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Ten Key Carcinogens
in Toronto Workplaces and Environment:
Assessing the Potential for Exposure
Dr. Sheela V. Basrur
Medical Officer of Health
Toronto Public Health
March 2002
Reference: Toronto Public Health, Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Workplaces and
Environment: Assessing the Potential for Exposure. Toronto, Ontario: March
Authors: Kim Perrotta and Ronald Macfarlane
Acknowledgements: This report incorporates information and highlights from the technical study
prepared for Toronto Public Health by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe
Incorporated entitled Potential for Occupational and Environmental Exposure
to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto. The technical review is being released
concurrently with this summary report.
The views presented in this summary report are solely the views of the authors
and Toronto Public Health. However, we would like to thank the Project
Advisory Committee to the technical study, Potential for Occupational and
Environmental Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto, who offered
valuable advice and technical comments at several important points in this project.
This Project Advisory Committee included representatives from the Ontario
Ministry of the Environment, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, the Occupational
Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (Toronto), the Toronto Environmental Alliance
(TEA), the Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital and Toronto
Public Health.
We thank Dr. Lynn Marshall, Medical Director, Environmental Health Clinic,
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital of Toronto for her participation in the
project and expert review of this report.
We would also like to thank Dr. Monica Campbell of Toronto Public Health for
comments and advice offered throughout this project.
Distribution: Both reports are available at: www.city.toronto.on.ca/health/
Contact: Health Promotion & Environmental Protection Office
Toronto Public Health
277 Victoria Street, 7th
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5B 1W2
Telephone: 416-392-6788
Fax: 416-392-7418
This report has been prepared in response to recommendations contained in both Toronto’s Environmental
Plan approved by City Council in May 2000, and in the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition Action Plan
approved by the Board of Health in May 2001. This assessment was conducted to determine what is
known about the potential for occupational and environmental exposure to ten key known and probable
carcinogens in Toronto’s workplaces and environment. This report draws information from a background
report entitled, Potential For Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto’s Environment and
Workplaces that was prepared on contract by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe Incorporated.
The ten carcinogens were chosen because of their potential to cause cancer and because they are
frequently found in the workplace and in the environment. They are asbestos, benzene, 1,3-butadiene,
cadmium, chromium (VI), dioxins, formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene. For nine of the ten, there is strong evidence to indicate that they
induce cancer in humans and strong agreement among regulatory agencies that they should be treated as
known or probable human carcinogens. For the tenth contaminant, tetrachloroethylene, there is more
contradictory evidence respecting its ability to induce cancer in humans, and less agreement among
regulatory agencies about its classification as a human carcinogen.
Emissions and Exposure Data
The review of available emissions release data suggests that there are huge gaps in our knowledge about
the sources of toxics released within the City’s boundaries. Environment Canada’s National Pollutant
Release Inventory (NPRI) focuses primarily on large point sources only, when in fact, many of the
emission sources within Toronto are mobile sources such as cars and trucks, area sources such as
residential heating, and small and medium-sized commercial, industrial and institutional point sources.
Relatively good data are available on the levels of the selected carcinogens present in outdoor air although
Toronto-specific data is missing for several contaminants. Two carcinogens – asbestos and chromium
(VI) – could be present in Toronto’s air at levels that are one or two orders of magnitude greater than
those associated with a one in a million cancer risk. For these two carcinogens, Toronto-specific data
were not available and a range of air levels from urban centres in Ontario/Canada was used. Toronto
Public Health recommends that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada should
provide Toronto-specific monitoring results for these two contaminants so they can be prioritized for
source reduction.
Information about contaminant levels in indoor air is very scarce. Air sampling conducted for
formaldehyde indicates that it may be present in indoor air at levels that are an order of magnitude greater
than the air levels deemed tolerable (i.e. those that correspond to a one in a million cancer risk). For
formaldehyde and several other contaminants, indoor air can be the pathway of greatest exposure. For a
number of the carcinogens examined in this report such as PAHs, 1,3-butadiene, tetrachloroethylene and
trichloroethylene, exposure levels in indoor environments can vary significantly depending upon the
activities undertaken, and the building materials, furnishings and consumer products used. For these
reasons, indoor air quality should be considered as a research priority for Toronto Public Health in the
coming year.
The knowledge gaps for occupational exposures are wider and even more severe than for environmental
exposures. Currently, there is no publicly available information on occupational exposure levels
experienced in Ontario workplaces. The Ontario Ministry of Labour used to systematically collect
exposure information on selected chemical and physical agents for Ontario workplaces but this data has
not been collected for several years. The older data are currently being transferred into a new database
and were not available for this study. Without proper exposure data, it is not possible to estimate the
burden of illness associated with occupational exposure to carcinogens. Nor is it possible to ensure that
workers are being adequately protected from carcinogens in the workplace. Toronto Public Health
recommends that the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care, and Cancer Care
Ontario prioritize carcinogens in Ontario workplaces for further investigation and exposure assessment.
Health Assessment and Conclusions
While the contaminant levels in Toronto's outdoor air are not higher than those found in other large urban
centres, the data suggests that nine of the ten carcinogens (all 10 contaminants except tetrachloroethylene)
examined in this report tend to be present in Toronto's outdoor air at levels that approach or exceed the air
levels deemed “tolerable” (i.e. the level associated with a one in a million excess cancer risk). A number
of the carcinogens examined can also be found in indoor air at levels approaching or exceeding the levels
considered tolerable (i.e. formaldehyde, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, trichloroethylene and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons or PAHs). Several can also be found in food products, soil, and lake sediments.
Two of the ten carcinogens – benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – are present in
outdoor air at levels that are ten times higher than the levels considered tolerable and should be given high
priority by the City for actions that will reduce emissions. The transportation sector is likely the most
significant source of emissions for both these contaminants within the City. Toronto Public Health also
recommends that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada move quickly to
establish air standards for PAHs to drive improvements in air quality.
Estimates of the levels of dioxins taken into the body indicate that most residents of the Great Lakes Basin
(which includes residents of Toronto) are being exposed to levels of dioxins that are within or above the
range at which adverse health effects may be expected. For dioxins, which are released as unintentional
by-products from the incineration of medical and municipal wastes, the burning of diesel fuel in vehicles,
and to a lesser extent, the burning of wood in fireplaces, food is the most significant pathway for exposure.
Dioxins have been identified for “virtual elimination” by a number of national and international
agreements. For these reasons, the City needs to give high priority to the development of a strategy that
supports their virtual elimination.
Estimates derived with the CAREX model indicate that a significant number of Toronto workers may be
exposed to PAHs in the transportation sector, tetrachloroethylene in clothing manufacturing and dry-
cleaning, formaldehyde in clothing and furniture manufacturing, chromium in a variety of sectors, benzene
in whole/retail/restaurants/hotels and the personal services sectors, and asbestos in wholesale/
retail/restaurants/ hotels, above typical outdoor air levels. Very little is known about the level of exposure
in many of these situations. Toronto Public Health recommends that the Ontario Ministries of Labour and
Health and Long-term Care and Cancer Care Ontario prioritize these contaminants and industrial sectors
for investigation to determine the extent and level of worker exposure to carcinogens.
The published occupational exposure data that is available (which is based on workplaces in the United
States) indicates that workers can be exposed to the selected contaminants at levels that are several
orders of magnitude (i.e. 100 to 10,000 times) greater than the exposure levels deemed “tolerable” for
environmental exposures in terms of cancer risk. These exposure levels suggest that workers may be
exposed to the selected contaminants at levels that correspond to a cancer risk of one in a hundred to one
in ten thousand. While workers are potentially exposed for fewer hours per day (8 hours instead of 24
hours), fewer days per week (5 instead of 7) and fewer years (45 instead 70 years) than is assumed by
regulatory agencies for environmental exposures, this difference would only justify a 5 to10-fold increase
in the exposure levels deemed “tolerable” for workers. It is also true that the working population does not
include many of the more vulnerable members of society such as young children, the sick, and the elderly.
However, the working population does include men and women who intend to become parents and
women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and the scientific literature does suggest childhood cancer is
linked to occupational exposure of both parents before conception and of mothers during pregnancy.
Many of the selected carcinogens present a health concern to both workers and members of the public.
For example, formaldehyde, trichloroethyelene and tetrachloroethylene, that can be detected in relatively
high levels in workplaces where they are used to manufacture or treat products, can be found in lower
levels in homes, offices and public spaces when they off-gas or vapourize from the products in which they
have been used. The carcinogens present in outdoor air because of vehicle exhaust such as benzene,
PAHs, formaldehyde and 1,3-butadiene, can present a hazard to people who work in and around vehicles
operated on gasoline and diesel (eg. trucking, loading docks, bus stations, taxis). In some situations,
workers are exposed to chemicals such as chromium or cadmium in the workplace before they are
emitted into the larger environment where they may present a hazard to members of the general
This study indicates that Toronto residents are routinely exposed to a variety of carcinogenic chemicals in
their environment, and that these exposures are associated with a lifetime cancer risk greater than 1 in a
million excess cancers. This level of cancer risk exceeds the level considered “tolerable” by Toronto
Public Health and many other health agencies throughout the world. Based on the 10 key chemicals
assessed in this study, both the outdoor and indoor air exposure pathways appear to present the greatest
cancer risk for many of the carcinogens examined. For exposures related to the food pathway, dioxins are
flagged as being of priority concern. For dioxins, ingestion from food is the pathway of greatest concern
because dioxins released in the air and water will bioaccumulate through the food chain. Toronto’s
municipally treated drinking water is a negligible source of cancer risk from the ten contaminants assessed
in this study.
This study indicates that in addition to the routine exposure of Toronto residents to a variety of
environmental carcinogens, many of these people are exposed to additional and even higher levels of
carcinogens at work, depending on the type of work they do. It is the multiplicity of exposures to known
and probable carcinogens in Toronto’s indoor and outdoor air, in some food sources, and in many
workplaces that gives rise to Toronto Public Health’s concerns about the contribution of workplace and
environmental carcinogens to cancer rates in Toronto. It is only through better assessment of exposure to
contaminants that we can prioritize other carcinogens for priority reduction through implementation of
pollution prevention strategies.
Pollution prevention strategies that aim to reduce or eliminate the contaminant at source can produce
public health benefits for people whether they are at work, at home or outdoors. Given that people in
industrialized societies are exposed to low levels of thousands of different chemical and physical agents
simultaneously, that the toxicity of many of those substances are not known, and that very little is known
about the interactions between contaminants on the human body, it is important to target those
contaminants with both high exposure potential and high cancer risk, in workplaces and the environment,
such as those selected for this report, for priority emissions reduction wherever possible.
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................i
1.0 Background...............................................................................................................................1
2.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................2
Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Toronto..............................................................................2
Childhood Cancer ..................................................................................................................2
Cancer and the Environment...................................................................................................3
Cancer and the Workplace.....................................................................................................4
3.0 Carcinogenic Potential of Selected Contaminants ...................................................................5
Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential......................................................................................5
Cancer Classification of the Ten Contaminants........................................................................5
Cancer Initiators and Promoters..............................................................................................7
Cancers Linked to the Contaminants.......................................................................................8
Cancer Potency of the Contaminants ......................................................................................9
4.0 Environmental Exposure to the Ten Carcinogens ..................................................................10
Sources of Emissions to the Environment.................................................................................10
Contaminant Levels – Indoor and Outdoor Air.........................................................................11
Potential Routes of Exposure..................................................................................................13
Intake Levels from Environmental Sources..............................................................................13
5.0 Occupational Exposure to the Ten Carcinogens .....................................................................14
Industrial Exposures...............................................................................................................14
Number of Workers Potentially Exposed.................................................................................14
6.0 Summaries for Each Contaminant ............................................................................................16
7.0 Conclusions...............................................................................................................................26
8.0 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................27
9.0 References................................................................................................................................29
Table 1: Cancer Classifications for Ten Contaminants by US EPA, IARC and CEPA..............................6
Table 2: Sites and Types of Cancers in Humans for the Ten Contaminants..............................................8
Table 3: Outdoor Air Levels of Ten Contaminants and Air Levels that Correspond
to a One in a Million Cancer Risk...........................................................................................12
Table 4: Major Industrial Sectors with Greatest Number of Workers Potentially Exposed
to the Ten Contaminants in Toronto Based on CAREX Modelling............................................15
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
The Board of Health, at its meeting of July 27, 1998, supported the formation of the Toronto Cancer
Prevention Coalition and requested that it report back to the Board with a proposed action plan for cancer
prevention. At its meeting of May 22, 2001, the Board of Health received a report entitled, “Toronto
Cancer Prevention Coalition Action Plan” and endorsed, in principle, the 20-point action plan developed by
the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition. Several points in that plan are directed towards chemical and
physical carcinogens in Toronto’s workplaces and environment.
In May 2000, Toronto City Council approved, in principle, the plan prepared by Toronto’s Environmental
Task Force entitled, Environmental Plan, Clean, Green and Healthy, A Plan for an Environmentally
Sustainable Toronto (February 2000). Several of the recommendations contained in this plan are
directed towards toxic air pollutants. Recommendation 20a indicates that the City should work to make
Toronto’s air clean and free of harmful levels of pollutants. Recommendation 22a) indicates that the City
should assess the need to improve City, provincial and federal emissions inventories, while
recommendation 22c) indicates that the City should explore the feasibility of introducing a by-law to
restrict point source emissions.
This report has been prepared to provide background information to support the on-going work of the
Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition, and to support City staff with the implementation of the
recommendations contained in the Coalition’s May 2001 report and in the Environmental Task Force’s
May 2000 report. In large part, this report is based on the technical report entitled, Potential for
Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto that was prepared for
Toronto Public Health by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe Incorporated. The technical report benefited
from the direction and advice of a Project Advisory Committee that included staff from the Ontario
Cancer Institute, the Ontario Ministries of Labour and the Environment, the Occupational Health Clinic for
Ontario Workers, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) and Toronto Public Health.
The ten contaminants included in this report – asbestos, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, cadmium, chromium,
dioxins, formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), tetrachloroethylene, and
trichloroethylene – were selected for their potential to be present in both Toronto’s indoor and outdoor
environments as well as for their carcinogenic potential. Pesticides and electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
related to power lines and radio towers were not included because their health effects have been the
subject of previous reports prepared by Toronto Public Health, and because these topics were considered
too complex for the budget allocated to this project.
All material in this report that has not been referenced has been drawn from the technical review prepared
by ToxProbe. The context, interpretation of the technical information, and recommendations contained in
this report reflect the positions of Toronto Public Health and do not necessarily reflect those of ToxProbe
or the members of the Project Advisory Committee.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Toronto
Toronto is the largest city in Canada with a population of 2.4 million. Toronto accounts for about 22% of
Ontario’s population and 8% of Canada’s population. Cancer is second only to circulatory disease as the
leading cause of death in Toronto. It causes more deaths than respiratory disease, diabetes, accidents,
injuries, and AIDS combined. Between 1991 and 1995, cancer was responsible for an average of 4,620
deaths each year in Toronto. While increased cancer incidence and mortality are associated with aging,
approximately 40% of new cancer cases and 30% of cancer deaths occur in Toronto residents who are
between the ages of 20 and 64 (TPH, June 2000).
For women in Toronto, breast cancer (about 29 per 100,000) is the leading cause of cancer fatalities
followed by lung cancer (about 25 per 100,000) and then colorectal cancer (about 15 per 100,000).
Between 1986 and 1995, the incidence of breast cancer increased although mortality decreased. For
Toronto men, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer fatalities (about 62 per 100,000) followed by
colorectal cancer (about 24 per 100,000) and prostate cancer (about 26 per 100,000). Between 1986 and
1995, the incidence of lung cancer decreased while the incidence of prostate cancer increased (TPH, June
Between 1991 and 1995, approximately 90 children per year (0 to 19 years of age) in Toronto were
diagnosed with cancer. Leukemia was the leading type of cancer (about 27% of cases) for this age group
followed by brain cancer (about 15% of cases), Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (about 11% of cases) and Non-
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (about 7% of cases). While the numbers in Toronto are too small to discern a
trend, on a national level, there has been a gradual increase in all childhood cancers combined (TPH, June
Childhood Cancer
Cancer in childhood is rare but it is the most common cause of death due to disease in the age range of 1
to 14 years (McBride, 1998). While there has been a significant improvement in the survival rate of
children with cancer in the last twenty years (NCI, 1999), there has been no decrease in the incidence of
childhood cancers in Canada (NCIC, 2001). Some scientists have suggested that exposure to carcinogens
in the environment is one factor that may contribute to childhood cancer. However, the study of childhood
cancers is complicated by the rarity of the disease and by the poor exposure profiles that exist for many of
the risk factors being examined (McBride, 1999), making it difficult to establish definitive links between
environmental exposures and childhood cancer at this time.
Environmental factors proposed as risk factors for childhood cancer include exposure to ionizing radiation,
electromagnetic fields, chemicals in drugs and food products, second-hand smoke, and parental
occupational exposures (McBride, 1998). Children can be exposed to carcinogens directly and indirectly,
and at different developmental points (i.e. before conception, during pregnancy and after birth). A number
of studies have examined the link between childhood cancers such as leukemia, brain tumors, kidney
cancer (particularly Wilm’s tumor), liver cancer and maternal and paternal occupations that involve
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
exposure to hydrocarbons such as solvents, metals, pesticides and occupations in the manufacturing,
medical, dental, personal service, agricultural and forestry sectors. While the results of these studies have
been inconsistent and contradictory, a number have demonstrated an association between parental
occupational exposures and increased rates of childhood cancer (McBride, 1998). Contradictory findings
have been found as well among studies that have examined childhood cancers among children with direct
exposure to pesticides, electromagnetic fields, and smoking in their homes.
