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Inherited Traits
Inherited Traits of Humans

Objectives                                                                   Time: 1 Hour per activity

1. Students will make a chart and collect data identifying various           Grade: Fifth
   traits among their classmates.
2. Students will understand that they share many traits.                     Core Standard:
3. Students will be able to identify a trait as inherited from the parent.   V- Students will understand that
4. Students will record data on specific traits.                             traits are passed from the parent
                                                                             organisms to their offspring, and
                                                                             that sometimes the offspring may
  Materials                                                                  possess variations of these traits
                                                                             that may help or hinder survival in
  “An Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, one for each student               a given environment.
  Measuring Tape (fabric tapes work best, as students will be
    measuring wrist circumference and height)                                Objective 1- Using supporting
  A plant, fish and bread mold (other “living” examples may be               evidence, show that traits are
    used from your classroom—depending on what is easily                     transferred from a parent
    available)                                                               organism.
  PTC (Phenylthiocarbamide) test papers, one strip for each
  Hard, sweet candy, one piece for each student
  Paper adding machine tape or long strips of paper
  Post-It notes (3” x 3”) cut in half, four for each student


   Have you ever noticed that sisters look alike? Or have you even
had difficulty telling them apart. Their inherited traits are what make
their physical appearance so similar. An inherited trait is a particular
genetically determined characteristic or quality that distinguishes
somebody. The traits of children are determined by the traits passed
on from their parents. This is why we often hear, “She has her
mother’s eyes,” or, “He has his father’s chin”. People are noticing the
inherited traits.
   It is often easy to determine inherited traits in family members, but
what about traits that are often unnoticed? You may even possess
many of the same traits as your classmates although you are not
directly related to those individuals.
   Parent organisms pass traits to their offspring so there are often
similar characteristics seen in both parent and offspring. Inherited
human traits include:
   * Ability to roll your tongue or not
   * Attached or unattached earlobes                                            Are they more alike than different?
   * Dimples or freckles                                                          Or...more different than alike?
   * Naturally curly or straight hair
   * Hitchhiker’s or straight thumb

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom                                                                                1
* Color-blindness or normal
       color vision
   * Widow’s peak or straight
   * Color of skin and hair
   * Cleft or smooth chin
   Humans have numerous                                                            Questions for
traits, but some traits are more                                                  Investigation or
frequently seen. Between 70-                                                        Assessment:
90% of the population have
free-hanging earlobes, can roll                                             1. Is there a pattern in the
their tongue, are right-handed                                                 traits expressed in our
and can taste PTC (a bitter-                                                   classroom population?
tasting chemical that can be
placed on the tongue). Be-                                                  2. Why do you think there
cause these traits occur most                                                  are so many similarities
often within the population they are called high frequency traits. The         or differences within our
rate of frequency is a statistical term that helps scientists determine        population?
how often an inherited trait occurs. Frequency is important in discov-
ering how much of the population differs (or is similar) from the           3. Why would a scientist
whole.                                                                         care whether populations
                                                                               were similar or different?
Activity Procedures
                                                                            4. Can you think of any
1. Begin the activity by telling the class something like, “If a visitor       traits you may have
   from another planet walked into this classroom, he might easily             inherited from your
   conclude that humans all look very much alike.” If students                  parents? From your
   complain that this is not true, answer something like, “You are             grandparents? List those
   certainly more like one another than you are like this plant (point         traits and predict which
   to the plant). Or this fish (point to the fish). And for sure, you are      traits you may pass on to
   more alike than anyone of you is like the bread mold (hold up the           your children.
   baggie with the bread mold). Humans- Homo sapiens- have a
   set of traits that define us as a species, just like all other species
   have a set of traits that define them.
2. Continue the activity by determining just how similar the students
   are to each other. Pair each student with a partner. Distribute the
   “An Inventory of My Traits” activity sheet to each student. Have
   each student help their partner determine their specific traits.

