main added
value of the GSF is to provide an overarching framework and a single reference
document with practical guidance on core recommendations for food security and
nutrition strategies, policies and actions validated by the wide ownership, participation
and consultation afforded by the CFS”.3 The GSF is a dynamic, living document
that reflects the current international consensus among governments, which will be
regularly updated to include outcomes and decisions of the CFS.4 Social movements
and other civil society groups have engaged with the process of elaboration of the
GSF and expressed that the GSF constitutes a step forward in promoting a new
model of governance on food, agriculture, and nutrition.
The GSF is based upon the vision of the reformed CFS, which is to “strive for a
world free from hunger where countries implement the voluntary guidelines for the
progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food
security”.5 It is noteworthy that the GSF reaffirms the obligations of state parties
to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR),
to respect, protect and fulfill the human right to adequate food through national,
regional and global policies, despite the fact that the GSF, as such, is not a legally
Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger


Martin Wolpold-Bosien is Coordinator of the
Right to Adequate Food Program at FIAN


CFS, Global Strategic Framework for Food
Security and Nutrition, Thirty-ninth
session, 15–20 October 2012,
CFS 2012/39/5 Add.1. www.fao.org/docrep/


Ibid., para. 7.


CFS, “First Version of the Global Strategic
Framework for Food Security and Nutrition
(GSF). Preamble and Decision Box,”
Thirty-ninth Session, 15–20 October 2012,
Agenda Item V.b, CFS 2012/39/5, para. 5.


Op. cit. at 2, para. 4.

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The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 eng
The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 eng

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The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 eng

  • 1. Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger
  • 2. IMPRESSUM Published by Members of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium 2013 Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) Caroline-Michaelis-Str. 1, 10115 Berlin, Germany www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de FIAN International Willy-Brandt-Platz 5, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany www.fian.org ICCO Cooperation Joseph Haydnlaan 2a, 3533 AE Utrecht, The Netherlands www.icco-cooperation.org African Network on the Right to Food (ANoRF) C/487 Jéricho, Von de la Station Dovonou, Cotonou, Benin www.rapda.org Centro Internazionale Crocevia Via Tuscolana n. 1111, 00173 Rome, Italy www.croceviaterra.it DanChurchAid (DCA) Nørregade 15, DK-1165 Copenhagen K, Denmark www.danchurchaid.org Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) 150 route de Ferney, PO Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland www.e-alliance.ch Habitat International Coalition (HIC) Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) 11 Tiba Street, 2nd Floor, Muhandisin, Cairo, Egypt www.hlrn.org International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) The Redstone Building, 2940 16th Street, Suite 305 San Francisco, CA 94103-3664, USA www.treatycouncil.org Observatory DESC—Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Carrer Casp, 43 Baixos 08010 Barcelona, Spain www.observatoridesc.org People’s Health Movement (PHM) Global Secretariat, PO Box 13698 St Peter’s Square, Mowbray 7705, Cape Town, South Africa www.phmovement.org Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD) La Niña E4-438 y Av. Amazonas, Edif. Pradera, Piso 3, Of. 302-B, Quito-Ecuador www.pidhdd.org REDSAN-CPLP Quinta do Bispo, Bencanta, 3040-316 Coimbra, Portugal www.redsan-cplp.org Terra Nuova Viale Liegi, 10-00198, Rome, Italy www.terranuova.org US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA) c/o WhyHunger 505 8th Avenue, Suite 2100, New York, NY 10018, USA www.usfoodsovereigntyalliance.org World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Secretariat PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, Malaysia www.waba.org.my World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) International Secretariat PO Box 21, 8, rue du Vieux-Billard, CH-1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland www.omct.org Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 2
  • 3. Impressum OCTOBER 2013 Editorial Board: Anne Bellows, University of Syracuse Carolin Callenius, Brot für die Welt Christine Campeau, EAA Marcos Arana Cedeño, WABA Maarten Immink, Consultant Kathy McNeely, US Alliance for Food Sovereignty Stineke Oenema, ICCO Antonio Onorati, Crocevia Biraj Patnaik, Indian Right to Food Campaign Pablo de la Vega, PIDHDD Saúl Vicente, IITC Martin Wolpold-Bosien, FIAN International Project Coordination: Léa Winter, FIAN International winter@fian.org Copy editors: Elisabeth Black, Alison Graham, Alana Mann, Léa Winter Translation: Pamela Stewart Proofreading: Elisabeth Black Design: KontextKommunikation, Germany, Heidelberg/Berlin www.kontext-kom.de Publishing: Wilma Strothenke, FIAN International Print: LokayDRUCK, Germany, on FSC-certified paper Financed by: Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) www.brot-fuer-die-welt.de European Commission (EC) ec.europa.eu FIAN International www.fian.org ICCO Cooperation www.icco-cooperation.org International Food Security Network (IFSN)— IFSN is co-funded by EC www.ifsn.info Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) www.sdc.admin.ch This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the other publishers. Contents of this publication may be quoted or reproduced, provided that the source of information is acknowledged. The publishers would like to receive a copy of the document in which this report is used or quoted. All internet links provided in this publication were last accessed in August 2013. ISBN: 978-3-943202-16-8 More information on the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch website: www.rtfn-watch.org Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 3
  • 4. Table of contents Acronyms 6 Preface 8 Introduction 10 Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 12–59 01 Human Rights Accountability, Inclusive Governance in Food and Nutrition, and the Post-2015 Framework 13 Martin Wolpold-Bosien 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development 16 02a A Strategic Focus Short of Strategic Players Kathy McNeely Box African Peasants Have Their Own Ideas on How to Meet the Growing Demand for Food Nora McKeon 02b True Beneficiaries of AGRA’s “Soil Health Program” The African Centre for Biosafety 02c Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative The Claudio Schuftan and Ted Greiner 03 Resistance and Alternative Visions 25 03a Perspectives of Social Movements Nadine García and Angel Strapazzón 03b Agroecology—An Alternative Way to Ensure Food Security Christine Campeau 03c Urban-Rural Network URGENCI: Generating New Forms of Exchange Between Citizens The Judith Hitchman 03d A Human Rights-Based Global Framework for Food Security and Nutrition Martin Wolpold-Bosien 04 Confronting Structural Violence, Changing Policy: Women’s Organizational Strategies for Overcoming Discrimination and Hunger Anne C. Bellows and Carsta Neuenroth 33 04a Work for Rural Women Workers—Essential for Ensuring their Right to Food Decent Sue Longley 04b Brazilian Women and the Food Acquisition Program Rural Emma Siliprandi 04c from the Field: Food Sovereignty Empowers Women Farmers Notes Interview with Fatimatou Hima 04d Challenge of Being a Pastoral Woman in Gujarat The Monika Agarwal 05 Seeds and Peasant Autonomy Guy Kastler, Antonio Onorati, and Bob Brac 47 05a Peasant Initiative in Senegal Lamine Biaye 05b European Advocacy for Peasants’ Seeds Bob Brac Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 4
  • 5. Table of contents 06 Securing Sustainable Livelihoods from Small-Scale Fisheries The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) Working Group on Fisheries 54 06a Western Sahara: Exploitation through Morocco-EU Fisheries Agreement Housing and Land Rights Network National and Regional Reports: Monitoring the Human Right to Food and Nutrition 07 AFRICA 60–91 61 07a Plantations and Land Grabbing in Niassa, Mozambique Tree Philip Seufert 07b Grabbing in Togo: The State must Assume its Responsibilities Land ANoRF-Togo 07c Investment in South Sudan: A Dangerous Game for the World’s Newest Country Land Emily Mattheisen 08 ASIA 68 08a National Food Security Bill: Hope or Hype? India’s Biraj Patnaik 08b than 50 Years of Food Aid in Nepal and the Food Crisis Continues More FIAN Nepal 08c Collective Action Strategy Towards the Development of a National Food Framework Law in the Philippines Aurea Miclat-Teves 09 LATIN AMERICA 76 09a Genetically Modified Organisms and Resistance in the Mayan Region of Mexico Marcos Arana Cedeño 09b Biotechnology Transnationals: The Primary Beneficiaries of the Democratic Breakdown in Paraguay Jorge González BOX Land Concentration in Paraguay: The Case of Marina Kue Nadine García 10 EUROPE AND THE USA 83 10a Defense of Human Rights and the Criminalization of Protest in the Spanish State The Laia Fargas Fursa 10b Concentration, Land Grabbing and People’s Struggles in Europe Land European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) and HOTL Alliance 10c Privatising the Right to Food: Poverty, Social Exclusion and Food Banks in Germany Ute Hausmann 10d Working Toward the Right to Food in the USA Molly D. Anderson Summary and Conclusion 92 List of main sources available at www.rtfn-watch.org 96 5 Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger
  • 6. ACRONYMS AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa CAP EU Common Agricultural Policy CESCR Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CFS Committee on World Food Security CSO Civil Society Organization ESCR Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ETO Extraterritorial Obligation EU European Union FAO UN Food and Agriculture Organization GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition GDP Gross Domestic Product GHI Global Hunger Index GMO Genetically Modified Organism IAASTD International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ILO International Labour Organization IPR Intellectual Property Rights IMF International Monetary Fund MDG Millennium Development Goal NGO Non-Governmental Organization OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OHCHR UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights PBR Plant Breeders’ Rights PPP Public-Private Partnership RtAF Right to Adequate Food SCN UN Standing Committee on Nutrition SDN Social Determinants of Nutrition SUN Scaling Up Nutrition TNC Transnational Corporation UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights UPOV International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants UN United Nations WFP World Food Programme WHA World Health Assembly WHO UN World Health Organization WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WTO World Trade Organization Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 6
  • 7. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 7
