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Hiring and Keeping the
Best in 2012
Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012

Employers should                 Hiring exceptional talent is critical to your business success. Whether it’s the
always reach towards             executive who offers visionary leadership, the manager who can quickly execute
                                 on business plans, or the sales professional who won’t settle for less than 100%, a
the goal to bring
                                 business needs great people to thrive. And employers should always reach towards
the best to their                the goal to bring the best to their organization in any economic climate.
organization in any
                                 Here’s a look at best practices for securing the top talent you need to drive business
economic climate.                results.

                                 Best Practices for Attracting and Retaining the Best
                                 Outlining your Hiring Business Process
                                 As an employer, you should not be willing to settle for mediocre employees. You
                                 want the best talent performing at a high level in all areas of your organization. The
                                 fact is that the job market is currently robust, and finding and retaining talent is a
                                 priority for most companies today. Top talent will always be in demand, so it’s in your
                                 best interest to treat hiring as a year-round critical business process.
                                 Here are the three sequentially progressive steps of talent acquisition:
                                 1.	 Planning Process
                                      •	 Develop a strategy
                                      •	 Conduct discovery and research
                                      •	 Outline the hiring process
                                      •	 Identify the stakeholders
                                      •	 Create a written recruitment plan
                                 2.	 Recruiting Process
                                      •	 Identify the profile of the talent you want to source
                                      •	 Engage talent using email, telephone, or mail
                                      •	 Screen/interview talent
                                      •	 Create a short list of qualified candidates
                                 3.	 Selection Process
                                      •	 Involve multiple stakeholders in interviewing and selling the short list of
                                         qualified candidates on your opportunity
                                      •	 Perform pre-employment checks (work references, background, education,
                                         criminal, etc.)
                                      •	 Negotiate the offer
                                      •	 Schedule and begin onboarding

2                                                                                                                  trinet.com
Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012

Skills and experience            Identifying Your Winning Team
always get attention,            It’s very important that each talent search begins with the end in mind. By starting
but fit often is overlooked      with the end in mind, you’ll get a clearer sense of who will fit best with the players
in the search process, yet       already on the team. Skills and experience always get attention, but fit often is
is vital to the successful       overlooked in the search process, yet is vital to a successful outcome—a talented new
                                 hire that has long-term potential and engagement at your company.
                                 A helpful tool is to examine a winning team you admire. What do they have in
                                 common? What are some of the attributes they exhibit? Now think of your team:
                                 What is working and what isn’t? Look for the commonalities and build on them.
                                 Identify what hasn’t worked in the past, and assess talent against what does and does
                                 not work in your company.
                                 Another key component is to identify the top priorities this person must accomplish
                                 in their first 90, 180, and 365 days. Think forward through three years of projects and
                                 imagine what you expect this person to achieve. Hire accordingly.
                                 Finally, think through what’s in it for them and be ready to articulate the answer.
                                 Prospective hires want to know what’s expected of them and what they can
                                 expect in return—challenging projects, professional advancement, supervisory or
                                 management role, etc. Be sure to find out what their personal and professional goals
                                 are and address them.
                                 Using Talent Acquisition as a Marketing Opportunity
                                 Talent acquisition done well is a strong branding tool. If the process is well thought
                                 through and managed properly, the outreach of the company’s mission, vision, and
                                 culture is a powerful force. Every action taken during the talent acquisition process
                                 has the potential to brand your company positively or negatively.
                                 Here are some things to keep in mind when developing your talent acquisition
                                 strategy to maximize this marketing opportunity for your company:
                                      •	 Develop thorough job descriptions
                                      •	 Describe what differentiates your company
                                      •	 Identify perks/features that appeal to talent
                                      •	 Develop a well-designed and regularly maintained career website that includes
                                         a combination of pictures, writing, audio, and video

trinet.com                                                                                                                3
Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012

