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The Schwadron (IBEX Ribbon)
Retention Theory and its Possible
Impact on a New Astronomy &
Solar System Formation Theory
IBEX Ribbon in Space around our Solar
System discovered by IBEX – NASA
New Update:
Largest Explosion ever observed in the universe =
Energy equals 570 Billion suns – see Slide 21/22
Retention Theory
Major Step Forward in Explaining the IBEX Ribbon
in Space around our Solar System Discovered by
NASA’s IBEX Mission
Reference: NASA
See also: Nathan Schwadron
Rodrigo A. Ibata – Pancake Structures
in Space – the New Normal
A vast, thin plane of corotating dwarf galaxies
orbiting the Andromeda galaxy
Pancake Structure seems to be the new normal in
space: How can such highly structured Systems be
explained ?
Credit: Robert Gendler
Convection in liquids – opposite in
Convection Cells:
Bénard Convection:
The Solar System – A Convection
Zone(s) ?
Sun Temperature:
6000 Kelvin
IBEX Ribbon in Space Discovered by NASA’s
IBEX Mission
Boundary layer
The Axial Tilt of Planets – and why
do they differ ?
• Mercury spins in opposite way as venus.
• Earth spins in opposite way as venus.
• Earth is the first planet with a moon
• Moon rotates in opposite direction than Earth and Mars
• Between Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt of a failed planet
• Uranus is rotating in opposite direction as Saturn and Neptun.
• Same is for Pluto
Had Former Solar Jet-Streams of the Young
Sun an Impact on Planet Formation,
Rotation and Axis Tilt ?
Nowadays: Sunlight makes asteroids
spin in strange ways
Was the magnetic field of the
intergalactic space (ribbon of energy
around solar system) acting as a
boundary layer for a convection
Credit: Steve Slivan
Vortices in Protoplanetary Disks
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique Toulouse
Hydrodynamics of Keplerian disks and
planet formation
Birth of a Star, captured in
stunning detail:
“massive jets of gases such
as carbon monoxide and
ionized oxygen that are
shooting away from the
forming star at speeds of
up to 1 million kilometers
per hour (about 621,000
HL Tauri – Planet Formation
Observed by the powerful Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile
Likely Zone
for a
Gas Planet
to Form
Stuartt Corder, ALMA Deputy Director
Catherine Vlahakis, ALMA Deputy Program
Speedy Ripples in Dust Around Star
A new video of the mysterious ripples
Lead Author:
Anthony Boccaletti,
researcher from LESIA
(Observatoire de
Diderot) in France
The outermost ripples are moving faster, and at least
three appear to be moving quickly enough to escape
the star's gravitational pull.
Lumps (Noodles) in Interstellar Gases
Lead Author:
CSIRO astronomer and first
author of a paper released
in Science Dr Keith
Suprise Find: Oxygen on Comet
Lead Author:
André Bieler, University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor
Rosetta sniffs oxygen around
comet 67P
Oxygen is usually quick to react
with other chemicals.
This speaks for a freezing process
during comet formation.
Happened at the end and beyond
solar jet-stream of young sun?
If Convection Cell(s) Play a Role in
Planet Formation …
• Certain temperatures distribution curve would be
observed in solar planetary formation disks
(protoplanetary disks).
• Probably like this (Draft example)
Center of
Disk – Temp.
Is highest
Towards boundary
IBEX Ribbon
Sascha P. Quanz1,2, Adam Amara2, Michael R. Meyer2, Matthew A. Kenworthy3,
Markus Kasper4, and Julien H. Girard are currently observing a formation of a
Magnetism Plays A Key Role
• Mystery of planet forming disk explained by magnetism
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The influence of Magnetic Fields in the
Structure Forming Processes
Credit: Hernán Cañellas/MIT Paleomagnetism Laboratory
Magnetic fields frozen into
meteorite grains tell shocking
tale of solar system birth
Resulted In A New Discovery Regarding The
Moon’s Magnetic Field”
“The results have indicated that the molten
liquid core within the Moon was supposedly
the primary reason for its powerful magnetic
“Weiss a scientist mentioned that such a small
core should have cooled off at a rapid pace
and removed the Moon’s magnetic field,
however the information does agree with him
and it’s entirely possible that the magnetic
field was generated due to the fact that the
solid outer mantle would move with respect to
the core. Scientists have estimated that the
Moon’s magnetic activity peaked at around
3.56 to 4.2 billion years ago where its magnetic
field generated a massive force on its
surroundings and could be part of the reason
why it is formed the way it is today.”
