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Top 5 Tips from 2014 
Presented by Your Trulia Training Team: Shannon, Jennifer and Courtney


• Top 5 Strategies from 2014 
1. Scripts that get results 
2. The art of creating a connection 
3. Single agent survival 
4. Negotiation 101 
5. Getting new business 
• Q & A


1 Scripts that get results


First Response: Text! 
Seychelle Van Poole 
Van Poole Properties 
“Make Month #12 Your #1”


Thank you, come again 
• Send ASAP (after automated 
welcome email) 
• Acknowledge timeframe 
• Encourage browsing 
• Not here to be pushy 
Script provided in handout 
Anita Allen 
“Turn Contacts into 


Send 48 hour follow-up from 
Within 48 hours… 
1. Did you receive the report? 
2. Have questions? 
Script provided in handout 
Michael Stockhaus 
“Finding Sellers and 
Winning Appointments”


Stop Ignoring Me 
Email 1: Acknowledge uncertainty 
Email 2: Use humor 
Email 3: Rate your selling timeline 
Script provided in handout 
Email 3: Dear XXX 
I hope you have been enjoying comparing the value of 
your home to others recently and currently on the market. 
I pride myself in providing customized service to each 
person I work with. I hope you will be willing to help me 
accomplish Email 2: Dear this XXX 
by sharing a little more about your needs 
and timing. 
On the XXth of June, I sent you market analysis of your 
home and neighborhood and asked for an opportunity to 
do a detailed evaluation to determine the optimum value 
of your property. As I haven't heard from you yet, I can 
only assume one of the following: 
It’s easy I promise! 
If you were just curious, and we treat you like someone 
who needs to sell immediately, you will think of us as 
pests. On the other hand, if you do need to sell 
immediately, and we think you were just curious, you will 
find us not attentive to your needs. 
Email 1: Hey XXX, 
1) You're now not interested and I'm reduced to the 
Me again, status (Your of Name) an annoying with (Your piece Company) of spam clogging and (Your 
Website), your and email; I still or 
haven't heard from you. I'm beginning 
to feel a little ignored... but that's ok, because many people 
Would you reply to this email and let us know, on a 
are scale 2) You a little desperately nervous in want replying to contact back to me, me but when you're 
they're just 
from 1-5: 
not trapped sure what under they want 1 = You were just a fallen curious, 
filing to do cabinet and how and they can't prefer reach to your 
forward. phone or I can 5 = You need PC. 
help you with that and talk with you about all 
to sell immediately 
your concerns, if only you would let me! 
Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. 
This way I can start to customize my communication to 
the level of service you desire. 
Please call or email me when you get a chance so we can 
discuss your needs. 
Kind regards, 
P.S. If it is #2, please let me know and I'll send someone 
round to help you out. 
I look forward to answering all your real estate questions. 
Please don't hesitate to email or call 
I'm looking forward to hearing back from you!


Revive lost leads: The “Ramiero” Strategy 
Your information was passed to me from an Agent (Ramiero) at our 
office that no longer works with us. I am unsure if he reached out to you 
but when you get the chance please shoot me your best contact 
number. I'd like to introduce myself and get an idea of what kind of 
deals you are looking for. 
I look forward to hearing back from you 
Seychelle Van Poole 
Van Poole Properties 
“Make #12 Your #1”


The art of creating a 
personal connection 


of our communication is NON-verbal 
-Dr. Ray Birdwhistle, Cindy Stockhaus University of Pennsylvania 
Jarvis Realty Group 
“Winning Listing 


The art of creating a personal connection 
1. Mirror & Match 
Cindy Stockhaus 
“Winning Listing 


The art of creating a personal connection 
1. Mirror & Match 
2. Listen 
1. Hear what they are saying and respond accordingly, rather than thinking 
about what you’re going to say next. 
Cindy Stockhaus 
“Winning Listing 


