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Top 10 Performance Tips for Making yo
Public Facing SharePoint 2010 Site Faste
Kanwal Khipple

    SharePoint Saturday Austin
Today: 11:10 am – 12:00 pm


Thank you for being a part of t
1st SharePoint Saturday Austin

Title Sponsors                  Announcements   Spon
Thanks to our Title Sponsors:
Thank you for being a part of t
1st SharePoint Saturday Austin

Announcements                     Sponsors               Title Spon
• Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate.
• If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not
  to disturb others.
• Open wireless access is available with no password
• Feel free to “tweet and blog” during the session




Kanwal Khipple
Kanwal Khipple

Personal                   Professional   Commun
•   Canadian, Eh!
•   Home – Toronto
•   Currently living in New Jersey
•   Bachelor of Mathematics
•   Proud Father of Paras

                                     SP      …
Kanwal Khipple

Professional                  Personal                    Commu
• Focus on User Experience – not design
• Delivered 25+ successful projects in the past 4 years
• Principal SharePoint Architect
• BrightStarr.com - Microsoft Gold Partner

                                    SP                       …
BrightStarr – Your SharePoint Partner of Choice

 One of the 1st Microsoft Digital Marketing Gold Partners

 BrightStarr was recently featured on http://sharepoint.microsoft.com


 1st non-Microsoft commercial public-facing website

 Built on SharePoint 2010

                                                         SP              …
Kanwal Khipple

Community                    Personal                 Profession
•   SharePoint MVP (2009, 2010, 2011 – Present)
•   Co-Founder & Organizer for SharePoint Saturday Toronto
•   Co Founder of Toronto SharePoint Business User Group
•   Love to travel; 80,000+ km in 2011
•   Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn

                                   SP                        …


SP   …
•   Plan for Success
•   Don’t be lazy
•   Dedicated Hardware
•   ALarM
•   Load Testing



Basics      Hardware           Software           Configurat
• Start with Hardware and Software Requirements
• Enable only those services that you require
• 16GB of RAM is a good start

                                SP                       …

Hardware            Software            Configuration   Ba
•   Start with two WFEs
•   Old Network? Invest for the long term
•   Use RAID5 for better read performance
•   Allocate dedicated disks for tempdb
•   Trim transaction logs

                                   SP                   …

Software          Configuration           Basics   Hardw
• Keep software up to date
• Test Service Packs and Cumulative Updates

                                 SP                  …

Configuration              Basics         Hardware       Softw
•   Configure Application Pool to recycle
•   Dedicated accounts
•   Leverage Caching (Page Output, Object, Disk Based)
•   Configure IIS for Static Compression
•   Configure HTTP Request Throttling
•   Dedicated Caching Accounts
•   Separate Search Scopes

                                    SP                    …

                9               9
Administrator       Developer

                6               6
SharePoint Buzz     Tools

Basics         Out of Box         Custom Code     Brandin
•   Dispose if an object implements iDisposable
•   Reduce hydration
•   Strip Unnecessary permissions
•   Client side code efficiency

                                    SP                …

Out of Box         Custom Code   Branding   Bas
• Index your columns
• Performance Throttling

                           SP               …

Custom Code              Branding        Basics   Out of B
•   Reduce SQL server round trips
•   Preload data better than AJAX
•   Leverage cache effectively
•   Query using Search API

                                    SP                …

Branding           Basics        Out of Box   Custom Co
•   Cut the page fat
•   Combine and minify (js, css & images)
•   Leverage CanaDiaNs ;)
•   Turn off View State

                                    SP              …
9               9
Administrator       Developer

                6               6
SharePoint Buzz     Tools

                1               ?
Giveaway            Thank You
SharePoint Buzz

More Tips             Relaunch
•   Secure your site
•   Friendly Error Pages
•   Remove ActiveX
•   Accessibility
•   Extensible Configuration
•   SEO

                                 SP   …
SharePoint Buzz

Relaunch           More Tips
• Follow @sharepointbuzz
• Website relaunch this quarter
• We looking for volunteers

                                  SP   …
9               9
Administrator       Developer

                6               6
SharePoint Buzz     Tools

                1               ?
Giveaway            Thank You

Microsoft              3rd Party
•   SharePoint Administrator Toolkit
•   SharePoint Diagnostic Studio
•   Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
•   Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers
•   SharePoint 2010 Developer Dashboard
•   Performance Monitor
•   SQL Profiler

                                    SP       …

3rd Party            Microsoft
•   Fiddler
•   Firebug
•   Firefox Web Developer Toolbar
•   YSlow

                                    SP   …




9               9
Administrator       Developer

                6               6
SharePoint Buzz     Tools

                1               ?
Giveaway            Thank You

Kindle Fire
• Submit your business card

                              SP   …


Kanwal Khipple

Professional                  Personal         Commu
• Focus on User Experience – not design
• Delivered 25+ projects in the past 4 years
• Principal SharePoint Architect
• BrightStarr.com - Microsoft Gold Partner

                                   SP             …
Kanwal Khipple
Contact Details
• kanwal@brightstarr.com
• 1-888-777-6850 x130

•   @kkhipple
•   @SharePointBuzz
•   LinkedIn
•   Facebook


Thank you for being a part of t
1st SharePoint Saturday Austin

Sponsors   Title Sponsors   Announcem

More Related Content

Top 10 Performance Tips for Making your Public Facing SharePoint 2010 Site Faster

