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Environmental Engineering and Management Journal                               September/October 2008, Vol.7, No.5, 617-640

              “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania



                                                    Maria Gavrilescu
 ”Gheorghe. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Department
    of Environmental Engineering and Management, 71 Mangeron Blvd.,700050 Iasi, Romania, e-mail: mgav@ch.tuiasi.ro


The paper discusses some aspects concerning the utilization of biomass as a bioenergy resource worldwide and in Romania, since
biomass is considered a sustainable, potentially environmentally sound and a replenishable resource.
The biomass categories for bioenergy are analyzed, considering the factors which influence its availability. Biomass energy
potential and current use in different regions as well as in Europe is accounted. Also, biomass power as an important alternative
for providing energy in rural sector is described and some technologies for biomass conversion are evaluated briefly. Biomass and
renewable energy from biomass are considered end products, which involve new and advanced technologies to improve power
production efficiency.
It is evidenced that biomass provides a clean, renewable energy source, which could improve economic, energetic and
environmental sectors. Also, many factors converge in making bioenergy a key issue toward the achievement of the Millenium
Development Goals.
Contributions of bioenergy to sustainable development of humanity are also discussed, based on some sustainability
considerations and indicators.
The investments in biomass and bioenergy in Romania are also considered as important, since the production of renewable energy
for Romania is an important topic.
The future projection on the use of renewable energy resources points toward actions for economic development where renewable
energy from biomass will play more and more a growing role, without affecting the community food security.

Keywords: biofuel, bioelectricity, environmental impact, rural energy, renewable resources, sustainability indicators

1. Introduction                                                       various basic needs: food, feed, fuel, feedstock,
                                                                      fibers, fertilizers (Rosillo-Calle, 2007). Nowadays,
          Organic matter, particularly cellulosic or                  biomass continues to be a subject of growing
ligno-cellulosic matter is available on a renewable or                significance worldwide, in particular due to its
recurring basis, including dedicated energy crops and                 suitability as source of bioenergy, as a result of global
trees, wood and wood residues, plants and associated                  increase in the demand for energy, the constant rise in
residues, agricultural food and feed crop residues,                   the price of fossil fuels and the need to reduce
plant fiber, aquatic plants, animal wastes, specific                  greenhouse gas emissions (Perlack et al., 2005;
industrial waste, the paper component of municipal                    Thornley and Cooper, 2008; Thornley et al., 2008;
solid waste, other waste materials, all of them being                 Yuan et al., 2008).
well-known as biomass. In the same context, the term                            Throughout the past decades, bioenergy and
biobased product is used to designate any commercial                  other renewable energies have been the subject of
or industrial product (either from food or feed) that                 several international declarations and commitments
utilizes biological products or renewable domestic                    on sustainable development (FAO, 2005;
agricultural (plant, animal, or marine) or forestry                   http://www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/009/j4313e.htm#
materials (ABB, 2003; Industry Report, 2008;                          P42_5511):
OCAPP, 2007). Both in the application in chemistry                    -     United Nations Conference on New and
and in transport and the generation of energy,                              Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE), in 1981
biomass offers great opportunities for the                            -     United Nations Conference on Environment and
conservation of energy management (IPM, 2007).                              Development: in Agenda 21, emphasis was
          At some stage in human history, biomass in                        given to the role of bioenergy
all its forms has been the most important source of                   -     UN Millennium Declaration
Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

-     World Summit on Sustainable Development                         (http://www.greenjobs.com/Public/info/industry_back
      (WSSD), where energy was high on the agenda                     ground.aspx?id=13).
-     International Conference for Renewable                                    From an ethical point of view, only biomass
      Energies held in Bonn in June 2004                              that is not competing with the food chain should be
-     Other important initiatives promoting bioenergy                 used for the production of fuels, chemicals, power or
      include the Global Environmental Facility                       heat.
      (GEF), the G-8 Task Force on Renewable                                    Industrialized countries have over 1,500
      Energy; the UNDP Initiative on Energy for                       million hectares of crop, forest and woodland, of
      Sustainable Development                                         which some 460 million hectares are crop land.
          Since the Kyoto Conference (1997), there                    Achieving the 15 % target could require an average of
has been an increasing interest about renewable                       1.25 million hectares of crop land per year to be
energy sources and possible alternatives to fossil fuels              converted to energy plantations. This represents just
that could contribute to a significantly reduction in                 over 2 % of the total land area in industrialized
greenhouse gas emission and enhance the overall                       countries (Bauen et al., 2004).
sustainability of modern society                                                In USA, the forestry category at 49% is by
(http://www.avanzi.unipi.it/ricerca/quadro_gen_ric/bi                 far the largest contributor to the state biomass,
omass_bioenergy/Biomass&bioenergy_ENG.htm).                           followed by municipal waste with 24%, field with
Energy crops may contribute to the goals of the                       14%, and animal waste at 11% as the next most
Kyoto Protocol by increasing C sequestration, thus                    important, respectively (Fig. 2)
playing a strategic role for development of                                     Under this concern, biomass is a sustainable,
sustainable energy production systems.                                potentially environmentally sound and a replenishable
          It’s obvious that the biomass energy is                     resource, since it can be replaced fairly quickly
nothing else than solar energy - stored thanks to                     without permanently depleting the Earth’s natural
photosynthesis – in the vegetable tissues. Bioenergy                  resources. By comparison, fossil fuels such as natural
resources take many forms, which can be broadly                       gas and coal require millions of years of natural
classified into three categories (Rosillo-Calle et al.,               processes to be produced. Alternatively, biomass can
2007):                                                                easily be grown or collected, utilized and replaced.
(1) residues and wastes,                                              However, extracting energy from biomass is an
(2) purpose-grown energy crops                                        ancient practice, dating back to when people first
(3) natural vegetation.                                               burnt wood to provide heat and light. Growing
                                                                      biomass is a rural, labor-intensive activity, and can,
         Traditionally, conventional biomass is                       therefore, create jobs in rural areas and help stem
considered to come from three distinct sources: wood,                 rural-to-urban migration (IBEP, 2006).
waste, and alcohol fuels as summarized in the Fig. 1

                       Fig. 1. Biomass sources for bioenergy (adapted upon Rosillo-Calle et al., 2007)

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

                                           Fig. 2. Biomass categories for bioenergy

          Considering the factors which influence the                2. The share of biomass as renewable energy
availability of biomass for energy purposes, it can be               resource
noted that the worldwide biomass system is complex
and so availability is difficult to quantify, particularly                     Energy is one of the more basic human
in light of the potential competition for biomass for                needs and the trends in energy utilization are major
food, fodder, materials and energy (Fig. 3).                         indicators of the economic growth of a particular
          The availability of biomass for energy will                country/society. In the absence of conventional
also be influenced by population growth, diet, water                 energy sources, the unsustainable use of biomass
availability, agricultural density, and nature (Bringezu             fuels is often the only resort. Tables 1 and 2 describe
et al., 2007; Long et al., 2006; Olesen and Bindi,                   the biomass energy potential in different regions of
2002; Perlack et al., 2005).                                         Earth and in Europe, respectively (AFB-NET, 2000;
                                                                     Parikka, 2006).

     Fig. 3. Pathway of biomass from land to processing and end-uses for materials, food and energy (Bringezu et al., 2007)

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

                      Table 1. Biomass energy potential and current use in different regions, EJ/a (EJ=1018)

Biomass potential       North            Latin         Asia        Africa         Europe            Middle         Russian           World
                       America          America                                                      East         Federation
 Woody biomass          12.8              5.9          7.7            5.4             4.0            0.4             5.4              41.6
  Energy crops           4.1             12.1          1.1            13.9            2.6            0.0             3.6              37.4
      Straw              2.2              1.7          9.9            0.9             1.6            0.2             0.7             17.2
       Other             0.8              1.8          2.9            1.2             0.7            0.1             0.3              7.6
   =Potential           19.9             21.5          21.4           21.4            8.9            0.7             10.0            103.8
 Use ( EJ/year)             3.1            2.6         23.2           8.3             2.6b           0.0               0.5            39.7
Use potential (%)           16             12          108            39              29b             7                 5              38

                                       Table 2. Biomass energy potentials in Europe (PJ per year)

                    Forest         Solid ind.    Ind.         Firewood        Wood           Densified       Other           Peat    Total
                    residues       by-           black                        wastes         wood fuels      biomass
                                   products      liquors                                                     fuels
Austria             150.0          50.0          0.0          40.0            18.0           3.0             9.0             0.0     270.0
Belgium             7.0            13.0          8.0          0.0             3.0            0.0             0.0             0.0     31.0
Denmark             11.0           5.0           0.0          3.0             0.0            4.0             46.0            0.0     69.0
Finland             96.0           47.0          135.0        49.0            0.0            1.0             11.0            165.0   504.0
France              38.0           42.0          0.0          258.0           111.0          0.3             412.0           0.0     861.3
Germany             142.0          40.0          0.0          0.0             81.0           0.0             511.0           0.0     774.0
Greece              0.0            0.0           0.0          0.0             0.0            0.0             0.0             0.0     0.0
Ireland             3.0            7.0           0.0          3.0             1.0            0.0             0.0             40.0    54.0
Italy               0.0            36.0          0.0          83.0            24.0           0.0             0.0             0.0     143.0
Netherlands         4.0            30            0.0          0.0             45.0           1.0             24.0            0.0     77.0
Portugal            68.0           27.0          22.0         0.0             0.0            0.0             0.0             0.0     117.0
Spain               59.0           87.0          23.0         12.0            52.0           0.0             386.0           0.0     619.0
  Sweden            238.0          46.4          125.0        27.0            27.0           18.0            22.0            13.0    516.4
UK                  16.0           12.0          0.0          27.0            175.0          0.0             70.0            0.0     300.0
Estonia             30.0           0.0           0.0          0.0             0.0            0.0             19.2            30.0    79.2
Latvia              8.0            12.0          0.0          32.0            0.0            1.0             0.0             15.0    68.0
Poland              101.0          68.0          16.0         26.0            40.0           0.0             205.0           122.0   578.0
Romania             0.0            23.0          3.0          58.0            0.4            0.0             0.1             0.0     84.5
Slovakia            6.0            0.1           5.0          3.0             3.0            0.1             13.0            0.0     30.2
Slovenia            2.0            7.0           0.0          8.0             0.1            0.0             0.0             0.0     17.1
Total               979.0          525.5         337.0        629.0           580.5          28.4            1728.3          385.0   5192.7

          Leible and Kälber (2005) consider that the                                   Biomass is available in a variety of forms
scientific dedication to bioenergy experienced three                         and is generally classified according to its source
stages:                                                                      (animal or plant) or according to its phase (solid,
      - the first stage of discussion started with the                       liquid or gaseous) (Bauen et al., 2004; IBEP, 2006).
           1973 oil crisis and the publication of the                                  Biomass can be burned directly or converted
           Club of Rome’s report on The limits of                            to intermediate solid, liquid or gaseous fuels to
           growth                                                            generate heat and electricity. All organic materials
      - the second stage at the beginning of the                             can potentially be converted into useful forms of
           1980s was a discussion on reducing                                energy but the advantage of modern biomass-to-
           agricultural overproduction and creating                          electricity systems is that these conversion systems
           income in agriculture by growing energy                           can cope with a range of lignocellulose-rich materials.
           crops.                                                            This is in contrast to liquid biofuel production chains
      - the third stage started at the end of the                            that are primarily dependent on sugar, starch or oil-
           1980s, which continues today, triggered by                        rich crops, typically annuals. The options for biomass
           increasing efforts for the mitigation of                          conversion to energy re described below.
           climate change and not only.                                                There are three ways of using the biomass
          Using biomass to generate energy has                               resources, which represent the bioenergy sector
positive environmental implications and creates a                            (EREC, 2007; IBEP, 2006):
great potential to contribute considerably more to the                             - biomass for heating purposes (bio-heating),
renewable energy sector, particularly when converted                               - biomass for electricity production (bio-
to modern energy carriers such as electricity and                                       electricity),
liquid     and    gaseous     fuels   (IBEP,    2006;                              - biomass for transport fuels (transportation
http://www.unido.org/index.php?id=4781).                                                biofuels).

