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Tourist Trade in Sicily


1. Accomodation capacity

2. Tourist flows

3. Accommodation Companies and Catering Industry Birth/Death Rate

The expanded tourism sector has grown into a relevant facet of the Sicilian economy. Since the middle
of the last decade, the hotel and non-hotel accommodation system has been strengthened, in terms of
supply capacity and quality, achieving on the whole an excellent position within the regions of
southern Italy and the Mediterranean.

Services for tourists have also had significant development, enhancing the appreciation for Sicilian
destinations and increasing the value of the offer to tourists. In this respect, some positive examples
concern the promotion of the historical and artistic cultural heritage to attract an ever growing segment
of the “culture-savvy” tourism in Italy.

The demand has registered these improvements and had an overall positive trend in recent years,
certainly better than many other regions of the country.
Many opportunities still remain to be seized: firstly, to strengthen the international flows, which are
expected to increase considerably in the coming years. Despite the severe slump in demand during
recent years, even domestic demand may also offer important opportunities, if we will be able to
respond to the new challenges stemming from the deep socio - economic changes taking place. Other
growth opportunities may come from a tailored and diversified supply, able to meet the increasingly
specific and ever changing needs with regard to the novel and distinctive segments of the demand.

Significant improvements can finally accrue by bolstering communication efforts and targeted actions
regarding the promotion of the offer, provided that the most suitable channels be effectively employed,
today as well as in the future. In recent years, the tendencies regarding tourism demand, along with the
practices of intermediaries in the sector, reveal that the Internet is fast becoming the main means of
communication by tourists. Consequently, it is essential to strengthen the web presence of the Sicilian
tourism complex, that is public institutions, businesses and social forces partaking in that system as

This Sicilian area wholly dedicated to the Sicilian economic chain offers three types of content: i) the
basic statistical information about the supply and demand of tourism in Sicily ii) the main research
results in Sicilian tourism carried out by the economic observatory of Unioncamere Sicilia and the
other representative institutions, iii) ideas and proposals for strengthening the competitiveness of
Sicilian tourism and its impact on the economy of our region.

After the remarkable growth recorded in previous years, the expansion of Sicilian accommodation
capacity considerably fell in 2010, recording an increase of 5.6% in the number of businesses, which
however was not matched by a proportional increment in the number of available accommodations.

However, It is noteworthy that with respect to this figure for the accommodation system as a whole,
the performance of different sectors is quite different.
The hotel system, by itself, indeed shows, also in 2010, a non-negligible growth both in the number of
facilities (+2.8%) and (even greater) in the number of beds (+3.4%). It is to be noticed that the highest
increase in accommodations compared with the tourist businesses growth shows that the latter have
gained an expansion as for their middle size.

The most relevant aspect concerning the development of the hotel system in Sicily refers to the
ongoing process of improvement aimed at the focus for high quality. “4 stars” facilities have increased
by 10%, both in number and in available accommodations. In 2011, the number of “4 stars”
accommodations got higher than “3 stars”. The number of “5 stars” has even increased by 22%. It is
definitely a qualitative leap forward helping to regard the quite still moderate number of tourist luxury
facilities existing in Sicily; However, that indicates the continuous positioning of supply on high
segments of demand.

Tab. 1 - Accomodation capacity in Sicily

                                          Business number                 Accomodations

Category                              2009     2010         var. %     2009      2010     var. %
5 stars                                  23       28        21.7%      5.065     5.342      5.5%
4 stars                                 289      318        10.0%     46.619    51.101      9.6%
3 stars                                 491      503         2.4%     48.174    47.982     -0.4%
2 stars                                 195      190        -2.6%      6.232     6.060     -2.8%
1 star                                  139      130        -6.5%      3.086     2.856     -7.5%
R.T.A.                                  132      136         3.0%      3.086    10.920     -0.7%
Hotels Total                          1.269    1.305         2.8%    120.172   124.261     3.4%

Campsites and Holiday villages          126      105        -16.7%    40.918    33.757    -17.5%
Rent flats in entrep. f.                760      830          9.2%    12.429    12.719      2.3%
Farms and Rural Tourism                 428      465          8,6%     7.591     8.427     11.0%
Bed & Breakfast                       1.758    1.890          7.5%    10.923    11.716      7.3%
Other businesses                         71       65         -8.5%     3.375     4.597     36.2%
Non-hotel accomodation Total          3.143    3.355          6.7%    75.236    71.216     -5.3%

Overall Total                         4.412    4.660         5.6%    195.408   195.477     0.0%

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana
Against the enhancement of the higher-category hotel accommodation supply, it is to be noticed the
strong reduction of low-quality facilities (“1 and 2 stars”) that in 2011 were not so many as “4” stars”
on the whole.