  • 8. Preface “All human beings, without discrimination, are entitled to enjoy the full realization of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. This right guarantees people’s informed participation in the decision-making and elaboration of public policies assuring an economically, politically, socially and ecologically sustainable supply of adequate and nutritious food within the frameworks of food and of people’s sovereignty; […]”1 This quote appears in the “Call for Joint Action” of the newly launched Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition, which brings together human rights activists from social movements, NGOs and academia. By joining forces, the members of the Global Network will be fighting together for the realization of one of the most violated human rights. The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch is closely linked to the new Global Network, with the majority of Watch Consortium members participating in both endeavors. This synergy ensures that the Watch is the most prominent monitoring tool of the Global Network. The Global Network is an initiative of civil society organizations and international social movements, including peasants, fisherfolk, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, and food and agricultural workers. It was publicly launched on the 24th of June 2013 in Austria, as part of the Vienna+20 Action Week, commemorating the 20th anni­ versary of the 1993 UN World Conference on Human Rights. On this occasion, founding members of the Global Network from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas explained the need for and potential of the new initiative, its nature, priorities and what value it would add—based on their experiences in local, national and inter­ national struggles to fight violations of the right to food and nutrition.2 Civil society organizations and social movements are invited to join the Global Network if they fully endorse the principles outlined in the Charter.3 To date, 21 organizations and networks have confirmed their membership.4 The Global Network is intended to be a space for dialogue and a place for mobilization; common ground where members can strengthen their efforts to hold states accountable for their obligation to realize the right to adequate food and nutrition. The Global Network supports the struggles of members of social movements and groups who, as a result of challenging violations of these rights, may suffer repression, violence and criminalization. Additionally, the Global Network will work towards ending the impunity of state-condoned human rights violations and those carried out by non-state actors. At its Vienna launch, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, declared that the “Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition is vital to move beyond the existing achievements, and in the course of doing so, to build capacity and expertise to have the right to food become transformational and effective in the international agenda. The convergence of the Network sends a very strong message that is empowering for all the institutional actors that seek to improve accountability and democracy in the food systems. Courts, parliamentarians and national human rights institutions will not move unless you move first. They will only make progress if they feel that they benefit from this support. I do not know whether you need them, but I certainly know that they need you as a source of inspiration, of knowledge and support.”5 Members share the Special Rapporteur’s enthusiasm about how the Global Network can contribute to their independent and joint efforts. Christine Campeau of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance stated that the Global Network will help to Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 1 Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition, A Call for Joint Action, June 2013. www.fian.org/fileadmin/media/publications/ GNRtFN_-_Formatted_Network_Call_to_ Action.pdf. 2 See pictures and videos of the launch event at: www.fian.org/en/what-we-do/issues/ monitoringaccountability/global-network-forthe-right-to-food-and-nutrition. 3 Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition, Charter, June 2013. www.fian.org/ fileadmin/media/publications/GNRtFN_-_ Formatted_Charter.pdf. 4 The 21 founding members of the Network are: World Organization against Torture (OMCT); World Forum of Fish Workers and Fish Harvesters (WFF); World Forum of Fisher People (WFFP); World Alliance of Mobile and Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP); Terra Nuova; Right to Food Campaign India; Peoples’ Health Movement (PHM); Observatori DESC; ICCO; Habitat International Coalition (HIC); InterAmerican Platform for Human Rights, Democracy and Development (PIDHDD); International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN); International Indian Treaty Council (IITC); International Union of Food Workers (IUF); FIAN International; Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA); Dan Church Aid (DCA); Centro Internazionale Crocevia; CIDSE international alliance of Catholic development agencies; Brot für die Welt; African Network on the Right to Food (ANoRF-RAPDA). 5 Op. cit. at 2. 8
  • 9. Preface strengthen the capacities of all Alliance members, increasing the effectiveness of their struggles and helping to raise awareness of the right to food and nutrition worldwide. Biraj Patnaik of India’s Right to Food Campaign said that it creates a new space that shall be occupied mainly by those whose rights have been denied. Speakers from the social movements, including Mani Jorge Stanley of the Inter­national Indian Treaty Council and Svetlana Boincean of the International Union of Food workers, stressed their expectations that the Global Network will strengthen peoples’ struggles on the ground through joint international action and shared global strategies. In all respects the Global Network and the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch share a common goal, but the theme of this year’s Watch—Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger—is especially relevant. This theme is aligned seamlessly with the aim of the Global Network to mobilize positive power to generate policies that fight hunger while simultaneously denouncing policies that generate hunger. Therefore, the publication of the Watch 2013 is a timely and apt celebration of the birth of the Global Network. The Watch Consortium would like to thank all who contributed to this issue. We deeply appreciate the insights of the authors who made this publication a success. A special thanks goes to the Watch coordinator, Léa Winter, for her intense and excellent work, and to the editorial board composed of Anne C. Bellows, Stineke Oenema, Kathy McNeely, Christine Campeau, Carolin Callenius, Saúl Vicente, Antonio Onorati, Marcos Arana Cedeño, Maarten Immink, Biraj Patnaik, Pablo de la Vega and Martin Wolpold-Bosien. We would also like to highlight the support of Elisabeth Black, Alison Graham and Alana Mann, who served as copy editors, and the great work of the translators. We are likewise grateful to the other members of the Watch Consortium for their valuable contributions to the design and content of the publi­ cation. Yours sincerely, Carolin Callenius, Brot für die Welt Stineke Oenema, ICCO Flavio Valente, FIAN International Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 9
  • 10. Introduction Several schemes related to food, agriculture and nutrition, lead by the most powerful countries in the world in close cooperation with corporations, have gained un­ precedented influence in recent years. As international solidarity between states as well as UN resources have significantly decreased since the financial crisis in 2008, the new precept in international affairs appears to be that no major development project can be carried out without the active participation of major corporations and their front foundations/agencies, often in the form of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). There is an urgent need to question this trend as it should be clear to everyone that the interests of corporations do not always align with public interests. Civil society groups and social movements worldwide offer sustainable alternatives founded on the participation of all people concerned and adapted to fit their needs. These self-organized actors are mobilizing against the plundering of their resources, land and livelihoods with the aim of having their rights recognized and enforced by responsible authorities. As in previous editions, this Watch is divided into two sections. The first comprises of six articles, each addressing major thematic concerns related to policies that generate hunger. The latter section, with articles divided according to region, assesses developments in twelve countries with respect to the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition. Article 1 revisits and provides updates on the issues presented in previous editions of the Watch. This discussion focuses specifically on developments related to the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) debate and the importance of framing any future global objectives within a human rights framework with a strong accountability focus. Article 2 tackles pressing concerns related to the conflict of interest posed by the increasing trend toward Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in agricultural development, specifically the G8 New Alliance, Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Article 3 focuses on experiences and perspectives of social movements in building resistance and alternatives to harmful trends in food and agriculture policies. The concept of ‘agroecology’ as an approach to sustainable production is highlighted in addition to the mobilization of certain urban civil society organizations in support of ‘community supported agriculture’ and local food sovereignty. The recently adopted Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is also presented. Article 4 addresses gender issues related to the realization of the right to food in various regional and cultural contexts. These concerns are demonstrated through cases in which women face obstacles in achieving equality and independence in agriculture and other food-related employment. Article 5 provides insight into the crucial role seeds and farmers’ seed rights play in achieving sustainable food and agricultural systems around the globe, and the extent to which monocultures and widespread genetic modification threaten ecological diversity and the future of farming. The final article of the first section, Article 6, highlights the importance of small-scale fisheries in the world food system. It explores the challenges this sector faces and also presents measures taken to promote the interests of this marginalized group. In addition, a brief introduction to the case of fishing resource spoilation in Western Sahara is provided. The introductory article of the second section, Article 7, focuses on three African countries: Togo, where a civil society coalition was formed to present an Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 10
  • 11. Introduction alternative report to the UN on the state of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) in the country; Mozambique, where peasant communities are confronted with large-scale land grabbing by corporations; and South Sudan, the world’s newest country and newest destination for foreign investors. Although the individual contexts and cases vary, a disturbing trend is identifiable—traditional methods of African agriculture and the livelihoods of local peasants are increasingly threatened by corporate expansion across the continent. Article 8 brings us to Asia. A detailed analysis of the recent debates on the Indian National Food Security Bill and its shortcomings is followed by reports on Nepal and the Philippines, where struggles for the realization of the right to food and nutrition are ongoing. Nepal has become dependent on foreign food aid as a consequence of UN mandated programs which fail to address the underlying structural causes of hunger and contribute little to local food sovereignty. Civil society organizations in the Philippines, on the other hand, have organized in favor of the realization of the right to adequate food through the mobilization of the National Food Coalition with some positive results. The Latin American section, contained in Article 9, highlights an agribusiness offensive driven by corporations, including Monsanto, in the form of the imposition of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops pose grave risks to cultural and biological diversity in the region as well as to the health and livelihoods of peasants entrapped within a system of dependency. In the Mayan region of Mexico, civil society groups, in particular women and indigenous groups, have applied for constitutional protection to halt GM Soya bean plantations. In Paraguay, the coup leading to the ousting of President Lugo was followed by the large-scale introduction of GM crops coupled with a marked reduction in social policies. Some studies have suggested a link between this sudden policy reversal and corporate interests. Article 10 tackles a broad range of issues surrounding the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition in countries in the Global North including the United States of America and Europe. This area tends to be overlooked in analyses of hunger and malnutrition in favor of the developing regions of the world. However, issues such as land grabbing and food insecurity are just as pressing in the US and Europe. In Spain, the economic crisis has reached dramatic levels, leading many of those deprived of their homes and crippled by debts to commit suicide. This article also denounces the increased criminalization of civil society groups defending the victims’ interests. In the US, the lack of accessibility to and availability of adequate food in urban areas is problematic for many low income families. This section illustrates the measures civil society movements are undertaking in order to alleviate this problem, while the government still refuses to recognize the right to food as a justiciable right. In Germany, the increasing use of privately run food banks demonstrates the government’s inability or unwillingness to secure the right to food of its population. Furthermore, this article introduces the findings of a study conducted by the European Coordination Via Campesina and the Hands off the Land Network regarding the increasing threat of land concentration and land grabbing across Europe. The members of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium hope that all of the initiatives presented in this 2013 edition of the Watch will enrich our readers’ understandings of these complex issues and foster many similar initiatives of resistance to challenge the current balance of power. Inspired by our shared experiences, exchanges of ideas and strategies, we will build together sustainable alternatives for an improved system where all people will enjoy all human rights— including the right to adequate food and nutrition. The Watch 2013 editorial board Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 11