Transparency in the              Total Rewards in 2012
business is essential.           Companies positioning themselves for growth are hiring, and some employers
High-value candidates            underestimate the importance of fundamentals in attracting quality employees.
will ask you about your          Here are some important points to understand when putting together a total
financial stability and          rewards package:
business plans.                       •	 Transparency in the business is essential. High-value candidates will ask you
                                         about your financial stability and business plans. The employees you’ve hired
                                         will expect that if you’re paying for performance, that you’ve identified the
                                         performance measurement criteria, and disseminated that information through
                                         the ranks.
                                      •	 Job security is a key factor in attracting talent. Employers responding to a
                                         Towers Watson 2011 Talent Management and Rewards Survey assumed that
                                         challenging work is what’s driving employee engagement, but in fact even high
                                         performers expect a secure position in order to feel comfortable enough to
                                         flourish and thrive.
                                      •	 Link employee performance and its impact to the organization’s business goals.
                                         This creates a pay-for-performance culture, and directly impacts employee
                                      •	 As reported by the 2011Gallup Employee Engagement Index, companies with
                                         higher employee engagement have a 3.9x earnings per share growth rate.
                                         Employees who report being less engaged attribute it to a lack of training
                                         and/or a lack of career development opportunities. Make sure you’re focusing
                                         attention and resources on developing your current workforce to be successful.
                                         At a minimum, make sure you’re communicating your organization’s strategy
                                         early and often—employees who understand what their company’s business is
                                         trying to achieve are always more engaged.
                                      •	 High performers know their worth and command more than cash. You
                                         don’t have to pay aggressively ahead of the market, but you do need to be
                                         competitive—at or near the midpoint of market for a competent and fully
                                         performing colleague. Equity in the company, in the form of stock options or
                                         RSUs, goes a long way in creating a culture of “ownership” in your organization.
                                      •	 Employees are looking for much more than just a paycheck, and you have
                                         options to address these needs in cost-effective ways. Strategize on ways to
                                         differentiate your business and engage employees; enhancements such as
                                         flex-time, telecommuting, or convenience services in the workplace make a
                                         big impact without a significant financial investment. Succession planning and
                                         career development planning can also have a very positive impact.

4                                                                                                               trinet.com
Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012

Employees are looking            Top Five Tips for Attracting and Hiring Top Talent
for much more than a             1.	 Focus on your company’s brand as an employer of choice. Make sure your
paycheck and you must                brand accurately reflects your reputation in the marketplace, your practices, and
utilize cost-effective               your benefits.
ways to differentiate            2.	 Treat hiring as a key business practice. There is no doubt that firms who take
your business.                       hiring talent seriously reap the benefits. Smart firms invest their time, talent, and
                                     profit in creating and maintaining a top-notch talent acquisition process.
                                 3.	 Pay sign-on bonuses. The signing bonus is back and can be a real game-changer,
                                     showing that you value and want a potential new hire on board as part of your
                                 4.	 Create a total rewards strategy. Employees are looking for much more than a
                                     paycheck and you must utilize cost-effective ways to differentiate your business.
                                 5.	 Conduct a compensation study for market data. Your salaries, even for newly
                                     created positions, must be at market while also ensuring internal equity for exist-
                                     ing employees.

                                 Developing an effective strategy for hiring and retaining key employees is imperative
                                 for your bottom line. The companies most effective at executing a plan are those with
                                 leaders who understand this is a business issue. You want your approach to result in
                                 a powerful competitive advantage because losing one or two key people can have a
                                 significant impact on your longevity and profitability.

                                      Total Rewards: Low-Cost, High-Impact Options
                                      •	 Increasing paid time off
                                      •	 Investing in the company
                                      •	 Supporting training and development with tuition assistance
                                      •	 Enhancing health and wellness benefits
                                      •	 Implementing small perks
                                      •	 Providing a “pay for performance” culture
                                      •	 Allowing flexible work arrangements
                                      •	 Adding “creature comforts” such as snacks, recreational facilities,
                                         free meals, and convenience services
                                      •	 Furnishing community activity tickets and gift certificates
                                      •	 Offering weekend “staycation” deals

trinet.com                                                                                                                   5
About TriNet
TriNet serves as a trusted HR partner to small businesses to help contain costs,
minimize employer-related risks, relieve administrative burden, and keep focus on core
business functions. From routine employee benefits service and payroll processing to
high-level human capital consulting, TriNet’s PEO expertise is integrated with every
facet of a client’s organization. Its solutions specialize in serving fast-moving companies
in fields such as technology and professional services, who recognize that top-quality
employees are the most critical competitive asset.
For more information, visit www.trinet.com

The contents of this white paper have been prepared for educational and information purposes only. The content does not provide legal advice or legal
opinions on any specific matters. Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship
between TriNet, the author(s), or the publishers and you. You should not act or refrain from acting on any legal matter based on the content without
seeking professional counsel.

