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A thinking and action approach to navigate in
  the complexity of social change processes
               Iñigo Retolaza Eguren
A thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of
social change processes

Together with many partner organisations in developing countries, the Humanist
Institute for Development Cooperation (Hivos), a Dutch NGO, strives for a free,
fair and sustainable world in which all citizens – both men and women – have
equal access to resources and opportunities for development.

The Democratic Dialogue Regional Project is based at the Regional Centre for
Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP. It contributes to the joint thematic
area of Crisis Prevention by reinforcing countries´ capacities to prevent and

strategy of the project aims at strengthening democratic institutions by making
them more responsive to citizen’s needs and demands through the provision

crisis and build consensus.

of the Humanistic Institute for Development Cooperation (HIVOS), the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), its Executive Boards, other
management bodies or the United Nations Member States. The present report
is an independent publication jointly made by HIVOS and the Crisis Prevention
and Recovery Practice Area of the Regional Centre for Latin America and the
Caribbean, UNDP.

© UNDP/Hivos
The institutions publishing the present document recommend an appropriate
and adequate use of all or part of the textual and graphic contents; it may be
freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgment is requested, together with a
reference to the source.

Contact information:

Crisis Prevention and Recovery Practice Area
UNDP Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean

City, Panama
email: rcpanama@undp.org

Hivos – Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
Raamweg 16
P.O. box 85565
2508 CG The Hague, The Netherlands
email: info@hivos.nl

Graphic design: Intercreativa, intercreativa@gmail.com
Printed in Guatemala, May 2011

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                          v

FOREWORD                                                                  vii

1. WHY IS A THEORY OF CHANGE NECCESSARY?                                      1

2. WHAT IS A THEORY OF CHANGE?                                                4

3. WHAT IS NOT A THEORY OF CHANGE?                                            4

   OF SOCIAL CHANGE PROCESSES                                              5
      4.1 Types of change                                                  5
      4.2 Levels of social change                                          6
      4.3 Dimensions of social change                                      7
      4.4 Institutions and social change                                   9
      4.5 Phases of a change process                                      10
      4.6 Participation and power in the change processes                 13

      5.1 The desired change                                              16
      5.2 Who are the agents of change?                                   20
      5.3 The assumptions that we use to develop our
          Theory of Change                                                24
      5.4 Projecting future realities. The Pathway of Change              26
      5.5. How do we know that things are changing?
           Indicators of Change                                           32

   ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISMS?                                             33

   Annex   I:     A theory of change workshop. The methodological route   36
   Annex   II:    A story about assumptions and listening skills          44
   Annex   III:   The logic process of developing a theory of change      46
   Annex   IV:    A theory of change outline                              47
   Annex   V:     Methodological hand-‐outs                               51
   Annex   VI:    The learning journal

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES                                                72

           Any systematization process of an experience is the result of collective dynamics,
           which by their very nature transcend one’s own individuality. This guide is not

           written and proposed here, I have to acknowledge the essential contributions
           from many people from whom I have learnt and who helped to bring this guide
           to completion.

           On the one hand, I would like to thank the whole Hivos team in Central and South
           America, and the Netherlands (particularly to Dineke van den Oudenalder, Corina
           Straatsma and Marjan van Es) for willing to share such a refreshing and innovative
           learning space over the years. Learning with colleagues from different parts of
           the world has been a truly enriching experience for me. Special thanks to Marjan

           I would also like to thank the Democratic Dialogue Regional Project (Sonia

           Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their ongoing support, help and
           patience with the delivery of this guide.

           facilitators in the Latin American workshops, for their professionalism and desire
           to learn together.

           Raúl Aramayo and Simone van Vugt for sharing their knowledge with me over
           recent years. In short, this guide would not have been possible without their
           valid contributions.

           Finally, to everyone who believes that another world is necessary (not only
           possible!!) and insists on changing it wherever they are. We are in for the long

           This document aims to be a guide to help to          A handbook is a general text that
           direct the design of a Theory of Change applied      combines theory and practical
           to social change processes. However, it is an        information.
           initial approach that must be furthered based
                                                                Jennifer Moon, 2005
           on new experiences and practical applications.

           The focus and the contents of the guide
           emerged from the synthesis of my learning as Theory of Change design process
           facilitator which has involved social change agents from different Latin American
           countries. My learning process has been consolidated from different sources
           and experiences over recent years. Special mention should be made to the
           learning space offered by Hivos, an international NGO based in the Netherlands.
           The opportunity that Hivos gave me to facilitate different Theory of Change
           workshops with some of its counterparts from Southern and Central America
           was a rich and intense source of learning and inspiration. In the same way, my
           professional relationship with the Democratic Dialogue Regional Project (DDRP)
           run by UNDP enabled me to consolidate another important learning space. This
           time from an action-‐research approach around dialogue processes applied to
           different areas: national dialogues focused on public policy formulation and
           monitoring as well as legislative proposals, facilitating national and regional
           dialogue spaces on different topics, strengthening capacities of political and
           social leaders from different countries of the region in dialogue issues, etc.
           These two areas of experience and knowledge, not being the only ones, are the
           main source underpinning the contents of the guide presented here.

           The document is aimed at the wealth of agents linked to social change and
           development processes. That is, bilateral donors, grassroots male and female

           organizations, social movements, public decision-‐makers, and other agents
           involved in social change processes.

           It should be pointed out that the Theory of Change focus applied to social
           change processes seeks to be a thinking-‐action alternative to other more rigid
           approaches and planning logics. This in the understanding that as we live in

           that enable our actions to be planned and monitored in complex, emerging and

In general terms, the guide summarizes the core of the contents and methodological
       steps that are implemented in a Theory of Change design workshop. As is already
       known, this thinking-‐action focus is also applied to institutional coaching
       processes and to designing social change and development programs.

       when designing a Theory of Change applied to social change processes. It is
       obvious that there are many other aspects that have to be taken into account.
       Nevertheless, some of the ones that I consider to be fundamental based on my
       experience are summarized here. The second part of the document describes
       the basic methodological steps to be implemented throughout the process when
       designing a Theory of Change. In order to reinforce this practical part, a Theory
       of Change workshop route is attached hereto hoping it will help to illustrate the
       dynamics to be developed in a workshop of these characteristics.

       I would like to stress that this guide has to be taken as a living document which is
       in constant evolution. I therefore invite the reader to go beyond what is proposed
       here both in methodological and theoretical terms.

       Finally, I would like to express my desire that the guide be used to improve the
       performance of those organizations and individuals involved in social change
       processes aimed at helping to establish a fairer and more just world.

       Iñigo Retolaza Eguren
       La Paz, Bolivia
       April 2011

inner Self

                    Javier Medina

                    The   process   of   learning   is   not,

                    process of changing conceptions

                    Jennifer Moon

                    Ralph D. Stacey



           Nowadays, there is increasingly greater
           recognition when accepting that we             We need good theories of social change
           live in a change of era and, therefore,
           not an era of changes (de Souza 1999).          in processes of development, as
           In this change of era, uncertainty,
                                                          social movements and donors.
           multi-‐diversity, the paradoxical and
           contradictory govern the dynamics of
           our (inter)actions and the emerging

           States and governing institutions. This

           As a consequence of our mindsets being (de)formed by a modernistic1 educational
           and social system, we believe that order and control of the social processes in
           which we are involved can be achieved. The dogmatic use that many development
           agents make of the Logical Framework as a development project management
           tool is a clear example of this. Even today there is a trend to believe in the
           existence of absolute truths, static, total certainty. And if that were not enough,
           we continue to believe that the best manner to measure that truth is using
           quantitative approaches2.

           Nevertheless, we live in complex and dynamic times that feed off uncertainty and
           a multi-‐diversity of relations (identity, economic, social, geographical, political,
           cognitive, intercultural, institutional, historical, etc.). This fundamental fact
           has a direct impact on the social change and development processes involving
           those agents to whom this guide is addressed.

Change seeks to identify those archipelagos of certainty on which we can feed a
           thinking-‐action logic that enables us to navigate through the complex ocean of
           social change.

           based on our knowledge and experience, those conditions needed to achieve the
           desired change in a given context. This is partly done by making our assumptions
           explicit and by analyzing them critically; those very same assumptions that
           govern our way of thinking, learning and our knowledge generation. In short,
           we need to make critically explicit those assumptions that we use to understand
           reality and, therefore, to act in it. Seen from a Theory of Change perspective,
           this emphasis on making assumptions explicit is fundamental in any social change
           and learning process. Whether using a learning question

                             or a political question

                                                       Basically, social change processes want
                                                       to take us to a place where we have
                                                       never been before. The agents involved
    the change processes that already exist            imagine and visualize the future reality
                                                       in a way that is not possible to fully
                                                       understand at present. This is partly due
    analyses and crafting projects to meet             to a fundamental fact: we project our
                                                       possible futures based on the mindsets
    of existing change processes rather than           we have at present day, so there are
    impose external or blind prescriptions             many aspects of the future impossible
                                                       to grasp or visualize with the learning
                                                       tools we currently have. That is why we
                                                       need to develop new capacities to learn
                                                       from the future as it emerges (Scharmer

           We could almost say that working for social change is an act of faith. We believe
           that we will reach a better place by following a certain logic and change action.
           And we believe that we will better reach that desired change situation by acting
           on a series of conditions existing in the environment. That conviction about the
           possibility of a future that we believe to be better is a great driving force to be
           celebrated. The problem emerges when our conviction becomes dogma and we
           start believing that our future paradigm is the only viable and desirable one.

2                                                                                                  CONTENTS
On the other hand, developing a Theory of Change (ToC) provides us with a tool for
           monitoring our actions and hence opens the space for accountability to ourselves
           and to those stakeholders involved in the
           process. The systematic use of a ToC as a                                       to handle
           process monitoring tool helps us to i) (un)    complexity adequatel
           learn and be constantly aware of the need
           to review and update the assumptions we

           read and simplify the complex nature of
           the context we live in and weigh up whether the initially established change
           conditions are maintained or on the contrary we need to set new conditions

           effectively and in the best way possible what is mentioned in the above points.

           When this prospective exercise is also carried out with the participation of other
           stakeholders involved in the process, the quality of the exercise is enriched as we
           are able to incorporate a multi-‐diversity of approaches, opinions, assumptions,
           interests and knowledge that helps us to construct a (more) shared view of reality
           and, therefore, of the change process that we are undertaking and which affects
           one and another of us in the same and different way. On the other hand, the very
           act of including stakeholders from different political and identity-‐based positions
           ensures that the exercise helps in the political process of achieving coordinated
           action agreements based on shaping (and negotiating) shared meanings.

           Necessarily, it has to be stressed that this change logic must be shared with the
           different actors, or at least it should honestly and intelligently consider what
           the other actors think or require. The reality is holographic3, multi-‐stakeholder.
           It is holographic since we start from the premise that we are social beings and,
           therefore, our identity and view of reality comprises and is made up by other
           visions, by a greater Whole to which our own fragmented view belongs. Multi-‐
           stakeholder, because we want to live in a participatory and inclusive world where
           the different interests and needs are included and recognized. Therefore, and by
           democratic imperative, reality forces us to relate with each other in an inclusive
           and dialogic manner.

           That is, a holographic and democratic view of relations not only invites us to relate
           with others in a more harmonious way, but it also has implications regarding how
           we relate with our own inner Self: the Whole lives in our (fragmented) self and
           vice versa.

           Therefore, we are compelled to consider this social, historical, political and
           economic inter-‐dependency between different factors and actors. When failing
           to do so, we cannot achieve profound transformational changes but sterile and
           hypocritical ones. Even today we are reluctant to practice what we preach. That
           is the fundamental challenge when facilitating and participating in social change


CONTENTS                                                                                               3
    In short, a Theory of Change is:

         A conscious and creative visualization exercise that enables us to focus

         possible and probable

         A set of assumptions and abstract projections regarding how we believe
         reality could unfold in the immediate future, based on i) a realistic analysis
         of the current context, ii) a self-‐assessment about our capabilities of process
         facilitation, and iii) a critical and explicit review of our assumptions.

         A thinking-‐action approach that helps us to identify milestones and
         conditions that have to occur on the path towards the change that we want
         to contribute to happen.

         A multi-‐stakeholder and collaborative experiential learning exercise
                                                                     to analyze
         complex social change processes.

         A semi-‐structured change map that links our strategic actions to certain
         process results that we want to contribute to happen in our immediate

         A process tool that helps us to monitor consciously and critically our individual
         and also collective way of thinking and acting.


    is not. Therefore, a ToC is not:

         An absolute truth of how change has to happen, of how it is going to occur
         or even of how we want it to occur.

                                                                              existing in
         complex and emerging social processes.

         A substitute of the Logical Framework as a rigid planning tool.

4                                                                                            CONTENTS
           Some conceptual tips that help to
           consolidate the substantive analysis of         The paradigm paradox
           our Theory of Change are set out below.

