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Rohas	Nagpal	
Last	updated	on	25th	October	2020
Mike Tyson once said that everybody has
a plan until they get punched in the
The coronavirus has punched us all –
humans and businesses.
We need a new plan.
The old sales & marketing techniques are
not going to survive 2020.
Welcome to the world of Smarketing –
smart aligned sales & marketing.
I am NOT paid for recommending any of the third-party
products and services mentioned in this article.
I am recommending them only because I have personally
used them and found them useful.
I am the co-founder of meraQR and Primechain
Copyright (c) 2020 Rohas Nagpal.
This document is available under the Attribution 4.0
International (CC BY 4.0) License.
This means you can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon
my work, even commercially, as long as you credit me for
the original creation.
So please distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon this.
View License Deed here:
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The front cover image is a copyright of Freepik Stories.
Boring legal stuff
I have to tell you this. My scary lawyers insist….
No investigation has been made of common-law trademark rights in any
word. Words that are known to have current trademark registrations are
shown with an initial capital and are also identified as trademarks.
The inclusion or exclusion of any word, or its capitalization, in this book is
not, however, an expression of the author’s opinion as to whether or not it is
subject to proprietary rights, nor is it to be regarded as affecting the validity
of any trademark.
This book is provided "as is" and the author makes no representations or
warranties, express or implied either in respect of this book or the software,
websites and other information referred to in this book.
By way of example, but not limitation, the author makes no representations
or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that
the use of licensed software, database or documentation will not infringe
any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
The chosen case scenarios are for instructional purposes only and any
association to an actual case and litigation is purely coincidental. Names
and locations presented in the case scenarios are fictitious and are not
intended to reflect actual people or places.
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes, or
services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not
constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the
author, and the information and statements shall not be used for the
purposes of advertising.
Getting started…...............................................................................10
Understand what you are selling….........................................12
Understand whom you are selling to.......................................15
Do competitive analysis...........................................................18
Do social listening…................................................................20
Preliminary questions..............................................................21
Don’t spray and pray................................................................25
Set measurable KPIs...............................................................29
Set relevant social media metrics............................................30
1. Design your smarketing funnel...................................................33
B2B funnel…...........................................................................35
B2C funnels.............................................................................37
Alcoholic Beverages.......................................................37
Appliances & gadgets.....................................................38
Banking and Fintech services........................................40
Clothes, shoes & accessories........................................43
OTC drugs.....................................................................49
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).........................50
2. Build & optimize your Website….........................................................52
3. Build & optimize your Blog..................................................................62
4. Build & optimize your Content.............................................................66
1. eBooks…………………………………………………….………66
2. Email newsletter & drip campaigns…………………….………69
3. Free courses…………………………………………….……….71
4. Videos………………………………………………….…………74
5. Webinars…………………………………………………………78
6. Others………………………………………………………….…80
5. Build & optimize your Landing Pages.................................................81
6. Reduce Friction.....................................................................................87
7. Monitor reviews.....................................................................................88
8. Leverage Facebook...............................................................................91
9. Leverage Instagram..............................................................................95
10. Leverage IGTV.....................................................................................98
11. Leverage Reels....................................................................................99
12. Leverage Facebook Messenger.......................................................100
13. Leverage WhatsApp..........................................................................101
14. Leverage LinkedIn.............................................................................103
15. Leverage Twitter................................................................................108
16. Leverage YouTube.............................................................................111
17. Leverage Quora.................................................................................114
18. Leverage Telegram............................................................................116
19. Leverage niche social platforms......................................................118
20. Leverage the power of Quick Response.........................................123
21. Leverage Social Selling....................................................................124
22. Leverage Employee Advocacy.........................................................126
23. Leverage Influencers & Evangelists................................................127
24. Leverage Affiliates.............................................................................129
25. Leverage Public Relations (PR)...................................................... 131
26. Leverage Moment Marketing............................................................133
27. Leverage dynamic QR codes...........................................................137
28. Leverage Artificial Intelligence.........................................................140
29. Leverage Blockchain technology....................................................142
30. Monetize product packaging............................................................145
31. Nurture customer relationships.......................................................148
Smarketing Tools....................................................................................149
What next? ..............................................................................................154
Some of the core components of Smarketing
Getting started
Mary Clare Novak puts it very well when she says that sales and marketing
is “the ultimate interest-creating, revenue-generating, relationship-building
power couple. The Beyonce and Jay-Z of business”.
Marketers create and execute effective marketing plans by conducting
situation analyses, defining buyer personas, determining goals, ideating
tactics, executing and evaluating. The Sales team generates, connects &
qualifies leads, gives value demonstrations, handles objections, closes
deals and nurtures relationships. (Source: G2.com)
Smarketing is a smart and integrated approach to sales and
marketing. Its primary goal is the effective alignment of sales and
This alignment is critical. Imagine if Jack Bauer and the 3 letter
organizations in the TV series 24 had been aligned. They would have
busted the bad guys in 1 episode every time instead of 24 episodes!
Mike Volpe defines smarketing as “a partnership between sales and
marketing that uses a number of different techniques to align sales and
marketing better”.
The coronavirus pandemic & the resulting economic lockdowns have
reduced the effectiveness of many traditional marketing, sales, and lead
generation techniques.
•  People have started to go "contactless". That reduces the
effectiveness of newspaper & magazine ads.
•  People spend more time indoors. That reduces the effectiveness of
•  People have started working from home and following social
distancing. That reduces the effectiveness of conferences,
tradeshows, and face-to-face meetings.
•  Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime are gaining enormous
popularity. That reduces the effectiveness of TV ads.
•  Cold calls and emails are very irritating. OK, this has nothing to do
with the pandemic. They were always irritating.
•  Our attention spans are also getting shorter. Studies have shown that
since the year 2000, the average human attention span has dropped
from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. That's less than that of a goldfish!
The importance of historical trends has reduced dramatically. Instead of
monthly / quarterly data, marketers must look at real-time data at a
granular level. The distinction between “above the line” and “below the
line” marketing is also blurring rapidly.
All businesses must embrace smarketing or face extinction.
The Smarketing Playbook is full of actionable insights and action points to
help you leverage smart sales and marketing techniques for super success.
How to leverage The Smarketing Playbook
•  Start this Playbook on a Saturday morning. Check out all the links and
footnotes. Don’t forget to try all the To-Dos.
•  You will be a much better Smarketer by Monday morning.
•  If so, don’t forget to buy me a cappuccino. If not, I will buy you two J
Understand what you
are selling
There is a cliché that goes "people don't buy products or services, they buy
solutions to their problems".
Think about it.
Does someone buy hair color or do they buy a solution to look younger?
For me it’s the latter. What about you?
It doesn't matter whether it's B2B or B2C or any other abbreviation, it's
always about the solution and not about the product or service.
A classic example of this is the blockchain industry. For years, startups, and
even large companies, have tried to sell "blockchain-based solutions" and
have met with very little success. But the world's first blockchain solution -
bitcoin - has done exceedingly well for itself. The reason - bitcoin solves a
massive problem for a ton of people. A company will pay for a blockchain
solution only if it solves a big problem.
So the first step is to understand what you are selling.
Next, write great product descriptions that explain what the product is and
why it’s worth purchasing. A great product description must supply
important information about the features and benefits of the product and
must be compelling.
WordStream has put together a list of questions to answer before your
create the product descriptions.
q  Who will buy and/or use this?
q  What ordinary problems do they deal with on a daily basis? How could
this product solve them?
q What makes this product different from other products on the market?
q What else might someone buy to solve their problem? What are they
currently using, if anything?
q What makes this person happy? Afraid? Excited? Worried?
q What does this person value?
q What information, and how much, do they need to make a smart
purchase decision?
q What can you do that would surprise them?
q What should your product make the buyer feel? How can your product
description make them feel that without telling them to feel that?
q How can you ask your real customers directly what their needs and pain
points are?
Action points for product descriptions that sell:
q Focus on your ideal buyer, and anticipate & address her pain points.
q Focus on benefits and not features. A feature is something your product
is or has. A benefit is the expected outcome or result that someone will
get by using your product or service. We buy for benefits, not features.
q Avoid using cliché phrases like “excellent quality”, “world class”. Most
people will just roll their eyes! Words like “patented”, “lab-tested”, “best
seller” work better.
q Use stories and mini-stories to bring in the emotional hook.
q Use lists, videos, photographs and other relevant formats.
q Use power words and sensory adjectives like velvety, smooth, crisp, and
q Use social proof e.g. photos and testimonials of happy customers,
references to press mentions.
q Educate the customer. Even if she doesn’t buy the product, she should
learn something from the product description.
For more information and interesting examples, see
•  https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2019/06/26/product-descriptions
•  https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/perfect-product-description-formula
Also see this list of mistakes to avoid, see:
•  https://www.shopify.com/blog/copywriting-mistakes
For details on benefit driven marketing, see:
For a huge list of power words, see:
To Do
•  Look around you. Choose something interesting – an appliance, a
gadget, some clothes, whatever.
•  Go online and find its product description.
•  Then improve upon the description in your own style.
Understand whom you
are selling to
Once you have understood what you are selling, the next step is to
understand whom you are selling to.
In the B2C world, it’s usually easy to understand the buyer.
In some cases the buyer is the consumer e.g. a teenager buying a guitar. In
some cases the buyer and consumer may be different people e.g. a mother
buying diapers for her baby. If it’s a “free” app or service, the consumer is
not the buyer, the advertiser is.
Things are a little tougher in the B2B world. Many people have really fancy
designations, but it's unclear what they do. Some examples - Digital
Overlord, Dream Alchemist, Conversation Architect, Director of Fun.
To add to your troubles, B2B purchase decisions are made by multiple
people. These could be Primary Decision Makers, Technical Buying
Influencers, and Internal Influencers.
The 2019 B2B Buyers Survey Report by DemandGen has covered this
issue in depth.
Some extracts are mentioned below.
Primary Decision Makers have a major hand in all aspects of the
purchase decision. They usually participate in each part of the buying
journey including:
•  communication with outside sales reps,
•  engaging in calls/demos, and
•  seeking RFP / competitive bids / pricing info from selected vendors.
Technical Buying Influencers have a smaller stake in the end-to-end
sales cycle. Most of their time spent in the purchase decision was involved
•  evaluating which solutions would fit well with existing partners,
•  speaking with the sales rep at the selected vendor, and
•  accepting outreach from vendors and engaging in calls and demos.
Internal Influencers or Champions have a heavier hand in the earlier
parts of a purchase decision, such as:
•  speaking to and engaging with sales reps,
•  developing informal lists of potential providers, and
•  seeking input from peers / existing users in the community.
While creating buyer personas, you need to consider details such as:
q  Age
q  Location
q  Language
q  Spending power and patterns
q  Interests
q  Challenges
q  Stage of life
q  Pain points
q  Goals
q  Preferred social platforms
q  Preferred method of communication
To Do
1.  Use Hubspot's Make My Persona Tool to create buyer personas.
2.  Signup for a 1-month free trial of LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify the
right people in the right organizations. Buy a paid plan if you find it
3.  Sign up for the free plan of Audiense Insights to identify relevant
audiences, and to discover actionable insights. Upgrade if you find it
You can use the free Hubspot's Make My Persona Tool to create
buyer personas: https://www.hubspot.com/make-my-persona
You can use the freemium Audiense Insights to identify relevant
audiences, and to discover actionable insights:
Do competitive analysis
It is critical to analyse your competitors and see how they stack up against
Remember that the definition of “competitor” is not that simple. Who is the
competitor for a chocolate seller? Other chocolate sellers? Local sweet-
sellers? Ice cream sellers?
One of the best ways to identify your competitors is to do a Google search
for keywords that are relevant to your business. See which businesses pop
up. In all probability they are your competitors.
This is also a great way to identify influencers and evangelists.
For your competitors you should identify and analyse:
q  Which social platforms they are on.
q  The quality and quantity of their social media posts.
q  Their smarketing strategy and ways in which it is better than yours.
q  The quantity and quality of content they are creating and distributing.
q  The metatags used in their websites.
q  The quality of their website.
q  The quality and quantity of their blog posts.
q  The influencers and evangelists they are working with.
q  The kind of brand mentions they are getting in the media.
q  The hashtags they use.
To Do
Do an analysis of your competitors.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Do social listening
Social listening is the process of monitoring social media channels, blogs
and media sites for mentions of:
q  Your brand name and handles including common misspellings.
q  Your product name(s), including common misspellings.
q  Your competitors’ brand names, product names, and handles including
common misspellings.
q  Industry buzzwords.
q  Your key employees.
q  Your competitors’ key employees.
q  Relevant keywords and hashtags.
To Do
1. See: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-listening-business
2. Set up Google Alerts for relevant words and phrases. These are the
recommended options to select while creating these alerts:
•  How often: As-it-happens
•  Sources: Automatic
•  Region: Any Region
•  How many: Only the best results
Preliminary questions
A Smarketing Strategy can be designed for a business as a whole or for
specific time-bound campaigns. Either way, the questions that need to be
asked (and honestly answered) before designing a Smarketing Strategy
q  What are the objectives of the Smarketing Strategy? Be as specific as
q  On what parameters would the performance of the Smarketing
Strategy be measured?
q  What is the budget and time-scale of the Smarketing Strategy?
q  Have all stakeholders agreed to these objectives, parameters, budget
and time-scale?
q  Define the personnel who will be working on implementing the
Smarketing Strategy. How many man-hours (women-hours?) will be
devoted to implementing the Smarketing Strategy?
q  What are the current sales & marketing funnels?
q  What are the current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
q  What are the current social media metrics?
q  How often are website audits conducted? Where are the reports?
q  Where are the reports of website monitoring activities?
q  How often is the official blog updated? How has the subscriber and
view count performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can
be attributed to it?
q  What is the inventory of the eBooks, free courses, videos and other
content? How have they performed statistically? How much revenue /
cost saving can be attributed to them?
q  How many online and offline events (webinars, conferences, etc.) have
been conducted so far? How have they performed statistically? How
much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it?
q  How have landing pages performed statistically? How much revenue /
cost saving can be attributed to them?
q  What are the points of friction that leads, customers, employees
and vendors face while interacting with the organization? (Tip: Ask
them) How much revenue loss / additional costs can be attributed
to this friction?
q  How have email newsletters and drip campaigns been
leveraged so far? How have they performed statistically? How
much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q  How have the following social platforms been leveraged so far?
How have they performed statistically? How much revenue / cost
saving can be attributed to them?
–  Facebook
–  Instagram
–  Reels
–  Facebook Messenger
–  WhatsApp
–  LinkedIn
–  Twitter
–  YouTube
–  Quora
–  Telegram
–  Niche social platforms
q How is Quick Response ensured? Who responds to social media
engagement? How often? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to Quick Response?
q How is Social Selling being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it?
q How is Employee Advocacy being leveraged? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q How are Influencers & Evangelists being leveraged? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q How are Affiliates being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q How is Public Relations (PR) being leveraged? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
specifically attributed to PR activities?
q How are reviews and online reputation being monitored? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to it?
q How is Moment Marketing being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it?
q How are QR codes being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q How is product packaging being monetized? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it?
q How is Social Proof being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q How is Artificial Intelligence being leveraged? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q  How is Blockchain technology being leveraged? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q  How can customers verify the genuineness of products? Is this
process as efficient and hassle-free as possible? How much revenue /
cost saving can be attributed to anti-counterfeiting processes?
q  How can customers carry out recalls and expiry checks? Is this process
as efficient and hassle-free as possible? How much revenue / cost
saving can be attributed to this?
q  Are loyalty programs being leveraged? What are the performance
statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q  How are customer relationships being nurtured? What are the
performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q  Are warranty management and servicing processes as efficient and
hassle-free as possible? How much revenue / cost saving can be
attributed to them?
q  Is the customer service process as efficient and hassle-free as
q  Are precision marketing techniques being used to retain, cross-sell
and upsell existing customers? What are the performance statistics?
