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Threading is not a model Joe Gregorio Developer Relations, Google Wave
Scope My Opinion
Goal I want to annoy you.
The path A short story, a book, design patterns, and Djikstra
The Principle of Sufficient Irritation "The Short Happy Life  of the Brown Oxford" Philip K. Dick The short story
The Principle of Sufficient Irritation in action Determining the radioactive irritant is left as an exercise for the reader.
The path A  short story ,  a book, design patterns, and Djikstra
The Design of Everyday Things The book
The path A short story, a book ,  design patterns, and Djikstra
Setting the record straight Let's talk about Design Patterns I  did not  say that patterns are bad. I  did  say that using them may be a sign of weakness in a language.
A Blog Post Python isn't Java without the compile Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming – Peter Norvig Beyond Java – Bruce Tate
Language Not talking just about Python
Language Aren't patterns good? Yes, but also a sign of weakness
There is a lack of patterns in Python 1. Define 'lack of patterns' 2. Demonstrate that lack 3. Explain why
Hard numbers comp.lang.python 100,000+ messages
Hard numbers “ factory method pattern” - 0 “ abstract-factory pattern” - 0 “ flyweight pattern” - 3 “ state pattern” - 10 “ strategy pattern” - 25 “ flyweight” - 36 “ visitor pattern” - 60
For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2
For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2 “ the pope” - 16
For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2 “ the pope” - 16 “ sausage” - 66 Presuming there is no overlap among these messages
There is a lack of patterns in Python 1.  Define 'lack of patterns' 2.  Demonstrate that lack 3. Explain why
Explain Why The patterns are built in. No one talks about the 'structured programming' pattern or the 'object-oriented' pattern any more.
Strategy Pattern on comp.lang.python class  Bisection (FindMinima): def  algorithm(self,line): return  (5.5,6.6) class  ConjugateGradient (FindMinima): def  algorithm(self,line): return  (3.3,4.4) class  MinimaSolver:  # context class strategy='' def  __init__ ( self ,strategy): self .strategy=strategy def  minima(self,line): return  self.strategy.algorithm(line) def  changeAlgorithm(self,newAlgorithm): self .strategy = newAlgorithm solver=MinimaSolver(ConjugateGradient()) print solver.minima(( 5.5 , 5.5 )) solver.changeAlgorithm(Bisection()) print solver.minima(( 5.5 , 5.5 ))
Strategy Pattern “ When most of your code does nothing in a pompous way that is a sure sign that you are heading in the wrong direction. Here's a translation into python” - Peter Otten
Strategy Pattern on comp.lang.python def   bisection(line): return   5.5 ,  6.6 def   conjugate_gradient(line): return   3.3 ,   4.4 solver = conjugate_gradient print solver(( 5.5 , 5.5 )) solver = bisection print solver(( 5.5 , 5.5 ))
Proof by Wikipedia “ This pattern is invisible in languages with first-class functions.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern What other language features are there, and what patterns do they make invisible?
Catalog of Language Features First-class functions Meta-programming Iterators Closures
Proof by Wikipedia In object-oriented programming, the Iterator pattern is a design pattern in which iterators are used to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterator_pattern The definition of low-hanging fruit.
Iterators for  element  in  [ 1 ,  2 ,  3 ]: print element for  element  in  ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 ): print element for  key  in  { 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2 }: print key for  char  in   "123" : print char for  line  in  open( "myfile.txt" ): print line
There is a lack of patterns in Python 1.  Define 'lack of patterns' 2.  Demonstrate that lack 3.  Explain why
The path A short story, a book , design patterns,  and Djikstra
Structured Programming "Go to statement considered harmful” Edsger W. Dijkstra,1968 Letter to the editor, Communications of the ACM , Volume 11, Issue 3  (March 1968)
Structured Programming We are talking about Routines! (or procedures, or functions, or methods) being controversial. Along with 'if', 'while', and 'switch' statements
The controversy went on for a while "GOTO Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful  Frank Rubin, 1987 Communications of the ACM, Vol. 30, No. 3. (March 1987), pp. 195-196.
With Structured Programming def  hyp(x, y) : return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) >> hyp(3, 4) 5
What if Structured Programming wasn't built in? You can do Structure Programming with our built in stack and 'call' primitives! def  hyp : push(pop()**2 + pop()**2) call math.sqrt return >> push(3) >> push(4) >> call hyp >> pop() 5
Patterns and Primitives Pattern Language Feature Primitives Model
Some Concurrency Patterns listed on Wikipedia Lock Monitor Object Reactor Thread pool Thread-specific storage These you will see on comp.lang.python
Some Concurrency Patterns listed on Wikipedia Lock Monitor Object Reactor Thread pool Thread-specific storage These you will see on comp.lang.python
Patterns and Primitives Threadpool (Pattern) Language Feature Threads + queue + lock (Primitives) Concurrency (Model)
“ Just” use threads Threading is not a model Threading is a primitive, along with locks, transactional memory, etc.