© 2012 TriNet. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Jan 2012.

Learn more at TriNet.com or call 888.874.6388
                                                                                                                                                             Ambitions Realized

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  • 1. eGuide Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012
  • 2. Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012 Employers should Hiring exceptional talent is critical to your business success. Whether it’s the always reach towards executive who offers visionary leadership, the manager who can quickly execute on business plans, or the sales professional who won’t settle for less than 100%, a the goal to bring business needs great people to thrive. And employers should always reach towards the best to their the goal to bring the best to their organization in any economic climate. organization in any Here’s a look at best practices for securing the top talent you need to drive business economic climate. results. Best Practices for Attracting and Retaining the Best Outlining your Hiring Business Process As an employer, you should not be willing to settle for mediocre employees. You want the best talent performing at a high level in all areas of your organization. The fact is that the job market is currently robust, and finding and retaining talent is a priority for most companies today. Top talent will always be in demand, so it’s in your best interest to treat hiring as a year-round critical business process. Here are the three sequentially progressive steps of talent acquisition: 1. Planning Process • Develop a strategy • Conduct discovery and research • Outline the hiring process • Identify the stakeholders • Create a written recruitment plan 2. Recruiting Process • Identify the profile of the talent you want to source • Engage talent using email, telephone, or mail • Screen/interview talent • Create a short list of qualified candidates 3. Selection Process • Involve multiple stakeholders in interviewing and selling the short list of qualified candidates on your opportunity • Perform pre-employment checks (work references, background, education, criminal, etc.) • Negotiate the offer • Schedule and begin onboarding 2 trinet.com
  • 3. Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012 Skills and experience Identifying Your Winning Team always get attention, It’s very important that each talent search begins with the end in mind. By starting but fit often is overlooked with the end in mind, you’ll get a clearer sense of who will fit best with the players in the search process, yet already on the team. Skills and experience always get attention, but fit often is is vital to the successful overlooked in the search process, yet is vital to a successful outcome—a talented new hire that has long-term potential and engagement at your company. outcome. A helpful tool is to examine a winning team you admire. What do they have in common? What are some of the attributes they exhibit? Now think of your team: What is working and what isn’t? Look for the commonalities and build on them. Identify what hasn’t worked in the past, and assess talent against what does and does not work in your company. Another key component is to identify the top priorities this person must accomplish in their first 90, 180, and 365 days. Think forward through three years of projects and imagine what you expect this person to achieve. Hire accordingly. Finally, think through what’s in it for them and be ready to articulate the answer. Prospective hires want to know what’s expected of them and what they can expect in return—challenging projects, professional advancement, supervisory or management role, etc. Be sure to find out what their personal and professional goals are and address them. Using Talent Acquisition as a Marketing Opportunity Talent acquisition done well is a strong branding tool. If the process is well thought through and managed properly, the outreach of the company’s mission, vision, and culture is a powerful force. Every action taken during the talent acquisition process has the potential to brand your company positively or negatively. Here are some things to keep in mind when developing your talent acquisition strategy to maximize this marketing opportunity for your company: • Develop thorough job descriptions • Describe what differentiates your company • Identify perks/features that appeal to talent • Develop a well-designed and regularly maintained career website that includes a combination of pictures, writing, audio, and video trinet.com 3