How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
q  What are the tools being used by Smarketing teams? How much
revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them?
To Do
1.  Ask the right people these questions.
2.  Get honest answers.
3.  Document the answers.
4.  Repeat this process regularly.
Don’t spray and pray
Advertising started off 6000 years ago with papyrus and rock painting.
Modern advertising began in the early 16th-century with newspapers and
magazines. In 1836, a Paris newspaper became the first to rely on paid
advertising to "lower its price, extend its readership and increase its
For thousands of years advertising has been "spray and pray".
Businesses advertise everywhere they can afford in the hope that potential
customers will notice them. Classic examples are ads in newspapers,
magazines, TV shows, billboards, etc.
Millions of people are "sprayed" with these ads but only a small fraction are
actual potential customers. And even they tend to ignore the ads.
Think about it. Do you like getting pesky phone calls, emails and text
messages from marketers? Well, most people don't.
Spray and pray marketing is easier but very ineffective and can even lead
to brand over-exposure where your potential customers start to ignore all
your content.
And while we are on the topic, don’t make ads that look like ads.
We are all bombarded with ads… all the time… everywhere. If you must
advertise, then get creative.
To Do
Go looking for ads. Yes, really! Look at newspapers, magazines, billboards,
TV channels, websites, social networks. Even look for product placement in
1.  How many of these ads do you think are memorable?
2.  What makes an ad memorable?
This Dollar Shave Club ad is one of my favourites. Started in 2011, the
company was acquired by Unilever for a billion dollars.
Check it out on:
One of the best product placements I have ever seen is
Season 6, Episode 16 of the TV show Modern Family.
The episode was shot entirely using Apple products
and revolved around the family communicating via
iPhones, iPads and a MacBook.
Set measurable KPIs
Set the relevant clearly measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
from the list below:
q  Average revenue per account
q  Average sales cycle length
q  Churn rate
q  Cost per lead
q  Customer acquisition cost
q  Customer lifetime value
q  Customer retention rate
q  Form conversion rate
q  Gross profit margin
q  Lead to customer ratio
q  Marketing ROI
q  Net promoter score
q  Sales closing ratio
q  Sales growth
q  Sales revenue
q  Total revenue
To Do
1.  See	https://learn.g2.com/sales-and-marketing	
2.  Select	the	KPIs	that	are	relevant	for	your	business.
Set relevant social
media metrics
Depending upon your business and the social networks relevant to it, you
should choose which social media metrics to measure.
q  Audience Growth Rate – this is a measure of how quickly you are
gaining followers on the relevant social networks.
q  Content reach – this is a measure of how many people have seen
specific content – posts, articles, videos etc.
q  Like rate – this is a measure of how many people have liked specific
content – posts, articles, videos etc.
q  Comment rate – this is a measure of how many people have
commented on specific content – posts, articles, videos etc.
q  Amplification rate - this is a measure of how many people have
shared specific content – posts, articles, videos etc.
q  Engagement Rate - this is a measure of how many people have
engaged with specific content (liked, shared, commented, etc.) – posts,
articles, videos etc.
q  Virality rate - this is a measure of how many people have shared
specific content compared to the number of views.
q  Click-Through Rate – this is a measure of how many people click on a
link in your content. To measure the clicks, use a URL shortening
service like www.bitly.com so that every click can be analysed.
q  Conversion rate – this is a measure of how many people click on a link
in your content to take some action e.g. subscribe to a newsletter,
download a file, register for a webinar, etc.
To Do
1.  See:	https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-metrics	
2.  Select	the	social	media	metrics	that	are	relevant	to	you.	
3.  Check	out	a	spreadsheet	for	calculating	metrics	at:	https://bit.ly/3oalH0P
1. Design your
smarketing funnel
A traditional marketing funnel describes the customer’s journey from
becoming aware of a product / service to purchasing it.
It was first proposed in 1898 (yes, 122 years ago!) and is known as the
AIDA-model, an acronym for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.
It’s been more than a century since this model was first proposed. It
does not have much relevant in today’s digital and highly complex
AIDA is a relic from a time before the Internet, globalization, digital
marketing, freemium services, “free” services, SAAS, complex supply
chains, subscription models and so much more.
I propose the following 7-stage smarketing funnel:
Awareness: the customer becomes aware of the existence of a product /
service e.g. by watching a video or reading a social media post or blog.
Interest: the customer actively expresses an interest e.g. by signing up for
an email newsletter or mailing list.
Evaluation: the customer evaluates or tries the product / service e.g. by
taking a test drive or signing up for a demo or trial.
Decision: the customer decides to purchase the product / service.
Purchase / consumption: the customer buys or consumes the product (in
case it’s free).
Nurturing the relationship: the business nurtures the relationship with the
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell: This is where the customer buys /
consumes more of the same or related products or buys an upgrade e.g. an
in-app purchase, extended warranty.
Note: All products & services will not follow these stages. A mobile app may
have just stage 1 and 5. A complex industrial or military product may have
additional stages.
Purchase	/	Consumption	
Repurchase	/	upsell	/	cross-sell
B2B funnel
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Blog, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Quick Response
q  Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Niche social
q  eBooks
q  Drip email campaigns
q  Email newsletter
q  Free courses
q  Quick Response
q  Quora
q  Webinars
q  Demo
q  Personalised demo
q  Quick Response
q  Trial account
q  Webinars
q  Quick Response
q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials
Purchase / consumption
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Quick billing
q  Quick contracts
q  Quick Response
Nurturing the relationship
q  Drip email campaigns
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Easy recall and expiry checks
q  Efficient servicing
q  Email newsletter
q  Fake detection
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
q  Warranty management
q  Webinars
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Email newsletter
q  Drip email campaigns
q  Special schemes & offers
q  Quick Response
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
 Alcoholic Beverages
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Videos)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Reviews
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Fake detection
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
q  Social Selling
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Content (Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Loyalty programs
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Special schemes & offers
Appliances & gadgets
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Quick Response
q  Reviews
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging
q  Quick Response
q  Social Selling
Nurturing the relationship
q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging
q  Loyalty programs
q  Servicing
q  Warranty management
q  Quick Response
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Quick Response
q  Special schemes & offers
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Photos, Videos)
q  Dynamic QR code on the frame of painting or on the sculpture.
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Niche social platforms for artists & collectors e.g. DeviantArt.
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube)
q  Online portfolio
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Fake detection
q  Quick contract
q  Quick Response
Nurturing the relationship
q  Content (Photos, Videos)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Loyalty programs
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube)
q  Subscription model
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Content (Photos, Videos)
q  Loyalty programs
q  Online portfolio
q  Special schemes & offers
Artists can also generate revenues from merchandise, paid online courses
and reprints. 39
Banking and Fintech
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Quick Response
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Social Selling
Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Content (Blog, eBooks, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free
courses, Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Demo / Personalised demo
q  Quick Response
q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials
q  Trial account
q  Webinars
Purchase / consumption
q  Quick billing
q  Quick contracts
q  Quick Response
Nurturing the relationship
q  Drip email campaigns
q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards
q  Email newsletter
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
q  Webinars
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards
q  Email newsletter, Drip email campaigns
q  Special schemes & offers
q  Quick Response
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness & Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Blog, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Reviews
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers
q  Quick Response
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers
q  Loyalty programs
q  Niche social platforms
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Special schemes & offers
Clothes, shoes &
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Blog, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Fake detection
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Loyalty programs
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube)
q  Social Selling
Evaluation & Decision
q  Reviews
q  Social Selling
q  Trial
q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging
q  Social Selling
q  Quick Response
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Content (Blog, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging
q  Loyalty programs
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube)
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Special schemes & offers
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Blog, Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Reviews
q  Quick Response
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram)
q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging
q  Easy recall and expiry checks
q  Fake detection
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram)
q  Social Selling
Nurturing the relationship
q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging
q  Easy recall and expiry checks
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram)
q  Subscription model
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Quick Response
q  Social Selling
q  Special schemes & offers
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Blog, eBooks, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free
courses, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website)
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Quick Response
q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Webinars
q  Quick Response
q  Social Selling
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Content (Blog, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free courses,
Infographics, Videos, Website)
q  Quick Response
q  Loyalty programs
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Webinars
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Quick Response
q  Loyalty programs
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Special schemes & offers
OTC drugs
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Loyalty programs
q  Moment Marketing
q  Niche social platforms
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Reviews
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram)
q  Easy recall and expiry checks
q  Fake detection
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Social Selling
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Content (Videos, Website)
q  Easy recall and expiry checks
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Quick Response
q  Special schemes & offers
Fast-moving consumer
goods (FMCG)
Note: This is an indicative funnel.
Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision
q  Affiliates
q  Content (Videos, Website)
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Employee Advocacy
q  Influencers & Evangelists
q  Moment Marketing
q  Public Relations (PR)
q  Reviews
q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger,
WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram)
q  Social Selling
Purchase / consumption
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Quick Response
q  Subscription model
Nurturing the relationship
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Loyalty programs
q  Quick Response
Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell
q  Dynamic QR codes
q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell
q  Special schemes & offers
q  Subscription model
To Do
Design the smarketing funnel for your product / service.
2. Build & optimize your
For most businesses, the primary website is its most important digital
property. All your smarketing assets should be accessible from your
website. While building, optimizing and maintaining your website, ensure
you comply with the following:
Page content and images
q  The content of each page has been checked to ensure that there are no
spelling / grammatical errors.
q  The content of each page is simple to understand for the target
q  The content of each page is relevant, engaging and fresh.
q  Each page uses adequate high-quality relevant images. You can find
these for free on Unsplash and Freepik.
q  Use high-quality product mock-ups if relevant. You can find these for
free on PSDmockups
q  The site is useful for humans (not bots) and information-rich.
q  Don't embed important text inside images.
q  Give your images detailed, informative filenames e.g. my-new-black-
kitten.jpg instead of IMG00023.JPG
q  Create good alt text e.g. <img src="dog.jpg" alt="Tiny dog trying to
intimidate a full grown cow">
q  Images should be placed near the relevant text.
q  Specify the width and height for all images.
q  Make a list of the words and phrases users would type to find your
pages. Make sure these are included in relevant pages.
q  Use text, and not images to display important names, content, or links
because search engine crawlers don’t recognize text contained in
images. If you must use images for textual content, consider using the
ALT attribute to include a few words of descriptive text.
q  Text is split into columns or grids to make it easy for readers.
q  The headers and footers contains company name, logo, social media
profile links, navigation menu and email address.
q  The content of each page is in inverted pyramid format with the most
important content on top and least important at the bottom.
q  All sentences are adequately short and the words used are simple to
understand. Unless you're writing for experts and geeks.
q  All paragraphs are adequately short.
q  Content focuses on the benefits to the users instead of the features.
Duplicate content
q  Duplicate content does not exist on different sub-domains.
q  Duplicate content does not exist on different domains owned by the
same organisation.
q  Duplicate content does not exist on the secure (https) version of the
q  Duplicate content does not exist on the 'printer friendly' version of the
Page Design
q  Each page has sufficient white space so that the page does not appear
q  Each page is designed to maximize user attention.
q  Each page has only 1 main heading (with the H1 html tag) and
adequate sub-headings.
q  Where relevant, bulleted / numbered lists are used to make the content
easy to read.
q  There is a clear distinction between the header, content and footer
sections on each page.
q  The color scheme of all pages is consistent.
q  Each page is responsive and displays well on mobile devices. You can
use the free Geekflare full-page screenshot service to see how your site
renders globally.
q  The use of pop-ups is minimum.
q  It is easy for a visitor to share site content on social media. ShareThis
has an excellent free service for share buttons, follow buttons, and
reaction buttons.
q  Flash is not used.
q  Line spacing and paragraph spacing is adequate.
q  Padding in all the web pages as well as tables is adequate.
q  Menus and sub-menus are easy to navigate, especially on mobile
q  Breadcrumbs are used to guide users, especially if the site has many
categories and sub-categories.
q  Fonts are suitable and of ideal size.
q  All links, internal and external, are regularly checked to ensure the
absence of dead-links. You can use the free Geekflare Broken Link
Testing tool to check if your website contains broken links.
q  Arrows or other icons are used to direct users towards call-to-action.
q  Every call-to-action is clear to understand. Passive words such as
‘Submit’ are not used in a call-to-action.
q  Most webpages are designed to serve as good landing pages.
q  Colors are used to organize information.
Page Links
q  Each page contains a link to the homepage.
q  Each page contains social media icons, which are linked to the relevant
social media assets.
q  Each page contains a prominent call-to-action to subscribe for the
mailing list.
q  If relevant, each page contains a link to the blog.
q  Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
otherwise it may not get indexed by search engines.
q  If your site is large and complex, build a site map with links that point to
the important parts of the site.
q  The logo on the top of each page is linked to the homepage.
Page keyword
q  Each page is optimized around 1 primary-keyword.
q  The title of each page is relevant, less than 70 characters and contains
the primary-keyword.
q  The meta description contains the primary-keyword.
q  The primary keyword is used adequately in the page content.
q  The primary keyword is 'bold' at least once in the page.
q  The primary keyword is used in the main heading on the page.
q  At least one link uses the primary-keyword as its anchor text.
q  At least 1 image is named using the primary-keyword.
q  The 'alt text' of at least 1 image includes the primary-keyword.
About us page
q  The organisation's mission.
q  Overview of the products / services with links to detailed pages /
microsites for each product and service.
q  The organisation's achievements with timeline.
q  Testimonials from happy customers, evangelists and influencers.
q  Success stories and case studies.
q  Links to other organisational websites.
q  Details of founders and key employees.
Contact us page
q  Official email addresses
q  Physical addresses
q  Official phones numbers
q  Details for contacting through Facebook Messenger, Line, Skype,
Telegram, Viber, WeChat and WhatsApp.
Other pages
q  The updated 'anti-spam policy' page is reachable from a static text link
in the footer of each page.
q  The updated 'terms of use' page is reachable from a static text link in
the footer of each page.
q  The updated 'privacy policy' page is reachable from a static text link in
the footer of each page.
q  The updated 'copyright policy' page is reachable from a static text link in
the footer of each page.
Technical Guidelines (Geek alert!)
q  Ensure that your site uses https. You can get a free TLS certificate from
q  Content shows properly even if the JavaScript, cookies, and CSS are
turned off.
q  Navigation links work even if the JavaScript, cookies, and CSS are
turned off.
q  Sign up for a free Google Analytics account for getting data related to
visitors and how they interact with your website. Insert the tracking code
on all pages.
q  Sign up for a Google Search Console account and connect your site to
it. This will provide tools and insights for better visibility and search
engine presence.
q  Ensure that all of your website's assets, e.g. CSS, JavaScript files, etc.
can be crawled by search bots without session IDs.
q  Ensure that the If-Modified-Since HTTP header is supported.
q  Ensure that your site has a robots.txt file that is properly configured.
q  Ensure that your website appears correctly in different browsers. You
can use the free Geekflare full-page screenshot service to see how your
site renders globally.
q  Regularly monitor your website's performance and optimize its load
times. You can use the free Geekflare Website Audit for Best Practices,
Performance, and SEO. You can also use the free Hubspot Website
q  Relevant metatags and Open Graph (OG) tags are used.
q  Use MetaTags.io for checking shareability.
q  Ensure that no URL contains excessive parameters or session IDs.
Search engines don’t handle dynamic pages very well.
q  Ensure that all URLs exposed to search engines are static.
q  Ensure that schema markup (e.g. a rich snippet) is added to a website
to help search engines return more informative results for visitors.
Search Engine Optimization
Search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo) are the most important way
that people will find your website. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
audit is done to improve a website from a search engine point of view.
q  Ensure that your regularly conduct SEO audits comprising:
q  Search Engine Indexation Analysis: This helps to find out which of your
web pages are not being indexed by search engines.
q  HTTP Status Code Analysis: This ensures that all web pages give the
correct HTTP codes. The most important ones are:
–  404 (page not found error) – a page is failing to deliver content to
–  301 (moved permanently) – the requested resource has been
permanently redirected. This code requests search engines to
update their index for the original page.
