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TL-I Groundnut Breeding Status
         Report, Tanzania – May 2012
O.Mponda, E. Monyo, E. Kafiriti, J. Mfaume, H. Daudi, P. Mashamba

    Presented at Annual Meeting - Tropical Legumes I-
     Phase 2 Generation Challenge Programme 7-11
            May 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Research Team at Naliendele, Tanzania
•   Dr. O. Mponda –Principal Collaborator, Lead Scientist and Zonal Res Coord
•   Dr. Elly Kafiriti – Agronomist and Zonal Director
•   Philipo Mashamba – MSc student under TL1
•   Juma Mfaume – Breeder ( MSc TL-II support)
•   Happy Daudi – MSc student under COSTECH – Government support
•   Athanas Minja – MSc student under McKnight CCRP Support
•   Joseph Nzunda – Agronomist (BSc)
•   Joane Kasuga – PAFO - Pathology
•   Charles Mkandawile – PAFO - Breeding
•   David Ndolelwa – AFO – Breeding

• Support staff
• Masud Rashid - Driver

• Collaborators – Sister NARS Ukiriguru, Tumbi, Selian, Makutopora
• District Councils – Extension officers and farmers
Oilseeds and Grain Legumes Research
 Programme/Projects activities – NARI Tanzania
• Phase II-Tropical Legumes I – Groundnut Molecular Breeding
• Phase II-Tropical legumes II – Groundnut Breeding and seed
  systems project.
• Phase II Mcknight CCRP Groundnut Breeding and aflatoxin
  project TZ and MW
   – Innovative Communication Media and Methods – ICMM Project TZ
     and MW
• Mcknight CCRP Bambara Research Project TZ,MW and MZ
• African Dry land Alliance for Plant Pesticides Technologies
  (ADAPPT)- 8 countries in Africa
• EU 9th EDF- funded ICART –SADC Sesame Project
Groundnut Research History in
• Groundnut research in Tanzania was started in early
  1950s, at Nachingwea and Kongwa to support the then
  Overseas Food Corporation (OFC) groundnut scheme
  after WWII
• Groundnut scheme failed in late 1950s and at
  Nachingwea added crop research on soybean, sesame
• After independence in 1961 to 1970s research on
  groundnuts lacked cohesion
• In 1978 Oilseeds research Project was started and
  included groundnuts, sesame and sunflower.
• 11 varieties of groundnuts have been released to date
Groundnut producing regions in
Groundnuts Production-Tanzania

Cropped     Production Av.
Area (2008- (2008-10 Yield (2008- Potential     Realizable   Yield Gap
10 avg)     avg)       10 avg) (A) yield (B)    Yield (C)    (C-A)
million ha tonnes      Kg/Ha       Kg/Ha        Kg/Ha        Kg/Ha

      0.54       0.39 721.38            3,000        1500 778.62
Groundnuts Crop yields kg/ha (FAOSTAT 2009)




















Key constraints
Constraint    Groundnuts
Abiotic       Drought, poor soil fertility, poor agronomic
Biotic        Rosette , rust , Early Leaf Spots, Late Leaf Spots,
              Groundnut hopper – Hilda patruelis
Socio-Econ    Seed availability, Aflatoxin contamination,
              Inadequate value addition and agro-processing
              activities ,

              Inadequate extension officers for
TLI Groundnut Breeding visitors
              Tanzania 2011-12
• International
• Dr Xavier Delannay visited Naliendele in Dec 2011 to follow up irrigation
  system and held discussion with Agro-Rain Contractors.
• Dr. E. Monyo visited Naliendele in December 2011and February 2012
• Dr. Hannibal Muhtar AGRICON International Inc. visited Naliendele on 25-
  28 March 2012 to follow-up irrigation system

• National Government Officials
• Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture
• Director of research and Development MAFSC
• COSTECH Supporting funds for seed production 10 block – BOQ in and
  tendering progress
• M and E Team from the Ministry
• Media TBC
TLI trials 2011-12

Trial                   Sites
Rust phenotyping        Naliendele
phenotyping for         Naliendele
PVS trials TLI limked to Southern – Masasi and
TL-II (ELS, Rust, Rosette Nanyumbu
TLI 2012: Groundnut breeding - Tanzania
Data sets
•   Phenotyping for rust – at the station
•   Phenotyping for rosettes – at the station
•   On-station PVS – 3 sets at 2 sites:

• The trials planted in February they are maturity but not harvested.
• Disease score data completed 3 times
• Next Analysis of disease score data
• 2 years data will now be available from which we can conclude.

