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Training and Developing of Employees
Shahnaz Sharmin
Guest lecturer
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS)
DUET, Gazipur
Training is a process by which the aptitudes, skills, and
abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased.-
Michael J. Jucius.
Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic
skills they need to perform their jobs.- Gary Dessler.
What is Training?
Management development is the process by which managers gain the experience,
skills, and attitudes to become to remain successful leaders in their organization.-
John M. Ivancevich.
Management development represents efforts to increase the organizations
present and future ability to meet its goals by providing educational and
developmental experiences for managers and all employees above and beyond the
immediate technical requirements of their jobs. – Wendell French.
What is development/management development?
Difference Between Training & Development
Training Development
Training is for specific skill development. Development is for general ability/capability
Training is generally given to operating people. Development is generally given to managerial
It is tailored to fit specific individual needs. It is tailored to fit a broad area of individual
and organizational needs.
Need and basic purposes of training
To Increase Productivity
To Improve Quality
To Help a Company Fulfil Its Future
Personnel Needs
To Improve Organizational Climate
To Improve Health and Safety
Obsolescence Prevention
Personal Growth
The Benefits of Training
How Training Benefits the Organization
Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes
towards profit orientation.
Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization.
Improves the morale of the work force.
Helps people identify with organizational goals.
Helps create a better corporate image.
Benefits of Training
Aids in organizational development.
Helps prepare guidelines for work.
Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies.
Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization.
Organization gets more effective decision making and problem
Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better
attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers
usually display.
Benefits of Training
Aids in increasing productivity and/or quality of work.
Helps keep costs down in many areas, e.g., production, personnel,
administration, etc.
Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being
competent and knowledgeable.
Improves labor-management relations and creates an appropriate
climate for growth, communication.
Benefits of Training
Reduces outside consulting costs by utilizing competent internal
Stimulates preventive management as opposed to putting out fires.
Eliminates sub-optimal behavior.
Helps employees adjust to change.
Aids in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress and
Training & Development(1).pptx
Types of Training
Induction or Orientation Training: It is concerned with introducing or
orienting a new employee to the organization & its procedure, rules &
Job Training: It relates to specific job which the worker has to handle, it
gives information about machines, process of productions, instructions
to be followed, methods to be used & so on.
Internship Training: Under this method, the educational institute
enters into arrangement with an industrial enterprise for providing
practical knowledge to its students.
Types of Training
Refresher Training: It meant for the old employees of the enterprise.
The basic purpose of refresher training is to acquaint the existing
workforce with the latest methods of performing their jobs & improve
their efficiency further.
Training for promotion: The talented employees may be given
adequate training to make them eligible for promotion to higher job in
the organization.
• On -the - Job Training
• Off-the-Job Training
On the Job Training-
Conducting training at a trainees regular work station
It is the most common method of both the training and development
One on one instruction between coworkers or between the employees and the
supervisor is OJT.
Research found that much on the job training is conducted informally, without
structure, planning or careful thought.
Training Methods
On the job methods Off the job methods
• Apprenticeship
• Pre-employment
• Vestibule training
• Job instruction training
• Coaching
• Lectures and demonstrations
• Discussion
• Conference
• Computer based instruction
• Simulation exercise
• Experimental exercise (behavioral
modeling, role playing, business
games, case studies)
On-the-Job Training Methods
This type of training, also known as job instruction training is the most
commonly used method. OJT has the advantage of giving first hand
knowledge & experience under the actual working condition while the
trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker
rendering the services for which he is paid.
Managerial on-the-Job Training
1. Apprenticeship
 Employees learn by working with those already skilled in their jobs.
 It lasts for a few weeks to years
 Employees are placed under the guidance of a master worker
 They become skilled workers through a combination of classroom
instruction, training by experienced supervisor, managers or other in-
house experts.
 This training is popular in crafts, trades and in technical areas.
Managerial on-the-Job Training
2. Pre-employment training
It is given by the organization in which job seekers are tested and instructed in
employment fundamentals without pay.