–  302 (found) – directs a browser to a new URL but does not
instruct search engines to update the page index.
–  503 (service unavailable) – informs search engines that the
processing of the requested resource was deliberately stopped
and requests the search engine not to de-index the page.
–  410 (gone) – causes search engines to remove the resource from
their index.
Page Speed Analysis: Page speed is a ranking factor for search engines
and visitors tend to abandon slow websites.
q URL Structure Analysis: Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are the
building blocks of an effective site hierarchy and direct users to their
desired destinations.
q Robots.txt files analysis: A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers
which resources they can or can’t request from your website.
q XML Sitemap generation: An XML sitemap enables search engines to
find and crawl all the important resources on a website. It also helps
search engines to understand the structure of the website.
q Canonical Tags Analysis: Canonical tags prevent the problems caused by
identical or “duplicate” content which appears on multiple URLs.
q Crawlability Analysis: Crawlability is a search engine’s ability to access
and crawl all the content on a website.
q Mobile SEO analysis: A website should be optimized for mobile devices
otherwise it will not be ranked well by search engines.
q International SEO analysis optimizes a website to enable search engines
to identify which countries and languages you want to target.
q Site Content Structure: The site structure of a website shows search
engines which pages of your website are most important. This helps to
influence which pages will rank highest in the search engines.
q Keyword Research: Keyword research helps to identify what your
potential customers are searching for and the format in which they want
the information.
q Meta Data Analysis: Accurate and well-written metadata (such as page
titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, etc.) improves search engine
rankings and increase the likelihood of a visitor clicking through to your
q Crawl Budget Analysis: Crawl budget is the frequency with which a
search engine’s spiders & bots go over your webpages.
q User Agent Analysis: User agent signifies the web browser, operating
system, and device type of your website visitors. 59
To Do
1.  See how your website fares on all the issued mentioned in this section.
Ask your tech team to make relevant improvements.
2.  See how your website performs with these tools:
q  Geekflare Website Audit for Best Practices, Performance, and SEO
q  To test how your site renders globally, try the free full-page
screenshot service offered by Geekflare.
q  The Geekflare Broken Link Testing tool to check if your website
contains broken links.
q  The Hubspot Website Grader.
“Personalised Gifts with Cadbury Chocolates”
is an interesting example of a brand leveraging its website
3. Build & optimize
your Blog
Every business MUST have a blog. This should be the primary repository of
all your content – eBooks, videos, infographics, presentations etc. Why?
Because it’s the one platform you own on the Internet.
Every other platform - LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. - is owned by
someone else. Third party platforms can ban you for many reasons and
sometimes for ridiculous things. And you wont get a chance to appeal!
Relying only on them is like building your house on rented land.
So whenever you create solid new content, first post it on your blog. Then
post it on social media. At the end of each social media post write that the
content was first posted on your blog and add a link back to the relevant
blog page.
Action Points:
q  The blog is setup on the primary domain of the business e.g. if the
primary website is example.com, the blog would be on example.com/
q  The blog is setup using the open-source Wordpress platform.
Wordpress has thousands of themes (for the look of your blog) and
plugins (for adding powerful functions and features).
q  The Wordpress theme is customised to reflect your brand colors and
q  The following free Wordpress plugins are installed:
•  Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth to increase
the security and performance of your blog.
•  WP Super Cache that speeds up your blog by generating
static html files from your blog.
•  UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin to quick backup and
restoration of your blog files and database
•  Google XML Sitemaps to create special XML sitemaps to
enable search engines to better index your blog.
•  Broken Link Checker to monitor and test all internal links &
external links.
•  Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin to use Google Analytics
on your blog.
•  Rank Math to optimize your blog content with built-in
•  ShareThis Share Buttons to embed sharing buttons for social
networks, SMS and WhatsApp.
q  All content is first published on the blog and then posted on social
q  Link all social media posts to its corresponding blog post.
q  For blog post ideas use the free services from AnswerTheRespublic
and UberSuggest.
q  Canonical metatags are used so that search engines treat the blog
pages as the original / master copy of the content.
q  Regularly update blogs so that they appear “fresh” to humans and
search engines.
q  Build a solid pillar post and then create multiple posts around it.
q  Use Grammarly for Chrome to fix your spelling and grammar.
q  Use the freemium Headline Studio for writing better headlines. It also
has a free Chrome extension.
q  Consider replicating your blog content on Quora Spaces and Medium.
To Do
Go through blogs managed by your competitors.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
SalesForce is an example of a corporate blog done well.
4. Build & optimize
your Content
1. eBooks
eBooks are specially created documents, optimized for viewing on
computers, tablets, and mobile phones. If done well, eBooks are the BEST
methods of building credibility and establishing yourself as an expert.
Action Points:
q  Before you begin planning your eBook, read other books and eBooks
on the same topic.
q  Set a reasonable deadline. Remember that you can always improve the
eBook in future editions.
q  Don’t try to be perfect. Perfection is a myth.
q  The cover should be great looking. We say that you shouldn’t judge a
book by its cover. But we all do.
q  Give your eBook a great title.
q  If your eBook is meant for online viewing only then each page should
have less text per page than a conventional book. Use great-looking
relevant images. And make it available in multiple formats - PDF, AZW,
q  If you expect and want readers to print your eBook, then design it like a
typical book with fewer images and little to no coloured fonts. Make it
available in PDF form.
q  Use bullet points, lists, and short sentences.
q  Don’t over-use jargon and technical words.
q  The bulk of your text should be left aligned and not justified.
q  Choose the font, font-size and font colors carefully.
q  Pay attention to word, line and paragraph spacing.
q  The table of contents should be detailed.
q  Page numbering should be clearly visible.
q  Choose the copyright license under which you will publish the eBook.
q  Hire a professional editor. Don’t be your own editor.
q  Hire a professional proof-reader. Don’t be your own proof-reader.
q  Update the eBook regularly - at least every year. Clearly mention the
last updated date on the cover.
q  Mention your contact information clearly on the back cover.
q  Have clear calls-to-action. What do you want a reader to do next?
q  Email-gate the eBook. Make people fill a short form before they
download your eBook – name and email address should be enough in
most cases. If you really need more information (location, company, job
title etc.) then ask for it.
q  Use the free HemingwayApp to improve the quality of your writing.
To Do
Go through eBooks created by your competitors and by industry experts.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Hubspot has created a great collection of eBooks
2. Email newsletter & drip campaigns
Email newsletters are a great way of regular information sharing with
customers, employees, and leads.
Drip emails are a set of marketing emails that are sent out automatically on
a schedule e.g. 1 email as soon as someone signs up, another after 4 days,
another on the following weekend. Drip emails can also be triggered by
user actions e.g. when a purchase is made.
Action points:
q  The "from" address is recognisable and working (NEVER use a "do-not-
reply" email address).
q  The "from" name is recognisable and relevant.
q  The "reply to" address is recognisable and working. (NEVER use a "do-
not-reply" address).
q  The subject line is short and engaging.
q  The subject line is personalised.
q  Content in the email is clear and in inverted pyramid format - the most
important information is on top.
q  Social sharing buttons are included in the email.
q  A link to view the web version of the email is right on top.
q  A link to unsubscribe from the mailing list is included in the footer of the
q  Your physical address and contact information is included in the email.
q  The subscribers in the mailing list have been segmented so that they
only receive emails relevant to them.
q  The content is proofed to ensure that there are no grammatical or
spelling errors.
q  Proper details are used in the alt tag of each image in the email.
q  The email is sent in html and plain text format.
q  While scheduling the email, the right time as well as holidays are taken
into account.
q  The email is manually checked by sending it to a test list that mimics
the fields in the actual mailing list.
q  Use a professional service like SendGrid or SendInBlue for sending out
your emails.
To Do
Sign up for email newsletters and drip campaigns conducted by your
competitors and industry experts.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
3. Free courses
Free courses can be of great value to your customers especially if your
product / service is complex and requires expertise to use. You can also
provide free / paid certificates to motivate learners. These courses can be
on-demand or in scheduled batches.
Action points:
q  Before you begin planning your course, check out other courses on the
same topic.
q  Set a reasonable deadline. Remember that you can always improve the
course in future editions.
q  Don’t try to be perfect. Perfection is a myth.
q  Give your course a great title.
q  Course length should be minimum 3 hours and maximum 16 hours.
q  All content need not be original. You can add curated content. But
remember to attribute the original creators.
q  Cover at least 50% of the content through videos.
q  Keep at least one 30-minute live session. This is your opportunity to
build a strong connection with participants and drive your sale.
q  Use gamified content e.g. quizzes and challenges. Check out some
Khan Academy courses for good examples of gamification in education.
q  Add practical to-do activities to the course.
q  Keep a 15 to 60 minute test at the end. The test should not be too easy
or too difficult.
q  If the test is multiple choice based, use a learning management system
for delivering and managing your course. My personal favourite is the
open-source Moodle platform. An alternative is the premium LearnDash
plugin for Wordpress.
q  If your course has a practical assignment as the test, you can create the
course directly as a Facebook event or a LinkedIn event. All the content
can be put as posts on the event page.
q  Choose the copyright license under which you will publish the course.
q  Update the course regularly - at least every year.
q  Have a clear call-to-action. What do you want a reader to do next?
q  Email-gate the course. Make people fill a short form before they can
access your course – name and email address should be enough in
most cases. If you really need more information, like location, company
and job title, then ask for it.
q  Issue a nice looking digital certificate of course completion.
q  Make it easy for people to showcase their certificates on social
q  Make it easy for people to share your course with their networks.
To Do
Enroll for free courses created by your competitors and by industry experts.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Moodle, my favourite open source Learning Management System
has a nice collection of free online courses
4. Videos
Videos are one of the most important smarketing assets. They can build
trust, boost sales and influence buying decisions. Videos also rank high on
Google and perform well as on social networks.
Action points:
q  Plan and story your video before you being shooting.
q  Pay careful attention to lighting. Natural light works best for morning
and evening shoots. Afternoon sunlight can cast shadows.
q  Use a clear background. Too much clutter can ruin the look of the video.
Consider using green-screens.
q  You do not need a high-end video camera. Most modern smartphones
can be used to create high-quality videos.
q  Strange as it may sound, audio quality is more important in videos. Use
a good mic and record in a silent location.
q  Avoid shaky footage by using a tripod.
q  For live videos you can use Facebook Live, YouTube Live or Instagram
Live. You can also use a streaming service like Restream.io.
q  For screen recordings, use Camtesia.
q  For explainer and how-to videos, you can use the premium services
offered by Powtoon, Animoto or the whiteboard video making software
q  For promotional videos use Lumen5. It uses artificial intelligence AI to
storyboard your ideas, fit your content to a layout, and find music and
visuals that enhance your message.
q  For long-form videos that showcase how your product / service solves
user problems you can use Camtesia or iMovies.
q  Use an attention grabbing video intro and thumbnail.
q  Each video should end with a clear call-to-action.
To Do
Go through videos created by your competitors and by industry experts.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Check out the video that started the whiteboard animation genre
The live stream of Will Smith bungee jumping over the Grand Canyon
had 300,000 concurrent views.
5. Webinars
Webinars are undeniably the most powerful digital marketing tools in the
COVID era. They can position you as an expert and thought leader. But
webinars also involve the maximum friction, as viewers are required to
spend quite some time at a fixed schedule.
Action Points:
q  The best platforms for webinars, in alphabetical order are Facebook
Live, Google Meet, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, WebEx, and Zoom.
q  Announce your webinar well in advance on your website and blog.
q  Inform attendees whether you will take questions on the fly or in
advance. Make it easy for attendees to post questions.
q  Create a LinkedIn Event well in advance. This will create a dedicated
page where people can register and the organizers can post relevant
information. Send connection requests to all attendees who are not
already connected to you. Regularly post useful information on the
Event page. You can “recommend posts” up to twice a week. This will
send a notification about the post to all attendees.
q  Create a Facebook Event well in advance. This will create a dedicated
page where people can register and the organizers can post relevant
information. Regularly post useful information on the Event page.
q  Post your webinar details on Meetup.
q  Make sure that the webinar starts and ends on time.
q  If you are taking questions on the fly, make sure there is someone
online to read through the questions and select the ones that the
presenter would answer on air. The other questions can be answered
later on the Event page.
q  Make sure that the presenter is in a silent and well-lit room.
q  The laptop or phone camera should be at the eye-level of the presenter.
q  The presenter should wear appropriate clothes and should be well
q  Make the recording of the webinar available to all participants.
To Do
Attend webinars and other virtual events organized by your competitors and
by industry experts.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
6. Others
q  For free Google Slides and PowerPoint presentation templates, use
q  Infographics are visual representations of any kind of information or
data.. You can curate relevant infographics from Pinterest or create your
own using freemium services like Canva and Piktochart.
q  You can create mind maps & flow charts using Coggle.
q  You can create presentations, reports, infographics, flyers, social media
graphics and posters using freemium services like Canva and
To Do
Go through presentations, infographics, mind-maps and other content
created by your competitors and by industry experts. Pinterest is usually a
good platform to find these.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
5. Build & optimize
your Landing Pages
Let’s say you were hosting this HUGE summer sale. You’d need people to
know about it, right? You would probably write about it on your website.
But you can’t have a regular page for something so major. Maybe you’d add
more color or some pretty pictures? Maybe you’d have some special
features? That’s basically what a landing page is. It’s a UNIQUE page that
you create to market something.
Why is it called a LANDING page? Well, the name is actually pretty literal.
People usually land on that page after clicking on one of your ads or posts
or articles.
Some of the reasons for using Landing Pages
•  Click-through to digital content
•  Collecting email addresses on a Coming Soon page
•  Collecting viewers contact information on a Company Presentation or
“Request Demo” page
•  Coupon Download
•  Destination of your ads or email marketing campaign
•  E-book Download
•  Event Signup
•  Newsletter Signup
•  Product or Service Sales
•  Recruitment
•  Webinar Signup
Action Points:
q  The landing page must be attractive, clear, and well designed.
q  The landing page headline must match details on the post / ad through
which the user reaches the page.
q  The landing page must focus on 1 offer / product / service only.
q  A stranger must be able to understand the offer in 6 seconds or less.
q  Your logo and tagline must be simple to understand for a stranger.
q  The benefits of the product / service / offer must clearly be mentioned in
simple language preferably in bullet / numbered lists.
q  The entire message on the landing page is as clear as possible.
q  The navigation menu on the landing page is relevant only to the landing
page. The detailed navigation menu of your website must not show up
q  Focus on benefits to the potential customer and not on product / service
q  Your credibility must clearly be established.
q  The call to action button must clearly stand out on the page.
q  The form that the user is required to fill must be as short, sweet, and
simple as possible.
q  Carry out A / B testing by making two versions of your landing page and
measure the responses.
q  Proof all the content to make sure there are no grammatical / spelling
q  After the user submits information, the confirmation page should be
clear on what’s going to happen next.
q  The call to action button must not use words like “Click here”, “Submit”,
“Submit query”. It should use words like “Get a demo”, “Get started
free”, “Get started”, etc.
q  Hubspot is a popular landing page builder.
To Do
Google relevant keywords. Click on the ads that show up at the top of the
search results. Examine the landing pages that show up.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Let’s take an example of a landing page.
When we do a Google search
for Shopify, this is what comes up:
Clicking on the first link in the Google search results page
takes us to a short, sweet, and simple Shopify landing page
(see the next page)
Clicking on the second link in the Google search results page
takes us to the really long Shopify website homepage
(see the page after the next one)
The short, sweet, and simple Shopify landing page
The Shopify website homepage
6. Reduce Friction
This shouldn't be something to talk about. But you will be surprised how
many businesses make it difficult for potential customers to contact them!
You MUST make it extremely easy for customers and leads to contact you.
