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Threat Modeling the CI/CD
Pipeline to Improve Software
Supply Chain Security
Dan Cornell
CTO, Denim Group
• Risk Exposure from Software Build Pipeline
• Constituents and Stakeholders
• Drivers for Change
• Threat Modeling Overview
• Supporting Infrastructure
• Pipeline Threat Model
• Using the Threat Model
• Questions
Notable Incidents
• SolarWinds
• Compromised server in build infrastructure
• CodeCov
• Compromised container server
• Potentially spawning Executive Order, other government activity
Fundamental Disconnect
• We have developed tremendous tooling and automation that allows
us to create secure, reliable software at a scale not previously
• The way we deploy and deliver this tooling puts us in a situation
where we can't actually trust anything that comes out of it
• Oops
Fractal Attack Surface
The closer you look, the more you find
Confidentiality Impact
• IP disclosure
• Leaked secrets
• Vulnerability disclosure
Integrity Impact
• Backdoors
• Other unwanted behaviors
• Compromised cryptography
Availability Impact
• Development pipeline infrastructure is hyper-connected
• Release delays
• Absence or misbehavior of supporting services
Threat Modeling Overview
• Full overview beyond the scope of this talk
• Some background for reference
• https://www.denimgroup.com/resources/blog/2014/07/modeling-builders-breakers/
• Let's learn as we go
Supporting Infrastructure
• Fixed assets vs ephemeral assets
• Scanning/patching regimen
• Who is responsible for this infrastructure?
• "Corporate" or a DevOps team?
The Perimeter is the Problem
• Critical part of threat modeling process – what is in/what is out?
• For modern CI/CD pipelines: turns out to be maddeningly hard
(impossible) to determine the boundary
• Many steps with lots of moving parts
• Dynamic attack surface: tomorrow may be different than today
• DevOps team members can often add stages/tools/elements with minimal supervision
• Fractal complexity
• Approach: Start with code commit and follow the workflow
Example CI/CD Pipeline Dataflow
General/Overarching Concerns
• Lots of network traffic
• Protect with TLS to guard Confidentiality, Integrity
• Lots of authentication points / IAM concerns
• Often multiple methods/avenues per system: interactive + API (+ other?)
• User <-> System
• System <-> System
• Is there a comprehensive IAM paradigm in place, or a combination of
overlapping approaches?
General/Overarching Concerns
• Data storage concerns
• How is data at rest protected? (Especially file/block storage)
• What are your unknown-unknowns
• External services and provides that are (generally) unknown but part of the
• Any developer with a GitHub account is now their own purchasing agent
Source Repository and Workflow Engine
Source Repository and Workflow Engine
• Sources of (custom) code
• In-house developers
• 3rd party development teams
• Likely different risk profiles
• Do contributions go through different workflows?
Source Repository and Workflow Engine
• Authentication
• Developers authenticating to push/pull code
• Developers authenticating to evaluate/approve merge requests
• External system API access
• Webhooks
• Additionally for Hosted Repositories/Workflows
• GitHub: Apps and Actions
• GitLab: Integrations
• Both: External collaborators
Open Source Component Management
Open Source Component Management
• Are you:
• Directly pulling from Central repositories
• Proxying requests through a Remote repository
• Ability to enforce policies
• Known security vulnerabilities in open source components
• License restrictions on open source components
Open Source Backdoor Concerns
• PHP example
• https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/hackers-backdoor-php-source-code-after-breaching-internal-git-server/
• Linux kernel example
• https://www.techrepublic.com/article/linux-kernel-security-uproar-what-some-people-missed/
• Not realistic to detect
• Maintainers don't even have the bandwidth
• Have to be able to respond
• Pulling from Remote vs directly from Central
• Policies on acceptable (and unacceptable) versions
Build Management
Build Management
• Combining source code and open source components to create a new
• How often run:
• Every merge request
• Accepted merge requests
• Specific branches/tags
• Maven plugins – yet another source of code you can't trust that runs
in your environment!