           4.1. TYPES OF CHANGE                            trapped or constrained.

           We start from an initial premise                Dana Zohar, 1997
           regarding the different types of change4
           that occur in our environment.

                Emerging changes. They occur as our life unfolds every day. They are adaptive
                and irregular processes based on experiential learning, and occur as the
                result of the unexpected and/or non-‐planned changes that emerge from the
                dynamics called Life.

                Transformative changes. Crisis and stagnation prepare the ground for change.
                This type of change is based on un-‐learning and liberating oneself from those
                mindsets, relations, identities, formal and non-‐formal institutions, etc. which
                hinder and delay the probability of enacting new realities that are more just
                and fair in economic, social and political terms.

                Projectable changes. Changes based on complicated or simple problems that

                linear logic.

           In general terms, a Theory of Change focuses on analyzing and proposing
           relevant actions to transformative changes, which are more complex in nature
           changes are those that can be managed using a project logic: the Logical
           Framework or the Balanced Scorecard as a planning and analysis tool.
           It is important to explain this initial starting premise, as actions for transformative
           change are often put forward from a project change logic. We have to avoid

           in the second case (transformative changes). A rigid logic dominates in the third
           case (projectable changes).


CONTENTS                                                                                             5
                           THEORY OF CHANGE

          What type of change are we visualizing?

          What are the implications of using rigid logic to facilitate complex
          social change processes?


    In order to analyze and develop the design of our Theory of Change it is necessary
    to clearly identify the level of change that we want to attain. At the same time,
    we must be aware of the system/level from which we depart and at which level
    we propose the changes to happen.

    The logic of the Theory of Change develops from an understanding of the premises
    that we use to understand and act on reality. In general terms, this means that
    we start from level 2 in order to effect change at level 1 and level 3. We do so
    by articulating thought with action. The process of designing a Theory of Change

    action taken to transform reality will derive from looking at reality in a new
    way. In other words, when approaching from a different perspective our thinking
    and action regarding the resolution or management of complex problems, we
    assume to be able to achieve different (and better) results than we could have
    accomplished without this paradigm shift.

           Events                                                                     Order

          Patterns                                                                     2nd

         Structure                                                                    Order

             Operational question: How can we do better what we are already doing?

             Epistemological question: How do we know what we are doing is correct?
                     Ontological question: How do we determine what is correct?

6                                                                                             CONTENTS
                                   THEORY OF CHANGE

                       On which levels do we want to generate change?

                       processes of social change?
                       What relationship patterns do we need to develop in order to make our
                       Theory of Change useful to our purposes?
                       What social and cultural factors do we need to consider when it comes
                       to designing our Theory of Change?


           Any change process requires a comprehensive thinking and action approach that
           makes it possible to attain conditions that are sustainable and at the same time
           maintain and nurture the change process.

           The diagram below makes it possible to generate an analysis that is more
           comprehensive and related to the strategic approach needed to achieve success
           as a result of implementing the initiatives proposed by our Theory of Change. In
           other words, we suggest integrating different types of initiatives to help frame
           our action in a more integrated and articulated way. This allows us, on the one
           hand, to propose a more integrated institutional action; and, at the same time,
           to develop a more collaborative and articulate relationship with other initiatives
           led by other actors which are already underway.

                                        INTERNAL                                   EXTERNAL

                            PERSONAL                                  TRANSFORMING
                            TRANSFORMATION                            RELATIONSHIPS
                            Individual (multiple) identities          Relational habits

                            Personal mindsets                         Behaviour
                            Emotions and feelings                     Dialogic interaction with the
                            Development of the Self                   social and political environment
                                                               I   IT
                                                      Subjetive    Objetive

                                                            US     IT

                                                 Intersubjetive    Interobjetive

                            TRANSFORMING COLLECTIVE                   TRANSFORMING STRUCTURES
                            PATTERNS OF ACTION AND                    AND PROCEDURES
                            THINKING                                  Structural institutions of society
                            Collective identity and culture           (Constitutions,Laws, etc.)
                            Collective behaviour and                  Public policies
                            thinking                                  Legal and judiciary procedures
                            Shared understanding

           Adapted from Wilber 1996, 2007; Thomas 2006; Retolaza 2008b

CONTENTS                                                                                                   7
Here are some examples of different initiatives that relate to the four dimensions:

    i. Transforming the Self:

           introspection and personal development (psychotherapy, meditation, yoga,
           bio-‐dancing, shamanic practices, spiritual and residential retreats, self-‐
           knowledge techniques, self-‐learning journeys, etc.)

    ii.                                    Creation and facilitation of spaces for multi-‐
           stakeholder encounters, spaces for dialogue, initiatives to coordinate agendas
           among multiple actors, spaces for deliberation and public conversation,

           experiences based on situational contexts, participatory action-‐learning
           processes, learning peers, etc.

    iii.                                       Campaigns to raise awareness and mass
           communication, advocacy towards opinion forming media, changes in the
           collective perception of others (i.e. racism, discrimination based on identity,

           the population depending on the situation (e.g. intra-‐family violence and its
           effect on husbands, wives, sons and daughters), activities designed to modify
           cultural and social patterns of exclusion or dysfunctional collective habits,

    iv.                                             QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN
                     Support for constitutional     REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING
           change processes, lobby on key              OUR THEORY OF CHANGE
           legislative reforms, promotion of
           social control processes related
                                                       What dimension of change
           to public policy, support for
                                                       predominates in the action of
           decentralization processes aimed
                                                       our organization?
           at social development and the
           eradication of poverty, educational         What are the implications
           and health reforms, change of               of concentrating on one sole
           economic models, change and/or              dimension of change?
           creation of formal and non-‐formal          How do we integrate the
           institutions, etc.                          different dimensions in our
                                                       Theory of Change?
                                                       What type of activities or
                                                       initiatives can we develop for
                                                       each dimension of change?
                                                       What alliances do we need to
                                                       put in place so to approach
                                                       our processes in a more
                                                       comprehensive way?

8                                                                                            CONTENTS
           sider institutions to be the rules of the
           game that determine the government                Institutions
                                                             mechanisms of social order
                                                             and cooperation governing the
           (e.g. ethnic groups, clans, social asso-‐

           Normally, these institutions rely on

           realization of a series of norms put in
           place to ensure the establishment and             behavior.
           maintenance of the common good. In
           themselves, these norms are quite rigid

           Basically, there are two types of
           institutions: formal and non formal.

           i.                         Those that are based on written norms and that rule re-‐
                 lations and formal procedures that govern a society as a whole (i.e. political
                 constitution of the State, laws, statutory regulations, ministerial decrees,
                 ic procedures of a company or producers association, established by statute
                 or internal regulations)

           ii.                           Those persons, mechanisms, intangible and unwritten
                 dynamics that govern a society or social group (i.e. public sector corruption,
                 consensual legal systems based on customary law, relations based on kinship
                 or patronage, homophobia and misogyny, community based reciprocity,
                 discrimination and racism, Gandhi in India, motherhood and the family, etc.)

           At the same time, it is important to highlight four groups of institutions that
           determine the intensity and sustainability of the processes of social change
           (adapted from Voeten and Parto, 2005):

           i.                           those that determine collective thinking and behavior
                 (carnivals, national celebrations, dance, music, folklore, traditions, etc.)

           ii.                              those that govern social relations and collective
                 action (fraternities, family clans, social movements, social networks, sports
                 clubs, etc.)

CONTENTS                                                                                           9
iii.                        those that
                            Cultural                       set the standards for the norms that
                          thinking and                     cement societies (Constitution of the
                           behaviour)                      State, public policies, laws, religion,
                                                           family, etc.)

                                                           iv.                         those that
      Associative                            Cognitive
                           change             (mental      tive and individual ways of thinking
     relationships)                           models)      (ethno-‐cultural collective beliefs, so-‐
                                                           cial prejudices, educational systems,
                                                           mass media, etc.)


     Adapted from Voeten and Parto 2005

                                           THEORY OF CHANGE

                        In our context, which                    What could be the points of
                        institutions need to be                  departure for institutional
                        transformed?                             change in our Theory of Change?
                        Which formal and/or non                  How do the formal and non
                        formal institutions can help us          formal institutions interact and
                        to speed up our change process?          shape our organization/society?

                 4.5. PHASES OF A CHANGE PROCESS

                 Change processes are dynamic, impermanent. That is, they evolve as a result
                 of dynamic and emergent interactions that continuously go through different
                 stages. Although we may plan to promote actively certain interactions and
                 change processes, the result emerging from them is quite uncertain and cannot
                 be fully controlled. To simplify and didactically illustrate this dynamic sequence,
                 it can be said that, in one way or another, every process of change passes through
                 four main phases:

10                                                                                                     CONTENTS
i.                                                     where no change dynamics are
                  created since, and yet, there is no consciousness of the need for change.
                  People have acquired and integrated a series of mental models, behaviors,
                  institutional practices, cultural habits, relational dynamics, etc. and do not
                  feel that it is pertinent or necessary to be changed. The system5 is balanced
                  well enough to make for a certain stability and consistency. In social and
                  political terms, there may be differences between actors in the satisfaction

                  pushes toward change.

            ii.                                                   there is a perception that
                  something is not working well and there already is a disjunction between
                  what is and what ought to be. Yet, there is resistance to changing the
                     for fear of the unknown, behavioral and intellectual inertia, or for what

                  breach in the balance of the system is visible but there is great tension and
                  resistance that impede progress toward a realignment of the elements of the
                  system; and, in the end, of their relationship to each other.


                                           Ignorance and             Need and
                                               resistance            motivation

                                                  DENIAL             CONFUSION

           Unconsciousness                                                              Consciousness

                                            SATISFACTION             RENOVATION

                                       Naturalization and
                                              integration            development


            Source: author’s own elaboration after Lucas 2001, Weisbord & Janoff 2007

CONTENTS                                                                                                11
iii.                                               the actors are motivated to
            undertake change once initial resistance is overcome. This may happen

            motivation). Or else, a set of individuals feels the need for change due
            to their personal situation (poverty, exclusion, etc.) and come together
            claiming for change (intrinsic motivation). Nevertheless, it is not too clear
            how to progress or what direction to take because the process of change
            is so new, unknown, and uncertain. Different actors are not able to agree

            the competence to undertake the desired change and need to develop new
            capacities for change. This is a moment of major vulnerability for the actors,

            cognitive-‐emotional and relational comfort zones. This is the moment of
            major cognitive dissonance between what is known and what is perceived
            to be the need to be learned/known. The conscious recognition of the lack
            of knowledge of what should be known creates anxiety. The same is true

            is knowledge of the need to move toward another position but it is still

            dispersed which makes for chaotic conditions. Here there is a need to help

            learning spaces, facilitating multi-‐stakeholder dialogue spaces, etc. At this
            stage, social change process facilitators have a key role in managing anxiety
            and allowing new and collaborative dynamics between different actors; so to
            build up trusting relationships and a shared meaning of what has to be known
            and done.

     iv.                                                    starting from the explicit and
            conscious need to develop new alternatives, there is movement toward
            a virtuous dynamic supported by a critical mass. The need for change is
            individually and socially accepted; and this new context helps the development
            of those conditions needed for the desired change to happen. There is the
            start of a change process, transformation and renewal that achieves to

            dynamic of equilibrium and, gradually, there is progress toward a new order.
            This order is based on an active equilibrium which means that no system
            stays static but has a tendency to move in different directions, away from
            a static equilibrium. There is chaos and order (the so called chaordic stage)
            and actors need to manage this dynamic equilibrium by coming together and
            agreeing on how the system moves.

12                                                                                           CONTENTS
                                   THEORY OF CHANGE

                How can we communicate the need for change to those around us?

                What are the causes of resistance to change?
                What strategies are we going to implement in order to move from a
                state of confusion to one of renovation?
                How can we facilitate the creation of conditions to sustain the new


           In every participatory process there is a direct relation between the exercise of
           power, the knowledge base and the identity(ies) that condition the positioning
           and interests of the actors involved. As we shall see, different actors can exercise
           power in many different ways. Some dynamics of power can help to integrate in
           a (more) horizontal and inclusive manner the different types of knowledge that
           exist among the actors who participate in the process. In contrast, an oppressive
           use of power by the powerful can restrict the possibility of recognizing and
           acknowledging as valid and relevant certain identities and types of knowledge.
           For example i) the non recognition and inclusion of indigenous knowledge in
           decision-‐making processes dominated by Western-‐minded government bodies
           or those with discriminatory proclivities, ii) not placing value on and not
           incorporating women’s knowledge when it comes to policy making directed to
           these social groups, and iii) the refusal by municipal authorities and technicians

           disposition of public roads, social policies, or the construction of neighborhood
           parks (urban planning), etc.

           The level of democracy (thus, the level of inclusiveness of ongoing power dynamics
           and structures) in the social space in which the processes of social change
           take place condition and even determine the quality of interactions between
           different bodies of knowledge and identities. Therefore, a more democratic
           institutional setting will allow for a more horizontal relationship between actors
           who hold different positions, identities and knowledge base. This is true for
           many countries where non-‐indigenous identities govern the society, impeding
           the recognition and inclusion of indigenous identities and their knowledge base.
           This could be the same case for societies where GLBT6 population is rejected
           by a heterosexual majority in power, which hinders a more open and inclusive
           legislation, for instance.