Cancer and the Environment
It is very difficult to prove that environmental exposures to chemical and physical agents are causing
cancer because of the difficulties involved in estimating personal exposures and because of confounding
exposures such as second-hand smoke. There are, however, many reasons to believe that environmental
exposures contribute to the incidence of cancer in the general population. A number of “known and
probable human carcinogens” are present in outdoor air and in other media to which the general population
is regularly exposed. Among urban residents, gradients of air pollution levels frequently correspond to
area differences in the risk of lung cancer. And in communities with large point sources of carcinogens,
where adjustments have been made for tobacco and occupational exposures, the risk of lung cancer is
proportional to the nearness of the household to the point sources (Shy, 1996).
Several studies have examined associations between proximity to streets with high density traffic and the
occurrence of childhood cancers and childhood leukemia. It is believed that the streets with high traffic
density reflect chronic exposure to the carcinogenic components of vehicle exhaust such as PAHs,
benzene and 1,3-butadiene. Several of these studies, which took into account exposures such as parental
smoking, have demonstrated a strong and statistically significant association between high traffic
neighborhoods ( ≥ 20, 000 vehicles per day) and childhood cancers including leukemia (Pearson, 2000).
The results of the ten-year Harvard Six Cities epidemiological study conducted by Dockery and colleagues
suggest a much higher relative risk for lung cancer from air pollution than most previous studies. This
study, which had the benefit of air monitoring results for the entire period in which the population was
followed as well as detailed information about confounding factors such as smoking habits, estimated that
lung cancer mortality could increase by 14 to 20% for every 10 µg/m3
increase in long-term exposure to
respirable particulates (PM2.5) or inhalable particulates (PM10). These estimates correspond to a relative
risk of about 1.4. The air levels of inhalable particulates in the six cities studied ranged from a low of 18.2
to a high of 46.5 µm/m3
(Shy, 1996) while the average daily levels of inhalable particulates ranges
from 19.7 to 23.9 µg/m3
at the three monitoring stations in Toronto. This suggests that small particles could
be contributing to cancer risk in Toronto.
In order to calculate the proportion of cancers attributed to ambient air pollution, two parameters must be
estimated, the average relative risk associated with exposure to air pollution and the proportion of the
population exposed (Shy, 1996). Currently, there is too much uncertainty associated with estimates of
relative risk and too little information about individual exposure levels to produce an accurate estimate of
air pollution’s impact on cancer rates.
Cancer and the Workplace
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
“Industrial workers have long served as the sentinels for the general population with regard to
environmental hazards” according to Dr. Aaron Blair of the Occupational Studies Section of the National
Cancer Institute (NCI). Many of the well-established chemical carcinogens such as benzene and
asbestos have been identified through studies of workers occupationally exposed. Workers can
experience prolonged and/or intense exposures to chemical and physical agents that are found in low
levels in non-occupational environments.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization
(WHO), recognizes 87 chemical, physical and biological agents as “known human carcinogens” including
asbestos, benzene, chromium (VI) compounds and dioxins, which are discussed in this report. It
recognizes another 63 agents as “probably carcinogenic to humans” including 1,3-butadiene, polyaromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), the dry-cleaning solvent, tetrachloroethylene, and the degreasing agent,
trichloroethylene, that are discussed in this report. It also identifies another 233 agents or mixtures as
“possibly carcinogenic to humans” including gasoline engine exhaust, fibreglass, and methylene chloride
(IARC, 2000).
Estimating the contribution of occupational exposures to cancer incidence is controversial and complex
because of the dearth of information related to occupational exposures. Estimates range from a low of
4% to a high of 20% of all cancers being attributable to carcinogen exposures in the workplace. Cancer
Care Ontario (CCO) has been citing 9% as the proportion of cancer deaths attributable to occupation on
the basis of a report published by A.B. Miller in 1992. This suggests that approximately 400 cancer deaths
per year in Toronto could be the result of workplace exposures. This assumes that about 9% of the
approximately 4,620 cancers deaths in Toronto each year arise from workplace exposures to carcinogens.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was the first organisation to develop a system
for the classification of contaminants for their carcinogenicity (potential to produce cancer) in humans.
IARC convenes a panel of international experts to systematically evaluate the evidence of carcinogenicity
for contaminants. Other agencies have developed similar ranking schemes. Of these, the one published
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in 1986 is probably the most influential.
In 1996, the US EPA replaced its ranking scheme based on letter ranks with a new descriptive scheme
which takes into account a wider range of data. However, the number of agents that has been ranked by
the 1996 scheme is relatively small, so the 1986 scheme is still widely used. The ranking schemes by
IARC and the US EPA (1986) are quite similar. Health Canada has developed a carcinogen ranking
scheme under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). The CEPA scheme consists of more
categories and sub-categories than those produced by IARC and the US EPA. Health Canada
distinguishes between carcinogens that initiate cancer and those that promote cancer and tends to give the
latter group a lower cancer ranking when epidemiological evidence is inadequate.
Cancer Classification of the Ten Contaminants
There is a strong agreement among IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada that nine of the ten
contaminants selected for this assessment are known or probable human carcinogens (see Table 1 below).
The one exception is tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene) which is classified as a
“probable human carcinogen” by IARC, a “probable or possible human carcinogen” by the US EPA, and
“unlikely to be carcinogenic to humans” by CEPA. Until there is greater clarity on the carcinogenic
potential of tetrachloroethylene, Toronto Public Health will treat it as a possible or probable human
A number of the ten contaminants selected also present a cancer concern when ingested. This is
particularly clear for dioxins, some PAHs and benzene.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Table 1: Cancer Classifications for Ten Contaminants by US EPA, IARC and CEPA
Classification – Inhalation Oral
3 ToxProbe
(Using US
EPA data)
Probable human
Probable human
Highly likely
Probable human
Human carcinogen NA
Possible human
Human carcinogen
Human carcinogen
Probable human
Human carcinogen
Probable human
Possible carcinogen or
not classifiable
Chromium (VI)
Human carcinogen
Not classifiable
Probable human
8 Human carcinogen NA
Probable human
Probable human
Probable human
NA Not Classifiable
PAHs (B[a]P)
Probable human
Probable human
Probable human
Probable carcinogen
Probably to
possible human
Probable human
Unlikely human
Withdrawn (was
probable human
Probable human
Probable human
1. Iris Database (US EPA 1986)
2. IARC Monographs
3. Priority Substances List Reports
4. Not differentiated from inhalation
5. ToxProbe Inc interpretation from IRIS
6. ATSDR, 1995
7. US EPA (1998a)
8. US EPA (2000)
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cancer Initiators and Promoters
Some carcinogens are capable of inducing cancer by producing an irreversible mutation in the DNA of the
cells in the body. These carcinogens are called genotoxic because of their ability to affect the gene of the
cell. They are also called initiators because they can begin or initiate the cancer process. These cancer-
inducing compounds are considered non-threshold carcinogens because it is believed that there is no
threshold below which there is no risk of excess cancer. There is a strong consensus among IARC, the
US EPA and Health Canada that 1,3-butadiene, benzene, chromium (VI), formaldehyde and PAHs are
genotoxic carcinogens capable of initiating cancer. There are conflicting views about whether asbestos,
cadmium and trichloroethylene are genotoxic.
Other carcinogens are capable of accelerating the development of cancer. These carcinogens are called
promoters because, while they do not initiate the cancer process, they promote its development and
progress. These carcinogens are also called threshold carcinogens because it is believed that there is a
threshold of exposure below which exposure does not present a cancer risk. Above the threshold, the risk
of cancer promotion increases as the exposure level increases. The evidence suggests that asbestos,
formaldehyde and at least one of the PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene) are promoters of cancer. Dioxins and
similar compounds are promoters that induce the cancer effect through activation of the Ah receptor. The
carcinogens that are capable of both initiation and promotion such as formaldehyde, some PAHs, and
perhaps asbestos, are called complete carcinogens.
Some regulatory agencies build greater margins of safety into the calculation of exposure limits for cancer
initiators than they do for cancer promoters on the assumption that promoters will not be found in the
at the higher levels required to exert their cancer effect. It must be recognized however that
some cancer promoters, such as dioxins, can exert their cancer promoting effects at levels of exposure
that are less than those commonly experienced in the environment.
In occupational settings, cancer promoters may present as much risk as cancer initiators given that
exposure levels tend to be higher than in the general environment.
Throughout this report, the word “environment” will be used to mean all non-occupational environments
including residential indoor air, outdoor air, drinking water, surface water, soil, dust, food and consumer
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cancers Linked to the Contaminants
Different carcinogens have a tendency to induce different types of cancer at different sites in the body.
Table 2 below summarizes the types of cancers most clearly associated with each of the ten
contaminants. It is important to bear in mind that, besides the cancer concerns, all of the selected agents
present other toxic effects that may play an important role in their overall toxicity. The non-cancer effects
may be particularly important in occupational settings where exposures tend to be higher than
environmental exposures.
Table 2: Sites and Types of Cancers in Humans for the Ten Contaminants
Cancer types Reference
Cancer of lymph and blood systems (leukemia,
lymphosarcoma and reticulum cell sarcoma)
ATSDR (1992)
Lung cancer and mesothelioma ( cancer of the membrane
surrounding the lungs and other organs)
ATSDR (1995)
Benzene Acute myeloid leukemia ATSDR (1997)
Cadmium Lung cancer ATSDR (1993a)
Chromium(VI) Lung cancer ATSDR (1993b)
All cancers combined, lung cancer and soft tissue sarcoma,
liver cancers in animals
USEPA (1994b)
Formaldehyde Nasal and nasopharyngeal tumours
IPCS (1989a)
ATSDR (1999)
PAHs (B[a]P)
Ingestion: mainly stomach tumors; Inhalation: mainly lung
tumors; skin absorption: mainly skin tumours
ATSDR (1995d)
Tetrachloroethylene Weak evidence for cancer in humans CEPA (1993d)
Trichloroethylene No consistent pattern as to the type of cancer CEPA (1993a)
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cancer Potency of the Contaminants
The distinction between threshold and non-threshold effects is used by regulating agencies when
establishing exposure limits for chemical contaminants. For chemicals with a threshold, a dose-response
assessment is used to identify the threshold level at which no adverse effect is expected (i.e. the no
observable adverse effect level [NOAEL]). By applying an appropriate safety factor that accounts for
the uncertainties in the estimation of the threshold, the reference dose (RfD) or tolerable daily intake
(TDI) can be calculated. The TDI or RfD can be used as an indicator of cancer potency.
Since there is no “safe” level of exposure for non-threshold carcinogens, it is deemed necessary by
regulatory agencies to establish a level of exposure for each chemical that is deemed “tolerable” or
“acceptable”. Such a level is called a risk-specific dose (RsD). Generally for environmental exposures,
most organisations define “tolerable” risk as one excess cancer case per million people exposed daily over
a life-time. The risk-specific dose (RsD), which reflects both the potency of the contaminant being
assessed as well as the risk level deemed tolerable, can be used to calculate the unit risk which can be
used as an estimate of cancer potency.
The number of cancer cases expected with any carcinogen increases as the exposure levels increases.
With more potent carcinogens, the number of people affected will increase more quickly as the exposure
level increases. In other words, a more potent carcinogen is expected to induce cancer at lower exposure
levels and to induce a greater number of cancer cases as exposure increases.
Among the initiators, carcinogenic PAHs and chromium (VI) are considered the most potent carcinogens
by inhalation, followed by asbestos and cadmium. 1,3-butadiene and benzene are about three to four
orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 to 10,000 times) less potent than PAHs and chromium (VI). Formaldehyde
is a weak initiator but a strong promoter. Dioxins and related compounds are considered very potent
promoters of cancer.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Sources of Emissions to the Environment
It was not possible to obtain accurate estimates of environmental emissions for the ten contaminants
selected for study within Toronto. When Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory
(NPRI) database was checked for emission sources within Toronto for 1999 (i.e. the most recent year for
which data were available) there were no entries for asbestos or 1,3-butadiene, only one facility for
benzene, three facilities for both cadmium and chromium, and four for formaldehyde, tetrachloroethylene
and trichloroethylene. There were no entries for PAHs or dioxins because they were not reportable
substances before 2000.
NPRI focuses primarily on large point sources while many of the emission sources within Toronto are
mobile sources such as cars and trucks, areas sources such as residential heating, and small commercial
and industrial point sources such as autobody and printing shops. Facilities only have to report emissions to
NPRI if they employ 10 or more employees (or an equivalent of 20,000 worker hours per year),
manufactured, processed or used more than 10,000 kilograms (i.e. 10 tonnes) of the reportable substance
in the reporting year, and the reportable substance was manufactured, processed or used at a
concentration of 1% or more. Dioxins and PAHs (17 individual PAHs) were added to the list of
reportable substances in 2000. The quantity cut-off for PAHs is 50 kilograms or more while there will be
no concentration cut-off for dioxins (Environment Canada, 2000a).
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has recently established a mandatory monitoring and
reporting requirement (i.e. the Airborne Contaminant Discharge Monitoring and Reporting Regulation
127/01) as the basis for a provincial inventory of pollutant emissions within Ontario. This Regulation lists
all of the NPRI substances at the threshold levels required under NPRI, as well as some additional
substances. It appears to target large point sources as well.
The technical report includes emissions data from the US EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) that can
be used to identify the potential emission sources for the ten contaminants within and around the City of
Toronto. U.S. emissions inventories were used because they include a wider range of data than the
NPRI. However, these inventories will include emission sources that may not be relevant to Toronto
while excluding emissions sources, such as vehicles, hospitals, airports, and service businesses such as
auto service stations, that are relevant to Toronto.
This assessment suggests that there are huge gaps regarding the sources of air toxics released within the
City’s boundaries. The Air Quality Improvements Branch (AQIB) within Toronto Works and Emergency
Services plans to supplement the emissions inventories kept by the provincial and federal governments by
targeting emissions from mobile, area and small point sources that are excluded from provincial and
federal emission inventories. The AQIB plans to target the criteria contaminants as well as a few
prioritized air toxics. The AQIB should proceed on a sector by sector basis giving priority to the “air
toxics” identified in this report. Toronto Public Health recommends that the provincial and federal levels
of government expand their proposed and existing inventories to capture a greater percentage of small and
medium sized point sources.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Contaminant Levels – Indoor and Outdoor Air
For most of the ten contaminants reviewed, inhalation is the most important route of exposure because
people tend to be more sensitive to the selected contaminants when inhaled than when ingested or
absorbed through the skin. Exposures encountered in indoor environments usually have a greater impact
on health than outdoor exposures because most people in northern climates spend more time indoors than
outdoors. However, many of the contaminants present in the outdoor air readily penetrate into indoor air
through ventilation systems, windows and doors. As a result, outdoor air levels can significantly influence
the total exposure by inhalation, even though most of that exposure takes place indoors. Most, if not all, of
the contaminants considered in this report are expected to readily enter the indoor environment when
present in outdoor air.
Compared to estimates of quantities released, relatively good data are available on the levels of the
selected contaminants present in outdoor air although Toronto-specific data are missing for several
contaminants (see Table 3 below). Information about contaminant levels in indoor air in Toronto homes
and public spaces is much more scarce. Indoor air quality can be affected by the construction materials,
furnishings and consumer products used as well as by the activities undertaken indoors. Asbestos may be
found in the flooring, ceiling tiles, shingles and heating system insulation in older buildings. Formaldehyde
can be released from building materials such as plywood, as well as from furniture, permanent press
fabrics, draperies, carpets and mattress ticking. Fireplaces and cigarette smoking can emit 1,3-butadiene,
benzene, cadmium, chromium and PAHs into the indoor environment. Contaminants such as
trichloroethylene and tetrachlorothylene can be released from household products such as paints, paint
strippers, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, cleansers and dry-cleaned clothing.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Table 3: Outdoor Air Levels of Ten Contaminants and Air Levels that Correspond to a One
a Million Cancer Risk
Air Level that
Corresponds to One
in a Million Cancer
Ambient Air Levels Data Location
(PCM fibres/mL)
0.000004 0.000003 - 0.003 Urban areas
1.3 – 3.1
2.2 average
1,3-Butadiene (µg/m
) 0.16
0.32 average
0.07-0.11 average
5 stations: Toronto
2 stations: Toronto
0.00024 - 0.00072
0.00042 average
Southern Ontario
0.000083 (Chromium
0.003 - 0.009
(Total Chromium)
12 Ontario Cities
0.01 (US EPA)
0.090-0.26 average
North America
Canada: urban sites
3.3 average
2 – 4
1.8 to 6.1 average
Canada: 4 urban/4 suburban
Canada: Large Cities
Toronto, Windsor & Ottawa
0.0003 average
0.00014 summer
0.00036 winter
250 (WHO) 5 average Toronto
1.6 0.32-2.8 Toronto
* Data provided in CCME or CEPA reports or by Environment Canada
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Potential Routes of Exposure
Toronto is a city with a strong industrial past. As a result, some of the lands in downtown Toronto and
many low-lying areas were filled partly with industrial wastes which could contain PAHs, cadmium or
chromium. Soils in Toronto may also be contaminated directly from past or present industrial operations.
In Toronto, high PAH levels are found on sites that used or produced coal tar, such as coal gasification
sites or roofing operations. Benzene is most often found as a component of gasoline or diesel fuel
contamination. Trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene are found where they have been used as
solvents or degreasing agents on site. Chromium may be found on metal-finishing sites. 1,3-butadiene,
which is a gas at room temperature, is not found in contaminated soils
People can be exposed to contaminants in the soil from skin contact with the soil when gardening or
playing on the site; inadvertent ingestion of soil or dust blown into a house through hand to mouth activities;
inhalation of vapours that enter buildings through cracks in the foundation; and ingestion of food grown in
the contaminated soil. Soil contamination in Toronto is highly variable from one site to the next and is not
well documented.
Food can be an important route of exposure both in terms of the quantity of the contaminant that can be
taken into the body, and in terms of the toxic effects associated with that route of exposure. The level of
chemical contamination in food products depends upon the environmental conditions in which they are
grown, the farming practices employed, the processes to which they are exposed, and the practices used
in their preparation. For example, smoked or barbecued meat can have very high levels of PAHs.
