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TheTrendWatch                                            by FullSIX Group

1       TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
Future is about breakthrough,
    not incremental evolution.

2                  TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
e’re in the midst of a sea change…
    As of March 2009, we now spend more time social networking
    than emailing.

    Around the globe, social technology is introducing new consumer
    behavior, which in turn, is sprouting disruptive business and
    communication models. And with a massive Google Wave
    heading to shore, the forecast calls for a higher frequency of
    creative destruction.

    In these frenzied waters, incremental evolution may help a
    business model survive, but not thrive. The future is about
    breakthrough. And it belongs to the business models that adapt
    quickly to movements in social behavior and technology.
    So grab a board, paddle out with us and examine 10 new business
    and communication models that are positioned for a killer ride.
3                       TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
    Facebook users = population of Italy
    (50 million)

    Facebook users = population of Russia
    (140 million)

    Facebook users = population of USA
    (300 million)

4     TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
Sources: Socialnomics - http://socialnomics.net/

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    Enhanced Reality
    Because reality bites...

6                              TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
Most parents, at one time or another, have scolded
    their kids for spending too much time in the virtual
    world. “Go outside and play in the real world”,
    they’ve cried.
    What will kids think tomorrow, when they see
    a bunch of grownups walking around, blurring the
    lines between what’s virtual and what’s real?
    Dubbed AR, Augmented Reality technology uses a
    smartphone’s camera, GPS, and compass,
    to overlay virtual information on top of one’s real
    world surroundings. Part useful, part captivating,
    AR can also be bundled to emit buzz.
7                    TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
1 out of 9 french households have a WII
    (3 ,2 million)

    83% of WII players play as a family

    25% of WII players are 35-50 Y.O.

    Source: Institut GFK (mai 2009) - OpinionWay (2008)

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Sources: Fujitsu U-Scan - http://www.fujitsu.com/

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The most powerful brand experiences
 enliven the senses.

 By helping consumers master their surroundings,
 AR is like adding a 6th sense to your overall
 brand experience.

25              TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
 Geospatial Intelligence
 The location of anything is everything!

26                             TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
We live in the Global Location Age.

 ‘Where am I?’ is being replaced by ‘Where am I in
 relation to everything else?’

 The answer to the emerging question ‘Where am I in
 relation to everything else?’ is a new business
 opportunity for every brand. The more we go
 mobile, the more we will question our
 surroundings. Brands that proactively deliver real-
 time contextual answers will be a point of interest on
 the map and in social networks (where everywhere
 we go/everything we consume is shared).
27                TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
                               33% percent of consumers are interested
                               in using their cell phones to find local
                               businesses and products.

                                 52% of smartphone owners with mobile
                                 Internet are interested in using mobile
                                 geo-localized services.

                                                  Sources: 2008, Jupiter /Forrester Research

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By meeting our need for geospatial intelligence,
 brands can move potential customers from Point A
 (aware of products & services) to Point B (buyers
 based on geospatial intelligence).

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 Introducing 'Content Commerce'

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Retail and the entertainment industry have always
 been close.

 But with the explosion of interactive video, they’re
 about to be joined at the hip.

 C-commerce enables viewers to click on video
 content and buy items as they watch.

 For Fight Club fans, it looks like the Ikea catalogue
 scene you loved is now a reality.

37                TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
According to ComScore, Youtube became
 the second worldwide search engine.

 In January 2009,
 U.S. Internet users viewed 14.8 billion online
 videos during the month… Every minute they
 watched the equivalent of every radio and TV show
 ever created since 1940 in france.

 The French “INA archives” (European leader)
 managed to digitalize only 250,000 docs
 over the past 40 years!
38              TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
                              42 hours/week entertainment (all screens)
                              42 hours/week working
                              42 hours/week sleeping

                              32 hours/week entertainment (all screens)
                              49 hours/week working
                              42 hours/week sleeping

                         Sources: Council for Research Excellence and Nielsen, March

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Content will increasingly drive commerce.

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 Walk through the new consumer path.

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The media universe is expanding and media
 consumption is up on all screens.
 What this means to marketers is game changing:
 the message will need to be accessible when, where
 and how consumers want it, with a tailored added

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Let’s transform fragmentation into synergy...

 In France, any person over 13 is exposed
 to 38,6 multimedia screen per day
 (+13,9% compared to 2005)

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m: 1

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The emerging communication model is
 the game-scenario vs. movie storytelling.

 Brands that breakthrough will create
 a game-like environment, where consumers
 “live inside” the communication, follow their own
 path and personalize the experience.

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 Digital 'a la carte'

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For over a decade, there have been big promises
 for micro-payment solutions.

 Yet we’ve only seen small change; unless, of
 course, you consider a little platform called iTunes.