3. Vestibule training
The practice of giving skills training to individuals after they are hired but before
they are assigned to specific jobs. MS word.
4. Job instruction training (T & D)
• It is a sequence of instructional procedures used by a trainer to train employees
while they work in their assigned jobs.
• JIT sequence
Managerial on-the-Job Training
 Prepare
Break down the job
Prepare an instruction plan
Put the learner at ease
 Present
• Tell
• Show
• Demonstrate
• Explain
 Try Out
 Have the learner talk through the job.
 Have the learner instruct the supervisor
on how the job is done
 Let the learner do the job.
 Provide feedback, both positive and
 Let the learner practice
 Follow –up
 Check progress frequently at first
 Tell the learner whom to go to for help.
 Gradually taper off progress checks.
5. Coaching (T & D)
 Coaching is a way of training in which a coach, generally a supervisor
and/or a manager, attempts to provide a model of work with the
trainee to copy and do exactly as it is.
 The coach will supervise the trainees and give necessary corrections
to do the job correctly.
 At the end, the trainees will be experienced and capable to that job
Off-the-Job Training Methods
Off-the-job training refers to the type of training in which trainees are taken from
the job and placed in a training institutes or academic organizations in different
places where they will be provided training.
1. Lectures and demonstrations (T & D)
Lecture is a classroom training approach
An oral presentation of factual information
A subject expert presents to a large audience
An efficient way of transmitting information in a relatively short time.
Speakers may give lectures on a particular issue or variety of issues.
Issues like facts, concepts, principles, attitudes, theories, methods, rules, procedures and problem solving abilities
are taught.
It is formally organized talks by the training specialist, the formal superior or other expert individuals.
It would be effective when it is used in conjunction with visual aids such as slides, maps, and handouts,
multimedia presentation
It is one way communication
Off-the-Job training methods
2. Discussion method (T&D)
It is a two-way communication
Here active participation is encouraged
Trainees get feedback opportunities for clarification and sharing points of view
Options for discussion
Direct questions can be used to illustrate or produce a very narrow response
Reflective questions can be used to mirror what someone else says to make
sure their message is received as intended
Open ended questions can be used to challenge the trainees to increase their
understanding of a specific topic.
Off-the-Job training methods
• What does discussion method need?
 A skilled facilitator to manage the discussion process
Sufficient time for meaningful discussion to take place
A common reference point for meaningful discussion. Topic is to be distributed
earlier to the trainee so that they can read and prepare themselves for the
Trainees must have a motivation for discussion
Trainer should-
• Give everyone an opportunity to express their points of view.
• Refrain a few vocal participants to dominate the discussion
• Divide a large group into small group and discuss.
Off-the-Job training methods
3. Conference & Seminar (T&D)
Conference is a formal meeting of people with a shared interest, typically one that
takes place over several days.
Conference is a formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about
ideas or problems related to a particular topic (such as medicine or business)
usually for several days.
 Build up ideas jointly contributed by the participants
 Develops trainees capability on techniques of-
Decision making
Crisis management
Total quality management
Empowerment leadership
SME management
Off-the-Job Training methods
4. Computer based training
- It is used both in classroom or an individualistic self – paced format
- It uses network
- It is instructor – led and individual-based computer training
- Internet and intranet based training.
5. Simulation exercise (T&D)
The uses of simulation in business are varied and it is often utilized when
conducting experiments on a real system is impossible or impractical, often
because of cost or time.
It is a practice activity that places participants in a simulated situation requiring
them to function in the capacity expected of them in a real event.
Off-the-Job Training Methods
Behavior Modeling (T&D)
It is the presentation to or showing participants a particular behavior or way of
doing something.
-It consists of six to twelve modules for small groups in a series of two or three
hour sessions spread over a few weeks or months.
Behavior Modeling Process
Modeling: Trainees watch films or video tape that shows model persons behaving
effectively in a problem situation.
Practice: they practice and rehearse the effective behaviors demonstrated by the
Social reinforcement: Praise and constructive feedback based on performance by
the trainers.
Transfer of training: Finally trainees are encouraged to apply their new skills when
they are back on their jobs.
