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The Ultimate Guide To Effective Online
QuestionPro Webinar
Dan Fleetwood James Solada
QuestionPro Marketing DirectorPresident, QuestionPro Communities
What are we going to cover today?
❏ Setting Research Objectives
❏ Understanding Your Target Audience
❏ Optimal Survey Design, Survey Length, and Survey Questions
❏ Survey Branching
❏ Survey Distribution
❏ Analyzing Surveys
❏ Creating Actionable Survey Data!
Setting Research Objectives
❏ You can’t start creating a survey without research objectives. It’s like
starting a road trip without a GPS.
❏ Work with key stakeholders to establish the objectives of the study
❏ Objectives should be specific and measureable
❏ Use good action verbs like to compare, to calculate, to identify
❏ Avoid the use of vague non-active verbs - to understand, to believe,
to notice
Understanding Your Target Audience
Keep these 3 points in mind when writing and organizing your survey:
1. What decision are you trying to make?
2. What criteria are you using to make your decision?
3. Whose opinion do you need to make that decision?
If people have already given you a list of questions, put them aside and
answer these three questions first.
Developing Your Survey - Remember These
When developing a survey, keep these 3 things in mind:
1. Fatigue: respondents become mentally exhausted due to length,
repetitiveness, or overwhelming complexity
2. Answerability: respondents are unable to provide accurate responses
due to insufficient knowledge or recall, unsatisfactory multiple choice
options, or an unwillingness to provide an honest answer
3. Clarity: respondents misinterpret or fail to understand the questions,
or are misled by poor word choice and question phrasing
Survey Design Tips
❏ Make sure to clearly structure your survey - introduction/screener,
body, demographics
❏ Keep the medium in mind - don’t forget about mobile
❏ Know your audience and what they can handle - general consumer
vs. specialized respondent
❏ Be clear and concise - keep your research goals in mind
Optimal Length of Your Surveys
❏ A key study a couple years ago said that respondents check out after
15 - 20 mins.
❏ Optimal length is between 10 - 12 minutes.
❏ On average, surveys distributed on QuestionPro is 35 questions.
❏ Longer surveys include a ‘Save and Continue’ option to help with
respondent fatigue.
Survey Question Tips
❏ Overall your survey questions should help you answer the research
❏ Ask specific and relevant questions
❏ Avoid Confusing, Technical or Unfamiliar Terms
❏ Keep respondents on track
❏ Keep Loaded Questions and Phrases off the Table
❏ KISS (Keep it simple stupid)
❏ Use scales when possible
Examples of Poorly Written Questions
Q1 - What are your suggestions for the Los Angeles Lakers?
Q2 - Who is currently the best player in the NBA?
A. Stephen Curry
B. Lebron James
C. Kevin Durant
Examples of Poorly Written Questions pt 2
Q3 - How many NBA championships will the Golden State Warriors win
with Kevin Durant?
A. 0-2
B. 2-4
C. 4-6
D. 6+
Q4 - Is 5x NBA MVP Michael Jordan the greatest basketball of all time? -
Interesting Question Types to Include
NPS (Net Promoter Score)
Interesting Question Types to Include
Max Diff Conjoint (Discrete Choice)
Survey Branching
❏ Branching/Skip logic gives you the ability to create “intelligent”
surveys by creating a custom path
❏ Respondents can answer relevant questions based on their answers
to previous questions
❏ You can use simple skip logic, complex logic, show/hide logic, etc.
Mistakes and Gotcha’s to Avoid
❏ The Questions Are Confusing or Misleading
❏ The Questions Are Too Long
❏ The Questions Do Not Identify Specific Issues or Problems
❏ The Questions Use Ambiguous Rating Systems
❏ Surveys Do Not Provide the Customer With the Ability to Clarify
❏ Freely Written Responses Can Be Difficult to Quantify Through
Best Practices - Recap
❏ Have a clear introduction that states the purpose of your survey
❏ Ask your screening questions next. Make sure they qualify.
❏ Ask the most important questions first
❏ Mix in simple and complex questions
❏ Then ask the demographic questions last
❏ A good Thank You page. THANK THEM FOR THEIR TIME!