Businesses must use as many of these communication tools as feasible:
q  Chat bots
q  Email
q  Facebook Messenger
q  Line
q  Phone (toll free)
q  QR code on product packaging
q  Skype
q  Telegram
q  Viber
q  WeChat
q  WhatsApp Business
To Do
Go through the website and social media presence of your competitors to
understand which communication tools they are using. Have “dummy”
conversations through their channels. If feasible, buy some products /
services from them.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
7. Monitor reviews
A very large number of people refer to reviews to make purchase decision.
And that is why fake reviews are a huge problem. According to Curtis
Boyd of Objection.co the primary sources / types of fake reviews :are
1.  Vendors that sell both positive and negative online reviews.
2.  Business owners directly or indirectly generating fake reviews for
themselves (through fake profiles or vendors).
3.  Current employees writing positive reviews on behalf of an employer.
4.  Ex-employees writing negative reviews in retaliation for being
terminated or laid off.
5.  Customers lying about or exaggerating a negative experience to obtain
a refund or some other benefit (e.g., discount).
6.  Review clusters (e.g., friends and family) writing positive or negative
reviews within a short period of one another.
Fake reviews and a bad online reputation can destroy a business.
Action Points:
q  Set GoogleAlerts for your company and key personnel.
q  Use SocialMention for real-time social media search and analysis.
q  Regularly monitor reviews and ratings of your company on Glassdoor.
q  Regularly monitor social media platforms for mentions of your company
and relevant Hashtags.
q  Improve the tagging and search engine optimization of company-
published materials, such as white papers and positive customer
testimonials in order to push down negative content.
q  Publish original, positive websites and social media profiles, with the
aim of outperforming negative results in a search.
q  Submit online press releases to authoritative websites in order to
promote brand presence and suppress negative content.
q  Submit legal take-down requests if you have been defamed.
q  Get mentions of the business or individual on third-party sites that rank
highly on Google.
q  Create positive reviews to counteract negative ones.
q  Proactively offer free products to prominent reviewers.
q  Proactively respond to public criticism.
q  Remove or suppress images that are embarrassing or violate copyright.
Social networks
The line between social networks and instant messengers is
blurring. Actually there is no line anymore.
Don’t believe me? Check out all the features that WhatsApp
has. Or Telegram.
So semantics aside, depending upon what you are selling
and to whom, you should leverage Facebook, Instagram,
IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter,
YouTube, Quora, Telegram
There are also many niche social platforms for everyone –
from artists and authors to even lost zombies!
8. Leverage Facebook
Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world. It is
packed with tools and analytics and is a crucial resource for smarketing.
A profile is an individual’s personal account on Facebook. A new Facebook
account starts with a profile and it is used to add friends, share personal
updates in the form of text, photos, videos and more.
A Page is a business's digital presence on Facebook and is suitable for
Businesses, Organisations, Charities and Public figures. Groups are a way
for fans of a Page to post, comment and discuss everything that the Page is
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an
ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you
must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
Action Points:
q  Make a list of Pages run by competitors. Regularly check them to get
fresh ideas.
q  Create a Page for your business from the Facebook profile of a relevant
q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences,
create separate Pages for each different product / category.
q  Link your Facebook Page and Instagram business account and use the
Creator Studio (desktop / app) for managing them from one place.
q  While posting content, first post on your Page(s). Then ask relevant
employees to “like” the post and then “share” it on their timelines.
q  Post regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. Photos,
videos, text and polls work well on Facebook. When posting, ensure
that you are achieving at least one of these goals:
–  Keeping your customers updated.
–  Connecting people with your products and services.
–  Offering great customer service.
–  Posting about an open job.
–  Sharing an offer.
–  Deepening your relationship with your customers
–  Promoting an event.
q  While posting videos, do not simply add YouTube links. Upload the
video to Facebook as its algorithm prefers native content to links.
q  Build a community around your Page(s) by creating linked group(s).
q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible.
q  Boost your “high quality” posts.
q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those
posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field.
q  Repurpose content for Stories as those are the first things people see
when they login. For ideas, see:
q  Join relevant Groups and post “high quality” on them. Comment and
add value to other people’s posts.
q  Regularly organise Events in the form of webinars, demos, tutorials etc.
Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays. (Note: Recurring events can
be created by a Page only)
q  Post jobs whenever there are vacancies in your company.
q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including:
–  people reached – organic & paid
–  reactions
–  comments
–  shares
–  link clicks
q  Consider creating Fundraisers for charitable causes that matter to your
93	93	
To Do
1.  Learn about the Facebook tools that are relevant for your smarketing
goals. See: https://www.facebook.com/business/goals
2.  Learn about how publishers and content creators can leverage
Facebook. See:
3.  See how your competitors are leveraging Facebook. What are they
doing right? What are they doing wrong? What can you learn from them?
Starbucks is a great example of leveraging Facebook.
9. Leverage Instagram
Instagram is a very popular social network and is part of the Facebook
group. Photos and videos work best on Instagram. Long text doesn’t. The
only place for a clickable link is in the bio. You cannot place these in
individual posts.
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an
ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you
must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
Action Points:
q  Create a business profile for your company.
q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences,
create separate accounts for each different product / category.
Remember that you can now add up to 5 Instagram accounts and
quickly switch between them without having to log out and log back in.
q  Link your Facebook Page and Instagram business account and use the
Creator Studio (desktop / app) for managing them from one place.
q  Use your logo as the profile picture.
q  Optimize your Instagram bio. There is a 150-character limit so keep it
simple. Since bios are not searchable, don’t put keywords or hashtags.
q  Your bio must encourage users to take some specific action e.g. visit
your website. Instagram permits clickable links only in the bio. Change
the link in the bio whenever you are running a special campaign.
q  Edit the settings to allow all your followers to see and reply to your
q  Regularly post photos (with short meaningful write-ups) regularly but
remember that quality trumps quantity.
q  Post videos (with short meaningful write-ups) regularly but remember
that quality trumps quantity. Instagram videos are limited to a maximum
of 1 minute. If you are posting longer videos (upto 1 hour), use IGTV.
q  After posting content ask relevant employees and vendors to:
–  like the post
–  add a comment
–  share it
–  save it
q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible.
q  Promote your “high quality” posts.
q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those
posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field.
q  Regularly organise Instagram Events in the form of webinars, demos,
tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays.
q  Change the link in your bio every time you launch a new campaign.
q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including impressions from home,
hashtags & profile, likes, comments, shares, saves, profile visits and
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging Instagram.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Britannia’s “Which biscuit are you?”
is an interesting way of leveraging Instagram
10. Leverage IGTV
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an
ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you
must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
IGTV is a stand-alone app for watching long-form, vertical videos that can
have a duration of upto 1 hour each. IGTV videos can also be watched from
within the Instagram app.
Action Points:
q  Post videos, with short meaningful text, regularly but remember that
quality trumps quantity. IGTV videos are limited to a maximum of 1
q  After posting a video ask relevant employees and vendors to:
• like it
• add a comment
• share it
• save it
q  Respond to comments as quickly as possible.
To Do
Learn more about IGTV . See how your competitors are leveraging IGTV.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
11. Leverage Reels
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an
ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you
must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
Reels is Facebook’s alternative to TikTok. Its focus is on short (upto 15
seconds) “fun” videos, which can be shared on Instagram. Reels does not
have a stand-alone app and is a part of the Instagram app.
Action Points:
q  Post videos, with short meaningful text, regularly but remember that
quality trumps quantity. IGTV videos are limited to a maximum of 1
q  After posting a video ask relevant employees and vendors to:
• like it
• add a comment
• send it
• save it
q  Respond to comments as quickly as possible.
To Do
Learn more about Reels. See how your competitors are leveraging Reels.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
12. Leverage Facebook
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an
ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you
must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps. The
others include WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber.
Action points:
q  Use Facebook Messenger as an alternative form of distributing email-
gated content.
q  Send event related information and reminders to attendees.
q  Provide quick customer support using Facebook Messenger.
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To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging Facebook Messenger.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
13. Leverage WhatsApp
Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all
owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is
an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a
Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy.
WhatsApp is available as a mobile app and has a web / desktop
version. It is the world’s most popular instant messaging platform.
Action Points:
q  Use WhatsApp for text, audio and video communication with
employees, customers, leads and vendors. It's much cheaper than
phone calls and the quality is usually better.
q  Use WhatsApp to share PDFs, documents, and spreadsheets. It’s
more convenient than email.
q  Create groups of employees, customers, leads, vendors and
others and share relevant messages, photos, and videos with upto
256 people. Groups can be configured to only permit admins to
q  Ensure that your website has the relevant open graph meta tags to
improve shareability via WhatsApp.
q  Use WhatsApp Business features such as:
–  creating a catalog of products and services
–  automating, sorting, reusing and quickly responding to
–  creating a business profile with helpful information like your
address, business description, email address, and website
–  organizing contacts or chats with labels for easy finding
–  setting an “away message” so people know when to expect a
–  creating a greeting message to introduce people to your
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging WhatsApp.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
14. Leverage LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the world’s largest “professional network” and is the best place
for free B2B lead generation. It is a Microsoft owned company.
On LinkedIn, a personal profile (also called a member profile) are an
individual's personal hubs. These are for listing previous experience,
building a network, sharing & creating content and keep up with
A LinkedIn Page is an organization’s hub on LinkedIn. It is independent of
the profiles of the employees. A personal profile is needed to set up a Page.
A personal profile has connections while a Page has followers.
Personal profiles include sections like Activity, Experience, Skills &
Endorsements, Recommendations, and Interests. A LinkedIn Page includes
sections like an Overview, About, Jobs, and People.
LinkedIn has created an excellent Action Plan for Pages. Some of the tips
are curated below.
Action Points:
q  Create a Page for your business.
q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences,
create separate Pages for each different product / category.
q  While filling out organization’s description in a Page, focus on your
vision, mission, values, positing and products & services.
q  Increase searchability by providing details of your website,
headquarters, office location(s), industry, organization type, and size.
q  Add your logo (300 x 300 pixels) and cover image (1536 x 768 pixels).
q  Add the LinkedIn “Follow” button to your website.
q  Post content daily. Include custom images and videos in your posts.
LinkedIn recommends the 3-2-1 model. Every week, aim to publish 3
pieces of industry-related content, 2 pieces of “proud” content (content
that make your employees and community feel good) and just 1 piece
of product or service-related content.
q  While posting content, first post on your Page(s). Then ask relevant
employees to like the post and add a comment.
q  Share PowerPoint presentations, PDFs and other visually rich
q  Check your Activity tab regularly. If your Page has been @mentioned,
you can re-share your best mentions to highlight why people love your
q  Cross promote your Page on other social platforms to reach different
q  Join topical conversation with hashtags.
q  Switch up the hashtags in your Communities panel. Based on your
current goals, consider broad (location, etc.), niche (product, etc.), and
talent branding hashtags.
q  Think of top customers, influencers and evangelists who can
recommend your business, and ask them to post on their network with
an @mention of your Page. Re-share the posts on your Page with a
thank you.
q  Review your Page analytics to find out what resonates most and where
there are opportunity gaps.
q  @mention influencers or other Pages you admire.
q  Invite your personal connections to follow your Page using the “Invite to
Follow” feature.
q  Use the Content Suggestions tool to discover topics and articles that
are trending with your target audience.
q  Spark conversation through thought-provoking questions, polls and
q  While posting videos, do not simply add YouTube links. Upload the
video to LinkedIn, as its algorithm prefers native content to links.
q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible.
q  Repurpose content for Stories.
q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those
posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field.
q  Join relevant Groups and post “high quality” on them. Comment
and add value to other people’s posts especially those posted by
competitors or industry leaders in your field.
q  Regularly organise LinkedIn Events in the form of webinars,
demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays.
q  Post jobs whenever there are vacancies in your company.
q  Ensure that the profiles of all your employees are optimised and
consistent with the company style.
q  Use a LinkedIn Newsletter to disseminate high quality content. The
newsletter is delivered to the email inbox of subscribers by
LinkedIn. As of October 2020, this is an invite-only feature.
q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including:
–  impressions
–  reactions
–  comments
–  shares
–  clicks
–  engagement
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging LinkedIn.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Teleperformance was rated the best LinkedIn Page of 2019 for
•  making exemplary use of native video
•  frequently sharing short quick-hit content that is "easily digested
even without sound"
•  humanizing their brand by featuring company leaders in the
video content
•  establishing credible thought leadership through the use of
third-party stats
15. Leverage Twitter
Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that can be used for establishing
thought leadership, building brand awareness, and social selling.
Action Points:
q  Post regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity:
–  photos
–  videos
–  polls
q  Identify the latest trending topics and the hashtags used in those
tweets. If relevant, latch onto the trending topics with your inputs.
q  Create and stick to graphic templates for quotes.
q  When re-tweeting, add some comments.
q  When sharing an article, personalise it and don’t simply use its
q  While posting videos, do not simply tweet YouTube links. Upload
the video to Twitter as its algorithm prefers native content to links.
q  When dealing with an upset customer, take the conversation off
the Twitter feed and on to DM or email.
q  Use Twitter lists to organize accounts of interest into groups.
q  Generate leads by searching for people whose problems can be
solved by your product / service.
q  Respond every time someone mentions you or your brand.
q  Create branded hashtags.
q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including:
–  impressions
–  total engagements
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging Twitter.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Harvard Business Review is a great example of leveraging Twitter.
16. Leverage YouTube
YouTube is not just a video hosting and sharing platform. It’s also the
world's second-largest search engine (after Google).
It can be used for vlogs (video blogs), product demo videos, brand
building and for engaging with leads and customers.
Action Points:
q  Create a Channel for your business. Give it a great:
–  icon
–  tagline
–  description
–  trailer
q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences,
create separate Channels for each different product / category.
Give each channel a great:
–  icon
–  tagline
–  description
–  trailer
q  When a new video is posted, ask relevant employees to like the
video and add a comment.
q  Post videos regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity.
q  Respond to all comments and messages as quickly as possible.
Remember to heart the great comments.
q  Repurpose content for Stories.
q  Regularly organise YouTube Live Events in the form of webinars,
demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays.
q  At the end of every video, remind the viewers to like and
q  Give your playlists interesting names.
q  Remember that long videos (10 minutes and above) perform better
on YouTube.
q  Promote other videos through the end screen on all your videos.
q  Embed your YouTube videos in your blog and website.
q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including:
–  views
–  watch time
–  audience retention
–  likes v/s dislikes
–  traffic source types
–  discovery
–  impressions
–  impression click-through rate
–  top YouTube search terms
–  top videos suggesting this video
–  top playlists playing this video
–  audience (gender, age, top countries, top subtitles / CC
–  teaser clicks per card teaser shown
–  clicks per card shown
–  clicks per clickable annotations shown
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging YouTube.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
17. Leverage Quora
Quora is a social network for "gaining and sharing knowledge". You can
post questions, submit answers and connect with others. You can also
create Spaces (which are similar to blogs) to share interests, curate
content, and host discussions. Quora is a great platform to establish and
showcase credibility and thought leadership
Action Points:
q  Ask key employees to create Quora accounts.
q  Ask non-key employees, friends, customers, vendors to post relevant
questions. Ask them to also “request” the key employees to answer the
q  Ensure that the key employees regularly answer all relevant questions.
q  Ask non-key employees, friends, customers, vendors to “upvote”,
“comment” and “share” these answers.
q  Create relevant Spaces and repurpose and post blog content.
q  Regularly “take questions”. That’s Quora’s version of a live event. Stick
to a schedule e.g. Fridays. You can then answer questions over the
entire day.
To Do
See how your competitors are leveraging Quora.
1.  What are they doing right?
2.  What are they doing wrong?
3.  What can you learn from them?
Colgate India’s “Real People Real Stories” is a great example
of brands leveraging YouTube.
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook
The Smarketing Playbook

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The Smarketing Playbook

  • 2. Mike Tyson once said that everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. The coronavirus has punched us all – humans and businesses. We need a new plan. The old sales & marketing techniques are not going to survive 2020. Welcome to the world of Smarketing – smart aligned sales & marketing.