  • 12. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 12
  • 13. 01 Human Rights Accountability, Inclusive Governance in Food and Nutrition, and the Post-2015 Framework Martin Wolpold-Bosien1 Between 2013 and 2014, a worldwide discussion process will take place to define the post-2015 development framework. This article aims to contribute to the critical analysis of this process based on key findings of the previous editions of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch. The consultations on the post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework began in 2012 and have covered a large number of countries and constituencies, along with a specific thematic consultation process on hunger, food and nutrition, which concluded with a synthesis report in Madrid in April of 2013.2 Within this process, social movements and civil society organizations (CSOs) have expressed their positions regarding the process and content of the consultation on the postMDG framework on food and nutrition. They have particularly stressed three aspects:3 First, the need for serious reflection on positive and negative effects of the MDGs, especially in food and nutrition, its achievements and limitations, and on possible steps forward. One of the major shortcomings of the MDGs is the lack of accountability, particularly in the area of human rights. Second, CSOs recommended that the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) serve as the forum for this reflection, as its standards of inclusive governance allow for meaningful participation by civil society and social movements, and particularly the constituencies most affected by hunger and malnutrition. Third, CSOs highlighted that discussions at the CFS have contributed to a participatory and transparent process. Over a period of more than two years, the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) has become the primary reference for global governance on food security and nutrition, which aims at ensuring human rights-based accountability and coherence among all actors.4 Since September 2012, diverse contributions have been made by CSOs on the overall post-MDG process and on the topic of hunger, food and nutrition.5 This article aims to make a specific contribution based on two key perspectives that have been developed throughout the five editions of the Watch, namely the perspective of human rights and inclusive governance. Human rights perspective and inclusive governance As identified in the 2012 Watch, there are three key human rights challenges when debating the post-MDG agenda, especially in relation to the post-MDG 1 agenda: Primacy of human rights: Although the inclusion of human rights terminology and references has increased significantly in international frameworks dealing with food security and nutrition, it is still not fully understood and accepted that human rights are the primary responsibility of states and have primacy over any other Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 1 Martin Wolpold-Bosien is the Coordinator of the Right to Adequate Food Accountability Program at the FIAN International Secretariat. 2 High Level Consultation on Hunger, Food Security and Nutrition, held on the 4th of April 2013, Synthesis report of Joint Chairs and Co-Leads of the Post-2015 Global Thematic Consultation on Hunger, Food, and Nutrition, April 2013. For further information on the thematic consultation process, visit: www.worldwewant2015.org/food2015. 3 “Informal Thematic Consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Post-2015 with CFS Actors.” International Planning Committee on Food Sovereignty (IPC), Feb. 2013. www.fao.org/fsnforum/post2015/sites/ post2015/files/files/IPC%20declarat%20 post2015%2B%2011feb%20%28ES%20 EN%29.pdf. 4 See FAO Factsheet (in process of approval) on the Right to Adequate Food in the GSF, authored by Natalia Landívar and Martin Wolpold-Bosien, forthcoming. 5 “Strengthening the Human Rights Movement Globally.” Vienna +20 Action Week. Vienna +20. www.viennaplus20.org. You will find the Vienna+20 CSO Declaration, adopted in Vienna on June 26th, 2013 at: http://viennaplus20.files.wordpress. com/2013/07/vienna-20-cso-declarationfinal-post2.pdf. 13
  • 14. policy area as stated in Article 1 of the Vienna Declaration adopted by consensus at the UN World Conference on Human Rights in 1993. From this perspective, it was an important achievement that the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition, approved in October 2012 by the CFS, ended up having a strong focus on human rights. Qualifying the concept of policy coherence: This concept must be understood in terms of “human rights coherence”. This qualification is needed to avoid any confusion resulting from conflicting policy objectives. Policy coherence is not a means to an end in itself, but must be human rights-based, which essentially means that all policies with negative impact on human rights must be revised or stopped and made consistent with human rights requirements.6 Human rights-based monitoring and accountability:7 These terms have gained increasing acceptance among most actors in the food security and nutrition field, and were recognized in the first version of the GSF. Although we know that states, intergovernmental institutions and private actors are hesitant to accept monitoring mechanisms that assume legal accountability for human rights impacts, we also know that without such accountability, no substantial change in national and inter­ national policies can be expected. Regarding inclusive governance,8 progress made in the area of global food and nutrition governance could be taken as a model for comprehensive governance reform within the United Nations (UN), which would allow for a stronger relationship between the UN system and civil society. Small-scale food producers’ movements, including peasants’ organizations, landless, food and agricultural workers, fisherfolks, pastoralists, indigenous peoples, women and youth, together with many public interest CSOs, have worked hard for several years to achieve reform of the system of global governance in food security and nutrition. Their dedication is to ensure adequate and meaningful participation of their respective sectors in the development and definition of global policies that affect communities and nations. Since the World Food Summit in 1996, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) has facilitated and strengthened the political space for social movements in relation to the Rome based UN agencies on food and agriculture. Since then, food sovereignty has become the most prominent alternative paradigm to the dominant agricultural and economic model, including a strong link to human rights and the fundamental change towards inclusive governance.9 CSOs appreciated the 2009 reform of the Committee on World Food Security, which is now the broadest and most inclusive worldwide platform that brings together all the relevant actors, and has opened a space for reasonable participation of social movements and other civil society groups. Since then, CSOs have collaborated with many efforts on the development and negotiation of key policy instruments which were subsequently approved by the CFS.10 What can be expected in the post-2015 era? Human rights (HR) and inclusive governance must remain central elements of any substantial post-2015 agenda. The recognition of HR primacy and its practical implementation, together with the principles of accountability and coherence, must be seen as indispensable and non-negotiable cornerstones, as they are key concepts in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Without their full and operational Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 6 See specifically the coherence debate in the 2010 Right to Food and Nutrition Watch, which places special attention on land grabbing and nutrition. 7 The 2011 edition of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch puts special attention to human rights accountability and coherence. 8 The 2008 and 2009 editions of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch called strongly for substantial progress towards inclusive governance for the global food and nutrition systems. 9 “Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems.” “Declaration of the Forum for Food Sovereignty, Nyéléni 2007.” Nyéléní. Feb. 2007. www.nyeleni.org/spip. php?article290. 10 “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure.” Natural Resources and Environment: About the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure. FAO, May 2012. www.fao.org/nr/tenure/voluntary-guidelines/en/; “The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition.” FAO: Global Strategic Framework, Oct. 2012. www.fao.org/cfs/cfs-home/global-strategicframework/en/. 14
  • 15. 01 Human Rights Accountability, Inclusive Governance in Food and Nutrition, and the Post-2015 Framework inclusion, any post 2015 agenda will repeat the fundamental shortcomings of the MDGs. Inclusive governance is the logical consequence of a human rights approach: it is the rights holders who must be heard, whose voices, critiques, proposals, expertise are the most important for policy debates and decisions. The new governance model established at the CFS can serve as an example of how the governance model of the United Nations system, including the human rights system, should be reformed. If such categorical changes are accepted for the whole upcoming agenda, the objective and main implications for post 2015 food and nutrition policy must consequently be formulated from a human rights perspective. Such an objective can and should be based on the following elements of the Charter of the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition: Its main objective could be: The full realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition. All human beings, without discrimination, are entitled to enjoy the full realization of the human right to adequate food and nutrition. This right guarantees people’s informed participation in the decision making and elaboration of public policies assuring an economically, politically, socially, and ecologically sustainable supply of adequate and nutritious food within the frameworks of food and of people’s sovereignty; it also guarantees the enjoyment of regular access to food for all while respecting both cultural traditions and the principle of non-discrimination.11 The main implication of this will thus be: Ending impunity of human rights violations through enforcing compliance of obligations, accountability and coherence, ensuring that states, as duty bearers, are held accountable for their general and specific obligations under international human rights law, including the Maastricht Principles on extraterritorial obligations. As a general obligation, states must abide by the principles of non-discrimination, equality, non-retrogression, transparency, participation, accountability and rule of law. Specific obligations call on states to respect, protect, and fulfill (facilitate, promote and provide), in this case, the right to adequate food and nutrition. This implies that governments must make all of their policies, such as agricultural, food, trade, economic, environment, social, energy and others, coherent with the realization of human rights.12 11 Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition, Charter, June 2013, Para. 1. www.fian.org/fileadmin/media/publications/ GNRtFN_-_Formatted_Charter.pdf. 12 Ibid., Para. 2. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 15