The art of creating a personal connection 
1. Mirror & Match 
2. Listen 
3. Build Commonality 
1. As you walk through the home, try to create a common bond by finding shared 
interests based on style, pictures, passions (Sports, travel, kids, shoes etc). 
Cindy Stockhaus 
“Winning Listing 


The art of creating a personal connection 
1. Mirror & Match 
2. Listen 
3. Build Commonality 
4. Be Honest/Genuine 
Cindy Stockhaus 
“Winning Listing 


3 Single agent survival


Invest in self learning and coaching 
Nina Hollander


Follow a routine to ensure key activities 
Nina Hollander 
“Success Tips for 
the Single Agent” 
get done!


A day in the life… 
A day in the life… 
• 6:30 am-10:30am: Prospecting 
– ActiveRain : write blog and comment on previous posts 
– Market Leader: work new leads, recent activity, reminders 
– Check expired listings 
– Facebook ,LinkedIn and Twitter: participate in any discussions 
– Prepare cards for clients with a life event (birthday, anniversary, etc) 
– Prepare “unique” mailing to ML database 
• 12:00-2:00pm Self education (2-3x per week): 
– Million Dollar Pipeline, Power Hour, ActiveRain, IMSD 
– KCM-related webinars, company lunch and learns 
• 10:00-1:00 pm: Schedule closings 
• 2:00-5:00 pm: Client appointments 
– If no client appointments in afternoon, 
• Prepare listings for market 
• Refine presentation materials


Know when to outsource 
• Photography 
• Closing coordinator 
• Keeping books 
• Marketing delivery 
Nina Hollander 
“Success Tips for 
the Single Agent”


4 Negotiation 101


The Flinch 
“Real Estate 


Eager Beaver 
“Real Estate 


The Split 
“Real Estate 


5 Generate new business


Agent-to-Agent Referrals 
Jerimiah Taylor 
“Be a Powerhouse 
Listing Agent”


For Sale By Owners 
• For Sale By Owners 
“I have a buyer that needs to buy a 
house in your neighborhood” 
Jerimiah Taylor 
“Be a Powerhouse 
Listing Agent”


Pay the Pros: Online Buyer and Seller Leads 
Jerimiah Taylor 
“Be a Powerhouse 
Listing Agent”


Thank you to our 2014 guest speakers!


 Incorporate effective scripts into your follow-up 
 Practice your non-verbal body language 
 Follow a routine, know when to outsource, seek self-learning 
 Bonus: re-watch one power hour from this past year to hone your skills. 
 Assume the other negotiator is better… so go prepared 
 Choose 1 new strategy to generate new business


Want More? 
• Fill out post-class survey to receive class 
• Visit Learn.MarketLeader.com: 
• Recordings & Handouts 
• Short Tutorials 
• Customer Support: 1-877-450-0088