•   On-farm PVS – status
•   Disease score data collected
•   Some entries showing evidence of resistance
•   Resistance Vs pod/kernel size – market traits
New sources of resistance from
        Reference under PVS
• Rust: ICGV 02194, ICG 11426, ICGV
  01276, ICGV 02286, and ICG 02446
• Rosette: ICG 14705, ICG 13099, ICG 9449, and
  ICG 15405
• ELS in ESA; ICG 6022, ICG 405, ICG 14466, ICG
  6057, ICG 9449 and ICG 12509
Galaxy tablet - Comments

• Positive-You spend less time to organize data
  before analysis
• Negative - It has no simple way of making
  back- up in the field e.g. use of flash drive.
• Add comments: There are a lot of third part
  applications such us internet, but there not
  configured, thus able to access internet.
• Recommended for use
IB Field Books
• Still at learning stage
• Need more trainings
TL-I Infrastructure development/upgrading skills
                                  Irrigation system:
                                  Electric Power line to the breeding
                                  plot and then to the borehole.
                                  The Tanzania Government will
                                  support expansion of irrigation area -
                                  10 for Breeder seed multiplication –
                                  BOQ and tendering in progress

                               MSc.training - Mashamba Philipo - MSc
                               SUA since Sept 2011

                               2 Techn will receive training in Data quality
                               by June 2012

                                 Juma Mfaume trained in statistics
                                 by April 2012

                               Equipments: Portable weather station,
                               Leaf area meter, Spad Meter, screen house
                              Work area renovation, fridges, digital camera,
                              Laptop computer
TLI 2012: Groundnut breeding - Tanzania
   40 crosses introgressing        • Release new 5 vars in 2009
    new sources of, rust and          and identified new sources of
    GRD, drought resistance
    2010/11                           resistance to foliar diseases,
   28 crosses made
    introgressing drought and       • Researchers and technicians
    aflatoxin resistance 2011-12      trained -Viable succession plan
   F1 from these crosses are         built within the programme
    being advanced F2 …
   300 genotypes Reference         • Program activities executed
    set evaluated for rust and (2     efficiently and timely – no
    years data)
                                      delays in fund disbursements
   F4 SPS 2010 Reference
    collection evaluated
    rosette                         • Irrigation system coming to
   132 varieties evaluated for       completion
    yield and adaptability and
    farmer market traits (18 sets
    of trials)
• Irrigation system delays- General
  now being finalized       • Inadequate support for
• Inadequate computers-       value addition and agro-
  Old computers,              processing activities in
• Inadequate transport –      the groundnut growing
  Only McKnight CCRP          regions – Demand Pull
  vehicle in use.           • Inadequate extension
• Inadequate research         officers for
  funds                       groundnuts/legumes
• We greatly acknowledge TL-I GCP and ICRISAT
  for their support
Thank you

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TLI 2012: Groundnut breeding - Tanzania