  • 16. 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development Millions of dollars are currently being invested in neglected agricultural development schemes with a strategic focus on Africa—but the majority of African small-scale producers wonder if any of it is really about them. Frameworks and reports outlined by the world’s top food and agricultural development organizations and researchers, including the Food and Agricultural Organization’s State of Food and Agriculture,1 the Global Strategic Framework adopted by the Committee on World Food Security in 2012,2 and the International Agricultural Assessment of Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD),3 all highlight small-producer-driven models as the best strategy for agricultural development. Programs focused on improving smallproducer capacity offer both economic and ecological sustainability and the greatest capability for increasing agricultural productivity, addressing hunger and lifting small-scale producers out of poverty. However, a recent trend of global agricultural investor-driven programs, which not only lack transparency but also democratic participation, threaten to generate more hunger and deepen poverty for the strategic populations they purport to help. 02a A Strategic Focus Short of Strategic Players Kathy McNeely4 The following article describes the investment initiatives formulated by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) launched in 2006, the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (New Alliance) launched in 2012 and Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) launched in 2009, and evaluates their capacity to respond to the pressing needs faced by small-scale producers. In addition, it explores the reactions from small-scale producer groups and outlines some ways forward for agricultural development investments that truly promote the right to food and food sovereignty. The G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (New Alliance) 1 The L’Aquila pledge to mobilize $22 billion in donor funding to support national agricultural plans in developing countries was the G8’s initial response to the global food crisis and the New Alliance, spearheaded by the United States and launched at the G8 Summit at Camp David in 2012, is the second phase of that response,5 involving an influx of private sector investments in African agriculture over a 10 year period. Currently the New Alliance has over 80 letters of intent from companies Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 “Investing in Agriculture for a Better Future.” FAO: The State of Food and Agriculture 2012. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. www.fao.org/ publications/sofa/en/. 2 “The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition.” FAO: Global Strategic Framework. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. www.fao.org/cfs/ cfs-home/global-strategic-framework/en. 16
  • 17. 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development 3 totalling $5 billion of investment in six African pilot countries: Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Mozambique.6 In Africa, G8 programs and funds were supposed to be aligned with the country agriculture plans developed through the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). However, while the “national plans are extensive documents covering a wide range of issues, the frameworks concentrate on only a small number of measures almost exclusively aimed at increasing corporate investment in agricultural lands and input markets.”7 According to GRAIN, “[t]he [Cooperation] Frameworks involve a set of approximately 15 different policy measures that each African government commits to implement with clearly defined deadlines. But few of these policy commitments are found in the CAADP plans that these countries developed through national consultations.”8 Because it lacks transparency and has the potential to harm small-scale producers in Africa, several civil society groups have joined forces to register their opposition to the New Alliance, including the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) working group on land,9 a declaration by the African Centre for Biosafety,10 one drafted by CONCORD (the European NGO confederation for relief and development)11 and one drafted by the working group Food and Agriculture of the forum on Environment Development.12 The latter urged the German government to withdraw from the New Alliance because of the “risk that strategies for combating poverty and hunger are oriented towards the political interests of corporations.” They go on to claim that “[g]overnments help them by mitigating investment risks, by providing investment-related information and a positive investment climate in agricultural input markets (seeds, fertilizer, pesticides) and the land sector.” As a result, the “concentration of power in the seed market, loss of agro-biodiversity, marginalization of rural communities and especially women, concentration of land, land grabbing and the substantial conflict of aims between the claim of combating hunger and the original business interests of corporations are systematically disregarded by the G8 New Alliance.”13 BOX 1 African Peasants Have Their Own Ideas on How to Meet the Growing Demand for Food Nora McKeon14 Africa is a particularly appetizing target for corporate capital investments and financial speculation, and for good reason. As the World Bank announced in a new report, Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness: “Africa represents the ‘last frontier’ in global food and agricultural markets. It has more than half of the world’s uncultivated but agriculturally suitable land and has scarcely utilized its extensive water resources. As Africa’s population, incomes, and cities grow and spur the development of domestic markets, the prospects for agriculture and agribusiness will be better than ever.”15 Initiatives like the New Alliance and AGRA (see below) seek to pry open this major agri-food market on the world scene which has not yet been brought under the control of multinationals, thanks in good part to the resistance of the millions of small-scale family farmers who produce up to 80% of the food consumed in the continent. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger IAASTD was initiated by the World Bank in open partnership with a multi-stakeholder group of UN organizations, representatives of governments, civil society, private sector and scientific institutions from around the world. The team of experts doing the research and reporting included more than 400 international experts from various disciplines. In April 2008, in the midst of economic and food crisis, IAASTD issued its report concluding that “the way the world grows its food will have to change radically to better serve the poor and hungry if the world is to cope with a growing population and climate change while avoiding social breakdown and environmental collapse.” See: “International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development.” United Nations Environment Programme. Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA). www.unep.org/dewa/Assessments/Ecosystems/ IAASTD/tabid/105853/Default.aspx/docs/ Global_Press_Release_final.doc. 4 Kathy McNeely is a program and policy coordinator at the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns and a representative of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance. 5 “The G8 and Land Grabs in Africa.” GRAIN, 11 March 2013. www.grain.org/article/ entries/4663-the-g8-and-land-grabs-in-africa. 6 “New Fund to Spur Investment in African Agriculture Infrastructure.” USAID, 9 May 2013. www.feedthefuture.gov/article/ new-fund-spur-investment-africanagriculture-infrastructure. 7 Ibid., see annex. 8 Op. cit. at 5. 9 IPC Working Group on Land, “G8 should implement the CFS Tenure Guidelines rather than launch a new initiative aimed at increased transparency in land transactions,” International Statement, 15 May 2013. www.fian.org/fileadmin/media/publications/ Statement_G8_Land_Transparency_ Initiative_Final_EN.pdf. 10 “Modernising African Agriculture: Who Benefits?” Statement by Civil Society in Africa www.acbio.org.za/activist/index. php?m=uf=dsppetitionID=3. 11 CONCORD statement on G8 and New Alliance, 23 May 2013. www.concordeurope.org/248-statement-on-g8-andnew-alliances-for-food-and-nutritionsecurity?highlight=WyJnOCJd. 12 “Structural Adjustment 2.0: G8 Initiative ‘New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa’ Paves the Way for Radical Opening of Markets for International Seed and Agrarian Corporations in African Countries.” Working Group Food and Agriculture of the Forum on Environment Development, January 2013. www.forumue. de/fileadmin/userupload/AG_Landwirtschaft_ Ernaehrung/Message_G8-Initiative_New_Alliance_16012013_Englisch.pdf. 13 Ibid. 14 Nora McKeon is the Coordinator of the Europe Africa programme at Terra Nuova, a member organization of the Watch Consortium and a lecturer at Rome 3 University. 15 “Growing Africa: Unlocking the Potential of Agribusiness”. World Bank, 2013, p. 2. http:// siteresources.worldbank.org/INTAFRICA/Resources/africa-agribusiness-report-2013.pdf. 17
  • 18. African small-scale producers are calling on their governments to defend their interests rather than those of corporations. A letter addressed to the President of the African Union on the event of the G8 Summit in 2012, drafted by peasant leader, Mamadou Cissokho, and signed by numerous African civil society organizations, stated the issue in no uncertain terms: “There is an African consensus regarding the need to increase investments in agriculture but a lack of clarity concerning the destination of these investments: which products, which markets, for whose benefit? […] African policies should accord the major advantages to the principle investors in agriculture, those who take the risks within the family enterprises, that is the peasants, and not to urban or foreign sources of capital […] The G8 and the G20 can in no way be considered the appropriate forum for decisions of this nature.”16 Across the continent small-scale producer organizations and local communities are mobilizing against the land grabs that often accompany large-scale investments in agriculture, in which national governments and capital usually act in complicity with foreign investors. The Stop Land-Grabbing Now! Conference, hosted by the Malian peasant movement in November 2011, gave peasants, pastoralists and indigenous peoples from around the world a chance to share their experiences and their struggles. The final declaration made it clear that land grabbing is only the most visible and odious aspect of a broader project.17 Five months later, the African Civil Society Consultation, held in Brazzaville in parallel to the FAO Regional Conference for Africa, denounced the tendency of governments to “look to external resources to fund African agriculture” and stated that “[African] agriculture can only develop if it receives adequate national resources as a priority. Resources are targeted towards industrial agriculture adopting the Public/Private Partnerships (PPP) approach, which is not an appropriate instrument for supporting the family farms that are the foundation of African food security and sovereignty”. The consultation called for the following measures regarding agri­ cultural investments: •• “The existence of agricultural policies formulated with a participatory approach should be the pre-condition for the formulation of national investment plans. •• States should be accountable for ensuring that agricultural investments are useful and relevant, and that they are coherent with the visions of the agricultural policies. •• Agricultural investments should be directed towards family farms, and particularly towards women and young people and other marginalized groups.”18 Global, continental and regional advocacy are important, but the key is the national level, where policies and legislative frameworks are put into place and enforced … or ignored. In countries throughout the continent small-scale producer organizations are advocating for national agricultural policies, investment programs and land tenure laws that defend the rights and livelihoods of rural producers and communities. In Tanzania, MVIWATA (National Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania) is mobilizing its membership against national agricultural policies that see no future for small-scale farmers outside of private sector-led, export-oriented, out-grower schemes like the SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania) supported by Grow Africa and the New Alliance. The Constitutional Review, now in progress, is an opportunity to get the national rules right, as was urged at a national workshop organized by MVIWATA: “There is fear that Tanzania would enter into Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 16 “Food security: A letter to the President of the African Union.” Presented 15 May 2012 by Mamadou Cissokho (on behalf of 15 African civil society networks and coalitions). www.europafrica.info/en/news/ foos-security-a-letter-to-the-president-of-theafrican-union. 17 “The fight against land-grabbing is a fight against capitalism, neoliberalism and a destructive economic model […]. Land grabbing threatens small-scale, family based farming, nature, the environment and food sovereignty. Land grabbing displaces and dislocates communities, destroys local economies and the social-cultural fabric, and jeopardizes the identities of communities, be they farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, workers, dalits or indigenous peoples.” La Via Campesina, Stop Land-Grabbing Now!, Conference Declaration, Nyeleni, Nov. 2011. http://viacampesina.org/en/index. php/main-issues-mainmenu-27/agrarianreform-mainmenu-36/1127-stop-landgrabbing-now. 18 “Regional Civil Society Consultation for Africa—The Final Declaration.” Brazzaville, 22 April 2012. www.europafrica.info/en/cfs/ regional-civil-society-consultation-for-africathe-final-declaration-ety-organizations. 18
