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Time Management
          bbyby Margaret H. Protheroy Mar
by Associate Professor Margaret H. Prothero, SBCC
Do any of these things happen
to you...?
Do any of these things happen
to you...?
 come to class late

 ask to leave class early
 miss class for reasons other than being ill

 turn assignments in late

              ld          yo ur
           ou         of
 do not turn assignments in at all

       e c        se
   es           ru
 panic before midterms and finals

th          tte
 start an assignment the night before it’s due

         be         IM  E
 come to class unprepared

 w  it h        e:T        T!
 frantically complete homework right before class, or during class

            im         t         EN
 have unpaid parking tickets or bills

 get easily distracted when trying to accomplish tasks

 drop a class because you are too far behind to catch up

 take on too much to do during a semester

 prioritize social events over getting work done
 do the work for one class, but not for another
 don’t know how you’re doing in a class
 not sure what your assignments are, or when they’re due
Time Management Lesson
Are your goals realistic?
 Often, SBCC students set very high goals for themselves:
 full class load, job, sports, social life, family responsibilities...

 It may not be possible to do it all during the 16 week semester

 What are your most important goals for the semester?

 (And, what are you willing to give up for the time being?...)

 Are you prepared to make choices that match your goals?
Using your goals to help you
make decisions:
Using your goals to help you
make decisions:
 Let’s say this is a student’s
 number one goal:
 “do well in school to transfer   see a late movie          get a good
 into the nursing program”          with friends           night’s sleep
                                                            work on an
 Which choices will help this      go to a party
 student meet this goal and
                                                         go to instructor’s office
                                    struggle through
 which choices will keep the      confusing assignment
                                                           hours or arrange to
                                                            work with a tutor
 student from meeting this
                                     clean the            read textbook
 goal?                                kitchen              assignment
Assignment One:

go to the following website
                                          Goals/Objectives Worksheet
and fill out the form on
“goals and priorities.”
Make a printout of your
completed work to turn in
at our next class.
(click on the purple link to the right
to go to the website, then return here.
You may need to click to begin again)
Procrastination:                   Listen to this poem on procrastination by Shel Silverstein.

Procrastination is putting something off or delaying something
until the last minute.
Examples: waiting until the night before to write a paper, “cramming” for an exam, having late fees from not paying your
bills on time, having a warrant out for your arrest from unpaid parking tickets...

Some possible causes or reasons for why we procrastinate:
    1. perfectionism (wanting everything to be perfect)
    wanting it to be so good that the tasks becomes overwhelming and scary

    2. fear of failure
    think about it: if you want until the last minute to write a paper, and you get a “C-” on it, you can always blame it on
    that your wrote it at 3am. But, if you really work your hardest on it, and still get a “C-” you have to come face to face
    with your true level of ability. In order to avoid knowing just how good or bad we are at something, we procrastinate so
    as never to feel like a “failure.”

                                           Which one of these is the reason why
    3. disliking the task
    just don’t want to do it               she wouldn’t take the garbage out?...
                                                                3. disliking the task
Analyzing your time:
Analyzing your time:
How you spend your time should reflect what your goals and
priorities are.
For instance, if your goal is to become a champion swimmer, a majority of your time in
your schedule should be filled with practice time, gym time, etc.

Do the worksheets on “24 hours in a Day” and “The Week”
to see where your time goes. Does it reflect your priorities
and goals, or do you need to adjust how you’re spending
your time? Remember to print out your completed pages and turn
them in at our next class to receive credit for this assignment.
Managing your Life:
Managing your Life:
When people imagine the semester, they are usually very
positive about how it will go, “It will be great!”
   However, things go wrong in life. You might get sick. Something may go
  wrong at work. Your roommate may decide to go home to Canada. You could
  even need stitches in your thumb (happened to me last semester!)
  The point is, what will you do when things go wrong?

How will you be okay and get through the semester when
things go wrong? What’s your “backup” plan?

How will you handle the STRESS and fatigue when things get
hard and really difficult? What’s your plan for reducing stress?
Managing your Stress:
Managing your Stress:
Stress can become a serious condition that can result in many
various health symptoms. Here are some ways to manage
your stress, when things get really hard during the semester:

  manage your time effectively, so you can feel in control and not get too
  overwhelmed with work
  eliminate stressors whenever possible
  review your accomplishments - see how far you’ve come
  get advice or help from knowledgeable people
  get physical exercise, which relieves tension and helps relaxation
  eat nutritious meals (it’s tempting to eat what’s easy, but good food will help you
  concentrate and will help you feel better, too.)
  get enough sleep
the end.

