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Case of the Unexplained Support Issue
Charles Beyer
Troubleshooting steps for diagnosing HFM, Workspace, and FDM
About the Speaker
 15+ years professional development
experience in various languages/technologies
(6 years w/ Hyperion products)
 Significant experience reverse engineering
 Loves to help others solve problems
 Posts under beyerch2 on OTN Discussion
Before we Begin…..
 To expedite session, we will use both screen
caps and live demos
 ‘All-in-one’ Virtual Machine created for session,
available upon request*
 Feel free to ask questions
Session Goals
 Discover some new tools to be used for
troubleshooting (Oracle / Third Party)
 Acquire some new troubleshooting ideas
 Responsible for a large amount of products!
● Foundation Services (OHS, Weblogic, Shared Services,
Workspace, EPMA, Calc Manager, LCM)
● HFM (HFM Web, Client, Smartview), FDM
● Reporting and Analysis (FR, IR, SQLPR, WA)
● Planning, Performance Scorecard, Strategic
Finance, Probability Cost, Disclosure Management,
Financial Close Management, Data Relationship
Management, Essbase, Crystal Ball, ……..
Hyperion Kitchen Sink.
Challenges (continued)
 Need to understand underlying technologies!
● OS Servers (Windows/Unix)
● Application Servers (Weblogic, Tomcat), Web Servers
(IIS, Apache, OHS)
● Authentication Options (AD, Native, Custom)
● Languages (Java, .NET, ASP Classic, JSP, VBScript)
● Communication Frameworks (DCOM, Web Services)
● Database (SQL Server, Oracle, Berkeley DB)
● Network Principles (Routing, Firewall, VPN)
Challenges (continued)
 End Users!
● Quantity – Intermittent issues due to number of users
stressing system
● Internal vs. External
● Less control over environment
● More points of failure
● Remote troubleshooting more difficult
● User Experience
● New Users - More hands on, but easier problems.
● Power Users – Likes to experiment
Challenges (continued)
 Internal Issues a.k.a. Politics!
● Separation of Duties
● Complicates troubleshooting efforts due to lack of access
● Delays resolution due to co-ordination efforts
● Restrictive Policies
● Could prevent/limit certain types of troubleshooting
● Network/HTTP sniffing
● No monitor programs on production
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
But I didn’t click on a folder!
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
Challenges (continued)
 Cryptic Error Messages!
Challenges (continued)
 Limited OOTB (Out Of The Box) Tools!
● Mostly consists of Log Files
● System 11 has expanded diagnostic capability
● Support.Oracle.Com
Troubleshooting Strategy
Troubleshooting Strategy
Final Solution
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Clearly Define the Problem
● Ask the right questions
● Verify Information Where Possible
 Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential
● Use Initial Information and Resources to propose
possible causes/solutions
● Prioritize in order of likelihood
● Evaluate Potential Solutions
● Determine Final Solution or Escalate
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Close Out The Problem
● Document / Get Sign-Off
● Add Information To Internal Knowledgebase
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Notes
● Process Is Easier As You Learn More About The
● Development / Test Environment Makes This Easier
● Don’t Fear Leveraging Other Resources
● Practice, Practice, Practice
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who /
What / When / Where / How
● Who? (is affected)
● All Users or Select Group?
● If subset, is there commonality? (Geographic,
Hardware/Software, Data Provider)
● What ? (is happening / not happening)
● What was the attempted procedure?
● What has changed?
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who /
What / When / Where / How
● When? (does the issue occur)
● Consistently? Intermittently? Pattern?
● Where ? (are failures occurring)
● Client Machine(s)?
● Database Server(s)?
● Web Server(s)?
● App Server(s)?
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who /
What / When / Where / How
● How? (should the process work)
● Do you know how it should work?
● Important to understand expected operation to help
determine point of failure, probable cause, and solution.
● Research this if you are not sure!