CONTENTS                                                                                          13
Identity (ies)

                                  Power                       knowledge

                                         Socially constructed
                                        multi-‐stakeholder spaces

     Source: author´s own elaboration

     of social change processes move. These are spaces that open the possibility for
     new realities to emerge since actors interact in ways that do not necessarily
     reproduce dysfunctional power dynamics or oppressive institutions. These are
     dialogic and creative spaces where actors are free and able to think in different
     and new ways.

     Now, let us look more closely at the              variable. Hayward (cited in Hughes et

     of power in relation to the processes of social change. The exercise of power
     is also related to control of resources by different segments of society. Hence,

     (VeneKlasen and Miller 2002). In any case, this societal aspect of power reveals

     According to VeneKlasen and Miller (ibid) and Eyben (2004), the traditional
                                                       But as the same authors point
     out, power has several dimensions (                            and            )
     which are not necessarily negative. Chambers (2004) adds the dimension
                : the possibility and capacity to use our own dimensions of power to
     help empower others.

14                                                                                             CONTENTS

                                                       Power with

                                                       Power to
             Power to empower                                                      Power over
                 (FACILITATING                                                   (MANIPULATING TO
                SOCIAL CHANGE)                                                MANTAIN THE STATUS QUO)

                                                 TENSION AND CONFLICT

           Source: author’s own elaboration after VeneKlasen & Miller, 2002

           The ability of a person to function in a societal context may be understood as

           Hence, power has many faces, different dimensions, and it is exercised in many

           by different individuals may vary depending on the context and their social and
           political capabilities. At some point I may exercise power over my son by forcing
           him to spend the weekend doing his homework, but at the same time I may be
           affected by the way my father exercises power over me. And on the other hand,
           I may come together with other neighbors and exercise power with them in order
           to ask the municipality to build a new health center in my community. So, we
           have to understand which of the dynamics of power we want to promote/use
           in order to conceive, advance, and consolidate the change process to which we
           want to contribute through the activities supported by our Theory of Change.

CONTENTS                                                                                                15
                             THEORY OF CHANGE

            What are the dynamics of power            How can we ensure that decision-‐
            that prevail in our context               making spaces recognize and
            (society, organization, family)?          integrate the diversity of
            How can we help to create/                identities and accumulated
            promote more empowering and               knowledge that exists among the
            horizontal power dynamics?                different actors involved?
                                                      How to prevent and/or manage

                                                      of exclusion?

     In this section we will tackle the key methodological aspects needed to develop
     a Theory of Change: the desired change, the actors involved, the underlying
     assumptions, the pathway to change, the change indicators, and the learning,
     monitoring and accountability mechanism. It is assumed that the theoretical

     Theory of Change.


     problem to be resolved, but rather with the creative, appreciative, and positive
     visualization of a situation that we wish to attain at a later time. We use this creative
     visualization of the future as a horizon and motivation for our current action. That

     results that we wish to help occur in the years to come as a result of our action
     in the context of the present and the future. Temporal, relational, structural,
     geographic, social, cultural, economic, political, institutional dimensions are
     taken into consideration. The emphasis on one dimension or another will depend
     on the kind of change that is desired or needed. This is also conditioned by the
     identity, positioning, mindsets, and interests of those that formulate such Theory
     of Change.

16                                                                                               CONTENTS

                                                              on the left of the image, the present moment
                                                              is represented, and, on the right, the near

                                                              The cell phone and the parabolic antenna

                                                              from cell phones to all the other technological


                                                              The Guipil is the Mayan garment par excellence

           racist and sexist tendencies. All this effort is

           political and social level.                        gender and generation.

                                                              The scale:

                                                              see that technology is not an end in itself. It

CONTENTS                                                                                                        17
The vision must be plausible. It is
     necessary to concentrate on changes in             GUIDELINES FOR THE
     and among individuals, organizations,            DEVELOPMENT OF A RICH
     social structures, cultural patterns, and               PICTURE
     institutions on which our organization
     can really                                  1.              context
     conditions that are impossible to                evolving (temporal, geographic, so
     attain). That is, it must not only be
     possible to affect future reality; there
                                                 2. Identify the issues
                                         ,       3. Represent      the   actors
     in order to justify the investment of                                        their
     resources and energy necessary on our            relationships, values, attitudes,
     part, to make it happen.                         abilities and behavior as they

     It must be          . It should be like a
                                                 4. Incorporate formal and non formal
     system in which people and their
     institutions are working effectively
     together and in interaction with outside
     agents in order to resolve problems and          port the desired change.
     improve the well-‐being of the citizens     5.
     and the environment in which they live                                    visualizing
     together.                                        the present and, after analyzing
                                                                         projecting an
                                                      image of the future so that the Rich

                                                 6. The desired change can be pro

                                                      depending on the decision taken by

                                                      of Change.

                                                 Desired Change, Rich Picture FAMIVIDA,
                                                 ToC workshop, Quito (Ecuador), 2007
                                                 Source: Theory of Change Workshop, Quito
                                                 (Ecuador), 2007

18                                                                                           CONTENTS
Once    the   desired    change     is

                                                                Areas are going to be prioritized
                                                                to sustain this change; and, in the
                                                                end, which should be the focus of
                                                                our action. We will try to synthesize
                                                                3-‐4 strategic areas in order to avoid
                                                                excessive dispersion and in order
                                                                to focus our exercise on strategic
                                                                and fundamental elements rather
                                                                than on those that are peripheral,

           Source: Theory of Change workshop, La Paz, Bo-‐
           livia, 2010. Nurturing multi-‐stakeholder creative
           processes as a way to enrich shared visions of
           the future.


                  Which are the main factors emerging from our conversation when

                  among all these factors some sort of convergence? Can we sort them out

                  Among all these categories, which are those that can make the system
                  move towards our desired change more than other categories?
                  Based on our organizational expertise, role, and capacity to which areas
                  can we contribute better?
                  Identify these key categories (3-‐4) and rephrase them in such a way that
                  their strategic value is clear.
                  Develop a strategic objective for each of those categories selected.

CONTENTS                                                                                                 19

     framed, the next step is to identify
     those actors who are involved in
     the process that we actively wish to

     one way or another will be affected
     by change or who already are part of

     The degree of social complexity, with
     respect to the quality and effectiveness
     of the interaction that exists between these people and their agendas, will
     determine, in one way or another, how collaborative, inclusive and effective
     the process of change will be in relation to the achievement of the desired
     change. At the same time, it will help to understand the degree and quality
     of interaction between the different stakeholder networks in which we must

                                     n Unlike-‐minded
                                                               High complexity

                  1 Common                                    n Multilateral
                   agenda                                       agendas

                                      1 Like-‐minded

     change process. Those processes involving few like-‐minded stakeholders (same
     interests, similar identities) are considered of low social complexity. On the
     other hand, the existence of many not like-‐minded stakeholders (diverse and
     many times confronted interests, positioning and identities) increases the level

     in most of the cases.

20                                                                                      CONTENTS
There are various lenses that we can use to identify and analyze the actors. To
           do so, we will use different mapping techniques, depending on the purpose and
           nature of the analysis:

           Sectoral analysis7. This analysis is useful in those cases that require a focus on
           constellations of stakeholders who represent, at scale, the whole of all the social
           actors affected by the change process.

           To do so, we depart from our holographic premise, in which we assume that
           every individual contains in herself social representations and identities of the
           whole society, its diversity, and complexity. The second premise, the microcosmic
           one, tells us that by acting on a representative group of that particular society
           (or social network) affected by the change process, we will be able to better

           we accept these two premises as valid, then we can work with a selected and
           representative group of stakeholders and be able to promote changes in their
           wider collectivity.

           three sectors fundamental to every society: the public-‐government sector,
           private-‐economic sector, and civil society sector. These three sectors may
           be complemented by adding the political (party) sector or others (e.g. the
           international cooperation sector) on which special emphasis is required.

           The sectors overlap each other; these
           overlap zones being occupied by those

           of creating spaces and dynamics
           of positive or negative interaction
           between one sector and another.
           The quality of interaction will vary,
           depending on the interest that these
           actors have in the desired change. If
           more in-‐depth analysis is needed, the
                                                                                               Private Sector
                                                                      (political and
           macro (national, federal, etc.); meso
           (departmental, regional, state, etc.);
           micro (municipal, local, community,
                                                        Source: After Kahane 2006

                        SECTOR                MACRO LEVEL       MESO LEVEL             MICRO LEVEL




           Source: author’s own elaboration

CONTENTS                                                                                                        21
                          . This map focuses          POSITIVE              POSITIVE
     on the actors’ capacity, -‐ either today     INFLUENCE WITH           INFLUENCE
                                                 SIMILAR PURPOSE,        WITH DIFERENT
                                                    VALUES, AND         PURPOSE, VALUES,
     process of change. This type of analysis         CULTURE             AND CULTURE

     identifying the actors according to
     sector, and then positioning them in the
                                                       WEAK                  NEGATIVE
                                                  INFLUENCE NOW          INFLUENCE: MUST
     different sectors may be visualized           BUT POTENTIAL        WE QUARANTINE OR
                                                    FOR FUTURE          CAN WE PERSUADE
     very clearly by using different visual       COLLABORATION

     different colors or shapes, etc.)
                                                Source: Keystone 2008

     Analysis of the articulation capacity9. In this case, the emphasis is on
     the ability of the actors to articulate, network, mediate, collaborate and

     of articulation: vertical and horizontal. The ability to articulate vertically
     refers to the degree of the actors´ ability and legitimacy to create bridges of
     understanding, establish trust-‐based relationships, transmit messages between
     two parties, propose multi-‐actor negotiation agendas, stimulate relational
     processes, etc. This is done between two sets of actors. On the one hand,
     actors who hold a greater role in high-‐level decision-‐making (elites, national
     authorities, international organizations, etc.), and on the other hand those who

     local leaders, neighbor associations, local NGOs, excluded indigenous populations,
     GLBT population, etc.) and are affected by such decisions. They are able to

     campaigns, international platforms, local blockades, sabotage campaigns, etc.).
     Horizontal communication focuses on the capacity of the actors to relate to other
     sectors and leaders of the same rank but who may be located in other social
     groups and sectors that are also involved in the process of change. These actors

     and legitimacy both in their own organizations and among the actors on the other
     side. This fact allows them to move freely between parties building up trusting
     relationships and creating opportunities for cross-‐collaboration among not like-‐
     minded stakeholders.

     This mapping exercise initially positions and analyzes actors according to
     their place on the pyramid: top (elites), middle (actors able to articulate top-‐
     bottom and cross-‐sectorial levels), bottom (local organizations and diverse local
     stakeholders). Then, a second phase analyzes relationships within and among the
     different levels. This mapping tool can also be used in any organization or social

22                                                                                         CONTENTS
Costa Rica workshop,
                                                                                                   June 2009. Presentation
                                                                                                   of the Desired Change
                                                                                                   and Map of Actors with
                                                                                                   emphasis on Articulating
                                                                                                   Capacity. Sustainable
                                                                                                   Agriculture group.

                                               HIGH VISIBILITY


                 WORKING LEVELS

                                                                                                 MIDDLE TO BOTTOM AND UP

                                                                 Articulating  leaders

                                                                   LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND                  BOTTOM-‐UP

                                                                 VERTICAL CAPACITY

                   John Paul Lederach, Public Conference, La Paz, 2008

           Analysis of position based on interest. In this case, the aim is to identify the
           position of the party in question, or ‘stakeholder’, on the basis of their interest

           Movers are those social organizations, public entities, private corporations, key
           individuals, political parties, donor agencies, etc. committed to contributing to
           the desired change and they are to be found in the innermost circle. There is

           relationship areas and strategic alliances between them.

           Blockers are those who are against the process, due to their own interests being
           negatively affected. They may also block the process because they do not have the
           necessary information to help them understand that it is possible to incorporate
           their interests through negotiation/mediation processes. Similarly, they may be
           blocking the process because of a question of inertia and historical lack of trust
           or rivalry with the movers or the subject of change (for example, big landowners
           blocking a redistributive agrarian reform process).
CONTENTS                                                                                                                      23
Floaters are those who occupy a position somewhere in between these two: they
     do not positively block the process, but neither do they actively support it. These
     actors may also change position (become a blocker or mover), depending on i) what

     communicate with them.
     Once all of the key actors have been

     sector10 and their positioning with regards
     carry out an analysis of interests. Then
     identify groups/alliances that block or

     like-‐minded collective action (movers and

     and blockers). The aim of this last process      Source: author’s own elaboration based on his
     is to study which strategies would help          interaction with the Wageningen UR Centre for
                                                      Development Innovation (http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/)
     blockers, tand/or strengthen alliances
     between movers.
     One aspect that is a characteristic of
     the Theory of Change is the emphasis
     placed on intensifying and deepening the                Assumption

     least of those designing and supporting
     the desired change process. Not only is
     it a matter of analyzing and identifying

     path to be pursued, but also of explaining              The act of taking for granted;
     how we arrive at those conclusions and                  Something taken for granted or accepted
     the thought process by which we arrive
     at certain arguments and reasoning. The
     Theory of Change obliges us to constantly
     and repeatedly review the assumptions
     we use for interpreting reality so to
     better qualify our argumentation.

