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MBA- MS- 5 Yrs-7th Semester
• Transactional Analysis was Founded
Transactional     by Eric Berne.
                • During the late 1950’s.

                • Clinical, organizational and
                  personal development.
                • Encompassing communications.
Applications:   • Management, personality.
                • Relationships and behavior.
• Transactional Analysis is
Transactional      effectively a language within
                   a language;
   Analysis      • A language of true meaning,
                   feeling and motive.

                 • To understand more clearly
                   what is going on.
                 • Secondly, we give ourselves
It helps us in     choices of what ego states to
   3 ways:         adopt.
                 • Which signals to send, and
                   where to send them.
According to Transactional Analysis
 there are 3 types of Ego States-

Parent Ego Stage-   Adult Ego Stage-   Child Ego Stage-
Behaviors, thou     Behaviors, thoug    Behaviors, thou
   ghts and         hts and feelings        ghts and
feelings copied     which are direct   feelings replayed
from parent or      responses to the
parent figures.                         from childhood.
                     here and now.
Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral
patterns based on messages or lessons
learned from parents and authoritarian

Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral
   patterns based on objective analysis of
          information(data, facts).

Make decisions based on logic, computations,
      probabilities, etc.(not emotion).

Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral
      patterns based on child-like
  emotions, impulses, feelings we have

           Example- Impulsive
happy, curious, angry, Self-center, pleasure

  CHILD     seeking    , fearful.

In Simple Words:

  Parent is our 'Taught'
  concept of life

  Adult is our 'Thought'
  concept of life

  Child is our 'Felt' concept
  of life
Transaction analysis

      • Berne’s starting-point was that when
        two people encounter each other, one
        of them will speak to the other. This he
        called the Transaction Stimulus

       • The reaction from the other person
         is called the Transaction
         • The person sending the Stimulus is called
           the Agent.
         • The person who responds is called the
• We can interact with each
  other from any ego state.

• Anytime one person recognizes another with
  a smile, a nod, a frown, a verbal greeting,
  etc., this recognition, in TA language, is
  called a “Stroke".

  • Two or more strokes make a transaction.




• A complementary transaction occurs when a
  message, sent from a specific ego state, gets the
  predicted response from a specific ego state in
  the other person.

• For example, if a wife who is grieving her lost
  friend is comforted by a sympathetic
  husband, her momentary dependency is
  answered appropriately.
A wife in child state being relieved by her
husband in parent state.
Crossed Transactions

A crossed transaction occurs when an unexpected
response is made to the stimulus. An inappropriate ego
state is activated, and the lines of communication between
people are crossed.

At this point people tend to withdraw, turn away from
each other or switch the conversation in another direction.

For example, Agent's Adult: "Do you know where my
cuff links are?" (note that this stimuli is directed at the
Respondents Adult).
Respondent's Child: "You always blame me for
Crossed transactions are a frequent source of
pain between people
Ulterior Transactions

   Ulterior transactions are the most complex.
   They differ from complementary and crossed
   transactions in that they always involve two
   or more ego states.

   Only one ego state controls the body; but
   another ego state is operating in the
Ulterior transaction contd…

  If a car salesman says to his customer, "This is our
  finest sports car...but maybe too racy for you," he
  is sending a message that can be heard by either
  the customer’s adult or child ego state.

  If the customer’s Adult hears, the response may
  be... "yes, you’re right, considering the
  requirements of my job." If the customer’s Child
  hears, the response may be "I’ll take it. It’s just
  what I want."
Thus ulterior transactions help us to get the
desired response from the respondent.
The original three Parent Adult Child components
  were sub-divided by Wagner, Joines and
  Mountain to form seven element model.


            Original 3 parental
                                  Modified into 7
            adult child
Modern TA established 2 parental elements:


    Nurturing                                 Controlling

    * Nurturing (positive)       * Structuring (positive)
     * Spoiling (negative)       * Critical (negative)

                                       Represents an
Adult remains as a                      'accounting'
  single entity                      function or mode
                   Which can draw on
                    The resources of
                    both Parent and

Child is now commonly represented as
      circle with four quadrants:
    Adapted - Co-operative (positive) and
    Compliant/Resistant (negative).

    Free - Spontaneous (positive) and Immature
Transaction analysis
   MODES                    MODES
 Negative Controlling
                          Positive Controlling
 Negative Nurturing
                          Positive Nurturing
 Negative Adapted
                          Positive Adapted
 Negative Free Child
                          Positive Free Child

Negative Controlling Parent

communicates a "You're not OK" message, and is punitive.

Negative Nurturing Parent

communicates a "You're not OK" message. When in this
mode the person is engulfing and overprotective

                                  Negative Adapted Child
                                  expresses an "I'm not OK" message. When in this mode
                                  the person tends to experience such emotions as
                                  depression, unrealistic fear and anxiety.

                                  Negative Free Child
                                  in this mode the person runs wild with no restrictions or
                                  boundaries. In this mode they express a "You're not OK"
Positive Nurturing Parent

communicates the message "You're OK". When in this
mode the person is caring and affirming.