Activity 1
        Teaching Tip: While carrying out this activity, teachers need
        to be sensitive to the ethnic make-up of their class and to
        any individual traits that would stereotype any student in a
        negative way. It is NOT recommended that students be
        assigned to conduct surveys of their family members for
        heritable traits.
1. Using the “Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, conduct the
   following game with several volunteers. Provide hard candies to
   counteract the bitter taste of the PTC paper. Have students use a
   partner to compare their traits.

2                                                                           Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
2. Choose a volunteer to determine his or her “uniqueness” as
   compared with the other students.
3. Ask all of the students to stand.
4. Invite the volunteer to begin to identify his or her inherited traits for
   each of the 15 human traits listed on their completed worksheet.
   Begin with the first trait and proceed sequentially. As the
                                                                               Teacher Notes:
   volunteer lists his or her traits, direct the students who share the
   volunteer’s similarities to remain standing. Direct all other
   students to sit.
5. Continue in this fashion until the volunteer is the only person still
   standing. Count how many traits the class had to consider to
   distinguish the volunteer from all other students in the class.
6. Repeat as desired with another volunteer.

Activity 2 (Mathematics Integration)
1. Using the “Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, have the students
   determine the frequency of the traits within the classroom
   population. A master copy of an overhead is included with this
   lesson on page 6.
2. List each observed trait and the number of times it was observed
   on the board and create a frequency table like the one shown.
   Ask: How many in the class have this trait? (Use tally marks to
   emphasize math skills)

     Observed Trait         Number Observed
     Brown Eyes             ///// ///// /////
     Blue Eyes              ////
     Green Eyes             ///// /
            Total Population = 30

        Show students how to determine percentages for the
               Number Observed X 100 = Percentage
                   Total Population

        For Example: Brown Eyes would be 15 X 100/ 30 = 50%
               50% of the class population has brown eyes

* Wrist circumference and hand span will need to be shown in a
   graph format to see the similarities. The instructor should
   model the procedure to calculate the average for these
5. Ask the students if the majority of their population had high
   frequency traits. Remember that because of variation in popula-
   tions it is quite possible that a low frequency trait will be observed
   in the majority of the students in your classroom. Determine
   which traits had the highest rate of frequency.
6. Compare your results of these class traits to known frequencies
   for the general population. Frequency Chart shown on page 4.
7. Create a Wall Graph for the last four traits: hand span, wrist

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom                                                               3
circumference, foot length and finger length. Discuss the amount
   of variation present in the class for these traits.
        To Make a Wall Graph:
        a. Use adding machine tape or long strips of paper to create
            the X and Y axes for the graph. Mark centimeter place
            ments for each bar of the graph on the X axis and label it
                                                                              Teacher Notes:
            “Number of Centimeters”. Mark 3-inch placements for
            each Post-It note on the Y axis and label it “Number of
        b. Tape the axes on the wall.
        c. Have each students add their data to the graph using a
             Post-It note, creating a bar graph.
        Teaching Tip: At the end of the activity, remove the axes from
        the wall, roll them up and save them for re-use the following
8. After making the Wall Graphs, model how to calculate the class
   average for these four traits.
9. Ask the students:
   a. Is there a pattern in the traits expressed in our classroom
   b. Why do you think there are so many similarities or differences
       within our population?
   c. Why would a scientist care whether populations were similar or

Frequency Chart

Activity 3 (Homework Connection)

1. Have your students make predictions based upon the frequency
   of inherited traits for another population. In pairs of students,
   have them form their own population survey. Have them
   administer their survey to their chosen population (it could be
   another class or a group of students who were reading in the
   library during lunch). Have them report their discovered
   frequencies and answer the following questions in their scientific
        1. Why did you select your particular population?
        2. Which frequency was the most suprising to you?
        3. Why are your results significant? (describe why a

4                                                                        Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
scientist might care about your results)
        4. Were your high frequency traits really the highest
           in your population, or was it determined that they
           were low frequency traits in your population.
        5. What other inherited traits do you think scientists
           should look for? Why?
        6. If you were to compare your population with a
           different population do you think that the results
            would be the same? Why or why not?


