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Hacking AdWords! 
The Top 10 Greatest Hacks of All Time 
Presented by: Larry Kim 
Founder/CTO, WordStream, Inc. 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon 
About Me 
Larry Kim (@larrykim) 
•Founder / CTO of WordStream 
•Commander of Quality Score 
•Had Kid 5 Months Ago! #ppckid
@larrykim #pubcon 
Today’s Agenda 
• The 10 Greatest PPC Hacks of All Time!
You’re an AdWords Hacker … and a 
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Slides Can Be Downloaded From Slideshare! 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• bit.ly/pubcon-2014
@larrykim #pubcon
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Why You Should 
Care About 
Quality Score?!
Quality Score Impacts Ad Rankings 
@larrykim #pubcon
Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Click 
@larrykim #pubcon
Quality Score Impacts Impression Share 
@larrykim #pubcon
Impression Share 2x More Competitive On Mobile!
Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Conversion 
@larrykim #pubcon
So Get a High Quality Score! 
@larrykim #pubcon
How is Quality Score 
Really Calculated?
Expected Click Through Rate 
@larrykim #pubcon
QS is Based on Your CTR vs. Expected CTR 
@larrykim #pubcon
A Crazy Hack To Increase Quality Scores 
• Allocate 10% of Budget To 
Raise Account Average 
Quality Scores 
• Delete the Bottom Third of 
Your AdWords Account 
(Shift budget to 
Remarketing instead) 
@larrykim #pubcon
Example Crappy Account 
• 2/3rd of Keywords 
Expected CTR, 
• 1/3rd of Keywords 
Beat Expected 
The Junk Keywords Kill The Account 
• Even the above 
average CTR 
keywords have 
very low Quality 
Example Amazing Account 
• 1/3rd of Keywords 
Expected CTR, 
• 2/3rd of Keywords 
Beat Expected 
High CTR Keywords = Get Out of Jail Free! 
• Even the 
Keywords with 
0% CTR have 
Quality Scores of 
7/10 or 10/10!!
What’s A Good Quality 
Score These Days?
Typical Quality Score Distribution 
• Today, Average 
• Previously it was 
• As average values 
drift lower, above 
average QS worth 
up to 200% more 
than before!
So What To Do With My Keywords? 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• If Your Keyword’s Quality Score is… 
– 1to 3: Delete Immediately 
– 4 to 6: Fix / Optimize 
– 7 to 10: Don’t Mess with Success
But.. High Quality Scores Aren’t 
Possible In my Industry!! 
@larrykim #pubcon
Real Estate Industry Quality Scores
E-Commerce Industry Quality Scores
Finance Industry Quality Scores
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
But.. Google Says Not To Obsess About 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Quality Score!!
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Key Finding #1: Google is Downplaying 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Quality Score 
Quality Score Is a Helpful Diagnostic Tool, Not a Key 
Performance Indicator 
•Why: Your Quality Score is like a warning light in a car’s 
engine that shows how healthy your ads and keywords are. It’s 
not meant to be detailed metric that should be the focus of 
account management 
-- Source: bit.ly/qs-whitepaper
But Wait – What About This?! 
“QS is important in order for your ads to be successful … QS plays a 
key role in determining your ad's position and how much you'll pay 
for a click. In general, the more relevant your ad, the higher your QS – and 
the higher your QS, the better your position and the less you will have to 
pay for a click...Being successful with AdWords means getting your 
products or services in front of the people who are most likely to become 
your customers and a high Quality Score can help make that happen.” 
-- Source: What is AdWords Quality Score and Why Does It Matter?" 
from Google (2011) 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon
Key Finding #2: They Withhold Key Information
Remember: Quality Score Graded on a Curve
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Low CTR = Losing 
PPC Strategy
Quick Recap 
• Below Avg. CTR = Low QS 
• Low QS means… 
– Less prominent ad positions 
– Very low impression share 
– Huge CPC penalties (+400% 
– High Cost Per Conversion 
The HIGH CTR Game for AdWords 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• Be Very Picky. Bid on Only the Best 
Keywords and Get HIGH CTRs. 
• Delete Junk Keywords (Bottom Third of 
your Account) 
• PRO TIP: Use impression weighted 
average quality scores for Campaigns & 
Accounts (ignore keyword-level QS)
@larrykim #pubcon 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Which Ad Wins? 