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

          All these processes enable to take profit of              to a minor extent, in combined heat and power (CHP)
the CO2 mitigation potential of biomass. Since                      applications (Parikka, 2006) (Fig. 5). Biomass is
biomass is the result of storing sun light as chemical              expected to cover as much as 8% of the total EU
energy in plants through photosynthesis, when                       energy supply in 2010 (Parikka, 2006).
sunlight transforms CO2 from the atmosphere and
water into complex plant polymers over short periods
of time, the use of this resource as a material or
durable product keeps the CO2 stored. The CO2
released is equivalent to the amount of CO2 absorbed
by the biomass (photosynthesis) in the growing phase
(Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007).
          Practically, the equivalent of 10 to 30% of
the energy content of the raw biomass is used in
cropping, transport, conversion and upgrading. This
amount of energy can partially come from the
biomass itself, which makes the overall CO2-balance
nearly neutral (Yamasaki, 2003). Therefore, biomass
can substantially contribute to reach the targets of the
                                                                     Fig. 5. Structure of energy consumption in European Union
Kyoto protocol and to reduce long-term greenhouse                        state members in 2002 (EIA, 2003; Eurostat, 2007)
gas emissions (IBEP, 2006; Kashianet al., 2006;
Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007).                                                    Also, the share of electricity generated in EU
          In European Union, renewable energies                     from renewable sources relative to gross national
come mainly from biomass and waste, representing                    electricity consumption was situated at almost 14% in
almost 72 million tons of primary production in 2004                2004, but several of the Member States showed much
(UNEP, 2007). Primary production of renewable                       higher ratios (Austria: 59 %, Sweden: 46 %)
energy: primary production of biomass, hydropower,                  (EUROSTAT, 2007). However, the weight of
geothermal energy, wind and solar energy are                        biomass and waste in the primary production of
included in renewable energies (Fig. 4) (EUROSTAT,                  production of renewable energy is not too high,
2007). In Germany, bioenergy produced an overall                    comparative with that of wind, for example (Fig. 6)
turnover of €3.5 billion in 2004, without                           (EUROSTAT, 2007).
consideration of the fuel-provision businesses. For                            Some 40 to 50 exajoules (EJ = 1018 joules)
comparison, the largest German energy company                       per year of biomass is used for energy today out of
E.ON AG achieved a transaction volume of €49.1                      some 400 EJ per year of total global energy use
billion in the same year (EON, 2005; Plieninger et al.,             (Kartha and Larson, 2000). In order to compare
2006); €1.6 billion was invested in the construction of             various scales of using biomass as a renewable
bioenergy plants, while €1.9 billion turnover came                  resource, some data are given in Table 3
from operation and maintenance (BMU, 2005;                          (http://lib.kier.re.kr/common/tech/tech017/bio05.pdf).
Plieninger et al., 2006).                                                      As is suggested by the data from Table 3,
                                                                    biomass power became very important. It is appraised
                                                                    that biomass is the second-largest renewable source
                                                                    of electricity after hydropower, providing the
                                                                    baseload power to utilities. Various energy scenarios
                                                                    simulate high share of biomass energy in the future
                                                                    energy mixture.
                                                                               Several scenarios of energy evolution
                                                                    worldwide indicate that biomass has the potential to
                                                                    contribute 25%-50% of the present global energy, up
                                                                    to 2050 (Hall et al., 2000; Hoogwijk et al., 2003).
                                                                    Shell International Petroleum Co. scenario
                                                                    calculations (1994-1996) indicate certain conditions
                                                                    in which new biomass sources could contribute 45%-
    Fig. 4. Primary production of renewable energy in               50%.
European Union (2004, % of total, based on 1000 tonnes of                      Hoogwijk et al., (2003) studied the potential
              oil equivalent) (Eurostat, 2007)                      availability of primary biomass for energy and found
                                                                    that it is influenced by:
         Biomass is the biggest contributor (65%) to                           1) the demand for food as a function of
renewable energy sources, which represented 6%                      population and diet consumed;
from energy consumption in 2002 (EIA, 2003;                                     2) the food production system that can be
EUROSTAT, 2007; Parikka, 2006) (Fig. 5). Energy                     adopted worldwide, taken into account the water and
from biomass already contributes to about 4% of the                 nutrient availability;
total EU energy supply, for the most part in heat, and

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

  Fig. 6. The weight of different renewable energy sources in the total production of renewable energy in EU countries (1994 is the
                                 basis of reference, based on tones of oil equivalent) (Eurostat, 2007)

3) productivity of forest and energy crops;                               3. Conversion of biomass into energy
4) other competing options for land-use like for nature
  development.                                                                      Biomass energy has the potential to be
           Biomass utilization in developing countries                    modernized worldwide, i.e., produced and converted
  contrasts severely with biomass use in developed                        efficiently and cost-competitively into more
  countries, where fuelwood and charcoal remain the                       convenient forms such as gases, liquids, or electricity
  dominant energy source for most households (IBEP,                       (IBEP, 2006; Larson and Katha, 2000). Modern
  2006; Kammen et al., 2003). Wood energy is also                         biomass now represents only 3% of primary energy
  becoming an increasingly important industrial energy                    consumption in industrialized countries, and this
  option in the industrialized countries of Western                       value has remained steady over recent years.
  Europe, Asia and the Pacific and North America, as it                   However, much of the rural population in developing
  is based on locally available, renewable and                            countries, which represents about 50% of the world’s
  environmentally friendly raw material (IBEP, 2006).                     population are reliant on traditional biomass, mainly
                                                                          in the form of wood for fuel.
      Table 3. Energy equivalent of various energy resources                        Traditional biomass accounts for 35% of
                           worldwide                                      primary energy consumption in developing countries,
                                                                          raising the world total to 14% of primary energy
              Source                   Energy equivalent
                                         (exajoule, EJ)
                                       (1EJ = 1018 joules)                (http://www.rise.org.au/info/Res/biomass/index.html
     All cereals worldwide                    31.3                                  Biomass power is an important alternative
    All merchantable boles                    14.3                        for providing energy in the rural sector. The inherent
  Fuel wood and charcoal used                                             advantages in utilization of biomass are that
    primarily in developing                    15.3                       employment opportunities are created even for
           countries                                                      cultivation, collection, transportation and storage of
  Usable portion of the current                60.9                       biomass.
            biomass                                                                 In evaluating biomass energy chains, it is
                                                                          clear that simple cost-benefit analysis does not
             In a report of UNEP it is shown that, on                     capture a range of ‘external’ costs and benefits that
  average, biomass accounts for 3 or 4 percent of total                   arise from the supply of energy services. Fig. 7
  energy use in the poor areas, although in countries                     provides a schematic representation of biomass fuel
  with policies that support biomass use (e.g., Sweden,                   chains (Bauen et al., 2004).
  Finland, and Austria), the biomass contribution                                 The technologies for biomass conversion
  reaches 15 to 20 percent (Kartha and Larson, 2000).                     mainly consist in: direct combustion processes,
  Most biomass in industrialized countries is converted                   thermochemical processes, biochemical processes
  into electricity and process heat in cogeneration                       and agrochemical processes (Demirbas, 2001; IBEP,
  systems (combined heat and power production) at                         2006).
  industrial sites or at municipal district heating                               EPA (2007) classifies technologies for
  facilities                                                              biomass conversion into inert gases and organic oils,
  (http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~kammen/er120/ER120_                      gases, and fuels that can be further used to yield
  L3-BiomassEnergy_for_web.pdf).                                          desired energy products as follows:

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

                                     Fig. 7. The chains of biomass fuel (Bauen et al., 2004).

     - thermochemical        technologies:      biomass                 solid biomass into clean, convenient energy carriers
       feedstocks is converted using high temperatures                  (Demirbas, 2001; Kaltschmitt and Weber M., 2006;
       to energy, typically in the form of electricity                  http://www.esmeet.org/journal3.html).
       and heat. However, the technologies have the                              Most of these technologies are already in
       potential to produce electricity, heat,                          commercial use, although some more than others.
       bioproducts, and fuels;                                          Each technology description - gasification, anaerobic
     - biochemical technologies: biological agents                      digestion, ethanol, steam turbine, and gas turbine -
       convert biomass to energy (liquid and gaseous                    includes a general discussion of key technical issues
       fuels).                                                          that must be addressed in any project involving these
     - chemical technologies: chemical agents are                       technologies. It also includes more detailed technical
       used to convert biomass feedstocks to energy,                    discussion of basic operating principles, feedstock
       typically in the form of liquid fuels.                           and other material input requirements, operating and
           These       three     biomass      conversion                maintenance issues, capital and operating costs,
technologies may also produce byproducts that can                       environmental issues, and other factors.
be valuable biobased products (EPA, 2007). Table 4
lists a variety of technologies, which can convert

                     Table 4. Some actual technologies for conversion of biomass in energy (Demirbas, 2001)

         Technology                  Scale                                       Energy services provided
           Biogas                    Small              -   Electricity (local pumping, mining, lighting, communication,
                                                            refrigeration, etc. and possible distribution via utility grid)
                                                        -   Cooking
                                                        -   Heating
         Producer gas          Small to medium          -   Electricity (local pumping, mining, lighting, communication,
                                                            refrigeration, etc. and possible distribution via utility grid)
                                                        -   Cooking
                                                        -   Heating
           Ethanol            Medium to large           -   Vehicle transportation
                                                        -   Cooking
        Steam turbine         Medium to large           -   Electricity (for industrial processing and grid distribution)
                                                        -   Heating process heat
         Gas turbine          Medium to large           -   Electricity (for industrial processing and grid distribution)
                                                        -   Heating process heat

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

         The research and development of the new                     much slower than that of many European Union
technology of biomass energy, such as the research of                countries. Germany has an average annual growth
highly efficient and low cost conversion and                         rate of 22.7% (reaching 1986 GWh in 2001), Italy of
application of biomass energy, the making of                         55.3% (684 GWh) and France of 19.8% (601 GWh)
liquefied oils at normal pressure by fast liquefaction,              since 1992. Most of the growth in the biogas segment
the research of the technology of catalytic chemical                 has taken place in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and
transformation and equipment for the transformation                  continued strong growth is expected for the near
of biomass energy as well as fluidized gasification                  future.
techniques are the focuses of research.
                                                                     4.2. Liquid biofuels
4. Biofuels from biomass
                                                                               Liquid biofuels have gained importance in
         Biomass fuels in their unprocessed form                     the last decades in Latin America, and more recently
comprise wood, straw, animal dung, vegetable matter,                 in Europe and other countries of the Organisation for
agricultural waste, while processed biomass includes                 Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
methane, charcoal, sawdust and alcohol produced                      particularly in the transport sector (IBEP, 2006).
from fermentation processes. In developing countries                           In the late 1990s and early 2000s, liquid
they can account for 35%, on average, of primary                     biofuels grew in European Union from 7TJ in 1990 to
energy needs, while in some other areas, this rises to               almost 7,400TJ in 2002
as much as 90% with marked effect on the                             (http://www.greenjobs.com/Public/info/industry_back
environment                                                          ground.aspx?id=13). Today, biomass is the only
(http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2006/june/biomass.                 available renewable energy source that can produce
htm; IBEP, 2006).                                                    competitive fuels for transport in larger quantities
         Using biomass to generate heat or to drive                  (Parikka, 2006). The biomass resources considered
steam engines is not new. But old-fashioned methods                  as well as their classification based on fuel quality
of burning wood, field residues, or waste were not                   and conversion technology are presented in Table 5
environmentally sound because they emitted polluting                 (Nikolaou et al., 2003).
smoke and volatile organic compounds into the air                    Liquid biofuels cover biogasoline and biodiesels:
(Bauen et al., 2004; DOE, 2000). Today, scientists                             Biogasoline:     this     category    includes
and engineers use improved processes to develop                      bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the
several new methods that cleanly and efficiently                     biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol
convert biomass to electricity. One new method uses                  (methanol produced from biomass and/or the
biomass to replace a portion of the coal used to fuel a              biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE
power plant through cofiring.                                        (ethyltertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of
         The cost of biomass fuel supply depends on                  bioethanol: the percentage by volume of bioETBE
the cost of producing or recovering the ‘feedstock’ –                that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE
raw materials – and those incurred during its transport              (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of
and pre-processing prior to use in a power                           biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE
plant.                                                               that is calculated as biofuel is 36 %).
                                                                               Liquid biofuels cover biogasoline and
4.1. Biogas                                                          biodiesels:
                                                                               Biogasoline:     this     category    includes
          Biogas can provide a clean, easily controlled              bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the
source of renewable energy from organic waste                        biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol
materials replacing firewood or fossil fuels.                        (methanol produced from biomass and/or the
          Biogas primary energy production grew                      biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE
from virtually zero in 1992 to surpass renewable                     (ethyltertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of
municipal wastes in 2002. Electricity production from                bioethanol: the percentage by volume of bioETBE
biogas grew from an estimated 5,000 GWh in 1990 to                   that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE
13,617 GWh in 2001 (IEA, 2007). While in the early                   (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of
1990’s, nearly the entire amount of biogas electricity               biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE
was produced in the United States, the largest                       that is calculated as biofuel is 36 %).
proportion of this production has moved to OECD                                Biodiesels: this category includes biodiesel
Europe, which contributes 58.1% of biogas electricity                (a methyl-ester produced from vegetable or animal
today. Therefore, most production takes place in the                 oil,     of     diesel    quality),     biodimethylether
member countries of the European Union. The largest                  (dimethylether produced from biomass), Fischer
producer in the European Union is the United                         Tropsch (Fischer Tropsch produced from biomass),
Kingdom, which provided 2,870 GWh of biogas                          cold pressed bio-oil (oil produced from oil seed
electricity in 2001. While the United States, with                   through mechanical processing only) and all other
4,860 GWh, remains the largest individual producer,                  liquid biofuels which are added to, blended with or
its growth of 5.4% per annum since 1992 has been                     used straight as transport diesel.

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

                       Table 5. Classification of the biomass fuel resources under study (Nikolaou et al., 2003).