1. Have your students examine why America is called a “melting pot
   of race and culture”. Relate this to what they have been learning
   about inherited traits and the great immigrations of populations to
   North America in the 1800s.

2. Have your students visit “The Gene Scene” web site. This site is a
   virtual way to give them more understanding about what makes
   them unique. Or order “The Gene Scence” student readers, one
   classroom set of 30 is $25.00. Visit the American Museum of
   Natural History at www.amnh.org for activities on-line, or email
   Eric Hamilton at center@amnh.org to order your student readers.

Additional Resources

Order PTC and Control paper from Carolina Biological:
www.carolina.com or 1-800-334-5551
PTC paper- RG-17-4010, $3.60/pack of 100
Control paper- RG-17-4000, $3.60/pack of 100

Make your own classroom poster of inherited traits. Visit
www.agclassroom.org/ut, and look for the “Comparing Inherited
Traits” link. The files may be downloaded for photocopying or
making overheads.

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom                                        5
Rate of Frequency                                       Total Population
Observed Traits                   Number Observed   Percentage of Population with Trait

    Tongue rollers
    Non-tongue rollers

    Detached earlobes
    Attached earlobes

    Hitchhikers thumb
    Regular thumb


    No dimples


    Cross left thumb over right
    Cross right thumb over left

    No freckles

    Curly hair
    Straight hair

    Wrist circumference average

    No allergies

    Can taste PTC
    Cannot taste PTC

    Color blind
    Can see all colors

    Widow’s Peak
    No Widow’s Peak

    Hand span average

6                                                           Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
An Inventory of My Traits
How similar are you and your partner? Complete this inventory and compare
it with your partner’s inventory.

1. I am a:                                                     Male              Female

2. I have detached earlobes.                                   YES               NO
3. I have a hitchhiker’s thumb.                                YES               NO
4. I can roll my tongue.                                       YES               NO

5. I have dimples.                                             YES               NO

6. I am righthanded.                                           YES               NO

7. I cross my left thumb over my right.                        YES               NO

8. I have freckles.                                            YES               NO
9. I have naturally curly hair.                                YES               NO

10. I have a cleft chin.                                       YES               NO

11. I have allergies.                                          YES               NO

12. I can taste PTC.                                           YES               NO
13. I can see the colors red & green (color blindness).        YES               NO

14. I have a widow’s peak.                                     YES               NO
15. The length of my left index finger is:      ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter)

16. The length of my left foot is:              ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter)

17. My hand span is:                            ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter)

18. My wrist circumference is:                  ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter)

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom                                                         7