• Ad A 
– 2,423 Impressions 
– 453 clicks (1.4% CTR) 
– Average Position: 2.8 
• Ad B 
– 36,223 Impressions 
– 760 clicks (2.1% CTR) 
– Average Position: 3.0
Trick Question! They Both Suck 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• Neither ad is worth 
declaring a 
• Not even the 2.1% 
CTR in the 3.0 Avg. 
• Why??
What’s a Good CTR These 
(It’s Higher Than You Think)
Google Expects More Of Your Ads
Big Performance Inequalities Here
Crap Ads Vs. Unicorns!! 
Percentile Vs. Expected 
Bottom 50% Below 
Expected CTR 
Top 15% 2X Higher Awesome 
Top 5% 3x Higher Super 
Top 1% 6x Higher!! Unicorns!!!
Unicorns Ads?! (6x Avg. CTR!)
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
1. Keywords With High Commercial Intent 
@larrykim #pubcon
2. Dynamic Keyword Insertion? (DKI)
2. DKI Doesn’t Produce As Many Unicorns
3. Use of Ad Extensions?
3. Use of Ad Extensions? (Impact on CTR)
3. Ad Extensions has Small Impact on QS
3. Ad Extensions has Small Impact on QS
How To Write 
“Unicorn” Ads 
(Top 1%, 
6x Average CTR)
Most Ads Suck (+90%) 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Hack: Try Ads That Trigger Emotions! 
@larrykim #pubcon
This Beats Avg. CTR by 6x ! 
@larrykim #pubcon
.. Because All The Other Ads Suck!
Ad Unicorns are Rare & Beautiful Creatures! 
Name Percentile Relative 
Top 15% 1:6.7 2X Higher 
Top 5% 1:20 3x Higher 
Unicorns Top 1% 1:100 6x 
You Need To Test 100 DIFFERENT Ads..
The Bar is Very Low Here…
5% of Ads Soak Up 85% of Impressions 
• You Just 
Need to 
Find 1 
@larrykim #pubcon
What’s a Good Conversion Rate for PPC? 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Top 10% of Landing Pages Have 3-5x 
Higher Conversion Rates 
@larrykim #pubcon 
All accounts Ecommerce Legal B2B Finance 
2.35% 1.84% 2.07% 2.23% 5.01% 
Top 25% 
5.31% 3.71% 4.12% 4.31% 11.19% 
Top 10% 
11.45% 6.25% 6.46% 11.70% 24.48%
Landing Page Unicorns?! 
(+3-5x Avg. Conversion Rate!) 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Great Landing Page 
Optimization Fairy Tale 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• We Changed the: 
– Font Type 
– Spacing 
– Button Color 
– Image 
– Etc. 
• We got a 5% 
Increase in Conversions!!*
PTD- Premature Testing Dilemma (aka 
@larrykim #pubcon
Conventional Landing Page 
Optimization is Over-Rated 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• Small Changes Result In 
Small Changes 
• % Change You Think You 
Got is Often Just Noise 
or Wishful Thinking
Re-Arranging Deck Chairs On the Titanic..
Aim for 3-5x Improvements! (not 3-5%!)
What Do Landing Page 
Look Like?
1. Change Your Offer 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon 
The New Offer 
• How To Know If 
Your Offer 
– 2% Conversion 
Rate or Less 
– Ask Your 
2. Radically Change The Flow
2. New Registration Flow
3. Let Users Choose / Leverage 
Emotional Triggers 
@larrykim #pubcon
Landing Page Unicorns are Rare & 
Beautiful Creatures! 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Name Percentile Relative 
Top 25% 1:4 2x Higher 
Unicorns Top 10% 1:10 3-5x 
@larrykim #pubcon
Note: This is the Same Landing Page 
with Different Spacing… 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Bar is Pretty Low
80% of Impressions go to 10% of Landing Pages 
• You Just 
Need 1 
OMG - Just One Landing Page?!! 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Larry Kim (@larrykim) #mnsearch
YES - One Unicorn is Usually Enough! 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Larry Kim (@larrykim) #mnsearch
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon
Subject Line and Teaser 
@larrykim #pubcon
Email Ads! (HTML) 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Hack: Target Your Competitor’s Emails 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon
Custom Audiences in Facebook 
@larrykim #pubcon
Tailored Audiences in Twitter 
@larrykim #pubcon
The Hack: Think of PPC More Like Email 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Email Marketing 
• Limit Number of Blasts To Reduce 
• 0.5-2% Unsubscribes Each Blast 
• People Need To Opt Into Your List 
• Tons of Unqualified Emails on the 
People Based Marketing 
• N/A 
• N/A 
• N/A 
• N/A
@larrykim #pubcon 
Mobile Changes The Flow In a Big Way 
OMG a 
@larrykim #pubcon
Mobile Changes The Flow In a Big Way! 