Automated Testing
Automated Testing
• Most common types of testing:
• Unit testing
• Acceptance testing
• Other common analysis:
• Code quality ("smells")
• Code metrics (complexity, etc)
• Code coverage
Automated Testing: Security Testing
• What is being analyzed: source or binary
• For a given language: is "binary" even a thing?
• Where is the analysis being performed: on-network, in the cloud
• Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud
• Where is the server being tested: on-network, in the cloud
• Where is the test traffic being generated: on-network, in the cloud, proxied
• Where are the results being storoed: on-network, in the cloud
Automated Testing: Security Testing (cont'd)
• Where is the server being tested: on-network, in the cloud
• Where is the test traffic being generated: on-network, in the cloud,
proxied onto-network
• Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud
• Where is the analysis being performed: on-network, in the cloud
• Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud
Security Testing and Backdoors
• Best backdoor: Normal-looking security vulnerability
• "Oops, sorry I introduced that [SQL injection|missing auth check|etc]
• Other types of backdoor detection
• Static analysis – see the theoretical behavior of the application
• Look for suspicious behavior patterns
• References:
• https://www.acsac.org/2007/workshop/Wysopal.pdf
• https://www.veracode.com/sites/default/files/Resources/Whitepapers/static-detection-of-
• https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/Protecting_the_Enterprise_-_Software_Backdoors.pdf
• https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/Protecting_Your_Applications_From_Backdoors.pdf
Software Packaging and Distribution
Software Packaging
• Monolithic applications vs. Microservice applications
• Application binary vs. Application binaries combined with containers
• Source container management is very similar to open source
component management
• Code signing is important
• But signed malicious/vulnerable code is still malicious/vulnerable code
Software Distribution
• Now the software should be ready too distribute to customers
• Internal
• External
• How is the software distributed?
• Binary
• Binary + Container
• Binaries + Containers + orchestration
• How are builds verified?
• Checksums
Two Exercises
• Passive: Grab netflow data from your build environment and see
what it talks to
• Active: Follow code change from checkout to release
• Spoiler alert: the active exercise where I engaged the development
team was more productive
Reviewing Netflow Data
• Pull netflow logs from network where development infrastructure is hosted
• Look at what the build infrastructure talks to
• Code repositories
• Open source component repositories
• Testing services
• Other services <- Area of concern
• Container repositories
• In practice
• Identified some interesting communications
• "Expensive" to run down results
• "High" false positive rate
Netflow Data Review
[Run through cleaned up data from build infrastructure netflow review]
Follow a Code Change
• Change code
• Check out code (and make changes)
• Create merge request
• Review merge request
• Run build
• Pull code
• Pull open source components
• Automated testing
• Unit tests
• Acceptance tests
• Security tests
• Other tests
• Accept build
• Push to distribution
• Distribute software
Questions to ask at each stage
• How does this user/system authenticate to
the next step
• Where is the server/service that performs this
• Where possible: show, don't tell
• Look at the UI developers look at
• Ask questions about where data comes from
GitLab Walkthrough
Jenkins Walkthrough
GitHub Walkthrough
Parallel Build Pipelines
• Have two or more separate, parallel build pipelines
• Compare artifacts at the end
• Goal is to force attackers to compromise multiple pathways
• Best way to get budget for this is to have a public breach of epic
proportions and suggest that your successor try it out
• How do you compare the outputs from multiple toolchains?
• Compare SBOM
• Asset enumeration
• Reverse engineering
• Live/behaviral testing
Using the Threat Model
• Identify gaps in your own pipeline security
• What can you shore up?
• What do you have to live with?
• How do you respond to incidents?
