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The Stewardship of
  for Congregations
 A Workshop for Pastors, Officers and Stewardship Committees
on the Creating a Congregation Culture of Gratitude & Generosity

             Dr. Ed Brenegar
        Community of Leadership, LLC
     Expectations & Issues
People & the Church / Gratitude
     Tools for Stewardship
Creating a Culture of Gratitude &
What are People Looking for in their Life?
Ephesians 2:4-10

  Two Insights
God’s Kindness To
    …so that in the ages to come he
     might show the immeasurable
          riches of his grace
            in kindness
      towards us in Christ Jesus.
God’s Purpose For Us
     For we are what he has made us,
          created in Christ Jesus
           for good works,
which God prepared beforehand
        to be our way of life.
Our Response to God’s Love

Gratitude in Our Hearts

Generosity in Our Actions
Five Actions of Gratitude
       Say Thanks
        Give Back
     Make Welcome
      Honor Others
    Create Goodness
Leaders …

Take Initiative
to Create Impact
Leaders take initiative to …

       Say Thanks,
       Give Back,
     Make Welcome,
      Honor Others,
    Create Goodness.
How Do You Measure the
  Impact of Stewardship?
     By Leaders, who

Develop New Resources
What is Your
#1 Stewardship Problem
  Lack of Coordination?
     Something Else?
Two Common Stewardship Issues


  the Connection between the
      Budget and Mission?
Leadership Tools

      Circle of Impact

Five Questions that Everyone
          Must Ask

  Five Actions of Gratitude
Circle of Impact
Five Questions
 1. Transition rather than Change
2.Impact in the Three Dimensions
       3.Impact upon People
Five Questions
       1. What has Changed?

2. What is the Impact we want to have?

    3. Who do we want to Impact?

4. What are our Opportunities NOW?

5. What Problems need to be FIXED?
Stewardship Strategy:
  Integrate Stewardship

into All the Programs of the

by using the Five Actions of
ASK every Ministry and Program …
             How Can We …
•    Say Thanks Every Day?
•    Serve Others?
•    Be more Open & Hospitable?
•    Treat Everyone with Honor and
•    Encourage Personal Initiative
     to Make a Difference?
What is the Spiritual Impact?

       On Members
   On the Congregation
    In the Community
     For the Kingdom
Budget Worksheet

Connect the Practice of Gratitude

To the Budget and Mission of the
What is the Impact of The
Stewardship of Gratitude
    A Congregation of
     Grateful Hearts
     Generous Lives
            Dr. Ed Brenegar

           Leading Questions blog:
             At the Table of Thanks

More Related Content

The Stewardship of Gratitude Workshop

  • 1. The Stewardship of Gratitude for Congregations A Workshop for Pastors, Officers and Stewardship Committees on the Creating a Congregation Culture of Gratitude & Generosity Dr. Ed Brenegar Community of Leadership, LLC
  • 2. Agenda Expectations & Issues People & the Church / Gratitude Tools for Stewardship Creating a Culture of Gratitude & Generosity
  • 3. What are People Looking for in their Life?
  • 4. Ephesians 2:4-10 Two Insights
  • 5. God’s Kindness To Us 7 …so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
  • 6. God’s Purpose For Us 10 For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
  • 7. Our Response to God’s Love Gratitude in Our Hearts Generosity in Our Actions
  • 8. Five Actions of Gratitude Say Thanks Give Back Make Welcome Honor Others Create Goodness
  • 10. Leaders take initiative to … Say Thanks, Give Back, Make Welcome, Honor Others, Create Goodness.
  • 11. How Do You Measure the Impact of Stewardship? By Leaders, who Participate Contribute Develop New Resources
  • 12. What is Your #1 Stewardship Problem Awareness? Resources? Approach? Lack of Coordination? Something Else?
  • 13. Two Common Stewardship Issues Communication the Connection between the Budget and Mission?
  • 14. Leadership Tools Circle of Impact Five Questions that Everyone Must Ask Five Actions of Gratitude
  • 16. Five Questions 1. Transition rather than Change 2.Impact in the Three Dimensions 3.Impact upon People 4.Opportunities 5.Problems
  • 17. Five Questions 1. What has Changed? 2. What is the Impact we want to have? 3. Who do we want to Impact? 4. What are our Opportunities NOW? 5. What Problems need to be FIXED?
  • 18. Stewardship Strategy: Integrate Stewardship into All the Programs of the Church by using the Five Actions of Gratitude
  • 19. ASK every Ministry and Program … How Can We … • Say Thanks Every Day? • Serve Others? • Be more Open & Hospitable? • Treat Everyone with Honor and Respect? • Encourage Personal Initiative to Make a Difference?
  • 20. What is the Spiritual Impact? On Members On the Congregation In the Community For the Kingdom
  • 21. Budget Worksheet Connect the Practice of Gratitude To the Budget and Mission of the Church.
  • 22. What is the Impact of The Stewardship of Gratitude A Congregation of Grateful Hearts and Generous Lives
  • 24. Contact: Dr. Ed Brenegar ed@edbrenegar.com Leading Questions blog: http://edbrenegar.typepad.com At the Table of Thanks http://edbrenegar.typepad.com/at_the_table_of_thanks/

Editor's Notes

  1. Ideas / Spirituality Relationships / Community Impact / Change
  2. Ephesians 2:4-10 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us 5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ * —by grace you have been saved— 6 and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— 9 not the result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.
  3. Stewardship in the Church Begins and Ends with God’s Loving Kindness and Our Response. If we focus on this, then we will see God working in the midst of all that we do. We will see how Stewardship is an opportunity to respond to God in gratitude and with generosity.
  4. Say Thanks in Gratitude Give Back in Service Make Welcome in Open Hospitality Honor Others with Dignity, Respect and Kindness Create Goodness through Personal Initiative to Make A Difference That Matters
  5. Circle of Impact – Perspective for How to Lead Five Questions – Process for Deciding What To Do Five Actions of Gratitude – Actions that Support Stewardship
  6. 1.Whether Problem Solving or Planning, Use All Three Dimensions. 2. Starting Point is to Clarify the Connecting Ideas.
  7. Members – A life that is Personally Meaningful, Relationships that are Socially Fulfilling and an impact that makes differences that matters Congregation – Higher Participation, Greater Contribution, More Resources Community – A Witness to the Love of God in Jesus Christ that Makes a Difference that Matters Kingdom – People will come to a church that is generous, kind and giving.
  8. Tools: Circle of Impact Five Questions Five Actions of Gratitude Context of Congregation Change