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Training &


What is Training and Development?
The organizations require development throughout
the ranks in order to survive, while training makes the
organization more effective and efficient in its day-to-
day operations.
 Training is the formal and systematic modification of
behavior through learning which occurs as a result of
education, instruction, development and planned
 Development is any learning activity, which is
directed towards future needs rather than present
needs and which is concerned more with career growth
than immediate performance.


Training is given on four basic
 New candidates who join an organization are given training. This
training familiarize them with the organizational
mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working conditions.
 The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance
their knowledge.
 If any updates take place in technology, training is given to
cope up with those changes. For instance, purchasing a new
equipment, changes in technique of production, computer
impartment. The employees are trained about use of new
equipment and work methods.
 When promotion and career growth becomes important.
Training is given so that employees are prepared to share the
responsibilities of the higher level job.


Importance of Training and Development


The benefits of training can be
summed up as:

    Improves morale of employees.
   Less supervision.
   Fewer accidents.
   Chances of promotion.
   Increased productivity.


Tata Group             Founder’s Philosophy - A Legacy …

                                                 “In a free enterprise, the
                                                 community is not just
                                                 another stake holder in
                                                 the business but in fact
                                                 the very purpose of its
                                                                            Mr. Jamshetji Tata

                  (1839 – 1904)

Hotels - 1902      Power - 1910      Airlines - 1932   Motors - 1945     IISC - 1911        Steel - 1907
                Trusteeship, Integrity, Respect for Individuals, Credibility & Excellence


• India’s largest business group
• Diverse businesses in 7 sectors
• Operations in over 80 countries
• Products and services exported to 85 countries
• Largest employer in private sector over 450,000
• Group revenue for year: 2011-12 $100.09 billion
  (around Rs475,721 crore)


Training in tata group


Training and Development

                                              TATA GROUP

•   Grooming the managers of today into the leaders of tomorrow
    — that's the broad objective of the Tata group's leadership
    development programs and training processes.

•   The group's high-value, superior-quality training interventions
    are targeted at maximizing the potential of its pool of managers.
    This is done by encouraging their cross-functional exposure and
    by making cross-company mobility an integral aspect of all
    leadership development efforts.


The Tata group's commitment to enhance the
knowledge and leadership quotient of its
people has resulted in the establishment of
various Development and Training Programs
such as TAS and TMTC.


Tata Management Training

-Set up by JRD Tata in 1959 with the mission of
creating and grooming leaders for the future.

-It aims to provide training to high performers
within the group and act as a catalyst of change
for Tata executives.


TMTC objectives include :

• Improvement of organizational performance
  through dissemination of the latest knowledge
  and skills among practicing managers.
• Facilitation of attitudinal and behavioral
• Facilitation of solutions for organizational issues
• Development of learning organizations
• Training methodology


o Offering around 250 programmes a year, conducted
  by in house senior faculty from academics and
  business, supported by experts from the best of
  Indian and international B schools.
o It uses over 120 external faculty, from the world’s
  premier institutions and universities, including
  IIMs, Harvard, Michigan, Wharton, Kellogg, NUS and
  Centre for Creative Leadership.
o TMTC started its e-learning programs in 2009.Every
  year, more than 4000 Tata Managers and Leaders go
  through the training programs.


Major practice areas include:
 Finance, Ethics
 Leadership and Organization
 Markets and Customers
 Strategy and Innovation

Leadership development programmes include:
 Tata Group Strategic Leadership seminar
 Tata Group Executive Leadership seminar
 Tata Group e-Merging Leaders seminar


A Unique self-paced program is conducted named
'TATA - Harvard Manage Mentor self-paced e-learning
program' by Harvard Manage Mentor, in association
with Harvard Business School Publishing, providing 44
different programmes for Tata employees.

E-learning programmes include:
 Live e-classroom
 Live video broadcast and
 Self-paced e-learning programmes


(Tata Administrative Services)

This managerial development program was conceived by
JRD Tata, the late chairman of the Tata group, in the 1950s.
The idea was to select and groom young managers, provide
them opportunities for professional growth, and make
them part of a talent pool that could be tapped by
companies across the Tata organization.