     Let’s look at an example that usually creates great cognitive dissonance11 in the participants
     of the Theory of Change workshops. Here is an assumption designed to provoke cognitive


24                                                                                                    CONTENTS
dissonance: A stakeholder holding an explicit political positioning cannot facilitate

                              . In this case, some of the participants to the workshops do not
           agree with this assumption. They believe that even though being clearly positioned as
           regards the issue, these stakeholders enjoy enough credibility and legitimacy among
           all the other stakeholders (even the not like-‐minded) to allow them to facilitate such

           within their own sector (like-‐minded, common interests, willingness to network with

           dangerous to do so when the processes brings together different and not like-‐minded
           actors who politically take different sides and who will use this issue to bring down

           assumption) that just because we are accepted as facilitators in certain settings and
           with certain actors, it will be the same in others. Our positioning and the perception


           our social, historical, political, and economic context. Most of the preceding sections

           organizations and groups involved in social change processes.

           world. An internal, individual and personal view, which helps us to better understand
           how we think, why we think what we think, what effect our mental models have on
           how we view the world, and consequently how we relate to it, how we relate to our
           inner being, the construction and management of our identity(ies), the relationship

           time, the construction of our mental and emotional habits, etc. Traditionally, this

           believed that the personal dimension would not affect social change processes. And
           yet, this is precisely the most critical aspect in the whole change process. It is here
           that we see the greatest inconsistencies between what we propose and what we do.

           process, both at individual level and in the interaction with our action-‐learning peers

           We need to work continuously on these two dimensions when we attempt to make

           comes to facilitating or strategically contributing to social change processes. It is a

           adaptive to the complex times in which we live (Riso 2008).

           paying special attention to the assumptions we use to shape and hence support our

CONTENTS                                                                                              25
change logic. Certain check-‐points will be explicitly established for reviewing
     and identifying assumptions, so as to continue to adapt our change logic and the
     design of the pathway of change resulting from this logic.

       QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN                   How does our identity(ies) and
     REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR                past life experience affect the
            THEORY OF CHANGE
                                                    What mechanisms do we have
        What initial assumptions support            for explaining and reviewing our
        our Desired Change?                         assumptions?
        With whom have we shared and                What methods (individual and
        argued them?                                peer-‐to-‐peer) are available to
        What are we not seeing that we              us for intensifying our internal
        need to see?
        What assumptions should we                  How do we react emotionally
        reconsider over time?                       when someone questions our


     midst of the complexity in which the whole social change process is embedded.

     The achievement of results in each strategic area, and therefore the achievement
     of the Desired Change, is dependent on the occurrence of a range of conditions.
     Therefore, we start by identifying what conditions are ideally necessary for the
     change to happen. Since a Theory of Change approach deals with complexity
     (non linear thinking, uncertainty and social emergence) the achievement
     of these conditions may or may not i) occur in the near future, ii) help us in
     contributing to the desired change. We assume they do; and hence, we must check
     periodically whether these conditions i) are being met, and ii) contribute to the
     accomplishment of our desired change.
     This is necessary because in complex
     processes other conditions may emerge
     as a result of our (inter)actions as well
     as the actions undertaken by others,
     independently from our own actions               other over the lifespan of the initiative.
     or desires. Therefore, we must avoid
     falling into a linear thinking process in
     which we assume reality will unfold as
     envisioned by us and only by us. This is         the preconditions of change at each
     why it is so important to i) cross-‐check
     our assumptions with not like-‐minded
     stakeholders, and ii) periodically
     revisit the initial assumptions we used
     to design our Theory of Change.
26                                                                                             CONTENTS

           Step 1 Review of Strategic Areas. After looking back at our Desired Change
                  (Rich Picture) we will review the Strategic Areas we prioritized.
                  i.     Are these the right Strategic Areas?
                  ii.    Do we need to review their objectives?
                  iii.   Does our mapping exercise consider all the major stakeholders
                         involved in these Strategic Areas?
                  iv.    Do these Strategic Areas relate to the major institutions
                         affecting our change process?
                  v.     What are the relations and interactions between the different
                         Strategic Areas?
                  vi.    What is missing in our analysis?

                  we have a clear idea of the big picture regarding our desired Change
                  and related Strategic Areas, we need to touch ground and look at the
                  conditions necessary for our change process to happen, such as changes
                  in institutions, relations, behavior, organizational capacities, etc. At
                  this stage we need to pay close attention to the assumptions we use to
                  determine what a necessary condition is.
                  i.     What are the conditions necessary for these Strategic Areas to
                         develop further?
                  ii.    What are the conditions necessary in the short, medium, and
                         long term?
                  iii.   How do these conditions affect our process and its actors?
                  iv.    How do these conditions relate to the outcomes we want to
                         contribute to happen?
                  v.     How realistic is to believe we can achieve or promote those

                  these conditions are already present or can be realized in the near future

                  met then we may want to consider changing the scope of our Desired
                  Change and Strategic Areas. This iterative process of going back and
                  forth helps us to really frame our exercise, verify the validity of our
                  assumptions, and make sure our desired change has a high probability of

CONTENTS                                                                                       27
Group together those
            ideas which could constitute a single essential condition and frame
            each of these groupings as a Process Result (Outcome). Some of these
            groupings are closer in time but also in range (they are more plausible
            and achievable than others). Some are easier to achieve when looking
            at them from our present moment. Some are very complex and require

            envision and some others are a bit blurred. Some need the existence and
            complicity of other conditions, and so they work simultaneously. Some are
            almost self-‐reliant and others are strongly dependent and inter-‐related
            to other conditions. This type of analysis is needed in order to better
            understand the complex dynamics underlying our Theory of Change.

     Due to the complexity of our processes, these conditions can occur in at least

                 : A cannot occur until B has happened.
                    : C cannot occur without the joint action of A and B.
     Emergent: M occurs because of the un-‐predictable or not well known interaction
     of D, J, I and Q.

     These conditions involve changes in: institutions, quality of the relations between
     actors, presence and action of certain actors, social and/or technical abilities,
     collective/organizational/individual behavior and attitudes, more conducive
     environments (legal, operative, physical, knowledge, technology, etc.).

     Every condition must be elaborated as a process result at Outcome level so that
     we can link our actions and interventions to effects in the change context.

     Once we have come to know these conditions better, we start developing the

     looks at the Strategic Areas in detail and develops a Pathway of Change for each
     Strategic Area. The second option lies in developing a more general Pathway of
     Change based on a broader analysis of the Desired Change and Strategic Areas

     in mind the fact that conditions may evolve in sequential, simultaneous and

     conditions (stages) for achieving the Strategic Area objectives. Therefore, the
     sequential and simultaneous linking of conditions will make up the Pathway of

     Area and identify possible systemic connections between conditions in various
     Strategic Areas. In the second case, our Pathway of Change will encompass a
     more general and holistic analysis identifying general conditions for the desired
     change to happen.

28                                                                                         CONTENTS
WARNING: There is a tendency to depict the Pathway of Change in a linear manner.
           This is because of the way our minds have been molded by the educational and
           social system. Nevertheless, we do not need to illustrate our Pathway of Change

           when developing their Pathway of Change. At the end, the most important
           achievement is not so much how well we illustrate our thought process but how
           comprehensive and pedagogical is the story we tell about our Theory of Change.

           added so to have an idea of other ways which are more systemic and complex
           when telling the story. Story telling is a wonderful and simple way of making
           sense when describing the complexity in which our processes are embedded.
           Once we have visualized our thought process and build a story around it, we can
           easily capture and explain in a written document the complexity of our Theory
           of Change.

           Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José de    Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José
           Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change on political   de Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change on
           participation of Mayan women in Guatemala         Agroecology in Nicaragua

CONTENTS                                                                                                   29

                                                                       Develop and implement a
                                                                                                                               Strengthen GLBT groups and
                                                                                                                                                                        Internal alliances
                                                                                                           Assumption            organisations in Ecuador
                                                                        GLBT rights in Ecuador                                                                        among different GLBT
                                                                                                         Decision makers                                                     groups
                                                                                                           respond to a
                                                                                                       combination of good                                                 Assumption
                                                                                                         information and                                              The different sectors
                                                                                                          public pressure       GLBTs have entered the political        within the GLBT
                                                     SHORT TERM

                                                                                                                                                                      movement are able to
                                                                          GBLT rights have been                                    consciousness in Ecuador

                                                                                                                                                                      set their differences
                                                                        effectively communicated                                                    Inter-‐sectoral      aside and work
                                                                                                                                                       alliances       together toward a
                                                                                                                                                                       common objective
                                                                                           Mass media and
                                                                                          alternative media                  The GLBT movement in Ecuador has
                                                                                                                                       been consolidated

                                                                      General population is aware of
                                                     MEDIANO PLAZO

                                                                               GLBT rights                                                                                   Assumption
                                                                                                                                Constitutional Rights and public           Citizens, when
                                                                                                                                                                         properly informed,
                                                                                                                             policies on GLBT human rights have
                                                                                                                                                                            are willing to
                                                                                             Human rights                                                                   change their
                                                                                             organisations                                                                  mindsets and
                                                                                                                   Government                        International       behavior becoming
                                                                                                                                                  watchdogs (UN, HRW,      more sensitive
                                                                                                                    agencies                           AI, etc.),
                                                                      The stigma associated with and                                                                       about the GLBT
                                                                       discrimination against GLBT                            Public policies on GLBT rights have
                                                      LONG TERM

                                                                        populations in Ecuador has                                    been implemented


                                                                                                    Reduction in cases of infringement of
                                                                                                    the GLBT population´s human rights

                                                                     Source: Theory of Change workshop with counterparts from Hivos, Quito (Ecuador), 2007
                                                                     (HIV/AIDS Group – Human Rights)

30                                                                                                                                                                           CONTENTS
Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José de Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change
              on promoting HIV/AIDS rights in Belize

                   the assumptions which underlie and support our change logic. We will
                   review the conditions for change formulated earlier, and then identify
                   the assumptions that support each of those conditions as being necessary
                   for achievement of the Desired Change.

           Our assumptions must explain what the
           connections are between the outcomes

           Pathway of Change. They also need
           to justify why this particular set of
           outcomes will contribute to the desired            Isaac Asimov
           change we look for.
                                                              capacity to free himself from
           In case our assumptions are not possible
           to maintain or there is no evidence
           whatsoever of them being realistic, we
           must revisit our Theory of Change and
           reconsider some of the results to be               accept.
                                                              John W. Gardner

CONTENTS                                                                                          31

     As an initial comment, it should be noted that from a Theory of Change perspective,
     indicators of change are not the same as the performance indicators that we

     are seeking to better understand how to read the context in order to see what
     effects we can perceive in this context due to our action. These indicators allow
     us to better understand how change is really happening (or not) and what our
     contribution is to that change.

     We develop indicators for each of the conditions in order to be able to understand
     whether that condition is developing and what effect this has in the change context.

     in our Theory of Change, and should help us to understand to what degree and in
     what manner these conditions are occurring in the environment. We may want to
     prioritize some of those indicators for further follow up and monitoring.

     We must be careful when designing the indicators, as they differ from other
     indicators (such as Logframe indicators). We should ask ourselves: what do we need
     to see in our context to understand to what extent our actions are contributing to
     i) the desired change, ii) the achievement of our outcomes. We want to know the
     effect of our actions in the change context, not just whether we implemented the
     action for the sake of implementing the action.

     The regular review of these indicators will help us to adjust our Theory of Change
     at both the political/strategic level (action on the conditions for change) and at
     the cognitive level (assumptions supporting our change logic).

       QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN                  What signs of change can the
       REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING                 observers see in the environment
          OUR THEORY OF CHANGE                     that allows us to determine that

          Who is taking part in our                outset are actually taking place?
          monitoring process?
                                                   How will the observers collect
          Who determines what it is                the evidence indicating the
          that must be observed in                 change?
          order to decide whether we
          have achieved the expected               With whom, how, and for what
          outcomes?                                purpose will the observers share
                                                   this evidence?
          Who recollects and analyses
          the data emerging from our               How will this evidence allow us
          monitoring?                              to learn individually and as an
                                                   organization, and to be mutually
                                                   responsible for our actions?
32                                                                                          CONTENTS

           methodological approach to Theory
           of Change focuses on determining and
           promoting the relationship that must
           exist between learning, monitoring, and
           accountability. This is a relationship that,
           in practice, is not particularly clear, but
           it is essential to explain it and give it due
                                                                             anything more.
           attention. Let’s look at some theoretical
           elements that will help us to better                              Plato
           understand the importance of learning in
           processes of social change.

