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Transformation Services

The Last Mile Family
                                     Diwakar Menon    Vallari Shah
• 23 years of experience in                                          • 20+ years of experience in Top
  leading large test                                                   10 consulting firms
  transformational programs                                          • Hands on delivery manager
• Set up and delivered end-to-                                         with design & architecture and
  end test programs for Fortune                                        program management
  500 customers                                                        expertise
• Quality practitioner and                                           • Managed end-to-end services
  speaker at industry leadership                                       and product portfolios

                                     Anil Balan      Jyoti Prabhu
• 20 years of experience in                                          • 15 years of experience in
  delivering end-to-end test                                           setting up and operationalising
  transformation programs                                              test Centers of Excellence
• Innovatively set up co-location                                    • Certified 6-Sigma Blackbelt with
  centers to enhance test velocity                                     focus on enhancing customer
• Experience across multiple                                           delight through cost and
  GEOs and varied sizes of                                             process optimisations
  engagements                                                        • Deep experience in NASSCOM
• Voted best for customer delight                                      top 4 organisations
  amongst delivery peers
Our Consulting Services
                                                     Specialist Test
                                        •   Testing practice assessments
                                        •   Test transformation consulting
                                        •   Test Automation Assessment & Roadmap
      Test Bid Management                   Performance & Security Test Assessments
                                        •                                                     Test Process Management
•   Bid Structuring                                                                       •   Process Maturity Assessment
•   Solutioning                                                                           •   Process Improvement Roadmap
•   Estimation                                                                            •   Process Change Management
•   Commercial Models & SLA/KPI                                                               People Change Management
    Definition                                    Consulting                              •

                                                                                                 Test Outsourcing
    Test Program Management
                                                                                      •   Vendor Assessment & Management
•   Program Organisation & Management                                                 •   Business Case Definition
•   Reporting & Oversight                                                             •   Outsourcing Model
•   Metrics & Analytics                                                               •   Improvement Assessment & Oversight
•   Automation Management
                                                Test Center Of Excellence
•   Business Case Definition                •   Test Organisation Set up
                                            •   Process Framework Set up
                                            •   Competency Evaluation & Mapping
                                            •   People Change Management
                                            •   Business Case Definition
Specialist Test Services
              Better Customer                 Quality                    Cost                   Reduce
Challenges      Experience                  Improvement              Optimization            Time to Market

                                                  Key Success Measures

                                              Test                  Test                 Performance &
             Testing Practise
What we do                              Transformation           Automation              Security Testing
                                          Consulting             Assessment                Consulting

                Current State                                                             Assess Non Functional
                                       Assess Key Challenges   Review Current Status
                  Analysis                                                                    Requirements

                                              Prioritize        Provide Strategy &
                SWOT/TOWS                                                                Identify focus areas/tools
                                        transformation goals        Roadmap

 Benefits                                  Transformation      Identify tools, predict
               Future Strategy                                                               Provide Strategy
                                        Planning & Education             ROI

                                 TPMI (Test Practice Maturity Index) & Maturity Roadmap

                                           Implementation Support (Optional)
Test Center of Excellence
                    Providing E2E Testing CoE Implementations
  Cost Challenges          Quality Challenges     Multiple Teams,     Resource Optimization
                                                  Diverse Practices        Challenges

       Assess                   Define               Build                 Operate

                                 CoE Setup Solution

      Test        Framework       Operational   Competency      Competency      Metrics &
  Organization     Definition      Process      Evaluation &   Development &     Success
                                                  Mapping       Certification   Measures

  Outcome Focus             People Focus        Standard Practises       Predictable Quality
Test Outsourcing Management
 Need to Optimize           Skill/Capability      Multiple Teams,         Lack of Visibility of
      Costs                   Challenges          Diverse Practices        Business Benefits

      Assess                    Define              Manage                      Track

                                 Outsourcing Management

    Vendor      Business Case    Operational   Right Shoring   Right Skilling     Performance
  Assessments    Definition      Management                                        Score Cards