•   TAS, essentially a training program, is perhaps the only
    employment brand in Indian business that consciously recruits for
    lifelong mobility across companies, industries and functions, in
    order to impart that macro view of business which is critical in
    preparing young professionals for general management.

•   To grow and renew the Tata talent pool continuously, TAS recruits
    young postgraduates from leading business schools each year and
    puts them through an intensive 12-month program.

•   The TAS manager has India's largest business house, with the
    widest range of industries and functions around which to plan and
    build a lifetime career of professional and personal growth.


• The TAS recruitment process at campuses strives to associate the
  Tata brand with values such as integrity, excellence and nation
  building, while highlighting the group's entrepreneurial spirit.

• TAS has been recast in recent years, with an increased focus on
  facilitating mobility across group companies. Over the past three
  years, concentrated communication, consistent engagement and
  competitive compensation packages have helped TAS regain and
  strengthen its position as an attractive employment destination for
  top talent.


Training Module

• The training module consists of four cross-functional,
  cross-business and cross-located assignments.
       --These include three business shifts of 15 weeks
duration in sales and marketing, manufacturing and
operations, corporate strategy, finance and human

• A seven-week rural assignment exposes the trainees to
  community work and rural India, helping instill in them a
  true picture of the life of ordinary Indians.


• Another facet of the module is the mentorship
  programme for TAS managers placed within group
  companies. This was initiated to create a platform for
  the personal and professional development of TAS
  managers post placement. Additionally, TAS managers
  are then taken through a development plan that lasts
  five years.

• The program's one-year training module, renamed
  'group orientation and learning' (GOAL), emphasizes
  on structured orientation through classroom inputs
  and field visits. It builds TAS trainees' perspective on
  the seven core sectors of the Tata group, its current
  and future challenges, and its drive to become a truly
  global organization.


The Second Career Internship Program (SCIP) is aimed at
professional women who have taken a career break and
are looking to return to the job market.

This pioneering program was launched on International
Women's Day in March 2008. In 2012, the application
process was taken online, making it more convenient and
accessible. Using this facility, Tata companies can post
projects throughout the year and aspirants can log onto
www.tatasecondcareer.com to view, select and apply for
live business projects online, just like any other job


The criteria for women seeking to sign up for the program are:
• professional qualification in management / accountancy / law / IT /
  design or engineering
• a minimum of four years of work experience;
• a career break of one year (minimum) to eight years (maximum)
  due to personal commitments.

A dedicated SCIP team has been put in place to ensure a timely and
transparent appointment process. SCIP projects are allotted based on
the area of expertise of the applicant, following a rigorous selection


The Human Resource Development Program (HRDP) was initiated in
2006 in recognition of the corporate leadership and specialist roles
that HR managers are required to fulfill.

•   Each year HRDP recruits the best talent from premier Indian
    business schools and Tata companies, based on their
    performance, interest and capabilities, and trains them for a year
    with rotations through sub-functions such as recruitment and
    sourcing, performance management system, training and
    development, etc. The program ensures accelerated long-term
    growth through customized as well as certified training and
    development during this period.


HRDP Process….
• All HRDP managers are selected by senior HR and business
  executives in Tata companies after undergoing a rigorous three-
  stage process of filtering, post which they are placed on a
  project-basis at Tata companies for three-month periods.

• Managers undergo three rotational shifts in core HR functions.
  They also undergo a community development period, where
  they work with the Tata trusts on assignments in the domain of
  corporate sustainability for eight weeks.

• Managers are then placed with a Tata company on a full-time
  basis after completion of the four rotational stints.


 The Tata Business Leadership Award (TBLA), initiated in
  2004, is an annual business school event organized by the
  Tata group. It offers students from selected business schools
  a unique opportunity to compete with the brightest and
  display their business acumen.
 The award underlines the commitment of the Tata group to
  promote and encourage future leaders. It is also an
  endeavor to create awareness among management students
  about the Tata brand.


 The students (in teams of three to four)
  are given a strategic problem or situation
  relevant to the group. They have to make
  a presentation to senior managers in the
  group and defend their case study. The
  defense is evaluated on parameters such
  as creativity, clarity, relevance and
  business value.