           The learning approach in the Theory of Change stems from two sources. One, the
           adult learning cycle proposed by Kolb (1984) which highlights the importance our past
           experience has when shaping our present learning process (experiential learning).

           According to this approach, learning involves 4 stages: concrete experience
           (experience gained through practice),                            (analysis deriving from
           the application of certain questions and analytical lenses to our concrete experience),
                                        (summary of the theory and updating of assumptions
                                                              active experimentation (our direct

           of our experience).

                                                      Concrete experience


                                                    Abstract conceptualisation

                                       THE EXPERIENCE-‐BASED LEARNING CYCLE IN ADULTS
                               (or how to unfreeze our mental models and build-‐up new conceptual

                                                 interaction with the context)
CONTENTS                                                                                                   33
The second approach has to do with looking at the future as it emerges (Scharmer
     2007). This is emerging learning responding to the question:
                                      This question helps us to develop new capacities
     in the present moment based on what we need to know how to do and see in the
     future we are proposing (our Theory of Change).

     In the case of multi-‐stakeholder
     processes, this framework is enriched
                                                    today is not among civilizations
     by elements of collaborative learning,
     in which it is recognized that the
     individual is a social being and
     therefore needs to interact with other
     peers, groups, and society as a whole to
     consolidate his or her learning process12.
     In other words, in order to expand and
     accelerate her learning curve, the individual needs more contextualized, deeper,
     and richer learning processes. This fact must be underlined, because when

     these circumstances, it is not easy to generate learning processes with other
     actors holding different mindsets and interests. The problem often starts from
     something as fundamental as the impossibility of bringing together certain

     simply not accustomed to learning with others holding a historically established
     different mindset or position. Or else, the actors are basically not aware of
     their need to learn or develop new skills for learning and change in complex

     shift with regard to the generation of knowledge and its relationship with the
     power dynamics that often govern this kind of processes. Political and social
     actors are confronted with this, forcing them to understand and accept the need
     to learn with someone with a different mindset, interest and position. They
     need to develop new social skills, aimed at promoting collaborative learning

     when entering into this dynamic. This is one of the greatest challenges posed by

     Finally, we need to link these learning spaces and dynamics with the accountability
     mechanisms and processes that every organization has (local and international
     NGOs, grassroots organizations, social movements, civil associations, public
     bodies, etc.).