Desktop Search Conversion Funnel 
1. Sees Ad 1. Sees Ad 
2. Clicks On Ad 
3. Visits Website 
Landing Page 
4. Captured Lead 
Mobile Conversion Funnel 
2. Calls 
3% Avg. 
3. Lead 
Calls to Businesses worth on Average 3x More Than 
Clicks to Websites!!
The Hack: Forget about Mobile Sites and 
@larrykim #pubcon 
Landing Pages!
@larrykim #pubcon
Quality Score Exists on Google Display 
CTR = 
CTR = 
A 0.1% 
increase/decrease in 
CTR yields ~20% 
increase/decrease in 
The Hack: Create Display Ads With Above Avg. CTR 
@larrykim #pubcon
1. Push Ads To Your Offers
Do a Conversion Path Analysis 
Define audience 
segments using the 
pages that most often 
lead to a conversion 
2. Push Ads To Your Content 
@larrykim #pubcon
5% of Articles Generate 50% of Social Media 
@larrykim #pubcon 
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
The Hack: Same Emotions Make People 
Click on Ads and Content
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Mark Your Calendar! 
• Remarketing and Retargeting in 2014 
• Wednesday 3:50, Salon F 
– Erin Sagin – WordStream 
– Tim Mayer – Trueffect 
– Sean Dolan – PushFire 
– Rob Garner - Advice Interactive Group 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon
Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) 
• Customize Ads To 
Users Who Previously 
Visited Your Site 
• On Average Doubles 
Click Through Rates 
(Raises Quality Score) 
and Cuts CPC’s in 
@larrykim #pubcon 
In Market Segments & Similar Audiences 
to Increase Reach! 
@larrykim #pubcon
@larrykim #pubcon 
A Thousand New Features Each Year 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• Over 1000 New Features 
in last 12 Months 
• Innovation is Accelerating 
• Much more if you Include 
Bing Ads, Twitter, 
Linkedin, Facebook, etc.
+Post Ads on Google+ 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• Released in April 2014 
• Google+ Updates Show 
Up All Over The Web as 
The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time
Impact on G+ Page Visibility Before & 
@larrykim #pubcon 
The Flywheel Effect: Paid Social Promotion 
Generates Organic Engagement 
@larrykim #pubcon
TrueView Ads on YouTube 
@larrykim #pubcon 
• People spend 6 Billion 
Hours on YouTube / 
• Pay Nothing if People 
Click “Skip Ad” 
• Ridiculously Powerful 
Targeting Options
Summary: The Top 10 AdWords Hacks of All Time! 
@larrykim #pubcon 
1. Say No to Low CTR! 
2. Unicorn Ads Get Up To 6x 
Average CTR 
3. Unicorn Offers Get 3-5x 
Average Conversion Rates 
4. Forget About Mobile 
Websites and Landing 
5. Quality Score has Huge 
Impact on Display Ads 
6. Use RLSA to Double Click 
Through Rates / Reduce CPC 
in Half 
7. Expand Display Ad Reach with 
In-Market Segments 
8. Get in People’s Gmail 
9. Target Specific People on 
Facebook and Twitter 
10.Always Be the First Mover!
Flywheel Effect: Paid 
Don’t Settle For Average – Be a Unicorn Among a Sea of 
Donkey Advertisers! 
@larrykim #pubcon
Thank You PUBCON! 
• Download Slides Here: bit.ly/pubcon-2014 
@larrykim #pubcon

More Related Content

The Top 10 PPC Hacks of All Time

  • 1. Hacking AdWords! The Top 10 Greatest Hacks of All Time Presented by: Larry Kim Founder/CTO, WordStream, Inc. @larrykim #pubcon
  • 2. @larrykim #pubcon About Me Larry Kim (@larrykim) •Founder / CTO of WordStream •Commander of Quality Score Rebellion •Had Kid 5 Months Ago! #ppckid
  • 3. @larrykim #pubcon Today’s Agenda • The 10 Greatest PPC Hacks of All Time!
  • 4. You’re an AdWords Hacker … and a Traitor!