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential
● Iterative Process
● Defined Problem + Internal Knowledge + External
Knowledge + Leveraged Resources + Tools =
Potential Solutions
● Prioritize Potential Solutions
● KISS / Occam’s Razor – Start with most likely / obvious
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential
● Evaluate Potential Solutions
● In Test/Dev if possible
● Promote to production after verifying your fix doesn’t cause
additional problems
● If you exhaust all possible causes, escalate. Don’t spin
● Do not discount workarounds!
Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)
 Close Out The Problem
● Get Positive Confirmation That Issue Is Resolved
● Add Issue to Internal Knowledgebase For Future
● SharePoint
● Track-It
● Shared Outlook Folder
● Share Information When Necessary
Internal Tools
Troubleshooting Tools - Internal
 Knowledge Tools
● http://support.oracle.com – Knowledgebase, Patches &
Update, and “Communities”
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont)
 Knowledge Tools
● OTN Discussion Forum (http://forums.oracle.com)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont)
 Knowledge Tools
● Product Documentation
● System - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24674_01/index.htm
● System 9.3.x - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E10530_01/welcome.html
 NOTE : These move periodically! Google
‘Hyperion documentation library’ if you cannot
find what you are looking for
Troubleshooting Tools - Internal
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Knowledge Tools
● Tips and Tricks from EPM System Infrastructure
● Issues 1 to 72 -
● Issues 73 and up -
● NOTE: Constantly updating, so there will be more, etc.
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Log Files (see Table)
● HFMErrorLookup.exe – Resolves Error Codes to Text
● System 11- <EPM ORACLE
● System 9 - <HYPERION HOME>FinancialManagementConsultant
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● HFMErrorLogViewer.exe – Utility to view HFM error logs
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● FRConfig.cmd – FR utility that shows app Mem / CPU
● System 11 - <EPM_ORACLE_HOME>productsfinancialreportingbin
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● ManageUserPOV.cmd – View/Edit POV for users
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) – Gathers system
information about environment. [See KB ID 1304885.1]
● oPatch [System 11 Only] – Install and list installed patches
● Location - <EPM ORACLE HOME>Opatch
● List Installed products = Opatch lsinventory
● NOTE: If you get an error running about OUI Home,
make sure environment variable pointing to EPM
ORACLE HOME which is most like
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Comps.xml [System 11 Only] – List of all installed components
on machine
● <EPM ORACLE HOME>inventoryContentsXML
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Epmsys_registry.bat [System 11 Only] – Generates a detailed
report of everything registered in Shared Services Registry.
● Program - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsepmsystem1bin
● Reports - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsdiagnosticsreportsregistry.html
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● ‘About Us’ pages – Shows currently installed programs and
specific version info. (Applies to Workspace, FDM, Shared
Service web pages, etc.)
● Click on the ‘Show Details’ button to see version info per product
● NOTE : This version info *MAY NOT* change even if you have
installed patches!
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Informational Web Pages
● http://hostname:port/workspace/browse/configInfo - Returns
detailed information about products installed and links to
other configuration files
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Informational Web Pages
● http://<shared_services_server>:28080/interop/frameowrk/g
etCSSConfigFile – Returns configuration information for
Shared Services
● System 9 – Port Number is 58080
● System 11 – You may need to administratively enable this
page for it to be visible!
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Data Gathering
● Informational Web Pages
● http://<hfm_web_server>:80/hfm – Returns ‘hfm’ if HFM is
running properly and integrated with workspace. (else
opens HFM Web)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Utility Programs
● Validate.bat [System 11 Only] - Kicks off process that will test
installed components on the machine for proper operation.
Generates detailed report.
● Can be run on product by product basis or all at once
● Program - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsepmsystem1bin
● Report - <MIDDLEWARE
● NOTE : If you are building an environment, you should be
running this after your complete install/config!
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)
 Utility Programs
● DB_Verify / DB_Recover [Pre-System 11 Only] - Checks and
corrects Shared Services OpenLDAP database issues.
