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Trade Union Act 1926
• Trade union is a voluntary organization of workers relating to
a specific trade, industry or a company and
• Formed to help and protect their interests and welfare by
collective action.
• Most suitable organisations for balancing and improving the
relations between the employees and the employer.
• Not only to cater to the workers' demand, but also for
imparting discipline and inculcating in them the sense of
• Trade Union [Sec. 2(h)]: Trade Union means any
combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed
primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between
workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen
or between employers and employers for imposing
restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or
business and includes any federation of two or more Trade
• Setting up of textile and clothing mills around the port cities in the
second half of the 19th century led to the beginnings of the industrial
workforce in India.
• The credit for the first association of Indian workers is generally given
to the Bombay Mill-Hands Association founded by N.M. Lokhande in
• First World War, the Russian Revolution and the setting up of the ILO -
industrial conflict began to increase and over 1,000 strikes were
recorded between 1920 and 1924.
• In the first year of the law's operation, 28 unions registered
and submitted returns with a total membership 100,619.
• The number of unions grew rapidly after that and by the time
of Independence of India in 1947, there were 2,766 unions
registered which had a combined membership of over 1.66
• Trade Unions Act, 1926 which came into force with effect
from 1st June 1927 in India except the State of Jammu and
• Secure fair wages for workers
• Improve their opportunities for promotion and training.
• Safeguard security of tenure and improve their conditions of
• Improve working and living conditions of workers.
• Provide them educational, cultural and recreational facilities.
• Facilitate technological advancement by broadening the
understanding of the workers.
• Help them in improving levels of production, productivity,
discipline and high standard of living.
• Promote individual and collective welfare and thus correlate
the workers' interests with that of their industry.
• To take participation in management for decision-making in
connection to workers
• To take disciplinary action against the worker who commits
in-disciplinary action.
Objectives cont...
Registration of Trade Union
• 7 or more members
• At least 10% or 100 of the workmen whichever is less
employed in industry with which is connected.
• Disqualified if not attained age of 18 years (sec. 21A)
• Not applicable when 5 years elapsed (sec.21A)
Appointment of Registrars
• SEC.3
• The government will appoint a person to be a Registrar
• The government will appoint required number of person as
the Addition and deputy Registrar of the Trade Unions
• These office will be under the Registrar of the Trade Union.
Application for Registration
• SEC.5
• Every application for registration of a trade union shall be made to the
• If Trade Union has already been existing for one year or more,
member should submit all the details such as general statement of the
assets and liabilities of the Trade Union
• It shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules of the trade union and a
statement of the following particulars
Provisions to be contained in the rules of a
Trade Union SEC. 6
• a) The name of the Trade Union.
• b) The object of the Trade Union.
• c) General funds of the Trade Union by its members should be properly used for Lawful
• d) Maintenances of list of members in the Trade Union and their facilities to be
• e) Half of the members of the trade union must be the member who actually engaged in
an industry with which trade union is connected.
• (ee) the payment of a minimum subscription by members of the Trade Union which
shall not be less than—
(i) one rupee per annum for rural workers
(ii) three rupees per annum for workers in other unorganized sectors
(iii) twelve rupees per annum for workers in any other case
Provisions to be contained in the rules of a
Trade Union SEC. 6
• f) Disciplinary action against member of the Trade Union and procedures in imposition of fines on
• g) the manner in which the rules shall be amended, varied or rescinded;
• h) the manner in which the members of the executive and the other of the Trade Union shall be
elected and removed
• (hh) executive members and other office bearers should be elected for the period of maximum 3
• i) Funds of the Trade Union should be safe guarded, annual audit is necessary, and account
books should be maintained for the purpose of inspection if necessary.
• j) Procedure how to wind up the Trade Union
Certificate of Registration.
• SEC. 9
• Shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form
which shall be conclusive that the Trade Union has been
duly registered under this Act.
Cancellation of registration
• When Trade Union registration certificate has been obtained
by fraud or other illegal means.
• Disobey the rules and regulation of Trade Union act.
• All the provision contained in section 6 of this act not
followed by the members of the Trade Union.
• When there are no minimum required numbers of members
in the Trade Union.
• If Registrar of the Trade Union stops registration of the
Trade Union or withdrawal of the registration, members can
appeal to Labour Court or an Industrial Tribunal, with in
• Court may dismiss the appeal, or pass an order directing the
Registrar to register the Union and to issue a certificate of
registration under the provisions of Section 9 or setting
aside the order for withdrawal.
Registered Office
• SEC. 12
• All communication to be addressed to registered office of
trade union
• If change in address registered trade union required to
communicate within 14 days
Rights of Registered Trade Union Sec13
• Registered Trade Union will have perpetual succession (will
no stop after the death of the members of the Trade Union.