 And with the iPhone OS 3.0 enabling in-app
 payments, Apple is poised to once again make
 small change add up quickly; and so too will every
 other brand as micro-commerce goes macro.

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According to NPD MusicWatch (2009), when it
 comes to the unit-sales volume of music sold
 at retail – including paid digital music downloads
 and CDs – Apple iTunes leads in the U.S. with 25
 percent of music units sold, which is up from 21
 percent in 2008 and 14 percent in 2007.

 Walmart (including Walmart, Walmart.com,
 Walmart Music Downloads) remains in second
 position with 14 percent of music volume sold
 at their stores and Web sites with Best Buy ranked
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Apple's App Store could emerge a $1.2 billion
     business by the end of 2009...

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Micro-commerce is activating new revenue
 streams for digital media, and all companies.

 Offering up goods and services in micro-payments
 can help virtually any brand convert pre-
 meditated consumer behavior into impulse
 purchase decisions.

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 Are you talking to me?

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If your fridge, your plants or anything in your
 house could talk, they would probably have a lot to

 Imagine your secretary buzzing you, “I’ve got Rose
 on line 2, she says she desperately needs
 water.” What will happen when you forget to
 water Rose? Will she send a last tweet
 alerting your friends of neglect? As more
 objects ‘informationalize’, they could become
 powerful communication channels of their own.

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1,5 billion Coca-Cola bottles are sold everyday,
 45 million every hour,
 750,000 buyers every minute...

 The best score ever for a TV show broadcast by
 CBS is 10 million viewers.

 Every month CNN attracts 72 million people.
 Coca-Cola does the same in less than 2 hours.

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Objects as channels could be an endearing way to
 engage consumers and build social interaction
 around a product.

 Brands now have their own free media!

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 Ground-swell surfing
 Find the best spot.

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Wind speed, duration and fetch are three main
 factors in the ocean that produce groundswell
 waves (a.k.a. surfer’s gold).

 These same three factors are at work online: new
 social technology is emerging swiftly (speed), all
 segments are spending more time social
 networking (duration) in every corner of the globe
 (fetch). The net effect has been golden for business
 models old and new that are positioning
 themselves for the ride.

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Research findings of Dr. Cameron Marlow, the “in-
 house sociologist” at Facebook, suggests that
 the average number of “friends” in a Facebook
 network is 120, consistent with the Dunbar

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Even the most traditional businesses can benefit
 from the ground-swell by reorganizing how
 production and consumption are organized (vs.
 merely how goods and services are bought and
 sold). By incentivizing individual production/
 action, any social brand/platform can amass a
 following and affect global change.

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 Data wars
 The race for the web 3.0

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If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s
 4th largest between the United States and
 Indonesia; a “social graph” of this size
 hides untapped resources for any brand.

 In the past, Facebook’s data would have been
 daunting to extract and make sense of. But
 with advancements in data visualization
 technology, it’s becoming easier to understand
 complex patterns and correlations. And as
 Facebook (and soon Twitter) welcomes foreign
 exploration, new streams of revenue will be
 visualized and the data war will only escalate.
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By 2011, the digital universe
 will be 10 times the size it was in 2006.

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The benefits of data visualization are
 enormous. From an R&D perspective, it’s a way to
 gain new insight into complex social behavior.

 From a sales and marketing perspective, it's a
 platform for showcasing products and services in
 the context of the cultural interaction that
 surrounds them.

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 Freemium model
 Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business

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Chris Anderson’s theory on Free has been
 contentious. And rightly so; it seems risky to give
 away goods and services we typically charge for.

 On the flip side, it’s precarious to rely on
 advertising to sell ‘me-too’ goods and services
 amidst the clutter.

 To breakthrough, it increasingly pays to let a mass
 audience experience a brand’s value proposition
 gratis. Because when a brand nails that experience,
 people will line up to pay for premium goodies that
 are hiding behind the curtain.
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In communications, tension helps a message to

 Freemium, on the other hand, applies tension to
 convert basic goods/services to premium ones.

 “Information wants to be free. Information also
 wants to be expensive… That tension will not go
                             – Steward Brand

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 The long tail vs. DNA-generated
 The future of ultra-customization

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The problem with the Long Tail is that superficial
 nuances in pre-manufactured product lines are

 Take drugs for example. Due to differences in
 DNA, up to 60% of the most common drugs today
 are associated with side affects. Imagine the brand
 opportunity for a drug company, or any company
 for that matter, that can reduce adverse product
 reactions to virtually zero by producing goods
 shortly after consulting an individual’s make up.

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As the cost of flexible computer-aided
 manufacturing systems decreases, more
 companies will disrupt and gain competitive
 advantage over a Long Tail approach.

 The positive reactions in one category could
 be contagious to others.

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 The biggest lesson of the first digital era

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Thank you!