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Time Management Lesson

  • 1. Time Management bbyby Margaret H. Protheroy Mar by Associate Professor Margaret H. Prothero, SBCC
  • 2. Do any of these things happen to you...?
  • 3. Do any of these things happen to you...? ed come to class late so ask to leave class early lv re miss class for reasons other than being ill be turn assignments in late ld yo ur ou of do not turn assignments in at all e c se es ru panic before midterms and finals th tte start an assignment the night before it’s due be IM E come to class unprepared w it h e:T T! frantically complete homework right before class, or during class im t EN have unpaid parking tickets or bills EM get easily distracted when trying to accomplish tasks AG drop a class because you are too far behind to catch up AN take on too much to do during a semester M prioritize social events over getting work done do the work for one class, but not for another don’t know how you’re doing in a class not sure what your assignments are, or when they’re due
  • 5. Are your goals realistic? Often, SBCC students set very high goals for themselves: full class load, job, sports, social life, family responsibilities... It may not be possible to do it all during the 16 week semester What are your most important goals for the semester? (And, what are you willing to give up for the time being?...) Are you prepared to make choices that match your goals?
  • 6. Using your goals to help you make decisions:
  • 7. Using your goals to help you make decisions: Let’s say this is a student’s CHOICES: number one goal: “do well in school to transfer see a late movie get a good into the nursing program” with friends night’s sleep work on an Which choices will help this go to a party essay student meet this goal and go to instructor’s office struggle through which choices will keep the confusing assignment hours or arrange to work with a tutor student from meeting this clean the read textbook goal? kitchen assignment
  • 8. Assignment One: DO THIS NOW: go to the following website Goals/Objectives Worksheet and fill out the form on “goals and priorities.” Make a printout of your completed work to turn in at our next class. (click on the purple link to the right to go to the website, then return here. You may need to click to begin again)
  • 10. Procrastination: Listen to this poem on procrastination by Shel Silverstein. Procrastination is putting something off or delaying something until the last minute. Examples: waiting until the night before to write a paper, “cramming” for an exam, having late fees from not paying your bills on time, having a warrant out for your arrest from unpaid parking tickets... Some possible causes or reasons for why we procrastinate: 1. perfectionism (wanting everything to be perfect) wanting it to be so good that the tasks becomes overwhelming and scary 2. fear of failure think about it: if you want until the last minute to write a paper, and you get a “C-” on it, you can always blame it on that your wrote it at 3am. But, if you really work your hardest on it, and still get a “C-” you have to come face to face with your true level of ability. In order to avoid knowing just how good or bad we are at something, we procrastinate so as never to feel like a “failure.” Which one of these is the reason why 3. disliking the task just don’t want to do it she wouldn’t take the garbage out?... 3. disliking the task
  • 12. Analyzing your time: How you spend your time should reflect what your goals and priorities are. For instance, if your goal is to become a champion swimmer, a majority of your time in your schedule should be filled with practice time, gym time, etc. Do the worksheets on “24 hours in a Day” and “The Week” to see where your time goes. Does it reflect your priorities and goals, or do you need to adjust how you’re spending your time? Remember to print out your completed pages and turn them in at our next class to receive credit for this assignment.
  • 14. Managing your Life: When people imagine the semester, they are usually very positive about how it will go, “It will be great!” However, things go wrong in life. You might get sick. Something may go wrong at work. Your roommate may decide to go home to Canada. You could even need stitches in your thumb (happened to me last semester!) The point is, what will you do when things go wrong? How will you be okay and get through the semester when things go wrong? What’s your “backup” plan? How will you handle the STRESS and fatigue when things get hard and really difficult? What’s your plan for reducing stress?
  • 16. Managing your Stress: Stress can become a serious condition that can result in many various health symptoms. Here are some ways to manage your stress, when things get really hard during the semester: manage your time effectively, so you can feel in control and not get too overwhelmed with work eliminate stressors whenever possible review your accomplishments - see how far you’ve come get advice or help from knowledgeable people get physical exercise, which relieves tension and helps relaxation eat nutritious meals (it’s tempting to eat what’s easy, but good food will help you concentrate and will help you feel better, too.) get enough sleep