  • 3. Disclosures   I am NOT paid for recommending any of the third-party products and services mentioned in this article. I am recommending them only because I have personally used them and found them useful. I am the co-founder of meraQR and Primechain Technologies. 3
  • 4. Copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Rohas Nagpal. This document is available under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License. This means you can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon my work, even commercially, as long as you credit me for the original creation. So please distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon this.   View License Deed here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ View Legal Code here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode The front cover image is a copyright of Freepik Stories. 4
  • 5. Boring legal stuff I have to tell you this. My scary lawyers insist…. No investigation has been made of common-law trademark rights in any word. Words that are known to have current trademark registrations are shown with an initial capital and are also identified as trademarks. The inclusion or exclusion of any word, or its capitalization, in this book is not, however, an expression of the author’s opinion as to whether or not it is subject to proprietary rights, nor is it to be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark. This book is provided "as is" and the author makes no representations or warranties, express or implied either in respect of this book or the software, websites and other information referred to in this book. By way of example, but not limitation, the author makes no representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of licensed software, database or documentation will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights. The chosen case scenarios are for instructional purposes only and any association to an actual case and litigation is purely coincidental. Names and locations presented in the case scenarios are fictitious and are not intended to reflect actual people or places. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the author, and the information and statements shall not be used for the purposes of advertising. 5
  • 6. Contents Getting started…...............................................................................10 Understand what you are selling….........................................12 Understand whom you are selling to.......................................15 Do competitive analysis...........................................................18 Do social listening…................................................................20 Preliminary questions..............................................................21 Don’t spray and pray................................................................25 Set measurable KPIs...............................................................29 Set relevant social media metrics............................................30 1. Design your smarketing funnel...................................................33 B2B funnel…...........................................................................35 B2C funnels.............................................................................37 Alcoholic Beverages.......................................................37 Appliances & gadgets.....................................................38 Art...................................................................................39 Banking and Fintech services........................................40 Books.............................................................................42 Clothes, shoes & accessories........................................43 Cosmetics......................................................................45 E-learning......................................................................47 OTC drugs.....................................................................49 Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).........................50 2. Build & optimize your Website….........................................................52 3. Build & optimize your Blog..................................................................62 6
  • 7. 4. Build & optimize your Content.............................................................66 1. eBooks…………………………………………………….………66 2. Email newsletter & drip campaigns…………………….………69 3. Free courses…………………………………………….……….71 4. Videos………………………………………………….…………74 5. Webinars…………………………………………………………78 6. Others………………………………………………………….…80 5. Build & optimize your Landing Pages.................................................81 6. Reduce Friction.....................................................................................87 7. Monitor reviews.....................................................................................88 8. Leverage Facebook...............................................................................91 9. Leverage Instagram..............................................................................95 10. Leverage IGTV.....................................................................................98 11. Leverage Reels....................................................................................99 12. Leverage Facebook Messenger.......................................................100 13. Leverage WhatsApp..........................................................................101 14. Leverage LinkedIn.............................................................................103 15. Leverage Twitter................................................................................108 16. Leverage YouTube.............................................................................111 17. Leverage Quora.................................................................................114 18. Leverage Telegram............................................................................116 7
  • 8. 19. Leverage niche social platforms......................................................118 20. Leverage the power of Quick Response.........................................123 21. Leverage Social Selling....................................................................124 22. Leverage Employee Advocacy.........................................................126 23. Leverage Influencers & Evangelists................................................127 24. Leverage Affiliates.............................................................................129 25. Leverage Public Relations (PR)...................................................... 131 26. Leverage Moment Marketing............................................................133 27. Leverage dynamic QR codes...........................................................137 28. Leverage Artificial Intelligence.........................................................140 29. Leverage Blockchain technology....................................................142 30. Monetize product packaging............................................................145 31. Nurture customer relationships.......................................................148 Smarketing Tools....................................................................................149 What next? ..............................................................................................154 8
  • 9. 9 Some of the core components of Smarketing
  • 10. Getting started Mary Clare Novak puts it very well when she says that sales and marketing is “the ultimate interest-creating, revenue-generating, relationship-building power couple. The Beyonce and Jay-Z of business”. Marketers create and execute effective marketing plans by conducting situation analyses, defining buyer personas, determining goals, ideating tactics, executing and evaluating. The Sales team generates, connects & qualifies leads, gives value demonstrations, handles objections, closes deals and nurtures relationships. (Source: G2.com) Smarketing is a smart and integrated approach to sales and marketing. Its primary goal is the effective alignment of sales and marketing. This alignment is critical. Imagine if Jack Bauer and the 3 letter organizations in the TV series 24 had been aligned. They would have busted the bad guys in 1 episode every time instead of 24 episodes! Mike Volpe defines smarketing as “a partnership between sales and marketing that uses a number of different techniques to align sales and marketing better”. The coronavirus pandemic & the resulting economic lockdowns have reduced the effectiveness of many traditional marketing, sales, and lead generation techniques. •  People have started to go "contactless". That reduces the effectiveness of newspaper & magazine ads. •  People spend more time indoors. That reduces the effectiveness of billboards. 10
  • 11. •  People have started working from home and following social distancing. That reduces the effectiveness of conferences, tradeshows, and face-to-face meetings. •  Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime are gaining enormous popularity. That reduces the effectiveness of TV ads. •  Cold calls and emails are very irritating. OK, this has nothing to do with the pandemic. They were always irritating. •  Our attention spans are also getting shorter. Studies have shown that since the year 2000, the average human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. That's less than that of a goldfish! The importance of historical trends has reduced dramatically. Instead of monthly / quarterly data, marketers must look at real-time data at a granular level. The distinction between “above the line” and “below the line” marketing is also blurring rapidly. All businesses must embrace smarketing or face extinction. The Smarketing Playbook is full of actionable insights and action points to help you leverage smart sales and marketing techniques for super success. 11 How to leverage The Smarketing Playbook •  Start this Playbook on a Saturday morning. Check out all the links and footnotes. Don’t forget to try all the To-Dos. •  You will be a much better Smarketer by Monday morning. •  If so, don’t forget to buy me a cappuccino. If not, I will buy you two J
  • 12. Understand what you are selling There is a cliché that goes "people don't buy products or services, they buy solutions to their problems". Think about it. Does someone buy hair color or do they buy a solution to look younger? For me it’s the latter. What about you? It doesn't matter whether it's B2B or B2C or any other abbreviation, it's always about the solution and not about the product or service. A classic example of this is the blockchain industry. For years, startups, and even large companies, have tried to sell "blockchain-based solutions" and have met with very little success. But the world's first blockchain solution - bitcoin - has done exceedingly well for itself. The reason - bitcoin solves a massive problem for a ton of people. A company will pay for a blockchain solution only if it solves a big problem. So the first step is to understand what you are selling. Next, write great product descriptions that explain what the product is and why it’s worth purchasing. A great product description must supply important information about the features and benefits of the product and must be compelling. WordStream has put together a list of questions to answer before your create the product descriptions. q  Who will buy and/or use this? q  What ordinary problems do they deal with on a daily basis? How could this product solve them? 12
  • 13. q What makes this product different from other products on the market? q What else might someone buy to solve their problem? What are they currently using, if anything? q What makes this person happy? Afraid? Excited? Worried? q What does this person value? q What information, and how much, do they need to make a smart purchase decision? q What can you do that would surprise them? q What should your product make the buyer feel? How can your product description make them feel that without telling them to feel that? q How can you ask your real customers directly what their needs and pain points are? Action points for product descriptions that sell: q Focus on your ideal buyer, and anticipate & address her pain points. q Focus on benefits and not features. A feature is something your product is or has. A benefit is the expected outcome or result that someone will get by using your product or service. We buy for benefits, not features. q Avoid using cliché phrases like “excellent quality”, “world class”. Most people will just roll their eyes! Words like “patented”, “lab-tested”, “best seller” work better. q Use stories and mini-stories to bring in the emotional hook. q Use lists, videos, photographs and other relevant formats. q Use power words and sensory adjectives like velvety, smooth, crisp, and bright. 13
  • 14. q Use social proof e.g. photos and testimonials of happy customers, references to press mentions. q Educate the customer. Even if she doesn’t buy the product, she should learn something from the product description. For more information and interesting examples, see •  https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2019/06/26/product-descriptions •  https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/perfect-product-description-formula Also see this list of mistakes to avoid, see: •  https://www.shopify.com/blog/copywriting-mistakes For details on benefit driven marketing, see: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2017/02/21/features-vs-benefits For a huge list of power words, see: https://smartblogger.com/power-words 14 To Do •  Look around you. Choose something interesting – an appliance, a gadget, some clothes, whatever. •  Go online and find its product description. •  Then improve upon the description in your own style.
  • 15. Understand whom you are selling to Once you have understood what you are selling, the next step is to understand whom you are selling to. In the B2C world, it’s usually easy to understand the buyer. In some cases the buyer is the consumer e.g. a teenager buying a guitar. In some cases the buyer and consumer may be different people e.g. a mother buying diapers for her baby. If it’s a “free” app or service, the consumer is not the buyer, the advertiser is. Things are a little tougher in the B2B world. Many people have really fancy designations, but it's unclear what they do. Some examples - Digital Overlord, Dream Alchemist, Conversation Architect, Director of Fun. To add to your troubles, B2B purchase decisions are made by multiple people. These could be Primary Decision Makers, Technical Buying Influencers, and Internal Influencers. The 2019 B2B Buyers Survey Report by DemandGen has covered this issue in depth. Some extracts are mentioned below. Primary Decision Makers have a major hand in all aspects of the purchase decision. They usually participate in each part of the buying journey including: •  communication with outside sales reps, •  engaging in calls/demos, and •  seeking RFP / competitive bids / pricing info from selected vendors. 15
  • 16. Technical Buying Influencers have a smaller stake in the end-to-end sales cycle. Most of their time spent in the purchase decision was involved in: •  evaluating which solutions would fit well with existing partners, •  speaking with the sales rep at the selected vendor, and •  accepting outreach from vendors and engaging in calls and demos. Internal Influencers or Champions have a heavier hand in the earlier parts of a purchase decision, such as: •  speaking to and engaging with sales reps, •  developing informal lists of potential providers, and •  seeking input from peers / existing users in the community. While creating buyer personas, you need to consider details such as: q  Age q  Location q  Language q  Spending power and patterns q  Interests q  Challenges q  Stage of life q  Pain points q  Goals q  Preferred social platforms q  Preferred method of communication 16 To Do 1.  Use Hubspot's Make My Persona Tool to create buyer personas. 2.  Signup for a 1-month free trial of LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify the right people in the right organizations. Buy a paid plan if you find it profitable. 3.  Sign up for the free plan of Audiense Insights to identify relevant audiences, and to discover actionable insights. Upgrade if you find it profitable.
  • 17. 17 You can use the free Hubspot's Make My Persona Tool to create buyer personas: https://www.hubspot.com/make-my-persona You can use the freemium Audiense Insights to identify relevant audiences, and to discover actionable insights: https://audiense.com
  • 18. Do competitive analysis It is critical to analyse your competitors and see how they stack up against you. Remember that the definition of “competitor” is not that simple. Who is the competitor for a chocolate seller? Other chocolate sellers? Local sweet- sellers? Ice cream sellers? One of the best ways to identify your competitors is to do a Google search for keywords that are relevant to your business. See which businesses pop up. In all probability they are your competitors. This is also a great way to identify influencers and evangelists. For your competitors you should identify and analyse: q  Which social platforms they are on. q  The quality and quantity of their social media posts. q  Their smarketing strategy and ways in which it is better than yours. q  The quantity and quality of content they are creating and distributing. q  The metatags used in their websites. q  The quality of their website. q  The quality and quantity of their blog posts. q  The influencers and evangelists they are working with. q  The kind of brand mentions they are getting in the media. q  The hashtags they use. 18
  • 19. 19 To Do Do an analysis of your competitors. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 20. Do social listening Social listening is the process of monitoring social media channels, blogs and media sites for mentions of: q  Your brand name and handles including common misspellings. q  Your product name(s), including common misspellings. q  Your competitors’ brand names, product names, and handles including common misspellings. q  Industry buzzwords. q  Your key employees. q  Your competitors’ key employees. q  Relevant keywords and hashtags. 20 To Do 1. See: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-listening-business 2. Set up Google Alerts for relevant words and phrases. These are the recommended options to select while creating these alerts: •  How often: As-it-happens •  Sources: Automatic •  Region: Any Region •  How many: Only the best results
  • 21. Preliminary questions A Smarketing Strategy can be designed for a business as a whole or for specific time-bound campaigns. Either way, the questions that need to be asked (and honestly answered) before designing a Smarketing Strategy are: q  What are the objectives of the Smarketing Strategy? Be as specific as possible. q  On what parameters would the performance of the Smarketing Strategy be measured? q  What is the budget and time-scale of the Smarketing Strategy? q  Have all stakeholders agreed to these objectives, parameters, budget and time-scale? q  Define the personnel who will be working on implementing the Smarketing Strategy. How many man-hours (women-hours?) will be devoted to implementing the Smarketing Strategy? q  What are the current sales & marketing funnels? q  What are the current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? q  What are the current social media metrics? q  How often are website audits conducted? Where are the reports? q  Where are the reports of website monitoring activities? q  How often is the official blog updated? How has the subscriber and view count performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? 21
  • 22. q  What is the inventory of the eBooks, free courses, videos and other content? How have they performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  How many online and offline events (webinars, conferences, etc.) have been conducted so far? How have they performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? q  How have landing pages performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  What are the points of friction that leads, customers, employees and vendors face while interacting with the organization? (Tip: Ask them) How much revenue loss / additional costs can be attributed to this friction? q  How have email newsletters and drip campaigns been leveraged so far? How have they performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  How have the following social platforms been leveraged so far? How have they performed statistically? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? –  Facebook –  Instagram –  IGTV –  Reels –  Facebook Messenger –  WhatsApp –  LinkedIn –  Twitter –  YouTube –  Quora –  Telegram –  Niche social platforms 22
  • 23. q How is Quick Response ensured? Who responds to social media engagement? How often? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to Quick Response? q How is Social Selling being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? q How is Employee Advocacy being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q How are Influencers & Evangelists being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q How are Affiliates being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q How is Public Relations (PR) being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be specifically attributed to PR activities? q How are reviews and online reputation being monitored? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? q How is Moment Marketing being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? q How are QR codes being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q How is product packaging being monetized? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to it? q How is Social Proof being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q How is Artificial Intelligence being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? 23
  • 24. q  How is Blockchain technology being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  How can customers verify the genuineness of products? Is this process as efficient and hassle-free as possible? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to anti-counterfeiting processes? q  How can customers carry out recalls and expiry checks? Is this process as efficient and hassle-free as possible? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to this? q  Are loyalty programs being leveraged? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  How are customer relationships being nurtured? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  Are warranty management and servicing processes as efficient and hassle-free as possible? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  Is the customer service process as efficient and hassle-free as possible? q  Are precision marketing techniques being used to retain, cross-sell and upsell existing customers? What are the performance statistics? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? q  What are the tools being used by Smarketing teams? How much revenue / cost saving can be attributed to them? 24 To Do 1.  Ask the right people these questions. 2.  Get honest answers. 3.  Document the answers. 4.  Repeat this process regularly.
  • 25. Don’t spray and pray Advertising started off 6000 years ago with papyrus and rock painting. Modern advertising began in the early 16th-century with newspapers and magazines. In 1836, a Paris newspaper became the first to rely on paid advertising to "lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability". For thousands of years advertising has been "spray and pray". Businesses advertise everywhere they can afford in the hope that potential customers will notice them. Classic examples are ads in newspapers, magazines, TV shows, billboards, etc. Millions of people are "sprayed" with these ads but only a small fraction are actual potential customers. And even they tend to ignore the ads. Think about it. Do you like getting pesky phone calls, emails and text messages from marketers? Well, most people don't. Spray and pray marketing is easier but very ineffective and can even lead to brand over-exposure where your potential customers start to ignore all your content. And while we are on the topic, don’t make ads that look like ads. We are all bombarded with ads… all the time… everywhere. If you must advertise, then get creative. 25
  • 26. 26 To Do Go looking for ads. Yes, really! Look at newspapers, magazines, billboards, TV channels, websites, social networks. Even look for product placement in movies. 1.  How many of these ads do you think are memorable? 2.  What makes an ad memorable?
