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2012 Human Capital Conference
23–26 October

                          Trends in performance-based

►   Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of
    Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
    Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young
    Global Limited located in the US.
►   This presentation is © 2012 Ernst & Young LLP. All rights reserved. No
    part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise
    distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
    including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, or
    using any information storage and retrieval system, without written
    permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or
                                       LLP      reproduction
    distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in
    violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly
    disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its
    contents by any third party.
►   The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily
    those of Ernst & Young LLP LLP.
Page 2                 Trends in performance-based remuneration

►   Allen Powley
               y                                ►     Henning Curti
    ►    GlaxoSmithKline plc                          ►    Ernst & Young GmbH
    ►    allen.j.powley@gsk.com                       ►    henning.curti@de.ey.com

Page 3               Trends in performance-based remuneration

►   Regulatory trends
►   Short-term incentives (STI) — trends in executive
►   Long-term incentives (LTI) — trends in executive

Page 4            Trends in performance-based remuneration
Regulatory trends
Financial services regulations are still
 driving the emerging direction

 Regulatory changes: examples
   g      y     g        p                           Key messages
                                                       y      g

►    Troubled Asset Relief Program                   ►    Pay mix/levels
     (TARP)                                          ►    Risk measurement
►    Dodd-Frank legislation                          ►    Appropriateness of executive
►    Financial Services Authority                         compensation (say-on-pay)
     (FSA))                                          ►    Bonus with clawback
►    Financial Stability Forum (FSF)
                                                     ►    Viral effect on other industries
     — G20
►    European Commission
►    German VorstAG and InstVergV
►    Walker Report — UK
►    Corporations Act 2001 —
►    Corporations Amendment Bill
     2011 — Australia

Page 6                 Trends in performance-based remuneration
Requirements for remuneration amounts
or pay mix increased significantly

             ► In Germany, the law on the appropriateness of
               executive compensation (VorstAG) calls for
               comparing compensation with peer group
               companies and a long-term orientation of
               variable compensation.
             ► Th current discussion on corporate
               The        t di     i             t
               governance in the UK stresses the increasing
               importance of long-term-oriented
               executive remuneration.
             ► The Dutch Corporate Governance Code calls
               for a predominantly long-term orientation of
                                   long term
               variable compensation.

Page 7           Trends in performance-based remuneration
Current discussions may lead to future
adaptations of long term compensation

             ► In France, a ceiling for corporate officers of
                         ,        g        p
               public companies was set. Their salaries (base
               and recurring variable) will be limited to 20
               times the average of the lowest salaries in these
               companies; a cap of €450,000 and its
               application in 2012 or 2013 has been
European       discussed.
             ► Following the Spanish Code of Corporate
               Governance, no requirements regarding
               compensation amounts or mix of pay elements
               currently apply.
             ► Current EU discussion may lead to future
               Spanish requirements regarding a long-term
               orientation of compensation.

Page 8           Trends in performance-based remuneration
US regulations stress the pay-performance
relation and risk assessment

         ►   Dodd-Frank legislation focuses on say-on-pay,
             risk assessments, clawbacks and relationship
             of CEO compensation to rank and file
             employee compensation.
         ►   Shareholders and shareholder advisory fi
             Sh h ld          d h h ld        d i     firms
             are increasingly scrutinizing pay levels
             compared to company performance.
         ►   The Securities and Exchange Commission
             (SEC) in continuing to require more detailed
             disclos res regarding e ec ti e compensation
                                   executive compensation.

Page 9        Trends in performance-based remuneration
Australian governance increases share-
holder influence on executive compensation
             ►   Australian governance framework does not
                 explicitly regulate the quantum of pay or the
                 mix of pay elements of companies, but the
                 Corporations Amendment Bill (2011) introduces
                 attwo-strike and re-election process, i
                          t ik   d      l ti           increasing
                 shareholders’ influence on board and executive
 Australia   ►   Shareholders generally focus on the following
                 factors when considering executive pay:
                 ►    Remuneration decisions should be transparent and
                      justified (new regulation requires disclosure of details
                      relating to the use of remuneration consultants).
                 ►    The quantum of pay should be justified and the link
                      between variable pay, and th respective performance
                      b t           i bl         d the       ti      f
                      should be disclosed. Practice long-term incentives are
                      expected to measure performance over at least
                      three years.
                         ee yea s