• Have meaningful conversations with suppliers of your software
• Understand their practices
• Push for change – vote with your wallet
• Be better able to detect malicious behavior
Vendor Management

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Threat Modeling the CI/CD Pipeline to Improve Software Supply Chain Security (Raw Slides)

  • 1. Threat Modeling the CI/CD Pipeline to Improve Software Supply Chain Security Dan Cornell CTO, Denim Group
  • 2. Agenda • Risk Exposure from Software Build Pipeline • Constituents and Stakeholders • Drivers for Change • Threat Modeling Overview • Supporting Infrastructure • Pipeline Threat Model • Using the Threat Model • Questions
  • 3. Notable Incidents • SolarWinds • Compromised server in build infrastructure • CodeCov • Compromised container server • Potentially spawning Executive Order, other government activity
  • 4. Fundamental Disconnect • We have developed tremendous tooling and automation that allows us to create secure, reliable software at a scale not previously considered • The way we deploy and deliver this tooling puts us in a situation where we can't actually trust anything that comes out of it • Oops
  • 5. Fractal Attack Surface The closer you look, the more you find
  • 6. Confidentiality Impact • IP disclosure • Leaked secrets • Vulnerability disclosure
  • 7. Integrity Impact • Backdoors • Other unwanted behaviors • Compromised cryptography
  • 8. Availability Impact • Development pipeline infrastructure is hyper-connected • Release delays • Absence or misbehavior of supporting services
  • 9. Threat Modeling Overview • Full overview beyond the scope of this talk • Some background for reference • https://www.denimgroup.com/resources/blog/2014/07/modeling-builders-breakers/ • Let's learn as we go
  • 10. Supporting Infrastructure • Fixed assets vs ephemeral assets • Scanning/patching regimen • Who is responsible for this infrastructure? • "Corporate" or a DevOps team?
  • 11. The Perimeter is the Problem • Critical part of threat modeling process – what is in/what is out? • For modern CI/CD pipelines: turns out to be maddeningly hard (impossible) to determine the boundary • Many steps with lots of moving parts • Dynamic attack surface: tomorrow may be different than today • DevOps team members can often add stages/tools/elements with minimal supervision • Fractal complexity • Approach: Start with code commit and follow the workflow
  • 13. General/Overarching Concerns • Lots of network traffic • Protect with TLS to guard Confidentiality, Integrity • Lots of authentication points / IAM concerns • Often multiple methods/avenues per system: interactive + API (+ other?) • User <-> System • System <-> System • Is there a comprehensive IAM paradigm in place, or a combination of overlapping approaches?
  • 14. General/Overarching Concerns • Data storage concerns • How is data at rest protected? (Especially file/block storage) • What are your unknown-unknowns • External services and provides that are (generally) unknown but part of the process • Any developer with a GitHub account is now their own purchasing agent
  • 15. Source Repository and Workflow Engine
  • 16. Source Repository and Workflow Engine • Sources of (custom) code • In-house developers • 3rd party development teams • Likely different risk profiles • Do contributions go through different workflows?
  • 17. Source Repository and Workflow Engine • Authentication • Developers authenticating to push/pull code • Developers authenticating to evaluate/approve merge requests • External system API access • Webhooks • Additionally for Hosted Repositories/Workflows • GitHub: Apps and Actions • GitLab: Integrations • Both: External collaborators
  • 18. Open Source Component Management
  • 19. Open Source Component Management • Are you: • Directly pulling from Central repositories • Proxying requests through a Remote repository • Ability to enforce policies • Known security vulnerabilities in open source components • License restrictions on open source components
  • 20. Open Source Backdoor Concerns • PHP example • https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/hackers-backdoor-php-source-code-after-breaching-internal-git-server/ • Linux kernel example • https://www.techrepublic.com/article/linux-kernel-security-uproar-what-some-people-missed/ • Not realistic to detect • Maintainers don't even have the bandwidth • Have to be able to respond • Pulling from Remote vs directly from Central • Policies on acceptable (and unacceptable) versions
  • 22. Build Management • Combining source code and open source components to create a new build • How often run: • Every merge request • Accepted merge requests • Specific branches/tags • Maven plugins – yet another source of code you can't trust that runs in your environment!