  • 4. Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012 Transparency in the Total Rewards in 2012 business is essential. Companies positioning themselves for growth are hiring, and some employers High-value candidates underestimate the importance of fundamentals in attracting quality employees. will ask you about your Here are some important points to understand when putting together a total financial stability and rewards package: business plans. • Transparency in the business is essential. High-value candidates will ask you about your financial stability and business plans. The employees you’ve hired will expect that if you’re paying for performance, that you’ve identified the performance measurement criteria, and disseminated that information through the ranks. • Job security is a key factor in attracting talent. Employers responding to a Towers Watson 2011 Talent Management and Rewards Survey assumed that challenging work is what’s driving employee engagement, but in fact even high performers expect a secure position in order to feel comfortable enough to flourish and thrive. • Link employee performance and its impact to the organization’s business goals. This creates a pay-for-performance culture, and directly impacts employee engagement. • As reported by the 2011Gallup Employee Engagement Index, companies with higher employee engagement have a 3.9x earnings per share growth rate. Employees who report being less engaged attribute it to a lack of training and/or a lack of career development opportunities. Make sure you’re focusing attention and resources on developing your current workforce to be successful. At a minimum, make sure you’re communicating your organization’s strategy early and often—employees who understand what their company’s business is trying to achieve are always more engaged. • High performers know their worth and command more than cash. You don’t have to pay aggressively ahead of the market, but you do need to be competitive—at or near the midpoint of market for a competent and fully performing colleague. Equity in the company, in the form of stock options or RSUs, goes a long way in creating a culture of “ownership” in your organization. • Employees are looking for much more than just a paycheck, and you have options to address these needs in cost-effective ways. Strategize on ways to differentiate your business and engage employees; enhancements such as flex-time, telecommuting, or convenience services in the workplace make a big impact without a significant financial investment. Succession planning and career development planning can also have a very positive impact. 4 trinet.com
  • 5. Hiring and Keeping the Best in 2012 Employees are looking Top Five Tips for Attracting and Hiring Top Talent for much more than a 1. Focus on your company’s brand as an employer of choice. Make sure your paycheck and you must brand accurately reflects your reputation in the marketplace, your practices, and utilize cost-effective your benefits. ways to differentiate 2. Treat hiring as a key business practice. There is no doubt that firms who take your business. hiring talent seriously reap the benefits. Smart firms invest their time, talent, and profit in creating and maintaining a top-notch talent acquisition process. 3. Pay sign-on bonuses. The signing bonus is back and can be a real game-changer, showing that you value and want a potential new hire on board as part of your team. 4. Create a total rewards strategy. Employees are looking for much more than a paycheck and you must utilize cost-effective ways to differentiate your business. 5. Conduct a compensation study for market data. Your salaries, even for newly created positions, must be at market while also ensuring internal equity for exist- ing employees. Conclusion Developing an effective strategy for hiring and retaining key employees is imperative for your bottom line. The companies most effective at executing a plan are those with leaders who understand this is a business issue. You want your approach to result in a powerful competitive advantage because losing one or two key people can have a significant impact on your longevity and profitability. Total Rewards: Low-Cost, High-Impact Options • Increasing paid time off • Investing in the company • Supporting training and development with tuition assistance • Enhancing health and wellness benefits • Implementing small perks • Providing a “pay for performance” culture • Allowing flexible work arrangements • Adding “creature comforts” such as snacks, recreational facilities, free meals, and convenience services • Furnishing community activity tickets and gift certificates • Offering weekend “staycation” deals trinet.com 5
  • 6. About TriNet TriNet serves as a trusted HR partner to small businesses to help contain costs, minimize employer-related risks, relieve administrative burden, and keep focus on core business functions. From routine employee benefits service and payroll processing to high-level human capital consulting, TriNet’s PEO expertise is integrated with every facet of a client’s organization. Its solutions specialize in serving fast-moving companies in fields such as technology and professional services, who recognize that top-quality employees are the most critical competitive asset. For more information, visit www.trinet.com Disclaimer The contents of this white paper have been prepared for educational and information purposes only. The content does not provide legal advice or legal opinions on any specific matters. Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship between TriNet, the author(s), or the publishers and you. You should not act or refrain from acting on any legal matter based on the content without seeking professional counsel. © 2012 TriNet. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Jan 2012. Learn more at TriNet.com or call 888.874.6388 Ambitions Realized