Thank you for attending: 
Top 5 Tips from 2014

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Top 5 Tips from 2014

  • 1. Top 5 Tips from 2014 Presented by Your Trulia Training Team: Shannon, Jennifer and Courtney
  • 2. Agenda • Top 5 Strategies from 2014 1. Scripts that get results 2. The art of creating a connection 3. Single agent survival 4. Negotiation 101 5. Getting new business • Q & A
  • 3. 1 Scripts that get results
  • 4. First Response: Text! Seychelle Van Poole Van Poole Properties “Make Month #12 Your #1”
  • 5. Thank you, come again • Send ASAP (after automated welcome email) • Acknowledge timeframe • Encourage browsing • Not here to be pushy Script provided in handout Anita Allen “Turn Contacts into Contracts”
  • 6. Send 48 hour follow-up from Within 48 hours… 1. Did you receive the report? 2. Have questions? Script provided in handout Michael Stockhaus “Finding Sellers and Winning Appointments”
  • 7. Stop Ignoring Me Email 1: Acknowledge uncertainty Email 2: Use humor Email 3: Rate your selling timeline Script provided in handout Email 3: Dear XXX I hope you have been enjoying comparing the value of your home to others recently and currently on the market. I pride myself in providing customized service to each person I work with. I hope you will be willing to help me accomplish Email 2: Dear this XXX by sharing a little more about your needs and timing. On the XXth of June, I sent you market analysis of your home and neighborhood and asked for an opportunity to do a detailed evaluation to determine the optimum value of your property. As I haven't heard from you yet, I can only assume one of the following: It’s easy I promise! If you were just curious, and we treat you like someone who needs to sell immediately, you will think of us as pests. On the other hand, if you do need to sell immediately, and we think you were just curious, you will find us not attentive to your needs. Email 1: Hey XXX, 1) You're now not interested and I'm reduced to the Me again, status (Your of Name) an annoying with (Your piece Company) of spam clogging and (Your up Website), your and email; I still or haven't heard from you. I'm beginning to feel a little ignored... but that's ok, because many people Would you reply to this email and let us know, on a are scale 2) You a little desperately nervous in want replying to contact back to me, me but when you're they're just from 1-5: not trapped sure what under they want 1 = You were just a fallen curious, filing to do cabinet and how and they can't prefer reach to your move forward. phone or I can 5 = You need PC. help you with that and talk with you about all to sell immediately your concerns, if only you would let me! Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. This way I can start to customize my communication to the level of service you desire. Please call or email me when you get a chance so we can discuss your needs. Kind regards, P.S. If it is #2, please let me know and I'll send someone round to help you out. I look forward to answering all your real estate questions. Please don't hesitate to email or call I'm looking forward to hearing back from you!
  • 8. Revive lost leads: The “Ramiero” Strategy Seychelle, Your information was passed to me from an Agent (Ramiero) at our office that no longer works with us. I am unsure if he reached out to you but when you get the chance please shoot me your best contact number. I'd like to introduce myself and get an idea of what kind of deals you are looking for. I look forward to hearing back from you Seychelle Van Poole Van Poole Properties “Make #12 Your #1”
