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Welcome to Customer DevelopmentSteve BlankStanford - School of EngineeringU.C. Berkeley - Haas School Of  Businesswww.steveblank.comTwitter: sgblankSlides at: slideshare.net/sblank
I Write a Blog  www.steveblank.com
I Drew ThisCustomerDiscoveryCompany  BuildingCustomerValidationCustomer CreationPivot
I Called It:Customer DevelopmentCustomerDiscoveryCompany  BuildingCustomerValidationCustomer CreationPivot
This Talk is Based OnBusiness Model GenerationFour Steps to the EpiphanyLean Startup
ScalableStartupLarge CompanyBusiness Model found
 i.e. Product/Market fit- Repeatable sales model- Managers hiredWhat’s A Startup?Search ExecuteA Startup is a temporary organization used to search for a repeatable and scalable business model
The Memo You Never GetThe Transition – Founders LeaveScalableStartupTransitionLarge CompanySearch BuildExecuteFounders depart
 Professional Mgmt
 Beginning of scaleStartups Search and PivotThe Search for the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge Company Business Model found by founders customer needs/product features found   i.e. Product/Market fit Repeatable sales model- Managers hired
Startups Search, Companies ExecuteThe Execution of the Business ModelThe Search for the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge Company- Cash-flow breakeven- Profitable- Rapid scale- New Senior Mgmt~ 150 peopleBusiness Model found
 Product/Market fit- Repeatable sales model- Managers hired
Metrics Versus AccountingThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLargeCompanyTraditional AccountingBalance Sheet
 Cash Flow Statement
 Income StatementMetrics Versus AccountingThe Search for the Business ModelThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLargeCompanyStartup Metrics Customer Acquisition Cost
 Viral coefficient
 Customer Lifetime Value
 Average Selling Price/Order Size
 Monthly burn rate
 etc.  Traditional Accounting Balance Sheet
 Cash Flow Statement
 Income StatementCustomer Validation Versus SalesThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLargeCompanySalesSales Organization
 Price List/Data Sheets
 Revenue PlanCustomer Validation Versus SalesThe Search for the Business ModelThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLargeCompanyCustomer Validation Early Adopters
 Pricing/Feature unstable
 Not yet repeatable
“One-off’s”Sales Sales Organization
 Price List/Data Sheets
 Revenue PlanEngineering Versus Agile DevelopmentThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge CompanyEngineering Requirements Docs.
 Waterfall Development
 Tech PubsEngineering Versus Agile DevelopmentThe Search for the Business ModelThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge CompanyEngineering Requirements Docs.
 Waterfall Development
 Tech PubsAgile Development Continuous Deployment
 Continuous Learning
 Self Organizing Teams
 Minimum Feature Set
 PivotsStartups Model, Companies PlanThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge CompanyBusiness Plan describes “knowns”
 business modelStartups Model, Companies PlanThe Search for the Business ModelThe Execution of the Business ModelScalableStartupTransitionLarge CompanyBusiness Model
 describes “unknowns”
customer needs
 feature set
 business model
 found by iteration
Plan describes “knowns”
 Known features for line extensions
 Known customers/markets
 Known business modelHow Do Startups Search For A Business Model?The Search is Customer Development
The Implementation is Agile Development
The Sum is the Lean StartupCustomer Development
I Have a Vision
I Know What Needs to Be Done
Lets Launch a New Product!
Five Ways Founders Fail
#1I Know Who The Customer Is
#2I Know Exactly the Product They Need
#3I Know the Problem They Have
#4We Can Fix It After We Ship It All
#5All I Need to Do is Execute the Plan
Product Introduction ModelConcept/Seed RoundProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship
Product Introduction ModelThe Leading Cause of Startup DeathConcept/Seed RoundProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship
Product Introduction Model:Two Implicit AssumptionsCustomer Problem: knownConcept/Seed RoundProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship	Product Features: known
Tradition – Hire MarketingConcept/Seed RoundProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship- Create Demand- Launch Event- “Branding”- Hire PR Agency- Early Buzz Create Marcom   Materials- Create PositioningMarketing
Tradition – Hire SalesConcept/Seed RoundProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship- Create Demand- Launch Event- “Branding”- Hire PR Agency- Early Buzz Create Marcom   Materials- Create PositioningMarketing Build Sales   Organization
 Hire Sales VP
 Hire 1st  Sales StaffSales
Tradition – Hire Bus DevelopmentConceptProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship- Create Demand- Launch Event- “Branding”- Hire PR Agency- Early Buzz Create Marcom   Materials- Create PositioningMarketing Build Sales Channel /   Distribution
 Hire Sales VP
 Pick distribution   ChannelSalesBusiness Development Hire First   Bus Dev
 Do deals for FCSTradition – Hire EngineeringConceptProduct Dev.Alpha/Beta TestLaunch/1st Ship- Create Demand- Launch Event- “Branding”- Hire PR Agency- Early Buzz Create Marcom   Materials- Create PositioningMarketing Build Sales Channel /   Distribution
 Hire Sales VP
 Pick distribution   ChannelSalesBusiness Development Hire First   Bus Dev
 Do deals for FCSEngineering Write MRD
Tech PubsNo Business Plan survives first contact with customers
Startups Are Not Smaller Versions of Large Companies
Startups Are Not Smaller Versions of Large CompaniesLarge Companies Execute Known Business Models
Startups Are Not Smaller Versions of Large CompaniesStartups Search for Unknown Business Models
So Search for a Business Model
The Business Model:Any company can be described in 9 building blocks
CUSTOMER SEGMENTSwhich customers and users are you serving? which jobs do they really want to get done?