3rd Party Tools
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party
 Data Gathering
● WebEx / GoTo Meeting / Log Me In / VNC / Lync –
Remote Access Software. A must for remote
● Windows Event Log
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party
 Basic Connectivity Tools
● Ping / Tracert – Simple connectivity test tools
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party
 Basic Connectivity Tools
● Telnet – Connectivity tool for any port
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
 Advanced Connectivity Tools
● Fiddler – Web proxy that allows you to monitor (and
simulate) HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
● Great Tool for HTTP/HTTPS traffic
● Warning : You can sniff / decode HTTPS traffic
● Warning : Some programs may send logins /
passwords in plain text.
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
 Advanced Connectivity Tools
● Wireshark – Network traffic analyzer –
● Network packet analyzer
● Monitors ALL network traffic, not just HTTP/HTTPS
● Warning : Can intercept all types of traffic such as:
● Streaming Audio / Video
● VoiP
● Types of Encrypted Data
● Plain Text User Name / Password
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
 Advanced Connectivity Tools
● Wireshark – Network traffic analyzer –
● Network packet analyzer
● Monitors ALL network traffic, not just HTTP/HTTPS
● Warning : Can intercept all types of traffic such as:
● Streaming Audio / Video
● VoiP
● Types of Encrypted Data
● Plain Text User Name / Password
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
 Server Tools
● Service Manager (services.msc) – View services to see
which are running
● Process Monitor – Allows you to monitor processes’ file
use, registry access, memory utilization, etc.
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
 Server Tools
● SQL Profiler – Allows you to monitor database activity in
SQL Server – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
● [Oracle Enterprise Manager has similar functionality for Oracle
Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)
Troubleshooting Problems
Migrate VM Server Error
Migrate VM Server Error
 To aid with session, built VM/Virtual PC System
11 “All In One” Environment
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 After copying VM to another machine…
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 But not everything was dead… VM to another
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
●What changed?
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets get some machine info
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets get some config (epmsys_registry.bat)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets get some config (epmsys_registry.bat)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
●Anyone see anything suspect so far?
●I did, and have a suspicion, but need
more information to confirm.
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets do some sniffing…(Wireshark)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
●Why would there be calls to an IP
address that does not belong to the
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets do some sniffing…(WinGrep)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets do some more sniffing…(SQLLocator)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets do some more sniffing…(SQLLocator)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
●Looks pretty reasonable that hardcode
IP addresses are breaking things since
the machine no longer has the IP
address buried in config / database!
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 How To Fix
●Manually Search and Replace?
Manual Repair!
(Because we can)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets fix the SQL Damage First
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets fix the SQL Damage First
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Lets fix config file damage
● Content.XML
● Config.XML
● GlobalContext.XML
● httpd.conf
● mod_wl_ohs.conf
● Server.xml
 Warning: In some places you DO NOT want to
replace the hardcoded IP address as it is part
of a Unique Identifier. That could be bad.
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Reboot
Migrate VM Server Error (cont)
 Mission Accomplished!
 If you have any questions with the sample code
or presentation, feel free to ask/contact me
● charles@charlescbeyer.com

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Case of the Unexplained Support Issue – Troubleshooting steps for diagnosing HFM, Workspace and FDM

  • 1. #Kscope Case of the Unexplained Support Issue Charles Beyer Troubleshooting steps for diagnosing HFM, Workspace, and FDM
  • 2. #Kscope About the Speaker  15+ years professional development experience in various languages/technologies (6 years w/ Hyperion products)  Significant experience reverse engineering software  Loves to help others solve problems  Posts under beyerch2 on OTN Discussion Boards
  • 3. #Kscope Before we Begin…..  To expedite session, we will use both screen caps and live demos  ‘All-in-one’ Virtual Machine created for session, available upon request*  Feel free to ask questions
  • 4. #Kscope Session Goals  Discover some new tools to be used for troubleshooting (Oracle / Third Party)  Acquire some new troubleshooting ideas
  • 5. #Kscope Challenges  Responsible for a large amount of products! ● Foundation Services (OHS, Weblogic, Shared Services, Workspace, EPMA, Calc Manager, LCM) ● HFM (HFM Web, Client, Smartview), FDM ● Reporting and Analysis (FR, IR, SQLPR, WA) ● Planning, Performance Scorecard, Strategic Finance, Probability Cost, Disclosure Management, Financial Close Management, Data Relationship Management, Essbase, Crystal Ball, …….. Hyperion Kitchen Sink.