  • 19. 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development land conflicts if the current trend of land allocation to foreigners is not reviewed. […] There is fear that if the situation is left unchecked, there will be a repeat of feudalism with the farmers turning into serfs and serve for cheap labour on the acquired huge land. Hence there is dire need for African governments, when it comes to land acquisition, to give first priority to its citizens.”19 African small-scale producer organizations go far beyond the denunciation of abuses to state clearly their own proposals and strategies. The recently-published synthesis report of research on models of food production, consumption, and markets conducted by three regional producer networks—EAFF, PROPAC and ROPPA— documents the well-known, but conveniently ignored, fact that most of the food consumed in Africa is produced by family farms and reaches those that consume it without getting anywhere near the kind of “value chain” that the New Alliance is promoting. The summary of the synthesis report states the case in these terms: “Family farming is the basis for modern food provision in Africa, today and tomorrow. Its multi-functionality and sustainable productive potential is supported by extensive research evidence. Family farming and small-scale food production generates food and well-being for the majority of the population and the wealth of the region, and conserves its natural resources. It can ensure employment for young people within their territories, thus promoting social peace and attenuating migration. Innovative family farming, backed by appropriate research, supportive investments and adequate protection, can out-perform industrial commodity production. It provides the basis for the food sovereignty of communities, countries and sub-regions of Africa.”20 The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Launched in 2006 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in cooperation with multinational seed and biotechnology companies, AGRA was first initiative to promote African agricultural development through private investment. The majority of its funding comes from the Gates and Rockefeller foundations, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), International Development Research Center (IDRC), UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government of Kenya. Its focus is to promote soil health and productivity through synthetic fertilizers, to build efficient agricultural markets through the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA), and to lobby national governments to implement responsible policies. AGRA will be taking the lead in the G8 Alliance’s next phase of their shared commitment through the Scaling Seeds and Other Technologies Partnership, which focuses on increasing agricultural food production through strengthening Africa’s seed sector. Gathuru Mburu21 argues that these interventions are happening without consultation with the end beneficiaries (farmers) and despite warning by experts that the Green Revolution in Asia resulted in “a complete failure for the farmers but a huge profit for the industry.”22 AGRA has failed to consider that the world has changed substantially since the Asian Green Revolution. The world is faced with many other challenging situations including depletion of natural resources, a rapidly changing climate, globalization and a financial crisis that is adamantly persisting. While AGRA acknowledges some of those recorded failures, and therefore attempts to modify the Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 19 “Mtandao Wa Vikundi Vya Wakulima Tanzania.” MVIWATA. www.mviwata.org/?p_id=3. 20 EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, Family farmers for sustainable food systems. A synthesis of reports by African farmers’ regional networks on models of production, consumption and markets. A EuropAfrica report, June 2013. www.europafrica.info/en/publications. 21 Gathuru Mburu is the General Coordinator of the African Biodiversity Network. He has gained valuable experience in working with local communities, especially revitalizing indigenous knowledge and its application in solving current ecological problems. 22 Hira Jhamtani, The Green Revolution in Asia: Lessons for Africa, TWN, ISD, FAO, 2010. www.isd.org.et/Publications/Africa%20Books/ AfricaBook_CH02%28Hira%29web.pdf; Thompson, Carol B. “How Healthy for Africans is the Alliance for a Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA)?” www.seattleglobaljustice.org/wp-content/ uploads/how-healthy-for-africans-is-thealliance-for-a-green-revolution-for-africaagra1.pdf. See also: Africa Centre for Biosafety (ACB), Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA): Laying the groundwork for the commercialisation of African Agriculture, Johannesburg, Sept. 2012. www.acbio.org.za/index.php/ publications/seedfood-sovereignty/396alliance-for-a-green-revolution-in-africaagra-laying-the-groundwork-for-thecommercialisation-of-african-agriculture; and read AGRA’s annual reports at: www.agra.org. 19
  • 20. strategy in Africa to suit local circumstances, the manifestation on the ground shows that the end result might even be worse for Africa than it was for Asia.23 AGRA is pushing for hybrid seeds, biotechnology (including genetic modification), synthetic fertilizers, irrigation, credit provision and general commercialization of agricultural production in Africa, where most farmers are small-scale. This technological path to commercialization of African farming will lead to hefty profits for companies while further impoverishing African small-scale farmers. More seriously, the plant breeding program targeting indigenous crops is the newest form of bio-piracy that must be challenged to the end. Plant breeding by companies ends with patents, thereby taking away such bred plant materials from the public domain. When harmonization of agriculture-related laws happens across the continent, this will transform the continent into one huge “free trade area,” and lay the foundation for re-colonization of Africa, again, led by companies. 23 Op. cit. at 22 (a). 02b The True Beneficiaries of AGRA’s “Soil Health Program” African Centre for Biosafety1 According to AGRA, agricultural production throughout Sub-Saharan Africa is hampered by poor quality soils. It contends that food sovereignty in the region could be realized if a combination of local organic and imported mineral fertilizers are offered as part of a larger sustainable development initiative.2 In contrast, Gathuru Mburu, of the African Biodiversity Network Secretariat, is concerned that AGRA’s policies instead have severe negative consequences for local farmers including “hybrid imposter seeds, poor yields, loans, debts and chemical based agriculture.”3 Although AGRA’s mandate is to promote food security for a more prosperous Africa through the sustainable agricultural growth of small-scale farming operations,4 their methodology of incorporating inorganic fertilizer imports exacerbates reliance on foreign exports while financially backing exploitative industries. Currently, Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for less than 1% of the world’s total fertilizer consumption. AGRA attributes this low-consumption trend to small-scale farmers’ lack of both access to adequate financial means and the knowledge to efficiently combine mineral and organic fertilizers to produce greater and sustainable yields. Accordingly, AGRA’s “Soil Health Programme” (SHP) has adopted an Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) initiative, which seeks to involve 15 million small-scale farmers in the program by 2019. In order to achieve this milestone, AGRA plans to boost the annual consumption of mineral fertilizers in the countries it operates to approximately 1.5 million tons over the course of its operation. This amounts to a staggering 85% increase in inorganic fertilizer usage in Africa over the next six years. Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 1 The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) is a non-profit organization, based in Johannesburg South Africa. The ACB carries out research, analysis, advocacy and information sharing with key organizations in our network to foster and promote informed engagement with policies and decision-making that control production, distribution and access to food and resources. 2 The 2006 Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for an African Green Revolution, issued by prominent African officials, echoes these sentiments.: www.nepad.org/foodsecurity/ knowledge/doc/1815/abuja-declarationfertilizer-african-green-revolution. 20
  • 21. 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development The sheer scale of this task is reflected by the bewildering array of “implementation partners” AGRA lists in its SHP documents, including the African Development Bank, the International Fertilizer Development Centre among other various agricultural research centres. While AGRA initially promised $198 million in funding towards the SHP, it expects private sector contributors to pledge the majority of the $2–3 billion investment required for the successful implementation of the program.5 The global fertilizer industry is well represented in AGRA’s Soil Health Programme, presenting a concerning conflict of interest within the initiative. Specifically, AGRA has pledged $25 million to establish the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP), which has the stated goal to “at least double” total fertilizer use in the countries it will work in6 through establishing “Agribusiness Contract Partnerships” to facilitate market access for agribusiness firms. While welcoming a renewed interest in reviving African agriculture, beneath AGRA’s facade appears to be another highly prescriptive, top-down approach which will further marginalize Africa.7 The overt emphasis placed on mineral fertilizers, the majority of which will have to be imported, risks locking African farmers into the inconsistencies of international markets, and has the potential to plunge rural farmers into continual debt, dispossession and dependency. Furthermore, it ignores a myriad of agroecological conditions throughout the continent, and the need for a correspondingly diverse range of strategies and technologies to complement these. Millions of small-scale farmers in Africa do not have access to information about the various initiatives to improve agricultural production on the continent. Given the overwhelming resource imbalance in favor of ‘Green Revolution’ initiatives, small-scale farmers are not being offered a range of choices or opportunities to investigate different possibilities in practice. Information on the benefits of ‘Green Revolution’ technologies and techniques, and on the alleged necessity of shifting from agriculture as a way of life to agriculture as a business,8 far outweighs information on the possible downsides to the introduction of these technologies. Farmers ultimately need to make their own choices about what works best for them. But if the information they receive is biased, those with the most resources effectively make this choice for them. The African Centre for Biosafety is committed to supporting and strengthening the ability of small-scale farmers to make informed choices about the types of production they seek to engage in. In this regard, we are committed to building the knowledge base on seed and soil fertility in practice by enabling small-scale farmers and their organizations in the region to understand the options available as well as the limits and possibilities of these different options in their specific contexts. It is therefore imperative to consult farmers and their organizations regarding the limits and possibilities of various alternative agricultural techniques and technologies for small-scale production. We call upon AGRA to demonstrate its true commitment to African agri­ culture, and divert more of its resources to this end. There is no doubt that AGRA has the resources to do this; whether it has the political will is another matter entirely. An Interview with Gathuru Mburu from African Biodiversity Network Secretariat: www.africanbiodiversity.org/content/ interview_gathuru_mburu_african_ biodiversity_network_secretariat. 4 AGRA: Vision and Mission. www.agra.org/ who-we-are/about-the-alliance-for-a-greenrevolution-in-africa/. 5 AGRA, A Proposal for a Soil Health Programme of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, 2007. http://knowledgebase.terrafrica.org/terdocuments/ter-view-doc/?uid=44739. 6 Currently Ghana, Mozambique, and Tanzania. 7 Op. cit. at 3. 8 Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 3 The words of former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, quoted approvingly at the start of AGRA’s 2010 annual report— AGRA 2010 “AGRA 2010: Driving real change”. www.agra-alliance.org/ download/4fbdeebf96431. 21