Environmental exposure can be heavily influenced by lifestyle factors. For example, families that depend
solely upon vegetables grown in the backyard can be at increased risk of cancer if their soil is
contaminated with carcinogens. Likewise, families that consume large quantities of fish caught in the
Great Lakes can be at increased risk of cancer from exposure to dioxins. In order to better understand
the pattern and extent of exposures by these routes, it is important to gather information about lifestyle
factors related to food growing, processing and consumption patterns.
Reports on Toronto’s drinking water indicate that drinking water is a negligible source of exposure to these
ten contaminants in Toronto.
Intake Levels from Environmental Sources
Intake levels are estimates of the quantity of a contaminant that may actually contact the body’s lungs,
gastro-intestinal tract and skin. They can be calculated for the different exposure pathways (i.e. water,
food, air) and for the different ages and circumstances of the general population. Intake levels can be
used to compare the relative importance of different routes and pathways of exposure. They must be
interpreted carefully however, because they do not always identify the route or pathway that is associated
with the greatest harm. Because carcinogens can be more potent by one route of exposure than another,
a less significant path of exposure could still present the greatest level of risk. The significant intake levels
are highlighted in the contaminant-specific summaries provided later in this report. (See Section 6.0).
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Industrial Exposures
The Ontario Ministry of Labour used to systematically collect exposure information on selected chemicals
and physical agents for Ontario workplaces but this data has not been collected for several years. The
older data are currently being transferred into a new database and were not available for this report.
Although some data may be available from the Ministry of Labour in the future, it may not reflect current
working conditions and it may not reflect exposures to all of the carcinogens currently being used in
Ontario workplaces.
In the absence of current exposure data, an attempt has been made to estimate the number of Toronto
workers who may be occupationally exposed to the ten contaminants and to identify the industrial sectors
in which those exposures may occur. These estimates have been derived using the CAREX model
developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in collaboration with IARC. CAREX contains
estimates of the number of workers occupationally exposed to 139 carcinogens by different industrial
sectors in 15 countries of the European Union (EU) and in four non-EU countries including the United
States. With this model, workers are considered “exposed” if they are exposed to the contaminants at
levels exceeding those typical of outdoor air in Europe. A weakness of this approach is that it assumes
that occupational exposures in Toronto in 2001 are comparable to those in the United States in the early
1980s and to those in Finland in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Number of Workers Potentially Exposed
While the estimates derived from CAREX do not indicate the levels of exposure that may be encountered
in Toronto workplaces, they do identify the contaminants to which the largest number of workers may be
exposed and the industrial sectors in which the largest number of workers may be exposed (see Table 4
below). The estimates indicate that the largest number of Toronto workers are potentially exposed to:
PAHs in the land transport sector (e.g. trucking); tetrachloroethylene in the clothing manufacturing sector
and in dry-cleaning establishments; formaldehyde in the clothing manufacturing and furniture and fixtures
manufacturing sectors; chromium (VI) in a number of industrial sectors; benzene in the personal and
household services (e.g. dry cleaners, hair dressers) sector and in the wholesale and retail trade and
restaurants and hotels sector; and asbestos in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels.
These sectors and contaminants should be given priority for further investigation. Future investigations
should focus on determining the extent and level of worker exposures in each sector, the sources of those
exposures, and the actions that could be taken to reduce or eliminate exposures where warranted.
The high estimates derived for potential exposure to benzene in the personal and household services sector
and in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurant and hotels sector likely reflect the potential to be
exposed to second-hand smoke in these sectors. Given that smoking is now prohibited in most Toronto
workplaces, these numbers likely over-estimate the potential for benzene exposure in these two sectors in
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Toronto. These estimates do indicate, however, the exposure reduction benefit that can occur with full
implementation of policies to restrict smoking in the workplace.
Table 4: Major Industrial Sectors with Greatest Number of Workers Potentially Exposed to
the Ten Contaminants in Toronto Based on CAREX Modelling
Contaminant Sector with Greatest Potential for Exposure
Number of
Toronto Workers
Exposed to
Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels
1,3-Butadiene Manufacture of plastic products 116
Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels
Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners)
Land transport (e.g. trucks, buses, taxis)
Manufacture of plastic products
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
Non-ferrous metal basics industries
Other manufacturing industries
Manufacture of textiles
Printing, publishing and allied industries
Manufacture of plastic products
Manufacture of fabricated metal products
Manufacture of machinery except electrical
Manufacture of transport equipment
Personal and household services
Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear
Manufacture of furniture and fixtures
Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear
Iron and steel basic industries
Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels
Land Transport (e.g. trucks, buses, taxis)
Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners)
Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear
Printing, publishing and allied industries
Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners)
Trichloroethylene Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners) 196
* Given that smoking is now prohibited in Toronto workplaces, these estimates likely
over-estimate the potential for benzene exposure in these two sectors at this time.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Asbestos has been used at one time or another in more than 5,000 products. It has been used in the
production of textiles, electrical insulation, pharmaceutical and beverage filters, asbestos-cement pipes and
sheets, clutch facings, break linings, asbestos paper, packaging, gaskets and pipe coverings. For many
years, asbestos-based products were used in buildings because of their fire resistant qualities. Although
asbestos has been eliminated from many of these products in Canada, its use continues unabated in a
number of “developing” countries while its use in selected products continues in Canada as well.
Asbestos is a very hazardous material that has been the cause of thousands of deaths among Canadians
occupationally exposed. It has also been linked to deaths and disease experienced by the families of
workers occupationally exposed. Asbestos is known to produce lung cancer and mesothelioma (i.e.
cancer of the membrane that surrounds the lungs and other internal organs) in people occupationally
exposed. Gastro-intestinal cancer has been associated with exposure by both inhalation and ingestion of
asbestos, although the risk is generally lower. Asbestos exposure also leads to asbestosis, a progressive
disease of the lungs, cardiovascular disease, and depression of the immune system.
Inhalation is the most significant route of exposure for asbestos. The US EPA has estimated the cancer
potency of asbestos by inhalation to be 0.23 per fibre/mL (fibres per milliliter of air) which corresponds to
a one in a million cancer risk for a lifetime exposure to daily air levels of 0.000004 fibres/mL. (In this
report, the exposure levels that correspond to a one in a million cancer risk are referred to as the
“tolerable” exposure levels.)
While there is no Toronto-specific information on the levels of asbestos expected in outdoor air, asbestos
has been reported in outdoor air in urban areas in North America at levels ranging from 0.000003 to 0.003
fibres/mL. While the lower end of this range hovers around the air levels deemed tolerable, the high end
of the range is three orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) higher. Environmentally, additional levels of
exposure can occur when asbestos-containing products are disturbed or removed without proper
precautions in homes or public buildings or when structures containing asbestos are demolished without
proper precautions.
Occupational exposure can occur in any industrial sector in which asbestos-containing products are
manufactured, used or handled. It can also occur in situations in which old asbestos-containing products
such as ceiling tiles or insulation are removed or disturbed without proper precautions. Within Toronto,
worker exposure would be expected to occur during demolition, renovation or repair work done on
structures in which asbestos-products have been used, where proper precautions are not taken.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 7,000 Toronto workers may be potentially
exposed to asbestos at levels greater than background. Most of these people are expected to work in the
wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels sector and the construction industry. While it is clear
how workers in the construction industry may be exposed to asbestos, the numbers estimated for the
wholesale and retail trade sector require further investigation, first to verify that it is a sector of concern
for asbestos and secondly, to identify the sources and levels of exposure that may be encountered.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Benzene is used extensively in industry as a volatile solvent and as an intermediate in the production of
many chemicals. It is a natural component of petroleum and is added to gasoline as an octane-enhancer
and as an anti-knock agent. Vehicle exhaust from gasoline operated vehicles is the most significant
source of benzene in the environment. Emissions estimates produced by Environment Canada suggest
that gasoline-powered vehicles were responsible for about 65% of the 11,500 tonnes of benzene emitted in
Ontario’s air each year in the mid 1990s. Other vehicles in the transportation sector (15%), the steel
sector (8%), petroleum production and distribution (3%), residential wood-burning fireplaces (3%), and
chemical production (3%) are important contributors of benzene in Ontario as well (CHEMinfo., 1997).
Benzene is a cancer initiator that has been clearly linked to acute myeloid leukemia (i.e. a cancer of the
blood system). Long-term exposure to low levels of benzene has also been associated with other blood
disorders, reproductive effects, and depression of the immune system. Benzene can enter the body by
inhalation, ingestion and absorption through the skin.
The US EPA has estimated that the cancer potency for benzene by inhalation is 0.0000041 per µg/m3
by ingestion is 0.029 per mg/kg body weight/day. These estimates correspond to a one in a million cancer
risk with lifetime environmental exposures to air levels of 0.24 µg/m3
or ingestion of 0.034 µg/kg/body
weight per day.
The levels of benzene in the outdoor air in Toronto range from 1.3 to 3.1 µg/m3
with an average of 2.2
. The average level is one order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) greater than the air levels deemed
tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures. Airborne concentrations of benzene at the perimeter of
gasoline service stations in five Canadian cities averaged 439 µg/m3
in the summer and 1383 µg/m3
in the
winter of 1986 (Canada, 1993c). These air levels suggest that actions to reduce emissions from gas
stations could be a municipal priority.
Outdoor air is the main source of exposure to benzene for the general population in Canada, contributing
1.3 to 3.0 µg/kg/day to the estimated daily intake. Vehicle-related activities contribute an additional 0.7 to
0.9 µg/kg/day and indoor air contributes another 0.05 to 0.6 µg/kg/day to the estimated daily intake.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 15,000 Toronto workers are potentially
exposed to benzene at levels greater than background in two sectors: the wholesale, retail trade,
restaurants and hotels sector (about 6,000) and in the personal and household services sector (about
8,000). It is likely that second-hand cigarette smoke was the source of benzene exposure for many of the
workers in these two sectors. Given that Toronto’s new smoking by-law prohibits smoking in most
establishments in Toronto, it is expected that these numbers represent over-estimates of the number of
workers potentially exposed to benzene in Toronto.
Occupational exposure data published by IARC, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and ATSDR
(American Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) indicate that people can be exposed to substantial
levels of benzene in a number of different industrial sectors including car repair, rubber manufacturing,
petroleum refining, paint manufacturing and shoe production. These data indicate that even among those
workers whose occupational exposures are relatively low, such as car mechanics (140 µg/m3
), tanker
truck drivers (680 µg/m3
), and tanker truck loaders (1,400 to 6,100 µg/m3
), exposures are quite high when
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
compared to those experienced environmentally. The exposure of the car mechanic for example, is three
orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) greater than the air levels deemed tolerable for a lifetime
environmental exposure.
1, 3-Butadiene
1, 3-Butadiene is a combustion by-product that results from natural processes and human activities. It is
also an industrial chemical used in the production of polymers including polybutadiene, styrene-butadiene
rubbers, latex, and nitrile-butadiene rubbers. Gasoline and diesel powered vehicles are significant sources
of 1, 3-butadiene emitted to the environment as is fuel combustion for home heating and industrial activities
(Canada, 2000a).
1, 3-Butadiene is a human carcinogen that has been linked to cancers of the blood and lymph systems. It
has also been linked to disorders of the heart, blood and lungs, and to reproductive and developmental
effects. Inhalation is the predominant route of exposure. The US EPA and Health Canada have recently
revised their cancer potency estimates for 1, 3-butadiene and they are quite similar. The US EPA
estimates that 1, 3-butadiene has a cancer potency of 0.0000063 per µg/m3
by inhalation, which
corresponds to a one in a million cancer risk with lifetime environmental exposures to daily air levels of
0.16 µg/m3
1, 3-Butadiene can be found in outdoor air at levels that average 0.32 µg/m3
(range 0.03-2.20 µg/m3
) in
Toronto. The average is slightly higher than the air levels deemed tolerable. Air levels are expected to be
higher at gasoline filling stations and in enclosed structures such as parking garages and urban road tunnels
(4-49 µg/m3
in parking garages). Estimated daily intakes for 1, 3-Butadiene suggest that indoor air can be
the main source of environmental exposure with air levels ranging from 0.04 to 1.0 µg/m3
in homes of non-
smokers and 0.3 to 19.2 µg/m3
in the homes of smokers.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that 183 Toronto workers may be occupationally exposed to
1, 3-butadiene at levels greater than background. These numbers are surprising and likely represent an
underestimate of the number of workers potentially exposed in Toronto. Given that 1, 3-butadiene would
be expected in any workplace where cigarette smoking was allowed and in any workplace exposed to
vehicle exhaust, the estimated number of workers should have been closer to those estimated for benzene
and PAHs.
Occupational exposure data published by the NTP and ATSDR indicate the potential for workers to be
exposed to substantial levels of 1, 3-butadiene in the rubber and other manufacturing plants, but do not
provide any exposure estimates for workers in the transport, retail or personal services sectors.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cadmium is present in the environment as a result of both natural processes and human activities.
Cadmium is used in paints, pigments, plastics, batteries and in some metal alloys. Base metal smelting and
refining operations are considered the most significant sources of cadmium from human activities;
responsible for approximately 80% of the cadmium released into the air and water. Other sources include
coal-fired electrical generation, space heating, vehicles, solid waste incineration and sewage sludge
application (Canada, 1994a).
Cadmium is most clearly linked to lung cancer by inhalation. Other health effects, such as kidney disease,
have been associated with exposure by ingestion as well as inhalation. The US EPA has estimated
cadmium’s cancer potency to be 0.0018 per µg/m3
for exposure by inhalation. This estimate corresponds
to one additional cancer per million people exposed for a lifetime to daily air levels of 0.00056 µg/m3
. The
average outdoor air concentration of cadmium in southern Ontario has been reported to be 0.00042 µg/m3
This concentration hovers around the exposure level deemed “tolerable” for lifetime environmental
With the CAREX model, it has been estimated that approximately 2,500 Toronto workers may be exposed
to cadmium at levels greater than background. These people work in a variety of industrial sectors with
the largest numbers in the plastics production, non-metallic mineral products, non-ferrous metal basic, and
other manufacturing sectors. Occupational exposure data reported by NTP and IARC indicate that
exposure to cadmium can vary greatly depending on the industry and the job.
Chromium is used in the metallurgical industry to produce stainless steel and alloys. In the chemical
industry, it is used in the production of pigments. Smaller amounts of chromium are also used in leather
tanning, textiles manufacturing, wood preservation, toners for copying machines, magnetic tapes, and as a
catalyst. It is also released when fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are burned as fuels. Emissions
estimates developed in the early 1990s indicate that about 84 tonnes of total chromium are released into
the air in Canada each year, while about 27 tonnes are discharged into water, and another 5,000 tonnes to
land (i.e. this includes landfill sites). Industrial processes are responsible for about 29% of the chromium
emitted into the air, while fuel consumption in stationary sources and from the transportation sector is
responsible for about 51% and 12% respectively. Electrical generating stations are the most significant
contributors of chromium to air; in 1991, they were responsible for about 24% of all emissions to air in
Canada (Canada, 1994b).
Chromium exists in three forms: metallic chromium, chromium (III) and chromium (VI). Metallic
chromium and chromium (III) are not considered carcinogenic, while chromium (VI) is. Chromium (VI)
has been most clearly linked to lung cancer by inhalation. High level occupational exposures have also
been associated with nasal irritation, nosebleeds, holes in the nasal septum and other respiratory effects.
Exposure to low levels of chromium of any form can induce allergic skin reactions in sensitive people.
Chromium (VI) may also cause adverse effects on reproduction.
There is general agreement among regulators regarding the inhalation cancer potency of chromium (VI).
The US EPA estimates a cancer potency of 0.012 per µg/m3
by inhalation which corresponds to one
additional cancer case per million exposed for a lifetime to daily air levels of 0.000083 µg/m3
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Total chromium levels in outdoor air in Ontario range between 0.003 to 0.009 µg/m3
, which
corresponds to chromium (VI) air levels of about 0.00009 µg/m3
to 0.00072 µg/m3
. The high range is one
order of magnitude (10 times) greater than the air levels deemed “tolerable”.
Food is the most important pathway of exposure for the general population. However, given that
chromium (VI) is known to be carcinogenic by inhalation and not by ingestion, indoor and outdoor air
would be of greatest concern for cancer. Cigarette smoking can significantly increase total daily intake of
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 6,000 Toronto workers may be exposed to
chromium (VI) at levels greater than background. These workers are spread across many different
industrial sectors. Occupational exposure levels reported by ATSDR suggest that workers can be exposed
to substantial levels of chromium in operations that involve plating, alloy production, and stainless steel
Dioxins and Furans
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (or dioxins) and dibenzofurans (furans) are not manufactured
intentionally. They are by-products of many processes including incineration of municipal and medical
wastes, production of chlorinated compounds, pulp and paper bleaching with chlorinated compounds, and
some smelting operations. The primary pathway for exposure to dioxins is ingestion from food. 2,3,7,8--
tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxins (TCDD) is the most toxic member of the dioxin family and all other dioxins
are expressed as toxic equivalents (TEQ) of TCDD.
Environment Canada has released a quantitative inventory of environmental releases of dioxins and furans
in Canada for the year 1999. It indicates that in Ontario, medical waste incinerators are the most
significant source of dioxins, accounting for 14 g TEQ per year, followed by hazardous waste incineration
(7.4 g TEQ per year), iron sintering (6 g TEQ per year), waste burning in backyard barrels (5 g TEQ per
year), steel manufacturing (3.66 g TEQ per year), diesel fuel combustion in vehicles (3.11 g TEQ per
year), base metal smelting (2.9 g TEQ per year), municipal waste incineration (2.15 g TEQ per year),
residential wood burning (0.84 g TEQ per year) and electrical power generation (0.69 g TEQ per year).
Within the City of Toronto’s limits, diesel fuel combustion, residential wood burning, and to a lesser extent,
medical waste incineration, are expected to be important emission sources of dioxins (Environment
Canada, 2000).