  • 6. #Kscope Challenges (continued)  Need to understand underlying technologies! ● OS Servers (Windows/Unix) ● Application Servers (Weblogic, Tomcat), Web Servers (IIS, Apache, OHS) ● Authentication Options (AD, Native, Custom) ● Languages (Java, .NET, ASP Classic, JSP, VBScript) ● Communication Frameworks (DCOM, Web Services) ● Database (SQL Server, Oracle, Berkeley DB) ● Network Principles (Routing, Firewall, VPN)
  • 7. #Kscope Challenges (continued)  End Users! ● Quantity – Intermittent issues due to number of users stressing system ● Internal vs. External ● Less control over environment ● More points of failure ● Remote troubleshooting more difficult ● User Experience ● New Users - More hands on, but easier problems. ● Power Users – Likes to experiment
  • 8. #Kscope Challenges (continued)  Internal Issues a.k.a. Politics! ● Separation of Duties ● Complicates troubleshooting efforts due to lack of access ● Delays resolution due to co-ordination efforts ● Restrictive Policies ● Could prevent/limit certain types of troubleshooting ● Network/HTTP sniffing ● No monitor programs on production
  • 9. #Kscope Challenges (continued)  Cryptic Error Messages! But I didn’t click on a folder!
  • 15. #Kscope Challenges (continued)  Limited OOTB (Out Of The Box) Tools! ● Mostly consists of Log Files ● System 11 has expanded diagnostic capability ● Support.Oracle.Com
  • 18. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Clearly Define the Problem ● Ask the right questions ● Verify Information Where Possible  Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential solutions ● Use Initial Information and Resources to propose possible causes/solutions ● Prioritize in order of likelihood ● Evaluate Potential Solutions ● Determine Final Solution or Escalate
  • 19. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Close Out The Problem ● Document / Get Sign-Off ● Add Information To Internal Knowledgebase
  • 20. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Notes ● Process Is Easier As You Learn More About The System ● Development / Test Environment Makes This Easier ● Don’t Fear Leveraging Other Resources ● Practice, Practice, Practice
  • 21. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who / What / When / Where / How ● Who? (is affected) ● All Users or Select Group? ● If subset, is there commonality? (Geographic, Hardware/Software, Data Provider) ● What ? (is happening / not happening) ● What was the attempted procedure? ● What has changed?
  • 22. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who / What / When / Where / How ● When? (does the issue occur) ● Consistently? Intermittently? Pattern? ● Where ? (are failures occurring) ● Client Machine(s)? ● Database Server(s)? ● Web Server(s)? ● App Server(s)?
  • 23. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Clearly Define The Problem – Answer the Who / What / When / Where / How ● How? (should the process work) ● Do you know how it should work? ● Important to understand expected operation to help determine point of failure, probable cause, and solution. ● Research this if you are not sure!
  • 24. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential solutions ● Iterative Process ● Defined Problem + Internal Knowledge + External Knowledge + Leveraged Resources + Tools = Potential Solutions ● Prioritize Potential Solutions ● KISS / Occam’s Razor – Start with most likely / obvious first!
  • 25. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Research, Prioritize, and Evaluate potential solutions ● Evaluate Potential Solutions ● In Test/Dev if possible ● Promote to production after verifying your fix doesn’t cause additional problems ● If you exhaust all possible causes, escalate. Don’t spin wheels. ● Do not discount workarounds!