  • 22. 02c The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative Claudio Schuftan and Ted Greiner1 The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative emerged from a World Bank initiative in 2009, and calls itself a global “movement” that unites governments, civil society, businesses and citizens in a worldwide effort to end under-nutrition. While SUN now says it promotes government-led initiatives, its fundamental approach is entrenched in the frequent donor-driven emphasis on market-led “product” and high-tech solutions to malnutrition, rather than on community-based solutions rooted in human rights and equity. It thus threatens to further bias development assistance by involving the private sector at all levels, e.g., by encouraging lowincome governments to enter into “partnerships” and to set up “platforms” with businesses (and their not-for profit front groups). In doing so, it leaves the issue of conflict of interest wide open. This approach conflicts with World Health Assembly resolutions which call for safeguards against conflicts of interest in policy development and implementation of nutrition programs, thus leaving policy and direction to those who have a duty to protect public health. While businesses can play a role in development, their fiduciary duty lies first with shareholders, not with public health. SUN’s promotion of partnerships with businesses thus provides corporations with unprecedented opportunities to influence national, regional and global policies.2 The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), discussed in the Watch 2012, is a member of SUN’s Lead Group. It claims to address malnutrition, but also strives to facilitate the opening up of markets for its 600 partner companies (among others, Danone, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Brittania).3 Together with its baby food company members, GAIN has been pushing for WHO/FAO global food standards to be weakened so as to allow marketing of a whole new range of fortified products for infants and young children. GAIN’s application for official NGO relations status with WHO was not approved by the WHO Executive Board in January of 2013, pending answers to questions about its relations with global corporations, and allegations about its lobbying against World Health Assembly resolutions on baby foods.4 The Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, has warned SUN that it must not dismiss explicitly aligning its initiatives with human rights, including the right to food, i.e., not “overlook the entitlements that have been established under international law for women, children, minorities, refugees and internally displaced persons, and other groups that may be subjected to marginalization and discrimination”.5 But there is more to be concerned about the SUN initiative: Serious conflicts of interest exist on SUN’s lead policy setting board; SUN has created the opportunity for commercial food companies to have an influential role in the UN system’s food and nutrition governance and policy decision-making; the SUN initiative does not explicitly acknowledge the structural causes of all forms of malnutrition; and SUN Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 1 Claudio Schuftan is one of the founding members of the People’s Health Movement (PHM). He is widely recognized for his work as a free lance health consultant and his numerous publications. Ted Greiner is currently a professor of nutrition in a Korean university and has decades of experience and a publication record in international nutrition. He is the Chair of the NGO/Civil Society Constituency of the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition. 2 SUN Movement status and claims at a Glance (March 2013): 34 countries; 32 focal points nominated; 30 countries with established multi-stakeholder platforms; 21 countries reported to have cost nutrition plans already endorsed or being finalized; 13 countries already reducing stunting at an annual rate of 2% and above; 50 million of stunted children under 5 reached by the program. 3 “Business Alliance Members.” GAIN. www.gainhealth.org/partnerships/businessalliance/members. 22
  • 23. 02 Private Sector Investments in Agricultural Development risks increasing low-income countries’ dependence on inappropriate import products and foreign expertise. A disproportionate percentage of SUN’s initial budget is allocated to curative interventions in part based on commercial ready-to-use therapeutic foods. Despite the involvement of civil society organisations, SUN is still a top-down UN-and businessled initiative; and it is a misnomer to call it a “movement” because the involvement of international public- and business-interest NGOs does not make it bottom-up. Participating food corporations can use SUN to whitewash their activities, giving them invaluable public relations benefits. For all of the above reasons, movements that are critical of the SUN approach have good reason to be reluctant to seek participation in the initiative. While the authors do support SUN’s call for multi-sectoral action on nutrition, and do recognize that many non-private organizations are working hard under the SUN umbrella to tackle malnutrition, they cannot support a strategy that allows commercial private entities (or their front bodies such as GAIN) to be on SUN’s lead group or on country platforms. Not surprisingly, SUN does not comment on the possible harmful impact of the marketing of member companies’ ultra-processed foods on local food cultures and their contribution to obesity and non-communicable diseases. Despite its insistence that it supports breastfeeding, we see no way in which SUN can prevent companies from using their public relations and their access to policy-making to damage the funding, support and protection of sustainable food cultures and optimal infant and young child feeding. It is only a matter of time before companies begin using the entry point SUN allows them to gain improper access to parents while pretending they are only interested in “promoting breastfeeding.” This is, of course, forbidden by the International Code and WHA resolutions. We believe that the risks of what is said here need to be independently researched, acknowledged and addressed. 4 The WHO’s Executive Board (EB) decided to: “[…] postpone consideration of the application for admission into official relations from The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition to the Executive Board’s 134th session, and requested that the following information be provided to the Board through its Standing Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations: information concerning the nature and extent of the Alliance’s links with the global food industry, and the position of the Alliance with regard to its support and advocacy of WHO’s nutrition policies, including infant feeding and marketing of complementary foods.” WHO’s Executive Board (EB), “Relations with Non-governmental Organizations.” 28 January 2013. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/ EB132/B132_R9-en.pdf; see also IBFAN, “GAIN—industry’s Trojan Horse fails to enter WHO’s policy setting process,” press release, 29 January 2013. http://babymilkaction.org/pressrelease/ pressrelease31jan13. 5 “Compilation Prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in Accordance with Paragraph 10 of Human Rights Council Resolution 16/22.” United Nations General Assembly, 26 Dec. 2011. www2.ohchr.org/ english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/19session/ A.HRC.19.50_English.pdf. Ways forward As Nora McKeon1 aptly points out, African peasants have their own ideas on how to meet the growing demand for food. Moving forward, they identify some key points about how to promote methods of agricultural development which fulfil their fundamental needs. First and foremost, investment in family farming and small-scale food production will improve food provision, social and environmental sustainability and safeguard livelihoods for the majority. Participatory research in support of, and determined by, family farmers and small-scale food producers is required to enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of food provision. Sustainable sources of credit, social protection measures, grain reserves, and livestock resources are needed to strengthen the resilience of family farming and local food systems. Guaranteeing rights of access to and control over productive resources—land, water, agricultural biodiversity—is also essential to support family farming and small-scale food production and resilient food systems. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 23
  • 24. To build a sustainable food system for the future, research and data collection need to prioritize the means by which the majority of people access food; thus, it is critically important to actively seek information on the informal and mostly “invisible” production, processing and trade within the food system. Most of the investment schemes described above have almost a single-minded focus on markets, with an approach that often usurps any control that family farmers have over the marketing of their products. Going forward it will be essential to strengthen and build agricultural and food markets which are within the control of family farmers and small-scale food producers, support of socially and environmentally sustainable production, and provide accessible quality food for consumers. In this regard, the public sector has an essential role to play by tailoring national investment frameworks, policies and programs to support the needs of family farmers. With effective and decisive engagement in policy processes and practical implementation, family farmers and small-scale food producers will become architects of their own futures and that of society at large. 1 Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 These key steps forward are proposed in the synthesis report by EAFF, PROPAC and ROPPA (2013). Cited by Nora McKeon in box 1. 24