The non-hotel accommodation system has experienced a slump of over 5% in bed spaces available,
due to a crash regarding the supply of campsites and holiday villages (-17.5%).
Then, such facilities have strongly declined in number, while “farms”, “bed & breakfast” and rent flats
are increasing in a considerable way.

Tab. 2 – Facility Accomodations in Sicily (2009-2010)

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana

As for accommodations in Sicily, by referring to the territorial distribution, there exist two main
centers of supply for tourist services: the former localized in the northern side of the eastern coast,
represented by the Province of Messina and supported by the area of Catania; the latter localized in the
northern-western coast, providing a specific tourist offer related to the city of Palermo and Trapani as

The two existing centers are significant for both offering “hotel” accommodations and also “non-
hotel” accommodations.
However, the focus on accommodations offered in the other “coast” provinces (such as: Agrigento,
Ragusa, Siracusa) is still significant, but in Enna and Caltanissetta the tourist offer is not relevant at
Pic. 2 – Territorial distribution of hotel and non-hotel accommodations in Sicily in 2010

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana


In 2010, tourist arrivals in Sicily decreased by 1.5% compared with the previous year; on the other
hand, lodged guests increased in a similar percentage.

So, on the whole, the tourist demand with regard to Sicilian destinations does not show a significant
change in terms of numbers and amounts. Qualitatively, it can certainly be noticed a moving backward
with regard to the tourist demand flows carrying capacity, but there is a progressive improvement in
the ability of entertaining guests by activities, once they arrive.

Tab. 3 - Tourist flows in the provinces of Sicily

                                                  Arrivals                           Tourists
                                          2009          2010   var. %        2009           2010 var. %
Agrigento                              406.921       372.411    -8.5%    1.324.768     1.353.739   2.2%
Caltanissetta                           52.246        61.804    18.3%      182.952       239.158 30.7%
Catania                                629.201       671.424     6.7%    1.614.126     1.739.545   7.8%
Enna                                    53.324        57.311     7.5%      130.022       132.077   1.6%
Messina                                921.374       849.126    -7.8%    3.593.563     3.382.339 -5.9%
Palermo                                984.366       912.962    -7.3%    2.802.441     2.794.634 -0.3%
Ragusa                                 213.494       189.698   -11.1%      870.023       728.677 -16.2%
Siracusa                               283.043       313.746    10.8%      961.968     1.166.380 21.2%
Trapani                                514.245       570.689    11.0%    1.800.744     1.958.942   8.8%

SICILY                                4.058.214    3.999.171    -1.5%   13.280.607    13.495.491   1.6%

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana
The fact regarding the average stay in Sicilian destinations is lower if compared to that one regarding
most of Italian regions, but it seems to have a slightly better trend.

In 2010, the average length of stay in the Italian accommodation facilities was 3.80 nights slightly
lower if compared with the previous year (-0.08 overnights) with decreasing values for both residents
in Italy (-0.07 nights) and residents abroad (-0.11 nights).
This decrease is in line with the trend registered in the decade marked by a progressive slump of the
average stay (-0.43 nights compared with 2000).

Guests average stay in accommodation facilities per region - Year 2010 (number of overnight stays )

                                               Source: ISTAT

At single province level, a strongly differentiated trend can be noticed. The two main centers for
tourist services in Sicily, Messina and Palermo, as well as Agrigento and Ragusa, move remarkably
back; on the contrary, Trapani and Siracusa show a quite brilliant trend, thus confirming the positive
results achieved in the past years; as for Catania, the trend is positive too. +31% of tourists in
Caltanissetta is to be noticed.

Although these fluctuations, Messina and Palermo are by far the two most attractive tourist areas, as
they absorb 45% of total overnight stays in Sicily. Catania and Trapani follow them by showing a
value percentage of around 15%, thus, representing relevant tourist areas.
Pic. 3 - Share of overnight stays per province (2010)

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana

The districts in the island’s central areas, that is Enna and Caltanissetta, which barely reach 3%, are at
the end.