  Outcome Focus            Framework             Risk Management                KPI’s & SLA’s
Test Process Management
 Need to Standardize      Need to define an     Need to right skill       Lack of Visibility of
    Operations             improvement               teams                 Business Benefits

       Assess                Define                   Manage                  Track

                               Test Process Management

    Maturity       Process Change       Improvement       People Change         Performance
  Assessments       Management            Roadmap          Management            Score Cards

   Improvement              Standards               Change                   Metrics Based
      Focus                Framework              Management                 Management
Test Program Management
     Multiple test           Lack of alignment to           Lack of         Lack of visbility of test
 engagements spread           business strategy        optimization and     progress and business
across different vendors                                 continuous               outcomes

        Assess                      Define               Manage                      Track

                                       Program Management

      Vendor        Business Case    Operational    Right Shoring   Right Skilling      Metrics &
  Rationalization    Definition      Management                                         Analytics

                         Program Management
  Outcome Focus               Framework                Risk Management               Metrics Driven
Test Bid Management
 Need to upscale your        Need to articulate          Need to right-      Need to estimate and
   service offerings       your solution benefits       shore and right-        manage risks
                                                       skill your offering

        Assess                     Define                 Manage                   Track

                                            Bid Management

  Bid Evaluation   Business Case      Solution      Bid Structuring   Commercial     Customer
                    Definition       Articulation                      Modeling     Interactions

                           E2E Bid Delivery              Collaborative
Customer Focus                                            Approach            Total Confidentiality
Test Competency Management
Need to align skills with service      Need to enhance skills with       Need objective
           offerings                             time                  assessment of skills

        Assess                   Define                   Manage                Track

                                         Skills Management

   Map Existing         Define Skill           Define             Assess         Institutionalise
    Skill Base           Targets             Competency        Performance     Competency Model

    Competency                         Quantitatively Driven                 Collaborative
      Focus                                                                   Approach
Our Methodology
               • Focus on the Test Process
Transforming   • Getting the Right Test Skills
    Test       • Leveraging the Right Test Technology

               • Minimization of Risk
               • Transparent Governance principles
Management     • Metrics and Analytics

               • Delivery of Test Benefits
               • Quantified Cost Savings
               • Maximizing RoI
The Last Mile Way

• Customer Centricity
    – Keeping the customer needs at the core of what we do

• Driven by leadership in thought
    – Change is never easy, rallying people around it is what we do

• Pragmatic Innovation
    – Focused on the parameters of customer delight, quality, time and cost

• Business outcome driven
    – The need to ensure that end outcomes are attained is what the journey is
Accelerated Learning Services
Why Last Mile
 The Last Mile - is the final leg of making that leap and usually, the one
 fraught with the biggest challenges. It is here that you garner all that
 which you have learnt before, hone it and accelerate towards the finish,
 with a desire to be the best!

 The Last Mile recognizes this need and
 seeks to help you to deliver to the
 expectations of the stakeholders in your
 career, your organization and its
Software Testing Industry Outlook
            Global Testing             Off-shored Testing                                Indian Testing
           Revenues in USD              Revenues in USD                                 Revenues in USD
               Billion                       Billion                                         Billion

  •     Traditional Services - Testing bundled with development process
  •     Independent Testing - Testing services provided by a team not part of the development team.
Source: NASSCOM FY-2010
Software Testing Industry Outlook

  Testing Workforce - 63000 with a
  growth of 1.9%

  Share in Total IT Employees ~6.3%

  CAGR growth of ~20 per cent over
  last 4 years
Source: NASSCOM FY-2010
The Last Mile Approach
Challenges as we see:
• Lack of industry led curriculum
• Knowledge & skill gap between industry demands and existing talent
• Less or minimal placement
• Impact to college ratings - placement driven
LMC' s Approach
• Blend the curriculum with corporate needs
• Integrate Technology & Domain Knowledge
• Build Academia - Industry Convergence
    –   to reduce skill gaps
    –   increase industry interaction to bridge gap between books & reality
    –   act as change enabler in student mindset- think like a manager
    –   expose to business models, economic demands & technological innovation
    –   inculcate corporate values & qualities like passion, integrity & commitment
• Focus on Knowledge Creators, not just Knowledge Disseminators
Our Learning Offerings
         • Training
             – Last Mile offers a suite of onsite, public and customized in-
               company training programs in Software Testing, Testing
               Methodologies, Quality Management, Software Engineering
               & Management and Soft skills with emphasis on domain