“however the new data regarding the Moon’s
magnetic field has been contradictory and did
not explain why the Moon’s magnetic field was
Moon’s magnetic field was far stronger
between 4.25 and 3.56 billion years ago
New Insights into Boundary Layers
• NASA Van Allen Probes Discover Particle Accelerator in Earth's
Radiation Belts
Asteroid with a Ring
• Asteroid Chariclo has a ring
• More structures like this expected to be
detected in near future in our solar system
New Findings on Exoplanetary Systems
• Twin Solar System Discovered:
• http://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-
• Mytery Exoplanet That Shouldn’t Exist:
• http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life-
Jacob Bourjaily, theoretical physicist at H
quantum field theory
Nima Arkani-Hamed, lead author, profes
physics at the Institute for Advanced Stud
Princeton, N.J.
David Skinner, theoretical physicist at
Cambridge University
Parke and Taylor guessed a simple one-te
BCFW recursion relations, named for Rut
Britto, Freddy Cachazo, Bo Feng and Edw
leading mathematicians such as Pierre D
Arkani-Hamed and his collaborators disco
that the recursion relations and associate
twistor diagrams corresponded to a well
known geometric object. In fact, as detai
a paper posted to arXiv.org in December
Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo, Alexan
Goncharov, Alexander Postnikov and Jaro
Trnka, the twistor diagrams gave instruct
for calculating the volume of pieces of th
object, called the positive Grassmannian
New Insights into Quantum Physics
Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations
of particle interactions
• “The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic
events in nature, may be consequences of geometry
significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate
quantum field”
Illustration by Andy Gilmore
The amplituhedron
Higgs Boson – Vacuum instability –
Galaxy Formation ?
Best answer by Laura Mersini-Houghton: Theory of the Landscape Multiverse : The theory and its predictions
are derived from fundamental physics and first principles by using quantum cosmology for the wavefunction of
the universe on the landscape and calculating decoherence and quantum entanglement among various
surviving branches and also see next page…
New Galaxy Formation -
observed with the
Hubble telescope
Cyclical Lifecycle of Universe Formation (Joseph Lykke)
Open Questions:
How “big” can a vacuum be, until it is so unstable, that a structure formation
process will begin ?
Can this instability be the cause for the Galaxy formation process ? Is their a
cyclical Galaxy formation process ?
Explosion = Energy of 570 Billions Sun
Explosion 50 times more
luminious than Milky
Is this a supernova or a
Vacuum instability?
astronomer Daniele Malesani
These fleeting eruptions, called blitzars or FRBs
(Fast Radio Bursts), are truly bizarre cosmic
phenomena. In the span of a millisecond, they
emit as much radiation as the Sun does over a
million years. But unlike other super-luminous
events that span multiple wavelengths—
gamma ray bursts or supernovae, for
example—blitzars emit all that energy in a tiny
band of the radio light spectrum.
Fast High Intensity Radio Bursts
Link to article
Link to article
A real-time fast radio burst: polarization detection and multiwavelength
Authors:E. Petroff, M. Bailes, E. D. Barr, B. R. Barsdell, N. D. R. Bhat, F. Bian
Mathematical Proof That the
Universe Could Come From Nothing
Michael Koss, lead researcher and a
cosmologist at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology
Mistery Light Kicked Out of a Galaxy
Researchers from the University of Michigan
announced today the discovery of tiny
amounts of water in the moon rocks brought
back to Earth by the Apollo missions were
native water, and not water brought by
meteors or other objects from space crashing
into it. This discovery could in turn invalidate
the current theory of how our Moon was
The researchers analyzed the mineral grains
from the lunar highlands, a region that is
assumed to represent the original crust that
crystallized from a mostly molten young moon.
The researchers, the results of their analysis
imply that the lunar core contained water
during the molten stage before the crust
solidified. This unfortunately does not fit with
the dominant theory regarding the Moon's
formation, which is that the moon formed
from the debris generated during a massive
impact with the proto-Earth and any water in
lunar rocks was added after its formation by
smaller meteorite impacts or solar wind.