Page 10              Trends in performance-based remuneration
STI trends
The pay-performance link in European STI
plans is mostly via earnings related KPI
       Performance criteria: Stoxx50Europe — STI plans
                                                                                                       ►Within  the STI plans
     Others*                                                                                            analyzed, earnings-related
                                                                                                        criteria and other Key
                                                                                                        Performance Indicators
 Individual                                                                                             (KPIs) such as strategic or
                                                                                                        operational performance
                                                                                                        targets are the most
 Revenues                                                                                               common performance
                                                                                                        measures in European
                                                                                                        STI plans.
             n/a                                                                                       ►Also, return and cash-
        Value                                                                                           related as well as individual
             0%                 10%         20%       30%                      40%                      goals are applied, but to a
                                        In % of all KPIs                                                lesser extent than in 2010.
Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 (without German DAX30 companies)

 **Others may include operational and strategic performance, scorecard targets, other quantitative measures etc.; please note: within one plan ,one or more KPIs may be applied

Page 12                                           Trends in performance-based remuneration
German STI plans put a relatively stronger
focus on individual goals
              Performance criteria: DAX30 — STI plans

      E i                                                                                                             ►In  2011 earnings-related
                                                                                                                       and individual indicators are
                                                                                                                       still the most commonly
        Return                                                                                                         applied performance
                                                                                                                      ►Furthermore, return
    Revenues                                                                                                           measures are also a
                                                                                                                       common KPI used in
                                                                                                                       German STI plans.

                          0%                10%          20%
                                      Percentage of plans

  Source: 30 of 30 audited annual reports 2011
 *Others contain dividends and not further specified company goals; please note: within one plan, one or more KPIs may be applied

Page 13                                                  Trends in performance-based remuneration
US plans predominantly assess
performance by using earnings related KPI
 Performance criteria: Sample of 250 US STI plans

                                                                                           ►Financial performance
Earnings                                                                                    indicators were
                                                                                            complemented by individual
Revenue                                                                                     performance measures in
                                                                                            most companies.
                                                                                           ►Prevalence of cash flow
                                                                                            and return measures
 Returns                                                                                    decreased slightly
                                                                                            compared to the p
                                                                                                 p           previous
                                                                                           ►Revenue-related KPI use
                                                                                            increased compared to
              0%                  20%       40%       60%                      80%          previous year.
                                    Percentage of plans

 Source: Audited annual reports 2011 of 250 listed companies

Page 14                                                Trends in performance-based remuneration
LTI trends
LTI plan designs show a distinct difference
 between Europe and US/Australia

                                          ►      While STI plans demonstrate relatively
                                                 homogenous patterns worldwide, LTI plans are
                                                 much more diverse across countries.
Worldwide                                 ►      European plan designs tend to be geared
LTI trends                                       toward performance stock units (PSUs) while
                                                 plan designs in the US are still dominated by
                                                 stock options(SOs) / stock appreciation rights
                                                 (SARs); nevertheless, PSUs are also gaining

 Source: Meridian Compensation Partners LLC, “2012 Trends and Developments in Executive Compensation”

Page 16                                              Trends in performance-based remuneration
LTI designs in Stoxx50 Europe companies are
dominated by share based equity-settled plans
              share-based equity settled
  Plantypen Stoxx50Europe
  ► Active     plans*:                                                                                  43 plans
           ► Thereof share based:                                                                                  37 plans
           ► Thereof non-share based:                                                                               5 plans

  ►Equity:                                                                        29 plans
  ►Cash:                                                                           7 plans
  ►Mixed:                                                                          5 plans

  Payout profile*:
  ►Shares/PSU:                                                                    24 plans
  ►Stock options/SAR:                                                              8 plans
  ►Mixed:                                                                          5 plans
  ►Others:                                                                         6 plans

 Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 (
                                   p          (without German DAX30 companies)
                                                                       p     )
 * one or more companies make no disclosure; Please note: One company may apply one or more LTI plans

Page 17                                              Trends in performance-based remuneration
The prevalence of PSU plans in the UK is
largely in line with general European trends
                               Plan types of FTSE 250 companies

                                                                                                 ► Equity-settled plan
                                                                                                   Equity settled
                                                                                                   types are
        Performance                                                                                predominant.
                                                                                                 ►P f
                                                                                                   Performance shares/
                                                                                                                    h    /
         Stock option                                                                              units mainly take the
                plan                                                                               form of nil cost
                                                                                                   options with a three-
   Share matching                                                                                  year performance
                                                                                                   period; within the
                                                                                                   exercise period
     Special plans*
                                                                                                   options can be
                                                                                                   converted into shares
                             0%              20%      40%        60%                      80%
                                                                                                   anytime because of
                                           In % use of existing plans                              tax reasons.
 Source: Ernst & Young 2012„ Directors` remuneration in FTSE250 and smaller companies“;
 *please note: One company may apply one or more LTI plans; *Value creation plans

Page 18                                               Trends in performance-based remuneration
In the US, stock options are still widely
applied despite the increasing use of PSUs
                       Equity vehicles of US companies

       Stock options
                                                                                                                   ► Alth
                                                                                                                     Although options are l i
                                                                                                                              h ti            losing
                                                                                                                     ground against full-value
                     PSUs                                                                                            shares, they are still the
                                                                                                                     most popular equity tool.
            stock units                                                                                            ► Full-value shares are
  Restricted stock                                                                                                   gaining popularity due to
                                                                                                                     increasing risk of a
                                                                                                                     negative development of a
        Performance                                                                                                  share price as a result of
                                                                                                                     adverse market condition.
                    Other                                                                                            In this situation full-value
                                                                                                                     instruments provide a more
                              0%              20%               40%              60%               80%               certain payout.
                                            In % use of existing plans

 Source: Deb Nielson, Kenexa, “Preparing for 2012 – Compensation Trends & Predictions”; “Equilar, 2011 Equity Trends Report – Update”

Page 19                                                Trends in performance-based remuneration
Stoxx50 LTI plans widely use TSR and EPS
while earnings related KPIs gain importance
      Performance criteria: Stoxx50Europe – LTI plans

                                                                                                                     ► The predominantly used
                                                                                                                       KPIs in European LTI
          EPS                                                                                                          plans are total shareholder
                                                                                                                       return (TSR) and earnings
                                                                                                                       per share (EPS).
     Others*                                                                                                         ► Net profit and EBITDA are
                                                                                                                       the most popular earnings-
                                                                                                                       related KPIs and are more
 Individual                                                                                                            often applied in 2011 than
                                                                                                                       in 2010.
                                                                                                                     ► Cost-related KPIs and
                                                                                                                       non-financial KPIs are
                 0%               10%               20%               30%               40%
                                                                                                                       increasingly applied.
                                            In % of all KPIs
  Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 (without German DAX30 companies)
* Others may include qualitative targets, other financial and non- financial targets; please note: one LTI plan may apply one or more hurdles; some companies make no disclosure

Page 20                                                  Trends in performance-based remuneration
German plan designs gradually align
applied KPIs to European trends
              Performance criteria: DAX30 — LTI plans

       Earnings                                                                                                   ► TSR is increasingly
  Share price                                                                                                       becoming more relevant in
      Return                                                                                                        LTI plans compared to
        TSR                                                                                                         previous years.
   Qualitative                                                                                                    ► Earnings-related criteria
    Revenues                                                                                                        and share price targets are
         Others*                                                                                                    the most common
 Value added                                                                                                        performance measures in
             Cash                                                                                                   2011.
     Individual                                                                                                   ► Qualitative and individual
   E       i                                                                                                        performance measures are
 Value Added                                                                                                        increasingly applied.
       (EVA) 0%                                  10%                      20%
                                         In % of all KPIs
 Source: 30 of 30 audited annual reports 2011
 *Others contain dividends and not further specified company goals; please note: within one plan one or more KPIs may be applied