• Every registered Trade Union will have common seal.
• Every registered Trade Union can acquire and hold both
movable and immovable property.
• Every registered Trade Union can sue others.
• Every registered Trade Union can sued by others also.
Objects On Which General Funds May
Be Spent SEC.15
• Payment of salaries, allowances, etc., to the office bearers of the
• Payment of expenses for the administration of the Union
including other expenses spent on defending any legal
proceedings by or against the Union.
• Settlement of trade disputes.
• Special allowances to the members (including dependants) of
the Trade Union on account of death, sickness or accidents, etc.
• Compensation to members for loss arising out of trade disputes.
Objects On Which General Funds May
Be Spent SEC. 15
• Providing educational, social and religious benefits to the
• Issue of assurance policies on the lives of members and
also against sickness, accidents, unemployment, insurance,
• Providing for publication of periodicals for the use of which is
intended for the members benefit.
• Any other object that may be notified by the appropriate
Government in the Official Gazette.
Separate Fund For Political Purposes
• As per Sec. 16 a registered union may constitute a separate
fund in addition to the general fund
• the payment of such a fund shall be utilized for serving civic
and political interest of its members.
• The fund can be utilized for the following purposes:
Separate Fund For Political Purposes
• Holding of any meeting or distribution of any literature or
document in support of any candidate for election as a member
of legislative body constituted under the constitution
• For maintenance of any person who is a member of any
legislative body constituted under the constitution.
• For convening of political meeting of any kind or distribution of
political literature or documents of any kind.
• The registration of electors for selection of a candidate for
legislative body.
Immunity from Punishment for Criminal
Conspiracy SEC.17
• No office bearer or member of a registered Trade Union will
not be punished under the Sec .120B punishment of criminal
conspiracy of the Indian Penal Code
• (Conspiracy cases are defined as cases in which two or
more persons agree to commit a crime or to commit an
illegal act.)
• Regarding the matters of the spending the general funds for
proper purpose.
Immunity From Certain Civil Liabilities
• Trade Union or its members showing interest or interfering
in matters of the removal of labour.
• Trade Union or its members showing interest or interfering
in matters of compensating or remunerating the employees.
• Registered Trade Union shall not be liable in any suit or
other legal proceeding in any Civil Court for the tortious act
(wrongful act) committed by the agent of the Trade Union.
• Registered Trade Union is not liable for the vicarious liability
Amalgamation Of Trade Unions SEC.24
• Any 2 or more registered Trade Unions may become
amalgamated together as one Trade Union with or without
dissolution or division of the funds of such Trade Unions or
either or any of them,
• Provided that the votes of at least one-half of the members
of each or every such Trade Union entitled to vote are
• That at least 60% of the votes recorded are in favour of the
Amalgamation Of Trade Unions SEC.25
• Written notice of the change of name must be signed by
secretary and 7 member of the Trade Union are required to
sent to registrar of the Trade Union.
• Trade Union name should not match with the other Trade
Union names.
• If Registrar satisfies with all requirements provided by the
members of Trade Unions, Registrar will validate
amalgamation and entered in the register.
Dissolution of Trade Union SEC.27
• Notice of dissolution signed by secretary and 7 member of
the Trade Union, should be sent to the Registrar within 14
days from the date of the dissolution of the Trade Union.
• If registrar satisfies with provisions and rules followed by the
members of the Trade Union for dissolution, he will confirm
the dissolution.
• Funds shall be divided by the Registrar among its members
if there is no rules mention by the Trade Union in distribution
of the funds.
Well known Central Trade Union
Organizations in India
• All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
• Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)
• Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)
• Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat (HMKP)
• Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)
• Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU)
• Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
• National Front of Indian Trade Unions (NFITU)
• National Labor Organization (NLO)
• Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre (TUCC)
• National Mazdoor Union (NMU)
Trade union act

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Trade union act

  • 2. Meaning • Trade union is a voluntary organization of workers relating to a specific trade, industry or a company and • Formed to help and protect their interests and welfare by collective action. • Most suitable organisations for balancing and improving the relations between the employees and the employer. • Not only to cater to the workers' demand, but also for imparting discipline and inculcating in them the sense of responsibility.
  • 3. Definition • Trade Union [Sec. 2(h)]: Trade Union means any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen or between employers and employers for imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business and includes any federation of two or more Trade Unions.
  • 4. History • Setting up of textile and clothing mills around the port cities in the second half of the 19th century led to the beginnings of the industrial workforce in India. • The credit for the first association of Indian workers is generally given to the Bombay Mill-Hands Association founded by N.M. Lokhande in 1884. • First World War, the Russian Revolution and the setting up of the ILO - industrial conflict began to increase and over 1,000 strikes were recorded between 1920 and 1924.
