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Mina Badiei (GS31016)
Theory in Education
Curriculum Theory


Definition of Terms
-a system of ideas intended to explain something,
especially one based on general principles
independent of the thing to be explained.
Business Dictionary:
-A set of assumptions, propositions, or accepted
facts that attempts to provide a reasonable
or rational explanation of cause-and-effect (causal)
relationships among a group of observed


Definition of Terms
Logan and Olmstead(1955):
 Statements about sets of events differ greatly in
 A systematically related set of statements,
including some law like generalizations, that is
empirically testable.
 A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, that
present a systematic view of phenomena by
specifying relations among variables with the
purpose of explaining the phenomena.


Definition of Terms
 Statements of a theory may be expressed in such
forms as statements of facts, definitions, propositions,
hypothesis, assumptions, generalizations, laws , or
is a phenomenon known by observation.
is a formal statement of meaning or
is a formal statement affirming or
denying something about a subject.
consists of one or more propositions
designed to explain a set of events.
are also special cases of the propositions.


Definition of Terms
-The process of receiving or giving systematic
instruction, especially at a school or university.
education is the delivery of knowledge, skills,
and information from teachers to students.
-According to Pestalozzi, "Education is the
natural, harmonious and progressive
development of man's innate powers."


Definition of Terms
 John Dewey stated, "Education is the
development of all those capacities in the
individual which will enable him to control his
environment and fulfill his possibilities”.
 According to John Adams, "Education is
conscious and deliberate process in which
one personality acts upon another in order to
modify the development of that other by the
communication and manipulation of


Theory In Education
 Figure1 in page 5
Theories in
Theories in
Theory in


Theory In Education
 Traditionally, the word “theory” has been
employed in education without definition.
- The dimensions of educational theory had not
been defined.
- There was no sufficient research on the
 Recently theory in education has been a topic
of serious discussion.
 So the definition is that Educational theory is
speculative educational thought that guides,
explains, or describes educational practice.


Theory In Education
 Notice:
The educational theory will grow, but it
will grow first from the sub-theories now
being developed within the broad field
of education.


Approaches to Educational Theory
 Theory and Practice
 Theory by its very nature is impractical.
 The world of practicality is built around cluster of
specific events.
 The world of theory derives from generalizations,
laws, and theorems which are explaining specific
events and the relationships among them.
 Meaningful relationships may be established
between the work of theorists and the work of
practitioners, but theory and practice are not the


Approaches to Educational
 Theory may direct practice or it may explain
the nature of practice.
 In another way, It is the job of educational
theory to guide educational practices.
 According to John Dewey “We may propose to
use practice work as an instrument in making
real and vital theoretical instruction; the
knowledge of subject-matter and of principles
of education”.


Approaches to Educational
 Theory and Philosophy
- Individuals frequently have used the name of
philosophies of education and theories of
education interchangeably.
 Philosophy is the investigation of the nature,
causes, and principles of reality, knowledge, or
values, based on logical reasoning rather than
empirical methods.
 Dimensions of philosophy have much to
contribute to educational theorizing.


Theory and Philosophy in


Theory and Philosophy in
 Descriptive theories consists of a set of propositions
that are logically interrelated from which relationships
may be demonstrated and new information derived by
deductive processes.
 Prescriptive theories consist of a set of proposals for
action or a set of propositions about related problems.
Here the techniques of philosophy relates to
 There were various philosophies have been posed as
theories of education such as realism, idealism,
pragmatism, reconstructionism, etc.


Theory and Philosophy in
 Philosophy has a close relationship to theory
development in education:
A good philosophy must encompass a theory of knowledge.
A philosophy of education should lead to formulation of a
theory of method.
Value and ethics, in the preview of philosophy, play a
significant role in education.


Theory and Philosophy in
 Theories must be developed within general area of
philosophy to account for the many dimensions of
 Among all educational theories, Black(1952) labeled
four theories: Traditionalists, Progressive, Learning-
Product theory, and Learning-Process theory.
 These four theory show four aspect of education:
1. Education as transmission of social heritage
2. Education as individual development
3. Education as product
4. Education as process


Theory and Philosophy in
 We should also note the role of philosopher
is theoretical work in education in two
points of view;
1- Main function of philosopher is to clarify
the language ( a tool for educational
theorizing) used to talk about problems.
2- The skill of correctly use of language and
the building of more adequate logic.


Other Approaches
 The problem for educational theory is to
explain all dimensions of education , and to
explain all aspects of education or even
schooling as a limited domain of education,
both prescriptive and descriptive theory are
 One approach in developing educational
theory was voiced by Broudy who called for
unifying principles to be used in the resolution
of conflict associated with innovations in
school practices.