  • 6. Slides Can Be Downloaded From Slideshare! @larrykim #pubcon • bit.ly/pubcon-2014
  • 7. #10. QUALITY SCORE IN ADWORDS @larrykim #pubcon
  • 10. Why You Should Care About Quality Score?!
  • 11. Quality Score Impacts Ad Rankings @larrykim #pubcon
  • 12. Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Click @larrykim #pubcon
  • 13. Quality Score Impacts Impression Share @larrykim #pubcon
  • 14. Impression Share 2x More Competitive On Mobile!
  • 15. Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Conversion @larrykim #pubcon
  • 16. So Get a High Quality Score! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 17. How is Quality Score Really Calculated?
  • 18. Expected Click Through Rate @larrykim #pubcon
  • 19. QS is Based on Your CTR vs. Expected CTR @larrykim #pubcon
  • 20. A Crazy Hack To Increase Quality Scores • Allocate 10% of Budget To Raise Account Average Quality Scores • Delete the Bottom Third of Your AdWords Account (Shift budget to Remarketing instead) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 21. Example Crappy Account • 2/3rd of Keywords Underperform Expected CTR, • 1/3rd of Keywords Beat Expected CTR
  • 22. The Junk Keywords Kill The Account • Even the above average CTR keywords have very low Quality Scores!
  • 23. Example Amazing Account • 1/3rd of Keywords Underperform Expected CTR, • 2/3rd of Keywords Beat Expected CTR
  • 24. High CTR Keywords = Get Out of Jail Free! • Even the Keywords with 0% CTR have Quality Scores of 7/10 or 10/10!!
  • 25. What’s A Good Quality Score These Days?
  • 26. Typical Quality Score Distribution • Today, Average ~5/10 • Previously it was 7/10 • As average values drift lower, above average QS worth up to 200% more than before!
  • 27. So What To Do With My Keywords? @larrykim #pubcon • If Your Keyword’s Quality Score is… – 1to 3: Delete Immediately – 4 to 6: Fix / Optimize – 7 to 10: Don’t Mess with Success
  • 28. But.. High Quality Scores Aren’t Possible In my Industry!! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 29. Real Estate Industry Quality Scores
  • 33. But.. Google Says Not To Obsess About @larrykim #pubcon Quality Score!!
  • 35. Key Finding #1: Google is Downplaying @larrykim #pubcon Quality Score Quality Score Is a Helpful Diagnostic Tool, Not a Key Performance Indicator •Why: Your Quality Score is like a warning light in a car’s engine that shows how healthy your ads and keywords are. It’s not meant to be detailed metric that should be the focus of account management -- Source: bit.ly/qs-whitepaper
  • 36. But Wait – What About This?! “QS is important in order for your ads to be successful … QS plays a key role in determining your ad's position and how much you'll pay for a click. In general, the more relevant your ad, the higher your QS – and the higher your QS, the better your position and the less you will have to pay for a click...Being successful with AdWords means getting your products or services in front of the people who are most likely to become your customers and a high Quality Score can help make that happen.” -- Source: What is AdWords Quality Score and Why Does It Matter?" from Google (2011) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 38. Key Finding #2: They Withhold Key Information
  • 39. Remember: Quality Score Graded on a Curve
  • 42. Low CTR = Losing PPC Strategy
  • 43. Quick Recap • Below Avg. CTR = Low QS • Low QS means… – Less prominent ad positions – Very low impression share – Huge CPC penalties (+400% Tax) – High Cost Per Conversion (+64%)
  • 44. The HIGH CTR Game for AdWords @larrykim #pubcon • Be Very Picky. Bid on Only the Best Keywords and Get HIGH CTRs. • Delete Junk Keywords (Bottom Third of your Account) • PRO TIP: Use impression weighted average quality scores for Campaigns & Accounts (ignore keyword-level QS)
  • 45. @larrykim #pubcon #9. UNICORN ADS
  • 46. @larrykim #pubcon Which Ad Wins? • Ad A – 2,423 Impressions – 453 clicks (1.4% CTR) – Average Position: 2.8 • Ad B – 36,223 Impressions – 760 clicks (2.1% CTR) – Average Position: 3.0
  • 47. Trick Question! They Both Suck @larrykim #pubcon • Neither ad is worth declaring a “Winner”. • Not even the 2.1% CTR in the 3.0 Avg. Position. • Why??
  • 48. What’s a Good CTR These Days? (It’s Higher Than You Think)
  • 49. Google Expects More Of Your Ads
  • 51. Crap Ads Vs. Unicorns!! Percentile Vs. Expected CTR Name Bottom 50% Below Expected CTR CRAP ADS Top 15% 2X Higher Awesome Advertisers Top 5% 3x Higher Super Awesome Advertisers Top 1% 6x Higher!! Unicorns!!!