  • 5. History • In the first year of the law's operation, 28 unions registered and submitted returns with a total membership 100,619. • The number of unions grew rapidly after that and by the time of Independence of India in 1947, there were 2,766 unions registered which had a combined membership of over 1.66 million. • Trade Unions Act, 1926 which came into force with effect from 1st June 1927 in India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • 6. Objectives • Secure fair wages for workers • Improve their opportunities for promotion and training. • Safeguard security of tenure and improve their conditions of service. • Improve working and living conditions of workers. • Provide them educational, cultural and recreational facilities. • Facilitate technological advancement by broadening the understanding of the workers.
  • 7. • Help them in improving levels of production, productivity, discipline and high standard of living. • Promote individual and collective welfare and thus correlate the workers' interests with that of their industry. • To take participation in management for decision-making in connection to workers • To take disciplinary action against the worker who commits in-disciplinary action. Objectives cont...
  • 8. Registration of Trade Union • 7 or more members • At least 10% or 100 of the workmen whichever is less employed in industry with which is connected. • Disqualified if not attained age of 18 years (sec. 21A) • Not applicable when 5 years elapsed (sec.21A)
  • 9. Appointment of Registrars • SEC.3 • The government will appoint a person to be a Registrar • The government will appoint required number of person as the Addition and deputy Registrar of the Trade Unions • These office will be under the Registrar of the Trade Union.
  • 10. Application for Registration • SEC.5 • Every application for registration of a trade union shall be made to the Registrar • If Trade Union has already been existing for one year or more, member should submit all the details such as general statement of the assets and liabilities of the Trade Union • It shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules of the trade union and a statement of the following particulars
  • 11. Provisions to be contained in the rules of a Trade Union SEC. 6 • a) The name of the Trade Union. • b) The object of the Trade Union. • c) General funds of the Trade Union by its members should be properly used for Lawful purpose • d) Maintenances of list of members in the Trade Union and their facilities to be provided. • e) Half of the members of the trade union must be the member who actually engaged in an industry with which trade union is connected. • (ee) the payment of a minimum subscription by members of the Trade Union which shall not be less than— (i) one rupee per annum for rural workers (ii) three rupees per annum for workers in other unorganized sectors (iii) twelve rupees per annum for workers in any other case
  • 12. Provisions to be contained in the rules of a Trade Union SEC. 6 • f) Disciplinary action against member of the Trade Union and procedures in imposition of fines on members. • g) the manner in which the rules shall be amended, varied or rescinded; • h) the manner in which the members of the executive and the other of the Trade Union shall be elected and removed • (hh) executive members and other office bearers should be elected for the period of maximum 3 years.. • i) Funds of the Trade Union should be safe guarded, annual audit is necessary, and account books should be maintained for the purpose of inspection if necessary. • j) Procedure how to wind up the Trade Union
  • 13. Certificate of Registration. • SEC. 9 • Shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form which shall be conclusive that the Trade Union has been duly registered under this Act.
  • 14. Cancellation of registration • When Trade Union registration certificate has been obtained by fraud or other illegal means. • Disobey the rules and regulation of Trade Union act. • All the provision contained in section 6 of this act not followed by the members of the Trade Union. • When there are no minimum required numbers of members in the Trade Union.
  • 15. Appeal • If Registrar of the Trade Union stops registration of the Trade Union or withdrawal of the registration, members can appeal to Labour Court or an Industrial Tribunal, with in jurisdiction. • Court may dismiss the appeal, or pass an order directing the Registrar to register the Union and to issue a certificate of registration under the provisions of Section 9 or setting aside the order for withdrawal.
  • 16. Registered Office • SEC. 12 • All communication to be addressed to registered office of trade union • If change in address registered trade union required to communicate within 14 days
  • 17. Rights of Registered Trade Union Sec13 • Registered Trade Union will have perpetual succession (will no stop after the death of the members of the Trade Union. • Every registered Trade Union will have common seal. • Every registered Trade Union can acquire and hold both movable and immovable property. • Every registered Trade Union can sue others. • Every registered Trade Union can sued by others also.
  • 18. Objects On Which General Funds May Be Spent SEC.15 • Payment of salaries, allowances, etc., to the office bearers of the Union. • Payment of expenses for the administration of the Union including other expenses spent on defending any legal proceedings by or against the Union. • Settlement of trade disputes. • Special allowances to the members (including dependants) of the Trade Union on account of death, sickness or accidents, etc. • Compensation to members for loss arising out of trade disputes.
  • 19. Objects On Which General Funds May Be Spent SEC. 15 • Providing educational, social and religious benefits to the members. • Issue of assurance policies on the lives of members and also against sickness, accidents, unemployment, insurance, etc. • Providing for publication of periodicals for the use of which is intended for the members benefit. • Any other object that may be notified by the appropriate Government in the Official Gazette.