VALUE PROPOSITIONSwhat are you offering them? what is that getting done for them? do they care?
CHANNELShow does each customer segment want to be reached? through which interaction points?
CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSwhat relationships are you establishing with each segment? personal? automated? acquisitive? retentive?
REVENUE STREAMSwhat are customers really willing to pay for? how? are you generating transactional or recurring revenues?
KEY RESOURCESwhich resources underpin your business model? which assets are essential?
KEY ACTIVITIESwhich activities do you need to perform well in your business model? what is crucial?48
KEY PARTNERSwhich partners and suppliers leverage your model? who do you need to rely on?
COST STRUCTUREwhat is the resulting cost structure? which key elements drive your costs?
value propositioncustomer relationshipskey activitiescustomer segmentskey partnerscost structurerevenue streamskey resourceschannels51images by JAM
sketch out your business model
sketch out your business models
But,Realize They’re Hypotheses
9 GuessesGuessGuessGuessGuessGuessGuessGuessGuessGuess
Customer DevelopmentThe founders^Get Out of the Building
Customer DevelopmentThe Search For the Business ModelCompanyBuildingCustomerDiscoveryCustomerValidationCustomer CreationPivot
Customer DiscoveryCustomerDiscoveryCustomerValidationCompanyBuildingCustomerCreationStop selling, start listeningTest your hypothesesContinuous DiscoveryDone by founders
Test Hypotheses:Product
 Market Type
 CompetitionTurning Hypotheses to Facts
Test Hypotheses:Problem
 PayerTest Hypotheses:ChannelTest Hypotheses:Demand CreationTest Hypotheses:Problem
 PayerTest Hypotheses:Product
 Market Type
 CompetitiveTest Hypotheses:Channel
 (Problem)Test Hypotheses:ChannelTest Hypotheses:Size of Opportunity/Market
 Validate Business ModelTest Hypotheses:Pricing Model / PricingTest Hypotheses:Demand CreationTest Hypotheses:Problem
 PayerAgile DevelopmentTest Hypotheses:Product
 Market Type
 CompetitiveTest Hypotheses:Channel
 (Problem)Customer Development TeamTest Hypotheses:ChannelTest Hypotheses:Size of Opportunity/Market
 Validate Business ModelTest Hypotheses:Pricing Model / PricingThe Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Smallest feature set that gets you the most … - orders, learning, feedback, failure…
The PivotThe heart of Customer Development
Iteration without crisis
Fast, agile and opportunisticPivot Cycle Time MattersSpeed of cycle minimizes cash needs
Minimum feature set speeds up cycle time
Near instantaneous customer feedback drives feature setThe PivotA Pivot is the change of one or more Business Model Canvas Components
The PivotStrong clinical dataTrainingMaintenanceConferencesCME coursesProduct DevelopmentIPClinical trialsFDAPublishingDoctors:Earlier detectionPriceAccuracyPatients:Radiation FreeNon-InvasiveA Pivot is the change of one or more Business Model Canvas Components Leading doctorsKey Opinion Leaders3rd party manufacturersDistributorsBreast Cancer FoundationsACOGACSOB/GYNsPCPsDirect Sales to hospitalsDistributorIP  Leading doctorsTechnical ExpertiseProduct DevelopmentClinical trialsOperating CostsMarketing CostsCapital Equipment Sales and disposable itemPer use fees
How Does This Really Work?Stanford Lean LaunchPad Class
How Does This Really Work?Stanford Lean LaunchPad Class8 Weeks From an Idea to a Business
Pivot ExampleRobotic WeedingTalked 75 Customers in 8 Weeks
Our initial planConfidential
20 interviews, 6 site visits…We got OUR Boots dirtyWeedingVisited two farms in Salinas Valley to better understand problemInterviewed:Bolthouse Farms, Large Agri-Industry in Bakersfield
White Farms, Large Peanut farmer in Georgia
REFCO Farms, large grower in Salinas Valley
Rincon Farms, large grower in Salinas Valley
Small Organic Corn/Soy grower in Nebraska
Heirloom Organics, small owner/operator, Santa Cruz Mts
Two small organic farmers at farmers market
Ag Services of Salinas, Fertilizer applicatorMowingInterviewed:Golf: Stanford Golf course