UM researcher Youxue Zhang
Water Found in Moon Rockets Threatens
Current Moon Formation Theory
Link to article
The provenance of water and organic
compounds on the Earth and other terrestrial
planets has been discussed for a long time
without reaching a consensus. One of the best
means to distinguish between different
scenarios is by determining the D/H ratios in
the reservoirs for comets and the Earth’s
oceans. Here we report the direct in situ
measurement of the D/H ratio in the Jupiter
family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by
the ROSINA mass spectrometer aboard ESA’s
Rosetta spacecraft, which is found to be (5.3 ±
0.7) × 10−4, that is, ~3 times the terrestrial
value. Previous cometary measurements and
our new finding suggest a wide range of D/H
ratios in the water within Jupiter family objects
and preclude the idea that this reservoir is
solely composed of Earth ocean-like water.
Jupiter family
comet with a high
D/H ratio
K. Altwegg1,*,
H. Balsiger1,
A. Bar-Nun2,
J. J. Berthelier3,
A. Bieler1,4,
P. Bochsler1,
C. Briois5,
U. Calmonte1,
M. Combi4,
J. De Keyser6,
P. Eberhardt1,†,
B. Fiethe7,
S. Fuselier8,
S. Gasc1,
T. I. Gombosi4,
K.C. Hansen4,
M. Hässig1,8,
A. Jäckel1,
E. Kopp1,
A. Korth9,
L. LeRoy1,
U. Mall9,
Water Found on Tschuri by ESA’s Rosetta
is not the same as the Water on Earth
D/H ratios ~3 times
the terrestrial value
The Pioneer anomaly was discovered by John
Anderson, also of JPL, in the 1980s. For years
he didn't publish what he'd noticed. Then he
discussed it with physicist Michael Martin
Nieto at the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Data from the Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft
suggest the anomaly may have affected them,
too. But neither has been far enough from the
Sun -- the dominant source of gravity in the
solar system -- to firmly distinguish any
possible discrepancy from noise in the data,
Turyshev says. Galileo was crashed into Jupiter
last year, and Ulysses will never go farther than
it has.
Slava Turyshev at NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory is one of a handful of scientists who
wrestle mentally with the Pioneer anomaly
every day
Pioneer Spacecrafts are not where they
should have been
Then more than a decade ago a researcher
noticed something funny about two Pioneer
spacecraft that were streaming toward the
edge of the solar system. They weren't where
they should have been.
Something was holding the probes back,
according to calculations of their paths, speed
and how the gravity of all the objects in the
solar system -- and even a tiny push provided
by sunlight -- ought to act on them
Link to article
Further Reading
• No Dark Matter ?:

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  • 2. Retention Theory Major Step Forward in Explaining the IBEX Ribbon in Space around our Solar System Discovered by NASA’s IBEX Mission Reference: NASA Click Reference Click Reference See also: Nathan Schwadron
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  • 17. Resulted In A New Discovery Regarding The Moon’s Magnetic Field” “The results have indicated that the molten liquid core within the Moon was supposedly the primary reason for its powerful magnetic field” “Weiss a scientist mentioned that such a small core should have cooled off at a rapid pace and removed the Moon’s magnetic field, however the information does agree with him and it’s entirely possible that the magnetic field was generated due to the fact that the solid outer mantle would move with respect to the core. Scientists have estimated that the Moon’s magnetic activity peaked at around 3.56 to 4.2 billion years ago where its magnetic field generated a massive force on its surroundings and could be part of the reason why it is formed the way it is today.” “however the new data regarding the Moon’s magnetic field has been contradictory and did not explain why the Moon’s magnetic field was Moon’s magnetic field was far stronger between 4.25 and 3.56 billion years ago http://www.ctanews.com/moon-data-from-the-apollo-astronauts- has-resulted-in-a-new-discovery-regarding-the-moons-magnetic- field/14287/
  • 18. New Insights into Boundary Layers • NASA Van Allen Probes Discover Particle Accelerator in Earth's Radiation Belts http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/8401/20130726 /nasa-van-allen-probes-discover-particle-accelerator-earths- radiation-belts.htm Credit: NASA/Goddard /Scientific Visualization Studio
  • 19. Asteroid with a Ring • Asteroid Chariclo has a ring • More structures like this expected to be detected in near future in our solar system
  • 20. New Findings on Exoplanetary Systems • Twin Solar System Discovered: • http://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid- 10081/151_read-8560/year-all/#gallery/12714 • Mytery Exoplanet That Shouldn’t Exist: • http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life- exoplanets/kepler-78b-mystery-exoplanet-shouldnt- even-exist-131030.htm