What are the concurrency models? Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
Actors The difference is only in 'what' is concurrent
CSP Model Based on CSP by C.A.R. Hoare.
An actual model for processes
All code is written single threaded
Communication via channels.
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Sieve of Eratosthenes N 2 3 5 7 11 13
CSP – Stackless – Primes import stackless def generate(ch): for i in range(2, 1000): ch.send(i) def pfilter(chin, chout, p): for i in chin: if i % p != 0: chout.send(i) def primes(chin): while 1: prime = chin.receive() print prime chout = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(pfilter)(chin, chout, prime) chin = chout c = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(generate)(c) stackless.tasklet(primes)(c) stackless.run()
CSP – Stackless – Primes import stackless def generate(ch): for i in range(2, 1000): ch.send(i) def pfilter(chin, chout, p): for i in chin: if i % p != 0: chout.send(i) def primes(chin): while 1: prime = chin.receive() print prime chout = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(pfilter)(chin, chout, prime) chin = chout c = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(generate)(c) stackless.tasklet(primes)(c) stackless.run() N 2 P n P n+1
CSP – Go – Primes func generate(ch chan int) { for i := 2; ; i++ { ch <- i } // Send 'i' to channel 'ch'. } func filter(in, out chan int, prime int) { for { i := <-in  // Receive 'i' from 'in'. if i % prime != 0 { out <- i } // Send 'i' to 'out'. } } func main() { ch := make(chan int)  // Create a new channel. go generate(ch)  // Start generate() as a goroutine. for { prime := <-ch fmt.Println(prime) ch1 := make(chan int) go   filter(ch, ch1, prime) ch = ch1 } } N 2 P n P n+1
CSP An implementation could use: Threads

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Threading Is Not A Model

  • 1. Threading is not a model Joe Gregorio Developer Relations, Google Wave
  • 3. Goal I want to annoy you.
  • 4. The path A short story, a book, design patterns, and Djikstra
  • 5. The Principle of Sufficient Irritation &quot;The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford&quot; Philip K. Dick The short story
  • 6. The Principle of Sufficient Irritation in action Determining the radioactive irritant is left as an exercise for the reader.
  • 7. The path A short story , a book, design patterns, and Djikstra
  • 8. The Design of Everyday Things The book
  • 9. The path A short story, a book , design patterns, and Djikstra
  • 10. Setting the record straight Let's talk about Design Patterns I did not say that patterns are bad. I did say that using them may be a sign of weakness in a language.
  • 11. A Blog Post Python isn't Java without the compile Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming – Peter Norvig Beyond Java – Bruce Tate
  • 12. Language Not talking just about Python
  • 13. Language Aren't patterns good? Yes, but also a sign of weakness
  • 14. There is a lack of patterns in Python 1. Define 'lack of patterns' 2. Demonstrate that lack 3. Explain why
  • 15. Hard numbers comp.lang.python 100,000+ messages
  • 16. Hard numbers “ factory method pattern” - 0 “ abstract-factory pattern” - 0 “ flyweight pattern” - 3 “ state pattern” - 10 “ strategy pattern” - 25 “ flyweight” - 36 “ visitor pattern” - 60
  • 17. For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2
  • 18. For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2 “ the pope” - 16
  • 19. For your comparison “ dark matter” - 2 “ the pope” - 16 “ sausage” - 66 Presuming there is no overlap among these messages
  • 20. There is a lack of patterns in Python 1. Define 'lack of patterns' 2. Demonstrate that lack 3. Explain why
  • 21. Explain Why The patterns are built in. No one talks about the 'structured programming' pattern or the 'object-oriented' pattern any more.
  • 22. Strategy Pattern on comp.lang.python class Bisection (FindMinima): def algorithm(self,line): return (5.5,6.6) class ConjugateGradient (FindMinima): def algorithm(self,line): return (3.3,4.4) class MinimaSolver: # context class strategy='' def __init__ ( self ,strategy): self .strategy=strategy def minima(self,line): return self.strategy.algorithm(line) def changeAlgorithm(self,newAlgorithm): self .strategy = newAlgorithm solver=MinimaSolver(ConjugateGradient()) print solver.minima(( 5.5 , 5.5 )) solver.changeAlgorithm(Bisection()) print solver.minima(( 5.5 , 5.5 ))
  • 23. Strategy Pattern “ When most of your code does nothing in a pompous way that is a sure sign that you are heading in the wrong direction. Here's a translation into python” - Peter Otten
  • 24. Strategy Pattern on comp.lang.python def bisection(line): return 5.5 , 6.6 def conjugate_gradient(line): return 3.3 , 4.4 solver = conjugate_gradient print solver(( 5.5 , 5.5 )) solver = bisection print solver(( 5.5 , 5.5 ))
  • 25. Proof by Wikipedia “ This pattern is invisible in languages with first-class functions.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern What other language features are there, and what patterns do they make invisible?