Development Methods
On the job methods Off the job methods
• Coaching (T&D)
• Job rotation
• Mentoring
• Understudy assignment
• Action learning
• Lectures (T&D) and seminars
• Simulation (T&D)
• Role playing (T&D)
• Transactional analysis
• Behavioral modeling (T&D)
• In-basket development
• Case study
On the job development methods
• 1. Job rotation and transfer
• It is designed to prepare managers to take on additional responsibilities by
providing them with experience in different areas of the firm.
• These are lateral promotions
• Given on an analysis of career path
• These make people versatile about the jobs of the organization and make
them better in decisions and operations.
• 2. Understudy assignment
• It involves assigning an inexperienced manager to work for a more
experienced manager, often on an assistant to basis.
• 3. Mentoring
• A mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
• Mentoring is a development strategy done by someone other than the
immediate supervisor of the employee.
• Role of mentors
• Sponsor- To widen opportunities for special assignments
• Teacher- To help solve real problems, to create learning situations with
hypothetical problems
• Devils advocate- To provide challenges and to give the trainee practice in
asserting ideas
• Coach- To support trainees in finding out what is important to them, what
skills they possess, and what interests and long term aspirations they have.
On the job development methods
• 4. Action Learning
• It is a means of development, intellectual, emotional or physical
development through responsible involvement in some real, complex,
and stressful problem, to achieve intended change to improve
observable behavior henceforth in the problem field.
• It is learning from experience
On the job development methods
Off-the-Job Development Methods
1. Role playing
Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of
persons in that situation. This method of training involves action, doing
& practice. The participants play the role of certain characters, such as
the production manager, mechanical engineers, superintendents,
maintenance engineers, quality control inspectors, foreman, workers &
the like. This method is mostly used for developing interpersonal
interactions & relations.
• 2. Case study
• It is a technique by which a realistic situation is given for discussion
and solution of given problems to develop problem solving and
decision making ability among managers.
• 3. In-basket development
• Recent important articles, chapter of books, relevant survey reports
etc. are copied
• Put those in a basket with a note to go it through
• Ask to submit a short statement to the supervisor on what they have
learned from these materials
Off-the-Job Development Methods
• 4. Transactional analysis
• It is highly participative development techniques
• Transactional analysis is based on the concept that each person has a
three-dimensional behavior patterns based on three ego states-
• Parent ego exhibits protective and caring behavior to followers
• Child ego refers to dependent and emotional behavior.
• Adult ego exhibits rational and judicious behavior to deal with
• The transactional analysis helps managers understand others better
and assists them in altering their responses so as to produce more
effective results.
Off-the-Job Development Methods
Training & Development(1).pptx
Training Process
(1)Training needs analysis
A. Organization analysis: identify training needs of the organization
according to its long-term goals-set the training goals.
B. Job analysis: identify training needs according to job descriptions
and specifications—specify skills/knowledge/behavior to be trained.
C. People analysis: identify people that need training and their
trainability-identify potential trainees.
(2) Instructional design
A. Set training goals.
B. Determine what to train.
C. Identify trainees.
D. Choose training materials.
E. Determine training modes and methods.
F. Select trainers.
G. Schedule training.
H. Develop training budget.
(3) Validation
A. Validate the training program before implementation.
Pilot study: conduct the program with a small number of trainees to
test its effect.
Consultation: consult the trainees and their supervisors on the
appropriateness of the program.
B. Make revision of the training programs before implementation.
(4) Implementation
A. Obtain continuous support from line-management to the training
B. Appoint manager for the training program.
C. Develop managing guidelines for the program.
D. Provide logistic support.
E. Conduct concurrent evaluation of the program.
(5) Evaluation and follow-up
A. Types of evaluation:
• Concurrent evaluation: evaluate training effects during training.
• Immediate final evaluation: evaluate training effects at the end of the
• Follow-up evaluation: evaluate training effect by evaluating trainee
performance over time.
Forms of evaluation
• Written tests: Check learning results of knowledge.
• Simulation: check learning results of skills.