In 2010 hotel businesses reported a 3% downturn in guest arrivals and a total unchanged overnight
stay compared with the previous year.
On the contrary, non-hotel facilities showed a good increase, with a value percentage of +8.6% of
guest arrivals and almost + 10% of lodged guests.

Tab. 4 - Tourist flows distribution in Sicily per category and place of origin (2009-2010)

                                            Hotel Businesses               Non-Hotel businesses                       Total
 Place of origin   Traffic
                                                                var.                              var.                               var.
                                          2009         2010                2009        2010                   2009            2010
                                                                 %                                 %                                  %
                   Arrivals           2.242.353    2.112.295   -5.8%    336.724     354.733       5.3%    2.579.077    2.467.028     5.5%
    Italians       Tourists           6.854.107    6.669.949   -2.7%   1.440.505   1.549.583      7.6%    8.294.612    8.219.532     5.5%
                   Average stay             3.1          3.2      ~          4.3         4.4         ~          3.3            3.3      ~
                   Arrivals           1.307.819    1.334.944   2.1%     171.318     197.199    15.1%      1.479.137    1.532.143     5.5%
   Foreigners      Tourists           4.379.226    4.578.051   4.5%     606.769     697.908    15.0%      4.985.995    5.275.959     5.5%
                   Average stay             3,3          3,4      ~          3,5         3,5         ~          3,4            3,4      ~
                   Arrivals           3.550.172    3.447.239   -2.9%    508.042     551.932       8.6%    4.058.214    3.999.171     5.5%

     Total         Tourists        11.233.333     11.248.000   0.1%    2.047.274   2.247.491      9.8%   13.280.607   13.495.491     5.5%

                   Average stay             3.2          3.3      ~          4.0         4.1         ~          3.3            3.4      ~

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana

* The 2010 datum for the town of Palermo is not available, therefore the datum for 2009 was repeated again.

The place of origin flow analysis shows a diametrically opposed trend between Italian tourists and
tourists coming from abroad.
The former showed a downturn in arrivals (-4.3%), as well as in overnight stays (-1%).
On the contrary, foreign guest flows increased, especially for lodged tourists, as they increased by
almost 6%.
Furthermore, Italians have registered negative flows in hotel accommodation, but not in non-hotel
accommodations, while foreigners have reported a growth of tourist flow as for both accommodation
facilities, and with positive fluctuations showing a percentage around 15%.

French guests represent those who spend more nights in the island’s accommodation facilities, as they
account for 19% of foreign tourists.

Tab. 5 - Top foreign tourists in Sicily

                                                  Arrivals                          Tourists
                                          2009           2010 var. %        2009           2010 var. %
France                                  314.292       302.303   -3.8%     977.919     1.009.080    3.2%
Germany                                 248.225       257.433    3.7%     956.195       975.014    2.0%
United Kingdom                          103.317        94.460   -8.6%     400.896       365.690    8.8%
U.S.A.                                  117.431       121.433    3.4%     298.996       336.011   12.4%
Russia                                   34.652        39.851   15.0%     218.092       267.405   22.6%
Total foreigners                      1.479.137     1.532.143    3.6%   4.985.995     5.275.959    5.8%

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana

In 2010 transalpine tourists reached more than one million overnight stays, with an increase by 3.2%,
unlike arrivals with a downturn by almost 4%. Germans follow, being not far from French guests, with
both flows increasing.
British, Americans and Russians follow; the latter rose in a considerable way in 2010 especially with
regard to overnight stays which reached a total of +22.6%. These five countries account for more than
half of total foreign tourists in Sicily.

Pic. 4 - Incidence of top foreign visitors overnight stays in Sicily (2011)

Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana

In 2011 foreign traveller expense in Sicily increased again after the constant downturn taking place
since 2007. By the Bank of Italy, it does estimate a figure of about 857 million Euros, by showing an
increasing percentage by around 5% if compared with the previous year, but still long far from € 1.2
billion reached in 2007.
Tab. 6 - Foreign traveller expense per visited province. T series 2007-2011. Data in million euros

Provinces and Regions                 2007         2008          2009        2010        2011

