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SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS PROCESS & DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT   Case Study                                                                                                          BANKING

                                                       Trade Finance Centralisation
                                                       For a Global Banking Leader

                                                       The client is the largest multinational bank in India. It has branches in 27 cities in
                                                       the country. The bank offers a wide range of financial products and services
                                                       through adequate physical network and a superior retail franchise.

                                                       The Challenge
                                                       The bank aspired to cut competition through better product and service delivery in
                                                       terms of reach, variety, timeline, ease and tailor-made offerings. It wanted to                   “The Central Image System is one of
                                                       reach out to smaller cities too.
                                                                                                                                                         the best workflow solutions that
                                                                                                                                                         helped us to standardize, re-orientate
                                                       The Newgen Solution                                                                               and streamline our existing business
                                                       The bank implemented Newgen Workflow and Imaging Solution for                                     processes to achieve faster and more
                                                       centralization and automation of their back-office processes at the Shared Service                efficient process implementation and
                                                       Centre (SSC) in Mumbai. The SSC processes the trade finance transactions from                     greater control of the processes
                                                       all over India, and similar processes have been implemented in many countries in                  delivering communication channels
                                                       Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East.                                       of highest standards.”

                                                       The Benefits                                                                                                                     Manager
                                                       The user friendly solutions have helped the bank in setting up leaner branches,
                                                       faster and efficient process implementation, reduced turn around time, greater
                                                       control, quicker decision making and overall improved productivity.

                                                       About Newgen
                                                       Newgen Software Technologies Limited is the market leader in Business Process
                                                       Management (BPM) and Document Management System (DMS), with a global
                                                       footprint of about 750 installations in over 35 countries. More than 100 of these
                                                       implementations are large, mission-critical solutions deployed at world's leading
                                                       BFSI, BPO and Fortune Global 500 companies.

                                                       Newgen is recognized by distinguished analyst firm IDC in its exclusive report                       Newgen prestigious clients include
                                                       “Newgen Software: Global Leader in Business Process Management and                                   HSBC Bank, Deutsche Bank, Hua
                                                       Document Management Solutions.” With HSBC and SAP investment, Newgen is                              Nan Bank, ABN Amro Bank, ICICI
                                                       one of the rare product companies to have backing of both leading financial and                      Bank, IDBI Bank, State Bank Of
                                                                                                                                                            I n d i a , I N G Vy s y a B a n k ,
                                                       technology companies of the world.
                                                                                                                                                            CitiFinancial, RAK Bank, Bank of
                                                                                                                                                            Tanzania, Max New York Life, Bajaj
                                                       Winner of prestigious awards, such as CNBC-TV18 “Emerging India Award                                Allianz., Unilever, Philips, GE
                                                       2008”, Frost and Sullivan's “Market Leadership Award for Document                                    Countrywide, EXL, Satyam Nipuna,
                                                       Management System and Workflow Software & Services” and “Distinguished                               iGATE, Core 3, Ranbaxy, GSL,
                                                       Application Product Company” by NASSCOM, Newgen’s Quality Systems are                                Kenyan Airways and SEC
                                                       certified against ISO 9001:2008 and Information Security Standard, ISO                               Phillipines.
                                                       27001:2005. Newgen has also been assessed at CMMI Level3.

                                                       Corporate Office                    US                                  UAE
                                                       Newgen Software Technologies Ltd.   Newgen Software Inc.                Newgen Software Technologies Ltd.
                                                       A-6, Satsang Vihar Marg,            1364 Beverly Road, Suite 300        YI 46, PO Box 120586
                                                       Qutab Institutional Area,           McLean, VA 22101                    Sharjah Airport International Free Zone
                                                       New Delhi - 110 067 INDIA           Tel: +1-703-749-2855                Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
                                                       Tel: +91-11-4077 0100, 2696 3571    Email: usa@newgensoft.com           Email: emea@newgensoft.com
                                                       Fax: +91-11-2685 6936
                                                       Email: corpmktg@newgensoft.com      UK                                  Malaysia
                                                                                           Newgen Software Technologies Ltd.   Newgen Software Technologies Ltd.         www.newgensoft.com
                                                                                           68 Lombard Street,                  Plaza Sentral
                                                                                           London EC3V, 9LJ                    Kuala Lumpur