  • 20. Separate Fund For Political Purposes • As per Sec. 16 a registered union may constitute a separate fund in addition to the general fund • the payment of such a fund shall be utilized for serving civic and political interest of its members. • The fund can be utilized for the following purposes:
  • 21. Separate Fund For Political Purposes • Holding of any meeting or distribution of any literature or document in support of any candidate for election as a member of legislative body constituted under the constitution • For maintenance of any person who is a member of any legislative body constituted under the constitution. • For convening of political meeting of any kind or distribution of political literature or documents of any kind. • The registration of electors for selection of a candidate for legislative body.
  • 22. Immunity from Punishment for Criminal Conspiracy SEC.17 • No office bearer or member of a registered Trade Union will not be punished under the Sec .120B punishment of criminal conspiracy of the Indian Penal Code • (Conspiracy cases are defined as cases in which two or more persons agree to commit a crime or to commit an illegal act.) • Regarding the matters of the spending the general funds for proper purpose.
  • 23. Immunity From Certain Civil Liabilities SEC.18 • Trade Union or its members showing interest or interfering in matters of the removal of labour. • Trade Union or its members showing interest or interfering in matters of compensating or remunerating the employees. • Registered Trade Union shall not be liable in any suit or other legal proceeding in any Civil Court for the tortious act (wrongful act) committed by the agent of the Trade Union. • Registered Trade Union is not liable for the vicarious liability
  • 24. Amalgamation Of Trade Unions SEC.24 • Any 2 or more registered Trade Unions may become amalgamated together as one Trade Union with or without dissolution or division of the funds of such Trade Unions or either or any of them, • Provided that the votes of at least one-half of the members of each or every such Trade Union entitled to vote are recorded • That at least 60% of the votes recorded are in favour of the proposal.
  • 25. Amalgamation Of Trade Unions SEC.25 • Written notice of the change of name must be signed by secretary and 7 member of the Trade Union are required to sent to registrar of the Trade Union. • Trade Union name should not match with the other Trade Union names. • If Registrar satisfies with all requirements provided by the members of Trade Unions, Registrar will validate amalgamation and entered in the register.
  • 26. Dissolution of Trade Union SEC.27 • Notice of dissolution signed by secretary and 7 member of the Trade Union, should be sent to the Registrar within 14 days from the date of the dissolution of the Trade Union. • If registrar satisfies with provisions and rules followed by the members of the Trade Union for dissolution, he will confirm the dissolution. • Funds shall be divided by the Registrar among its members if there is no rules mention by the Trade Union in distribution of the funds.
  • 27. Well known Central Trade Union Organizations in India • All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) • Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) • Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) • Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat (HMKP) • Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) • Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU) • Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) • National Front of Indian Trade Unions (NFITU) • National Labor Organization (NLO) • Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre (TUCC) • National Mazdoor Union (NMU)

Editor's Notes

  1. The setting up of textile and clothing mills around the port cities of Bombay (now Mumbai), Calcutta (now Kolkata), Madras (now Chennai) and Surat in the second half of the 19th century led to the beginnings of the industrial workforce in India. Several incidents of strikes and protests by workers have been recorded during this time. The credit for the first association of Indian workers is generally given to the Bombay Mill-Hands Association founded by N.M. Lokhande in 1884. This was in the period just after the passing of the 'First' Factories Act in 1881 by the British Government of the time. The following years saw the formation of several labour associations and unions. The first clearly registered trade-union is considered to be the Madras Labour Union founded by B.P. Wadia in 1918, while the first trade union federation to be set up was the All India Trade Union Congress in 1920. Following the rapid growth of unions around the time of the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the setting up of the ILO - industrial conflict began to increase and over 1,000 strikes were recorded between 1920 and 1924. The waves of strikes boiled over with the arrest of prominent leaders and trade-unionists in the infamous 'Cawnpore Conspiracy case' in 1924 with the union leaders being arrested and accused of attempting a Communist revolution to try and overthrow the ruling British government. Subsequently, the Trade Union Act (1926) was passed which created the rules for the regulation and closer monitoring of Trade Unions.
  2. In the first year of the law's operation, 28 unions registered and submitted returns with a total membership 100,619.[3] The number of unions grew rapidly after that and by the time of Independence of India in 1947, there were 2,766 unions registered which had a combined membership of over 1.66 million. This resulted in a wide influence of unions and workers' organisations and led to significantly favourable social legislation being enacted in the first decade of Independence. Several important labour laws were passed during this time.
  3. Registered Trade Union will have perpetual succession (will no stop after the death of the members of the Trade Union.)