Trapani                                      46            40           29          27    31
Palermo                                   325             284       209         219       230
Messina                                   340             230       218         184       216
Agrigento                                    90            70           55          42    46
Caltanissetta                                9             27           17          8     19
Enna                                         11            25           29          19    19
Catania                                   253             222       225         186       179
Ragusa                                       27            56           60          36    43
Siracusa                                     96            79           60          88    74
SICILIA                                 1.196            1.032      901         810       857
North-West                              8.170            7.995     7.626       7.492     7.940
North-East                              8.287            8.610     8.123       8.249     8.345
Middle                                  9.550            9.755     8.745       9.152     9.741
South and Islands                       4.234            3.999     3.716       3.646     3.910
Not divisible data                        879             732       647         717       885

ITALY                                  31.121        31.090       28.856      29.257     30.821

Source: Banca d'Italia - ex Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi

In Sicily, the development process is quite in line with the national one; however, in previous years
Sicily got much worse if compared with whole country of Italy.
Like the rest of the country, the international tourism spending balance in Sicily is widely positive,
thus confirming how the tourist sector has given considerable importance in the trade balance
dynamics in Italy and our region.

The 2011 trade balance has also increased again, after a deep downturn showed every year between
2007 and 2010. Despite such increase, the 2011 credit balance is equal to about 65% of the value
reached in 2007.
On the other hand, the process of improvement in the tourist trade in Sicily is lower than the one
appearing in the whole country, while in the previous years the negative trend had been stronger.
Tab. 7 - International tourism spending balance per province. T Series 2007-2011.Data in million

Geographical area                     2007             2008            2009        2010           2011

SICILY                                  733            674              469             416        463
North-West                              531            -232            -136         -375               73
North-East                            3.937        3.928               3.607       3.602          3.698
Middle                                4.744        4.954               4.252       4.462          5.051
South and Islands                     1.077            787              472             435        699
Not divisible data                      879            732              647             717        885

ITALIA                               11.169       10.168               8.841       8.841         10.405

Source: Banca d'Italia - ex Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi


Tab.8 - Accomodation Companies and Catering Industry in Sicily Birth/Death Rate - Year 2011

Activity sections and departments       Registered Operating              On the roll         Ceased

Accomodation                                   1.927           1.708              29             101
Catering service activities                   19.782          18.351             603           1.542

 Section Total                                21.709          20.059             632           1.643
Source: Movimprese

Tab.9 - Accomodation Companies and Catering Industry in Sicily Birth/Death Rate - Year 2010

Activity sections and departments       Registered Operating               On the roll        Ceased

Accomodation                                   1.869           1.618                41            61
Catering services and activities              19.260          17.731               741         1.417

Total                                         21.129          19.349               782         1.478
Source: Movimprese