         • Certification
             – ISTQB
             – CSTE
             – CSTM etc.
The Last Mile Advantage
Partnering with TLM gives you the advantage of leveraging:

T: Testing expertise across domains

              Banking & Financial Services


L: Learning methodologies, tools and techniques

              Classroom                 eLearning   Case studies

M: Multi-faceted approach of understanding, learning that includes Soft skills,
Aptitude and Reasoning
E-mail: contactus@lastmileconsultants.com


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  • 2. The Last Mile Family Diwakar Menon Vallari Shah • 23 years of experience in • 20+ years of experience in Top leading large test 10 consulting firms transformational programs • Hands on delivery manager • Set up and delivered end-to- with design & architecture and end test programs for Fortune program management 500 customers expertise • Quality practitioner and • Managed end-to-end services speaker at industry leadership and product portfolios seminars Anil Balan Jyoti Prabhu • 20 years of experience in • 15 years of experience in delivering end-to-end test setting up and operationalising transformation programs test Centers of Excellence • Innovatively set up co-location • Certified 6-Sigma Blackbelt with centers to enhance test velocity focus on enhancing customer • Experience across multiple delight through cost and GEOs and varied sizes of process optimisations engagements • Deep experience in NASSCOM • Voted best for customer delight top 4 organisations amongst delivery peers
  • 3. Our Consulting Services Specialist Test Services • Testing practice assessments • Test transformation consulting • Test Automation Assessment & Roadmap Test Bid Management Performance & Security Test Assessments • Test Process Management • Bid Structuring • Process Maturity Assessment • Solutioning • Process Improvement Roadmap • Estimation • Process Change Management • Commercial Models & SLA/KPI People Change Management Definition Consulting • Services Test Outsourcing Test Program Management • Vendor Assessment & Management • Program Organisation & Management • Business Case Definition • Reporting & Oversight • Outsourcing Model • Metrics & Analytics • Improvement Assessment & Oversight • Automation Management Test Center Of Excellence • Business Case Definition • Test Organisation Set up • Process Framework Set up • Competency Evaluation & Mapping • People Change Management • Business Case Definition
  • 4. Specialist Test Services Better Customer Quality Cost Reduce Challenges Experience Improvement Optimization Time to Market Key Success Measures Test Test Performance & Testing Practise What we do Transformation Automation Security Testing Assessments Consulting Assessment Consulting Current State Assess Non Functional Assess Key Challenges Review Current Status Analysis Requirements Prioritize Provide Strategy & SWOT/TOWS Identify focus areas/tools transformation goals Roadmap Benefits Transformation Identify tools, predict Future Strategy Provide Strategy Planning & Education ROI TPMI (Test Practice Maturity Index) & Maturity Roadmap Implementation Support (Optional)
  • 5. Test Center of Excellence Providing E2E Testing CoE Implementations Cost Challenges Quality Challenges Multiple Teams, Resource Optimization Diverse Practices Challenges Assess Define Build Operate CoE Setup Solution Test Framework Operational Competency Competency Metrics & Organization Definition Process Evaluation & Development & Success Mapping Certification Measures Outcome Focus People Focus Standard Practises Predictable Quality
  • 6. Test Outsourcing Management Need to Optimize Skill/Capability Multiple Teams, Lack of Visibility of Costs Challenges Diverse Practices Business Benefits Assess Define Manage Track Outsourcing Management Vendor Business Case Operational Right Shoring Right Skilling Performance Assessments Definition Management Score Cards Outsourcing Outcome Focus Framework Risk Management KPI’s & SLA’s
  • 7. Test Process Management Need to Standardize Need to define an Need to right skill Lack of Visibility of Operations improvement teams Business Benefits roadmap Assess Define Manage Track Test Process Management Maturity Process Change Improvement People Change Performance Assessments Management Roadmap Management Score Cards Improvement Standards Change Metrics Based Focus Framework Management Management