Dioxins and related compounds (including dibenzofurans and coplanar PCBs) are possible inducers of a
wide spectrum of responses in humans and animals including cancer at multiple sites, a severe acne-like
condition, reproductive and developmental effects, suppression of the immune system, and hormonal
Although dioxins and related compounds are not cancer initiators, they are considered potent cancer
promoters. Estimation of the cancer potency for dioxins is a controversial issue. The US EPA, which
treats all carcinogens as non-threshold contaminants, has estimated a cancer potency of 0.001 per
picogram (pg) TEQ/kg/day. With this estimate, it is assumed that daily exposure to 0.001 pg TEQ/kg/day
will result in one additional cancer per million people exposed. The US EPA cancer potency estimates
differs significantly from the estimates developed by WHO and Health Canada of 10 per pg TEQ/kg/day.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
(Note that 1 gram is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000 picograms.) The WHO has established a lower
tolerable daily intake level for dioxins of 1-4 per pg TEQ/kg/day on the basis of their reproductive and
developmental effects. While the controversy surrounding the cancer potency of dioxins is extremely
important to standard setting processes, for the purposes of this report, it is sufficient to say that dioxins
are contaminants recognized as human carcinogens by IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada.
Food is the major source of exposure to dioxins and furans because they bioaccumulate in the food chain.
Age-specific estimates of average intakes of dioxins and furans for Great Lakes basin residents range
from 1.20 pg TEQ/kg/day in adults 20 years and older, to 4.25 pg TEQ/kg/day in adults who eat sports
fish, to 12.56 pg TEQ/kg/day in non-breast fed infants to 57.05 pg TEQ/kg/day in breast-fed infants.2
While the interpretation of these intake levels varies depending on which cancer potency estimate is used,
they indicate that people are being exposed to levels within and above the range at which adverse health
effects may be expected. The potentially high intake levels in breast-fed infants is a concern. These
levels should not be used to discourage women from breast-feeding because of its many nutritional,
immunological and psychological benefits. However, they should motivate all levels of government to take
action to eliminate the release of dioxins from all human activities wherever possible.
It was not possible to estimate the number of workers exposed to dioxins in the workplace using the
CAREX model because the database does not include dioxins. Nor were any occupational exposure data
for dioxins found in documents published by NTP, IARC or ATDSR.
The estimated intake levels for breast-fed infants are higher than for non-breast-fed infants because
dioxins, which are fat soluble and which accumulate in the food chain, are expected to be present in
greater quantities in the breast milk of humans than in the milk of cows (i.e. that are lower on the food
chain) or in soya products (i.e. that are at the bottom of the food chain).
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Formaldehyde enters the environment from natural processes such as forest fires and from human
activities such as the combustion of fuel in vehicles and industrial applications. Formaldehyde is used in the
production of resins, plastics and as an intermediate in the production of other chemicals. Formaldehyde
resins are used as adhesives for particleboard, fibreboard, plywood, and mouldings. Formaldehyde can
also be used for the treatment of paper and textiles, in surface coatings, foam insulation, and medicines for
humans and animals.
It has been estimated that approximately 12,700 tonnes of formaldehyde were released directly into the
Canadian environment in 1997. Motor vehicle exhaust is by far the most significant source of emissions,
responsible for about 88% of those emissions (Canada, 2000b). People can also be exposed to
formaldehyde that “off-gases” from materials and products used in indoor environments.
Formaldehyde is considered to be a weak initiator of cancer and a strong promoter of cancer. It is a
highly reactive substance that can be irritating to the nose, eyes, skin and lungs at fairly low levels of
exposure. Formaldehyde is considered a probable human carcinogen. The US EPA has recently
proposed a cancer potency estimate of 0.00000028 per µg/m3
, which corresponds to a one in a million
cancer risk with a lifetime exposures to daily air levels of 3.6 µg/m3
Formaldehyde levels measured in outdoor air in Canada between 1989 and 1995 average about 3.3 µg/m3
while the indoor air levels in residential settings were found to be about 36 µg/m3
. The outdoor air levels
that are common in Canada hover around the air level deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental
exposures, while indoor air levels can be an order of magnitude (ie.10 times) higher.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 8,000 Toronto workers are potentially
exposed to formaldehyde at levels above background. Occupational exposure data reported by IARC
indicate that workers can be exposed to formaldehyde in a number of industrial operations including
textile (0.68 ppm) and paper production, hospitals (0.7 ppm), garment (0.9-2.7 ppm) and furniture (0.4 to
5.4 ppm) manufacturing. These exposure levels, which when converted to µg/m3
range from a low of 492
to a high of 6,642 µg/m3
, are two to three orders of magnitude (i.e. 100 to 1,000 times) higher than
the air levels deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
PAHs are present in the environment as complex mixtures that are difficult to measure and identify. They
are produced whenever organic materials such as wood, paper, coal, oil or gasoline are burned as fuel so
they are ubiquitous in the environment of industrialized societies. In nature, forest fires are the most
significant source of PAHs, while gasoline and diesel-operated vehicles, residential fireplaces and
industrial combustion are the human sources that contribute the most to emissions (Canada, 1994c).
Some PAH-rich mixtures are carcinogenic to both humans and animals. Some individual PAHs are
carcinogenic in animals, and some are not. Some PAHs are genotoxic while others are not. Other health
effects include suppression of the immune system, adverse effects on the female and male reproductive
systems, and impairment of fetal development. The doses required to induce developmental effects are
generally similar or somewhat higher than those required for a carcinogenic response.
There are generally two approaches used to estimate the cancer potency of a PAH-rich mixture. One
approach involves summing up the risk from exposure to individual PAHs in the mixture. This is the
approach that has been used by Health Canada and the US EPA. This approach can underestimate the
cancer risk because it considers only about a dozen PAHs when a typical mixture contains hundreds of
PAHs. Another approach, which has been adopted by the WHO, is to assess PAHs as a whole. The
Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), which has thoroughly evaluated the two approaches,
recommends that PAH-rich mixtures be evaluated on a whole mixture basis. It has recommended that
cancer potency for PAH-rich mixtures be expressed in terms of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), the most toxic
member of the PAH family of compounds, and recommends a cancer potency estimate of 0.023 per µg
for inhalation, 2.9 per mg/kg/day for ingestion, and 95 per mg/kg/day for dermal exposures.
These values correspond to a lifetime cancer risk of one in a million when individuals are exposed to a
PAH-rich mixture that contains 0.000043 µg B[a]P/m3
by inhalation, or yields an intake of 0.00034 µg
B[a]P/kg/day by ingestion or 0.00001 µg B[a]P/kg/day by dermal absorption. (Note that 1 mg is equal to
1000 µg).
The average concentration of PAHs in outdoor air in Toronto is approximately 0.0003 µg/m3
B[a]P, an
order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) greater than the exposure level deemed tolerable. In general, due to
winter heating, outdoor air levels of PAHs are about ten times higher in the winter (i.e. 0.00036 µg
) than in the summer months (i.e. 0.000014 µg B[a]P/m3
). Because people spend more time
indoors, the indoor air contributes more to the total daily intake even though exposure levels tend to be
about one half of those outside. Indoor exposure is further increased in situations where the residents
supplement home heating with a fireplace or where cigarette smoking takes place in the home. Although
food is the major source of exposure to B[a]P, since B[a]P is a more potent carcinogen when inhaled than
ingested, the risk of stomach cancer from oral intake may not be higher than the risk of lung cancer due to
inhalation exposure.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 33,500 workers in Toronto may be exposed
to PAHs at levels greater than background. About 88% of these people work in the land transport sector
(eg. trucking). Exposure levels reported in IARC and ATSDR publications indicate that workers can be
exposed to substantial levels of PAHs in the production of aluminum, near coke ovens, in bitumen
processing operations and in roofing operations.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Tetrachloroethylene is used primarily for dry cleaning and textile processing. It is also used as a chemical
intermediate and for metal degreasing. It can be found in a number of different products including
adhesives, aerosols, paints, printing inks, glues, sealants, polishes, lubricants, paint removers, rug and
upholstery cleaners, and stain, spot and rust removers. In Toronto, it is expected that dry cleaning and
textile processing are important sources of environmental emissions.
While tetrachloroethylene is recognized as an animal carcinogen by IARC, the US EPA and Health
Canada, there is no consensus between the three agencies on its potential to produce cancer in humans.
IARC has classified it as probably carcinogenic to humans, the US EPA has classified it as a probably or
possibly carcinogenic to humans, and Health Canada has revised its classification downwards to “unlikely
to be carcinogenic to humans”. WHO has established a tolerable daily concentration of 250 µg/m3
inhalation exposure to tetrachloroethylene, while the US EPA has developed a reference dose of 10
µg/kg/day for exposure by ingestion (i.e. exposure levels deemed “tolerable”). Until there is greater
agreement among three agencies, tetrachloroethylene will be treated by Toronto Public Health as a
contaminant that can produce cancer in humans. Tetrachloroethylene has also been associated with other
non-cancer health effects including neurological and kidney effects in people occupationally exposed and
liver effects in animals exposed experimentally.
Tetrachloroethylene levels in the outdoor air in Toronto range from 2 to 5 µg/m3
while the average indoor
air levels are about 5.1 µg/m3
. These levels are well below those deemed “tolerable” for lifetime
environmental exposures. The use of household products that contain tetrachloroethylene are the likely
sources of tetrachloroethylene in indoor environments.
With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 45,000 in Toronto may be occupationally
exposed to tetrachloroethylene at levels above background. Most of those work in the manufacture of
clothing apparel sector while another 4% work in the personal and household services sector, probably in
dry-cleaning establishments. Published exposure data indicate that workers can be exposed to high levels
of tetrachloroethylene when involved in degreasing, dry-cleaning, printing, spray painting, film processing,
and electroplating. For example, workers operating dry-cleaning machinery can be exposed to air levels
(146,000 µg/m3
) that are almost three orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) higher than those deemed
tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Trichloroethylene is used primarily as a solvent for vapour degreasing and cold cleaning metal parts in
industry. To a lesser extent, it is used in dry-cleaning operations, paints, paint removers and various
household products such as adhesives, rug-cleaning fluids, and spot removers. With the phasing out of
1,1,1-trichloroethane as an ozone depleting substance, the use of trichloroethylene is expected to increase
in industrial applications (Canada, 1993a). Degreasing operations present the greatest potential for
occupational exposure in the workplace and are the largest source of emissions to the general
Trichloroethylene has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by both IARC and CEPA, and until
recently, by the US EPA. (The US EPA recently withdrew this classification upon re-examination of the
data.) Trichloroethylene exposure has been associated with other health effects besides cancer, including
depression of the central nervous system, liver and kidney damage, and developmental effects in animals
exposed experimentally.
Health Canada has developed a cancer potency estimate of 0.00000061 per µg/m3
by inhalation and
0.0001 per mg/kg/day by ingestion for trichloroethylene. These values correspond to a lifetime cancer risk
of one in a million when individuals are exposed to daily air levels of 1.6 µg/m3
or by ingestion to 0.0067
In Toronto, outdoor air levels of trichloroethylene range from 0.32 to 2.8 µg/m3
, while indoor air levels
average about 1.4 µg/m3
. These exposure levels hover around the levels deemed tolerable for lifetime
environmental exposures. As a rule, indoor air is expected to be the major source of exposure to
trichloroethylene for Canadians in the general population, while outdoor air, drinking water and food are
expected to make only minor contributions
Using the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 500 people in Toronto could be
occupationally exposed to trichloroethylene at levels that exceed background levels. Published exposure
data indicate that occupational exposure to trichloroethylene can be quite high when it is being used as a
degreasing agent (i.e. 4,000 to 43,000 µg/m3
). These occupational exposure levels, while encountered for
less time than environmental exposures, are three to five orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 to 10,000 times)
higher than those deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
The assessment conducted by ToxProbe has demonstrated that there is insufficient data available on
environmental emissions of toxic substances from the sources that contribute most to Toronto’s airshed
(i.e. mobile and area sources and small commercial and industrial point sources).
It has also shown that Toronto residents can be exposed to low levels of these ten contaminants from a
number of different environmental media. Inhalation of pollutants present in indoor and outdoor air was
found to be the most important route of exposure for most of the ten carcinogens.
Nine of the ten carcinogens are present in outdoor air at levels that closely approach or exceed the air
levels deemed “tolerable” by regulatory agencies. Two of the carcinogens – PAHs and benzene – are
present in outdoor air at levels that are an order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) higher than the air levels that
correspond to a one in a million cancer risk (i.e. air levels deemed tolerable), and should be given priority
for action by the City. Another two – chromium (VI) and asbestos – may be present in outdoor air at
levels that exceed those deemed tolerable and should be targeted for further investigation.
At least one of the carcinogens – formaldehyde – can be detected in indoor air at levels that exceed the
air levels deemed tolerable. For several others, indoor air is the medium of greatest exposure. Given the
scarcity of data on indoor exposure levels and the potential for exposure from this medium, it is
recommended that Toronto Public Health consider indoor air quality as a research priority in the next
calendar year.
Intake levels estimated for dioxins indicate that exposure by ingestion from food products hover around the
intake levels at which adverse effects may be expected. Therefore, it is recommended that the City give
high priority to actions that support their virtual elimination.
The technical report has documented that there is no systematically collected publicly available information
on current occupational exposure levels to contaminants in Ontario workplaces. Modeling has estimated
that a significant number of workers may be exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
tetrachloroethylene, formaldehyde, chromium (VI), asbestos and benzene in Toronto workplaces. A
review of occupational exposure data published in the United States suggests that workers can be exposed
to the selected carcinogens at levels that are hundreds or thousands of times higher than those air levels
deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures. The City should liaise with Cancer Care Ontario
and the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care to ensure that occupational exposure
to carcinogens gains greater attention and action.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
It is recommended that the Board of Health:
(1) request the Medical Officer of Health to:
(a) identify strategies that can be taken to reduce the release of the ten key carcinogens,
giving priority to benzene, dioxins and PAHs;
(b) report back to the Board of Health on these strategies; and
(c) continue to liaise with the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care,
and with Cancer Care Ontario, to ensure that Toronto workers are adequately protected
from occupational exposures to carcinogens in Toronto workplaces;
(2) request the Ontario Minister of the Environment and the Federal Ministers of Health and the
Environment to:
(a) provide Toronto-specific data on the levels of asbestos and chromium (VI) in Toronto’s
outdoor air;
(b) expand their respective emission release inventories to include a greater percentage of
small and medium-sized point sources; and
(c) move quickly to establish a health-protective air standard for polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a whole;
(3) request that Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Labour give priority to the
investigation and assessment of occupational exposure to the following known and probable
carcinogens in industrial sectors in Toronto:
(a) PAHs in the land transport sector;
(b) tetrachloroethylene in the clothing apparel manufacturing sector and personal and
household services sector;
(c) formaldehyde in the furniture and fixtures manufacturing and clothing apparel
manufacturing sectors;
(d) chromium (VI) in a number of manufacturing sectors;
(e) benzene in the personal and household services sector and wholesale, retail trade,
restaurants and hotels sector; and
(f) asbestos in the wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels sector;
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
(4) encourage Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Ministers of Labour, of the Environment, and of
Health and Long-term Care to prioritize all occupational and environmental carcinogens for further
assessment and toxics reduction where appropriate;
(5) send a copy of this report to the Ontario Ministers of Labour, the Environment, and Health and
Long-Term Care, the Federal Ministers of Health and the Environment and to Cancer Care
Ontario, the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition, and the Commissioners of Works and
Emergency Services and Corporate Services; and
(6) request that the appropriate city officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action
to give effect thereto.
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Cancer Care Ontario (CCO). Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Ontario 1964-1996. (March 31, 1999).
CCME. Dioxins and Furans – Framework for CWS Development. (November 1999).
CHEMinfo Services Inc. Scoping Report Prepared for the EITG. (1997).
Environment Canada. Canada-Wide Standards for Dioxins and Furan Emissions: Completing the Task.
(December 15, 2000). www.ec.gc.ca/dioxins/english/index.htm
Environment Canada. Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory. (2000a).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Cadmium and its Compounds. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994a).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substance Assessment
Program: 1, 3-Butadiene. Environment Canada & Health Canada (2000a).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Trichloroethylene. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993a).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substance Assessment
Program: Formaldehyde. Environment Canada & Health Canada (2000b).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Chromium and its Compounds. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994b).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Dichloromethane. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993b).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994c).
Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment
Report: Benzene Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993c).
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity to
Humans. (May 2000).
McBride, Mary. “Childhood Cancer and Environmental Contaminants”. Canadian Journal of Public
Health, Vol 89, Suppl 1, S53-S62 (1998).
Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public
Miller, A.B. “Planning Cancer Control Strategies”. Chronic Disease Canada, Vol 13, S1-S40 (1992).
National Cancer Institute (NCI). “National Cancer Institute Research on Causes of Cancers in Children”.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (September 2000a). www.cancer.gov.
National Cancer Institute (NCI). “Annual Report Shows Continuing Decline in U.S. Cancer Incidence and
Death Rates”. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (September 2000b). www.cancer.gov
National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). Canadian Cancer Statistics 2001”. Toronto (2001).
Pearson, Robert, Howard Wachtel, and Kristie L. Ebi. “Integrated Distance Weighted Traffic Density In
Proximity To A Home Is A Risk Factor For Leukemia And Other Childhood Cancers”. Journal of Air and
Waste Management Association, Vol 50 No. 2, pp. 175 - 180.
Shy, Mark. “Air Pollution”, Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, 2nd
Edition. Edited by David
Schottenfeld and Joseph Fraumeni Jr. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 406-417 (1996).
Toronto Public Health (TPH). Potential For Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto’s Environment and
Workplaces. Prepared by Dr. Pavel Muller, ToxProbe Inc. (2001).
Toronto Public Health (TPH). Toronto’s Health Status: A Profile of Cancer. Prepared by Meera Jain,
Paul Fleiszer, and Sheela Basrur (2000).