34                                                                                         CONTENTS

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  • 1. THEORY OF CHANGE A thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of social change processes Iñigo Retolaza Eguren
  • 2. THEORY OF CHANGE A thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of social change processes Together with many partner organisations in developing countries, the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation (Hivos), a Dutch NGO, strives for a free, fair and sustainable world in which all citizens – both men and women – have equal access to resources and opportunities for development. The Democratic Dialogue Regional Project is based at the Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP. It contributes to the joint thematic area of Crisis Prevention by reinforcing countries´ capacities to prevent and strategy of the project aims at strengthening democratic institutions by making them more responsive to citizen’s needs and demands through the provision crisis and build consensus. of the Humanistic Institute for Development Cooperation (HIVOS), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), its Executive Boards, other management bodies or the United Nations Member States. The present report is an independent publication jointly made by HIVOS and the Crisis Prevention and Recovery Practice Area of the Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP. © UNDP/Hivos The institutions publishing the present document recommend an appropriate and adequate use of all or part of the textual and graphic contents; it may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgment is requested, together with a reference to the source. Contact information: Crisis Prevention and Recovery Practice Area UNDP Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean City, Panama http://www.democraticdialoguenetwork.org http://www.regionalcentrelac-‐undp.org/index.php?option=com_content&view =article&id=9&Itemid=10&lang=es email: rcpanama@undp.org Hivos – Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation Raamweg 16 P.O. box 85565 2508 CG The Hague, The Netherlands http://www.hivos.nl email: info@hivos.nl Graphic design: Intercreativa, intercreativa@gmail.com Printed in Guatemala, May 2011
  • 3. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v FOREWORD vii 1. WHY IS A THEORY OF CHANGE NECCESSARY? 1 2. WHAT IS A THEORY OF CHANGE? 4 3. WHAT IS NOT A THEORY OF CHANGE? 4 4. GUIDELINES FOR UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLEXITY OF SOCIAL CHANGE PROCESSES 5 4.1 Types of change 5 4.2 Levels of social change 6 4.3 Dimensions of social change 7 4.4 Institutions and social change 9 4.5 Phases of a change process 10 4.6 Participation and power in the change processes 13 5. METHODOLOGICAL STAGES TO DEVELOP A THEORY OF CHANGE 16 5.1 The desired change 16 5.2 Who are the agents of change? 20 5.3 The assumptions that we use to develop our Theory of Change 24 5.4 Projecting future realities. The Pathway of Change 26 27 5.5. How do we know that things are changing? Indicators of Change 32 6. WHAT ARE THE LEARNING, MONITORING AND ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISMS? 33 ANNEXES Annex I: A theory of change workshop. The methodological route 36 Annex II: A story about assumptions and listening skills 44 Annex III: The logic process of developing a theory of change 46 Annex IV: A theory of change outline 47 Annex V: Methodological hand-‐outs 51 Annex VI: The learning journal 71 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 72
  • 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Any systematization process of an experience is the result of collective dynamics, which by their very nature transcend one’s own individuality. This guide is not written and proposed here, I have to acknowledge the essential contributions from many people from whom I have learnt and who helped to bring this guide to completion. On the one hand, I would like to thank the whole Hivos team in Central and South America, and the Netherlands (particularly to Dineke van den Oudenalder, Corina Straatsma and Marjan van Es) for willing to share such a refreshing and innovative learning space over the years. Learning with colleagues from different parts of the world has been a truly enriching experience for me. Special thanks to Marjan I would also like to thank the Democratic Dialogue Regional Project (Sonia Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their ongoing support, help and patience with the delivery of this guide. facilitators in the Latin American workshops, for their professionalism and desire to learn together. Raúl Aramayo and Simone van Vugt for sharing their knowledge with me over recent years. In short, this guide would not have been possible without their valid contributions. Finally, to everyone who believes that another world is necessary (not only possible!!) and insists on changing it wherever they are. We are in for the long haul. CONTENTS
  • 7. FOREWORD This document aims to be a guide to help to A handbook is a general text that direct the design of a Theory of Change applied combines theory and practical to social change processes. However, it is an information. initial approach that must be furthered based Jennifer Moon, 2005 on new experiences and practical applications. The focus and the contents of the guide emerged from the synthesis of my learning as Theory of Change design process facilitator which has involved social change agents from different Latin American countries. My learning process has been consolidated from different sources and experiences over recent years. Special mention should be made to the learning space offered by Hivos, an international NGO based in the Netherlands. The opportunity that Hivos gave me to facilitate different Theory of Change workshops with some of its counterparts from Southern and Central America was a rich and intense source of learning and inspiration. In the same way, my professional relationship with the Democratic Dialogue Regional Project (DDRP) run by UNDP enabled me to consolidate another important learning space. This time from an action-‐research approach around dialogue processes applied to different areas: national dialogues focused on public policy formulation and monitoring as well as legislative proposals, facilitating national and regional dialogue spaces on different topics, strengthening capacities of political and social leaders from different countries of the region in dialogue issues, etc. These two areas of experience and knowledge, not being the only ones, are the main source underpinning the contents of the guide presented here. The document is aimed at the wealth of agents linked to social change and development processes. That is, bilateral donors, grassroots male and female organizations, social movements, public decision-‐makers, and other agents involved in social change processes. It should be pointed out that the Theory of Change focus applied to social change processes seeks to be a thinking-‐action alternative to other more rigid approaches and planning logics. This in the understanding that as we live in that enable our actions to be planned and monitored in complex, emerging and vii CONTENTS
  • 8. In general terms, the guide summarizes the core of the contents and methodological steps that are implemented in a Theory of Change design workshop. As is already known, this thinking-‐action focus is also applied to institutional coaching processes and to designing social change and development programs. when designing a Theory of Change applied to social change processes. It is obvious that there are many other aspects that have to be taken into account. Nevertheless, some of the ones that I consider to be fundamental based on my experience are summarized here. The second part of the document describes the basic methodological steps to be implemented throughout the process when designing a Theory of Change. In order to reinforce this practical part, a Theory of Change workshop route is attached hereto hoping it will help to illustrate the dynamics to be developed in a workshop of these characteristics. I would like to stress that this guide has to be taken as a living document which is in constant evolution. I therefore invite the reader to go beyond what is proposed here both in methodological and theoretical terms. Finally, I would like to express my desire that the guide be used to improve the performance of those organizations and individuals involved in social change processes aimed at helping to establish a fairer and more just world. Iñigo Retolaza Eguren La Paz, Bolivia April 2011 viii CONTENTS
  • 9. inner Self Javier Medina The process of learning is not, process of changing conceptions Jennifer Moon Ralph D. Stacey THEORY OF CHANGE CONTENTS
  • 11. THEORY OF CHANGE 1. WHY IS A THEORY OF CHANGE NECESSARY? Nowadays, there is increasingly greater recognition when accepting that we We need good theories of social change live in a change of era and, therefore, not an era of changes (de Souza 1999). in processes of development, as In this change of era, uncertainty, social movements and donors. multi-‐diversity, the paradoxical and contradictory govern the dynamics of our (inter)actions and the emerging States and governing institutions. This As a consequence of our mindsets being (de)formed by a modernistic1 educational and social system, we believe that order and control of the social processes in which we are involved can be achieved. The dogmatic use that many development agents make of the Logical Framework as a development project management tool is a clear example of this. Even today there is a trend to believe in the existence of absolute truths, static, total certainty. And if that were not enough, we continue to believe that the best manner to measure that truth is using quantitative approaches2. Nevertheless, we live in complex and dynamic times that feed off uncertainty and a multi-‐diversity of relations (identity, economic, social, geographical, political, cognitive, intercultural, institutional, historical, etc.). This fundamental fact has a direct impact on the social change and development processes involving those agents to whom this guide is addressed. 1 CONTENTS
  • 12. Change seeks to identify those archipelagos of certainty on which we can feed a thinking-‐action logic that enables us to navigate through the complex ocean of social change. based on our knowledge and experience, those conditions needed to achieve the desired change in a given context. This is partly done by making our assumptions explicit and by analyzing them critically; those very same assumptions that govern our way of thinking, learning and our knowledge generation. In short, we need to make critically explicit those assumptions that we use to understand reality and, therefore, to act in it. Seen from a Theory of Change perspective, this emphasis on making assumptions explicit is fundamental in any social change and learning process. Whether using a learning question or a political question Basically, social change processes want to take us to a place where we have never been before. The agents involved the change processes that already exist imagine and visualize the future reality in a way that is not possible to fully understand at present. This is partly due analyses and crafting projects to meet to a fundamental fact: we project our possible futures based on the mindsets of existing change processes rather than we have at present day, so there are impose external or blind prescriptions many aspects of the future impossible to grasp or visualize with the learning tools we currently have. That is why we need to develop new capacities to learn from the future as it emerges (Scharmer 2007). We could almost say that working for social change is an act of faith. We believe that we will reach a better place by following a certain logic and change action. And we believe that we will better reach that desired change situation by acting on a series of conditions existing in the environment. That conviction about the possibility of a future that we believe to be better is a great driving force to be celebrated. The problem emerges when our conviction becomes dogma and we start believing that our future paradigm is the only viable and desirable one. 2 CONTENTS
  • 13. On the other hand, developing a Theory of Change (ToC) provides us with a tool for monitoring our actions and hence opens the space for accountability to ourselves and to those stakeholders involved in the process. The systematic use of a ToC as a to handle process monitoring tool helps us to i) (un) complexity adequatel learn and be constantly aware of the need to review and update the assumptions we read and simplify the complex nature of the context we live in and weigh up whether the initially established change conditions are maintained or on the contrary we need to set new conditions effectively and in the best way possible what is mentioned in the above points. When this prospective exercise is also carried out with the participation of other stakeholders involved in the process, the quality of the exercise is enriched as we are able to incorporate a multi-‐diversity of approaches, opinions, assumptions, interests and knowledge that helps us to construct a (more) shared view of reality and, therefore, of the change process that we are undertaking and which affects one and another of us in the same and different way. On the other hand, the very act of including stakeholders from different political and identity-‐based positions ensures that the exercise helps in the political process of achieving coordinated action agreements based on shaping (and negotiating) shared meanings. Necessarily, it has to be stressed that this change logic must be shared with the different actors, or at least it should honestly and intelligently consider what the other actors think or require. The reality is holographic3, multi-‐stakeholder. It is holographic since we start from the premise that we are social beings and, therefore, our identity and view of reality comprises and is made up by other visions, by a greater Whole to which our own fragmented view belongs. Multi-‐ stakeholder, because we want to live in a participatory and inclusive world where the different interests and needs are included and recognized. Therefore, and by democratic imperative, reality forces us to relate with each other in an inclusive and dialogic manner. That is, a holographic and democratic view of relations not only invites us to relate with others in a more harmonious way, but it also has implications regarding how we relate with our own inner Self: the Whole lives in our (fragmented) self and vice versa. Therefore, we are compelled to consider this social, historical, political and economic inter-‐dependency between different factors and actors. When failing to do so, we cannot achieve profound transformational changes but sterile and hypocritical ones. Even today we are reluctant to practice what we preach. That is the fundamental challenge when facilitating and participating in social change 3 CONTENTS 3
  • 14. 2. WHAT IS A THEORY OF CHANGE? In short, a Theory of Change is: A conscious and creative visualization exercise that enables us to focus possible and probable A set of assumptions and abstract projections regarding how we believe reality could unfold in the immediate future, based on i) a realistic analysis of the current context, ii) a self-‐assessment about our capabilities of process facilitation, and iii) a critical and explicit review of our assumptions. A thinking-‐action approach that helps us to identify milestones and conditions that have to occur on the path towards the change that we want to contribute to happen. A multi-‐stakeholder and collaborative experiential learning exercise to analyze complex social change processes. A semi-‐structured change map that links our strategic actions to certain process results that we want to contribute to happen in our immediate environment. A process tool that helps us to monitor consciously and critically our individual and also collective way of thinking and acting. 3. WHAT IS NOT A THEORY OF CHANGE? is not. Therefore, a ToC is not: An absolute truth of how change has to happen, of how it is going to occur or even of how we want it to occur. existing in complex and emerging social processes. A substitute of the Logical Framework as a rigid planning tool. 4 CONTENTS
  • 15. 4. GUIDELINES FOR UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLEXITY OF SOCIAL CHANGE PROCESSES Some conceptual tips that help to consolidate the substantive analysis of The paradigm paradox our Theory of Change are set out below. 4.1. TYPES OF CHANGE trapped or constrained. We start from an initial premise Dana Zohar, 1997 regarding the different types of change4 that occur in our environment. Emerging changes. They occur as our life unfolds every day. They are adaptive and irregular processes based on experiential learning, and occur as the result of the unexpected and/or non-‐planned changes that emerge from the dynamics called Life. Transformative changes. Crisis and stagnation prepare the ground for change. This type of change is based on un-‐learning and liberating oneself from those mindsets, relations, identities, formal and non-‐formal institutions, etc. which hinder and delay the probability of enacting new realities that are more just and fair in economic, social and political terms. Projectable changes. Changes based on complicated or simple problems that linear logic. In general terms, a Theory of Change focuses on analyzing and proposing relevant actions to transformative changes, which are more complex in nature Projectable changes are those that can be managed using a project logic: the Logical Framework or the Balanced Scorecard as a planning and analysis tool. It is important to explain this initial starting premise, as actions for transformative change are often put forward from a project change logic. We have to avoid in the second case (transformative changes). A rigid logic dominates in the third case (projectable changes). 4 CONTENTS 5
  • 16. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR THEORY OF CHANGE What type of change are we visualizing? What are the implications of using rigid logic to facilitate complex social change processes? 4.2. LEVELS OF SOCIAL CHANGE In order to analyze and develop the design of our Theory of Change it is necessary to clearly identify the level of change that we want to attain. At the same time, we must be aware of the system/level from which we depart and at which level we propose the changes to happen. The logic of the Theory of Change develops from an understanding of the premises that we use to understand and act on reality. In general terms, this means that we start from level 2 in order to effect change at level 1 and level 3. We do so by articulating thought with action. The process of designing a Theory of Change action taken to transform reality will derive from looking at reality in a new way. In other words, when approaching from a different perspective our thinking and action regarding the resolution or management of complex problems, we assume to be able to achieve different (and better) results than we could have accomplished without this paradigm shift. 1st Events Order Change Patterns 2nd Order Change 3rd Structure Order Change Operational question: How can we do better what we are already doing? Epistemological question: How do we know what we are doing is correct? Ontological question: How do we determine what is correct? 6 CONTENTS
  • 17. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR THEORY OF CHANGE On which levels do we want to generate change? processes of social change? What relationship patterns do we need to develop in order to make our Theory of Change useful to our purposes? What social and cultural factors do we need to consider when it comes to designing our Theory of Change? 4.3. DIMENSIONS OF SOCIAL CHANGE Any change process requires a comprehensive thinking and action approach that makes it possible to attain conditions that are sustainable and at the same time maintain and nurture the change process. The diagram below makes it possible to generate an analysis that is more comprehensive and related to the strategic approach needed to achieve success as a result of implementing the initiatives proposed by our Theory of Change. In other words, we suggest integrating different types of initiatives to help frame our action in a more integrated and articulated way. This allows us, on the one hand, to propose a more integrated institutional action; and, at the same time, to develop a more collaborative and articulate relationship with other initiatives led by other actors which are already underway. INTERNAL EXTERNAL PERSONAL TRANSFORMING TRANSFORMATION RELATIONSHIPS Individual (multiple) identities Relational habits INDIVIDUAL Personal mindsets Behaviour Emotions and feelings Dialogic interaction with the Development of the Self social and political environment I IT Subjetive Objetive US IT COLECTIVE Intersubjetive Interobjetive TRANSFORMING COLLECTIVE TRANSFORMING STRUCTURES PATTERNS OF ACTION AND AND PROCEDURES THINKING Structural institutions of society Collective identity and culture (Constitutions,Laws, etc.) Collective behaviour and Public policies thinking Legal and judiciary procedures Shared understanding Adapted from Wilber 1996, 2007; Thomas 2006; Retolaza 2008b CONTENTS 7