Positive Controlling Parent

communicates the message "You're OK". It offers
constructive criticism, while being caring but firm.

                                      Positive Adapted Child

                                     communicates an "I'm OK" message. From this mode we
                                     learn the rules to help us live with others.

                                     Positive Free Child

                                     communicates an "I'm OK" message. This is the
                                     creative, fun loving, curious and energetic mode.
It communicates "We're OK" messages.
   The Adult is able to assess reality in the here and

              It is possible to choose which of the other effective
             modes to go into, dependent on the situation. This is
                         then called Accounting Mode.

                                      When stable in this Accounting Mode we are taking
                                       account of the present context and situation and
                                      deciding the most appropriate mode to come from

We are able to respond appropriately rather than flipping into historic ways of
 thinking and behaving which are likely to be inappropriate and unhelpful..
Transaction analysis

• Criticizing Mode - communicates a "You're
  not OK" message. If you lead from this position
  you are unlikely to develop a loyal supportive
  team or culture.

• Over-Indulging / Inconsistent Mode -
  communicates "You're not OK". When in this
  mode we often 'rescue' others, that is, do things
  for them which they are capable of doing for
• Compliant / Resistant Mode - expresses an
  "I'm not OK" or "I'm not OK and You're Not OK"

 When in this mode we over-adapt to others and
  tend to experience such emotions as depression or
  unrealistic fear and anxiety.
  When in this mode we are unlikely to make good
  team members and will be highly stressed if we
  have to manage others.
• Immature Mode - in this mode we run
  wild with no boundaries. Here we express a
  "You're not OK" message.

  At work we tend to not to take responsibility
  for our actions and are unlikely to progress as
  we need a great deal of management in order
  to focus our energy and keep boundaries.

• Incorporated Aspects of the Accounting
  Mode - All of the different incorporated aspects
  communicate "I'm OK and You're OK".

• Nurturing - When in this aspect we are caring
  and affirming.

• Structuring - This is the boundary setting
  aspect, offering constructive criticism. In this
  aspect we are caring and firm.
• Cooperative - From this aspect we learn the
  rules to help us live with others.

• Playful - This is the creative, fun loving,
  curious and energetic aspect. We can
  confront people playfully as a way of dealing
  with a difficult situation. This can diffuse a
  potential problem and get the message

Transactional analysis is a rational and easy-to-
understand method of clarifying and managing
human relationships and behaviors.
Submitted by-