More Related Content


  • 1. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Workplaces and Environment: Assessing the Potential for Exposure Dr. Sheela V. Basrur Medical Officer of Health Toronto Public Health March 2002
  • 2. Reference: Toronto Public Health, Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Workplaces and Environment: Assessing the Potential for Exposure. Toronto, Ontario: March 2002. Authors: Kim Perrotta and Ronald Macfarlane Acknowledgements: This report incorporates information and highlights from the technical study prepared for Toronto Public Health by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe Incorporated entitled Potential for Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto. The technical review is being released concurrently with this summary report. The views presented in this summary report are solely the views of the authors and Toronto Public Health. However, we would like to thank the Project Advisory Committee to the technical study, Potential for Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto, who offered valuable advice and technical comments at several important points in this project. This Project Advisory Committee included representatives from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (Toronto), the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA), the Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital and Toronto Public Health. We thank Dr. Lynn Marshall, Medical Director, Environmental Health Clinic, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital of Toronto for her participation in the project and expert review of this report. We would also like to thank Dr. Monica Campbell of Toronto Public Health for comments and advice offered throughout this project. Distribution: Both reports are available at: www.city.toronto.on.ca/health/ Contact: Health Promotion & Environmental Protection Office Toronto Public Health 277 Victoria Street, 7th Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 1W2 Telephone: 416-392-6788 Fax: 416-392-7418
  • 3. i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background This report has been prepared in response to recommendations contained in both Toronto’s Environmental Plan approved by City Council in May 2000, and in the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition Action Plan approved by the Board of Health in May 2001. This assessment was conducted to determine what is known about the potential for occupational and environmental exposure to ten key known and probable carcinogens in Toronto’s workplaces and environment. This report draws information from a background report entitled, Potential For Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto’s Environment and Workplaces that was prepared on contract by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe Incorporated. The ten carcinogens were chosen because of their potential to cause cancer and because they are frequently found in the workplace and in the environment. They are asbestos, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, cadmium, chromium (VI), dioxins, formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene. For nine of the ten, there is strong evidence to indicate that they induce cancer in humans and strong agreement among regulatory agencies that they should be treated as known or probable human carcinogens. For the tenth contaminant, tetrachloroethylene, there is more contradictory evidence respecting its ability to induce cancer in humans, and less agreement among regulatory agencies about its classification as a human carcinogen. Emissions and Exposure Data The review of available emissions release data suggests that there are huge gaps in our knowledge about the sources of toxics released within the City’s boundaries. Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) focuses primarily on large point sources only, when in fact, many of the emission sources within Toronto are mobile sources such as cars and trucks, area sources such as residential heating, and small and medium-sized commercial, industrial and institutional point sources. Relatively good data are available on the levels of the selected carcinogens present in outdoor air although Toronto-specific data is missing for several contaminants. Two carcinogens – asbestos and chromium (VI) – could be present in Toronto’s air at levels that are one or two orders of magnitude greater than those associated with a one in a million cancer risk. For these two carcinogens, Toronto-specific data were not available and a range of air levels from urban centres in Ontario/Canada was used. Toronto Public Health recommends that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada should provide Toronto-specific monitoring results for these two contaminants so they can be prioritized for source reduction. Information about contaminant levels in indoor air is very scarce. Air sampling conducted for formaldehyde indicates that it may be present in indoor air at levels that are an order of magnitude greater than the air levels deemed tolerable (i.e. those that correspond to a one in a million cancer risk). For formaldehyde and several other contaminants, indoor air can be the pathway of greatest exposure. For a number of the carcinogens examined in this report such as PAHs, 1,3-butadiene, tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene, exposure levels in indoor environments can vary significantly depending upon the activities undertaken, and the building materials, furnishings and consumer products used. For these
  • 4. ii reasons, indoor air quality should be considered as a research priority for Toronto Public Health in the coming year. The knowledge gaps for occupational exposures are wider and even more severe than for environmental exposures. Currently, there is no publicly available information on occupational exposure levels experienced in Ontario workplaces. The Ontario Ministry of Labour used to systematically collect exposure information on selected chemical and physical agents for Ontario workplaces but this data has not been collected for several years. The older data are currently being transferred into a new database and were not available for this study. Without proper exposure data, it is not possible to estimate the burden of illness associated with occupational exposure to carcinogens. Nor is it possible to ensure that workers are being adequately protected from carcinogens in the workplace. Toronto Public Health recommends that the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care, and Cancer Care Ontario prioritize carcinogens in Ontario workplaces for further investigation and exposure assessment. Health Assessment and Conclusions While the contaminant levels in Toronto's outdoor air are not higher than those found in other large urban centres, the data suggests that nine of the ten carcinogens (all 10 contaminants except tetrachloroethylene) examined in this report tend to be present in Toronto's outdoor air at levels that approach or exceed the air levels deemed “tolerable” (i.e. the level associated with a one in a million excess cancer risk). A number of the carcinogens examined can also be found in indoor air at levels approaching or exceeding the levels considered tolerable (i.e. formaldehyde, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, trichloroethylene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs). Several can also be found in food products, soil, and lake sediments. Two of the ten carcinogens – benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – are present in outdoor air at levels that are ten times higher than the levels considered tolerable and should be given high priority by the City for actions that will reduce emissions. The transportation sector is likely the most significant source of emissions for both these contaminants within the City. Toronto Public Health also recommends that the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada move quickly to establish air standards for PAHs to drive improvements in air quality. Estimates of the levels of dioxins taken into the body indicate that most residents of the Great Lakes Basin (which includes residents of Toronto) are being exposed to levels of dioxins that are within or above the range at which adverse health effects may be expected. For dioxins, which are released as unintentional by-products from the incineration of medical and municipal wastes, the burning of diesel fuel in vehicles, and to a lesser extent, the burning of wood in fireplaces, food is the most significant pathway for exposure. Dioxins have been identified for “virtual elimination” by a number of national and international agreements. For these reasons, the City needs to give high priority to the development of a strategy that supports their virtual elimination. Estimates derived with the CAREX model indicate that a significant number of Toronto workers may be exposed to PAHs in the transportation sector, tetrachloroethylene in clothing manufacturing and dry- cleaning, formaldehyde in clothing and furniture manufacturing, chromium in a variety of sectors, benzene in whole/retail/restaurants/hotels and the personal services sectors, and asbestos in wholesale/ retail/restaurants/ hotels, above typical outdoor air levels. Very little is known about the level of exposure in many of these situations. Toronto Public Health recommends that the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care and Cancer Care Ontario prioritize these contaminants and industrial sectors for investigation to determine the extent and level of worker exposure to carcinogens.
  • 5. iii The published occupational exposure data that is available (which is based on workplaces in the United States) indicates that workers can be exposed to the selected contaminants at levels that are several orders of magnitude (i.e. 100 to 10,000 times) greater than the exposure levels deemed “tolerable” for environmental exposures in terms of cancer risk. These exposure levels suggest that workers may be exposed to the selected contaminants at levels that correspond to a cancer risk of one in a hundred to one in ten thousand. While workers are potentially exposed for fewer hours per day (8 hours instead of 24 hours), fewer days per week (5 instead of 7) and fewer years (45 instead 70 years) than is assumed by regulatory agencies for environmental exposures, this difference would only justify a 5 to10-fold increase in the exposure levels deemed “tolerable” for workers. It is also true that the working population does not include many of the more vulnerable members of society such as young children, the sick, and the elderly. However, the working population does include men and women who intend to become parents and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, and the scientific literature does suggest childhood cancer is linked to occupational exposure of both parents before conception and of mothers during pregnancy. Many of the selected carcinogens present a health concern to both workers and members of the public. For example, formaldehyde, trichloroethyelene and tetrachloroethylene, that can be detected in relatively high levels in workplaces where they are used to manufacture or treat products, can be found in lower levels in homes, offices and public spaces when they off-gas or vapourize from the products in which they have been used. The carcinogens present in outdoor air because of vehicle exhaust such as benzene, PAHs, formaldehyde and 1,3-butadiene, can present a hazard to people who work in and around vehicles operated on gasoline and diesel (eg. trucking, loading docks, bus stations, taxis). In some situations, workers are exposed to chemicals such as chromium or cadmium in the workplace before they are emitted into the larger environment where they may present a hazard to members of the general population. This study indicates that Toronto residents are routinely exposed to a variety of carcinogenic chemicals in their environment, and that these exposures are associated with a lifetime cancer risk greater than 1 in a million excess cancers. This level of cancer risk exceeds the level considered “tolerable” by Toronto Public Health and many other health agencies throughout the world. Based on the 10 key chemicals assessed in this study, both the outdoor and indoor air exposure pathways appear to present the greatest cancer risk for many of the carcinogens examined. For exposures related to the food pathway, dioxins are flagged as being of priority concern. For dioxins, ingestion from food is the pathway of greatest concern because dioxins released in the air and water will bioaccumulate through the food chain. Toronto’s municipally treated drinking water is a negligible source of cancer risk from the ten contaminants assessed in this study. This study indicates that in addition to the routine exposure of Toronto residents to a variety of environmental carcinogens, many of these people are exposed to additional and even higher levels of carcinogens at work, depending on the type of work they do. It is the multiplicity of exposures to known and probable carcinogens in Toronto’s indoor and outdoor air, in some food sources, and in many workplaces that gives rise to Toronto Public Health’s concerns about the contribution of workplace and environmental carcinogens to cancer rates in Toronto. It is only through better assessment of exposure to contaminants that we can prioritize other carcinogens for priority reduction through implementation of pollution prevention strategies. Pollution prevention strategies that aim to reduce or eliminate the contaminant at source can produce public health benefits for people whether they are at work, at home or outdoors. Given that people in industrialized societies are exposed to low levels of thousands of different chemical and physical agents simultaneously, that the toxicity of many of those substances are not known, and that very little is known about the interactions between contaminants on the human body, it is important to target those
  • 6. iv contaminants with both high exposure potential and high cancer risk, in workplaces and the environment, such as those selected for this report, for priority emissions reduction wherever possible.
  • 7. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................i 1.0 Background...............................................................................................................................1 2.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................2 Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Toronto..............................................................................2 Childhood Cancer ..................................................................................................................2 Cancer and the Environment...................................................................................................3 Cancer and the Workplace.....................................................................................................4 3.0 Carcinogenic Potential of Selected Contaminants ...................................................................5 Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential......................................................................................5 Cancer Classification of the Ten Contaminants........................................................................5 Cancer Initiators and Promoters..............................................................................................7 Cancers Linked to the Contaminants.......................................................................................8 Cancer Potency of the Contaminants ......................................................................................9 4.0 Environmental Exposure to the Ten Carcinogens ..................................................................10 Sources of Emissions to the Environment.................................................................................10 Contaminant Levels – Indoor and Outdoor Air.........................................................................11 Potential Routes of Exposure..................................................................................................13 Intake Levels from Environmental Sources..............................................................................13 5.0 Occupational Exposure to the Ten Carcinogens .....................................................................14 Industrial Exposures...............................................................................................................14 Number of Workers Potentially Exposed.................................................................................14 6.0 Summaries for Each Contaminant ............................................................................................16 7.0 Conclusions...............................................................................................................................26 8.0 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................27 9.0 References................................................................................................................................29 Tables Table 1: Cancer Classifications for Ten Contaminants by US EPA, IARC and CEPA..............................6 Table 2: Sites and Types of Cancers in Humans for the Ten Contaminants..............................................8 Table 3: Outdoor Air Levels of Ten Contaminants and Air Levels that Correspond to a One in a Million Cancer Risk...........................................................................................12 Table 4: Major Industrial Sectors with Greatest Number of Workers Potentially Exposed to the Ten Contaminants in Toronto Based on CAREX Modelling............................................15
  • 8. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 1 1.0 BACKGROUND The Board of Health, at its meeting of July 27, 1998, supported the formation of the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition and requested that it report back to the Board with a proposed action plan for cancer prevention. At its meeting of May 22, 2001, the Board of Health received a report entitled, “Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition Action Plan” and endorsed, in principle, the 20-point action plan developed by the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition. Several points in that plan are directed towards chemical and physical carcinogens in Toronto’s workplaces and environment. In May 2000, Toronto City Council approved, in principle, the plan prepared by Toronto’s Environmental Task Force entitled, Environmental Plan, Clean, Green and Healthy, A Plan for an Environmentally Sustainable Toronto (February 2000). Several of the recommendations contained in this plan are directed towards toxic air pollutants. Recommendation 20a indicates that the City should work to make Toronto’s air clean and free of harmful levels of pollutants. Recommendation 22a) indicates that the City should assess the need to improve City, provincial and federal emissions inventories, while recommendation 22c) indicates that the City should explore the feasibility of introducing a by-law to restrict point source emissions. This report has been prepared to provide background information to support the on-going work of the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition, and to support City staff with the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Coalition’s May 2001 report and in the Environmental Task Force’s May 2000 report. In large part, this report is based on the technical report entitled, Potential for Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto that was prepared for Toronto Public Health by Dr. Pavel Muller of ToxProbe Incorporated. The technical report benefited from the direction and advice of a Project Advisory Committee that included staff from the Ontario Cancer Institute, the Ontario Ministries of Labour and the Environment, the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers, the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) and Toronto Public Health. The ten contaminants included in this report – asbestos, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, cadmium, chromium, dioxins, formaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), tetrachloroethylene, and trichloroethylene – were selected for their potential to be present in both Toronto’s indoor and outdoor environments as well as for their carcinogenic potential. Pesticides and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) related to power lines and radio towers were not included because their health effects have been the subject of previous reports prepared by Toronto Public Health, and because these topics were considered too complex for the budget allocated to this project. All material in this report that has not been referenced has been drawn from the technical review prepared by ToxProbe. The context, interpretation of the technical information, and recommendations contained in this report reflect the positions of Toronto Public Health and do not necessarily reflect those of ToxProbe or the members of the Project Advisory Committee.
  • 9. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Toronto Toronto is the largest city in Canada with a population of 2.4 million. Toronto accounts for about 22% of Ontario’s population and 8% of Canada’s population. Cancer is second only to circulatory disease as the leading cause of death in Toronto. It causes more deaths than respiratory disease, diabetes, accidents, injuries, and AIDS combined. Between 1991 and 1995, cancer was responsible for an average of 4,620 deaths each year in Toronto. While increased cancer incidence and mortality are associated with aging, approximately 40% of new cancer cases and 30% of cancer deaths occur in Toronto residents who are between the ages of 20 and 64 (TPH, June 2000). For women in Toronto, breast cancer (about 29 per 100,000) is the leading cause of cancer fatalities followed by lung cancer (about 25 per 100,000) and then colorectal cancer (about 15 per 100,000). Between 1986 and 1995, the incidence of breast cancer increased although mortality decreased. For Toronto men, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer fatalities (about 62 per 100,000) followed by colorectal cancer (about 24 per 100,000) and prostate cancer (about 26 per 100,000). Between 1986 and 1995, the incidence of lung cancer decreased while the incidence of prostate cancer increased (TPH, June 2000). Between 1991 and 1995, approximately 90 children per year (0 to 19 years of age) in Toronto were diagnosed with cancer. Leukemia was the leading type of cancer (about 27% of cases) for this age group followed by brain cancer (about 15% of cases), Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (about 11% of cases) and Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (about 7% of cases). While the numbers in Toronto are too small to discern a trend, on a national level, there has been a gradual increase in all childhood cancers combined (TPH, June 2000). Childhood Cancer Cancer in childhood is rare but it is the most common cause of death due to disease in the age range of 1 to 14 years (McBride, 1998). While there has been a significant improvement in the survival rate of children with cancer in the last twenty years (NCI, 1999), there has been no decrease in the incidence of childhood cancers in Canada (NCIC, 2001). Some scientists have suggested that exposure to carcinogens in the environment is one factor that may contribute to childhood cancer. However, the study of childhood cancers is complicated by the rarity of the disease and by the poor exposure profiles that exist for many of the risk factors being examined (McBride, 1999), making it difficult to establish definitive links between environmental exposures and childhood cancer at this time. Environmental factors proposed as risk factors for childhood cancer include exposure to ionizing radiation, electromagnetic fields, chemicals in drugs and food products, second-hand smoke, and parental occupational exposures (McBride, 1998). Children can be exposed to carcinogens directly and indirectly, and at different developmental points (i.e. before conception, during pregnancy and after birth). A number of studies have examined the link between childhood cancers such as leukemia, brain tumors, kidney cancer (particularly Wilm’s tumor), liver cancer and maternal and paternal occupations that involve
  • 10. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 3 exposure to hydrocarbons such as solvents, metals, pesticides and occupations in the manufacturing, medical, dental, personal service, agricultural and forestry sectors. While the results of these studies have been inconsistent and contradictory, a number have demonstrated an association between parental occupational exposures and increased rates of childhood cancer (McBride, 1998). Contradictory findings have been found as well among studies that have examined childhood cancers among children with direct exposure to pesticides, electromagnetic fields, and smoking in their homes. Cancer and the Environment It is very difficult to prove that environmental exposures to chemical and physical agents are causing cancer because of the difficulties involved in estimating personal exposures and because of confounding exposures such as second-hand smoke. There are, however, many reasons to believe that environmental exposures contribute to the incidence of cancer in the general population. A number of “known and probable human carcinogens” are present in outdoor air and in other media to which the general population is regularly exposed. Among urban residents, gradients of air pollution levels frequently correspond to area differences in the risk of lung cancer. And in communities with large point sources of carcinogens, where adjustments have been made for tobacco and occupational exposures, the risk of lung cancer is proportional to the nearness of the household to the point sources (Shy, 1996). Several studies have examined associations between proximity to streets with high density traffic and the occurrence of childhood cancers and childhood leukemia. It is believed that the streets with high traffic density reflect chronic exposure to the carcinogenic components of vehicle exhaust such as PAHs, benzene and 1,3-butadiene. Several of these studies, which took into account exposures such as parental smoking, have demonstrated a strong and statistically significant association between high traffic neighborhoods ( ≥ 20, 000 vehicles per day) and childhood cancers including leukemia (Pearson, 2000). The results of the ten-year Harvard Six Cities epidemiological study conducted by Dockery and colleagues suggest a much higher relative risk for lung cancer from air pollution than most previous studies. This study, which had the benefit of air monitoring results for the entire period in which the population was followed as well as detailed information about confounding factors such as smoking habits, estimated that lung cancer mortality could increase by 14 to 20% for every 10 µg/m3 increase in long-term exposure to respirable particulates (PM2.5) or inhalable particulates (PM10). These estimates correspond to a relative risk of about 1.4. The air levels of inhalable particulates in the six cities studied ranged from a low of 18.2 µm/m3 to a high of 46.5 µm/m3 (Shy, 1996) while the average daily levels of inhalable particulates ranges from 19.7 to 23.9 µg/m3 at the three monitoring stations in Toronto. This suggests that small particles could be contributing to cancer risk in Toronto. In order to calculate the proportion of cancers attributed to ambient air pollution, two parameters must be estimated, the average relative risk associated with exposure to air pollution and the proportion of the population exposed (Shy, 1996). Currently, there is too much uncertainty associated with estimates of relative risk and too little information about individual exposure levels to produce an accurate estimate of air pollution’s impact on cancer rates. Cancer and the Workplace
  • 11. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 4 “Industrial workers have long served as the sentinels for the general population with regard to environmental hazards” according to Dr. Aaron Blair of the Occupational Studies Section of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Many of the well-established chemical carcinogens such as benzene and asbestos have been identified through studies of workers occupationally exposed. Workers can experience prolonged and/or intense exposures to chemical and physical agents that are found in low levels in non-occupational environments. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), recognizes 87 chemical, physical and biological agents as “known human carcinogens” including asbestos, benzene, chromium (VI) compounds and dioxins, which are discussed in this report. It recognizes another 63 agents as “probably carcinogenic to humans” including 1,3-butadiene, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the dry-cleaning solvent, tetrachloroethylene, and the degreasing agent, trichloroethylene, that are discussed in this report. It also identifies another 233 agents or mixtures as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” including gasoline engine exhaust, fibreglass, and methylene chloride (IARC, 2000). Estimating the contribution of occupational exposures to cancer incidence is controversial and complex because of the dearth of information related to occupational exposures. Estimates range from a low of 4% to a high of 20% of all cancers being attributable to carcinogen exposures in the workplace. Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) has been citing 9% as the proportion of cancer deaths attributable to occupation on the basis of a report published by A.B. Miller in 1992. This suggests that approximately 400 cancer deaths per year in Toronto could be the result of workplace exposures. This assumes that about 9% of the approximately 4,620 cancers deaths in Toronto each year arise from workplace exposures to carcinogens.