 Preliminary rounds are held on campus
  and chaired by a panel consisting of a
  cross section of senior Tata managers.
  The final defense presentation, held at
  the Tata Management Training Centre in
  Pune, is seen by Tata leaders and others.



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Training in tata group

  • 2. What is Training and Development? The organizations require development throughout the ranks in order to survive, while training makes the organization more effective and efficient in its day-to- day operations.  Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience.  Development is any learning activity, which is directed towards future needs rather than present needs and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance.
  • 3. Training is given on four basic grounds:  New candidates who join an organization are given training. This training familiarize them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working conditions.  The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge.  If any updates take place in technology, training is given to cope up with those changes. For instance, purchasing a new equipment, changes in technique of production, computer impartment. The employees are trained about use of new equipment and work methods.  When promotion and career growth becomes important. Training is given so that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job.
  • 4. Importance of Training and Development
  • 5. The benefits of training can be summed up as:  Improves morale of employees.  Less supervision.  Fewer accidents.  Chances of promotion.  Increased productivity.
  • 6. Tata Group Founder’s Philosophy - A Legacy … “In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stake holder in the business but in fact the very purpose of its existence.” Mr. Jamshetji Tata (1839 – 1904) Hotels - 1902 Power - 1910 Airlines - 1932 Motors - 1945 IISC - 1911 Steel - 1907 Trusteeship, Integrity, Respect for Individuals, Credibility & Excellence
  • 7. OVERVIEW • India’s largest business group • Diverse businesses in 7 sectors • Operations in over 80 countries • Products and services exported to 85 countries • Largest employer in private sector over 450,000 empolyees • Group revenue for year: 2011-12 $100.09 billion (around Rs475,721 crore)
  • 9. Training and Development TATA GROUP • Grooming the managers of today into the leaders of tomorrow — that's the broad objective of the Tata group's leadership development programs and training processes. • The group's high-value, superior-quality training interventions are targeted at maximizing the potential of its pool of managers. This is done by encouraging their cross-functional exposure and by making cross-company mobility an integral aspect of all leadership development efforts.
  • 10. The Tata group's commitment to enhance the knowledge and leadership quotient of its people has resulted in the establishment of various Development and Training Programs such as TAS and TMTC.
  • 11. Tata Management Training Centre -Set up by JRD Tata in 1959 with the mission of creating and grooming leaders for the future. -It aims to provide training to high performers within the group and act as a catalyst of change for Tata executives.
  • 12. TMTC objectives include : • Improvement of organizational performance through dissemination of the latest knowledge and skills among practicing managers. • Facilitation of attitudinal and behavioral changes. • Facilitation of solutions for organizational issues • Development of learning organizations • Training methodology
  • 13. o Offering around 250 programmes a year, conducted by in house senior faculty from academics and business, supported by experts from the best of Indian and international B schools. o It uses over 120 external faculty, from the world’s premier institutions and universities, including IIMs, Harvard, Michigan, Wharton, Kellogg, NUS and Centre for Creative Leadership. o TMTC started its e-learning programs in 2009.Every year, more than 4000 Tata Managers and Leaders go through the training programs.
  • 14. Major practice areas include:  Finance, Ethics  Leadership and Organization  Markets and Customers  Strategy and Innovation Leadership development programmes include:  Tata Group Strategic Leadership seminar  Tata Group Executive Leadership seminar  Tata Group e-Merging Leaders seminar
  • 15. A Unique self-paced program is conducted named 'TATA - Harvard Manage Mentor self-paced e-learning program' by Harvard Manage Mentor, in association with Harvard Business School Publishing, providing 44 different programmes for Tata employees. E-learning programmes include:  Live e-classroom  Live video broadcast and  Self-paced e-learning programmes
  • 16. TAS (Tata Administrative Services) This managerial development program was conceived by JRD Tata, the late chairman of the Tata group, in the 1950s. The idea was to select and groom young managers, provide them opportunities for professional growth, and make them part of a talent pool that could be tapped by companies across the Tata organization.