  • 26. #Kscope Troubleshooting Strategy (continued)  Close Out The Problem ● Get Positive Confirmation That Issue Is Resolved ● Add Issue to Internal Knowledgebase For Future Review ● SharePoint ● Track-It ● Shared Outlook Folder ● Share Information When Necessary
  • 28. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools - Internal  Knowledge Tools ● http://support.oracle.com – Knowledgebase, Patches & Update, and “Communities”
  • 29. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont)  Knowledge Tools ● OTN Discussion Forum (http://forums.oracle.com)
  • 30. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont)  Knowledge Tools ● Product Documentation ● System - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24674_01/index.htm ● System 9.3.x - http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E10530_01/welcome.html  NOTE : These move periodically! Google ‘Hyperion documentation library’ if you cannot find what you are looking for
  • 32. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Knowledge Tools ● Tips and Tricks from EPM System Infrastructure Development ● Issues 1 to 72 - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi- foundation/epm-tips-issues-1-72-427329.pdf ● Issues 73 and up - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi- foundation/epm-tips-issues-73-up-399995.pdf ● NOTE: Constantly updating, so there will be more, etc.
  • 34. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Log Files (see Table) ● HFMErrorLookup.exe – Resolves Error Codes to Text Description ● System 11- <EPM ORACLE HOME>EPMSystem11R1productsFinancialManagementConsultant Utilities ● System 9 - <HYPERION HOME>FinancialManagementConsultant Utilities
  • 35. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● HFMErrorLogViewer.exe – Utility to view HFM error logs
  • 36. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● FRConfig.cmd – FR utility that shows app Mem / CPU utilization ● System 11 - <EPM_ORACLE_HOME>productsfinancialreportingbin
  • 38. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● ManageUserPOV.cmd – View/Edit POV for users
  • 39. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) – Gathers system information about environment. [See KB ID 1304885.1] ● oPatch [System 11 Only] – Install and list installed patches ● Location - <EPM ORACLE HOME>Opatch ● List Installed products = Opatch lsinventory ● NOTE: If you get an error running about OUI Home, make sure environment variable pointing to EPM ORACLE HOME which is most like OracleMiddlewareEPMSystem11R1
  • 41. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Comps.xml [System 11 Only] – List of all installed components on machine ● <EPM ORACLE HOME>inventoryContentsXML
  • 42. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Epmsys_registry.bat [System 11 Only] – Generates a detailed report of everything registered in Shared Services Registry. ● Program - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsepmsystem1bin ● Reports - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsdiagnosticsreportsregistry.html
  • 44. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● ‘About Us’ pages – Shows currently installed programs and specific version info. (Applies to Workspace, FDM, Shared Service web pages, etc.) ● Click on the ‘Show Details’ button to see version info per product ● NOTE : This version info *MAY NOT* change even if you have installed patches!
  • 46. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Informational Web Pages ● http://hostname:port/workspace/browse/configInfo - Returns detailed information about products installed and links to other configuration files
  • 47. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Informational Web Pages ● http://<shared_services_server>:28080/interop/frameowrk/g etCSSConfigFile – Returns configuration information for Shared Services ● System 9 – Port Number is 58080 ● System 11 – You may need to administratively enable this page for it to be visible!
  • 49. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Data Gathering ● Informational Web Pages ● http://<hfm_web_server>:80/hfm – Returns ‘hfm’ if HFM is running properly and integrated with workspace. (else opens HFM Web)
  • 50. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Utility Programs ● Validate.bat [System 11 Only] - Kicks off process that will test installed components on the machine for proper operation. Generates detailed report. ● Can be run on product by product basis or all at once ● Program - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsepmsystem1bin ● Report - <MIDDLEWARE HOME>user_projectsepmsystem1diagnosticsreports ● NOTE : If you are building an environment, you should be running this after your complete install/config!
  • 53. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – Internal (cont.)  Utility Programs ● DB_Verify / DB_Recover [Pre-System 11 Only] - Checks and corrects Shared Services OpenLDAP database issues.
  • 55. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party  Data Gathering ● WebEx / GoTo Meeting / Log Me In / VNC / Lync – Remote Access Software. A must for remote support. ● Windows Event Log
  • 56. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party  Basic Connectivity Tools ● Ping / Tracert – Simple connectivity test tools
  • 57. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party  Basic Connectivity Tools ● Telnet – Connectivity tool for any port
  • 58. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)  Advanced Connectivity Tools ● Fiddler – Web proxy that allows you to monitor (and simulate) HTTP/HTTPS traffic. http://fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ ● Great Tool for HTTP/HTTPS traffic ● Warning : You can sniff / decode HTTPS traffic ● Warning : Some programs may send logins / passwords in plain text.