Other Approaches
A much different approach to educational theory
was taken by Brauner(1964), who analyzed six
major traditions in American Education.
1)Monitorial Method , 2)Object-Teaching
3)Herbatianism , 4)Child study
5)Experimentalism , 6)Current Academic Emphasis
 A growing theme in educational theorizing is
the conception of education as a discipline.
 Education is the application of many
disciplines; a discipline develops its own way
of study and behaving.


Theory in School
 An excellent example of educational theorizing
is the field of school administration.
 Professors of school administration, are
actually building a sub-theory of educational
 Individuals working on these projects used
theory development as their route to
 The theorists in administration have disciplined
themselves to use basic rules for theorizing
from social and behavioral sciences.


Theory in School
Griffiths (1978) presented a paradigm for theory
Observation Resulting in
Sensitizing Concepts
Integrating Concepts
Theory : A set of assumptions from which are derived laws


Theory in School
 During recent years theoretical work in
administration has shifted to management,
organizational theory, and system development.
 Theoretical models are being developed that may
apply to the solution of administrative problems
with respect to organization and functions in
various environments.
 There is a conflict between theoreticians and
the practitioners in educational administration
because administrators are very practical
people and they truly been leaders in this


Instructional Theory
 Another sub-theory to educational theory is the
rapid growth of thinking and research relating
to instruction.
 There are articles on pedagogy that lead
toward theories of instruction.
 Bruner in his book “The Process of Education”
proposed four aspects of a theory of


Instructional Theory
1. Theory of instruction should concern with the
factors that influence a child to learn
2. It should concern with optimal structuring of
3. It should concern with the ideal sequence
that is required for learning.
4. It should concern with the nature and pacing
of rewards and punishments and the
success and failures.


Instructional Theory
 James Macdonald(1963) suggested that it
should be a valid distinction between
curriculum, instruction, and teaching.
 Having singled out the instruction as a
unique concept, he discussed the needs for
research and theories about models of
instruction and identification and description
of principle variables.


Instructional Theory
 The concept “teaching” appears more broadly
than concept “ instruction” on research.
 Broudy(1972), distinguished 3 types of
teaching :
- Didactics : imparting and reinforcing of skill
and knowledge.
- Heuristics: efforts to promote discoveries by
- Phyletic: behaviors associated with love.
 This classification is for study the effects of
teaching process on learning outcomes.


 It is significant that the domain of
theories of instruction is being
differentiated from other potential areas
of education such as administration and
 The Demand for bringing together the
theoretical work done in sub-theories
such as curriculum, instruction, and
administration into total educational