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TheTrendwatch #10

  • 1. TheTrendWatch by FullSIX Group 1 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 2. Future is about breakthrough, not incremental evolution. 2 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 3. e’re in the midst of a sea change… As of March 2009, we now spend more time social networking than emailing.   Around the globe, social technology is introducing new consumer behavior, which in turn, is sprouting disruptive business and communication models. And with a massive Google Wave heading to shore, the forecast calls for a higher frequency of creative destruction.   In these frenzied waters, incremental evolution may help a business model survive, but not thrive. The future is about breakthrough. And it belongs to the business models that adapt quickly to movements in social behavior and technology. So grab a board, paddle out with us and examine 10 new business and communication models that are positioned for a killer ride. 3 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 4. 2007 Facebook users = population of Italy (50 million) 2008 Facebook users = population of Russia (140 million) 2009 Facebook users = population of USA (300 million) 4 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 5. Sources: Socialnomics - http://socialnomics.net/ 5 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 6. #1 Enhanced Reality Because reality bites... 6 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 7. Most parents, at one time or another, have scolded their kids for spending too much time in the virtual world. “Go outside and play in the real world”, they’ve cried. What will kids think tomorrow, when they see a bunch of grownups walking around, blurring the lines between what’s virtual and what’s real? Dubbed AR, Augmented Reality technology uses a smartphone’s camera, GPS, and compass, to overlay virtual information on top of one’s real world surroundings. Part useful, part captivating, AR can also be bundled to emit buzz. 7 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 8. 1 out of 9 french households have a WII (3 ,2 million) 83% of WII players play as a family 25% of WII players are 35-50 Y.O. Source: Institut GFK (mai 2009) - OpinionWay (2008) 8 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 9. 9 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 10. 10 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 11. 11 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 12. 12 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 13. 13 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 14. 14 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 15. Sources: Fujitsu U-Scan - http://www.fujitsu.com/ 15 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 16. 16 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 17. 17 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 18. 18 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 19. 19 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 20. 20 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 21. 21 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 22. 22 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 23. 23 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 24. 24 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 25. The most powerful brand experiences enliven the senses. By helping consumers master their surroundings, AR is like adding a 6th sense to your overall brand experience. 25 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 26. #2 Geospatial Intelligence The location of anything is everything! 26 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 27. We live in the Global Location Age. ‘Where am I?’ is being replaced by ‘Where am I in relation to everything else?’ The answer to the emerging question ‘Where am I in relation to everything else?’ is a new business opportunity for every brand. The more we go mobile, the more we will question our surroundings. Brands that proactively deliver real- time contextual answers will be a point of interest on the map and in social networks (where everywhere we go/everything we consume is shared). 27 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 28. USA 33% percent of consumers are interested in using their cell phones to find local businesses and products. EUROPE 52% of smartphone owners with mobile Internet are interested in using mobile geo-localized services. Sources: 2008, Jupiter /Forrester Research 28 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 29. 29 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 30. 30 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 31. 31 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 35. By meeting our need for geospatial intelligence, brands can move potential customers from Point A (aware of products & services) to Point B (buyers based on geospatial intelligence). 35 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 36. #3 C-commerce Introducing 'Content Commerce' 36 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 37. Retail and the entertainment industry have always been close. But with the explosion of interactive video, they’re about to be joined at the hip. C-commerce enables viewers to click on video content and buy items as they watch. For Fight Club fans, it looks like the Ikea catalogue scene you loved is now a reality. 37 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 38. According to ComScore, Youtube became the second worldwide search engine. In January 2009, U.S. Internet users viewed 14.8 billion online videos during the month… Every minute they watched the equivalent of every radio and TV show ever created since 1940 in france. The French “INA archives” (European leader) managed to digitalize only 250,000 docs over the past 40 years! 38 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 39. USA 42 hours/week entertainment (all screens) 42 hours/week working 42 hours/week sleeping EUROPE 32 hours/week entertainment (all screens) 49 hours/week working 42 hours/week sleeping Sources: Council for Research Excellence and Nielsen, March 2009 39 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 46. Content will increasingly drive commerce. 46 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 47. #4 Cross-screen Walk through the new consumer path. 47 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 48. The media universe is expanding and media consumption is up on all screens. What this means to marketers is game changing: the message will need to be accessible when, where and how consumers want it, with a tailored added value. 48 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 49. Let’s transform fragmentation into synergy... In France, any person over 13 is exposed to 38,6 multimedia screen per day (+13,9% compared to 2005) 49 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 56. m: 1 56 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 66. The emerging communication model is the game-scenario vs. movie storytelling. Brands that breakthrough will create a game-like environment, where consumers “live inside” the communication, follow their own path and personalize the experience. 