  • 12. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 5 3.0 CARCINOGENIC POTENTIAL OF SELECTED CONTAMINANTS Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was the first organisation to develop a system for the classification of contaminants for their carcinogenicity (potential to produce cancer) in humans. IARC convenes a panel of international experts to systematically evaluate the evidence of carcinogenicity for contaminants. Other agencies have developed similar ranking schemes. Of these, the one published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) in 1986 is probably the most influential. In 1996, the US EPA replaced its ranking scheme based on letter ranks with a new descriptive scheme which takes into account a wider range of data. However, the number of agents that has been ranked by the 1996 scheme is relatively small, so the 1986 scheme is still widely used. The ranking schemes by IARC and the US EPA (1986) are quite similar. Health Canada has developed a carcinogen ranking scheme under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). The CEPA scheme consists of more categories and sub-categories than those produced by IARC and the US EPA. Health Canada distinguishes between carcinogens that initiate cancer and those that promote cancer and tends to give the latter group a lower cancer ranking when epidemiological evidence is inadequate. Cancer Classification of the Ten Contaminants There is a strong agreement among IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada that nine of the ten contaminants selected for this assessment are known or probable human carcinogens (see Table 1 below). The one exception is tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene) which is classified as a “probable human carcinogen” by IARC, a “probable or possible human carcinogen” by the US EPA, and “unlikely to be carcinogenic to humans” by CEPA. Until there is greater clarity on the carcinogenic potential of tetrachloroethylene, Toronto Public Health will treat it as a possible or probable human carcinogen. A number of the ten contaminants selected also present a cancer concern when ingested. This is particularly clear for dioxins, some PAHs and benzene.
  • 13. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 6 Table 1: Cancer Classifications for Ten Contaminants by US EPA, IARC and CEPA Classification – Inhalation Oral US EPA 1 IARC (WHO) 2 CEPA 3 ToxProbe 1 (Using US EPA data) 1,3-Butadiene Probable human carcinogen 7 Probable human carcinogen Highly likely human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen 4 Asbestos Human carcinogen Human carcinogen NA Possible human carcinogen 5 Benzene Human carcinogen Human carcinogen Human carcinogen Human carcinogen 4 Cadmium Probable human carcinogen Human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen Possible carcinogen or not classifiable 5 Chromium (VI) Human carcinogen Human carcinogen Human carcinogen Not classifiable 5 Dioxins Probable human carcinogen 8 Human carcinogen NA Probable human carcinogen 8 Formaldehyde Probable human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen NA Not Classifiable 5 PAHs (B[a]P) Probable human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen Probable carcinogen 4 Tetrachloroethylene Probably to possible human carcinogen 6 Probable human carcinogen Unlikely human carcinogen NA Trichloroethylene Withdrawn (was probable human carcinogen) Probable human carcinogen Probable human carcinogen Withdrawn 1. Iris Database (US EPA 1986) 2. IARC Monographs 3. Priority Substances List Reports 4. Not differentiated from inhalation 5. ToxProbe Inc interpretation from IRIS 6. ATSDR, 1995 7. US EPA (1998a) 8. US EPA (2000)
  • 14. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 7 Cancer Initiators and Promoters Some carcinogens are capable of inducing cancer by producing an irreversible mutation in the DNA of the cells in the body. These carcinogens are called genotoxic because of their ability to affect the gene of the cell. They are also called initiators because they can begin or initiate the cancer process. These cancer- inducing compounds are considered non-threshold carcinogens because it is believed that there is no threshold below which there is no risk of excess cancer. There is a strong consensus among IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada that 1,3-butadiene, benzene, chromium (VI), formaldehyde and PAHs are genotoxic carcinogens capable of initiating cancer. There are conflicting views about whether asbestos, cadmium and trichloroethylene are genotoxic. Other carcinogens are capable of accelerating the development of cancer. These carcinogens are called promoters because, while they do not initiate the cancer process, they promote its development and progress. These carcinogens are also called threshold carcinogens because it is believed that there is a threshold of exposure below which exposure does not present a cancer risk. Above the threshold, the risk of cancer promotion increases as the exposure level increases. The evidence suggests that asbestos, formaldehyde and at least one of the PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene) are promoters of cancer. Dioxins and similar compounds are promoters that induce the cancer effect through activation of the Ah receptor. The carcinogens that are capable of both initiation and promotion such as formaldehyde, some PAHs, and perhaps asbestos, are called complete carcinogens. Some regulatory agencies build greater margins of safety into the calculation of exposure limits for cancer initiators than they do for cancer promoters on the assumption that promoters will not be found in the environment1 at the higher levels required to exert their cancer effect. It must be recognized however that some cancer promoters, such as dioxins, can exert their cancer promoting effects at levels of exposure that are less than those commonly experienced in the environment. In occupational settings, cancer promoters may present as much risk as cancer initiators given that exposure levels tend to be higher than in the general environment. 1 Throughout this report, the word “environment” will be used to mean all non-occupational environments including residential indoor air, outdoor air, drinking water, surface water, soil, dust, food and consumer products.
  • 15. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 8 Cancers Linked to the Contaminants Different carcinogens have a tendency to induce different types of cancer at different sites in the body. Table 2 below summarizes the types of cancers most clearly associated with each of the ten contaminants. It is important to bear in mind that, besides the cancer concerns, all of the selected agents present other toxic effects that may play an important role in their overall toxicity. The non-cancer effects may be particularly important in occupational settings where exposures tend to be higher than environmental exposures. Table 2: Sites and Types of Cancers in Humans for the Ten Contaminants Cancer types Reference 1,3-butadiene Cancer of lymph and blood systems (leukemia, lymphosarcoma and reticulum cell sarcoma) ATSDR (1992) Asbestos Lung cancer and mesothelioma ( cancer of the membrane surrounding the lungs and other organs) ATSDR (1995) Benzene Acute myeloid leukemia ATSDR (1997) Cadmium Lung cancer ATSDR (1993a) Chromium(VI) Lung cancer ATSDR (1993b) Dioxins All cancers combined, lung cancer and soft tissue sarcoma, liver cancers in animals USEPA (1994b) Formaldehyde Nasal and nasopharyngeal tumours IPCS (1989a) ATSDR (1999) PAHs (B[a]P) Ingestion: mainly stomach tumors; Inhalation: mainly lung tumors; skin absorption: mainly skin tumours ATSDR (1995d) Tetrachloroethylene Weak evidence for cancer in humans CEPA (1993d) Trichloroethylene No consistent pattern as to the type of cancer CEPA (1993a)
  • 16. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 9 Cancer Potency of the Contaminants The distinction between threshold and non-threshold effects is used by regulating agencies when establishing exposure limits for chemical contaminants. For chemicals with a threshold, a dose-response assessment is used to identify the threshold level at which no adverse effect is expected (i.e. the no observable adverse effect level [NOAEL]). By applying an appropriate safety factor that accounts for the uncertainties in the estimation of the threshold, the reference dose (RfD) or tolerable daily intake (TDI) can be calculated. The TDI or RfD can be used as an indicator of cancer potency. Since there is no “safe” level of exposure for non-threshold carcinogens, it is deemed necessary by regulatory agencies to establish a level of exposure for each chemical that is deemed “tolerable” or “acceptable”. Such a level is called a risk-specific dose (RsD). Generally for environmental exposures, most organisations define “tolerable” risk as one excess cancer case per million people exposed daily over a life-time. The risk-specific dose (RsD), which reflects both the potency of the contaminant being assessed as well as the risk level deemed tolerable, can be used to calculate the unit risk which can be used as an estimate of cancer potency. The number of cancer cases expected with any carcinogen increases as the exposure levels increases. With more potent carcinogens, the number of people affected will increase more quickly as the exposure level increases. In other words, a more potent carcinogen is expected to induce cancer at lower exposure levels and to induce a greater number of cancer cases as exposure increases. Among the initiators, carcinogenic PAHs and chromium (VI) are considered the most potent carcinogens by inhalation, followed by asbestos and cadmium. 1,3-butadiene and benzene are about three to four orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 to 10,000 times) less potent than PAHs and chromium (VI). Formaldehyde is a weak initiator but a strong promoter. Dioxins and related compounds are considered very potent promoters of cancer.
  • 17. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 10 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE TO THE TEN CARCINOGENS Sources of Emissions to the Environment It was not possible to obtain accurate estimates of environmental emissions for the ten contaminants selected for study within Toronto. When Environment Canada’s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) database was checked for emission sources within Toronto for 1999 (i.e. the most recent year for which data were available) there were no entries for asbestos or 1,3-butadiene, only one facility for benzene, three facilities for both cadmium and chromium, and four for formaldehyde, tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene. There were no entries for PAHs or dioxins because they were not reportable substances before 2000. NPRI focuses primarily on large point sources while many of the emission sources within Toronto are mobile sources such as cars and trucks, areas sources such as residential heating, and small commercial and industrial point sources such as autobody and printing shops. Facilities only have to report emissions to NPRI if they employ 10 or more employees (or an equivalent of 20,000 worker hours per year), manufactured, processed or used more than 10,000 kilograms (i.e. 10 tonnes) of the reportable substance in the reporting year, and the reportable substance was manufactured, processed or used at a concentration of 1% or more. Dioxins and PAHs (17 individual PAHs) were added to the list of reportable substances in 2000. The quantity cut-off for PAHs is 50 kilograms or more while there will be no concentration cut-off for dioxins (Environment Canada, 2000a). The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has recently established a mandatory monitoring and reporting requirement (i.e. the Airborne Contaminant Discharge Monitoring and Reporting Regulation 127/01) as the basis for a provincial inventory of pollutant emissions within Ontario. This Regulation lists all of the NPRI substances at the threshold levels required under NPRI, as well as some additional substances. It appears to target large point sources as well. The technical report includes emissions data from the US EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) that can be used to identify the potential emission sources for the ten contaminants within and around the City of Toronto. U.S. emissions inventories were used because they include a wider range of data than the NPRI. However, these inventories will include emission sources that may not be relevant to Toronto while excluding emissions sources, such as vehicles, hospitals, airports, and service businesses such as auto service stations, that are relevant to Toronto. This assessment suggests that there are huge gaps regarding the sources of air toxics released within the City’s boundaries. The Air Quality Improvements Branch (AQIB) within Toronto Works and Emergency Services plans to supplement the emissions inventories kept by the provincial and federal governments by targeting emissions from mobile, area and small point sources that are excluded from provincial and federal emission inventories. The AQIB plans to target the criteria contaminants as well as a few prioritized air toxics. The AQIB should proceed on a sector by sector basis giving priority to the “air toxics” identified in this report. Toronto Public Health recommends that the provincial and federal levels of government expand their proposed and existing inventories to capture a greater percentage of small and medium sized point sources.
  • 18. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 11 Contaminant Levels – Indoor and Outdoor Air For most of the ten contaminants reviewed, inhalation is the most important route of exposure because people tend to be more sensitive to the selected contaminants when inhaled than when ingested or absorbed through the skin. Exposures encountered in indoor environments usually have a greater impact on health than outdoor exposures because most people in northern climates spend more time indoors than outdoors. However, many of the contaminants present in the outdoor air readily penetrate into indoor air through ventilation systems, windows and doors. As a result, outdoor air levels can significantly influence the total exposure by inhalation, even though most of that exposure takes place indoors. Most, if not all, of the contaminants considered in this report are expected to readily enter the indoor environment when present in outdoor air. Compared to estimates of quantities released, relatively good data are available on the levels of the selected contaminants present in outdoor air although Toronto-specific data are missing for several contaminants (see Table 3 below). Information about contaminant levels in indoor air in Toronto homes and public spaces is much more scarce. Indoor air quality can be affected by the construction materials, furnishings and consumer products used as well as by the activities undertaken indoors. Asbestos may be found in the flooring, ceiling tiles, shingles and heating system insulation in older buildings. Formaldehyde can be released from building materials such as plywood, as well as from furniture, permanent press fabrics, draperies, carpets and mattress ticking. Fireplaces and cigarette smoking can emit 1,3-butadiene, benzene, cadmium, chromium and PAHs into the indoor environment. Contaminants such as trichloroethylene and tetrachlorothylene can be released from household products such as paints, paint strippers, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, cleansers and dry-cleaned clothing.
  • 19. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 12 Table 3: Outdoor Air Levels of Ten Contaminants and Air Levels that Correspond to a One in a Million Cancer Risk Contaminants Air Level that Corresponds to One in a Million Cancer Risk Ambient Air Levels Data Location Asbestos (PCM fibres/mL) 0.000004 0.000003 - 0.003 Urban areas Benzene (µg/m 3 ) 0.24 1.3 – 3.1 2.2 average Toronto 1,3-Butadiene (µg/m 3 ) 0.16 0.32 average 0.07-0.11 average 5 stations: Toronto 2 stations: Toronto Cadmium (µg/m 3 ) 0.00056 0.00024 - 0.00072 0.00042 average Southern Ontario Chromium (µg/m 3 ) 0.000083 (Chromium VI) 0.003 - 0.009 (Total Chromium) 12 Ontario Cities Dioxins (pg/m 3 TEQ) 0.01 (US EPA) 0.4-36.7 0.090-0.26 average North America Canada: urban sites Formaldehyde (µg/m 3 ) 3.6 3.3 average 2 – 4 1.8 to 6.1 average Canada: 4 urban/4 suburban Canada: Large Cities Toronto, Windsor & Ottawa PAHs (µg/m 3 B[a]P) 0.000043 0.0003 average 0.00014 summer 0.00036 winter Toronto Toronto Toronto Tetrachloroethylene (µg/m 3 ) 250 (WHO) 5 average Toronto Trichloroethylene (µg/m 3 ) 1.6 0.32-2.8 Toronto * Data provided in CCME or CEPA reports or by Environment Canada
  • 20. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 13 Potential Routes of Exposure Toronto is a city with a strong industrial past. As a result, some of the lands in downtown Toronto and many low-lying areas were filled partly with industrial wastes which could contain PAHs, cadmium or chromium. Soils in Toronto may also be contaminated directly from past or present industrial operations. In Toronto, high PAH levels are found on sites that used or produced coal tar, such as coal gasification sites or roofing operations. Benzene is most often found as a component of gasoline or diesel fuel contamination. Trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene are found where they have been used as solvents or degreasing agents on site. Chromium may be found on metal-finishing sites. 1,3-butadiene, which is a gas at room temperature, is not found in contaminated soils People can be exposed to contaminants in the soil from skin contact with the soil when gardening or playing on the site; inadvertent ingestion of soil or dust blown into a house through hand to mouth activities; inhalation of vapours that enter buildings through cracks in the foundation; and ingestion of food grown in the contaminated soil. Soil contamination in Toronto is highly variable from one site to the next and is not well documented. Food can be an important route of exposure both in terms of the quantity of the contaminant that can be taken into the body, and in terms of the toxic effects associated with that route of exposure. The level of chemical contamination in food products depends upon the environmental conditions in which they are grown, the farming practices employed, the processes to which they are exposed, and the practices used in their preparation. For example, smoked or barbecued meat can have very high levels of PAHs. Environmental exposure can be heavily influenced by lifestyle factors. For example, families that depend solely upon vegetables grown in the backyard can be at increased risk of cancer if their soil is contaminated with carcinogens. Likewise, families that consume large quantities of fish caught in the Great Lakes can be at increased risk of cancer from exposure to dioxins. In order to better understand the pattern and extent of exposures by these routes, it is important to gather information about lifestyle factors related to food growing, processing and consumption patterns. Reports on Toronto’s drinking water indicate that drinking water is a negligible source of exposure to these ten contaminants in Toronto. Intake Levels from Environmental Sources Intake levels are estimates of the quantity of a contaminant that may actually contact the body’s lungs, gastro-intestinal tract and skin. They can be calculated for the different exposure pathways (i.e. water, food, air) and for the different ages and circumstances of the general population. Intake levels can be used to compare the relative importance of different routes and pathways of exposure. They must be interpreted carefully however, because they do not always identify the route or pathway that is associated with the greatest harm. Because carcinogens can be more potent by one route of exposure than another, a less significant path of exposure could still present the greatest level of risk. The significant intake levels are highlighted in the contaminant-specific summaries provided later in this report. (See Section 6.0).