        Sector          Resource              Fuel category              Fuel quality (indicative)          Conversion
                                                                      Moisture          Ash content (%
                                                                    content (% wet        dry basis)
                       Agricultural        Dry lignocellulosic          30-50                2.2-17         Combustion,
                        residues               (e.g. straw,                                                 gasification,
                                                 pruning)                                                   liquefaction
                     Livestock waste         Wet cellulosic             74-92.1            27.1-35.4          digestion
      Agriculture                          Dry lignocellulosic            75                17.5-28         Combustion,
                                           (e.g. poultry litter)                                            gasification,
                       Energy crops        Dry lignocellulosic          12.5-50              0.3-8.4        Combustion,
                                             Oil seeds for                na                 <0.02           Extraction
                                           Sugar/starch crops             na                 <0.02         Fermentation
                                              for ethanol
       Forestry         Wood fuel          Dry lignocellulosic           46.7                    0.4-5      Combustion,
                      Forest residues      Dry lignocellulosic           46.7                    3.2        Combustion,
       Industry                            Dry lignocellulosic           10-30             0.71-18.34       Combustion,
                    Industrial residues                                                                     gasification,
                                             Wet cellulosic              80-99               3.8-5.9          digestion
                                              Black liquor                 90                 36.4          combustion
        Waste        Regulated waste        Municipal waste                30                  36           combustion
                                           Demolition wood               30-40                0.58          combustion
                      Non- regulated         Landfill waste                30                  36             Digestion
                          waste             Sewage sludge                 72.8                26.4            digestion
       Parks and       Urban wood          Dry lignocellulosic             35                 39.4          Combustion,
        gardens                                                                                             gasification,
                         Cut grass            Wet cellulosic             75-80                    8.4         digestion

         Liquid biofuels grew from 7TJ in 1990 to                    (http://themes.eea.europa.eu/Sectors_and_activities/e
almost 7400TJ in 2002 and represented about 1.5% in                  nergy/indicators/EN30,2007.04).
total fuel consumption for transport (Germany, in                    Worldwide, electricity production benefited during
2004) (Fig. 8, Eurostat, 2007). The price range is                   the last decade from the rise in importance of new
dependent upon plant scale and efficiency factors.                   renewable electricity production industrial sectors
Also, the price of biofuels is dependent on the source               (wind power, biomass, geothermal energy and solar
(Fig. 9). The average price for biofuels in Europe                   energy).
varies between 1.0 €/GJ (recovered wood) to 8.4 €/GJ                           While they only represented 11% of
(densified biofuels).                                                renewable electricity in 2006, these sectors (new by
                                                                     their degree of industrialization) have contributed
5. Renewable electricity from biomass                                29.3% of the increase in renewable electricity
                                                                     production between 1996 and 2006 (228.5 TWh out
          Electricity generation from biomass fuels                  of a total of 779.6 TWh). Their share in total
currently uses the same basic technology used in                     electricity production gained 0.9 points between 1996
power plants that burn solid fossil fuels. However,                  and 2006 (from 1.2% to 2.1%), while that of
new technologies are being developed to improve                      hydraulic power lost 2.3 points (from 18.9% to
power production efficiency from biomass.                            16.6%). The share of renewable energy in EU-25
          The electricity directive (2001/77/EC)                     electricity consumption grew only slightly over the
defines renewable electricity as the share of                        period 1990-2004 to reach 13.7%, despite a
electricity produced from renewable energy sources                   substantial increase in the total amount of renewable
in gross electricity consumption                                     electricity generation (up by 49 % since 1990) (Fig.

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

             Fig. 8. Share of biofuels in total fuel consumption for transport in 2004

                  Fig. 9. Average price for biofuels in Europe (Eurostat, 2007)

      Fig. 10. Renewable electricity as a percentage of gross electricity consumption, 2004

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

          In 2001 about 33,379 GWh of electricity                 the studies examined the air, land and water impacts
were produced from renewable solid waste in the                   of every step of the bioenergy process, from
OECD. By far the largest producer of electricity from             cultivating, collecting, and transporting biomass to
renewable municipal solid waste is the United States,             converting it to energy
generating 16,818 GWh, or 50.4% of OECD                           (http://www.azocleantech.com/Details.asp?ArticleId=
production. The second largest producer is Japan,                 87).
with a production of 5,338 GWh. With 2,044 GWh,                             Fig. 11 provides a diagram which indicates
Germany represents the third largest producer. The                some of the process steps that should be included in
remaining electricity production from renewable                   LCA calculation, the emissions or energy requirement
municipal solid waste is spread among smaller                     associated with each process step (Rowe et al., 2008).
producers in OECD Europe. Denmark and Italy                       In addition, very different impacts are likely to arise
experienced the highest growth rates, increasing their            depending on which category
production from 47 GWh to 1,068 GWh (at 32.8%                     of biomass feedstock is used and which technologies
per year) and from 71 GWh to 1,258 GWh (at 29.9%                  are used to convert the biomass to useful energy.
per year) respectively between 1990 and 2001 (IEA,                Contamination with non-biomass or modified
2002).                                                            biomass streams also represents a particular problem
          Bauen et al. (2004) estimated that                      as, even in very small quantities; these contaminants
bioelectricity, excluding municipal solid waste to                can lead to measurable toxic emissions and health
electricity, today represents a very small fraction of            hazards. The production of bioenergy on the basis of
world electricity production, about 30 GW                         residual products such as straw, slurry, animal fat,
representing about 1 % of installed capacity, but has a           grass and perennial crops provides a better energy
very strong potential for growth. Its growth will be              balance and environmental effect when used in direct
driven by the need to increase the use of renewable               combustion, biogas or thermal gasification.
energy sources for electricity production to ensure                         The development of biomass resources and
sustainable production of electricity.                            the conservation of biodiversity and local
          By factoring in the pollution-related                   environments can go hand in hand. The biomass
environmental and social costs generated by fossil                production has several environmental advantages,
and nuclear fuels, bioelectricity became a very                   including: substituting fossil fuel use with a CO2-
competitive energy source.                                        neutral alternative; reducing emissions of other
                                                                  atmospheric pollutants, such as sulphur; protecting
6. Impacts of biomass conversion to energy                        soil and watersheds; increasing or maintaining
                                                                  biodiversity: and reducing fire risk in forestry (Bauen
6.1. Overall environmental impacts                                et al., 2004).
                                                                  Biomass energy systems have a wide range of
          Biomass provides a clean, renewable energy              potential      socioeconomic     and      environmental
source that could dramatically improve the                        impacts—both positive and negative. Such impacts
environment, economy and energy security. The use                 are often treated as only "secondary" effects in the
of biomass for energy has effects on all the                      planning and implementation of energy projects, even
environmental media i.e. soil, water and air. In                  though they can greatly influence whether a project is
addition, these effects may have impacts on human                 appropriate and sustainable in the local context.
and animal health and welfare, soil quality, water use,                     Biomass energy generates far less air
biodiversity and public amenity. These impacts arise              emissions than fossil fuels, reduces the amount of
from each of the individual stages of the biomass                 waste sent to landfills. Energy derived from biomass
energy fuel chains (Bauen et al., 2004;                           results is potentially greenhouse neutral, because the
http://www.fvm.dk/Environmental_impacts.aspx?ID=                  carbon dioxide released by combustion was taken out
19789).                                                           of the atmosphere as the biomass grew. Carbon
          Although there is a large body of research in           dioxide emissions could be cut by around 1,000
this area, the environmental costs and benefits                   megatonnes per year, if OECD countries used
associated with bioenergy can be difficult to assess              biomass - fuel generated from agriculture and forest
because of the complexity of the production systems.              products - instead of coal to generate electricity
One technique which has been used extensively in the              (Bauen et al., 2004; Perlack et al., 2005).
literature to compare the energy and greenhouse gases             Biodiesel, produced from vegetable oil, can substitute
balances of bioenergy chains is life cycle assessment             for fossil-diesel in transport and heating and
(LCA), an internationally recognised technique for                electricity generation.
evaluating the natural resource requirements and                            Biofuels such as biodiesel, ethanol and
environmental impacts from the whole process and                  methanol, can be a greenhouse-neutral, renewable
materials involved in the manufacture of a product or             energy source for use in transport vehicles, stationary
service (Rowe, 2008).                                             engines, and small electricity generators.
          Several studies examined the life-cycle                           Biomass electricity is potentially greenhouse
impact of bioenergy for power (Carpentieri et al.,                neutral if produced from biomass such as plantation
2005; Heller et al., 2004; Rowe et al., 2008). That is,           fuel-wood.

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

Fig. 11. Diagram of emissions breakdown for heat and power production, necessary for each bioenergy chain (Rowe et al., 2008)

          Modernized bioenergy systems have                           unless there is sufficiently effective environmental
environmental impacts associated both with the                        regulation of this, for example in the form of demands
growing of the biomass and with its conversion to                     for extensive land cultivation (Bauen et al., 2004).
modern energy carriers. Significant impact is                                    The use of perennial crops, where they
expected from bioenergy with respect to mitigation of                 replace annual crops, will result in reduced oil
climate change, development of rural areas and                        disturbance, greater soil cover and hence lower
employment options as well as the provision of                        erosion, improved soil organic matter and soil carbon
alternative energy forms.                                             levels and increased biodiversity, particularly where
          However, the environmental impact induced                   the change results in a decreased application of inputs
by using biomass as a source of fuel varies according                 (fertilizers and pesticides) (Bauen et al., 2004).
to the type of conversion technology.                                            Also, plants can selectively and actively
                                                                      absorb toxins, including heavy metals and ash
6.2. Impact on soil                                                   recycling could cause such toxins to be concentrated
                                                                      in the bioenergy plantation’s soils. This characteristic
          Environmental     impacts      of    biomass                of certain plant species to selectively absorb toxins is
production must be viewed in comparison to the                        sometimes used to rehabilitate polluted soils in a
likely alternative land-use activities. For example, at               process known as phytoremediation.
the local or regional level, the relative impacts of                             Sometimes, the feedstock’s nutrient content
producing bioenergy feedstocks depends not only on                    can be recovered from the conversion facility in the
how the biomass is produced, but also on how the                      form of ash or sludge and then converted into a form
land would have been used otherwise.                                  that can be applied to the field rather than put in a
          Biomass crops pose a particular challenge                   landfill, so that the nutritive value of the ash or sludge
for good soil management because the plant material                   is less than optimal (Kartha, 2006).
is often completely harvested, leaving little organic                            Soil organic matter and nutrient levels have
matter or plant nutrients for recycling back into the                 to be maintained or even improved where bioenergy
soil (Kartha, 2006). Increasing the production of                     production is to be based on exploiting agricultural
biomass involves a risk of growing pressure on                        and forestry residues. In many cases, farmers can
biodiversity and of increased leaching of nutrients                   reduce the risk of nutrient depletion by allowing the

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

most nutrient-rich parts of the plant—small branches,                        Some studies found that biomass gasification
twigs, and leaves—to decompose on the field. Also,                  with combined-cycle power plant technology would
monitoring may be required to ensure that.                          release far less SO2, NOx, CO2, particulate matter,
                                                                    methane and carbon monoxide than coal power plants
6.3. Impact on water                                                (ABA, 2005; Perlack et al., 2005; REPP, 2006;).

          The assessment of direct environmental                    7. Bioenergy and sustainable development
impacts of energy from biomass for energy for water
mainly envisages the following aspects (Bauen et al.,               7.1. Biomass energy systems and linkages to
2004; Moret et al., 2006): absolute and relative                    sustainable human development
consumption; reuse (consumption/unit produced);
discharge of effluents and infiltration; monitoring of                        The progress of any nation today is
contamination by fertilizers, herbicides and                        measured in terms of its efforts towards the
insecticides; turbidity; eutrophication; suspended                  achievement of the Millennium Development Goals
solid particles; environmental suitability of                       (MDGs). Many factors converge in making bioenergy
technology used to extract water; use of best available             a key component and a viable opportunity in the great
irrigation    practices;    groundwater        depletion;           effort towards the achievement of the Millennium
restoration of groundwater etc.                                     Development Goals (MDGs). Although the
          The use of perennial crops and no-till buffer             sustainable access to energy is not treated as a priority
zones along water courses is already being actively                 in itself in the MDGs, most of them have a direct
considered as a cost effective method for reducing                  energy implication, particularly Goal 1 (Eradicate
chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and                      extreme poverty and hunger) and Goal 7 (Ensure
BOD) levels in agricultural water courses.                          environmental sustainability) (FAO, 2005).According
          There may also be negative impacts from the               to the WSSD Johannesburg Declaration, energy must
introduction of energy crops on local and regional                  be considered a human need on a par with other basic
hydrology, because a significant increase in the                    human needs (clean water, sanitation, shelter, health
interception and use of rainfall could result from a                care, food security and biodiversity) (ESC, 2007;
wide spread implementation, with potentially                        IBEP, 2006)
substantial reductions in rainfall infiltration and                           The assessment of the sustainability of
negative impacts of aquifers in the region (Bauen et                energy supply from firewood and other forms of plant
al., 2004; Lyons et al., 2001). Certain practices, like             biomass has changed greatly since the problems of a
harvesting residues, cultivating tree crops without                 strong dependency on fossil energy carriers have
undergrowth, and planting species that do not                       come to the forefront (IAEA, 2005; Otto, 2007;
generate adequate amounts or types of litter, can                   Sheehan, 2004; Sims, 2003). Fig. 12 provides a
reduce the ability of rainfall to infiltrate the soil and           conceptual representation of bioenergy systems, as
restock groundwater supplies, intensifying problems                 addressed by United Nations Development
of water overconsumption (Kartha, 2006).                            Programme, in the context of sustainable human
                                                                    development (Kartha and Larson, 2000).
6.4. Impact on atmosphere                                                     The socio-economic and environmental
                                                                    benefits of bioenergy projects are accepted by
         The contribution that biomass could make to                planners and operators of development programmes
the energy sector is still considerable, since it creates           in forestry, agriculture and energy domains
less carbon dioxide than its fossil-fuel counterpart.               (http://www.spatial.baltic.net/_files/Planning_indicat
         The utilization of biomass is often presented              ors.pdf). Also they are recognizing and are now
as a key strategy for reducing greenhouse gases                     seeing bioenergy as a way to reduce poverty and
(GHG) emissions from electricity generation and                     improve livelihoods in rural areas, overcoming the
transport. Using biomass potentially provides low                   negative perception of bioenergy as a key symptom of
carbon transport fuel, heat and power, as biomass                   under-development or an environmental hazard.
crops assimilate carbon from the atmosphere during                  Bioenergy projects contribute to the eradication of
growth. Therefore, the carbon released back to the                  extreme poverty and to ensure environmental
atmosphere when the biomass is combusted is that                    sustainability in several aspects highlighted in Table 6
which has been recently captured and should not raise               (FAO, 2005).
atmospheric concentrations.
         Burning biomass will not solve the currently               7.2. Sustainable biomass use for energy
unbalanced carbon dioxide problem. Conceptually,
the carbon dioxide produced by biomass when it is                            Concerns about potential negative effects of
burned will be sequestered evenly by plants growing                 large-scale biomass production and export, like
to replace the fuel. In other words, it is a closed cycle           deforestation or the competition between food and
which results in net zero impact                                    biomass production, have led to the demand for
(http://www.azocleantech.com/Details.asp?ArticleId=                 sustainability criteria and certification systems that
87).                                                                can control biomass trade (IAEA, 2005;
                                                                    Lewandowski and Faaij, 2006; Sheehan, 2004).