  • 1. TL-I Groundnut Breeding Status Report, Tanzania – May 2012 O.Mponda, E. Monyo, E. Kafiriti, J. Mfaume, H. Daudi, P. Mashamba Presented at Annual Meeting - Tropical Legumes I- Phase 2 Generation Challenge Programme 7-11 May 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • 2. Research Team at Naliendele, Tanzania • Dr. O. Mponda –Principal Collaborator, Lead Scientist and Zonal Res Coord • Dr. Elly Kafiriti – Agronomist and Zonal Director • Philipo Mashamba – MSc student under TL1 • Juma Mfaume – Breeder ( MSc TL-II support) • Happy Daudi – MSc student under COSTECH – Government support • Athanas Minja – MSc student under McKnight CCRP Support • Joseph Nzunda – Agronomist (BSc) • Joane Kasuga – PAFO - Pathology • Charles Mkandawile – PAFO - Breeding • David Ndolelwa – AFO – Breeding • Support staff • Masud Rashid - Driver • Collaborators – Sister NARS Ukiriguru, Tumbi, Selian, Makutopora • District Councils – Extension officers and farmers
  • 3. Oilseeds and Grain Legumes Research Programme/Projects activities – NARI Tanzania • Phase II-Tropical Legumes I – Groundnut Molecular Breeding • Phase II-Tropical legumes II – Groundnut Breeding and seed systems project. • Phase II Mcknight CCRP Groundnut Breeding and aflatoxin project TZ and MW – Innovative Communication Media and Methods – ICMM Project TZ and MW • Mcknight CCRP Bambara Research Project TZ,MW and MZ • African Dry land Alliance for Plant Pesticides Technologies (ADAPPT)- 8 countries in Africa • EU 9th EDF- funded ICART –SADC Sesame Project
  • 4. Groundnut Research History in Tanzania • Groundnut research in Tanzania was started in early 1950s, at Nachingwea and Kongwa to support the then Overseas Food Corporation (OFC) groundnut scheme after WWII • Groundnut scheme failed in late 1950s and at Nachingwea added crop research on soybean, sesame • After independence in 1961 to 1970s research on groundnuts lacked cohesion • In 1978 Oilseeds research Project was started and included groundnuts, sesame and sunflower. • 11 varieties of groundnuts have been released to date
  • 6. Groundnuts Production-Tanzania Cropped Production Av. Area (2008- (2008-10 Yield (2008- Potential Realizable Yield Gap 10 avg) avg) 10 avg) (A) yield (B) Yield (C) (C-A) million million ha tonnes Kg/Ha Kg/Ha Kg/Ha Kg/Ha 0.54 0.39 721.38 3,000 1500 778.62
  • 7. Groundnuts Crop yields kg/ha (FAOSTAT 2009) 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
  • 8. Key constraints Constraint Groundnuts Abiotic Drought, poor soil fertility, poor agronomic practices Biotic Rosette , rust , Early Leaf Spots, Late Leaf Spots, Groundnut hopper – Hilda patruelis Socio-Econ Seed availability, Aflatoxin contamination, Inadequate value addition and agro-processing activities , Inadequate extension officers for groundnuts/legumes
  • 9. TLI Groundnut Breeding visitors Tanzania 2011-12 • International • Dr Xavier Delannay visited Naliendele in Dec 2011 to follow up irrigation system and held discussion with Agro-Rain Contractors. • Dr. E. Monyo visited Naliendele in December 2011and February 2012 • Dr. Hannibal Muhtar AGRICON International Inc. visited Naliendele on 25- 28 March 2012 to follow-up irrigation system • National Government Officials • Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture • Director of research and Development MAFSC • COSTECH Supporting funds for seed production 10 block – BOQ in and tendering progress • M and E Team from the Ministry • Media TBC
  • 10. TLI trials 2011-12 Trial Sites Rust phenotyping Naliendele trial phenotyping for Naliendele rosette PVS trials TLI limked to Southern – Masasi and TL-II (ELS, Rust, Rosette Nanyumbu
  • 12. Data sets • Phenotyping for rust – at the station • Phenotyping for rosettes – at the station • On-station PVS – 3 sets at 2 sites: Status • The trials planted in February they are maturity but not harvested. • Disease score data completed 3 times • Next Analysis of disease score data • 2 years data will now be available from which we can conclude. • On-farm PVS – status • Disease score data collected • Some entries showing evidence of resistance • Resistance Vs pod/kernel size – market traits
  • 13. New sources of resistance from Reference under PVS • Rust: ICGV 02194, ICG 11426, ICGV 01276, ICGV 02286, and ICG 02446 • Rosette: ICG 14705, ICG 13099, ICG 9449, and ICG 15405 • ELS in ESA; ICG 6022, ICG 405, ICG 14466, ICG 6057, ICG 9449 and ICG 12509
  • 14. Galaxy tablet - Comments • Positive-You spend less time to organize data before analysis • Negative - It has no simple way of making back- up in the field e.g. use of flash drive. • Add comments: There are a lot of third part applications such us internet, but there not configured, thus able to access internet. • Recommended for use
  • 15. IB Field Books • Still at learning stage • Need more trainings
  • 16. TL-I Infrastructure development/upgrading skills Irrigation system: Electric Power line to the breeding plot and then to the borehole. The Tanzania Government will support expansion of irrigation area - 10 for Breeder seed multiplication – BOQ and tendering in progress MSc.training - Mashamba Philipo - MSc SUA since Sept 2011 2 Techn will receive training in Data quality by June 2012 Juma Mfaume trained in statistics by April 2012 Equipments: Portable weather station, Leaf area meter, Spad Meter, screen house Work area renovation, fridges, digital camera, Laptop computer
  • 18. Achievements  40 crosses introgressing • Release new 5 vars in 2009 new sources of, rust and and identified new sources of GRD, drought resistance 2010/11 resistance to foliar diseases,  28 crosses made introgressing drought and • Researchers and technicians aflatoxin resistance 2011-12 trained -Viable succession plan  F1 from these crosses are built within the programme being advanced F2 …  300 genotypes Reference • Program activities executed set evaluated for rust and (2 efficiently and timely – no years data) delays in fund disbursements  F4 SPS 2010 Reference collection evaluated rosette • Irrigation system coming to  132 varieties evaluated for completion yield and adaptability and farmer market traits (18 sets of trials)
  • 19. Challenges • Irrigation system delays- General now being finalized • Inadequate support for • Inadequate computers- value addition and agro- Old computers, processing activities in • Inadequate transport – the groundnut growing Only McKnight CCRP regions – Demand Pull vehicle in use. • Inadequate extension • Inadequate research officers for funds groundnuts/legumes
  • 20. Acknowledgements • We greatly acknowledge TL-I GCP and ICRISAT for their support