  • 52. Unicorns Ads?! (6x Avg. CTR!)
  • 54. 1. Keywords With High Commercial Intent @larrykim #pubcon
  • 55. 2. Dynamic Keyword Insertion? (DKI)
  • 56. 2. DKI Doesn’t Produce As Many Unicorns
  • 57. 3. Use of Ad Extensions?
  • 58. 3. Use of Ad Extensions? (Impact on CTR)
  • 59. 3. Ad Extensions has Small Impact on QS
  • 60. 3. Ad Extensions has Small Impact on QS
  • 61. How To Write “Unicorn” Ads (Top 1%, 6x Average CTR)
  • 62. Most Ads Suck (+90%) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 63. The Hack: Try Ads That Trigger Emotions! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 64. This Beats Avg. CTR by 6x ! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 65. .. Because All The Other Ads Suck!
  • 66. Ad Unicorns are Rare & Beautiful Creatures! Name Percentile Relative Abundance Vs. Expected CTR Awesome Ads Top 15% 1:6.7 2X Higher Super Awesome Ads Top 5% 1:20 3x Higher Unicorns Top 1% 1:100 6x Higher!!
  • 67. You Need To Test 100 DIFFERENT Ads..
  • 68. The Bar is Very Low Here…
  • 69. 5% of Ads Soak Up 85% of Impressions • You Just Need to Find 1 Unicorn Ad!!
  • 70. #8. CRAZY OFFERS @larrykim #pubcon
  • 71. What’s a Good Conversion Rate for PPC? @larrykim #pubcon
  • 72. The Top 10% of Landing Pages Have 3-5x Higher Conversion Rates @larrykim #pubcon Distribution Point All accounts Ecommerce Legal B2B Finance Median Conversion Rate 2.35% 1.84% 2.07% 2.23% 5.01% Top 25% Conversion Rate 5.31% 3.71% 4.12% 4.31% 11.19% Top 10% Conversion Rate 11.45% 6.25% 6.46% 11.70% 24.48%
  • 73. Landing Page Unicorns?! (+3-5x Avg. Conversion Rate!) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 74. The Great Landing Page Optimization Fairy Tale @larrykim #pubcon • We Changed the: – Font Type – Spacing – Button Color – Image – Etc. • We got a 5% Increase in Conversions!!*
  • 75. PTD- Premature Testing Dilemma (aka “Optimizatitis”) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 76. Conventional Landing Page Optimization is Over-Rated @larrykim #pubcon • Small Changes Result In Small Changes • % Change You Think You Got is Often Just Noise or Wishful Thinking
  • 77. Re-Arranging Deck Chairs On the Titanic..
  • 78. Aim for 3-5x Improvements! (not 3-5%!)
  • 79. What Do Landing Page Unicorns Look Like?
  • 80. 1. Change Your Offer @larrykim #pubcon
  • 81. @larrykim #pubcon The New Offer • How To Know If Your Offer Stinks: – 2% Conversion Rate or Less – Ask Your Prospects!
  • 84. 3. Let Users Choose / Leverage Emotional Triggers @larrykim #pubcon
  • 85. Landing Page Unicorns are Rare & Beautiful Creatures! @larrykim #pubcon Name Percentile Relative Abundance Vs. Expected Conversion Rate Awesome Landing Pages Top 25% 1:4 2x Higher Unicorns Top 10% 1:10 3-5x Higher!!
  • 87. Note: This is the Same Landing Page with Different Spacing… @larrykim #pubcon
  • 88. The Bar is Pretty Low
  • 89. 80% of Impressions go to 10% of Landing Pages • You Just Need 1 Killer Offer!