  • 27. 27 This Dollar Shave Club ad is one of my favourites. Started in 2011, the company was acquired by Unilever for a billion dollars. Check it out on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUG9qYTJMsI
  • 28. 28 One of the best product placements I have ever seen is Season 6, Episode 16 of the TV show Modern Family. The episode was shot entirely using Apple products and revolved around the family communicating via iPhones, iPads and a MacBook.
  • 29. Set measurable KPIs Set the relevant clearly measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the list below: q  Average revenue per account q  Average sales cycle length q  Churn rate q  Cost per lead q  Customer acquisition cost q  Customer lifetime value q  Customer retention rate q  Form conversion rate q  Gross profit margin q  Lead to customer ratio q  Marketing ROI q  Net promoter score q  Sales closing ratio q  Sales growth q  Sales revenue q  Total revenue 29 To Do 1.  See https://learn.g2.com/sales-and-marketing 2.  Select the KPIs that are relevant for your business.
  • 30. Set relevant social media metrics Depending upon your business and the social networks relevant to it, you should choose which social media metrics to measure. q  Audience Growth Rate – this is a measure of how quickly you are gaining followers on the relevant social networks. q  Content reach – this is a measure of how many people have seen specific content – posts, articles, videos etc. q  Like rate – this is a measure of how many people have liked specific content – posts, articles, videos etc. q  Comment rate – this is a measure of how many people have commented on specific content – posts, articles, videos etc. q  Amplification rate - this is a measure of how many people have shared specific content – posts, articles, videos etc. q  Engagement Rate - this is a measure of how many people have engaged with specific content (liked, shared, commented, etc.) – posts, articles, videos etc. q  Virality rate - this is a measure of how many people have shared specific content compared to the number of views. q  Click-Through Rate – this is a measure of how many people click on a link in your content. To measure the clicks, use a URL shortening service like www.bitly.com so that every click can be analysed. q  Conversion rate – this is a measure of how many people click on a link in your content to take some action e.g. subscribe to a newsletter, download a file, register for a webinar, etc. 30
  • 31. 31 To Do 1.  See: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-metrics 2.  Select the social media metrics that are relevant to you. 3.  Check out a spreadsheet for calculating metrics at: https://bit.ly/3oalH0P
  • 32. 32
  • 33. 1. Design your smarketing funnel A traditional marketing funnel describes the customer’s journey from becoming aware of a product / service to purchasing it. It was first proposed in 1898 (yes, 122 years ago!) and is known as the AIDA-model, an acronym for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. It’s been more than a century since this model was first proposed. It does not have much relevant in today’s digital and highly complex world. AIDA is a relic from a time before the Internet, globalization, digital marketing, freemium services, “free” services, SAAS, complex supply chains, subscription models and so much more. I propose the following 7-stage smarketing funnel: Awareness: the customer becomes aware of the existence of a product / service e.g. by watching a video or reading a social media post or blog. Interest: the customer actively expresses an interest e.g. by signing up for an email newsletter or mailing list. Evaluation: the customer evaluates or tries the product / service e.g. by taking a test drive or signing up for a demo or trial. Decision: the customer decides to purchase the product / service. Purchase / consumption: the customer buys or consumes the product (in case it’s free). Nurturing the relationship: the business nurtures the relationship with the customer. 33
  • 34. Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell: This is where the customer buys / consumes more of the same or related products or buys an upgrade e.g. an in-app purchase, extended warranty. Note: All products & services will not follow these stages. A mobile app may have just stage 1 and 5. A complex industrial or military product may have additional stages. 34 Awareness Interest Evaluation Decision Purchase / Consumption Nurturing Repurchase / upsell / cross-sell
  • 35. B2B funnel Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness q  Affiliates q  Content (Blog, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Public Relations (PR) q  Quick Response q  Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Niche social platforms) Interest q  eBooks q  Drip email campaigns q  Email newsletter q  Free courses q  Quick Response q  Quora q  Webinars Evaluation q  Demo q  Personalised demo q  Quick Response q  Trial account q  Webinars Decision q  Quick Response q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials 35
  • 36. Purchase / consumption q  Dynamic QR codes q  Quick billing q  Quick contracts q  Quick Response Nurturing the relationship q  Drip email campaigns q  Dynamic QR codes q  Easy recall and expiry checks q  Efficient servicing q  Email newsletter q  Fake detection q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response q  Warranty management q  Webinars Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes q  Email newsletter q  Drip email campaigns q  Special schemes & offers q  Quick Response q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell 36
  • 37.  Alcoholic Beverages Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Videos) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Reviews q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram) Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes q  Fake detection q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response q  Social Selling q  Subscription model Nurturing the relationship q  Content (Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Loyalty programs Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Special schemes & offers 37
  • 38. Appliances & gadgets Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Quick Response q  Reviews q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging q  Quick Response q  Social Selling Nurturing the relationship q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging q  Loyalty programs q  Servicing q  Warranty management q  Quick Response Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes on product & packaging q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Quick Response q  Special schemes & offers 38
  • 39. Art Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Photos, Videos) q  Dynamic QR code on the frame of painting or on the sculpture. q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Niche social platforms for artists & collectors e.g. DeviantArt. q  Public Relations (PR) q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube) q  Online portfolio Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes q  Fake detection q  Quick contract q  Quick Response Nurturing the relationship q  Content (Photos, Videos) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Loyalty programs q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube) q  Subscription model Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes q  Content (Photos, Videos) q  Loyalty programs q  Online portfolio q  Special schemes & offers Artists can also generate revenues from merchandise, paid online courses and reprints. 39
  • 40. Banking and Fintech services Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness q  Affiliates q  Content (Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Quick Response q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) q  Social Selling Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Content (Blog, eBooks, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free courses, Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Demo / Personalised demo q  Quick Response q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials q  Trial account q  Webinars Purchase / consumption q  Quick billing q  Quick contracts q  Quick Response 40
  • 41. Nurturing the relationship q  Drip email campaigns q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards q  Email newsletter q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response q  Webinars Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes on the back of credit / debit cards q  Email newsletter, Drip email campaigns q  Special schemes & offers q  Quick Response q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell 41
  • 42. Books Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness & Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Blog, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Reviews q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers q  Quick Response q  Subscription model Nurturing the relationship q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers q  Loyalty programs q  Niche social platforms q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes on book covers q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Special schemes & offers 42
  • 43. Clothes, shoes & accessories Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest q  Affiliates q  Content (Blog, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging q  Employee Advocacy q  Fake detection q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Loyalty programs q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube) q  Social Selling Evaluation & Decision q  Reviews q  Social Selling q  Trial Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging q  Social Selling q  Quick Response q  Subscription model 43
  • 44. Nurturing the relationship q  Content (Blog, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging q  Loyalty programs q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube) Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes on the product, tags, packaging q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Special schemes & offers 44
  • 45. Cosmetics Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Blog, Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Reviews q  Quick Response q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram) Purchase q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging q  Easy recall and expiry checks q  Fake detection q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram) q  Social Selling Nurturing the relationship q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging q  Easy recall and expiry checks q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, Telegram) q  Subscription model 45
  • 46. Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes on products & packaging q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Quick Response q  Social Selling q  Special schemes & offers 46
  • 47. E-learning Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation & Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Blog, eBooks, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free courses, Infographics, Landing Pages, Videos, Website) q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Quick Response q  Reviews, case studies, testimonials q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) q  Webinars Purchase q  Quick Response q  Social Selling q  Subscription model Nurturing the relationship q  Content (Blog, Email newsletter, Email drip campaigns, Free courses, Infographics, Videos, Website) q  Quick Response q  Loyalty programs q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) q  Webinars 47
  • 48. Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Quick Response q  Loyalty programs q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Special schemes & offers 48
  • 49. OTC drugs Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Employee Advocacy q  Loyalty programs q  Moment Marketing q  Niche social platforms q  Public Relations (PR) q  Reviews q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram) Purchase q  Easy recall and expiry checks q  Fake detection q  Dynamic QR codes q  Social Selling q  Subscription model Nurturing the relationship q  Content (Videos, Website) q  Easy recall and expiry checks Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Quick Response q  Special schemes & offers 49
  • 50. Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) Note: This is an indicative funnel. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Decision q  Affiliates q  Content (Videos, Website) q  Dynamic QR codes q  Employee Advocacy q  Influencers & Evangelists q  Moment Marketing q  Public Relations (PR) q  Reviews q  Social networks (Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Telegram) q  Social Selling Purchase / consumption q  Dynamic QR codes q  Quick Response q  Subscription model Nurturing the relationship q  Dynamic QR codes q  Loyalty programs q  Quick Response Re-purchase / upsell / cross-sell q  Dynamic QR codes q  Precision marketing to retain, cross-sell and upsell q  Special schemes & offers q  Subscription model 50
  • 51. 51 To Do Design the smarketing funnel for your product / service.
  • 52. 2. Build & optimize your Website For most businesses, the primary website is its most important digital property. All your smarketing assets should be accessible from your website. While building, optimizing and maintaining your website, ensure you comply with the following: Page content and images q  The content of each page has been checked to ensure that there are no spelling / grammatical errors. q  The content of each page is simple to understand for the target audience. q  The content of each page is relevant, engaging and fresh. q  Each page uses adequate high-quality relevant images. You can find these for free on Unsplash and Freepik. q  Use high-quality product mock-ups if relevant. You can find these for free on PSDmockups q  The site is useful for humans (not bots) and information-rich. q  Don't embed important text inside images. q  Give your images detailed, informative filenames e.g. my-new-black- kitten.jpg instead of IMG00023.JPG q  Create good alt text e.g. <img src="dog.jpg" alt="Tiny dog trying to intimidate a full grown cow"> q  Images should be placed near the relevant text. q  Specify the width and height for all images. 52
  • 53. q  Make a list of the words and phrases users would type to find your pages. Make sure these are included in relevant pages. q  Use text, and not images to display important names, content, or links because search engine crawlers don’t recognize text contained in images. If you must use images for textual content, consider using the ALT attribute to include a few words of descriptive text. q  Text is split into columns or grids to make it easy for readers. q  The headers and footers contains company name, logo, social media profile links, navigation menu and email address. q  The content of each page is in inverted pyramid format with the most important content on top and least important at the bottom. q  All sentences are adequately short and the words used are simple to understand. Unless you're writing for experts and geeks. q  All paragraphs are adequately short. q  Content focuses on the benefits to the users instead of the features. Duplicate content q  Duplicate content does not exist on different sub-domains. q  Duplicate content does not exist on different domains owned by the same organisation. q  Duplicate content does not exist on the secure (https) version of the site. q  Duplicate content does not exist on the 'printer friendly' version of the site. Page Design q  Each page has sufficient white space so that the page does not appear cluttered. q  Each page is designed to maximize user attention. 53
  • 54. q  Each page has only 1 main heading (with the H1 html tag) and adequate sub-headings. q  Where relevant, bulleted / numbered lists are used to make the content easy to read. q  There is a clear distinction between the header, content and footer sections on each page. q  The color scheme of all pages is consistent. q  Each page is responsive and displays well on mobile devices. You can use the free Geekflare full-page screenshot service to see how your site renders globally. q  The use of pop-ups is minimum. q  It is easy for a visitor to share site content on social media. ShareThis has an excellent free service for share buttons, follow buttons, and reaction buttons. q  Flash is not used. q  Line spacing and paragraph spacing is adequate. q  Padding in all the web pages as well as tables is adequate. q  Menus and sub-menus are easy to navigate, especially on mobile devices. q  Breadcrumbs are used to guide users, especially if the site has many categories and sub-categories. q  Fonts are suitable and of ideal size. q  All links, internal and external, are regularly checked to ensure the absence of dead-links. You can use the free Geekflare Broken Link Testing tool to check if your website contains broken links. q  Arrows or other icons are used to direct users towards call-to-action. 54
  • 55. q  Every call-to-action is clear to understand. Passive words such as ‘Submit’ are not used in a call-to-action. q  Most webpages are designed to serve as good landing pages. q  Colors are used to organize information. Page Links q  Each page contains a link to the homepage. q  Each page contains social media icons, which are linked to the relevant social media assets. q  Each page contains a prominent call-to-action to subscribe for the mailing list. q  If relevant, each page contains a link to the blog. q  Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link otherwise it may not get indexed by search engines. q  If your site is large and complex, build a site map with links that point to the important parts of the site. q  The logo on the top of each page is linked to the homepage. Page keyword q  Each page is optimized around 1 primary-keyword. q  The title of each page is relevant, less than 70 characters and contains the primary-keyword. q  The meta description contains the primary-keyword. q  The primary keyword is used adequately in the page content. q  The primary keyword is 'bold' at least once in the page. 55
  • 56. q  The primary keyword is used in the main heading on the page. q  At least one link uses the primary-keyword as its anchor text. q  At least 1 image is named using the primary-keyword. q  The 'alt text' of at least 1 image includes the primary-keyword. About us page q  The organisation's mission. q  Overview of the products / services with links to detailed pages / microsites for each product and service. q  The organisation's achievements with timeline. q  Testimonials from happy customers, evangelists and influencers. q  Success stories and case studies. q  Links to other organisational websites. q  Details of founders and key employees. Contact us page q  Official email addresses q  Physical addresses q  Official phones numbers q  Details for contacting through Facebook Messenger, Line, Skype, Telegram, Viber, WeChat and WhatsApp. Other pages q  The updated 'anti-spam policy' page is reachable from a static text link in the footer of each page. q  The updated 'terms of use' page is reachable from a static text link in the footer of each page. 56
  • 57. q  The updated 'privacy policy' page is reachable from a static text link in the footer of each page. q  The updated 'copyright policy' page is reachable from a static text link in the footer of each page. Technical Guidelines (Geek alert!) q  Ensure that your site uses https. You can get a free TLS certificate from LetsEncrypt. q  Content shows properly even if the JavaScript, cookies, and CSS are turned off. q  Navigation links work even if the JavaScript, cookies, and CSS are turned off. q  Sign up for a free Google Analytics account for getting data related to visitors and how they interact with your website. Insert the tracking code on all pages. q  Sign up for a Google Search Console account and connect your site to it. This will provide tools and insights for better visibility and search engine presence. q  Ensure that all of your website's assets, e.g. CSS, JavaScript files, etc. can be crawled by search bots without session IDs. q  Ensure that the If-Modified-Since HTTP header is supported. q  Ensure that your site has a robots.txt file that is properly configured. q  Ensure that your website appears correctly in different browsers. You can use the free Geekflare full-page screenshot service to see how your site renders globally. q  Regularly monitor your website's performance and optimize its load times. You can use the free Geekflare Website Audit for Best Practices, Performance, and SEO. You can also use the free Hubspot Website Grader. 57
  • 58. q  Relevant metatags and Open Graph (OG) tags are used. q  Use MetaTags.io for checking shareability. q  Ensure that no URL contains excessive parameters or session IDs. Search engines don’t handle dynamic pages very well. q  Ensure that all URLs exposed to search engines are static. q  Ensure that schema markup (e.g. a rich snippet) is added to a website to help search engines return more informative results for visitors. Search Engine Optimization Search engines (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo) are the most important way that people will find your website. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) audit is done to improve a website from a search engine point of view. q  Ensure that your regularly conduct SEO audits comprising: q  Search Engine Indexation Analysis: This helps to find out which of your web pages are not being indexed by search engines. q  HTTP Status Code Analysis: This ensures that all web pages give the correct HTTP codes. The most important ones are: –  404 (page not found error) – a page is failing to deliver content to visitors. –  301 (moved permanently) – the requested resource has been permanently redirected. This code requests search engines to update their index for the original page. –  302 (found) – directs a browser to a new URL but does not instruct search engines to update the page index. –  503 (service unavailable) – informs search engines that the processing of the requested resource was deliberately stopped and requests the search engine not to de-index the page. –  410 (gone) – causes search engines to remove the resource from their index. 58
  • 59. Page Speed Analysis: Page speed is a ranking factor for search engines and visitors tend to abandon slow websites. q URL Structure Analysis: Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are the building blocks of an effective site hierarchy and direct users to their desired destinations. q Robots.txt files analysis: A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which resources they can or can’t request from your website. q XML Sitemap generation: An XML sitemap enables search engines to find and crawl all the important resources on a website. It also helps search engines to understand the structure of the website. q Canonical Tags Analysis: Canonical tags prevent the problems caused by identical or “duplicate” content which appears on multiple URLs. q Crawlability Analysis: Crawlability is a search engine’s ability to access and crawl all the content on a website. q Mobile SEO analysis: A website should be optimized for mobile devices otherwise it will not be ranked well by search engines. q International SEO analysis optimizes a website to enable search engines to identify which countries and languages you want to target. q Site Content Structure: The site structure of a website shows search engines which pages of your website are most important. This helps to influence which pages will rank highest in the search engines. q Keyword Research: Keyword research helps to identify what your potential customers are searching for and the format in which they want the information. q Meta Data Analysis: Accurate and well-written metadata (such as page titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, etc.) improves search engine rankings and increase the likelihood of a visitor clicking through to your webpage. q Crawl Budget Analysis: Crawl budget is the frequency with which a search engine’s spiders & bots go over your webpages. q User Agent Analysis: User agent signifies the web browser, operating system, and device type of your website visitors. 59
  • 60. 60 To Do 1.  See how your website fares on all the issued mentioned in this section. Ask your tech team to make relevant improvements. 2.  See how your website performs with these tools: q  Geekflare Website Audit for Best Practices, Performance, and SEO q  To test how your site renders globally, try the free full-page screenshot service offered by Geekflare. q  The Geekflare Broken Link Testing tool to check if your website contains broken links. q  The Hubspot Website Grader.