                                                                                           Tel: +44-207-868 1736               Malaysia
                                                                                           Mobile: +44-78154 96669             Tel: +6017 2527239
                                                                                           Email: intmkt@newgensoft.com        Email: asiapac@newgensoft.com

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Trade finance centralization for a global banking leader

  • 1. SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS PROCESS & DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Case Study BANKING Trade Finance Centralisation For a Global Banking Leader Overview The client is the largest multinational bank in India. It has branches in 27 cities in the country. The bank offers a wide range of financial products and services through adequate physical network and a superior retail franchise. The Challenge The bank aspired to cut competition through better product and service delivery in terms of reach, variety, timeline, ease and tailor-made offerings. It wanted to “The Central Image System is one of reach out to smaller cities too. the best workflow solutions that helped us to standardize, re-orientate The Newgen Solution and streamline our existing business The bank implemented Newgen Workflow and Imaging Solution for processes to achieve faster and more centralization and automation of their back-office processes at the Shared Service efficient process implementation and Centre (SSC) in Mumbai. The SSC processes the trade finance transactions from greater control of the processes all over India, and similar processes have been implemented in many countries in delivering communication channels Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. of highest standards.” The Benefits Manager The user friendly solutions have helped the bank in setting up leaner branches, faster and efficient process implementation, reduced turn around time, greater control, quicker decision making and overall improved productivity. About Newgen Newgen Software Technologies Limited is the market leader in Business Process Management (BPM) and Document Management System (DMS), with a global footprint of about 750 installations in over 35 countries. More than 100 of these implementations are large, mission-critical solutions deployed at world's leading BFSI, BPO and Fortune Global 500 companies. Newgen is recognized by distinguished analyst firm IDC in its exclusive report Newgen prestigious clients include “Newgen Software: Global Leader in Business Process Management and HSBC Bank, Deutsche Bank, Hua Document Management Solutions.” With HSBC and SAP investment, Newgen is Nan Bank, ABN Amro Bank, ICICI one of the rare product companies to have backing of both leading financial and Bank, IDBI Bank, State Bank Of I n d i a , I N G Vy s y a B a n k , technology companies of the world. CitiFinancial, RAK Bank, Bank of Tanzania, Max New York Life, Bajaj Winner of prestigious awards, such as CNBC-TV18 “Emerging India Award Allianz., Unilever, Philips, GE 2008”, Frost and Sullivan's “Market Leadership Award for Document Countrywide, EXL, Satyam Nipuna, Management System and Workflow Software & Services” and “Distinguished iGATE, Core 3, Ranbaxy, GSL, Application Product Company” by NASSCOM, Newgen’s Quality Systems are Kenyan Airways and SEC certified against ISO 9001:2008 and Information Security Standard, ISO Phillipines. 27001:2005. Newgen has also been assessed at CMMI Level3. Corporate Office US UAE Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. Newgen Software Inc. Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. A-6, Satsang Vihar Marg, 1364 Beverly Road, Suite 300 YI 46, PO Box 120586 Qutab Institutional Area, McLean, VA 22101 Sharjah Airport International Free Zone New Delhi - 110 067 INDIA Tel: +1-703-749-2855 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Tel: +91-11-4077 0100, 2696 3571 Email: usa@newgensoft.com Email: emea@newgensoft.com Fax: +91-11-2685 6936 Email: corpmktg@newgensoft.com UK Malaysia Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. Newgen Software Technologies Ltd. www.newgensoft.com 68 Lombard Street, Plaza Sentral London EC3V, 9LJ Kuala Lumpur BK-CS-CTB-07 Tel: +44-207-868 1736 Malaysia Mobile: +44-78154 96669 Tel: +6017 2527239 Email: intmkt@newgensoft.com Email: asiapac@newgensoft.com