Page 21                                                 Trends in performance-based remuneration
The majority of US LTI plans use
internal performance criteria

    Performance criteria: % use of existing CEO incentive plans                                                          ► US companies
   Financial measures                                                                        US                            predominantly used
                                                                                                                           return measures, TSR
   Return (EPS ROI, ROIC)
          (EPS, ROI                                                                           41
                                                                                                                           and profit are KPIs for
   TSR                                                                                        36                           LTIPs.
   Profit                                                                                     36                         ► Most KPIs used by US
   Revenue                                                                                    27                           companies are internal.
   Individual performance                                                                     23
   Other                                                                                      14
   Cash flow                                                                                     5
   Cost saving                                                                                   2
   Quality                                                                                       2

 Source: Deb Nielson, Kenexa, “Preparing for 2012 – Compensation Trends and Predictions“; Equilar, “2011 Equity Trends Report – Update“

Page 22                                                Trends in performance-based remuneration
Shareholders are increasingly open to
alternative KPI over the longer term
  Performance criteria: % use of Top 100 companies — LTI plans

                                                                                             ► Despite a decrease in the
   Financial measures                                                           Top 100
                                                                                               prevalence of relative TSR
   Relative TSR                                                                        69      among the Top 100, it is still
                                                                                                     g       p
   Absolute EPS                                                                        31      the performance indicator
   Others*                                                                             22      most frequently used.
   P fit/     i   /                                                                    13    ► Shareholders are
   Return measure                                                                      11      increasingly open to
                                                                                               alternative key success
   Absolute share price
                  p                                                                     3
                                                                                               indicators o er the longer
   Absolute TSR                                                                         3      term.
   Relative EPS                                                                         2

 Source: Ernst & Young 2012 Executive and Board Remuneration Report;
 * Others may include qualitative targets, other financial and non-financial targets

Page 23                                                     Trends in performance-based remuneration

Page 24     Trends in performance-based remuneration

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EY Human Capital Conference 2012: Trends in performance-based remuneration