  • 61. 61 “Personalised Gifts with Cadbury Chocolates” is an interesting example of a brand leveraging its website https://www.cadburygifting.in/personalised-gifts.html
  • 62. 3. Build & optimize your Blog Every business MUST have a blog. This should be the primary repository of all your content – eBooks, videos, infographics, presentations etc. Why? Because it’s the one platform you own on the Internet. Every other platform - LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc. - is owned by someone else. Third party platforms can ban you for many reasons and sometimes for ridiculous things. And you wont get a chance to appeal! Relying only on them is like building your house on rented land. So whenever you create solid new content, first post it on your blog. Then post it on social media. At the end of each social media post write that the content was first posted on your blog and add a link back to the relevant blog page. Action Points: q  The blog is setup on the primary domain of the business e.g. if the primary website is example.com, the blog would be on example.com/ blog q  The blog is setup using the open-source Wordpress platform. Wordpress has thousands of themes (for the look of your blog) and plugins (for adding powerful functions and features). q  The Wordpress theme is customised to reflect your brand colors and designs. q  The following free Wordpress plugins are installed: •  Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth to increase the security and performance of your blog. •  WP Super Cache that speeds up your blog by generating static html files from your blog. 62
  • 63. •  UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin to quick backup and restoration of your blog files and database •  Google XML Sitemaps to create special XML sitemaps to enable search engines to better index your blog. •  Broken Link Checker to monitor and test all internal links & external links. •  Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin to use Google Analytics on your blog. •  Rank Math to optimize your blog content with built-in suggestions. •  ShareThis Share Buttons to embed sharing buttons for social networks, SMS and WhatsApp. q  All content is first published on the blog and then posted on social media. q  Link all social media posts to its corresponding blog post. q  For blog post ideas use the free services from AnswerTheRespublic and UberSuggest. q  Canonical metatags are used so that search engines treat the blog pages as the original / master copy of the content. q  Regularly update blogs so that they appear “fresh” to humans and search engines. q  Build a solid pillar post and then create multiple posts around it. q  Use Grammarly for Chrome to fix your spelling and grammar. q  Use the freemium Headline Studio for writing better headlines. It also has a free Chrome extension. q  Consider replicating your blog content on Quora Spaces and Medium. 63
  • 64. 64 To Do Go through blogs managed by your competitors. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 65. 65 SalesForce is an example of a corporate blog done well. https://www.salesforce.com/blog
  • 66. 4. Build & optimize your Content 1. eBooks eBooks are specially created documents, optimized for viewing on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. If done well, eBooks are the BEST methods of building credibility and establishing yourself as an expert. Action Points: q  Before you begin planning your eBook, read other books and eBooks on the same topic. q  Set a reasonable deadline. Remember that you can always improve the eBook in future editions. q  Don’t try to be perfect. Perfection is a myth. q  The cover should be great looking. We say that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But we all do. q  Give your eBook a great title. q  If your eBook is meant for online viewing only then each page should have less text per page than a conventional book. Use great-looking relevant images. And make it available in multiple formats - PDF, AZW, MOBI, EPUB. q  If you expect and want readers to print your eBook, then design it like a typical book with fewer images and little to no coloured fonts. Make it available in PDF form. q  Use bullet points, lists, and short sentences. 66
  • 67. q  Don’t over-use jargon and technical words. q  The bulk of your text should be left aligned and not justified. q  Choose the font, font-size and font colors carefully. q  Pay attention to word, line and paragraph spacing. q  The table of contents should be detailed. q  Page numbering should be clearly visible. q  Choose the copyright license under which you will publish the eBook. q  Hire a professional editor. Don’t be your own editor. q  Hire a professional proof-reader. Don’t be your own proof-reader. q  Update the eBook regularly - at least every year. Clearly mention the last updated date on the cover. q  Mention your contact information clearly on the back cover. q  Have clear calls-to-action. What do you want a reader to do next? q  Email-gate the eBook. Make people fill a short form before they download your eBook – name and email address should be enough in most cases. If you really need more information (location, company, job title etc.) then ask for it. q  Use the free HemingwayApp to improve the quality of your writing. 67 To Do Go through eBooks created by your competitors and by industry experts. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 68. 68 Hubspot has created a great collection of eBooks https://www.hubspot.com/resources/ebook
  • 69. 2. Email newsletter & drip campaigns Email newsletters are a great way of regular information sharing with customers, employees, and leads. Drip emails are a set of marketing emails that are sent out automatically on a schedule e.g. 1 email as soon as someone signs up, another after 4 days, another on the following weekend. Drip emails can also be triggered by user actions e.g. when a purchase is made. Action points: q  The "from" address is recognisable and working (NEVER use a "do-not- reply" email address). q  The "from" name is recognisable and relevant. q  The "reply to" address is recognisable and working. (NEVER use a "do- not-reply" address). q  The subject line is short and engaging. q  The subject line is personalised. q  Content in the email is clear and in inverted pyramid format - the most important information is on top. q  Social sharing buttons are included in the email. q  A link to view the web version of the email is right on top. q  A link to unsubscribe from the mailing list is included in the footer of the email. q  Your physical address and contact information is included in the email. q  The subscribers in the mailing list have been segmented so that they only receive emails relevant to them. q  The content is proofed to ensure that there are no grammatical or spelling errors. 69
  • 70. q  Proper details are used in the alt tag of each image in the email. q  The email is sent in html and plain text format. q  While scheduling the email, the right time as well as holidays are taken into account. q  The email is manually checked by sending it to a test list that mimics the fields in the actual mailing list. q  Use a professional service like SendGrid or SendInBlue for sending out your emails. 70 To Do Sign up for email newsletters and drip campaigns conducted by your competitors and industry experts. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 71. 3. Free courses Free courses can be of great value to your customers especially if your product / service is complex and requires expertise to use. You can also provide free / paid certificates to motivate learners. These courses can be on-demand or in scheduled batches. Action points: q  Before you begin planning your course, check out other courses on the same topic. q  Set a reasonable deadline. Remember that you can always improve the course in future editions. q  Don’t try to be perfect. Perfection is a myth. q  Give your course a great title. q  Course length should be minimum 3 hours and maximum 16 hours. q  All content need not be original. You can add curated content. But remember to attribute the original creators. q  Cover at least 50% of the content through videos. q  Keep at least one 30-minute live session. This is your opportunity to build a strong connection with participants and drive your sale. q  Use gamified content e.g. quizzes and challenges. Check out some Khan Academy courses for good examples of gamification in education. q  Add practical to-do activities to the course. q  Keep a 15 to 60 minute test at the end. The test should not be too easy or too difficult. q  If the test is multiple choice based, use a learning management system for delivering and managing your course. My personal favourite is the open-source Moodle platform. An alternative is the premium LearnDash plugin for Wordpress. 71
  • 72. q  If your course has a practical assignment as the test, you can create the course directly as a Facebook event or a LinkedIn event. All the content can be put as posts on the event page. q  Choose the copyright license under which you will publish the course. q  Update the course regularly - at least every year. q  Have a clear call-to-action. What do you want a reader to do next? q  Email-gate the course. Make people fill a short form before they can access your course – name and email address should be enough in most cases. If you really need more information, like location, company and job title, then ask for it. q  Issue a nice looking digital certificate of course completion. q  Make it easy for people to showcase their certificates on social networks. q  Make it easy for people to share your course with their networks. 72 To Do Enroll for free courses created by your competitors and by industry experts. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 73. 73 Moodle, my favourite open source Learning Management System has a nice collection of free online courses https://learn.moodle.org
  • 74. 4. Videos Videos are one of the most important smarketing assets. They can build trust, boost sales and influence buying decisions. Videos also rank high on Google and perform well as on social networks. Action points: q  Plan and story your video before you being shooting. q  Pay careful attention to lighting. Natural light works best for morning and evening shoots. Afternoon sunlight can cast shadows. q  Use a clear background. Too much clutter can ruin the look of the video. Consider using green-screens. q  You do not need a high-end video camera. Most modern smartphones can be used to create high-quality videos. q  Strange as it may sound, audio quality is more important in videos. Use a good mic and record in a silent location. q  Avoid shaky footage by using a tripod. q  For live videos you can use Facebook Live, YouTube Live or Instagram Live. You can also use a streaming service like Restream.io. q  For screen recordings, use Camtesia. q  For explainer and how-to videos, you can use the premium services offered by Powtoon, Animoto or the whiteboard video making software Videoscribe. q  For promotional videos use Lumen5. It uses artificial intelligence AI to storyboard your ideas, fit your content to a layout, and find music and visuals that enhance your message. q  For long-form videos that showcase how your product / service solves user problems you can use Camtesia or iMovies. 74
  • 75. q  Use an attention grabbing video intro and thumbnail. q  Each video should end with a clear call-to-action. 75 To Do Go through videos created by your competitors and by industry experts. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 76. 76 Check out the video that started the whiteboard animation genre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U
  • 77. 77 The live stream of Will Smith bungee jumping over the Grand Canyon had 300,000 concurrent views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uilQxtVvpQ
  • 78. 5. Webinars Webinars are undeniably the most powerful digital marketing tools in the COVID era. They can position you as an expert and thought leader. But webinars also involve the maximum friction, as viewers are required to spend quite some time at a fixed schedule. Action Points: q  The best platforms for webinars, in alphabetical order are Facebook Live, Google Meet, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, WebEx, and Zoom. q  Announce your webinar well in advance on your website and blog. q  Inform attendees whether you will take questions on the fly or in advance. Make it easy for attendees to post questions. q  Create a LinkedIn Event well in advance. This will create a dedicated page where people can register and the organizers can post relevant information. Send connection requests to all attendees who are not already connected to you. Regularly post useful information on the Event page. You can “recommend posts” up to twice a week. This will send a notification about the post to all attendees. q  Create a Facebook Event well in advance. This will create a dedicated page where people can register and the organizers can post relevant information. Regularly post useful information on the Event page. q  Post your webinar details on Meetup. q  Make sure that the webinar starts and ends on time. q  If you are taking questions on the fly, make sure there is someone online to read through the questions and select the ones that the presenter would answer on air. The other questions can be answered later on the Event page. q  Make sure that the presenter is in a silent and well-lit room. q  The laptop or phone camera should be at the eye-level of the presenter. 78
  • 79. q  The presenter should wear appropriate clothes and should be well groomed. q  Make the recording of the webinar available to all participants. 79 To Do Attend webinars and other virtual events organized by your competitors and by industry experts. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 80. 6. Others q  For free Google Slides and PowerPoint presentation templates, use Slidesgo. q  Infographics are visual representations of any kind of information or data.. You can curate relevant infographics from Pinterest or create your own using freemium services like Canva and Piktochart. q  You can create mind maps & flow charts using Coggle. q  You can create presentations, reports, infographics, flyers, social media graphics and posters using freemium services like Canva and Piktochart. 80 To Do Go through presentations, infographics, mind-maps and other content created by your competitors and by industry experts. Pinterest is usually a good platform to find these. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 81. 5. Build & optimize your Landing Pages Let’s say you were hosting this HUGE summer sale. You’d need people to know about it, right? You would probably write about it on your website. But you can’t have a regular page for something so major. Maybe you’d add more color or some pretty pictures? Maybe you’d have some special features? That’s basically what a landing page is. It’s a UNIQUE page that you create to market something. Why is it called a LANDING page? Well, the name is actually pretty literal. People usually land on that page after clicking on one of your ads or posts or articles. Some of the reasons for using Landing Pages •  Click-through to digital content •  Collecting email addresses on a Coming Soon page •  Collecting viewers contact information on a Company Presentation or “Request Demo” page •  Coupon Download •  Destination of your ads or email marketing campaign •  E-book Download •  Event Signup •  Newsletter Signup •  Product or Service Sales •  Recruitment •  Webinar Signup Action Points: q  The landing page must be attractive, clear, and well designed. q  The landing page headline must match details on the post / ad through which the user reaches the page. q  The landing page must focus on 1 offer / product / service only. 81
  • 82. q  A stranger must be able to understand the offer in 6 seconds or less. q  Your logo and tagline must be simple to understand for a stranger. q  The benefits of the product / service / offer must clearly be mentioned in simple language preferably in bullet / numbered lists. q  The entire message on the landing page is as clear as possible. q  The navigation menu on the landing page is relevant only to the landing page. The detailed navigation menu of your website must not show up here. q  Focus on benefits to the potential customer and not on product / service features. q  Your credibility must clearly be established. q  The call to action button must clearly stand out on the page. q  The form that the user is required to fill must be as short, sweet, and simple as possible. q  Carry out A / B testing by making two versions of your landing page and measure the responses. q  Proof all the content to make sure there are no grammatical / spelling errors. q  After the user submits information, the confirmation page should be clear on what’s going to happen next. q  The call to action button must not use words like “Click here”, “Submit”, “Submit query”. It should use words like “Get a demo”, “Get started free”, “Get started”, etc. q  Hubspot is a popular landing page builder. 82
  • 83. 83 To Do Google relevant keywords. Click on the ads that show up at the top of the search results. Examine the landing pages that show up. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 84. 84 Let’s take an example of a landing page. When we do a Google search for Shopify, this is what comes up: Clicking on the first link in the Google search results page takes us to a short, sweet, and simple Shopify landing page (see the next page) Clicking on the second link in the Google search results page takes us to the really long Shopify website homepage (see the page after the next one)
  • 85. 85 The short, sweet, and simple Shopify landing page
  • 87. 6. Reduce Friction This shouldn't be something to talk about. But you will be surprised how many businesses make it difficult for potential customers to contact them! You MUST make it extremely easy for customers and leads to contact you. Businesses must use as many of these communication tools as feasible: q  Chat bots q  Email q  Facebook Messenger q  Line q  Phone (toll free) q  QR code on product packaging q  Skype q  Telegram q  Viber q  WeChat q  WhatsApp Business 87 To Do Go through the website and social media presence of your competitors to understand which communication tools they are using. Have “dummy” conversations through their channels. If feasible, buy some products / services from them. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 88. 7. Monitor reviews A very large number of people refer to reviews to make purchase decision. And that is why fake reviews are a huge problem. According to Curtis Boyd of Objection.co the primary sources / types of fake reviews :are 1.  Vendors that sell both positive and negative online reviews. 2.  Business owners directly or indirectly generating fake reviews for themselves (through fake profiles or vendors). 3.  Current employees writing positive reviews on behalf of an employer. 4.  Ex-employees writing negative reviews in retaliation for being terminated or laid off. 5.  Customers lying about or exaggerating a negative experience to obtain a refund or some other benefit (e.g., discount). 6.  Review clusters (e.g., friends and family) writing positive or negative reviews within a short period of one another. Fake reviews and a bad online reputation can destroy a business. Action Points: q  Set GoogleAlerts for your company and key personnel. q  Use SocialMention for real-time social media search and analysis. q  Regularly monitor reviews and ratings of your company on Glassdoor. q  Regularly monitor social media platforms for mentions of your company and relevant Hashtags. q  Improve the tagging and search engine optimization of company- published materials, such as white papers and positive customer testimonials in order to push down negative content. q  Publish original, positive websites and social media profiles, with the aim of outperforming negative results in a search. 88
  • 89. q  Submit online press releases to authoritative websites in order to promote brand presence and suppress negative content. q  Submit legal take-down requests if you have been defamed. q  Get mentions of the business or individual on third-party sites that rank highly on Google. q  Create positive reviews to counteract negative ones. q  Proactively offer free products to prominent reviewers. q  Proactively respond to public criticism. q  Remove or suppress images that are embarrassing or violate copyright. 89
  • 90. Social networks The line between social networks and instant messengers is blurring. Actually there is no line anymore. Don’t believe me? Check out all the features that WhatsApp has. Or Telegram. So semantics aside, depending upon what you are selling and to whom, you should leverage Facebook, Instagram, IGTV, Reels, Messenger, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Quora, Telegram There are also many niche social platforms for everyone – from artists and authors to even lost zombies!