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Tourism in sicily

  • 1. Tourist Trade in Sicily Premise 1. Accomodation capacity 2. Tourist flows 3. Accommodation Companies and Catering Industry Birth/Death Rate
  • 2. Premise The expanded tourism sector has grown into a relevant facet of the Sicilian economy. Since the middle of the last decade, the hotel and non-hotel accommodation system has been strengthened, in terms of supply capacity and quality, achieving on the whole an excellent position within the regions of southern Italy and the Mediterranean. Services for tourists have also had significant development, enhancing the appreciation for Sicilian destinations and increasing the value of the offer to tourists. In this respect, some positive examples concern the promotion of the historical and artistic cultural heritage to attract an ever growing segment of the “culture-savvy” tourism in Italy. The demand has registered these improvements and had an overall positive trend in recent years, certainly better than many other regions of the country. Many opportunities still remain to be seized: firstly, to strengthen the international flows, which are expected to increase considerably in the coming years. Despite the severe slump in demand during recent years, even domestic demand may also offer important opportunities, if we will be able to respond to the new challenges stemming from the deep socio - economic changes taking place. Other growth opportunities may come from a tailored and diversified supply, able to meet the increasingly specific and ever changing needs with regard to the novel and distinctive segments of the demand. Significant improvements can finally accrue by bolstering communication efforts and targeted actions regarding the promotion of the offer, provided that the most suitable channels be effectively employed, today as well as in the future. In recent years, the tendencies regarding tourism demand, along with the practices of intermediaries in the sector, reveal that the Internet is fast becoming the main means of communication by tourists. Consequently, it is essential to strengthen the web presence of the Sicilian tourism complex, that is public institutions, businesses and social forces partaking in that system as stakeholders. This Sicilian area wholly dedicated to the Sicilian economic chain offers three types of content: i) the basic statistical information about the supply and demand of tourism in Sicily ii) the main research results in Sicilian tourism carried out by the economic observatory of Unioncamere Sicilia and the other representative institutions, iii) ideas and proposals for strengthening the competitiveness of Sicilian tourism and its impact on the economy of our region.
  • 3. 1. ACCOMODATION CAPACITY After the remarkable growth recorded in previous years, the expansion of Sicilian accommodation capacity considerably fell in 2010, recording an increase of 5.6% in the number of businesses, which however was not matched by a proportional increment in the number of available accommodations. However, It is noteworthy that with respect to this figure for the accommodation system as a whole, the performance of different sectors is quite different. The hotel system, by itself, indeed shows, also in 2010, a non-negligible growth both in the number of facilities (+2.8%) and (even greater) in the number of beds (+3.4%). It is to be noticed that the highest increase in accommodations compared with the tourist businesses growth shows that the latter have gained an expansion as for their middle size. The most relevant aspect concerning the development of the hotel system in Sicily refers to the ongoing process of improvement aimed at the focus for high quality. “4 stars” facilities have increased by 10%, both in number and in available accommodations. In 2011, the number of “4 stars” accommodations got higher than “3 stars”. The number of “5 stars” has even increased by 22%. It is definitely a qualitative leap forward helping to regard the quite still moderate number of tourist luxury facilities existing in Sicily; However, that indicates the continuous positioning of supply on high segments of demand. Tab. 1 - Accomodation capacity in Sicily Business number Accomodations Category 2009 2010 var. % 2009 2010 var. % 5 stars 23 28 21.7% 5.065 5.342 5.5% 4 stars 289 318 10.0% 46.619 51.101 9.6% 3 stars 491 503 2.4% 48.174 47.982 -0.4% 2 stars 195 190 -2.6% 6.232 6.060 -2.8% 1 star 139 130 -6.5% 3.086 2.856 -7.5% R.T.A. 132 136 3.0% 3.086 10.920 -0.7% Hotels Total 1.269 1.305 2.8% 120.172 124.261 3.4% Campsites and Holiday villages 126 105 -16.7% 40.918 33.757 -17.5% Rent flats in entrep. f. 760 830 9.2% 12.429 12.719 2.3% Farms and Rural Tourism 428 465 8,6% 7.591 8.427 11.0% Bed & Breakfast 1.758 1.890 7.5% 10.923 11.716 7.3% Other businesses 71 65 -8.5% 3.375 4.597 36.2% Non-hotel accomodation Total 3.143 3.355 6.7% 75.236 71.216 -5.3% Overall Total 4.412 4.660 5.6% 195.408 195.477 0.0% Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana
  • 4. Against the enhancement of the higher-category hotel accommodation supply, it is to be noticed the strong reduction of low-quality facilities (“1 and 2 stars”) that in 2011 were not so many as “4” stars” on the whole. The non-hotel accommodation system has experienced a slump of over 5% in bed spaces available, due to a crash regarding the supply of campsites and holiday villages (-17.5%). Then, such facilities have strongly declined in number, while “farms”, “bed & breakfast” and rent flats are increasing in a considerable way. Tab. 2 – Facility Accomodations in Sicily (2009-2010) Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana As for accommodations in Sicily, by referring to the territorial distribution, there exist two main centers of supply for tourist services: the former localized in the northern side of the eastern coast, represented by the Province of Messina and supported by the area of Catania; the latter localized in the northern-western coast, providing a specific tourist offer related to the city of Palermo and Trapani as well. The two existing centers are significant for both offering “hotel” accommodations and also “non- hotel” accommodations. However, the focus on accommodations offered in the other “coast” provinces (such as: Agrigento, Ragusa, Siracusa) is still significant, but in Enna and Caltanissetta the tourist offer is not relevant at all.
  • 5. Pic. 2 – Territorial distribution of hotel and non-hotel accommodations in Sicily in 2010 Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana 2. TOURIST FLOWS In 2010, tourist arrivals in Sicily decreased by 1.5% compared with the previous year; on the other hand, lodged guests increased in a similar percentage. So, on the whole, the tourist demand with regard to Sicilian destinations does not show a significant change in terms of numbers and amounts. Qualitatively, it can certainly be noticed a moving backward with regard to the tourist demand flows carrying capacity, but there is a progressive improvement in the ability of entertaining guests by activities, once they arrive. Tab. 3 - Tourist flows in the provinces of Sicily Arrivals Tourists Provinces 2009 2010 var. % 2009 2010 var. % Agrigento 406.921 372.411 -8.5% 1.324.768 1.353.739 2.2% Caltanissetta 52.246 61.804 18.3% 182.952 239.158 30.7% Catania 629.201 671.424 6.7% 1.614.126 1.739.545 7.8% Enna 53.324 57.311 7.5% 130.022 132.077 1.6% Messina 921.374 849.126 -7.8% 3.593.563 3.382.339 -5.9% Palermo 984.366 912.962 -7.3% 2.802.441 2.794.634 -0.3% Ragusa 213.494 189.698 -11.1% 870.023 728.677 -16.2% Siracusa 283.043 313.746 10.8% 961.968 1.166.380 21.2% Trapani 514.245 570.689 11.0% 1.800.744 1.958.942 8.8% SICILY 4.058.214 3.999.171 -1.5% 13.280.607 13.495.491 1.6% Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana
  • 6. The fact regarding the average stay in Sicilian destinations is lower if compared to that one regarding most of Italian regions, but it seems to have a slightly better trend. In 2010, the average length of stay in the Italian accommodation facilities was 3.80 nights slightly lower if compared with the previous year (-0.08 overnights) with decreasing values for both residents in Italy (-0.07 nights) and residents abroad (-0.11 nights). This decrease is in line with the trend registered in the decade marked by a progressive slump of the average stay (-0.43 nights compared with 2000). Guests average stay in accommodation facilities per region - Year 2010 (number of overnight stays ) Source: ISTAT At single province level, a strongly differentiated trend can be noticed. The two main centers for tourist services in Sicily, Messina and Palermo, as well as Agrigento and Ragusa, move remarkably back; on the contrary, Trapani and Siracusa show a quite brilliant trend, thus confirming the positive results achieved in the past years; as for Catania, the trend is positive too. +31% of tourists in Caltanissetta is to be noticed. Although these fluctuations, Messina and Palermo are by far the two most attractive tourist areas, as they absorb 45% of total overnight stays in Sicily. Catania and Trapani follow them by showing a value percentage of around 15%, thus, representing relevant tourist areas.
  • 7. Pic. 3 - Share of overnight stays per province (2010) Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana The districts in the island’s central areas, that is Enna and Caltanissetta, which barely reach 3%, are at the end. In 2010 hotel businesses reported a 3% downturn in guest arrivals and a total unchanged overnight stay compared with the previous year. On the contrary, non-hotel facilities showed a good increase, with a value percentage of +8.6% of guest arrivals and almost + 10% of lodged guests. Tab. 4 - Tourist flows distribution in Sicily per category and place of origin (2009-2010) Hotel Businesses Non-Hotel businesses Total Place of origin Traffic var. var. var. 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 % % % Arrivals 2.242.353 2.112.295 -5.8% 336.724 354.733 5.3% 2.579.077 2.467.028 5.5% Italians Tourists 6.854.107 6.669.949 -2.7% 1.440.505 1.549.583 7.6% 8.294.612 8.219.532 5.5% Average stay 3.1 3.2 ~ 4.3 4.4 ~ 3.3 3.3 ~ Arrivals 1.307.819 1.334.944 2.1% 171.318 197.199 15.1% 1.479.137 1.532.143 5.5% Foreigners Tourists 4.379.226 4.578.051 4.5% 606.769 697.908 15.0% 4.985.995 5.275.959 5.5% Average stay 3,3 3,4 ~ 3,5 3,5 ~ 3,4 3,4 ~ Arrivals 3.550.172 3.447.239 -2.9% 508.042 551.932 8.6% 4.058.214 3.999.171 5.5% Total Tourists 11.233.333 11.248.000 0.1% 2.047.274 2.247.491 9.8% 13.280.607 13.495.491 5.5% Average stay 3.2 3.3 ~ 4.0 4.1 ~ 3.3 3.4 ~ Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana * The 2010 datum for the town of Palermo is not available, therefore the datum for 2009 was repeated again. The place of origin flow analysis shows a diametrically opposed trend between Italian tourists and tourists coming from abroad. The former showed a downturn in arrivals (-4.3%), as well as in overnight stays (-1%). On the contrary, foreign guest flows increased, especially for lodged tourists, as they increased by almost 6%.