  • 9. The art of creating a personal connection 2
  • 10. 93% of our communication is NON-verbal -Dr. Ray Birdwhistle, Cindy Stockhaus University of Pennsylvania Jarvis Realty Group “Winning Listing Presentations”
  • 11. The art of creating a personal connection 1. Mirror & Match Cindy Stockhaus “Winning Listing Presentations”
  • 12. The art of creating a personal connection 1. Mirror & Match 2. Listen 1. Hear what they are saying and respond accordingly, rather than thinking about what you’re going to say next. Cindy Stockhaus “Winning Listing Presentations”
  • 13. The art of creating a personal connection 1. Mirror & Match 2. Listen 3. Build Commonality 1. As you walk through the home, try to create a common bond by finding shared interests based on style, pictures, passions (Sports, travel, kids, shoes etc). Cindy Stockhaus “Winning Listing Presentations”
  • 14. The art of creating a personal connection 1. Mirror & Match 2. Listen 3. Build Commonality 4. Be Honest/Genuine Cindy Stockhaus “Winning Listing Presentations”
  • 15. 3 Single agent survival
  • 16. Invest in self learning and coaching Nina Hollander
  • 17. Follow a routine to ensure key activities Nina Hollander “Success Tips for the Single Agent” get done!
  • 18. www.marketleader.com A day in the life… A day in the life… • 6:30 am-10:30am: Prospecting – ActiveRain : write blog and comment on previous posts – Market Leader: work new leads, recent activity, reminders – Check expired listings – Facebook ,LinkedIn and Twitter: participate in any discussions – Prepare cards for clients with a life event (birthday, anniversary, etc) – Prepare “unique” mailing to ML database • 12:00-2:00pm Self education (2-3x per week): – Million Dollar Pipeline, Power Hour, ActiveRain, IMSD – KCM-related webinars, company lunch and learns • 10:00-1:00 pm: Schedule closings • 2:00-5:00 pm: Client appointments – If no client appointments in afternoon, • Prepare listings for market • Refine presentation materials
  • 19. Know when to outsource • Photography • Closing coordinator • Keeping books • Marketing delivery Nina Hollander “Success Tips for the Single Agent”
  • 21. The Flinch Joyce Juntunen “Real Estate Negotiations”
  • 22. Eager Beaver Joyce Juntunen “Real Estate Negotiations”
  • 23. The Split Joyce Juntunen “Real Estate Negotiations”
  • 24. 5 Generate new business
  • 25. Agent-to-Agent Referrals Jerimiah Taylor “Be a Powerhouse Listing Agent”
  • 26. For Sale By Owners • For Sale By Owners “I have a buyer that needs to buy a house in your neighborhood” Jerimiah Taylor “Be a Powerhouse Listing Agent”
  • 27. Pay the Pros: Online Buyer and Seller Leads Jerimiah Taylor “Be a Powerhouse Listing Agent”
  • 28. Thank you to our 2014 guest speakers!
  • 29.  Incorporate effective scripts into your follow-up  Practice your non-verbal body language  Follow a routine, know when to outsource, seek self-learning opportunities  Bonus: re-watch one power hour from this past year to hone your skills.  Assume the other negotiator is better… so go prepared  Choose 1 new strategy to generate new business
  • 30. Want More? • Fill out post-class survey to receive class notes! • Visit Learn.MarketLeader.com: • Recordings & Handouts • Short Tutorials • Customer Support: 1-877-450-0088
  • 31. Thank you for attending: Top 5 Tips from 2014