  • 18. Here are some examples of different initiatives that relate to the four dimensions: i. Transforming the Self: introspection and personal development (psychotherapy, meditation, yoga, bio-‐dancing, shamanic practices, spiritual and residential retreats, self-‐ knowledge techniques, self-‐learning journeys, etc.) ii. Creation and facilitation of spaces for multi-‐ stakeholder encounters, spaces for dialogue, initiatives to coordinate agendas among multiple actors, spaces for deliberation and public conversation, experiences based on situational contexts, participatory action-‐learning processes, learning peers, etc. iii. Campaigns to raise awareness and mass communication, advocacy towards opinion forming media, changes in the collective perception of others (i.e. racism, discrimination based on identity, the population depending on the situation (e.g. intra-‐family violence and its effect on husbands, wives, sons and daughters), activities designed to modify cultural and social patterns of exclusion or dysfunctional collective habits, etc. iv. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN Support for constitutional REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING change processes, lobby on key OUR THEORY OF CHANGE legislative reforms, promotion of social control processes related What dimension of change to public policy, support for predominates in the action of decentralization processes aimed our organization? at social development and the eradication of poverty, educational What are the implications and health reforms, change of of concentrating on one sole economic models, change and/or dimension of change? creation of formal and non-‐formal How do we integrate the institutions, etc. different dimensions in our Theory of Change? What type of activities or initiatives can we develop for each dimension of change? What alliances do we need to put in place so to approach our processes in a more comprehensive way? 8 CONTENTS
  • 19. 4.4. INSTITUTIONS AND SOCIAL CHANGE -‐ sider institutions to be the rules of the game that determine the government Institutions mechanisms of social order and cooperation governing the (e.g. ethnic groups, clans, social asso-‐ -‐ ganization. Normally, these institutions rely on realization of a series of norms put in place to ensure the establishment and behavior. maintenance of the common good. In themselves, these norms are quite rigid Basically, there are two types of institutions: formal and non formal. i. Those that are based on written norms and that rule re-‐ lations and formal procedures that govern a society as a whole (i.e. political constitution of the State, laws, statutory regulations, ministerial decrees, -‐ ic procedures of a company or producers association, established by statute or internal regulations) ii. Those persons, mechanisms, intangible and unwritten dynamics that govern a society or social group (i.e. public sector corruption, consensual legal systems based on customary law, relations based on kinship or patronage, homophobia and misogyny, community based reciprocity, discrimination and racism, Gandhi in India, motherhood and the family, etc.) At the same time, it is important to highlight four groups of institutions that determine the intensity and sustainability of the processes of social change (adapted from Voeten and Parto, 2005): i. those that determine collective thinking and behavior (carnivals, national celebrations, dance, music, folklore, traditions, etc.) ii. those that govern social relations and collective action (fraternities, family clans, social movements, social networks, sports clubs, etc.) CONTENTS 9
  • 20. iii. those that Cultural set the standards for the norms that (collective thinking and cement societies (Constitution of the behaviour) State, public policies, laws, religion, family, etc.) iv. those that Associative Cognitive -‐ Institutional (social change (mental tive and individual ways of thinking relationships) models) (ethno-‐cultural collective beliefs, so-‐ cial prejudices, educational systems, mass media, etc.) Constitutive (societal cement) Adapted from Voeten and Parto 2005 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR THEORY OF CHANGE In our context, which What could be the points of institutions need to be departure for institutional transformed? change in our Theory of Change? Which formal and/or non How do the formal and non formal institutions can help us formal institutions interact and to speed up our change process? shape our organization/society? 4.5. PHASES OF A CHANGE PROCESS Change processes are dynamic, impermanent. That is, they evolve as a result of dynamic and emergent interactions that continuously go through different stages. Although we may plan to promote actively certain interactions and change processes, the result emerging from them is quite uncertain and cannot be fully controlled. To simplify and didactically illustrate this dynamic sequence, it can be said that, in one way or another, every process of change passes through four main phases: 10 CONTENTS
  • 21. i. where no change dynamics are created since, and yet, there is no consciousness of the need for change. People have acquired and integrated a series of mental models, behaviors, institutional practices, cultural habits, relational dynamics, etc. and do not feel that it is pertinent or necessary to be changed. The system5 is balanced well enough to make for a certain stability and consistency. In social and political terms, there may be differences between actors in the satisfaction system pushes toward change. ii. there is a perception that something is not working well and there already is a disjunction between what is and what ought to be. Yet, there is resistance to changing the for fear of the unknown, behavioral and intellectual inertia, or for what breach in the balance of the system is visible but there is great tension and resistance that impede progress toward a realignment of the elements of the system; and, in the end, of their relationship to each other. Incompetence Ignorance and Need and resistance motivation DENIAL CONFUSION Unconsciousness Consciousness SATISFACTION RENOVATION Naturalization and integration development Competence Source: author’s own elaboration after Lucas 2001, Weisbord & Janoff 2007 CONTENTS 11
  • 22. iii. the actors are motivated to undertake change once initial resistance is overcome. This may happen motivation). Or else, a set of individuals feels the need for change due to their personal situation (poverty, exclusion, etc.) and come together claiming for change (intrinsic motivation). Nevertheless, it is not too clear how to progress or what direction to take because the process of change is so new, unknown, and uncertain. Different actors are not able to agree the competence to undertake the desired change and need to develop new capacities for change. This is a moment of major vulnerability for the actors, cognitive-‐emotional and relational comfort zones. This is the moment of major cognitive dissonance between what is known and what is perceived to be the need to be learned/known. The conscious recognition of the lack of knowledge of what should be known creates anxiety. The same is true is knowledge of the need to move toward another position but it is still dispersed which makes for chaotic conditions. Here there is a need to help learning spaces, facilitating multi-‐stakeholder dialogue spaces, etc. At this stage, social change process facilitators have a key role in managing anxiety and allowing new and collaborative dynamics between different actors; so to build up trusting relationships and a shared meaning of what has to be known and done. iv. starting from the explicit and conscious need to develop new alternatives, there is movement toward a virtuous dynamic supported by a critical mass. The need for change is individually and socially accepted; and this new context helps the development of those conditions needed for the desired change to happen. There is the start of a change process, transformation and renewal that achieves to dynamic of equilibrium and, gradually, there is progress toward a new order. This order is based on an active equilibrium which means that no system stays static but has a tendency to move in different directions, away from a static equilibrium. There is chaos and order (the so called chaordic stage) and actors need to manage this dynamic equilibrium by coming together and agreeing on how the system moves. 12 CONTENTS
  • 23. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR THEORY OF CHANGE How can we communicate the need for change to those around us? What are the causes of resistance to change? What strategies are we going to implement in order to move from a state of confusion to one of renovation? How can we facilitate the creation of conditions to sustain the new changes? 4.6. PARTICIPATION AND POWER IN THE CHANGE PROCESS In every participatory process there is a direct relation between the exercise of power, the knowledge base and the identity(ies) that condition the positioning and interests of the actors involved. As we shall see, different actors can exercise power in many different ways. Some dynamics of power can help to integrate in a (more) horizontal and inclusive manner the different types of knowledge that exist among the actors who participate in the process. In contrast, an oppressive use of power by the powerful can restrict the possibility of recognizing and acknowledging as valid and relevant certain identities and types of knowledge. For example i) the non recognition and inclusion of indigenous knowledge in decision-‐making processes dominated by Western-‐minded government bodies or those with discriminatory proclivities, ii) not placing value on and not incorporating women’s knowledge when it comes to policy making directed to these social groups, and iii) the refusal by municipal authorities and technicians disposition of public roads, social policies, or the construction of neighborhood parks (urban planning), etc. The level of democracy (thus, the level of inclusiveness of ongoing power dynamics and structures) in the social space in which the processes of social change take place condition and even determine the quality of interactions between different bodies of knowledge and identities. Therefore, a more democratic institutional setting will allow for a more horizontal relationship between actors who hold different positions, identities and knowledge base. This is true for many countries where non-‐indigenous identities govern the society, impeding the recognition and inclusion of indigenous identities and their knowledge base. This could be the same case for societies where GLBT6 population is rejected by a heterosexual majority in power, which hinders a more open and inclusive legislation, for instance. CONTENTS 13
  • 24. Identity (ies) Power knowledge Socially constructed multi-‐stakeholder spaces Source: author´s own elaboration of social change processes move. These are spaces that open the possibility for new realities to emerge since actors interact in ways that do not necessarily reproduce dysfunctional power dynamics or oppressive institutions. These are dialogic and creative spaces where actors are free and able to think in different and new ways. Now, let us look more closely at the variable. Hayward (cited in Hughes et of power in relation to the processes of social change. The exercise of power is also related to control of resources by different segments of society. Hence, (VeneKlasen and Miller 2002). In any case, this societal aspect of power reveals According to VeneKlasen and Miller (ibid) and Eyben (2004), the traditional But as the same authors point out, power has several dimensions ( and ) which are not necessarily negative. Chambers (2004) adds the dimension : the possibility and capacity to use our own dimensions of power to help empower others. 14 CONTENTS
  • 25. TENSION AND CONFLICT Power with Power to Power to empower Power over (FACILITATING (MANIPULATING TO SOCIAL CHANGE) MANTAIN THE STATUS QUO) Power within TENSION AND CONFLICT Source: author’s own elaboration after VeneKlasen & Miller, 2002 The ability of a person to function in a societal context may be understood as Hence, power has many faces, different dimensions, and it is exercised in many by different individuals may vary depending on the context and their social and political capabilities. At some point I may exercise power over my son by forcing him to spend the weekend doing his homework, but at the same time I may be affected by the way my father exercises power over me. And on the other hand, I may come together with other neighbors and exercise power with them in order to ask the municipality to build a new health center in my community. So, we have to understand which of the dynamics of power we want to promote/use in order to conceive, advance, and consolidate the change process to which we want to contribute through the activities supported by our Theory of Change. CONTENTS 15
  • 26. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR THEORY OF CHANGE What are the dynamics of power How can we ensure that decision-‐ that prevail in our context making spaces recognize and (society, organization, family)? integrate the diversity of How can we help to create/ identities and accumulated promote more empowering and knowledge that exists among the horizontal power dynamics? different actors involved? How to prevent and/or manage of exclusion? 5. METHODOLOGICAL STEPS TO DEVELOP A THEORY OF CHANGE In this section we will tackle the key methodological aspects needed to develop a Theory of Change: the desired change, the actors involved, the underlying assumptions, the pathway to change, the change indicators, and the learning, monitoring and accountability mechanism. It is assumed that the theoretical Theory of Change. 5.1. THE DESIRED CHANGE problem to be resolved, but rather with the creative, appreciative, and positive visualization of a situation that we wish to attain at a later time. We use this creative visualization of the future as a horizon and motivation for our current action. That results that we wish to help occur in the years to come as a result of our action in the context of the present and the future. Temporal, relational, structural, geographic, social, cultural, economic, political, institutional dimensions are taken into consideration. The emphasis on one dimension or another will depend on the kind of change that is desired or needed. This is also conditioned by the identity, positioning, mindsets, and interests of those that formulate such Theory of Change. 16 CONTENTS
  • 27. THE QUICHÉ CONNECTION: EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH ICTS on the left of the image, the present moment is represented, and, on the right, the near The cell phone and the parabolic antenna from cell phones to all the other technological pyramids The Guipil is the Mayan garment par excellence racist and sexist tendencies. All this effort is political and social level. gender and generation. The scale: see that technology is not an end in itself. It CONTENTS 17
  • 28. The vision must be plausible. It is necessary to concentrate on changes in GUIDELINES FOR THE and among individuals, organizations, DEVELOPMENT OF A RICH social structures, cultural patterns, and PICTURE institutions on which our organization can really 1. context conditions that are impossible to evolving (temporal, geographic, so attain). That is, it must not only be possible to affect future reality; there 2. Identify the issues , 3. Represent the actors involved in order to justify the investment of their resources and energy necessary on our relationships, values, attitudes, part, to make it happen. abilities and behavior as they It must be . It should be like a 4. Incorporate formal and non formal institutions system in which people and their institutions are working effectively together and in interaction with outside agents in order to resolve problems and port the desired change. improve the well-‐being of the citizens 5. and the environment in which they live visualizing together. the present and, after analyzing projecting an image of the future so that the Rich 6. The desired change can be pro depending on the decision taken by of Change. Desired Change, Rich Picture FAMIVIDA, ToC workshop, Quito (Ecuador), 2007 Source: Theory of Change Workshop, Quito (Ecuador), 2007 18 CONTENTS
  • 29. Once the desired change is Strategic Areas are going to be prioritized to sustain this change; and, in the end, which should be the focus of our action. We will try to synthesize 3-‐4 strategic areas in order to avoid excessive dispersion and in order to focus our exercise on strategic and fundamental elements rather than on those that are peripheral, Source: Theory of Change workshop, La Paz, Bo-‐ livia, 2010. Nurturing multi-‐stakeholder creative processes as a way to enrich shared visions of the future. GUIDELINES FOR THE DEFINITION OF THE STRATEGIC AREAS Which are the main factors emerging from our conversation when among all these factors some sort of convergence? Can we sort them out Among all these categories, which are those that can make the system move towards our desired change more than other categories? Based on our organizational expertise, role, and capacity to which areas can we contribute better? Identify these key categories (3-‐4) and rephrase them in such a way that their strategic value is clear. Develop a strategic objective for each of those categories selected. CONTENTS 19
  • 30. 5.2. WHO ARE THE AGENTS OF CHANGE? framed, the next step is to identify those actors who are involved in the process that we actively wish to one way or another will be affected by change or who already are part of The degree of social complexity, with respect to the quality and effectiveness of the interaction that exists between these people and their agendas, will determine, in one way or another, how collaborative, inclusive and effective the process of change will be in relation to the achievement of the desired change. At the same time, it will help to understand the degree and quality of interaction between the different stakeholder networks in which we must operate. n Unlike-‐minded stakeholders High complexity 1 Common n Multilateral agenda agendas 1 Like-‐minded stakeholder change process. Those processes involving few like-‐minded stakeholders (same interests, similar identities) are considered of low social complexity. On the other hand, the existence of many not like-‐minded stakeholders (diverse and many times confronted interests, positioning and identities) increases the level in most of the cases. 20 CONTENTS
  • 31. There are various lenses that we can use to identify and analyze the actors. To do so, we will use different mapping techniques, depending on the purpose and nature of the analysis: Sectoral analysis7. This analysis is useful in those cases that require a focus on constellations of stakeholders who represent, at scale, the whole of all the social actors affected by the change process. To do so, we depart from our holographic premise, in which we assume that every individual contains in herself social representations and identities of the whole society, its diversity, and complexity. The second premise, the microcosmic one, tells us that by acting on a representative group of that particular society (or social network) affected by the change process, we will be able to better we accept these two premises as valid, then we can work with a selected and representative group of stakeholders and be able to promote changes in their wider collectivity. three sectors fundamental to every society: the public-‐government sector, private-‐economic sector, and civil society sector. These three sectors may be complemented by adding the political (party) sector or others (e.g. the international cooperation sector) on which special emphasis is required. The sectors overlap each other; these overlap zones being occupied by those of creating spaces and dynamics of positive or negative interaction between one sector and another. The quality of interaction will vary, depending on the interest that these actors have in the desired change. If more in-‐depth analysis is needed, the Government Private Sector (political and macro (national, federal, etc.); meso (departmental, regional, state, etc.); micro (municipal, local, community, etc.) Source: After Kahane 2006 SECTOR MACRO LEVEL MESO LEVEL MICRO LEVEL PUBLIC-‐GOVERNMENTAL PRIVATE-‐ECONOMIC CIVIL SOCIETY-‐SOCIAL MOVEMENTS POLITICAL COMMUNITY DONOR COMMUNITY Source: author’s own elaboration   CONTENTS 21
  • 32. 8 . This map focuses POSITIVE POSITIVE on the actors’ capacity, -‐ either today INFLUENCE WITH INFLUENCE SIMILAR PURPOSE, WITH DIFERENT VALUES, AND PURPOSE, VALUES, process of change. This type of analysis CULTURE AND CULTURE identifying the actors according to sector, and then positioning them in the WEAK NEGATIVE INFLUENCE NOW INFLUENCE: MUST different sectors may be visualized BUT POTENTIAL WE QUARANTINE OR FOR FUTURE CAN WE PERSUADE very clearly by using different visual COLLABORATION different colors or shapes, etc.) Source: Keystone 2008 Analysis of the articulation capacity9. In this case, the emphasis is on the ability of the actors to articulate, network, mediate, collaborate and of articulation: vertical and horizontal. The ability to articulate vertically refers to the degree of the actors´ ability and legitimacy to create bridges of understanding, establish trust-‐based relationships, transmit messages between two parties, propose multi-‐actor negotiation agendas, stimulate relational processes, etc. This is done between two sets of actors. On the one hand, actors who hold a greater role in high-‐level decision-‐making (elites, national authorities, international organizations, etc.), and on the other hand those who local leaders, neighbor associations, local NGOs, excluded indigenous populations, GLBT population, etc.) and are affected by such decisions. They are able to campaigns, international platforms, local blockades, sabotage campaigns, etc.). Horizontal communication focuses on the capacity of the actors to relate to other sectors and leaders of the same rank but who may be located in other social groups and sectors that are also involved in the process of change. These actors and legitimacy both in their own organizations and among the actors on the other side. This fact allows them to move freely between parties building up trusting relationships and creating opportunities for cross-‐collaboration among not like-‐ minded stakeholders. This mapping exercise initially positions and analyzes actors according to their place on the pyramid: top (elites), middle (actors able to articulate top-‐ bottom and cross-‐sectorial levels), bottom (local organizations and diverse local stakeholders). Then, a second phase analyzes relationships within and among the different levels. This mapping tool can also be used in any organization or social 22 CONTENTS