  • 25. 03 Resistance and Alternative Visions This article focuses on the perspectives of social movements concerning resistance and alternative visions to the policies that generate hunger and poverty. It offers three examples of initiatives that illustrate alternative perspectives: agroecology, urban-rural community support networks for farming, and the process towards new human rights-based framework policies. 03a Perspectives of Social Movements Nadine García and Angel Strapazzón1 Poverty reduction and food security are almost unattainable goals for at least one billion people on the planet. High levels of hunger, inequality in income, land, water, seeds and other resources as well as ecological degradation are persistent and in­ creasingly intense global problems. Despite billions of dollars spent on “aid”, “develop­ ment” and “technological advances”, the situation has not improved. In fact, it is becoming worse. There is no doubt that the increased cost of energy, ecological degrada­ tion and the deterioration of the climate are key factors which undermine mankind’s ability to feed itself. It must be considered that the current agro-industrial model is highly dependent on fossil fuels. Its limits and vulnerabilities are largely due to its low diversity and narrow genetic base.2 These current agricultural, consumer and trade models have caused substantial damage to productive resources for the majority of farmers in poor countries. Further­ more, they have reduced the productive capacity by deteriorating resources like soil, water and air. Consequently, peasant farming has become much more vulnerable and dependant on external production supplies and techniques. On the other hand, land grabbing is causing the expulsion of millions of farmers and indigenous communi­ ties from their territory, leaving them culturally uprooted and unprotected in an industrial society in which they are invisible. Industrial production and consumption of food are increasingly contributing to global warming and the destruction of thousands of rural communities. Today, more than ever, we are called upon to reflect and to pay more attention to the discourse, wearily repeated over decades by political and economic powers, claiming that growth/development are good for reducing unemployment, guaranteeing pensions, reducing inequalities and protecting the environment. But what if growth is not the solution, but the problem? Is it not currently a factor contributing to the global crisis, a threat to the planet and an obstacle to welfare? What types of growth or development are we talking about, or are we informed about? What alternatives do we have? Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 1 Nadine García, Nicaragua, and Angel Strappazón, Argentina, work with the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations—La Vía Campesina (CLOC-LVC). 2 Altieri, M. V.M. Toledo. “The Agro-Ecological Revolution of Latin America: Rescuing Nature, Securing Food Sovereignty and Empowering Peasants.” The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 38, No. 3, July 2011, pp. 587–612. 25
  • 26. History shows that all major crises comprise aggregated, specific, localized crises where workers, men and women, and the masses in general have paid the price with enormous effort and sacrifices. Yet in the 20th century and particularly its last decades, not only were the exploited people aggressively pushed to deliver more rewards to the markets, but also nature was vigorously exploited as all our biodiversity was turned into merchandise with the objective of creating new consumer waves in the global market. Market forces will not stop or listen to the cries and complaints of humans. Their metabolism needs more and more goods as sustenance and will therefore seek out more common natural resources to meet their needs. Some 19th century philosophers have observed that the bourgeoisie not only needs to be established around the globe, but in order to survive, it also needs to constantly modernize the means of production. This results in the modification of production relations as well as, through consumption, in a decline in social relations, behavior, ethics and values. In the dynamic behavior of contemporary societies, capital is a force used in forming the consciousness of people, reducing it to a common belief using mass media, which in reality “pumps disinformation.”3 The media has managed to make what is perverse and destructive to nature or to local communities seem beneficial and justifi­ able to the public in a universal manner. Neo-liberalism elevated the superiority of the bourgeoisie, which increased its power of exploitation and domination, and effectively demobilized social forces. While the bourgeoisie manage the crisis of capital while maintaining their profits, the workers and popular masses wander amidst their own destruction, unable to find a place where they can reposition their forces in another manner and resume the offensive.4 The current offensive of capitalist forces trying to dominate nature’s resources from which they need to extract more raw materials, is not only their last stronghold to produce new goods, but also a means to attack human beings and the political being who is led to accept the principle of being represented and abandons any interest in meaningful political participation. Considering that it is the same capitalist interests and, in many cases, the same companies that plunder populations all over the world, disputes must be dealt with at an international level. Struggles for political, economic, ideological, cultural and food sovereignty, etc., cannot ignore the solidarity between people who live in rural communities and those in large cities. These people can be emancipated only by inter­ national unity. “We are here, the peasants and rural peoples of the world, and we refuse to disappear.”—Declaration of Maputo, La Via Campesina5 The Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC) and the Via Campesina learn daily of the importance of alliances and cooperation when confront­ ed with the same capitalist companies all over the world. These companies use the political and military forces of the host state for their own interests, to the detriment of human and social rights of the local people. The transformation of assets into goods is a goal that is at the core of capitalist expansion. Only a clearly articulated international struggle can bring this to a halt and preserve the planet and its bio­ diversity. In this joint struggle, the peasant organizations counter the concept of food security with that of food sovereignty. The notion of food sovereignty suggests that “[…] food is not a matter of the market; food is a matter of sovereignty”; thus the right Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 3 Ramonet, Ignacio, and De Imperial, Lluís Miralles. Irak: Historia De un Desastre. Madrid: Debate, 2005. p. 160. 4 Bogo, Ademar, “El otro mundo necesario”, El Libro abierto de la Vía Campesina: celebrando 20 años de luchas y esperanza, Mayo de 2013. http://viacampesina.org/downloads/pdf/ openbooks/ES-02.pdf. Several articles from La Vía Campensina’s Open Book are available in English at the following address: http://viacampesina.org/en/index.php/ component/content/article?id=1409. 5 “Declaration of Maputo: V International Conference of La Via Campesina.” La Via Campesina: International Peasant’s Movement, Maputo, Mozambique, 19–22 Oct. 2008. http://viacampesina.org/en/ index.php/our-conferences-mainmenu-28/ 5-maputo-2008-mainmenu-68/declarationsmainmenu-70. 26
  • 27. 03 Resistance and Alternative Visions to food and sovereignty in the production of foods is not negotiable.6 This transformative concept constitutes a breach in relation to the organization of agricultural markets imposed by the World Trade Organization (WTO). In April of 2010, at the People’s Conference on Climate Change in Cochabamba, it was agreed that food sovereignty refers to “the right of peoples to control their own seeds, lands, water, and food production, thereby guaranteeing, through forms of production that are in harmony with Mother Earth and appropriate to local cultural contexts, access to sufficient, varied and nutritious foods in complementarity with Mother Earth and deepening the autonomous (participatory, communal and shared) production of every nation and people.”7 In this proposal, new visions and concepts reflect the philosophy of the Sumak Kawsay, meaning “Good Life” or “Good Living,” a concept originating from the Andean ancestral inheritance as an alternative emanating from the people. This concept promotes more sustainable and less consumer-based relationships with nature, as a clear alternative choice in the face of the developmentalist model of “better living.”8 This is an approach that is in harmony with the principles of feminist economics, which also places the well-being of people at the center of the system and seeks a new vision of human sustainability through the recognition of the diversity of people and their integration.9 For the movement, opting for food sovereignty has influential consequences at various levels; it involves a radical change in current commercial production-oriented policies; moving from export-oriented industrial production to small peasant produc­ tion, thereby encouraging lifestyles consistent with sustainability, redistribution, justice and fairness. It is important today because it poses an alternative to a model that has genera­ ted serious problems in global food and agriculture. It serves as a proposal for a future based on principles such as the autonomy and self-determination of the peoples.10 Throughout the existence of the Via Campesina, women have been present and have actively participated on all topics and in all struggles, hand-in-hand, and in solidarity with the men, offering political analysis, experience and energy to the shared objective of creating a future that is more just, equal, peaceful, ecological and lifegiving.11 The proposal for food sovereignty is aligned with gender equality. It aims to reclaim the value of the social and historical role of peasant women in the creative process of food production. It is assumed that this will contribute to the recognition of their quality as subjects and citizens, and make amends in gender social relations, in relation to the invalidation of women’s participation based on the historic patriarchal division of labor.12 Beyond the constant struggle for the right to food, are the rights of men and women peasants who suffered devastating effects from the global crises. As small food producers, they have rights which are fundamental to their futures. The Via Campesina movement agrees and advocates the need for an International Convention on Peasant’s Rights—Women and Men, because it recognizes that international mechanisms and conventions are limited, especially for the protection of small farmers from the consequences of neo-liberal policies.13 A decade ago, the Via Campesina launched the campaign to create an international instrument that respects, protects, completes and promotes the rights of peasants, women and men. This includes the advancement of legally binding mechanisms at local and national levels to guarantee the implementation of rights. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 6 Inspired by Pamela Caro, “Soberanía alimentaria: aproximaciones a un debate sobre alternativas de desarrollo y derechos de las mujeres”, El Libro abierto de la Vía Campesina: celebrando 20 años de luchas y esperanza, Mayo de 2013. This text is available in English at the following address (see p. 5): www.awid.org/content/download/ 120099/1363617/file/FPTTEC_FoodSovgty_ ENG.pdf. In addition, several articles from La Via Campensina’s Open Book are available in English at the following address: http://viacampesina.org/en/index.php/ component/content/article?id=1409. 7 “Peoples Agreement: Final Declaration of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth.” Environmental Justice. Transnational Institute (TNI), Cochabamba, 19–22 Apr. 2010. www.tni.org/declaration/peoples-agreement. 8 Acosta, Alberto y Esperanza Martínez; comp. El buen vivir. Una vía para el desarrollo. Abya Yala: Quito. 2009. 9 Op. cit. at 6. 10 León Irene: “Gestoras de Soberanía Alimentaria”. Febrero de 2008. www.fedaeps.org/alternativas/gestoras-desoberania-alimentaria. 11 Wiebe, Nettie. Women of the Vía Campesina: Creating and Occupying our Rightful Spaces, The Via Campesina’s Open Book: Celebrating 20 Years of Struggle and Hope. May 2013. www.viacampesina.org/downloads/pdf/ openbooks/EN-01.pdf. 12 Op. cit. at 10. 13 “Declaration of Rights of Peasants—Women and Men.” La Via Campesina: International Peasant Movement, March 2009. http://viacampesina.net/downloads/PDF/ EN-3.pdf. 27