  • 21. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 14 5.0 OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO THE TEN CARCINOGENS Industrial Exposures The Ontario Ministry of Labour used to systematically collect exposure information on selected chemicals and physical agents for Ontario workplaces but this data has not been collected for several years. The older data are currently being transferred into a new database and were not available for this report. Although some data may be available from the Ministry of Labour in the future, it may not reflect current working conditions and it may not reflect exposures to all of the carcinogens currently being used in Ontario workplaces. In the absence of current exposure data, an attempt has been made to estimate the number of Toronto workers who may be occupationally exposed to the ten contaminants and to identify the industrial sectors in which those exposures may occur. These estimates have been derived using the CAREX model developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in collaboration with IARC. CAREX contains estimates of the number of workers occupationally exposed to 139 carcinogens by different industrial sectors in 15 countries of the European Union (EU) and in four non-EU countries including the United States. With this model, workers are considered “exposed” if they are exposed to the contaminants at levels exceeding those typical of outdoor air in Europe. A weakness of this approach is that it assumes that occupational exposures in Toronto in 2001 are comparable to those in the United States in the early 1980s and to those in Finland in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Number of Workers Potentially Exposed While the estimates derived from CAREX do not indicate the levels of exposure that may be encountered in Toronto workplaces, they do identify the contaminants to which the largest number of workers may be exposed and the industrial sectors in which the largest number of workers may be exposed (see Table 4 below). The estimates indicate that the largest number of Toronto workers are potentially exposed to: PAHs in the land transport sector (e.g. trucking); tetrachloroethylene in the clothing manufacturing sector and in dry-cleaning establishments; formaldehyde in the clothing manufacturing and furniture and fixtures manufacturing sectors; chromium (VI) in a number of industrial sectors; benzene in the personal and household services (e.g. dry cleaners, hair dressers) sector and in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels sector; and asbestos in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels. These sectors and contaminants should be given priority for further investigation. Future investigations should focus on determining the extent and level of worker exposures in each sector, the sources of those exposures, and the actions that could be taken to reduce or eliminate exposures where warranted. The high estimates derived for potential exposure to benzene in the personal and household services sector and in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurant and hotels sector likely reflect the potential to be exposed to second-hand smoke in these sectors. Given that smoking is now prohibited in most Toronto workplaces, these numbers likely over-estimate the potential for benzene exposure in these two sectors in
  • 22. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 15 Toronto. These estimates do indicate, however, the exposure reduction benefit that can occur with full implementation of policies to restrict smoking in the workplace. Table 4: Major Industrial Sectors with Greatest Number of Workers Potentially Exposed to the Ten Contaminants in Toronto Based on CAREX Modelling Contaminant Sector with Greatest Potential for Exposure Number of Toronto Workers Potentially Exposed to Specific Contaminants Asbestos Construction Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels 1240 4846 1,3-Butadiene Manufacture of plastic products 116 Benzene Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners) Land transport (e.g. trucks, buses, taxis) 6059* 8123* 247 Cadmium Manufacture of plastic products Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Non-ferrous metal basics industries Other manufacturing industries 298 638 374 230 Chromium Manufacture of textiles Printing, publishing and allied industries Manufacture of plastic products Manufacture of fabricated metal products Manufacture of machinery except electrical Manufacture of transport equipment Personal and household services 1060 365 326 617 494 287 734 Formaldehyde Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear Manufacture of furniture and fixtures 1794 4846 PAHs Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear Iron and steel basic industries Wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels Land Transport (e.g. trucks, buses, taxis) Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners) 842 295 569 29469 861 Tetrachloroethylene Manufacture of clothing apparel, except footwear Printing, publishing and allied industries Construction Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners) 41148 284 406 1957 Trichloroethylene Personal and household services (includes dry cleaners) 196 * Given that smoking is now prohibited in Toronto workplaces, these estimates likely over-estimate the potential for benzene exposure in these two sectors at this time.
  • 23. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 16 6.0 SUMMARIES FOR EACH CONTAMINANT Asbestos Asbestos has been used at one time or another in more than 5,000 products. It has been used in the production of textiles, electrical insulation, pharmaceutical and beverage filters, asbestos-cement pipes and sheets, clutch facings, break linings, asbestos paper, packaging, gaskets and pipe coverings. For many years, asbestos-based products were used in buildings because of their fire resistant qualities. Although asbestos has been eliminated from many of these products in Canada, its use continues unabated in a number of “developing” countries while its use in selected products continues in Canada as well. Asbestos is a very hazardous material that has been the cause of thousands of deaths among Canadians occupationally exposed. It has also been linked to deaths and disease experienced by the families of workers occupationally exposed. Asbestos is known to produce lung cancer and mesothelioma (i.e. cancer of the membrane that surrounds the lungs and other internal organs) in people occupationally exposed. Gastro-intestinal cancer has been associated with exposure by both inhalation and ingestion of asbestos, although the risk is generally lower. Asbestos exposure also leads to asbestosis, a progressive disease of the lungs, cardiovascular disease, and depression of the immune system. Inhalation is the most significant route of exposure for asbestos. The US EPA has estimated the cancer potency of asbestos by inhalation to be 0.23 per fibre/mL (fibres per milliliter of air) which corresponds to a one in a million cancer risk for a lifetime exposure to daily air levels of 0.000004 fibres/mL. (In this report, the exposure levels that correspond to a one in a million cancer risk are referred to as the “tolerable” exposure levels.) While there is no Toronto-specific information on the levels of asbestos expected in outdoor air, asbestos has been reported in outdoor air in urban areas in North America at levels ranging from 0.000003 to 0.003 fibres/mL. While the lower end of this range hovers around the air levels deemed tolerable, the high end of the range is three orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) higher. Environmentally, additional levels of exposure can occur when asbestos-containing products are disturbed or removed without proper precautions in homes or public buildings or when structures containing asbestos are demolished without proper precautions. Occupational exposure can occur in any industrial sector in which asbestos-containing products are manufactured, used or handled. It can also occur in situations in which old asbestos-containing products such as ceiling tiles or insulation are removed or disturbed without proper precautions. Within Toronto, worker exposure would be expected to occur during demolition, renovation or repair work done on structures in which asbestos-products have been used, where proper precautions are not taken. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 7,000 Toronto workers may be potentially exposed to asbestos at levels greater than background. Most of these people are expected to work in the wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels sector and the construction industry. While it is clear how workers in the construction industry may be exposed to asbestos, the numbers estimated for the wholesale and retail trade sector require further investigation, first to verify that it is a sector of concern for asbestos and secondly, to identify the sources and levels of exposure that may be encountered.
  • 24. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 17 Benzene Benzene is used extensively in industry as a volatile solvent and as an intermediate in the production of many chemicals. It is a natural component of petroleum and is added to gasoline as an octane-enhancer and as an anti-knock agent. Vehicle exhaust from gasoline operated vehicles is the most significant source of benzene in the environment. Emissions estimates produced by Environment Canada suggest that gasoline-powered vehicles were responsible for about 65% of the 11,500 tonnes of benzene emitted in Ontario’s air each year in the mid 1990s. Other vehicles in the transportation sector (15%), the steel sector (8%), petroleum production and distribution (3%), residential wood-burning fireplaces (3%), and chemical production (3%) are important contributors of benzene in Ontario as well (CHEMinfo., 1997). Benzene is a cancer initiator that has been clearly linked to acute myeloid leukemia (i.e. a cancer of the blood system). Long-term exposure to low levels of benzene has also been associated with other blood disorders, reproductive effects, and depression of the immune system. Benzene can enter the body by inhalation, ingestion and absorption through the skin. The US EPA has estimated that the cancer potency for benzene by inhalation is 0.0000041 per µg/m3 and by ingestion is 0.029 per mg/kg body weight/day. These estimates correspond to a one in a million cancer risk with lifetime environmental exposures to air levels of 0.24 µg/m3 or ingestion of 0.034 µg/kg/body weight per day. The levels of benzene in the outdoor air in Toronto range from 1.3 to 3.1 µg/m3 with an average of 2.2 µg/m3 . The average level is one order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) greater than the air levels deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures. Airborne concentrations of benzene at the perimeter of gasoline service stations in five Canadian cities averaged 439 µg/m3 in the summer and 1383 µg/m3 in the winter of 1986 (Canada, 1993c). These air levels suggest that actions to reduce emissions from gas stations could be a municipal priority. Outdoor air is the main source of exposure to benzene for the general population in Canada, contributing 1.3 to 3.0 µg/kg/day to the estimated daily intake. Vehicle-related activities contribute an additional 0.7 to 0.9 µg/kg/day and indoor air contributes another 0.05 to 0.6 µg/kg/day to the estimated daily intake. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 15,000 Toronto workers are potentially exposed to benzene at levels greater than background in two sectors: the wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels sector (about 6,000) and in the personal and household services sector (about 8,000). It is likely that second-hand cigarette smoke was the source of benzene exposure for many of the workers in these two sectors. Given that Toronto’s new smoking by-law prohibits smoking in most establishments in Toronto, it is expected that these numbers represent over-estimates of the number of workers potentially exposed to benzene in Toronto. Occupational exposure data published by IARC, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and ATSDR (American Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) indicate that people can be exposed to substantial levels of benzene in a number of different industrial sectors including car repair, rubber manufacturing, petroleum refining, paint manufacturing and shoe production. These data indicate that even among those workers whose occupational exposures are relatively low, such as car mechanics (140 µg/m3 ), tanker truck drivers (680 µg/m3 ), and tanker truck loaders (1,400 to 6,100 µg/m3 ), exposures are quite high when
  • 25. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 18 compared to those experienced environmentally. The exposure of the car mechanic for example, is three orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) greater than the air levels deemed tolerable for a lifetime environmental exposure. 1, 3-Butadiene 1, 3-Butadiene is a combustion by-product that results from natural processes and human activities. It is also an industrial chemical used in the production of polymers including polybutadiene, styrene-butadiene rubbers, latex, and nitrile-butadiene rubbers. Gasoline and diesel powered vehicles are significant sources of 1, 3-butadiene emitted to the environment as is fuel combustion for home heating and industrial activities (Canada, 2000a). 1, 3-Butadiene is a human carcinogen that has been linked to cancers of the blood and lymph systems. It has also been linked to disorders of the heart, blood and lungs, and to reproductive and developmental effects. Inhalation is the predominant route of exposure. The US EPA and Health Canada have recently revised their cancer potency estimates for 1, 3-butadiene and they are quite similar. The US EPA estimates that 1, 3-butadiene has a cancer potency of 0.0000063 per µg/m3 by inhalation, which corresponds to a one in a million cancer risk with lifetime environmental exposures to daily air levels of 0.16 µg/m3 . 1, 3-Butadiene can be found in outdoor air at levels that average 0.32 µg/m3 (range 0.03-2.20 µg/m3 ) in Toronto. The average is slightly higher than the air levels deemed tolerable. Air levels are expected to be higher at gasoline filling stations and in enclosed structures such as parking garages and urban road tunnels (4-49 µg/m3 in parking garages). Estimated daily intakes for 1, 3-Butadiene suggest that indoor air can be the main source of environmental exposure with air levels ranging from 0.04 to 1.0 µg/m3 in homes of non- smokers and 0.3 to 19.2 µg/m3 in the homes of smokers. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that 183 Toronto workers may be occupationally exposed to 1, 3-butadiene at levels greater than background. These numbers are surprising and likely represent an underestimate of the number of workers potentially exposed in Toronto. Given that 1, 3-butadiene would be expected in any workplace where cigarette smoking was allowed and in any workplace exposed to vehicle exhaust, the estimated number of workers should have been closer to those estimated for benzene and PAHs. Occupational exposure data published by the NTP and ATSDR indicate the potential for workers to be exposed to substantial levels of 1, 3-butadiene in the rubber and other manufacturing plants, but do not provide any exposure estimates for workers in the transport, retail or personal services sectors.
  • 26. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 19 Cadmium Cadmium is present in the environment as a result of both natural processes and human activities. Cadmium is used in paints, pigments, plastics, batteries and in some metal alloys. Base metal smelting and refining operations are considered the most significant sources of cadmium from human activities; responsible for approximately 80% of the cadmium released into the air and water. Other sources include coal-fired electrical generation, space heating, vehicles, solid waste incineration and sewage sludge application (Canada, 1994a). Cadmium is most clearly linked to lung cancer by inhalation. Other health effects, such as kidney disease, have been associated with exposure by ingestion as well as inhalation. The US EPA has estimated cadmium’s cancer potency to be 0.0018 per µg/m3 for exposure by inhalation. This estimate corresponds to one additional cancer per million people exposed for a lifetime to daily air levels of 0.00056 µg/m3 . The average outdoor air concentration of cadmium in southern Ontario has been reported to be 0.00042 µg/m3 . This concentration hovers around the exposure level deemed “tolerable” for lifetime environmental exposures. With the CAREX model, it has been estimated that approximately 2,500 Toronto workers may be exposed to cadmium at levels greater than background. These people work in a variety of industrial sectors with the largest numbers in the plastics production, non-metallic mineral products, non-ferrous metal basic, and other manufacturing sectors. Occupational exposure data reported by NTP and IARC indicate that exposure to cadmium can vary greatly depending on the industry and the job. Chromium Chromium is used in the metallurgical industry to produce stainless steel and alloys. In the chemical industry, it is used in the production of pigments. Smaller amounts of chromium are also used in leather tanning, textiles manufacturing, wood preservation, toners for copying machines, magnetic tapes, and as a catalyst. It is also released when fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas are burned as fuels. Emissions estimates developed in the early 1990s indicate that about 84 tonnes of total chromium are released into the air in Canada each year, while about 27 tonnes are discharged into water, and another 5,000 tonnes to land (i.e. this includes landfill sites). Industrial processes are responsible for about 29% of the chromium emitted into the air, while fuel consumption in stationary sources and from the transportation sector is responsible for about 51% and 12% respectively. Electrical generating stations are the most significant contributors of chromium to air; in 1991, they were responsible for about 24% of all emissions to air in Canada (Canada, 1994b). Chromium exists in three forms: metallic chromium, chromium (III) and chromium (VI). Metallic chromium and chromium (III) are not considered carcinogenic, while chromium (VI) is. Chromium (VI) has been most clearly linked to lung cancer by inhalation. High level occupational exposures have also been associated with nasal irritation, nosebleeds, holes in the nasal septum and other respiratory effects. Exposure to low levels of chromium of any form can induce allergic skin reactions in sensitive people. Chromium (VI) may also cause adverse effects on reproduction. There is general agreement among regulators regarding the inhalation cancer potency of chromium (VI). The US EPA estimates a cancer potency of 0.012 per µg/m3 by inhalation which corresponds to one additional cancer case per million exposed for a lifetime to daily air levels of 0.000083 µg/m3 .
  • 27. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 20 Total chromium levels in outdoor air in Ontario range between 0.003 to 0.009 µg/m3 g/m3 , which corresponds to chromium (VI) air levels of about 0.00009 µg/m3 to 0.00072 µg/m3 . The high range is one order of magnitude (10 times) greater than the air levels deemed “tolerable”. Food is the most important pathway of exposure for the general population. However, given that chromium (VI) is known to be carcinogenic by inhalation and not by ingestion, indoor and outdoor air would be of greatest concern for cancer. Cigarette smoking can significantly increase total daily intake of chromium. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 6,000 Toronto workers may be exposed to chromium (VI) at levels greater than background. These workers are spread across many different industrial sectors. Occupational exposure levels reported by ATSDR suggest that workers can be exposed to substantial levels of chromium in operations that involve plating, alloy production, and stainless steel welding. Dioxins and Furans Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (or dioxins) and dibenzofurans (furans) are not manufactured intentionally. They are by-products of many processes including incineration of municipal and medical wastes, production of chlorinated compounds, pulp and paper bleaching with chlorinated compounds, and some smelting operations. The primary pathway for exposure to dioxins is ingestion from food. 2,3,7,8-- tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxins (TCDD) is the most toxic member of the dioxin family and all other dioxins are expressed as toxic equivalents (TEQ) of TCDD. Environment Canada has released a quantitative inventory of environmental releases of dioxins and furans in Canada for the year 1999. It indicates that in Ontario, medical waste incinerators are the most significant source of dioxins, accounting for 14 g TEQ per year, followed by hazardous waste incineration (7.4 g TEQ per year), iron sintering (6 g TEQ per year), waste burning in backyard barrels (5 g TEQ per year), steel manufacturing (3.66 g TEQ per year), diesel fuel combustion in vehicles (3.11 g TEQ per year), base metal smelting (2.9 g TEQ per year), municipal waste incineration (2.15 g TEQ per year), residential wood burning (0.84 g TEQ per year) and electrical power generation (0.69 g TEQ per year). Within the City of Toronto’s limits, diesel fuel combustion, residential wood burning, and to a lesser extent, medical waste incineration, are expected to be important emission sources of dioxins (Environment Canada, 2000). Dioxins and related compounds (including dibenzofurans and coplanar PCBs) are possible inducers of a wide spectrum of responses in humans and animals including cancer at multiple sites, a severe acne-like condition, reproductive and developmental effects, suppression of the immune system, and hormonal disruption. Although dioxins and related compounds are not cancer initiators, they are considered potent cancer promoters. Estimation of the cancer potency for dioxins is a controversial issue. The US EPA, which treats all carcinogens as non-threshold contaminants, has estimated a cancer potency of 0.001 per picogram (pg) TEQ/kg/day. With this estimate, it is assumed that daily exposure to 0.001 pg TEQ/kg/day will result in one additional cancer per million people exposed. The US EPA cancer potency estimates differs significantly from the estimates developed by WHO and Health Canada of 10 per pg TEQ/kg/day.