  • 8. Test Program Management Multiple test Lack of alignment to Lack of Lack of visbility of test engagements spread business strategy optimization and progress and business across different vendors continuous outcomes improvement Assess Define Manage Track Program Management Vendor Business Case Operational Right Shoring Right Skilling Metrics & Rationalization Definition Management Analytics Program Management Outcome Focus Framework Risk Management Metrics Driven
  • 9. Test Bid Management Need to upscale your Need to articulate Need to right- Need to estimate and service offerings your solution benefits shore and right- manage risks skill your offering Assess Define Manage Track Bid Management Bid Evaluation Business Case Solution Bid Structuring Commercial Customer Definition Articulation Modeling Interactions E2E Bid Delivery Collaborative Customer Focus Approach Total Confidentiality
  • 10. Test Competency Management Need to align skills with service Need to enhance skills with Need objective offerings time assessment of skills Assess Define Manage Track Skills Management Map Existing Define Skill Define Assess Institutionalise Skill Base Targets Competency Performance Competency Model Roadmap Competency Quantitatively Driven Collaborative Focus Approach
  • 11. Our Methodology • Focus on the Test Process Transforming • Getting the Right Test Skills Test • Leveraging the Right Test Technology Engagement • Minimization of Risk • Transparent Governance principles Test Management • Metrics and Analytics • Delivery of Test Benefits • Quantified Cost Savings Test Services • Maximizing RoI
  • 12. The Last Mile Way • Customer Centricity – Keeping the customer needs at the core of what we do • Driven by leadership in thought – Change is never easy, rallying people around it is what we do • Pragmatic Innovation – Focused on the parameters of customer delight, quality, time and cost • Business outcome driven – The need to ensure that end outcomes are attained is what the journey is about
  • 14. Why Last Mile The Last Mile - is the final leg of making that leap and usually, the one fraught with the biggest challenges. It is here that you garner all that which you have learnt before, hone it and accelerate towards the finish, with a desire to be the best! The Last Mile recognizes this need and seeks to help you to deliver to the expectations of the stakeholders in your career, your organization and its customers.
  • 15. Software Testing Industry Outlook Global Testing Off-shored Testing Indian Testing Revenues in USD Revenues in USD Revenues in USD Billion Billion Billion • Traditional Services - Testing bundled with development process • Independent Testing - Testing services provided by a team not part of the development team. Source: NASSCOM FY-2010
  • 16. Software Testing Industry Outlook Testing Workforce - 63000 with a growth of 1.9% Share in Total IT Employees ~6.3% CAGR growth of ~20 per cent over last 4 years Source: NASSCOM FY-2010
  • 17. The Last Mile Approach Challenges as we see: • Lack of industry led curriculum • Knowledge & skill gap between industry demands and existing talent • Less or minimal placement • Impact to college ratings - placement driven LMC' s Approach • Blend the curriculum with corporate needs • Integrate Technology & Domain Knowledge • Build Academia - Industry Convergence – to reduce skill gaps – increase industry interaction to bridge gap between books & reality – act as change enabler in student mindset- think like a manager – expose to business models, economic demands & technological innovation – inculcate corporate values & qualities like passion, integrity & commitment • Focus on Knowledge Creators, not just Knowledge Disseminators
  • 18. Our Learning Offerings • Training – Last Mile offers a suite of onsite, public and customized in- company training programs in Software Testing, Testing Methodologies, Quality Management, Software Engineering & Management and Soft skills with emphasis on domain knowledge. • Certification – ISTQB – CSTE – CSTM etc.
  • 19. The Last Mile Advantage Partnering with TLM gives you the advantage of leveraging: T: Testing expertise across domains Telecom Banking & Financial Services Healthcare L: Learning methodologies, tools and techniques Classroom eLearning Case studies M: Multi-faceted approach of understanding, learning that includes Soft skills, Aptitude and Reasoning