This document provides information on mathematical functions available in the Ring programming language. It lists common trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential and other mathematical functions like sin(), cos(), tan(), log(), sqrt(), random() and provides examples of using some of these functions to calculate values.
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The Ring programming language version 1.8 book - Part 29 of 202
In this chapter we are going to learn about the functions that can be used for
• Checking Data Type
• Checking Character
• Conversion
32.1 Check Data Type
The next functions can be used to check the data type
• isstring()
• isnumber()
• islist()
• type()
• isnull()
32.2 IsString() Function
Using the IsString() function we can know if the value is a string or not
IsString(value) ---> 1 if the value is a string or 0 if not
see isstring(5) + nl + # print 0
isstring("hello") + nl # print 1
32.3 IsNumber() Function
Using the IsNumber() function we can know if the value is a number or not
3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
IsNumber(value) ---> 1 if the value is a number or 0 if not
see isnumber(5) + nl + # print 1
isnumber("hello") + nl # print 0
32.4 IsList() Function
Using the IsList() function we can know if the value is a list or not
IsList(value) ---> 1 if the value is a list or 0 if not
see islist(5) + nl + # print 0
islist("hello") + nl + # print 0
islist([1,3,5]) # print 1
32.5 Type() Function
We can know the type of a value using the Type() Function.
Type(value) ---> The Type as String
see Type(5) + nl + # print NUMBER
Type("hello") + nl + # print STRING
Type([1,3,5]) # print LIST
32.6 IsNULL() Function
We can check the value to know if it’s null or not using the IsNULL() function
IsNULL(value) ---> 1 if the value is NULL or 0 if not
see isnull(5) + nl + # print 0
isnull("hello") + nl + # print 0
isnull([1,3,5]) + nl + # print 0
isnull("") + nl + # print 1
isnull("NULL") # print 1
32.4. IsList() Function 253
4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
32.7 Check Character
The next functions can be used to check character
• isalnum()
• isalpha()
• iscntrl()
• isdigit()
• isgraph()
• islower()
• isprint()
• ispunct()
• isspace()
• isupper()
• isxdigit()
32.8 IsAlNum() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsAlNum() Function
IsAlNum(value) ---> 1 if the value is digit/letter or 0 if not
see isalnum("Hello") + nl + # print 1
isalnum("123456") + nl + # print 1
isalnum("ABCabc123") + nl + # print 1
isalnum("How are you") # print 0 because of spaces
32.9 IsAlpha() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsAlpha() Function
IsAlpha(value) ---> 1 if the value is a letter or 0 if not
see isalpha("Hello") + nl + # print 1
isalpha("123456") + nl + # print 0
isalpha("ABCabc123") + nl + # print 0
isalpha("How are you") # print 0
32.7. Check Character 254
5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
32.10 IsCntrl() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsCntrl() Function
IsCntrl(value) ---> 1 if the value is a control character (no printing position)
or 0 if not
See iscntrl("hello") + nl + # print 0
iscntrl(nl) # print 1
32.11 IsDigit() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsDigit() Function
IsDigit(value) ---> 1 if the value is a digit or 0 if not
see isdigit("0123456789") + nl + # print 1
isdigit("0123a") # print 0
32.12 IsGraph() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsGraph() Function
IsGraph(value) ---> 1 if the value can be printed (Except space) or 0 if not
see isgraph("abcdef") + nl + # print 1
isgraph("abc def") # print 0
32.13 IsLower() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsLower() Function
IsLower(value) ---> 1 if the value is lowercase letter or 0 if not
see islower("abcDEF") + nl + # print 0
islower("ghi") # print 1
32.10. IsCntrl() Function 255
6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
32.14 IsPrint() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsPrint() Function
IsPrint(value) ---> 1 if the value occupies a printing position or 0 if not
see isprint("Hello") + nl + # print 1
isprint("Nice to see you") + nl + # print 1
isprint(nl) # print 0
32.15 IsPunct() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsPunct() Function
IsPunct(value) ---> 1 if the value is a punctuation character or 0 if not
see ispunct("hello") + nl + # print 0
ispunct(",") # print 1
32.16 IsSpace() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsSpace() Function
IsSpace(value) ---> 1 if the value is a white-space or 0 if not
see isspace(" ") + nl + # print 1
isspace("test") # print 0
32.17 IsUpper() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsUpper() Function
IsUpper(value) ---> 1 if the value is an uppercase alphabetic letter or 0 if not
see isupper("welcome") + nl + # print 0
isupper("WELCOME") # print 1
32.14. IsPrint() Function 256
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32.18 IsXdigit() Function
We can test a character or a string using the IsXdigit() Function
IsXdigit(value) ---> 1 if the value is a hexdecimal digit character or 0 if not
see isxdigit("0123456789abcdef") + nl + # print 1
isxdigit("123z") # print 0
32.19 Conversion
The next functions can be used for conversion
• number()
• string()
• ascii()
• char()
• hex()
• dec()
• str2hex()
• hex2str()
32.20 Number() Function
We can convert strings to numbers using the Number() function or the + operator.