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

           Fig. 12. Conceptual representation of biomass energy systems and linkages to sustainable human development

                                 Table 6. Contributions of bioenergy to sustainability (FAO, 2005)

  Sustainability component        How does bioenergy contribute to MDG achievement
  Economics                       - save external currencies through the substitution of imported fossil fuels
                                  - leads to improved economic development and poverty alleviation, especially in rural areas by
                                  increasing the use of biomass for energy (from sustainable resource management)
                                  - provide greater diversification and income opportunities for agriculture, agro-industries and
                                  - increase the access of small rural industries to energy services
                                  - enhance the value of rural resources, encouraging private and public sector participation and
                                  - boost national energy security and reduce the oil import bill

  Social development              - increase both access to and reliability of energy services for households in rural areas, thus
                                  improving the quality of life
                                  stimulate governance options, equity and gender equality, especially in view of women's central
                                  role in household energy management
                                  - attracts investments towards rural areas, generating new business opportunities for small-and
                                  medium-sized enterprises in biofuel production, preparation, transportation, trade and use, and
                                  generates incomes (and jobs) for the people living in and around these areas
                                  - bioelectricity production has the highest employment-creation potential among renewable
                                  energy options
                                  - bioenergy can be a lever for rural development and regeneration in areas where investment is
                                  most needed and the creation of jobs is most difficult
                                  - indicators of social accountability include
                                  participation of representatives of socio-environmental organizations; participation of the
                                  communities as decision-makers and not only being consulted; the degree of inclusion of the local
                                  population in the project design, and knowledge of the proposal and the alternatives.

  Environment                     reduced indoor air pollution from wood energy combustion in poor households associated to the
                                  characteristics of cooking devices with positive impacts
                                  resource conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation (through sustainable biomass production in
                                  marginal lands
                                  reduced CO2 emissions by using cleaner fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel

            To ensure that biomass as a source of                        sustainable development in order to identify such
  renewable sustainable energy will be produced and                      indicators. Minimum criteria for bioenergy
  processed in a responsible manner, some                                sustainability envisage the following aspects (Cramer,
  sustainability criteria have to be incorporated into the               2006; Sheehan, 2004):
  relevant policy instruments.                                           - comply with present international obligations and
            Chapter 40 of Agenda 21 calls for the                            local jurisdiction, in addition to other specific
  development       of     indicators   for    sustainable                   indicators.
  development. In particular, it requests countries at the               - comply with specific indicators and active
  national level, and international governmental and                         conservation.
  non-governmental organizations at the international                             Some criteria and indicators of sustainability
  level to develop the concept of indicators of                          for the generation of renewable energy from biomass

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

discussed within the Energy Working Group of                           criteria – basic criteria applicable to any type of
FBOMS, in an attempt to contextualize and deepen                       initiative - and specific criteria - for projects that
the national and international debate about future                     involve the use of bioenergy (Moret et al., 2006).
initiatives, in a participatory and engaged manner are
presented in Table 7. It synthesizes both the general

                              Table 7. Criteria and indicators for sustainability (Moret et al., 2006).

Criteria                        Desirable and Prerequisites                            Indicators
         Use of bioenergy       Creating more efficient transport systems              Rates of reduction of consumption
                                Promotion of energy efficiency                         Increased end-use conservation
                                                                                       Capacity for reduction, reuse and recycling
                                                                                       of inputs in the final activities for which the
                                                                                       energy is destined
                                                                                       Inclusion of demand management in the
                                                                                       project planning horizon

         Technology             Decentralized generation and production                Relation between local workers and
                                Technology appropriation by local population           outsiders involved in project maintenance
                                New technology capable of reducing pressure of         Application of clean technologies
                                energy production on ecosystems                        Technological innovation
                                Horizontal transfer of technologies and                Capacity of reproduction of technology used
                                knowledge                                              Origin of equipment
                                Contribution to diversification of energy matrix       Existence of technology licences
                                                                                       Need for international technical support
                                                                                       Changes in use of sustainable energy,

         Organization of        Cooperatives                                           Sharing of profits from biofuels production
         production/labor       Family agriculture                                     chain by family farmers
         relations                                                                     Level of satisfaction with existing contracts

         Financing              Credits, access to land                                Programs and lines of credit
                                                                                       Conditions for government financing

       Social                   Information and capacity building                      Participation of local population and
accountability                                                                         national socio-environmental organizations
                                                                                       in projects design

         Participation in       Information and training, political forums for         Number, sites, nature and types of
         decision making        participation with real influence over decisions       consultations, form of publicity, access to
                                                                                       information, language and accessibility of
                                                                                       material used

         Type of management     Training for management                                Organizational structures and forms of
                                                                                       decision-making, number of
                                                                                       participants/decision makers, involvement
                                                                                       of organizations representing local workers,
                                                                                       participation of women

                                                                                       Number of jobs per unit of energy
         Job creation and       Training for creation of cooperatives, awareness       (production chain, implementation and
         income generation      and training of families with technical and            operation), profit sharing, generation of new
                                political information                                  local opportunities and sources of income,
                                                                                       relation between local jobs before and after
                                                                                       the project, indexes of increase in
                                                                                       acquisitive power of the local population

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

       Social inclusion          Sharing of project benefits with local population       Number of families previously without
                                                                                         access to energy who benefit from the
                                                                                         Measures of quality and compliance with
                                                                                         accepted standards of the involuntary
                                                                                         resettlements, when necessary and accepted
                                                                                         Impact on quality life of the communities
                                                                                         Social programmes, especially for health
                                                                                         and education
                                                                                         Epidemiological assessment and monitoring
                                                                                         Contribution to access to services and
                                                                                         infrastructure on the part of local
                                                                                         populations to education, energy, waste and
                                                                                         sewage services

       Gender equality           Recognition of women and key actors in all stages       Existence of programs and policies for
                                 of decision-making processes                            women and youth

       Environmental             Use of best available practices                         Monoculturea area
       management                Diversity of crops                                      Soil loss
                                 Agroforestry systems                                    Atmospheric emissions and effluents into
                                 Agroecology                                             water bodies
                                 Minimizationor elimination of pesticide use
                                 Reduction of soil loss
                                 Training of producers

       Land use                  Comply with economic/ecological zoning                  Decentralization and diversification of
                                 Regions classified as suitable by strategic             production system in an area/region
                                 environmental assessment                                Sizes of continuous areas of monocultures
                                 Defined limits for occupation of biomass                Distance from energy source to consumer
                                 Diversification and decentralization of economic        Distance traveled and time spent by workers
                                 activities                                              to project area
                                 Protection of natural areas                             Time necessary to manage crops

          Otto (2007) retains a set of internationally                   -   fifth, methods to formulate indicators, that make
agreed criteria, such as:                                                    sustainability criteria measurable, and verifiers
  - wide acceptance to avoid shifting the problem                            that are used to control the performance of
      from one area to another                                               indicators are described.
  - ease of reference                                                                The Project Group established by Dutch
  - cost                                                                 government       (IPM,     2007)     has     formulated
  - international trade                                                  sustainability criteria for the production and the
  - complemented by regional/national protocols                          processing of biomass in energy, fuels and chemistry.
  - taking into account specificities                                    The project group distinguishes six relevant themes
          Lewandowski and Faaij (2006) have                              concerning bioenergy sustainability:
analyzed existing certification systems, sets of                             - greenhouse gas emissions (calculated over the
sustainability criteria or guidelines on environmental                           whole chain, the use of biomass must produce
or social sound management of resources with the                                 fewer emissions of greenhouse gases net than
purpose to learn about the requirements, contents and                            on average with fossil fuel)
organizational set ups of a certification system for                         - competition with food and other local
sustainable biomass trade, by covering the following                             applications (the production of biomass for
successive steps:                                                                energy must not endanger the food supply and
- first, an inventory of existing systems was made;                              other local applications (such as for medicines
- second, their structures were analyzed and key                                 or building materials)
    finding from the analysis of internationally                             - biodiversity (biomass production must not
    applied certification systems were summarized;                               affect protected or vulnerable biodiversity and
- third and fourth steps: different approaches to                                will, where possible, have to strengthen
    formulate standards were described and a list of                             biodiversity)
    more than 100 social, economic, ecological and                           - environment (biomass production must not
    general criteria for sustainable biomass trade was                           affect protected or vulnerable biodiversity and
    extracted from the reviewed systems;                                         will, where possible, have to strengthen

Biomass power for energy and sustainable development

   -   prosperity (the production of biomass must                  2008). Many rural areas are growing and
       contribute towards local prosperity)                        experiencing increasing energy demand. Smaller
   -   social well-being (the production of biomass                facilities have fewer environmental impacts and can
       must contribute towards the social well-being               operate with locally produced biomass fuel. Using
       of the employees and the local population).                 biomass delivers a triple benefit by keeping the
                                                                   wealth nearby, paying farmers to grow and harvest
8. Rural areas and bioenergy                                       biomass feedstocks, and providing clean energy. The
                                                                   national benefits include lower sulfur emissions
           Using biomass, such as energy crops, crop               (which contribute to acid rain), reductions in
processing waste, and agricultural residues, to                    greenhouse gas emissions, and less dependence on
produce energy is beneficial for the nation, especially            fossil fuels. Rural benefits feature new sources of
rural areas: job creation, rural development and                   income for farmers, more jobs, and economic
development of local economies through the use of                  development—all achieved while preserving the high
bioenergy (Domac, 2002; Hillring, 2002; Plieninger                 quality of life, local control, and clean environment.
et al., 2006; Sims, 2003).                                                   Bioenergy feedstocks can be produced in
           Rural areas can better serve as indicator for           conjunction with other local necessities—food,
measuring any progress made towards achieving                      fodder, fuelwood, construction materials, artisan
MDGs. Increasing the use of biomass for energy                     materials, other agricultural crops, etc. Feedstock
(from sustainable resource management) leads to                    production can help restore the environment on which
improved economic development, and poverty                         the poor depend for their livelihoods—re-vegetating
alleviation, especially in rural areas.                            barren land, protecting watersheds and harvesting
           The OECD definition, taking into account                rainwater (Møller, 2006; UNEP, 2006). Bioenergy
population density at the local level, considers as                activities also serve as an efficient use for agricultural
rural those local government units with less than 150              residues, avoiding the pest, waste, and pollution
inhabitants/km2. Then it identifies three categories of            problems of residue disposal (Kartha and Larson,
regions (NUTS3 or NUTS2 level): mostly rural (more                 2000). For instance, bioenergy activities can provide
than 50% of the population in rural communities),                  locally produced energy sources to:
intermediate (between 15 and 50% of the population                        - pump water for drinking and irrigation,
in rural communities) and mostly urban (less than                         - light homes, schools, and health clinics,
15% of the population in rural communities).                              - improve communication and access to
           The new philosophy of rural area                                   information,
development is based upon the concept of sustainable                      - provide energy for local enterprises,
rural development, which presupposes the                                  - ease pressure on fuel wood resources.
harmonious blending of the agricultural (and forestry)                       Potential benefits for rural areas encompass
component and the non-agricultural rural economy                   job creation, use of surplus agricultural land in
component, based upon the following principles                     industrialized countries, provision of modem energy
(Otiman, 2008):                                                    carriers to rural communities in developing countries,
    - harmony between the rural economy and the                    waste control and nutrient recycling (Hall, 1997;
         environment       (economy        –    ecology            Plieninger et al., 2006).
         equilibrium);                                                       The rural area can carry out its supply,
    - sustainable development programs should                      recreation and equilibrium functions, much desired by
         have in view a medium and long term time                  the society, only on the condition it remains an
         horizon;                                                  attractive and original living space, equipped with
    - rural area naturalization, by preserving the                 (http://ideas.repec.org/a/iag/reviea/v5y2008i1-2p4-
         natural environment mostly intact;                        18.html):
    - the anthropized, man-made environment,                       – a good infrastructure;
         should be as close as possible to the natural             – a viable agricultural and forestry sector;
         environment;                                              – local conditions favorable to non-agricultural
    - the use of local natural resources, mainly of                economic activities;
         renewable resources, in the rural economic                – an intact environment with a well-cared landscape.
    - diversification of the agricultural economy                  9. Biomass for energy in Romania
         structure through a large variety of activities
         such as the development of agri-food                      9.1. Romanian bioenergy background
         economy, non-agricultural economy and
         services.                                                           Rural development is an essential topic,
       The new European rural economy model                        especially in those countries as Romania and all East
focuses on sustainable development of the                          European countries, where rural space and production
agricultural sector, which implies the natural                     is still a major part of whole economic structure
environment          protection,      food     security,           (Naghiu et al., 2005). This can be considered an
competitiveness,       accelerating     the   economic             important way to revitalize declining areas and ensure
development of the rural space (Burja and Burja,                   them possibilities of achieving a sustainable future.

Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640

           With an area of 238 thousand km2 and a                                    The main sources of air pollution and
  population of more than 21 million inhabitants,                          greenhouse gas emissions in Romania are currently
  Romania is an important new EU member state in                           the energy producing industry (thermal energy based
  terms of size, although there is a large gap between                     on the burning of coal and oil still accounts for about
  this country and the old member states as far as the                     60% of domestic power generation), transportation,
  level of economic and social development is                              and to a lesser extent, agriculture. Low level of
  concerned. Rural areas play an important part in this                    mechanization in Romanian agriculture, in contrast
  respect, both by their size and residential, economic                    with European average, together with small areas
  and recreational dimensions.                                             covered by greenhouses, are generating a low
           According to the national definition, rural                     contribution to climate change. However, the old park
  areas in Romania cover 87.1% of the territory, and                       of tractors and main agricultural machines, need to be
  include 45.1% of the population (on 1 July 2005                          renewed in order to keep a low level of emissions.
  indicators of National Statistical Institute), i.e. 9.7                  Available EUROSTAT data indicates that the
  million inhabitants.                                                     agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases in 2002
           Romania has got various particularities of                      were over 11.02 million tonnes of CO2 equivalence.
  the sustainable development in the farming sector,                       Total emissions from agriculture in the EU-12 for the
  concerning poverty in the countryside, scarcity of                       same period were 416.4 million tonnes of CO2
  productive technologies, practicing subsistence                          equivalence.
  agriculture, excessively cutting of the farm land                                  Romania benefits from hydro-power
  estate. In the same time, there are also some                            generation, which combined with other modest
  advantages concerning the old traditions of Romanian                     sources of renewable energy, generate about 28.8 %
  rural economy, which are based on the ecological                         of the domestic energy supply (10% is generated by
  technologies and the high productive potential of the                    nuclear power plants). Agriculture and forestry also
  agricultural lands (Burja and Burja, 2008).                              have the potential to provide significant quantities of
           Romania was one of the first countries to                       biomass, the energy potential of which is estimated to
  sign the Kyoto Protocol and thereby show its                             be approximately 7 594 000 equivalent oil tons per
  commitment to the fight against climate change by                        year. This includes residue from forest enterprises and
  agreeing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8%                        firewood (15.5%), sawdust and other wood residue
  by 2012. It is now one of the leading new EU                             (6.4%), agricultural residues (63.2%), household
  Member States in achieving this objective with a                         waste (7.2%) and bio-gas (7.7%).
  reduction of more than 30 % of gas emissions since                                 Biomass resources and delivery costs are
  1989 (National Strategy, 2005).                                          presented in Table 8 (Nikolaou et al., 2003).

                 Table 8. Biomass resources supply, energy crops and delivery costs in Romania (Nikolaou et al., 2003)

  Sector         Resource            Fuel category        Curent use      Technical         Biomass not         Available     Available
                                                          for energy      biomass           available for       biomass       energy
                                                          2000            potential         various             (dry          potential
                                                          (PJ/year)       2000       (dry   reasons             tons/year)=   2000
                                                                          tons/year)        2000     (dry       [a]-[b]       PJ/year
                                                                          [a]               tons/year)

                 Dry agricultural    Dry                                  7826000           0                   4128000       73.304
                 residues            lignocellulosic

                 Livestock           Wet cellulosic                       5735172           4427172             1308000       11.772

      Agricul    waste               Dry cellulosic       0               757116            0                   757116        10.599624
      ture                           Dry                  0               n.a               n.a                 n.a           n.a
                 Energy crops        lignocellulosic
                                     Oil seeds for        0               n.a               n.a                 n.a           n.a
                                     Sugar/starch         0               n.a               n.a                 n.a           n.a
                                     crops for ethanol
      Forestry   Woodfuel            Dry                  109,857         6103200           0                   6103200       109.8576
                 forestry            lignocellulosic

Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development
Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development
Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development
Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development
Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development
Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development

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Biomass Power For Energy and Sustainable Development