  • 17. TAS, essentially a training program, is perhaps the only employment brand in Indian business that consciously recruits for lifelong mobility across companies, industries and functions, in order to impart that macro view of business which is critical in preparing young professionals for general management. • To grow and renew the Tata talent pool continuously, TAS recruits young postgraduates from leading business schools each year and puts them through an intensive 12-month program. • The TAS manager has India's largest business house, with the widest range of industries and functions around which to plan and build a lifetime career of professional and personal growth.
  • 18. TATA VALUES • The TAS recruitment process at campuses strives to associate the Tata brand with values such as integrity, excellence and nation building, while highlighting the group's entrepreneurial spirit. • TAS has been recast in recent years, with an increased focus on facilitating mobility across group companies. Over the past three years, concentrated communication, consistent engagement and competitive compensation packages have helped TAS regain and strengthen its position as an attractive employment destination for top talent.
  • 19. Training Module • The training module consists of four cross-functional, cross-business and cross-located assignments. --These include three business shifts of 15 weeks duration in sales and marketing, manufacturing and operations, corporate strategy, finance and human resources. • A seven-week rural assignment exposes the trainees to community work and rural India, helping instill in them a true picture of the life of ordinary Indians.
  • 20. • Another facet of the module is the mentorship programme for TAS managers placed within group companies. This was initiated to create a platform for the personal and professional development of TAS managers post placement. Additionally, TAS managers are then taken through a development plan that lasts five years. • The program's one-year training module, renamed 'group orientation and learning' (GOAL), emphasizes on structured orientation through classroom inputs and field visits. It builds TAS trainees' perspective on the seven core sectors of the Tata group, its current and future challenges, and its drive to become a truly global organization.
  • 21. The Second Career Internship Program (SCIP) is aimed at professional women who have taken a career break and are looking to return to the job market. This pioneering program was launched on International Women's Day in March 2008. In 2012, the application process was taken online, making it more convenient and accessible. Using this facility, Tata companies can post projects throughout the year and aspirants can log onto www.tatasecondcareer.com to view, select and apply for live business projects online, just like any other job portal.
  • 22. The criteria for women seeking to sign up for the program are: • professional qualification in management / accountancy / law / IT / design or engineering • a minimum of four years of work experience; • a career break of one year (minimum) to eight years (maximum) due to personal commitments. A dedicated SCIP team has been put in place to ensure a timely and transparent appointment process. SCIP projects are allotted based on the area of expertise of the applicant, following a rigorous selection process.
  • 23. The Human Resource Development Program (HRDP) was initiated in 2006 in recognition of the corporate leadership and specialist roles that HR managers are required to fulfill. • Each year HRDP recruits the best talent from premier Indian business schools and Tata companies, based on their performance, interest and capabilities, and trains them for a year with rotations through sub-functions such as recruitment and sourcing, performance management system, training and development, etc. The program ensures accelerated long-term growth through customized as well as certified training and development during this period.
  • 24. HRDP Process…. • All HRDP managers are selected by senior HR and business executives in Tata companies after undergoing a rigorous three- stage process of filtering, post which they are placed on a project-basis at Tata companies for three-month periods. • Managers undergo three rotational shifts in core HR functions. They also undergo a community development period, where they work with the Tata trusts on assignments in the domain of corporate sustainability for eight weeks. • Managers are then placed with a Tata company on a full-time basis after completion of the four rotational stints.
  • 25.  The Tata Business Leadership Award (TBLA), initiated in 2004, is an annual business school event organized by the Tata group. It offers students from selected business schools a unique opportunity to compete with the brightest and display their business acumen.  The award underlines the commitment of the Tata group to promote and encourage future leaders. It is also an endeavor to create awareness among management students about the Tata brand.
  • 26.  The students (in teams of three to four) are given a strategic problem or situation relevant to the group. They have to make a presentation to senior managers in the group and defend their case study. The defense is evaluated on parameters such as creativity, clarity, relevance and business value.  Preliminary rounds are held on campus and chaired by a panel consisting of a cross section of senior Tata managers. The final defense presentation, held at the Tata Management Training Centre in Pune, is seen by Tata leaders and others.