• Interviews: check training effects by talking to the trainees and their
• Questionnaire: check effectiveness of instruction materials, trainer
and training methods.
• Performance appraisal: check learning transfer and training
effectiveness on job.
Thank You…………

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Training & Development(1).pptx

  • 1. Training and Developing of Employees Shahnaz Sharmin Guest lecturer Department of Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS) DUET, Gazipur
  • 2. Training is a process by which the aptitudes, skills, and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased.- Michael J. Jucius. Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.- Gary Dessler. What is Training?
  • 3. Management development is the process by which managers gain the experience, skills, and attitudes to become to remain successful leaders in their organization.- John M. Ivancevich. Management development represents efforts to increase the organizations present and future ability to meet its goals by providing educational and developmental experiences for managers and all employees above and beyond the immediate technical requirements of their jobs. – Wendell French. What is development/management development?
  • 4. Difference Between Training & Development Training Development Training is for specific skill development. Development is for general ability/capability development. Training is generally given to operating people. Development is generally given to managerial people. It is tailored to fit specific individual needs. It is tailored to fit a broad area of individual and organizational needs.
  • 5. Need and basic purposes of training To Increase Productivity To Improve Quality To Help a Company Fulfil Its Future Personnel Needs To Improve Organizational Climate To Improve Health and Safety Obsolescence Prevention Personal Growth
  • 6. The Benefits of Training How Training Benefits the Organization Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization. Improves the morale of the work force. Helps people identify with organizational goals. Helps create a better corporate image.
  • 7. Benefits of Training Aids in organizational development. Helps prepare guidelines for work. Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies. Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.
  • 8. Benefits of Training Aids in increasing productivity and/or quality of work. Helps keep costs down in many areas, e.g., production, personnel, administration, etc. Develops a sense of responsibility to the organization for being competent and knowledgeable. Improves labor-management relations and creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication.
  • 9. Benefits of Training Reduces outside consulting costs by utilizing competent internal consulting. Stimulates preventive management as opposed to putting out fires. Eliminates sub-optimal behavior. Helps employees adjust to change. Aids in handling conflict, thereby helping to prevent stress and tension.
  • 11. Types of Training Induction or Orientation Training: It is concerned with introducing or orienting a new employee to the organization & its procedure, rules & regulation. Job Training: It relates to specific job which the worker has to handle, it gives information about machines, process of productions, instructions to be followed, methods to be used & so on. Internship Training: Under this method, the educational institute enters into arrangement with an industrial enterprise for providing practical knowledge to its students.
  • 12. Types of Training Refresher Training: It meant for the old employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of refresher training is to acquaint the existing workforce with the latest methods of performing their jobs & improve their efficiency further. Training for promotion: The talented employees may be given adequate training to make them eligible for promotion to higher job in the organization.
  • 13. • On -the - Job Training • Off-the-Job Training On the Job Training- Conducting training at a trainees regular work station It is the most common method of both the training and development One on one instruction between coworkers or between the employees and the supervisor is OJT. Research found that much on the job training is conducted informally, without structure, planning or careful thought.
  • 14. Training Methods On the job methods Off the job methods • Apprenticeship • Pre-employment training • Vestibule training • Job instruction training • Coaching • Lectures and demonstrations • Discussion • Conference • Computer based instruction • Simulation exercise • Experimental exercise (behavioral modeling, role playing, business games, case studies)
  • 15. On-the-Job Training Methods This type of training, also known as job instruction training is the most commonly used method. OJT has the advantage of giving first hand knowledge & experience under the actual working condition while the trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker rendering the services for which he is paid.
  • 16. Managerial on-the-Job Training 1. Apprenticeship  Employees learn by working with those already skilled in their jobs.  It lasts for a few weeks to years  Employees are placed under the guidance of a master worker  They become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction, training by experienced supervisor, managers or other in- house experts.  This training is popular in crafts, trades and in technical areas.