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Theory in Education

  • 1. Mina Badiei (GS31016) Theory in Education Curriculum Theory EDU5356 Dr. NOR HAYATI BT ALWI
  • 2. Definition of Terms Oxford: -a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. Business Dictionary: -A set of assumptions, propositions, or accepted facts that attempts to provide a reasonable or rational explanation of cause-and-effect (causal) relationships among a group of observed phenomenon.
  • 3. Definition of Terms Logan and Olmstead(1955):  Statements about sets of events differ greatly in complexity. Rudner(1966):  A systematically related set of statements, including some law like generalizations, that is empirically testable. Kerlinger(1973):  A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, that present a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables with the purpose of explaining the phenomena.
  • 4. Definition of Terms  Statements of a theory may be expressed in such forms as statements of facts, definitions, propositions, hypothesis, assumptions, generalizations, laws , or theorems. is a phenomenon known by observation. is a formal statement of meaning or signification. is a formal statement affirming or denying something about a subject. consists of one or more propositions designed to explain a set of events. are also special cases of the propositions.
  • 5. Definition of Terms Oxford: -The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. education is the delivery of knowledge, skills, and information from teachers to students. -According to Pestalozzi, "Education is the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man's innate powers."
  • 6. Definition of Terms  John Dewey stated, "Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities”.  According to John Adams, "Education is conscious and deliberate process in which one personality acts upon another in order to modify the development of that other by the communication and manipulation of knowledge"
  • 7. Theory In Education  Figure1 in page 5 Theories in Social Sciences Theories in Education Curriculum Theories Theory in school Administratio n Instructional Theory
  • 8. Theory In Education  Traditionally, the word “theory” has been employed in education without definition. - The dimensions of educational theory had not been defined. - There was no sufficient research on the subject.  Recently theory in education has been a topic of serious discussion.  So the definition is that Educational theory is speculative educational thought that guides, explains, or describes educational practice.
  • 9. Theory In Education  Notice: The educational theory will grow, but it will grow first from the sub-theories now being developed within the broad field of education.
  • 10. Approaches to Educational Theory  Theory and Practice  Theory by its very nature is impractical.  The world of practicality is built around cluster of specific events.  The world of theory derives from generalizations, laws, and theorems which are explaining specific events and the relationships among them.  Meaningful relationships may be established between the work of theorists and the work of practitioners, but theory and practice are not the same.
  • 11. Approaches to Educational Theory  Theory may direct practice or it may explain the nature of practice.  In another way, It is the job of educational theory to guide educational practices.  According to John Dewey “We may propose to use practice work as an instrument in making real and vital theoretical instruction; the knowledge of subject-matter and of principles of education”.
  • 12. Approaches to Educational Theory  Theory and Philosophy - Individuals frequently have used the name of philosophies of education and theories of education interchangeably.  Philosophy is the investigation of the nature, causes, and principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.  Dimensions of philosophy have much to contribute to educational theorizing.
  • 13. Theory and Philosophy in Education Types of Theory Descriptive Theory Prescriptive Theory
  • 14. Theory and Philosophy in Education  Descriptive theories consists of a set of propositions that are logically interrelated from which relationships may be demonstrated and new information derived by deductive processes.  Prescriptive theories consist of a set of proposals for action or a set of propositions about related problems. Here the techniques of philosophy relates to theory.(page37)  There were various philosophies have been posed as theories of education such as realism, idealism, pragmatism, reconstructionism, etc.
  • 15. Theory and Philosophy in Education  Philosophy has a close relationship to theory development in education: A good philosophy must encompass a theory of knowledge. A philosophy of education should lead to formulation of a theory of method. Value and ethics, in the preview of philosophy, play a significant role in education.
  • 16. Theory and Philosophy in Education  Theories must be developed within general area of philosophy to account for the many dimensions of education.  Among all educational theories, Black(1952) labeled four theories: Traditionalists, Progressive, Learning- Product theory, and Learning-Process theory.  These four theory show four aspect of education: 1. Education as transmission of social heritage 2. Education as individual development 3. Education as product 4. Education as process
  • 17. Theory and Philosophy in Education  We should also note the role of philosopher is theoretical work in education in two points of view; 1- Main function of philosopher is to clarify the language ( a tool for educational theorizing) used to talk about problems. 2- The skill of correctly use of language and the building of more adequate logic.
  • 18. Other Approaches  The problem for educational theory is to explain all dimensions of education , and to explain all aspects of education or even schooling as a limited domain of education, both prescriptive and descriptive theory are needed.  One approach in developing educational theory was voiced by Broudy who called for unifying principles to be used in the resolution of conflict associated with innovations in school practices.
  • 19. Other Approaches A much different approach to educational theory was taken by Brauner(1964), who analyzed six major traditions in American Education. 1)Monitorial Method , 2)Object-Teaching 3)Herbatianism , 4)Child study 5)Experimentalism , 6)Current Academic Emphasis  A growing theme in educational theorizing is the conception of education as a discipline.  Education is the application of many disciplines; a discipline develops its own way of study and behaving.
  • 20. Theory in School Administration  An excellent example of educational theorizing is the field of school administration.  Professors of school administration, are actually building a sub-theory of educational theory.  Individuals working on these projects used theory development as their route to improvement.  The theorists in administration have disciplined themselves to use basic rules for theorizing from social and behavioral sciences.
  • 21. Theory in School Administration Griffiths (1978) presented a paradigm for theory development: presumptions Observation Resulting in Descriptions Sensitizing Concepts Integrating Concepts Theory : A set of assumptions from which are derived laws
  • 22. Theory in School Administration  During recent years theoretical work in administration has shifted to management, organizational theory, and system development.  Theoretical models are being developed that may apply to the solution of administrative problems with respect to organization and functions in various environments.  There is a conflict between theoreticians and the practitioners in educational administration because administrators are very practical people and they truly been leaders in this activity.
  • 23. Instructional Theory  Another sub-theory to educational theory is the rapid growth of thinking and research relating to instruction.  There are articles on pedagogy that lead toward theories of instruction.  Bruner in his book “The Process of Education” proposed four aspects of a theory of instruction:
  • 24. Instructional Theory 1. Theory of instruction should concern with the factors that influence a child to learn effectively. 2. It should concern with optimal structuring of knowledge. 3. It should concern with the ideal sequence that is required for learning. 4. It should concern with the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments and the success and failures.
  • 25. Instructional Theory  James Macdonald(1963) suggested that it should be a valid distinction between curriculum, instruction, and teaching.  Having singled out the instruction as a unique concept, he discussed the needs for research and theories about models of instruction and identification and description of principle variables.
  • 26. Instructional Theory  The concept “teaching” appears more broadly than concept “ instruction” on research.  Broudy(1972), distinguished 3 types of teaching : - Didactics : imparting and reinforcing of skill and knowledge. - Heuristics: efforts to promote discoveries by pupils. - Phyletic: behaviors associated with love.  This classification is for study the effects of teaching process on learning outcomes.
  • 27. Conclusion  It is significant that the domain of theories of instruction is being differentiated from other potential areas of education such as administration and curriculum.  The Demand for bringing together the theoretical work done in sub-theories such as curriculum, instruction, and administration into total educational