  • 21. Jacob Bourjaily, theoretical physicist at H University quantum field theory Nima Arkani-Hamed, lead author, profes physics at the Institute for Advanced Stud Princeton, N.J. Amplituhedron David Skinner, theoretical physicist at Cambridge University Parke and Taylor guessed a simple one-te expression BCFW recursion relations, named for Rut Britto, Freddy Cachazo, Bo Feng and Edw Witten. leading mathematicians such as Pierre D Arkani-Hamed and his collaborators disco that the recursion relations and associate twistor diagrams corresponded to a well known geometric object. In fact, as detai a paper posted to arXiv.org in December Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo, Alexan Goncharov, Alexander Postnikov and Jaro Trnka, the twistor diagrams gave instruct for calculating the volume of pieces of th object, called the positive Grassmannian New Insights into Quantum Physics Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions • “The revelation that particle interactions, the most basic events in nature, may be consequences of geometry significantly advances a decades-long effort to reformulate quantum field” https://www.simonsfoundation.org/quanta/20130917-a- jewel-at-the-heart-of-quantum-physics/ Illustration by Andy Gilmore The amplituhedron
  • 22. Higgs Boson – Vacuum instability – Galaxy Formation ? Best answer by Laura Mersini-Houghton: Theory of the Landscape Multiverse : The theory and its predictions are derived from fundamental physics and first principles by using quantum cosmology for the wavefunction of the universe on the landscape and calculating decoherence and quantum entanglement among various surviving branches and also see next page… New Galaxy Formation - observed with the Hubble telescope Cyclical Lifecycle of Universe Formation (Joseph Lykke) http://www.space.com/19914-higgs-boson-universe- apocalypse.html?cid=dlvr.it http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment- 21499765 Open Questions: How “big” can a vacuum be, until it is so unstable, that a structure formation process will begin ? Can this instability be the cause for the Galaxy formation process ? Is their a cyclical Galaxy formation process ?
  • 23. Explosion = Energy of 570 Billions Sun observed Explosion 50 times more luminious than Milky Way: http://www.sciencemag.org/ne ws/2016/01/universe-s-most- luminous-supernova-was-50- times-brighter-milky-way Is this a supernova or a Vacuum instability?
  • 24. astronomer Daniele Malesani These fleeting eruptions, called blitzars or FRBs (Fast Radio Bursts), are truly bizarre cosmic phenomena. In the span of a millisecond, they emit as much radiation as the Sun does over a million years. But unlike other super-luminous events that span multiple wavelengths— gamma ray bursts or supernovae, for example—blitzars emit all that energy in a tiny band of the radio light spectrum. Fast High Intensity Radio Bursts Link to article Link to article A real-time fast radio burst: polarization detection and multiwavelength Authors:E. Petroff, M. Bailes, E. D. Barr, B. R. Barsdell, N. D. R. Bhat, F. Bian
  • 25. Mathematical Proof That the Universe Could Come From Nothing http://science.slashdot.org/story/14/11/07/1451218/mathematical- proof-that-the-universe-could-come-from-nothing
  • 26. Michael Koss, lead researcher and a cosmologist at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Mistery Light Kicked Out of a Galaxy http://www.frontlinedesk.com/201411719-researchers-perplexed-mystery- light-kicked-galaxy-black-hole-supernova/
  • 27. Researchers from the University of Michigan announced today the discovery of tiny amounts of water in the moon rocks brought back to Earth by the Apollo missions were native water, and not water brought by meteors or other objects from space crashing into it. This discovery could in turn invalidate the current theory of how our Moon was formed. The researchers analyzed the mineral grains from the lunar highlands, a region that is assumed to represent the original crust that crystallized from a mostly molten young moon. The researchers, the results of their analysis imply that the lunar core contained water during the molten stage before the crust solidified. This unfortunately does not fit with the dominant theory regarding the Moon's formation, which is that the moon formed from the debris generated during a massive impact with the proto-Earth and any water in lunar rocks was added after its formation by smaller meteorite impacts or solar wind. UM researcher Youxue Zhang Water Found in Moon Rockets Threatens Current Moon Formation Theory Link to article