66 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 67. #5 Micro-commerce Digital 'a la carte' 67 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 68. For over a decade, there have been big promises for micro-payment solutions. Yet we’ve only seen small change; unless, of course, you consider a little platform called iTunes. And with the iPhone OS 3.0 enabling in-app payments, Apple is poised to once again make small change add up quickly; and so too will every other brand as micro-commerce goes macro. 68 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 69. According to NPD MusicWatch (2009), when it comes to the unit-sales volume of music sold at retail – including paid digital music downloads and CDs – Apple iTunes leads in the U.S. with 25 percent of music units sold, which is up from 21 percent in 2008 and 14 percent in 2007. Walmart (including Walmart, Walmart.com, Walmart Music Downloads) remains in second position with 14 percent of music volume sold at their stores and Web sites with Best Buy ranked third. 69 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 70. Apple's App Store could emerge a $1.2 billion business by the end of 2009... 70 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 76. Micro-commerce is activating new revenue streams for digital media, and all companies. Offering up goods and services in micro-payments can help virtually any brand convert pre- meditated consumer behavior into impulse purchase decisions. 76 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 77. #6 Talkin’world Are you talking to me? 77 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 78. If your fridge, your plants or anything in your house could talk, they would probably have a lot to say. Imagine your secretary buzzing you, “I’ve got Rose on line 2, she says she desperately needs water.” What will happen when you forget to water Rose? Will she send a last tweet alerting your friends of neglect? As more objects ‘informationalize’, they could become powerful communication channels of their own. 78 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 79. 1,5 billion Coca-Cola bottles are sold everyday, 45 million every hour, 750,000 buyers every minute... The best score ever for a TV show broadcast by CBS is 10 million viewers. Every month CNN attracts 72 million people. Coca-Cola does the same in less than 2 hours. 79 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 85. Objects as channels could be an endearing way to engage consumers and build social interaction around a product. Brands now have their own free media! 85 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 86. #7 Ground-swell surfing Find the best spot. 86 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 87. Wind speed, duration and fetch are three main factors in the ocean that produce groundswell waves (a.k.a. surfer’s gold). These same three factors are at work online: new social technology is emerging swiftly (speed), all segments are spending more time social networking (duration) in every corner of the globe (fetch). The net effect has been golden for business models old and new that are positioning themselves for the ride. 87 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 88. Research findings of Dr. Cameron Marlow, the “in- house sociologist” at Facebook, suggests that the average number of “friends” in a Facebook network is 120, consistent with the Dunbar number. 88 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 102. Even the most traditional businesses can benefit from the ground-swell by reorganizing how production and consumption are organized (vs. merely how goods and services are bought and sold). By incentivizing individual production/ action, any social brand/platform can amass a following and affect global change. 102 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 103. #8 Data wars The race for the web 3.0 103 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 104. If Facebook were a country it would be the world’s 4th largest between the United States and Indonesia; a “social graph” of this size hides untapped resources for any brand. In the past, Facebook’s data would have been daunting to extract and make sense of. But with advancements in data visualization technology, it’s becoming easier to understand complex patterns and correlations. And as Facebook (and soon Twitter) welcomes foreign exploration, new streams of revenue will be visualized and the data war will only escalate. 104 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 105. By 2011, the digital universe will be 10 times the size it was in 2006. 105 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 114. The benefits of data visualization are enormous. From an R&D perspective, it’s a way to gain new insight into complex social behavior. From a sales and marketing perspective, it's a platform for showcasing products and services in the context of the cultural interaction that surrounds them. 114 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 115. #9 Freemium model Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business 115 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 116. Chris Anderson’s theory on Free has been contentious. And rightly so; it seems risky to give away goods and services we typically charge for. On the flip side, it’s precarious to rely on advertising to sell ‘me-too’ goods and services amidst the clutter. To breakthrough, it increasingly pays to let a mass audience experience a brand’s value proposition gratis. Because when a brand nails that experience, people will line up to pay for premium goodies that are hiding behind the curtain. 116 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 130. In communications, tension helps a message to breakthrough. Freemium, on the other hand, applies tension to convert basic goods/services to premium ones. “Information wants to be free. Information also wants to be expensive… That tension will not go away.” – Steward Brand 130 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 131. #10 The long tail vs. DNA-generated The future of ultra-customization 131 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 132. The problem with the Long Tail is that superficial nuances in pre-manufactured product lines are flawed. Take drugs for example. Due to differences in DNA, up to 60% of the most common drugs today are associated with side affects. Imagine the brand opportunity for a drug company, or any company for that matter, that can reduce adverse product reactions to virtually zero by producing goods shortly after consulting an individual’s make up. 132 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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  • 137. As the cost of flexible computer-aided manufacturing systems decreases, more companies will disrupt and gain competitive advantage over a Long Tail approach. The positive reactions in one category could be contagious to others. 137 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
  • 138. Conclusion The biggest lesson of the first digital era 138 TheTrendWatch.com © FullSIX Group - All rights reserved, no reproduction or diffusion without written authorization
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