  • 17. Managerial on-the-Job Training 2. Pre-employment training It is given by the organization in which job seekers are tested and instructed in employment fundamentals without pay. 3. Vestibule training The practice of giving skills training to individuals after they are hired but before they are assigned to specific jobs. MS word. 4. Job instruction training (T & D) • It is a sequence of instructional procedures used by a trainer to train employees while they work in their assigned jobs. • JIT sequence
  • 18. Managerial on-the-Job Training  Prepare Break down the job Prepare an instruction plan Put the learner at ease  Present • Tell • Show • Demonstrate • Explain  Try Out  Have the learner talk through the job.  Have the learner instruct the supervisor on how the job is done  Let the learner do the job.  Provide feedback, both positive and negative  Let the learner practice  Follow –up  Check progress frequently at first  Tell the learner whom to go to for help.  Gradually taper off progress checks.
  • 19. On-the-job-training 5. Coaching (T & D)  Coaching is a way of training in which a coach, generally a supervisor and/or a manager, attempts to provide a model of work with the trainee to copy and do exactly as it is.  The coach will supervise the trainees and give necessary corrections to do the job correctly.  At the end, the trainees will be experienced and capable to that job independently.
  • 20. Off-the-Job Training Methods Off-the-job training refers to the type of training in which trainees are taken from the job and placed in a training institutes or academic organizations in different places where they will be provided training. 1. Lectures and demonstrations (T & D) Lecture is a classroom training approach An oral presentation of factual information A subject expert presents to a large audience An efficient way of transmitting information in a relatively short time. Speakers may give lectures on a particular issue or variety of issues. Issues like facts, concepts, principles, attitudes, theories, methods, rules, procedures and problem solving abilities are taught. It is formally organized talks by the training specialist, the formal superior or other expert individuals. It would be effective when it is used in conjunction with visual aids such as slides, maps, and handouts, multimedia presentation It is one way communication
  • 21. Off-the-Job training methods 2. Discussion method (T&D) It is a two-way communication Here active participation is encouraged Trainees get feedback opportunities for clarification and sharing points of view Options for discussion Direct questions can be used to illustrate or produce a very narrow response Reflective questions can be used to mirror what someone else says to make sure their message is received as intended Open ended questions can be used to challenge the trainees to increase their understanding of a specific topic.
  • 22. Off-the-Job training methods • What does discussion method need?  A skilled facilitator to manage the discussion process Sufficient time for meaningful discussion to take place A common reference point for meaningful discussion. Topic is to be distributed earlier to the trainee so that they can read and prepare themselves for the discussion Trainees must have a motivation for discussion Trainer should- • Give everyone an opportunity to express their points of view. • Refrain a few vocal participants to dominate the discussion • Divide a large group into small group and discuss.
  • 23. Off-the-Job training methods 3. Conference & Seminar (T&D) Conference is a formal meeting of people with a shared interest, typically one that takes place over several days. Conference is a formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic (such as medicine or business) usually for several days.  Build up ideas jointly contributed by the participants  Develops trainees capability on techniques of- Decision making Crisis management Total quality management Empowerment leadership SME management
  • 24. Off-the-Job Training methods 4. Computer based training - It is used both in classroom or an individualistic self – paced format - It uses network - It is instructor – led and individual-based computer training - Internet and intranet based training. 5. Simulation exercise (T&D) The uses of simulation in business are varied and it is often utilized when conducting experiments on a real system is impossible or impractical, often because of cost or time. It is a practice activity that places participants in a simulated situation requiring them to function in the capacity expected of them in a real event.
  • 25. Off-the-Job Training Methods Behavior Modeling (T&D) It is the presentation to or showing participants a particular behavior or way of doing something. -It consists of six to twelve modules for small groups in a series of two or three hour sessions spread over a few weeks or months. Behavior Modeling Process Modeling: Trainees watch films or video tape that shows model persons behaving effectively in a problem situation. Practice: they practice and rehearse the effective behaviors demonstrated by the model. Social reinforcement: Praise and constructive feedback based on performance by the trainers. Transfer of training: Finally trainees are encouraged to apply their new skills when they are back on their jobs.