  • 91. 8. Leverage Facebook Facebook is the largest and most popular social network in the world. It is packed with tools and analytics and is a crucial resource for smarketing. A profile is an individual’s personal account on Facebook. A new Facebook account starts with a profile and it is used to add friends, share personal updates in the form of text, photos, videos and more. A Page is a business's digital presence on Facebook and is suitable for Businesses, Organisations, Charities and Public figures. Groups are a way for fans of a Page to post, comment and discuss everything that the Page is about. Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. Action Points: q  Make a list of Pages run by competitors. Regularly check them to get fresh ideas. q  Create a Page for your business from the Facebook profile of a relevant stakeholder. q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences, create separate Pages for each different product / category. q  Link your Facebook Page and Instagram business account and use the Creator Studio (desktop / app) for managing them from one place. q  While posting content, first post on your Page(s). Then ask relevant employees to “like” the post and then “share” it on their timelines. 91
  • 92. q  Post regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. Photos, videos, text and polls work well on Facebook. When posting, ensure that you are achieving at least one of these goals: –  Keeping your customers updated. –  Connecting people with your products and services. –  Offering great customer service. –  Posting about an open job. –  Sharing an offer. –  Deepening your relationship with your customers –  Promoting an event. q  While posting videos, do not simply add YouTube links. Upload the video to Facebook as its algorithm prefers native content to links. q  Build a community around your Page(s) by creating linked group(s). q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible. q  Boost your “high quality” posts. q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field. q  Repurpose content for Stories as those are the first things people see when they login. For ideas, see: https://www.facebook.com/business/ads/stories-ad-format q  Join relevant Groups and post “high quality” on them. Comment and add value to other people’s posts. q  Regularly organise Events in the form of webinars, demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays. (Note: Recurring events can be created by a Page only) q  Post jobs whenever there are vacancies in your company. 92
  • 93. q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including: –  people reached – organic & paid –  reactions –  comments –  shares –  link clicks q  Consider creating Fundraisers for charitable causes that matter to your audience. 93 93 To Do 1.  Learn about the Facebook tools that are relevant for your smarketing goals. See: https://www.facebook.com/business/goals 2.  Learn about how publishers and content creators can leverage Facebook. See: https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/media-publishers-and-creators 3.  See how your competitors are leveraging Facebook. What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? What can you learn from them?
  • 94. 94 Starbucks is a great example of leveraging Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Starbucks
  • 95. 9. Leverage Instagram Instagram is a very popular social network and is part of the Facebook group. Photos and videos work best on Instagram. Long text doesn’t. The only place for a clickable link is in the bio. You cannot place these in individual posts. Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. Action Points: q  Create a business profile for your company. q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences, create separate accounts for each different product / category. Remember that you can now add up to 5 Instagram accounts and quickly switch between them without having to log out and log back in. q  Link your Facebook Page and Instagram business account and use the Creator Studio (desktop / app) for managing them from one place. q  Use your logo as the profile picture. q  Optimize your Instagram bio. There is a 150-character limit so keep it simple. Since bios are not searchable, don’t put keywords or hashtags. q  Your bio must encourage users to take some specific action e.g. visit your website. Instagram permits clickable links only in the bio. Change the link in the bio whenever you are running a special campaign. q  Edit the settings to allow all your followers to see and reply to your Stories. 95
  • 96. q  Regularly post photos (with short meaningful write-ups) regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. q  Post videos (with short meaningful write-ups) regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. Instagram videos are limited to a maximum of 1 minute. If you are posting longer videos (upto 1 hour), use IGTV. q  After posting content ask relevant employees and vendors to: –  like the post –  add a comment –  share it –  save it q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible. q  Promote your “high quality” posts. q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field. q  Regularly organise Instagram Events in the form of webinars, demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays. q  Change the link in your bio every time you launch a new campaign. q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including impressions from home, hashtags & profile, likes, comments, shares, saves, profile visits and reach. 96 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging Instagram. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 97. 97 Britannia’s “Which biscuit are you?” is an interesting way of leveraging Instagram https://www.instagram.com/britannia.industries
  • 98. 10. Leverage IGTV Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. IGTV is a stand-alone app for watching long-form, vertical videos that can have a duration of upto 1 hour each. IGTV videos can also be watched from within the Instagram app. Action Points: q  Post videos, with short meaningful text, regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. IGTV videos are limited to a maximum of 1 hour. q  After posting a video ask relevant employees and vendors to: • like it • add a comment • share it • save it q  Respond to comments as quickly as possible. 98 To Do Learn more about IGTV . See how your competitors are leveraging IGTV. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 99. 11. Leverage Reels Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. Reels is Facebook’s alternative to TikTok. Its focus is on short (upto 15 seconds) “fun” videos, which can be shared on Instagram. Reels does not have a stand-alone app and is a part of the Instagram app. Action Points: q  Post videos, with short meaningful text, regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. IGTV videos are limited to a maximum of 1 hour. q  After posting a video ask relevant employees and vendors to: • like it • add a comment • send it • save it q  Respond to comments as quickly as possible. 99 To Do Learn more about Reels. See how your competitors are leveraging Reels. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 100. 12. Leverage Facebook Messenger Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps. The others include WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber. Action points: q  Use Facebook Messenger as an alternative form of distributing email- gated content. q  Send event related information and reminders to attendees. q  Provide quick customer support using Facebook Messenger. 100 100 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging Facebook Messenger. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 101. 13. Leverage WhatsApp Facebook, IGTV, Instagram, Messenger, Reels and WhatsApp are all owned and operated by the Facebook group. This means that there is an ever-increasing synergy between all these platforms. As a Smarketer you must integrate all these tools in your strategy. WhatsApp is available as a mobile app and has a web / desktop version. It is the world’s most popular instant messaging platform. Action Points: q  Use WhatsApp for text, audio and video communication with employees, customers, leads and vendors. It's much cheaper than phone calls and the quality is usually better. q  Use WhatsApp to share PDFs, documents, and spreadsheets. It’s more convenient than email. q  Create groups of employees, customers, leads, vendors and others and share relevant messages, photos, and videos with upto 256 people. Groups can be configured to only permit admins to post. q  Ensure that your website has the relevant open graph meta tags to improve shareability via WhatsApp. q  Use WhatsApp Business features such as: –  creating a catalog of products and services –  automating, sorting, reusing and quickly responding to messages –  creating a business profile with helpful information like your address, business description, email address, and website 101
  • 102. –  organizing contacts or chats with labels for easy finding –  setting an “away message” so people know when to expect a response –  creating a greeting message to introduce people to your business 102 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging WhatsApp. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 103. 14. Leverage LinkedIn LinkedIn is the world’s largest “professional network” and is the best place for free B2B lead generation. It is a Microsoft owned company. On LinkedIn, a personal profile (also called a member profile) are an individual's personal hubs. These are for listing previous experience, building a network, sharing & creating content and keep up with connections. A LinkedIn Page is an organization’s hub on LinkedIn. It is independent of the profiles of the employees. A personal profile is needed to set up a Page. A personal profile has connections while a Page has followers. Personal profiles include sections like Activity, Experience, Skills & Endorsements, Recommendations, and Interests. A LinkedIn Page includes sections like an Overview, About, Jobs, and People. LinkedIn has created an excellent Action Plan for Pages. Some of the tips are curated below. Action Points: q  Create a Page for your business. q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences, create separate Pages for each different product / category. q  While filling out organization’s description in a Page, focus on your vision, mission, values, positing and products & services. q  Increase searchability by providing details of your website, headquarters, office location(s), industry, organization type, and size. q  Add your logo (300 x 300 pixels) and cover image (1536 x 768 pixels). 103
  • 104. q  Add the LinkedIn “Follow” button to your website. q  Post content daily. Include custom images and videos in your posts. LinkedIn recommends the 3-2-1 model. Every week, aim to publish 3 pieces of industry-related content, 2 pieces of “proud” content (content that make your employees and community feel good) and just 1 piece of product or service-related content. q  While posting content, first post on your Page(s). Then ask relevant employees to like the post and add a comment. q  Share PowerPoint presentations, PDFs and other visually rich documents. q  Check your Activity tab regularly. If your Page has been @mentioned, you can re-share your best mentions to highlight why people love your brand. q  Cross promote your Page on other social platforms to reach different audiences. q  Join topical conversation with hashtags. q  Switch up the hashtags in your Communities panel. Based on your current goals, consider broad (location, etc.), niche (product, etc.), and talent branding hashtags. q  Think of top customers, influencers and evangelists who can recommend your business, and ask them to post on their network with an @mention of your Page. Re-share the posts on your Page with a thank you. q  Review your Page analytics to find out what resonates most and where there are opportunity gaps. q  @mention influencers or other Pages you admire. q  Invite your personal connections to follow your Page using the “Invite to Follow” feature. 104
  • 105. q  Use the Content Suggestions tool to discover topics and articles that are trending with your target audience. q  Spark conversation through thought-provoking questions, polls and contests. q  While posting videos, do not simply add YouTube links. Upload the video to LinkedIn, as its algorithm prefers native content to links. q  Respond to comments and messages as quickly as possible. q  Repurpose content for Stories. q  Comment and add value to other people’s posts, especially those posted by competitors and industry leaders in your field. q  Join relevant Groups and post “high quality” on them. Comment and add value to other people’s posts especially those posted by competitors or industry leaders in your field. q  Regularly organise LinkedIn Events in the form of webinars, demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays. q  Post jobs whenever there are vacancies in your company. q  Ensure that the profiles of all your employees are optimised and consistent with the company style. q  Use a LinkedIn Newsletter to disseminate high quality content. The newsletter is delivered to the email inbox of subscribers by LinkedIn. As of October 2020, this is an invite-only feature. q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including: –  impressions –  reactions –  comments –  shares –  clicks –  engagement 105
  • 106. 106 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging LinkedIn. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 107. 107 Teleperformance was rated the best LinkedIn Page of 2019 for •  making exemplary use of native video •  frequently sharing short quick-hit content that is "easily digested even without sound" •  humanizing their brand by featuring company leaders in the video content •  establishing credible thought leadership through the use of third-party stats https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/blog/linkedin- company-pages/2019/announcing-the-best-linkedin-pages-of-2019
  • 108. 15. Leverage Twitter Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that can be used for establishing thought leadership, building brand awareness, and social selling. Action Points: q  Post regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity: –  photos –  videos –  polls q  Identify the latest trending topics and the hashtags used in those tweets. If relevant, latch onto the trending topics with your inputs. q  Create and stick to graphic templates for quotes. q  When re-tweeting, add some comments. q  When sharing an article, personalise it and don’t simply use its headline. q  While posting videos, do not simply tweet YouTube links. Upload the video to Twitter as its algorithm prefers native content to links. q  When dealing with an upset customer, take the conversation off the Twitter feed and on to DM or email. q  Use Twitter lists to organize accounts of interest into groups. q  Generate leads by searching for people whose problems can be solved by your product / service. 108
  • 109. q  Respond every time someone mentions you or your brand. q  Create branded hashtags. q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including: –  impressions –  total engagements 109 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging Twitter. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 110. 110 Harvard Business Review is a great example of leveraging Twitter. https://twitter.com/HarvardBiz
  • 111. 16. Leverage YouTube YouTube is not just a video hosting and sharing platform. It’s also the world's second-largest search engine (after Google). It can be used for vlogs (video blogs), product demo videos, brand building and for engaging with leads and customers. Action Points: q  Create a Channel for your business. Give it a great: –  icon –  tagline –  description –  trailer q  If your products are very different and cater to diverse audiences, create separate Channels for each different product / category. Give each channel a great: –  icon –  tagline –  description –  trailer q  When a new video is posted, ask relevant employees to like the video and add a comment. q  Post videos regularly but remember that quality trumps quantity. q  Respond to all comments and messages as quickly as possible. Remember to heart the great comments. 111
  • 112. q  Repurpose content for Stories. q  Regularly organise YouTube Live Events in the form of webinars, demos, tutorials etc. Stick to a schedule e.g. 3pm on Fridays. q  At the end of every video, remind the viewers to like and SUBSCRIBE. q  Give your playlists interesting names. q  Remember that long videos (10 minutes and above) perform better on YouTube. q  Promote other videos through the end screen on all your videos. q  Embed your YouTube videos in your blog and website. q  Use the built-in tools to view insights including: –  views –  watch time –  audience retention –  likes v/s dislikes –  traffic source types –  discovery –  impressions –  impression click-through rate –  top YouTube search terms –  top videos suggesting this video –  top playlists playing this video –  audience (gender, age, top countries, top subtitles / CC languages) –  teaser clicks per card teaser shown –  clicks per card shown –  clicks per clickable annotations shown 112
  • 113. 113 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging YouTube. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 114. 17. Leverage Quora Quora is a social network for "gaining and sharing knowledge". You can post questions, submit answers and connect with others. You can also create Spaces (which are similar to blogs) to share interests, curate content, and host discussions. Quora is a great platform to establish and showcase credibility and thought leadership Action Points: q  Ask key employees to create Quora accounts. q  Ask non-key employees, friends, customers, vendors to post relevant questions. Ask them to also “request” the key employees to answer the questions. q  Ensure that the key employees regularly answer all relevant questions. q  Ask non-key employees, friends, customers, vendors to “upvote”, “comment” and “share” these answers. q  Create relevant Spaces and repurpose and post blog content. q  Regularly “take questions”. That’s Quora’s version of a live event. Stick to a schedule e.g. Fridays. You can then answer questions over the entire day. 114 To Do See how your competitors are leveraging Quora. 1.  What are they doing right? 2.  What are they doing wrong? 3.  What can you learn from them?
  • 115. 115 Colgate India’s “Real People Real Stories” is a great example of brands leveraging YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/user/ColgateIndia