Parks: Stanford Grounds Supervisor, head of maintenance and lead operator (has crew of 6)
Toro dealer (large mower manufacturer)
User of back-yard mowing system
Maintenance Services for City of Los Altos
Colony Landscaping (Mowing service for stadiums)Business Plan Autonomous Vehicles for Mowing & WeedingDealers sell, installs and supports customerCo. trains dealers, supports dealers- Innovation- Customer Education- Dealer trainingMowing- Owners of  public or commercially used green  spaces (e.g. golf courses)- Landscaping service providerWeeding- Farmers with manual weeding operationsWe reduce operating cost- Labor reduction- Better utilization of assets (eg mow or weed at nights)- Improved performance (less rework, food safety)- Dealers (Mowing and Ag)- Vehicle OEMs (John Deere, Toro, Jacobsen, etc)- Research labs- Mowing Dealers- Ag DealersEngineers on Autonomous vehicles, GPS, path-planningAsset saleOur revenue stream derives from selling the equipmentDealer discount COGS seek a 50-60% Gross MarginHeavy R&D investment
Found weeding in organic crops is HUGE problem; 50 - 75% of costsCrews of 100s-1000Back-breaking task(Ilegal) labor harder to get 1-5 weedings per year/field$250-3,500 per acre and increasingFood contamination risk
Decision to make – mowing vs weeding
Autonomous vehiclesWEEDINGDealers sell, installs and supports customerCo. trains dealers, supports dealers- Innovation- Customer Education- Dealer training- Low density vegetable growers- High density vegetable growers- Thinning operations- Conventional vegetablesWe reduce operating cost- Labor reduction (100 to 1)- Reduced risk of contamination- Mitigate labor availability concerns- Ag Dealers- Ag Service providers- Research labs- Ag Dealers- Ag Service providersEngineers on Machine VisionTwo problems:- Identification- EliminationAsset saleOur revenue stream derives from selling the equipmentDealer discount COGS seek a 50-60% Gross MarginHeavy R&D investment
1 Week – 1 CarrotBotConfidential
CarrotBotMachine Vision data collection platformMonochrome & Color CamerasLaser-line sweep (depth measurement)Encoders (position/velocity)Onboard data acquisition & powerCarrotBot 1.0
The Business Plan Canvas UpdatedFarming conventions.
Demo, demo, and demo!!
Proximity is paramount
Technology Design
Demo and customer feedback
Organic Farmers
Weeding Service Providers
Conventional Farmers
Cost Reduction
Remove labor force pains
Eliminate bio-waste hazards
Research Labs
Equipment Manufacturers
Distribution Network
Service Providers
IP – Patents
Video Classifier Files
Robust Technology
Direct Service
Indirect Service
 … then Dealers
Asset Sale
Direct Service with equipment rental
… then Asset SaleValue-Driven
Visit HighlightsAbove: Organic Carrots,  7wks.  Top right: Conventional carrotsBottom Right:  Very weedy.  Will require multiple passes of hand weeding
Visit HighlightsCarrot vs. WeedsDue to small root systems, carrots have no chance against weeds
Visit HighlightsOrganic Broccoli, closely cultivated.  Weeds close to plants are hand-picked
Visit HighlightsState of the Art in Weeding Technology for Organic Crops
Customer HypothesisPre-TestHypothesis Confirmed Growers interested in own equipment
 Industrial (10,000s of acres)
 Large (1,000s of acres)
 Willing to pay $100k for one unit
 Smaller growers (100s of acres) usually subcontract the labor services or rent equipment
 All purchases through local dealers
Customer service is essentialPost-Test
Customer Map #1 – Industrial GrowersExample:  Bolthouse Farms – Large Industrial Carrot Producer – 8K acres/yr Equipment Operator
 Local Farm Mgr
 Cliff Kirkpatrick, visited
 Director, Ag Technology
 Justin Grove, interviewedEquipment Operator VP, Growing Operations
 CFO, CEO (Jeff Dunn)Cliff, Farm Mgr
Customer Map #2 – Service ProvidersExample:  Ag Services – Service Provider, Salinas Valley Equipment Operator
 Service MgrMe (left), Marty (middle, Service Mgr), Doug (right, Grower) ?? (service mgr’s boss)The Business Plan Canvas UpdatedFarming conventions.