  • 24. Automated Testing • Most common types of testing: • Unit testing • Acceptance testing • Other common analysis: • Code quality ("smells") • Code metrics (complexity, etc) • Code coverage
  • 25. Automated Testing: Security Testing • SAST • What is being analyzed: source or binary • For a given language: is "binary" even a thing? • Where is the analysis being performed: on-network, in the cloud • Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud • DAST • Where is the server being tested: on-network, in the cloud • Where is the test traffic being generated: on-network, in the cloud, proxied onto-network • Where are the results being storoed: on-network, in the cloud
  • 26. Automated Testing: Security Testing (cont'd) • IAST • Where is the server being tested: on-network, in the cloud • Where is the test traffic being generated: on-network, in the cloud, proxied onto-network • Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud • SCA • Where is the analysis being performed: on-network, in the cloud • Where are the results being stored: on-network, in the cloud
  • 27. Security Testing and Backdoors • Best backdoor: Normal-looking security vulnerability • "Oops, sorry I introduced that [SQL injection|missing auth check|etc] • Other types of backdoor detection • Static analysis – see the theoretical behavior of the application • Look for suspicious behavior patterns • References: • https://www.acsac.org/2007/workshop/Wysopal.pdf • https://www.veracode.com/sites/default/files/Resources/Whitepapers/static-detection-of- backdoors-1.0.pdf • https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/Protecting_the_Enterprise_-_Software_Backdoors.pdf • https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/Protecting_Your_Applications_From_Backdoors.pdf
  • 28. Software Packaging and Distribution
  • 29. Software Packaging • Monolithic applications vs. Microservice applications • Application binary vs. Application binaries combined with containers • Source container management is very similar to open source component management • Code signing is important • But signed malicious/vulnerable code is still malicious/vulnerable code
  • 30. Software Distribution • Now the software should be ready too distribute to customers • Internal • External • How is the software distributed? • Binary • Binary + Container • Binaries + Containers + orchestration • How are builds verified? • Checksums
  • 31. Two Exercises • Passive: Grab netflow data from your build environment and see what it talks to • Active: Follow code change from checkout to release • Spoiler alert: the active exercise where I engaged the development team was more productive
  • 32. Reviewing Netflow Data • Pull netflow logs from network where development infrastructure is hosted • Look at what the build infrastructure talks to • Code repositories • Open source component repositories • Testing services • Other services <- Area of concern • Container repositories • In practice • Identified some interesting communications • "Expensive" to run down results • "High" false positive rate
  • 33. Netflow Data Review [Run through cleaned up data from build infrastructure netflow review]
  • 34. Follow a Code Change • Change code • Check out code (and make changes) • Create merge request • Review merge request • Run build • Pull code • Pull open source components • Automated testing • Unit tests • Acceptance tests • Security tests • Other tests • Accept build • Push to distribution • Distribute software Questions to ask at each stage • How does this user/system authenticate to the next step • Where is the server/service that performs this step • Where possible: show, don't tell • Look at the UI developers look at • Ask questions about where data comes from
  • 38. Parallel Build Pipelines • Have two or more separate, parallel build pipelines • Compare artifacts at the end • Goal is to force attackers to compromise multiple pathways • Best way to get budget for this is to have a public breach of epic proportions and suggest that your successor try it out • How do you compare the outputs from multiple toolchains? • Compare SBOM • Asset enumeration • Reverse engineering • Live/behaviral testing
  • 39. Using the Threat Model • Identify gaps in your own pipeline security • What can you shore up? • What do you have to live with? • How do you respond to incidents? • Have meaningful conversations with suppliers of your software • Understand their practices • Push for change – vote with your wallet • Be better able to detect malicious behavior