  • 8. Furthermore, Italians have registered negative flows in hotel accommodation, but not in non-hotel accommodations, while foreigners have reported a growth of tourist flow as for both accommodation facilities, and with positive fluctuations showing a percentage around 15%. French guests represent those who spend more nights in the island’s accommodation facilities, as they account for 19% of foreign tourists. Tab. 5 - Top foreign tourists in Sicily Arrivals Tourists Province 2009 2010 var. % 2009 2010 var. % France 314.292 302.303 -3.8% 977.919 1.009.080 3.2% Germany 248.225 257.433 3.7% 956.195 975.014 2.0% United Kingdom 103.317 94.460 -8.6% 400.896 365.690 8.8% U.S.A. 117.431 121.433 3.4% 298.996 336.011 12.4% Russia 34.652 39.851 15.0% 218.092 267.405 22.6% Total foreigners 1.479.137 1.532.143 3.6% 4.985.995 5.275.959 5.8% Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana In 2010 transalpine tourists reached more than one million overnight stays, with an increase by 3.2%, unlike arrivals with a downturn by almost 4%. Germans follow, being not far from French guests, with both flows increasing. British, Americans and Russians follow; the latter rose in a considerable way in 2010 especially with regard to overnight stays which reached a total of +22.6%. These five countries account for more than half of total foreign tourists in Sicily. Pic. 4 - Incidence of top foreign visitors overnight stays in Sicily (2011) Source: Oss. Tur. Regione Siciliana In 2011 foreign traveller expense in Sicily increased again after the constant downturn taking place since 2007. By the Bank of Italy, it does estimate a figure of about 857 million Euros, by showing an increasing percentage by around 5% if compared with the previous year, but still long far from € 1.2 billion reached in 2007.
  • 9. Tab. 6 - Foreign traveller expense per visited province. T series 2007-2011. Data in million euros Provinces and Regions 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Trapani 46 40 29 27 31 Palermo 325 284 209 219 230 Messina 340 230 218 184 216 Agrigento 90 70 55 42 46 Caltanissetta 9 27 17 8 19 Enna 11 25 29 19 19 Catania 253 222 225 186 179 Ragusa 27 56 60 36 43 Siracusa 96 79 60 88 74 SICILIA 1.196 1.032 901 810 857 North-West 8.170 7.995 7.626 7.492 7.940 North-East 8.287 8.610 8.123 8.249 8.345 Middle 9.550 9.755 8.745 9.152 9.741 South and Islands 4.234 3.999 3.716 3.646 3.910 Not divisible data 879 732 647 717 885 ITALY 31.121 31.090 28.856 29.257 30.821 Source: Banca d'Italia - ex Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi In Sicily, the development process is quite in line with the national one; however, in previous years Sicily got much worse if compared with whole country of Italy. Like the rest of the country, the international tourism spending balance in Sicily is widely positive, thus confirming how the tourist sector has given considerable importance in the trade balance dynamics in Italy and our region. The 2011 trade balance has also increased again, after a deep downturn showed every year between 2007 and 2010. Despite such increase, the 2011 credit balance is equal to about 65% of the value reached in 2007. On the other hand, the process of improvement in the tourist trade in Sicily is lower than the one appearing in the whole country, while in the previous years the negative trend had been stronger.
  • 10. Tab. 7 - International tourism spending balance per province. T Series 2007-2011.Data in million euros Geographical area 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SICILY 733 674 469 416 463 North-West 531 -232 -136 -375 73 North-East 3.937 3.928 3.607 3.602 3.698 Middle 4.744 4.954 4.252 4.462 5.051 South and Islands 1.077 787 472 435 699 Not divisible data 879 732 647 717 885 ITALIA 11.169 10.168 8.841 8.841 10.405 Source: Banca d'Italia - ex Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi 3. ACCOMMODATION COMPANIES AND CATERING INDUSTRY BIRTH/DEATH RATE Tab.8 - Accomodation Companies and Catering Industry in Sicily Birth/Death Rate - Year 2011 Activity sections and departments Registered Operating On the roll Ceased Accomodation 1.927 1.708 29 101 Catering service activities 19.782 18.351 603 1.542 Section Total 21.709 20.059 632 1.643 Source: Movimprese Tab.9 - Accomodation Companies and Catering Industry in Sicily Birth/Death Rate - Year 2010 Activity sections and departments Registered Operating On the roll Ceased Accomodation 1.869 1.618 41 61 Catering services and activities 19.260 17.731 741 1.417 Total 21.129 19.349 782 1.478 Source: Movimprese