  • 33. Costa Rica workshop, June 2009. Presentation of the Desired Change and Map of Actors with emphasis on Articulating Capacity. Sustainable Agriculture group. HIGH VISIBILITY TOP-‐DOWN ELITE WORKING LEVELS MIDDLE TO BOTTOM AND UP HORIZONTAL CAPACITY MIDDLE Articulating  leaders LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND BOTTOM-‐UP GROUPS VERTICAL CAPACITY LOW VISIBILITY John Paul Lederach, Public Conference, La Paz, 2008 Analysis of position based on interest. In this case, the aim is to identify the position of the party in question, or ‘stakeholder’, on the basis of their interest Movers are those social organizations, public entities, private corporations, key individuals, political parties, donor agencies, etc. committed to contributing to the desired change and they are to be found in the innermost circle. There is relationship areas and strategic alliances between them. Blockers are those who are against the process, due to their own interests being negatively affected. They may also block the process because they do not have the necessary information to help them understand that it is possible to incorporate their interests through negotiation/mediation processes. Similarly, they may be blocking the process because of a question of inertia and historical lack of trust or rivalry with the movers or the subject of change (for example, big landowners blocking a redistributive agrarian reform process). CONTENTS 23
  • 34. Floaters are those who occupy a position somewhere in between these two: they do not positively block the process, but neither do they actively support it. These actors may also change position (become a blocker or mover), depending on i) what BLOCKERS communicate with them. FLOATERS Once all of the key actors have been sector10 and their positioning with regards MOVERS carry out an analysis of interests. Then identify groups/alliances that block or like-‐minded collective action (movers and and blockers). The aim of this last process Source: author’s own elaboration based on his is to study which strategies would help interaction with the Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation (http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/) blockers, tand/or strengthen alliances between movers. 5.3. THE ASSUMPTIONS THAT WE USE TO DEVELOP OUR THEORY OF CHANGE One aspect that is a characteristic of the Theory of Change is the emphasis placed on intensifying and deepening the Assumption least of those designing and supporting the desired change process. Not only is it a matter of analyzing and identifying path to be pursued, but also of explaining The act of taking for granted; how we arrive at those conclusions and Something taken for granted or accepted the thought process by which we arrive at certain arguments and reasoning. The Theory of Change obliges us to constantly and repeatedly review the assumptions we use for interpreting reality so to better qualify our argumentation. Let’s look at an example that usually creates great cognitive dissonance11 in the participants of the Theory of Change workshops. Here is an assumption designed to provoke cognitive   11     24 CONTENTS
  • 35. dissonance: A stakeholder holding an explicit political positioning cannot facilitate . In this case, some of the participants to the workshops do not agree with this assumption. They believe that even though being clearly positioned as regards the issue, these stakeholders enjoy enough credibility and legitimacy among all the other stakeholders (even the not like-‐minded) to allow them to facilitate such within their own sector (like-‐minded, common interests, willingness to network with dangerous to do so when the processes brings together different and not like-‐minded actors who politically take different sides and who will use this issue to bring down assumption) that just because we are accepted as facilitators in certain settings and with certain actors, it will be the same in others. Our positioning and the perception levels. our social, historical, political, and economic context. Most of the preceding sections organizations and groups involved in social change processes. world. An internal, individual and personal view, which helps us to better understand how we think, why we think what we think, what effect our mental models have on how we view the world, and consequently how we relate to it, how we relate to our inner being, the construction and management of our identity(ies), the relationship time, the construction of our mental and emotional habits, etc. Traditionally, this believed that the personal dimension would not affect social change processes. And yet, this is precisely the most critical aspect in the whole change process. It is here that we see the greatest inconsistencies between what we propose and what we do. process, both at individual level and in the interaction with our action-‐learning peers We need to work continuously on these two dimensions when we attempt to make comes to facilitating or strategically contributing to social change processes. It is a adaptive to the complex times in which we live (Riso 2008). paying special attention to the assumptions we use to shape and hence support our CONTENTS 25
  • 36. change logic. Certain check-‐points will be explicitly established for reviewing and identifying assumptions, so as to continue to adapt our change logic and the design of the pathway of change resulting from this logic. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN How does our identity(ies) and REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING OUR past life experience affect the THEORY OF CHANGE What mechanisms do we have What initial assumptions support for explaining and reviewing our our Desired Change? assumptions? With whom have we shared and What methods (individual and argued them? peer-‐to-‐peer) are available to What are we not seeing that we us for intensifying our internal need to see? What assumptions should we How do we react emotionally reconsider over time? when someone questions our assumptions? 5.4. PROJECTING FUTURE REALITIES. THE PATHWAY OF CHANGE midst of the complexity in which the whole social change process is embedded. The achievement of results in each strategic area, and therefore the achievement of the Desired Change, is dependent on the occurrence of a range of conditions. Therefore, we start by identifying what conditions are ideally necessary for the change to happen. Since a Theory of Change approach deals with complexity (non linear thinking, uncertainty and social emergence) the achievement of these conditions may or may not i) occur in the near future, ii) help us in contributing to the desired change. We assume they do; and hence, we must check periodically whether these conditions i) are being met, and ii) contribute to the accomplishment of our desired change. This is necessary because in complex processes other conditions may emerge as a result of our (inter)actions as well as the actions undertaken by others, independently from our own actions other over the lifespan of the initiative. or desires. Therefore, we must avoid falling into a linear thinking process in which we assume reality will unfold as envisioned by us and only by us. This is the preconditions of change at each task. why it is so important to i) cross-‐check our assumptions with not like-‐minded stakeholders, and ii) periodically revisit the initial assumptions we used to design our Theory of Change. 26 CONTENTS
  • 37. 5.4.1 A SEQUENCE FOR THE DEFINITION OF OUR PATHWAY OF CHANGE Step 1 Review of Strategic Areas. After looking back at our Desired Change (Rich Picture) we will review the Strategic Areas we prioritized. i. Are these the right Strategic Areas? ii. Do we need to review their objectives? iii. Does our mapping exercise consider all the major stakeholders involved in these Strategic Areas? iv. Do these Strategic Areas relate to the major institutions affecting our change process? v. What are the relations and interactions between the different Strategic Areas? vi. What is missing in our analysis? Once we have a clear idea of the big picture regarding our desired Change and related Strategic Areas, we need to touch ground and look at the conditions necessary for our change process to happen, such as changes in institutions, relations, behavior, organizational capacities, etc. At this stage we need to pay close attention to the assumptions we use to determine what a necessary condition is. i. What are the conditions necessary for these Strategic Areas to develop further? ii. What are the conditions necessary in the short, medium, and long term? iii. How do these conditions affect our process and its actors? iv. How do these conditions relate to the outcomes we want to contribute to happen? v. How realistic is to believe we can achieve or promote those conditions? these conditions are already present or can be realized in the near future met then we may want to consider changing the scope of our Desired Change and Strategic Areas. This iterative process of going back and forth helps us to really frame our exercise, verify the validity of our assumptions, and make sure our desired change has a high probability of accomplishment. CONTENTS 27
  • 38. Group together those ideas which could constitute a single essential condition and frame each of these groupings as a Process Result (Outcome). Some of these groupings are closer in time but also in range (they are more plausible and achievable than others). Some are easier to achieve when looking at them from our present moment. Some are very complex and require envision and some others are a bit blurred. Some need the existence and complicity of other conditions, and so they work simultaneously. Some are almost self-‐reliant and others are strongly dependent and inter-‐related to other conditions. This type of analysis is needed in order to better understand the complex dynamics underlying our Theory of Change. Due to the complexity of our processes, these conditions can occur in at least : : A cannot occur until B has happened. : C cannot occur without the joint action of A and B. Emergent: M occurs because of the un-‐predictable or not well known interaction of D, J, I and Q. These conditions involve changes in: institutions, quality of the relations between actors, presence and action of certain actors, social and/or technical abilities, collective/organizational/individual behavior and attitudes, more conducive environments (legal, operative, physical, knowledge, technology, etc.). Every condition must be elaborated as a process result at Outcome level so that we can link our actions and interventions to effects in the change context. Once we have come to know these conditions better, we start developing the looks at the Strategic Areas in detail and develops a Pathway of Change for each Strategic Area. The second option lies in developing a more general Pathway of Change based on a broader analysis of the Desired Change and Strategic Areas altogether. in mind the fact that conditions may evolve in sequential, simultaneous and conditions (stages) for achieving the Strategic Area objectives. Therefore, the sequential and simultaneous linking of conditions will make up the Pathway of Area and identify possible systemic connections between conditions in various Strategic Areas. In the second case, our Pathway of Change will encompass a more general and holistic analysis identifying general conditions for the desired change to happen. 28 CONTENTS
  • 39. WARNING: There is a tendency to depict the Pathway of Change in a linear manner. This is because of the way our minds have been molded by the educational and social system. Nevertheless, we do not need to illustrate our Pathway of Change when developing their Pathway of Change. At the end, the most important achievement is not so much how well we illustrate our thought process but how comprehensive and pedagogical is the story we tell about our Theory of Change. added so to have an idea of other ways which are more systemic and complex when telling the story. Story telling is a wonderful and simple way of making sense when describing the complexity in which our processes are embedded. Once we have visualized our thought process and build a story around it, we can easily capture and explain in a written document the complexity of our Theory of Change. Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José de Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change on political de Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change on participation of Mayan women in Guatemala Agroecology in Nicaragua CONTENTS 29
  • 40. STRATEGIES Develop and implement a Strengthen GLBT groups and Internal alliances Assumption organisations in Ecuador GLBT rights in Ecuador among different GLBT Decision makers groups respond to a combination of good Assumption information and The different sectors public pressure GLBTs have entered the political within the GLBT SHORT TERM movement are able to GBLT rights have been consciousness in Ecuador NECESARY CONDITIONS FOR THE DESIRED CHANGE set their differences effectively communicated Inter-‐sectoral aside and work alliances together toward a common objective Mass media and alternative media The GLBT movement in Ecuador has been consolidated General population is aware of MEDIANO PLAZO GLBT rights Assumption Constitutional Rights and public Citizens, when properly informed, policies on GLBT human rights have are willing to Human rights change their organisations mindsets and Government International behavior becoming watchdogs (UN, HRW, more sensitive agencies AI, etc.), The stigma associated with and about the GLBT agenda discrimination against GLBT Public policies on GLBT rights have LONG TERM populations in Ecuador has been implemented lessened Constitutional Court Reduction in cases of infringement of the GLBT population´s human rights CHANGE DESIRED Source: Theory of Change workshop with counterparts from Hivos, Quito (Ecuador), 2007 (HIV/AIDS Group – Human Rights) 30 CONTENTS
  • 41. Source: Theory of Change workshop, San José de Costa Rica, 2009. Theory of Change on promoting HIV/AIDS rights in Belize Identify the assumptions which underlie and support our change logic. We will review the conditions for change formulated earlier, and then identify the assumptions that support each of those conditions as being necessary for achievement of the Desired Change. Our assumptions must explain what the connections are between the outcomes Pathway of Change. They also need to justify why this particular set of outcomes will contribute to the desired Isaac Asimov change we look for. capacity to free himself from In case our assumptions are not possible to maintain or there is no evidence whatsoever of them being realistic, we must revisit our Theory of Change and reconsider some of the results to be accept. achieved. John W. Gardner CONTENTS 31
  • 42. 5.5. HOW DO WE KNOW THAT THINGS ARE CHANGING? INDICATORS OF CHANGE As an initial comment, it should be noted that from a Theory of Change perspective, indicators of change are not the same as the performance indicators that we are seeking to better understand how to read the context in order to see what effects we can perceive in this context due to our action. These indicators allow us to better understand how change is really happening (or not) and what our contribution is to that change. We develop indicators for each of the conditions in order to be able to understand whether that condition is developing and what effect this has in the change context. in our Theory of Change, and should help us to understand to what degree and in what manner these conditions are occurring in the environment. We may want to prioritize some of those indicators for further follow up and monitoring. We must be careful when designing the indicators, as they differ from other indicators (such as Logframe indicators). We should ask ourselves: what do we need to see in our context to understand to what extent our actions are contributing to i) the desired change, ii) the achievement of our outcomes. We want to know the effect of our actions in the change context, not just whether we implemented the action for the sake of implementing the action. The regular review of these indicators will help us to adjust our Theory of Change at both the political/strategic level (action on the conditions for change) and at the cognitive level (assumptions supporting our change logic). QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER WHEN What signs of change can the REFLECTING ON AND DESIGNING observers see in the environment OUR THEORY OF CHANGE that allows us to determine that Who is taking part in our outset are actually taking place? monitoring process? How will the observers collect Who determines what it is the evidence indicating the that must be observed in change? order to decide whether we have achieved the expected With whom, how, and for what outcomes? purpose will the observers share this evidence? Who recollects and analyses the data emerging from our How will this evidence allow us monitoring? to learn individually and as an organization, and to be mutually responsible for our actions? 32 CONTENTS
  • 43.   6. WHAT ARE THE LEARNING, MONITORING AND ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISMS? methodological approach to Theory of Change focuses on determining and promoting the relationship that must exist between learning, monitoring, and accountability. This is a relationship that, in practice, is not particularly clear, but it is essential to explain it and give it due anything more. attention. Let’s look at some theoretical elements that will help us to better Plato understand the importance of learning in processes of social change. The learning approach in the Theory of Change stems from two sources. One, the adult learning cycle proposed by Kolb (1984) which highlights the importance our past experience has when shaping our present learning process (experiential learning). According to this approach, learning involves 4 stages: concrete experience (experience gained through practice), (analysis deriving from the application of certain questions and analytical lenses to our concrete experience), (summary of the theory and updating of assumptions active experimentation (our direct of our experience). Concrete experience Active observation experimentation Abstract conceptualisation THE EXPERIENCE-‐BASED LEARNING CYCLE IN ADULTS (or how to unfreeze our mental models and build-‐up new conceptual interaction with the context) CONTENTS 33
  • 44. The second approach has to do with looking at the future as it emerges (Scharmer 2007). This is emerging learning responding to the question: This question helps us to develop new capacities in the present moment based on what we need to know how to do and see in the future we are proposing (our Theory of Change). In the case of multi-‐stakeholder processes, this framework is enriched today is not among civilizations by elements of collaborative learning, in which it is recognized that the individual is a social being and therefore needs to interact with other peers, groups, and society as a whole to consolidate his or her learning process12. In other words, in order to expand and accelerate her learning curve, the individual needs more contextualized, deeper, and richer learning processes. This fact must be underlined, because when these circumstances, it is not easy to generate learning processes with other actors holding different mindsets and interests. The problem often starts from something as fundamental as the impossibility of bringing together certain simply not accustomed to learning with others holding a historically established different mindset or position. Or else, the actors are basically not aware of their need to learn or develop new skills for learning and change in complex shift with regard to the generation of knowledge and its relationship with the power dynamics that often govern this kind of processes. Political and social actors are confronted with this, forcing them to understand and accept the need to learn with someone with a different mindset, interest and position. They need to develop new social skills, aimed at promoting collaborative learning when entering into this dynamic. This is one of the greatest challenges posed by Finally, we need to link these learning spaces and dynamics with the accountability mechanisms and processes that every organization has (local and international NGOs, grassroots organizations, social movements, civil associations, public bodies, etc.). 34 CONTENTS