  • 1. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal September/October 2008, Vol.7, No.5, 617-640 http://omicron.ch.tuiasi.ro/EEMJ/ “Gh. Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania ______________________________________________________________________________________________ BIOMASS POWER FOR ENERGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Maria Gavrilescu ”Gheorghe. Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Department of Environmental Engineering and Management, 71 Mangeron Blvd.,700050 Iasi, Romania, e-mail: mgav@ch.tuiasi.ro Abstract The paper discusses some aspects concerning the utilization of biomass as a bioenergy resource worldwide and in Romania, since biomass is considered a sustainable, potentially environmentally sound and a replenishable resource. The biomass categories for bioenergy are analyzed, considering the factors which influence its availability. Biomass energy potential and current use in different regions as well as in Europe is accounted. Also, biomass power as an important alternative for providing energy in rural sector is described and some technologies for biomass conversion are evaluated briefly. Biomass and renewable energy from biomass are considered end products, which involve new and advanced technologies to improve power production efficiency. It is evidenced that biomass provides a clean, renewable energy source, which could improve economic, energetic and environmental sectors. Also, many factors converge in making bioenergy a key issue toward the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals. Contributions of bioenergy to sustainable development of humanity are also discussed, based on some sustainability considerations and indicators. The investments in biomass and bioenergy in Romania are also considered as important, since the production of renewable energy for Romania is an important topic. The future projection on the use of renewable energy resources points toward actions for economic development where renewable energy from biomass will play more and more a growing role, without affecting the community food security. Keywords: biofuel, bioelectricity, environmental impact, rural energy, renewable resources, sustainability indicators 1. Introduction various basic needs: food, feed, fuel, feedstock, fibers, fertilizers (Rosillo-Calle, 2007). Nowadays, Organic matter, particularly cellulosic or biomass continues to be a subject of growing ligno-cellulosic matter is available on a renewable or significance worldwide, in particular due to its recurring basis, including dedicated energy crops and suitability as source of bioenergy, as a result of global trees, wood and wood residues, plants and associated increase in the demand for energy, the constant rise in residues, agricultural food and feed crop residues, the price of fossil fuels and the need to reduce plant fiber, aquatic plants, animal wastes, specific greenhouse gas emissions (Perlack et al., 2005; industrial waste, the paper component of municipal Thornley and Cooper, 2008; Thornley et al., 2008; solid waste, other waste materials, all of them being Yuan et al., 2008). well-known as biomass. In the same context, the term Throughout the past decades, bioenergy and biobased product is used to designate any commercial other renewable energies have been the subject of or industrial product (either from food or feed) that several international declarations and commitments utilizes biological products or renewable domestic on sustainable development (FAO, 2005; agricultural (plant, animal, or marine) or forestry http://www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/009/j4313e.htm# materials (ABB, 2003; Industry Report, 2008; P42_5511): OCAPP, 2007). Both in the application in chemistry - United Nations Conference on New and and in transport and the generation of energy, Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE), in 1981 biomass offers great opportunities for the - United Nations Conference on Environment and conservation of energy management (IPM, 2007). Development: in Agenda 21, emphasis was At some stage in human history, biomass in given to the role of bioenergy all its forms has been the most important source of - UN Millennium Declaration
  • 2. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 - World Summit on Sustainable Development (http://www.greenjobs.com/Public/info/industry_back (WSSD), where energy was high on the agenda ground.aspx?id=13). - International Conference for Renewable From an ethical point of view, only biomass Energies held in Bonn in June 2004 that is not competing with the food chain should be - Other important initiatives promoting bioenergy used for the production of fuels, chemicals, power or include the Global Environmental Facility heat. (GEF), the G-8 Task Force on Renewable Industrialized countries have over 1,500 Energy; the UNDP Initiative on Energy for million hectares of crop, forest and woodland, of Sustainable Development which some 460 million hectares are crop land. Since the Kyoto Conference (1997), there Achieving the 15 % target could require an average of has been an increasing interest about renewable 1.25 million hectares of crop land per year to be energy sources and possible alternatives to fossil fuels converted to energy plantations. This represents just that could contribute to a significantly reduction in over 2 % of the total land area in industrialized greenhouse gas emission and enhance the overall countries (Bauen et al., 2004). sustainability of modern society In USA, the forestry category at 49% is by (http://www.avanzi.unipi.it/ricerca/quadro_gen_ric/bi far the largest contributor to the state biomass, omass_bioenergy/Biomass&bioenergy_ENG.htm). followed by municipal waste with 24%, field with Energy crops may contribute to the goals of the 14%, and animal waste at 11% as the next most Kyoto Protocol by increasing C sequestration, thus important, respectively (Fig. 2) playing a strategic role for development of Under this concern, biomass is a sustainable, sustainable energy production systems. potentially environmentally sound and a replenishable It’s obvious that the biomass energy is resource, since it can be replaced fairly quickly nothing else than solar energy - stored thanks to without permanently depleting the Earth’s natural photosynthesis – in the vegetable tissues. Bioenergy resources. By comparison, fossil fuels such as natural resources take many forms, which can be broadly gas and coal require millions of years of natural classified into three categories (Rosillo-Calle et al., processes to be produced. Alternatively, biomass can 2007): easily be grown or collected, utilized and replaced. (1) residues and wastes, However, extracting energy from biomass is an (2) purpose-grown energy crops ancient practice, dating back to when people first (3) natural vegetation. burnt wood to provide heat and light. Growing biomass is a rural, labor-intensive activity, and can, Traditionally, conventional biomass is therefore, create jobs in rural areas and help stem considered to come from three distinct sources: wood, rural-to-urban migration (IBEP, 2006). waste, and alcohol fuels as summarized in the Fig. 1 Fig. 1. Biomass sources for bioenergy (adapted upon Rosillo-Calle et al., 2007) 618
  • 3. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development Fig. 2. Biomass categories for bioenergy Considering the factors which influence the 2. The share of biomass as renewable energy availability of biomass for energy purposes, it can be resource noted that the worldwide biomass system is complex and so availability is difficult to quantify, particularly Energy is one of the more basic human in light of the potential competition for biomass for needs and the trends in energy utilization are major food, fodder, materials and energy (Fig. 3). indicators of the economic growth of a particular The availability of biomass for energy will country/society. In the absence of conventional also be influenced by population growth, diet, water energy sources, the unsustainable use of biomass availability, agricultural density, and nature (Bringezu fuels is often the only resort. Tables 1 and 2 describe et al., 2007; Long et al., 2006; Olesen and Bindi, the biomass energy potential in different regions of 2002; Perlack et al., 2005). Earth and in Europe, respectively (AFB-NET, 2000; Parikka, 2006). Fig. 3. Pathway of biomass from land to processing and end-uses for materials, food and energy (Bringezu et al., 2007) 619
  • 4. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Table 1. Biomass energy potential and current use in different regions, EJ/a (EJ=1018) Biomass potential North Latin Asia Africa Europe Middle Russian World America America East Federation Woody biomass 12.8 5.9 7.7 5.4 4.0 0.4 5.4 41.6 Energy crops 4.1 12.1 1.1 13.9 2.6 0.0 3.6 37.4 Straw 2.2 1.7 9.9 0.9 1.6 0.2 0.7 17.2 a Other 0.8 1.8 2.9 1.2 0.7 0.1 0.3 7.6 =Potential 19.9 21.5 21.4 21.4 8.9 0.7 10.0 103.8 (EJ/year) Use ( EJ/year) 3.1 2.6 23.2 8.3 2.6b 0.0 0.5 39.7 Use potential (%) 16 12 108 39 29b 7 5 38 Table 2. Biomass energy potentials in Europe (PJ per year) Forest Solid ind. Ind. Firewood Wood Densified Other Peat Total residues by- black wastes wood fuels biomass products liquors fuels Austria 150.0 50.0 0.0 40.0 18.0 3.0 9.0 0.0 270.0 Belgium 7.0 13.0 8.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.0 Denmark 11.0 5.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 46.0 0.0 69.0 Finland 96.0 47.0 135.0 49.0 0.0 1.0 11.0 165.0 504.0 France 38.0 42.0 0.0 258.0 111.0 0.3 412.0 0.0 861.3 Germany 142.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 81.0 0.0 511.0 0.0 774.0 Greece 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ireland 3.0 7.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 54.0 Italy 0.0 36.0 0.0 83.0 24.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 143.0 Netherlands 4.0 30 0.0 0.0 45.0 1.0 24.0 0.0 77.0 Portugal 68.0 27.0 22.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 117.0 Spain 59.0 87.0 23.0 12.0 52.0 0.0 386.0 0.0 619.0 1 Sweden 238.0 46.4 125.0 27.0 27.0 18.0 22.0 13.0 516.4 UK 16.0 12.0 0.0 27.0 175.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 300.0 Estonia 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.2 30.0 79.2 Latvia 8.0 12.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 15.0 68.0 Poland 101.0 68.0 16.0 26.0 40.0 0.0 205.0 122.0 578.0 Romania 0.0 23.0 3.0 58.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 84.5 Slovakia 6.0 0.1 5.0 3.0 3.0 0.1 13.0 0.0 30.2 Slovenia 2.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.1 Total 979.0 525.5 337.0 629.0 580.5 28.4 1728.3 385.0 5192.7 Leible and Kälber (2005) consider that the Biomass is available in a variety of forms scientific dedication to bioenergy experienced three and is generally classified according to its source stages: (animal or plant) or according to its phase (solid, - the first stage of discussion started with the liquid or gaseous) (Bauen et al., 2004; IBEP, 2006). 1973 oil crisis and the publication of the Biomass can be burned directly or converted Club of Rome’s report on The limits of to intermediate solid, liquid or gaseous fuels to growth generate heat and electricity. All organic materials - the second stage at the beginning of the can potentially be converted into useful forms of 1980s was a discussion on reducing energy but the advantage of modern biomass-to- agricultural overproduction and creating electricity systems is that these conversion systems income in agriculture by growing energy can cope with a range of lignocellulose-rich materials. crops. This is in contrast to liquid biofuel production chains - the third stage started at the end of the that are primarily dependent on sugar, starch or oil- 1980s, which continues today, triggered by rich crops, typically annuals. The options for biomass increasing efforts for the mitigation of conversion to energy re described below. climate change and not only. There are three ways of using the biomass Using biomass to generate energy has resources, which represent the bioenergy sector positive environmental implications and creates a (EREC, 2007; IBEP, 2006): great potential to contribute considerably more to the - biomass for heating purposes (bio-heating), renewable energy sector, particularly when converted - biomass for electricity production (bio- to modern energy carriers such as electricity and electricity), liquid and gaseous fuels (IBEP, 2006; - biomass for transport fuels (transportation http://www.unido.org/index.php?id=4781). biofuels). 620
  • 5. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development All these processes enable to take profit of to a minor extent, in combined heat and power (CHP) the CO2 mitigation potential of biomass. Since applications (Parikka, 2006) (Fig. 5). Biomass is biomass is the result of storing sun light as chemical expected to cover as much as 8% of the total EU energy in plants through photosynthesis, when energy supply in 2010 (Parikka, 2006). sunlight transforms CO2 from the atmosphere and water into complex plant polymers over short periods of time, the use of this resource as a material or durable product keeps the CO2 stored. The CO2 released is equivalent to the amount of CO2 absorbed by the biomass (photosynthesis) in the growing phase (Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). Practically, the equivalent of 10 to 30% of the energy content of the raw biomass is used in cropping, transport, conversion and upgrading. This amount of energy can partially come from the biomass itself, which makes the overall CO2-balance nearly neutral (Yamasaki, 2003). Therefore, biomass can substantially contribute to reach the targets of the Fig. 5. Structure of energy consumption in European Union Kyoto protocol and to reduce long-term greenhouse state members in 2002 (EIA, 2003; Eurostat, 2007) gas emissions (IBEP, 2006; Kashianet al., 2006; Wiedinmyer and Neff, 2007). Also, the share of electricity generated in EU In European Union, renewable energies from renewable sources relative to gross national come mainly from biomass and waste, representing electricity consumption was situated at almost 14% in almost 72 million tons of primary production in 2004 2004, but several of the Member States showed much (UNEP, 2007). Primary production of renewable higher ratios (Austria: 59 %, Sweden: 46 %) energy: primary production of biomass, hydropower, (EUROSTAT, 2007). However, the weight of geothermal energy, wind and solar energy are biomass and waste in the primary production of included in renewable energies (Fig. 4) (EUROSTAT, production of renewable energy is not too high, 2007). In Germany, bioenergy produced an overall comparative with that of wind, for example (Fig. 6) turnover of €3.5 billion in 2004, without (EUROSTAT, 2007). consideration of the fuel-provision businesses. For Some 40 to 50 exajoules (EJ = 1018 joules) comparison, the largest German energy company per year of biomass is used for energy today out of E.ON AG achieved a transaction volume of €49.1 some 400 EJ per year of total global energy use billion in the same year (EON, 2005; Plieninger et al., (Kartha and Larson, 2000). In order to compare 2006); €1.6 billion was invested in the construction of various scales of using biomass as a renewable bioenergy plants, while €1.9 billion turnover came resource, some data are given in Table 3 from operation and maintenance (BMU, 2005; (http://lib.kier.re.kr/common/tech/tech017/bio05.pdf). Plieninger et al., 2006). As is suggested by the data from Table 3, biomass power became very important. It is appraised that biomass is the second-largest renewable source of electricity after hydropower, providing the baseload power to utilities. Various energy scenarios simulate high share of biomass energy in the future energy mixture. Several scenarios of energy evolution worldwide indicate that biomass has the potential to contribute 25%-50% of the present global energy, up to 2050 (Hall et al., 2000; Hoogwijk et al., 2003). Shell International Petroleum Co. scenario calculations (1994-1996) indicate certain conditions in which new biomass sources could contribute 45%- Fig. 4. Primary production of renewable energy in 50%. European Union (2004, % of total, based on 1000 tonnes of Hoogwijk et al., (2003) studied the potential oil equivalent) (Eurostat, 2007) availability of primary biomass for energy and found that it is influenced by: Biomass is the biggest contributor (65%) to 1) the demand for food as a function of renewable energy sources, which represented 6% population and diet consumed; from energy consumption in 2002 (EIA, 2003; 2) the food production system that can be EUROSTAT, 2007; Parikka, 2006) (Fig. 5). Energy adopted worldwide, taken into account the water and from biomass already contributes to about 4% of the nutrient availability; total EU energy supply, for the most part in heat, and 621
  • 6. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Fig. 6. The weight of different renewable energy sources in the total production of renewable energy in EU countries (1994 is the basis of reference, based on tones of oil equivalent) (Eurostat, 2007) 3) productivity of forest and energy crops; 3. Conversion of biomass into energy 4) other competing options for land-use like for nature development. Biomass energy has the potential to be Biomass utilization in developing countries modernized worldwide, i.e., produced and converted contrasts severely with biomass use in developed efficiently and cost-competitively into more countries, where fuelwood and charcoal remain the convenient forms such as gases, liquids, or electricity dominant energy source for most households (IBEP, (IBEP, 2006; Larson and Katha, 2000). Modern 2006; Kammen et al., 2003). Wood energy is also biomass now represents only 3% of primary energy becoming an increasingly important industrial energy consumption in industrialized countries, and this option in the industrialized countries of Western value has remained steady over recent years. Europe, Asia and the Pacific and North America, as it However, much of the rural population in developing is based on locally available, renewable and countries, which represents about 50% of the world’s environmentally friendly raw material (IBEP, 2006). population are reliant on traditional biomass, mainly in the form of wood for fuel. Table 3. Energy equivalent of various energy resources Traditional biomass accounts for 35% of worldwide primary energy consumption in developing countries, raising the world total to 14% of primary energy Source Energy equivalent consumption (exajoule, EJ) (1EJ = 1018 joules) (http://www.rise.org.au/info/Res/biomass/index.html All cereals worldwide 31.3 Biomass power is an important alternative All merchantable boles 14.3 for providing energy in the rural sector. The inherent Fuel wood and charcoal used advantages in utilization of biomass are that primarily in developing 15.3 employment opportunities are created even for countries cultivation, collection, transportation and storage of Usable portion of the current 60.9 biomass. biomass In evaluating biomass energy chains, it is clear that simple cost-benefit analysis does not In a report of UNEP it is shown that, on capture a range of ‘external’ costs and benefits that average, biomass accounts for 3 or 4 percent of total arise from the supply of energy services. Fig. 7 energy use in the poor areas, although in countries provides a schematic representation of biomass fuel with policies that support biomass use (e.g., Sweden, chains (Bauen et al., 2004). Finland, and Austria), the biomass contribution The technologies for biomass conversion reaches 15 to 20 percent (Kartha and Larson, 2000). mainly consist in: direct combustion processes, Most biomass in industrialized countries is converted thermochemical processes, biochemical processes into electricity and process heat in cogeneration and agrochemical processes (Demirbas, 2001; IBEP, systems (combined heat and power production) at 2006). industrial sites or at municipal district heating EPA (2007) classifies technologies for facilities biomass conversion into inert gases and organic oils, (http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~kammen/er120/ER120_ gases, and fuels that can be further used to yield L3-BiomassEnergy_for_web.pdf). desired energy products as follows: 622