  • 26. Catalog of Language Features First-class functions Meta-programming Iterators Closures
  • 27. Proof by Wikipedia In object-oriented programming, the Iterator pattern is a design pattern in which iterators are used to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterator_pattern The definition of low-hanging fruit.
  • 28. Iterators for element in [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]: print element for element in ( 1 , 2 , 3 ): print element for key in { 'one' : 1, 'two' : 2 }: print key for char in &quot;123&quot; : print char for line in open( &quot;myfile.txt&quot; ): print line
  • 29. There is a lack of patterns in Python 1. Define 'lack of patterns' 2. Demonstrate that lack 3. Explain why
  • 30. The path A short story, a book , design patterns, and Djikstra
  • 31. Structured Programming &quot;Go to statement considered harmful” Edsger W. Dijkstra,1968 Letter to the editor, Communications of the ACM , Volume 11, Issue 3 (March 1968)
  • 32. Structured Programming We are talking about Routines! (or procedures, or functions, or methods) being controversial. Along with 'if', 'while', and 'switch' statements
  • 33. The controversy went on for a while &quot;GOTO Considered Harmful&quot; Considered Harmful Frank Rubin, 1987 Communications of the ACM, Vol. 30, No. 3. (March 1987), pp. 195-196.
  • 34. With Structured Programming def hyp(x, y) : return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) >> hyp(3, 4) 5
  • 35. What if Structured Programming wasn't built in? You can do Structure Programming with our built in stack and 'call' primitives! def hyp : push(pop()**2 + pop()**2) call math.sqrt return >> push(3) >> push(4) >> call hyp >> pop() 5
  • 36. Patterns and Primitives Pattern Language Feature Primitives Model
  • 37. Some Concurrency Patterns listed on Wikipedia Lock Monitor Object Reactor Thread pool Thread-specific storage These you will see on comp.lang.python
  • 38. Some Concurrency Patterns listed on Wikipedia Lock Monitor Object Reactor Thread pool Thread-specific storage These you will see on comp.lang.python
  • 39. Patterns and Primitives Threadpool (Pattern) Language Feature Threads + queue + lock (Primitives) Concurrency (Model)
  • 40. “ Just” use threads Threading is not a model Threading is a primitive, along with locks, transactional memory, etc.
  • 41. What are the concurrency models? Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
  • 42. Actors The difference is only in 'what' is concurrent
  • 43. CSP Model Based on CSP by C.A.R. Hoare.
  • 44. An actual model for processes
  • 45. All code is written single threaded
  • 48. Sieve of Eratosthenes N 2 3 5 7 11 13
  • 49. CSP – Stackless – Primes import stackless def generate(ch): for i in range(2, 1000): ch.send(i) def pfilter(chin, chout, p): for i in chin: if i % p != 0: chout.send(i) def primes(chin): while 1: prime = chin.receive() print prime chout = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(pfilter)(chin, chout, prime) chin = chout c = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(generate)(c) stackless.tasklet(primes)(c) stackless.run()
  • 50. CSP – Stackless – Primes import stackless def generate(ch): for i in range(2, 1000): ch.send(i) def pfilter(chin, chout, p): for i in chin: if i % p != 0: chout.send(i) def primes(chin): while 1: prime = chin.receive() print prime chout = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(pfilter)(chin, chout, prime) chin = chout c = stackless.channel() stackless.tasklet(generate)(c) stackless.tasklet(primes)(c) stackless.run() N 2 P n P n+1
  • 51. CSP – Go – Primes func generate(ch chan int) { for i := 2; ; i++ { ch <- i } // Send 'i' to channel 'ch'. } func filter(in, out chan int, prime int) { for { i := <-in // Receive 'i' from 'in'. if i % prime != 0 { out <- i } // Send 'i' to 'out'. } } func main() { ch := make(chan int) // Create a new channel. go generate(ch) // Start generate() as a goroutine. for { prime := <-ch fmt.Println(prime) ch1 := make(chan int) go filter(ch, ch1, prime) ch = ch1 } } N 2 P n P n+1
  • 52. CSP An implementation could use: Threads
  • 53. Locks
  • 55. Actor Model Objects are concurrent
  • 56. Objects send, and respond to messages
  • 57. All code is written single threaded Note that the 'channels' are implicit
  • 58. Actors – IO – Primes Filter := Object clone Filter init := method(p, self prime := p self next := nil self ) Filter number := method(n, r := n % prime; if (r != 0, if (self next == nil, n println; next = self clone init(n) ) next @ number(n); yield ) ) Filter init(2) for (i, 2, 1000, Filter number(i); yield ) N 2 P n P n+1
  • 59. The path A short story, a book , design patterns, and Djikstra
  • 60. Further Reading http://golang.org http://www.iolanguage.com/ http://www.stackless.com/ Things not mentioned Futures
  • 62. REST, MapReduce and other share-nothing architectures
  • 63. My Goal Every time you use a concurrency pattern you remember the lack of affordances , and it proves sufficiently irritating . The short story , the book , and design patterns .