  • 1. 2012 Human Capital Conference 23–26 October Trends in performance-based ti remuneration
  • 2. Disclaimer ► Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited located in the US. ► This presentation is © 2012 Ernst & Young LLP. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or LLP reproduction distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its contents by any third party. ► The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily those of Ernst & Young LLP LLP. Page 2 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 3. Presenters ► Allen Powley y ► Henning Curti g ► GlaxoSmithKline plc ► Ernst & Young GmbH ► allen.j.powley@gsk.com ► henning.curti@de.ey.com Page 3 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 4. Agenda ► Regulatory trends ► Short-term incentives (STI) — trends in executive compensation ► Long-term incentives (LTI) — trends in executive compensation Page 4 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 6. Financial services regulations are still driving the emerging direction Regulatory changes: examples g y g p Key messages y g ► Troubled Asset Relief Program ► Pay mix/levels (TARP) ► Risk measurement ► Dodd-Frank legislation ► Appropriateness of executive ► Financial Services Authority compensation (say-on-pay) ( (FSA)) ► Bonus with clawback ► Financial Stability Forum (FSF) ► Viral effect on other industries — G20 ► European Commission p ► German VorstAG and InstVergV ► Walker Report — UK ► Corporations Act 2001 — Australia ► Corporations Amendment Bill 2011 — Australia Page 6 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 7. Requirements for remuneration amounts or pay mix increased significantly ► In Germany, the law on the appropriateness of executive compensation (VorstAG) calls for comparing compensation with peer group companies and a long-term orientation of variable compensation. European ► Th current discussion on corporate The t di i t governance governance in the UK stresses the increasing frameworks importance of long-term-oriented executive remuneration. ► The Dutch Corporate Governance Code calls for a predominantly long-term orientation of long term variable compensation. Page 7 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 8. Current discussions may lead to future adaptations of long term compensation long-term ► In France, a ceiling for corporate officers of , g p public companies was set. Their salaries (base and recurring variable) will be limited to 20 times the average of the lowest salaries in these companies; a cap of €450,000 and its application in 2012 or 2013 has been European discussed. discussed governance ► Following the Spanish Code of Corporate frameworks Governance, no requirements regarding compensation amounts or mix of pay elements currently apply. ► Current EU discussion may lead to future Spanish requirements regarding a long-term orientation of compensation. Page 8 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 9. US regulations stress the pay-performance relation and risk assessment ► Dodd-Frank legislation focuses on say-on-pay, risk assessments, clawbacks and relationship p of CEO compensation to rank and file employee compensation. ► Shareholders and shareholder advisory fi Sh h ld d h h ld d i firms US are increasingly scrutinizing pay levels compared to company performance. ► The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in continuing to require more detailed disclosures disclos res regarding e ec ti e compensation executive compensation. Page 9 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 10. Australian governance increases share- holder influence on executive compensation ► Australian governance framework does not explicitly regulate the quantum of pay or the mix of pay elements of companies, but the Corporations Amendment Bill (2011) introduces attwo-strike and re-election process, i t ik d l ti increasing i shareholders’ influence on board and executive remuneration. Australia ► Shareholders generally focus on the following factors when considering executive pay: ► Remuneration decisions should be transparent and justified (new regulation requires disclosure of details relating to the use of remuneration consultants). ► The quantum of pay should be justified and the link between variable pay, and th respective performance b t i bl d the ti f should be disclosed. Practice long-term incentives are expected to measure performance over at least three years. ee yea s Page 10 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 12. The pay-performance link in European STI plans is mostly via earnings related KPI Performance criteria: Stoxx50Europe — STI plans Earnings ►Within the STI plans Others* analyzed, earnings-related criteria and other Key Return Performance Indicators Individual (KPIs) such as strategic or operational performance Cash targets are the most Revenues common performance measures in European Qualitative STI plans. n/a ►Also, return and cash- Value related as well as individual added 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% goals are applied, but to a In % of all KPIs lesser extent than in 2010. Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 (without German DAX30 companies) **Others may include operational and strategic performance, scorecard targets, other quantitative measures etc.; please note: within one plan ,one or more KPIs may be applied Page 12 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 13. German STI plans put a relatively stronger focus on individual goals Performance criteria: DAX30 — STI plans Earnings E i ►In 2011 earnings-related 2011, and individual indicators are Individual still the most commonly Return applied performance measure measures. Cash ►Furthermore, return Revenues measures are also a common KPI used in Qualitative German STI plans. p Others* Value added 0% 10% 20% Percentage of plans Source: 30 of 30 audited annual reports 2011 *Others contain dividends and not further specified company goals; please note: within one plan, one or more KPIs may be applied Page 13 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 14. US plans predominantly assess performance by using earnings related KPI earnings-related Performance criteria: Sample of 250 US STI plans ►Financial performance Earnings indicators were complemented by individual Revenue performance measures in goals