  • 7. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development Fig. 7. The chains of biomass fuel (Bauen et al., 2004). - thermochemical technologies: biomass solid biomass into clean, convenient energy carriers feedstocks is converted using high temperatures (Demirbas, 2001; Kaltschmitt and Weber M., 2006; to energy, typically in the form of electricity http://www.esmeet.org/journal3.html). and heat. However, the technologies have the Most of these technologies are already in potential to produce electricity, heat, commercial use, although some more than others. bioproducts, and fuels; Each technology description - gasification, anaerobic - biochemical technologies: biological agents digestion, ethanol, steam turbine, and gas turbine - convert biomass to energy (liquid and gaseous includes a general discussion of key technical issues fuels). that must be addressed in any project involving these - chemical technologies: chemical agents are technologies. It also includes more detailed technical used to convert biomass feedstocks to energy, discussion of basic operating principles, feedstock typically in the form of liquid fuels. and other material input requirements, operating and These three biomass conversion maintenance issues, capital and operating costs, technologies may also produce byproducts that can environmental issues, and other factors. be valuable biobased products (EPA, 2007). Table 4 lists a variety of technologies, which can convert Table 4. Some actual technologies for conversion of biomass in energy (Demirbas, 2001) Technology Scale Energy services provided Biogas Small - Electricity (local pumping, mining, lighting, communication, refrigeration, etc. and possible distribution via utility grid) - Cooking - Heating Producer gas Small to medium - Electricity (local pumping, mining, lighting, communication, refrigeration, etc. and possible distribution via utility grid) - Cooking - Heating Ethanol Medium to large - Vehicle transportation - Cooking Steam turbine Medium to large - Electricity (for industrial processing and grid distribution) - Heating process heat Gas turbine Medium to large - Electricity (for industrial processing and grid distribution) - Heating process heat 623
  • 8. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 The research and development of the new much slower than that of many European Union technology of biomass energy, such as the research of countries. Germany has an average annual growth highly efficient and low cost conversion and rate of 22.7% (reaching 1986 GWh in 2001), Italy of application of biomass energy, the making of 55.3% (684 GWh) and France of 19.8% (601 GWh) liquefied oils at normal pressure by fast liquefaction, since 1992. Most of the growth in the biogas segment the research of the technology of catalytic chemical has taken place in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and transformation and equipment for the transformation continued strong growth is expected for the near of biomass energy as well as fluidized gasification future. techniques are the focuses of research. 4.2. Liquid biofuels 4. Biofuels from biomass Liquid biofuels have gained importance in Biomass fuels in their unprocessed form the last decades in Latin America, and more recently comprise wood, straw, animal dung, vegetable matter, in Europe and other countries of the Organisation for agricultural waste, while processed biomass includes Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), methane, charcoal, sawdust and alcohol produced particularly in the transport sector (IBEP, 2006). from fermentation processes. In developing countries In the late 1990s and early 2000s, liquid they can account for 35%, on average, of primary biofuels grew in European Union from 7TJ in 1990 to energy needs, while in some other areas, this rises to almost 7,400TJ in 2002 as much as 90% with marked effect on the (http://www.greenjobs.com/Public/info/industry_back environment ground.aspx?id=13). Today, biomass is the only (http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2006/june/biomass. available renewable energy source that can produce htm; IBEP, 2006). competitive fuels for transport in larger quantities Using biomass to generate heat or to drive (Parikka, 2006). The biomass resources considered steam engines is not new. But old-fashioned methods as well as their classification based on fuel quality of burning wood, field residues, or waste were not and conversion technology are presented in Table 5 environmentally sound because they emitted polluting (Nikolaou et al., 2003). smoke and volatile organic compounds into the air Liquid biofuels cover biogasoline and biodiesels: (Bauen et al., 2004; DOE, 2000). Today, scientists Biogasoline: this category includes and engineers use improved processes to develop bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the several new methods that cleanly and efficiently biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol convert biomass to electricity. One new method uses (methanol produced from biomass and/or the biomass to replace a portion of the coal used to fuel a biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE power plant through cofiring. (ethyltertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of The cost of biomass fuel supply depends on bioethanol: the percentage by volume of bioETBE the cost of producing or recovering the ‘feedstock’ – that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE raw materials – and those incurred during its transport (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of and pre-processing prior to use in a power biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE plant. that is calculated as biofuel is 36 %). Liquid biofuels cover biogasoline and 4.1. Biogas biodiesels: Biogasoline: this category includes Biogas can provide a clean, easily controlled bioethanol (ethanol produced from biomass and/or the source of renewable energy from organic waste biodegradable fraction of waste), biomethanol materials replacing firewood or fossil fuels. (methanol produced from biomass and/or the Biogas primary energy production grew biodegradable fraction of waste), bioETBE from virtually zero in 1992 to surpass renewable (ethyltertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of municipal wastes in 2002. Electricity production from bioethanol: the percentage by volume of bioETBE biogas grew from an estimated 5,000 GWh in 1990 to that is calculated as biofuel is 47%) and bioMTBE 13,617 GWh in 2001 (IEA, 2007). While in the early (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether produced on the basis of 1990’s, nearly the entire amount of biogas electricity biomethanol: the percentage by volume of bioMTBE was produced in the United States, the largest that is calculated as biofuel is 36 %). proportion of this production has moved to OECD Biodiesels: this category includes biodiesel Europe, which contributes 58.1% of biogas electricity (a methyl-ester produced from vegetable or animal today. Therefore, most production takes place in the oil, of diesel quality), biodimethylether member countries of the European Union. The largest (dimethylether produced from biomass), Fischer producer in the European Union is the United Tropsch (Fischer Tropsch produced from biomass), Kingdom, which provided 2,870 GWh of biogas cold pressed bio-oil (oil produced from oil seed electricity in 2001. While the United States, with through mechanical processing only) and all other 4,860 GWh, remains the largest individual producer, liquid biofuels which are added to, blended with or its growth of 5.4% per annum since 1992 has been used straight as transport diesel. 624
  • 9. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development Table 5. Classification of the biomass fuel resources under study (Nikolaou et al., 2003). Sector Resource Fuel category Fuel quality (indicative) Conversion technology Moisture Ash content (% content (% wet dry basis) basis) Agricultural Dry lignocellulosic 30-50 2.2-17 Combustion, residues (e.g. straw, gasification, pruning) liquefaction Livestock waste Wet cellulosic 74-92.1 27.1-35.4 digestion Agriculture Dry lignocellulosic 75 17.5-28 Combustion, (e.g. poultry litter) gasification, liquefaction Energy crops Dry lignocellulosic 12.5-50 0.3-8.4 Combustion, gasification, liquefaction Oil seeds for na <0.02 Extraction methylesters Sugar/starch crops na <0.02 Fermentation for ethanol Forestry Wood fuel Dry lignocellulosic 46.7 0.4-5 Combustion, gasification, liquefaction Forest residues Dry lignocellulosic 46.7 3.2 Combustion, gasification, liquefaction Industry Dry lignocellulosic 10-30 0.71-18.34 Combustion, Industrial residues gasification, liquefaction Wet cellulosic 80-99 3.8-5.9 digestion Black liquor 90 36.4 combustion Waste Regulated waste Municipal waste 30 36 combustion Demolition wood 30-40 0.58 combustion Non- regulated Landfill waste 30 36 Digestion waste Sewage sludge 72.8 26.4 digestion Parks and Urban wood Dry lignocellulosic 35 39.4 Combustion, gardens gasification, liquefaction Cut grass Wet cellulosic 75-80 8.4 digestion Liquid biofuels grew from 7TJ in 1990 to (http://themes.eea.europa.eu/Sectors_and_activities/e almost 7400TJ in 2002 and represented about 1.5% in nergy/indicators/EN30,2007.04). total fuel consumption for transport (Germany, in Worldwide, electricity production benefited during 2004) (Fig. 8, Eurostat, 2007). The price range is the last decade from the rise in importance of new dependent upon plant scale and efficiency factors. renewable electricity production industrial sectors Also, the price of biofuels is dependent on the source (wind power, biomass, geothermal energy and solar (Fig. 9). The average price for biofuels in Europe energy). varies between 1.0 €/GJ (recovered wood) to 8.4 €/GJ While they only represented 11% of (densified biofuels). renewable electricity in 2006, these sectors (new by their degree of industrialization) have contributed 5. Renewable electricity from biomass 29.3% of the increase in renewable electricity production between 1996 and 2006 (228.5 TWh out Electricity generation from biomass fuels of a total of 779.6 TWh). Their share in total currently uses the same basic technology used in electricity production gained 0.9 points between 1996 power plants that burn solid fossil fuels. However, and 2006 (from 1.2% to 2.1%), while that of new technologies are being developed to improve hydraulic power lost 2.3 points (from 18.9% to power production efficiency from biomass. 16.6%). The share of renewable energy in EU-25 The electricity directive (2001/77/EC) electricity consumption grew only slightly over the defines renewable electricity as the share of period 1990-2004 to reach 13.7%, despite a electricity produced from renewable energy sources substantial increase in the total amount of renewable in gross electricity consumption electricity generation (up by 49 % since 1990) (Fig. 10). 625
  • 10. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Fig. 8. Share of biofuels in total fuel consumption for transport in 2004 Fig. 9. Average price for biofuels in Europe (Eurostat, 2007) Fig. 10. Renewable electricity as a percentage of gross electricity consumption, 2004 626
  • 11. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development In 2001 about 33,379 GWh of electricity the studies examined the air, land and water impacts were produced from renewable solid waste in the of every step of the bioenergy process, from OECD. By far the largest producer of electricity from cultivating, collecting, and transporting biomass to renewable municipal solid waste is the United States, converting it to energy generating 16,818 GWh, or 50.4% of OECD (http://www.azocleantech.com/Details.asp?ArticleId= production. The second largest producer is Japan, 87). with a production of 5,338 GWh. With 2,044 GWh, Fig. 11 provides a diagram which indicates Germany represents the third largest producer. The some of the process steps that should be included in remaining electricity production from renewable LCA calculation, the emissions or energy requirement municipal solid waste is spread among smaller associated with each process step (Rowe et al., 2008). producers in OECD Europe. Denmark and Italy In addition, very different impacts are likely to arise experienced the highest growth rates, increasing their depending on which category production from 47 GWh to 1,068 GWh (at 32.8% of biomass feedstock is used and which technologies per year) and from 71 GWh to 1,258 GWh (at 29.9% are used to convert the biomass to useful energy. per year) respectively between 1990 and 2001 (IEA, Contamination with non-biomass or modified 2002). biomass streams also represents a particular problem Bauen et al. (2004) estimated that as, even in very small quantities; these contaminants bioelectricity, excluding municipal solid waste to can lead to measurable toxic emissions and health electricity, today represents a very small fraction of hazards. The production of bioenergy on the basis of world electricity production, about 30 GW residual products such as straw, slurry, animal fat, representing about 1 % of installed capacity, but has a grass and perennial crops provides a better energy very strong potential for growth. Its growth will be balance and environmental effect when used in direct driven by the need to increase the use of renewable combustion, biogas or thermal gasification. energy sources for electricity production to ensure The development of biomass resources and sustainable production of electricity. the conservation of biodiversity and local By factoring in the pollution-related environments can go hand in hand. The biomass environmental and social costs generated by fossil production has several environmental advantages, and nuclear fuels, bioelectricity became a very including: substituting fossil fuel use with a CO2- competitive energy source. neutral alternative; reducing emissions of other atmospheric pollutants, such as sulphur; protecting 6. Impacts of biomass conversion to energy soil and watersheds; increasing or maintaining biodiversity: and reducing fire risk in forestry (Bauen 6.1. Overall environmental impacts et al., 2004). Biomass energy systems have a wide range of Biomass provides a clean, renewable energy potential socioeconomic and environmental source that could dramatically improve the impacts—both positive and negative. Such impacts environment, economy and energy security. The use are often treated as only "secondary" effects in the of biomass for energy has effects on all the planning and implementation of energy projects, even environmental media i.e. soil, water and air. In though they can greatly influence whether a project is addition, these effects may have impacts on human appropriate and sustainable in the local context. and animal health and welfare, soil quality, water use, Biomass energy generates far less air biodiversity and public amenity. These impacts arise emissions than fossil fuels, reduces the amount of from each of the individual stages of the biomass waste sent to landfills. Energy derived from biomass energy fuel chains (Bauen et al., 2004; results is potentially greenhouse neutral, because the http://www.fvm.dk/Environmental_impacts.aspx?ID= carbon dioxide released by combustion was taken out 19789). of the atmosphere as the biomass grew. Carbon Although there is a large body of research in dioxide emissions could be cut by around 1,000 this area, the environmental costs and benefits megatonnes per year, if OECD countries used associated with bioenergy can be difficult to assess biomass - fuel generated from agriculture and forest because of the complexity of the production systems. products - instead of coal to generate electricity One technique which has been used extensively in the (Bauen et al., 2004; Perlack et al., 2005). literature to compare the energy and greenhouse gases Biodiesel, produced from vegetable oil, can substitute balances of bioenergy chains is life cycle assessment for fossil-diesel in transport and heating and (LCA), an internationally recognised technique for electricity generation. evaluating the natural resource requirements and Biofuels such as biodiesel, ethanol and environmental impacts from the whole process and methanol, can be a greenhouse-neutral, renewable materials involved in the manufacture of a product or energy source for use in transport vehicles, stationary service (Rowe, 2008). engines, and small electricity generators. Several studies examined the life-cycle Biomass electricity is potentially greenhouse impact of bioenergy for power (Carpentieri et al., neutral if produced from biomass such as plantation 2005; Heller et al., 2004; Rowe et al., 2008). That is, fuel-wood. 627
  • 12. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Fig. 11. Diagram of emissions breakdown for heat and power production, necessary for each bioenergy chain (Rowe et al., 2008) Modernized bioenergy systems have unless there is sufficiently effective environmental environmental impacts associated both with the regulation of this, for example in the form of demands growing of the biomass and with its conversion to for extensive land cultivation (Bauen et al., 2004). modern energy carriers. Significant impact is The use of perennial crops, where they expected from bioenergy with respect to mitigation of replace annual crops, will result in reduced oil climate change, development of rural areas and disturbance, greater soil cover and hence lower employment options as well as the provision of erosion, improved soil organic matter and soil carbon alternative energy forms. levels and increased biodiversity, particularly where However, the environmental impact induced the change results in a decreased application of inputs by using biomass as a source of fuel varies according (fertilizers and pesticides) (Bauen et al., 2004). to the type of conversion technology. Also, plants can selectively and actively absorb toxins, including heavy metals and ash 6.2. Impact on soil recycling could cause such toxins to be concentrated in the bioenergy plantation’s soils. This characteristic Environmental impacts of biomass of certain plant species to selectively absorb toxins is production must be viewed in comparison to the sometimes used to rehabilitate polluted soils in a likely alternative land-use activities. For example, at process known as phytoremediation. the local or regional level, the relative impacts of Sometimes, the feedstock’s nutrient content producing bioenergy feedstocks depends not only on can be recovered from the conversion facility in the how the biomass is produced, but also on how the form of ash or sludge and then converted into a form land would have been used otherwise. that can be applied to the field rather than put in a Biomass crops pose a particular challenge landfill, so that the nutritive value of the ash or sludge for good soil management because the plant material is less than optimal (Kartha, 2006). is often completely harvested, leaving little organic Soil organic matter and nutrient levels have matter or plant nutrients for recycling back into the to be maintained or even improved where bioenergy soil (Kartha, 2006). Increasing the production of production is to be based on exploiting agricultural biomass involves a risk of growing pressure on and forestry residues. In many cases, farmers can biodiversity and of increased leaching of nutrients reduce the risk of nutrient depletion by allowing the 628
  • 13. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development most nutrient-rich parts of the plant—small branches, Some studies found that biomass gasification twigs, and leaves—to decompose on the field. Also, with combined-cycle power plant technology would monitoring may be required to ensure that. release far less SO2, NOx, CO2, particulate matter, methane and carbon monoxide than coal power plants 6.3. Impact on water (ABA, 2005; Perlack et al., 2005; REPP, 2006;). The assessment of direct environmental 7. Bioenergy and sustainable development impacts of energy from biomass for energy for water mainly envisages the following aspects (Bauen et al., 7.1. Biomass energy systems and linkages to 2004; Moret et al., 2006): absolute and relative sustainable human development consumption; reuse (consumption/unit produced); discharge of effluents and infiltration; monitoring of The progress of any nation today is contamination by fertilizers, herbicides and measured in terms of its efforts towards the insecticides; turbidity; eutrophication; suspended achievement of the Millennium Development Goals solid particles; environmental suitability of (MDGs). Many factors converge in making bioenergy technology used to extract water; use of best available a key component and a viable opportunity in the great irrigation practices; groundwater depletion; effort towards the achievement of the Millennium restoration of groundwater etc. Development Goals (MDGs). Although the The use of perennial crops and no-till buffer sustainable access to energy is not treated as a priority zones along water courses is already being actively in itself in the MDGs, most of them have a direct considered as a cost effective method for reducing energy implication, particularly Goal 1 (Eradicate chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and extreme poverty and hunger) and Goal 7 (Ensure BOD) levels in agricultural water courses. environmental sustainability) (FAO, 2005).According There may also be negative impacts from the to the WSSD Johannesburg Declaration, energy must introduction of energy crops on local and regional be considered a human need on a par with other basic hydrology, because a significant increase in the human needs (clean water, sanitation, shelter, health interception and use of rainfall could result from a care, food security and biodiversity) (ESC, 2007; wide spread implementation, with potentially IBEP, 2006) substantial reductions in rainfall infiltration and The assessment of the sustainability of negative impacts of aquifers in the region (Bauen et energy supply from firewood and other forms of plant al., 2004; Lyons et al., 2001). Certain practices, like biomass has changed greatly since the problems of a harvesting residues, cultivating tree crops without strong dependency on fossil energy carriers have undergrowth, and planting species that do not come to the forefront (IAEA, 2005; Otto, 2007; generate adequate amounts or types of litter, can Sheehan, 2004; Sims, 2003). Fig. 12 provides a reduce the ability of rainfall to infiltrate the soil and conceptual representation of bioenergy systems, as restock groundwater supplies, intensifying problems addressed by United Nations Development of water overconsumption (Kartha, 2006). Programme, in the context of sustainable human development (Kartha and Larson, 2000). 6.4. Impact on atmosphere The socio-economic and environmental benefits of bioenergy projects are accepted by The contribution that biomass could make to planners and operators of development programmes the energy sector is still considerable, since it creates in forestry, agriculture and energy domains less carbon dioxide than its fossil-fuel counterpart. (http://www.spatial.baltic.net/_files/Planning_indicat The utilization of biomass is often presented ors.pdf). Also they are recognizing and are now as a key strategy for reducing greenhouse gases seeing bioenergy as a way to reduce poverty and (GHG) emissions from electricity generation and improve livelihoods in rural areas, overcoming the transport. Using biomass potentially provides low negative perception of bioenergy as a key symptom of carbon transport fuel, heat and power, as biomass under-development or an environmental hazard. crops assimilate carbon from the atmosphere during Bioenergy projects contribute to the eradication of growth. Therefore, the carbon released back to the extreme poverty and to ensure environmental atmosphere when the biomass is combusted is that sustainability in several aspects highlighted in Table 6 which has been recently captured and should not raise (FAO, 2005). atmospheric concentrations. Burning biomass will not solve the currently 7.2. Sustainable biomass use for energy unbalanced carbon dioxide problem. Conceptually, the carbon dioxide produced by biomass when it is Concerns about potential negative effects of burned will be sequestered evenly by plants growing large-scale biomass production and export, like to replace the fuel. In other words, it is a closed cycle deforestation or the competition between food and which results in net zero impact biomass production, have led to the demand for (http://www.azocleantech.com/Details.asp?ArticleId= sustainability criteria and certification systems that 87). can control biomass trade (IAEA, 2005; Lewandowski and Faaij, 2006; Sheehan, 2004). 629