Demo, demo, and demo!!
Proximity is paramount
Technology Design
Demo and customer feedback
Mid/Large Organic Farmers
Agricultural corporations
Weeding Service Providers
Mid/Large Conventional Farmers
Cost Reduction
Remove labor force pains
Eliminate bio-waste hazards
Research Labs
Equipment Manufacturers
Distribution Network
Service Providers
IP – Patents
Video Classifier Files
Robust Technology
Direct Service
Indirect Service
 … then Dealers
Direct Service with equipment rental
($1,500/d; 120d/yr )
Low density: $1,500/d
High density: $6,000/dValue-Driven
World Ag Expo interviews:the need is real and wide spread10+ interviews at showEveryone confirmed the needRobocrop, UK based, crude competitor sells for $171 KRevenue StreamMid to small growers prefer a serviceLarge growers prefer to buy, but OK with service until technology is provenCharging for labor cost saved is OK, as we provide other benefits (food safety, labor availability)Confidential
The Business Plan Canvas UpdatedFarming conventions.
Demo, demo, and demo!!
Proximity is paramount
Technology Design
Demo and customer feedback
Mid/Large Organic Farmers
Agricultural corporations
Weeding Service Providers
Mid/Large Conventional Farmers
Research Labs
Equipment Manufacturer
Distribution Network
Service Providers
2 or 3 Key Farms
Cost Reduction
Remove labor force pains
Eliminate bio-waste hazards
IP – Patents
Video Classifier Files
Robust Technology
Direct Service
Indirect Service
 … then Dealers
Direct Service with equipment rental
Low density: $1,500/d
High density: $6,000/dValue-Driven R&D
 Bill of Materials
 Training & Service
 SalesAutonomous weeding - FinalDirect- Provide high quality service at competitive price- Innovation- Customer Education- Dealer training- Low density vegetable growers- High density vegetable growers- Thinning operations- Conventional vegetablesWe reduce operating cost- Labor reduction (100 to 1)- Reduced risk of contamination- Mitigate labor availability concerns- Ag Service providers- Research Institutes (eg UC Davis, Laser Zentrum Hannover)- 3-4 key farmsDirect - Alliance with service providers- Eventually sell through dealersEngineers on Machine VisionTwo problems:- Identification- EliminationService provision- Charge by the acre with modifier according to weed density - Eventually move to asset saleCosts for service provisionCOGS seek a 50-60% Gross MarginHeavy R&D investment
MammOpticsFinal project presentation for E 245 Winter 2011
Project OverviewInitial industry guesses and customer hypothesis
MammOpticsInitial IdeaBreast cancerMammographyLeading cause of cancer in women190,000 diagnosis every year US41,000 deaths every year USIncreasing diagnosis rates15%-25% false negatives rate25% false positives rateRequires X-ray radiationLow resolutionMammOpticsNovel technology based on RF-modulated optical spectroscopy Earlier detection
 Non-invasiveMammOpticsTechnology ComparisonI.I.T.Y.I.W.H.T.K.Y
MammOpticsBusiness Model Canvas 1 of 4Strong clinical dataTrainingMaintenanceProduct DevelopmentIPClinical trialsFDAHospitalsLeading doctors3rd party manufacturersDistributorsPioneering radiologists inhospitalsRadiation-freeEarlier detectionNon-invasiveIP Leading doctorsTechnical ExpertiseDirect sales to hospitalsProduct DevelopmentClinical trialsOperating CostsCapital equipment sales and disposable item
MammOpticsMammOpticsBusiness Model Canvas 1 of 4Business Model Canvas 1 of 4Strong clinical dataTrainingMaintenanceProduct DevelopmentIPClinical trialsFDAInitial guessInitial guessHospitalsLeading doctors3rd party manufacturersDistributorsPioneering radiologists inhospitalsRadiation-freeEarlier detectionNon-invasiveTest:	Customer segment	Value propositionInitial guessIP Leading doctorsTechnical ExpertiseDirect sales to hospitalsProduct DevelopmentClinical trialsOperating CostsInitial guessCapital equipment sales and disposable item
Finding the right customerFrom radiologists to gynecologists
MammOpticsExcursions into hospitalsDebra IkedaJason DaviesJafi Alissa LipsonSunita PalLeading doctors6 women >40 8 women <40PatientsAlicia X-ray mammographyTechniciansHospital ManagersPaul BillingsHolly V. Gautier
MammOpticsHospital purchasing decision tree
MammOpticsHospital purchasing decision treeHospitalsComplex purchasing decision tree. Several saboteours
MammOpticsPrivate practice purchasing decision tree
MammOpticsPrivate practice purchasing decision treePrivate practiceFaster adoption rateAttractive value proposition✔

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