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  • 1. Inherited Traits Inherited Traits of Humans Objectives Time: 1 Hour per activity 1. Students will make a chart and collect data identifying various Grade: Fifth traits among their classmates. 2. Students will understand that they share many traits. Core Standard: 3. Students will be able to identify a trait as inherited from the parent. V- Students will understand that 4. Students will record data on specific traits. traits are passed from the parent organisms to their offspring, and that sometimes the offspring may Materials possess variations of these traits that may help or hinder survival in “An Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, one for each student a given environment. Measuring Tape (fabric tapes work best, as students will be measuring wrist circumference and height) Objective 1- Using supporting A plant, fish and bread mold (other “living” examples may be evidence, show that traits are used from your classroom—depending on what is easily transferred from a parent available) organism. PTC (Phenylthiocarbamide) test papers, one strip for each student Hard, sweet candy, one piece for each student Paper adding machine tape or long strips of paper Post-It notes (3” x 3”) cut in half, four for each student Background Have you ever noticed that sisters look alike? Or have you even had difficulty telling them apart. Their inherited traits are what make their physical appearance so similar. An inherited trait is a particular genetically determined characteristic or quality that distinguishes somebody. The traits of children are determined by the traits passed on from their parents. This is why we often hear, “She has her mother’s eyes,” or, “He has his father’s chin”. People are noticing the inherited traits. It is often easy to determine inherited traits in family members, but what about traits that are often unnoticed? You may even possess many of the same traits as your classmates although you are not directly related to those individuals. Parent organisms pass traits to their offspring so there are often similar characteristics seen in both parent and offspring. Inherited human traits include: * Ability to roll your tongue or not * Attached or unattached earlobes Are they more alike than different? * Dimples or freckles Or...more different than alike? * Naturally curly or straight hair * Hitchhiker’s or straight thumb Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 1
  • 2. * Color-blindness or normal color vision * Widow’s peak or straight hairline * Color of skin and hair * Cleft or smooth chin Humans have numerous Questions for traits, but some traits are more Investigation or frequently seen. Between 70- Assessment: 90% of the population have free-hanging earlobes, can roll 1. Is there a pattern in the their tongue, are right-handed traits expressed in our and can taste PTC (a bitter- classroom population? tasting chemical that can be placed on the tongue). Be- 2. Why do you think there cause these traits occur most are so many similarities often within the population they are called high frequency traits. The or differences within our rate of frequency is a statistical term that helps scientists determine population? how often an inherited trait occurs. Frequency is important in discov- ering how much of the population differs (or is similar) from the 3. Why would a scientist whole. care whether populations were similar or different? Activity Procedures 4. Can you think of any 1. Begin the activity by telling the class something like, “If a visitor traits you may have from another planet walked into this classroom, he might easily inherited from your conclude that humans all look very much alike.” If students parents? From your complain that this is not true, answer something like, “You are grandparents? List those certainly more like one another than you are like this plant (point traits and predict which to the plant). Or this fish (point to the fish). And for sure, you are traits you may pass on to more alike than anyone of you is like the bread mold (hold up the your children. baggie with the bread mold). Humans- Homo sapiens- have a set of traits that define us as a species, just like all other species have a set of traits that define them. 2. Continue the activity by determining just how similar the students are to each other. Pair each student with a partner. Distribute the “An Inventory of My Traits” activity sheet to each student. Have each student help their partner determine their specific traits. Activity 1 Teaching Tip: While carrying out this activity, teachers need to be sensitive to the ethnic make-up of their class and to any individual traits that would stereotype any student in a negative way. It is NOT recommended that students be assigned to conduct surveys of their family members for heritable traits. 1. Using the “Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, conduct the following game with several volunteers. Provide hard candies to counteract the bitter taste of the PTC paper. Have students use a partner to compare their traits. 2 Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
  • 3. 2. Choose a volunteer to determine his or her “uniqueness” as compared with the other students. 3. Ask all of the students to stand. 4. Invite the volunteer to begin to identify his or her inherited traits for each of the 15 human traits listed on their completed worksheet. Begin with the first trait and proceed sequentially. As the Teacher Notes: volunteer lists his or her traits, direct the students who share the volunteer’s similarities to remain standing. Direct all other students to sit. 5. Continue in this fashion until the volunteer is the only person still standing. Count how many traits the class had to consider to distinguish the volunteer from all other students in the class. 6. Repeat as desired with another volunteer. Activity 2 (Mathematics Integration) 1. Using the “Inventory of My Traits” worksheets, have the students determine the frequency of the traits within the classroom population. A master copy of an overhead is included with this lesson on page 6. 