  • 1. Top 10 Performance Tips for Making yo Public Facing SharePoint 2010 Site Faste Kanwal Khipple SharePoint Saturday Austin Today: 11:10 am – 12:00 pm
  • 2. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 3. Thank you for being a part of t 1st SharePoint Saturday Austin Title Sponsors Announcements Spon Thanks to our Title Sponsors:
  • 4. Thank you for being a part of t 1st SharePoint Saturday Austin Announcements Sponsors Title Spon • Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate. • If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not to disturb others. • Open wireless access is available with no password • Feel free to “tweet and blog” during the session
  • 5. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 6. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 8. Kanwal Khipple Personal Professional Commun • Canadian, Eh! • Home – Toronto • Currently living in New Jersey • Bachelor of Mathematics • Proud Father of Paras SP …
  • 9. Kanwal Khipple Professional Personal Commu • Focus on User Experience – not design • Delivered 25+ successful projects in the past 4 years • Principal SharePoint Architect • BrightStarr.com - Microsoft Gold Partner SP …
  • 10. BrightStarr – Your SharePoint Partner of Choice  One of the 1st Microsoft Digital Marketing Gold Partners  BrightStarr was recently featured on http://sharepoint.microsoft.com http://sharepoint.microsoft.com/en-us/Pages/Videos.aspx?VideoID=31 http://brightstarr.com  1st non-Microsoft commercial public-facing website  Built on SharePoint 2010 SP …
  • 11. Kanwal Khipple Community Personal Profession • SharePoint MVP (2009, 2010, 2011 – Present) • Co-Founder & Organizer for SharePoint Saturday Toronto • Co Founder of Toronto SharePoint Business User Group • Love to travel; 80,000+ km in 2011 • Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn SP …
  • 12. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 13. SP
  • 14. Basics Performance • Plan for Success • Don’t be lazy • Dedicated Hardware • ALarM • Load Testing
  • 15. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 16. Administrator Basics Hardware Software Configurat • Start with Hardware and Software Requirements • Enable only those services that you require • 16GB of RAM is a good start SP …
  • 17. Administrator Hardware Software Configuration Ba • Start with two WFEs • Old Network? Invest for the long term • Use RAID5 for better read performance • Allocate dedicated disks for tempdb • Trim transaction logs SP …
  • 18. Administrator Software Configuration Basics Hardw • Keep software up to date • Test Service Packs and Cumulative Updates SP …
  • 19. Administrator Configuration Basics Hardware Softw • Configure Application Pool to recycle • Dedicated accounts • Leverage Caching (Page Output, Object, Disk Based) • Configure IIS for Static Compression • Configure HTTP Request Throttling • Dedicated Caching Accounts • Separate Search Scopes SP …
  • 20. Performance 9 9 Administrator Developer 6 6 SharePoint Buzz Tools
  • 21. Developer Basics Out of Box Custom Code Brandin • Dispose if an object implements iDisposable • Reduce hydration • Strip Unnecessary permissions • Client side code efficiency SP …
  • 22. Developer Out of Box Custom Code Branding Bas • Index your columns • Performance Throttling SP …
  • 23. Developer Custom Code Branding Basics Out of B • Reduce SQL server round trips • Preload data better than AJAX • Leverage cache effectively • Query using Search API SP …
  • 24. Developer Branding Basics Out of Box Custom Co • Cut the page fat • Combine and minify (js, css & images) • Leverage CanaDiaNs ;) • Turn off View State SP …
  • 25. 9 9 Administrator Developer 6 6 SharePoint Buzz Tools 1 ? Giveaway Thank You
  • 26. SharePoint Buzz More Tips Relaunch • Secure your site • Friendly Error Pages • Remove ActiveX • Accessibility • Extensible Configuration • SEO SP …
  • 27. SharePoint Buzz Relaunch More Tips • Follow @sharepointbuzz • Website relaunch this quarter • We looking for volunteers SP …
  • 28. 9 9 Administrator Developer 6 6 SharePoint Buzz Tools 1 ? Giveaway Thank You
  • 29. Tools Microsoft 3rd Party • SharePoint Administrator Toolkit • SharePoint Diagnostic Studio • Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar • Visual Studio Team Edition for Testers • SharePoint 2010 Developer Dashboard • Performance Monitor • SQL Profiler SP …
  • 30. Tools 3rd Party Microsoft • Fiddler • Firebug • Firefox Web Developer Toolbar • YSlow SP …
  • 31. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 32. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 33. 9 9 Administrator Developer 6 6 SharePoint Buzz Tools 1 ? Giveaway Thank You
  • 34. Giveaway Kindle Fire • Submit your business card SP …
  • 35. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 36. Kanwal Khipple Professional Personal Commu • Focus on User Experience – not design • Delivered 25+ projects in the past 4 years • Principal SharePoint Architect • BrightStarr.com - Microsoft Gold Partner SP …
  • 37. Kanwal Khipple Contact Details • kanwal@brightstarr.com • 1-888-777-6850 x130 • @kkhipple • @SharePointBuzz • LinkedIn • Facebook
  • 38. Me #spsaustx Performance
  • 39. Thank you for being a part of t 1st SharePoint Saturday Austin Sponsors Title Sponsors Announcem

Editor's Notes

  1. template
  2. BrightStarr – Your SharePoint Partner of ChoiceOne of the 1st Microsoft Digital Marketing Gold Partners BrightStarr was recently featured on http://sharepoint.microsoft.comhttp://sharepoint.microsoft.com/en-us/Pages/Videos.aspx?VideoID=31http://brightstarr.com1st non-Microsoft commercial public-facing websiteBuilt on SharePoint 2010
  3. tools
  4. kanwal@brightstarr.com1-888-777-6850 x130@kkhipple@SharePointBuzzLinkedInFacebook
  5. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727371.aspxhttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc263099(office.12).aspxhttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc298550(office.12).aspxhttp://feedproxy.google.com/~r/bsimser/~3/9kU40jwWNC8/the-big-dummies-guide-to-building-a-sharepoint-internet-site.aspxhttp://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/2008/10/my-top-5-wcm-tips-presentation.html