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome everyone to today’s call on ___. Today, 3 of your Trulia and Market Leader trainers have teamed up to provide you with a fantastic year in review webinar that includes the top 10 “best-of” strategies presented over this from this past year of weekly Power Hours. (Over 47 webinars and 2,800 minutes of pure, unadulterated, good clean education. Joining me to present today, we have Jennifer and Courtney (or change order depending on who is hosting).
  2. First we’ll meet ___, and then he’ll take us through these __ specific strategies to…. And of course we’ll leave some time at the end for questions…
  3. I just wanted to thank you for registering on my website.  I see your time frame is 1-3 months in finding your new home.  Whenever there is a property that you would like more information on or that you have a question about, don't hesitate to reach out to me.  In the meantime, come back and visit my site as often as you like and stay as long as you like.  Browse around and enjoy looking for your next home.  Just reach out to me for additional information on a property or if you have a question.  You can reach me by phone, email or even text me.  I am here to help.  Don't hesitate to let me know when you see a house that interest you and you would like to see it.  I am here to make sure you are able to see the house that could be your next home. Please know I do not intend to pester you but I do want you to know that I am here and ready to help you find your dream home.  Please let me know if you need anything else.  I look forward to helping.  Have a wonderful day!
  4. 1: Donna Harris: Hey XXX, Me again, (Your Name) with (Your Company) and (Your Website), and I still haven't heard from you.  I'm beginning to feel a little ignored... but that's ok, because many people are a little nervous in replying back to me when they're just not sure what they want to do and how they prefer to move forward. I can help you with that and talk with you about all your concerns, if only you would let me! Please call or email me when you get a chance so we can discuss your needs. I'm looking forward to hearing back from you! 2. Michael Freer: Humor Dear XXX On the XXth of June, I sent you market analysis of your home and neighborhood and asked for an opportunity to do a detailed evaluation to determine the optimum value of your property. As I haven't heard from you yet, I can only assume one of the following: You're now not interested and I'm reduced to the status of an annoying piece of spam clogging up your email; or 2) You desperately want to contact me, but you're trapped under a fallen filing cabinet and can't reach your phone or PC. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, P.S. If it is #2, please let me know and I'll send someone around to help you out.
  5. A 1970 study conducted by Dr. Ray Birdwhistle at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that 93% of our communication transpires non-verbally and unconscious. 55% of our communication is our physiology or body language, 38% is tonality or HOW we say our words, and only 7% is the content or words we choose to speak.
  6. A 1970 study conducted by Dr. Ray Birdwhistle at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that 93% of our communication transpires non-verbally and unconscious. 55% of our communication is our physiology or body language, 38% is tonality or HOW we say our words, and only 7% is the content or words we choose to speak.
  7. A 1970 study conducted by Dr. Ray Birdwhistle at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that 93% of our communication transpires non-verbally and unconscious. 55% of our communication is our physiology or body language, 38% is tonality or HOW we say our words, and only 7% is the content or words we choose to speak.
  8. A 1970 study conducted by Dr. Ray Birdwhistle at the University of Pennsylvania concluded that 93% of our communication transpires non-verbally and unconscious. 55% of our communication is our physiology or body language, 38% is tonality or HOW we say our words, and only 7% is the content or words we choose to speak.
  9. How do you stay current? * Continuing education is important in order to stay current you have to build it into your schedule make time for yourself Why is prioritizing self-education so much more important as a single agent? How much time do you allocate to education for yourself? Nina said during this call that she spends about 3 hrs a week for different webinars such as million dollar pipeline, power hour and additional training. The degree to which people use coaching
  10. To keep hold herself accountable she schedules appointments with HERSELF for those trainings, puts it on her calendar and treats it just like she is meeting a client. Put it on your calendar! Make time for yourself so you can make sure you are an excellent agent and resource for your contacts and clients.
  11. You may have to re-organize but this is just an example of bucketing your time, you might work on client appointments in the morning and self education at that end of your day 2-3 times a week, the point is to make sure you are allocating the time to learn and other key activities!
  12. The Flinch – physically and/or verbally reacting to an outrageous proposal or counter proposal Could be a laugh, guffaw, an uneasy smile
  13. Never say yes to the first offer or counter-offer – even if it’s something small and you can absolutely do it You should still use higher authority – to make them feel like they have won! Secure commitment that they will move forward if you can make that happen
  14. The Split – Bracketing – Is recognizing that most people believe that a “fair” outcome is meeting in the middle. A good negotiator knows that “splitting the difference” doesn’t mean meeting exactly in the middle The cardinal rule is always get the other side to talk first. If they flinch or react negatively to an offer, don’t concede until you get them to give you a counter offer  
  15. Missing link for a lot of agents. How lucrative has this been for you? JT: (last year closed 26 transactions from agent referrals) Where do you go to connect to other agents? JT: Inman Connect NAR ActiveRain Trulia—Voices community How do you approach them to then market to them? What do you say? How do you follow-up?
  16. Call fsbo’s from CL– and show them your database of hundreds of buyers. If you don’t have listings, here are some strategies…tried and true Reach out to fsbo’s—email an email with ss of “x leads” in suite account…. “I have a buyer that needs to buy a house in your neighborhood”
  17. Closing: as a fun fact– every single one of the customers that was a guest speaker on this year’s power hour… core to their lead generation efforts was paying the pro’s--- diversifying their lead sources among paid, some free, but always making sure they had a consistent flow of business. So another morsel of food for thought…
  18. We want to extend a huge thank you to our amazing cast from 2014. And I say “cast” tongue in cheek, because unlike any other learning program… Power Hour was created by and for agents. This is meant to showcase an agent just like you, that’s doing something unique, exciting, and seeing lots of success utilizing Trulia and Market Leader tools… and success you can replicate. and it’s all a volunteer basis– done out of the goodness of their hearts, so we wouldn’t be able to do these without you giving such great feedback on your surveys and providing testimonials…
  19. And… if you don’t have enough prospects to work with to begin with– follow the lead of all of our past speakers and invest in Trulia and Market Leader Tools leads. There’s a question on the survey where you can let us know the areas you’re interested in and we’ll give you a call with availability.