2. List each observed trait and the number of times it was observed on the board and create a frequency table like the one shown. Ask: How many in the class have this trait? (Use tally marks to emphasize math skills) Example: Observed Trait Number Observed Brown Eyes ///// ///// ///// Blue Eyes //// Green Eyes ///// / Total Population = 30 Show students how to determine percentages for the frequency: Number Observed X 100 = Percentage Total Population For Example: Brown Eyes would be 15 X 100/ 30 = 50% 50% of the class population has brown eyes * Wrist circumference and hand span will need to be shown in a graph format to see the similarities. The instructor should model the procedure to calculate the average for these statistics. 5. Ask the students if the majority of their population had high frequency traits. Remember that because of variation in popula- tions it is quite possible that a low frequency trait will be observed in the majority of the students in your classroom. Determine which traits had the highest rate of frequency. 6. Compare your results of these class traits to known frequencies for the general population. Frequency Chart shown on page 4. 7. Create a Wall Graph for the last four traits: hand span, wrist Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 3
  • 4. circumference, foot length and finger length. Discuss the amount of variation present in the class for these traits. To Make a Wall Graph: a. Use adding machine tape or long strips of paper to create the X and Y axes for the graph. Mark centimeter place ments for each bar of the graph on the X axis and label it Teacher Notes: “Number of Centimeters”. Mark 3-inch placements for each Post-It note on the Y axis and label it “Number of Students”. b. Tape the axes on the wall. c. Have each students add their data to the graph using a Post-It note, creating a bar graph. Teaching Tip: At the end of the activity, remove the axes from the wall, roll them up and save them for re-use the following year. 8. After making the Wall Graphs, model how to calculate the class average for these four traits. 9. Ask the students: a. Is there a pattern in the traits expressed in our classroom population? b. Why do you think there are so many similarities or differences within our population? c. Why would a scientist care whether populations were similar or different? Frequency Chart Activity 3 (Homework Connection) 1. Have your students make predictions based upon the frequency of inherited traits for another population. In pairs of students, have them form their own population survey. Have them administer their survey to their chosen population (it could be another class or a group of students who were reading in the library during lunch). Have them report their discovered frequencies and answer the following questions in their scientific report. 1. Why did you select your particular population? 2. Which frequency was the most suprising to you? 3. Why are your results significant? (describe why a 4 Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
  • 5. scientist might care about your results) 4. Were your high frequency traits really the highest in your population, or was it determined that they were low frequency traits in your population. 5. What other inherited traits do you think scientists should look for? Why? 6. If you were to compare your population with a different population do you think that the results would be the same? Why or why not? Extensions/Adaptations/Integration 1. Have your students examine why America is called a “melting pot of race and culture”. Relate this to what they have been learning about inherited traits and the great immigrations of populations to North America in the 1800s. 2. Have your students visit “The Gene Scene” web site. This site is a virtual way to give them more understanding about what makes them unique. Or order “The Gene Scence” student readers, one classroom set of 30 is $25.00. Visit the American Museum of Natural History at www.amnh.org for activities on-line, or email Eric Hamilton at center@amnh.org to order your student readers. Additional Resources Order PTC and Control paper from Carolina Biological: www.carolina.com or 1-800-334-5551 PTC paper- RG-17-4010, $3.60/pack of 100 Control paper- RG-17-4000, $3.60/pack of 100 Make your own classroom poster of inherited traits. Visit www.agclassroom.org/ut, and look for the “Comparing Inherited Traits” link. The files may be downloaded for photocopying or making overheads. Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 5
  • 6. Rate of Frequency Total Population Observed Traits Number Observed Percentage of Population with Trait Tongue rollers Non-tongue rollers Detached earlobes Attached earlobes Hitchhikers thumb Regular thumb Males Females Dimples No dimples Right-handed Left-handed Cross left thumb over right Cross right thumb over left Freckles No freckles Curly hair Straight hair Wrist circumference average Allergies No allergies Can taste PTC Cannot taste PTC Color blind Can see all colors Widow’s Peak No Widow’s Peak Hand span average 6 Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
  • 7. An Inventory of My Traits How similar are you and your partner? Complete this inventory and compare it with your partner’s inventory. 1. I am a: Male Female 2. I have detached earlobes. YES NO 3. I have a hitchhiker’s thumb. YES NO 4. I can roll my tongue. YES NO 5. I have dimples. YES NO 6. I am righthanded. YES NO 7. I cross my left thumb over my right. YES NO 8. I have freckles. YES NO 9. I have naturally curly hair. YES NO 10. I have a cleft chin. YES NO 11. I have allergies. YES NO 12. I can taste PTC. YES NO 13. I can see the colors red & green (color blindness). YES NO 14. I have a widow’s peak. YES NO 15. The length of my left index finger is: ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter) 16. The length of my left foot is: ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter) 17. My hand span is: ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter) 18. My wrist circumference is: ______ centimeters (to nearest centimeter) Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 7