  • 26. Development Methods On the job methods Off the job methods • Coaching (T&D) • Job rotation • Mentoring • Understudy assignment • Action learning • Lectures (T&D) and seminars • Simulation (T&D) • Role playing (T&D) • Transactional analysis • Behavioral modeling (T&D) • In-basket development • Case study
  • 27. On the job development methods • 1. Job rotation and transfer • It is designed to prepare managers to take on additional responsibilities by providing them with experience in different areas of the firm. • These are lateral promotions • Given on an analysis of career path • These make people versatile about the jobs of the organization and make them better in decisions and operations. • 2. Understudy assignment • It involves assigning an inexperienced manager to work for a more experienced manager, often on an assistant to basis.
  • 28. • 3. Mentoring • A mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher • Mentoring is a development strategy done by someone other than the immediate supervisor of the employee. • Role of mentors • Sponsor- To widen opportunities for special assignments • Teacher- To help solve real problems, to create learning situations with hypothetical problems • Devils advocate- To provide challenges and to give the trainee practice in asserting ideas • Coach- To support trainees in finding out what is important to them, what skills they possess, and what interests and long term aspirations they have. On the job development methods
  • 29. • 4. Action Learning • It is a means of development, intellectual, emotional or physical development through responsible involvement in some real, complex, and stressful problem, to achieve intended change to improve observable behavior henceforth in the problem field. • It is learning from experience On the job development methods
  • 30. Off-the-Job Development Methods 1. Role playing Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of persons in that situation. This method of training involves action, doing & practice. The participants play the role of certain characters, such as the production manager, mechanical engineers, superintendents, maintenance engineers, quality control inspectors, foreman, workers & the like. This method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions & relations.
  • 31. • 2. Case study • It is a technique by which a realistic situation is given for discussion and solution of given problems to develop problem solving and decision making ability among managers. • 3. In-basket development • Recent important articles, chapter of books, relevant survey reports etc. are copied • Put those in a basket with a note to go it through • Ask to submit a short statement to the supervisor on what they have learned from these materials Off-the-Job Development Methods
  • 32. • 4. Transactional analysis • It is highly participative development techniques • Transactional analysis is based on the concept that each person has a three-dimensional behavior patterns based on three ego states- • Parent ego exhibits protective and caring behavior to followers • Child ego refers to dependent and emotional behavior. • Adult ego exhibits rational and judicious behavior to deal with followers • The transactional analysis helps managers understand others better and assists them in altering their responses so as to produce more effective results. Off-the-Job Development Methods
  • 35. (1)Training needs analysis A. Organization analysis: identify training needs of the organization according to its long-term goals-set the training goals. B. Job analysis: identify training needs according to job descriptions and specifications—specify skills/knowledge/behavior to be trained. C. People analysis: identify people that need training and their trainability-identify potential trainees.
  • 36. (2) Instructional design A. Set training goals. B. Determine what to train. C. Identify trainees. D. Choose training materials. E. Determine training modes and methods. F. Select trainers. G. Schedule training. H. Develop training budget.
  • 37. (3) Validation A. Validate the training program before implementation. Pilot study: conduct the program with a small number of trainees to test its effect. Consultation: consult the trainees and their supervisors on the appropriateness of the program. B. Make revision of the training programs before implementation.
  • 38. (4) Implementation A. Obtain continuous support from line-management to the training program. B. Appoint manager for the training program. C. Develop managing guidelines for the program. D. Provide logistic support. E. Conduct concurrent evaluation of the program.
  • 39. (5) Evaluation and follow-up A. Types of evaluation: • Concurrent evaluation: evaluate training effects during training. • Immediate final evaluation: evaluate training effects at the end of the training. • Follow-up evaluation: evaluate training effect by evaluating trainee performance over time.
  • 40. Forms of evaluation • Written tests: Check learning results of knowledge. • Simulation: check learning results of skills. • Interviews: check training effects by talking to the trainees and their supervisors. • Questionnaire: check effectiveness of instruction materials, trainer and training methods. • Performance appraisal: check learning transfer and training effectiveness on job.