How to Distribute Your Surveys
❏ Open link
❏ Send email invitation
❏ Third party panel
❏ Intercept
❏ Social Media
❏ Communities
Analyze Your Survey
❏ Don’t overlook simple analysis using charts and frequency graphs
❏ Use segmentation to do more in depth analysis amongst groups
❏ Crosstabs are the staple and still very relevant
❏ Use a good text analytics tool for open ends
Survey Analysis - Infographic
Survey Analysis - Frequency Dashboard
Survey Analysis - Max Diff
Survey Analysis - Conjoint (Discrete Choice)
Make Informed Decisions Based on your
❏ Through analysis comes actionable business decisions
❏ Use the results of the analysis, charts, and graphs to tell a compelling
❏ Without data and good analysis, we just have opinions, we need
actionable data to make well informed decisions
Dan Fleetwood
James Solada

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Webinar - The Ultimate Guide to Effective Online Surveys

  • 1. The Ultimate Guide To Effective Online Surveys QuestionPro Webinar #yoursurveyguide
  • 2. Dan Fleetwood James Solada QuestionPro Marketing DirectorPresident, QuestionPro Communities #yoursurveyguide
  • 3. What are we going to cover today? ❏ Setting Research Objectives ❏ Understanding Your Target Audience ❏ Optimal Survey Design, Survey Length, and Survey Questions ❏ Survey Branching ❏ Survey Distribution ❏ Analyzing Surveys ❏ Creating Actionable Survey Data! #yoursurveyguide
  • 4. Setting Research Objectives ❏ You can’t start creating a survey without research objectives. It’s like starting a road trip without a GPS. ❏ Work with key stakeholders to establish the objectives of the study ❏ Objectives should be specific and measureable ❏ Use good action verbs like to compare, to calculate, to identify ❏ Avoid the use of vague non-active verbs - to understand, to believe, to notice #yoursurveyguide
  • 5. Understanding Your Target Audience Keep these 3 points in mind when writing and organizing your survey: 1. What decision are you trying to make? 2. What criteria are you using to make your decision? 3. Whose opinion do you need to make that decision? If people have already given you a list of questions, put them aside and answer these three questions first. #yoursurveyguide
  • 6. Developing Your Survey - Remember These Points When developing a survey, keep these 3 things in mind: 1. Fatigue: respondents become mentally exhausted due to length, repetitiveness, or overwhelming complexity 2. Answerability: respondents are unable to provide accurate responses due to insufficient knowledge or recall, unsatisfactory multiple choice options, or an unwillingness to provide an honest answer 3. Clarity: respondents misinterpret or fail to understand the questions, or are misled by poor word choice and question phrasing #yoursurveyguide
  • 7. Survey Design Tips ❏ Make sure to clearly structure your survey - introduction/screener, body, demographics ❏ Keep the medium in mind - don’t forget about mobile ❏ Know your audience and what they can handle - general consumer vs. specialized respondent ❏ Be clear and concise - keep your research goals in mind #yoursurveyguide
  • 8. Optimal Length of Your Surveys ❏ A key study a couple years ago said that respondents check out after 15 - 20 mins. ❏ Optimal length is between 10 - 12 minutes. ❏ On average, surveys distributed on QuestionPro is 35 questions. ❏ Longer surveys include a ‘Save and Continue’ option to help with respondent fatigue. #yoursurveyguide
  • 9. Survey Question Tips ❏ Overall your survey questions should help you answer the research objectives ❏ Ask specific and relevant questions ❏ Avoid Confusing, Technical or Unfamiliar Terms ❏ Keep respondents on track ❏ Keep Loaded Questions and Phrases off the Table ❏ KISS (Keep it simple stupid) ❏ Use scales when possible #yoursurveyguide
  • 10. Examples of Poorly Written Questions Q1 - What are your suggestions for the Los Angeles Lakers? Q2 - Who is currently the best player in the NBA? A. Stephen Curry B. Lebron James C. Kevin Durant #yoursurveyguide
  • 11. Examples of Poorly Written Questions pt 2 Q3 - How many NBA championships will the Golden State Warriors win with Kevin Durant? A. 0-2 B. 2-4 C. 4-6 D. 6+ Q4 - Is 5x NBA MVP Michael Jordan the greatest basketball of all time? - #yoursurveyguide
  • 12. Interesting Question Types to Include NPS (Net Promoter Score) #yoursurveyguide
  • 13. Interesting Question Types to Include Max Diff Conjoint (Discrete Choice) #yoursurveyguide
  • 14. Survey Branching ❏ Branching/Skip logic gives you the ability to create “intelligent” surveys by creating a custom path ❏ Respondents can answer relevant questions based on their answers to previous questions ❏ You can use simple skip logic, complex logic, show/hide logic, etc. #yoursurveyguide
  • 15. Mistakes and Gotcha’s to Avoid ❏ The Questions Are Confusing or Misleading ❏ The Questions Are Too Long ❏ The Questions Do Not Identify Specific Issues or Problems ❏ The Questions Use Ambiguous Rating Systems ❏ Surveys Do Not Provide the Customer With the Ability to Clarify Answers ❏ Freely Written Responses Can Be Difficult to Quantify Through Analysis #yoursurveyguide
  • 16. Best Practices - Recap ❏ Have a clear introduction that states the purpose of your survey ❏ Ask your screening questions next. Make sure they qualify. ❏ Ask the most important questions first ❏ Mix in simple and complex questions ❏ Then ask the demographic questions last ❏ A good Thank You page. THANK THEM FOR THEIR TIME! #yoursurveyguide
  • 17. How to Distribute Your Surveys ❏ Open link ❏ Send email invitation ❏ Third party panel ❏ Intercept ❏ Social Media ❏ Communities #yoursurveyguide
  • 18. Analyze Your Survey ❏ Don’t overlook simple analysis using charts and frequency graphs ❏ Use segmentation to do more in depth analysis amongst groups ❏ Crosstabs are the staple and still very relevant ❏ Use a good text analytics tool for open ends #yoursurveyguide
  • 19. Survey Analysis - Infographic #yoursurveyguide
  • 20. Survey Analysis - Frequency Dashboard #yoursurveyguide
  • 21. Survey Analysis - Max Diff #yoursurveyguide
  • 22. Survey Analysis - Conjoint (Discrete Choice) #yoursurveyguide
  • 23. Make Informed Decisions Based on your Surveys ❏ Through analysis comes actionable business decisions ❏ Use the results of the analysis, charts, and graphs to tell a compelling story ❏ Without data and good analysis, we just have opinions, we need actionable data to make well informed decisions #yoursurveyguide