most companies. Cash ►Prevalence of cash flow flow and return measures Returns decreased slightly Other Oth compared to the p p previous year. ►Revenue-related KPI use increased compared to 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% previous year. Percentage of plans Source: Audited annual reports 2011 of 250 listed companies Page 14 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 16. LTI plan designs show a distinct difference between Europe and US/Australia ► While STI plans demonstrate relatively homogenous patterns worldwide, LTI plans are much more diverse across countries. Worldwide ► European plan designs tend to be geared LTI trends toward performance stock units (PSUs) while plan designs in the US are still dominated by stock options(SOs) / stock appreciation rights (SARs); nevertheless, PSUs are also gaining importance. Source: Meridian Compensation Partners LLC, “2012 Trends and Developments in Executive Compensation” Page 16 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 17. LTI designs in Stoxx50 Europe companies are dominated by share based equity-settled plans share-based equity settled Plantypen Stoxx50Europe ► Active plans*: 43 plans ► Thereof share based: 37 plans ► Thereof non-share based: 5 plans Settlement*: ►Equity: 29 plans ►Cash: 7 plans ►Mixed: 5 plans Payout profile*: ►Shares/PSU: 24 plans ►Stock options/SAR: 8 plans ►Mixed: 5 plans ►Others: 6 plans Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 ( p (without German DAX30 companies) p ) * one or more companies make no disclosure; Please note: One company may apply one or more LTI plans Page 17 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 18. The prevalence of PSU plans in the UK is largely in line with general European trends Plan types of FTSE 250 companies ► Equity-settled plan Equity settled types are Performance predominant. shares/units ►P f Performance shares/ h / Stock option units mainly take the plan form of nil cost options with a three- Share matching year performance plan p period; within the ; exercise period Special plans* options can be converted into shares 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% anytime because of In % use of existing plans tax reasons. Source: Ernst & Young 2012„ Directors` remuneration in FTSE250 and smaller companies“; *please note: One company may apply one or more LTI plans; *Value creation plans Page 18 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 19. In the US, stock options are still widely applied despite the increasing use of PSUs Equity vehicles of US companies Stock options ► Alth Although options are l i h ti losing ground against full-value PSUs shares, they are still the most popular equity tool. Restricted stock units ► Full-value shares are Restricted stock gaining popularity due to increasing risk of a SARs negative development of a Performance share price as a result of stock adverse market condition. Other In this situation full-value instruments provide a more 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% certain payout. In % use of existing plans Source: Deb Nielson, Kenexa, “Preparing for 2012 – Compensation Trends & Predictions”; “Equilar, 2011 Equity Trends Report – Update” Page 19 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 20. Stoxx50 LTI plans widely use TSR and EPS while earnings related KPIs gain importance earnings-related Performance criteria: Stoxx50Europe – LTI plans TSR ► The predominantly used KPIs in European LTI EPS plans are total shareholder return (TSR) and earnings Earnings per share (EPS). Others Others* ► Net profit and EBITDA are the most popular earnings- Cash related KPIs and are more Individual often applied in 2011 than in 2010. Revenues ► Cost-related KPIs and non-financial KPIs are 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% increasingly applied. In % of all KPIs Source: 41 of 50 audited annual reports 2011 (without German DAX30 companies) * Others may include qualitative targets, other financial and non- financial targets; please note: one LTI plan may apply one or more hurdles; some companies make no disclosure Page 20 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 21. German plan designs gradually align applied KPIs to European trends Performance criteria: DAX30 — LTI plans Earnings ► TSR is increasingly Share price becoming more relevant in Return LTI plans compared to measure TSR previous years. Qualitative ► Earnings-related criteria Revenues and share price targets are Others* the most common Value added performance measures in Cash 2011. Individual ► Qualitative and individual Economic E i performance measures are Value Added increasingly applied. (EVA) 0% 10% 20% In % of all KPIs Source: 30 of 30 audited annual reports 2011 *Others contain dividends and not further specified company goals; please note: within one plan one or more KPIs may be applied Page 21 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 22. The majority of US LTI plans use internal performance criteria Performance criteria: % use of existing CEO incentive plans ► US companies Financial measures US predominantly used return measures, TSR Return (EPS ROI, ROIC) (EPS, ROI 41 and profit are KPIs for TSR 36 LTIPs. Profit 36 ► Most KPIs used by US Revenue 27 companies are internal. Individual performance 23 Other 14 Cash flow 5 Cost saving 2 Quality 2 Source: Deb Nielson, Kenexa, “Preparing for 2012 – Compensation Trends and Predictions“; Equilar, “2011 Equity Trends Report – Update“ Page 22 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 23. Shareholders are increasingly open to alternative KPI over the longer term Performance criteria: % use of Top 100 companies — LTI plans ► Despite a decrease in the Financial measures Top 100 prevalence of relative TSR Relative TSR 69 among the Top 100, it is still g p Absolute EPS 31 the performance indicator Others* 22 most frequently used. Profit/earnings/revenue P fit/ i / 13 ► Shareholders are Return measure 11 increasingly open to alternative key success Absolute share price p 3 indicators o er the longer over Absolute TSR 3 term. Relative EPS 2 Source: Ernst & Young 2012 Executive and Board Remuneration Report; * Others may include qualitative targets, other financial and non-financial targets Page 23 Trends in performance-based remuneration
  • 24. Questions Page 24 Trends in performance-based remuneration