  • 61. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)  Advanced Connectivity Tools ● Wireshark – Network traffic analyzer – http://www.wireshark.org ● Network packet analyzer ● Monitors ALL network traffic, not just HTTP/HTTPS ● Warning : Can intercept all types of traffic such as: ● Streaming Audio / Video ● VoiP ● Types of Encrypted Data ● Plain Text User Name / Password
  • 62. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)  Advanced Connectivity Tools ● Wireshark – Network traffic analyzer – http://www.wireshark.org ● Network packet analyzer ● Monitors ALL network traffic, not just HTTP/HTTPS ● Warning : Can intercept all types of traffic such as: ● Streaming Audio / Video ● VoiP ● Types of Encrypted Data ● Plain Text User Name / Password
  • 64. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)  Server Tools ● Service Manager (services.msc) – View services to see which are running ● Process Monitor – Allows you to monitor processes’ file use, registry access, memory utilization, etc. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645
  • 65. #Kscope Troubleshooting Tools – 3rd Party (cont.)  Server Tools ● SQL Profiler – Allows you to monitor database activity in SQL Server – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ms181091.aspx ● [Oracle Enterprise Manager has similar functionality for Oracle databases]
  • 69. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error  To aid with session, built VM/Virtual PC System 11 “All In One” Environment
  • 70. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  After copying VM to another machine…
  • 71. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  But not everything was dead… VM to another machine…
  • 72. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  IDEAS?? ●What changed?
  • 73. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets get some machine info
  • 74. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets get some config (epmsys_registry.bat)
  • 75. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets get some config (epmsys_registry.bat)
  • 76. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  IDEAS?? ●Anyone see anything suspect so far? ●I did, and have a suspicion, but need more information to confirm.
  • 77. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets do some sniffing…(Wireshark)
  • 78. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  IDEAS?? ●Why would there be calls to an IP address that does not belong to the machine?
  • 79. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets do some sniffing…(WinGrep)
  • 80. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets do some more sniffing…(SQLLocator)
  • 81. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets do some more sniffing…(SQLLocator)
  • 82. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  IDEAS?? ●Looks pretty reasonable that hardcode IP addresses are breaking things since the machine no longer has the IP address buried in config / database!
  • 83. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  How To Fix ●Reinstall? ●Reconfigure? ●Manually Search and Replace?
  • 85. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets fix the SQL Damage First
  • 86. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets fix the SQL Damage First
  • 87. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Lets fix config file damage ● Content.XML ● Config.XML ● GlobalContext.XML ● httpd.conf ● mod_wl_ohs.conf ● Server.xml  Warning: In some places you DO NOT want to replace the hardcoded IP address as it is part of a Unique Identifier. That could be bad.
  • 89. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Reboot
  • 90. #Kscope Migrate VM Server Error (cont)  Mission Accomplished!
  • 91. #Kscope Questions?  If you have any questions with the sample code or presentation, feel free to ask/contact me ● charles@charlescbeyer.com

Editor's Notes

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  6. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  7. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  8. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  9. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  10. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  11. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  12. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  13. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  14. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  15. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  16. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  17. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  18. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  19. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  20. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  21. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  22. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  23. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  24. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  25. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  26. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  27. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  28. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  29. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  30. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  31. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  32. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  33. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  34. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  35. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  36. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  37. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  38. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  39. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  40. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  41. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  42. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  43. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  44. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  45. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  46. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  47. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  48. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  49. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  50. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  51. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  52. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  53. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  54. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  55. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  56. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  57. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  58. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  59. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  60. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  61. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  62. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  63. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  64. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  65. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  66. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  67. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  68. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  69. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  70. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  71. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  72. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  73. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  74. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  75. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  76. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  77. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  78. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  79. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  80. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  81. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  82. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  83. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  84. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  85. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  86. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  87. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  88. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  89. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  90. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.
  91. Use this template for all your content slides. There are also other layout slides you can feel free to use.