  • 90. OMG - Just One Landing Page?!! @larrykim #pubcon Larry Kim (@larrykim) #mnsearch
  • 91. YES - One Unicorn is Usually Enough! @larrykim #pubcon Larry Kim (@larrykim) #mnsearch
  • 92. #7. GMAIL SPONSORED PROMOTIONS @larrykim #pubcon
  • 94. Subject Line and Teaser @larrykim #pubcon
  • 95. Email Ads! (HTML) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 96. The Hack: Target Your Competitor’s Emails @larrykim #pubcon
  • 97. #6. PEOPLE BASED MARKETING (NOT IN ADWORDS!) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 98. Custom Audiences in Facebook @larrykim #pubcon
  • 99. Tailored Audiences in Twitter @larrykim #pubcon
  • 100. The Hack: Think of PPC More Like Email @larrykim #pubcon Marketing Email Marketing • Limit Number of Blasts To Reduce Unsubscribes • 0.5-2% Unsubscribes Each Blast • People Need To Opt Into Your List • Tons of Unqualified Emails on the List People Based Marketing • N/A • N/A • N/A • N/A
  • 101. @larrykim #pubcon #5. CRAZY MOBILE STRATEGIES
  • 102. Mobile Changes The Flow In a Big Way OMG a Call Button!! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 103. Mobile Changes The Flow In a Big Way! Desktop Search Conversion Funnel 1. Sees Ad 1. Sees Ad 2. Clicks On Ad 3. Visits Website Landing Page 4. Captured Lead Mobile Conversion Funnel 2. Calls Business 3% Avg. Conversion Rate 3. Lead Captured!! Calls to Businesses worth on Average 3x More Than Clicks to Websites!!
  • 104. The Hack: Forget about Mobile Sites and @larrykim #pubcon Landing Pages!
  • 105. #4. QUALITY SCORE FOR GOOGLE DISPLAY NETWORK @larrykim #pubcon
  • 106. Quality Score Exists on Google Display Network!! Higher CTR = Lower CPC Higher CTR = Lower CPC A 0.1% increase/decrease in CTR yields ~20% increase/decrease in CPC!
  • 107. The Hack: Create Display Ads With Above Avg. CTR @larrykim #pubcon
  • 108. 1. Push Ads To Your Offers
  • 109. Do a Conversion Path Analysis Define audience segments using the pages that most often lead to a conversion event
  • 110. 2. Push Ads To Your Content @larrykim #pubcon
  • 111. 5% of Articles Generate 50% of Social Media @larrykim #pubcon Engagement
  • 113. The Hack: Same Emotions Make People Click on Ads and Content
  • 115. Mark Your Calendar! • Remarketing and Retargeting in 2014 • Wednesday 3:50, Salon F – Erin Sagin – WordStream – Tim Mayer – Trueffect – Sean Dolan – PushFire – Rob Garner - Advice Interactive Group @larrykim #pubcon
  • 116. #3. REMARKETING LISTS FOR SEARCH ADS (RLSA) @larrykim #pubcon
  • 117. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) • Customize Ads To Users Who Previously Visited Your Site • On Average Doubles Click Through Rates (Raises Quality Score) and Cuts CPC’s in Half!!
  • 118. @larrykim #pubcon #2. IN-MARKET SEGMENTS
  • 119. In Market Segments & Similar Audiences to Increase Reach! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 120. @larrykim #pubcon #1. FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE
  • 121. A Thousand New Features Each Year @larrykim #pubcon • Over 1000 New Features in last 12 Months • Innovation is Accelerating • Much more if you Include Bing Ads, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc.
  • 122. +Post Ads on Google+ @larrykim #pubcon • Released in April 2014 • Google+ Updates Show Up All Over The Web as Ads!
  • 124. Impact on G+ Page Visibility Before & @larrykim #pubcon After After Before
  • 125. The Flywheel Effect: Paid Social Promotion Generates Organic Engagement @larrykim #pubcon
  • 126. TrueView Ads on YouTube @larrykim #pubcon • People spend 6 Billion Hours on YouTube / Month • Pay Nothing if People Click “Skip Ad” • Ridiculously Powerful Targeting Options
  • 127. Summary: The Top 10 AdWords Hacks of All Time! @larrykim #pubcon 1. Say No to Low CTR! 2. Unicorn Ads Get Up To 6x Average CTR 3. Unicorn Offers Get 3-5x Average Conversion Rates 4. Forget About Mobile Websites and Landing Pages 5. Quality Score has Huge Impact on Display Ads 6. Use RLSA to Double Click Through Rates / Reduce CPC in Half 7. Expand Display Ad Reach with In-Market Segments 8. Get in People’s Gmail Inboxes! 9. Target Specific People on Facebook and Twitter 10.Always Be the First Mover!
  • 128. Flywheel Effect: Paid Don’t Settle For Average – Be a Unicorn Among a Sea of Donkey Advertisers! @larrykim #pubcon
  • 129. Thank You PUBCON! • Download Slides Here: bit.ly/pubcon-2014 @larrykim #pubcon