  • 14. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Fig. 12. Conceptual representation of biomass energy systems and linkages to sustainable human development Table 6. Contributions of bioenergy to sustainability (FAO, 2005) Sustainability component How does bioenergy contribute to MDG achievement Economics - save external currencies through the substitution of imported fossil fuels - leads to improved economic development and poverty alleviation, especially in rural areas by increasing the use of biomass for energy (from sustainable resource management) - provide greater diversification and income opportunities for agriculture, agro-industries and forestry - increase the access of small rural industries to energy services - enhance the value of rural resources, encouraging private and public sector participation and investments - boost national energy security and reduce the oil import bill Social development - increase both access to and reliability of energy services for households in rural areas, thus improving the quality of life stimulate governance options, equity and gender equality, especially in view of women's central role in household energy management - attracts investments towards rural areas, generating new business opportunities for small-and medium-sized enterprises in biofuel production, preparation, transportation, trade and use, and generates incomes (and jobs) for the people living in and around these areas - bioelectricity production has the highest employment-creation potential among renewable energy options - bioenergy can be a lever for rural development and regeneration in areas where investment is most needed and the creation of jobs is most difficult - indicators of social accountability include participation of representatives of socio-environmental organizations; participation of the communities as decision-makers and not only being consulted; the degree of inclusion of the local population in the project design, and knowledge of the proposal and the alternatives. Environment reduced indoor air pollution from wood energy combustion in poor households associated to the characteristics of cooking devices with positive impacts resource conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation (through sustainable biomass production in marginal lands reduced CO2 emissions by using cleaner fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel To ensure that biomass as a source of sustainable development in order to identify such renewable sustainable energy will be produced and indicators. Minimum criteria for bioenergy processed in a responsible manner, some sustainability envisage the following aspects (Cramer, sustainability criteria have to be incorporated into the 2006; Sheehan, 2004): relevant policy instruments. - comply with present international obligations and Chapter 40 of Agenda 21 calls for the local jurisdiction, in addition to other specific development of indicators for sustainable indicators. development. In particular, it requests countries at the - comply with specific indicators and active national level, and international governmental and conservation. non-governmental organizations at the international Some criteria and indicators of sustainability level to develop the concept of indicators of for the generation of renewable energy from biomass 630
  • 15. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development discussed within the Energy Working Group of criteria – basic criteria applicable to any type of FBOMS, in an attempt to contextualize and deepen initiative - and specific criteria - for projects that the national and international debate about future involve the use of bioenergy (Moret et al., 2006). initiatives, in a participatory and engaged manner are presented in Table 7. It synthesizes both the general Table 7. Criteria and indicators for sustainability (Moret et al., 2006). Criteria Desirable and Prerequisites Indicators Economic Use of bioenergy Creating more efficient transport systems Rates of reduction of consumption Promotion of energy efficiency Increased end-use conservation Capacity for reduction, reuse and recycling of inputs in the final activities for which the energy is destined Inclusion of demand management in the project planning horizon Technology Decentralized generation and production Relation between local workers and Technology appropriation by local population outsiders involved in project maintenance New technology capable of reducing pressure of Application of clean technologies energy production on ecosystems Technological innovation Horizontal transfer of technologies and Capacity of reproduction of technology used knowledge Origin of equipment Contribution to diversification of energy matrix Existence of technology licences Need for international technical support Changes in use of sustainable energy, cogeneration Organization of Cooperatives Sharing of profits from biofuels production production/labor Family agriculture chain by family farmers relations Level of satisfaction with existing contracts Financing Credits, access to land Programs and lines of credit Conditions for government financing Social Social Information and capacity building Participation of local population and accountability national socio-environmental organizations in projects design Participation in Information and training, political forums for Number, sites, nature and types of decision making participation with real influence over decisions consultations, form of publicity, access to information, language and accessibility of material used Type of management Training for management Organizational structures and forms of decision-making, number of participants/decision makers, involvement of organizations representing local workers, participation of women Number of jobs per unit of energy Job creation and Training for creation of cooperatives, awareness (production chain, implementation and income generation and training of families with technical and operation), profit sharing, generation of new political information local opportunities and sources of income, relation between local jobs before and after the project, indexes of increase in acquisitive power of the local population 631
  • 16. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 Social inclusion Sharing of project benefits with local population Number of families previously without access to energy who benefit from the project Measures of quality and compliance with accepted standards of the involuntary resettlements, when necessary and accepted Impact on quality life of the communities Social programmes, especially for health and education Epidemiological assessment and monitoring Contribution to access to services and infrastructure on the part of local populations to education, energy, waste and sewage services Gender equality Recognition of women and key actors in all stages Existence of programs and policies for of decision-making processes women and youth Education Environment Environmental Use of best available practices Monoculturea area management Diversity of crops Soil loss Agroforestry systems Atmospheric emissions and effluents into Agroecology water bodies Minimizationor elimination of pesticide use Reduction of soil loss Training of producers Land use Comply with economic/ecological zoning Decentralization and diversification of Regions classified as suitable by strategic production system in an area/region environmental assessment Sizes of continuous areas of monocultures Defined limits for occupation of biomass Distance from energy source to consumer Diversification and decentralization of economic Distance traveled and time spent by workers activities to project area Protection of natural areas Time necessary to manage crops Otto (2007) retains a set of internationally - fifth, methods to formulate indicators, that make agreed criteria, such as: sustainability criteria measurable, and verifiers - wide acceptance to avoid shifting the problem that are used to control the performance of from one area to another indicators are described. - ease of reference The Project Group established by Dutch - cost government (IPM, 2007) has formulated - international trade sustainability criteria for the production and the - complemented by regional/national protocols processing of biomass in energy, fuels and chemistry. - taking into account specificities The project group distinguishes six relevant themes Lewandowski and Faaij (2006) have concerning bioenergy sustainability: analyzed existing certification systems, sets of - greenhouse gas emissions (calculated over the sustainability criteria or guidelines on environmental whole chain, the use of biomass must produce or social sound management of resources with the fewer emissions of greenhouse gases net than purpose to learn about the requirements, contents and on average with fossil fuel) organizational set ups of a certification system for - competition with food and other local sustainable biomass trade, by covering the following applications (the production of biomass for successive steps: energy must not endanger the food supply and - first, an inventory of existing systems was made; other local applications (such as for medicines - second, their structures were analyzed and key or building materials) finding from the analysis of internationally - biodiversity (biomass production must not applied certification systems were summarized; affect protected or vulnerable biodiversity and - third and fourth steps: different approaches to will, where possible, have to strengthen formulate standards were described and a list of biodiversity) more than 100 social, economic, ecological and - environment (biomass production must not general criteria for sustainable biomass trade was affect protected or vulnerable biodiversity and extracted from the reviewed systems; will, where possible, have to strengthen biodiversity) 632
  • 17. Biomass power for energy and sustainable development - prosperity (the production of biomass must 2008). Many rural areas are growing and contribute towards local prosperity) experiencing increasing energy demand. Smaller - social well-being (the production of biomass facilities have fewer environmental impacts and can must contribute towards the social well-being operate with locally produced biomass fuel. Using of the employees and the local population). biomass delivers a triple benefit by keeping the wealth nearby, paying farmers to grow and harvest 8. Rural areas and bioenergy biomass feedstocks, and providing clean energy. The national benefits include lower sulfur emissions Using biomass, such as energy crops, crop (which contribute to acid rain), reductions in processing waste, and agricultural residues, to greenhouse gas emissions, and less dependence on produce energy is beneficial for the nation, especially fossil fuels. Rural benefits feature new sources of rural areas: job creation, rural development and income for farmers, more jobs, and economic development of local economies through the use of development—all achieved while preserving the high bioenergy (Domac, 2002; Hillring, 2002; Plieninger quality of life, local control, and clean environment. et al., 2006; Sims, 2003). Bioenergy feedstocks can be produced in Rural areas can better serve as indicator for conjunction with other local necessities—food, measuring any progress made towards achieving fodder, fuelwood, construction materials, artisan MDGs. Increasing the use of biomass for energy materials, other agricultural crops, etc. Feedstock (from sustainable resource management) leads to production can help restore the environment on which improved economic development, and poverty the poor depend for their livelihoods—re-vegetating alleviation, especially in rural areas. barren land, protecting watersheds and harvesting The OECD definition, taking into account rainwater (Møller, 2006; UNEP, 2006). Bioenergy population density at the local level, considers as activities also serve as an efficient use for agricultural rural those local government units with less than 150 residues, avoiding the pest, waste, and pollution inhabitants/km2. Then it identifies three categories of problems of residue disposal (Kartha and Larson, regions (NUTS3 or NUTS2 level): mostly rural (more 2000). For instance, bioenergy activities can provide than 50% of the population in rural communities), locally produced energy sources to: intermediate (between 15 and 50% of the population - pump water for drinking and irrigation, in rural communities) and mostly urban (less than - light homes, schools, and health clinics, 15% of the population in rural communities). - improve communication and access to The new philosophy of rural area information, development is based upon the concept of sustainable - provide energy for local enterprises, rural development, which presupposes the - ease pressure on fuel wood resources. harmonious blending of the agricultural (and forestry) Potential benefits for rural areas encompass component and the non-agricultural rural economy job creation, use of surplus agricultural land in component, based upon the following principles industrialized countries, provision of modem energy (Otiman, 2008): carriers to rural communities in developing countries, - harmony between the rural economy and the waste control and nutrient recycling (Hall, 1997; environment (economy – ecology Plieninger et al., 2006). equilibrium); The rural area can carry out its supply, - sustainable development programs should recreation and equilibrium functions, much desired by have in view a medium and long term time the society, only on the condition it remains an horizon; attractive and original living space, equipped with - rural area naturalization, by preserving the (http://ideas.repec.org/a/iag/reviea/v5y2008i1-2p4- natural environment mostly intact; 18.html): - the anthropized, man-made environment, – a good infrastructure; should be as close as possible to the natural – a viable agricultural and forestry sector; environment; – local conditions favorable to non-agricultural - the use of local natural resources, mainly of economic activities; renewable resources, in the rural economic – an intact environment with a well-cared landscape. activity; - diversification of the agricultural economy 9. Biomass for energy in Romania structure through a large variety of activities such as the development of agri-food 9.1. Romanian bioenergy background economy, non-agricultural economy and services. Rural development is an essential topic, The new European rural economy model especially in those countries as Romania and all East focuses on sustainable development of the European countries, where rural space and production agricultural sector, which implies the natural is still a major part of whole economic structure environment protection, food security, (Naghiu et al., 2005). This can be considered an competitiveness, accelerating the economic important way to revitalize declining areas and ensure development of the rural space (Burja and Burja, them possibilities of achieving a sustainable future. 633
  • 18. Gavrilescu M. /Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 7 (2008), 5, 617-640 With an area of 238 thousand km2 and a The main sources of air pollution and population of more than 21 million inhabitants, greenhouse gas emissions in Romania are currently Romania is an important new EU member state in the energy producing industry (thermal energy based terms of size, although there is a large gap between on the burning of coal and oil still accounts for about this country and the old member states as far as the 60% of domestic power generation), transportation, level of economic and social development is and to a lesser extent, agriculture. Low level of concerned. Rural areas play an important part in this mechanization in Romanian agriculture, in contrast respect, both by their size and residential, economic with European average, together with small areas and recreational dimensions. covered by greenhouses, are generating a low According to the national definition, rural contribution to climate change. However, the old park areas in Romania cover 87.1% of the territory, and of tractors and main agricultural machines, need to be include 45.1% of the population (on 1 July 2005 renewed in order to keep a low level of emissions. indicators of National Statistical Institute), i.e. 9.7 Available EUROSTAT data indicates that the million inhabitants. agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases in 2002 Romania has got various particularities of were over 11.02 million tonnes of CO2 equivalence. the sustainable development in the farming sector, Total emissions from agriculture in the EU-12 for the concerning poverty in the countryside, scarcity of same period were 416.4 million tonnes of CO2 productive technologies, practicing subsistence equivalence. agriculture, excessively cutting of the farm land Romania benefits from hydro-power estate. In the same time, there are also some generation, which combined with other modest advantages concerning the old traditions of Romanian sources of renewable energy, generate about 28.8 % rural economy, which are based on the ecological of the domestic energy supply (10% is generated by technologies and the high productive potential of the nuclear power plants). Agriculture and forestry also agricultural lands (Burja and Burja, 2008). have the potential to provide significant quantities of Romania was one of the first countries to biomass, the energy potential of which is estimated to sign the Kyoto Protocol and thereby show its be approximately 7 594 000 equivalent oil tons per commitment to the fight against climate change by year. This includes residue from forest enterprises and agreeing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8% firewood (15.5%), sawdust and other wood residue by 2012. It is now one of the leading new EU (6.4%), agricultural residues (63.2%), household Member States in achieving this objective with a waste (7.2%) and bio-gas (7.7%). reduction of more than 30 % of gas emissions since Biomass resources and delivery costs are 1989 (National Strategy, 2005). presented in Table 8 (Nikolaou et al., 2003). Table 8. Biomass resources supply, energy crops and delivery costs in Romania (Nikolaou et al., 2003) Sector Resource Fuel category Curent use Technical Biomass not Available Available for energy biomass available for biomass energy 2000 potential various (dry potential (PJ/year) 2000 (dry reasons tons/year)= 2000 tons/year) 2000 (dry [a]-[b] PJ/year [a] tons/year) [b] BIOMASS RESOURCES SUPPLY Dry agricultural Dry 7826000 0 4128000 73.304 residues lignocellulosic Livestock Wet cellulosic 5735172 4427172 1308000 11.772 Agricul waste Dry cellulosic 0 757116 0 757116 10.599624 ture Dry 0 n.a n.a n.a n.a Energy crops lignocellulosic Oil seeds for 0 n.a n.a n.a n.a methylesters Sugar/starch 0 n.a n.a n.a n.a crops for ethanol Forestry Woodfuel Dry 109,857 6103200 0 6103200 109.8576 forestry lignocellulosic byproducts 634