           • Anjali Patel

           • Roma Gajbhiye
           • Seema Vishvakarma
           • Uzma Hussain

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Transaction analysis

  • 1. MBA- MS- 5 Yrs-7th Semester
  • 2. • Transactional Analysis was Founded Transactional by Eric Berne. • During the late 1950’s. Analysis • Clinical, organizational and personal development. • Encompassing communications. Applications: • Management, personality. • Relationships and behavior.
  • 3. • Transactional Analysis is Transactional effectively a language within a language; Analysis • A language of true meaning, feeling and motive. • To understand more clearly what is going on. • Secondly, we give ourselves It helps us in choices of what ego states to 3 ways: adopt. • Which signals to send, and where to send them.
  • 4. According to Transactional Analysis there are 3 types of Ego States-
  • 5. EGO STATES Parent Ego Stage- Adult Ego Stage- Child Ego Stage- Behaviors, thou Behaviors, thoug Behaviors, thou ghts and hts and feelings ghts and feelings copied which are direct feelings replayed from parent or responses to the parent figures. from childhood. here and now.
  • 6. Parent: Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral patterns based on messages or lessons learned from parents and authoritarian sources. PARENT EGO STATE
  • 7. Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral patterns based on objective analysis of information(data, facts). Make decisions based on logic, computations, probabilities, etc.(not emotion). ADULT EGO STATE
  • 8. Thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behavioral patterns based on child-like emotions, impulses, feelings we have experienced. Example- Impulsive happy, curious, angry, Self-center, pleasure CHILD seeking , fearful. EGO STATE
  • 9. In Simple Words: Parent is our 'Taught' concept of life Adult is our 'Thought' concept of life Child is our 'Felt' concept of life
  • 11. TRANSACTION ANALYSIS MECHANISM • Berne’s starting-point was that when two people encounter each other, one of them will speak to the other. This he called the Transaction Stimulus • The reaction from the other person is called the Transaction Response. • The person sending the Stimulus is called the Agent. • The person who responds is called the Respondent.
  • 12. • We can interact with each other from any ego state. • Anytime one person recognizes another with a smile, a nod, a frown, a verbal greeting, etc., this recognition, in TA language, is called a “Stroke". • Two or more strokes make a transaction.
  • 13. Transactions: Complementary Crossed Ulterior
  • 14. Complementary transactions • A complementary transaction occurs when a message, sent from a specific ego state, gets the predicted response from a specific ego state in the other person. • For example, if a wife who is grieving her lost friend is comforted by a sympathetic husband, her momentary dependency is answered appropriately.
  • 15. A wife in child state being relieved by her husband in parent state.
  • 16. Crossed Transactions A crossed transaction occurs when an unexpected response is made to the stimulus. An inappropriate ego state is activated, and the lines of communication between people are crossed. At this point people tend to withdraw, turn away from each other or switch the conversation in another direction. For example, Agent's Adult: "Do you know where my cuff links are?" (note that this stimuli is directed at the Respondents Adult). Respondent's Child: "You always blame me for everything!"
  • 17. Crossed transactions are a frequent source of pain between people
  • 18. Ulterior Transactions Ulterior transactions are the most complex. They differ from complementary and crossed transactions in that they always involve two or more ego states. Only one ego state controls the body; but another ego state is operating in the background.
  • 19. Ulterior transaction contd… If a car salesman says to his customer, "This is our finest sports car...but maybe too racy for you," he is sending a message that can be heard by either the customer’s adult or child ego state. If the customer’s Adult hears, the response may be... "yes, you’re right, considering the requirements of my job." If the customer’s Child hears, the response may be "I’ll take it. It’s just what I want."
  • 20. Thus ulterior transactions help us to get the desired response from the respondent.
  • 21. The original three Parent Adult Child components were sub-divided by Wagner, Joines and Mountain to form seven element model. Modern Traditional Transactional Transactional Analysis Analysis Original 3 parental Modified into 7 adult child elements. components
  • 22. Modern TA established 2 parental elements: Parent Nurturing Controlling * Nurturing (positive) * Structuring (positive) * Spoiling (negative) * Critical (negative)
  • 23. Adult Represents an Adult remains as a 'accounting' single entity function or mode Which can draw on The resources of both Parent and Child.
  • 24. Child Child is now commonly represented as circle with four quadrants: Adapted - Co-operative (positive) and Compliant/Resistant (negative). Free - Spontaneous (positive) and Immature (negative).
  • 26. INEFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE MODES MODES  Negative Controlling  Positive Controlling Parent Parent  Negative Nurturing  Positive Nurturing Parent Parent  Negative Adapted  Positive Adapted Child Child  Negative Free Child  Positive Free Child ACCOUNTING MODES
  • 27. Negative Controlling Parent communicates a "You're not OK" message, and is punitive. Negative Nurturing Parent communicates a "You're not OK" message. When in this mode the person is engulfing and overprotective Negative Adapted Child expresses an "I'm not OK" message. When in this mode the person tends to experience such emotions as depression, unrealistic fear and anxiety. Negative Free Child in this mode the person runs wild with no restrictions or boundaries. In this mode they express a "You're not OK" message.
  • 28. Positive Nurturing Parent communicates the message "You're OK". When in this mode the person is caring and affirming. Positive Controlling Parent communicates the message "You're OK". It offers constructive criticism, while being caring but firm. Positive Adapted Child communicates an "I'm OK" message. From this mode we learn the rules to help us live with others. Positive Free Child communicates an "I'm OK" message. This is the creative, fun loving, curious and energetic mode.
  • 29. It communicates "We're OK" messages. The Adult is able to assess reality in the here and now. It is possible to choose which of the other effective modes to go into, dependent on the situation. This is then called Accounting Mode. When stable in this Accounting Mode we are taking account of the present context and situation and deciding the most appropriate mode to come from We are able to respond appropriately rather than flipping into historic ways of thinking and behaving which are likely to be inappropriate and unhelpful..
  • 31. INEFFECTIVE MODES • Criticizing Mode - communicates a "You're not OK" message. If you lead from this position you are unlikely to develop a loyal supportive team or culture. • Over-Indulging / Inconsistent Mode - communicates "You're not OK". When in this mode we often 'rescue' others, that is, do things for them which they are capable of doing for themselves.
  • 32. • Compliant / Resistant Mode - expresses an "I'm not OK" or "I'm not OK and You're Not OK" message. When in this mode we over-adapt to others and tend to experience such emotions as depression or unrealistic fear and anxiety.  When in this mode we are unlikely to make good team members and will be highly stressed if we have to manage others.
  • 33. • Immature Mode - in this mode we run wild with no boundaries. Here we express a "You're not OK" message.  At work we tend to not to take responsibility for our actions and are unlikely to progress as we need a great deal of management in order to focus our energy and keep boundaries.
  • 34. EFFECTIVE MODES • Incorporated Aspects of the Accounting Mode - All of the different incorporated aspects communicate "I'm OK and You're OK". • Nurturing - When in this aspect we are caring and affirming. • Structuring - This is the boundary setting aspect, offering constructive criticism. In this aspect we are caring and firm.
  • 35. • Cooperative - From this aspect we learn the rules to help us live with others. • Playful - This is the creative, fun loving, curious and energetic aspect. We can confront people playfully as a way of dealing with a difficult situation. This can diffuse a potential problem and get the message across.
  • 36. CONCLUSION Transactional analysis is a rational and easy-to- understand method of clarifying and managing human relationships and behaviors.
  • 38. Submitted by- • Anjali Patel • Roma Gajbhiye • Seema Vishvakarma • Uzma Hussain