Number(string) ---> Number
0 + string ---> Number
see number("5") + 5 + nl # print 10
see 0 + "10" + 2 # print 12
32.21 String() Function
We can convert numbers to strings using the String() function or the + operator.
String(number) ---> String
"" + number ---> String
32.18. IsXdigit() Function 257
8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
see string(5) + 5 + nl # print 55
see "" + 10 + 2 # print 102
32.22 Ascii() Function
We can get the ASCII code for a letter using the Ascii() function
Ascii(character) ---> ASCII Code
See ascii("m") + nl + # print 109
ascii("M") # print 77
32.23 Char() Function
We can convert the ASCII code to character using the Char() function.
Char(ASCII Code) ---> character
See char(109) + nl + # print m
char(77) # print M
32.24 Hex() Function
We can convert decimal to hexadecimal using the Hex() function.
Hex(decimal) ---> hexadecimal
See hex(10) + nl + # print a
hex(200) # print c8
32.25 Dec() Function
We can convert hexadecimal to decimal using the Dec() function
Dec(hexadecimal) ---> decimal
32.22. Ascii() Function 258
9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.8
See dec("a") + nl + # print 10
dec("c8") # print 200
32.26 Str2hex() Function
We can convert string characters to hexadecimal characters using the Str2hex() function.
Str2hex(string) ---> hexadecimal string
See str2hex("hello") # print 68656c6c6f
32.27 Hex2str() Function
We can convert hexadecimal characters to string using the Hex2str() function
Hex2Str(Hexadecimal string) ---> string
See hex2str("68656c6c6f") # print hello
32.26. Str2hex() Function 259
In this chapter we are going to learn about the mathematical functions
33.1 List of functions
The Ring programming language comes with the next mathematical functions
Function Description
sin(x) Returns the sine of an angle of x radians
cos(x) Returns the cosine of an angle of x radians
tan(x) Returns the tangent of an angle of x radians
asin(x) Returns the principal value of the arc sine of x, expressed in radians
acos(x) Returns the principal value of the arc cosine of x, expressed in radians
atan(x) Returns the principal value of the arc tangent of x, expressed in radians
atan2(y,x) Returns the principal arc tangent of y/x, in the interval [-pi,+pi] radians
sinh(x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of x radians
cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x radians
tanh(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x radians
exp(x) Returns the value of e raised to the xth power
log(x) Returns the natural logarithm of x
log10(x) Returns the common logarithm (base-10 logarithm) of x
ceil(x) Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x
floor(x) Returns the largest integer value less than or equal to x
fabs(x) Returns the absolute value of x.
pow(x,y) Returns x raised to the power of y
sqrt(x) Returns the square root of x
random(x) Returns a random number in the range [0,x]
unsigned(n,n,c) Perform operation using unsigned numbers
decimals(n) Determine the decimals digits after the point in float/double numbers
33.2 Example
See "Mathematical Functions" + nl
See "Sin(0) = " + sin(0) + nl
See "Sin(90) radians = " + sin(90) + nl
See "Sin(90) degree = " + sin(90*3.14/180) + nl
See "Cos(0) = " + cos(0) + nl
See "Cos(90) radians = " + cos(90) + nl