  • 28. The provenance of water and organic compounds on the Earth and other terrestrial planets has been discussed for a long time without reaching a consensus. One of the best means to distinguish between different scenarios is by determining the D/H ratios in the reservoirs for comets and the Earth’s oceans. Here we report the direct in situ measurement of the D/H ratio in the Jupiter family comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the ROSINA mass spectrometer aboard ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft, which is found to be (5.3 ± 0.7) × 10−4, that is, ~3 times the terrestrial value. Previous cometary measurements and our new finding suggest a wide range of D/H ratios in the water within Jupiter family objects and preclude the idea that this reservoir is solely composed of Earth ocean-like water. Jupiter family comet with a high D/H ratio K. Altwegg1,*, H. Balsiger1, A. Bar-Nun2, J. J. Berthelier3, A. Bieler1,4, P. Bochsler1, C. Briois5, U. Calmonte1, M. Combi4, J. De Keyser6, P. Eberhardt1,†, B. Fiethe7, S. Fuselier8, S. Gasc1, T. I. Gombosi4, K.C. Hansen4, M. Hässig1,8, A. Jäckel1, E. Kopp1, A. Korth9, L. LeRoy1, U. Mall9, 10 Water Found on Tschuri by ESA’s Rosetta is not the same as the Water on Earth D/H ratios ~3 times the terrestrial value confidential
  • 29. The Pioneer anomaly was discovered by John Anderson, also of JPL, in the 1980s. For years he didn't publish what he'd noticed. Then he discussed it with physicist Michael Martin Nieto at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Data from the Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft suggest the anomaly may have affected them, too. But neither has been far enough from the Sun -- the dominant source of gravity in the solar system -- to firmly distinguish any possible discrepancy from noise in the data, Turyshev says. Galileo was crashed into Jupiter last year, and Ulysses will never go farther than it has. Slava Turyshev at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is one of a handful of scientists who wrestle mentally with the Pioneer anomaly every day Pioneer Spacecrafts are not where they should have been Then more than a decade ago a researcher noticed something funny about two Pioneer spacecraft that were streaming toward the edge of the solar system. They weren't where they should have been. Something was holding the probes back, according to calculations of their paths, speed and how the gravity of all the objects in the solar system -- and even a tiny push provided by sunlight -- ought to act on them Link to article
  • 30. Further Reading • No Dark Matter ?: http://sanfordlab.org/news/press_release/first-results-lux- experiment-south-dakota

Editor's Notes

  1. Stuartt Corder, ALMA Deputy Director Catherine Vlahakis, ALMA Deputy Program Scientist
  2. measurements made by Roger Fu of MIT and Benjamin Weiss, also of MIT The chondrule grains whose magnetic fields were mapped in the new study came from a meteorite named Semarkona
  3. “Moon Data From The Apollo Astronauts Has Resulted In A New Discovery Regarding The Moon’s Magnetic Field” “The results have indicated that the molten liquid core within the Moon was supposedly the primary reason for its powerful magnetic field” “Weiss a scientist mentioned that such a small core should have cooled off at a rapid pace and removed the Moon’s magnetic field, however the information does agree with him and it’s entirely possible that the magnetic field was generated due to the fact that the solid outer mantle would move with respect to the core. Scientists have estimated that the Moon’s magnetic activity peaked at around 3.56 to 4.2 billion years ago where its magnetic field generated a massive force on its surroundings and could be part of the reason why it is formed the way it is today.” “however the new data regarding the Moon’s magnetic field has been contradictory and did not explain why the Moon’s magnetic field was so strong.”
  4. KOI-351 Kepler-78b
  5. Andrew Hodges, mathematical physicist at Oxford University Jacob Bourjaily, theoretical physicist at Harvard University quantum field theory Nima Arkani-Hamed, lead author, professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. Amplituhedron David Skinner, theoretical physicist at Cambridge University Parke and Taylor guessed a simple one-term expression BCFW recursion relations, named for Ruth Britto, Freddy Cachazo, Bo Feng and Edward Witten. leading mathematicians such as Pierre Deligne, Arkani-Hamed and his collaborators discovered that the recursion relations and associated twistor diagrams corresponded to a well-known geometric object. In fact, as detailed in a paper posted to arXiv.org in December by Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo, Alexander Goncharov, Alexander Postnikov and Jaroslav Trnka, the twistor diagrams gave instructions for calculating the volume of pieces of this object, called the positive Grassmannian. Hermann Grassmann, a 19th-century German linguist and mathematici Arkani-Hamed and Trnka discovered that the scattering amplitude equals the volume of a brand-new mathematical object — the amplituhedron
  6. Wuhan Institute Dongshan He Wheeler-DeWitt equation metastable false vacuum
  7. Michael Koss, lead researcher and a cosmologist at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology