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Web 2.0 in Libraries: The Tools of Web 2.0   Meredith Farkas SLA Click University Live! January 24, 2007
Presenter Meredith Farkas Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University (VT). Author -  Social Software in Libraries . Columnist – “Technology in Practice” column in  American Libraries . Blogger -  Information Wants to be Free  and  TechEssence . Wiki manager -  Library Success ,  ALA 2005  and  2006 , etc.
What we will explore The Tools of Web 2.0 RSS Wikis Social Bookmarking Custom Search Instant Messaging How these are being used in libraries Strategies for implementing Web 2.0 tools in libraries
RSS: The antidote to information overload RSS is format for syndicating content on the Web.  Based on XML  Enables you to view content from different sites on a single page. Many Web sites have RSS feeds these days if they have information that is updated regularly (examples:  CNN ,  NY Times ,  Burlington Free Press ).
RSS lacks information about how the file should be presented.
How Can You Read RSS Feeds? Syndicated on a Website using JavaScript Having new content sent to you via e-mail. In an aggregator Web site or desktop application used for displaying multiple RSS feeds (from 2 to 2,000 and more) Most common way of using RSS Most people have used an RSS aggregators and don't know it (Example:  MyYahoo ! ) Popular Web-based aggregators Bloglines   Rojo   Netvibes
RSS Aggregator: Bloglines
Subscribing to RSS Feeds: Getting Started Choose an aggregator (Web-based or desktop) Find RSS feeds for your favorite Web site (look for  or  )  Subscribe to those feeds in your aggregator Start reading!
How are libraries using RSS?
Dynamically Updated Subject Guide http://meredith.wolfwater.com/rssjs/irsg.html   This is just an example of what you can do with RSS feeds for pushing subject-specific content.
Other ways libraries are using RSS Subject guides   Journal feeds   RSS feeds from the ILS  New books feeds   Search feeds   Feeds of checked-out books and holds   RSS feeds from databases  Search feeds   Subject bibliographies
Wikis: Collaboration Made Simple Allows people to collaboratively develop a Web site without any tech-savvy (no HTML) Like a content management system Wiki = quick (in Hawaiian) All community members can add to or edit the work of others
Why wiki? Easy to use Web-based Simple syntax Anyone can make changes Free and open source options Searchable and browse-able
Criticisms of Wikis Disorganized Too open No control Vandalism and spam Wikis aren't for everyone. If control is a major issue with the site you're developing, then a wiki may not be right for your project.
Wikis in Practice
Wiki as Subject Guide
Wiki as Website/CMS
Wiki as Staff Intranet
Wiki as Knowledgebase
Other Uses of Wikis Conference planning Collaborative document editing Technology Instruction Manuals Meeting management
Starting Your Own Wiki 1. Choose wiki software Wiki Farms:Managed on a company’s server. Less control but easier to use. PBWiki (pbwiki.com) WetPaint (www.wetpaint.com). Server software: You install it on your own server. More control and flexibility. More work involved in management.  MediaWiki (www.mediawiki.org)  PmWiki (twiki.org) The  WikiMatrix  can help you choose the right software for your needs
Starting a Wiki (cont’d) 2. Install software to prevent spam 3. Seed the wiki with content 4. Create documentation for wiki novices 5. Start publicizing it!
Social Bookmarking:  Making Sense of the Web Web-based bookmarking system Users create descriptive tags for items rather than putting them in folders People can see your bookmarks and you can see theirs Tags make Web sites more “re-findable” You can search by tags to find interesting things other people bookmarked
Social bookmarking services del.icio.us furl Connotea   CiteULike
Getting Started Choose a social bookmarking service Download a toolbar widget for quick bookmarking When you are on a page you want to bookmark, click on the widget Enter the tags you want to use to describe and submit bookmark Browse other people’s tags to find cool stuff
Tagging a Website is Easy!
What you can do with social bookmarking  For the individual  Remembering interesting Web sites  Keeping track of research  Finding interesting Web resources in your subject by looking at other people’s tags.
Institutional bookmarking
Subject Bibliographies
Collaboratively-developed resource list
Custom Search Why make your patrons search the whole Web? Lots of irrelevant retrievals Lots of garbage You can create a search engine that only searches the sites you tell it to.  Only authoritative sites in a specific subject.
Google CSE
So easy to do! Create an account with Google or Rollyo (or another “roll your own search” provider) Create a list of URLs you want the search engine to search. Embed the search on your site.
What is Instant Messaging? Allows a user interact synchronously over the internet with anyone in the world
Why Instant Messaging (IM)? Your patrons are probably using it  Pew Internet and American Life survey on Instant Messaging   more than 40% of adults in the U.S. (53 million adults) use IM regularly  24% of adults use IM more than email Your patrons may access the library remotely. It's free!  Easy to learn how to use and get up and running  Lightweight product compared to commercial chat options  Lots of  success stories  (list of approximately 100 libraries using IM)
Setting up IM Reference Register accounts  You can use one popular service like  AIM  or multiple ( MSN ,  Yahoo , AIM,  GTalk , etc.)  Choose software (it's free)  Popular options:  GAIM ,  Trillian ,  Meebo   (hint: Meebo is Web-based so no download needed) Determine hours of service  Develop policies  Train staff  Market service to patrons
You can even embed a chat interface on your Website! This way, patrons don’t even need an account with an IM service to chat.
Strategies for Implementing 2.0 Tools Avoid technolust (technology should fill a need). How will this improve library services? Will patrons use it (you may need to do surveys)? Involve staff at all levels in tech planning. Involve IT in tech planning. Play  with technology! Kick the tires!
Strategies (cont’d) Consider the maintenance burden and sustainability of any technology.  Do you need a policy? In marketing, focus on the functionality, not the tool. Offer trainings for staff and patrons.
Any Questions? Meredith Farkas [email_address] http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/

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The Tools of Web 2.0

  • 1. Web 2.0 in Libraries: The Tools of Web 2.0 Meredith Farkas SLA Click University Live! January 24, 2007
  • 2. Presenter Meredith Farkas Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University (VT). Author - Social Software in Libraries . Columnist – “Technology in Practice” column in American Libraries . Blogger - Information Wants to be Free and TechEssence . Wiki manager - Library Success , ALA 2005 and 2006 , etc.
  • 3. What we will explore The Tools of Web 2.0 RSS Wikis Social Bookmarking Custom Search Instant Messaging How these are being used in libraries Strategies for implementing Web 2.0 tools in libraries
  • 4. RSS: The antidote to information overload RSS is format for syndicating content on the Web. Based on XML Enables you to view content from different sites on a single page. Many Web sites have RSS feeds these days if they have information that is updated regularly (examples: CNN , NY Times , Burlington Free Press ).
  • 5. RSS lacks information about how the file should be presented.
  • 6. How Can You Read RSS Feeds? Syndicated on a Website using JavaScript Having new content sent to you via e-mail. In an aggregator Web site or desktop application used for displaying multiple RSS feeds (from 2 to 2,000 and more) Most common way of using RSS Most people have used an RSS aggregators and don't know it (Example: MyYahoo ! ) Popular Web-based aggregators Bloglines Rojo Netvibes
  • 8. Subscribing to RSS Feeds: Getting Started Choose an aggregator (Web-based or desktop) Find RSS feeds for your favorite Web site (look for or ) Subscribe to those feeds in your aggregator Start reading!
  • 9. How are libraries using RSS?
  • 10.  
  • 11.  
  • 12.  
  • 13. Dynamically Updated Subject Guide http://meredith.wolfwater.com/rssjs/irsg.html This is just an example of what you can do with RSS feeds for pushing subject-specific content.
  • 14. Other ways libraries are using RSS Subject guides Journal feeds RSS feeds from the ILS New books feeds Search feeds Feeds of checked-out books and holds RSS feeds from databases Search feeds Subject bibliographies
  • 15. Wikis: Collaboration Made Simple Allows people to collaboratively develop a Web site without any tech-savvy (no HTML) Like a content management system Wiki = quick (in Hawaiian) All community members can add to or edit the work of others
  • 16. Why wiki? Easy to use Web-based Simple syntax Anyone can make changes Free and open source options Searchable and browse-able
  • 17. Criticisms of Wikis Disorganized Too open No control Vandalism and spam Wikis aren't for everyone. If control is a major issue with the site you're developing, then a wiki may not be right for your project.
  • 21. Wiki as Staff Intranet
  • 23. Other Uses of Wikis Conference planning Collaborative document editing Technology Instruction Manuals Meeting management
  • 24. Starting Your Own Wiki 1. Choose wiki software Wiki Farms:Managed on a company’s server. Less control but easier to use. PBWiki (pbwiki.com) WetPaint (www.wetpaint.com). Server software: You install it on your own server. More control and flexibility. More work involved in management. MediaWiki (www.mediawiki.org) PmWiki (twiki.org) The WikiMatrix can help you choose the right software for your needs
  • 25. Starting a Wiki (cont’d) 2. Install software to prevent spam 3. Seed the wiki with content 4. Create documentation for wiki novices 5. Start publicizing it!
  • 26. Social Bookmarking: Making Sense of the Web Web-based bookmarking system Users create descriptive tags for items rather than putting them in folders People can see your bookmarks and you can see theirs Tags make Web sites more “re-findable” You can search by tags to find interesting things other people bookmarked
  • 27. Social bookmarking services del.icio.us furl Connotea CiteULike
  • 28. Getting Started Choose a social bookmarking service Download a toolbar widget for quick bookmarking When you are on a page you want to bookmark, click on the widget Enter the tags you want to use to describe and submit bookmark Browse other people’s tags to find cool stuff
  • 29. Tagging a Website is Easy!
  • 30. What you can do with social bookmarking For the individual Remembering interesting Web sites Keeping track of research Finding interesting Web resources in your subject by looking at other people’s tags.
  • 34. Custom Search Why make your patrons search the whole Web? Lots of irrelevant retrievals Lots of garbage You can create a search engine that only searches the sites you tell it to. Only authoritative sites in a specific subject.
  • 36.  
  • 37.  
  • 38. So easy to do! Create an account with Google or Rollyo (or another “roll your own search” provider) Create a list of URLs you want the search engine to search. Embed the search on your site.
  • 39. What is Instant Messaging? Allows a user interact synchronously over the internet with anyone in the world
  • 40. Why Instant Messaging (IM)? Your patrons are probably using it Pew Internet and American Life survey on Instant Messaging more than 40% of adults in the U.S. (53 million adults) use IM regularly 24% of adults use IM more than email Your patrons may access the library remotely. It's free! Easy to learn how to use and get up and running Lightweight product compared to commercial chat options Lots of success stories (list of approximately 100 libraries using IM)
  • 41. Setting up IM Reference Register accounts You can use one popular service like AIM or multiple ( MSN , Yahoo , AIM, GTalk , etc.) Choose software (it's free) Popular options: GAIM , Trillian , Meebo (hint: Meebo is Web-based so no download needed) Determine hours of service Develop policies Train staff Market service to patrons
  • 42. You can even embed a chat interface on your Website! This way, patrons don’t even need an account with an IM service to chat.
  • 43. Strategies for Implementing 2.0 Tools Avoid technolust (technology should fill a need). How will this improve library services? Will patrons use it (you may need to do surveys)? Involve staff at all levels in tech planning. Involve IT in tech planning. Play with technology! Kick the tires!
  • 44. Strategies (cont’d) Consider the maintenance burden and sustainability of any technology. Do you need a policy? In marketing, focus on the functionality, not the tool. Offer trainings for staff and patrons.
  • 45. Any Questions? Meredith Farkas [email_address] http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/