  • 28. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 21 (Note that 1 gram is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000 picograms.) The WHO has established a lower tolerable daily intake level for dioxins of 1-4 per pg TEQ/kg/day on the basis of their reproductive and developmental effects. While the controversy surrounding the cancer potency of dioxins is extremely important to standard setting processes, for the purposes of this report, it is sufficient to say that dioxins are contaminants recognized as human carcinogens by IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada. Food is the major source of exposure to dioxins and furans because they bioaccumulate in the food chain. Age-specific estimates of average intakes of dioxins and furans for Great Lakes basin residents range from 1.20 pg TEQ/kg/day in adults 20 years and older, to 4.25 pg TEQ/kg/day in adults who eat sports fish, to 12.56 pg TEQ/kg/day in non-breast fed infants to 57.05 pg TEQ/kg/day in breast-fed infants.2 While the interpretation of these intake levels varies depending on which cancer potency estimate is used, they indicate that people are being exposed to levels within and above the range at which adverse health effects may be expected. The potentially high intake levels in breast-fed infants is a concern. These levels should not be used to discourage women from breast-feeding because of its many nutritional, immunological and psychological benefits. However, they should motivate all levels of government to take action to eliminate the release of dioxins from all human activities wherever possible. It was not possible to estimate the number of workers exposed to dioxins in the workplace using the CAREX model because the database does not include dioxins. Nor were any occupational exposure data for dioxins found in documents published by NTP, IARC or ATDSR. 2 The estimated intake levels for breast-fed infants are higher than for non-breast-fed infants because dioxins, which are fat soluble and which accumulate in the food chain, are expected to be present in greater quantities in the breast milk of humans than in the milk of cows (i.e. that are lower on the food chain) or in soya products (i.e. that are at the bottom of the food chain).
  • 29. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 22 Formaldehyde Formaldehyde enters the environment from natural processes such as forest fires and from human activities such as the combustion of fuel in vehicles and industrial applications. Formaldehyde is used in the production of resins, plastics and as an intermediate in the production of other chemicals. Formaldehyde resins are used as adhesives for particleboard, fibreboard, plywood, and mouldings. Formaldehyde can also be used for the treatment of paper and textiles, in surface coatings, foam insulation, and medicines for humans and animals. It has been estimated that approximately 12,700 tonnes of formaldehyde were released directly into the Canadian environment in 1997. Motor vehicle exhaust is by far the most significant source of emissions, responsible for about 88% of those emissions (Canada, 2000b). People can also be exposed to formaldehyde that “off-gases” from materials and products used in indoor environments. Formaldehyde is considered to be a weak initiator of cancer and a strong promoter of cancer. It is a highly reactive substance that can be irritating to the nose, eyes, skin and lungs at fairly low levels of exposure. Formaldehyde is considered a probable human carcinogen. The US EPA has recently proposed a cancer potency estimate of 0.00000028 per µg/m3 , which corresponds to a one in a million cancer risk with a lifetime exposures to daily air levels of 3.6 µg/m3 . Formaldehyde levels measured in outdoor air in Canada between 1989 and 1995 average about 3.3 µg/m3 while the indoor air levels in residential settings were found to be about 36 µg/m3 . The outdoor air levels that are common in Canada hover around the air level deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures, while indoor air levels can be an order of magnitude (ie.10 times) higher. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 8,000 Toronto workers are potentially exposed to formaldehyde at levels above background. Occupational exposure data reported by IARC indicate that workers can be exposed to formaldehyde in a number of industrial operations including textile (0.68 ppm) and paper production, hospitals (0.7 ppm), garment (0.9-2.7 ppm) and furniture (0.4 to 5.4 ppm) manufacturing. These exposure levels, which when converted to µg/m3 range from a low of 492 µg/m3 to a high of 6,642 µg/m3 , are two to three orders of magnitude (i.e. 100 to 1,000 times) higher than the air levels deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
  • 30. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 23 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) PAHs are present in the environment as complex mixtures that are difficult to measure and identify. They are produced whenever organic materials such as wood, paper, coal, oil or gasoline are burned as fuel so they are ubiquitous in the environment of industrialized societies. In nature, forest fires are the most significant source of PAHs, while gasoline and diesel-operated vehicles, residential fireplaces and industrial combustion are the human sources that contribute the most to emissions (Canada, 1994c). Some PAH-rich mixtures are carcinogenic to both humans and animals. Some individual PAHs are carcinogenic in animals, and some are not. Some PAHs are genotoxic while others are not. Other health effects include suppression of the immune system, adverse effects on the female and male reproductive systems, and impairment of fetal development. The doses required to induce developmental effects are generally similar or somewhat higher than those required for a carcinogenic response. There are generally two approaches used to estimate the cancer potency of a PAH-rich mixture. One approach involves summing up the risk from exposure to individual PAHs in the mixture. This is the approach that has been used by Health Canada and the US EPA. This approach can underestimate the cancer risk because it considers only about a dozen PAHs when a typical mixture contains hundreds of PAHs. Another approach, which has been adopted by the WHO, is to assess PAHs as a whole. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), which has thoroughly evaluated the two approaches, recommends that PAH-rich mixtures be evaluated on a whole mixture basis. It has recommended that cancer potency for PAH-rich mixtures be expressed in terms of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), the most toxic member of the PAH family of compounds, and recommends a cancer potency estimate of 0.023 per µg B[a]P/m3 for inhalation, 2.9 per mg/kg/day for ingestion, and 95 per mg/kg/day for dermal exposures. These values correspond to a lifetime cancer risk of one in a million when individuals are exposed to a PAH-rich mixture that contains 0.000043 µg B[a]P/m3 by inhalation, or yields an intake of 0.00034 µg B[a]P/kg/day by ingestion or 0.00001 µg B[a]P/kg/day by dermal absorption. (Note that 1 mg is equal to 1000 µg). The average concentration of PAHs in outdoor air in Toronto is approximately 0.0003 µg/m3 B[a]P, an order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) greater than the exposure level deemed tolerable. In general, due to winter heating, outdoor air levels of PAHs are about ten times higher in the winter (i.e. 0.00036 µg B[a]P/m3 ) than in the summer months (i.e. 0.000014 µg B[a]P/m3 ). Because people spend more time indoors, the indoor air contributes more to the total daily intake even though exposure levels tend to be about one half of those outside. Indoor exposure is further increased in situations where the residents supplement home heating with a fireplace or where cigarette smoking takes place in the home. Although food is the major source of exposure to B[a]P, since B[a]P is a more potent carcinogen when inhaled than ingested, the risk of stomach cancer from oral intake may not be higher than the risk of lung cancer due to inhalation exposure. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 33,500 workers in Toronto may be exposed to PAHs at levels greater than background. About 88% of these people work in the land transport sector (eg. trucking). Exposure levels reported in IARC and ATSDR publications indicate that workers can be exposed to substantial levels of PAHs in the production of aluminum, near coke ovens, in bitumen processing operations and in roofing operations. Tetrachloroethylene
  • 31. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 24 Tetrachloroethylene is used primarily for dry cleaning and textile processing. It is also used as a chemical intermediate and for metal degreasing. It can be found in a number of different products including adhesives, aerosols, paints, printing inks, glues, sealants, polishes, lubricants, paint removers, rug and upholstery cleaners, and stain, spot and rust removers. In Toronto, it is expected that dry cleaning and textile processing are important sources of environmental emissions. While tetrachloroethylene is recognized as an animal carcinogen by IARC, the US EPA and Health Canada, there is no consensus between the three agencies on its potential to produce cancer in humans. IARC has classified it as probably carcinogenic to humans, the US EPA has classified it as a probably or possibly carcinogenic to humans, and Health Canada has revised its classification downwards to “unlikely to be carcinogenic to humans”. WHO has established a tolerable daily concentration of 250 µg/m3 for inhalation exposure to tetrachloroethylene, while the US EPA has developed a reference dose of 10 µg/kg/day for exposure by ingestion (i.e. exposure levels deemed “tolerable”). Until there is greater agreement among three agencies, tetrachloroethylene will be treated by Toronto Public Health as a contaminant that can produce cancer in humans. Tetrachloroethylene has also been associated with other non-cancer health effects including neurological and kidney effects in people occupationally exposed and liver effects in animals exposed experimentally. Tetrachloroethylene levels in the outdoor air in Toronto range from 2 to 5 µg/m3 while the average indoor air levels are about 5.1 µg/m3 . These levels are well below those deemed “tolerable” for lifetime environmental exposures. The use of household products that contain tetrachloroethylene are the likely sources of tetrachloroethylene in indoor environments. With the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 45,000 in Toronto may be occupationally exposed to tetrachloroethylene at levels above background. Most of those work in the manufacture of clothing apparel sector while another 4% work in the personal and household services sector, probably in dry-cleaning establishments. Published exposure data indicate that workers can be exposed to high levels of tetrachloroethylene when involved in degreasing, dry-cleaning, printing, spray painting, film processing, and electroplating. For example, workers operating dry-cleaning machinery can be exposed to air levels (146,000 µg/m3 ) that are almost three orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 times) higher than those deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
  • 32. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 25 Trichloroethylene Trichloroethylene is used primarily as a solvent for vapour degreasing and cold cleaning metal parts in industry. To a lesser extent, it is used in dry-cleaning operations, paints, paint removers and various household products such as adhesives, rug-cleaning fluids, and spot removers. With the phasing out of 1,1,1-trichloroethane as an ozone depleting substance, the use of trichloroethylene is expected to increase in industrial applications (Canada, 1993a). Degreasing operations present the greatest potential for occupational exposure in the workplace and are the largest source of emissions to the general environment. Trichloroethylene has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by both IARC and CEPA, and until recently, by the US EPA. (The US EPA recently withdrew this classification upon re-examination of the data.) Trichloroethylene exposure has been associated with other health effects besides cancer, including depression of the central nervous system, liver and kidney damage, and developmental effects in animals exposed experimentally. Health Canada has developed a cancer potency estimate of 0.00000061 per µg/m3 by inhalation and 0.0001 per mg/kg/day by ingestion for trichloroethylene. These values correspond to a lifetime cancer risk of one in a million when individuals are exposed to daily air levels of 1.6 µg/m3 or by ingestion to 0.0067 mg/kg/day. In Toronto, outdoor air levels of trichloroethylene range from 0.32 to 2.8 µg/m3 , while indoor air levels average about 1.4 µg/m3 . These exposure levels hover around the levels deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures. As a rule, indoor air is expected to be the major source of exposure to trichloroethylene for Canadians in the general population, while outdoor air, drinking water and food are expected to make only minor contributions Using the CAREX model, it was estimated that approximately 500 people in Toronto could be occupationally exposed to trichloroethylene at levels that exceed background levels. Published exposure data indicate that occupational exposure to trichloroethylene can be quite high when it is being used as a degreasing agent (i.e. 4,000 to 43,000 µg/m3 ). These occupational exposure levels, while encountered for less time than environmental exposures, are three to five orders of magnitude (i.e. 1,000 to 10,000 times) higher than those deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures.
  • 33. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 26 7.0 CONCLUSIONS The assessment conducted by ToxProbe has demonstrated that there is insufficient data available on environmental emissions of toxic substances from the sources that contribute most to Toronto’s airshed (i.e. mobile and area sources and small commercial and industrial point sources). It has also shown that Toronto residents can be exposed to low levels of these ten contaminants from a number of different environmental media. Inhalation of pollutants present in indoor and outdoor air was found to be the most important route of exposure for most of the ten carcinogens. Nine of the ten carcinogens are present in outdoor air at levels that closely approach or exceed the air levels deemed “tolerable” by regulatory agencies. Two of the carcinogens – PAHs and benzene – are present in outdoor air at levels that are an order of magnitude (i.e. 10 times) higher than the air levels that correspond to a one in a million cancer risk (i.e. air levels deemed tolerable), and should be given priority for action by the City. Another two – chromium (VI) and asbestos – may be present in outdoor air at levels that exceed those deemed tolerable and should be targeted for further investigation. At least one of the carcinogens – formaldehyde – can be detected in indoor air at levels that exceed the air levels deemed tolerable. For several others, indoor air is the medium of greatest exposure. Given the scarcity of data on indoor exposure levels and the potential for exposure from this medium, it is recommended that Toronto Public Health consider indoor air quality as a research priority in the next calendar year. Intake levels estimated for dioxins indicate that exposure by ingestion from food products hover around the intake levels at which adverse effects may be expected. Therefore, it is recommended that the City give high priority to actions that support their virtual elimination. The technical report has documented that there is no systematically collected publicly available information on current occupational exposure levels to contaminants in Ontario workplaces. Modeling has estimated that a significant number of workers may be exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), tetrachloroethylene, formaldehyde, chromium (VI), asbestos and benzene in Toronto workplaces. A review of occupational exposure data published in the United States suggests that workers can be exposed to the selected carcinogens at levels that are hundreds or thousands of times higher than those air levels deemed tolerable for lifetime environmental exposures. The City should liaise with Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care to ensure that occupational exposure to carcinogens gains greater attention and action.
  • 34. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 27 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Board of Health: (1) request the Medical Officer of Health to: (a) identify strategies that can be taken to reduce the release of the ten key carcinogens, giving priority to benzene, dioxins and PAHs; (b) report back to the Board of Health on these strategies; and (c) continue to liaise with the Ontario Ministries of Labour and Health and Long-term Care, and with Cancer Care Ontario, to ensure that Toronto workers are adequately protected from occupational exposures to carcinogens in Toronto workplaces; (2) request the Ontario Minister of the Environment and the Federal Ministers of Health and the Environment to: (a) provide Toronto-specific data on the levels of asbestos and chromium (VI) in Toronto’s outdoor air; (b) expand their respective emission release inventories to include a greater percentage of small and medium-sized point sources; and (c) move quickly to establish a health-protective air standard for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a whole; (3) request that Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Minister of Labour give priority to the investigation and assessment of occupational exposure to the following known and probable carcinogens in industrial sectors in Toronto: (a) PAHs in the land transport sector; (b) tetrachloroethylene in the clothing apparel manufacturing sector and personal and household services sector; (c) formaldehyde in the furniture and fixtures manufacturing and clothing apparel manufacturing sectors; (d) chromium (VI) in a number of manufacturing sectors; (e) benzene in the personal and household services sector and wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels sector; and (f) asbestos in the wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels sector;
  • 35. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 28 (4) encourage Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Ministers of Labour, of the Environment, and of Health and Long-term Care to prioritize all occupational and environmental carcinogens for further assessment and toxics reduction where appropriate; (5) send a copy of this report to the Ontario Ministers of Labour, the Environment, and Health and Long-Term Care, the Federal Ministers of Health and the Environment and to Cancer Care Ontario, the Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition, and the Commissioners of Works and Emergency Services and Corporate Services; and (6) request that the appropriate city officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.
  • 36. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 29 9.0 REFERENCES Cancer Care Ontario (CCO). Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Ontario 1964-1996. (March 31, 1999). www.cancercare.on.ca CCME. Dioxins and Furans – Framework for CWS Development. (November 1999). www.ccme.ca/3e_priorities CHEMinfo Services Inc. Scoping Report Prepared for the EITG. (1997). Environment Canada. Canada-Wide Standards for Dioxins and Furan Emissions: Completing the Task. (December 15, 2000). www.ec.gc.ca/dioxins/english/index.htm Environment Canada. Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory. (2000a). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Cadmium and its Compounds. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994a). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substance Assessment Program: 1, 3-Butadiene. Environment Canada & Health Canada (2000a). www.ec.gc.ca/cceb1/eng/final/butadiene Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Trichloroethylene. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993a). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substance Assessment Program: Formaldehyde. Environment Canada & Health Canada (2000b). www.ec.gc.ca/cceb1/eng/public/formaldehyde Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Chromium and its Compounds. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994b). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Dichloromethane. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993b). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons. Environment Canada & Health Canada (1994c). Government of Canada. Canadian Environmental Protection Act - Priority Substances List Assessment Report: Benzene Environment Canada & Health Canada (1993c). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity to Humans. (May 2000). McBride, Mary. “Childhood Cancer and Environmental Contaminants”. Canadian Journal of Public Health, Vol 89, Suppl 1, S53-S62 (1998).
  • 37. Ten Key Carcinogens in Toronto Toronto Public Health 30 Miller, A.B. “Planning Cancer Control Strategies”. Chronic Disease Canada, Vol 13, S1-S40 (1992). National Cancer Institute (NCI). “National Cancer Institute Research on Causes of Cancers in Children”. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (September 2000a). www.cancer.gov. National Cancer Institute (NCI). “Annual Report Shows Continuing Decline in U.S. Cancer Incidence and Death Rates”. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (September 2000b). www.cancer.gov National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). Canadian Cancer Statistics 2001”. Toronto (2001). www.cancer.ca/stats. Pearson, Robert, Howard Wachtel, and Kristie L. Ebi. “Integrated Distance Weighted Traffic Density In Proximity To A Home Is A Risk Factor For Leukemia And Other Childhood Cancers”. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol 50 No. 2, pp. 175 - 180. Shy, Mark. “Air Pollution”, Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, 2nd Edition. Edited by David Schottenfeld and Joseph Fraumeni Jr. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 406-417 (1996). Toronto Public Health (TPH). Potential For Exposure to Ten Carcinogens in Toronto’s Environment and Workplaces. Prepared by Dr. Pavel Muller, ToxProbe Inc. (2001). Toronto Public Health (TPH). Toronto’s Health Status: A Profile of Cancer. Prepared by Meera Jain, Paul Fleiszer, and Sheela Basrur (2000).