  • 28. Thus we do not only believe that another world “is possible”, but that it is necessary. We will continue resisting and fighting for a world based on food sovereignty, where agriculture is managed by peasants as an alternative to neo-liberal globalization; a world which favors the rights of peoples and nature and against corporations; a world in which food production is rooted in peasant sustainable production in harmony with Mother Earth (Via Campesina, 2011).14 VISION “We envision a world where those who produce, distribute and need food are at the heart of food, agricultural, livestock, forestry and fisheries systems and policies: a world where food production is rooted in environmentally sustainable production, under local control and honoring ancestral knowledge, whilst guaranteeing the possi­ bility of a diversified and healthy diet and nutritional well-being; a world where trade policies and practices will serve the rights of peoples to safe, healthy and ecologically sustainable production and consumption; a world where the interests of the next generation will be included, and a world where new social relations are free from oppression and from the inequalities of class, ethnicity, caste, gender, religion. We envision a world where the role of the state is reaffirmed and where states uphold their responsibility to protect and promote democracy, as well as respect and strengthen food and peoples’ sovereignty as well as peoples’ self-determination, especially that of indigenous peoples. Land, oceans, rivers, forests and all of nature are much more than a means of production; they are the very basis of life, culture and identity, and fulfill crucial social, cultural, spiritual and environmental functions. We envision genuine agrarian, fisheries, pastoralist and forest reforms that guarantee access to, and the sharing of, productive territories and other resources, free from the threat of large scale land and other natural resources privatization, loss and eviction. Our vision is deeply rooted in the human rights framework and seeks to seamlessly integrate the concepts of food sovereignty, the right to food and food and nutrition security. The indivisibility of rights is a core principle that is fundamental to the human rights approach. Accountability is another core principle that must be respected and protected by all actors (state and non-state); impunity of violations against these rights must be overcome.”15 14 “Agricultura Campesina Sostenible.” La Via Campesina, Abril de 2012. http://viacampesina.org/es/index.php/ temas-principales-mainmenu-27/agriculturacampesina-sostenible-mainmenu-42/ 1321-bolivia-1o-jornada-internacional-deagroecologia-y-soberania-alimentaria. 15 Inspired by the Civil Society Working Document on the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition, December 2011. www.csm4cfs.org/files/ SottoPagine/41/cso_working_document_on_ the_gsf_december_2011_en.pdf. 03b Agroecology—An Alternative Way to Ensure Food Security Christine Campeau1 In a world challenged by climate change and a rising population, there is a pressing need for smarter, more efficient and fairer ways to produce food. A 2008 report by Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 28
  • 29. 03 Resistance and Alternative Visions the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) stressed that in order to feed the more than 9 billion people that will inhabit the Earth by 2050, we urgently need to adopt the most effective farming systems, and support a shift towards agroecology as a means of sustainably increasing food production and improving the welfare of the people and communities living in poverty. Agroecology combines the sciences and practices of agronomy and ecology, while adapting to the circumstances of each farm or region. Its methods aim to increase productivity through enhancing natural and sustainable processes, using local knowledge and experimentation.2 This promotes a circular system of production—enhancing the recycling of biomass to optimize organic decomposition and increase nutrients over time. Modern industrial agriculture, in contrast, is a linear system of production which relies on expensive external inputs, such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. There are a numerous benefits of using an agroecological approach. Healthier soil means improved water and nutrient retention, while a greater variety of genetic resources leads to a better growing environment for plants. Water is not contaminated by synthetic inputs. Habitats for mutually beneficial wildlife are created through the minimization of carbon emissions. This means that farmers can reduce their dependency on purchasing patented seeds, chemical fertilizers and herbicides, and equipment dependent on fossil fuels. Diversifying crops also avoids the vulnerabilities in production and marketing which farmers would otherwise face if they relied on only one crop. Most importantly, it increases the ability of communities to feed themselves with nutritious foods and provides new income and livelihood options. Researchers studying the adoption and diffusion of agricultural technologies have identified a number of constraints ranging from technical issues (such as lack of information by farmers and extension agents) to policy distortions, market failures, lack of land tenure and infrastructural problems. In order to further spread agroecology among farmers, it is essential to overcome these challenges. It is imperative that small-scale farmers have access to and control over their land, their traditional seed varieties, and water. Farmer-to-farmer networks should be supported to further promote a horizontal process of exchange of expertise among farmers. In order to achieve this, major reforms must be made in policies, institutions, and research and development agendas. Governments should provide funds to small-scale farmers so that they can develop appropriate technologies, as well as access credit and insurance against weather-related risks. Small-scale farmers also need to be able to access local and regional markets that return fair prices for their produce, and governments should implement systems to absorb produce into their public procurement schemes. Agroecology produces more food, improves income for farmers and provides food security for the local communities they feed. It entails very low transaction costs and delivers huge returns on the investment, both socio-economic and for the environment, and should therefore be further strengthened. Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 1 Christine Campeau is the Food for Life Campaign Coordinator of the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA). 2 See EAA, Nourishing the World Sustainably, Scaling up Agroecology, 2012. www.e-alliance.ch/typo3conf/ext/naw_ securedl/secure.php?u=0file=fileadmin/ user_upload/docs/All_Food/2012/ AgroEcology/2012_10_ScalingUpAgroecology_ WEB_.pdft=1374011892hash= 881b23d0a04b73ddb3fe7cfd6580ed01. 29
  • 30. 03c The Urban-Rural Network URGENCI: Generating New Forms of exchange between citizens Judith Hitchman1 URGENCI2 is the global network of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) initiatives, networks and associations. It boasts large numbers of members in Europe (27 countries), most regions of Asia, North America and to a lesser extent, Latin America and Africa. By promoting a direct circuit between farmers and consumers, “farm-to-fork” initiatives, URGENCI helps an increasing number of small-scale family farmers and consumers build an alternative to corporatecontrolled industrial food distribution, and supports local food sovereignty. A CSA is an association or network of individuals who have pledged to support one or more local farms. While this can take many forms, they all are based on a solidarity partnership between producers and consumers and committed to sharing both risks and rewards of the harvest. CSAs essentially help decommodify food and allow producers to be paid a fair price for their produce. In exchange, the consumers receive fresh, organic local produce. In many cases CSAs also include “solidarity boxes” for members who are facing financial difficulties. They are also commonly active in many Community Land Trusts which help new producers secure land, and preserve it for urban and peri-urban agriculture. Incubator CSA projects, such as in the Paris region, in the Hyogo province of Japan or near Monterey, California, where newly established young farmers can learn and test their ideas, are another interesting part of the evolving concept. The degree of involvement of consumers in the farm varies from country to country, and indeed from one CSA to another. These aspects, when combined with genuine farmers’ markets and public procurement policies, enable groups of small-scale local farmers to jointly provide for schools and other local public canteens and are an essential part of securing local food sovereignty. There is no “one-size-fits-all” model: culture and country-specific habits all vary. In Mali, there are dedicated market stalls where people pick up the CSA boxes which include fruit, vegetables, chickens and eggs. Payment is made on a weekly basis, but commitment is for the full year. In Cloughjordan, Ireland’s famous ecovillage, members of the CSA farm come and help themselves to what they need on a trust-basis. Payment is annual and on a sliding scale, depending on the size of the family and the status of individuals (the retired or unemployed pay less per capita). URGENCI brings together various associations and networks, and through them, small-scale family farmers, consumers and activists promote this concept, raise awareness and explain how CSAs can contribute to food sovereignty. Promoting Community Land Trusts and carrying out advocacy at national and international levels is another key role played by URGENCI in securing local food sovereignty. It has advocated against genetically modified organisms, industrial agriculture and dumping, and promoted agroecologogy and other organic solutions. At the continen­­ tal level it has worked towards improving the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2013 1 Judith Hitchman represents the URGENCI network as a consumer constituency member in the Civil Society Mechanism of the Committee for World Food Security. She is also responsible for advocacy on behalf of the network. 2 For more information on the Urban-Rural Network, URGENCI, please visit: www.urgenci.net. 30
  • 31. 03 Resistance and Alternative Visions and ensuring fair laws on immigration in the USA. At the local level, the network has worked with authorities in their land and procurement policies and has promoted community managed resources (ex. collective kitchens), the empowerment of civil society’s right to decide on local food policies, the relocalization of agricultural employment, rights- and equality-based jobs for all, free access to farmers’ seeds as well as local community-managed resources, such as land and water. 03d A Human Rights-based GLOBAL Framework for Food Security and Nutrition Martin Wolpold-Bosien1 The Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is the first global framework in this area that was adopted by a consensus of governments and that systematically mainstreams the right to adequate food and the human rights approach into policies relevant to food security and nutrition at the global, regional and national levels. Compared to similar global frameworks on food security and nutrition, such as the Declarations of the World Food Summits of 1996 and 2009 or United Nations’ Updated Comprehensive Framework of Action, the GSF is without any doubt the most advanced in incorporating and mainstreaming the right to adequate food. After two years of consultations, the First Version of the GSF was adopted by consensus during the 39th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in October of 2012.2 According to the decision made by the CFS, “the main added value of the GSF is to provide an overarching framework and a single reference document with practical guidance on core recommendations for food security and nutrition strategies, policies and actions validated by the wide ownership, participation and consultation afforded by the CFS”.3 The GSF is a dynamic, living document that reflects the current international consensus among governments, which will be regularly updated to include outcomes and decisions of the CFS.4 Social movements and other civil society groups have engaged with the process of elaboration of the GSF and expressed that the GSF constitutes a step forward in promoting a new model of governance on food, agriculture, and nutrition. The GSF is based upon the vision of the reformed CFS, which is to “strive for a world free from hunger where countries implement the voluntary guidelines for the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security”.5 It is noteworthy that the GSF reaffirms the obligations of state parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to respect, protect and fulfill the human right to adequate food through national, regional and global policies, despite the fact that the GSF, as such, is not a legally Alternatives and Resistance to Policies that Generate Hunger 1 Martin Wolpold-Bosien is Coordinator of the Right to Adequate Food Program at FIAN International. 2 CFS, Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition, Thirty-ninth session, 15–20 October 2012, CFS 2012/39/5 Add.1. www.fao.org/docrep/ meeting/026/ME498E.pdf. 3 Ibid., para. 7. 4 CFS, “First Version of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF). Preamble and Decision Box,” Thirty-ninth Session, 15–20 October 2012, Agenda Item V.b, CFS 2012/39/5, para. 5. www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/026/me597e.pdf. 5 Op. cit. at 2, para. 4. 31